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At home lesson objectives:

1. Students take responsibility for their own learning by watching a video on, Is competition always desirable?
2. Students will know the definition of competition.
3. Students will know the 3 functions of competition and why it is desirable according to the video.
4. Students will know the 3 times competition creates undesirable results according to the video.
5. Student will identify factors that drive competition and how they impact individuals and groups in society.

Task instructions:

1. Read these instructions carefully.

2. Complete Tasks A-D.
3. Watch the video and take notes – pay attention to the 3 functions of competition and why it is desirable
according to the video (see Task B) and pay attention to the 3 times competition creates undesirable results
according to the video (see Task C).
4. You can pause and replay the video as needed.
Link to video:
Note: You will need to complete this information table for discussion and class activities in class on Monday, 6th
March, 2023.
5. Check your understanding by completing the Video Comprehension Questions on MS Forms (see Task D)
Due: 8 PM latest by Sunday, 5th March, 2023.
6. Read the supplementary notes included in your at-home learning pack.


Task A: What is competition? __________________________________________________________________

Task B: What are the 3 functions of competition and why it is desirable?

Functions of Competition
and why it is desirable

Task C: When are the 3 times competition creates undesirable?

Human activities linked to

natural disasters

Task D: Check your understanding by completing the Video Comprehension Questions on MS Forms.

Click on the link and complete your answers.

Competition has been a driving force in many aspects of human society, from sports and business to
academics and politics. On the one hand, competition can inspire individuals to work harder, improve their
skills, and achieve great things. On the other hand, competition can also create winners and losers, breed
conflict and hostility, and lead to negative consequences for those who cannot keep up. This raises the
question: is competition always desirable?

One argument in favor of competition is that it encourages individuals to strive for excellence and achieve
their full potential. For example, in the world of sports, competitive athletes often push themselves to new
heights, setting new records and achieving feats that were once thought impossible. Similarly, in the business
world, competition can drive innovation and lead to the creation of new products and services that benefit

However, there are also significant drawbacks to competition. For one, it can create a winner-takes-all
mentality that rewards only those who come out on top, leaving the rest behind. This can lead to feelings of
resentment, jealousy, and self-doubt among those who are not able to succeed. Additionally, competition can
sometimes breed conflict and hostility, as individuals or groups seek to gain an advantage over their rivals.

Another argument against competition is that it can lead to a narrow focus on winning at all costs, rather than
on the development of personal growth and learning. For example, in the realm of academics, the pressure to
win competitions and gain admission to top universities can lead students to focus solely on grades and test
scores, rather than on the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual curiosity. Similarly, in the workplace, the
pressure to succeed can lead to a culture of cut-throat competition, where individuals are pitted against each
other rather than working collaboratively to achieve common goals.

Considering these arguments, it is clear that competition is not always desirable. While it can inspire
individuals to strive for excellence and achieve great things, it can also create winners and losers, breed
conflict and hostility, and lead to negative consequences for those who cannot keep up. Thus, it is important
to recognize the potential drawbacks of competition and to consider alternative approaches that foster
collaboration, cooperation, and personal growth. Ultimately, the key to success lies not in competition alone,
but in finding a balance between competition and other approaches that support the well-being and
flourishing of all individuals and society.
What are the pros and cons of competition?
Pros of competition:

Motivation and Improvement: Competition can be a powerful motivator for individuals to strive for excellence
and improve their skills. When people compete, they are often driven to work harder, be more creative, and
find ways to outperform their rivals.
Innovation: Competition can also drive innovation and lead to the creation of new products and services that
benefit society as a whole. When businesses compete, they often seek to differentiate themselves by offering
unique features or better value to customers.
Recognition and Rewards: Competition can provide recognition and rewards to those who succeed. In sports,
for example, athletes who win championships or set records are often celebrated as heroes and earn
significant financial rewards. In the workplace, employees who outperform their colleagues may receive
promotions or bonuses.

Cons of competition:

Stress and Pressure: Competition can create stress and pressure on individuals to perform at their best, often
leading to burnout, anxiety, and other negative consequences. This can be especially true in academic and
professional settings, where the pressure to succeed can be intense.
Unfairness and Inequality: Competition can create winners and losers, leading to a sense of unfairness and
inequality. Those who are not able to keep up with the competition may feel left behind or disadvantaged,
leading to feelings of resentment, jealousy, and self-doubt.
Conflict and Hostility: Competition can also breed conflict and hostility, as individuals or groups seek to gain an
advantage over their rivals. This can be especially true in situations where the stakes are high, such as in
politics or business.
Narrow Focus: Competition can sometimes lead to a narrow focus on winning at all costs, rather than on the
development of personal growth and learning. This can be especially true in academic and professional
settings, where the pressure to succeed can lead to a focus on grades and test scores rather than on the
pursuit of knowledge and intellectual curiosity.
In conclusion, competition can have both positive and negative effects on individuals and society. While it can
motivate individuals to strive for excellence and lead to innovation and recognition, it can also create stress,
unfairness, conflict, and a narrow focus on winning at all costs. It is important to recognize the potential
drawbacks of competition and to consider alternative approaches that foster collaboration, cooperation, and
personal growth.

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