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A Fight in the School Canteen

On 14 June 2011, at about 10; 20, some students came running to me and asked me
to come quickly. I just run to site and saw 2 students sitting on the benches with
messy uniform supervised by the prefects... Both of them were bruised on their
faces. I asked the students if they had seen what caused the fight. And got
the details that how One of the boys in the queue accused another of cutting the
queue. Before prefects or duty teachers could do anything, the two boys began to
fight. Fortunately, two strong prefects were able to grab one boy each and pull
them apart. Some students gave first aid to the boys' injuries. I noted the boys'
names and the classes they came from I have instructed two prefects to accompany
the boys back to my room, where I counted them and gave the charge sheet

It was a regular day and I was anxiously waiting for recess. As bell rang I ran
towards the canteen to get in the queue to get my French fries. Suddenly I heard
an angry yell behind me. One of the boys in the queue accused another of cutting
the queue. They began to shout angrily at each other and began to fight. They
rained punches on each other and were soon rolling on the floor. Many students
gathered round, yelling at them to stop fighting. Some prefects dashed over to stop
the fight. Another hurried off to fetch the discipline teacher, sir Baber. The
prefects kept a hold on them to make sure they did not begin fighting again. Their
uniforms were in a mess and they were quite injured. We told the teacher what had
happened and he took their names, and asked them to go to his office. Five minutes
later, the bell rang for us to return to our classes.

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