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Name: Answer all the questions in the answer script. Answer must be written ‘questions #5) 1. Read the passage and answer the questions (- iv) Peace within the country and between nations have always been of great importance. Peace and order are to secure national and ingress and. development, Global economies are coming closer today due to faster de Port and communication, Economically, economies are—_-becoming. increasingly inter-depende If peace is disturbed in ‘one part of the world, it has adverse effect in other parts of the world as well. If the conflicts between different nations ate not settled in time, they might culminate in a clear war destroying the whole ‘world. It is, therefore, in our own interest that the world is free of conflicts. A country needs the help and co-operation of other countries for its scientific, industrial and economic development, especially in those fields where a nation is yet t0 achieve self-sufficiency. A nation should be keen on maintaining riendly relations with other countries. Such friendly relations” foster intemational understanding. All nations should participate in the international conferences on issues like energy crisis, environmental imbalance, muclear arms race. etc. A nation should always offer a helping hand to other nations affected by nafural calamities stich ‘as famines, earthquakes, floods and 50 oa in English (except Questions |. What would be the outcome If conflicts between nations cannot be settled? Ans. If conflicts between nations are not settled in time, they might culminate in a clear war destroying the whole world ii, What kind of supports a country may need from other countries? Ans. A country may need the help and cooperation of other countries for its scientific, industrial, and economic development, especially in those fields ‘here @ nation is yet to achieve seli-suiliciency. ii, What kind of support a friendly country should offer to other countries? Ans. A fiiendly country should offer a helping hand to other nations affected by natural calamities such as fhmines, earthquakes, floods, and so on. iv. What is your key lesson from the texts? ans. The key lesson fiom the passage is that peace within a country and between nations is of great importance for the development and progress of the world. In order 1 ensure peace, nations should inintain friendly relations with each other, participate in international conferences on important issues, and offer support to other nations in times of need. 2. Solve the following problems (i-v) 1. Aman engaged a worker on the condition that he would pay him Tk30,000 and one uniform after one year of service. The worker served only 9 ‘months and got Tk22,000 and a uniform. What is the price of the uniform? jolutions Let the price of the uniform be Tk x Thea total income for 12 months = Tk. (30,000+x) 5 Income for 9 months = (2242222 pubis Gen ores = 22000+x or, 90,000 + 3x = 88000-+ 4x or, 4x ~ 3x — 90,000 — 88,000 so, 2 = 2000 Tk. (Ans) The cost of 3 hotses is same as the cost of 5 cows. If total cost of 4 horses and 6 cows is Tk.1900, find the cost of one horse. Bolution Let the cost of ene horse be x ad, the cost of one cow be y According to the question, 1900 on 4,22 6y= 1900 or, 20y + 18y=$700 on, 38y = $700 so, y= 150 and, x= Ans: 250 tk. A man won a lottery of Tk 20,00,000. He gave 2/5 of the amount to his wife and 1/4 of the balance to his son, He donated 2/9 of the Facebook Page: Matrix BCS Series balance amount. How much money was | As he square and equitorial triangle have equal donated? perimerers, Sotntio “Amount won in loctery = Tk 20,0,000 Amount given to is wife = (20,00,000 x 3) tk 8,00,000 Tk 20.00,000 - 8,00.000) x 21K, 200000 x! = 300.000 12,00,000- 3,00,000) x2 te 00,000 > 10,000 tk. (Ans) iv. Reena took loan of Tk. 1200 at simple interest rate for as many years asthe rate of interest I she paid Tk 432 as interest atthe end of the loan yetiod, what is the rate of interest? Bomtio Let the sate of interest be AAs, period of time is equal to the rate So, Time = ‘Weknow, I= Par where I= interest P= Capital n= Period of time Re interest rate Ratz of interest = 62% (Ans) ¥. A square and an equilateral triangle have equal perimeters. If the diagonal of the square Is 1.2V2 em, then what Is the area of the triangle? olutio Nati 7 SS B Se Let ABCD be square and each side of the square is a Given, diagonal o the square is 12V2em ‘Then, AC=12¥Zcm Orav2= 12V2 Ora> Idem Perimeter of ABCD = 4a = 4x12 em =48.cm Then, 3b= 48 [Let. each side of the triangle is b] So, b= 16 cm Now, anea of the triangle -S1¢ = 64V3 en (Ans) 3. Answer the following questions (-xv) i. In which year, Bangladesh has become a full member of the United Nation? Ams. On 17 september 1974 ii, When does Bangladesh launch its SG network service on a trial basis? Ams. 12 December, 2021 iii. Which is the first western developed country to recognize Bangladesh as an independent Nation? Ans. UK iv. Who was the finance minister of Mujibnagar Government? ‘Ams. Captain M. Munsur ali v. Which is the largest pharmaceutical exporting country of the world? Ans. Germany vi. FATF handles anti-money laundering issues. ‘What is the full form of FATF? Ams. Financial Action Task Force Vii. In which year the World Trade Organization (WTO) was founded? Ams. 1 Jamiary, 1995, viii. Mention the name of a non-scheduled bank of Bangladesh. Ams. There are now 5 non-scheduled banks in Bangladesh which are Ansar VDP Umayan Bank, Karashangosthan Bank, Grameen Bank, Jubilee Bank, Palli Sanchay Bank. ix. How many pillars are there in Padma Bridge? ‘Ams. 42 pillars x. What is the country that cooperates to develop the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100? Ans. Netherlands xi, In which year, was Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali translated into prose poems in English and published? 8. In 1912 'Bidrohi? was included in Kazi Nazrul's first collection of poems, What is the title of the book. Collection? Ams. Agnibeena xiii. What is the period of the Fighth Five-Year Plan’ of Bangladesh? Facebook Page: Matrix BCS Series Ans. July 2020— Tune 2025 xiv. Who is the highest total run scorer from Bangladesh in the One-Day International Cricket? Ans, Tamim Iqbal Khan xv. Which 1s the largest specialized bank in Bangladesh in terms of branch network? Ans. Bangladesh krishi Bank ( bkb) 4. Translation [Bangla to English] fe wearer ohcea wo OTE a0 oor ares STM TOU THIS eR FEAT Tw OT) ATT AE aie Afeodo sisen Fe oa cr areata a merece wr ait we | wes A a empresa eS COA | ATTN ATS TTS wittg sae a seam aca wreced RO one are Fa Ad TOI HE | CE TRAE Peles HS Rem TUR ay ME | ATT CN Te TT ATT ATMA ROH SITE THOTT Ans, Risk management is a very vital matter for the banks. ‘The banks protect the deposits and savings of general people. The banks do the risk management under the control of a specific framework. It is necessary for preserving the interest of the depositors. The necessity. of the risk management is much more during @ recession, In this regard, the responsibility of bank management is the greatest. The bank management boards will inspect it. Banks are facing new risks, Before the matters related to cyber security did not get proper importance. With the span of time, the banks have been carefil about tackling these kinds of risk. 5. Focus Writingin Bangla: 38 afican eae a a BTCA IG ak 6. Focus Writingin English: 35 Wonten Enterprenewship and Empowerment in Bangaldesh. Ans, Women Enterpreneurship and Empowerment in Bangaldesh. Bangladesh, like many developing countries, has made significant strides. im ~— promoting women's entrepreneurship and empowerment. Despite facing numerous challenges, including cultural and societal barsiers, women in Bangladesh have shown remarkable resilience and cetermination in pursuing their entrepreneurial goals. In this essay, I will focus on the initiatives taken by the government and various organizations to promote women's entrepreneurship and empowertnent in Bangladesh One of the key initiatives taken by the government of Bangladesh to promote women's entiepreneurship is the establishment of the Women Entrepreneurship Development Project (WEDP). The WEDP provides training, counseling, and financial assistance to women entrepreneurs, The program also focuses on improving, ‘women’s access to markets and technology, as well as addressing the challenges faced by women entreprenews in accessing finance. Through the WEDP, the government aims to create a supportive environment for women entrepreneurs and encourage the growih of women-led businesses In addition to government initiatives, Various non- governmental organizations (NGOs) are working to promote women's entreprenewship and empowerment in Bangladesh, For example, the Bangladesh Women's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI is an organizetion that works to promote women’s entrepreneurship and create platform for women in business to network and access resources. The BWCCI provides training, mentoring, and financial assistance to women entrepreneurs, as well as advocating for policy changes to support women in business. Another organization working to promote women’s entrepreneurship in Bangladesh is the Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh (ADAB). ADAB provides training and support to. women entrepreneurs, with a focus on improving their access to. markets and finance. The organization also advocates for policy changes to promote gender equality and create’ a supportive environment for women entrepreneurs Despite these initiatives, women in Bangladesh still face numerous challenges. in pursuing entrepreneurship. One of the biggest challenges is cultural and societal barriers, which often discourage women from pursuing careers outside the home. This is, particularly trie in mal areas, where traditional gender roles are more deeply entrenched. Women in these areas may face resistance from their families and communities when attempting to start businesses, Another challenge faced by women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh is access to finance. Many woursn lack collateral and may not have access to formal banking services, making it difficult for them to obtain loans. This is a particular challenge for women entrepreneurs in rural areas, where banking services may be limited Despite these challenges. women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh have shown remarkable resilience and determination. Many have found creative ways to overcome these barriers and pursue their entrepreneurial goals. For example, some women have formed cooperatives to share resources and pool their Facebook Page: Matrix BCS Series savings, while others have tumed to microfinance institutions for loans. ‘The promotion of women's entrepreneurship and empowerment in Bangladesh has significant economic and social benefits, Stdies have shown that women's economic empowerment is linked to improvements in health, education, and gender equality. Moreover, ‘womers-led businesses have the potential to create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which can help to reduce poverty and improve living standards. In conclusion, the promotion of women's entrepreneurship and empowerment is a critical issue in Bangladesh, The government and various organizations have taken significant steps to support ‘women entrepreneurs, including the establishment of training programs, financial assistance, and advocacy for policy changes. However, there is still much work to be done to overcome cultural and societal bamriers and improve women's access to finance, By promoting women's entrepreneurship and empowerment, Bangladesh can unlock the economic and social benefits of gender equality, improve living standards, and reduce poverty. 7. Argumental Writing in Englis! 30 It is not Unethical to Acquire Exceptionally High Financial Assets. Ans ‘The accumulation of wealth is often seen as a sign of success, and it is a common goal for many people, However, some argue that it is unethical to acquire exceptionally high financial assets, In this essay, I will argue that it is not unethical to acquite exceptionally high financial assets, as long as it is done through legal means and the individual uses their wealth to make a positive impact on society. Firstly, it is important to note that acquiting exceplioually high financial assets isnot inherently unethical. People have the right to pursue their own goals and aspirations, including the accumulation of wealth. As long as they are uot breaking any laws or harming others im the process, there is nothing unethical about it. In fact, many successful entrepreneurs and businesspeople have amassed great wealth through their hard work and dedication, Furthermore, having exceptionally high financial assets can be beneficial for society. Wealthy individuals often invest their mouey in businesses, which creates jobs and boosts the economy. They also have the ability to donate to charitable causes and make a significant impact on society. For example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated billions of dollars to fund research into diseases and to support education initiatives around the world. This type of philanthropy can have a far-reaching and positive impact ou society. Moreover, acquiring wealth throug legal means and using it for philanthropic purposes is not only ethical but also beneficial for the individual, Studies have shown that people who give to charity and engage in philanthropic activities experience greater happiness and satisfaction in life. By using their wealth to make a positive impact on society, individuals can feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment that they may not get from accumulating wealth for its own sake. However, itis important to note that not all wealth is acquired through legal means or used for philanthropic purposes. There are cases where individuals have acquired wealth through illegal means, such as fiaud or embezzlement. In these cases, it is not only unethical but also illegal to acquire exceptionally high financial assets. Additionally, if individuals use their wealth to harm others or engage in unethical practices, then it is not ethical to acquire wealth in this manner. Furthermore, there is a growing concern about the wealth gap between the rich and the poor. It is important to address this issue and ensure that everyone has access to basic necessities and opportunities. However, this does not mean that it is unethical to acquire exceptionally high financial assets. Instead, the focus should be on addressing the root causes of inequality and ensuring that everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. In conclusion, it is not unethical to acquire exceptionally high financial assets, as long as it is done through legal means and the individual uses their wealth to make a positive impact on society. Wealthy individuals have the right to pursue their own goals and aspirations, including the Facebook Page: Matrix BCS Series accumulation of wealth, Moreover, having exceptionslly high financial assets canbe beneficial for society, as wealthy individuals often invest their money in businesses and engage in philanthropic activities. However, it is important to ensure that wealth is acquited through legal means and used for philanthropic purposes, rather than through illegal means or unethical practices,

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