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List of Programs for Annual Practical Exam

Computer Science
Grade 11

Unit Name Marks

Python Program 12
Report file 7
Project 8
Viva 3
Total 30

5 Questions

S. No Programs
1 Write a menu driven program to perform various list operations, such as:
• Append an element
• Insert an element
• Append a list to the given list
• Modify an existing element
• Delete an existing element from its position
• Delete an existing element with a given value
• Sort the list in ascending order
• Sort the list in descending order
• Display the list

2 Write a menu driven program to count different characters in string (sentence):

 Count the number of characters.
 Count number of capital letters
 Count number of small letters
 Count number of blank spaces
 Count number of digits
 Count number of special or other characters
 Number of alphabets
 Number alphanumeric characters
 Number of words
 Exit

3 Write a menu driven program to perform to perform the following operations:

 Find Sum of Digits
 Reverse the number
 Check if the number is a palindrome
 Check if the number is an Armstrong number
 Check if the number is a perfect number
 Check if the number is a prime number
 Check if a single digit number is present in a multi - digit number
 Exit

4 Write Menu-driven program using dictionary:

 Add New Contact
 Modify Phone Number of Contact
 Delete a Friend's contact
 Display all entries
 Check if a friend is present or not
 Display in sorted order of names
 Exit

5 Write Menu-driven program to perform the following operations:

 Perfect number
 Armstrong number
 Palindrome number
 Reverse the number
 Check if a single digit number is present in a multi - digit number
 Exit

(Do not use strings or slicing)

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