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Gender, Sex and Sexually




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Functionalists depict race and ethnicity as crucial elements of community that have a

basic role. As per the functionalist theory, all the elements of society inclusive of race and

ethnicity are in place to do take part in holding the steadiness and welfare of a society.

By giving a feeling of identity or affiliation to people, functionalists contend that race and

ethnicity impart on social unity and solidness. They also argue that race and ethnicity function as

a way of class structure in that specific racial and ethnic classes are more privileged that other


Functionalists perceive racial and ethnic unfairness as normal and vital for every

community as it gives room for people with unique skills and competencies to be allocated

unique functions on the basis of their race and ethnicity. In addition, they contend that racial and

ethnic strife can be advantageous as it can result in better understanding of the concerns of

disfranchised groups.

In conclusion, functionalists consider race and ethnicity significant facets of the society

that enable firmness and functionality of the society. They also believe that as much racial and

ethnic contrasts can be resourceful, their inequalities can be in place and perform unique roles in

the society.

Conflict theorists consider race and ethnicity primary elements in class structure and

imbalance. This implies, racial and ethnic are not native but rather created by the society and

utilized to retain power and command. They contend that racial and ethnic classes are usually in

a battle for opportunities and resources. This battle can result in friction as each group tries to get

the upper hand leading to prejudice, racism, and discrimination.


Additionally, conflict theorists asset that race and ethnicity are interconnected to

economic and political structures. For instance, they argue that capitalism causes and sustains

unfairness on the premise of race and ethnicity as some groups are barred from opportunities and

resources while other profit from the same structures.

In conclusion, conflict theorists stress the impact of power struggles in molding events of

various racial and ethnic groups. They try to figure out how such events happen and their

implications. They underscore the demand to look into the causes of racial and ethnic unfairness

and champion for overall changes that foster fairness and social equality.


Stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, and racism are categories of partiality that can

have adverse effects of society. Although the four terms interconnected, they have clear-cut


Stereotypes are shallow and usually flawed deductions about a given society or

individual. These deductions can be on the basis of gender, religion, citizenship, or race.

Depending on how stereotypes are applied, they can either be positive or negative. Stereotypes

can have very adverse effects when are applied to make generalizations about people or society

without regard of their special feature

Prejudice is a cynical attitude or impression directed to a person, people or a category of

people predicated on conceptions, discerned characteristics or stereotypes. Whether it is

conscious or unconscious, prejudice can result in partisan actions which can occurs as suspicion,

hate or apprehension towards individuals.

Discrimination is the unjust treatment or deed towards people or certain groups on the

basis of their unique attributes such as age, health or ethnicity. It can manifest as unfair pay,

intimidation, or denying some people opportunities. Although it can be deliberate or accidental,

discrimination is considered a form of oppression.

Racism is special kind of discrimination based on the premise of ethinicity, where one

class of people is deemed supreme to other classes of people. It manifests in forms such as

personal attitudes and attributes or corporate guidelines and actions that encourage imbalance

and cruelty to the deemed inferior group.

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