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One group that was once assumed to “deviant” but is now recognized by society is single

parents. As the labeling theory says, deviance may not be an intrinsic trait but a social perception

(Walsh, 2014, 3:12), single parents were always labelled incompetent people to raise children.

There was a popular belief that for children to wholesomely grow, they required both parents.

This notion caused a lot of stigmatization to single parent families.

The move towards recognition of single parents can be credited to variations in social

view about communal function of men and women, difference in family systems, and the

struggles of single parent raising children. This new perspective has changed the notion that

children require both parents to grow well. Also, some legal changes and media coverage have

aided in destroying stereotypes thus allowing single parent families get basic support as needed.

The recognition of single parents can be explained on the view of cultural dynamics and

changes of social norms which dictated the path of life (Walsh, 2014, 0:23). Previously, the only

recognized family setting was the nuclear family and single parent families regarded as deviants

of the norm. Overtime, with changes in perspective fostered by elements like change in gender

roles, economic changes, and progress in technology have seen all family structures accepted.

However, over time, cultural attitudes and values have shifted, and there is now a greater

recognition of the diversity of family structures and the challenges faced by single parents. For

instance, progress in reproductive techniques have seen people become parents without being

engaged and hence faulting the old family setting.

Currently, The Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a group fighting a deviant label. According

to the strain theory (Walsh, 2014, 05:15) people are likely to be deviants when they feel they are

being strained and not given equal opportunities as other in the same environment. The BLM

group is a strained activist group fighting for recognition, fairness and equal opportunities

regardless of their color.

In the course of fighting for what they believe in, BLM employs tactics such as passive

resistance, confrontational tactics and civil protests. This actions at times interrupt law and order

something that defies the mores (Walsh, 2014, 04:15).

BLM actions may defy folkways (Walsh, 2014, 03:35) and this can be regarded as threats

to the recognized social order. For instance unruly street protest go against the required way to

hold a protest. However, to either sanction the group or not entails equalizing their interests with

the demand for fairness and order in the society.

The Black Lives Matter movement has been field by social issues like police brutality

and racism with an aim of promoting awareness and necessitate for change. Therefore, the BLM

group’s actions molded on strong political, social and cultural elements that re fostered by the

need to tackle racism.



Walsh, J. (2014). What is normal? Exploring folkways, mores, and taboos | Behavior | MCAT |

Khan Academy. In YouTube.

Walsh, J. (2014). Perspectives on deviance: Differential association, labeling theory, and strain

theory. In YouTube.

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