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& S, /? GULF INDIAN SCHOOL, KUWAIT CLASS: XI MOCK PAPER- (2023-2024) TIME:3HRS_-——s MARKS:70 CHEMISTRY No.of printed pages: 8 Name: Class: Roll No: General instructions : 4) There are 35 questions in this question paper with internal choice. b) SECTION A consists of 18 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each. ¢) SECTION B consists of 7 very short answer questions carrying 2 marks each. d) SECTION C consists of 5 short answer questions carying 3 marks each. e) SECTION D consists of 2 case- based questions carrying 4 marks each. f) SECTION E consists of 3 long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. SECTION: A The following questions are multiple-choice questions with one correct answer. Each question carries 1 mark. There is no internal choice in this section. 1. Which among the following is not a property of electromagnetic radiation? a. The oscillating electric and magnetic fields produced by oscillating charged particles are perpendicular to each other. b. Like sound waves or waves produced in water, electromagnetic waves require a medium and cannot move in vacuum. c. There are many types of electromagnetic radiation, which differ from one another in wavelength (or frequency) d. Electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. 2. Considering the elements B, Al, Mg, and K, the correct order of their metallic character is : a.B>AI>Mg>K b.AI>Mg>B>K c, Mg>AI>K>B d. K>Mg>Al>B 3. Oxidation number of sulphur in H.S,0; is: +2 b2 c-5 tS 4, Among the following, which one is not a characteristic of an aromatic compound? a. Planarity. b. Complete delocalisation of the 1 electrons in the ring. c. Presence of (4n + 3) electrons in the ring where nis an integer (n= 0, 1, 2.4) d. Characteristic smell 5. The following data are obtained when dinitrogen and dioxygen react together to form different compounds: Page 1 of 8 Mass of Mass of, dinitrogen dioxygen 0 14g 169 w 149 329 i) 289 329 w) 289 809 Which law of chemical combination is obeyed by the above experimental data? a. Law of conservation of mass b. Law of definite proportions c. Law of multiple proportions d. Avogadro's law 6. How many electrons can fit in the orbital for which n = 3 and |= 12 a2 b6 10 dl4 7. Among the following, in which molecule we cannot explain the structure with the help of sp’ hybridization? a. CH, b.CH, ¢.NH, d.H,O 8, The measured temperature on the Fahrenheit scale is 200 °F. What will this reading be on a Celsius scale? a. 40°C b.94°C 933°C. 30°C 9, What is Lindlar’s catalyst? a. Partially deactivated palladised charcoal. _b.Cold dilute KMnO, solution c. Magnesium in dry ether d.Mixture of conc. H,SO,and cone. HNO; 10. How many o and Tt bonds are present in the following molecule: HC=CCH=CHCH, ? b. Occ! 4 Gon! 7) Tene 21; Texel ©. 0c.614; ou! 6 Te. 11. Which of the following is an example of Lewis acid? a. OH b.BCl, c.NH, LH, 12. Stock notation of HAUCI, is: a. HAUIIIICL, bb. HAUIIV)Cl, —c.-H(IJAUCI, di. HAUTIII)Cl, 13. Which of the following is not a matching pair? iT exci2 d. e265: Fou! 7 Mee ii Me a. AU=q+w, Firstlaw of thermodynamics —_b. q= C AT, Heat capacity ¢. AH-TAS, Internal energy equation d. pV= nRT, Ideal gas equation 14. (CH,};C” is more stable than (CH,],CH’ and CH,’ is the least stable cation. Which electron displacement effect can be used to suitably explain this? a. Hyperconjugative effect _b. Inductive effect c. Resonance effect d. Electromeric effect 15 to 18 are Assertion - Reasoning based questions. These consist of two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below: (a) Both A and R are true and Ris the correct explanation of A. (b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) Ais true but Ris false. (a) Ais false but Ris true. Page 2 of 8 15. Assertion (A): Hexyne has a higher boiling point than ethyne. Reason (R): Boiling point of alkynes increase with increase in molar mass. 16, Assertion (A): Soda water in bottle when left open to the air for some time, tums ‘flat’. Reason (R): By Henry's law, the mass of a gas dissolved in a given mass of a solvent at any temperature is inversely proportional to the pressure of the gas above the solvent. 17. Assertion (A): Volume is a state function. Reason (R): Iis value depends on the path of the system 18. Assertion (A): The IUPAC name of the given compound: (CH,-CH-CH,-CH; CH-CH ~CH,-CH, I It CH, CH, CH, is 2,5,6- Trimethyloctane and not 3,4,7-Trimethyloctane. Reason (R): Lowest locant number, 2,5,6 is lower than 3,5,7. SECTION:B This section contains 7 questions with internal choice in two questions. The following questions are very short answer type and carry 2 marks each. 19. Suggest a scheme of classification of the following redox reactions (a) Np (g) + Op (g) + 2NO (9) (b) 2Pb(NO,), (s) > 2PbO|s} + 4 NO, (g) +O, (g) (c) NaH(s) + HO(I) + NaOH(aq) + H, (9) (d) 2NO, (g) + 2OH'{aq) + NO; (aq) + NO; (aq}+ H,O()) 20. Calculate the mass percentage of different elements present in sodium sulphate. 21. a) Use molecular orbital theory to explain why the Ne, molecule does not exist b) Although geometries of NH, and H,O molecules are distorted tetrahedral, the bond angle in water is less than that of ammonia. Discuss, (141 marks) 22. A swimmer coming out from a pool is covered with a film of water weighing about 18g. How much heat must be supplied to evaporate this water at 298 K 2 Calculate the internal energy of vaporisation at 298K. AvapH for water at 298 K= 44.01kJ mol". (2) OR a) when AP As? will the reaction be spontaneous or not? b)Give the conditions for a reaction to be non spontaneous i) at low temperatures _ i) at high temperatures. (141 marks) 23. Explain the following reactions with one example of each: a) B-elimination reaction b) Ozonolysis (1#1 marks) OR Page 3 of 8 a) Draw the staggered and eclipsed conformations of ethane by using sawhorse and Newman projections b) Which one is more stabble- eclipsed or staggered conformation? (1 %2+ % marks) 24. Which of the following will have the most negative electron gain enthalpy and which the least negative: P, S, Cl, F @ Explain your answer. 25.) State Le Chatelier’s principle. b) To yield more product for the given reaction: 2N,(g) + O2(g) + 2N,O (g). what changes are required in the concentration and pressure of the system? (141 marks) SECTION:C This section contains 5 questions with internal choice in two questions. The following questions are short answer type and carry 3 marks each. 26. a) The Vividh Bharati station of All India Radio, Delhi, broadcasts on a frequency of 1,368 kHz (kilohertz]. Calculate the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the transmitter. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does it belong to? b) Write the electronic configurations of the following ions: {i) Na (ii) O* ¢) Draw the boundary surface diagram of dx”z’ orbital. OR a) What are the frequency and wavelength of a photon emitted during a transition from n = 5 state to the n= 2 state in the hydrogen atom? b) What are the atomic numbers of elements whose outermost electrons are represented by (a) 3s' (b) 2p* and (c) 3p° ? c) Draw the boundary surface diagram of dz” orbital. (3«1=3 marks) 27.a) State law of chemical equilibrium. b) The following concentrations were obtained for the formation of NH, from N,and H, at equilibrium at 500K. [N,] = 1.5 * 10?M. [H,] = 3.0 10M and [NH] = 1.2 x10?M, Calculate equiliorium constant. c) Give any 2 applications of equilibrium constant. oR c) What will be the conjugate bases for the bronsted acids: i) HF ii) HO, ? (3*1=3 marks) 28. a)Define molarity. b) Calculate the mass of sodium acetate (CH;COONa) require to make 500 ml of 0.375 M solution. Molar mass of sodium acetate is 82.0245 g mol (1+#2 marks) OR a) In a reaction A + B, > AB, , identify the limiting reagent, if any, in the following reaction mixtures. ()) 300 atoms of A + 200 molecules of 8, (i) 2 mol A +3 mol B, (ii) 100 atoms of A + 100 molecules of B, Page 4 of 8 b) If 4 g of NaOH dissolves in 36 g of H,O, calculate the mole fraction of each component in the solution. (1% #1% marks) 29.) Describe the theory associated with the radius of an atom as it (i) gains an electron {i loses an electron b) Give an account on the anomalous properties of elements and diagonal relationship. (1% +1 % marks) 30. a).Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds. i ili) ili) wank i NH, % wo. CO e ON b) Write the structural formula of: i) 6 Hydroxy-heptanal. il) 0-Ethylanisole, ii) 2,3 - Dibromo -1 - phenylpentane. (1% +1% marks) SECTION:D The following questions are case-based questions. Each question carries 4 marks each. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. 31.Read the passage and answer the following questions: A large number of orbitals are possible in an atom. Qualitatively these orbitals can be distinguished by their size, shape and orientation. An orbital of smaller size means there is more chance of finding the electron near the nucleus. Similarly, shape and orientation mean that there is more probability of finding the electron along with certain directions than along others. The principal quantum number determines the size and to large extent the energy of the orbital. Azimuthal quantum number, ‘I’ is also known as orbital angular momentum or subsidiary quantum number. It defines the three-dimensional shape of the orbital. Each shell consists of one or more subshells or sub-levels. The number of subshells in a principal shell is equal to the value of n. Magnetic orbital quantum number. ‘ml ' gives information about the spatial orientation of the orbital with respect to a standard set of coordinate axis. The fourth quantum number is known as the electron spin quantum number (ms). An electron spins around its own axis, much in a similar way as the earth spins around its own axis while revolving around the sun In these questions, a statement of assertion followed by the statement of reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices: a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is the correct explanation for assertion. b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is not the correct explanation for assertion. Page 5 of 8 ¢) Assertion is the correct statement but reason is wrong statement. d) Assertion is the wrong statement but reason is the correct statement. i) Assertion: Each orbital is designated by three quantum numbers labeled as n, | and mi. Reason: 'n’ is a positive integer with value of n= 1,2,3. il) Assertion: The principal quantum number identifies the shell. Reason: Size of an orbital decrease with the increase of principal quantum number 'n’, ii) Assertion: For n = 2, the possible value of |can be 0 and 1. Reason: For a given value of n, | can have n values ranging from 0 fo n-1. iv] Assertion: Each orbital in an atom, is defined by a set of values forn, | and mi. Reason: mI designates the orientation of the orbital. OR Assertion: Spin quantum numbers ms can take the values of +% or “4. Reason: Two spin states of the electron and are normally represented by two arrows, f (spin down) and | (spin up). (1#1#141 marks) 32. According to valence bond theory, covalent bond is formed by overlapping of half filled atomic orbitals resulting in lowering of energy and more stability. Bond order is the number of bonds between atoms in a molecule. Higher the bond order, more will be stability and bond dissociation enthalpy but smaller bond length. Polarity of covalent bond depends upon difference in electronegativity. Covalent character of bond depends upon polarising power, smaller cation and bigger anions have higher polarising power. VSEPR theory helps to predict shapes of molecules. Table shows the molecular orbital occupancy and molecular properties for B2, C2, N2, 02, F2, and Ne2. Observe this figure and answer the questions based on this diagram and related studied concepts. a Ty “(Ob OO O8/A 8 BI- (OO OO OO |) @ wy «. ® | = © | BY we «-. f) |G Gf |e Wf WB. o.| & 8 H;)/ ea f@ W\-. i o. | & H,. ea 8 8 ZY (9004 fF 150 = Eco Lic f Sell ll all SF: (a) Write the electron dot structure of Ni (b) why the Ne, molecule does not exist. (c) Out of By, Nz & C;, which has highest bond order? (a) What is correct order of repulsion bp - bp, Ip - Ip and Ip - bp? Page 6 of 8 (e) Draw the structure of BrF, on the basis of VSEPR theory. (f) Which out of By, Cz, N;, Oz & Fare paramagnetic and why? (ht ht hth +141) SECTION:E The following questions are long answer type and carry § marks each. Two questions have an internal choice. 33. 6) Write the products of the given reactions and give an account on the rules followed in each case. He te nome Eon, + Her a rep — Co, + Hor [eee [pres i) il) b) Write the mechanism for Markovnikov's effect. cc) Whats : i) decarboxylation reaction ? i) Sulphonation reaction @ ii) Wurtz reaction iv) Friedal crafts alkylation? (2#1+2) OR a) How would you convert: i) ethene to ethane molecule ii) Ethyne to benzene ii) Benzene to nitrobenzene b) i) Draw the structures of cis- But-2-ene and frans-But-2-ene. ii) Which isomer has high boiling point-cis or trans? Give a reason. ¢) Why is phenol an ortho - para directing group? Explain with its resonance structures. (I%+241%) 34. a) Differentiate between the following, i) Extensive property and Intensive property. ii) Standard enthalpy of fusion and standard enthalpy of sublimation. ii) Open system and closed system. b) For oxidation of iron: 4Fe (s) + 30, (g) > 2Fe,O; (s), entropy change is -549.4 JK"'mol' at 298 K. inspite of negative entropy change of this reaction, why is the reaction spontaneous? (AH? for this reaction is -1648 x 10° J mot") OR 4) Differentiate between the following. i) Enthalpy and heat capacity. _ i) Isolated system and Adiabatic system ii) Lattice enthalpy and bond enthalpy. b) 1g of graphite is bumt in a bomb calorimeter in excess of oxygen at 298 K and 1 atmospheric pressure according to the equation: C (graphite) + O, (g) CO; (g) During the reaction, temperature rises from 298 K to 299 K. If the heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter is 20.7kJ/K, what is the enthalpy change for the above reaction at 298 K and | atm? (3 +2 marks) Page 7 of 8 35. a)Categorise the following molecules/ions as nucleophile or electrophile: HS, BF,,C,H,0% (CH), N:, ci,cH;€ =0,H,N:, NO, b) Consider structures | to Vil and answer the following questions E 6 -oy-oy oa IV. CH,—CH—CH,—OH 1. cH -cH-eH—cH, 2 on V. CH,—CH,-O—CH,—CH, on VL CH,-O—CH,—cH,—cH, ML. cH,-c—cH, Vn. cH-o-r-c, HL cH, Identify the pairs of compounds which are: i)Functional group isomers. ii) Metamers iil) Position isomers _ iv]Chain isomers Cc} Differentiate between inductive effect and electromeric effect. OR, Explain the difference between the resonance effect in aniline and nitrobenzene. (142.42 marks) Page 8 of 8

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