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1. Prove sin−1 +cos −1 = tan−1

13 5 16
2. Solve : sin(2tan 𝑥) = 1
4 12 16
3. Prove tan−1 +cos −1 +sin−1 = Π/2
3 13 65
−1 −1 −1
4. If cos 𝑥 + cos 𝑦 + cos 𝑧 = Π , Prove that x2+y2+z2 +2xyz = 1
5. Solve:- sin−1 𝑥 +sin−1 (1 − 𝑥) = cos −1 𝑥
2+3cosx 1 x
6. Prove cos −1 ( ) =2tan−1 ( tan 2)
3+2cosx √5
2 −3
7. Show A = [ ] satisfies the equation x2 -6x+17 = 0. Hence find A-1
3 4
8. Solve the following system of equations:
/x +3/y+10/z = 4, 4/x - 6/y +5/z = 1, 6/x +9/y -20/z = 2
−5 1 3
9. Find the product of matrices A and B where A =[ 7 1 −5]
1 −1 1
1 1 2
B = [3 2 1] Hence solve the following system of equations :
2 1 3
x+y+2z = 1 , 3x+2y+z =7 , 2x+y+3z=2.

𝑥−1 5
10.Find x if | | is a singular matrix.
7 𝑥+1

𝑎 1 𝑏+𝑐
11.Evaluate |𝑏 1 𝑐 + 𝑎|
𝑐 1 𝑎+𝑏

12.If A is a matrix of order 3 and |A|=8 then find |adj A|.

13.If A is a matrix of order 4 then find |3A| if |A| = 5
14.IF A and B are matrices of order 2 then |4AB| where |A|=|B|= 5
a−b b−c c−a
15.Evaluate |b − c c − a a − b|
c−a a−b b−c

16.Let f be a function where f:N→N is defined as f(x) = 𝑥 3 .Show f(x) is

injective but not surjective.

17.A company sells its products at the rate of Rs 6 per unit. The variable are
estimated to run 25% of the total revenue received. If the fixed costs for
the product are Rs 4500.Find the breakeven point.
18.Fit a straight line to the following data, treating y as the dependent
X 14 12 13 14 12
Y 22 23 22 24 24
Hence predict the value of y when x=16.

𝑥+3 𝑥+5 𝑥+𝛼

19.Evaluate |𝑥 + 4 𝑥 + 6 𝑥 + 𝛾 | if α,β and γ are in A.P.
𝑥+5 𝑥+7 𝑥+𝛽

20.The revenue function is given as R(x) = 300x+25x2 , find the revenue

obtained by selling the 5th item.

21.Find 𝑥̅ , 𝑦̅, bxy, byx and ρ(x,y) where the two regression lines are 3x+12y =
19 and 9x+3y = 46

22.The regression line of y on x is 3x+4y-8 = 0 , the mean of x is 2 then find

the mean of y
2 2 4𝑥+3
23.The function f:R-{ }→ R-{ } where f(x) = , then show that f(x) is
3 3 6𝑥−4

24.Prove that the relation R on the set N*N defined by (a,b)R(c,d) ad=bc
V(a,b),(c,d)€ N*N is an equivalence relation.
25.Find the total revenue function and the demand function for the marginal
revenue function given by MR = 20e-x/10(1- )
26.A company produces two types of goods A and B, that require gold and
silver. Each unit of type A requires 3gm of silver and 1 gm of gold while
that of type B requires 1gm of silver and 2gms of gold. The company has
an availability of 9gm of silver and 8gm of gold. If each unit of type A
and type B brings a profit of ₹ 40 and ₹ 50, then formulate and solve the
LPP to maximize the profit.
27.The average cost for a commodity is given by AC = x+5+ , find
i.) the total cost function and marginal cost function in terms of x
ii.) output for which AC increases

28.The cost function for a commodity is given by C(x) =a+bx+cx2, then

𝑑 1
show (AC) = (MC - AC)
𝑑𝑥 𝑥
29.A housewife wishes to mix two kinds of food X and Y , in such a way
that the mixture contains at least 10 units of vitamin A , 12 units of
vitamin B and 8 units of vitamin C. The vitamin contents in one kg of
food are given below:-
0 Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C
Food X 1 2 3
Food Y 2 2 1
One kg of food X costs ₹ 6 and one kg of food Y costs ₹ 10.Find the least cost
of the mixture which will produce the diet.

30.For the given lines of regression x+2y=5 and 2x+3y=8, if variance of x is

12 then find variance of y.

31.A retired person wants to invest an amount of Rs 50000.He invests in two

types of bonds A and B yielding 10% and 9% return respectively on the
invested amount. He decides to invest at least Rs 20000 in bond A and at
least Rs 10000 in bond B. He also wants to invest at least as much in
bond A as in bond B. Solve the linear programming problem graphically
to maximize his returns.

32.∑x=125, ∑y=100, ∑xy=50, ∑x2=1650, ∑y2=1500 , n=25, Find the

equation of the lines of regression. Estimate x if y=5.

𝑎 𝑏 𝑐 𝑞 −𝑏 𝑦
33.Δ1 = |𝑥 𝑦 𝑧| and Δ2 = |−𝑝 𝑎 −𝑥 | without expanding Δ1 and
𝑝 𝑞 𝑟 𝑟 −𝑐 𝑧
Δ2 show that Δ1 + Δ2 = 0.
34.Show that the function f:R→R defined by f(x) = is not onto.
𝑥 2 +1
35.If y = cot −1 √cos 𝑥 - tan−1 √cos 𝑥 than prove sin y = 𝑡𝑎𝑛2

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