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Distributed Systems

DHU Utility Procedure

Technical Procedure : IP Alias Verification

The verify_alias_config script

The verify_alias_config script verifies that the alias definitions in the misc_data field in HACMP resource groups have been configured correctly. The script will check the following: The format of the MISC_DATA field is correct, The alias IP address and hostname are in /etc/hosts, The qip1 DNS server reports the same IP address as in the local /etc/hosts file, The alias network name is the same as one of the HACMP service adapters, The network portion of the IP address matches the network portion of the service IP address. Error messages will be produced if any of the above checks are unsuccessful and this will cause the HACMP verification routine to fail. Warning messages will be produced if the remote HACMP node(s) is/are not responding to ping. These will not cause the HACMP verification routine to fail.

The verify_alias_config script locations.

The master copy of the verify_alias_config script is located in the /usr/local/bin directory on the Hill House control workstation, lonincws2p0-e1. Any changes to this script will be distributed to the Utility server machines via either supper or rdist. The version of this script that HACMP uses is installed into /usr/sbin/cluster/local directory. These copies are stored locally and are not updated via supper or rdist.

Changing the verify_alias_config script.

Changes to the master copy of the verify_alias_config script should be made on the Hill House control workstation, lonincws2p0-e1. To implement an updated version of the script into HACMP, you will need to copy the updated script from /usr/local/bin into the /usr/sbin/cluster/local directory on each Utility server machine.

Last modified : 29/11/02 12:41Document : IP Alias Verification

Distributed Systems

DHU Utility Procedure

Implementing a HACMP Custom Verification Method

The verify_alias_config script has been configured into HACMP as a Custom Verification Method. This means that any time the cluster definition is changed and/or synced then the verify_alias_config script will be run. To integrate the verify_alias_config script into HACMP you will need to do the following: Copy the /usr/sbin/cluster/local/verify_alias_config from another utility server into the /usr/sbin/cluster/local/ directory on the local machine. Ensure it has 750 (rwxr-x---) file permissions. smitty hacmp Cluster Configuration Cluster Verification Define Custom Verification Method Add a Custom Verification Method Enter the following information as prompted on the screen and press return. Verification Method Name [Verify_Alias_Config] Verification Method Description [Verify the IP Aliases Configuration] Verification Script Filename [/usr/sbin/cluster/local/verify_alias_config] Press PF3 until you return to the Cluster Configuration menu. Cluster Resources Synchronize Cluster Resources Select the following options and then press return to synchronize the cluster. Ignore Cluster Verification Errors? [No] Un/Configure Cluster Resources? [No] Emulate or Actual? [Actual] Skip Cluster Verification [No]

Last modified : 29/11/02 12:41Document : IP Alias Verification

Filename: IP Alias Verification Directory: H:\Utility reports\docs Template: H:\$config\template97\ Title: Technical Procedure : Node Crash Recovery Subject: Author: Jon J.M King Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: 29/11/02 12:40 Change Number: 3 Last Saved On: 29/11/02 12:41 Last Saved By: Jon J.M King Total Editing Time: 2 Minutes Last Printed On: 29/11/02 13:18 As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 2 Number of Words: 442 (approx.) Number of Characters: 2,520 (approx.)

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