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了移民在温哥华 BCIT 学了汽修,后在福
特公司拿到了省提名和 PR。应该是英语老


友,现在是老婆,孩子他妈~ 聂老师也
是 BC 省持牌的移民顾问,这个证老难
找楼上叶老师,他们都很 nice~



• 前言 3

• 思培考试总介绍 4

• 思培写作介绍 8

• Task 1 套路 9

• Task 2 套路 17

• Task 2 万用 4 分模板 20

• 思培写作必备语法 21

• 思培 Task 1 真题及范文 49

• 思培 Task 2 真题及范文 73






一开始写,就发现自己词穷,前言不搭后语,逻辑混乱,没有框架,不吸引人,或者罗嗦…… 中

思培考试的作文有个特点——从零基础到 4-5 分很容易,准备一个月就够了,但是,从 7-8 上升

到 9 分以上很难,练习半年起步。所以叶老师这本书要解决的是三部分人的问题:1. 只要 4-5;
2. 要 6-8 分,3. 要 9 以上。

1. 如果你只要 4-5,把叶老师的这本书关于作文的套路背熟,把套路范文背得就可以了。

2. 如果你要 6-8,把套路学会了,把这本书上的语法点全部看完,把范文都写一遍,就没问题

3. 如果你要 9 以上,套路对你来说一点用都没有,你需要把给分范文看很多遍,分析它们之所



• 背景:

思培是 CELPIP 的英译,全称为 Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program。思培

考试开发方为 UBC,运营方是 UBC 旗下的 Paragon 公司,该公司同时运行的考试还有:
LPI(Language Proficiency Index Test )和 CAEL(Canadian Academic English Language
的英语水平测试。 是除雅思以外唯一被 CIC(Citizenship and Immigration Canada)官方认
可的考试。考试分数可直接用于移民需求,思培考试的分数也与移民所需要的 CLB
(Canadian Language Benchmark)分数一一对应。

• 种类:

• 用于永久居民申请 • 用于入籍
• 听,说,读,写 • 听,说
• $265.00 + TAX • $185.00 + TAX
• 3 小时左右 • 1 小时 10 分钟左右


• 特点:

1. 加拿大唯一专门针对 IRCC(Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada )设计的考试

2. 全程机考,一次性考完

3. 基于加拿大文化和口音

• 适用范围:

1. 所有加拿大政府移民/入籍项目,包括经验类,技术类,投资类,劳工类,省提名等等

2. BC 护理执照(BC Health Care Assistant Program)

3. 移民顾问执照(Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council)

4. 地产经纪执照(Real Estate Council of British Columbia)

5. 其它相关项目


思培和雅思都是加拿大政府和大多数学校和机构认可的英语水平测试,但雅思有 A 类和 G 类分
别用于学校申请和其它目的,思培只有 G 类,主要用于移民等目的。

• 雅思特点:资料多,适用范围广,群众基础良好。

• 思培特点:考试新,专门针对移民目的设计,加拿大本土文化和口音。


思培与雅思 G 类的差异(考试准备方面)

思培 雅思
考点 • 33 个考点 • 119 个考点

• 分布在加拿大 9 省份 • 分布在加拿大 5 省份

• 迪拜+香港 • 140 多个国家

费用 • $265CAD+TAX • $309CAD+TAX

时间 • 3 小时,一次完成测试 • 3 小时,口语分开测试

• 8-10 天出成绩,网站可查 • 13 天出成绩

• 选择 Express Rating 最快 3 天


难度 • 机考,有字数提醒和拼写检查 • 传统笔试,方便不熟悉电脑

• 主要是加拿大文化和口音 使用的人

• 口语为电脑录音 • 主要是英国和澳大利亚口音

• 口语为考官面试

准备材料 • 10 套官网真题 • 剑桥真题

• 官网视频资料 • 各类补习材料

• 各机构自开发 • 各机构自开发


思培与雅思 G 类的差异(考试内容方面)

思培 雅思

分数 • 1-12,12 分为满分 • 1-9,9 分为满分

• 不出现半分(如:9.5) • 有半分(如:7.5)

听 • 47-55 分钟 • 30 分钟

• 共 6 部分 • 共 4 部分

• 40 题 • 40 题

• 全选择题 • 选择+填空

读 • 43-55 分钟 • 60 分钟

• 4 篇文章 • 3 篇文章

• 38 题 全选择题 • 40 题

写 • 53 分钟 • 60 分钟

• 2 篇作文 • 2 篇作文

• 各 150 字 • 150+250

• 键盘 • 手写

说 • 15-20 分钟 • 11-14 分钟

• 8 个部分 • 3 个部分

• 6 个 60 秒回答+2 个 90 秒回答 • 介绍+短演讲+讨论

• 面对电脑 • 面对考官



思培写作的分数是由 4 名专门训练过的考官综合评定后给出的。2 名考官将考核作文 1,两名考

核作文 2 。


1. 一致性 / 意思

• 你是否清楚地解释了你的观点?

• 你的行文是否前后连贯,让人很容易看懂?

• 你是否展现出了能够准确表达观点并让其含义深刻的能力?

2. 词汇量

• 你是否拥有足够的完成作文的词汇量?

• 你是否展现出了能够自然地运用单词,短语以准确表达观点地能力?

3. 可读性 / 易理解性

• 你在语法,拼写,标点和词法上的错误是否让读者困惑?

• 你有没有用到不同的句式组合包括:简单句,复杂句和复合句?

• 你文章的段落是否分段清晰,有逻辑?格式是否正确?

• 你是否有效使用了连接或转折词?

4. 任务完成度

• 你的文章是否包含了所有题目要求?

• 字数够不够?

• 文章格调合不合适?会不会太正式或者太不正式?


思培作文 1 套路:

思培作文第一部分是写 email,和雅思第一篇写信大同小异。在开始写之前,要先分析你写的信

1. 正式 :对方是公司/机构/你不认识的人(比如:写给学校,政府,公司等)

2. 半正式:对方你认识,但没交情(比如:你房东,你老板,你老师,你邻居等)

3. 非正式:对方是你的亲友(只要有交情都在此范畴)



第一种:正式 Very formal

To Whom It May Concern,

Dear Sir or Madam,



第二种:半正式 Less formal but still professional

Dear + First Name,

用于上对下,长对幼。(比如你是老师,你写给学生:Dear Jane, Dear David;你是老板,你写给

员工:Dear Chloe, Dear Jackie;

Dear Mr. / Ms + Last Name,

用于下对上,幼对长。(比如你是学生,你写给老师:Dear Ms. Brown, Dear Mr. Smith;你是员

工,你写给老板:Dear Ms. Anderson, Dear Mr. Olson)

注意:1. Mrs 和 Miss 最好不要用,只用 Ms. 就可以了。2. 你最好提前准备几个名字,以便在考


第三种:非正式 Informal

Hi + First Name,

用于朋友,比如 Hi James, Hi Alex;

Hi + 称谓,

用于亲人,比如 Hi Dad, Hi Mom,

注意:你在平时生活中的往来邮件中常常有陌生人或者没交情的人也给你用 Hi,生活中可以,



1. You recently went on a trip with a friend and you both took some photographs. Write a letter to
her to ask for the photos taken by her.

2. On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover the
cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company.

3. You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you
cannot continue the course. Write a letter to your professor.

4. One of your students has asked you if he should drop out from school by now. Write a letter to the
student and give him your opinion.

5. You missed a flight due to a problem at the airport. Write a letter to the airline.

序号 称呼


序号 称呼

1 Hi Lucy,

2 Dear Sir or Madam,

3 Dear Mr. Lee,

4 Dear Ray,

5 To Whom It May Concern,



第一种:正式 Very formal

1. I am writing this letter to …+ V 动词(跟动作,表明写信意图)

2. I am writing regarding … + N 名词/名词短语(跟事件,表明关于什么事的信)


第二种:半正式 Less formal but still professional

I hope this letter finds you well. +

1. I am writing this letter to …+ V 动词(跟动作,表明写信意图)

2. I am writing regarding … + N 名词/名词短语(跟事件,表明关于什么事的信)


第三种:非正式 Informal

I hope you (and your family) are well. Things are fine here. The reason I am writing is
that …+一句话


1. You recently went on a trip with a friend and you both took some photographs. Write a letter
to her to ask for the photos taken by her.
2. On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover
the cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company.
3. You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you
cannot continue the course. Write a letter to your professor.
4. One of your students has asked you if he should drop out from school by now. Write a letter to
the student and give him your opinion.
5. You missed a flight due to a problem at the airport. Write a letter to the airline.




1 I hope you and your family are well. Things are fine here, the reason I am writing is
that I want you to send me the photos that you took during our trip.
2 I am writing to claim for my lost item. / I am writing regarding my lost item.

3 I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to tell you that I have to stop taking your
class. / I am writing regarding your course.
4 I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to share my opinion with you. / I am
writing regarding your plan on quitting school.
5 I am writing to complain about your service. / I am writing regarding my missing flight.


第三步:信的 Ending

期待回信 (并不是所有信都需要这句话)

I would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Let me know!


第一种:正式 —— Yours sincerely,

第二种:半正式—— Regards,

第三种:非正式—— Love, Cheers,


第一种:正式 —— 全名—— Mary Brown

第二种:半正式—— 全名 —— Mary Brown

第三种:非正式—— First name —— Mary




1. You recently went on a trip with a friend and you both took some photographs. Write a letter to her to
ask for the photos taken by her.

2. On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover the cost of
anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company.

3. You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you cannot
continue the course. Write a letter to your professor.

4. One of your students has asked you if he should drop out from school by now. Write a letter to the
student and give him your opinion.

5. You missed a flight due to a problem at the airport. Write a letter to the airline.

序号 结尾

序号 结尾
1 Let me know!
2 I would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience.
Mary Brown
3 (不用回信)
Mary Brown
4 I am looking forward to your reply.
Mary Brown
5 I would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience.
Mary Brown


You live in a house near a building site. Recently, the construction workers have begun working on the
site from early every morning and continuing until late in the evening. Their work disturbs you because
it makes a lot of noise.
In about 150-200 words, write an email to the owner of the building company, your email should do
the following things:

• Give information about where you live.

• Describe the problem and how it affects you.
• Say how you think the owner could resolve the issue.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm writing this letter to complain about the noise from the construction site.

I live at 4368 Imperial Street, Burnaby. My home is just across the street from the construction site
operated by your company.

Since last month, people have been working on the site from approximately 6AM to 10PM each day.
The workers often shout and use noisy equipment. This has a big impact on my life. For one thing, the
noise disturbs my sleep, for another thing, I work from home, but the noise makes it difficult for me to

I would like you to ask your workers to keep regular business hours. This means that they should start
work no earlier than 9AM each day and finish no later than 5PM each day. This would not be perfect
for me, as I would still find it hard to focus when working at home, but it would certainly improve the
situation. I am sure that other people living on the street would feel happier if your workers adopted
this schedule.

I would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience.

Ray Anderson


思培作文 2 套路:
框架:Opening + Body1+ Body2 + Closing 一共四段



Body 1 Body2

支持理由 1 支持理由 2

一句观点 一句解释 一句后果 一句观点 一句解释 一句后果




模板:There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some
people see choosing (Option A/B) as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe (Option
B/A) is the better choice.



Body 段用“三个一原则”来写—— 三个一原则:一句观点+一句解释+一句例子

Body1: Body2:

观点:For one thing, … 观点:For anther thing, …

解释:That is because … 解释:The reason I say that is because …

例子:For example, … 例子:For instance, …


Body1: Body2:

观点:On one hand, … 观点:On the other hand, …

解释:That is because … 解释:The reason I say that is because …

例子:For example, … 例子:For instance, …


1. 熟练掌握“三个一原则”非常重要,因为口语里面也会大量用到。

2. 想观点可以从以下几个关键词出发去想——

个人——社会;环境——经济;公平——效率; 文化——教育


模板:So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that (Option A/B) is the better choice.



Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Office Party Transportation
Your company is planning a party to celebrate the end of the year. The party will take place at a
location about one hour outside of town. The person organizing the party wants your opinion about
the best way for employees to travel to the location of the party.

Option A: Individual Transportation: Workers should be using their own transportation to travel to the
place where the party will be held.
Option B: Group Transportation: The company should arrange transportation to take workers to the
place where the party will be held.

Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see choosing individual transportation as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe group
transportation is the better choice.

For one thing, group transportation is more efficient for the event. That is because everybody will be
there at the location on time without causing delay to the event. There is an hour ride from town to
the party site and there would be several reasons for people to get late from traffic jam to bad
planning. For example, the same party got delayed for an hour last year because there was no
arranged transportation.

For another thing, group transportation is safer for our staff. The reason I say that is because alcohol
will be served on the party and it will be a mistake to put people behind the steering wheel after
drinking. For instance, it is an industry standard that company to provide transportation if alcohol were
served on a company event.

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that group transportation is the better choice.


如果你只需要 4 分,你可以直接背下面这一篇(注意:叶老师不做任何保证~):

There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see choosing (Option B/A) as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe (Option A/B) is the
better choice.

On the one hand, if we chose (option A/B), it would benefit the majority of us. That is because compare
to (option B/A) which could be extremely beneficial but only to limited amount of people, (option A/B)
is more universally applicable, thus, more wildly welcomed by all. It is not hard to imagine that
choosing (option A/B) will receive less objections.

On the other hand, (option A/B) will be the better choice in the long run. The reason I say that is
because (option B/A) seems to be a good idea for now, it however, could lose its vantage pretty quick.
(Option A/B), to the contrary, would maintain its value and go on being effective.

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that (Option A/B) is the better choice.

(166 words)



1. That 宾语从句

先看一篇官方 10 分作文,注意里面的 that 宾语从句:

I personally think that it is alright for children to travel on the public transit, since there are always
teachers who accompany them for field trips. They will hence be monitored at all times. I think that an
education system is not there only for the academic development of a child. An education system is
meant to be a complete education package that helps in getting a child ready to step in the world after
the school years are done. I believe that when taking the children out for a field trip by taking the
public transit, the teachers also get a chance to teach them what to be careful about, for example, they
will be taught not to accept gifts from strangers, or not to follow a stranger. These are important life
lessons that a child should be taught.
Unfortunately, I think that if the children always travel on school buses, they will be over-protected. In
the long run, it only makes life harder for themselves when it's time for them to step in the real world,
after school days.

也许你不需要 10 分,但请相信我,that 从句非常简单,用了就可以加分,不用白不用!


I know that he can sing. 我知道他会唱歌。

之所以叫宾语从句时因为 that 处于宾语位置。为了防止你不知道主谓宾:下面这个例子一看你

就明白:I know you. I→主语; know→谓语动词; you→宾语.

把上面的 you 变成 that,that 就处在了宾语位置,然后 that 后面本来就是个句子,因此它叫宾


I know. + He can sing. = I know that he can sing.




People believe that money can buy them happiness. 人们相信钱能买幸福

I hope that the girl that I pick could make it to the top nine!我希望我 pick 的小姐姐可以成团出道!

(注意:上面这句话的第一个 that 是宾语从句,第二个是定语从句,后面会有对定语从句的解



1. 我理解有些人可能会选 A

2. 我相信我们会度过美好的一天。

3. 有科学家说地球不是独一无二的。

4. 挑战题:他不知道我知道他知道这件事。


1. I understand that some people might choose A.

2. I believe that we will spend a wonderful day together.
3. Some scientists say that the earth is not unique.
4. He doesn’t know that I know that he knows about this.


2. 完成时的用法







① 过去时:过去某个点发生的事情。

比如:He was here yesterday. He played some games with us.



比如:He will be here tomorrow. He is going to play some games with us.

公式:动词前面加上 will 或者 Be going to 等等

注意:第一句话 will 后面用 be 是因为 will 是情态动词,情态动词后面的动词都要还原。am, is,

are 的原型是 be。 情态动词有:can, may, must, could, might, will, would



比如:He is standing here. He is playing some games with us.

公式:be 动词 + 动词 ing


比如:He is a great person. He plays games with us quite often.



比如:He has been here since yesterday. (他从昨天起就在这里,现在也还在。)

He has studied English for 5 years. (他五年前开始学英文,现在也在学。)

公式:have/has + 动词过去分词

它是一个时间段,而其它时态是时间点,或者不强调时间。Been 是 be 的过去分词。





① 过去完成时:过去某个点开始,持续一段时候以后结束了,没有持续到现在。

比如:He had studied English for 5 years. (他学过五年英语,现在没学了。)

He had been here since yesterday. (他从昨天起一直在,但现在走了。)

公式:had + 动词过去分词

注意:再遇到 He had had his lunch long ago. 这种句子你就不应该感到疑惑了。第一个 had 是过去
完成时的公式,第二个 had 是实义动词“吃”-have 的过去分词。


比如:He has been staying here since yesterday. (他昨天起就一直呆在这儿。强调一直)

He has been studying English for 5 years. (和 He has studied English for 5 years 其实没有任何时态区
别,区别在于用 has been studying 语气更强烈)

公式:have/has + been + 动词 ing

注意:虽然有 ing,但它和进行时一点关系都没有,还是说过去的事持续到现在。和现在完成时


1. 从昨天起,他们就在听音乐。

2. 从昨天起,他们就一直在听音乐!

3. 从上周起,她就在帮我。

4. 从上周起,她就一直在帮我!

5. 从去年开始,Mary 就在学英文。


6. 从去年开始,Mary 就一直在学英文!


7. 从不知什么时候起,她就恨上我了,而且一直在试图伤害我!


1. They have listened to the music since yesterday.

2. They have been listening to the music since yesterday.
3. She has helped me since last week.
4. She has been helping me since last week.
5. Mary has studied English since last year.
6. Mary has been studying English since last year.
7. I don’t know since when she has started to hate me and has been trying to hurt me!


3. would 的用法

Would 在作文里实在太常见,所以要学会并用起来。

1. would 用于过去将来时:
He will come here. He said he would come here.
他要来。 他说他要来。

We will meet at the station I told her that we would meet at the station.
我们会在车站见面。 我告诉她我们将在车站见面。

would 常可缩写为“’d”:
I thought he’d come here. 我以为他会来。

would not 可缩写为 wouldn’t:

I thought you wouldn’t come here. 我还以为你不会来的哩。

2. would 用于条件句,表示假设(虚拟语气):

I would do it if I could. If I were you,I wouldn’t agree.

要是我有能力我是会这样做的。 我要是你我不会同意。

3. would 用在日常生活中,用来提出请求,看法等,使口气显得更婉转:

would you like to have dinner with me? 愿意和我一起吃晚饭吗?

I would like to ask you to help me. 我想让你帮帮忙。


4. It is 句型的用法

“外面在下雨”怎么表达?“这事儿很难解释”怎么表达?it is 句型在英文中很常见,在中文里面却
没有对应的表达方式。把 it is 句型练好了,好多话就会表达了。


It is raining outside. It is hard to explain.

注意:It 在这里不能翻译为“它”,it 是主语,由于不翻译出来,所以叫“形式主语“。

It 开头的句型有很多,我们只用学三种:

1. It is + 形容词 + to + 动词

It is not easy to understand others. 理解别人很难。

It is complicated to build a rocket. 造火箭很复杂。

2. It is + 形容词 + that 从句

It is important that the government sets fund to help the poor.


It is necessary that the parents give their kids enough privacy.


3. It is + 动词 ed + that 从句

It is known to all that no pain no gain. 众所周知不经风雨就不见彩虹

It is believed that a good life is a life that inspired by love and guided by knowledge.



1. 外面有点冷。

2. 锻炼很好。

3. 选择 B 计划是愚蠢的。

4. 开车太快很危险。

5. 这个 6 个月大的婴儿会说话,太神奇了。

6. 今年过年你又回不了家了,太伤了。

7. 众所周知,全球变暖是二氧化碳排放导致的。

8. 挑战题:大家都相信人人生而平等。

9. 挑战题:爱你在心口难开。

1. It is cold outside.
2. It is good to exercise.
3. It is stupid to choose Plan B.
4. It is dangerous to drive fast.
5. It is amazing that the 6-year old can speak.
6. It is sad that you are not able to come home again this year.
7. It is known to all that global warming is due to the CO2 emission.
8. It is believed that people are born equal.
9. It is hard to say that I love you.


5. There be 句型的用法


不会 there be 句型,你会说成:Long time ago has a mountain. Mountain has a temple. 错了!

应该是:There was a mountain long long ago. On the mountain, there was a temple.

it is 句型很好用,there be 句型更好用!学会了它,等于掌握了英语表达的半壁江山。

There be 里 的 be 指的是 is / are / was / were

there be 句型强调一个“有”字。想表达“有”,而两者不产生从属关系,就用 there be 句型。


我有一支笔。 I have a pen.

桌上有只笔。There is a pen on the table.

我有两辆车。 I have two cars.

这车有两台发动机。There are two engines in this car.

有些明星我很喜欢。There are some stars that I like very much.

总有我不会的歌。There are songs that I don’t know.


1. 他没有钱,但是他有信仰(faith)

2. 温哥华有很多风景优美的地方。


3. 这房子里有 8 个卫生间。

4. 你帮不了任何忙。

5. 有些东西你不需要知道。

6. 挑战题:天堂有路你不走,地狱无门你闯进来。(请直译)


1. He has no money, but he has faith.

2. There are many stunning places in Vancouver.
3. There are 8 bathrooms in this house.
4. There is nothing you can help.
5. There are something you need not to know.
6. There is way to the haven and you rejected, there is no door to the hell and you broke in.


6. 定语从句的用法



比如:The man (who is parking the car) is my father.

主句:The man is my father. 从句:Who(the man) is parking the car.

Who 是“引导词”,指代 the man, 导出从句,给 the man 下定义


1. 中文的表达习惯:

那个 男人 是我父亲


2. 英文的表达习惯:

那个 男人 是我父亲




Some people who travelled on their own got late. 有些自己来的人迟到了。

主句:Some people got late. 从句:Some people travelled on their own.

This caused the people who arrived on time to get frustrated. 这导致按时到的人非常不爽。

主句:This caused the people to get frustrated. 从句:The people arrived on time.


The teacher asked the student who stayed in the classroom all day to come outside.

主句: 从句:

These are the things that we have been looking for. 这些就是我们一直在找的东西。

主句: 从句:

Travelling across Canada, which he did last year is still a dream to me.


主句: 从句:

• 定语从句一般用 who, which, that, where 来引导。 Who 指人,which 指物,that 指人或物
都可,where 指地点。


1. 那个正在哭的女孩是我妹妹。


2. 那个曾经被忘记的英雄又回来了。

3. 作弊是对那些从不作弊的学生的不公平。(作弊 Cheating)

4. 我喜欢那些喜欢帮助别人的人。

5. 这儿有些我们可以用来生火的木头。

6. 挑战题:有没有那么一首歌,会让你忽然想起我?


1. The girl who is crying is my younger sister.

2. The hero who has once been forgotten is back. (从句里既有被动语态又有完成时,多读几遍)

3. Cheating is unfair to those students who never cheat.

4. I like those who like to help others.

5. Here is some wood that we could use to set a fire.

6. Is there a song which would remind you of me.


7. If 引导的条件句

在思培作文 2 中,我们会被要求选 A/B,然后给理由,给理由的时候你很可能需要进行假

设。你甚至用假设就能写完作文 2。学会 if 引导的条件句,你就会写假设段落了!

1. 什么叫条件句:

If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我们就宅在家。


2. 条件句两种写法:

从句在前:If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. (逗号隔开)

主句在前:We will stay at home if it rains tomorrow.

4 种情况:

1. 从句 If + 一般现在 → 主句一般现在 用于:永远成立的事实

例子:If you heat ice, it melts.

If demand for a product rises, its price rises too.

It is easier to relax if you close your eyes.

2. 从句 If + 一般现在 → 主句将来时 用于:高概率发生的事件

例子:If I see her tomorrow, I will speak to her. → I see her quite often

I will not let them in if they are late again. → They are always late.


3. 从句 If + 一般过去 → 主句 would + 动词 用于:低概率事件,或者假设

例子: If I saw her tomorrow, I would speak to her. → I don’t often see her.

If anything changed, we would let you know. → I don’t think anything will change.

例子:If I had some time, I would clean up my room. → I don’t have any time this week.

If I were Jack Ma, I would bring Taobao to Canada. → I am not Jack Ma.

★注意:这种假设句里的 Be 动词,统统都要用 were. 比如:If she were a fish, she would be very

4. If + 过去完成 → 主句 would have done 用于:已经太晚了,发生概率为零

例子:If I had known this, I would have bought a house in Vancouver. 早知道,我就在温哥华买房了

If I had had another chance, I would have lived a different life. 如果又重来一次的机会,我会换种活


1. 用 would 表示礼貌

If you come here, I will give you what you want.

If you would come here, I will give you what you want.

2. 用 may, might, could 表示不那么笃定的情况

If I see you again, I will beat the shit out of you! 如果我再见到你,我一定会揍你!

If I see you again, I may / might beat you. 如果在看到你,我可能会揍你哦。



1. 如果人们笑了,就表示他们很开心。

2. 如果明天不下雨,我们就出去。(你认为明天不会下雨)

3. 如果明天不下雨,我们就出去。(你认为明天会下雨)

4. 如果那些人来晚了,他们可能什么也得不到。(你认为他们会来晚)

5. 如果你这样做了,你会进监狱的。(你不认为对方会这样做)

6. 如果我 18 岁, 我就可以喝啤酒了。

7. 假如我是你,我就选择留在加拿大。

8. 假如世界上没有战争,人类会活得更好。

9. 假如我没来过加拿大,我就看不到这么多美丽的地方。

10. 挑战题:如果早知道我再也见不到她,我就对那个女孩子说“我爱你”了。

1. If people laugh, it means they are happy.
2. If it does not rain tomorrow, we will go out.
3. If it did not rain tomorrow, we would go out.
4. If they come late, they will get nothing.
5. If you did so, you would go to the jail.
6. If I were 18, I would be able to drink beer. (If 表假设的从句里面,be 动词永远用 were 无关人
7. If I were you, I would choose to stay in Canada.
8. If there were no wars in the world, human would live a better life.
9. If I had not been to Canada, I would not be able to see so many beautiful places.
10. If I had known that I would never see her again, I would have said I love you to that girl.


8. 被动语态的用法


1. 什么是“被动语态”?

主动:我爱你 I love you. 你爱我 You love me.

被动:你被爱着 You are loved.

2. 什么时候需要被动语态?

被动语态和主动语态常常能相互转换,比如:He killed the monster. 和 The monster was killed by

him. 但有时候,被动语态比主动语态更有优势:


体会一下:Do you understand? 和 Am I understood? 的区别

两句话相当于:你听懂了吗?和 我解释清楚了吗?的区别。前者显得太直接,有点咄咄逼人的


This book is written by me. 这本书是我写的。

The parks should be enjoyed by all. 公园应该大家共享


Your car is stolen. 你车被偷了。(谁偷的不知道)

I am fired. 我被炒了。(谁炒我不重要,重要的是我没工作了)



新闻片段:A car accident happened on the high way this morning. Three men were killed, the
wounded were taken away to hospital at once and policemen were sent there to cope with the event.


3. 被动语态的构成

英语所有的时态,语态的变化都是动词完成的。被动语态的结构是 be + 动词过去分词 。be 指

am, is, are, was, were, be

The boy is underestimated by the teachers. 这个男孩儿被老师低估了。

Be 由人称,时态决定。

They are underestimated. 他们被低估了。

The boy was underestimated. 这个男孩儿过去被低估了。

练习 1:请把主动变被动

1. I need you.

2. We share our stories.

3. Someone called my name.

4. Cancer killed Mary.


练习 2:请用被动语态翻译下面的话

1. 孩子在学校被找到了。

2. 没有人在事故中受伤。

3. 众所周知,人权应该受到法律保护。

4. 如果你不说实话,你就会被惩罚。

5. 挑战题:所谓幸福人生,就是被爱所启发,被知识所引导的人生。

练习 1: 练习 2:
1. You are needed (by me). 1. The children were found in the school.
2. Our stories are shared. 2. Nobody was injured in the accident.
3. My name was called by someone. 3. It is known to all that people’s rights should
4. Mary was killed by cancer. be protected by law.
4. If you do not tell the truth, you will be
5. A good life is a life that has been inspired by
love and guided by knowledge.


9. 动词 ing 的用法

动词 ing 并不只表示进行时,只有知道什么时候会出现动词 ing,写作才能游刃有余。

1. V-ing 是进行时

You are wasting your time with him. 你跟他在一起是在浪费时间。

He is coming now. 他正在赶来。

Are you doing it because everybody else is doing it? 你这么做是不是因为大家都这么做?

• 这是动词 ing 我们最熟悉的用法,构成:Be 动词+V-ing

2. V-ing 是动名词

I love dancing. 我喜欢跳舞。

Shopping makes me happy. 购物让我很爽。

Being a mother, she has to be strong. 为母则刚。

How to cure sadness? Spending! 何以解忧?买买买!

★注意:有时候看到 is 后面有 V-ing,不一定是进行时态。你看到的有可能是一个加了

ing,变身成名词的动词,或者是个名词词组。比如:what I found most difficult is looking
after babies. 我发现最难的事就是照顾小婴儿。这句话里没有进行时态,looking after
babies 指的是照顾小孩儿这件事,是个名词词组,从句子意思能很容易判断。

★注意 2:我们常常会看到在句首的动词加了 ing,实际上是因为这个动词已经变成了名

词,或者名词短语了。比如:Driving too fast is dangerous. 开快车很危险。 Driving too fast
其实是个名词短语。类似的还有:killing is wrong. 杀生不可取。


3. V-ing 是形容词

This is very interesting. 这相当有趣。

I watched an exciting game last night. 我昨晚看了一场激动人心的比赛。

I was shocked by the stunning views of British Columbia. 我被 BC 难以置信的美深深震撼了。

以上的动词 ing 都是形容词。这些形容词在去掉 ing 以后,会变回动词属性。比如:

Interet 是让某人感兴趣的意思。Your research interested me. 你的研究很让我感兴趣。
Excite 是让人兴奋的意思。Nothing will excite him anymore. 在没有什么能让他兴奋的了。
而 Stun 的意思是把人打晕。Watch the iron, it might stun you! 小心那块铁,它能把你打晕

4. V-ing 因为前面有介词

If you think about eating, you might be hungry. 如果你想着吃,你可能饿了。

He is good at writing. 他对写作很在行。

Children learn to speak by listening and mimicking. 小孩子通过听和模仿学说话。

这类 V-ing 最明显的特征就是它们前面都有一个介词,只要记得最常出现的介词,就清楚
ing 应该什么时候加了。常用介词:at, in, on, by, for, from, with, about, as, without, after, of

5. V-ing 有可能因为前面也是个动词。

I like cooking. 我喜欢做菜。

Everybody enjoys going out in sunny days. 人人都喜欢晴天出游。

Now stop crying please. 请别再哭了。

Can you imagine playing basketball with Stephen Curry? 你能想象和库里一起打球吗?


注意:哪些动词后面的动词要加 ing?答:及物动词

英语动词分“及物”和“不及物”,“及物”的意思是后面可以直接跟人或物。比如:read a
book, sing a song, write an essay, beat a person. “不及物”指后面不能直接跟人或物,中间要
有介词连接。比如:listen to music, look at me, think about it.

例子中的:like, enjoy, stop, imagine 都是及物动词,也就是说它们可以直接跟物品,物品

是名词。因此它们后面的动词要加 ing,变成动名词。所以本质上来说,这条规则就是第

练习 1:

请分析下列 V-ing 分别是哪一种情况

1. She is crying.

2. I hate crying.

3. Are you crying too?

4. You are good at crying.

5. Crying is ok for now.

6. You are amazing.

练习 2:请翻译以下句子

1. 抽烟有害健康。

2. 人们在电子游戏中享受杀戮。


3. 旅行我现在唯一想做的事。

4. 我讨厌浪费大家的时间。

5. 你在开车吗?

6. 这是部很感人的电影。

7. 挑战题:既然这儿房价那么贵,他正在想搬到到卡尔加里去。

练习 2.
练习 1 1. Smoking is bad for your health.
1. 正在进行时 2. People enjoy killing in video games.
2. 动名词 3. Travelling is the only thing that I would love
3. 进行时 to do.
4. 介词后面 4. I hate wasting everybody’s time.
5. 句首动名词 5. Are you driving?
6. 形容词 6. This movie is very touching.
7. Since the house price is so high here, I am
thinking of moving to Calgary.



Useful adjectives 最常用形容词

1. human 人性的 35. apparent 显然的
2. changing 变化的 36. successful 成功的
3. present 当下的 37. impossible 不可能的
4. possible 可能的 38. respected 尊重的
5. structured 有结构的 39. critical 关键的
6. economic 经济的 40. evident 明显的
7. high 高的 41. recent 新近的
8. increased 增加的 42. advanced 领先的
9. increasing 增加的 43. correct 对的
10. similar 相似的 44. emerging 新兴的
11. developed 发达的 45. constant 连续的
12. developing 发展中的 46. available 可用的
13. common 常见的 47. effective 有效的
14. involved 牵涉的 48. equal 平均的
15. related 有关的 49. appropriate 合适的
16. accepted 接受的 50. responsible 有责任的
17. necessary 必要的 51. rooted 根深的
18. shared 分享的 52. preceding 先前的
19. difficult 困难的 53. representative 代表的
20. personal 私人的 54. serious 严重的
21. limited 有限的 55. active 活跃的
22. sound 好的 56. universal 普世的
23. specific 具体的 57. independent 独立的
24. negative 否定的 58. relevant 相关的
25. poor 穷的 59. weak 弱的
26. complex 复杂的 60. brief 简短的
27. simple 简单的 61. conscious 有意识的
28. popular 流行的 62. consistent 连续的
29. complete 完整的 63. unlikely 不可能的
30. growing 增长的 64. dependent 从属的
31. positive 肯定的 65. global 全球的
32. powerful 强力的 66. influential 有影响的
33. essential 本质的 67. variable 不同的
34. varying 变化的 68. stable 稳定的


69. expanding 扩张的 107. funded 提供资金的

70. selected 精选的 108. sensitive 敏感的
71. motivated 激励的 109. absent 缺席的
72. problematic 不确定的 110. pleasing 令人高兴的
73. unusual 不常见的 111. cheap 便宜的
74. surprising 令人惊奇的 112. desirable 令人满意的
75. functional 有用处的 113. efficient 高效的
76. valuable 有价值的 114. aggressive 有攻击性的
77. dangerous 危险的 115. prescribed 规定的
78. narrow 狭窄的 116. applicable 适用的
79. valid 有效的 117. attractive 有吸引力的
80. educated 受教育的 118. incorrect 不对的
81. slow 慢的 119. irrelevant 不相干的
82. modified 改装的 120. deceased 已故的
83. diverse 多样的 121. endless 没完没了的
84. beneficial 有益的 122. identifiable 可辨认的
85. explicit 明确的 123. disadvantaged 地位低下的
86. gifted 有天赋的 124. qualified 有资格的
87. acceptable 可接受的 125. expensive 贵的
88. identical 完全相同的 126. competent 能干的
89. visible 可见的 127. friendly 友善的
90. disturbed 扰乱的 128. optimistic 乐观的
91. contradictory 矛盾的 129. transmitted 传输的
92. skilled 有技能的 130. viable 可行的
93. unknown 未知的 131. susceptible 易受影响的
94. equivalent 等价的 132. competitive 有竞争力的
95. creative 有创造力的 133. mobile 移动的
96. controversial 有争议的 134. supportive 支持的
97. rare 罕见的 135. straightforward 直白的
98. sophisticated 老成的 136. engineered 设计的
99. vulnerable 易受伤的 137. harmful 有害的
100. exclusive 独有的 138. acute 急性的
101. accessible 可用的 139. displaced 无家可归的
102. minor 次要的 140. unrelated 无关的
103. technical 技术性的 141. feasible 可行的
104. productive 多产的 142. noteworthy 值得注意的
105. reliable 可信赖的 143. hired 雇佣的
106. helpful 有帮助的 144. selective 选择性的


145. disabled 残疾的 155. unexplored 未开发的

146. impaired 受损的 156. hazardous 危险的
147. modest 谦虚的 157. homogeneous 同类的
148. unimportant 不重要的 158. invasive 侵略性的
149. scheduled 定好时间的 159. retarded 迟钝的
150. unchanged 不变的 160. inexpensive 不贵的
151. heterosexual 异性恋的 161. publicized 公布的
152. proportional 成比例的 162. sustainable 可持续的
153. specialized 专业的 163. industrialized 工业化的
154. talented 有才华的 164. responsive 有响应的

Common adverbs 最常用副词

1. early 早地 25. relatively 相关地
2. simply 简单地 26. ultimately 最终地
3. clearly 清楚地 27. usually 一般地
4. particularly 特别地 28. frequently 常常地
5. especially 尤其地 29. primarily 首要地
6. likely 可能地 30. finally 最终地
7. merely 仅仅地 31. exactly 正好地
8. probably 有可能地 32. slightly 些许地
9. generally 大概地 33. equally 同等地
10. highly 几率大地 34. immediately 马上地
11. possibly 可能地 35. initially 最初地
12. completely 完全地 36. consequently 导致后果地
13. really 真地 37. purely 纯粹地
14. necessarily 有必要地 38. commonly 一般地
15. previously 之前地 39. closely 相近地
16. largely 大面地 40. fairly 相当地
17. entirely 完全地 41. effectively 有效地
18. extremely 极为地 42. heavily 着重地
19. directly 直接地 43. widely 宽泛地
20. mainly 主要地 44. specifically 明确地
21. increasingly 增加地 45. constantly 不断地
22. easily 轻松地 46. similarly 相似地
23. fully 完全地 47. successfully 成功地
24. essentially 本质地 48. unlikely 不太可能地


49. solely 单独地 87. freely 自由地

50. quickly 快地 88. reasonably 有理由地
51. naturally 自然地 89. unfortunately 不幸地
52. strongly 强力地 90. systematically 系统地
53. significantly 极大地 91. friendly 友好地
54. approximately 大概地 92. publicly 公开地
55. rarely 少见地 93. visually 直观地
56. normally 通常地 94. accordingly 因此地
57. typically 典型地 95. implicitly 含蓄地
58. partly 部分地 96. theoretically 理论地
59. potentially 潜在地 97. remarkably 显著地
60. briefly 简短地 98. poorly 糟糕地
61. mostly 大部分地 99. tightly 紧地
62. nearly 几乎地 100. formally 正式地
63. gradually 慢慢地 101. statistically 统计上地
64. predominantly 占主导地 102. appropriately 合时宜地
65. physically 身体地 103. respectively 各自地
66. independently 独立地 104. temporarily 暂时地
67. daily 日常地 105. substantially 充分地
68. fundamentally 基础地 106. incorrectly 不正确地
69. subsequently 随后地 107. marginally 少量地
70. repeatedly 重复地 108. noticeably 明显地
71. readily 易如反掌地 109. dynamically 动态地
72. accurately 准确地 110. usefully 有用地
73. carefully 小心地 111. commercially 商业地
74. partially 部分地 112. reliably 可信赖地
75. actively 主动地 113. uniformly 一致地
76. sufficiently 足够地 114. monthly 每月地
77. rapidly 快速地 115. artistically 富有艺术地
78. considerably 相当地 116. weakly 虚弱地
79. correctly 正确地 117. randomly 随机地
80. radically 根本地 118. ordinarily 一般地
81. regularly 通常地 119. manually 手动地
82. automatically 自动地 120. timely 及时地
83. currently 目前地 121. gracefully 优雅地
84. inherently 固有地 122. schematically 计划性地
85. roughly 粗略地 123. cooperatively 合作地
86. thoroughly 彻底地


思培真题作文 1 题目及范文:

思培真题写作练习 1:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email. (27 Minutes)

Read the following information.

In the mail, you received an advertisement about the opening of a new department store. The
advertisement said that they have many items at special low prices. However, when you went to the
store, you could not find the items.
Write an email to the department store manager in about 150–200 words. Your email should do the
following things:

• Explain why you went to the opening.

• Complain about the store not having the items they advertised.
• Describe how you would like the store to fix the problem.


Dear Store Manager,

I recently received an advertisement regarding the opening of your new department store. The
advertisement highlighted many of the special low prices that were on offer and therefore managed to
entice me to the store with the chance to take advantage of these special offers.
However, upon my arrival, I could not find any of the advertised items that I was interested in. I found
this to be very disappointing as I was especially looking forward to purchasing the new J.Crew blazer
mentioned in your advert.
Not only that, but several smaller items such as socks and underwear which were mentioned in the
advert, were unavailable. I enquired with a sales associate, who informed me that they had received
limited stock of sale items, and therefore all of the goods had sold out straight away.
I feel that it was your duty as Store Manager to ensure sufficient stock was available, knowing that an
advertisement would generate significant interest from customers. I request that you honour the
advertised sale price when more stock becomes available or provide me with a gift voucher to
purchase a full priced item at a cheaper rate.
Yours faithfully,
Sally Sigurdson(199words, band 9-10)



I am writing this email to you in order to inform you complaints I have and advise you the possible
solutions so that the same complaints would not bother you. Here's what had happened:
While checking my mailbox as usual, there was an advertisement about the opening of a new
department store. It appeared that there were some of items such as dress shirts, headphones and
pairs of jeans that were on sale. Being convinced by the advertisement, with a joy of expectation of
obtaining desirable items at such low prices, I came to your department store. However, it took only
half an hour for me to realize that the items were not available anymore.
I am uncertain whether the items were unexpectedly sold out or the advertisement wrongly informed
the potential customers, no matter what the reason is, I am not pleased that I went to your store
without any reasons. On top of that I wasted my time.
It may be understandable that this happened since it's a new store, but I would suggest that you
improve inventory management strategy.

(183words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 2:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email. (27 Minutes)

Read the following information.

You were searching on the internet for a used car, and found one that looks like it is in good condition.
The seller has posted a photo of the car, but has not provided any other details.
Write an email of about 150–200 words to the seller. Your email should do the following things:

• Tell the seller how you found out about the car.
• Ask about some specific details about the car.

• Explain how much you are willing to pay for the car.
• Request that the seller meet you so that you can test drive the car.


Good morning

I saw your car for sale on the internet and I am interested in purchasing it. I see that you have included
a photo of the car and I would like more information about it. Could you please tell me more about the
car? What is the model and year? What is the mileage? Are there any extras included such as winter
tires? Is the car still under the manufacturer's warrantee?
If it is indeed the car that I am looking for, I would be willing to pay a market related price in cash.
Currently that make is selling for about $15000. This clearly depends on the condition of the car.
If you are interested, I would like to test drive it. Please let me know when and where I can meet you. I
am generally free in the afternoons. My contact details are listed below.
Thank you!
(153words, band 9-10)



Dear Seller,

I am looking for a new car right now and I found your post about your car on Kijijji.
I would like to know some things about the car, because I am thinking of buying it from you.
When was the last oil change? How old is the car? Was it driven a lot?
How is the timing belt? Are the wheel bearings still good?
Was the car in an accident before?
If so, was the damage repaired correctly?
I would be willing to give you a good price on the car, I was thinking about $ 6.000. If the car is in good
condition and does not have to many km on it. Unfortunately I cannot go higher than the price I have
Also, I could live with a little bit of rust on the body.
It would be very good if we could meet up so that I can have a look at the car and test drive it. We
could discuss everything else then.
(171words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 3:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email. (27 Minutes)

Read the following information.

You live in a house near a park. Recently, a lot of teenagers have been meeting in the park at night.
They are very noisy.
Write an email to the local government in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following

• Provide information about where you live.

• Explain the problem and how it affects your life.
• Suggest a way to solve the problem.


To whom it may concern,

I would like to register a complaint. I currently live in Whistler, a small 3 bedroom house overlooking
the village green. We moved here in the fall of 2013 however since then some of the local kids have
started meeting up in the park at night and causing a lot of noise.
While I feel this would be fine in the early evening, it becomes a problem when it carries on until
midnight. Sometimes even later than that!
My job requires me to work early mornings, I need to be alert and friendly throughout the day. Being
woken up several times throughout the night is definitely having a negative impact on my work
While I have tried to ask them to keep the noise down on numerous occasions it has been to no avail. I
feel I have no recourse but to contact you now in the hopes that you could enforce some form of
curfew on the park. I would suggest no loud noises after maybe 9pm or 10pm. The local residents and
myself would much appreciate your consideration on this matter.

Gwen T. Alderidge
(193words, band 9-10)



To whom it may concern at the government department,

This letter is regarding to the noise issue that I have been experiencing lately.
I am living at an apartment building next to MacDonald Park in Kingston Ontario. Since April, a lot of
teenagers have been meeting in MacDonald Park every night to skateboard. They usually turn up the
music and I can hear it at my apartment at level twelve. Occasionally, I hear fireworks too. The noise
they produced has been seriously affecting the quality of my sleep. I have not been able to get a good
sleep for a month and I had to take sleeping pills. The lack of sleep not only negatively affects my work
performance during the day, but also my health and stress level.
I strongly recommend the local government to consider restricting the opening hours of MacDonald
Park. The park should be closed by nine at night. This will provide the neighbourhood better living
environment and avoid unnecessary noise complaints.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Ben J. Fontaine
(173words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 4:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email. (27 Minutes)

You and your co-worker often have lunch in a nearby park. However, there have been too many birds
in the park lately, especially the pigeons who want your food. The situation is spoiling your lunch
Write an email to the local newspaper in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following

●Describe the importance of the park to you and your colleagues.

●Explain how the birds have affected you.
●Suggest what the newspaper’s readers, or city officials and park managers, can do to improve the


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing this letter to complain about the bird problem in the park near ABC building.
My name is Ray Anderson, and I work in ABC building. There is a park near our building, and my
workmates and I usually have our lunch there. It has been a lovely place until recently. Some birds have
settled in the park and made it hard for us to enjoy our lunch.
We were ok when there were only a few birds, but as the number increased, they have caused some
problems. For one thing, they have tried to steal our food when we leave the food on the table or the
ground. Sometimes they even try to steal the food on people’s hand. For another thing, the birds leave
tons of animal waste everywhere in the park. That makes it hard for people to find a place to sit.
Thus, I would like to ask you to put an article in the newspaper requiring the city to put some effort
into fixing the bird problem. For example, the city could require the park manager to put signs stopping
people from feeding the birds. Alternatively, they could hire people to clean the park or even recruit
volunteers to keep the park tidy.

Ray Anderson
(217 words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 5:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email. (27 Minutes)

Every year you and several old friends spend a few days together in the winter. This year, your friend
Sam is organizing things. You want to suggest an activity that you think everyone would enjoy.

Write an email to your friend in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

• Describe the activity you think your friends should do this year.
• Give details about were the activity is and how much it costs.
• Explain why this activity is good for everyone.


Hi Lucy,
I hope you and your family are well. Things here are fine.
As you know, our old friends’ day is coming soon. I have an idea for something we could do that I think
we’d all enjoy. How about going skiing for the day?
Cypress mountain is a famous resort north of Vancouver that has some good place to ski. It is easy to
get there by car or bus. I went there last year with my family, and it took only one hour or so. There are
a lot of restaurant near there that are relatively inexpensive, and the ski tickets are pretty cheap, too.
There are several reasons why I think this would be great. First, everyone in our group loves skiing.
Second, there are plenty of other interesting places like great shops, restaurants and nightclubs we can
go to. So we can also enjoy the evening after skiing.

Write me back so we can discuss further.

(163 words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 6:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email. (27 Minutes)

You have a large extended family, and every year you all get together to go on a big family trip for a
week. Your brother is in charge of the plans this year, and you would like to suggest a place you’ve
visited before.
Write an email to your brother in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

● Name the destination you have in mind.

● Briefly describe your previous experience in this place.
● Talk about some of this place’s features.

Hi Jack,

I hope you are well.

As you know, our family trip week is coming. Have you decided where to go this year? Since the family
has never been to China before, I would like to recommend Shanghai as our destination this year.
The reason why I think Shanghai is a good place to visit is because that I have been there several times
and I really love it. First, I love the food there. My friends and I tried tons of restaurant in Shanghai last
time, and none of them disappointed us. Second, I was impressed by the efficiency of online shopping
there. Not like in Canada that we usually wait for days to get our parcels, it only took me one day to get
all things I ordered online.
Shanghai is well known as the biggest city in China. If we go there, we might enjoy different kinds of
shows every night. Its transportation is fast and convenient, so we can get to the places we want to
visit in a quick and easy way.

Write me back so we can discuss further.

Ray (188 words, band 7-8)


思培作文真题练习 7:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email. (27 Minutes)

You are a professor at a university. One of your students has excellent ideas and studies hard.
However, this person is thinking about dropping out of university and find a job.

In about 150-200 words, write an email to your student. Your email should do the following things:

• Explain why you think this person is a good student.

• Describe some of the disadvantages of dropping out.
• Mention some benefit of graduating from university.


Dear Lucy.

I have heard that you are considering dropping out of university. I have always liked your performance
and attitude towards study. In my view, you are a very good student. So I hope that you will reconsider
your plan.

I see two problems with dropping out. First, employers will see from your resume that you quit
university. This might make them feel that you are somebody who quits easily, which could make them
decide not to hire you. And second, the economy is not doing well at this moment and few companies
are hiring workers. In my opinion, it's not a good time to look for work.

These days most employers want to hire people with a higher education background, so graduating will
make it easier for you with your job hunting in the future. In addition, university training will better
prepare you to go to the next level of your career. For those two reasons, I strongly advise you to
continue your studies.


Ray Anderson (169 words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 8:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email (27 minutes)

Last weekend you attended the Canada Day community picnic. The event was a potluck, so everyone
brought a dish of food to share. Some people, including you, have allergies or can’t eat some types of
food, such as nuts and seafood, so you included a list of ingredients with your dish. No one else did

Write an email to the community picnic organizer in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the
following things:
●Express your overall enjoyment of last week’s event.
●Explain why each potluck dish needs a list of ingredients.
●Describe how the potluck could be differently organized next year.


Dear Canada Day community picnic organizer

Thank you for the wonderful event last weekend. I had an enjoyable time interacting with the
community on such an important celebration in Canada.
I noticed on the day that participants did not include a list of ingredients for the dishes they brought to
the potluck. There are individuals including myself who have some food allergies such as those related
to nuts and seafood. The allergies can in some cases be fatal which is why a list of ingredients would be
helpful to better assist individuals to make the right food choices based on their allergies.
May I suggest for the event next year, that participants are requested to supply a list of ingredients to
go with the dishes they bring to the potluck to avoid any issues that may occur from an individual
eating a tainted item that may aggravate their food allergy.
I believe that having the list of ingredients will be widely received and will mean that people can be
more involved in the event and try the various dishes without risking their health.
Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to another wonderful event next year.

(199 words, band 9-10)



Hello Richardson,

I am writing this email to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for organising the Canada Day
community picnic. However, I would like to draw your attention on few facts as given below.

I really liked the idea of a potluck event as it brings forth harmony and a chance for people to socialize
with different cultures. But being a public gathering there would be people who are allergic to certain
food items, like my mouth started swelling when I had chicken, unaware that it contained roasted nuts.
Similarly I saw few children getting into trouble when they had seafood. Hence it would have been
great if a list of ingredients were placed by the side of each dish.

I do have few suggestions for next year's event:

- Instead of printing flyers try to get email-ids from municipalities, it is cost-effective and highly
- Organise games for children that ensures a more fun-filled evening.
- Voluntary music bands for entertaining the crowd.

All in all, as the chief organiser you should be proud of your team and sponsors for setting up this
event. Wishing you all success in the coming years as well.


(199 words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 9:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email(27 Minutes)

Read the following information.

One of your friends has asked you to be a partner in his new business. Write a letter to reply to your
friend's offer.

In about 150-200 words, write an email to a local company. Your email should do the above things.

● Give your opinion of your friend's business idea

● Tell him whether or not you have decided to accept his offer
● And explain your reasons for this decision.

Dear Jack,

I hope you're well. Thanks for giving me some time to think about your business proposal.

First, let me just say that I think it would be a great idea to open a café on the high street. It definitely
makes sense since there are no other cafés in the area.

Having said that, I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn your offer down. I've thought long and hard about
this decision, and I just don’t think it's the right time for me to get involved with a big project like this.

To be honest, I would struggle to find enough money to cover my share of the initial investment costs.
Also, I don't really want to leave my current job, and I think it would be impossible for me to commit to
the café project while I'm still working full-time.

Best of luck with the café. I'm sure you'll make a success of it without me!

Ray (161 words, band 10-11)


思培真题写作练习 10:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email(27 Minutes)

You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen, but it did not work. You phoned the shop
but no action was taken. Write a letter to the shop manager.

In about 150-200 words, write an email to a local company. Your email should do the above things.

● Describe the problem with the equipment

● Explain what happened when you phoned the shop
● Say what you would like the manager to do

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to an appliance that I recently bought from your shop.

On the 10th May I bought a new washing machine, and it was installed the following day. However,
when I tried to wash some clothes, I noticed that the machine failed to spin during the washing cycle.
Consequently, it leaves clothes wet but not clean.
When I phoned your shop to report the problem, I spoke to an assistant who did not know the
procedure for repairs or returns. He assured me that he would report the issue to the store manager,
and that I would be contacted the same day. That was two days ago, and I am still waiting for your call.
As the appliance is under warranty, I am entitled to ask for it to be repaired or replaced. I have decided
that I would like a replacement washing machine. I would also like you to phone me personally when
you receive this letter.

I await your prompt response.

Yours faithfully,
Ray Anderson (175 words, band 10-12)


思培真题写作练习 11:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email (27 Minutes)

You saw a car accident. Now you have been asked to write a report for the police describing the scene.
Write an email to the police in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

●Explain when and where you saw the accident.

●Describe the road conditions, what you saw, and how many people and vehicles were involved.
●Explain who you feel was responsible and why.


To whom it may concern,

The following is an account of the vehicle accident I witnessed on February 16th, 2014 at
approximately 6:45pm. The accident occurred on in the intersection of George Street and Mason
Avenue in Jumpton, Alberta.
At that time of the accident, I was walking northbound on George Street, towards the intersection with
Mason Avenue. The road conditions were slick as an intense rainfall event had just passed through the
city, however it was not raining at that time.
Car A (a Ford F150) was on George Road (heading northbound), waiting in the intersection with Mason
Street to turn left. When the traffic light turned red, Car A commenced turning left onto Mason Street.
However, at the same time, Car B (a purple Corvette) who was travelling southbound on George Street,
also entered the intersection on the red light.
Car A hit the left side of Car B. The drivers in both cars required medical attention from the ambulance
that arrived on the scene shortly after. No other passengers or vehicles were involved in the accident.
I believe Car B was at fault for failing to stop at a red light.
Ray Anderson
(197 words, band 10-11)



To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to you as a witness to a car accident that took place on February 26th 2015 in which one
car (Honda Accord carrying one male passenger) collided with another (Ford Escort carrying one male
passenger) on the busy intersection that is Yonge and Eglington at approximately 1:25pm.
The accident happened when one car #1 (Honda Accord) could not stop in time at the set of lights on
Yonge St and the end result being the car had collided with the car #2 in front (Ford Escort) this was
not due to speeding as i could see the car travelling at what i would comprehend as being an
appropriate speed but due to the icy conditions on the roads, I believe the man traveling in the Ford
Escort was responsible for the accident and should have took into account the icy conditions and
should have gave more space between cars as it looked like he was travelling very close to the Ford
I believe this information to be true to the best of my knowledge,
Thank you
Josh Johnson
(187 words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 12:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email (27 Minutes)

You have borrowed money from your bank. You agreed to repay a fixed amount every month.
However, it will be difficult to pay any money back this month.

Write an email to the bank in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

●State the amount of money you borrowed and the repayment schedule.
●Explain why you borrowed the money.
●Explain the reason you cannot pay any money this month and why you will be able to pay next


To whom it may concern,

I am Ray Anderson from Anderson Sales Company. I am writing this letter to request a delay in my
I had a loan of $100,000 with your bank and I am supposed to pay it back in a fixed rate for a three-
year length. So, a little more than $3000 is required to pay back in monthly bases.
The reason why I borrowed this money was to start my company last year, and the loan has helped me
prepare for the necessities and company office.
It has been easy for me to follow up with the repayment schedule, however, A recent investment in
heavy duty equipment drained our cash reserve and hindered us to pay the loan this month. Our cash
flow has always been good, which makes us confident to pay the money back all together next month.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Ray Anderson (156words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 13:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email (27 Minutes)

Your son has been experiencing some difficulties at his elementary school. He has been unhappy for
several weeks. You want to talk to his teacher.
Write an email to the teacher in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

●Describe the problems your son is having.

●Suggest some solutions to the problems.
●Make an appointment with the teacher to discuss the problems and your solutions.


Dear Mr. Sinclair,

I am writing to you to inform you of the difficulties my son has been having in school for several weeks.
It appears that a boy in his class has been bullying him and I would like to propose a solution to try and
prevent this behaviour in the future. I would like this problem resolved as soon as possible as my son is
afraid of going to school.

There are a couple of options I can suggest to try to stop the bullying. Firstly, I can get contact information
of the parents of the bully and I can arrange a meeting with them and try to resolve any issues the
children are having with each other. Secondly, you could intervene and talk to both children and try to
find a solution to their problem.

If you would like to meet me in person to discuss the problem and my suggested solutions I am available
any time.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Ray Anderson (171words, band 10-11)



Dear Sir,
I am writing this to inform you that my son Jason Singh studying 5th grade in your class experiencing
listening difficulty in subjects. Actually couple of months ago he had some vision problem and had
treatment for cure. I was in the impression that he got completely cured. But yesterday i noticed that
he was struggling a little to read the news paper. Now i understand the reason for why Jason seems to
be quite and shows uninterested in his studies.
At the moment i realized this i wanted to inform you about this and discuss in person how to make
Jason get better on his studies. I have some suggestions to get the situation better, I will take Jason
back to eye clinic and consult with the doctor to cure his vision problem completely. Also it would be
more helpful if you can make seat adjustment in you class for Jason to sit in the first row of the class.
Also i would like to meet you in person to discuss about this. Please let me know your availability to
for the same. Thanks.
(189words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 14:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email (27 Minutes)

Your manager asked you to work at the reception desk while the receptionist is getting lunch. This
involves answering telephones and helping clients who come in. However, you are unable to help out
because you have other work.
Write an email to your manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

●Explain why you don’t have time to help out.
●Suggest a way to solve the problem.


Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing this email in response to your earlier email to take over the receptionist's work
temporarily until she is back from lunch. I am currently occupied with monthly management
presentation work. I will not be in a position to support receptionist today and I sincerely apologize for
not helping you here.
If I may explain myself, the monthly management presentation is very critical, and it needs to be
delivered to our senior management by tomorrow end of day. This presentation depicts our roadmap
for the next quarter and our senior management will not be tolerating any delays in this regard as they
need to draw out the plan to execute the projects by end of next week. Moreover, I need to collect and
consolidate data from various departments and review with each departmental manager before
presenting to our senior management. In addition, my customer service experience is very minimal,
and I do not think I am qualified to handle the receptionist work.
Once again, my sincere apologies for not helping you out. My sincere suggestion is to make use of our
sales support staff who have outstanding customer service experience.

Yours Sincerely,
Ray Anderson
(199words, band 10-11)



Hello Manager,
I apologize I cannot help the receptionist to answering telephones and helping clients during the
receptionist lunch time, because I have to complete the business plan which you gave to me yesterday.
As you know, the plan is going to be discussed in the meeting which we booked at 6 p.m. today. So I
have to work on and finish the plan as soon as possible, in another words, I must give it to you before
the meeting. Well, We still need a person who has to stay at reception desk for sure. So my personal
recommendation is I will ask Ron who sit behind me that if he has the time during the receptionist
lunch time. What I am seeing now is he just finish his work and he is very kind person who really like to
communicate and help others, so he should be the best choose. I will ask him if you agree with it. If you
have another decision, please let me know.
Best regards
(172words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 15:

Writing Task 1:Writing an Email (27 Minutes)

You enjoy going to your local coffee shop to work, read, and meet friends. However, every time you go,
the seats and tables are dirty, and you have to clean them up.

Write an email to the coffee shop manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following

●Describe why you enjoy going to the coffee shop.

●Explain the problems with the coffee shop.
●Suggest how the problems could be solved.


Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing this letter to complain about the service of your coffee shop.
My name is Ray Anderson, and I live near your coffee shop. I enjoy going to your shop because it is
convenient for me, and I am satisfied with the service that your shop has provided. However, I found
that the service quality has dropped a great seal recently.
For the past two weeks, I constantly found that the tables were left uncleaned. Sometimes the shop
assistant came help us, other times, we had to clean them ourselves. That is a bit annoying because I
think it is not the customer’s responsibility to deal with the dirty tables.
I would like you to address the problem so that all customers can enjoy their time in your coffee shop.
For example, to train your staff in a regular basis would be a good way to ensure the shop’s quality
services. Alternatively, having someone being the manager assistant could be a good idea too.

Ray Anderson
(173words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 16:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you cannot
continue the course. Write a letter to the course tutor.

● Describe the situation

● Explain why you cannot continue at this time
● Say what action you would like to take

In about 150-200 words, write an email to a local company. Your email should do the above things.

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing to inform you that I will not be able to continue with the part-time computer programing

I have been attending your evening classes for the last two months and have enjoyed them immensely.
As I stated on my course application form, I work full-time for a large IT company, and until now I have
managed to fit the programing course into my schedule.
However, my company is currently on the verge of signing a contract with an important new client in
China, and I am part of the team that is being sent to Beijing to negotiate terms and conditions. I will
probably be out of the country for several weeks.
I am aware that you run the same course twice a year. Rather than try to catch up when I return from
China, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to join the next cohort in September.

I look forward to receiving your response.

Yours sincerely,
Ray Anderson (167words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 17:

Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.
On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover the cost
of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company.

● Describe the item you lost

● Explain how you lost it
● Tell the insurance company what you would like them to do

In about 150-200 words, write an email to a local company. Your email should do the above things.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to make an insurance claim for an item that I lost while on holiday last week.
The item is a wristwatch that I inherited from my grandfather. Both the watch strap and the face are
made of gold, and the watch is worth a considerable amount of money. It also has great sentimental
I believe that I must have left the watch on the beach in front of the hotel where I was staying. I did
return to search for it, but I can only assume that it was either covered in sand or that it had been
washed out to sea.
I took out comprehensive travel insurance with your company, and my contract states that all lost
items are covered. I would therefore ask that you review the attached information regarding the
estimated value of the watch, and that you process my claim as quickly as possible.

Please let me know if you require any further information.

Yours faithfully,
Ray Anderson (170 words, Band 7-8)


思培真题作文 2 题目及范文:

思培真题写作练习 1:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Office Party Transportation
Your company is planning a party to celebrate the end of the year. The party will take place at a
location about one hour outside of town. The person organizing the party wants your opinion about
the best way for employees to travel to the location of the party.

Option A: Individual Transportation: Workers should be use their own transportation to travel to the
place where the party will be held.
Option B: Group Transportation: The company should arrange transportation to take workers to the
place where the party will be held.

Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see choosing Individual Transportation as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe Group
Transportation is the better choice.

For one thing, if the company were to arrange transportation, everybody would arrive on time and
nobody would get lost. At the last office party, some people who travelled on their own got late. This
caused the people who arrived on time frustrated while waiting for them.

For another thing, if people know that they don’t have to drive home, they can enjoy the party even
more. It is agreed that alcohol will be served on this party, and we all know that drinking is a great way
for people to relax and have fun. It won’t be possible to drink if they need to drive after.

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that group transportation is the better choice.

(159words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 2:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Physical Activity Survey
Your company blames a number of work-related accidents on employees' low level of physical fitness.
The Human Resources Department of your company is surveying your opinion on how to promote a
healthier lifestyle amongst its employees. The major question is whether the company should build a
large gym facility in the company’s premises or pay for employees to sign up for physical activities
wherever they choose.

Option A: Company Gym: Large gym located in the company building. Employees will have 24-hour
access to a large variety of fitness equipment and personal trainers.
Option B: Neighbourhood Gym or Activity: Monthly cash allowance for any physical activity of their
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see choosing neighbourhood gym as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe company
gym is the better choice.

For one thing, company gym would not only allow employees to work out but also offers them peer
motivations. As we know, to keep the habit of exercising is one of the greatest challenges for most
people. But with the companion of workmates who could constantly encourage each other, I believe
there will be more fun than fatigue.
For another thing, the 24-hour access to the company gym and the reserved free parking would give
the employees a flexibility in planning their schedule for exercising. There are quite a few workers work
from afternoon to midnight. The opening time of neighborhood gyms remains an issue for them.

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that company gym is the better choice.


思培真题写作练习 3:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Barbecues on Balconies Survey
Your apartment manager is surveying your opinion about people using barbecues on their apartment
balconies. The apartment balconies are small. Some residents think that because barbecues can cause
smoke and catch fire, they should not be allowed. However, others think that using barbecues should
be allowed because people like to enjoy summer food at their home. Your manager asked you to
complete an opinion survey.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.
Option A: Residents should not be allowed to use barbecues on their balconies.
Option B: Residents should be allowed to use barbecues on their balconies.


I think that residents should not be allowed to use barbecues on their balconies. The small balcony is
not suited to accommodate large grills, and so smaller coal or wood burning barbecues would have to
be used. Improper use of coal or wood burning barbecues can lead to fires. These fires would affect
not just the apartment in question but also apartments immediate neighbours. All barbecues are also
susceptible to grease fires which can spread rapidly when not suppressed in a quick and efficient
fashion. Barbecues also pose a health risk to people allergic to smoke such as asthma patients.

For people wishing to enjoy summer food there is always the possibility of utilizing the shared public
barbecue grills at the base of the building. This in addition to allowing for more space and utilization of
the balcony will ensure that the smoke from the barbecue will not bother the building residents. The
shared communal barbecues provide the opportunity to meet and interact with your neighbours and
would be an ideal solution that would cater to barbecue needs of the residents while prioritizing their
safety. Thank you.

(187words, band 9-10)



Many people enjoy having barbecues food on their apartment balconies during the summer time.
However, in my own opinion, it is not a good idea to allow using barbecues on our apartment
balconies. I disagree about it for three main reasons, the size of the balconies, the dangerous of
catching fire, and the smell it caused.

As our apartment is very old style and has small balconies, there is very limited space for the barbecue
grille and food. It will be crowed for a group of people using barbecues and they may get hurt easily if
they do not pay attention when they turn around. Other than get hurt, catching fire may be one of the
potential dangerous as well. Things close by the grille may get burnt easily. Besides, each balcony is
very close to its neighbours', the smell of the food may spread out and some may find the smell
disgusting. It is also hard to clean and remove the smell once it is absorbed and spread.

I do hope the apartment manager can collect all the surveys and take a good consideration before any
decision made.

(189words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 4:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Park Sale
A builder wants to buy a popular park in your city. He wants to build two apartment buildings for
seniors on the land. You use the park a lot, and your children like the playground and basketball court.
The city is asking residents to respond to an opinion survey.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.
Option A: I think the builder should buy the park.
Option B: I think the park should stay as it is.


I would like to place on record that I am strongly in favour of keeping the park as it is. The park is one
of the few free recreational spaces available for children in our city as so many other areas of open
land have had apartments built on them. We complain that our children spend too much time indoors
playing on computers whilst we destroy the few places that remain for them to play outdoors and
engage in physical activities and sport. The park has a playground and basketball court where children
can exercise and socialise safely and close to their home, without having to travel further and cross
increasingly busy streets. I prefer to retain open spaces for recreation to encourage health lifestyles in
our children.

If the land is developed for apartments for seniors, the pressure on the infrastructure will increase as
these people, understandably, are reliant on cars for getting around. The traffic is already busy and has
become problematic throughout the day, which is when seniors will increase traffic, as well as in the
rush hour periods. There have also been a number of accidents due to the high volume of traffic.

(197words, band 9-10)



The park should be left for the following reasons-

These park have served as a place that promotes social networking between families- Families within
the community have benefited from the park as I am one of the candidates who met my life partner in
this park and currently enjoyed companies and love of other families members in this community.

Secondly the park also has been used for picnics and hosting community events like soccer, basketball,
volley ball and other sport events in the summer. The park has served as an excellent place of
community event that promotes peace and healthy living amongst members of the community.

Lastly, our community park has a very good aesthetic nature and serves as an excellent place for
inspiration. While the park provides a good place for sight seeing, I have seen other teens use the park
to rehearse for their club events like dancing and singing.

I strongly believe the park should be left as in as its serves a better purpose that having a building
erected on it.

(175words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 5:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Family Picnics Survey
The City Manager is surveying the opinion of the community about family picnics held in public parks.
On the one hand, public parks are created for people to enjoy nature. On the other hand, large family
gatherings can be noisy and occupy a lot of park space. The City Manager has asked you to complete an
opinion survey.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.
Option A: Family picnics should not be allowed in public parks.
Option B: Family picnics should be allowed in public parks.


Family picnics should most definitely be allowed in public parks.

Children especially should be encouraged to spend as much time as possible outdoors exercising,
playing and having fun. With childhood obesity on the rise globally, we should be doing as much as
possible to ensure that our children grow up as fit and healthy as possible. The benefits are not just for
the individual, but for the community as a whole. It has been proven that a simple 10 minute walk in
the sun can cheer you up and get you you've Vitamin D for the day. How much better would you be
after a family picnic in the park?

If the city is concerned about the availability of vehicle parking in order to get the park then why can't
the visitors walk? The exercise will do them good. Public space is for everyone to enjoy and here in
Canada especially, we are very fortunate to have lots of it. As long as people respect the environment
and there are sufficient garbage and recycling bins provided then I cannot see why having picnics
should be a problem.

(187words, band 9-10)



In my opinion, Family picnics should be allowed in the public parks because that is one of the ways that
the parks should be used for by publics to enjoy their leisure as long as people respect each other with
positive manners.

First of all, the public parks are created for every one to use for many purposes such as enjoying the
nature, walking dogs, picnics, and etc. Having family picnics are of course the option as I mentioned
and should not be excluded from the purposes of using the parks. It will cause an unfairness to some
people to enjoy the parks.

Secondly, I respect the opposite opinions that family picnics could get noisy for other park users.
However, It will become understandable for everyone as long as everyone keep positive manners to
ensure not causing noise complaint from family picnics and respect each others way of enjoying the
use of the parks.

For those reasons above, Family picnics should be allowed in the public parks as long as people respect
each others with positive manners while using the parks.

(181words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 6:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Online vs. Print News Survey
Your local newspaper is experiencing low sales of its newspapers since many readers are now choosing
the online version. Its current number of online subscribers is now three times the number of print
subscribers. The newspaper has sent a survey to all of its print and online subscribers to see whether
there is enough demand to keep the print version.
Option A: Stop producing the print version of the newspaper.
Option B: Keep producing both the print and online versions.
Choose the option that you prefer. Explain the reasons for your choice. Why do you prefer your
choice? Write about 150-200 words.


I would recommend that the local newspaper continues to keep producing both the print and online
I recognize that particular individuals are pushing a shift towards media being exclusively online but
doing this will undoubtedly leave some readers unhappy.
I enjoy having the physical printed newspaper to read. I spend enough time each day on a computer as
it is. Reading the newspaper is a time for me to relax and get away from the online and electronic
There are certainly times when the online issue has been beneficial, like being able to access the local
news while in a foreign country but for the most part, I prefer the experience of reading a print
I also believe that within our community, there is a large number of elderly residents who actively buy
the print version and have been doing so for year. Many do not have access to a computer. If you stop
producing the print version, you are instantly cutting this group of people form your readers.

(172words, Band 10-11)



News paper is one of the oldest source of information in the world. But nowadays many online version
are available in the market that are the good alternative source of information. so we have to stop the
producing print media? According to my opinion we should stop producing print version. Print version
have many disadvantages as compare to online version That disadvantages i am going to explain in the

First of all it is not good for the environment every one knows every year many trees cut down to
produce paper. If we stop producing print media then we can save that tree and save wild life.

Secondly, it save the manufacturing cost and transportation cost. For example every morning news
paper travels from its manufacturing place to our door step and manufacturer spend much money for
this So if stop producing print media can save these cost. And manufacture can this money for other
creative work.

Finally i strongly prefer to stop print version and prefer online version because it have more
advantages than print version.

(178words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 7:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Field Trip Transportation
Your children’s grade 5 class teacher likes to take the children on field trips to museums or parks.
Sometimes the teacher takes the children on public buses. Some parents are unhappy. They say the
school should always use school buses even though it is more expensive. You have been asked to
respond to an opinion survey.

Option A: Public Transit: I think it’s okay for children to travel on public transit.
Option B: School Buses: I would prefer children only travel on school buses.

Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


I personally think that it is alright for children to travel on the public transit, since there are always
teachers who accompany them for field trips. They will hence be monitored at all times. I think that an
education system is not there only for the academic development of a child. An education system is
meant to be a complete education package that helps in getting a child ready to step in the world after
the school years are done. I believe that when taking the children out for a field trip by taking the
public transit, the teachers also get a chance to teach them what to be careful about, for example, they
will be taught not to accept gifts from strangers, or not to follow a stranger. These are important life
lessons that a child should be taught.

Unfortunately, I think that if the children always travel on school buses, they will be over-protected. In
the long run, it only makes life harder for themselves when it's time for them to step in the real world,
after school days.
(181words, Band 10-11)


思培真题写作练习 8:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Park Use Survey
Your community centre is surveying your opinion on a new event happening every Saturday in the park
near your home. There are two events being considered. One suggestion is a vegetable and fruit
market. The other suggestion is a second-hand furniture and appliance market.

Option A: I would like to have a vegetable and fruit market every Saturday in the park.
Option B: I would like to have a second-hand furniture and appliance market every Saturday in the

Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see choosing furniture and appliance market as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe
food market is the better choice.

For one thing, most people live in the community will benefit if they can shop vegetables and fruits
once a week within walking distance. It takes at least a 25-minute-drive to get to the nearest
supermarket from this community. It will be appreciated by all residents if they can save time on
grocery shopping. On the contrary, only a few families who wanted to buy or sell furniture could
benefit from Option B.
For another thing, vegetables and fruits are almost always the number one demand for most families,
which enables the event to be held on a regular basis. The second-hand furniture market, on the other
hand, might get everybody excited for a while and demise in the long run.

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that fruit and vegetable market is the better choice.

(177words, Band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 9:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

School Lunch Survey

Your children’s school provides free school lunches. Usually the lunch is a hamburger, hotdog, or pizza.
The children really enjoy the lunches. Some parents want to change the lunches so that the children
eat salad or vegetables every day. The school asked you to respond to an opinion survey.
Option A: I would prefer the lunches stayed the same.
Option B: I would prefer they changed the lunches.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


In response to your request for my opinion on the foods served for lunch in Bethany's school, I think
that current food plan should be totally changed or at least modified because of several reasons.
First, as we all know, pizzas, hotdogs and generally all the foods that are rich in fat are proven to be
harmful to human's health as they result in obesity and cause many different cardio-vascular diseases
in one's body. As an educational institute I expect you to teach our children on the negative effects of
these kind of foods and let them understand that avoiding these foods is a beneficial way to have a
healthy life.
Second, almost all the nutritionists and food specialists believe that adding more fresh and organic
foods like vegetables and fruits that are rich in fibres and vitamins to daily meal plans not only helps
human body to keep its healthy conditions but also results in more efficient daily student activities at
the school.
So, in my opinion it's more suitable to at least reduce the amount of current foods and increase the
amount of healthy foods like salad and vegetables.

(191words, Band 10-11)



In my opinion to this survey, changing lunches will be beneficial for children as well as parents and
Firstly, having same lunch everyday, makes children bore. They eat candies and other snacks in order
to avoid hamburger, hotdog, or pizza. Children always wants variety in food which salad will give them.
Salads have varieties like fruit salad, vegetables salad and comes with different flavours too.
Secondly, considering health, eating salad and vegetables provides proper nutrition to them and make
them less prone to sickness. No doubt, children don't like this stuff but we can make variety of salads
using cream cheese, sour cream, salad dressing and many more.
Lastly, It is easy to make vegetables and salads as compared to the junk food. It takes few minutes to
make salads by just directly mixing them or by steaming them. Overall, I can say in this way only
children will start eating these health conscious diets which will lead to longevity of there lives and
school is the place where they can learn these things through teachers as well as by imitating there
I will appreciate if this new plan for changing meals will be initiated.
(197words, Band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 9:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Office Upgrade Survey
Your company has extra money to spend on office upgrades. Your boss wants to build 5 additional
parking spaces for the employees. One of your co-workers, though, suggests building 30 bike stands to
promote a healthy lifestyle instead. The company asked you to respond to an opinion survey.

Option A: I would prefer to have more parking spaces.

Option B: I would prefer to have more bike stands.

Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see having more parking space as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe to build more
bike stands is the better choice.

For one thing, as parking has always been a problem for us, I don’t see how adding more bike stands
would benefit everybody. There are complaints every day about how hard it is for the employees to
find a parking spot. Some of them even park their cars miles a way and walk back when they can’t find
any place nearby. I believe this prolonged problem has lowered people’s morale.
For another thing, the weather condition in Vancouver suggests that cycling is only possible for at most
half a year. As far as I know, the riders in our company normally just drive to work during winters and
wet seasons. During those times of the year, these bike stands will contribute nothing but a waste of

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that having more bike stands is the better choice.

(185words, Band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 10:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Apartment Security Survey
You live in an apartment building. The apartment management wants to improve the security of the
building. One option is to install a new lock in each apartment, the other option is to install more
security cameras in the building. The management is surveying your opinion on these security
improvement plans.

Option A: I choose to have a new lock for my apartment.

Option B: I choose to have more cameras in the building.

Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see having a new lock as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe to have more cameras
in the building is the better choice.

For one thing, having multiple angled cameras in the building will better prevent burglary and robbery
from happening. According to some surveys, people are less likely to commit crimes if they see
cameras around. Adding a lock, on the contrary, won’t provide the same level of warning to the
For another thing, cameras will not only increase the level of security but also help people on other
aspects like monitoring their youngsters. Most surveillance cameras in the buildings now have wifi
option which allows people to check live video images through their smartphones. On the other hand,
a lock won’t give people the ability to know what is happening in their doorways.

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that having cameras is the better choice.

(171words, Band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 11:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Final Exam Survey
You are taking an English writing class at a local college, and your instructor is surveying your opinion
about the final exam. Currently, half of the course grade is based on a three-hour final exam written in
class. However, your instructor is considering allowing students to submit a five-page report instead,
which they would write at home.

Option A: I would prefer to write a three-hour final exam in class.

Option B: I would prefer to write a five-page report at home.

Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


I appreciate your inviting our opinions on the option of a final report in lieu of a final exam in this class.
If given the choice, I would prefer to turn in a five-page term report than to sit a final exam. I firmly
believe that writing is a craft that, in order to produce the best work product, should not have imposed
time constraints. When we are asked to write exams under short timelines, such as 3 hours, that tends
to favour efficiency over quality, and I have found in past exams that my writing suffers tremendously.
I would much prefer to have the opportunity to sit with a term project or report at home, think
through both the content and the writing style, and produce a final paper that I have spent some effort
on and that I am proud of.
Especially given the report/exam is worth half the course mark, I think it only fair that we are given the
time and opportunity with a final project to assimilate some of the lessons of the course, and put them
down in a report that is worthy of your final assessment!

(193 words, band 10-11)



I am a student in your English writing class. In response to your email regarding about final exam
survey. I would prefer to write a five-page report at home.

Although option A is ok. This final exam survey just need to memorize something and to spend 3 hour
to complete the test. Almost students will just review the content what you will cover in the exam. I
think it is not useful. Option B could encourage the students searching some information and it will
bring much knowledge to us. This option will promote the students learning more active.

If the students prepare for report, we need to collect information in the library or on website. During
this process, it is another chance for students learning by themselves. Through writing report process,
we will learn new resources and good idea from other authors. Moreover, it has 5-page length let us
write own opinion and ideas on the report. Of course, This is just my opinion. I think either option i will

(171words, Band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 12:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Bookstore Survey
The mayor’s office asked you to respond to an opinion survey about bookstores. Your neighborhood
has 3 old bookstores, but there is a plan to build a new and very large bookstore, which will put the
little stores out of business. The mayor is conducting a survey before the construction starts.

Option A: I think we should keep the old bookstores.

Option B: I think the big new store is a great idea.

Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see keeping the old bookstores as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe a big new
store is the better choice.

For one thing, a big new bookstore will give people more choice on the book selections. People tend to
choose to buy books from downtown bookstores simply because they can’t find what they want here
in the neighborhood. The old bookstores are going to fade away with or without a large bookstore
being built nearby.
For another thing, the gain will outweigh the lost if a new library is built. For example, more job
opportunities, the increase of customers and other economic benefits will be brought to this
community as the opening of the new library. So, comparing to what people might get, the loss of
some old bookstores is somewhat acceptable.

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that having a new store is the better choice.

(169words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 13:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Company Event
Your company is planning a special lunch event in July. Your manager wants to know whether you think
it would be better to have a barbeque at a local beach, or to go to a popular local restaurant that sells
fresh seafood.

Option A: Beach Barbeque: The company will supply all food and drinks.
Option B: Restaurant Lunch: The company will repay up to $50 per employee for food / drinks.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see restaurant lunch as being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe beach barbeque is the
better choice.

For one thing, I think the beach barbeque would be better value for employees. With this option, the
company will pay for all of the food and drinks that people consume, so employees will not have to pay
anything. At the restaurant, however, the company will only cover $50 of the cost of food and drinks. If
employees want to eat or drink something expensive, their bill might be more than $50 and they would
have to pay the extra cost. This would stop some people from having a good time.

For another thing, at a barbecue there are usually a wide variety of foods, including meat, vegetables
and salads and fish. This means that everyone will find something they enjoy. At seafood restaurant,
however, the options are limited for those who don’t like fish.

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that beach barbeque is the better choice.

(186words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 14:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Apartment Building Improvements
You live in a large apartment building. The building owner is planning to improve the building either by
adding a large function room that residents could reserve to hold meetings or have events, or by
adding a modern fitness centre. The owner has asked all residents of the building to fill out an opinion
Option A: Function Room: The function room would have enough space to hold events for up to 80
Option B: Fitness Centre: the fit ness centre would be free to use by up to 12 residents at one time.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your
choice. Write about 150-200 words.


There are advantages and disadvantages of both options, and it is understandable that some people
see fitness centre being in their best interest. Overall, however, I believe function room is the better

First, there are several inexpensive gyms and fitness centers located near the apartment building.
There is also a large park just down the street. This means that residents who want to stay fit have a
number of nearby options. In contrast, there are very few other places that people could reserve to
hold meetings in the neighborhood, and all of them are very costly. For example, last month, I reserve
a small meeting room at the library, and it cost me over $200.

Secondly, there are 250 or so people living in the apartment building. Even though having a new fitness
centre in the basement would be nice, I worry that its small size could be an issue. It is only big enough
for around five percent of residents to use it at one time. The Function room, on the other hand, would
be large enough for about one third of residents to use at the same time.

So, to put it in a nutshell, I strongly believe that function room is the better choice.

(208words, band 7-8)


思培真题写作练习 15:

Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions (26 Minutes)

Online or Classroom Teaching

You are a teacher at a local community college. The college administrator wants to offer online courses
to students. One possibility is to offer online-only courses. The other possibility is to offer courses that
combine online classes and traditional classroom learning. The administrator wants all instructors to
complete an opinion survey.

Option A: Online Only Courses: Students would attend all classes by logging in with their computer or
mobile device.

Option B: Combined Online and Offline Courses: Students would have classes plus at least one
traditional class each week.

Choose the option that you prefer. Explain the reason for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

I would definitely welcome the idea of shifting the entire education practice onto the cyberspace.

Virtual classroom practice has been proven to be viable with the help of some genius designed soft
wears such as Skype or Zoom, whose aim is to provide a real life classroom experience of which I
believe they have already made a success. So, I think as long as the right tool is used, telecommuting
should completely replace conventional courses as the former dominates in terms of saving time,
energy, operation cost and more, and therefore, brings relief to both instructors’ workload and
students’ pocket. Actually, the trend of putting classroom online is so inevitable in the education
industry that those refused to do so might soon loose their vantage in global-level competition since
students are allowed to choose any college and course freely regardless of distance or nationality.

That being said, combined courses seem to be playing a role of pain relief pills that help the people,
staff and students alike, who are not yet ready to go pure virtual classes get used to. It seems to be
nice but economically unwise to spend the entire week’s housekeeping services cost for just one day.

(200words, band 9-10)


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