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Why compare constitutional law?

Consider the following example:

You are assigned to formulate a consititutional regime to protect women’s rights in
Vietnam. What would you do?
Sự đối đầu giữa:
+ reflection and choice
 tham khảo, đánh giá, suy ngẫm, phản chiếu và lựa chọn
+ accident and force
 vô tình, ép buộc lựa chọn (Do chính trị…)
 Comparing law:
+ provide an “inspriration” and “suggestions for legal solutions to a country’s issue
+ understand the paradigm of how a constitutional system came about (and whether
such system can be “replicated”)
 the study of “comparative consititutional law” is not the study of “foreign
2. Cách nghiên cứu
Look deeply
+ historical methods
+ social inquiry
+ anthropology: nhân học
+ legal analysis

Lool into a large
- Nghiên cứu so sánh hiến pháp dựa trên thống kê, dựa trên số lớn
 so sánh dựa trên số lớn, dễ phân loại
 nhìn tổng thể, nhìn rộng ra (nhìn đc trend) nhưng ko nhìn được cụ thể để giải quyết
chi tiết
+ quantitative methods

 Comparative consitutionalism: comparing different theorieson constitutional

law of different countries
So sánh về lí thuyết hiến pháp
What approach does this course take?

 Understanding Vietnam:
+ What does Vietnam need?
+ What is the main characteristics of vnese constitutional politics?
+ What would be the oppotunity for the adoption of a constitution inspired by a
foreign system?
+ what would be the constraint not to adopt such institution?
 Understanding other countries
+ how did they get to where they are now
+ understanding that a country’s constitutional law is a project of the nation
builders to attempt to arrange their own
Constitutional review: toà án bảo hiến

Sources of US constitutional law

- Án lệ (US supreme court’s decisions)
- Quy phạm pl thành văn quy định trong hp thành văn (the written constitution)
- Truyền thống hp, tập tục hiến pháp (constitutional norms or conventions)
(unwritten constitution)
Constitutional history
- The delegates of states decided to hold a meeting to create a project that can solve
the constitutional problems that the country has facing
o Goals
- Create a strong enough union to curb with interstate crimes  “establish justice”,
“insecure domestic tranquility”
- Create a strong enough central government to fight off potential foreign aggression
provide for common defence
- Create a strong enough central fund to ensure citizens in all states are better off

- ko muốn chính quyền liên bang giải quyết nhiều việc, can thiệp quá nhiều việc
Hiến pháp của Pháp

Nhận định sau:

1. The 1958 French consitution has several fundamental features/charactersistics.
Name at least two of these features/characteristics and explain
2. The doctrine of the separation of powers is a simple but crucial principle that
underpins the way in which power is used by the state. Explain the meaning of
separation of powers and consider how this doctrine operates in the French


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