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OG ae farts te fe? 3. Bee . The sum of the squares of three mumbers is 138. while the sum of their products taken two at atime is 131. Theirsumis___. #40 100 +1.200 472 vers vo, The sum of the squares of three numbers is 138, ‘white the sum of thelr products taken two at a times is 131. Their sum is. %.20 430 1.40 4, Cannot be detemined Bet: # ©. A clock seen through a manor, shows quater past three, What is the correct time shown by the clock? 3:15 91.8:45 ATS 94S wens we. v9. we. a oy. . A hatsman makes a score of SD runs in the 16% innings and increases average by 3. What is his average after 16" innings? 3.25 “29 4.32 435 tere After filings the car’s fnel tank. a driver drove from P to Q and then to R He used 2'S" portion of the fuel driving from P to Q if she used another 7 luters to driver from Q to R and still had 1/4 of the tank left. how many liters does the tank hold? =12 1.20 *18 =21 et . A merchant has 1000 kg of sugn, part of which he sells at 8% and the remaining at 18% profit. He gains 14% on the whole. find the quantly of sugar that he sold ar 18% profit. 400 kg, 560 ke 11,600 kg 8. 640 kg bart . The avarage werght of A.B aud Cis 45 kg Iften average weight of A and Bis 40 kg and that of B and Cis 43 kg, then the weight of Bis, wITke 31 kg 4.20 kg 4, None of these bens The sum of the ages of the father and son is 80 years. If ten years ago the age of father was three times that of his son, find the present age of the son, 55 4.25 mas «45 sat ‘The monthly incomes of two persons are in the ratio 4:5 and their monthly expenditures are in the ration of 7:9. If each saves BDT 50 per ‘month, find their monthly income. 3,400 and 600. 400 and 500 41,500 and 400, None of these at Simple interest on a certain sum at the rate of 45% pa. for 4 years and 6 years differs by BDI 216. The sumis- =.BDT2100 — %, BDT 2400 * BDT 1800 , None of these Bert If the product of tree consceutive Integers Is 210, then the sum of integers is a4 * 1S 18 «21 et In a right triangle, the length of one of the legs is 3 and the length of the hypotenuse is 5. What isthe length of the other leg? a4 “8 16 , None of these vas Facebook Page: Matrix BCS Series : Sectio ene owled; India Russia bat +. Which country has launched the ‘Commericial | »8. The name of the digital financial service by the Arms Transfer (CATY policy? Post Omice is- %. Rusia %.China Post Cash, % eCash 5.USA % iran tent 41, Post Pay ¥ Nagad bee 4. In August 2021. China inaugurated a new trade | v¢. The famous novel “A Tale of Two Cities’ is route vis ship. road and rail through written by- . India % Myammer +. KRowlng —*. Charles Dickens 4, Sri Lanka 1. Pakistan Bat Jane Austen, George Eliot bad 0. “Sheesh Mahol’ was built by- ve. The designer of the National Martyrs’ .Shaa Jahan — Aurangzeo ‘Monuneal is- Akbar Sher Shah Sui Ber | >. Syed Mamul Hossain 98, Russa launs led was aganist Uktaime on- *. Hamintar Rahman F.22 Fobrury, 2022 4. Shaymol Chowdhury st. 24 Februry, 2022 1 Syed Abdullah Khalid wae +1, 20 Februry, 2022 v4, Time difference of Bangladesh with “Greenwich ¥. None of those tent ‘Mean Time’ is- 9@. Who Is teh first chuef election commissioner of Bangladesh? %, Justice Mohammed khis Md Abdur Rouf #.A.K. MNumul slam ‘Sultan Hossain Khan are 9%. The old name of RAJUK is- =. BUT *.DH "BAT 4, None of these Ber: 4, USA film industry Hollywood is located in- =. Maryland “. Vaginia +. Callfomia 1, New York Ber w. What is the name of the largest cotton producing countyr as of 20227 *. Pakistan France +.USA, 4, China tere 4. Martin Cooper is known for his siventmon of. . Digital Coneta *. X-tey 5. Solar Energy ¥ Mobile Phone bene vo, What Is the name of the data center that FU mvells to probe chrmes in tikraine? . Tulip Mem ‘i Game Changer _¥, None of these Bers vs, What is the name of the river that does not cross by any byldges? =. Yangtze Amazon s.Nile 1 Mwogo vers va. JANA is the news agency of which country? =. Libya South Africa 1 Syria \, Pakistan bee ve.Which country has recently signed an agrecement with Bangladesh to establish a coastal survellance radar system? USA China *. 6hours * 12 hous 41,18 hours 24 hows sae br, Which of the following is not in Asia? ¥: larael * Libya "Saudi Arabia, Lebanon cone >. What is the capital of Atrstralia? %Melboune ——*, Sydney Adelaide . Canbera Boe bo. The highest densely populated country of the world is- Bangladesh *, China st. Monaco & Indonesia can ‘Computer Knowledge 3. Redymade styles that can be used for a word document are called- Presentations» Letters Templates —_-&, None of these bat b&. A Dit can be- ord a1 *.0 ¥, None of these sas 0. PROM stands for- , Programmable Read Only Memory 4, Primary Read Only Memory ‘1, Programmable Only Memory «, None of these tae d8. Identify the oldest phone hacking technique used by hackers to make free calls. . Cracking *. Phishing s.Phreaking ——_-&, Spamming sot b¢. Which one of the following techniques, is used. to hide information inside a picture? .Bitmapping —*. Image rendering Facebook Page: Matrix BCS Series 41 Rootkits W Steganography BW ov. dbase II is- -, Hardware *, Application Software s.Finmware Operating System Bate va. The unin memory of a computer system is- +. Volatile + Non-volatile si-Restricted ——-¥. Unrestricted tae >. The computer system which uses a drun ploHer is known as? %. Maintiame Computer ‘i, Mini Computer +i. Both (2) and (b) None of these Bens >>. The command to reboot 2 computer is- %. Ciil+ Alt-+ Tab * Cul+ Shift + Del s.CWl+Ah+Del .Ctl+Alt+shift Bat 300. Bluetooth oper.atins use- “+. magnetic technology +. optical technology ‘i laser technology x. madio teclmology Bene Facebook Page: Matrix BCS Series

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