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xiii. 24; 107
xiii. 25; 105
xiv. 5; 103
xiv. 9; 103
xiv. 10; 108
xiv. 15; 5, 102
xiv. 1; 102
xiv. 23; 104
xiv. 27; 102
xiv. 28; 108
xiv. 31; 100
xv. 1; 102
xv. 8, 9; 100
xv. 16; 103
xv. 17; 106
xv. 25; 100
xv. 27; 105
xv. 29; 100
xv. 33; 104
xvi. 7; 101
xvi. 2; 108
xvi. 9; 24, 101
xvi. 14; 108
xvi. 18; 104
xvi. 32; 106
xvii. 3; 101
xvii. 4; 299
xvii. 6; 306, 107
xvii. 7; 104
xvii. 9; 106
xvii. 28; 102
xviii. 9; 104
xviii. 22; 106
xix. 5; 265
xix. 16; 101
xix. 14; 106
xix. 17; 100
xix. 18; 107
xix. 26; 306
xx. 1; 105
xx. 20; 107, 306
xx. 22; 100
xx. 27; 495
xxi. 1; 108
xxi. 3; 100
xxi. 13; 101
xxi. 15, 23; 103
xxi. 30, 31; 101
xxii. 2; 100, 316
xxii. 6, 9, 15; 107, 480
xxii. 23; 100
xxii. 24; 308
xxiii. 4; 322
xxiii. 13 sq.; 107
xxiii. 22; 318
xxiii. 29 sq.; 105
xxiv. 13 sq.; 102
xxiv. 17 sq.; 107
xxiv. 21; 318
xxiv. 24 sq.; 106
xxiv. 30 sq.; 104
xxv. 1; 97
xxv. 15; 103
xxv. 17; 309
xxv. 26; 103
xxv. 28; 106
xxvi. 4 sq.; 103
xxv. 20; 107 [519]
xxvii. 1; 108
xxvii. 2; 104
xxvii. 5, 6; 106
xxvii. 10; 309
xxvii. 12; 102
xxvii. 19; 306
xxvii. 23 sqq.; 105
xxviii. 20; 103
xxviii. 24; 306
xxviii. 25; 105
xxix. 12; 299
xxix. 18; 101
xxx. 1; 97, 98
xxx. 5; 98
xxx. 7 sqq.; 321
xxx. 17; 107, 305
xxxi.; 475
xxxi. 1; 98
xxxi. 10 sqq.; 106

Job i. 21 sq.; 109, 278, 284

ii. 5, 9; 109
ii. 10; 111
iii. 19; 111, 492
iv. 17; 111
v. 17; 111
vi. 14; 308
vii. 1; 111
vii. 9; 166
ix. 4; 111
x. 21; 166
xii. 12; 317
xiii. 15; 111
xiv. 14; 167
xix. 25 sq.; 111, 167
xxii. 13 sq.; 144
xxviii. 28; 112
xxxii. 8; 323

Song of Solomon, vi. 3; 113

Ruth i. 16 sqq.; 113

Lam. i. 18; 143

iii. 38 sq.; 221
iii. 66; 387

Eccles. i. 18; 114

iii. 1, 2; 114, 489
iv. 5, 6, 17; 115
v. 1, 3; 115
v. 11; 322
v. 12; 321
vii. 1, 9, 16, 17; 115
vii. 20; 115, 407
viii. 12 sqq.; 143
ix. 8; 115
x. 2, 8; 115
xi. 4; 116
xi. 9, 10; 490
xii. 1; 116
xii. 7; 116, 165
xii. 13; 154, 274

Esther ix. 29; 116

x. 3; 303

Dan. ii. 27 sq.; 118

iv. 27, 34; 120
v. 25 sqq.; 120
v. 30; 120
vi. 1; 120
vi. 11; 430
viii. 14; 122
viii. 26; 123
x. 13; 124
xi. 14, 35; 227
xii. 2; 164
xii. 3, 6, 7; 124
xii. 8; 163
xii. 13; 124

Ezra iii. 4; 206

vii. 6, 10, 28; 125
viii. 1; 125

Neh. i. 1; 125
viii.; 207
viii. 1; 206
viii. 2; 401
viii. 10; 206, 354, 401
viii. 13; 206
xiii. 15; 351

1 Chron. xxix. 14; 275

2 Chron. vii. 9, 10; 401

xx. 20; 8
xxx. 2; 376
xxxvi. 16; 317 [520]

Wisdom vi. 17 sqq.; 128
x. 8 sq.; 128
Sirach vi. 6; 308
xxxix. 1 sqq.; 129

Gen. iv. 8; 144
Exod. xiii. 16; 331
Exod. xxiii. 19; 465
Isa. xxix. 10; 190
Jer. xxix. 15; 190

Mechilta, Exod. xiii. 9; 338
Sifra, Lev. xix. 18; 291
Sifre, Deut. xi. 13; 418
Deut. xi. 18; 338
Deut. xiv. 3; 455
Deut. xxxiv. 10; 200
Rabboth, Lev. ix.; 274
Lev. xxiv.; 272, 275, 283
Num. xviii.; 431
Deut. ii.; 282
Song of Solomon, v. 2; 282
Midrash on Ps. c.; 216
Yalkut, Gen. v. 1; 292
Deut. vi. 16; 308
Isa. viii. 1; 223
Micah vi. 8; 238
Mal. ii. 7; 315
Ps. lvi.; 188

Berach. i. 4; 432
i. 5; 525
iv. 1; 435
iv. 3; 430
iv. 5, 6; 426
v. 1; 453
vi. sqq.; 442
ix. 5; 278
Peah i. 1; 222
Shabbath. i. 1; 397
ii. 6; 358
vi. 1; 331
vii. 2; 351, 397
xxiii. 4; 474
xxiii. 5; 496
Pesach. i. 1, 4; 377
ii. 1; 377
iv. 1, 5; 373
iv. 9; 376
vi. 3; 381
x. 1; 380, 373
x. 3; 381
Shekalim i. 1: 370
Yoma x. 1; 406
Succah iii. 8; 397
iv. 1; 397
iv. 5; 398
v. 2; 426
v. 4; 425
Rosh ha-sh. i. 1; 402
iv. 1: 397
Taanith iii. 8; 423
iv. 2; 433
Megillah iii. 4 sqq.; 432, 369
iv. 10; 347
Kethub. ii. 10; 485
vii. 6; 467
Kiddush. i. 7; 471
Sotah iii. 4; 481
Sanhedr. x. 1; 231
Eduyoth iii. 7; 229
Aboth i. 5; 470
i. 6; 300
i. 7; 328
i. 10; 322
i. 16; 454
ii. 4; 312
ii. 10; 263, 298
ii. 12; 263, 288, 293
ii. 13; 187
iii. 2; 311
iii. 9; 324
iii. 12; 314
iii. 13; 55
iii. 14; 1, 146, 221 [521]
iii. 17; 324
iv. 1; 50
iv. 2; 151
iv. 8; 455
iv. 11; 186
iv. 12; 315
iv. 18; 491
iv. 22; 222
v. 10; 298
v. 16; 307
v. 20; 289
v. 21; 479
v. 22; 327
vi. 3; 315
vi. 6; 327
Tamid v. 1; 433

Bab. Talm.—
Berach., p. 3a; 434
4b; 439
5a; 223, 282, 490
6a; 285
6b; 487
8a; 285
10a; 282
12a; 432
15b; 419
17a; 471
28b; 419
29b; 422
30a; 426
31a; 445, 484
33b; 274
40a; 319
60b; 284
Shabb., p. 10a; 445
31a; 238
31b; 274
88b; 310
92a; 50
118a; 323
119b; 317
130a; 337
Erub. p. 104a; 428
Pesach., p. 7b; 330
100a; 356
114b, 115b; 381
117b; 380
118a; 221
Rosh ha-sh., p. 10b; 405
16a; 186, 282
34b; 447
Taanith, p. 7a; 314
11a; 312
Yoma, p. 23a; 310
Succah, p. 51b; 426
Megillah, p. 23a; 347
31b; 317
Kethub., p. 8b; 493
Kiddush., p. 29a; 322
31a; 427
39b; 222
Nedarim, p. 37b; 204
Gittin, p. 14b; 495
60a; 210
Sotah, p. 3a; 148
11b; 472
Baba kamma, p. 92b; 465
93a; 310
113a; 311, 488
B. Metsia, p. 58b; 299
59; 217, 299
B. Bathra, p. 14b; 110, 209
15a; 110, 116
165a; 299
Sanhedr., p. 56a; 462
90; 317
91b; 160
98b; 161
99a; 210
106a; 290
Ab.-zarah, p. 3a; 222
Menach., p. 36b; 333
42b; 330
65; 393
69; 457
Chullin, i.; 463
p. 27b; 464
60a; 182
65a; 465 [522]
Niddah, p. 45b; 472
Soferim vi. 4; 203
xiv. 18; 420
xxi. 3; 373
Aboth di-R. N. xxxiv.; 202

Jerus. Talm.—
Berach. i. 7; 272
Pesach. x. 1; 373
Shekalim i. 1; 370
Chagigah i. 7; 3
Megillah i. 7; 217

Maimon., Mishn.-torah—
Hilchoth Deoth v. 11; 483
Talm. Torah v. 1. 7; 315
vi. 11; 317
Teshubhah iii. 5; 111
iii. 6; 312
Tefillah i. 1; 419
iv. 15; 419
Tefillin iv. 26; 337
Mezuzah vi. 13; 337
Tsitsith iii. 12; 336
Berachoth i. 5; 433
Shabbath xxx. 1; 339
Hilchoth Maach. as. i. 14; 465
i. 21; 460
iii. 3; 466

I., i. 1; 467
i. 4; 419
ii. 6; 427
liii. 4; 450
Tur. I., cclxxi.; 356
II., lxxxii.; 465

Daily Prayer-book—
p. 3 1; 148, 277
8; 287
15; 334
39; 31, 184
49; 225
51; 185
76; 31
111; 267
129; 23
153; 311
249; 150
304; 478
308; 479
314; 491 [523]

1 The numbers refer to pages in the Authorized Daily Prayer-book, with a new translation by the Rev. S.
Singer. ↑
Abib, month of, 59, 362, 363.

Abstinence, 320.

Adar, 362, 363, 369, 411.

Additions, apocryphal, 131.

Additional prayer (or sacrifice), 345, 408, 435.

Adultery, 261.

Afikuman, 382, 386.

Agadah, 138.

Aged, the, 317.

Allegorical headings of psalms, 94;

of proverbs, 97.

Almsgiving, 303.

Al-tikre, 204.

Amidah, 225, 359, 404, 436, 437.

Ancient Versions, 204.

Angels, 250.

Anglican Version revised by M. Friedländer, 224.

Anniversary of the death of a relative, 495.

Anthropomorphism, 41.

Apocrypha, 127.
Arba-kanfoth, 329.

Ark, 424.

Ascetism, 320.

Associate, 309.

Atheism, 27, 143 sq.

Atonement, Day of, 59, 206, 329, 342, 346, 353, 400, 405 sq.;
Vicarious, 224

Attributes of God, 39, 171;

the thirteen, 45.

Authenticity of the Pentateuch, 134, 202;

of Isaiah, 212.

Azharoth, 241.

Bar-mitsvah, 347, 481.

Benediction of the priests, 442.

Benedictions. See Berachoth.

Berachoth, 283, 329, 334, 341, 348, 352, 357, 359, 377, 382, 385, 397, 410, 411,
437 sqq., 442;
form of obligatory, 444.

Beth-din, 237, 445.

Beth ha-keneseth, 423.

Beth ha-midrash, 348, 469.

Betrothal, 484.

Bible, the, 56 sqq.;

Hebrew names of, 56 sqq.;
headings of the books of, 56;
—and Science, 33;
figurative speech in, 176;
interpretation of, 175;
criticism, 210.

Blessings. See Berachoth.

Blood, 416, 459, 465.

Booths, 395.

Burden ( = prophecy), 191.

Burial, 492;
Service, 493.

Calendar, 59, 360 sqq.

Cause, the first, 30, 171, 174;

intermediate causes, 171. [524]

Caviare, 461.

Centre of universe, 182.

Chalet, 474.

Chanuccah, 409.

Charity, 302, 469.

Children, 305.

Chizzuk-emunah, 226.

Chol-hammoëd, 390, 397.

Christianity, 225.

Chronicles, The Books of the, 87;

contents of, 126;
sources of, 127.

Chukkoth haggoyim, 428.

Circumcision, 58, 336, 478.

Citron, 396.

Civil marriage and divorce, 488.

Cleanness, 206.

Comforting mourners, 302, 493.

Commandments, the Ten, 195, 247 sqq.;

Divine, 239;
division and number of, 239 sqq.

Communion with God, 279, 422.

Community, 312.

Confession, 288, 407.

Contentment, 103.

Controversy between God and Israel, 83.

Covenant with God, 170;

of Abraham, 336, 478;
new, 74, 216.

Covering the head, 427, 444, 467.

Creation, 22 sqq., 177 sqq., 255, 269, 403;

successive, 181;
Creator, 174.

Cuzari. See Kuzari.

Daniel, 50;
Book of, 87, 116 sq., 205;
contents of, 118;
date of composition, 214;
mysterious numbers, 163.
Day, 360;
days of the week, 473;
of Atonement, 59, 206, 288, 329, 342, 346, 353, 401 sq., 405 sqq.;
of blowing the shofar, 206;
of Judgment, 404;
of the Lord, 80;
of Memorial, 404.

Days of the Omer, 392;

end of days, 213.

Decalogue. See Ten Commandments.

Deism, 29.

Destruction of the Temple, 403, 412.

Deuteronomy, 60 sqq., 208.

Devotion, 419;
—and wickedness, 235.

Dietary Laws, 59, 206, 235, 237, 455 sqq.

Dishonesty, 293.

Divine worship, 413.

Divorce, 487.

Duty, 233 sqq.;

towards God, 273;
towards our fellow-men, 292 sqq.;
towards ourselves, 319;
of the heart, 173.

East, praying towards, 425.

Earth, smallness of the, 182.

Ecclesiastes, 87, 114, 154, 321, 399.

Education, 324, 471, 479 sqq.

Efficacy of prayer, 44, 183, 422 sqq.

Eighteen, the, scil. Blessings, 430, 437.

Elders, 60.

Elohim, 196, 211.

Employers and employed, 313.

Emunah, 4, 17.

Emunah-ramah, 171, 205, 219.

Emunoth ve-deoth, 10, 171, 218.

Enmity, 309.

Eternity of matter, 33.

Ethrog, 396.

Existence of God. See God.

Eve of Sabbath, 340 sq., 361;

of Festivals, 340, 372, 474. [525]

Evil, 221.

Evil tongue, 298.

Evolution, 180.

Faith, 5;
Principles of, 20 sqq.;
fundamental principles of, 170, 173.

Fast, 329, 342, 406;

of Tammuz, 412;
of Ab, of Gedaliah, and of Tebeth, 412;
of Esther, 412;
of the First-born, 373.

Fate, 147.
Feast of Dedication, 409;
of Lots, 411;
of Tabernacles, 395, 426;
of Weeks, 393;
the Scholars 392.

Festivals, 59, 235, 289, 339, 346, 435;

the Three, 369;
solemn, 400;
eve of, 474 sq.

Figurative speech in the Psalms, 89 sqq.

Figures of speech in the Scriptures, 176.

First Cause. See Cause.

Flood, 48.

Folly and wisdom, 102.

Forbearance, 310.

Fraud, 293.

Freewill, 146, 173, 220.

Friendship, 306.

Funeral rites, 494.

Gan-eden, 223.

Gehinnom, 223.

Gemara, 137.

Geonim, 434.

Gezeroth, 139.

Gloves in Synagogues, 444.

God, 22 sqq.;
attributes of, 39;
belief in, 248;
blessing of, 101;
children of, 42;
dependence of man on, 112;
eternity of, 43, 173;
existence of, 22, 171 sq., 369, 389, 404;
faith in, 277;
fear of, 102, 273;
House of, 42, 423;
immutability of, 45, 185;
incorporeality of, 41, 173;
justice of, 100, 112, 170, 404;
kindness of, 45;
love of, 274;
man of, 190;
names of, 196, 211;
omnipotence of, 44;
omniscience, 101, 112, 173;
perfection of, 173;
prescience of, 220;
providence of, 170;
Spirit of, 39;
unity of, 38, 171, 173, 249, 388, 436, 491;
ways of, 290;
Will of, 39, 101, 178;
wisdom of, 39, 112;
Word of, 191;
directs man’s actions, 101;
is our Father, 42;
loves the good, 100;
protects the weak, 100.

Gratitude, 275.

Greetings, 402, 475.

Guide of Maimonides, 14, 174, 182, 198, 202, 218.

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