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l*"-91 Nln xuAT BAN DAt Hoc ou6c ern ln ruor
I. Multiple choice.
L She has alr,vays renrained to her political principles.
A. loyal B. loyalty, C. faith D. faithfully
2. Claire has a lvide circle of friends and.............
A. neighborhoocl B. acquaintances C. friendship D. relations
3. She was .................. of lrearing about their trip to lndia.
A. bored B. interested C. keen D. tired
4. The local people are very to strangers.
A. cornfortable B. hospitable C. enjoyable D. familiar
5. Children need a environnient.
A. caring B. grow'irrg C. protecting D. setting
6. The statement is open to various
A. infonnation B. learning C. hearing D. understarrdings
7. Slie sat ................ waiting for her turrr.
A. patietrt B. patience C. patiently, D. calrn
8. She rvanted the celebration to be a sirnpie family,
A. work B. affair C. duty D. job
9. Please try to be to ollr guests.
A. pleasant B. pleasantly' C. please D. pleased
I0.The research was carried ollt on a .................. scale.
A. nrode B. rnodesty C. modestly D. modest
I l.l lrave heard that musician the piano
A. played B. plays C. pla_v. D. to play
12.Try so rnany mistakes.
A. not to make B. not rnake C. to make not D. make not
l3.Mother warned the electric plLrg.
A. her t)ot to toucll B. her touclring rrot
C. her not touclr f). not touch
l4.Don't tell Nanr because I don't rvant
A. hirn to know B. know C. him know D. knowing
I5.She explained
A. how to make it B. me how to make it
C. me to make it D. nre make it
l6.Many of the stories are based rumor.
A. on B. in C. at D. under
He rvas arrested
I 7. suspicion nrurcler.
A. in - of B. on - of C. at - of D. uncler - of
l8.l was ..... of his motives.
A. suspect B. suspicion C. suspiciorrs D. suspiciously
l9.ldidn't expect thern to.iurnp for.............. at tlre nervs.
A. joy B..ioyful C. enloy D. en joyable is a r illage of....................... streets.
A. crook crcroking C. crooks
B. D. crooked
I1.I-ler r,,ords leti a .......... impressiotl oll lre.
.{. last B. lasting C. lasted D. lastl"' *as generoLls hitn to olI'er to pa1" fbr us both.
A. to B. about C. of D. a(
ll.l can't stand people rvitlt tto . of lrLttrlot
A. ability B. spirit C. keenness D. sense
l-1.lhave nothins in ........................ rvith I irn'
A. toqetlter B. common C. cclrntronll D' altogetlter
l5.Wlren I botrglrt tltc house. ttly- sister ltelped llre ................' u'ith a loatr.
A. out B. oLrt of c.up D. off
26.1-he organizatiop offers . help in dealing rvith paper*'ork
A. practice B. practical C. theoretical D. setrsitire
2 7. 1\4)- father r"rsLral ll' helps rne ................ E,ngl i sh.
A. to learrr B. learrr C. learning D. A and B
28.1 told her .............. about lrer rveddingl everything will straighten ottt.
A. don't worry B. not to worry C. no r'r'orry D' not \\'orry
29.She him when he called her.
A. pretended not hear B. pretended she heard not
C. pretended not to hear D. did not pretend hear
3 0. The doctor adv ised .................... late.
A. me not staying uP B. rne not stay up
C. me not to stay uP D. I did not stay up

II. Supply each blank rvith the correct preposition

l. I-{e insisted ............ seeing tlte document.
2. It's usually Saralt rvho deals ............ all the problems.
i. I arrived May last year, and the end of the year I spoke quite
good E,nglish.
4. They succeeded escaping the btrrning house'
5. The man smiled me and then spoke me ........'..'... a foreign
6. George 1ives ................... a tarm ,............."... the coLll.ltry.
7. lf 1,ou're agreeable otlr proposal, we'll go ahead'
8. Three boys were ahead ............ tts.
9. I'm sure he's capable better work than this.
l0.The government invested a great deal of morley in irrigation to protect fields

III. Fill in each gap with a word from the box.

selfishly consiste nl chunge brighten

ctcqrutinlunce conslun(')) consislenlly enlhusiasnr
loyalisl urtselfish lovul enthusitr,tl
l. ller rvork lras been of a ...... high standarci.
L Wc have argued consistentll' fbr a ........... irr the larv.
i. -l-he ne$'s was greeted r.r'itlt a lack of .. by those at the nleeting.
4. He is an ........... of jazz.
-5. She has ahvavs remained to her political principles.
6. A .......... is a 1-lersorr rrlro is lo1'al to the ruler or govenmeltt. or to a
political part\. espccially' during a tinre of chzrrtge.

7. He admired her courage ancl .............

8. According to the tbrecasl. it shotrld ..... up later.
9. I anr delighted to ntake \'orrr ........... Mrs. Baker.
l0.She looked fbru,ald. a little ... to a rveekertcl awal'fi'om her family.
I I .'I'hat r.nan alr.lal's ltas ............. tttotir es.
l2.She's not ver)' ...... in tlte uav she treats her children.

IV. Fintl a suitable rvord for the sentences belolr. One example has been for
\ ou.
0. .A. He lq[orved her into tlte hottse.
B. I thirrk lve're being fallarysd.
C. She follorred lter utotlter into the medical profession.

l. A. She has plaled with great ...... all season.

B. We neecl to ensure the .............. of service to ottr cllstonlers.
C. Beat the ingreclients together to a crealry
2. A. You don't sourtd ver1,' ......... about the idea.
B. She was even less ....,.... about going to Spain.
C. . He is an suppofier ol-M.l-J.
3. A. I can't sav I sltare yoltr ........... for thc iclea.
B. She ttcver lost her ...... for teaching.
C. [{e had a real ......... lbr the work.
4. A. They srvore their.................... to the king.
B. Can lcolttttolr)'our....................?
C. He sr^,ore the .................... to the countrl,beiirre beconring a Presidettt.
5. A, I have no ...................... for Jane. it's all her ou tt 1ault.
B. 'fhe seauren went on strike in .. with tlte titrcke'rs.
C. There was no personal .. betrveert thenr.
6. A. -l-lte1.'have beeu ........... friencls lor a long tinte.
B. We're not on .... terrns u itlt oLrr tteightrors.
C. There is an .............. connectit'ln l-letuccn class ancJ cclttcitliclnal su ,:]5r
7. A. We rnet at the horne of a ............ fl'iend.
B. They soott cliscovered a...................... itttcle:t irt tttttsic.
C. ldon't like her, and Ithink the leeling is................. .... .

8. A. ....... fbrrned *ltile she \\as at collegc.

B. He seenred to have alrcadl begLrtt a.......................... with.i'r
C. The Youtlr Festir al i: a conl'erence to prollote ir'1., ,r ., ,,111;11
9. A, Her ............ in hirl rvas unlbrtttded.
B. lt has taken 1'ears to earn their
C. If you pLlt )'oLlr '..'.. itl me' I will not let y<-ru dcrrin'
10. A. The tu'o cultttres have a lot in '..'....'.
B. Britain. irr....................... with many other industrialized cottntries. has
e rperiettced major cltanges over the last 100 years'

C. They hold the propertl'as tenants in .........'.....

B. Thel' failed to see the '. of the sitLtatiorr'

C. The filrr rs onll' funny' if yoLr appreciate Frettclt
12. A. In the distarlce' the sk1' rl'as beginrling to """"""""""" '
B. I ......................tlp at their uorc'ls of encouragenlellt'
C. A personal letter will trsualll '"' up a person's day'
i3. A. He's-jLrstabusiness
B. F{e hoped their '..'...'... . 'uvoLtld ilevelop iufther'
C. I had little u'ith modern iroelry"
14. A. Do you think I'rn being '.....'.. b.v- not ietting, her go?

B. It rvas ...... of hirn to leave allthe'r'vork to vtlr-t'

C. I hate peopte u'ith ..'.' behar"ior'
15. A. Babies need ........... attentiott'
B. This entrance is in ""' Llse'
C. The museum has a '...'....' stream of visitors all day"

V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold'

1. That is an area of the country that lte knew ..... . (intirnate)
2. She was ............ involved in the pro.iect. (intimate)
3. Tliey are close fiiends arrd they always offer...,......... sttpport. (mutuality)
4. The weather is very ....... at this tirne of year' (change)
5. My opinion retlairts .'. . (change)
6. They have fbllowed ....... laws for several centuries. (change)
7. Our heartfelt .. goes out to the victitns of the war. (sympathize)
8. I dicl not feel at all ........'. towards Kate. (sympathy)
9. We hope this applicatiorr will be treated ...... . (sympathy)
10.1'll leave the organizatiou itr vour.... hands' (able)

VI. Match the words with the kinds of people they describe. Then decide
which words are positive and which are negative. Write P (positive) or N
(negative) next to each word.
...... l. easy goirrg...... a. a person who doesn't usually ask other peollle
for help
...... 2. independerrt...... b. someone who doesn't like giving things to otlter
c. someone rvlro i:xpresses very strong beliefs
abotrt tlrirtgs
d. people who don't do what they say thel' rvill
... . "1. cpinicnatc-ci...... e. a person wlrrr enjo!s being rvith otlrer people
... .. 6^ sociat,i,::.."... l. someone r,'",lro is often in a bacl nrttod or
...... . stingl,
,a ..... g. a person rvlro doesn't rvorry much or
-eet angry,
...... S. Lrnreliable...".. lr. peopie who don't make a big deal about their
vll" Conrpk:te the sentences rvith the correct form of the verb giveil. use the
imii*itivs cr gerund form"
l. .,\s \\ie don't agree about politics. rve uenerally avoicl.
leliscuss) thc suLr.f ect.
2. I.iir cjlr"-sn't gcr t,n u'ith the neu, boss. so he"s askecl. :.... (transier)
Ii'l r riirlt:t' hrarrch 0l'tlre ccmpanr,.
3, Ilielse stop... .-.. (interrupt) me u'hen I'ur explaining something to
vou. Yo* caii ask questions at the end.
4 \l:e hal arrangeir. ..... (meet) in rnv office so that he could check
{h,; t.locirrncnts lre needed.
5. lr-ni.rst sa1". Idon't reall;v fancy ....... (spend) rny rvhole holida.v
q ilh ml cousius.
6. I-l': adrnit"s. .. (enter) the house br-rt he sar.s he didn't take an;thing.
7. I'vc apolo*ize;l to her but she still refuses. .. ... (speak) to me.
8. \\/l.rat a dreadful man! Can vou imagirre ..... (live) with him?
L Of course I help you, as long as it doesn't involve. .........."... (lift)
anything heavy'., nol I've f-orgotten. ..... (bring) my briefcase with me. I'll have
to go back ftir it"
vItI. complete the conversation by filling each gap with an appropriate verb
in the corrcct form.
A Ann: What are you doing this rveekend?
Bill: I'm hoping ( l).... ....... n.ry parents, if I can.
Ann: I thouglrt you went to see tlrem last weekend.

(.3).".. ...... the visit for a week because they hadn't finished
(4) ....... tlre spare room.
FJ Ciila: Cian yoLr help me rvith the packages?
Dal,e: Ol course.
cilla: I've got to get them all posted today. one of our big customers has
said he'll consider (5)..,. .......1o another supplier iiwe don,t
improve our delivery tirnes.
Dave: We have been failing (6).... .on time? I didn't know rhat.
Cilla: Apparently, someone forgot (7) .. .... an order last month.
So I agreed (8)... . ... .... them nryself tlris tirre, because rve
can't risk (9).... ....... such an impoftant cLlstomer.
C Jack: Oh, dear" here's another note lronr Peter.
Sean: Wh1' does he keep ( l0) .. . ... . you?

Jack: He lyants me to .ioin his basketbail team. He's offered

(l l)., repair my car if I agree (12):.........them. The
trouble is" it involves ( I 3)... . ... a lot of practice

sessions and I haven't got time. And I can fix the car by rnyself.
Sean: Weil, 1'ou'tl just have to find a way to say "llo". Yr,Ll can't avoid
IX. Complete the report b-v- putting the verbs in the correct form, using the
gerund or the infinitive form.
Andrerv Spicer- the local c;-cling star. has decided (l).... .... (abandon)
his second attempt (2)--.... .. (ride) rtotr-stop lor trventr-'-fbur hours. His
decision (3).....---..-.-... (give) $p cante after poor weather conditiorrs had caused
him to delay (4).... .-..(rbt) off for several hours. His f-irst attempt had also
ended in failure, nhen he appeared (5).... .... (lose) control of his bicycle
after he s\r,enred to avoid (6).... .... (hit) a small child. He narrowly'missed
(7)...-..:...--.... (crash) into a gate and ended up nr a strean-I. l{e says that he has
not yet decided w,hether (8)..... (tr--v) one tnore titne. but denies
(9)...... (lose) interest in tl"e project. "l aint ( l0).'. ..... (raise)
money forthe local hospitat.'" Ire explains. "1'hey deserve (lt) . ..... (help)
and I shall do itif I can manage ( l:) ..... (find) the tittre."
X. Complete the conversations w'ith thc correct form of the verhs in brackets
and any other essential worCs.
A Pat: Which is the best rortte into the city center?
Mick: It dr-'.€sn't make much difference. except I'd advise (l) yotr nol lo
Ir"re lnotirise) the Higlt Street dtrrirrg the ruslt hottr.
B Mary: Is }lr. lv\risentan free'l
Joe: \\'ell. there s Eio one rvitlr l:inl. but I r,vouldil't attel.llpt (2)..'."..
{spcaki kl }'.:;ir rciu. if I were ycltt. He's in a fool mood.
Mary: Oli- I ion"t nrind (i)... ....... (shoLrt) at hirl. He
threalcned (.1)... ... . . . . . (sack) me last lveek. but he

apologized r,ery politell' later.

C Sue: I don't tnist that new cashier.
Jill: l.\'h,'l not?
beftrrc he cante here, but u,hen I asked hirn about them he kept
(6).". . ..... (change) tlre subject. I was wc'dering
(?)...... .... (say) something to the manager.
Jill: Perh*ps hr--'s jnst shy'. Why don't rve go on (8).
(be! friendh"for a feu' ntore days and see how he behaves?
Sue: OK- I rnust sa1'. I'd hate (9). (get) someone into
trot'hle lrrr nntlrirlg.
D Arrdv: Idon'1. know what to do about Gernrna. She's so difflcult to r.vork
with. She keeps lbruetting ( l0) . (pass) on
irnportant nlessages. anil she rvon't let ( I I )... . (help)
ltcr u lrcrr slte'. hLr:-r .

Joarr: FJare l'orr actLrallr, talked to her about all this'l

'[ha1's parl o1'the problern.
Andl': l've rried (l])... ...... (discriss)
tlre problcnr uith lrer. but she alu,ays snys she's too busl'to stop and
talk. I've even tried (13) ..... (ask;irer to have lunclr
witlr rne. but she doesrr't waltt to.
Joan: Ithink I'd better have a chat rvith lrer. I-lolv long has she beerr like
tlr is?
Andy: Oh. it's several r,vceks nor.v.
Joan: Well. I'd realll like (14) ....... (kiiori,) aboLrt rhe
problertr earlier. Never mind. I'll see what I can do.
Andl': Tlranks very nruclr.
XI. Complete the sentences lvith vour orvn itleirs, using thc gerund or the
infiniiive of a verb.
0. I never pennit onl'one lo reud rlv diary.
I. I learned . .. at the agc. of
2. Ican'theIp.. ...... u'hen I seesonteouebcingtreatedunl'airly.
3. I don't practice regrrlarlr, as I shcluld.
4. I sometirnes pretend ......uhen really l'rn just day,dreaming.
5. Ialrvalrs encourase ...llhich I have enioyed reading rnyself.
6. I remernber .. .r,l'hen I rvas a srnall chilcl, but I don't
rernember .... althoueh my family sa1,s I did.
7. I enjo;- ...evelt though I'rtr not very qttod at it.

9. l've qiven trp

l0.l olterr help . .

XIl. Prepositions antl expressions + -ing.

A. L'lulc'h tlrc two futlyc.s o/_auch .sentcnc'c.
How to study efficiently
|. Begin b1 a. making plans voLr can't possibly keep.
2. Be realistic: there's no point in b. rnaking a list of what vou have to do^
3. Find a quiet place rvhere you c. stLrdving.
carr u'ork rvithout d. marking eaclr topic ol.l yoLll. Iist as you
4. ll'possible, use it onh,ibr complctc it.
5. Check 1,ou have everythinq ),t-ru e. -junrping up to letch things every five
need trefore rn irrrrtes.
6.'fhis rleans you won't waste f-. being interrLrptecl.
tirne g. startirrg u ork.
7. Encourage yourself by

Iq' ?" Reaol thr+ugh the exam paper carefuiiy"
t 2. t1[oeC:. r:re :'mS;:rryCtfOmS"
3, *,clntt sglerrd **o dergi @rE or?e Ewestd*l...
4" Elrniij try ta $ee ftOBv yrtur {ri,ends A.r:ey €&ff,ir!!,;j _trrE.

5" Alle.iut tirxe to check ali yaur ffrrslfr*rc.

'r { ',t,rl,:!r !llt ",';'1. . i, ,".' :(. .. rlrtr i'1,,,i'.:;.i. ,,,i

4.,.,* qi, l; ii?fe
,,. -..,r, iviret'e fircessitr:' r,ttlt! .r'!";re ':r'hcre this *rigl.t !;r *t nl,rict!,
l it.: I !t,.-' lli l:,, i-;:d. i.r; , I't:t-l
ccasti:'r ii mailc a'-t l:;1

: I ire rtc\v cotrrra i: ,rl'.cl;,-ir:r! i,., irr:lp b. ir:*i ctliric iii.

3. i li;;got tc i;:,, ::'11 r,;,:lrc! i-:q,-r rvc iiacl lii a" ilrfl'c:ii ;i3', {'cr,'er
.*..L- ii. ciiir:;ci i.I! s[]ci.d oithe fan.
a. Sciei:'t;sis itc,gle ilt.. r:eri'dllLrg will heip e" w.rii i,:iiisio,i Lii/ j.,ff;Je.
5. The puppy icn'r '.,,eli trained yet, so if you f. undeistand irtoiiern ai1"
let g. do with coi'fee for breakfast.
6. We Jidrr't agree wiiii tlte decisiclt, L:ut rve h. protcs'i agaitt-$1 lt.
,i,ii;i'i d;tre
7. When Jolrtt arrives. have
8. T'tie ciial on the lefi lets

XIV. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences \ryith the correct verb
L I (agree, not tell). ..... ..anyone Jack's ner.v address.
) The prisoners (think, escape). ..throrrgh a broken
rvindow last night.
J. I (not recall, see)... tlie cont'erence.
..hir-n a.i
4. He (deny'. receive). .....arty stclefi properly.
5. l-te (ask. not narre). the person who donated the
6. The Etruscans (believe, arrive)... ".. . in Italy in the 8'r' or 9'l'
century BC.
7. I arn sure rny purse was on the table a f-ew rninutes ago, but now it (seem,
disappear). ...:..........
Il, She (not fcel Iike" ri'alk). all tlr* wa1' back liome.

X1,'. ehoose the word or phrase ar*oltg A, B, C or D that [re.; tii.. :,,
lipace in trre following passage:
I)r_.,:r Marr -

I{ovl'ar'.: things rvith .you? Silrce i saw y{}u la:.i wer:!, . i .. - ,.,,. ,. j. tir.
tirne I arrived trronie after seeing ),ou oit [z!qpd;1,r,. I 1:i. .. ... .. , .. -:,:r i.rr;i;(:.
; tlicught that perhaps tjt-\,eyes rvere tired (:i. .... .., i ,i l;r;rr \rr-:;.r..!tr!: s,.., i.iard. sr:
i t ','i'. s,.in.'al.flirin: and \\L:,tl Lt,let. !llirC.i-i.".. r-,:.. i ,,\.,, ,ric, ,. :t(j; rii.,,i.
ti:e it*-racllaclte il'as (j).... tlra:i ever. and nt,, +!.r11:,.,r lyiis iior"i-" ilt"!cd iir,
[:tlt t-lr; arms anCl iegs (.1).............,. Stifl'. I sa.,t I]rc rl ,. .: i1i,.i :t1; /:,r... . . . ,. . r.,;: j
llad a temperatLlre. She s;ii,J I pi'chabl',, :tari r lr ii1,; rirlr ts;-d to ral-;e :ii;g:
,;lr:tlir:ine al)d (6)............".. in bed. l'he inr:rjicirir, trts'Lr:ri i;,ri.r'i1:ie and it clidn'r nral".:
i-'")..... ......... t'eel any better. I f-elt sici. ,:.-r,i i rir,j1i 1 ..r.i11 t() r-1t1 ar;.i1ii1-11.i ri li!
a:thouqh I tl'ils t,er\, (S) .... i it:t.i iri,,tii, 'iiri.,. ......... rlrJ\1 . arrd i'rrt ;:;ir,.i::
to startu'orkagain tornorrot Istiil t' i". |,.-..,,r:rr'i .l:riia i,.:rrgii hulr;r\ Ciju!,
,Jps;rt't hurt rvlte'n I(i0)...........,... . ,..1 I nil lteiri o._. '.;r;triii.;]-'j
i,nr 1,.;ukjlrg li,i-+1t ,

io seeirlg )'oil,
i. A. left B. had a-'.\\,as D. ciiughr
2. A. as B. iiror,rElr fl. v,i:iie D, dui-ing
3. A. rvcrsc B. hrrrd C. rnore n. nra:lltt-il
1. A. scns*ii ll. ;;rt-,r'.j,1 r- c:lt fJ. ls;,!iq,i.i
5. A. er;rntined $. rcl,:i C. rielr:eii D. said
6., A. sta.\' B. :;tavcd C. ::ta.rin-9 D. stays
7. A. sor:ic IJ. nre C. them D. its
8. A. ill B. hear,y C, hungry D. thirsry
9. A. improved B. clecicled C. recovered D. succeeded
10" A. hreathe B. ache C. cure D. bleed
XVI. Ciroose th€ it<lm among A, B, C or D that best arisrvers the question
ab0ut the passage:
In the Urrited States, friendslrips can be close. constant.:ntense, generolrs and
real. yet fade away in a shoft tirne if circumstances change. Neither side feels hurt
by tl"ris. Both rnay exchange Christmas greetings fbr a year or two. pcrhaps a few
letters fbr a u,hile - then no rnore. If the sanre ti,vo people meet again by chance,
even years later, they pick up the friendship,uvhere it left off anci are delightecl.
ln the ,States, yolr can feel free to visit people's homes, share their liolidays, or
enjoy their lives r.vithout fear tlrat you are taking on a lasting obligation" Do not
hesitate to accept hospitality'because vou can't give it in return. No one r.viil expect
you to do so for they knorv you are lar lrom horne. Anrericarrs wilt enjoy
welcoming you and be pleased if you accept their hospitality easi!y.
Once you arrive there, the r.velconte will be full antJ warm and real. Most visitors
find themselves readily invited into many homes tlrere. In sorle countries it is
considered inhospitable to enteftain at home, offbring wlrat is felt as only home cookecl
food, not "doing something for your guest". It is fett rhat restalrrant entirtaining sSows
more respect and welconte. Or for otlrer different reasous, such as crowded space,
larrguage bifficulties, or iarnily ctrstorn, outsiders are not invited into hornes.

In the tjnited States. botlt ntethods are r-rsed, but it is ofien considered more
frienclly to invite a person to oue's honle than to gil to a pttblic place' except itl
purel-n.- business relatiotlships. So. if y'oLrr host or hostess brings yott home. do
feel that J-otl are being shorvtr int'erior treatl'nent'
Oon'it'eel neglecred ilyou clo not furd tlorvers awaiting vt'rtt irt vor.rr hotel roQllt.
eitlrer. Flor,vers are ver),expensive theret hotel delivery is tttlcerlaiu: arrival tinles
are delayed, changed. or cartcelecl - so flor'vers are tlot cttstotnarily sent as a
welcorniirg touch. Pl"ur" do not ttel uttr.r'atttecil Otrtward signs var) in diflerent
lancls: the inrvard rvelcorne is u,hat matters. and thls lvill be real.

!. ln the tlnitecl States. lott u.'ill flnc'l tiiendships " ' if circumstances
A. die suddenll' B. Pas-< a'uraY'
C. disappear gradLrally D. last lbrever
2. Arnericans ..........t1reir fbreign fi'iends to tnake a retttrlt for their hospitality.
A. ask Il. rt'ish C' rlerer allo'uv D. don't expect
3. In sorle other cotttttries. git ing a dinrler pert) at honre is considered
.than in a restaurattt.
A. less fiiendly B. les' hospitable
C. rnore natural f). lll()re poptrlar
4. Accorcl ,rtg to the passage. wliich of thg l'orlou ins is NOI- true'l
A. Flowers are available tit all tinre.
B. Florr crs at'c erpcltsir c.
C.' Florvers are sigtts ttf olttlr ard rr clcortre.
D. Florvers are trot necessarily' scllt to guests.
5. Which of thc fbllorvinQ is the best title of this passage?
A. American l{ospitality. B. Arnerican FriendshiPs.
C. American Invit"'tion. D. American Welconre.

XVII. Choose thc itern among A, Ii, C or D that best anslvers the qucstion
about the passagc:
Sometimes today perhaps several times - Dick Winter will think about the l9-
year-old man who saved his Iif-e. Because of this )or.lltg tnan. Winter enjo1's things
like frienclship, colors. altd laughter el'err,'day.
The yosng rnan saved Winter's lif-e b;- signing an orgall dotror card. "l catr't say
'Thank yo1' eltouglr." Winter said vesterda)' at a neu's cottference tnarking the
tenth alttir.'ersary oi tlre N'ttrlti Organ I' program at'T'orotrto General
What Winter knou,s of the l9-year-old matr rvho saved his life is only tlrat he
cliecl in a car accident and that his farnill'was u'illirtg to lrotror his rvishes and
donate his organs fbr transplatrtatiott.
Flis livcr went to Winter. u.'lro u'as dying fiom liver trotlble. "Not a da1'goes by
tlrat I clon't think of u,hat a painful thing it rtrust have been for thent." Winter said
) cstcr(la\ .

"'l'he1' are very, vcrv spccial people."

wint.'' .ixt)-three. is frtter rrorv than he u,as l0 vears ago. lvhen he got the
transplarrt. l-te lras flve ntedals fl'orr 199-5 Wdrlcl Transplanl Games in srvirnming
alrd hopcs to collect sorne lnore ne\t )ear irr Japarr.
"At ottetinle. we were probahll'strange in tire ey'es of others. Now it's expected
you should be able to go back ancl do everl,thing 1,ou did befbre. only better.,'
The biggest chattge clf Winter. hou'ever. isn't that he has become a competitiye
athlete. T'he biggest cltange is holi'deepll he appreciates evcrv little thingaboLrt his
life now.
"l have no tirne fbr algunrents.'" said Winter.
"You chattge everythirtg. Material tlrings clon't nrcan as rntrch. Friendship rleans
a lot." Also at y'esterdat"s news conf-ereuce \\as Dr. Gray Levv, \\'inter's doctor.
[-evY saicl he has bitlersueet f'ceiings riheri he looks at Winter aud hears of his
atlrletic erpltrits.
Levv ktrows tltat lor evety recipient like Wirrter. there are several otlrers u,ho
die evert though they could be saved because there aren't enouglr donated organs.
l-evy'said that greater public a\!'areness ancl rlore resources are needed. I-le
noted that in Spain. hospitals receir,e $10.000 per year to cover the costs of the
operating roont. doclors, nllrses arrd tearls to rvork with the donor's farnilies.
l. Which of the follou,in-e is TRUE abor.rt the l9-year-old mtrn'7
A. He died of liver trouble .

B. [{e got rvouncled in a battle.

C. tle was willing to donate his organs.
D. He becante a recipient of a prize.
2. What do we learn about Dick Winter?
A. I-le is beconting less cornpetitir,,e norv.
B. He values fiiendship more than nraterial thirrgs.
C. IIe is alu,ays thinking about his early life.
D. He know's all about the young rnarr and his farnily.
i. Dr. L,evy 'uvould agree that
A. Spanish hospitals have trole thvorable conditions for organ transplant.
B. the Canadiart public have realized the irnportance of organ donation.
C. Sparrish hospitals receive ntore lnouev fr.orn the donors.
D. Canadian hospitals now have enough donated organs.
4. What is the author's main purpose in vvritirrg this article?
A. ["le u'alrts to tell people that it is uot easv to get organs for transplant.
B. lle thinks transplant can change a patient's lif'e greatly.
C. He thinks that transplant patients should be thankful for the help they
D. He u'allts to callon the public to give nrore sllpporl to orgarr transplant.
xvIII. Ren'rite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
l. 'Would vou prefer to have a table by the u,iltdorv?'the r.r,aiter asked. (we)
The r.vaiter asked us to have a table by the window.
2. l'rn getting bored lrere - let's go ro a different place. (wej
I'rn getting bored here - why . else?

l I i,;,r r-lrcllr"i !\artt t() rlLict-ic iil: i!i(clsi so I l-'l;ught 1l:ein l:y p1'rttl'l-'. (ar'+ir,f;),
I o,, ris i..uxious ................ ibr tie keir so I hciigltt tlrelll f v ph';ne. '
I cr:i;ldn"t clee ir.le rvlretl-;ct' I nrelerreC thr,: hltt.-.rkir1 r,r'the gree:: t:rte (chtlicel
icouicin"t llre blrre ckrrt and tite greer: i,le
: DesL'ite his disappointixent. he contit;trbd rt, tr': cheerfrii, irermained)
...".. " ci.reertli.
r;. were so nranl'people on the train that I cotrldn't get a seat. {crowdetl)
Tlre train was............ ......"...'.."... .'..'... ltil$'llere for nlc to stt,
7. 'fhe price of the lrooi's r,vas less than I lraii expected. (not)
books did............. ....... Ihad erpected.
B.Mf,si-ster rvould ner,.'cr watcir television r.rntil she had done her hon-lewot'k.
My sister alwavs .........^.".....:.. television.
9" It appears that lr'e lrave tro bread left. (runi
We seerr to ............... ......... bread.
I 0. We last weut to Spain three years ago. (years)

It ................ .... we ilst wellt to Spain.

[$ffiSfi T 2s us[Sffi.S,{?#AL EXpiFtiii E Flt;:Ii,
I. 116ultiple choice.
l. i hc sotrth ol'(lrc ,:cttrrtl.\'r,,/.:(. .,,{r..t .... i_ir ii:rj ..i ,rrl,i,
A. al-f'ect l_tr,. aif-ecrcc t_.. at{Lcteell-v ,j:l ,:; i,ec1
2. I lrave a gl"3atri .."... i.,,, i..ier.r,\r1pii"
A. affect R aI'feeted C" Ffl'estinn D. al'tr,:cie.tit
3. You're not allorvecl to iobk ai the ans\\{, s ." ....... ".. .

A. cheat B. cireated L. titc:,,,1tu, l-I. ..,-

4. She ..... hirn into l:anCini l. :,rr all rii".; _<ai,inr:

A. deceivecl B. per':-*,,. rd C" recerve d
' I) r: ;,
5. Just don't be , iirto invesf i;rq ap\ t1ioitev ri,irlr ri;.
A. fool B. fooled 6otisn
"C. "
, r : r:oiishly

6. I was taken ......... by her story.

A. on B.up C" at in
7. Her remark was followeci by,an ^,i1. l,,.ir
A' embarrass B. embarrassing c. embar,rassecr D. cmrbarrassment

A. embrace B. embraces C. ernbracr,ci [), embracing

9. Pasteur in the l9tl, centurv.
A. was living B. lived C. had lived D. lras lived
l0'My friend, Mary. arrived after I ibr her abort lralf an lrour
A. was,rvaitirrg B. had been rvaiting
C. have been waiting D. iiave r,'aited
I L................... to rain before vou woke Lrp this morning?
A. Did it begin B. Has it begurr
C. Had it begun D. Would it begun
l2.My daughter saw an elephant this rnorning. but she before.
A. had never seelt B. has ltever seetl
C. never sees D. never had seerr
l3.l ..............., in Da Nang before I moved to this city.
A. have been living B. have livecl
C. had lived D. had beerr living
l4.The accident when w,e were olt tlre way to Vuri-g Tau.
A. occur B. occurring C. occurred D. hacl occurred
l5.FIe said he would visit me. bLrt he me yet.
A, has not visited B. had not visited
C, is not visiting D. does not visit
l6.l only lrad tirne to .......................... at the newspapers.
A. look B. stare C. invesiigate D. glance
l7.l'd like to ..............,....... a complaint about the noise.
A. make B. do C. have D. offer
l8.She ..,... through the report.
A. stared B. glanced C. investigated D. went

l9.We'd like a quiet wedding witltout arly """"""'
A. noise B. sound C. fuss D. rumor
20.1 think that pop star is the " of countless teenagers'
A. irnage B. figLrre Ci' sarnple D' idol
......'....'....'..." idol nowadays'
- .ln fact she is reallyB.a falling
C' fallen D' f'ell
n. futt
22.1'rn sorry for rnaking such a about the noise'
A. trace Bl mark C. fuss D' emphasis
23.They uracle a great fuss the baby'
A. of B. about C' at D' to
24.He suff-ered loss of ..." for rveeks after tlre accident'
A. brain B. memory C. rnind D' thinking
25.Are you sure? Mernory car-r play """"""""""" ol.l
A. games e' cheatirlgs C' fLrn D' tricks
26.Maiy policies clo ttot l)rt)tect voLt egainst personal """"""":""' '
A. injLrrl' B. pain C' hurling D' A and B
27.They:ii'ore tlte chzrrtn as a ..'.'....... against evil spiritr
A. protect B. protector C' protection D' protecting
28.His sister screatned ............"""' that he was crazy '
A. at B. to C. otrt D'ttP
29.She never cor.nplains. but she's obviously """"""""""' '
B. exhaustitlg C' exhausted D. exlraustive
A. erhaust
30'That \\'as a .."""""""""" trick!
B. sneaky C. srreaking D. sneaked
A. srteak
II. Fill in each gap rvith a suitable preposition'
I . Prepositiorrs have to be learnt " heart'
2. She spent a lot of money " cosltretics'
3. He rvas accttsed .. stealing a car'
4. She walked out of the hospital and rvaited " the bus stop'
5. Some students are particuiar keen " college education'
6. Most young people are ill-prepared """"""""""' ernplo)'lnent'
7. Any airplun" approaching i6e airport must ask Air-Traftlc Cortrol
landing ittstructions.
8. She lnuilt"d to help her mother out """" """""" the morle)'at home'
9. In this garage, tlrey u'ork " e\erlthing'
l0.The plane will take .'......... at six o'clock'
I l.She is not much good ...."...... tennis because " her weak wrist'
l2.You'll be responslble .."','..'.... the managet uhat l'ott have done'
has been for
IIl. Fintl a suitatrle word for thc sentences below. one example
0. A. He followed lrer into the house'
B. I think we're being follqrYg!'

t. A. t{orvrvillthesechanges..................... us?
? Yor-rr opinion rvill noi .. my decision.
C. Does television ..................... chilclren.s
) A. Children neecl lots of love and
B. Fle didn't slrorv his wife any,

C. She r.r,as hekj in deep ...........
by all her stuclents.
J. A. I'd .............. some help.
B. l-lrarrks (brconring. L.......................... it.
C. I would ........ it if voLr paid in cash.
4. A. She is accused olaftempting t; ............ the taxrnan.
B. The1, .......... at carcls.
C. Those students ol.ten .......... irr exams.
I Last l\4onday I made an .............. nristake.
B. It can be for clrilclren to tell cornplete strangers
abor"rt suclr incidents.
C. It u,as so .......
6. A
Srre s I .;"lill::*:1Jii:
i, p,rbric

t-le lelt at being the cerrtre olattention.

C. Sorne rvonren are too ............ to consult their doctor
about the probiern.
7. A. They .......... . ancl prornised to kcep irr touclr.
B. She ............-. her solt u.arnrh.
C. They have dernocracy fbr rrrany clecades.
A. She ............ at her watch.
B. -He ............ arourrd tlre room.
C. I .....;........... up quickly to see u,ho had come in.
9. A. FIe does what he's told witlrout any ............
B. AII that over a ferv pouncls!
C. It was all a ........... about rrothing.
10. A. I have a bacl .......... -
. tbr rrarnes.
H.e had a long .:...........:.......... fbr people
C. She catr recite the rvhole poern frtnr
u,ho hac.l disappointed lrirn.

l'l He had a practical ...............

B. on lif-e.
lvlost Weslern societies are liberal in ,..............
C. f he ltouse has a pleasant ............... the valley.
t2. Troops have been sent to
1 ola ,, rtto.t.
o*.rr "rr,"., "Lli'nrt
Each cornpa,y is fighting to ............... its
C It is a paint that helps ............. ..... against rust.
cornmercial interests.
t3. A. Workers shoLrlcj rvear full
B. Sunglasses have the function of a ............
barrier against
lhe strn's rays.
C' He rvas extrenrely of his rcle as advisor.
14. A. []e crtr,,ered her rnouth to stop her llurn
B. l'he kicls \vere .......... . u itlr exci
C. People ran fbr the exits.

15. A- The most commoll is about p''')r !gi"t'!ce'
B. We receivecl a nutnber of """"" "(si f'r"rm cLlsloi-lers
about the lack ot'parkirrg facilities'
C.I helievel'ott have a.""' " agailt't rlrc )1 oilr nilrses'
IV. Supply the correct form of the rvord in boltl'
l. Rub lhe cream into tlre " areas' (affect)
?. Does television have an effect on chilclrerr's ""? (hehave)
3. Anne had two lnetr tr,vil-lg to witt lter """"""'
of good rnrisic' (appreciate)
4" She slrorvs little -.........." -.. "' ""
i. Sf,* pe.forrnld the pia,o in lront.{'an ..........'........
7. The plav was bacl' (entbarrass)
8- Much to her. . .............. she realizecl thal *vervbody' had been listertirtg to
her singing. (embarrass)
e, neoerielt so.............. irt my life! (embarrass) is a truly occasiott' (memory)
t l.Our policy offers conrplete ...... against fire and theft' (protect)
ll.She ctutched her bag ' (protect)
past simple or past
V. put the verbs in parentheses in the correct verb tense:
twrite).-...--. on tlte overhead projector'
4. I didn.t lvant to meet PauI so nhen he entered the rootn I (leave)"""we only
5. Unfortunatelv rvhen I arri'ed Alice jtrst (leave)..'....' so

time for a ferv lvords.

(turn)-.-.-..--- dorvn the st.rtttrd atld (go)"""""""""" to anstver it' the wron'g
7. He suddenly (reatize)...'.. that he (travel)"""' in
sotneone opened the
8- He (plal,).--...... tlre guitar outside his house rvhetr
vr,intlor*l and (throrv) ' otlt a bucket of rvater'
9. Wlren I (look).................." l'or nrv passport I (find)"""' this'old
l0.As I (cross)..--.-.. the stt'eet' I (step)"""' otr a batrana skin and
(fall).........-..."...-.' heavi ly'
past simple or past
VI. put the vertls in parentheses in the correct verb tense:
l. He (sit)-........-...-...... on tlte river bank fishing when he
(see)"""""""""" a

man's hat floating dolvn the river'

2. It (snow) . heavily when he (wake).................... Lrp.
3. When I (reach).... the srreer I (realize).........:........ that I (not
know)......... the number olTom's house.
4. I ( Iook)...'...'. through the classroorn w,indow. A geometr), resson
(go).................... or.r. The teacher (draw)......... diagrams on the
5. I (rneet) Paul at the university. We (be)...... both in the
sarlre year. He (stLrdy).. law, br,rt he (spend).. most of his
tirne practising the violin.
6. 'What yolr (do).................... between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?,
(say)..............,,.... the detective. 'l (clean).... my house,i said Mrs.
Jones. 'l always clean my,house on Saturday rnornings.'
7. fhe dentistis wairing roorn was tirll of people. Some (read),...................
nragazines, others just (turn).................... over the pages. A woman
(knit)....................; a child (play) ... .. with a roy car.
VII. Put the verbs in parentheses in the cerrect verb tense: past simple or past
She (work)........ quietly at her desk when suddenly tlre door
(open)......... and her daughter (rush)........................... in.
2. He (stand)........ (walk)..
Lrp. ...... across the room, and
(c l'ose)............. ;............. the windor.v.
3. A strange rran (walk)......... into the roorn. He (wear)....................... read
trousers and a pink shirt!
4. You (not meet).. ... your wife while you IN
5. I (see).... ... you in the park yesterday. You (sit)..... ., on a
bench with your anr around Tom,
6. As soon as I (walk).. into the room. l mea
7. His father w,as really angry with hirn because he (listen).. ...... to
music while he (do)........ his homework.
8. Why they (not visit;........... me rvhile they (stay).. ...... in
9. As he (pass)..... the bank, a marl in a mask (knock)....................... hirn
onto the grorrrrd.
l0.What you (write). .. rvhen your computer (crash)......,,..,............?

vIII. complete the sentences using these pairs of verbs. Use the past simple in
one space and the past continuous in the other.

conrc -- show get:- go hope - give live - spend

look -see ploy - break start - check in
I. Just as I ... ... ......into the bath all the lights . ...
) I ...... go away this r.veekend, but my boss .. some
rvork that I have to finish bv Mondav.

.......three hours a day traveling to
and front rvork.
4. A friendly American couple. ... ' '...'..chatting to hirn AS

.at the hotel reception.

5. I burrrped into Mary last rveek. She ............a lot tretter than when I last
.... ... '....1ler.
6. Mf,' boss . ...........into tlre office just as I """ """everyolle m)
holiday photos.
1. I ....................badrninton fourtimesa weekbefore I "'"' """ankle'
Tltis time, use the sonrc tense in hoth spaces'
add -- taste go ctl/ - light not listen - exPlain
sh - run not wltch - dreanl

8. The srnoke alarur . " "'a cigarette underneath it'

... . '.....when he " "
9. I can't remember how to answer this question' I must confess that I
............while the teacher . ... ' ' to us'
l0.She . .........lnore salt to tlre sottp. and then it " " " """much better'
I l.Although the television was on, I . """""'it' lnstead I """
about my holidaYs.
l2.She . ... the door attd '' '
" ' """into the room'
IX. Comptete this text with either the past simple or the past continuous form
of the verbs in brackets.
Jervellers, q'hetr I acttrally (2. see). """'somebody shoplifting' I'd
just finislred paying for rny clock and as I (3' turn)" """round' an
etaerty woman (+. rto*ty put)... .......a silver plate irlto a bag that she
(5. carry). '.. ' '.. .... Then she (6' walk)' " ' "over. to
another part of the shop and (7. pick up)' "an expenstve-
looking watch a number of times. When she (8' think)' """"'that
nobod| (9. look), she (10. drop). into the bag. Before I (11.
notice). .........that I (13. watch)' "'her and (14'
hurr;-). ......otlt.
Unfortunatell" lbr her, nvo police officers ( I 5' u'alk)' " " " 'past
just at that molnerlt and she ( i 6. run). ' " ' "straight itrttl tlrem'
X. Choose the correct ansrvers in the brackets for the following sentences'
some cases only one is correct, and in others both are correct'
met) her
l. As Ceoff rvas introducecl to Mrs. Snape. he realized that he (had met/
2. DLrringthe previous week, I(had been/ rvent) tothe gy'rn every evenirtg.
3. He Oenieo thar he (had takeni took) the money from the office.
4. I didn't know the rnarking would take so long rrntil I (had read/ read) the first
couple of essa,vs.

5. The boy told me that he (!rad lost/ Iost) his train ticket and didn't know how he
would get home.
6. At the conllerence, scientists reported that they (had founcl/ founcl) a cure for rnalaria.
7' The teacher guessed that sotre of the children (hacl clreared/ cheatecl) in the exam.
8. Thomas explained that he (had gone/ went)home early,because he felt ill.
9. The w.aiter took m5r place arva1, befbre I (hact finished/ finished) eating.
l0.Jane didn't want ar.l) dinner. She (had eateniate) already.
XI. Complete this letter from Australia, using the follorving verbs. use the
present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous.
In l-10 use: arrive (x2)
feel get go
. know spend wait write (x2)
In t l-2i) use: ask complain enloy get
(not) get on hear look (x2) seem
Dear Mum and Dad.
I ( I )... this letter in a hotel room in perth.
(2) ... here a couple ol'hours ago after a rong coacrr journey from
Adelaide. I(3).. ...... prety tirecl so this w,ill only be a short note
befbre I (1) .. ..... to sleep.
As vou (5). .. ... I (6) ....... last rveek in Aclelaide
rvith Jean and David. I(7) ...... to them a nroirth or so ago to tell
them rvhen Irvould be arrivins.. and they (B) .. .... at the airport for
nle r,vhen I (9) there. For the first felv days I
( l0)... .. ...quite jet-lagged. but I soon ( I I ). .. ... over
that afier a few days of lazing around on the beach.
Jean and David (12)... ..... livirrg irr Adelaide a lot, although Jean
l3).... . ...for a new job just now. It ( l4)... ..... that she
l5).... .... very r"rell with her colleag,es. Apparently, they constantly
16)... abour the working conditions and it
( I 7)... . . .. . to annoy .lean. They ( I 8) .. .. ... me to pass
on the best wishes to you. So norv I(19) .......lonvard to exploring
Pefth' I (20).. ..... it's a r,vonderfur prace. I'il write again in a feru days.
XII. Complcte this extract irom a ne$'spaper articlc with the yerbs gilen. Use
the past simple, present perfect or past perfect.
Aston United (0. sack) hctve sacked their manager. Neil Ronson. The former
Errgland irrtemational footballer (1. say). .. that he (2. hear)......... tlre
trews when he (3. return). ...from a three-rveek holiday in Spain and
that it (4. come).
. as a complete shock. ..There (5.
be).... nohintofanyproblernr.vhenI(6. liave)fortheholiday.,'

Aston United (7.appoint)...... " Ronson as manager two years ago
and last season they (8. finish). ...... second in the First Division'
However. they (9. win).. '. ' only.five matclres so far this season'
The chainnan of tlre club, Peter white. last night (10. accuse).' ....
Ronson of lack of commitment to tlre cluLi. "Neil's attitude (1 l'
disappoint). us recently. over tlre last.few months he (12,
players in Aston.

XIII. Choose the correct form ofthe verbs'

when he was
Thomas Edison (1) (started/ was starting) rvork on the railway
periods with nothing for
twelve, selling n.*rpupLr. and snacks. There were long
in the luggage
him to do, sole (2)it,uifV was building) himself a little laboratory
wasn't selling)
van where he could carry out experiments when he (3) (didn't sell/
things to passengers. Anotlrer way that he (4) (occupied/ was occupying)
(5) (read/ was reading) every single book
;;;';y;"iling."He joined a libraiy and
a station he (7) (noticed/ was
in it. one day, when he (6) (waited/ was at
noticing) a small boy who.(8) (played/ was playing) by the track, unaware a
train (9-j (approached/ was appioacning;. Edison (10) (ranl was running)
(ll) igiabbed/ was grabbing) the child
just in time. The. child's father was so
g.ui.i;l that he (f Zi(offerJa/'was offeiing) to teach Edison to be a telegraph
Iperator. Edison u"""pt"O the offer and soon he (13) (had/ was having)
lessons. After a y"ur, i',. was good enough to get a
job in the telegraph office. He

continued to read and experirieni, whenever he (14)

(had/ was havin_g).time' At
twenfy-one, he (15) (leff/ was leaving) the telegraph office to.devote
all his tirne to
the electric light bulb,
being an inventor. I-ie (16) (wentl wis going) on to invent
the phonr,graph. arid the movie camera'
XIV. Complete the following paragraphs with suitable verbs. use either the
past simple or past continuous tense'
A John Blake was born in London in 1969. He (1). ' work in
France when he was nineteen' While he (2)' """in a restaurant in, h" (3).... .'.Luisa, an ltalian student' He (4)' """her to
marry him, but she wouldn't. Heartbroken, he (5)"" "'to England'
Threl years later, John (6). ........a1ong a street in London when he
(7).... ...Luise- She (8). """London with a friend called
Maria. When John and Maria (9) . ..., they fell in love at first sight,
and got married the following year'
B I had a terrible time last Saturday. It was rather cold, but quite sunny, so
(12)... ....into a window of a clothes shop.Y!."'someone
if :i . . my wallet. While I (14)' "'home, it (15)"""""" to
rain and I arrivei home cold and miserable. I ('16)..... have a hot
It was a salesman and it took me several minutes to get rid of him'

Unfortunately. all the time he (19)...............1o me the water
€0). You car-r imagine the state of tlre bathroom!

XV" Use the vertrs in the hox to complete the following dialogue. Use the
present simple or continuousr or (he past simple or continuous. Read the
whole conversation?before you start.
cftt give go have
revi,tr: see shake lry
not nol/ use nol/ work

Fred is phoning his friend. Jane.

Fred: tlello, Jane, it's Fred here.
Jane: Oh, hello Fred. What (A) are you doing?
Fred: Nothing much. I (1).. .........but I had to stop because my
computer (2)....
Jane: Oh. dear. Well, I (3). .. ......mine. Would you like to come and
borrow it?
Frecl: Thanks, but I'd rather go out. Would you like to come to the cinema?
They (4).... .......:....two tickets for the price -of one this
afle rnoon.
Jane: What's on?
Fred: I'm not sure,
Jane: Well, I (5).... know what film we'll see-
......if I don't
Fred: Wait a minute. .........1o find the right page in the
I (6)...
newspaper. Oh, it's a horror film. How about it?
Jane: Definitely not. You know I (7).... .nightmares when I
(S).... ...horror films. We (9)......... ".to see
one last year and by the end I (10)..... . with terror"
Fred: Oh, all right. Well, see you on Monday I suppose.
Jane: Yes, OK. Bye.
Fred: Bye.

XVI. Complete the following conversation, using the verbs supplied-'

Cary: Jean, I'm surpnised to see you.
Jean: Well, I think you owe me an explanation.
Gary: Me? What about you? (l/ see) (l).... in the cafe last
night. (We/ arrange) (2).... ........1o meet at the cinema if you
Jean: So why (you/ not/ come) (3)...... .... into the cafd if you saw
Gary: (l/ be) (4).... ......too angry. And cold- (l/ wait)
(5).... ..........outside the cinema for three-quarters of,an hour-
Jean: But why? (you/ not/ ge| (6). no[e?
Gary: What note?
Jean: The ,note (l/ leave) (7).... .... '.here .yesterday aftemoon'

W'hen (l/ go) (8). ..-....past citrema yesterday
lunchtime lli nrxicel (9)...' tlrat (theyi change)

a note ttnder yoltr door to tell l'clt-t.

Gary: (l/ not/ find) l2)... ( . . '..'an)/ note'

Jean: It must be here. Let rne look. Yes. oh. dear. l'rn aliaic'l (it/ slip)
(li).. .. underthetnat'
Gary,: Oh. t'rI sorr) I $as angrY. It's jLrst that. rvell. \vhile (l/ rvait)
( 14)... ... ...
.. I rvas u'orried abottt (w'hati happerl)
(15). . .'....'.toyou. And tlren.(l/ see)(16)""' ""'you itr
the caf6. (you/ laughl if Zl.'. " ' ... " 'rvith your friends and
( l9)' '
(l/ realize) ( lS)... ' all sit)
" " 'that (you/
ih"r" qLrite comfoltably r'vith them ( I/.iust/lose)

(20).. .'.. mY temper'

xvll. supply suitable verbs (ordinary or auxiliarl verbs) in the correct verb
form for the following conversation.
Annis getting ready to leave her office, A cotteague, John, cornes into the room'
John: oh, Ann, I'm glad I've caught yott. cau you stay'on and help us finish
some work? Y"ou re,nenrber the new client I (0) n'as telling t'ou
Ann: BLrtI(i)...... :'.....iust" (2)'
John: You clon't have to go. do you. thoLrgh'? You "'your
shopping at lLrnchtime. (3) .' ' " "(rrot) yotr?
Ann: And tlcllv I want to go hotne'
John: Oh, corne on Ann,-please. It'll only be for an ltottr'
Ann: That's rvlrat you t41.... "last time' I (5)"
letters tbr trvo hours. then when I (6)"' ""nearly' """'."
thern all,
Y'otr (7). "'me do half of thern again
(9) .. '. "them all rvrongl

Jolrn: OK, if that's hou'y'ou leel al'rorrt it. Bttt next time you need help, don't
be surprisecl if lreinind 1'ou tltat1'ou (10)""' """ To help rnel
XUII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B' C or D that best fits the trlank
space in the following Passage:
Most ghost stories are (l)....""" in mysterious' old. houses or castles' The
ghosts thJmselves rvhose (2)......,........ rvander the earlli
all night, are usually the
the case as the follorving story
iictims of sorne lrorrible crime. This is not ahvays
(3)............... '
when niy fiiend, Paul. rvas a schoolboy'. he often rtsed to chat to
Mr' Scott' an
gardener. He rn'ould
elderly gentle ,-,.,u,.l liuirg on his own. Mr. Scott u'as a keen
ul*ays 6'e looking after liis larvn or ltis flop'ers artd Patrl rvas (4)..""""""' the habit
of sa,v'ing a ferv rvords to him over the fence'
Otte sutnt.ner's evetritrg. as Paul \\'as or1 his way home ftorn school. he salr,, as
(5).... . ".. Mr. Scott in his sarden. The old man r.ras Lrusy r,r,eeding his florver
beds. When lre sar,r'PaLrl. he invited hirn into tlte garden,uvirh a (6) . . ...... olhis
hand. Slorvly, thel'strolled all round. adrniring tlre various flor'"ers. l-lien- to Paul's
surprise. Mr. Scott bent dou,n and picked a (7)............of lris f-inest dahlias. "l{ere
boy." he said. "Give these to your rnotlrer."
No soorrer had he arrived home than he (8)............... ilre fir:wers to his mother.
FIe tlren told her that they rvere with Mr. Scort's conrplimeiris. His mother's face
rvent red lvith anger. "You lvicked boy!" she shouted. "Holv (9)....,........." 1,{ril sa}
such a thing! I (10)........ .. ... into his daLrghter in tlre supennarket this rnorning. She
told nrethatthe pooroldclrap had passed away in his sleep last Friday."
l. A. set B. put C. fixed D. prograinmed
2. A. bodies B. minds C. spirits D. phantonrs
3. A. points B. inclicate s C. states IJ. sholvs
4. A. on B. in C" rvithirr D. rvith
5. A. frequent B. cornmon C. otien D. Lrsuai
6.' A. rise B. spread C. rvave D. shake
7. A. carton B. bLrnclr C. roll D. packet
8. A, subrnitted B. turned C. presented D. denronstrated
q. A. should B. dare C. u'oLrld D. *'rong
10. A. bumped B. struck C. rushed D. krrocked
XIX. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that trest answers the question
about the passage:
I rvas in a strange city I didn't know at all, and uhat's rnore, Icould not speak a
word of the language. ol.l nly second day. I got on the first bus that passed, rode on it
for several stops, then got off and rvalked on. The first two hours passed pleasantly
enough, tlren I decided I had to turn back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about
for some tirne, I decided I'd better ask the way. The tror-rble u,as that the only rvord I
knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived, and even that I
pronounced badly. I stopped to ask a newspaper-seller. He lranded me a paper. I
shook my hands. I liad to give hirn sontc l'none), and rvent on my way. The next
person I asked was a policeman. He listened to me carefirlly. nodded and gently took
rne by the arm. There was a strange look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and
left again. I nodded politely and began rvalking in the direction he pointed.
About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer and
fewer and green fields were appearing orr either side olrne. I had corne all tlre r.l,a1
into the countryside. The only tlring left fbr rre to do was to find the nearest
railrvay statiorr.
1. The r.vriter pref-erred to walk back to his hotel because.
A. he lrad no tnolte) to buy a ticket
B. he rvanted to lose himself in the city
C. he tried to know the city irr his way
D. it was late and there were no buses passing by

2. The ne\vspape:'-sellcr'".
A. didn't knorn'rviiere the hotel rvas
R."t rrrtcierstand rt'hat the r'r,'riier saici
C. icr"rld ;-lt.icit'i-',i::iti r,r'lr:t the tri;tei saii,
L'1. didn't $'ant to ta,ke t,te ntcn*)' ft'otn tl'tt r'','riter
3" Frr-rnr the story, we krrow that the policeman.
A. rvas kirrd but didn't understanci the lvrr-ter
B. told tlre writer r'vhere to taki a trairr
C. knelr r.''ui.rat tiri: writer icail\ t:!i:,lni
I). u,as colrj.hearleil ar.,C 4i,.Jrr'i l"rr:!p rhe r,,l.i:er
4. \.&the.t can \\'e learn fi',.-nr rh'.: last i:arailriph?
A. The r,vriter got cios* to f hi: hotel \','i:.lre he st:l'r'r:r!,
B" t he u,rit:r gro; to fhe hotel ivith fhe ;"r-lie.:r,:r.,'3 :r:riii.
C. The 11'pl1q3r'f.rlriici h* wa:, r;rrtclt farti ,',"\iti'i'' ,* ii , rii.;if i
D. l'he wrire, found the hotei in the directicn tlie policeman poin'cd.
5 l:'r ).'tt;'opinion, vrirat was tlie rvriter 5 ieal 'rrouble?
1'." He dicin'i kn:.l tjre cttl' :,. , ii.
B, He cc;ulrll, '1 speak- the , r':;"",;.gg.
C" l'le went ti'l f:r lr; if;e 1tJ"r''r $" '
D. He followed the pciii,,:rriaii':l rti:eitior,.
XX. Choose the iterc,rl'D'ri$q A" B, C *r D that trest anslvr:l's the r;uieslion about
the passage:
When ilvas ,]boilt 12, i ltad an enetll)', a girl rvho iikeJ to po;nt out my
shoftconrings. t{,'eek by'"veek her iist grew: Iwas very thin' Iwasll't a good
student, I talked too rnuch, I was too proud, and so on. I tried to hear all this as long
as I colld. At last. I became very angry. I ran to rny father w'itl: tears in my eyes.
He listened to rne quietly, ancl then he asked, "Are the things she says true or not?
Janet, didn't you ever wonder rvhat you're really like? Well, you norv have that
girl's opinions. Co and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that
are true. Pay' no attention to tlte other things slre said."
I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I discovered that about half the things
were true. Some of thern I couldn't change (like being very thin), but a good
number I could - and suddenly I rvanted to change. For the first tirne went to fairly
clear picture of myself. I brought the list back to Daddy. He refused to take it.
"That's just for vou," he said. "You knorv better than anyone else the truth about
yourself. But you have to learn to listen, not just close \rotlr ears in anger and
feeling hurt. When something said abor"rt you is true, you'ii fino it will be of help to
you. Our lvorld is full of people who think they know your duty. Don't slrut your
ears. Listen to th'em all, but hear the truth and do what you know is the right thing
to do."
Daddy's advice has returned to me at rnany impofiant molnents. In rny life. I've
never had a better ofadvice.

l. \L'hich cic. ycrr think ra'ouid he th.: Lrest tii,le lbrthe passage?
A. Not An E,rremy, Br,rt The Best Friend.
B. The Best Advice I'vc Ever had.
C. M1 [arher.
D. Vl"r,'Childhood.
2. What does "Week by week. her list gre\!'"
.r. Week b-v.- r,veek she discovered more sirortconrirr;'. alci sire K.rrpi r* actCing
arrd pointed therl out t,o rre.
B. She had made a list of my shofteorlings irr:l she l:rpt or.r adi!ing ne\\' oires to
it so that it was growing lorrger and longer.
C. lwas lraving more atrcl trlc-rl'e shttrtcc;rtir: - '|!'t '',:.."we itt ot:.
D. Week by week. my shortcomings gl'ew 1.i;'1':' qsiil'1i';"
3. Why did her fatlrer listen to her qrrietil,'l'
A. Because he believed that wlrai his ciar"lgl-:r, '': ''i,::ciiilt" said was mostl-v.- true.
B. Because he had been so a.ri:iri .,;rtii; i,,, ,r:r-rF_:iii.r's shortcomings that iis
wanted to show this by l,,eept'lr: i*x 3 ;r;!-!le
C. Because he knew thal his daughter r'iluld i:ot listen to him at hat niolnent.
D. Because he wasn't cluite sure which gir! *'as telling the truth.
4. What did the farther do after he ha.i lrear,i liis ,4augltter's cornplaint'i
A. He told her not to pa) ait),attl'r!tiJtt to vrlrat her "enemy" had s*id.
B. He criticiz-ed her and told her 1r overcome her slrt'rtcotnings.
C. He told lrer to rvrite dorvn all that her ''enemy" had said about her and pay'
attention onl)'to the tl-rings that r,vere true .
D. He refused to take the list artd have a look at it.
XXI. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
1. I-he course finished with a big par1y. (end)
At ..........,... tlrere was a big party.
2. Be careful or you'll hurt yourself. (ifl
You'il h"urt yourself ................. carefui.
3. Finding suitable accomrnodatiorr miglit be difficutt. (find)
It ................ suitable accommodation.
4. The price of the holiday includes all meals. (included)
All ............, .. price of the holiday.
5. In my opinion, the problem has happened for two reasons. (Irre)
In my opinion, ............, this problem has happened.
6. 'You broke my camera!' Susan said to Richard. (accused)
Susan ......... ...... her camera.
7. I cannot keep up with you. (fast)
8. Where can I find the station? (how)
Could you tell to the station?
9. Mary used to be better paid than she is these days. (as)
These days IVlary is ................ she used to be.
10.1'm happy to go and see any filrn you choose. (mind)
I ................. we go and see.

I. Multiple choice.
I . Toclay he is on the ....... of his wif'e's death.
A. annual B. arrnivcrsarv C. annualll' D. date
2. He didn't concern lrirnself .... the details.
A. irr B. on C. with D. bv
i. The President is deeply concerned .. this issue.
A. in B. on C. at D. aboLrt
4. They were rnore concerned . horv the otlrer wonren had dressed tharr
in rvhat tlrc spcaker rvas sa1 ing.
A. rvith B. in C. or.r D. at
5. He didn't seern in the least concerned her safety.
A. at B. tbr C. on
6. Nlar,v's children are'used 1o................ after school er,erv day. Tlrey don't have
to u'alk home.
A. picking up B. being picked up
C. be picked up D. pick up
7. The bus driver wAS so tired of the same route everv dav that he asked
lor a trarrsler.
A. to drive B. being driven C. driving D. drive
8. I'm sure it's not nry fault that Peter foLrnd out u'hat we were plarrning. tr don't
rernember anvor.le aboLrt it.
A. having told B. being told
C. to tell D. ro be told
9. Mrs. Kellv didn't u'ant ................. ..... oll.
A. to be operated B. being operated
C. to operated D. to be operating
l0.When AIan was questioned by the police, he admitted knowing about the
embezzlernent olfunds frorn his compan), but denied in any way.
A. to be involved B. involving
C. having involved D. being involved
1 1.Mr. Lee rvas upset by .... hirn the truth.
A. our not liaving told B. us not tell
C. we didn't tell D. not to tell
l2.Sometimes very young clrildren have trouble.......;....,.. fact frorn fiction and
may believe that dragons actually exist.
A. to separate B. separating
C. to be separated D. for separating
A. to choose B. having chosen
C. to be chosen D. being chosen i

l4.We would 1ike................. to the presiderrt's receptiott. but we \\erclt t.
A. having invited B. having been irrvited
C. to have invited D. to have been invited
l5.Jarre 's sr.rr.nuier vacation in England led to ................ an L,nglislrrnan.
A. l-rer nrarry B. her to tttarry
C. her beiug marricd D. her rnarrviug
l6.l'nr counting . )ou to help tne.
A. in B. rvith C. at D. or-r
I 7.This decision is ...........".. . to upset a lot o1'people.
A. like B. likell' C. likeliness D. likeable
l8.These r'vorkers are cr:nsidered ..................... a high-risk groLlp.
A. like B. as D. rvith
l9.Her eyes suddertll fiilcd ............,.. tears.
A. like B. as C,by' D. u'ith
20.To order, fill the coupt'rn on p 54.
A. in B. out C. at D. A and B
2l.The hole has been filled
A. in B. out C. at D. with
22.The young teachers wanted a Foreign Language Teaching Workshop ........... in
Ho Chi Minh City.
A. to be holding B. should holcl C. to be lreld D. to hold
23.The rnechanic needs ............... a new muffler ott vour car.
A. to put B. pLrtting C. to be put D. to putting
24.Our ltouse needs
A. to paint B. to be pairrting C. to be paint D. painting
25.Do you want .... by the doctor?
A. to exarnine B. to be examined
C. being examined D. being to exatnine
26.Alice didn't expect to Bill's partl'.
A. asking B. being asked C. to ask D. to be asked
27.T|rey w'ere fortur.tate ................. front the fire before tlre building collapsed.
A. rescuing B. to har,'e resctted
C. to rescue D. to have beett rescued
28.The lnollse fanrily avoided by'corning out ottly u'hen the hortse u'as
ernpty and the two cats *'ere outside.
A. catching B. being caught
C. to have been caught D. to be caught
29.We were shocked to hear the news of your
A. having fired B. havirrg been fired
C. to be fired D. to have been fired
30.Even though she was muclr younger than tlie other children, Daisy demanded
in the garne tltey were playing.
A. including B. being included
C- to include D. to be included

It. Supply each blank with the correct preposition.
i. She rvanted to borrov., sorne books him bLrt shL ,1.'es shv ......".....".
ask i rrg.
2. They sLrcceeded escaping the br-rnning lrouse .
l. I don't approve .."....., your smoking. I $'ish you would give .."." that habit.
.i. Do you think'll f-ind a solution the problem'?
5. I rnust try and look ......"........ nly notes be iirre the exarn"
6. The botrb went killing several Lr5,-sianders.
7 The bookshop is............... {iont ............... the cinema.
L I prefer a suit rnade rl'reasure a ready-made oire .
9. Belbre you go detaiis.jirst tell me rvhat it is all.
l0.Dc you notice the rvords... .. ....". the bottour the page.
I l.He is getling bored ............... icariiing ........ ,..... l:eart.
l2.We are deeply conc.erned what happened............... lrinr.
III. Fill in each gap with a'.,ord from the box.
Eve r!r r.i.1j.,?iii re.fres he tl guest
refr"e,sh e r:i litsiosnt tr.sctt'),
ctnnit dec'or*lc
'hc,' ot'-'a.sion ercited cclebratinq
l. We are goirrg to celebrate your lvedding ...............
2, It is a movie ........ the life and rvork of Marlin LLrther King.
3. 'l don't irind.'she said, rvithout much .........
4. Icing is a sr.veet ....... of sugar arrc! water, uriik, butter {rr egg wirite
that is used to cover and decorate cakes.
5. New Year's is 3l Decembbr. especially the evening of that day.
6. A party-goer is a person who enjoys going to parties or r,vho is a .................. at a
parlicLrlar partl'.
7. The long sleep had ........................ her.
8. Irr cor-nputing, to........................ is to get the most recent infbrmation, for
example on arr Internet page. by clicking on a button on the screen.
9. We need to ...... the sittirrg roorr.
l0.Can you all . round? I've got sornething to tellyou.
I I .Christmas is a good .. for the laniily gathering.
12.An......... crow'd of people gathered around her.

IV. Find a suitable word for the

] sentences below. One example has been for
0. A. He follorved her into the hor"rse.
B. I t[iink we're being fo_Ll_qued
C. She follor.ved her mother into the rnedical profession.

L A. Don't ......... your chickens before they are hatched.

B. L........................ hirn atrong my closest friends.
C. To ...........,.. sheep is to imagine that sheep are jumping over a
fence and to count tirern, as a rvay of getting to sleep.

1 i,riic ..t 1e:tsfril hir {:',,,ii}'\::. \,\'e're gi)tt.!!::)^ I ;; ...

t'o: rr,ill .;i:r'25tir.*'ecidi;rg .t:r';rir,t:'r.ary in Fli:rr-,',,;.

llor," ,.!o p*i-riric ....,." irle,"r,Year in .,i)iit'cl'-Luttrv?
I ruit rvarir.r and .. "........ srtting by tho i)r'c.
! iis L-r,:drq;r-'rir, t!: a ,....... litiler r,tr:ll"
l-fi,,.rftett l-,ls a,. chat r.,r{ir l.r',; ir"iu;nri.r Dil tht: x--riti: e
4. It is sr-rch . irarrdwriting.
It is very clvou to cr", n.hert "ir(ii.i ,jili ba,,l ,irarks
Don'i lT"' sL) ..... ... ........... . I

5. Tlrc coll*-'5; i- plar irit, .. it. '*,,,i,. t,1'. .,"rttr',. i '::r:.r] scieitti:ts.
Ian"oLlr introdlrceii us tLr flre othi'r prrq. ';
He often piays tlie role of a TV game shoi,,'
6. He is an ...... suppotler oi'h4a,t.rl-.' ,:i:' i r!1ited.
You dort't soulld \/ery ....." iii,.,.^, 1... 'isa.
She lvas evert less ......, al;i-.,,, I l_, t,.l Spain.
7. I can'I say I sliare your , rr.,r tri,r idea.

Slre never iost her .. .. tor tc:.: ,..1.

He had a real ....,.... tbr iir'; r', r.'r',..
8. ln York we had a short stup lor
Carr rve olfer you solne ....... ... ........ " ..'?
Afier travelling lor a fer,v hoLir"s. \ve try io t-irrd a piace to rest and
find ............ for miirtj ;lrd Lrody.
9. FIe had to ,......,....... ;iis rnemory by iookilig at his notes.
I ......................... mysei l''.n' it:r ri coc;l sho*cr.
Click liere to ..........."... this document.
10. They .......... the room rvith flou,'er:i and bailoons.
The cake was ............ to iook like a car.
Photographs ol'aclcrrs ...... tire rvalls of the restauraltt.
11. The whole {amily' ......................... togetlrer at llay's lronre.
His sLrpporters ............. in the rnain square.
A large crowd was ............ or.rtside the studio.
'ilre children were ..... about opening their presents.
I'rr really ...... at the prospect of working abroad.
Don't get too ............. by the sigl.rt of 5,our nalre in print.
r3. The book prirnarily ...,.. rvith Soviet-American relations
dr"rring the Cold War.
tl. This clrapter ......................... itself with the historical background.
C. One tnajor difference betu'een these computers ....;,.....,............. the
rvay in u,hich tlrey store information.
14. A. Don't ....,....,.....1.,ourse1f about it - let's just forget it ever happened.
B. It ....,.................... hirn that rrobody lrad bothered to tell him about it.
C. It .................... (s) me to think of her all alone in that big house.
15. A. You're ...... to buy a ticket. but not many people do.
B. I thoLrght we were ...... to be paid today.
C. You lvere ...... to be here an hour ago!

\'. Supplv the correct lbrm of the word in trold.
l. l'lrey held the theatre's 25th anniv'crsarv last Sunday,.
2. Dern'l
behave . (chiltl)
i. n€\\s \\as greeted vvitlr a lack o1' ...... by,those at the rneeting.
4. Light ......... will be served during the break. (refresh)
5. We can see the elaborate.."............. on the carved w,ooden door. (decorate)
(r. 'l-he old buildine lras purell ........ arches. (tlecorate)
7. We are firllolr'ins a course o['nte thocls of infbrrnation .................. . (gather)
8. He was very .... to Lre asked to play for Wales, (excite)
9. She rvaved ..... as tlre car approached. (excite)
l0.Tlie novel is ........ based olt a trlre story. (suppose)
I LI haven^t seen it ml,self', but it's to be a great movie. (suppose)
I2.We tr)'to treat every nternber of staff .... . (equal)
VI. Put the vertr in parentheses in the correct verb form: the gerund or the
l. The speaker said he rvould confine hirnself to (try).............. to (answer)..............
four questions.
2. By selling cor-rncil hoLrses. we are able to devote lrolley to (build).....
fresh properties.
3. Hard rvork is the key to (pass)..... exanriuation.
4. The idea o1' a laboratory, permanentl,"-' in space is moving rapidly nearer to
(become).... a realitr,.
5. Having suggested the scherne m1,self, I nou, leel comrnitted to (try)................ tcr
(make)................ it r.vork.
6. He used to (dislike) London. but he now seems resigned to
(live)................ there.
7. Unreliable deliverv dates are one of the nrost important obstacles to (increase)
our exports,
8. It rni_eht be better to (tn')................ to (discuss)..... it in his o,uvn
language, as he isn't used to (speak)................ E,nglish.
VII. Complete the sentences_. using the geruncl of a suitable verb.
l. The Prime Minister said lre ri'as looking fonvard 1o................ the uS president.
2. He should be accustomed bv norv to................ tsnglish lood.
3. The policentan couldn't svvear to the accused trau at the scene of the
4" Do you think your father would object to our
5. He said he wasn't used to in public.
6. Having alrnost run out of money, we were reduced to ................ in a cheap
l. He tried to linrit hirnself to ................ ten cigarettes a day.

8. Manufacturers were asked to devote alltheir energies to ................ exports.
9. We shan't be going. My wife doesrr,t feel up to ................ so tar.
10.The committee could see no alternative to ................ the plan in its original form.
VIII. Complete the sentences with the gerund or the infinitive of the verbs in
l. We plan (take).. ou,. nolidays abroad this year.
2. The headmaster doesn't permit (srnoke)...... during the meetings.
3. Come over here! I'd like you (see)................ this.
4. Children should start (learn) a foreign language at primary school.
5. The union leaders urged their members (tlrinli)................ again before
(decide)...... (strike)........
6. He remembered (pass)................ on most of the information, but omitted
(rrention)... one or two of the rnost important facts.
7. The reporters asked many questions whicli the freed men declined
8. He'd prefer you (go)..... to his place. if that,s convenient.
9. The film was so terrifyirrg that she coLrrd hardry bear (watch) ............... it.
l0.Would you mind (lend)......... ...... $5? I need (buy)................ , p.n.
I l.An instructor is corning (show)................ us how (use)... the machine.
l2.l suggest (telephone)................ the hospitars before (ask)................ the police
(look)................ for hirn.
l3.After (hear).........,...... the condition I decided (not, errter) for the
l4.l tried (explain)..... to him but he ref,sed (listen)................ and went on
l5.He postpo,ed (make)................a decision tiil it was too rate (do)................
lS.lmagirre (have)................(get Lrp)................ at 5 every day?
17.Try (forget)................ it; it isn't ivonh (worry)... ............ aiout.
l8.The horse won't be well enough (run)................ in tomorrol,s race. He doesn,t
seern (have recovered).. . fi"om his long journey.
l9.At first Ienjoy,ed (listen)...........,.... to him but ifter a while I gor tired of
(hear)................ the same story again and again.
20.1 prefer (drrve).........,...... to (be driven)..

IX. complete these sentences, using one of these pairs of verbs. use either
war/were + past participle + -ing or past simple + being + past participle.
attoid - t,,tke deny - involve face - expel "find - wander
keep - wail leave -- hold obsen,e - hide renrember - bile
resent - give ,send - tumble

l. Inger n'as kept v'aiting for over three hours when she went for her dental
2. When the police first questioned him, Wayne .. in the

3. I .. .. the baby while Karen went to answer the phone'
4. When lw,oke up in hospital. I .. .. bir the strake but nothing
after that.
5. Thev ... prisoner bv pretendirlg to be dead'
6. Tlre man .. .. a suspicious package undera seat in thetrain'
7. Wlren the bike hit her. Ann .. " to the gror'rnd'
8. Tu'o teettagers y'esterday "' from school after they were
found with over a hundred stolen mobile phones'
9. The vvoman was taken to lrospital when she " ' lost and
alone in the forest.
l0.Adarn had worked in the company for 30 years and lre rather
orders by people who had been tliere only weeks'

X. Complete the following sentences, using the pair of verbs given. Make
passive fo.*. with past participle + -ing, past participle to-infinitive,
or past
oNo passive''
simple + being + past puiti.ipt". If no passive is possible, write

I. Robert always (hate - tease) hutecl being teused by other children.

2.We(ask-show)...'..otlrpassportsattlreborder. of the ctlstoms
3. You (require - fill). in two copies
5. JackantlMarthacould(trear-argue)' ""'intlrenextroorn'
6. He (catch -take). .:"""""' llloney out of the cash box'
7.She(rieed-help)......l]1edecoratethebedroorn.found out the
8. l (anticipate - be). .,,.. furiotts wlrerr they
window was broken.
9. She phoned the police and (report - attack)' " "' outside her
l0.The pop concert (expect - attract). " " ' over 20'000 people'
XI. Make passive sentences beginning with the underlined word(s)' Does
you have rvritten have a,corresponding meaning to the original, or a
different meaning?
l. Kay's questiotls began to irritat.' Malcolm'

2. The team captain hopes to select Kevin'

3. Alan arranged to take Kathy to the station'

4. Critics have come to recognize Galclos as one of Spain's greatest novelists'

5. The south coast continues to attract holiday-rnakers'

6. Harris has agreed to interview thC-f,::arcg mini"tel'

XII' Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct verb form (passive
infinitive or
l. 'fhat man seems (trust)......... by everyone.
? M,
Foster lropes (transfer)..................... to New york by his
one enjoys (deceive)....
by another p"r.or.
I absolutely refuse (cheat)..................... by them in that rnanner.
I W" would appreciate (inform)...... about the marter promptly.
6. Naturally, I would like (promote)..................... ro a higher position.
l. Tltat autlror doesn't mind (criticize)..................... by his friends.
! The whole prc,blem certainly needs (consider)..................... very carefully.
9. That fellow couldn,t avoid (choose)......,.............. into military service.
l0.l really didn't expect (introduce). . to the presiCent.
XIII' Put the verhs in parentheses in the correct verb form (passive infinitive
or gerund).
l. Ms. Thomson is a.lways willing to help, but she cloesn,t want (call)................
honre unless here is an erncrgency.
2' Jan:ce is going to filr out an apprication. she wants (consider)................
for the
3. I expected (invite).... to the par-ty. but I u,asn,r.
4. The mail is supposed (deliver)................ ar r.roon.
5. Your compositions are supposed (write).. in ink.
6. I don't appreciate (interrupt)... when l,m speaking.
7. The mountairr clirnbers are in danger of (kiil)........:....... b! an avalanche.
8. Does Dr. Johnson mind 1caI1.y......... . at home if his paiients need his help?
9'- Mrs Gates appreciated (serve)....... ........ breakfast in bed she
*u.n.t r.riing i".rr.
10. Sornetimes adolescents complain about not (Lrnderstand) by their-parents.
I l.lnstead of (excite)... about the good nev,,s, Torn seerned to be indifferent.
l2.YoLr'd better sav.e some lnoney ior a rainy day. you can,t count on
(rescue)...... by.your parents every time you g.t into financiar probrems.
13.1 do,'t remember (tell)................ of the decision
t"o change th".o,rpuny policy
on vacation. Wtien was it decided?
1a'-Ms_, Drake expects (consuit)..... about
any revisions in her maruscript
before it is printed.
15.If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to
stop (bother)
every little thirrg that happerrs.
16.Paul really didn't mind (sLrrprise).... by the party
to celebrate his fortieth
bimhoay, although he tord his friends that thej ,i,ould,,it
._ have done it.
17.Anne hoped (invite)................ to join thi privare
club. She could make
important business contacts there.
18.Tom made a bad rnistake at work; but the boss didn't
fire him. He,s- ----'-J
(give)........,...,... a second chance.
19.George mentioned (injure)................ in an accident
as a child, but he never told
us tlre dctails.
l0' The spy admitted (give)................ some highry secret information
ro enemy agents.

XIV. Rewrite the following sentences. beginning as shown.
l. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize him.
The filrn star avoided
2. t felt that it had been a rnistake to u'rite the letter.
I regretted ever ...........
3. He was very sorry that lre didn't see Ann otr lrer trip to London'
He greatly
4. "lf I were yoLr, I wouldu't trust Peter"' she told John.
She advised
5. It's pointless to have that old typew"iter repaired.
That old typewriter is not .....'....
6. I rlas going to leave, but because of what slte said, I didn't.
She persuaded ...,..........
7. She adrnitted that she had taken tlre necklace.
She admitted ................
8. "Why dott't we sirare the cost'J" said rny friend.
My friend suggested
9. He was sorry he hadn't said goodbye to lter at the airporl'
He regretted

XV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank
space in the following Passage:
When I arrived at Jenny's house, the party had already stafted. She (l)......'...
me by tlre arm and asked if I wogld like to be (2)........'... to a boy fiom the school
across the road from my house. Before I(i) .'...'.... the chance to allswer, she had
Ieft me alone with hir-n. He looked a bit (4)............ with everything, and I wasn't
looking (5)........,... to talking to him. But he asked where I was frorn and what
school I wetrt to, ancl Sooliwe rvere (6)'........... everything under the sun' Like rne'
he was (7)............ in films, but as rvell as the famous films that everybody knew
(8).,......,..., he had seel ones nobody else had heard of, So rvfuat I thought was
(9)............ to be: a boring evening turned ( l0)............ to be really interesting.
l. A. grabbed B. shook C. had D' touclred
2. A. known B. meet C. introduced D' friends
3. A. saw B. took C' lost D' had
4. A. bored B. proLrd C. angry D' sorry
5. A. much B. forward C. a lot D' happy
6. A. talking ts. chatting C. discussing D' speaking
7. A. interested B. keen C. fond D' passionate
8. A. for B. about C. on D' from
9. A. coming B. seerning C. looking D' going
10. A.up B. round C. out D' down

XVI. choose the item among A, B, c or D that best answers the question
about the passage:
Throughotrt the United States. the number of places where people are allowed to
smoke has gradually become smaller and smaller. First. it was banned on trains,
buses. and planes. then in public places such as theatres and airports. Norv you
can't smoke in any workplace. Nonsmokers are definitely winning the battle. "why
should we breatlre their smoke?", they say.
lf they are lucl'y. smokers can still find some bars and restallrants where they
can light up a cigarette, but it may soon be banned there, too. Anti-smoking groups
even think that smoking ought to be banned in people's homes.
Under new plans you won't be able to smoke where there are more than ten
visitors in a week, or where there are children. In 1996, nicotine was classed as
drug, like cocaine or heroin. In the countlr that gave tobacco to the world. smoking
rnight one day illegal.
l. Now you can smoke . but in the future you can't.
A. on trains B. in theatres C. .)n planes D. in bars
2. "Why should we breathe their srnoke?" fhe word "their" in this serrtence means:
A. smokers' B. other people's C. nonsmokers, D. visitors,
3. Which of the follorving sentences is true according to the passage?
A. The number of smokers has become srnaller.
B. You can srnoke in some bars and restaLlrants.
C. You cannot smoke in your office.
D. There are more places for people who want to smoke.
4. "Nonsmokers are lvinning the battle" rneans:
A. there are more nousmokers.
B. there are more smokers,
C. there are fewer places where people can smoke.
D. there are more places where people can smoke.
5. In the future, srnoking in ......... may soon be banned.
A. bars and restaurants.
B. the country that gave tobacco to the world.
C. large family's homes.
D. all of these places.
xvII. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
1. We took a train to Liverpool last Saturday, (by)

, y; ;il;;;;h;;k ;, ;"; ;;; i;;i; ;;,; ;; i;;'?iii'turdav

She left for our help.
3. We are hoping that tlre ,*eather will improve rrext week. (better)
We are hoping ............:. weather next week.
4. V,/ho lras to lock the doors when the office closes? (responsible)
Who .......... the doors when the office closes?

5. I was really pleased that at last my father had marraged to give up srnokirrg.
I was really pleased that at last my father ........ Lrp

6. I went to sleep imrnediately the trair-r left the station. (asleep)
I ................. ...... as the train left tlie station.
7. We will not probably see eaclr other again this week. (unlikely)
It's ............. you again this week.
8. It will be nice to see you again at the par1y. (looking)
I'm ............ again at the parly.
9. I haven't forgotten any of the delails of wlrat happened that day. (still)
I ................. detail of what happened that day.
10.We lost our wav because the signposts were confusing. (caused)
The signposts were confusing, which ........... lost'

Progress Test I (Units { -3}
I - 5.. Pick out the word whose underlined and tlold part is pronounced
differently from that of the other words.
l. A. pleased B. punched C. packed D. pLrshed
2. A. magazines B. biscuit! C. newspaperg D. vegetables
3. A. tooth B. breath C. myth D. with
4. A. rise B. measure C. pleage D. pauge
5. A. stronger B. longer C. finqer D. singer
6 - 10. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other
6. A. rnulticast B. rnLrlticolored C. mr-rltigrade D. multiple
7. A. involve B. hardware C. keyboard D. printef
8. A. cottage B. landscape C. village D. casirro
9. A. Internet B. radio C. explain D. television
10.A. ocean B. seabed C. subrnarine D. rainforest
11 -25. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each

A. protectiorr B. protected C. protecting D. protective

l2.lnstead of .............. about the good news, Tom seemed to be indifferent.
A. exciting B. being excited
C. to excite D. to be excited
13.The ner.v student hopes .................. in many of the school's social activities.
A. including B. being included
C. to include D. to be included
l4.The owner of the building's supply store doesn't mind his customers
discounts when they buy in large quantities.
A. giving B. being given C. to give D. to be given
l5.The City Parks Department is putting in several rniles of new trails because so
many people have said that they enjoy on them.
A. walking B. being walked C. to walk D. to be walked
l6.You'd better save money for a rainy day,. You can't count on ............... by your
parents every time you get into financial difficulty.
A. rescuing B. being rescued C. to rescue D. to be rescued
lT.Please fbrgive me. I didn't mea!1
A. upsetting B. being upset C. to upset D. to be upset
I 8.1 don't rementber .. of the decision to change the companv policy on
vacations. When was it decided?
A. telling B. being told C. to tell D. to be told

l9.Ms Drake expects about any revisions in her manuscript before it
A. consulting B. being consulted C. to. consult D. to be consulted
20,He is so ........... in giving help.
A. generous B. generosity C. generously D. general
2l.l only had trme to .-............. at the newspapers.
A. look B. stare C. investigate D. glance
22.We hope this application will be treated
A. syrnpathy B. synrpathetic C. r.rnsvrnpathetic D. syrnpathetically
23.The company was very ........ of my efforts.
A. appreciate B. appreciated C. appreciative D. appreciation
,24.1f you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop ............... by every
little thing that happens.
A. bothering B. being borlrered
C. to bother D. to be bothered
25.Are you sure you told me? I don't recall . ................ about it.
A. having told B. having been told
C. to have told D. to have heen told

26 - 30. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

26.1 rvent Shopping for buying !a-me--fru1qt this morning.
27.Why didn't you came to rny party last night?
28.Furniture makers use glue to hold joints together and sometimes to
reinforce it.
29.When did you go last to the theater?
30.N{), brother pIg&rslg-ga 1a-aen-egl:1s at weekends.
31 - 35. Choose the correct senfence among A, B. C or D which has the same
meaning as the given one.
3l.After four years atlroad. he returned home as an e;icellent engineer.
A. After he studicd for four years abroad. he returned home as an excellent
B. After he had studied fbr tbur years abroad, he returned home as an
excellent engineer.
C. After he studied for four years abroad, he had returned home as an
excelient engineer.
After he lras stLrdied for four +ears abroad. he returned home as an
excellent engineer.

32.There was never any answer when we rang.
A. Every time w'e rang. there hadn"t been any
B. Every time we rang. there wasn't any answer.
C. Every time we rang, there isn't any answer.
D. Every time we rang. there hasn"t been any answer.
33.In spite of heavy rain. my brother went to w,ork.
A. In spite it rained heavily" my brother went to work.
B. Although it rained heavily, my brother went to work.
C. Desp:te it rained heavily, my brother went to work.
D. Although of heavy rain" my brother rvent to work.
34.John said that whatever happened. it rvas Mary's fault.
A. John blamed Mary at what had happened.
B. John blarned Mary on what had happened.
C. John blamed Mary of what had happened.
D. John blamed Mary for what had happened.
35.You may be verv iritelligent, but you should be careful about this.
A. No matter what intelligent you may be, you should be careful about this.
B. No matter why intelligent you may be, you should be careful about this.
C. No matter whatever intelligent you may be, you should be careful about
th is.
D. No matter how intelligent,v*ou may be. you should be careful about this.
36 - 45. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank
space in the follorving passage:
A couple from Miarni, Bill and Simone Butter. (36).......... sixty-six days in a
life-raft in the seas of Central America after their yacht sank. They survived in a
very good (37)..... .....
Trventy-one days after ttrey left Panama in their yacht, Siboney, they met some
whales. "They started to hit the side of the boa!" said Bill, "and then (38).......... we
heard water."
Two minutes (39).........., rhe yacht was sinking. They jumped into the life-raft
and watched tlre boat go (a0).......... the rvater.
For twenty Jays they had (41).......... of food. biscuits. and bottles of rva-ter.
They also had a fishing-line and a machine to make salt uater into drinking uater -
two tlrings which (42).,........ their lives- The', caught eight to ten fisl.: a day and ate
them raw. Then the Iine broke. "'So we had no more fish (43)..... .... something very
strange happened. Some sharks came to feed, and the fish under the raft were afrairj
and came to the surface. I caught them w'ith my hands."
About trventy ships (44,1...."..... thern. but no one salv them. After fifty da1,s at
sea their life-raft r.vas beginning to break up. Then suddenly it was all over. A
fishing boat saw them and (45a).......... them (45b). They couldn't stand up,
so the captain carried them onto his bcat and took thern to Costa Rica. Their trvo
months at sea was over.

36. A. spent B. went up
C. took D. occupied
37. A. way B. condition C. manner D. state
38. A. clearly B. suddenly C. quickly D. occasionally
39. A. after B. later C. soon D. passing
40. A. in B. down C. under D. below
41. A. packages B. tins C. boxes D. containers
42. A. helped B. rescued C. maintained D. saved
43. A. when B. until C. as D. that
44. A. passed B. moved near C. traveled along D. went round
45. A. picked - Lrp B. pulled - on C. tock - on D. moved - up

46- 50. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question
about the passage:
According to legend. the first wornan to join the Marine Corps was Lucy
Brewer, who disguised herself as a man and served aboard the US Constitution
during the War of 1812. The first woman officially documented in Marine records,
however, was Orpha Johnson. After working as a civilian clerk at Marine Corps
headquarters. she entered tlre Marine Corps reserye in 1918. During World War I,
women were invited to join the Corps in order to meet the increased demand for
personnel. By servirrg as typists and clerks, women freed thousands of male
marines for overseas cr.mbat duty. At the end of the war, the women were
transferred tc inactive duty in Marine corps Reserve units, and women did not
resume an active role in the Marine Corps until World War II. During the Second
world war, wornen were again asked to respond to the need for labor. Almost
20,000 women held positions in 200 specialties, including not only clerical and
medical jobs but also technical and transportation services. After the war, many
women were retained in the reserves, and then, beginning in 1948, women were
permittedtoenlist asregularsintheMarineCorps.By l985,Gail Realscompcted
for anC achieved the grade of Brigadier General. becoming the first woman to be so
promoted. Today, women can be found in every branch and occupation of the
United States Marine Corps.
46.With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
A. The history of the Marine Corps.
B. Women in the Marine Corps.
C. The Marine Corps in World War II.
D. Legends of the Marine Corps.
47.Why is Gail Reals a significant figure in the history of the Marine Corps?
A. She was the first woman listed in the official Marine records.
B. She was the first woman to join the Marine Corps.
C. She was the first wonlafl to be promoted to Brigadier General.
D. She was the first rvoman to enlist a regular in the Marine Corps.
48.The author mentioned all of the following as jobs perforrned by women in the
Marine Corps EXCEPT
A. o.rerseas combat duty B. technical specialties
C. clerical work D. medical professions
49.The r.vord "enlist" is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. join B. u,ork C.try D. fight
50.The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses......
A. other Marine Corps legends.
B. Gail Reals'career.
C. the role of women in today''s Marine Corps.
D. opposition to wornen in the Marine Corps.

I. Multiple choice.
l. .................... tlreir work. they went home.
A. Finishing B. Having finished
C. Had finished D. Finished
2. The girl ................ behind you is naughty.
A. stands B. stood C. is standing D. standing
3. .............. their farm work. the farmers returned home.
A. Finishing B. Finish C. Having finished D. Being finished
4. .............. by the visitor, the clavichord would not be used.
A. Broken B. Break C. Breaking D. Broke
5. She was deeply ........ cf,her behavior at the party.
A. shameful B. shame C. ashamed D. shamed
6. I'm ashamed to say that I lied ..................... lrer.
A. to B. with C. about D. at
7. Many local people ob;ect the building of the ner,v airport.
A. at B. to D. with
8. The villages had been
A. desert B. deserting C. deserted D. emptiness
9. The job was more difficult than L............., expected it to be.
A. would B. had C. have D. rnight
l0.After ... dinner, I watched television.
A. eat B. eating C. eaten D. ate
I l.When in international trade, letters of credit are very convenient.
A. Lrsed B. are used C. using D. they used

A. having spent B. having spending

C. when spending D. had spent
i3.l believe there is someone .. on the door.
A. to knock B. knock C. knocked D. knocking
l4.The lady .................... in blue is her aunt.
A. dressed B. dressing C. is dressing D. in dress
15.................... from wliat you say, ),ou are innocent.
A. To judge B. Judging C. Judge D. To be judged
l6.She overcame .... to win the Olympic gold medal
A. injured B. irrjuring C. uninjured D. injury
l7.A ........... is an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flooci or a
fire, that kills a Iot of people or causes a lot of damage.
A. misfortune B. disaster C. risk D. bad luck
18................. you to the job, he felt calm.
A. Appointed B. Appoint C. Having appointed D. To appoint
19................... so rnuch, the doll is stiil on the shelf.
A. Cost B. Costs C. To cost D. Costing

20.Clear all those papers . the desk.
A. out B. off C. away D. out of
2l.She was presentcd with the gift in ........................ for her long sen ice.
A. attitude B. latitude C. attriblrte D. gratitude
22.1owe you a great ................... of gratitude.
A. debt B. bearing C. earning D. carrying
23.He was badly .... in the w'ar and still bears the scars
A. hurt B. injured C. wounded D. fallen
24...................'.... at by everyone, he was disappointed.
A. Laughed B. Laugh C. Being laughed D. tn laugh
25................... anxiolts to please us. they told us all we wanted to know
A. Be B. To be C. Being D. In bein[
26.Weather .. we will start tomorrow.
A. permits B. will permit C. is permitting D. perrnitting
27.Dinner ................... over. they returned home.
A. being B. be C. is D. was
28.Since his new business, Bob lras been lvorking l6 hoLrrs ada'1.
A. open B. opening C. opened D. of opening
29.After the fight, the police arrested two men and a woman.
A. stopping B. stop C. to stop D. stopped
30.................... one hand on the steering wheel" Anna opened a can of soda
with her free hand.
A. To keep B. Keep C. In keeping D. Keeping
II. Supply each blank with the correct preposition.
L She was dressed black ........,......,.. head .................. foot.
2. I am quite aware his intentions.
3. My friend is good .................. English and matltematics.
4. He seemed so surprised my success.
5. Though we all ran .................. the thief, we could not catch him.
6. The people came ................ the meeting all .............. the country.
7. We are looking forward seei:g her again.
8. I arn anxious his health.
9. His friends congratulated hrrn ......,..,........ his good fortune.
l0.l arn thinking looking a new job.

III. Fill in each gap v ith a rvord from the,box.

issues cleared martyr minority
grate.ful donated v,ounded charities
overc'anle handic, clonation
l. The concert will raise money for local
2. lt was several hours before the road was ................ after the accident.
3. AII blood is tested for HIV and other infection:.
4. Organ ...,........:....... is allowing doctors to use an organ from your body after
your death in order to save a sick person's life.
:. He u as .................... that she didrr't tell his parenrs about the incident.
6. She Lrsuallv writes about environmental
7. A.......... is a person who suf'fers very much or is killed because of their
religious or political beliefs.
8. The school is 95 per cent ...........
9. There nere 79 killed and 230 ............
l0.ln the final game Sweden easilr, ......... France.
I l.The accident left hirn physically

IV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been for
0. A. He !qIowed her into the house.
B. I tlrink we're being followed.
C. She fbllorved her nrother into the rnedical profession.

l. A. The farmhouse is ...........,..... frorn any other buildirrgs.

B. He is rny cor"rsin.
C. His theories are sorrewlrat ................. from reality.
2. A. Tlre play's first nrght was a total
B. Losing your job doesn't have to be such a ..................... .
C. The SoLrtheast Asian countries sLrffered from a financial
in 1990s.
3. A. Large numbers of soldiers ................. as defeat became inevitable.
B. Why did you ................. teaching tbr politics?
C. Her courage seented to ................. her for a moment.
4. A. We ................... a ntonthly newsletter.
B. They ................... a joint staternent denying the charges.
C. They ................... a special set of stamps to mark the occasion.
5. A. Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for

B. Do you give much to ...................?

C. A charity conceft is organized to get money for ,.........
6. A. The traffic took a long tirne to ..,..........,.. after the accident.
B. all those papers off the desk.
C. lt's your turn to the table after dinner
7. A. The two groups ..... with each other.
B. They had ...... closely in tlre planning of the project.
C. Their captors told them they would be killed unless they ....)........... .
8. A. Last week we attended a ................. fair.
B. , Design and
'Iechnology is a subject in some British
C. We need chefs rvho learned their ................. in top hotels.
9. A. He smiled at them with ....,......
B. I would like to express my .............. to everyone for their hard work.
C. She was presented with the gift in .. for her long service.

10. A. I am extremely ................... to all the teachers for their help.
B. We would be ................... fbr any information yor.r can give us.
C. She seems to thirk I should be................... to have a job at all.

V. Supply the correct form of the w'ord in bold.

I. we would like to see closer ..... between parerrts and schools.
2. vity is essential to effective commtrnity work. (cooperate)
3. Employees generally be more ... if their views are taken
seriously. (cooperate)
4. The work of the charity is funded by ...................... donations. (volunteer)
5. All donations will be ....... received. (grateful)
6. In Vietnam there are laws protecting the rights of ethrric . (minor)

8. They went hiking in a ............. region. (mountain)

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms: infinitive, gerund or
present participle.
l. She likes lier cliildren (go).............. to thc dentist, but they always resist
(go)................ there.
2. This book tells you how (win)................ at garnes without actualiy
l. (go).....
Did you advise hirn to that university'?
4. I'm not used to (drive).... on the left.

6. I didn't mean (offend)................ anyone.

7. Did you remember (give)...... him the book?
8. They warned us (not corne)................ near the wire.
9. I could hear the bell (ring)... but nobody seemed (be)................ coming
to open the door.
l0.Are you accustomed to (eat)................ this kind of food?
I l.l don't feel like (flj ........ ro the cinema now.
l2.He made them (wtrtk)...... ......... hard during the course.
I 3. Would you like (meet)................ that scientist?
l4.l can't help (think) of my parents lvhile I'm away from them.
vtrI. Join each of the following pairs of sentences, using either a present
participle, a past participle or a perfect participle.
He got off his liorse. He began searching for something on the ground.
Getting of.f his horse, he begun searchinpi........
I had seen the photographs oftlre place. I had no desire to go there.
Having seen the photctgruphs a.f'the ploce. I had no de.sire.......
The speaker refused to continue. He was annoyed by the interruptions.
Annoyed by the interrtrptions, the speaker refused............

1. I knew that he wes poor- I otTered to pay his school fees.
2. She became tired of my complaints about the pro-sram. She turned it off.
3. He found no one at home. He left the house in a bad temper.
4. He realized that he lrad missed the last train. He began to walk.
5. He was exlrausted by his u,ork. He threw himself on his bed.
6. He had spent all his money. He decided to go home and ask his father for a job.
7. She dicin't want to hear the storv again. She had heard it all before.
8. I turned on the light. I w'as astonished at what I saw'.
9. We visited the museum. tYe decided to have lunch in the park.
i 0.He offered to show us the w'ay home- He thought we were lost.
I l.She asked me to help her- She realized that she couldn't move it alone.
l2.The man fed the dog. He sat down for his own dinner.
13.He addressed the audience. He said he was sorry to see how few of them had
been able to come.
l4.He thought he;nust have made a mistake somewhere. He went through his
calculations again.
I5.The tree had fallen across the road. It had been uprooted by the storm.
l6.People were sleeping in the next room. They rvere wakened by the sound of
breaking glass,
l7.We were soaked to the skin. We finally reached the station.
l8.l didn't like to sit down. I knew that there were ants in the grass.
l9.l had heard that the caves were dangerous- I didn't like to go any further without
a light.
20.1 have looked through the fashion magazines" I realize that my clothes are out of

VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms (gerund, infinitive or
bare infinitive, and present participle).
1. She remembers part of her childhood quite clearly. She remembers
(go)................ to school for the first time and (be)..... frightened and
(put)..........,..... her finger in her mouth. And she reprnembers her teacher
(tell)..............., her (take)................ it out. h{

2. After (spend)................
two day's (argue).".--........... about where to go for their
liol idays. they dec ided (not go)................ anywhere.
3. He is talking about (leave)................ his job and (go)................ (live).....
in the country.
4. I was just about (leave)................ the office when the phone rang. It was my
wife; she wanted me (call)..... at the butcher's on my way home.
5. The lecturer began by (tell)...... us where thc island was, and went on
(talk)................ about its history.
6. Miy father thinks I am not capable of (earn)..... my own living, but I mean
(show)................ him that he is wrong.
7. "Did he manage (carry)................. the trunk upstairs?" "No. he didn't. He isn't
strong enough (rnove)....-.......-... it."'

8. Your hair needs (cut)..;............. . You'd better (have)................ it done
tomorrow - unless you'd like rne (have)... a go at it for you.
9. "l don't mind (travel)..,.........,,.. by, bus. bur I hare (itand)............:... in queues.,,
"l don't care lor (queue)................ either; and you waste so much time
(wait)................ for buses. I think it's better(gn)................ by motorbike.,,
l0.t{e suggested (calll a rneeting and (let).................. the workers
(decide)...... the matter themselves.
IX. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms (gerund, infinitive or bare
infinitive, and present participle).
l. we suggested in !",otels but the children were anxious
(carnp),.............., out.
2. They let us park motorcycles here but they worr't allow us (park)................ cars.
3. They don't allow (smoke)...... in the auditorium; they don't want
(risk)................ (set)....,..:........ it on fine. but you can (smoke)................ in the
foyer during the interval.
4. "would your children rnind (keep)................ quiet for a moment? I'm trying
, (fill)................ in a forrr." "lt's no use (ask)..... children (keep).,............-
quiet. They can't help (make)...".... ........ a noise.',
5. I'm delighted (hear)................ that you can come on Saturday. we are all
looking forward to (see)...........,.... you Remember (bring)................ your
rubber boots.
6. He noticed the helicopter (hover) over the field. Then. to his
astonishmenr, he saw a rope ladder (be)..........,..... thrown out and three men
(climb)... dorvn it. He watched them (run).. across the field and
out through a gate. Later he saw a ear witl-r four men on it (come)................ out
of the tane (i:ad)"............... to the field.
7. After (spend)................ a,uveek in the cottage. he decided that he didn't really
enjoy (live)i.!-..!i...i!.! in the country and began (think).,.............. of an excuse
for (sell)... tlre cotrage and (return)...........:.... to London.
8. It's no use (argue)................ witlr him. you might as well (argue) with a stone
v'a!1. He is incapable of (see).........,"...,. anyone else,s point of view.
9" Mr, shaw is very busy (write)...,............ his memoirs. He is far too busy
ireceive),..." callers. so you'd better just (go)..............., away.
lO.One of the gang suggested (take)... the body out ro sea, (irop)........... it
overboard and (pretend)..:...........:,.. that it had been an accident.
X. Complete the foliowing sentences sensibly, using gerund and other rvords.
l. She caught a cold by ...................... cold weather.
2. I sentatelegram instead of ..............,.., letter.
3. He still walks five miles a day in spite of seventy years old.
4. Everybody congratulated Tom on ................ exam.
5. Jack apologized to the teacher for ,..........., late.
6, The little bcy was sick after........... the whole box of sweets.
7. He's such a truthful man that I don't think he's capable of .......a tie.

8. A man should try to save some of lris salary instead of....... ..all.
9. I'm sorry if I passed you in tlre street without
l0.He is always in debt in spite of .............. salary.
1 l.students should read examination questions carefully before ........

l2.l missed the train in spite of ......."....... taxi to.

l3.Don't go out in tlre rain without
l4.He foolishly tried to cure himself instead oi'......."...... a doctor.
l5.People keep cool irr a hot clirnate by .................
16.l got tired of ... so I went to bed.
l7.He went to work this rnorning in spite of "............ headache.
18.It is difficult to succeed in life rvithout ........"...
l9.He failed the exam by ...,........... careless.
20.Please don't enter tlre 'oom without
XI. Choose the word o* phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in
the following passage:
I was with Overseas Volunteers (OV) for a year after le.l,ing university, and I
was sent to an isolated village in Chad, about 500 km from the capital N'Djamena.
Coming from a (l).,.............. country, I got quite a shock. as conditions were much
harder than I liad (2)...... But after a few days I soon got used to
(3).............,.. there. The people were always very friendly and helpful, and soon I
began to appreciate liow (4)................ the countryside was.
One of rhy jobs was to supply the village with water. The well was a long walk
away. And the women used to (5)................ a long time every day (6)................
heavy pots backwards and forwards. So I contacted organization and anranged to
(7)..............,. some pipes delivered. We built a simple pipeline and a pump, and it
worked first time. It wasn't perfect - there were a few (8)..............." but it made a
great difference to the villagers, (9)................ had never had running water before.
And not (10),.,.......:..... did we have running water, but in the evening it was hot,
because the pipe had been (l l)................ in the sun allday.
All in atl, I think my time with OV was a good experience. Although it was not
well-paid. it rvas well (12)................ doing, and I would recommend it to anyone
who was ( l3)..............., working for a charity.
Finally, there's one more reason why I'll never (14)................ working for OV.
A few months before I left, I met and fell in love (15)................ another volunteer,
and we got married when we retumed to England.
l. A. rich B. conrfortable C. well-paid D. luxurious
2. A. felt B. plarrned C. found D. expected
3. A. live B. lived C. living D. lives
4. A. beautiful B. good-looking C. handsome D. sweet
5. A. spend B. spent C. spends D. spending
6. A. fetching B. wearing C. carrying D. holding
7. A. make B. let C. have D. allow

8. A. breaks B. leaks C. splits D. puntures
9. A. which B. that C. they D. who
10. A. hardly B. scarcely C. only D. also
11. A. lied B. lay C. laying D. lying
12. A. worth B. valr-re C. cost D. price
13. A. considering B. thinking C. going D, planning
14. A. regret B. feel sorry C. miss D. lose
15. A. at B. to C. for D. with

XII. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about
the passage:
Each nation has many good people who take care of others. For example, some
of high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as
volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or home for the aged. They read books to the
people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to
their problems.
Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or
old. They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do the shopping or mow their
lawns. For boys who no longer have flathers therc is an organization called Big
Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or on
fislring trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their
Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games or
learn crafts. Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the
mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest. Most of these clubs
use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young
enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls.
Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those whc
help to bring happiness to others.

l. What do volunteers usually do to help those who are sick or old in their homes?
A. They tell them stories and sing and dance for them.
B. They mow lawns, do shopping. and clean up their houses.
C. They cook, sew, and wash their clothes.
D. They take them to baseball games.
2. What do they help boys whose fathers do not live with them?
A. To learn things that boys usuaily learn from their fathers.
B. To get to know things about their fathers.
C. To get to know things that boys want from their fathers.
D. To learn things about their fathers.
3. Which activity is NOT available for the students at the clubs?
A. playing games B. watching films
C. going to interesting places D. learning photography

4. Why do they use many high school and college students as volunteers?
A. they know how to do the work.
B. they have a lot of free time.
C. they can understand the problemsbf younger boys and girls.
D. they are good at playing games and learning crafts.
5. Where don't high school and college students often do voluntary work?
A. hospitals B. orphanages
C. homes for the aged D. clubs

XIII. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
l. She did not buy the car because it was too expensive. (if)
She would have bought the car .....:............. .. so expensive.
2. He managed to make some extra money by writing stories. (order)
He wrote stories .. make some extra money.
3. My father thinks that people who watch television are whsting their time.
My father thinks watching television people's time.
4. You won't have to go to the meeting next week. (necessary)
It will ........ to go to the meeting next week.
5" My friend had not expected the film to be so funny. (friend)

6. Martin has to wear his glasses to read the newspaper. (without)

Martin can't .......... ...... wearing his glasses.
7. Alan's children are never invited to parties now because of their bad behaviors.

8. It was fortunate for him that he wasn't injured irt the accident. (lucky)
He ............. ... be injured in the accident.
9. Carole is the only person I know who enjoys tennis. (apart)
I don't know ......... .... Carole who enjoys tennis.
l0.l did not think that Peter would phone tonight. (unlikely)
I ................. to phone tonight.

. Multiple choice.
r. The plan is designed to .....,"............ employees to work more efficiently.'
A. call B. ask C. oblige D. motivate
2. Carefully ,. the photogiaph on the page and stick it in place.
A. focus B. centre C. point D. aim
3. Discussions were centered developments in Eastern Europe.
A. on B. at C. in D. over
4. It was a real ......... to be ready on time.
A. struggle B. effort C. trial D.AandB
5. James was hit in the moutlr as he struggled . the raiders.
A. against B. with C. over D. to
6. Farnily . is the process of controlling the nurnber of children you
A.building B. controlling C. housing D. planning
7. Ethnic is a group of people from a particular culture or of a
pafticular race living in a country where the main group is of a different culture
or race.
A. minority B. majority C. group D. tribe
8. Her ...'................... to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.
A. perfonnance B. employment C. promotion D. position
9. I had no .............. in making myself understood.
A. difficulty B. difficulties C. problem D. mess
l0.We've run into with the new project.
A. difficulty B. difficulties C. trouble D.AandC
I l.The bank is now ........... difficulties.
A. at B. on C. in D. off
l2.No .... journalist would ever work for that newspaper.
A. self-respect B. self-respecting C. self-confident D. selfish
13........,.... is the reason why you do something or. behaves in a particular way.
A. Acquisition B. Motivation C. Inipiration D. Impression-
l4.State occasions always centered .... the king,
A. to B. around C. beside D. at
15.1 decided to concentrate all my eflorts finding somewhere to live.
A. to B. at C. in D, on
l6.The government ...... a campaign to promote adult literacy.
A. conducts B. carries out C. folloris D.AandB
l7.ln this we are verv fortunate.
A. aspect B. respect C. side D. All are correct
lS.Everyone has a right to be feated respect.
A. with B. of C. in D. at
lg.Money received respect ......... overlime worked rvill be given to those
A.of-of B. in - about C. of - in D. in-of
20.They are going to ............... a survey of recent changes in careers.
A. do B. conduct C. carry out D.BandC
2l .They are ............. to save the arca from building development.
A. grouping B. teaming C, campaigning D. moving
22.The company must reduce costs to compete
A. effect B. affect C. effective D' effectively
23.We are determined to .......... racism from our spolt.
A. eradicate B. erase C. remove D. sweeP
24.1 respect Jack's opinion most subjects.
A. in B. of C. on D.bY
25.He struggled ..... cancer for two Years.
A. against B. over C. off D. to
26.1n the early 20'r' century Vietnarn was a country struggling
A. against B. to C. for D. of
2'l.We had a fight .. money.
A. about B. over C. to D.AandB
28.This species of bird is decreasing in .......".'.......' every year.
A. number B. nttnrbers C. amount D. amounts

A. decrease B. redrrction C. cut D. All are correct

30.There were no signs of a ...',.. at the murder scene.
A. move B. struggle C. fight D.BandC
II. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
l. She spent a lot of money cosrnetics.
2. She srniled ................. me.
3. Tliat piece of news was delightful ....".'...'.'... us.
4. It's no good ................. her.
5. Mr. Johnson said he lvas ............. favor doing the work right away.

7. ...............,, geieral, that is true. However, there are many exceptions.

8. The teacher said we had to learn all these expressiotts .'..'.'..'....... heart.
9. There has been a big increase ................. the price of land recently.
l0.Don't ask Kevin to decide. He's rrot very good making decisions.

III. Fill in each gap with a word frorn the box.

ethnic eradicated realislic sharply

steadily ffictively illiterate illiterate
enlhusiasnt self-respect rdte campaigned

l. We have ..... against whaling forthe last l5 years'

2. You dealt with the situation very ..,.....;..
J. Polio tras been virtualIy ..,...................i......... in Brazil.
4. I didn't enjoy the ccncert because I am musically ..............
5. Slie has slrown ....... in tlre perforrnarrce of her duties.
6. At the .. Szou work. you'll never finish!
7" [t is a ,:omprehensive .......... of modern music.
8, A..."....._...."....schoo1 isaschool forchildrenbetweentheagesof5and 11.
9. How *lny.ourtries took .... in the last Olympic Games?
lO.People should ....... the amolrnt of fat they eat.
I l.When you do not know very much about computers, you become computer

l2.How many ......... communities are there in your city?

13."............. is a feeling of pride in yourself that what you do, say, etc. is
right and good.
l4.We must set ..... goals.
i5.The situation got ............. worse.
i6.Their experiences contrast .... with those of other children.
H\r. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been ftrr
U. A. He followed her into the house.
B. I think we're being follou,ed.
C. She followed her mother into the medical profession,

1. A. lle got into a ..............,... with a man in the bar.

B. The local authorities conducted the .................. against crime.
C. Did you have a with him?
2. A. is fighting or a fight, especially during a time of war.
B. He was killed in
3. A. An lronor is an organizatior"t in the United States for
students with the best grades at school or college.
B, A friendly is an organization irr Britain that people pay
regular amounts of rnoney to, and which gives tlrem money when
they are ill or old.
C. A building is an organization in Britain like a bank that
lends money to people rvho r.vant to buy a house. People also save
money with a building
4, A. Today police launched a .,.............. to reduce road accidents.
B. 1'he company began an adverlising ................ to promote their new
prod ucts.
An election will be conducted next year.
5. A. Aspirin is a simple but highly treatment.
B. These are drugs that are against cancer
C. I admire tlre ................ use of colour in her paintings.
6. A. I ltave the greatest lor your brotlrer.
B. A two-minute silence was held as a mark of ................. .

C. A deep mutual and understanding developed between them.

7. A. The ..................... star-ts at seven.
B. She gave the greatest .. of her career.
C. It was an impressive ..................... by the French team.
8. A: Most people walk at an average of 5 kilometres an irour.
B. The number of reported crimes is increasing at an alarming ...........' .
C. Figures published today shorv another fall in the of inflation.
9. A. A recent ...............i showed 7570 of those questioned were in favour
of the plan.
B. The ............... revealed that people were not in favour of the scheme'
C. An aerial is made by taking photographs from an aircraft'
10. A. .Such problems are a.,.........'...... feature of old age.
P Agreement on this issue is almost
C. suffrage is the right of all the people in a country to vote'
I 1. A. One third of the world's .. consumes / consume two
thirds of the world's resources.
B. The entire .. of tlie town was at the meeting.
C. The ..................... is increasing at about 2o/o per year.
12. A. The ............... aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.
B. Our.................. concern must be the children.
C. Good health care is of ...............". importance.
13. A. We should look for a '..'....'...........'. assessment'
B. We have to be .......... about our chances of winning.
C. It is not ... to expect people to spend so l::tue h money'
14. A. The report was ,........... critical of the police.
B. Tlre road fell ,..................... to the sea.
C. She moved ...........:,......... across the room to block his exit.
15. A. She's a very ........... teacher.
B. I'm perfectly ......................... of doing it rnyself, thank 1'ou.
C. You are ...... of better work tharr this'

V. Supply the correct form of the rvord in hold.

L The new speed lirnit on this'road becomes .................. frorn I JLrne. (effect)
2. They have to.check the .....,...... of the security s)'stern 3t the airport.
-3. She is a much loved and highly .'.. teaclter. (nespectt
-i. I-le criticized the recent poor ........... of the company, {pcr{*i'ltt)
5. Do you consider it the ..... of religious experience? iunlversal)
6. lt is a jr:b with excellent ........ prospects. (proralr:te)
7, The changes were made with ........... little difficult-v. isa:rprise)
8. We try to make these trainit.lg cotlrses as '.'...'...'....... as possible. (real)
9. .............. , tlrere is little prospect of a ceasefire. (real)
!0.Most people said that pay was their main lor *'orking. (motivate)
1 l.\\'e took a .... more direct route. (slight)
l2.The company's exports have been increasing . . (steady)

VI. Choose a pair of verbs to complete the reponts of what rvas said, usimg
appropriate forms of the verbs. Nlake the verbs negative in the reporting
clause (as in l) or the reported clause, whichever is rnore likely.

announce -- Flo expecl - he feel - could inler;:i.' )turt

insist -- be tntise - would think * would threalei' --
l. 'l didn't mean to upset Astrid.'
He didn't intend to hurl her feelings.
2. 'l won't give you the mortey hack if you keep on at me.'
He .... ...... tlre money if she kept on at him.
3. 'l can't ask my parents to help me again.'

4. 'l wasn't anywhere near the sclrool at the time of tire break-in.'
He ... ..... that he .,.. .. anywhere near the school at
the time of the break-in.
5. ol'm not going back to college.'
She ... .. tlrat she back to college.
6. "l was surprised that Mum was so angry.'
She ... .. her mother ...... ........ so angry.
7. 'John won't rnind waiting a bit longer.'
She ... .. John .... mind waiting a trit ionger.
8. 'l won't be late again.'
She ... ... that she ... .. be late again.

VII. Complete each sentence with an infinitive phrase rvhlch combined t',i(h
the main verb, reports the idea of the speaker's words.
I . Joe said. "Please come to my party."
Joe invited me ...........,.
2. My teacher sald, "l tlrink you slrould take another English cturse."
My teacher advised me ..,.............................
3. Mrs. Brown said, "Yeu Inay use the phone."
Mrs. Bror,vn permitted rne .............
4. The doctor said, "Take a deep breath."
The doctor told the patient
5. My mother said, "Make an appointtnent with tirc delttist."
My mother reminded lre .............
6. My friend saiC, "l think you should take a lonq vacatiott."
My friend encouraged me ..,..........
7. The Srniths said, "Would you like to come to ottr Ilouse fcr dinner?"
The Sniiths invited us ...............
8, My friend said, "You should See a doctor aboui thc pain in viiur knee,"
My friend advised me ...,.........
9. The judge said, "You must pay a fine of fifty dollars."

l0.Bill said. "Don't touclr the hot pot."
Bill warned me not
I l.Sue said. "Don't buv a used car."
Sue advised lne not
l2.Mr. Gray said. "Don't play in the street."
Mr. Gray warned the cliildren not
VIII. Report the sentences, using one of the verbs in ttre Lrox.
persuade order ctsk advise(x21
tell encourcge invite b"g
l. 'lf .l were you, I'd go to the doctor's.' he said to me.
2. 'Could you possibly do me a favour?' she asked Torn.
3. 'Hand in your essay next week,' the teacher told the class.
4. 'Don't forget to post the letter,' my wife said to me.
5. 'Come and have dinner with us,' Rosie said to John.
6. "You rnust pa) a fine of one hundred pounds.'thejudge saic! to Edv.'ard Fox.
?. 'tsuy tlre red dress, not the green one,'Beffy said to Jane.'lt's much. rnuch
nicer." 'Mmm, I'm not sure. OK, I'll buy the red one. You're right!'said Jane.
E. 'You really should paint professionally,'said Gillto Herrry. 'You're really good
at it.'
9. 'Please, please don't tell my father,' she said to me.
10"'l think you should sellyour shares.' lris accountant said tc_r Bill.
IX. Report the sentences, using one of the verbs in the box.
complain (that) adnttt (thot) cleny (that1 sugge,st (that)
boast tthatl refuse agree rffir
I . okay. I'll lend you my car but be careful with itl' Feter said tc Ann.
2. 'Yes, it was me. I stole the rnoney,' said Bill.
3. 'But ldidn't hit the old lady.' said Bill.
4. 'i can speak eleven languages, all perfectly.' said the professor.
5. 'l'll work early, honest I rvill.' Angela said.
6. 'Ugh! My soup is cold!' said Henry.
7. 'l won't help you with your homework. Neverl' Jane said to me.
8. 'l'll give you a lift to the station, if you like,' Kate said to Megan.
9. 'what about if we meet on Thursday?' IVIark said to James. 'That's fine,' said

x. choose the word or phrase among A, B, c or D that best fits the blank
space in the following passege:
school exams ar"e, generally speaking, the first kind of test we take. They find
out how mucir knowledge we have gained" But do they really show how inteltigent

we are? After all. isn't it a (l)............... that some people who are very
acadernically successful don't lrave any common sense?
Intelligence isthe speed (2).......... which wecan understand and reactto new
situations and it is usually tested by logic puzzles. Although scientists now
preparing (3)...,,.......... computer technology tliat will be able to 'read' our brains.
(4)............... tests are still the most popular ways of measuring intelligence.
A person's IQ is their intelligence (-5) is measureci by a special test.
The most comrnon IQ tests are (6)............... by Mensa. an organization that rias
founded in England in 1946. By 1976, it (7)............... 1,300 members in Britain.
Today there are 44,000 in Britain and 10C,000 worldwide, largely in the US.
People taking the tests are judged in (8)............... to arr average score of 100,
and those wlro score over 148 are entitled to join Mensa. This works out at 2
percent of the population. Anyone from the age of six can take tests. All the
questions are straightforward and most people can answer them if (9).........',....
enough time. But that's the problem, the whole (10).............". of the test is that
they're against the clock.
1. A. case B. fact C. circumstance D. truth
2. A. on B. to C. in D. at
3. A. advanced B. forward C. ahead D. upper
4. A. at this age B. for the present C. at the time D. now and then
5. A. how B. that C. as D. so
6. A. appointed B. commanded C. run D. steered
7. A. held B. had C. kept D. belonged
8. A. concern B. relation C. regard D. association
g. A. allowed B. spared C. let D. provided
I0, A. reason B. point C. matter D. question

XI. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about
the passage:
Professor Martin's report says that children who attend a number of different
schools, because their parents have to move around the country, probably make
slow progress in their studies. There are also signs, says Professor Martin, that an
unusually large nutnber of such children are mentally affected.
o'lt's true, my personal feelings is that children should stay
The professor says,
in one school. Our findings are based on research and not on any personal feelings
that I or many assistants may have on the subject."
Captain Thomas James, an army lecturer of the past 20 years and himself is a
father of two children said, "l've never heard of such rubbish. Taking me for
example, no harm is done to the education of my children, who change school
regularly - if they keep to the same system. as in our Army schools. In rny
experience - and I've known quite a few of thern - Army children are as we[[
adjusted as any others. if not more so.
Wlrat the professor doesn't appear to appreciate is the fact that in such situation
children will adapt much better tltan grown-ups."
.i.hc:; iiris was put to Professor Martin, he said that at no time had his team
:,llggested that all children were backward or mentally affected in some way, but
simply that in their experience there was a clear tendency.
"Our findings show that while the very bright children can deal with regular
changes without harming his or her general progress in studies, the majority of
children suffer from constantly having to enter a new learning situation.''
I . Professor Martin's report suggested that ...
A. it may not be good for children to change schools too often
B. parents should not move around the counlry
C. the cause of children making slow progress is that they have changed
D. more and more children are mentally affected
2. According to the passage, Professor Martin's personal feeling
A. is opposite of what his report has shown
B. is in a way supported by his research
C. has played a big part in his research
D. is based on the experience of his own research
3. From the passage, we can conclude that Captain James' children
A. have affected by changing schools
B. go to ordinary state schools
C. can get used to the Army school education
D. discLrss their education regularly with their father
4. About children and grown-ups. Captain James says that children
A. are generally well-adjusted B. are usually less experienced
C. can adapt much more easily D. can deal with changes quickly
5. According to Professor Martin, .... suffer from changing sclrools
A. army children B. quite a few children
C. bright children D. slow children
XII. Rewrite the following sentences, using the rvords given in brackets.
l. Ballet doesn't interest Sonia. (interested)
Sonia ......... ballet.
2. Visitors to the zoo are not allowed to feed the animals. (must)

3. John has not been to London bel'ore. (visit)

It .................................... ..... London.
4. 'l'li see you later, Anne,' he said. (told)
He.,............ ....... see her later.
5, There were rnore students in school in 1992 than in 1991. (as)
There were in school in 1992 as in I99l.
6. When I was in the departrnent store. sorneone thouglit I was a shop assistant.
When I was in the departrnent store. solreone . a shop
ass istant,

7. I wonder how she learnt to speak English so well. (like)

8. Although he can't swim hirnself. Dan is very keen that his children should
learn. (unable)
Despite .........,.,...i,..:................... hirnself. Dan is very keen that his children
should learn.
9. I am totally corrvinced that our team will win. (chance)
In my opinion, there our team losing"'s a good thing you wrote the letter or we wouldn't lrave known wlrat
happened. (you)
We wouldn't have known what happened ............... that letter.

I. Multiple choice.
l. Her ....... language is Koreatt.
A. native B. national C. international D. mother
2. We insisted . a refund of the fullamount.
A. at B. on C. in D. to
3. The of a football team usually wears a colored arm-band.
A. captain B. forward C. goalkeeper D. defender

A. in - of ., - with
B. in C. at - with D. at - of
5. We need to work harder to remain '... with other companies.
A. competed B. competitive C. compatibly D. competition
6. A ................ is a competition in wlrich people try to win sornething.
A. test B. exarninatiotr C. contest D. survey
7. We encourage students to ...............,....... fully in the running of the college.
A. participate B. emerge c.go D. enter
8. Go and apologize .................. her.
A.about B. to C. with D. at
9. We apologize ... the late depafture of this flight'
A. about B. to C. of D. for
l0.To .............,........... is to pay the costs of a particular event, program, etc. as a
way of advertising or to agree to give somebody money for a charity if they
complete a particular task.
A. stimulate B. donate C. sponsor D. help
I l.Tlie team which more goals wins the match.
A. shoots B. ,:cores C. blows D. kicks
l2.Which of these is one of the sports events the Olyrnpic Cames?
A. hiking B. racing C. hunting D. fishing
l3.He was considered'the Man of the Match'because he had three goals in
that match.
A. won B. succeeded C. picked D. scored
l4.Only thirty students graduated Chinese last year.
A. in B. of D. for
l5.He graduated ........... York with a degree in Psychology'
A. at B. in C. from
l6.,{ .......... is a long running race of about 42 kilometers or 26 miles.
A. long race B. mini-marathon C. marathon D. B and C
17...............i......... is the sound that is made by something repeatedly hitting a
surface quickly and lightly.
A. Hitting B. Pat C. Patting D. Patter
18.1 heard her feet ..... along the corridor.
A. hitting B. pattering C. jumping D. knocking

19.A....."..' is a person who has been chosen to speak or vote o1 berrarf
of or a person who works for a company and travels around selling its
A. member B. representative C. represent D. Iearjtl
20.The painting is rror ......... . of his work of the perioii.
A. representative B. represented C. representing D. rep'esent
2l ............... is required in orcler to achieve these aims.
A. Groupwork B. Pairwork c. Teamwork D. Crassr.vork
22.They're ... at training everybody by the errd of the year.
A. pointing B. aiming C. trying D. sueceeding
23.The gunman took .........." and fired.
A. link B. focus C. concentration D. aim
24.A meeting is a sports .. or set of races, especially for horses.
A. event B. occasion C. position b. fact
25.He ... 10.09 seconds in the 100 rleters final.
A. set B. ciock C. clocked D. gained
26.They were bitterly ...... at the result of the game.
A. disappoint B. disappointed c. disappointing D. disappointedly
27.1was very disappoirrted rvith ...........
A. me B. myself C. mine D. my own
28............... diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-
established in Decernber.
A. Informal B. Official C. Formal D.BandC
29.............., knowledge is knowledge of facts about a rot of different subjects.
A. General B. whole c. ordinary D. All are coriect
30.....'......... is a work of art that is a solid frgure or object made by carving
or shaping wood, stone, clay, metal, etc.
A. Arts B. Masterpiece C. Works D. Sculpture
II. Fill in each gap with a word from the box.
slimulate sculpture spirit pdttered
general disappointed rneeting athletics
contest annquncentent$ sponsors marathon
activities maximum individual wti
1. .'......"............. of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers.
2. The police try to prevent crirninal
3. The cafe is a popular .... place for students.
4' .'............ is track and field sports that people compete in, such as running
and jumping.
5. She was ..... not to be chosen.
6. lt is such a .................... knorvledge quiz.
7. A ..........'........ is an acrivity or a piece of work that rasts a long time and
requires a lot of effort and patience.
For ............_...... effect do the exercises every day.

9. Rain .. against the window.
l0.He is very good at the techniques of .... in stone.
11.Obey the .........."...., not the letter (: the narrow meaning of the words) of thq
l2.Parents should give children books that .'....................... them.
13.A ........... is a piece of glass in a window.
l4.They hold a for the leadership of the party.
l5.The race organizers are try ing to attract
l6.Website is a place connected to the Internet, where a compally or an
organizatiotl, or an ................ r....... person. puts informatiort.
III. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. Are you interestcd .. ........... politics?
2. Dick apologized not sending us a thank-you letter.
3. I believe government suppolt for public transport services.

5. Would you like to borrow a petl ............'. me?

6. For the last time - Will you listen ...........'.. me?
7. Everyone knows that women are equal .........,.'.. men.
8. Would you like wine or beer ,............. the meal?
9. We would like to congratulate yori .'.....'..'." getting the promotion.
l0.l agree you the need'to improve public transport services.
1 l.Will you be available the interview 9 o'clock tomorrow?
l2"Whaitime we get there will depend how bad the traffic is.

IV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One exarnple has been for
0. A. He followed her into the house'
B. I think we're being follbwed'
C. She followed her mother into the medical prof,ession.

l. A, There is now intense between schools to attract students.

B. We'll be able to assess the ,.......'....'.... at the conference'
C. Are you willing to enter that ..................?
2. A. Are you interested in economic ........?
B. The streets were noisy arrd full of .'....'....'...
C. Muscles contract and relax during physical
3. A. She went to London with the of finding a job.
B. Our main is to increase sales in Europe.
C. Bob's one ....."............. in life is to earn a lot of money
4. A. Do you know the rainfall of this area?
B. She has finished tlre ................... report of the sales.

5. A. We are pleased to ............... that all five candidates were successful.

B. Would you ............... the guests as they arrive?
C. They -...."......... that the flight will be delayed.

6. A. To .............,..... is to reaclr a particular time or speed.
B. The police .(-ed) her doing over 100 miles an hour.
C. Wind gusts at 80 m.p.h. were ....................(-ed) at Rapid City.
7. A I rvas .......... by the quality of the wine.
B. l'rn ............ in you I really thought I could trust you!
C. He tvas - she wasn't at the party.
.... to see
8. A. '[-low do you do'/'she said
B. The accounts u,ere ... appro...ed b),th" board.
Although not...................... trained as an art historian, he is widely
C. respected for his knowledge of the period.
9. A. The job will require you to use all your skills to the
B. The'JLrly was 30oC.
C. What is the absolute ................. )olr can afford to pay?
r0. A. Iie passed the exants rvith the . of effbrt.
B. The class needs a of six studerrts to continue.
C. As an absolute . you should spend two hours in the
evening studr irrg.
ll. The singer is regarded as a ........... of tlre youth of lrer
He r.vas the Queen's ........ at the ceremony.
Sire's our .......,. in France.
t2. Traffic is now flowing ...... again.
The engine was rur.rr"rir.rg
The interview w'ent
13. A ................ is a group of people who join together for a particr,rlar
Are you a mer.nber of the drama................?
Do you krrow tlre Anrerican of Newspaper Editors?
14. There's not muclr cornn-rurrity . arourrd here.
AlthoLrgh the teanr lost. they played rvith tremendous ...........
They took aival his freedom and broke his .................... .
15. To ..... .........,.... is to make something develop or become more
active or to ellcourage sontething.
B. The exhibition has (-ed) irrterest in her rvork.
C. The article can bc used to . discr:ssion among students.

v Supply the correct form of the word in bold.

l. The club provides a w'ide variety of ................. including tennis, sw'imming and
squash. (act)
2. Today's of a peace agreernent came after weeks of
discussion. (announce)
3. The room was srnall. (disappoint)
4, To our great it rained every day of the trip. (disappoint)
5. This house rreeds solne lrore ....... decoratiorr. (sculpture)
6. The colours blend ......... together. (smooth)

7. This activit)'may give you some physical ...... . (stimulate)
8. A -----"--.- teaclrer is the one rvlro is tirll of interesting or exciting ideas or
the olrc who makes his students feel enthusiastic. (stimulate)
9- Graduates have to fight forjobs in a highly market. (compete)
l0.china gains a lot of benefits tiom their ................ priced goods. (compete)
VI. Complete the following sentences in the reported speech.
l. Mary. "John won't like your inferring his business.',
Man- said that Jolrn wouldn't thank me
2- "You shauld *,'ear a suit rvhen you conte to my, party, Tom..', said Susan.
Susan insisted
3. The tourist guide said,'"Don't walk alone in the street at night.',
The tourist guide wanted against ..........:.........
4- "l can'lgo to )our birthday pafty next Saturdal,evening. Jack,', said Mary.
Mary apologized for
5. The matlager said to the u'orkers. "You have done excellent u,ork this rnontft."
The n:a:rager congratulated the wclrkers olt ..............
6. "l alr.vays *'ant {o run my o1vl1 business". she said to nte.
She told me that she dreanred of ...............
7, "'You told a lie" Tom". she said.
She accused Tom ....-....-
8. -To tellihe truth. I har,en't insured nty car". she said.
She admitted ... without irrsurance.
9. '"Shall rle Nrar.e dinner somer.vhere after the theatre?" said Peter.
Peter suggested ....-.."-..
10."1didn't break the *'indaws." Bill said.
I l."You cail't run out of the garden." Ms Kelly said to the children.
Ms Kelly'prevented the children
12"-'l feel like seeing \/ou soolt. Susan," said her motlrer.
Her mother looked foruard
l3."People have a ri_eht to sar rvhat they tlrink". she said.
She said n,e couldn't stop people

YItr. Cornplete the following sentences, using the idea of the speaker,s worcls.
l" The dcctor said to me. "You should lose weigltt."
Tlre doctor advised me ,.......,....
2. He said to rne" "You should call a cloctor."
He advi-sed
3. My teaclrcr said. "You should study harder."
trMy feacher advised me .............
4. Sharon said" "l think you shoulcl go to the National Universitv.,'
Sharon advised
5. Mary said. "Lrt's go to a rnovie."
Mary suggested ......"..,.

6. Don said, "l think you shoLrld see a docror about the problern."
Don recomrnended
7. Mr. Madison said. "Why don'r you buy a motorbike.,'
Mr. Nladison suggested
8. "Shall we go lor a rvalk?". saicl peter.
Peter suggested .............

vIII. Choose the rvord or phrase among A, B, c or D that best fits the blank
space in the following passage:
Sunro wrestling is a,ational sporl in Japa,. L.very year tlrere are six (r)............
and millions of Japanese watch them on television. A tournarnent is a (z)............
Sumo is almost as old as the nation of Japan itself'. Stories say that there uas
stttro wrestlirrg over two thousand years ago. History says that there were national
sllrxo tournameltts in the eighth century.
Often (3)............ are thin and can move very quickly. It is beaLrtiful to watch
them play. However, sumo wrestrers (4)............ from 100 to 160 kilos. one famou:
wrestler weighed 195 kilos. Sumo wrestlers do not look beaLrtiful, and sumo
wrestling is a very slow sport.
Sumo wrestlers (5)............ trai,ing when they are boys. They (6)............ to
make their bodies strong. They also eat anci eat ancl eat.
They wrestle in a round ring with a sand floor. A,,r'restler (7)... ........ the match
if he leaves tlre ring. He is also the loser if any parl of his body except his feet
touches tlre floor. Each wrestler tries to (8)............ the other down on the floor or
out of tlie ring. Sometimes one wrestler.iust (9),.,......... aside wlren the other
wrestler rushes toward him. Then that rvrestler falls down or falls out of the ring.
Sumo is not very (10)............ in other countries, but the Japanese love it. Even
.young people find this traditional sport exciting.
L A. tournaments B. fights C. games D. meetings
2. A. series B. groups c. ,urnher D. combi,ation
3. A. fighters B. athletes C. participants tt. players
4. A. move B. change C. divide D. weigh
5. A. open B. set C. set off D. start
6. A. motiorr B. exercise C. movc D. act
1. A. misses B. loses C. cancels D. quits
8. A. push B. hit C. carry D. place
9. A. walks B. slips C. steps D. takes
10. A. general B. norntal C. known D. popular
IX. Choose the item among A, B, c or D that best answers the question about
the passage:
'Ihe origins of baseball probably
stretch back to 1839 when Abler Doubleday. a
civil engineer student, laid oLrt a diamond-shaped field at cooperstown, Nerv yo;k.
and attempted to standardize the rules governing the playing of such games as
ball and four old cat, the ancestors of baseball. By,the of tn" Civil War. interest
in the game had grown rapidly. Over 200 teams or clubs existed. some of which
toured the country playinu rivals: they belonged to a national association cf,
"Baseball Flalrers" that had proclairned a set of standard rules. These teams are
amateurs or semi-professionals. but a-s the game waxed in popularity, it offered
opportunities for p,-ofit. and tlre first professional tearn. the Cincinnati Red
Stockings, appeared in 1869. Other cities soon fielded professional teams, and in
1876 the presentNational League was orgatrized chiefly by Albert Spalding. Soon
a rival league appeared, the Arnerican Association. Competition between the two
was intense, and in 1883 they played a post-season contest, the first "world's
series". The American Arsociation eventually collapsed, but in 1890 the American
League was orgartized.
L According to the passage, baseball originated in 1839 because..'...
A. Abler Doubleday invented a special diamond-shaped pitch
B. the rules of earlier games were amalgamated and regularized
C. civil engineering students became interested in playing games
D. the old ga,rnes died out and a new one was needed
2. What was different about "Baseball Players" cornpared with earlier players?
A. They traveled widely.
B, They belonged to many clubs.
C. They played by agreed rules.
D. They were not professional.
3. Accordirlg to the passage, the Cincinnati Red Stockings were fcrmed in

A. because baseball had become more popular by then

B. to ertable the arnateur players to heconte professional
C. so that the pLrblic had the opportunity to profit from a prolbssional team
D. to produce a means of making money
4. From the passage, we understand that the National League' was formed in 1876
10...................... .
A. reorganize the professional teams
B. enable more professional teams to be set up
C. provide a governing authority for baseball
D, authorize amateur and professional teams to combine
5. According to the passage, at the turn of the centLrry tlre only remairring baseball
organizations were
A. the American League and the |Jational League
B. the American League
C. the Anrerican Association and the American League
D. the American Association
X. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
l. Luisa was the only one who didn't enjoy the filrn. (apart)

2. 'Ihey are going to demolish that old power station. (pulled)

That old power station ....... down.

-r. My sister began to learn Russian five vears ago. (learning)
Vl1'sistei- ....... five years.
4. 'Do not answer the phone. Reheccal' said Mrs. IVliniver. (not)
Llrs. Miniver................. .... answer the phone.
5. The trip to Chicago u,as cheaper than I had expected. (as)

6. Mrv w'atch was so baCly darnaged that it wasn't rvorth keeping. (point)
Mv v'atch was so badly darnaged that keeping it.
I expect you \/,'3re exhausted after your long journey. (been)
You ........... exhausted after your long journey.
8. It was unf-air that the gymnast was given such low marks. (deserve)
The gyrnnast ................. given such low marks.
9. This bottle is cornpletel) ernpty. (lefl)

l0 My uncle did not learn to drive u. ,, it., was forty. (when)

My uncle ...... to drive.

Progress Test 2 (Units 4-6)
I - 5. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced
differently from that of the other words.
l. A. o{ B.of C. safe D. knife
2. A. sacrgg! B. decided C. cooked D. printed
3. A. ltem B. ldiom C. ldle ' D. ideal
4. A. prgtty B.ggt C. sgnd D. well
5. A. chlldren B. chlld C. llne D. slgn
6 - 10. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other
6, A. village B. begin C. colunrn D, pity
7. A. average B. aquati; C. athletic D. available
8. A. schedule report C. prornise D. orbit
9. A. accurate B. customer C. computer D. exercise
10.A. f rncy B. portrait C. endless D. require
ll - 25. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each
l1.l intended to revenge him but my father prevented nre ......,............ so.
A. frorn doing B. not to do C. not do D. not doing
l2.You can't go to England without to Buckingharn Palace.
A.go B. being gone C. to go D. going
l3.A recent......... showedT5% of those questioned were in favour of the plan.
A. roll B. show C. survev D. number
l4.The aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.
A. primary B. main C. major D. Allare correct
15.A.......... teacher is the one who is full of interesting or exciting ideas or
the one who makes his students feel enthusiastic.
A. stimulate B. stirnulated C. stirnulating D. stimulation
16.The changes were made with ........... Iittle difficult_v.
A. surprised B. surprising C. surprisedly D. surprisirrgly

A. aim B. purpose C. goal D. All are correct

l8.We object to ..............,.. her like this.
A. treat B. being treated C. treating D. be treated
l9.The criminal admitted the innocent child.
A. killed B. to kill C. killing D. had killed
20.Mrs. Ramsay was accustomed ............ in this rickety house.
A. by living B. to living C. with living D. living

2l.She has avoided . to me so far.
A. being talked B. talk C. ralking D. to talk
22.1t is no use .. over spilt mitk.
A. tbr cry'ing B. in crying C. to cry D- crying
23.1'm opposed to ............... tlre nronev.
A. borrow B. be borrowed C. borrowing D_ be borrowing

A. being robbed B. robbing i. being rob D. be robbing

25."How did you travel so cheaply in E,urope?" ..we reduced our eiper.rses by
taking the train an{ ............... in inexpensive restaurants--
A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate
26 - 30. choose the underlined part among A, B, c or D that needs oorrecting.
26.Although we are concerneJ about the problem of enerry souroes, we rnust not
fail recognizirrg the need for environmental protection.
27.Never before ha; so many people in the United States been interested in s(rccer.
28.Frorn space, astronauts are able e-_c-lEarly_seg the outline of the w,hole earth.
29.AlJ11a!! 3U books have a few errors in them in spite of the c-re takeg to check
its proof pages before the final printing.
30. Dairying is concerned not only with trre production of milk, but with the
manufacture of rnilk products sr-rcit as butter and cheese.
3l * 35. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, c or D which h*s the sanre
meaning as the given one.
3l.John didn't attend the class because he was seriously iil.
A. John never attended the class.
B. John's class was not serious.
John was absent from class many times. :
John was too ill to attend the class.
32.Six years ago we started rvriting to ea:h other.
A. V,/e've been writing to each other for six years.
B. We've been writing to each other since six years_
C. We're used to write to each other for six years.
D. We used to write to each other for six years.
33.If George keeps studying as he has been, he'll have no trouble in passing his e.rams.
A. George will not pass his exams because he is not studyin,
B. George has passed his exams.

C. George has trouble irr passir-rg his exams'
D. George is study'ing hard to pass lris exams'
34.John said. "You'd better not lend therr-r any money, Mary'"
A. John advised Mary rrot to lend thern an ' morley'
B. John said to Mary not lend them any rnonev'
C. John advised Mary should not lend them any money'
D. John said Iv{ary rtot to lend thgq any rnonev'
35.The story of tlreir sufTerirrgs was pairrful to listen to'
A. Their sufferings make me painful'
B. It was painful to listen to the story of their sufTerings'
C. They alvrays complained of their sufferings'
D. I don't like to listen to their sufferings'
best fits the trlank
36 45. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that
space in the following Passage:
The National Health Service in Britain has gone into
(36).........'... big organization
that it now employs more people (37)............. other in the country.
(39)..'.......... sooner or later
efficient an organiiation liks this may bq, it is bound to
Association gives
irii+Ol.--.......]. tf,e public can do when they occur. The Patient's
(41).... ........ when they think they have not been properly looked after'
(42),.... ....... general
ago, tt-,e Association fought against the Government's idea
tEuitf, centers for individuil doctors. lt said it did not want to tellthe Health Service
i+Si . ".. would be cheaper than btrilding health centers'

1{. A ^ srrch B. such a C' so D.aso

37. A. than any B. than some C. that aniz D. that some

38. A. For B. It doesn't min<l

C. Whatever D. Hor.vever

39. A. make faults B. do far-rlts

C. make mistakes D. do mistakes

40" A. there is a few B. there is little C. it is few D. it is a little

41. A. to people advice B. to pecple advices

C. people advice D. people advices

42. A.of substituting B. for substitute c. for replacing D. for replace

43. A. that itmust B. that it is to C. what is to D. what to

1,1. A. should have to B. needs C. shouid D. oLrght

A. rvhich B. who C. that D. it

46 - 50. Choose the ite:n among A, B, C or D that best answers the statements
about the passage:
Water is necessary for life. People can live only a few days',titltotrt it. Yet
nearly 25 rnilliorr people die each ,vear because of it. Both industrial nations and
less developed countries are worried about the quality and qtrantitv of water in the
The Unitecl Nations named the l980sthe World Water Uecade. The UN hoped
to provide pure water for everyone by 1990.
One of the problerrrs about water is distribr,rtion. Water is not alw'aYs distributed
where the large population ceuters are. Some regions get enough rain. but it is all in
one or two short raitty seasotrs.
Over half of the rvorld is rvithout pure water. Seventy-five percent of
city people have safe w'ater, but only 29 percent of rural people do. About 80
peicent of all illness is related to bad u,ater. Million of women and childrerr spend
up to six hours a day carrying water. When tlrese womer finish carryitrg water and
doing their domestic work. they' don't have time for anything else. In some dry
areas, children stay home fronr school to help carry waler-
The United Nations hopes to change this situation. It is attempting to develop
water systems that people can aftbrd. Villages rvill be able to create and take care
of these systems thenrselves, a,rd other villages can copy them. UNICEF, the
World Bank, and otirer organ;zations are helping. Local, national, and international
organizations must all work together to improve the quality of life of rnillions of
people with pure water.
46.The UN hoped to provide pure water for everyone by............
A. t980 B. r985 c. r990 D.2000
47.People are worried about the .' of water in the world.
A. quantity and quality B. quality and acceptance
C. amount and price D. rural and city
48,Some regions.get enough rain but it is..........."
A. not for domestic use B. impure
C. well-distributet-i D. not spread out over the year
4g.Which organizatiorrs are protiably, helping w'ith the World Water Decade?
A. CARE B. UNICEF C. Oxfam D. All of them.
50.A viilage is an example of .................... government.
A. a local B. a national C. a state D. an international

I. Multiple choice.
L The organizatiorl ---...----....--- food to the earthquake victims.
supplied B. distributed c. derivered
A. D. AII are correct.
2. FIe took up the rvork . enthusiasm.
A. in B. with C. about D. on
3. Because his ar-gument was so confusing. people understood it.
A. rnany B- clever C. tess D. fevr.
4. ...'.'.....'..... interested in that subject, I would try to ream more about it.
A. Were I B. Should I C. I was D. Iflam
5. She's ........ at making cheap but stl,lish clothes.
A. expert B- good C. clever D. Ail are correct.
6. They are all expert .... this field.
A. in B. over C. at D. into
7. They made ......... .. to the bus service.
A. progress B. improvements C. effort D. trial
8. If I the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded
in life as well as you have.
A. have B. would have C. had had D. should have
9. I .................... you sooner had someone told me you were in hospital.
A. would have visiteti B. visited C. had visited D. visit
10................. more help" I could catl my neighbor.
A. Needed B. should I need c. I have,eeded D. I should need
11................... tlren what I know today, I would have saved myself a lot
of time
and trouble over the years.
A. Had I knorvn B. Did I know
C. If I know D. If I u'ould know,
I2.lf I could speak Spanish, I .................... next year studying irr Mexico.
A. would spend B. would have spent
C. had spent D. willspend
I would have been a much more serious accident
fast at the time.
A. had she been driving B. was shedriving .
C. she had driven D. she drove
l4."can I borrow youl garfol this evening?"..Sure" but Nora's using it right now.
If she ......... it back in time, you're welcome to borrow it.,'
A. brought B. would bring C. will bring D. brings
l5.l didn't get home until well after midnight last night. otherwise, I ............. your call.
A. returrred' B. had returned
C. would return D. would have returned
l6.l ............... William w-irh me if I had known you and he didn't get along rvith
each other.
A. hadn't brought B. didn't bring
C. wouldn't have brought D. won't bring

l7.l'he Iecturer last night didn't know' what he was talking about. but if Dr. Mason
I would have listened carefully.
A. had beerr lecturing B. was lecturing
C. u,ould lecture D. lectured
l8.lf you to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess
right now.
A. listen B. will listen C. had listened D. listened
l9.if someone ............. into the store. smile and say. "May I help you?"
A. comes B. carne C. would corne D. could come
20.1f I w,e.rgq't.working for an accounting firm. I ............... in a bank.
A. work B. will work
C. have worked D. would be working
2l.A .......... is a number representing a particular antount, especially one
given in official information.
A. image B. digir C. key D. figure
22.To ................ is to become, or make something become, twice as much or as
A. double B. increase C. decrease D. rise up
23.There is a limit to the ......... oipain we can bear.
A. number B. great deal C. amount D. quantity
24.The EU has set strict .... on levels of pollution.
A. lirnitation B. lirnits C. stop D. action
25.Tliese workers have had .. absences from work this month.
A. repeating B. repeat C. repeated D. repeatedly
26.Farrning is the .......... of managing or working on a fann.
A. action B. act C. duty D. business
27.1f energy .. inexpensive and unlimited. many things in the world
vrould be different.
A. is B. will be C. were D. would be
28.We the game if we'd had a few more minutes.
A. rnight have won B. w,olr
C. had won D. will win
29.Do you think there would be less conf'lict in the world if all peop|e.............. the
same language?
A. spoke B. speak C. had spoken D. will speak
30.If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, .,,............ this
incident again.
A. I will never mention B, I never mention
C. will I never mention D. I don't mention
II. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. The manager turned . his request for a day off.
2. I had to put .................... my visit because of the weather.
J. I was delighted .................... the present you gave me.
4. They didn't reply oLrr letter, which wasn't very polite ... them.

5. We have the same food every,'day. ['rn fed up.................... it.
6. I'r'e been trying to learn Sparrish but I'n not very satisfied.................... my
7. I-inda dt-esn't look very well. I'm worried .................... her.
8. Are yolr angry . what lrappened?
9. I'm sorry .......... what I said. I hope you're not angry .................... me.
l0.Jill starls he: ner.l, job next week. She's qrrite excited .................... it.
III. Fill in each gap with a word from the box.
shortage implement ins isl injustice
experl double luck probctbly
determination ove:population birth-control clistribution
1. The t.vo cases are most ........,. connected.
2. all the quantities in the recipe to make enough for eight people.
J. .... is the practice of corrtrolling the number of children a person has,
using various methods of contraception.
4. At tlie conference they discussed the caLrses of poverty and ...............'... in the
Third World courrtries,
5. We are facing the problems of .,..........
6. To ...... is to make something that has been officially decided start to
lrappen or be used.
7. A.......... isa situation when there is notenough ofthepeopleorthings
that are needed.
8. He is an ........... in child psychology.
9. The trip was cancelled throLrgh .. of interesi.
I0.She lras the ........ that her brother lacks.
1 l.They studied the geographical ........... of the disease.
12.They ......".............. on playing their music Iate at night.

IV. Fintl a snitable word for the sentences below. One example has been for
0. A. He fSl]ptyed her into the house.
B. I think we're being followed,
C. She fblloived her nrother into the medical profession.
l. A. You're ... right.
B. It rvas the best known and .....,............ the most popular of her son;s.
C. 'ls he going to be there?' u.................. .'
2. A. By 2004, this ................... had risen to 14 rnillion.
B. Expens put the real ................,.. at closer to75To.
C. The governrnent has annourrced the latest urremployment ....,........... .

3. A. Membership aimost . in two years.

B. She ..........,...,..... tlre blanket and put it under his head.
C. The kitchen . as a dining room.

4. A. They are discussing measures to ................ carbon dioxide emissions
tiom cars.
B. The amount of money you have to spend w,ill ................ ),our choice.
C. I ................ myself to 1,000 calories a day to try and lose rveiglrt.
( A. Heat ........... peas befbre -Vor,r use tlrern.
B. You look .. stiff.
C. She stared at him, witlr shock.
6. A, The population of tlre city has from 5 million to 6 million.
B. I'he rate of inflation by 2%.
C.., -The price of oil
7. A. There was an almost complete lack rf .. of the issues
B. It is important that students develop an ..................... of lrow the
lnternet can be used.
C. Environmental is knor.ving that lookirrg after
envirouurent is important,
8. A. The authorities deal rvitlr food, housing, water ....................... in the
B. The proposal met a ........,..... of funds.
C. There is no .............. of (: there are plenty ofl things to do in the
9. A. Sales figures corrtinue to show signs of
B. There is still room for ..................... in your work.
C, We expect to see further..................... over the coming year.
10. A. Careful ...... for tl-e exam is essential,
B. Tlre third book iri the series is cLrrrently in .,.............
C. The team has been training hard in ...... for the big game.
11. A.Wehavebbeninvitedtotlretheatre's25tit
B. A series of movies will be shown tc commemorate thc 30tl'
of his death.
C. We are going to celebrate your silver wedding
12. A. There's a tradition in our fantily that we have a party olt New Year's

B. Have a New Year's ........,.........;ol!

C. We are looking fonvard to the passiltg of the old year on New
V. Suppll' the correct form of the word in bold.
1. The victirn had been stabbed ..... in the chest. (repeat)
2. His reply was not............. it's inrpolite. (repeat)
3. Tlrese tasks were lengthy and lacking any intrinsic interest. (repeat)
4. The region has become ....... . (populate)
5. You should realize the............. of the ir.rportance of eating a healthy diet.
6. Tliey are considering the ........ of the new system. (implement)

i IF roads were icy but she stopped the car ...... . (expert)
8. This is a great ... on your previous work. (improve)
9. The map shows the ............... olthis species across the worlcl. (distritrute)
l0.Japan's largest software ... is tlre United States. (tlistribute)
VI. Choose the correct form ofthe verbs.
lf I nissi n"ill mi.s,: tlre bLrs this afternoon. I'il get a taxi instead.
we'll have tcr go without John if r"te troesn't urrit,e/ u,rnt'r arrive soot1.
They v'on't re/undr clicln't rafi,ntlyolri. monev if yoLr havelr,t
kept your receipt.
Will 1,ou send me a postcard ,r,hen you reqch/ -ryill rectch Mexico?
If I rnake some coffee , do yotr cut/ v,iil y,otr t.ul the cake?
Dicl you u,ork/ W.uld you u,,rk harder if you.1r"." better
paid? c{on'l complain/ dicln't contplctin ro ,.,-,uth, you rnigit be r,rore popular.
P_lease don't sign any contract before Im checkin'g/
I'vei,hecketr trrcm.
weren't ntyJi'iencls/ t4/oulcln't nryfrientl:s 6e envious if they,could
oply see me now!
vII. Fill in the gaps in the fortowing sentences, using the words given.
0. lf I lrad rnoie rnoney. (you/ rnarry) would you marry rne?
1. He woLrldn't help i,ou if (he/ not/ iike)...... ... ... yolr.
2. (You/ find) the machine is qLrite si,nple to operate if you
lock at the manual.
3. (Your parents/ not/ be). ...... proud if they couid see
yOU nOtV?
4. lf (ll not/ revise). . thoroughly, I may fail rny test.
5. If you wanted to buy someone a really good present, what sort of thing (you/

6. You'd have a lot more friends if (you/ not/ be).

. .. . so mean.
7.How (yoLr/ feel).. ...... ... if you were in my position?
8. Would you change your job if (you/ can;...
.. .....?
vIII. complete the sentences using one of the following pairs of vertrs.
use the
present simple or present perfect in the if_clause.

not Jill in - neecl not help - go leave - meet

not aruiye - pive sluclv -- knoyv breuk - have to
t. If yoLr . ... Macbeth, you'll . ........ the scene with the witches.
2. If you .... home beibre I get there, I'll ... you at the
3. If you .... the r,r,indorv, you'll . ... pay for it.
4. If rhe taxi
5. If you .... an application form, you'll ...... ,..... to do so
before you can be consiclered fo" the job.
6. If tire antibiotics... Uyitre end of the week. I,ll
the hospital.

IX. Choose from thcse verbs to complete the sentences, using each
verb once
only. if possible, use the pattern were + to-infinitive.If
this is not possible,
use the past simple form of the vertr.
belong cloubt holtl switch unclerstancl
| ' lf they . -.- an erection now" the democrats wourd
undoubtedrr w in.
2. If I ..:.; _... his honesty. I rvouldn't employ him.
3' If all cars -.. to liquefieci petroreum gas, air poilution levers wourd
fall drarnatically.
4. I'd sell the house immediately if it ... to me.

6. There would be no cinema in the town if the Odeon

X. Match the sentence halves and write a new sentence wirh the same
meaning, beginning each one rvith
l. We'll never get to the meeting a. or the farmers will lose their
2. Altemative sources of firnding b. if the train doesn't leave within
must be found five minutes.
3. lf the roads haven't chan_ued in that c. I'nt sure I'll be abie to find my
part of town r+.a1'there.
4" The weather must start improving d. or the research will not be able to
soon continue.
5. lf it isn't ridiculously e:rperrsive e. I think I'll buy that pairrring.
6. You are only entitled to state f. if vou have been unemployed for
benefit six months-
XI. Complete the questions in the conversations.
l. Eva: I don't knorv what's happened to my dictionary. I,ve rooked
everyr.vhere for it.
Sue: Whatwill yau do if you donT find if:l
Eva: I suppose I'll have to buy.a ne\,\.one.
2. Tim: I'm thinking of applying fnr the manager's job.

Tim: Oh. about f2,000 a year more than now. I suppose.

3. N'lay: I don't knort nhat [m going to do about money. r can'r. even pay
this l,vesk'5 ygn1.
Lee: if ...... .. ... ....?....
May: well, it *ouliJ hetp. of course. But I can't borrow from you.
Lee: Don"t be sill3,. Ho.,v nruch do you want?
4. Ian: This room is so dark and dull.
lan: White, I think. And I'd haye wfiire curtains.

Phil: You'd spend a lot of time cleaning it.
lan: But at least I'd be able to seel
5. Bill: I don't think I'm going to pass my driviltg test trext week.
Ben: What. ...... if. ..........?
Biti: I lvorr't be able to get the jotr I rvant at the r.varehouse. They said I
must be able to drive.
XII. Lisa is talking to her tutor about what she might do when she leaves
college. Use the words given to make sentqnces.
futor: Do yor"r ltave any plans for next year?
Lisa: Well. ( I ) t/ travcli if Ii afford it. But I don't have any money.
I'd travel if I could afford it.
Tutor: (2) If you/ find/ a job abroad/ you/ take it?

Lisa: (3) If iti be/ somewhere I want to gol ll certainly/ consider it carefully.

Tutor: What about working as an 'au pair'?

Lisa: (4) ll onlyl consider/ that if I/ be/ sure about the family.

(5) If they/ not/ treat/ me well,/ I/ tre very miserable.

Tutor: Yes. (6) You/ have to be sure to use a reputable agency.

We liave a list in the office. (7) ll get/ you one if you/ be interested.

Lisa: Yes. I am. Um, (8) if I/ decide/ to apply/ you/ give/ me a reference?

Tutor: Of course. Well. I hope you succeed, whatever you decide to do.
Lisa: Tharrk you very much. I'll let you know.
Tutor: Yes, I'd like that. Coodbl'e.
Lisa: Goodbye.

XIII. Match the two halves of these sentences.

l. If you are promoted a. you'd be able to change the systetn.
2. If you lostyoLrrjob b. would you have left the firm?
3, If you were promoted c. you won't be sacked.
4. lfyou hadn'tbeen promoted d. you won'tgetareference.
5. Ifyou had lost yourjob e. rvill you make any changes?
6. If you apologize f. you'd regret it.
7. If you are fired g. you'd have lost your car as well.

XIV. Complete the following conversations.

0. Sean: Why didn't you go to the party last niglrt?
Jim: I wasn't invited.
Searr: So would you have gone if you'd been invited?


Jill: What would you do instead?

Milly: I'd get a job doing something exciting, where I'd meet interesting
people and visit lots of different places.
2. Sam: Why did you ask Veronica about her boyfriend? It really upset her.
Mick: Well I didn't realize they'd split up.
Sam: You didn't know. then?
Mick: Of course not. If
3. Tim: Hey, look at that motorbike. What a beauty.
Pat: Look out! Mind that litter bin.
Tim: Ouchl I've hurt my leg.
Pat: Serves you right. You .. ... .....if.
4. Ben: Can I have a sandwich?
Joe: Well, I've only got this one left. No one told me you were going to
be here,
Ben: If..... .......?
Joe: Of course I would. Remember to let me know next time.
5. John: Do you love me?
Rose: You know I do.
John: Would
Rose: But you're riclr.
John: I've lost all rny money.
Rose: You'rc joking!
John: Wel!, yes, I ant. But if ... ..
Rose: I'd say good-bye.
John: Now you're joking.
Rose: Oh no. l'rn not.
XV" Read the following letter. For each number, write a sentence, using if.
Write your sentences below the letter.
was great to hear lrorn you. Thanks for the congratulatiorts and good wishes.
I'll pass them on to Charlie when I see him at the weekend. Of course, we're very
excited about getting married, and frantically busy too, needless to say.
You ask how we met. Well, it's quite a funny story. Do you remember I failed
one of my final exams? That meant I had to spent part of the summer in college (0).
And that meant I couldn't go on holiday with my holiday. The travel companv
refused to give us a refund because we cancelled too late (l). I was pretty fed up
about it. Then something nice happened. I think the travel agent felt sorry for me.
because he had failed his final exam when he was a student (2). Anyway, he had a
cancellation on a tour which started later in tlre summer. So lre was able to transfer
my booking (3) I was very pleased. My father was too. as transferring the booking
meant that his money wasn't being wasted (4). So, I went on this tour. And I met

this y'oung man. He was on his own too. He told me his girlfriend should
have been
*ith him. but they'd had a row and she'd refused to cJme (5). we *".. irr..rry
ones traveling alone, so we found ourselves going roLrnd the sights
together (6). H;
hadn't read about the places we were visitinpl and I spent moJt of m;: time
him about thern (7). And that was ir reaily. we found we,d fallen in love.
lucky I failed that exam? That's how r met my future husband (g)l
,r;r.'; ;
Now I must rush off and do some shopping. will you corne and stay soon? It,d
be lovely if you could meet charlie. write soon. what have you becn up to
Lots of love,
0. If she hacin't failed one of her final exams. she wouldn't have had to spend part
of the summer in college.

XVI. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
l. I haven't seen my brother since he left for Australia. (last)
The ....,....... rny brorher was before he ieft tbr Australia.
2. The price of the holiday includes the cost of insurance. (is)

3. 'lf you want to take my car. you should have asked rne first,, said rom to his
son. (without)
Tom criticized his son for having .... him first.
4. You ought to ger your bicycle brakes repaired irnmediately. (better)
You ........... your bicycle brakes repairld immediately.
5. Sarah is not usually late. (like)
It is............ .. lare.
6. I would prefer it if nobody else knew what happe,ed last night. (want)
I don't what happened last-night.
7. ! wa9 snowing so they canceled the football ,urc!.,. (owing)
The football match theinow.
8. The taxi may be expensive so take plenty of money. (case)
Take plenty of money ........;.......... expensive.
9. They couldn't understand the lecturer because she spoke so f:ast. (too)
The lecturer spoke ......... ......... understand.
l0.The manager said I coutd have three days off. (permission)
The rnanager................. ...... . to have three days off.

I. Multiple choice.
I I've had no
. .. to visit him recently.
A. occasion B. opportunity C. chance D. All are correct.
l. ...................... of his sugar-coated promises.
A. Attend B. Care C. Avoid D. Beware
3. It's cruel to make ......... of people who stammer.
A.laugh B. fun C. funny D. away
4. She's very lively and full ...,.............. fun.
A. of B. with c'bv D. All are correct.
5. Students over 25 fall into a different
A. sort B. kind C. category D. All are correct.
6. Did ....... happen? - No, nothing happened.
A. nothing B. anything C. any D. a thing
7. You're luck - there's one ticket left.
A. in B. on D. with
8. You're . luck. She's not here.
A. off B. out of C. away from D. outside
9. They stood as straight as soldiers on .................:..... .
A. queues B. lines C. march D. parade
l0.She to God for an end to her sufferings.
A. prayed B. said C. asked D. required
I l.He was .. with the watch on the occasion of his retirement.
A. given B. awarded C. presented D. A and C
12.This note is only a reminder. It's ..........,..
A. nothing B. no one C. nothirrg extra D. nothing more
l3.He doesn't catch any,thing. He never catches ......,r....,............ .
A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything
l4.He could do nothing. He couldn't do ..............
A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everl,thing
15................... of them has been turned to stone.
A. No one B. Not one C. No D. Even one
l6.l don't feel I can comment their decision,
A. in B. on C. at D. to
I 7.Kids love ................... up.
A. dress B. dressing C. dressed D. to dress
18..................,.. is a small device containing powder that burns or explodes and
produces bright coloured lights and loud noises, used especially at celebrations.
A. Lightning B. Lighting C. Firework D. Fireworks
l9.What exactly is the influence of television ...............,.. children?
A. in B. on C. over D. to
20.Her parents no longer have any real ................... over her.
A. influence B. effect C. request D. permission

2i.The word.......... means'connected with farming and the use of land for
A. agriculture B. agrarian C. agricultural D. farmed
22.The Agrarian .. is a period when farming in a country changes
completely as a result of new methods or a change in who owns the land.
A. Improvement B. Riot C. Reform D. Revolution
23.What she said was fair
A. comment B. remark C. judgment D. All are correct.
24.He committed the crime ... the influence of drugs.
A. in B. with D. under
25.We wish you both health and ............
A. expectancy B. length C. longness D. longevity
26.He wasn't noticed by ..................... as he crept off the boat.
A. no one B. none C. anyone D. not one
27.They compete .....
A. against or" ur;ri;;; B. the one against rhe other
C. each against the other D. against each one
28.Can there be ... who has not stood in awe at the sight?
A. no one B. none C. someone D. anyone
29................ of the students in my class could solve the problem yesterday.
A, None B. Neither C. Either D. Not much

A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody
II. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
l. Sorne people say that Sue's unpleasant, but she has always been very nice
.................. me.
2. Don't lose this book. Look .................. it.
3. I'm looking John. Have you seen him?
4. Have they put that forest fire?
5. Haven't you learn how to look .................. a word in the dictionary?
6. Look..................1 That bus nearly hityou.
7. He is so far ahead of you, you never keep .................. with him.
8. She tried .........,........ several coats.
9. .................. arriving at the station, I saw the train just leaving.
IIl. Fill in each gap with a word from the box.
plum parade relative dressed
fireworks kumquat lantern open-air
const, comments harvest
l. She made helpful ........................ on my work.
2. He admired her courage and ............
3. [n the play the boys were all .............. up as pirates.
4. When do the ... start?

5' A.......... is a public celebration of a special dav or e\ent. usuallr rvith
bands in the streets and decorated vehicles.
6. A..'....... is a soft round fruit with smooth red or purple skin. sueet flesh
and a large flat seed inside.
7. ...,....,.......'...... is a fruit like a very smail orange with sweet skin that is eaten.
and sour flesh.
8. He is only my distant
9. They marked the occasion with an ... concert.
I0........................ is a yellowish-orange colour.
ll.A ........'........... festival is a day or period of the year when people stop rvorkine
to celebrate a special event, often a religious one.
12.......^................. Festival is a Japanese Buddhist festival that takes place in
August, when people show respect to the dead.
IV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. one example has been for
0. A. He followed her into the house.
B. I think we're being followed.
C. She followed her mother into the rnedical profession.
1. A. Have you any .................... io make about the cause of the disaster?
B. The director was not available for .................... .
C. He lranded me the document witlrout
2. A. Get ............ is to meet rvith somebody sociaily or in order to
discuss something.
B. We must get ..............,....... for a drink sometime.
C. Managemerrt should get ...................... with the union.
3. A. Nerv Yorkers built their city on a ........................ scale.
B. The wedding was a very ........... occasion.
C. I had a ..... day out at the seaside.
4. A. His i,vritirrgs ......... the lives of millions.
B. The wording of questions can ......... how people answer.
C. A number of social factors ......... life expectancy.
5. A. With any we'll be home before dark.
B. I cor-rld hardly believe my .................... when he said yes.
C, We wish her .................... in her nerv career.
6. A. I ................... that nobody will notice my mistake.
B. ' We ..,................ that she rvill recover from lrer illness.
C. They ....,.............. ro be forgiven.
7. A. A .............,...... is place where people come to worslrip because it is
connected with a holy person or event.
B. Muslinrs have to visit the of Mecca at least once in their lives.
C. Wirnbledon is a .............,.... for all lovers of tennis.
8, A. She's really .. to be with.
B. This game looks .....................1
c. There are lots of ..................r.. trrings for young peopre to do here.

9. A. I can't help laughing. Her hat is ..........
B. It's not ..! Someone could have been hurt.
C. I was really embarrassed, but then I saw the . side of it.
10. A. Childrerr seem to have lost their ........... in reading'
B. I get a lot of .......... from my grandchildren.
C. He spoiled my ............. of the game by talking all through it.
V. Supply the correct form of the word in. bold.
l. He prides himself on the ............. of the company' (long)
2. The evening passed . . (enjoy)
3. The rules are there to ensllre everyone's safety and '.'...'..... (enjoy)

5. She is very effective and .................... polite to the custotners. (fail)

6. Don't depend on him; he's a very . person. (rely)
7. It is said that . of a Swiss watch is perfect. (precise)
8. He works for UNESCO in a purely . role. (advice)
9. As a result of her.........:.........., Ethel has strong sense of the difference between
right and wrong. (bring)
l0.Tom spoke ......... because he was so excited. (breath)

VI. Use the words in the table to complete the following sentences
grand excitement sft good luck
applause celebrating funny traditional
'ton custom
1. It is a movie life and work of Martin Luther King.
.. the
2. It's ...." in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
3. The news caused great .......... among her'friends.
4. The family made a ..... of his paintings to the gallery.
5. It's not sornething I would care to try myself but if she wants to, ............'.........
to her.
6. Fred did a.......... job of painting the house.
7. The performance was greeted with polite .........
8. Was going to college a good ........................ for your career?
9. A ................... is a religious building in South or East Asia in the form of a tall
tower with several levels, each of which has its own roof that extends beyond
the walls.
10.This .... is found in people of all races through out the world.
I LOh very .......................! You expect me to believe that?
VII. Complete the sentences, using something, or anything.
l. Is there ;................... on Mr. Brown's desk right now?
2. Yes, Mr. Green put .................... there a few minutes ago.
3. Did you sa)' . to Mr. Lewis about our plans?
4. No, I didn't say .................... to him about our plans.
5. Is there . in the middle drawer of that desk?

6. There isn't ...................,
there, t looked in the drawer.
1 Pid the . ar thar deparrmenr store?
8. No. Alice and Louise didn,t buy.................... at rhe store now.
9. Did the mailman bring.......... for me,this morrring?
l0.Yes.lre did. There's .....:............... foryou on the desk in"your
]: Ml. Evans going ro tell us
]l12.Yes, .....-..... about his trip?
he's going to tell us . about his trip.
VIII. Complete the sentences, using someone or onyone.

Benson didn't tell ..,..........,...".. about his suggestions.

?. Y"r,
-?. Did you see . in the hall outside my linceZ
4. Frank didn't have a book. He lent his to .................... .
5. There will be .........".......... in this office before 9 arn.
6. Flease don't tell . about this matter until later.
7. D;d you ask . to help you with the work tomorrow?
8. .................... lr:ft this package on your desk this rrorning.
f . i'rease give this envelope to .................... in Dean Brow-n,s
l0.Do you knorv ......... in the biology class?
i I There wasn't . in the office after 5.30 p.m.
12......,,............. told Mr. Duncan the news a few minutes
IX. Comptete the sentences, using someone, onyone, s;omething, or anyrhing.
I . Is there . here who speaks French?

L I saw hardly . I knew at the party, and I didn,t get ...............".... to

;1. Don't let .................... in. I,m too
busy to see .................... .
5. You're looking very miseratrle; has ............ . upset you?
6. Scarcely . was wearing a dinner jacket.
7. ... ................ who believes what Jack says is a fool. .
8. Come and have supper with us if yc,u aien't doing ......... tonight.
9. All the salaries are being paid much later now; i-t,s ..,................. to do with
computer. there mgving about downstairs? I heard . falling.
I there . livir.rg in that house? It looks deserted.
X. Complete the sentences with some- or ony_ + _one/_thing/-where.
I " I rvas too surprised to say ...........;........
2. There's . at the door. Can you go and see who is it?
J. Does . mind if I open the windlw?
4 I wasn't feeling hungry, so I didn,t eat ...,.....,........,. .

6. QLrick, let's go! There's . coming and I don't want .................... to

see us.

7. Sally was upset about ......... and refused to talk to .................... .

8. This rryrchine is very easy to use. .................... can learn to use it in a very short
9. There rvas hardly . on the beach. lt was almost deserted.
10.'Do you live . near Jim?' 'No, he lives in another part of town.'
I l.We slept in a park because we didn't have .................... to stay.
12.'Where shall we go on holiday?' 'Let's go .................... warm and sunny.'
l3.They stay at home all the time. They never seem to go .................... .
l4.l'm going out now. If .................... phones while I'm out, can you tellthem I'll
be back at I 1.30?
l5.Sue is very secretive. She never tells (a)........... to (b)..........
XI. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in
the following passage:
Secular festivals and feasts have many uses and values (l)............. the public
enjoyment of a celebration. In prehistoric societies, festivals provided an
(2)..,...,...... for the elders to pass on (3)............. knowledge and the rneaning of ."
(4)............. lore to younger generations. Festivals celebrating the founding of a "
nation or the date of withdrawal of foreign (5)............. from its borders bind its
citizens in a (6)............. that rises above personal concerns.
Modern festivals and feasts centering on the (7)............. of national or ethnic
groups enrich understanding of their (8)............. . Conternporary festivals related to
regional developments, such as westward (9). . . ..... on the North American
continent, aid the local economy by attracting visitors to a pageant of historic
authenticity that also fulfills an informal ( l0)............. function.
l. A. under B. over C. beyond D. behind
2. A. opportunity B. occasion C. occurrence D. onset
3. A. human B. country C. folk D. homeland
4. A. clan B. group C. tribe D. tribal
5. A. intruders B. invaders C. attackers D. cccupants
6. A. uniry B. union C. collection D. group
7. A. habit B. routine C, practice D. customs
8. A. legacy B. heritage C, in.heritance D. treasure
9. A. spreading B. enlarging expansion
C. D. swelling
10. A. teaching B. explaining C. instructive D. educational
XII. Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. For
manl i\mericans it is the most imporlarrt holiday apart from Christmas. Schools,
offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving. and rnany people make the
whole weekend a vacation. Thanksgiving is associated with the time when
Europeans first came to North America. In 1620 the ship the Mayflower anived,
bringing about 150 people who today are usually called Pilgrims. They arrived at
the beginning of a very hard winter and could not find enough to eat, so many of

them died. But in the following summer Native Americans shou'ed thern what
foods were safe to eat, so that they could save food for the next winter. They held a
big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans for the fact that the1, had
survived. Today people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early' days. The
most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that come
from North America. The meal includes turke1,. sweet potatoes (also called yams)
and cranberries. which are made into a kind of sauce or jelly. The turkey is filled
with stuffing or dressing, and many families have their own special recipe. Desser-t
is pumpkin made into a pie. Ori Thanksgiving there are special television programs
and sports events. In New York there is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
when a long line of people r.vearing fancy costumes march through the streets rn'itir
large balloons in the shape of imaginary characters. Thanksgiving is considered the
beginning of the Christmas period, and the next day many people go out to shop for
Christmas presents.
1. When is Thanksgiving celebrated in the US?
2. How important is Thanksgiving as a holiday?
3. What incident is Thanksgiving associated with?
4. What did Pilgrims suffer from when they first arrived in North America?
5. Why did the white men hold a big celebration in the following winter?
6. What is the most important part of the celebration of Thanksgiving?
7. What does Thanksgiving dinner include?
8. What is on television on Thanksgiving?
XIII. Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions
In Vietnam, the first day of the first month of the lunar year occurs after the rice
crop has been harvested and before the crop is planted. This is the one time during
the year when farmers are able to relax. Because Vietnatn was primarily an
agricultural sociefy, the celebration of Tet lasted for several rveeks. Even today, Tet
is the equivalent of Thanksgiving, Christmas and several other holidays rolled up
into one.
Preparations for Tet are elaborate and take many days. Families save throughout
the year to provide for the expenses of Tet. Houses are repainted, thoroughly
cleaned and decorated with flowers and peach and plurn branches. New Year's
wishes for happiness, prosperity and long life are artistically written on red paper
and displayed in prominent places.
On the Eve of Tet. after praying to the Cods and ancestors, families gather for a
special meal. Children often travel far to be home with their parents and otlter
relatives on this night. After eating, the young people dress up and go around the
city in groups. At rnidnight, there are perforrnances of fireu,cirks in the big cities -
Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Danang - welcoming in the Nerv Year. Familr
me.mbers exchange gifts, toast the New Year with wine and chainpagne. and u ish
each other "Chuc Mung Nam Moi" (Happy New Year).
Tet is the tirne for paying calls to relatives and friends. Rarely does a person
receive a visit without retuming it. People go out in their best clothes and go to one

another's lrouses to exchange New Year's greetings and talk about
the future. past
tnistake-s are forgiven. People resolve to live in hirmony
and avoid .ilil
d iscomforr. ",ir-.,
I' InVietnaln.whendoesthefirstdayoftheflrstmonthofthelr-rnaryearoccur?
2. In the past. how long did the celebration of Tet last?
3. What Western celebrations is Tet equivalent to?
4. What are the preparations for Tet?
5. What do family members often do on the Eve of Tet?
6. what event takes place in big cities in Vietnam on the Eve of Tet?
7. What do people often do to their relatives and friends?
8. Why are past rnistakes fbrgiven tl_ren?
Xrv. choose the item amonB A, B, c or D that best answers the questi*n
about the passage:
In Britain. r'r'edding invitations go out about six weeks befcrc the ri,*ilding
f|1e guests reply as soon as possible to say if they can or canilot come.
iri:rti:lrt f.rr the couple can be difficult. People don't iake tlieir prescnts l.or ,.-jre
\'"'Lr{i.iil1g. They send them
to the woman's house before the weciding dari,,. Most
'.vedr:rngs take place before lunch or in the early afternoon. Many people ii[e
to get
tiia;":'red in clrurch. The bride often wears a Iong white dress.
Guests wear their best
cir;tiles and most of the women wear hats. In the church, the bride's
family sits orr
th,-: left and the groom's family sits on the right.
Married people wear their rvedding rings orr the third finger of the left
I\{ost married women wear weddi'g rings, but married rnen oftln
do not.
l. If you receive a wedding invitation. you ought to give
A. no reply B. a polite ieply
an immediate reply
C. D. a formal .!p-fy
2, Feople usually send their presents
A. to the groom's house C. to the church
c. to the woman's house D. to the house of the matchmaker
J. "Bride" refers to
A. a man u.ho is engaged to a woman
B. a woman who is engaged to a man
C. a man who is on his wedding day
D. a woman who is on her wedding duy
4. Many people like to hold their*ony ,
A, at home B. in church
C. abroad D. in a park
5. According to the passage, whiclr of the following is not TRUE?
The couple send their invitations weeks before they get rnarried..
B' People who accept the invitations rrave io send pr"r"-nt, to the c&ple.
c. woma, with a ring on the third finger of her right hand must liare ueen
D. lt is difficult to chose the present l.or the couple.

XV. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
1. I didn't know it was your birthday. so I didn't send you a card. (sent)
If I had known it was your birthday. I ................. . you a card.
2. Afier the match Lucy was so tired that she couldn't eat much. (too)

3. I've had enouglr of your untidiness. (put)

I refuse your untidiness any more.
4. Could I borrow your surfboard please? (lending)
Would .... your surfboard?
5. My parents didn't let me stay out late rvlren I was younger. (allowed)
I ................. out late wherr I was youuger.
6. How long was your flight from Frankfur-t to Seoul? (take)
How long fly from Frankfurt to Seoul?
7. The last time I went skiing was ten years ago. (for)
I ................. ten years.
8. Derek has gone to Florida, in spite of being unable to afford such an expensive
holiday. (although)
Derek has gone to Florida, ,.......................,.. to afford such an
expensive holiday.
9. Teenagers aren't buying as many pop records these days. (bought)
Not so many pop records these days.
I C.l regret inviting Nancy to the party. (wish)
I ..............,.. ... Nancy to the parry.

I - 5. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced
differently from that of the other words.
1. A. bilt B. chlld C. wlld D. mlld
2. A. lou(ly B. without C. thousand D, brggght
3. A. look B. blood C,good D.&gt
4. A. book B.fud C.fbot D. cook
5. A. hear B. clear C. dear D. wear
6 - 10. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other
6. A. postporre . B. purpose C. postcard D. product
7. A. necessary B. comfortable C, secretary D. accomplished
8. A. suggest B. report C. profit D. career
9. A. attend B. public C. damage D. practice
geography 'C.
10.A. B. memory computer D. commercial
ll - 25. choose the best answer among A, B, c or D that best completes each
I l.l job,
gave up the the attractive salary.
A. because B. because of C. although D. despite
Everyone was asleep when the enemy
I 2.
A. was attacking B. attacked
C. had attacked D. attacking
13.Ken asked Barbara..... .. she would like to go to tlre cinema.
A. unless B. in case C. regarding D. whether
l4.The girl.... ,.... is our neighbor.
A. talks to the lady over there B. is tarking to the lady over there
'c. was talking to the lady over there D. talking to the lady over there
15.He talked as if he. ..,. where she was.
A. knew B. had known C. would know D. were knorving
16.My father asked rne.. .. of the fihn.
A. what do you think B. what I think
C. what did you think D. what I thought
l7.He keeps working. ... .... feeling unwell.
A. although B. because of C. in spite of D. unless
18.My dauglrter olten says that slre won'r get married until she... 25
lears old.
A. is B. u,ill be C. will have been D. has been
l9.Mr. cibbon r-rsually drinks mineralu,ater, but in this party he....... champagne.
A. drinks B. will drink C. has drunk D. is drinking

20.1t is rainingoutside, and Tom brought his umbrella with him........ he wouldn,t
get wet.
A. so as to B. in order C. so that D. in order to
21..... John has finished his work, he will go home.
A. As quickly as B. As far as
C. As soon as D. As long as
22..... .. quarreled with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn't want to answer
his phone call.
A. Having B. Because having
C. Having not D. Because hadn't
23.Lomonosov was not......... a great scientist but also a very talented poet.
A. fairly B. merely C. hardly D. scarcely
24.Children will work hard if the lessons are....
A. expressing B. inquiring c. disappointing D. interesting
25.The manager did not offer her the job because of heiuntidy......
A. sight B. view C. presence D. appearance
26 - 30. choose the underlined part among A, B, c or D that needs correcting.
26.The information officer at the bank told his customers that there was several
different kinds of checking account available.
27'The first electric lamp had two carbon rods frorn which vapor serves to conduct
the current across tlre gap.
28'The department of Fine Arts and Architecture has been criticized for not having
much required courses scheduled for this semester.
29.Although no country has exactly the same folk music like that of any cther, it is
significant that similar songs exist among wldgly separated people.
30.Never before has so man-y people in the United States been interested in soccer.
3l - 35. choose the correct sentence among A, B, c or D which has the same
meaning as the given one.
3l.Both Mary's children go to the nursery while she takes classes at the university.
A. Mary works at a nursery.
B. Mary's children are sick.
c. Mary's children stay in a nursery whilc she goes to the university.
D. Mary takes her children to the university with her.
32.John didn't attend the class because lre was seriouslv ill.
A. John's class was not serious.
B. John never attended the class.

C. John was too ill to attend the class.
D. John was absent from class many tirnes.
33.Although Tom has been laughed at a lot, he won't give up playing his drums.
A. He decided to give up his drums.
B. He likes to play his drums in spite of being lauglred at.
C. He didn't play drurns until a year ago.
D. Although he has a lot of dnuns, he won't give any one away.
34.He found the jervels wlrile he rvas in an old sack.
A. He discovered the jewels tied inside an old sack.
B. Tied inside an old sack, he discovered tlre jewels.
C. Tied inside was an old sack.
D. lle found tlie jewels irr an old sack.
35.Keith couldn't figure out what was the matter with Carol.
A. Carol told Keith she couldn't sold the math problern.
B. It seemed that Carol was angry at Keith.
C. Carol had notliing to say to Keith.
D. It wasn't clear to Keith what Carol's problern was.
36 - 45. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank
space in the following passage:
To mdny people" their friends are the most imporlant in their life. Really good
friends always (36)...... ... joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on
you. Your best friend nray be sorreone you have known all your life or someone
you have grown (37). . ... ..witli.
There are all sorts of tirirrgs that can (38)..........about this special relationship.
It may be the result of e njoying the same activities and (39). .experiences.
Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt (40)..........with as if
we had known them for (41)... However, it really takes you years to get to
know someone well (42)...... consider your best friend.
To the (43)..........of uS, this is someone we trust completely and
(44)..........understands us better than anyone else. It's the person you can
(45)... .......him or her your most intimate secrets.
36. A. share B. give C. spend D. have
37. A. through B. on C. in D.up
38. A. bring B. cause C. result D. provide
39. A. getting B. keeping C. sharing D. putting
40. A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxation
41. A. ages B. long tirne C. times D. all
42. A. too B. enough C. so D. such
43. A. fewer B. least C. minority D. majority
44. A. whom B. which C. who D. whose
45. A. say B. talk c. tell D. speak

46 - 50. choose the item among A, B, c or D that best answers the question
about the passage:
In many modern countries. people think of a family as a mother.
a father and
their children. But not the only kind of the family,group.
in sonre parts of the
world, a flmily group has many otlrer rnembers. This Iira oilarge
farnily is called
an "extended family" or a.Joint farnily,,.
joint family includes all living relatives on either the mother,s
^ .Th: or the
father's side of the farniry. It is made uIof grandparents. pur"nr." brotrrers,
uncles' aunts, and cousins. They live togethei in a large house or in
huts built close
Early people probably lived in .ioint farnilies. They, l;ad to be part of
a large
group in order to survive. The mernbers of the group help each otirer
hunt. T.hIy
work together to protect themselves from dangerous uni*ai, and other
In China. people lived in joirrt larnilies. wherl a son rnarried. h";;J;ir
at his parents' home. Unmarried daughters remained at home until they
Chinese children felt very loyal to tlreir parents. Younger members
oi the joint
family always took care of the old ones.
In India and Africa, some peopre in joint families. The members
of a
joint farnily share tlreir earnings and property. If one member
of the group becomes
ill or has bad luck, the others herp tlre person. As in the past. the members of the
joint farnily offer each other help and protection.
46.The word in paragraph 2 that meanso,to be made up of, is .
A. include B. relatives C. Iive D. hut
4T.Longtime ago, members ofjoint families
A. did not live together
B. helped each other catch animals
C. only played together
D. lived separately in order to survive
48.Chinese people felt loyal to their
A. relatives B. parents C. cousins D. younger members
49.1n India and Afi-ica, peopre in joint families help a p"rion *.-h"n

A. he has good luck B. he has bad lucf

C. he gets rid of illness D. he shares them his earnings
50.On the whole, this story is about
A. all types of family B. families in China
C. joint families D. families found in India and Africa

I. Multiple choice.
l. The head is ....... proportion with the body.
A. out of B. outside C. off D. away
2. Can you send it to me .. fax?
A. through B. by C. on D. in
3. Could you fax it .........,........... me?
A. with B. on C. to D. through
4. The police must be ... of the date of the demonstration.
A. notified B. known C. seen D. noticed
5. The date of the demonstration must be notified . the police.
A. upon B. off C. with D. to
6. The government is considering a policy to equalize the .."........ of resources
A. arrangement B. distribution C. order D. rank
7. The room is very long in .......,......... to its width.
A. comparison B. ratio C. proportion D. All are correct.
8. Which journals does the library .........:............ to?
A. own B. subscribe C. purchase D. ask
9. He spent much of this tirne ........... with nature.
A. communing B. to commune C. communed D. commune
10."1 want to buy that car." "............. its good qualities, it has one drawback."
A. Although B. Even C. Despite D. Nevertheless
I l.The year ............,..... the first man traveled in space will never be forgotten.
A. which B. that C. when D. where
12.1 cannot tell you all .....,........ I heard.
A. which B. that C. as D. because

A. rvhich B. whom C. who D. whose

l a.This is the place the battle took place forry years ago.
A. which B. in where C. where D. from where
l5.The princess was happy during the time she lived with the fairy.
A,. when B. in which C. where D. that
l6.The town ................ we are living is noisy and crowded.
A. in where B. which C. at which D. where
1 7.The year ............... we came to live here was 1975.

A. when B. which C. that D. in the time

18.The teacher house is next to mine died tlris morning.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
19,1'rn not ............. about what he thinks.
A. annoyed B. bothered C. bored D. tired
20.1 don't want to ... her with rny problems at the moment,
A. bother bothering
B. C. tire D. tiring

2l.t{e spent much of this time........... witlt nature to share his leelings arrd
A. converse B. exchange C. communicate D. communing
22.I'he hotel staff are friendll' and ............
A. urrhelpfirl B. cotlfieous C. discottrterlus D. inrpolite
23.She's never......... rvith *'hat she's got.
A. satisfied B. satist'rirrg C. urrsatisfied D. unsatisf'r'irtg
24.All students have to the-errtrance requiretrretrts lor this c()tlrse.
A. nreet B. fulflll C. satisfy D. All are correct.
25.Can you demonstrate to our .....'...'... tlrat your story is true'?
A. faith B. dissatisfaction C. satisfactiorr D. belief
26.Many people have expressed their ...... witlr the arrangement.
A. annoyance B. dissatisfaction C. lroredorn D. tiredrress is a manttscript reproduced irr ............'..
A. facsirnile B. fax C. telephone D.AandB
2S.Competition winners will be '.... by post.
A. sent B. notified C. inlbrmed D.BandC
29.He was loy'al to ....................... trusted hint.
A. rvhomever B. l'u'hclm Cl. rvhoever D. what
30.Toniglrt I'll do tlte assigntnent ..............'....'. gave us last week.
A. the teaclrer B. who the teacher
C. whom the teacher D. o1'the teacher

II. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.

I . Our high school tearr was very excited going to the finals.
2. I'rn not accptainted ............... the man. Do you know hint?
3. My car is equipped .......... air conditioning.
4. Barbara turtted off tlre TV because she rvas tired ..... listerting to the news.
5. I think I'nr satisfied the rvay it is.
6. Are you opposed "....... ttttclear artnatnetrt?
7. I'm terrified ......... the possibility of att accidental nuclear war.
8. The departnrent store was fi11ed............' toys for tlre holiday sale.
9. The store was crowded sltoppers on the eve of the holiday.
l0.lthink you're involved too nlatry activities.

Itl. Fill in each gap rvith a word frorn the box.

punctutrl distrihulion de live r.v- suliqfuclktn
distrihuted disscttislied L',OntnlutTe :.simile

l. A ........... is the srnallest divisiorr of local government in some cotttrtries.

3. If you are ...................... with our service. please rvrite to the nlanager.
4. Nearly every oflice ltas a................... rlaclritte.
5. The compally has a worldr,vide .............. cltantlels.
6. A .......... system is a number clf individual cotnputers tltat are linkr'C ti
fclnn a ttetrvork.
7. She has been reliable and ............
8. Would you like to use tlre erpress ... srn ices?
IV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. one example has been for
0. A. He lblloued her into the house.
B. I think we're being folqwgd
C. She followed her mother into tlre rnedical profession.
t. A. I don't waltt to put you to an),.
B. Don't go to the ......... of tidying up on mv accounr.
C. 'Thanks for tour help!' 'lt was no .................... .'
2. A. A .................... is a person r,vho is not brave or who does tr<,t have the
courage to do tlrings that other people do not think are especiaiiy difficult.
B. You ......,..... .......! What are you afraid ofl
C. I'nt a real . when it comes to goiltg to the dentist.
3. A. Have you gct a .,................. camera?
B. A ................... watcll shows time by using figure:. rather than with
hands that point to numbers.
c. Telecommunicatiorr depends on ................... terrestriar and digital
satel I ite broadcasting.
4. A- The edLrcation systern mrst.................... the needs of ail clrildren.

c' She failed to .................. all the requirements for entry to the college.
5. A. She looked back orr her career uith great
B. He had tlre ..................... of seeing his book becorne a best-seller.
C. The company is trying to improve customer
6. A. Tlre organization .......... food to the earthquake victims.
B. The newspaper is ,.................... free.
C. The money was ...................,. among schools in the area.
7. A. The unfair of rvealth is a big problem in many societies.
B. The map shows the ................,.. of this species across the world.
C. They studied the geographical of tlre disease.
8. A. Water covers a large .. of the earth's surface.
B. The ..........,.......... of regular snrokers increases with age.
C. A higher .. of Americans go on to higher education than
is the case in Britain.
9. A. Signals are ................. from a satetlite.
B The ceremony was live by satellite to over fifty countries.
C. lt is a short-wave radio that can as well as reieive.
10. A. I{e's getting a phone ..... tomorrow.
B. The hotel chain has recently ..... a new booking system.
C. I'll need the software to be,......... irr the offices.
ll. A. We ............ to several sports channels on TV.
B. We'd like to ....................... tlre tour of Edinburgh.
C. They .......... regularly to local charities.
12. A. "fo be is to be shared by. or for the use of, a number of,
people. especially people wiro iive together.
B. As a student he tried living for a few years.
c In Iraq ihere has been ................... violence between religious groups
so far.
V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
l. That young man behaves to everyone very .... . (courteous)
2. It is a cowardly attack on a ........... marr. (defense)
3. It's .. to play a game really well. (satisfy)
4. I complained to the manager but I didn't get any . . (satisfy)
5. The local government offered the ..................... of food and nredicines to the
fl ood victims. (distribute)
6. Salary ir ..............,........, to years of experience. (proportion)
7. Families with children spend ... Iess per person than families
without chi ldren. (proportion)
8. They always pay ............ . (puncture)
9. The .. of computer data along telephone lines becomes very popular.
10..,............ of the new system will take several days. (install)
I l.Copies are available by ........... . (subscribe) was a long, slow film. I nearly died of .. . (boring)
vI. Answer the following questions about the people in Box A, using
information from Boxes B and C.
A l. Who was Alexander Flerning?
2. Who was Antonio Stradivari?
Who was Ibn Battuta?
4. Who was Johann Gutenberg?
5. Who was Joseph Lister?
6. Who was Orville Wright?
7. Who was Joseph Nlepce?
B Arnerican Englishrnan Frenchman German Italian
Moroccan Scotsman
C He traveled through Africa arrd Asia.
He made wonderful violins.
He discovered penicillin.
He constructed the first rnechanical printing press.
He began the use of antiseptics in operating theaters.
He produced the first pennanent photograph.
He flew the first real aeroplane.
l. Alexander Fleming v,as a Scol,sman u,ho rli,scovered penicillin.


VII. Explain what some words mean. Choose the right meaning from the table
and write a sentence with who.
make clothes write plays
prepare technical plans and set examinations
drawings receive treatment irr a hospital
own shares in a company write about plays, films for
go to the theater regularly newspapers
ride a bicycle be skilled in foreien I

Example: A person u'ho steuls things is culled a thief,

1. (theater-goer)
2. (draftsman)
3. (patient)
4. (playwright)
5. (tailor)
6. (examirrer)
7. (cyclist)
8. (linguist)
9. (shareholder)
10. (reviewer)

VIII. Explain what some words mean. Choose the right meaning from the
table and write a sentence with who.
drive someone's car for thern run a museum
type letters in an office work in a library
operate orr sick people get coal from under the ground
cook in a restallrant or a hotel sell fish frorn a shop
design the insides of houses, hotels, treat sick anirnals
Example: A persort v,ho .steals things is culled a thie/.
l. (vet)
2. (chef)
3. (librarian)
4. (fish morrger)
5. (miner)
6. (curator)
7. (interior decorator)
8. (typist)
9. (chauffeur)
10. (surgeon)

IX. Explain what some words mean. Choose the right meaning from the table
and write a sentence with who.
- arrange shop-window displays - help people buy and sell houses
- make brick buildings and u'alls - deliver babies
- work in a government rninistry - make arrangements for funerals
- control parking and parking meters - deal witlr office correspondence
- collect rubbish from people's houses and records
- sell newspapers and magazines from a
Example: A person who steals things is culled a thief.
l. (traffic warden)
2. (dustman)
3. (window dresser)
4. (estate agent)
5. (secretary)
6. (undertaker)
7. (bricklayer)
8. (civil servant)
9. (newsagent)
10. (midwife)
X. Combine the two sentences into one. Use who/ whom/ thaU which.
l. The pill made me sleepy. I took it.
2. The soup was too salty. I had it for lunch.
3. I have a'class. lt begins at 8 a.m.
4. All of the people can come. I asked thenr to my party.
5. I lost a scarf-. I borrowed it tiom rny roommate.
6. The bus is always crowded. I take it to school every morning.
7. The wornan predicted my future. She read rny pahn.
8. A lion is an anirnal. This aninral lives in Africa.
9. A globe is a ball. This ball has a map of the world on it.
I0.Where can I catch the bus? It goes dorvntorvrr.
XI. Combine a sentence from the right with a sentence from the left to make
new sentenccs rvith "whose",
I . Dr. Rorvan has had to do all lris a. Its chairperson is Sir Janres Bex.
own tl ping.
2. The newspaper is owned by the b.
'fheir diets contain high levels of
Mears group. protein.
3. Parents are being asked to take c. heir flowers are attractive to
part in the survey. bees.
4. Children do better in d. His secretary resigned two rveeks
examinations. ago.
5. M1' aunt is nt-lu' nranager of a e. Tlreir t.bjectives are to increase
depaflrnerrt store. tish srolks.

i njc1, gror.ving
e piants iri rri), i. t-{er ilrst .;ub rres llliinr:. s!',eil'es
garden. in a suPermarket.
The neu,regulations are part of a g. Their children are between four
broacler strategy. anci six.

XII. Fill in each gap with only one suitable word.

lrr i885, the US Post Office had a problem in the southern state of Florida. The
delivery service (1)...................... Lake Worth to Biscayrre BaY was taking six
They found a solution - a 136-rnile route (2).........,.......'.... took three days. It
meant that the mailmen (3)........ ............. to walk barefoot along beaches for eighty
miles and then cover (4)...................... remaitring fifty-six miles by boat. This
difficult job rvas first carried (5). ........... ....... by maihnan Edwin R. Bradley. ln
the summerof 1887, James'Ed' Harnilton (6)'...'.'.. over deliveries but a
few mopths later his career entled sr-rddenly in circttmstances wlrich
(7)...................... hirn famous in the Post Office.
The autumn weatlrer (8)...................... year was severe. On 9'r' October,
Hamilton felt unwell as he set (9)..........,..........' ' Despite this, he arrived at his first
stop, Orange Grove. His next call should (10)....."...............' been at a place called
fort Lauderdale Refuge. This time he didn't arrive (i 1)".....'...'.........'" he was never
seen again. Nobody ever found out ( l2).'.... happened to him'
tn i8g2, a road was built and the days of the barefoot mailmen (13)....................
over. However, their story has never been forgotten. (14)......'.....'..'....:. are annual
walks along the route, and a book and film have (15).....,......'.'....... made about them'

XIII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank
spacc in the following Passage:
The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman
who became a US citizen. The word'telephone' had been (1)...'.'...existence since
the 1830s and had been (2).......... to a number of inventions designed to produce
Bell had become interested in the possibility of long:6it1un.e speech through
his work with tire deaf. He was twenty-eight and his assistant, Thomas Watson,
was (3).....,.... twenty-one when they (a).....,.. their great success on lOtr'Marclt
1876- Despite their long and close association, Bell's first communication by
telephone was not 'Tom, come here, I want you', (5)........ 'Mr. Watson' come here,
I waut you'.
(6).......... with excitement, Bell and Watson demonstrated their invention to a
US telegram company. The company rvrote to Bell, saying that his invetttion was
interesting. However, after (7),........ it careful consideration, they had (8)....'..... to
the conclusion tflat it had'no future'. Fortunately for Bell, others could see the
possibilities. Within fbur years of its inventiorr. the US had 60,0i)0 telephones. In
the next twenty years that (9)'......' increased to over 6 million.

l'r,Lir.'r'" :riir.i'...Liirec per *eiri ,rf'trl; i;.\res have a telepirone. a leie i of pi.,rrn;
ou'nership no other nation corles near to eqLralling. Eactr t.lS household makes c:
receives ( l0)...... a'erage 3,516 cails Der
),ear. an aitorrishing statistic.
l. A. in B. with C. to D. out
2. A. joined B. named C. employed D. applied
3" A. qiiite B. ;irst L. sirnply D. lately
4. A. rnanageci B. achieved C. succeeded D. fulfilled
5. A. but B. otherwise C. instead D. although
6. A. Wliole B. Deep C. Entire D. Filied
7. A. regarding B. giving C, tali.irrg D. bearing
8. A. reached B. ccrine C. arrivecl D. brougiit
9. ir. figure B. co,rnt Cl. nteasure f,). extent
10.A. on B. bv Ct. at D- for
xEV. choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers fhe question
+hout the passage:

1o be sttccessful. a business traveler rnust be able to maintain cLr:ttJCL v,,rih the

';ifice. no matter u'hat the time or place. Negotiations often involve decisions baseci
on the Iatest figures. New telecommunications products ancl services ;i;lv on the
rirarkr-.t rnake stayins in touch easier than ever before.
Tlte most widespread device is the cellular telephone, the price of whioh had
riropped frorn several thousand dollars to a few hundred. including installatio6.
are over 2 nrillion rnobile cellular phones in use toclay, including both car
pl1ones and cordless transportable units. Car phones have provelt indispepsable for
road emergencies as well as routine business transactions. Phone service is also
available on airplanes and on the rails.
Recerttly irrtroduced pockct-size ortranizers help business travelers with 6eavy
ei;hedules keep irack of clients. These are tiny cotxplrters that can store all kinds of
inforrnation. They calt serve as phorre ancl address directories, calenclars, electronic
rnenro pads. aud calculators, among other uses"
Another invaluable telecotnmunications tool is smaller. lighter fax machines
tilat plug into any stattdard electrical outlet and phone line. The devices allori,
iitsiantaneous trattsmission of hard copy to anv locatiolt having a compatible fax
'rnachine. It is expected that faxing rvill soon
become the primary rneans of sendirrg
*ld recei',,ing short documents reqLriring prompt attentiorr.
What is tlie best title foi the passage?
A: Office Communications.
B. Ncw' lelecommunicatiorrs products arrd Services.
(--'. 'l'he Busirress l-ravelers.
D. Contpilters and Buslnessmen.
According to the passage, why do business travelers need to keep in touch ri ith
the office?
A. They rnust have the latest infonnation for rregotiations.
B. Tlre-v lna; not know u here tlrey are.
C. Company guidelines require frequent contact.
D. So nrany new products and services are ot't the market.
3. According to the pasuge, mobile phone service..............
A. is not yel available on trains and airplanes.
B. is very usef'ul in the case of road accidents,
C. still costs several thousands of dollars.
D. does not corne in transportabletbrm.
4. lt can be inferred from the passage that fax machines probably..........
A. cannot be used irr conjurrction witlt phone service.
B. will eventually replace mail delivery of short documents.
C. are still far from becoming a standard business tool.
D. are now as srnall and liglit as they can ever be.
5. What does the paragraph following the passage most probably discuss?
A. Handling documents in a tirrrely fashion.
B. Types ofhard copy.
C. Cornpatibility among fax tnacltittes.
D. Anotlrer practical telecommunications device.
XV. Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions
In most postal systems Express Moil refers to an accelerated delivery service for
which the customer pays a surcharge and receives faster delivery. Express rnail is a
service for domestic mail and is governed by a country's own Postal authority.
Sirrce 1998 the international accelerated delivery services are governed by the EMS
Express Mail Service (EMS) is an international express postal service offered
by postal-administratiorr .rnembers of the Universaf Postal Urtion (UPU) rvhich
created the EMS Cooperative in 1998 withirt the framework of tlre UP[J, a
specialized agency of the United Nations, to prornote the lrarmottization and
development of postal services worldwide. Currently, EMS is ofl-ered by 138 of the
l9l UPU member coulrtries' postal authorities and an integral part of their normal
postal services. Seven additional countries lrave arrangements to deliver EMS
iterns. An independent auditor measures the express delivery perforntance of all
irrlcrnational F:MS opctators and the each nrenrber is awarded a Crlld. Silver and
[]ronzc ceflificatc depcnding on tlreir perftlrrnarrce for all lear and tlrese coutttries
are recorded in the EMS Cooperative's I ltrll of Fatne.
l. In nrost postal s)'stems rvhat does Expra,ss Muil refer lo?
2. What kirrd ol serr icc is Erpress nrail')
3. \\'lrat is [rprcss tnail govctltcd hr'.'}
4. Wlrat cioes E,xpress l\4ail Scrvicc (trMS) ofll'r'.'
5. Wlren rvas the [lMS Cooperatile crealccl']
6. Wh1 uas the EMS Cooperative establislrccl'.1
7. Hon rlran\ coulltries is [iMS ol recl[r1')
8. Who is rcsponsible to measure the crpress delivery perlonnance of all international
F\15 rrltcratot's')

I ()-l
XVI. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
l.'lf I were you.lane. I'd take an urnbrella and a raincoat!'said Annabel
Annabel an umbrella and a raincoat.
2. Nobody apart from my motlrer thought I would win the racej (person)
Nly mother ..............:.... tlrouglrt I would win tlre race.
3. Thomas would have gone to the meeting if he had not been so tired. (too)
Thomas was ............ ....'.'.. to the meetirtg.
.1. -l-he switchboard operator collnected me to the manager. (put)
The switchboard operalor ................. the manager.
5. There are very few buildings in the old city higher than this. (one)
This is buildings in the old citY.
6. If we had arrived a molnent laterwe rvould have missed the ferry. (in)
We arrived the ferry.
7. Andrew set off for tlte supermarket despite the heavy rain. (though)
Andrew set off for the superrnarket. even heavilv.
8. He decided that it wasn't wortlr continuing the course. (point)
He decided that ............ ..................':... continuittg the course'
9. The cinema was practicalll'ernpty. (hardly)
I'here ......... the cinema.
l0.We couldn't solve the problem. (solution)
We w'ere unable the Problern'
Progress Test 3 {Unrts T-g}
I - 5. Pick out the w,tird whose underlined and bold part is pronounced
differentlp from that ot tlie nther norrls.
l. A. ca.t i;I. bgg, C. late D. rgn
2. A. ehorurs B clrerish Cl. chaos l). sclr+ierslrip
3 A. needg B. ltills C. rneets D. lcl'g
.1. A. callqd B. passg! C. talketl D. w.rsiied
5. A. landqgl B. needed C. opengd 'rJ. rvi:lr1-gd

6 - 10. Pick out the word that has the stress diff"erentlv from tirat of tlee +ther
6. A. emptv B. exlraust C. plo'wirrp D. prL-iirrct
7. A. against E]. coffee C. rnessa:i* D. s;lr:roi:ful
8. A. attempt B. irottorn C. horror D. rr1;u" ,: i:r:
1. A. somrnori R. countrv C. pr,.'sc , : J. re;
iil.A, forest B. resource C. threatr:n D. ri:.!r,l,l
t - 25" choeise fhe lresf arlswer arnong A, ]J, cr or r) ihat best t,; ,,-rple6sii r;rcir
s ircltence.

i i. The lady ............. son werlt ott a picnic with us iast wr'e'keiic is a teaclrer iri our scirocii,
A. uho B. whom C. whose U. that
l2.I'le has-iust gone tc his fiierd's house. . ihere iri a pafi.i i,ria\
A. who B. u,hich C. whonr D. whert
l3.He is the only,frienC ....,............. i lire.
A. wlro B. that C. whorn D. rvltort:
14.He talked about the books and authors irnpressed hirn
A. who B. that C. which L). whonl
I5.There were two smal! rooms in the beach house ........... served as a kitcherr"
A. the smaller or which B. the srn*llest c-f whiclr
C. the smaller of them D. smallest of thar
i6.l didn't knorv,vori were asleep. otherivise, I .........".. so inuch noise rvhcll I
calTle tn.
A. didn't rnake B. rvoulclr,'t hrve r:-trt,:le
C. rvon't make D. don't rnakr:
l7'Unless you .................. ali fr lielp ,v<r1
questions, I can't cic any.iiring
A, arrswered B. ansrrer c. would answer D. are ansv.erirrr,
l8.Had you toid me that this rvas going to happen. I ................. it.
A. would never have beiieved B. don't bei:eve
C. hacln't beiieved D. can't believe
l*.lf Jake .. to go on the trip, would you have *;lrie,l
A. cioesn"t agr ee B. didn't agree
C" hadn't agreed D. wouldn't agree
106'rny candidati: haci r.t,oit the elc-ction. r .................. lraplrt lrit"v
A. arn B. u,ould be C-'. u'as D. can he
21.1would never liave encouraged yoll to so ittto this field..... il w'oLtir{ be so
stressful for 1ou. ['m sorry,' it's been so drfhcult lbr vou.
,fr. had I knou'n B. and I lrad knorvn
C. slrould I know D. bul I knew
12.Edward invested a lot olmonev *'ith a adr.'isr,r", and loll neail' rr:l i-.j'
it. Nou,he is hal'ing serious financial p;:ot:lenls. I-1e ......"......... iir tiri: po:i:i,:',; if
he had listened to sorne of his friends,
A. will be B. wouldn't be C. ',riit be D. lradn't been
23.I-he decision was postpotted. ................. r,,,/ai eraciiy u'l''at he wantcd.
A. which B. that C. who D. what
24.All the people have gone into the room are stilI yourrg.
A. who B. whom C. whose D.
25.John! Wlrat is that iloise? trs tltere ott the streel?
A. sornetliing B. nothing C. anytliing

26 - 30. Choose the underlined part arnong A, Il, C or $ fh:r'. tl*eels corrr;.[iir6.

26.The Sahara Deserl in Africa is so far tlULafggCt riesert ii: ti:e rvorlci, cover:rrji ai.i
area nearly as big as the tJnited States.
27.Oyster fanning lras been practice in mosl pafts of the worid for many yea;:s.
A B C .D
28.Those of Lrs ylle stnoke slrould have tl'reir lungs X-ra-1'ed regularl,v-.
L ''D
29.Al'terthe team of geologists had drarvn diaqrarns in their notebooks and wrote
e:lplanatiorrs o1'tlre forrnatious whic[ thcy had observed. they returnec! to their
carnps ite to_cclxpare notes.
30.If Robert Kennedy rvould have lived a little longer, he probably r.vould have lvot1

thc elcction.

3l - 35. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D rvhich has the s*me
meaning as the given one.
3l .She usually spends one hottr driving to work ever5' day-
A. She usually works one hour every' day'
B. It usually takes lrer one lrour to drive to'.vork every dly'.
C. She does tlot Ltsuslly drive to rvcrk
D. It usuaily takes her one hour to worli on lter car every dry.
-ll.On their trip to Scotland, John and Bill took turn driving.
A. The boys took a wrong tunr during the trip.
B. Bill did most of the driving during tlre trip.
C. John drove Bill to Scotland.
D. The boys divided the driving tinie:
33.1 w ish we had gone somer.l here else for tlre holida_r,.
A. If only we went sornervhere else fbr the holiday.
B. It's a pity' we didn"t go there fbr the holiday.
C. If we had gone for the holiday. I would lrave gone somewhere else.
D.I regret not having gone somewhere else for the holiday.
34.If only I had told her the truth.
A. I regret not lraving told lrer the truth.
B. I regret not to tell her the truth.
C. I wish to tell her the truth.
D. I wish I would tell her the truth.
35."Why didn't you join your friends on the trip?" she asked.
A. She asked me why I didn't.ioin lrer friends on the trip.
B. She wanted to knorv why I hadn't.loined my friends on the trip,
C. She asked fbr the reason I hadn't joined my friends on the trip.
D. She asked nre why didn't Ijoin rny fi'iends on the trip.
36 - 45. Choose the rvord or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank
space in the following passage:
Secular festivals and feasts have rnany uses and values (36) ............ the public
enjoymerrt of a celebration. ln prehistoric societies, festivals provided all
(37)............. for the elders to pass on (38)............. knorvledge and the meaning of
(39)............. lore to younger generations. Festivals celebrating the founding of a
nation or the date of rvithdrarval of foreign (40)............. from its borders bind its
citizens in a (4 I )............. tlrat rises above personal concerns.
Modern festivals and feasts centering on the (42)............, of rrational or ethnic
groups enrich urtderstanding of their (43)........... .. Conternporary festivals related
to regional developrnents, such as rvestward (44).............on the North Arnerican
continent. aid tlre local economy by attracting visitors to a pageant of historic
authenticity that also fulfills an infornral (45). ... .. firnction.
36. A. under B. over C. beyond D. behind
37 . A. opportunity B. occasion C. occurrence D. onset
38. A.lruman B. country C. folk D. homeland
39. A. clarr B. group C. tribe D. tribal
40. A. intruders B. invaders C. attackers D. occupants
4l . A. unity B. union C. collection D. group
42. A. habit B. routine C. practice D. ctrstonrs
43. A. legacy B. heritage C. inheritance D. treasure
14. A. spreading B. enlarging C. exparrsion D. srvelling
45. A. teaching B. explaining C. instructir,e D. edLrcational

46 - 50. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question
about the passage:
Telecommuting is some form of computer comrnunication between employee's
homes and offices. For employees wlrose jobs involve sitting at a terminal or w'ord
processor entering data or typing reports. the location of the computer is of no
consequence. If the machine can communicate over the telephone lines. when the
work is completed, .employees can dial the office computer and transmit the
material to their ernployers. A recent survey in USA Today estinrates tlrat there are
approximately 8.7 million telecommuters. Althouglr the nunrbers are rising
annually, the trend does not appear to be as significant as predicted when Busines,s
Iteek published "The Portable Executive" as its cover story a few years ago. Why
hasn't telecommuting become more popular?
Clearly, change simply takes time. But in addition, there has been active
resistance on the part of lnany nlauagers. These executives claim that supervising
the telecommuters in a large work force scaffered across the country would be too
difficult, or, at least, systems for marragin g them are not yet developed, thereby
complicating the rnanager responsibi I ities.
It is also true that employees who are given the option of telecommuting are
often reluctant to accept the opportunity. Most people feel that they need regular
interaction with a group, and many are concerned that they will not have the same
consideration for advancement if they are not rnore visible in the office setting.
Some people feel that even when a space in their homes is set aside as a work area,
they never really get away from the office.
46.With which of the following topics is the passage primarily corrcerned?
A. An overview of,telecommuting.
B. The advantages of telecommuting.
C. A definition of telecommuting.
D, The failure of teleconrmuting.
47.How many American workers are involved in telecomnruting?
A. Fewer than last year.
B. More than predicted in Business Week.
C. More than 8 million.
D. Fewer than estirnated in U.ll Today.
48.The word "resistance" could best be replaced by
A. alteration
49.The word "them" refers to
A. telecommuters B. systems
C. executives D. responsibilities
50.It can be referred from the passage that the author is
A. a telecommuter. Br the manager of a group of telecommuters.
C. a statistician. D. a reporter.

l. I!ultiple chorce.
l. It is time that govenrments ..................... ler,;els of environmental pollr.rtion.
A. redr.rced B. decreased C. dropped D.AandB
2. lf trafflc moves a1 lou,speeds, the numberof accidents is.................... .
A. cut down B. pulled back C. turned off D. put away
3. l'll have to . to you, otherwise he will hear.
A. whisper B. say C. whistle D. shout
4. "Those students stucly a lot." "Yes. . students are very serious.,,
A. almost B. most C. most of D. almost of
5. It is realll'an area of .. beauty.
A. landscape B. scenic C. scenery D.BandC
6. F{is only chance of ......,............... was a heart transplant.
A. existerrce B. life C. survival D. living
7. t'hat exactly is the influence of television ...,............. children?
A, on B. in C. at D. with
8. A fund rvill be set up for the ..... species.
A. dangerous B. endangered C. errdangering D. popular

A. intervention B. affairs C. involvement D. interference

lO.The river has been polluted rvith waste from local factories.
A. nontoxic B. toxic C. harmless D. harmed
I l.The boy to I lent my, money is poor,
A. tlrat B. rvho C. whom D.BandC
12.The knife ................... we cut bread is very sharp.
A. with that B. whiclr C. with which D. that
l3.Cathy is trustwofihy. She's a person upon ..,...,...... you can always depend.
A. who B. whont C. that D,O
l4.The man ,.......,....... I introduced you to last night may be the next president of
the university.
A. whom B. that c(7 D. All are correct
l5"Your career should focus on a field you are genuinely interested.
A. on which B. in which C. which D. that
l6.The high cost of equipment ............. many people frorn taking up this sport.
A.bans B. prohibits stops
C. D. All are correct.
l7.His fatal made him to purcue the struggle for ..................:..... .
A.survival B. life liveliness
C. D. hope
18.Do you agree with a ... against selling alcohol to people under the
age of I 8?
A. han B. prohibition C. stop D.AandB
I 9.ln this .... we are very foftunate.
A. respect B. field C. matter D. All are correct.

20.He *as hilcl in .,..., . ., for- three vears.
.{. seize B. C. arrest L. ck:surr
2l . I'he illness fiequentiy . with other chrorri,; i.i:seases.
A. cornbirres B. exists C. coexists D. Ail are correct.
22.T'lre factor-v- rvas fined for....................... chenticals into the river.
A. dunrping B. dropping C. discharging u. Aii are coirert.
2i.The tribe was tlrreatened with ...........
A. extinction B. extinct C. extinctecl D, All are correct.
24.Flowers are ofierr .. by bees as thel,garl.rer nectar.
A. developed B. gro\\n C. f'ertilized D. ier.tilizing
25.The students were able to go behincl the........ .... to see how
programlles are rnade.
A. camera B. landscape C. sceues D. view
26.Sunday is the day r.vhich we usually go fish ing.
A. during B. at C. in D. on
27.The speech we listened last night was inforrnative.
A. to wlriclr B. which to C. to that D. that of the people......... I admire most in the history of the worki is
A. that B. rvhich C. whose D. of them
29.1 received two job offers, . I accepted.
A. neither of which B. neither of tlrern
C. neither of that D. none of which
30.1 have two brothers. ........,.......... are professional ath letes.
A. two of which B. two of whom
C. both of whom D. two of them
II. Fill in each gap with a word from the box.
prohibitecl exl irtct pestic ides enclunger
respect worcling ntuitt lcrirt stu"vival

l. She was .................. fronr the police force for bad conduct.
2. Development of the area would .. wildlife.
3. Many kinds of animals have become nowaclays.
4. The house is large and difficult ro ...................,.. .
5. We only buy vegetables grown without the use of ...............
6. Soviet citizens were .......... from travelling abroad.
7. Everyone has a right to be treated with .............,...,.. j.. .
8. The of the Mississippi is magnificent.
9. Exporting is necessary for our economic
are going to visit a conservation area fcr ..................... species.
I l.The ... of questiolts can influence how people unr*.r.
III. Fill in each gap rvith a suitable preposition.

2. He is known an erperienced teaclrer.

J. They clear awa) the table and clrairs and convert their sitting-room ............;'.'.
the dancing room.
4. the contrary. I think you were unwise; prices may go up, but
the other hand, they are much more likely to go down.
5. I arn thinkirrg ........,........ going to Bavi to work my uncle's farm.
6. Smoking is bad your lrealth. You'd befter give it ......'.......... as soon
as possible.
7. The differerlce ............,.... you and I is that I don't mind lrard work.
8. I thought he dropped the vase accident.
9. I took her a lot of tirne to get used driving the left when
she was Britain.
lQ.Will you rirrg the station and find when the train is
coming? I arl not ceftain the tirne.

IV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been for
0. A. He followed her into the house.
B. I think we're being follorved.
C. She followed her mother into the medical profession.

l. A. The arrimals are ............... ....(-ed) in nets and sold to local zoos.
B. The company has ......................(-ed) 90% of the market'
C. Puppets are used to ................ the irnagination of younger audiences.
2. A. To................. is to exist together in the same place or at the same
tirne. especially in a peaceful way.
B. English speakers now ....,............ peacefully
speaking neighbours.
C. Diff'ererrt traditions successfully side by side.
J. A. It was a ........................ explosion, causing a lot of deaths.
B. This morning he got the ........,........... ltews that her father was dead.
C. It will be a ......... blow to the local comrnrrnity if the
factory closes.
4. A. Patients were being ..,.... from the hospitaltoo early.
B. Shehad ....... herself against rnedical advice.
C. He was ....... from the army following his injury.
5. A. The health of our clrildren is being ... by exhaust fumes.
B. That one mistake seriously ... the future of the cornpany.
C, The sea turtle is an ...................... species.
6. A. The goventment tries- to ................... law and order irr the society.
B. The two countries always close relations.
C. We hope to ................... prices dr,rring Tet holidays.
7. A. I have the greatest .... for your brother.
B. A two-minute silence was held as a mark of .........,,....
C. A deep mutual and understanding developed between thern.

8. A. I'lte niclvie opens i.r.ith .i ................. in a New, york apaftment.
B. T-ile rear,'s victor) procruced ...............(s) ofjoy ail over the c.untrr,.
C. Firefighters were oti tire ................. irnrnediaiell,.
9. A. Tlre company lrianageC to ..................... the crisis.
B. I\4any birds dicin't . the severe winter.
C. I can't .. on f40 a week.
10. A. Tlrose friends are a bad ..... on her.
B. His first nrusic reacher was a rnajor ..... irr his IiIb.
V" Supply the correct form of the wortt in Lrold.
I. The bird had escaped from .....".... (captive)
2. The minorities live in peaceful .......,............. r..,ithin one natiorr. (exist)
3. The bomb caused widespread ......... . ."..... . ,.devastate)
mountain gorilla is on the ver!.re of
1 Ih"
w" are discussing the
. . (extinct)
!. Jf soil r.vith artiflcial chernicats. (fertile)
6' .....'......'. is a substance adcJed to soir to rnake prants gro* ,r.,or.
successfu I ly.

]. The school pays for heating aiicr rlie of the buirdings. (maintain)

9. He is a rnuch loved and highl,v t"uih"r. (respect)

0 Co and make yourself look ..,..".....
f lrespect)
W" were brought up to be ........."...,...... r:f autirorifv. (respect)
lll2.We went to the national park to enjoy the mountain ....."........... (scene)
Vtr" Conrrime the following sentenees, using preposiliott +
I. The movi* rvas interesting. We \\,ent to tt.
l. T-he
r,ryorn;in pays me a fair
salarr,,. I rvork for her.
3. man is o,-er there. I told y,ou ahout hirn.
-i.I want tc tellyoLr about the part.r,. I went to it Iast night.
5" l'he persorl is sitting at the ciesk. you shoulcltalk toler about your
6. ,4iice !ikes the fbreign ranriry. srre is riving with trrenr,
7 T.h* nrcture is beaLrtif ul. Tom is looking at it.
E. I ;nioyed the nrusic. We listened to it after clinner.
?. I rnet the people. You tolcl me about them.
l0.The nrarket has fresh vegetables. I usualiy go to it.
li'l could,'t irndersrand trre woman. Itarke; ti, trre phone.
l2.The office is on F{igh Street. Amy works in it.
wI" .[oin ttrre foElowing sentences, using non-restrictive crauses with a
preSrositional construction.
i. 'rhe eighty-ni*e
pas.sengers ail escaped without serious injury.
Four of the
passengers were British
2' The to,'"]try trow has 300 power stations. All of them
are part of a national netu,ork.
3. The spe,iker posed four highly important questions. The answers
questiorrs proved very clear.
to these

4. For electoral purposes. the United Kingdom is divided into districts. Each of
them returns one rlernber to Parlianrettt.
5. The plans tbr the neu,by-pass have now been approved by the authc,rities. By
rneaus of this b5,.pass. heav,u- traffic in the ciry centre willbe considerabl.v nelieved.
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences so that they are more appropriate firr
formal written English. Use prepositiott * wlticlt or preposition * wltos*"
1. Flerning's discovery of penicillin. u,hich he was awarded the Nobr-'i Pr",ze ibr.
had a major influerrte on the lives of people in the 20tr'century.
2. Hew,astheuncleof AnnBoleyn,whoseexecutionin 1542 l-relostp.tei'atter.
3. It is her unmarried name lvliich she is better k:rown by.
4. Mr. Marks, lvhose farnr the Stream flou's across. is unhappl' about the plans for
tlte new datn.
5. The election result. wlri,;h there can be no doubt about, is a great dnapprsintmsnl.
6. The building r.l,lrich M,'. Marcus etlerged ft'otrr rras little rnore thatl a "uin.
7. It is a medieval palac,), rvlrose tower the king hid in durirrg tlie civil rvar.
8. I arn grateful to Alan Mackie. wlrose book on the historv rf the bicycle this
information comes from.
IX. Join the sentence halves using which or whom after an appropriate
the furnitr:re is to be delivered
I had great respect
most r.vorld trade was corrducted
she was divorced in 1995
it was narned
you should be arvare
he had shown his novel
the printer was supplied
l. I\4y English teacher, Mrs. Brookes, was someone.Tbr u'hom I hacl grear respecl.
2. Until l9l4 the pound sterling rvas tlre clrrrency . .....:.
3. They have changed the date
4. Pasteurizatiott lvas discovered by the French chemist Louis Pasteur. ......
5. He was persuaded to stay irr England by Charles Dickens,
6. There are a number of safety procedures
7. Details are in the instruction manual
8. Ms Peters was left tlte Ittoney by her former husband.
X. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the btank
space in the fotlowing passage:
The Southwestern States of the United States suffered one of the worst droughts
in their history from 193 I to 1938. The drought ( 1)............., the entire country. Few
food crops could be grown. Food becanre (2).............. and prices went up
(3).,............ the nation. Hundreds of families in the Dust Bowl region had to be
moved to farms in other areas with the help of the federal goventment. ln 1944.

dror.rght brouglrt great damage to (:1).... all Latin America. The drought
moved to Australia and then to Etrrope. (5)............. it continued throLrghoLrt ihe
surrmer of 1945. Frorur 1950 to la54 in the LJnited States. tlre South and Southwest
sLrffered a (6).........'... drought. Hundreds of caftle ranches had to sirip their
to other regions because (7).......... larrds had no grass. T'he federal governrnent
again (8)............ . an emergenc)' droughr-relief prograrn. It offered farmers
(9).........,.... credit and seed grains ( l0).... ...... Iow prices.
. I A. pushed B. incurred C. occurred D. affected
2. A. scarce B. rnrvstifies C. hidden D. uncommon
3. A. over B. throughout C. all D. across
4. A. near B. totallr C. alnrost D. factually
5. A. which B. that C. rvhere D. when
6. A. heavy B. sharp C. strict D. severe
7. A. pasture B. culture C. moisture D. manure
8. A. carried B. couducted C. convened D. conformed
9. A. emergency B. crisis C. tension D. disaster
10. A. to B. in C. over D. at
XI. choose the item among A, B, c or D that best answers the question about
the passage:
If yotr travel by air across the center of Alrica or Soutlr America. you fly over
forests for thousands of kilometers. These great forests are the oceans of trees.
There are full of thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animals.
However, the world's forests are getting smaller all the time. we are cutting
down the trees because we need wood. and we need more farmland. Some people
say that there will ttot be arty lorests like these irr 20 or 30 years. What will happen
if they disappear?
If lve cut down our forests. a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the
world. In a lot of places tlre new farmland will soon look like the old deserts. Crops
will no1 grow there. It will not rain very often. and the weather will get very hot.
Perhaps the clirnate of the rvorld will change. This rvill be dangerou, ior.u",1,o,r.
in the world. That is why rve ntust take care of our forests.

l. The passage mainly tells us about .

A. the inrportance of taking care of our plants
B. the result of cutting dou,n the trees
C. the locatiorr of great forests
D. the reasons for forrning tlre deserts
2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Africa and South America are the oceans of trees.
B. Forests are homes for different kinds of animals.
C. Forests are r:sually several sqlrare kilorneters large.
D. Different plants can?t be found in the same forest.

i. The need fbr tnore wood arrd rnore land resuits in .."..
A. the change of the world's climate
B. the disappearance of rnany kirrds of plants and animals
C. more deserts and less fannland
D. All of the above
4. What w,ill happen in 20 or 30 years irr sorne people's view?
A. We'll lrave more and greater forests.
B. We'll have enough land to suppoll our people.
C. We'll have no forests like those in the center of Africa.
D. We'll have enough wood trr do some cooking.
5. The rvriter thinks
A. it dangerous for everyone to cut down the forests
B. it necessary for everyone to protect the forests
C. it impossible for everyone to take care of the world
. D. it rrecessary for everyone to keep anirnals
XII. choose the item among A, B. C or D that best answers the question about
the passage:
Scientists around the world have been studying the warming of waters in the
Pacific Ocean known as El Nino. The appearance of EI Nino is knorvn to affectthe
weather around the world. Scierttists still do not completely uliderstand it. Yet they
now find they can ttse it to tellabout the firture in differerrt areas of tlre world.
One example is the u'ork of two scientists at Columbia Unil,ersiry in New York.
Mark Cane and Gordon Eshel. A scientist of Zirnbabive, Roger Buckland worked
with them. They have found tliat when El Nino appears. Zirnbabwe lias little or no
rain. This means com crops in Zirnbabwe are poor. Tlre last ElNino was in l99l to
I993. That rvas rvltett southeastern Africa suffered fronr a serioils lack of rain.
'IIre scierrtists wrote aboLrt their recerlt woi'k in
the publicatiotl 'l\ieiure '. Their
compLlter program can tell when an El Nino will develop up to a year before it
does. They suggest that this could provide an effective early warning system for
southern Africa. and could prevent many people from starving.

A. the changing of tlre weather in the southern Africa

B. the warming of waters in the pacific Ocean
C. the weather which brings drought to Africa
D. the weather phenomenon that brings heavy rains to Africa
2. Scientists study El Nino in order that they can
A. provide a kind of early warning to tlie place that will suffer from
B. tell why Zirnbabwe has little or no rain
C. do some research work in this field
D. put all this inforrnation into their computers

-' Which of the follorving is NOT true according to the article?
A. The cornputer is used in this researclr work.
B. Scientists knorv rviren an L,l Nino appears by rneans of a cornputer program.
C. The scientists prrblished their results of rhe research work.
D. 'Nature' is tlre name of the article w'ritten recently by the scientists.
r. Choose the best title for this article.
A. Appearance of El Nino Predictable. B. Drought in Zimbabwe.
C. Earl,"" Warning Systern. D. Weather in Africa.
\III. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
., I can't believe tlris is the best room there is! (better)
There must this hotel.
l. The notice says you have to sigrr the forms trvice. (must)
The notice says the fonns ......... ..... twice.
:. I'rn sorry but I cannot lend you any nroney. (me)
I'm sorry but it .......... .... to lend yoll any money.
l. The journey rvill be about nine hours, rvhiclrever route you take. (matter)
It ................ ... you take. the.f ourney will be about nine hours.
j. The last time I went to Canada was in January 1994. (been)
I ................. Canada sirrce January 1994.
5. It rvas a waste of time for you to discr-rss the problern with Jane. (point)
There is the problem w.ith Jane.
'. My Irouse is as big as Peter's. (same)
Peter's house .................. rnine.
3. Michael is usLrally punctual so I'rn sLrrprised that he's late. (like)
I'rn surprised that Michael is rrot here yet because it's ....................... late.
9. The comrnittee discussed what to do. (rliscussion)
The comntittee ............. . should be done.
lO.Nobody in the group disagreed with the plan except for Jolrn. (exception)
With .......... .... , everyone in the group agreed rvith the plan.

t. Multiple choice.
1. Her boss ilred her. .................... made lter angrl'.
A. rhar B. u,hat C. which D. it
2. Do you tliink you are the only person the darrger'?
A. for having seen -- B. to be seerr
C. to see D. for seeing
3. Tlris is a good river
A. for swimming in with us B. for us to swim in
C. in which sw'imming to us D. to us for swirnming in
4. We could make better use of our
A. environment B. sources C. resources D' atmosphere
5. She'll be able to put her languages good use """"' her new job'
A.of-in D'in-of
6. Many people don't use their computers to their full
A. future B. expectation C. hope D' potential
7. The new-software is planned for .........'........ in April.
A. release B. issue C. delivery D. A and B
8. They're researching into ways of '..'...'....'.".' people's diet'
A. iinprovement B. irnprove C. improving D' improved
9. The publishers expect that tlre nerv biography of Simon Bolivar will be bought
by people in Latin American history.
A. who they are interested B. interested
C. are interested D. they are interested
l0."Have you ever met the man ............... over there?" "No. Who is he?
A. stands B. is standing C. starrding D. who he is standing
I l.The people the acrobat turn circles in the air were horrified when he
missed the outstretched hands of his partner and fell to his death.
A. watched B. rvatching C. watch D' were watching
l2,ln the movie, a teenager to pursue a singing career meets resistance
frorn his strong-rvilled father.
A. wants B. wanted C. wanting D' who want

A. is a movie published B. a novel was published

C. a novel published D. was a novel published
l4.Sally lost her job. wasn't srrrprising.
A. that B. what C' it D. which
l5.Ritz Hotel is a very good Place
A. in u'hich to stay B. to staY in
C. for staying irr D. staYing in
16.She u'as the last applicarlt ...... ............... .

A. to interview B to be intervierving
C. to be interviewed D. to have rtttervietvurl

l7.l'rn hr-rngry. ls there any food .. .. . ...'l
A. to be eaten B. for me eating
C. eatirrg D. to eat
iS.linglish is au itnportant language
r\. to masler B. for us to master
C. which we havc- to master D. All are correct
I 9."What's all tire iroise aboLrt'J"' "We had a bad accident ......... at the facton
,4. happenirrg B. haPPened
C. happen D. has haPPened
2O."Eric is really ttpset about losilg his job." "Wel[, ... frred once
rny self. I catt ttnderstattd."
A. having B. to have been
C. having been D. have been
2l"l wrote to the company ........,... them for a catalogue.
A. asking B. dernanding
C. enquiring D. applying
22.1 have hearrl nothing from lr im since
A. he had left B. he leaves
C. he has left D. he left
2 j. La,:k of rain early in the season mealts that tlre field .............. a poor crop.
A" surrendered B. yielded
C. generated D. suffered
2.1."1 found these books. Do you need them?" "Olt. ;'es. those are the ones I
A. was looking for them B. was looking for
C. am looking for D. looking for
25""Wlio is Susan getting married to?"'ooh. some guy '..'.... since childhood."
,A. she ltas krtitwtt B. has been known her
C has known her D. r.vho she ltas beetr knowt'l
25 Can ycu play an....................... guitar?
A. electric B. electrified C. electricity D. All are correct.
21.Can you find arly ............ equipment in this department?
A"" electric B. electrified C. electrical D. eiectricity
28.Ylou cannot grow crops on .......,............: land.
A. exlraustion B. exhaust C. exhausting D. exhausted
;$.1 find iter ............. - she never stops talking.
A. exhaLrstion B. exhaust C' exhausting D' exhausted
3C. "[Jo you like frog's legs?" "..........,......"'.,. them, I don't really know."
A. Never trying B. Not to have tried
C. Never had tried D. Never lravirrg tried

l;. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.

i Zoology is rnore closely ielated biology than it is to botanr
2.. Are ),ou interested .................. rvorking with thern?
,i,. I certainly, hope that David is arvare all the problenr.. itlr olr e :
-i \1r. Arrderso, is responsible .................. hiring and firing enrplovees.
5. Fred is capable doing better n,ork than lre's doingat rhe present.
6. Torn was proud lris goocl marks on the English
7. After next week. I'll be free ail nry \,r,ornes. ".nu,r.
8. That fashion magazine is full ...............".. adverlisirrg for woi.nen,s cir,rthes.
9. The clothes like these aren't verv suitable that kind ofjob.
l0.My liiend and I were very lrappy the resLrlt of the electio,.
III. Fill in each gap n'ith a n'ord/ phrase fronr the box.
potentiul .fo,s,sil nucleur c'onsuntpl ion
release geothermal eutlogt solur panel
resource,\ enyironmenlal de/itre,stecl ectt"ic
l. The Western countries are worried about lran,s capacity.
2. ..... energy is connected with the natural heat of rock deep in the
3. You should not buy a car witlr high fuel r.:.i...!.!...rr.r..r^. !
4. oil pollution could damage the fragile ... of the coral reefs,
5. "'.......'....'.'.. fuel was formed over ntillions of years from the rernains of
anirnals or plants.
6. He has the .... to beconte a world-class musician.
7. Scientists are considering the .... of carbon dioxicle into the at:ni;spheie,
8' A '......... is a piece of equipme,t on a roof that uses iigrlt and heat
energy from the sult to produce hot.water and electricity.
9. ...'..'....... power has been deveroped rapidry in our country rece;rtly.
i 0. Limited "'.. are restricting our capacity for developi,ig ,,.* pioelr.rcts.
i i .The company takes account of ........,.. issues wlrerever possibie.
l2.Two thirds of the region has been ...,.. in the past clecacle.
IV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. one exarnple has heen for
0.A. He followed her into the house.
B. I think we're being follorved.
C. She follorved her mother irrto tlre nredical prolessictr.

l. A. Lca'ing a roorll u'ithout turning off the lights is a wastdr oi" ,. .,,..
B. l'he................. is off tomorro\\,.
C. She always pays her bills on time.
2. A. ..........r............ energy is electricitl, or power that is produced using
the energy from the sun, wind, rvater, etc.
B. ls it an .... method of doing that?
C, Do you hale an .... solution?
3. A. Large amourrts of fossil fuels are by the electricity industry.
B. Before he died he had a large quantit), of alcohol.
C. The lrotel was quickly by fire.

4. A. Tlre meat was dcclared unfit for human
B. He was aclvised to reduce his alcohoi
C. .. rather than saving has becc.l.r* th* crirtral ii::iture ,-,:
contetn porary,, soc ieties.
5. The cor-.:pan;., is being activL,l,- consiclereci iis :t ........ ......... ph,iler
B. Thev are customers of- our ccnlpixt-!,: thc-y wili sigl,;
contracts u,itlr us.
C. First we lteed to identifv actual and probierns.
6. A.AllchildrenshoLrldbee:tcouragedtorealizetheirfrrll
B. She lias greal .... . ........ as an artist.
C. The house has a lot of ............... .

7. A. He refused to................. her arnr.

B. 10,000 balloon"" were .................1-ed) at the ceren-lony.
C" lntense heat is .. . ... .. .(-ecl) in the reactiorr.
8. A. Tlris book is o, the exploitatiou of rninerals ard other natural

B. We do not have the ..........."......... to upclate our eon:pLlier roftrvare

because we are having a financial problent,
C. We must make the most efficient use of the availabie financiai

9. A. A .............. .. ceil is a device that corrveiis lisht and ireat energl,

from tlre sun irrto electricity.
B. 'fhe .......,......... radiation
is sometimes very rrarr:rrr:! to,v,our eyes and
c' The ....-....'...'.'. s)'stem consists of the su, and air the pranets that
move around it.
10. A. He has carried out extensive .................... into :-ener.vable energy
B. Recent.................... ol1 deaf chilclren llave producecl some
interesting findings aboLrt their speech.
C. What have their .................... shorvn?
V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.

] !.e's jyst bought a car rvirh

2. The railway line rvas
..... operated iiipdoivs. (electrie)
....... in the 19,{0s. (electric)
3. ............,. is tlre prccess of changirrg stri,:etiriilg so ihal et rvorks b1
electric it1,. (electric)
4" YoLr can be paid in cash w'eekly or bl,crrec*ic rnonthly; {l,.ose arc the;.,,c
. (alterl
5" Gas arrd oil ... always increases in cold rveather. (consr:rne)
6. I-lealth-corrscioLrs ................:.. want rnore inforntation about th* foo,l thev bur,
7. An ... disaster rvill alter the whole balance of ecoioq., in that area.
shou,d be protec,ed, vou nrav become
' :: i::i ::::::: ::l: ;[[Jil."t
9. \\eshouid pa)'lnore attention to retrewable sources oienergy sucli as wind arid
..... pou,er. (sun)
l0.We are doing our best rvith the resources a..'ailable. (limit)
I 1..............".......... damage tirreatens the u,hole of civilization. (environment)
l2.The w'eather irnproved. (gradual)
VI. Rewrite the follow'ing sentences, using present participle phr:*.ses.

l. Do you know the woman who is coming toward ri:?

l. fhe people .,riilc was waiting for the bus irr the rain are getting wet.
3. The rules that allorv public access to wilderness areas neeLl to be reconsidcred"
4. The children who atte nd that sclrool receive a good ,:Cuceticn.
5. The scientists wlro are researching the causes oicancer arc rnaking Drogress.
6. The fence which sllrrounds our house is nrade of rvi;r:d.
7. Tlrecouple r.l'ho live in tlie lior-rse nextdoorare botl-r coliege proless,:rs.
8. We irave an apartnlent n'hich overlooks the park.
9. Did vou get the nressagc vvhich cclncerned the speciai nreeting?
" ',l-he ps1'chologists u ho stLrdy the natrlre of sleep htve rr,i
.'.' imnc'"tr;'r
war entered the li'"irig roorns of nriiliirr:s q;f
' ,.Fi,;tures that shoued the brutalitl,of
Americans on the nrghtlv nelvs.
,.r The lndians u'ho lived in Peru befbre the discoverl' oi'the n"evr World by
Eirrcpeans belonged to the Incan culture.
ii.Many of the students u.ho hope to enter the unir'ersity will be disappointed
because only one-tenth of those u ho apply for ai.lmis:;icn r.l ril be accepted.
l4.An,v- student who does not $ant to go on the trip should infbrm the office.
l5.The sunlight which corres through the rvindorv wakes rne up early every
l6.A knuckle is a joirrt tlrat connects a finger to the rest of tlre lrand.
lT.Antarctica is covered by a huge ice cap that contains 70 percerrt of the ea."th's
freslr lrater.
l8.l r.vas arvakenecl by the sound of laughter which came fronr the roonr ncxt door
to mine at the motel.
19.'fhe children aftended a special movie program that consisted of cartoons of
Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.
20.Food which passes from the rnoutlr to the stomach goes'"hrough a tube called
VII. Reuritc lhe follorving sentences, using past par(icipie phrases.
l. Be sure to follow the instructions that are given at the to, of the page.
2. The conclusion rvhich is presented in that book states ti:at most of the cars
u,hich are produced by Chirrese irrdustry lrave somc defeci.
:. I come frorn a city th&t ig located in the soutlrern paft of tlie ccuntrv.
'ihe photagraphs rvlriclr were pLrblished in tlre ue\\'sfrapers ',vere extraordinary.
' i-he e.-i;erirl'irl v\,11;iir \\as cuuclucted at the Unir crsitr,' of Chicagc, '"vas
:r llCC e:ISIU I .

6. He read'The Old Man and the Sea', rvhich was writtetr by Ernest Hetni:.,-:'" .

7. Two-third of people wlro were arrested for motorbike theft are under i\\ 3nl
years ofage.
8. Only a few of the nrovies that are shown at the Gray' Theater are sLritable for ch rld:en
9. fhey' live in a honse that rvas built in 1890.
10.A throne is the cliair which occupied b-,- a qtteen. king. or other rulers.
I I .Only a small lraction o1' the eggs that are laid by a fish actLially hairlt and
survive to adulthood.
l2.Our solar system is in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way.
l3.Arizona. rvhich was once thought to be a useless desert, is today a:'apidil
growing industrial and agricultural state.
14.In hot weather, rnany people enjoy lemonade, u'hich is rnade of lemon.;uice.
rvater. and sugar.

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences, using infinitive phrases.

l. We had a river in which we could swirn.
2. The child woLrld be happier if he had sorleone that he could play r.r'ith.
3. I'd be rnore interested if I had a farnily that I had to cook ibr,
4. I haven't got anything that I could open a bottle of wine with"
5. He was the first man who left tlre burning building.
6. You are tlte last person who sau' her alii"e.
7. My brother is the only one tlrat realized the danger.
8. Thb pilot was tlre only man that survived the craslr.
9. He is always tlie first who comes and tlte last who goes.
l0.The Queen Elizabeth is the largest slrip lvhich has been built on the island.
1 l"l was the only person that saw the difficulty.
l2.Neit Annstrong rvas the first Inan rvho walked on the moon.
l3.She was the first lvomatt that took lter :eat in Parliament.
14.The fifth man who was interviewed uas cotnpletely unsuitable.
l5.He rvas tlte second man who was killed in thi> rvay.
16.Here are some accoullts tlrat you must clreck.
l7.The floor is clusty but I haven't got a brLrslt that I can s\\'ccp it rvith.
l8.My files are all over the place. I rvish I had a bor that I could kecl: them in.
l9,She said she wasl.l't goir:g to buy any cards: she didn't have anyotie to "rhotn
she could send cards.
20.He was tlre first man who reached the top.
IX. Complete the sentences with an -ing, -ed or being + -ed form of these
verbs. Then rewrite the sentence using a relative clause instead of the
participle phrase.
build drive eclucate elecl .flow
introduce need 'int SU take

0. The driving the bus is rny brother.

The mun v'ho is driving lhe bus is nty hru,ther.
. rni io a reunion fbr str"rdents .. in the physics department during
,ri: I 980s.

: i, ;;;;;;;i;,"; *;;,;;.;;.;;s;,. ir.ri iir.,,.r,""r;.; . .. ... . ..... uy

his headrnaster.

There is a sign on tl-re gate 'Entry' fbrbidden

1. Across the river were some of the deer.. ........ into the park in the 19,r,

5. Rivers . into the Baltic Sea are muclr cleaner now than ten vears

6. The booklets ...... .... as we speak will be on sale laterthis afternoon.

An_vone .. fufiher infbrntation can see me in my office.

8. I\,!ary O'Brien, the Democrat .. to the council only last week, lras

l0.rhe protest march .. next ;.;k i; ;;p;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;'ioo,ooo


X. complete the sentence by adding the pieces of information given. Use

relative clauses, adctitional noun phrases and participle clauses and
prepositional phrases.
0. The me, are between 25 and 30. They live irr the village. They are known
have a criminal record.
Police are questiorring men beru,een 25 anel 30 tiving in the
t,illage, knew,n ro ho,e
tt c'ri ntittul rcct trtl.
1. The teachers work at.eLreen's college. eueen's college is in the
city centre. The
teachers \\'ent orr strike last rveek. They have appoiited Jacqui
Smith as their
spokesperson. She is the head of English.
2, Marge Scot has diecr. She *o. ug*J 95. il; ;;;
.o,,.r,Ll rrarrri", cogege.
Slie'vas the first wol'nan to be eclucated there. Marston College"i is in south Wales.
\,large Scott .
i. Tire conference rvas-held in Singtrpore. lt approved the world
trade agreement.
The agreenrent \\'as dra',vn Lrp by L.Lrropean and Asian states.
The conference lias
no* ended.
lre conf-erence ...

'{. The book is on gardenitig. it is called'All about Plapts'. Man ,,anred to
borrow, it. lt wasn't available in the library
A book
5. The painting w'as found in a second-hand shop. Ir was tbund tr1, Beth Sands. She
is an antique dealer. She is from york. The painting is thcught to be b1,J.\1.\\
Turner. Tuner was a British landscape arlist.

XI. choose the word or phrase among A, B, c or D that lrest fits the blank
space in the following passage:

About twenty percent of tlie w'orld's present energy cornes fiom the suu in one
form or another. Special devices have already beerr made available to (l)............ on
the roofs of houses and flats to (2)............ the sun's rays and thus heat water.
Thousands (3)............these devices are now being used to provide (a)............ in
homes throughout the United States while more (5).......... a million solar water-
heating units have already been (6)............ irr lromes in Japan. other purposes for
which (7).....,.. energy is, at present. being usecl include the (g)....... of salt fronr
si;rreater, irrigation and sewage disposal.
(9)............ rnost people in developirg countries, the ,eed is not for air-
conditioners or central heating but for cheap (10)...........of cooking food. drying
crops, and lighting houses.

l. A.put B. locare D. fix

2. A.greet B. catch C.contain D. nranufacture
3. B. rvith C.on D. of
4. A. light B. energy C. life D. existence
5. A. tharr B. of C. through D. over !
6. A. built B. planned C. standing D. attached
7. A. sun B. sky C. space D. sol:,r
8. A. passing B. separation C. divorce D, delivery
9. A, Through B.By C. For D. At
10. A. manners B. ways C. models D. types
XII. choose the item among A, B, c or D that best answers the question about
the passage:
A few ygars ago a shoftage of natural gas drove prices sky high. Likewise.
gasoline process rose when demands exceeded supplies. A giut in the oil market
drove prices back down. The law of supply and demand functiorred according to
textbook description in the case of oil, but the situation is otherwise in the current
natural market. Natural gas consumers a!"e finding their heating bills more of a
burden than last year, in spite of a dramatic increases in supplies. There is so much
naturalgas available that many suppliers are closing down their plants for lack of a'
market, and rumored that some suppliers are even burning off their surplus gas.
l. Yrru can infer that the lavn o1'supply and dernand means that prices
A. rise it'supplies are abundant
B. tall if supplias are lirrited
C. i ise if supplies are iinrited
D. stay even when supplies are abundant
2. The author's purpose is to ..
A. discuss oil prices
B. discuss oil gas shortage
C. question high gas prices
D. comilare gas and oil prices
3. Many supplieis ul'r,ttural gas are
A. redi;cing iheir prices
B. gr,rirrg cut of business
C. runnir.rg out of gas
D. convefting to the oil business
4. l'he cost of heating rvith natural gas this year ..
A. lras riserr
B. depends on supply and demand
C" is easier to bear
D. has renrained the sanre as last year
5. 'fhe anrour.ll of natural gas currently available is .....
A. more than last year's supply
B. equal to last year's supply
C. less than last year's supply
D. none ofthe above

XIII. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question
about the passage:
When I rvas in Scotlarrd last year, I visited a special lrydfoplegldA power station.
It is inside a mountain. lt rains a lot in the rnountains of Scotland and tlrere are
huge lakes high up. The water falls down throLrgh large pipes to a generator in the
po\ver station. The errergv of the nroving water turns the generator and this
produces electric'ity. A big transformer then increases the number of volts to over
400,000. The electricity goes througlr cables to different parts of Scotland, England
and Wales.
The inside of the power station was vely clean because it doesn't burn coal or
It was also very qLriet, Iwas very surprised. It was.iust like being in a hospital,
I think hydroelectric porver stations are much safer than nuclear power stations.
They are also better for the earJh tltan coal or gas power stations. Some countries
like Sweden and the Netherlands have said they aren't going to build any more
nuclear power stations. They are going to try to make clean electricity using water
or u'ind. I think we should do the same and spend rnore money in building
I i1 droe Iectric power statiorrs.

l. What can he the best title fbr the passage?
A. Future of Electricitl".
B. Dangers cif i"Jr-rclear Porver.
C. Electriciq"' in -'rcotland.
D. ctectricity f,rcnr S'ater.
a We can learn that tlte undet lined word "hydroelectrit" meatrs "t'tiit1g. .. ,'
A. the energl,of the water to clean the air
B. water po$,er to produce electricity
C. pipes to carry water
D. wind pow'er to produce electricity'
Why does the rvriter say the hydroelectric po\\'er statron 15 like a hospital?
A. It looks like a hospital.
B. It has beautiful scenery.
C. It is very clean and quiet.
D. It uses a generator.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The future of electric power stations.
B. The advantages of hydroelectric power stations.
C. The number of electric po\r'er stations.
D. The countries that have nuclear power stations.
XIV. Rewrite the follorving scntences, using the wortls given in brackets.
l. The fire in the library was discovered by a student. (rvho)
It ................ .. the fire in the library.
2. Gerald is too young to vote. (old)
Gerald vote.
3. 'Do fast cars interest you?' the dealer asked Sarah. (was)
The deaier asked Saralr fast cars.
a. My brother really rvishes he coLrld sing well. (able)
My brotlrer regrets not ............. ..... well.
Maria said I had caused the accident. (blamed)
Maria the accident.
6. James did not need to register for the ltew course. (necessary)
It ...........,.... .. to register for the ltew coLlrse.
7. She never finishes her rvork on time althoLrgh she rvorks hard. (matter)
She never finishes her work on time .... she works.
8. There haven't been many changes irr this town since I last visited it. (much)
Since my last ............ ...... has changed in this town.
9. Hardly anybody applied for the.iob. (applicants)
There were very....,...... ....... the job.
l0.Luisa does a full-time job and looks after tlte house too. (well)
Luisa does a full-tirne job.,........... ..... the house.

Frogress ?esE 4 {EInF€s
I - 5. Pick otit the w,ord whose underlined acld boki part is pronounced
differently from that of tfue other words.
L A. pollute
B. cup C.but D. urnbrella
A. firturq B. natallC C.pictune D. rnalure
J. A. deqire B. r;oigy C, gugar D. pregent
4t' A. card B. e&r C. appgrent D. part
5. A. clirnate B. tirne C. tlrnber D. clirnb
6 - 10. Pick oerf the wortl that has the stress differently from that of the other
6. A. consult B. happen C. relnain D. secure
7. A. convert B" level C. proper D. second
8. A. baseball B. qLiestion C. stubborn D. suppose
9. A. attempt B. congress C. journey D. trophy
10.A. affect B. collect C. farrous D. wiihout


1l - 25. choose the best answ€!'among A, B, c or D that best completes each
ll.Hirarn Revels. tlte first hlack mernber of the United States Serrate, served as
senator fbr Mississippi. air office............... he,was elected in 1g70.
A. which B. in which C. and which D. being which
12.The F.nglish coronization of Virginia rvas devised in 1606 by a group of
merchants the Virginia Cornpany of London.
A..lvho forrned B. thev fonned
C. whom fornred D. what fornred
l3.The Olyrnpic rnarathon distance . in tlte ancient times to honor a
messenger ',vho ran from Marathon to Athens to de!iver vital news and
then died.
A. established B. was established
C. establishing D. which established
l4.Syllogisr:r is a firrrn of reaso,i,g conclusion is reacheci from two
statements ca lled prernises.
A. which a B. in wliich a
C. that a ' D. to wlrich
l5.white phosphorLrs, a substance.............. in nratches, is so flammable that it
burst into flame upon contact with the air.
A. is common B. conrmon
C. which being cornmon D. being comrnon. is
l6.l enjoyed talking to the peopre ................ I had dinner last night.
A. to whom B" with whom c. with that D. iittr them
17............ .n&my times I tellhim. he always forgetsto pass on phone messages.
A. Wirerelcr B. Whatcver C. Whenerer D. However
i8"................"...... but it also filters harmful sun rays.
A. Not only ciccs tlre atmospitere give us air to breathe
B. The atmcisphere gives us air to breathe
C. Not only tlie atmosphere gives us air to breathe
D. The atmosphere which gives us air to breathe
l9.She hasn't written to me .........
A. already B. never C vet D. rro loirger
20.People outlook orr life is optrrnistic are usually happy ones.
A. whose B. whom C. that D. which
2l .That is the place the acc;.Jenr occurred.
A. where B. which C. on uhich D. that
22.When ....... to explair: his rnistake, the new, employee cleared his
throat nervously.
A. asking B. asked C. to be asked D. to be asking
23.They didn't steal anything. They stole ...........
A. anything B. not anyrhing C. not nothing D. nothing
24.AlthoLrgh still undeiwater. Lo:hi Seamount, the newest Hawaiian island.
closer to the surface by freqr.rertt volcanic eruptions that add layers of
lava to the island.
A. brought B. to be brought
C. bein5: brought D. is being brought
25.BecauEe the wood of the dogrvood tree is very hard, is used forobjects.
such as rcller skate wheels. in whicli hardness is desired.
A. which B. it C. what D. thus
25 30. choose the underlined part among A, B, c or D that needs correcting.
26.vaslav Nijinsky achieved world recognition as both a dancer as well as a
chor" ographer.
2T.Airports must be located lgarla major population centers for the advantage

of eir trar:Sporlation to be retained

28.It is said that Einstein feit very badly about the application of his theories to the
creation of weapons of war.
29.The plants that they belong to the farnily of ferns are quite varies in their size
and structure.
30.Despite the increase irr air f'ares" nrost people still prefer to travel br- plane.

31 - 35. choose the correct sentence among A, B, c or D rvhich has the same
meaning as the given one.
3l .Your refusal to attend tlie party made every,one sad,
A. Everyone felt sad attending tlie pafr-.
B. Everyone felt sad when you retusea tLr attend the parlv.
. C. Your attendance at the party made everyone t-eel sad.
D. You made everyone sad about your retlsal to throw the partv..,
32.Mr. Srnith is now the fifth wealthiest man in this city.
A. Mr. Srnith is wealthier than five pcople irr this city.
B. No one in this city has more wealth tlran llr. Smith.
C. Mr. Smith is the wealtlriest one in this cil.,
D. Only four people in this city are wealtlrier tlran IMr" Srnith,
33.Califomia attracted peopl: from many countries when gold was disccvered in 1848.
A. Discovered in 1848, gold was attractive to people in Celitbrnia,
B. Discovered ir california in 1848, gold attracted people fiom many
countries tlrer'e.
c. Gold in california was discovered in I848 after mariy peopre came
D. When people are attracted to California. tlrey discorered gold in I848.
34.Were it not fbr the money, this job wouldn't be worthwhile.
A. 'fhe only thing that nrakes this.f ob worthr.vhile is tlre nroney.
B This job is rewarding at all.
C. This job offers a poor salary.
D. Although the salary is poor, the job is worthrvhile.
35.As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home.
A. Calling home, he said that he had arrived at the airpor.t.
B. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home.
C. He arrived at the airporl sooner than he had expected.
D. He arrived at the airport and called me to take lrim home.
36 - 45. choose the word or phrase among A, B, c or D that best fits the blank
space in the following passage:

Can you imagine what Edison's life was like in the years after he had invented
the electric lamp? Many things had to be invented arrd built before electric lamps
could really (36)......., alll maclrines to (37)............ the electricity each home
or office used things (38)............ it certain that the electricity in the wires did not
(39)............ fires, things to send electricity (40)............ the right praces. Everything
that was (41)............had to be tlrought of and (42)...,...,... by Edison and the men
who worked (43)....,....... him. There was no place where they could buy the things
they (44)............ Edison made 360 inventions (45)........ ... to send electric powerto
wherever it was wanted.

36. A. use B. used C. be used D. be using
37. A. measure B. test C. obtain D. take
38. A. make B. to make C. rnaking D. to be made
39. A. like B. put C. start D. begin
40. A. to B. by C. at D. in
41. A. obtained B. accepted C. tried D. needed
12. A. building B. built C. rvas building D. builds
43. A. about B. near C. with D. together
44. A. need B. are needing C. rvere needing D. needed
45. A. less B. least C. muclr D. more
46 - 50. Choose the item among A, B, C or.D that best answers the question
about the passage:
The killer sea waves known as tsunamis are so quiet in their approach from afar,
so seemingly harmless. that until recently their history lras been one of the surprise
attacks. Out in the middle of the ocean, the distance between tsunami wave crest
can be 100 miles and the height of the waves no more than three feet: Mariners can
ride and suspect nothing. At the shoreline. the first sign is often an ebbing of the
waters that leaves fish stranded and slapping on the bottom. However, this is not a
retreat but rather a gathering of forces. When the great waves finally do strike, they
rear up arrd batter harbor and coast, inflicting death and damage.
These seismic sea waves - or tidal waves, as they are sometimes called - bear
no relation to the moon or tides. And the word 'tsunami,' Japanese for 'harbor
wave', relates to their destination rather than their origin. The causes are various:
undersea or coastal earthquake, deep ocean avalanches,' or volcanism, Whatever
the cause, the wave motion starts with a sudden jolt like a whack from a giant
paddle that displaces the water. And the greater the undersea whack, the greater the
tsunami's devastating power.
In 1883, Krakatoa volcano in the East Indies erupted, and the entire island
collapsed in 820 feet of water. A tsunami of tremendous force ricocheted around
Java and Sumatra, killing 36,000 people with walls that reached I l5 feet in height.
In 1946 a tsunami struck first near Alaska and then, without warning, hit the
Hawaiian Istands, killing 159 people and inflicting millions of dollars of damage.
This led to the creation of the Tsunami Warning System, whose nerve centre in
Honolulu keeps a round-the-clock vigil with the aid of new technology. If seismic
sea waves are confirmed by the Honolulu centre, warnings are transmitted within a
few hours to all threatened Pacific points. While tsunarni damage remains
unavoidable, lives lost today are more likely to be in the tens than in the thousands.
Tsunamis have been deprived of their most deadly sting-surprise.
46.Accordir1g to the passage. seismic sea waves...
A. originate far from the place rvhere they strike
B. are easily detected by fishermen
C. are named 'tsunami' for the origin of the wave in the harbor
D. are called tidal waves because of their relation to the mooir

--..\ccording to the passage, all of the following are possible causes for seismic
sea waves EXCEPT........ .

A. earthquakes near a coastline B. tides

C. avalanches under water D. volcanoes
48.The phrase 'a round-the clock vigil' could best replaced by which of the
A. A good accout'lt. B. A constant watch.

49.According to the passage, the Tsunami Warnins Systern was created because
of......,............ .
A. the availability of new technology
B. the nervous state of people in Honolulu
C. the occurrence of the 1946 tsunami
D. the loss of millions of lives
50.The author's rnain point in the passage is tlrat.......
A. there is little possibility of avoiding tidal waves once they are in motion
B. seismic sea waves today are carefully monitored and cause less damage
than in the past
C. tsunami can do little damage when they strike
D. we need better equipment to track the rnovements of tsunamis

I. Multiple choice.
1. Many people lost their homes in the storm. The government needs to establish
more shelters to:care for those have homes.
A. who doesn't B. which doesn't
C. who don't D. which don't
2. The problem never occurred.
A. I had expected it B. who I had expected
C. that I had expected it D. I had expected
3. I had to drive to the factory to pick up my brother car wouldn't start.
A. who his B. w'ho C. who's D.=whose
4. I read a book about Picasso, .........,.... .
A. is a Spanish painter B. who a Spanish painter is
C. a Spanish painter D. that is a Spariish painter
5. The publishers expect that the new biography of Simon Bolivar will be bought
by people in Latin American history.
A. who they are interested B. are interested
C. interested D. they are interested
6, I have always wanted to visit Paris, ............... of France.
A. is the capital B. which the capital is
C. that is the capital D. the capital
7. The chemistry book ......... was a little expensive.
A. that I bought it B. I bought that
C. what I bought D. I bought
8. 'Have you ever met the tran ........ over tlrere?' 'No. Who is he?,
A. stands B. standing
C. who he is standing D. is standing
9. 'Do you remember Mrs. Goddard, taught us Englis! composition?' 'l
certainly do.'
A. who B. whom C. that D. which
l0.l have three brothers, .............. are businessmen.
A. that all of thern B. who they all
C. all of rvhom D. 'uvho all of them
I l.'were you able to locate the person ....... wallet you found?' 'Luckily, yes.'
A. which B. that his C. whose D. that's
12.'You seelr so happy todav.' 'l am. Iarl looking fora persorr........ lrasjust been
accepted into rnedical college.'
A. rvho B. who she C. whorn she D. whom

A. I w,ent B. I went to it
C. I went to D. that I went
r a-
l,l.'My writing has improved a lot in this class.' 'Mine has, too. All the students
do well in writing.'
A. whom Mr. Davis teaches them B. which Mr. Dal'is teaches
C. that Mr. Davis teaches them D. Mr. Davis teaches
15.'Excuse me, but there is something about ........ immediately.' 'Certainly.'
A. which I must speak to you
B. which I must speak to you about it
C. that I must speak to you about
D. that I must speak to you
16.'ls April twenty-first the day .........?' 'No. the twenty-second,'
A. you'll arrive then B. on that you'll arrive
C. when you'll arrive D. when you'llarrive on
17.The severe drought occurred last surnmer ruined the corn crop.
A. that it B. which it C. it D. that
l8.The new model, has just come out, is the best so far.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
l9.The rumour we heard yesterday is not true.
A. that B. which
C. no word is needed D. All are correct
20,It's cheaper if you book the tickets ................... advance.
A. at B. in D. for
21 .Please accept this gift in ...,..^...".......... of all you've done for us.
A. behalf B. all C. respect D. appreciation
22.The company has laid off 150 workers in an .............. to save money.
A. effort B. efforts C. affect D. affection
23.1 didn't really feel like going out, but I am glad I .....,.............. the effort.
A. did B. made C. tried D. acted
24.Workers give money to charity' to show their .................... with the strikers.
A. share B. combination C. solidarity D. strength
25.'Who's suitable for the scholarship?' 'Anyone scholastic record is above
average can apply for the scholarship.'
A. who has a B. has C. who's a D. whose
26.The picnic was postponed, ................. was due to the weather.
A. which B. that C. whose D. what
27.Dr. Slats is a person ,.....,..,.......,.
A. in whom I don't have much confidence
B. in that I don't have much confidence
C. whonr I don't have much confidence in lrirn
D. I don't have much confidence
28.1 was hrppy during the years I lived with rny grandfather.
A. B. that C. in which D. rvhere
29.The student ...... you just met is in one of rny classes,
A. his parents B. rvhose parents
C. parents of his D. parents who

I _1+
3G.'fhe worran lrves l:ext cioor to us is a weather-forecaster on a local
TV statittn.
A. rvhose B. she C. rvhom D. who
II. Fill in each gap with a suitatrle preposition.
i . lt was very kirrd . ) ou to heip me with that difficult work.
2. You were ver:r' kind ........... ... ... rne wlren I asked you for some help.
3. I wish Carlwould take a holida;-. It rvor-rld be good . his health.
.i. Fred said the weather was perfect . taking colour photographs.
5. You'll find that this tool is very usefiii ......... many different things.
6. That nerv product will be avaiiabie . next year.
I Aftnur is quite accustor,red . receiving criticisrn.
8. John was so tired ....,.......,.....,. hard uork that he could move.
9. The clerk said she was tired .................... hearing compiaints day after day.
l0.My English teacher said he was quite satisfied . my ciass work"

iIl. Fill in ear:h gap with a word from the trox.

fficiol nrulticultural gvnnasium live
variety advance gather body-building
e//brt appreciation athletics
l. Calileo's ideas were well in .. of the age in which he lived.
2. I had no ....,......... of the problems they faced.
3, Students should be involved in all forms of college
;i. Arnold Schwarzenegger and cther Hollywood actors inspired people to take up

5. 'Ihe show is going out

&. I'm afraid this essay is a poor
7. all ......:.............. round? I've got something to tell you.
Can you
8. The school has recently built a new ............
Q. We live in a................ societl'.
l0.He used to be a senior ...... in the US State Department.
i i.lVe want more ..... in our work.

iV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been
,f ou.

0. A. He followed her into the house.

B. I think we're being foltowed.
C. She followed her mother into the medical profession.

l. A. Our knowledge of the disease has ...............(-ed) considerably over

recent years.
B. This research has done much to our understanding of
language learning.
C. They worked together to ................... the cause of democrac\.
2. Thanks for coming. I ........................ it.
I would ..... it if you paid in cash.
You can't really ......... loreign literature in translation.
She has already distinguished heiself as an
The ............ failed a dope test, he used some illegai drugs.
4. The club has ............. music most nights.
A ....................... recording was made at Wembley Arena
I1 was the first interview I'd done in front of a ................ audience.
5, There were plans to ................. a stretch of the river.
Their friendslrips soon .................. into Iove.
It is such an opportunity for students to ............. their understanding
of different cultures.
6. You should put more ..... into your work.
A lot of ..... has gone into making this event a success.
It's a long climb to the top. but well worth the
7. They were all ...................... round the TV.
A large crowd was ............ outside the studio.
The kids were .......... together in one room.
8. Venice is a beautiful city full of ,................. and history,
The children are taught to respect their own
Immigrants have contributed to British in many ivit5,s.
The plane safely.
A fly .,......,......... on his nose.

i0. The plan will

be subrnitted for ............... approval.
He made an ............... visit to Tokyo in Marclr.
Have you ever been to Argentina? The country's ........,...... langtuge
is Spanish.
I l. This tool can be used in a ..........,...... of rvavs.
I u,as impressed by the ................. of dishes on offei.
We all need ................. in our diet.
t2. Some sports events were ..................(-ed) by the tobacci; iriiiilstrr',
Will y'ou me for a chariry- rvalk I'rn doing'.t
She found a colrpan),to ................" her tlrrou*uh co!i*ge

V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.

I. TIrere n'ere ,.rnlt three of us or.t the ..................... course. (advance)
t. Slre shou,s linle ........... of good rnusic. (nppreciate;
J, A reporter shoLrld know rnethods of infbrmation .......... {gathenl
+. l-he orchcstra is very important for the lif'e of the city {culture)
i Demoustrations were lreld as a gesture of .............. with the hunger strikers.
The clLrb provides a.........,.........,.. of activities inclucling sil,imming. rennis, and
squash. (vary)

t -.(r
7. She took the job for ..... reasons. (var')')
8. Hehasbeen ...describedasahero.ageniusandabuill,lail-)
9. A back injury prevented activ€;...,...........,....... irr an]'spoi"ts f'r:', uhile

l0.Tlre Lake District olfers . aitractive areas :n Srtltlanu. iscens.

VI. Combine the following sentences, using suitabie retative pronouns.

l. I have a class. It begins at 8 am.
2. I know a park. lt has the zoo and the Open-Air tlieater.
3. My sister asked me a quest,on. I couldn't answer it.
4. A lion is an anirnal. This animal lives in Africa.
5. The bus is always crowded. I take it to sehool every day.
6. The blouse is made of silk. rulary is wearing it.
7. The plane leaves at 7 o'clock. I'm taking it te i'laror.
8. I had a good time on the trip. I took it to the irlational i'a,'k.
9. The is hard. I'm sitting r.rn it.
l0.l want to tell you about tlte party. I went to it last night
VII. Crrmbine the following sertences, using who, whiek #r Lrthefe,
1. There are policemen. They caught the thief . 1t

2. Llere are the letters. They anived this rnorning.

3, Where's the lady? She asked for some more tea.
4. That's the house. I was bom in it.
5. The clothes come from France. They are very good.
6, I met the people. You told me about tlrem.
7. The market has fresh vegetables. I usually go to it.
8. Do you know the children? They live in that house.
9. I r",ouldq't understand the rvoman. She spoke to rne on the phone ihis n:eirning.
tr0.1'he doctor gave me some medicine for my sore throat. lle was ill; famii;,

VIII. Fill in each blank with wfio, which or wrrere.

I .
The filnr star gave a party ...".............. cost $ lii,0tri,,
2. The rnan .................. \ou mei at the party l as a fhtr,.;us i'iim :,ti',r
J. \\'hat's the name of the lady' !1 ai *Baiirls iil* golcit:l iltrei.,''

4. 'I'hai's the dictionary .........,.....,.. Bil! ga\'* i:!. tor ii'ir, 1:irtiid;ry.
5. Do you like the pecple Sarah inviteJ t.-: iier partl?
6. A corv is a large dornestic animal give.; r.nilk.
7. I"ni looking for the student gayr lne thi:l book.
8. I wish to see the factory your fatl-rer Ltqed 1r:r ''vol'k.
9. London is one of the cities ........,......... pollution is tl're worst,
l0.l've talked to the rran gave yLr-la iift lasl ireek

IX. Explain what some rr;ords nrean. Choose the right meaning from the table
and write a sentence wit?v wha. The first one has been done for you.

stel! fi"om a stor€ bretrk into u lirntse and steul things

nol eql mcdl nrukc unri repuir t,ooden ohjects und
de.sign httildings .\lruc'ture.s
.fi I I pre,scr i p I ittnl Jt,r, rnedic in e repair y:itier pipa,.c
urile'r u ol repuir cl ei:rricsl equipmeii!
knou,lec{ge teach somefu;dy it pracricetl skifl a,

r. (ARCHTTECT) An architect is someone who designs huildings

2. (BURCLAR) A burglar is someone
3. (VECETARTAN) A vegetarian
s. (sHoPLrFTEr{)
','. (PI-UMBER)
li. Complete the following sentences with relative clauses, using the sen$.ences
in the table to make your relative clauses.
lVe mel heryestertlat,. The polic.e arre,sted him.
Tont recomtnendecl it. Tom lells lhem.
Ann is wearing it. You lo,st thern.
Ll/e wanted to visit it. I invited them to the parry*"
We had it for dinner. He was very intpolite and iupatient.
l. Have you found the keys .......?
2. I like the dress
3. The waiter ...,.... served us.
4. The museum ..............was dark when we got there.
5. Most of the people ................ couldn,t come.
6. I didrr't Iike the woman
7. The fish ......".,... .... was really deiicious.
8. We stayed at a hotel
9. The stories ........are usually very funny.

xI. Complete the following sentences with r,yhere... , using the sentences im the
table to make vour relatlve clauses.
Ic'an huy poslcards lhere. I v,as born there.
She hud baught it there. Ll/e spent our vaccrtiorr lhere.
People are buried there. l[/e can have a really good meal thert.

l. I recently went back to tlre town
2. The dress didn't fit her, so slre took it back to the store
3. Doyouknowtherestaurant............... ....................".?
4. Is there a store .....rtear lrere?
5. fhe place .......... ..... \'\.as realli' beautifhl.
6. A cemetery is a place ..........
XII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the hlank
space in the following passage:
Jack Sandy is only l6 years old and he is already the nrost (l)...........golfer in
the world. F{e is becoming increasingly (2i........... as more people (3)......".... golf.
For some people, golf is slow, boring and not (4).......... at all but it is becoming
more and more (5)........... all the tir-ne. They say Jack. who is young, and (6).."........,
is like a Hollywood star for the golfing world. He is so (7)........... that tlrey call hirir
"The Boy Wonder of Golf'. However, Jack is not very (8) . ........ in fai:t. he is
quite (9)...,....... and he doesn't like to give (10)........... on talk shows.
l. A. famous B. sociable C. tall []. favr:rite
2. A. knowledge B. well-known C. well-done D. knorving
3. A. find B. find oLrt C. cliscover D. take up
1. A. successful B. arnateur C. dull D. exciting
5. A. popLrlar B. dangerous C. fast D. generotts
6. A. dull B. jealous C. cornrron D. good-looking
'l . A. aggressive B. successfirl C. professiortal D. rich
8. A. sociable B. show off C. practical D. social
9, A. easy-going B. sensible C. aggressive D. shy
10, A. lectures B. interviews C. performartces D. chats
XIII. Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions
The 22"d Soutlreast Asian Games were held in Hanoi. Vietnarn from 5
December to l3 Decernber, 2003. Tlre Games were opened by Vietnamese Prime
Minister Phan Varr Khai in the nervly constructed My Dinh National Stadium in
Hanoi. Tlre Games torch was lit by Nguyen Thuy Hien of Wushu. lt was the first
time in the SEA Carlies history that the Games venlles were assigned into tu'o
cities namely Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
Painter Nguyen Chi Long inspirecl by the 22"'r SEA Games logo is based on a
legendary bird named "Chinr Lac". The bird decorated the Ngoc Lu bronze drum. a
typical antiqLrity of the ancient Dorrg Son Vietnarnese culture. The Ernblern is
composed of hannonious and vigorolls curves" creating a feelirrg of nrovement and
strengtlr which confbnns to the Olympic Spirit: "Fuster, Higher and Sirortger''.
The colorful whirls represent the tough conlpetitiveness in sports.
The Games' hytntr was "tsor the World of Tonrcrrovr", cot"nposed by ivgr:.ver.:
Quang Vinlr. Painter Nguyen Thai l-Iung chose "Trau Vang", the golder ri'ater
buffalo as the nlascot for the 22"d SEA Canres. With a gentle and harrncr:ious
nature, the clever BLrffalo has become synonymous witlt tlre ri,ater anci i-ice
r ;i-i;;rileS. Io vietnamese peopre. the colden Buffaro
symborizes a gorden harvest,
prosperity. happinbss. power and
the vietnamese martial spirit.
i. 'Vhen and where were the 22,d SEA Games held?
gv whom were the 22'd
? sEA cames opened? By whom
3' what was the most distinguished thing of Games venueswas the Games torch rit?
in 2003?
4. What was the 22,,i SEA Games logo based on?
-i. What was the Cames' hymrr? Who uas it composed by?
6. What was the mascot for the 22',,r SEA Cames?
7. what painter rnade the nlascot for the 22,,0 aEA Cames?
8. W'at does the Golden Buflalo syrnbolize to Vi.tnu,r_se
XIV, Read the foilowing passage carefuily, and then answer the
Tire Asian cames. arso cailed the Asiad. is
a rnurti-sport event herd every four
years among the athretes from ail over
Asia. The Gaines are reguiated by the
olyrnpic Council of Asia (ocA) under the supervision
Oil mpic Cotnmittee (lOC). Medals are awarded
of the International
in'each .u"ni, *irh g;i; f"; ;;;
plaee, silver for second and bronze for
third, a tradition which started from 1951.
The Asian Games are dominated by the peopie,s
R";;;ii. ;f dninu.
corirpetitors are entered by a nationar orympic
bo*ritt". (Noc) to represent
their country of citizenship. Nationar anthems
una nug. a..o*pury the medal
ceremonies, and tables shorving the number
of medals i"on by .u"rr'"oun,.y-i[
widely used. In generar, onry recognized nations
,r.,"pr.r.ried, but a few non-
sovereign countries are allowed to take part.
The special case of raiwan was
handled by having it compete as Chinese
Taipei, orr to ,i. political status of
The l5tr'Asian Games were herd in Doha.
eatarfrom December r to December
15,2006. The r6ti'Asian carnes wi, be
herd in G;;;g;;,;1;r,
o-"v-.' vrr from November
12,2010 to Novernber 27,2010.
I . Wlrat does Asiad slarrd ftrr?
l. How often are the Asialr Garnes lreld?
3 S'h.,rt are tlre Asian Carnes regulated by?
4' Rliat does the o!1'nrpic Council of asia (oCA)
receive frorn the lnternational
Olr rnpic Cornrni,ice (lOC),.)
5. Fiorv are the merials in the Garnes awarded
to atlrletes?
6. What is the traciition in the rneclai ceremonies?
F:, a countrl,what is the co,ditio, to become a
8' \trrhich co,rrry rviil rrost
member of OCA?
rhe r6'r'Asian Games? when wiil they take prace?
XV. Ilew rite the forowing sentenc*., ,.ing
the words given in brackets.
i. rv'iy grandfatirer l,.,as sixtl,when he learrre.l to sr.r im. (age)
Mr glarrcilathg. iilrnccj io sr,r iln
. sixty.
2. Joan couldn't eat the food because it was too spicy. (too)
The food Joanto eat.
3. It is a teacher's responsibilit,v to look after students. (respo.nsible)

.f i ,"* r-,.r.'(io'.'id""
I ................. rnore tlran ayear.
5. You":*:J;h";;;;;;;i"1"
rnight be late back so take a key. (case)
Take a key ............ .................... late.
6. I'm sorry I didn't come to see you earlier. (wish)

7. People estilnate that tlte painling is wor"th overa rnillion pounds (estimated)
The painting over a million pounds.
8. They aren't operring tlrat new computer shop untir next week. (being)
That new computer shop ........... .. until next week.
9. 'Whose is this ball?' tlie teacher asked the children. (to)
'Who .....,... ..., ?' the teacher asked the children. was difficult to persuade Rick to buy the book. (difficulty)
I .......................,............ Rick to buy the book.

t. PIU!tiple choice.
1. A crowd began to ............... together in front of the embassy.
A. collect ts. gather C. come D. All are correct.
2. Administrative work.......... half of my time.
A. takes up B. occupies C. seizes D.AandB

A. occupational B. occr"rpying C. occupied D. occupy

4. The most imporlant thing is to keep yourself
A. restless Lt. occupied C. busy D.BandC
5. fhe agency is voluntary and not run for
A, profrt B. profitability, C. business D. All are correct.
6. Farmers are profiting ....... tlre new legislation.
A. in B. on C. from D. at

A. rn B. at C. from
8. The private lives of movie stars never failto ,..............
A. attract B. fascinate C. interest D. All are correct.
9. We meet regularly to discuss the ........... of the project.
A. progress B. development C. speed D. velocity
10.The results can be divided ... three main categories.
A. for B. into C. on D. at
I l.We can liardly tell you
A. nothing B. something C. anything D. None is correct is in this room ............... we usually hold our meetings,
A. that B. whiclr C. where D. when
l3.Wasn't it her family . emigrated to Australia?
A. whom B. who C. which D. it ....,............ only when the game was over that he felt'a little frost-bite'.
A. is B. was C. be D. being
15...........".."... us draw in that net, please.
A. Does help B. Do helps C. Do help D. Did helped
16.We should be able to sell the house ." a profit.
A. of' B, at C. with D. in
lT,Seldom allowed to do that.
A. Iam B. arn I C. I have been D. I can be
i S.Never before ....: such a demonstration.
A. they witness B. they have witnessed
C. had they witnessed D. they had witnessed
l9.The fairy .......... ....... a jade bowl into the sea to form Ha Long Bay.
A. does drop B. do drop C. drop D. did drop
20.Smoking the health of srnokers.
A. darnaging B. damage C. did damage D. does damage

2I .These proposals are perf.ectly ....,........ rune ............. our own
thoLr.ghts on the
A,in-of C.of_of .{,l. r;i'- rryiih
22.'I'i .c singer w'as ......... on the piano by her srsier.
A, ":rvr,,_l B. accompanied C. assisted D. soutr,-,r:",r
2l.Sire is an .....,.......... reader rtl scier.:ce fiction.
.\ avid B. keen C. enthirsiastie D. Al: ;i:r crj:.i{
24 He rvas avid ... more infonnation.
A. of B. on C. for D. with
25.The room was littered rvith .....,.........,... ne\.vspapers.
A. waste B. discarded C. throwaway D, A and B
26.All of us have the need to adapt to new and ,......... riia,gi,,g:ircumstances.
, '\' continuously B. continual c. continuaily D. eil are correct.
2ll.T'ire problems facing the president are ..........
A. huge B. enorrnous C. gigaritic D. ts ancl C
28.At that time I was ignorant . evints going ou elsevrhere.
A. of B. on C. in D. at
29.We cannot afford to ............,....... their advice.
A. ignore B. disregard C. skip D. A and B
30..,............. yesterday slre came here, I am sure of that,
A. lt is - that B. It is _ wlren
C. It is - which D. It was - when
II. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.

2. I'm sorry .......... the trouble I've Laus'ed.

3. The south is different ... the north.
4. Don't trust him. He isn't capable ... anything.
5. I was surprised ... his attitude.
6. I'm curious ... Tony,s background.
Old Alf is very careful
8. We're quite safe
... his money,
... danger.
9. Businessinen can't be certain ...................... success.
l0.Contrary .,. expectation. she won.
III. Fill in each gap with a word from the box.
accompanying profit ignored continually
fascinating accomplishment hobbies profitable
I. Money will be essentialto the ........, of our objectives,
2. I don't feel I've ......... very much today
3. Each pack contairrs a book and .......................,..... CD.
4. She lras taken an .............. interest in the project.
5. New products are .......,..... being developej.

6. He's ..."..". about modenr techrrology.
7. He .... ali the 'No Srnoking' signs and lit up a cigarette.
8. Manrv local people helieve the developrnerrt will .. thern.
9. It is usr-rally rrore ..."....." to selldirect tc'r tlre public.
l0.l fail to see u'hat wornen find so ......... about him.
I's irnportarrt to fbllow the ............. procedure.
l 2.l-ler ... include sw'imming arrd gardenirrg.
IV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been for
0. A. He foltqy4gl lrer into tlre house.
Fi. I tlrink we're being foilowed.
C. She t-oilowed lier mother into the medical profession.

1. As a rnr-rsician, she is technically ................

She was an eiegant and ....,....... wornan.
The first part of the plan has been safely
2. He was humming a familiar
I don't know the title but I recognize the .............
It was a catchy
3. He had . ..(-ed) his jacket because of tlre lreat.
l0% of the data was ....(-ed) as unreliable.
She could now ........,.. all thought of promotion.
4. They went into tou,n to ..................... in some serious shoppirrg.
I ..................... rnyself with a long hot bath.
The inheritance enabled him to .. his passion for art.
5. He was in a ............ process of rewritirrg his material.
We lived in ...................... fear of being discovered.
Her daughter was a ... source of delight to her.
6. She was in .................... ernployrnent until the age of sixty-five.
The rain lras been . since this mornirrg.
This morrring durirrg rush-hours. we saw a ................. line of traffic.
7. The comparry made a healthy ... on the deal.
from exporls rose 7.370
The sale generated record ...(-s)

8. The Crand Canyon is one of the natural .................(-s) of the world.

Tlrat's the ............ of poetry - you're always discovering
sometlring new.
C. Do you know the Seven ...(-s) of the World?
9. A. I ..."................ if you cah help rne.
B. I w'as just beginning to .................... rvhere you were.
C. I .................... (that) lre didn't hurt hirnselfjumpirrg over that wall.
10. A. The children watched, .., as the picture began to appear.
B. I've always been .................... by his ideas.
C. Thev were to see that it was sirnilar to one they had at home.

il A. Do -vr:u take ........... exercise?
Domestic violence is a ..................... occurrence
L. in some families.
tncre tS a...... .............. hLrs service to the airpom.
t2. A. There was a ..........,........... oI htroks arrd shoes
on the f]oor.
B. There is alwal,s a strange ... of runners in the London
C. Your suit will be ready for ... on Tuesday.
13. A It is a game that will .. the kids for hours.
B. I ...................... rnyself with routine office tasks.
C. Problems at work continued to ....................
his mind for some time.
14. A. The books in the library. ir:"e .................... according
to subject.
B. Patients are.,.................. iltto three;ategories.
C. Only eleven of these accidents were .
I5. A. The chitdre, seern to be lotalty
. ....... ;;;";*ilJ#Temserves.
B. lf people keep telling you you.r. yoLr begin to lose
confidence irr ,r,otrrseif .

C. He was found lyring in the road, drunk and

V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.

z. I ney argue ....^.. about money. (continue)

3. It would take miracle to nrake this lrusirress ....................... (profit)
4. He spent rhe weekend working in the gurJ"n
(profit) )nd in the kitchen.
5. They carried out the campaign to increase ..... of the company.
6' it's to see howdiffererrt peopre approach the probrem.
7. Aircraft passed overhead with nroiroa.,nor.,. .......... . (regular)
plants u'ere spaced
I ]lr"
..., about 50 cm apa.t.
T'he activities of credit cornpanies are ............. by law. (regular)
first stage in research is data (collect)
i l.My brother has been a stanrp .. for many years. (collect)
l2.Fle did not remernber anything by his childhood.
fo nin-r it was a ................ age.
VI. Put emphasis on the bold words or phrases using
l. I've lost my book.
2. I saw him in the street only last week.
3. I first got to know thenr five years
4. She bought a new dress to go to the
5. You are wrong, not me.
6. He. is angry_because you have lost all
his papers.
7. I discovered my rnistakes years later.
8. We punis:red him in order to teach him
a lesson.
9. He is going today.

When a school tearn wins the match it is the wlrole school w,hich feels proud.
(7)....... only the players. It can also means that a schoor (8).......well-know.n for
being good at certain sports and pupils frorn that school may end up play,ing
(9)..... . national and international teams so that the school has some really (10)..,,. .

names associated with itl

l. A. having B. being C. taking D. putting
2. A. If B. As C. Then D. So
3. A. at B. on C. for D. from
4. A. ought B. is C. can D. has
5. A. being B. staying C. leaving D. spending
6. A. their B. its C. our D. whose
7. A. but B. however C. and D. not
8. A. turns B. makes C, comes D. becomes
9. A.up B. to C. for D. beside
10. A. old B. new C. common D. famous
IX. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about
the passage:
From Monday until Friday. most people are busy working or studying, but in
the evening and on weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves. Some
watch television or go to the cinemal others take parl in sports. It depends on
personal interest. There are many different ways to spend our spare time.
Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. It may be anything from collecting
stamps to making model planes. Some lrobbies are very expensive, but others are

I know a man who has a coin collection worth severalthousand dollars. A short
time ago he bought a seldom seen fifty-cent piece worth $250! He was very happy
about what lre bought and thought the price was reasonable. on the other hand, my
younger brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them but I doubt if
they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are very valuable. Nothing
makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.
That's what a hobby means. I guess. It is something we like to do in our spare
time simply for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure
it gives us.
l. The underlined word "l'lobby" in the first sentence of the second paragraph

A. a kind of work of studies B. a special sport

C. a spare time interest D. some knowledge
2. After reading the text we can know that
A. on holidays people often orrly watch TV at home
B. most people have their owrr hobbies in tlreir spare time
C. a lot of people are still busy working in their spare time
D. a number of people like to take part in sports on their holidays

L What does tlre third paragraph discuss?
A. Not all the hobbies are valuable
B. Everyone should have his valuable hobby.
C. All collections are very expensive.
D. Some hobbies make people live better.
4. According to the text. the writer thinks tlrat ...
A. hobbies are very imporlant to people
B. the main aim of hobbies is to make people happier
C. everybody should make money in his spare time
D. hobbies are the best way to ntaLe money
X. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about

A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time'

Hobbyists raise pets, build rnodel ships, weave baskets, watch birds, hunt animals,
climb mountains, raise flowers, fish, ski, skate. and swim. Hobbyists also paint
pictures, attend concerts and plays, and perform on musical instruments. They
collect everything frorn books to butterflies, and shells to stamps.
People take up hobbies, because these activities offer enjoyment. friendship,
knowledge and relaxation. Sometimes they even yield financial profit. Hobbies
help people relax after periods of hard work, and provide a balance between work
and play. Hobbies also offer interesting activities for people who have retired.
Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well cart follow a satisfying hobby,
regardless of his age. position. or income.
Hobbies can help a persorr's mental and physical health. Doctors have found
that hobbies are valuable in helping patients recover from physical or mental
illness. Hobbies give bed-ridden or wheelchair patients something to do, and
provide interests that keep them from thinking about themselves. Many hospitals
treat patients by lraving them take up interestitrg hobbies of past times.
In early times, most people were too busy making a living to have many
hobbies. But some persons who had pleasure did enjoy hobbies. The ancient
Egyptians played games with balls made of wood. People today have more time
than ever before for hobbies.
Machines have reduced the amount of time they must spend on their jobs.
Hobbies provide variety for workers who do the same monotonous tasks all day
long. More people are retirirrg at an earlier age than ever before; Those who have
developed hobbies never need to worry about what to do with their newly-found
leisure hours.
Sir William Osier, a famous Canadian doctor, expressed the value of hobbies by
sayirrg "No firan is really huppy or safe without a hobby."

l. Which of the following is true?

A. Hobby is one'siegular business in his office.
B. Hobby is tlot one's regular business in one's spare time.
C. Hobby is a kind of business only foi old people.
D, Hobby is a kind of business orrly for young people.
2. Who may spend more time enjoying their hobbies?
A. Persons who have little monev
B. Persons who have much money.
C.Persons w'ho have given up their work.
D.Persons rvho have left school.
3. The underlined phrase "recover from" in the third paragraph
A. get back B. become well-
C. become calrn D. supply with a new cover
4. In early times. rnost peopre spend ress time on ih"ir hobbi.sbecause
A. they were brave and hard-working
B. the living conditions were poor
C. they were engaged in rnaking a living
D. Both B and C
5. What is the writer's opinion about hobbies?
A. People all over the world have the same hobby.
B. Machines also have their hobbies.
C. Hobbies are popular among people in Egypt.
D. People should have good f.,-ofUi", in thelr spare time.
XI. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
l. We won't get to the airport in less than 30 minutes. (least)
It will ......... 30 minutes to get to the airport.
2. Despite knowing the area well, I got lost. (even)
I got lost ........ the area well.
3' I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but he was too busy. (word)
I tried to ............... ........ about the problern but'he was too busy.
4. 'l don't mind which film we see,, I'said. (matier)
i said that .......,....,.............. me whiclr film we saw.
5' If you d.n't take care of trrose shoes, they won't last for long. (rook)
Unless ...........................,thoseshoeswon,tlastiorlong.
6. You've already lied to me once today. (lie)
This is not the first ............ me today.
7. Did you enjoy the parq,. (good)
Did you ........................,..............:...... the party.
8' Whenever I hear this song, I remember thi tirne when I was in paris. (reminds)
whenever I hear this song. .... ... the time wrren I rvas in paris.
9. Ican't describe people as well as you can. (better)

l0.You didn't think caref,lry enough before you decided. (ought)

You ........... more carefully before yo-u decided.


l. Multiple choice.
1. I'm not really the outdoor type, I prefer indoor .................'...'. .

A. tasks B. achievements C. activities D. work

2. The rain prevented them from eating
A. indoor B. indoors C. outdoor D. outdoors
3. She was not only intelligent but also ............
A. musician B. musical C. unmusical D. music
4. Spend the afternoon at ..................... in the town centre.
A. leisure B. relaxation C. entertainment D' fun
5. I suggest you take the forms away and read them at ...'....'......... leisure. B. mine C. yours D. your
6. pleasant
Please tr1'to be ... our guests.
A. at B. on C. for D. to
7. 'May I sit here?' 'Yes. .......... pleasure.'
A. at B. witli c'bv D. in
8. One of the ......... of living here is that it's so peaceful.
A. benefits B. beauties C. advantages D' All are correct.
9. The picture is ................; the thief will be rnost disappointed when he tries to
sel! it.
A. priceless B. invalid C. rvorthless D. unprofitable
l0.My sister is an expert on wildlife and its ....;'....'........... '
A. conserve B. conservation C. reservation D. preserve
I l.John swims very well and .......,.... does his brother.
A. also B. so C. even D. too
l2.l doubt if there are ...................... sweets left in tire tin.
A. plenty B. a little C. much D. any
l3.They never came to class late, and
A. neitlrer did we B. so did we
C. we did either D. neither we did
14.My wife had never been to Hue, and ..................... I.
A. never have B. neither have
C. neither had D. neither did
l5.My father doesn't speak Chinese. anJ
A. my mother does neither B. nr1, mother doesn't too
C. neither does my mother D' so doesn'l :tt1' tnother
l6.There is still room .......... improvetnent in your work.
A. in B. for C. of D. rvitlr
lT.This is a great improvement .....,..............,.. your previous work.
A. on B. in C. to D. All al'e coirect.
18.We've certainly irnproved .. last year's figures.
A. at B. in C. on D. over

i9.l-{e likes to ..........."........"... on the stock market.
A. invest B. make money C. speculate D. All are correct.
20,Do you kno\&,the 1987 stcck market .................... in South East Asia?
A" crash B. ruslr C. fall D. reduction
2l .'fhc car runs . an average speed of 100 rniles per hour.
A. on B. in C. at D. with
22.The ....... only provided basic facilities.
A. carnpsite B. campground C. camp land D. A and B
23.Previous teachirrg experience is a necessary ........................ for this job.
A. quantity B. quality C. qualification D. All are correct.
24.You should ..,...... enough qualifications to get the promotion.
A" acquire B. gain C. hold D. All are correct.
25.Your parents will have to cover the ra,hole cost of
A. tuition fees B. school fees C. receipt D. A and B
26.Does the bank ... a f'ee for setting up the account?
A. charge B. cost C. put D. take
?l"This rule should be engraved in your
A. hearl B. memory C. mind D. All are correct.
28.The movie is based on a real-life
A. srtuation B. storv C. incident D. All are correct.
2Q.T'lre skies above London were ablaze with a . firervork display.
A. irnpressive B. spectacular C. breathtaking D. All are correct.
30.This area has been christened 'Britain's last ...........,.........,.'.
A. wasteland B. wilderness C. farmland D. forest
II. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
I . i wasn't aware ................... his absence.
2. We're sad ................... her deparlure.
3. ii's no good being angry ................... me.
4. I'm fond ................... anything sweet.
5. We're really excited ................... the weddirrg.
u. John is skilful darrcing.
?. This oppoftunity is lucky ................... us.
8. I'm not acquainted ................... those fellows.
9, Mr Sr,-ritlt is not accustomed hot weather.
i 0. Your words are contrary your acts.
I I .l-Ie is sad ................... his son's laziness.
12. h{any young people want to be independent ................... their parents

IfI. Fill in each gap with a word/ phrase from the box.

sophisticuted stock market occupied spectaculor

:;olilucie uv"erAge v,ilderness bricklaying
home-basecl "fee cuntping summer cump
leisure lectd-based contoetitions

t. -10 fairly
hours is a ..... working week for most people.
2. The ............ of my house lras nearly finished.
They go ........ in France every year.
4. Brightorr is the nrost popular place for irr Brita jrr.
5. A dirt bike is a nrotorcycle designed for rough ground. especialiy for
6. There is no entrance ..................... to the gallery.
7. .............. paints should be banned.
tt. She has a ............................-iob.
9. .....".-..'.'. is the state of being alone, especiallv rvherr you find this pleasant.
l0.Childr-r are reckoned to be more.......... nowadays.
I l.The ucrnpany was floated on the ......... in 2006.
l2.The view from the top of the tower was ............
l3.Their garden is a ............. of grass and weeds.
l4.These days we have more moltey and more .... to enjoy it.
l5.He's fully .......,... looking atter three small children.
IV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. one example has been for
0. A. Boil plenty of salty water, and add the spaghefti.
B. I'll boil the kettle and make some tea.
C. She put some potatoes on to boil.
l. 'Iemperatures
are above/ below for the tirne ol.;,*ar.
400 people a year die of this disease on ..................
Class sizes in the school are below tl:e national
2. .... to the museum is free.
The children were surprised by the sudderr of their teacher.
How did the thieves gain ........... into the building?
3. The silver cup was ... with his name.
His name was ............ on the silver cup.

4. The doctor says she should contirrue to ...................... lier i;ealtir.

The company needs to ,..................... performance in ali these areas,
I need to ...................... nty French.
5. Sales figures continue to slrow signs of
We expect to see further ........................". over tlre eon:i;g v,rrr.
It's only a small ....... , but at ieast it,s a step i;t r.he right
6. You can enjoy the .........:................. pleasures of cit.v life

You will get used to the highly .............,.. ccmpiiter systerns

in the cornpany.
C. Don't act ........ -just be yourself.
7. A. You can e,joy the scenery at Narn cat Tie, National park,
B. Vieira scored a ....................... goat.
C. It rvas a ...... on their part.

8. A. Tire.............. upstream is fullof salnlon
B. I had a bad ............... and broke my arm.
C. A .......... in unemployment will heip to restore consrlrner c!-)r,tiidence.
9. A. You lrave to ............... this task.
B. University professors both teach and ........ ... resciri,- 1r.
C. The conrpanv has announced that it will ......,........,."....."...... a fi.ll
irrvestigatiorr into the accident.
10. A. What a .,... surprise!
B. I live in ..... surroundings.
C. Tlre company here is a ..,.......... envirottmettt'to *,vor:k in.
I L A, He takes no ...................... in his work.
B. She had the ...................".. of seeing hirn look surprised.
C. It gives me great .. to introduce our guest spealier.
12. A. I got up early and enjoyed tlre ..................... of the sunset.
B. The woods were designated an area of outstarrding natural
C. That last goa! was a ....."...............1
V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
l. !-{e was attractive and .......,,,.. . inteiligent^ iaver*ge.}
2. Medical techniques are becorning more ....., ", a!! the tirne. (sophisticate)
3. It has been a successful year. (spectacula:')
4. The Antarctic is the wcrld's last great (rvilti)
5. In those days, the trip across country lvas a dangerous ........... . l iake)
6. Come to Canada and enjoy the great itl counlryside has
spectacular landscapes. (outdoor)
7. Almost everyone has some musical "..... . (able)
8. They set off at a ......................... pace. (leisure)
9. Couples strolled .... along the beach. (leisr:re)
i0.l was ....... surprised by my exam results. (pleasant)'s a ,............... to meet you. (please)

VI. Combine the follorving pair of sentences, using 'bath... turd'r'neilher,.. noro
ar 'eillter.,, or'.
i. Tom was late. So was Ann.
2. Fie didn't write. He diCn't telephone.
3. The hotel wasn't cleln. And it rvasn't conrfcfiabie.
4. It u,as a very boring film. lt \ /as ver), long, too.
5. ls that man's name Richard? Or is it Roo,;r"t'l
6. I didn't have time to go orr holidal,'. And I didn't get inoney.
7. We can leave today or we can leave tcinorrou,.
8. He gave up his .iob bccause he neec'lecl a change. Also becrruse he reeded a
higher pa1 .

9. George doesrr't smoke. And he doesn't drink, either.

l0.The front of the lrous*l needs pairrtirrg. The back needs painting. too.

VlI. Change the sentences into cleft sentences in the passive.
l. Fred eave Mary the mouey
2. The agent sold Mr. anC I'virs. Hanson the house.
3. We gave Martha a birthday present yesterday.
4. Mr. Johnson sent the Jiffy Company a letter.
5. Did the boy throw his flriend the baseball?
6. Tom handed Peter tlre books and the envelopes.
7. We sent the terrcher the package the rrext day.
8. The teaclrer told the students an interesting story.
9. I showed rny friends all cf the photographs.
l0.Did Mr. Kennedy lend his brother the rnoney?
I l.Are you going to write George a lefter soon?
l2.Are you going to slrorv the people your drawings tor.right?
VIII. Choose the *o.d o. phrase (A, B, C or D) that Lrest fits the blank sirace
in the following passage:
British farnilies starled goirrg on holiday to the seaside around the miCdie of thd
l?ri' ceirtury. The invention of the railways (l)........... this possihle. The first
lrr:iidaymakers were quite rich and went for their health and educaticn. T'he seaside
was a place to be (2).........,..of illness, and doctors recommended bathing in the sea
and drinking sea water. Also to (3)............ their knowledge, families attenderi
concerts and read books from the library.
At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (4)..,.....,.., lvork.
Flowever. in 1871, the government (5)............ four'Bank Flolidays'- national
holiday da1's. This (6)............ people to have a day or two out, rvhich (7).....,......
gave them a (8)............ for leisure and the seaside. At first, they went on day-trips,
taking (9)............ of special cheap tickets on tlre railu'ays.
By the 1880s, rising incomes (10)............ that many orclinarv workers and their
farnilies could have a u,eek's holiday at the seaside. Rail fares were reduced and
cheap hotels were built to (ll)............ them. [lolidayrrrakers enjoyed being
(!2) ... ., sitting on the beach, bathing in tlre sea, and eating ice-cream. Cheap
entertainment was ( l3)...,........ offer and holidaymakers went to ( l4)........,.." fun.
Today, the English seaside (15)............popular, witlr more than l8 million
holidays taken there each year.
t. A. let B. ;nade C. got D. had
2. A. cured B. rernedied C. recovered D. improved
A. raise B. spread C. increase D. add
4. A. out B. off C. away l). fron-r
5. A. installed B. presented C. introduced D. broughr
\1. A. allow'ed B. provided C. offered D. opened
1. A. hardlS,ever B. here and there
C. seldom D. norv and then
A, taste B. sense C. favor D. pleasure

9. A. benefit B. opportunity C. advantage D. profit
10. A. caused B. produced C. meant D. resulted
I l. A. accomnrodate B. board C. cater D. lodge
12. A. idle B. easy C. restful D. spare
13. A. in B. for C. to D. on
14. A. get B. have C. take D. make
15. A. remains B. stays C. clntinues D. lasts
IX. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about
the passage:
Stage plays, at first, seem a lot like fiims. Boih use actors and dialogue and
scenery. But if ypu try to make a film by setting up a camera in front of the stage,
you'll find it won't work. A film rnade in this rvay will leave the audience cold.
And even worse! you'll be wasting a powerful tool - the camera.
A stage is, in fact, a box. One side of the box has been removed so the audience
can see what's going or inside. The aciors remairr at a fi.<.eci disiance. Irr fiims,
however, the camera can bring the audience up close and fix thein attenticln on
small but important tlring: a frightened look, a whisper or a trembling of hands.
The camera offers the film maker freedom, allowing hirl to move easily'across
barriers of time and space. He can show his actors in real cities ad on real farms.
He can also use the camera to change the scene dozerrs of tirnes in one film. No
expefts of the stage can do this.
l. The main idea of the text is that
A. stage plays and films are two different kinds of art
B. it is always disappoirrting to tun) plays into films
C. films have certain advantages over stage plays
D. the camera has made film-rnaking easy and possible
2. What is wrong with making a film by setting up a camera before a stage?
A. Fewer and fewer people will go to the theater.
B. The audience cannot see what is going on the stage.
C. The scene cannot be changed fronr tirne to time.
D. The powerful camera cannot be made good use of.
3. The camera is a powerful tool because it can
A. be moved easily B. make srnall things look larger
C. show things in the future D. give Lls a scene of realism
In what way are plays different from films?
A. Films often use real scenery while plays don't.
B, Filrns can slrolv the past r.r,hile plays cannot.
C. Films clrange scenes wlrile plays don't.
D. Filrns audience can nrove rvhile play audience cannot.
A suitable title for this text is .....
A. Stage Plays and Films.
B. Tlre Poriertul Cantera.
C. Fewer Plays. More Freedom.
D. Less \\/as';e. l.4ore Freedoi-1";.
\'. lhc,'sr the item among A, B, c or D that best answers the question about

In 1937. Disney's caftoon, Snou,white aner seyen Du'ur.fs,was produced. It was

th: first fLrll-lengtlr movie caftoon ever made. The film .emaini popular today.
Snow white was followed b1 a number ol other carloon films. including
Pinocchio, Fanteuitr and Bamhi.
In I950, Disney's company began to make non-cartoon films of the best novels
in the world, such as Treasure Island, for young people. The company became not
only one of the main producers of films but also a publisher of books for children.
In 1955, Disney opened a large amusement park called Disneyland in Los
Angeles. very quickly the park became an attractive place for both men and
wornen, young and old.
Disney passed away in 1966. He didn't live to see the opening of another
Disncy amusernent park. The new park is called walt Disney worid, opened in
Florida in 1971. It is even larger than Disneyland and has become one of the
world's most popular holiday places.
ln both of the parks, visitors can ride. walk or beat as they like. There are streets
looking like those in the USA towards the end of the nineteenth century, where you
can see and "feel" the life of Americans in the old days. There are fairly-lands,
where you can meet tlre characters from fairy tales and Disney's cartoons and
films. If you w'ant sornething more exciting, yo, may experience your own
adventure. For example, you can go under the sea in a submarine to visit an ancient
castle' go with Alice to the wonderland, or even have a ride in a spaceship traveling
among the stars.
Since its opening, Disney world has been made larger and larger. lt is made up
of several wonderful and rnagic parts. Besides, Disney amusement parks have been
built in other parts of the world. Tokyo Disneyland, for example, was finished and
opened to public irr 1983.

l. Disneyland, which was set up by walt Disney, tllrned out to be a success

A. it became an attractive place for both men and women, young and old
B. Snov' lf/hite crnd Seven Dv,ur/,s was popular
C. people could not only see filrns but also read books there
D. there were few amusement centers at that time
2. The author's putpose in writirrg the passage is to ..
A. think highly of the conrributions of Disney to human bei,gs
B. rnake it known hor.v Disneyland has been so popular
C. persuade us to experience what the passage talks about
D. tell us something about Disnel,land
3. trvhich of the following words cANNor be used to describe Disney?
A. Hardworking B. Wise
C. Unknown or colt-lmon D. Successful
4. Which of tlre following is NOT true?
A. Disney passed away in 1960s.
B. f)isrrey passed away after Walt Disrrey world was set up in Florida.
C. Snow lYhite qnd Seven Dv,arf.s was produced by Disney.
D. Disrrey World is larger than it used to be.
5. "both ofthe parks" in paragraph 5 refers to parks
A. in New York and in Los Angeles
B. in Los Angeles and in Florida
C. in Florida and in 1-okyo
D. in Tokyo and in Los Angeles
XI. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
I. The authorities have improved the public transport system here recently.
The authorities .............. the public transporl system here recently.
2. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought. (courage)
I ................. ...... to tell him what i really thoughr.
3 lt r.vas easy for us to get tickets for the concert. (no)
We ............. tickets for the conceft.
4. F{e pretended to be enjoying hirnself, but lre wasn't really. (as)
He acted .... himself, but he wasn't really.
5. They probably don't live at the same address any more. (doubt)
[ ................. ...... at the sarne address anv more.
6. I didn't agree with the idea. (favor)
1... . . . ................... theidea,
7. Sandra said that she was willing to work late. (mind)

8. You are tired because you stayed up vcry late last night. (if)
You wouldn't be tired ,.., to bed earlier last night.
9. The number of tourists visiting this area rose last year. (rise)
Last year ................... .. the nurnber of tourists visiting this area.
l0.l hadn't made a speech before, so I was very nervous. (used)
Because I ................. ...... speeclres, I was very nervous.

Progress Test 5 (Units 12-141
I - 5. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced
differently from that of the other words,
l. A. breathe B. breath C. myth D. thigh
2. A. boot B. foot C. shoot D. soot
3. A. balloon B. blood C. blue, D. zoo
4. A. complgte B. gngine C. heavy D. m4ny
5. A. clown B. cow C. plow D. tough
6 - f 0. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other
6. A. describe B. enough C. invent D. sentence
7. A. decide ts. prefer C. silence D. suppose
8. A. abroad B. approaclr C. control D. govern
9. .\. techno B. member C. status D. technique
10.A. gossip B. master C. prevail D, session
ll - 25. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each
Il.The secretary I talked to didn't know where the meeting was.
A. whom B. that c.a D. All are correct
l2.You need to talk to a person you can trust, You will feel beuer if you
A. that B. whorl C,A D. All are correct
l3.Bob is the kind of person to .................... one can talk about anything.
A. who B. whom C. that D. him
l4.He is a person ... fiiends trust him.
A. who B. that c.a D. whose

A. who B. whom C. which D,A

l6.The problems Tony has seern insurmountable.
A. what B. that C. A D. B and C
lT.Florida, ......... the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year.
A, is B. known as C. is known as D. that is known as
l8.Laura's marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying
m4n............... .

A. that she hardly knows hirn B. who she hardly knows him
C. she hardly knows D. she hardly knows him
19. 'ls this tlre address to ........ you want the package sent?' 'Yes.'
A. where B. that C, which D. whom

A. which B. that C. who D. that is
21.That book is b1,a fainous arrthropologist. It's about the people in Sainoa
liir tu o years.
A. that she B. that she lived among then:
C" among w'hom she lived D. where she lived among therr

A. who B. whom C. that D.AandC

23.They must do as they are told,
A. so must I B. I must eitlrer
C, I do tog' D. I am too
24. Pecple whb exercise frequently have greater physical enduratise than those..........,,,.
A. who doesn't B. which don't
C. that doesn't D. who don't
25. 'l don't like strong coffee." "No. .............................. ."
A. I don't too B. eitlrer don't I
C. rne eitlrer D. neither do I
26 * 30, Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
26.Having chose the topics for their essays, the students were instructed to make
either a preliminary outline or a rough draft.
2T.Factoring is the process of finding two or nrore expressions whose product is
equal as the given expression.
28.If Grandma Moses having been able to continue farming, she might never have
begun to paint.
29.Since infection can cause both fever as w'ell as pain, it is a good idea to check
a patient's temperature.
30, They asked us, Henry and !, wlrether rve thought that the statistics had been presented
fairly and accurately.
3l -35. Choose the correet sentence among A, Ii, C or D which has the same
meaning as the given one.
3 1.1 am looking for ajob as a secretary.
A. A secretary is looking for a job.
B. I am looking for someone to work as ti sccretary.
C. I accepted my job as a secretary.
D. am trying to find a job as a secretary.

32.Refusal to girre a breatlr sarnple to the police could lead to your arrest.
4. Y-o."r could be arresred for not giving a breath sample to the po!ice.
B. If you refuse tcr bg rr..r,.d. you have to give a breath sarnpie.
c. If a lrrctth sample is not given. the police will refiise to arrest vou.
D. The' police cottld cause you to give a breath sample to decide whether to
arrest you or uot.
33.You can try as hard as _voll like but you won't succeed.
A. However hard yo", iry. you won't succeed.
B. You can harclly try as you like, but you won't succeed.
C. You wot't't succeed because you can't tr1 as lrard.
D. Although you won't succeed. you can try as hard as you like.
34.Tom writes French as rvell as he speaks it.
A. Tom is baci at rvritiug Freuch.
B. Torn does not speak French so well as he writes it.
C. Torn writes and speaks French equally well.
D. Even though Torn ivrites French well. he speaks it better.
35.It's the first time I've been to a flower show.
A. I haven't been to a flower show for years.
B. It's the first time I've seen so many flowers.
C. I haven't been to a flower show before.
D. This is the first flower slrow I know.
36 - 45. choose the rvord or phrase among A, B, c or D that best fits the blank
space in the following passage:
In the first two decades of its existence, tlre cinema developed rapidly. ln the
early days, films were little more than moving plrotographs, hardly one minute in
length. By 1905, however, films were about five to ten minutes lonq and used
changes of scene and camera position to (36)............ a story, riith actors
(37)............character parts. The period of the cinerna (38)............ t-he lg90s ro the
l9l0s is sometimes called the'pre-Hollywood'cinema, (39) was after
this period thal alntost (40)............ films which were sold or rented to distributors
came from Los Angeles, Hollywood. In the early l9l0s, audiences were able to
(41)......the first'feature-length'films. but ir was nor untir l91s (42),....... the
cinema really (43)........... an establislred industry.
From ttrat tirne. filrn makers were prepared to (44).. more chances and
built special places where only films were (45).......;.... .
36. A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell
37. A. doing B. being C. playing D. rnaking
38. A. among B. from C. in D. between
39. A. because B. when C. although D. while
40. A. whole B. both C. full D. all
41. A. like B. enjoy C. love D. want
42. A. that B. so C. as D. since

43. A. got B. became C. developed D. turned
44. A. hold B. put C. make D. take
45. A. shown B. demonstrated C. held D. displayed
46 - 50. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question
about the passage:
I'm interested in sport, especially athletics, and I run seven or eight kilometers
every day. I particularly enjoy cross-country running, where you have to run across
fields, jump over streams and so on. While I'm running I think about all sorts of
sorts, and at the end of a run I'm sometimes surprised to find that I've managed to
solve a problem that was on my mind.
Next year I'm going to try the London Marathdn. It's a long, hard race - 26
miles or 42 kilometers - and you have to be tough to finish, but I very much want
to do it..l worry a bit about getting old, and I'd like to prove to myself that I'm still
almost as fit as I was tweniy years ago.
I"tn ittterested in mountaineering as well as running. I'il never become an expert
climber, but I know what I'm doing in the nrountains. I successfully cornpleted a
course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger; and I've done a series of
easy climbs in the Alps during the last few years. My wife doesn't share my
interest in mountains. She agreed to go climbing with me once, but she found that
she felt ill as soon as she got above 1,000 meters.
46.|f you do cross-country running, you must
A. cross your country. B. run along the coast.
C. cross your countryside. D. cross fields, streams, etc.
47.At the end of a run. the writer sometimes finds that
A. he is able to get the ans\!'er to a problem.
B. he grows bigger.
C. he feels fltter.
D. he gets a surprised problern.
48.The writer wants to take part in the London Marathon because
A. it helps to keep him fit.
B. he rvants to do it before getting old.
C. the reward is great.
D. it helps hirn solve his problems.
49.The writer takes up mountaineering because
A. he'wants to become an expert climber. B. he sirnply likes it.
C. his wife is interested in it. D. it is easy to practice.
50.The writer's rvife is not interested in mountaineering for
A. it doesn't bring her any interest.
B. she almost always feels illat the height of over 1,000 meters.
C. she doesn't want to clinrb together with her husband.
D. the air is cold.

Ul{lT i5: $pAcE CONQUE$T
I. Multiple choice.
l.Leningrad was ......... St petersbuig.
A. rename B. renamed C. renaming D. to rename
2. Neil Armstrong was the first man to.."... ......... foit on the moon.
A.try B. let C. pur D. ser
3. Scientists try to ........a ireakthrough in manirfactrring ne\i,
materials for space exploration.
A. make B. achieve C. get D. A ancl B
4. The sheer size of the cathedrar is a ......... ierninder of the power of reilgion.
A. whole B. ;ontinual C. conrinuous D. consrant
5. Cuts in the health se"vice could have tragic ......... for patients.
A. effect E. results C. consequences D. damage
6. A disastrous businr,ss ..,................ lost him thousands of dollars.
A. contract B. venture C. affair D. All are correct.
7. He was already . the plane.
A. abroad B. aboard C. on-board D. AII are correct.
8. I'll give you a ................... to the station.
A. tift B. ride C. hitchhiker D. A and B
9. we were just talking about her when, at that precise she walked in.
A. time B. period C. date D. mornent
l0.The shelf is about a meter long - well, 9gcm, to be . . ........... precise.
A. more B. much more c. far much more D. AII are correct.
I 1.1 tried not to ........,......... attention to the weak points in my a-rgument.
A. put B. pay C. draw D. AII are cor.i.ect.
l2.Please ..... attention to what I am saying.
A. draw B. put D. take
l3.The story has ....... worldwide attention.
A. attracted B. fascinated c. drawn D. Ail are co*ect.
l4.No candidate fulfils all the ... for this position.
A. standard B. experience C. criteria D. require
15.1 have heard nothing from him since
A. he had left B. he leaves C. he has left D. he left
l6.They tried to astonishing feats in medicine.
A. perforrn B. attempt c. achieve D. All are correct.
l'7.1 ............ to conclusions that he is a liar.
A. jump B. leap C. draw D. A and B
l8.A new satellite has been plrt ..................... orbit around the ear1h. .

A. at B. into C. through D. ro
l9.There was a new technique by surgeons in a London hospitai
A. introduced B. pioneered c. appr[d D. Ail are correct.
20.The director is ....................... increasing pressure to resign.
A. at B. in C, under D. of
2l.Don't let yourself be pressured .... making a hasty decision
A. to B. into C. of D. at
22.Scientists ........."...... a child psychology of their behaviors.
A. conducted E. caried out C. followed D.AandB
23.Do you have the aspiration ..............".......... a better life'7
A. in B. at C. to D. for
24.She aspired ...... a scientific career^
A. to B. for C. at D. in
25.They a breakthrough in the discovery of vaccines for bird flu.
A. made B. achieved C. did D.AandB
26.1t was a direct challenge the preside-nt's authority.
A. to B. for (- of
D. at
27.There will be an international ...................... of trades unions next month.
A. conference B, congress C. meeting D. All are correct
28.He used to be very shy, but now he's gone to the ...........,......... extreme.
A. end B. last C. opposite D. utmost
29.The incident served as a reminder of just how dangerous
mountaineering can be.
A. time B. timelv C. timeline D. tirneless
30.This is the first time the company has ventured movie production.
A. into B. at C. on D. to
II Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
l. Your profession is similar ................ mine.
2. My house is next the post office.
3. I was absent class yesterday.
4. Teachers are responsible ................. the principal their teaching.
5. The beach is full ........."....... tourists in summer.
6. We were present ................. the lecture yesterday.
7. We are confident ................. the success.
8. Mr Smith is very kind ................. us.
9. He is different his wife.
l0.Our country is rich natural resources.
II Fill in each gap with a word/ phrase from the box.
breakthrough pioneer orbit psychologically
Control biography gravity
Mission mission
crew challenged aspiration national
extren',e C, Shutter

l. He has never had any ...,....,... to earn a lot of nroney.

2. She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her .................... .
J. There is not any significant in negotiations of the nuclear crisis.
4. I'm financially ...................... at the moment because I have no money.
5. will vote on the proposals tomorrow.

6. The Library of Congress is the US . library.
7. It was the most example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen.
8. Everyone knows Newton's law of
9. Her . in life was to work with the homeless.
0.The earth takes a year to ................,..... the sun.
1l.That doctor is a .................... in the field of microsurgery.
l2-Playingon-line games all day is ....................... harmlul to childrei.
13.'This is ................ calling space shuttle Discovery.,
14....'........... is a spacecraft developed by the US to iake u...* and'cargo
into space and then return to the earth for future flights.
I5.None of the passengers and ...... were injured.
Iv. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. one example has been for
0. A. He followed her into the house.
B. I think we're being followed.
C. She followed her mother into the medical profession.
l. A. The branch of computer scie,ce is known as '.........,.... intelligence,.
B. A job intervierv is a very .............. situation.
C. Do you like .............. flowers?
2. A. The role will be the biggest ....... of his acting career.
B. Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious
......(s) we face.
C. Schools must meet the ............. of new technology.
J. A. In this chapter you will learn about the Nonnan .......,.............. of
England in 1066. r
B. The Spanish ..........,............(s) in Soutrr America red to form several
colonies irr the 1 8"' cerrtury.
C. The government should conduct the .............. of inflation right now.
4. A. We are working under ......... pressure at the mornent.
B. Some people in the world are living in ... poverty.
C. The heat in the desert was ............
5. A. The tunnel is a brilliant of engineering.
B. That was no tnean because it was difficult to do.
C. The vaccine for bird flu is considered a of medicine.
6. A. She took a flying and tanded on the other side of the stream.
B. His heart gave a sudden when he saw her.
C. Few people successfully make the from television to the movies.
7. A. The two spacecraft will link up in ..........
B. The orientation of the planet's is changing continuously.
C. A space station was put in .................... round the rnoon.
8. A. High blood ...........i...... is a common accompaniment to trris disease.
B. The nurse applied to his stop the bleeding.
C. The barriers gave way under the of the crowd.

9. A. The study of .................... has recently been widely cross-fertilized
by new discol,eries in genetics.
B. He graduated from York with a degree in .................... .
C. He is an expert in child
10. A. Victory in the last game gave them a .. advantage over
their opponents.
B. Abuse can lead to both . and emotional problems.
C. Her symptoms are more .......... than physical.
I L A. This has been a timely .... to us all.
B. The remains of the building stand as a stark . of the fire.
C. Her face was a poignant ............. of the passing time.
12. A. .... is an important development thai may lead to an
agreement or achievement.
B. The delegations achieved a significant ....................... in negotiations
about the Korean rruclear crisis.
C. Scientists have made a major .... in cancer research.
V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
l. They are only ..... created lakes. (artificial)
2. Scientists are claiming a major .. in the fight against cancer. (break)
3. Do you decide to choose a..................... and,"*uiding-career as a teacher?
4. Lack of confidence is a .......... barrier to success. (psychology)
5. ............,..r..r....r.r..., the defeat was devastating. (psychology)
6. They called in a ................... to give an independent opinion. (psychorogy)
7. His words were a pointed ..,. of iris position. (remind)
8. .............. his wife was killed in a car accident. (tragic)
9. It is a ................ venture to produce a film. (collaboiate)
l0.Five, four, three, two, zero.... We have ..... . (lif|
I I.She pronounced the word very slowly and ..................,..... . (precise)
l2.Historians can't estimate the date witrr any degree or.............,... . (precise)
vI. Add question tags to the foilowing affirmative statements.
l. The children can read French.
2. Bill came on a bicycle.
3. The Smiths have t,,vo cars.
4. Tom should try again.
5. It could be done.
6. Your brother's here.
7. That's him over there.
8. George can leave his case here.
9, This will fit in y'our pocket.
l0.His wife has headaches quite often.
I l.She's got lovely blue eyes.
l2.The twins arrived here last night.

I 3.Mary painted portraits.
l4.Bill put money in the bank.
I 5.1've seen you before.
l6.They used to play rugby.
17.Tom might be at home now.
l8.You'd like a drink.
l9.You'd come if I needed help.
20.You'd better wait for Bill.
VII. Add question tags to the following negative statements.
l. You aren't afraid of snakes.
2. Ann isn't at home.
3. You don't know French.
4. This isn't yours.
5, Mary wasn't angry.
6. Bill hasn't had breakfast.
7. You won't tell anyone.
8. Tom doesn't like oysters.
9. People shouldn't drink and drive.
l0.l needn't say anything.
I l.That wasn't Ann on the phone.
12.This won't take long.
l3.Mary couldn't leave the children alone.
l4.You wouldn't like another drink.
l5.Billhasn't got a car.
16.Bill couldn't have prevented it.
l T.There weren't any mosquitoes.
l8.The fire wasn't slarted deliberately.
l9.George hadn't been there before.
20.You wouldn't mind helping me with this.
VIII. Add question tags to the following statements.
l. You take sugar in tea.
2. But you don't take it in coffee.
3. The lift isn't working today.
4. It never works very well.
5. There was no panic.
6. Mary hardly ever cooks.
7. She'd save money if she bought fresh food.
8. Neither of tlrem offered to help you.
9. They don't allow pet dogs in this shop.
l0.He hardly ever leaves the house.
I LNothing went wrong.
12.1t is a pity Ann didn't come with us.
13.There used to be trees here.

l4.There isn't any point in waiting.
l5.He'll hardly come now.
l6.They should have planned the expedition more carefully.
l7.He ought to have made a note of it.
l8.Nobody has lived in the house for years.
l9.There was a lot of noise.
20.Lions are loose in this safari park.
IX. Choose the correct form of the verbs.
I .
Why did you walk alt the way from the station? You (could phone/ could have
phones) for a lift.
2. I loved staying with my grandparents when I was a child" They let me read all
tlie books in the house and told me I (could/ was be able to) go to bed as late as
I wanted.
3. This carpet was priced at f500, but I (could/ was able to) get a discount because
of this little mark in the conrer.
4. I (eouldn't have foundi haven't been able to find) my diary for days. It's terribly
5. As soon as she opened the door, I (could/ was able to) see from her face that
someihing terrible had happened.
6. I've no idea where rny brother is living now. He (can/ could) be at the North
Fole for all I know.
7. lt's difficult to understand how explorers survive the conditions they encounter
in the Antarctic. I'm sure I (can't/ couldn't).
8. Why did I listen to you? I (can be/ could have been) at home by now instead of
sitting here in the cold.
9. The day started off misty, but by the time we had reached the mountain the sun
had appeared and we (could/ were able to) climb it quite quickly.
X. Underline the correct or more natural answer. If both answers are possible,
underline them both.
1. Valuables (can/ are able to) be left in the hotel safe. ask at the reception
2. We (could/ were able to) finish the football match before it started raining too
3, The rebeis (could/ were able to) draw on the suppoft of over 20,000 soldiers.
4. (Could you/ Were you able to) urrderstand professor Larsen's lecture? I fourrd it
really difficult.
5. .Do you want a game?' 'Sorry, I (can'tl am not able to) play chess.
6. I-ook at me, I (canl am able to) ride my bike without any help.
7. When the fire officers arrived, they (could/ were able to) put out the flames in a
couple of m inutes.
8. The air was so polluted in the city center, I (could hardly/ was hardly able to)
9. I knew John had been smoking. I (could/ was able to) smell the cigarettes uhen
I came into the room.

,1.(Can roui Are you able to) drive without your
1 l.\o
changes (cani are able to) be made to this rail ticket after purchase.
i2.He (could/ was able to) untie the ropes without the guards ,oii"irg.
l3.She looked all over the house, but (couldn't/ wasn't able to) find her keys
l4.l was very busy at work, but I (courd/ was able to) have a couple of days
off last

XI. Match the two halves of these sentences.

l. You can't have lived in Tunisia a. afterailyourhardwork
for ten years
2. You must know Tokvo is b. after touring the world for years.
3. You must have met some c. if you've lived there.
fascinating people
4. You can't be tired d. without learning some Arabic.
5. You must be exhausted e. when you've just had a holiday.
6. You may find it difficult to settle f. during your trip in Africa.
XII. Write a sentence for each of these situation, using
m usilc an'Amay/m i g ht ( h ave).
l. Yesterday was payday. I don't believe you're short of money already.
You can't have spent all your pay already.
2. It was Linda's suggestion to go for a meal. Surely she doesn,t think I,m going
to pay for it all?
She can't think I'm going to payfor it all.
3. George has been engaged to Kay for three months. Today he received a box
with the engagement ring in it and all his letters to her.
4. when Tina got back home, she courdn't find her purse. perhaps a pickpocket
stole it.

5. Isabel said she was short of money, but she,s just moved into a new flat! Her
uncle owns property in this area.
6. This parcel is making a ticking noise - throw it out of the winclowl I'm sure it's
a bomb.

7. I don't know who would send me an alarm clock for a present. My brother
sometimes plays practicaljokes on people, so perhaps it,s;from him.

8. Anna's always such a punctual person. The meeting started half an hourago but
she's not here. I know the traffic,s very bad this moining.

XIII.Which of the verbs can complete the sentence? Underline one or both.
l. It is (expected/ intended). .:... to employ 500 people in the factor_r.
2. lt has been (proposed/ shown) ...... that the crash was the result of
pilot error.
3. It was (hoped/ explained). ..... that Mrs. Smith would chair the
4. It has been (decided/ suggested).... .. to appoint Dr. Smithers as
head teacher.
5. It has not yet been (claimed/ explained)..... . who was responsible
for the error.
6. It has now been (established/ revealed). ..... that the president
broke the law in sending troops into the city.
7. It was (agreed/ announced) ...... to hold new negotiations next
8. It is (planned/ recommended).... .. to close the library permanently
from next April.
Moon landing will take
place next year.
1O.It has been (discovered/ said)... how spiders are able to travel
across the sea.

XIV. Rewrite these newspaper headlines as passive sentences with the pattern
"It * passive verb + that clouse". If this is not possible, write (X) after the
It has been agreed that the UN u,ill send in troops.










xv. choose the word or phrase among A, B, c or D that best fits the brank
spsce in the following passage:
The big issue for plane-makers for tlre future is size. not speed. With the skies
already full of air traffic, and with worse to come, the important questions for the
designers are how rnany passengers they can (l)..........into the new super-planes
and who will be able to build them first.
(2)........... yourself ten years from now in a packed airport departure lounge.
Eight hundred passengers are waiting with you for their first flight on one of a
remarkable range of super-planes, and the check-in tirne (3)........... have been as
much as four hours before take-off to (4)........... for the extra people. hnpossible?
Far from it. Designs for these planes are already stored on computer at the world's
top aircraft manufacturers, waiting to be turned (5)........... reali4."
The airlines badly need the new jets. to (6)........".. with future insreases in
pfi::lifinger numbers. A billion passengers ayear are currently carried by plane. but
lhat figure is (7)........... to double by the year 2010. The only pracrieai way of
avoiding making the skies even busier is to build rnuch bigger planes. The
(8).,.."..... to build the new jets is the hottest contest in the airliner business.
Marrufacturers are working (9)...........with the major airlines ro produce designs
that will please airlines and passengers (10)........... .

L A. contain B. fit C. hold D. sit

2. A. Consider B. Suppose C. Imagine D. Regard
3. A. can B. need C, ought D. may
4. A. watch B. allow C, look D. permit
5. A. as C. into D. for
6. A. deal B. treat C. manage D. succeed
7. A. expected B. thought C. known D. hoped
8. A. game B. sport C, match D. race
9. A. tightly B. strongly C. closely D. firmly
10. A. equal B. alike C. similar D. same

XVI. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question
about the passage:
Some day people will certainly try to build settlerrents on the moon. The bes'r
place for house in a moon town will be a cave or a tunnel, Underground houses
rvil! not be squashed by meteorites that constantly lbil on the rnoon from cute::
sFtace. This will be irnportant on the moono since daytin,e is sc hot that food coulci
he cooked in the rocks, and the nights get bitterly cold.
Pioneer moon homes ma!' 'be made of airtight plastic that ean be blown up like a
'oa!loon inside the cr;ve, the reasons for tins is that the moon has no
air around it.
The pioneers wili have to take along from the earth the oxygen masks when they,

are away from home. But the balloon lrouse itself will be filled with air. Perhaps
the house will have beds, tables arrd chairs. built into it. These can be inflated, too.
So people will sleep. eat. and work on air! Moon-house building will be easy. The
moon's giavity is less than the earth's. everything weighs only one-sixth as much
as it does on the earth.

1. In a moon town, what is the best place for house?

A. A cave. B. A balloon.
C. A tunnel. D. Either A or C.
2. Which of the following is true?
A. The people on the moon will not leave their hornes.
B. The people on the moon will wear oxygen masks when they leave tlieir
The moon homes are of plastic.
The temperature in a cave changes as much as the temperature cutside.
3. Why will the pioneers have to take along from the earth the oxygen they need
for breathing?
A. Because the moon homes are made of airtight plastic.
B. Because the balloon house will be filled with air.
C. Because moon people will sleep, eat, and work on air.
D. Because the moon has no air around it.
4. If a stone weighs I 8 tons on the earth, how much does it weigh on the moon?
A. Six tons. B. Fifty-five tons.
C. One hundred and eight tons. D. Three tons
5. According to the passage, can people build cities on the moon?
A. No, they can't.
B. Perhaps people can do,
C. Of course. People can build cities on the moon in the future.
D. People only think so.
XVII. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.

1. I suppose it's possible 'rhat she didn't understand my message. (may)

I suppose my message.
2. A local mechanic repaired our car. (repaired)
We ............. ...... by a local mechanic.
3. 'Why don't you relax for a while?' she said to me. (take)
She suggested .............. . easy for a while.
4. The information I got from the assistant was so confusing that I didn't know
what to do. (such)
The assistant ...".....,....".. that I didn't know rvhat to do.
5. 'lt's not worth worrying about the past,' I told him" (point)
I told him that there was ............ ,.. about the past,

6. If vou don't mind, I'd prefer not to sit next to the door. (rather)
lf you don't mind. ......... ...... next to the door.
7. when I left she said that she hoped I had a pleasant journey. (wished)

8. I offered to help her but she said ,No, thanks., (turned)

She . of help.
9. I usually walk to work but today I drove. (instead)
I drove to work today ......... ........... foot.
l0.while I was driving, I realized that the car wasn't working properly. (wrong)
While I was driving, I realized that ...,........ ... the car.

I. Multiple choice.
l. "l didn't go to the meeting last night because my car broke down.,,
mine. I wasn,t using it.',
A. could borrow B. could have borrowed
C. may have borrowed D. rra1, borrow
2. "Have you seerl Marie? "She wasn't feeling well. ................. gone home?,,
A. She might have B. Might she have
C. She might has D. She could
3. "Has Tony's plane landed?" ,,No. but it ............,... here in a few minutes.,,
A. may have been B. should have been
C. have to be D. ought to be
4. "l can't seem to find rny purse.',,..................... it at home?"
A. You might have left B. Might you have left
C. You must leave D. Maybe you leave
5. The findings are arranged rank order according to performance.
A. in B. on C. over D. with
6. ................ theory, these machines should last for ten years or more.
A. On B. In C. At D. Allare
7. Queen Elizabeth ........ to the throne in 1952, "
A. reached B. came C. succeeded D.BandC
8. She always has her head buried , a book.
A. in B. under C. among D. below
9. I spend a lot of tirne in Britain but paris is still rny
A. ground B. headquarters C, base D. branch
l0.Our new offices are still construction. C. at D. under
I was a great .. to be invited here today.
A. fun B. honour C. pleasure D. All are corect.
l2.She .. drive to the station every day, but then she suddenry decide<J
to walk instead.
A. was used to B. has used to C. w,as using to D. used to
l3.We spent a month .. this table,
A. to make B. making C. made D. make
14.1have been looking for this book for months and ,.........,.... I have found
A. in time B. at last C. at tlre end D. at present
I 5.The weatlrer report says tlrat ten irrches of snow tomorrow
A. maybe there are B. maybe will have
C. there may be D. we maybe have
16."1 had to take a taxi home from trre party last night.,,,,oh, that's
tbo bad, you
.. in my car."
A. could have gone B. could go
C. can go D. could be gone

-. Did johi go downtown by car or by train?"
rlHe by train bccause
his car rvas in the mechanics."
A. musi go B. has to go
C. had gone D. must have gone
,3.''Do you think the performers will be on time?" "l don't know yet
They....."..........,...... ."
A. might have B. seem C. might D. can
19.He ......... his life to helping the poor.
A. dedicated B. devoted C. left D.AandB
20..Ihey hoped to ............ ... the help of the public in solving the crime.
A. convince B. persuade C. enlist D. make
21.He was ................... into the US Navy.
A. joined B. enlisted C. admitted D.BandC
22.17e lost his balance and fell the ground.
A. down B. to C. on D. at
23.He was back on fanriliar ,., dealing with the customers.
A. thought B. idea C. consideration D. ground
2,, He .. her with his sincerity.
A. affected B. impressed C. made D. involved
25.rle it,rpressed tis the need imrnediate action.
A.on-at B. on - for C. in - for D. in - with
26.His trip to India .......... a strong impression on him'
A. made B. left C. gave D.AandB
27.You'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an
A. impression B. effect C. affect D. All are correct.
28.A ramp ailows easy ................... for wheelchairs.
A. approach B. reach C. access D. way
29.The line is busy; somer)ne .................. telephone now.
A. must be using B. must be
C. must be being D. must be used
30.The pen won't write; it .,..............,.,.... out of ink.
A. must run B. must be running
C. must have run D. must have been run

.II. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.

l.Hue is famous......... its historical vestiges.

2. We are pleased. the result of our work.
3. My mother is busy her housework.
4. Dirty air is harmful .........,, health.
5. We are proud........... our people's heroic traditions.
6. He is friendly everyone.
7" The air at the seaside is good......... health.
8. My friend is good......,.... maths and chemistry'
9. He doesnt understand the lesson because he is often absent ..'..' school.
lO.The school library is open every student.

III. Fill in each gap with a w.ord from the box.
grounels base dedicated rnentor tiit j,l
tomb ramps belongings sp,r.ol
honour constructicn
t. People slowly gatlrered their........... and le{t the hall.
They found themselves :n a vast underground :...,,,,..,...."..,
J" A memorial stone

to those u,ho were killed ir.l the

4. The case was dismissed on the that there \ri1s !1.)t enough E.r.idence.
5. . should be provided fbr wheelchair users.
6. A snail's shell is . in form,
1. ..................
has been robbed of its treasures.
D. fhe company has its in New,york, and branch offices all over lhe
9. Work has begun on the ... of the new airport.
10.They stood in silence as a mark of .................... to her.
I LA trip to the musellm was a truly occasion.
IV. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. one exarnpte has been for
0. A. He followed her into the house,
B. I think we're being followed.
C. She lSllAtygd her mother into the medical profession.
l. A. All his were burnt in the fire.
B. You should make insurance of your properry and personal
C. She packed her few in a bag and left.
2. A. The mernbers left the courrcil
B. Under Se,ate rules, tlre mLrst vote.n the bili b1 this Fridal.
C. ..... of Commerce is a group of local business people
who work together to herp business a,d trade in a particurar town.
3. A. They both in the army in I 91 5.
B. He .................. as a soldier last year.
C. He was into the US Navy,
4. A. She was not used to mixing with people of high social .,....,......
B. He rose through the .............(s) to become managing director.
5. A. The tasks have been in orcier of difficulty.
B. She is currently the highest player in the world.
C. The university is ............ number one in the country for engineering.
6. A. The birds circled in a slow above the house.
B. Our economy is in an inflationary .........of wage and price increases.
C. She was trapped in a downward ...........,.... of personai unhappiness.

7 . A. According to the of relativity. nothing can travel faster
than light.
B. The article advances a new to explain changes in the climate.
C. That sounds fine in . but have you really thought it through?
8. A. The house was ................. under ten feet of snow.
B. The miners were ................. alive when the tunnel collapsed.
C. Their ambitions were finally dead and
9. A. It is only an ........................ totai.
B. The cost given is only ...........
C. Use these figures as an .....'.... guide in your calculations.
i 0. A. She used her farnily's history as a .....'........... for her novel.
B. His argurnents have a sound economic
C. 'fhese policies have a broad .."............. of support.

V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.

l. .............. are the things that you own which can be moved, for
example not land or buildings. (belong)
2. She is ..............,....... to her job. (dedicate)
3. Her ...... to her rvork u'as admirable. (dedicate)
4. They are considering his ..... in the Royal Air Force. (enlist)
5. She was ............ impressed witlr the painting. (suit)
6. I did not get the ................... that they rvere unhappy about the situation. (impress)
7. The tennis player has improved his ............... this season from 67th to 30th. (rank)
8. The first year provides students with a sound theoretical .......,...... for later
study. (basic)
9. It is ,. possible for hirn to overrule their decision, but highll
unlikely. (thpory)
10.A ......... a person who develops ideas and principles about a
particular subject in order to explain wliy things happen or exist. (theory)
1 l.A ........... had run off with the club's funds' (treasure)
l2.Her body was sent home for ................... . (bury)
13.Tlre journey took ........ seven lrours. (approximate)
14. Our results shoLrld be a good .... to the true state of affairs. (approximate r

l5.They.fudged that the time was right for the ................... of new terms for the
trade agreement. (propose) is a style of music that defies ...; it is like no other. (classify)

VI. Rewrite each of the following sentence in such a way that it means almost
the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. It is said that Christopher Columbus discovered America,
Christopher Colurnbus is said
2. It is said that many people are homeless because of the flood.
Many people ................
3. It is known that the Prime Minister is in favor of the new law.
The Prirne lv'linister

4. [t is"expected that the US President * ill lose the election.
The US President
5. It is believed thatthe tlrieves gor in through the kitchen window.
The th ier es ... . ...
6. tt is found that .h; ;;;;;,;;h ;h;;;*, ,iio rii"r'un l,our.
She ............
7. It is reported that trvo people u,ere seriousrv injured in the accident.
Two people
8. It is said that three men were arrested after the explosion.
Tlrree men
9. It is thought that the prisorrer escaped by climbing over the wall.
Thc prisoner ................, is believed that the wanted man is living in New york.
The u,anted man ...........
l is reported tlrat tlre building has been damaged badly by fire.
The building is said that the company is losing a lot of money.
The company ...............
13.It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year.
The company ................ is expected that the company will lose a lot olmoney this year.
The company ................ is expected that the strike will end soon.
The strike
VII. Rewrite each of the following sentence in such a \vay that it means almost
the same as the sentence printerl befr;re it"
L It is said that he is an honest. hard-.*orkins nrat1.
He ."........... ...,......-.........
2. It is considered that this surgeon iS a briiliant practitioner.
This surgeon ..............,.
3. It is now thought that sonie redundancies in the company are inevitable,
Some redundancies in the conrparly ...,........
, 4. It ,aras provect that the statements he had macL- were false.
" The statements he had made ................................-...........
5. It was understood that the delegation was keen to meet the Plinre N.{inlster.
The delegation .............
6. It is expected that the tr-ational Assernbly is thinking of inlposing nerr,taxes to
'aise extra reveuue.
I'he National Assembly
7. It is expected that the electricity supply industry will be running into surplus
capacity by next year.
The electricity supply industry
8. lt is reported that several Japanese manulbcturers are planning to set up plants c,verseas.
Several Japanese manufacturers ........"......

a It is expected that the brewers will raise tlre price of beer in the near future.
The brervers
10.It was claimed that the drug produced no undesirable side-effects.
The drug
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown.
I . Many peopie believe that she is an honest person.
She ............
2. I think that the president will arrive soon.
The president ...............
3. It is reported that rnany passengers died in the crash,
Many passengers are reported
4" It is expected that the prices will rise again this month.
The prices are expected
5. lt is proved that life does not exist on the moon.
Life is proved not .............
6. People say the Prime Minister and his wife are getting divorced.
The Prime Minister and his rvife ...........
7. People said the President had suffered a heart attack.
The President . .............
8. They say that he has passed the final exam with the best result.
He ..............
9. No one expected that he would be so successful.
He ...,..........
l0.They believe the robbers got into the bank through the roof.
The robbers
I l.We found that somebody had broken one of our windows.
One of our rvindows
l2.He is said to lrave been irr the army.
People is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man
l4.They tlrink the owner of the house is abroad.
The owner
l5.People say that he has been all over the world.
He is
I6.Vtan-r'pcople thought ihat lvir" J,)r€s \,roS unfairly treated.
Mr. Jones
IX. choose thr word or phrase (A, B, c or D) that best {its the brank space in
the following passrge!
Pyrarnids are large structures with t"ourtriangLrlar sides that (l)......"..."in a point
at the top, cirectly over the (2)........... of the pyramid's square base. Ancient
peoplcs in several parts of the world built pyramids, but the Egvptians constructed
the (3).,......... and most famous pyrarnids.

The ancient Egyptians built more'than 90 (4)........... pyramids, from about 2630
BC untii about 1530 BC. During that time, the pyramid form (5)........... from a
series of stepped terraces that (6)...........'the layers of a wedding (7)........... to the
better-known, sloped pj,ramidal shape. The largest pyramid is the one built for
King Khufu, at the site of modern Giza. Khufu's pyramid, known (8)........... the
Great Pyramid, is the only one of the Seven (9)........... of the World that still
(10).... .. ... .
l. A. look B. meet C. see D. watch
2. A. central ts. middle
3. A. biggest B. bigger C. big D. biggish
4, A. emperor B. monarch C. royalty D. royal
5. .A. evolved B. progressed C. processed D. advanced
6. A. alike B. resembled C. similar D. same
7. A. biscuit B. pie C. pizza D. cake
8. A. as B. like C. be D. alike
.9. A. Marvels B. Miracle C. Wonders D. Wonderful
10. A. lives B. alive C. living D. survives

X. Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best answers the question about the

The Creat Pyramid of Giza, a monument of wisdom and prophecy, was

built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops in 2720 BC. Despite its antiquity, certain
aspects of its construction make it one of the truly wonders of the world, The four
sides of the pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true north, south, east and west
- an incredible engineering feat. The ancient Egyptians were sun worshipers and
great astronomers, so computations for the Great Pyramid were based on
astronom ical observations.
Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the structure reveal
many interesting lines, Further scientific study indicates that these represent a type
of line of events-past, present ancl future. Many of the events have been interpreted
and found to coincide with known facts of the past. Others are prophesied for
future generations and are presently under investigation.
Was this super structure made by orriinary beings, or one built by a race far
superior to any known today?
l.Approximately how long ago was the Great Pyramid constructed?
A. 640 years 8.2,720 years C. 4,000 years D. 4,730 years
2. The word 'feat' in the third sentence of paragraph I is closest in meaning to:
A. courage B. achievement C. skill D. talent
3. On what base did the ancient Egyptians make their calculations?
A, observation of the celestial bodies
B. advahced technology
C. advanced tools of measurement
D. knowledge of the earth surface

-1. Why was the Great Pyramid constructed?
A. as a splar observatory B. as a religious temple
C. as a tornb for the pharaoh D. as an engineering feat
5. Why is the Great Pyramid of Ciza corisidered one of the seven wonders of the
. A. It is perfectly aligned with the four cardinal points of the compass and
contains many prophecies.
B. It was selected as the tomb of pharaoh Cheops
C. It was buitt by a super race.
D. It is very old.
xI. Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall started as earth works thrown up for protection by different
states. The individual sections weren't connected until the euin dynasW
B.c.). . Quin Shihuangdi, First Emperor of euin began conscripting peasants.
enemies, and anyone else who wasn't tied to the land to go to work on the Wall. He
garrisoned armies at the Wall tc stand guard over the workers as well as to defend
the northern boundaries. The tradition lasted for centuries, and each dynasty added to
the height, breath. lengh, and elaborated the design mostly through forced labor.
It was during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644)that the Wall took on irs present
form. The brick and granite work was enlarged and sophisticated designs were
added. The watch towers r.rere redesigned and modern canon *.r. r*nted in
strategic areas. The Portuguese had found a ready market. for guns and canon in
China, one of the few iteqrs of trade that China didn't already have in abundance.
The Ming Emperors, having overthrown the Hun dominance and expelled their
Mongol rulers of tlre North devoted large portions of available material and
manpower to making sure that they didn't return.
The Wall served well. Only when a dynasty had weakened from within were
invaders frorn the north able to advance and conquer. Both the Mongols (yuan
Dynasty, 1271-1368) and the Manchurians (eing Dyrasty, 1644-19l l) were able
take power. not because of weakness in the Wall but because of weakness in the
government and the poverfy of the people. They took advantage of rebellion from
within and stepped into the void of power without extended wars.
L When was the Creat Wall first formed'l
2. Wh1 did Emperor Quin Shihuangdi send armies to tlre Wall?
3. In what dynasg'was the Great Wailenlarged. and redesigned?
4. Who supplied the canon for the watch towers at the Great Wall?
5. Why was it said the wall served well during wars?

XII. Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions

, Stonehenge
Stonehenge is surely Britain's grejtesi national icon, symbolizing mystery, pouer
and endurance. Its criginal purpose is unclear to us, but some irave speculated that it
was a temple made for the worship of ancient earth gods. It has been called an
astronomical observatory for making significant events on the prehistoric calendar.
Others claim that it was a sacred site for the burial of high-ranking citizens from the
societies of tong ago.
The stones we see today represent Stonehenge in ruin. Many' of the original
stones have fallen or been removed by previous generations for home construction or
road repair. There has been serious damage to some of the smaller bluestones
resulting frotn close visitors contact (prohibited since 1978), and the prehistoric
carvings on the larger sarsen stones show signs of significant wear.
In.its day, the constir-rction of Stonehenge was an impressive engineering feat,
requiring commitment, time and vast amounts of manual labor. In its first place.
Stonehenge was a large ear-thwork; a bank and ditch arrangement called a henge,
constructed approximateiy 5,000 years ago. It is believed that the ditch was dug with
tools made from the antlers of red deer and, possibly, wood. The underlying chalk
was loosened with picks and shoveled with shoulderblades of cattle. It was then
loaded into baskets and carried away. Modern experiments have shown that these
tool! were mote than equal to the great task of earth digging and moving.
l. What does Stonehenge represent'?
2. What is a lrenge?
3. According to historians, what wei'e the functions of Stonehenge?
4. What has caused the serious damage to Stonehenge?
5. What were the tools used to dig the ditches made from?
XIII. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
L I couldn't go to work because of the transpoit strike. (prevented)
L................ to work by the transport strike.
2. I was tire only person who wanted to watch the program. (else)
There was .........................,............ me who wanted to watch the program.
3. He watched videos all day. (entire)
He spent .,...... videos.
4. It rvill be necessary to pay the full amount when you book. (have)
The f'ull arnount .,...,.. when you book.
5. I didn't see her again for five years. (before)
Fi.;e years had ............................... her again.
6. I don'f thirk si:.: iikes doing other people 's rrrork for tlrem. (objects)
7. Jeremy frequently invents ridiculous stories like that! (make)

8. The police think that he was one of the robbers. (taking)

The police suspect ........ the robbery'
9. Because he was so proud, he couldn't admit that he was wrong. (too)
He had .........':................. that he was wrong. is likely that my friends haven't received my letter yet. (unlikely)

Progress Test 6 (Units {5'{6)
I- 5. Pick out the word w'hose underlined and bold part is pronounced
differentty from that of the other words.
A. general B. golf C. garden D. guitar
2. A. seng B. sentengg C. seip D, sequengg
3. A. tggn B. burn C. cgtain D.bsry
4. A. gfterward B.4dvice C. ggree D. gllow
5. A. king B.
\now C. kick D. kill

6 - 10. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other
6. A. minister minimize
B. C. sufficient D' terrible
7. A. marine nourish
B. C. prior D' prison
8. A" telegram B. telegraphic C' telegraph D' telescope
9. A. resource B. respect C' respond D' trumpet
10.A. technology B. testimony C. variety D' uranium
11 - 25. Choose the best Bnswer among A, B, C or D that best completes each
I l.Tom is sitting at his desk. I{e's reading his chemistry text because he has a test
tomorrow. He ..............'..........' ."
A. could study .8. should be studying
C. will study D. must be studYing
12.When Mr. Lee was younger, he........... '*'ork in the garden for hours, but
now he has to take frequent rests because he has emphysema'
A. has got to B. can
C. should be able to D. could
l3.Robert has a new car. He it for a very good price. He paid -r0
percent less than the regular retail cost.
A. could buy B. had to buY
C. was supposed to buy D. was able to buy
l4."Why are you so sure that Ann didn't commit the crime she's been accused of
committing?" "She .. tliat crime because I was with her, and ue
were out of town that day."
A. may not have committed B. couldn't have committed
C. wasn't supposed to commit D. A and B
l5.The teacher gave back the papers which . marked'
A. was B. has been C. had been D' have been
l6.Although l ............... in Ho chi Minh city all my life. I ...............' to the tallesl
building until last SundaY.
A. was living - have never been B. am living - had never been
C. have lived - have never been D. live - have never been
l-.Br next June the nert,road
.\. u ill be built B. rvili builcl
C. *,ill have been br_rilt D. has been built
l8.When I came to class -yesterday morning. nty students home but
some of them ................... tbr nre.
A, had gone had been- r,vaiting
B. had gone - waited
C. rvei;!. - waited D. had gone --were waiting
19.1'hey .. atrroad rvhen the civil war
A. lived - broke out B. were living - broke out
C. were living-- has irroken out D. lived - has broken out
20.When is she roing tc rume back? * As soon as she Uncle [{o.s
A. visited B,hrrsvisitedC.hadvisitedD.willhavevisited
21.'oYou're a really fast srvimmer." 'oWhen I was younger, I ............... a rnile in
foQz minutes."
A. could swim B. should swim
C. may swim D. must swim
22.8y the time a baby has reached his first birthday, he should sit up or
even stand up.
A. to be able to B. able to
C. to be able D. be able to
23."Larry drove all night to get here for his sisterts wedding. He
exhausted by the time he arrived." "F{e was,,,
A. ought to be B. could be
C. must have been D. will have been
24,"1 locked myself out of my aparrment. I didn't know what t0 do." "You
your roommate."
A. could have called B. may have called
C. must have called D.AandB
25."You haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. you ................ be really
hungry'!" "1 am."
A. might B. will C. can D. musr
26'- 30. choose th* underlined part among A, B, C or D that neetls correcting.
26.They spea! English well because they practise speak it every day.
27'when I uas e srnall. I used to go fishing ly-[h my father and_my b_Lother.
28.1 won{g1,y,i1y the English are rlrirllg on rhe left-hand sr.ds of the roatJ.

29 -i[e- n1r11_q I live r.lirh hirn. the "ma$ I ]SyC t]rlt.

jil , -rr, ii.,,rt !:rcrv lr.,lrul_titrlq cli-rej she gSrs up *r,,ijry rlla)ii!iliS
Li lj
31- 35. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same
meaning as the given one.
3l .A very successful salesman. Mr. Smith often has more customers than he can
A. Mr. Smith's customers cannot handle him sLlccessf'ully.
B. Mr. Smith finds it difficult to handle his customers.
C. Mr. Smith is a successful salesman of handles to ntany customers.
D. Mr. Srnith sometinres has too many customers to take care of.
32.Tim is likely to tail if he takes the exam without stud.ving.
A. Tim will fail if he takes the exam without studying.
B. It's probable that Tim willfailthe exam if he doesn't study.
C. It's certain that Tim will pass the exam if he stuCies.
D. It's certain that Tim will fail because he doesn"t stucl;'.
33.He looked so funny that I couldn't help laLrghing.
r\. I couldn't laugh because he looked so l'unny.
B. I couldn't help him laugh because he looked so funny.
C. He looked too funny for me to laLrgh.
D. I laughed because he looked so funny.
34.They bought a gift that was very expensive for their son.
A. Their son bought an expensive gift for his birthday.
B. They gave their son a gift that was very expensive.
C. The gift was so expensive that they did not buy it.
D. Although the gift was inexpensive, they did not buy it.
35.1 found it difficult to communicate in f:nglish.
A. I had no difticulty c,rmrnunicating in English.
B. I didn't like to communicate in English.
C. I was not used to co*rmunicating in English.
D. I preferred communicating in English.
36 * 45. Choose the word or phrase among r!, fi, C or i) lhat best fits the blank
space in the following passage:
We're just too worried to have fun on holiday
Most people in Britain take tlreir troirbles rvith them on holiday, according to a
new (36)............
40% said the most impcrlant reason for going away is to escape (37). .

but almost everyone said they \,vorry ntore than the,v (38)............ at home. On!1 -19r
;re happ.,- and carefre*,
The most common (39)...., ,.".. is hur*,1arv;4 ci:t rrf l0 ner:p!* \','orrJ at'rout their
notne:i i:eing broken t:.::;.: ivhil,l they're iihroad.
i''il.rre thai-i i! riualter ore rifiaid the"'-'ll be unset irl r-'lis-v iroltday (4i-i1.. ...,. . ::t,j
2')'h :ir,: worried abotrt being rrtr:gg*d.
ijt;r: irr fli'* 'li::iirr: iir* .:.:1r-rrav b;r:;tlr"; i l;.."
a.i;rrltt tit,. i;ii.ii:,.,'- .-,' , . '.i rr*:ir"l-i;:".
one in seven said their (42)............ of a good holiday is,.sun, sea, and sex',. A
quarter of all young. single men thought this was the besi(43).. ......... for
a holiday,
according to the MORI survey.
The research showed that the traditional stay-at-home Briton is no more. Three
out of every five adults now want to holiday abroad. Three years ago, less than half
wanted to go overseas.
The hotel holiday is still the most popular. Just over half the people interviewed

(45)............ worries about cheeky waiters and noisy fellow guests!

36. A. survey B. examination. c. poll D. questionnaire
37. A. burden B. stress c. ireadache D. concentration
38. A. do B. can C. will D. have
39. A. tlrought B. idea C. notion D. concern
40. A. doers B. payers C. tourists D. makers
41. A. off B. up C. down D. through
42. A. suggestion B.idea c. thought D. recommendation
43, A. formula B.manner C. model D. r ode
44. A. to B.for C. than D. about
45. A. in addition to B. including C. though D. despite
46 - 50. choose the item among A, B, c or D that best answers the question
about the passage:
Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order distance from
the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on
aveiage is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief
periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter's less than lO,hour period gives it the
shortest day in the solar system insofar as the principal planets are concerned.
There are no true . seasolts on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the
perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 30 less than that for aly other
The rnost farnous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It-has shor,vn variations
in both intensit)) and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns
after a few years. At its greatest extent it may be 40,000 kilometers long and
14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. 1'hough
latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in tongitude. Over the past
century the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 12000. The
latitude_is generally very close to -220.It was once thoughithat the Rea spot might
be,a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter,s outergas. However, the pionier
and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red spot to be a
phenomenon of Juvian meteorology. Its longeviry may well be due to its
exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be
permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionatty but have not

46.According to' the passage. Jupiter has shortest day among. the principal
' planets because
h. it is on averagc the brightest of all the planets.
B. its rotation period is shorterthan l0 hours. '

C. the axial inclination is only just over 30.

D. there is the interference of the Great Red Spot.
47.The author's tone,in this passage is
A. argumentative B. supportive C. enthusiastic D. neutral
+A.fnis passage r./ould be of most.i'nterest to
A. students of anthropology B. geologists
C. mathematicians D. amateur astronomers
49.1t can be inferred from this passage that Jupiter's Creat Red Spot
A, will become brighter with time. B. willone day vanish.
C. will continue exparrding D. is made of floating gases.
word o'intensiry" could best be replaced with
A. visibility , B. density C. brilliance D. surface area

I - 5. Pick out the word whose underrined and bold part is pronounced
differently from that of the other words.
l. A. rable B. t4dy C. captain D. labor
2. A. apply B. hobby C. reply D. supply
3. A. failed B. absorbed C. solvg{ D. reached
4, A. export B. methqd C. prgvEe D. infgrrna-tion
5. A. afraid B. mistake C. gppointrnent D. organism
6 - 10. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other
6. A' superrnan B. sy'nthetic c. co,version D. professor
7. A. fbrests B. singirrg C. concerning D. burning
8. A. prornise B. *"p.nrir. C. constructiie D" original
9' A' simultaneous B. feedback C. different l). errors
10.A. appropriate B. emotional c. pronolrnce D. situation
l1 - 25. choose the best answer among A, B, c or D that best completes each
sen tence.

I I .Your last job was a bank manager, ...,. ir?

A. isn't B. doesn't C. didn't D. wasn't
l2.Jack can speak tw'o languages. one is English. ...,. is vietnamese.
A. Other B. The other C. Another D. Others
13.Don't ask me anything about sports. I like
A. neither _ nor B. both _ and
C. not only _ but also D. either or
l4.By the time r\lfonso finallv graduated tiom high school, he...,
dil'ferent schools because his parents moved frequently.
A, attenJed B. was attendjng
C. had attended D. had been attending
15.She'd rather watch television, ...... .......,?
A. didn't she B. hadn't she C. doesn't she D. wouldn,t she
l6.Don't make noise. My mother . .,.. with her.friends.
A. is talking B. was talking C. talks D. talked
l7.A srnall stcne stnrck the wirrdshield lvhlle we ........ down the gravel roacl.
A. dririe B. rvere driving c. had driven D. had been driving
1 5. l .t:i your naine . . . . . in the siieet of paper.
A. ivrite B. be written
C. rvrite D. being-vritten
l'':.'l'hev ". .... a1l iia.y :r,,imminH, ailcl suilbiithing_: a-t th: beach.
A-. :,:ls*+;d B. ,s,:d (._. ;i$r::'i iJ. ocCugli;d
A. with C. on D. of
21.He's even worse than his sister ...........maths.
A. at B. with C. in D. for
22.He was offered the job ... he had no experience.
A. even though B. despite C. while D. however
23.1've lived near the airport for so long that I've got ... . to the noise of the
A. familiar B. known C. used D. custorn
24.The new shopping center is hig. It's advertised as a place . ... you can
find just any,thing you might want to buy.
A. where B. which C. in where D. in that

A. is in her room studying B. in her room is studying

C. studies in her room D. has in her room studying
26 - 30. choose the underlined part among A, B, c or D that needs correcting.
26.The phone rung while I was washing the dishes.
2i.Every discount store adveflises that fteir products are cheaper than its
28.Ho chi Minh city, that has the biggest population, is also the largest city in
my country.
29.Henry's friends told thernselves to put his coat on the rack of their hall.
30.Almost poetry jr more enjo),able when it is read aloud.

31 - 35. choose the correct sentence among Ao B, c or D which has the same
meaning as the given one.
3l"A majority of the students in this college are frorn overseas.
A. Every'one in this college is frorn overseas.
B. No one in this college is from overseas.
C. Few students in tliis college are from o\,,erseas.
Most of the students in this college are from overseas.
32.He acts as though riothing matters to hirn.
A. He acts when there's no matter for him.
B. He acts although nothing matters to him.
C. He seems not to care about anything.
D. Nothing rnatters to him when he acts.
i-: \anc1 isn't used to walking so far.
A. Nancy used to walk farther.
B. Nancy doesn't like to walk so far.
C. Nancy isn't accustomed to walking very far.
D. Nancy needed help to walk so far.
34.She wanted to avoid an argument, so she said nothing.
A. She didn't say a word to avoid an argument.
B. She avoided an argument because she said.nothing.
C. If she said nothing, she wanted to avoid an argument.
D. She had nothing to say to avoid an argument.
35.My daughter is looking forward to seeing her friend.
A. My daughter is expecting to see her friend.
B. My daughter is being looked after while her friend is abroad.
C. My daughter feels bored because she is going to see her friend soon.
D. My daughter does not want to see her friend again.
36 - 45. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank
space in the following passage:

Television is one of man's most important (36)_ of communication. It

brings (37)- and sounds from around the world into millions of hontes. A
person rvith a television set can sit in his house and watch the President (38)_ a
speech or visit a foreign country. He can see a war being fought and watch
statesmen try to (39)_'peace. (40)_ television, home viewers can see and
learn about people, places, and things in faraway lands. TV even takes viewers out
of this world. It brings them (41)_ of Arnerica's astronauts as the astronauts
explore outer space.
(42) all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream of
programmes that are (43)- to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more
(44)-programmes than any other kind. Tlre programmes include action-packed
dramas, light comedies, sporting (45) , and motion pictures^

36.4. procedure B. means C. manner D. technology

37:A. pictures B. irnages C. visages D. portraits
38.A. compose B. t)'pq C. computerize D. make.
39.A. bring about B. make out C. bring round D. move around
40.A. In B. Because of C. At D. Through
41.A. covering B. views C. cr: erage D. looks
42.A. In additionto B. Asto C. lj-,side D. By
43.A. designed B. patterned C. n,:nitored D. built up
44.A. eScitement B. distraction C. firr: D. entertainment
45.A. happenings B. events C. occurrences D. meetings

46- 50. Choose the item among A, B, C or D'that best answers the question
about the passage:
The habits of those who constantly play video garnes are very important to
people working in video-game industry. If video games are going to one of the
most attractive features of future interactive systems, it is essential for producers to
know what types of games to make. how best to present on interactire
video, and how to ensure that such games maintain their fascination for people.
Above all, it is vital to build up detailed profiles of people who are addicted to
video games.
Until recently, the chief market for video games has been boys aged eight to
fifteen. The fascination for interactive video games is seen in its purest form in this
group. Video games appeal to some deep instinct in boys who find it impossible to
tear themselves from them. Schoolwork is ignored, health is damaged and even
eating habits are affected. Girls of the same age, however, are entirely different,
demonstrating far greater freedom from the hold of video games. Quite simply.
they can take video games in their strike, being ahle to play them when they want
and then leave them alone.

46.Producers of video games are keen on.....

A. developing computer techniques in making such games
B. learning about drug to which people are addicted
C. designing ways to change their video games into television programs
D. finding the best ways of continuing to attract people
47.The people who are most attracted to video games are....
A. young adult women
B. girls between eight and fifteen
C. boys from eight to fifteen years old
D. supermarket assistants
48...,. have different attitude towards playing video games.
A. Adult men and women
B. Girls and boys below eight
C. Cirls and boys above eight
D. Boys and girls from eigtrt to fifteen
49.The addiction to video games can be so powerful that it can
A. make people relaxing
B. destroy people's instincts
C. separate boys from girls
D, make people phy,sically ill
50.Compared with boys of the san're age. girls are.
' A. more addicted to video games
B, more intelligentthan boys
C. more concentrated on video games
D. less affected by video games
l. A 2.B 3.D 4,8 5.A
6. D 7. C 8.8 9.A 10. D
il. c 12. A 13. A t4. A 15. A
16. A t7. B r8. c 19. A 20. D
21. B 22. C 23" D 24. B 25. A
26. B 27. D 28. B 79. C 30. c
l. cn 2. with 3. in-at 4. in-from 5. at-to-in
6. ',n-in '/, to 8. of 9. of I0. from
2 change 3. enthusiasm
4. enthusiast 5. loyal 6. loyalist
7 constancy 8 brighten 9. acquaintance
10. selfistrly I l. unselfish 12. consistent
2. enthusiastic 3. enthusiasm
4. loyalt-v 5. sympathy 6. intimate
7. mutual 8. friendship 9. trust
10. cornmorr I I. humour 12. brighten
13. acquaintance 14. selfish 15. constant
2. intimately 3. mutual
-1. changeable 5. unchanged 6. unchangeable
7. sympathr'r 8. sympathetic 9. sympathetically
10. capable
l.g-P 2. a-P 3. h-P 4. f-N 5, c-P
6. e-P 7. b-N 8. d-N
L discussing 2. to be.transferred 3. interr:.rpting
1. to meet 5, spending 6. entering
7. to speak 8. living 9. lifting
10. to bring

l. to visit 8. to dt:i t0 i)osi
2. to seei to l,isit 9. losing/ of {e*dinp
3. postponing/ putting ofi' I0. u riting
4. painting/ decoratirrg I l. 1o lir,:lp
5. gcingi c-hanginS I I tc.ioilr
6. to derliver I 3. gt'irrg
7. to send/ io po-st -rpcakin*' r*ir11,i;1gi talkin6
l. to abarrdon 2 tc rrcie 3. to qive
4. setting 5. to lose 6. h itting
7. craslring 8. 1() try f. iosing/ har ing losi
10. to raise I I to he helped 12. to find
2. to speak 3. being shouted .1. to sack
5. to have rvorked 6. changing 7, rvherlrer to say
8. being 9. tu get 10. to pa-ss
I l. anybody/anyone help ll to discuss i3. asking
I4. to lrave known
Suggested answers:
f .
I learned te_ty]lat thc age i.rI ,I4,I
2. I can't lrelp rrJ:lrg when I sce s()ll'leone being treateil rrnfarrlv.
3. I don't practice speuking Eng!ish as regularll as i sirould^
4. I sometirnes pretend t9-bt_li;lsnitry rvhen realiy ilrn jLrst daydreanring.
5. I always encourage peonle to regtll.booklr,,,hich I have enjc,ved i.eading mvself.
6. I remember goittg to the czTcar when I was a smali chilcl. but I doir't remernber
enjolirtg,it, although rny famil.v says I ilid.
7. I enjoy swimnring even though I'rn riot very gooc-l at it.
8. I expect to hcn,e le.'/i schoo.l b,r, crrd of next year.
f. i've giverr up going: lo tfuy,lis;t;1,., tht'),'re, trto nois),.
l0.l ."rften help to ltrepure dinnlt tt!)UekflLt.j.
l. b 2. a 3. f 4.c
So 6. e /. d
i. b,y checking tire iritnrctioris.
j. > liI trio l(ril.-I ,)tt onT rlUcsttr)rl.
J. time trying til see horv yoLrr friends ore gettiitg oir.
5. by allcai:r1l time 1o i:lteck all vour answels.
6. cheatir:rl, in the iong run.
XItI. N'[A'fC{lli{tj
I -i- b When Su* tirougirt of going oir the roller-co;rster it madc her feel quite
2+f 'fhe nerv course is inte nded to help people understand modern art.
3+g I forgot to buy any bread so we had to make do with coffce far
4 'f Sci*ntists hope the new drug will help (thern) (to) prevent lray fever.
5 +a The puppy isn't well trained yet, so if you let go of his lead, he'ii run
6+ h We didn't agree with the decision, but we didn't dare (to) protest
agairrst it.
7+ e $/hen Johu arri',es, have hirn wait outside my office.
8 +d 'the dial on tl:e left lets you controlthe speed of the fan.
l. agreed not to tell
2. were thought to have escaped
3. don't recall seeirrg/ dou't recall lraving seen
4. denied having received/ denied receivirrg
5. asked not to be named
6. are/ were believed to ha,ue arrirecl
7. seerns to lravc disappeared
8. didn't feel like nalking
I. B 2.A 3,A 4,C 5. r]
5. .A 7, B 8.C 9,C 10. A
l.c 2.D 3.8 4.A 5.A
l.c 2.8 3,A 4.D
l, ifl uherher we wantedl preferredl liked
2. can'u don't rve go somervhere
3. to avttid qr,reuing/ having to queue
-1. urake a choice bctr,vcen
5. (he was) disappointed he remained
6. so cror.vded that the re uas
7. not cost as/so ruuch as
8. did her lromer.uork before r.vatching
9. have run out of
i been three years since

I. B 2, C 3.C 4.A 5.8
5, D 7. C 8.8 9.8 t0. B
II, C t2. A 13. D t4. c 15. B
16. D 17. A r8. B 19. c 20. D
21. B 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. D
26. D 27. C 28. C 29. C 30. B
l. bv 2. on 3. of 4. at 5. on
6. for 7. for 8. with 9. on 10. off 12. to - for
l. affect 2. affectiorr 3: appreciate
4. cheat 5. embarrassing 6. embarrassed
7. embraced 8. glanced 9. fuss
10. memory I l. outlook 12. protect
I 3. protective 14. screaming 15. complaint
L affected 2. behavior 3. affections
4. appreciatiolt 5. appreciative 6. appreciative
7. embarrassingll 8. enrbarrassment 9. embarrassed
10. memorable I l. protection 12. protectively
l. was burning 6. was watching, turned, went
2. was writing 7. realized, was traveting
3. was making 8. was playing, threw
4. left 9. was looking. found
5. was just leaving 10. was crossing/crossed, stepped. fell
i. uas sitting. saw
2. rvas snowing. u,oke
3. reached" realized. did not know
4. looked, n,as going. rvas di'arving
5. met. were, was studyiug, spent
6. rrere you doirrg. said" r',.as clearring
7. were reading. were just turning over. \\'as knifting, was plal,ing
I . was rvorking, opened. rushed 6. walked. handed
2. stood, walked, closed 7. was Iistening, was doing
3. walked, was rvearing 8. didn't they visit, were staying
4. Didn't you meet. were w'orking 9. was passing/passed, knocked
5. saw, were siffing 10. were you writing, crashed
L was getting -- went 7. u,as playing - broke
2. was hopirrg - gave 8. went off * liV lighted
3. lived - was spending 9. wasn't listening/ didn't Iisten --
0r was living * spent was explain ing/ explained
4. star-ted - rvas cliecking in 10. added - tasted
5. rvas looking * saw 11. r.vasn't watching/ didn't watch *
was drearn i rr g/dreanrl
6. came - was showing 12. pushed - ran
l. buy'irrg
was 2. saw 3, turned
4. was slowly putting 5. was carrying 6. walked
7. picked up 8. thought 9. was looking
10. dropped l l. haci 12. noticed
13. was watching 14. hurried 15. rvere walking/ walked
16. ran
l. had met 6. had found
2. went
had been,/ 7. had cheated/ cheated
3. had taken/ took 8. had gone/ went
4. read 9. had finished/ finished
5. had lost 10. had eaten

l. am writitrg/ write 1 l. got
2. gotl arrived 12. enioy'/ are enjoYing
3. feel/am feeling 13. is looking
4. go 14. seems
5. know 15. doesn't get on/ isn't getting on

6. spent 16. comPlairr/ are constantlY'

7. rvrote 17. is starting

8. were lvaiting I 8. asked

9. got 19. am looking/ look
10. felt/ was feeling 20. hear/ heard


l. said 2 lieard i. returrted/ had returned
heard/ had
4. came/ had come 5. ra,as/ had been 6. left
1. appointed 8. finished 9. have won
10. accused I 1. has disappointed 12. has sPent
I. started 2. built 3. wasu't selling
4. occupied 5. read 5. was waiting
7 " noticed 8. was playing 9. was approaching
10. ran I l. grabbed 12. offered
13. was having 14. had I 5, .left

16. went


l. went I l. ivantedi planned/ was planning
2. rvas rvorkirig/ was eating/ was sitting i2. was looking
i. rnet 13. stole/ took
4. asked/ wanted 14. was walking/ was going
5. r'eturtted/ *cnt back I 5. began/ started
5. was rvalking 16. decided

7. sarvi met 17. uas getting

8. u'as visiting 18. rang

() rrrct 19. rvrs talking
10. rrriltc,'i 20. rvas runtiing

\\-. \.ERB FORMS
. *as revisirrg 2. isn't working 3. am not Lrsing -1. are giving
j. am not going 6. anr tryirrg 7. have 8. see
9. *ent io. rvas shaking
l. I saw I l.
I put
2. We had arranged 12. I clidn't finC
3. didn't you corne 13. it slipped
4. I was "+' 14. I was rvaiting
5. I'd been waiting/ I rvaitecl 15. w'hat had happerretl
6. Didn't you get 16. I saw
7. I left I7. You w,ere laughing
8. I went/ I was going 18. I realized
9. I noticed 19. you had been sitting
10. they had changed 20. I just lost
l. was just leaving/ was just going 6. had nearly finished
2. did 7. made
3. didn'r 8. hadn't given
4. said 9. had been addressing/ had been
doing/ had adiressed/ had done
5. typed/ was typing I 0. refused
LA 2.C 3.D 4.8 5.D
6.C 7, B 8.C 9,8 10. A
l.c 2.8 3. A 4,C 5,8
l.B 2.A 3.A 4.C
L the end ofthe course
2. if you are not
3. nright/could/may be difficult ro find
4. rneals are included in the
5. there are two reasons why
6. accused Richard of breaking/havirrg broken
7. going so fast
8. me how /o get/l can get
9. not as/so rvell paid as
l0.don't rnind which film

l. B :"C 3. I) \H

6. tl l. L 8.A q. A" r0. c

ll. A 12. B 13. C 1:1. D i5. D

16. I) \i. B 18" B 19. D za. D

21. A 22. C 23. A 24. D 25, B

26. D 27. D 28. B 29B 30. D

of 2' in - from 3. of - 4. to 5. through
I. front -- Lrp

L in -to f. in 10. at * r:f

6. off i. ilt-oI
1 L with - bY 12. about - tt't

l. attniversary 2. celebrating 3. enthusiasrn
4. inirlttre 5. Eve 6. guest
8 " refreslt
q. decorate
1. refieshed
l. occasion 12. excited
i0. gather 1


l. coltttt 2. celebrate 3, cosy
4. childish 5. host 6. enthusiastic
7. enthusiasnr 8. refreslrment 9. refresh
I L gathered 12, excited
I 0. decorated
1.1. upset 15. supposed
I 3. concerns
I. celchrations 2' childishlY 3. enthusiasm
4. refreslrments 5. decoratiort 6. decorative
7 . gathering 8. excited 9. excitedly
10. supposedlY Il' strPPosed 12. equallY
I . try, atlsrver 2. building 3. passing

4. beconring 5. trf ing. make 5. dislike, living

'7. increasing 8. try. disctrss. sPeaking 9.

vtI. cliRtll{D
1. nteetirtg 2. eating 3. having seen
4. getting ntarried 5. speaking 6. staYing
7. smokirrg 8. increasing 9. traveling
10. lbllowing
\-Itt. GER UND-INF {ttiITI t,E
l, to takivtakirrE I I. to shorv. tc use
l. sm,rkilrg i2. teiephorrirrg. askilg, to l,rok
3. to see 13. hearinghaving heard, not to enter
4. learrring/to lean.r 1,1. to erplain, to listel. grLrrnbling
5. to think. deciclirrg to srrike 15" makirrg, to Co
6. to pai:, to rner:tionrrrnentioning 1 6. having, to get up

7. to 17. tcr forget, wclrrying

8. to go 1 8, to run, io have recovered

9. rvatching 19. Iistening, hearing

10. lending. ,rr bu,\,
l. clcnied beirtg irrr.,lvrd 7. uas serli trltnblillg
3. was leti holdirrg 8. faced being expelled
4. remembered being brften 9. ' f'ourrd rvarrdering
5. avoided beirrg taken 10. resented being given
6. r,vas observed hiding
2. were asked to shor.v /. No passtve
3. are retprir.ed/ rv ill be required to fi Il L No passive
4. No passive 9. reported being attacked
5. be hearclarguing lC. is/was expected to attract
6. was caught taking
l. fulalcolrn began to be irritateri by Kav's quesriors.
lcorrespo,ding meaning)
l. Kcvirr hopes t. he seicctetr br the rc.lrr cuptain. (differerrr rncarrirrg)
3' Kathv arranged to be takcr to ihe strtr., by Alarr. (rliftbrcrrt
1. Giiidos has coi'r'ie lJ trc r'1,;ul"rrired as rlnr: {)j'spain,s g,rratest
nlu,el,ris by critics.
(currespoircling n"iean ing)
5' l"loliday-t-nakers cotltittue to be aftracteii to the soutlr coast. (corresponcling
5. Tlie finance rninister has agreerJ to be i;:tcr.ricvue,l 5,,, iliur-r., (il
i liilur:t rneaning)

xll. v[R8 tr'OR]I

I . to he fruslcr.i :." lo be tranl&r.ilrl I. relng Jeceiver!
4. tu chctrtrri
i_"ic i heiny lntr;t'*.:rl 6 ,;r' h'_- prol,,o'0d
7 . bcir:g cr!tir i"zc,:l E.'.rcin;..i ci;::sici,.:i,,:il .
{1;rg l:hos.:r;
10. ti: tlt: inii'r.,1!i1;"t1

l. to be cailed ll. heingexciied
2. to be considered 12. being re-scued
3. to be irrvited l-i. being told
4" to be delivered i4. to be r:onsLiltei
5. to be written 1-5. being borhercd
6. beins interruptecl l6 being surprised
7. being killecl i7. to be invited
8. being callecl l tl. tc, be r;ir err
9. being served 19. being injurcd
10. being understood 20. _qiving
fhe fi!:-': star avoidecr being rec.rgnized b1, rveai i,g ri;irk giasses.
2. I regretted ever having written the letter.
3' l-le greatly regrened .ot seeing Ann on irer trip to Lorrdo,.
4. She advised John not to trust peter.
i. Ihat old typewriter is nol rvorth repairing.
5. Shc persuaded nol to leave.
7. She adrnitted lraving taken the necklace.
8. My friend suggestecl sharirrg the cost.
9. He regretted not having said gooclbye to her at the airport.
t. D 2,C 3.D 4.A 5,8
6.C 7. A 8.8 q.D 10, c
1. D )A 3.8 4.C 5.D
I . rveritigot/traveled to L.iverpool by rrain
2. without thanking Lrs
i. that there rvill be betteri fbr better
'1. i:; responsible fbr locking
5. h*d b",en/ srrccessf'ul in,/at gir irrg
$. fb:i aslcep as soori
,'. *rriikelv lhat {'il :;e*
'i 1.,. hi,t;, ltrlr.,r. . : ;i j ..-.-"i,,.1 ! lti
9. lcniii iliii : *rtei:.:ihcr e,,, ;:Jr.,,';3q1,
: {.j ,Jo:ii;rl ,.l t-.1:j ir ) r-',-:i

Progress Test {
l. A il. D 21. D 31. B 41. B
2,8 t1. B 22. D i2. B 42. D

3.D l-1. D 23. C 31. B 43. B

4.8 1'+. A 24. B 34. D 41. A

5. t) l-{. A 25. B 35. D 45. A

6.8 16. B 26. B 36. A 46. B
7. A r7. c 27. C 37. B 47. C

8.D It{. tl 2ti. D 38. B 48. A

qC 19. I) 29. C 39. B 49. A

lCr. D 20. A 30. B 40. c 50. c

l. B 2.D 3. C 4. A5.C
6. A 7. B 8.C9. B IO. B
IL A 12. A 13. D 14. A i5.B
16. D 1',7. B 18. C 19. D 20, B
21. D 22. A 23. C 24. C 25, A
26. D 27. A 28. B 29. A3O.D
L in-from-to 2. of 3. at 4. atlby 5. after
6. to - from - of 7. to 8. about 9. on | 0. about - for
. charities
I 2. cleared 3. donated
4. doratiott 5. grateful 6. issues
7. martyr 8. minority L wounded
10. overcame I l. handicapped
1. remote 2. disaster 3. deserl
4. issue 5. charity 6; clear
7. cooperated 8. c rafl q. gratitude
10. grateful
l, cooperation 2. cooperatlYe i" crxrperativc
4. voluntary 5. gratefully fr. rnint.lriiius
'1. renloteness 8. ntortuta inorts

l. to go, going ?. to rvin. clreatirig 3. to gcl
4. driving 5. t0 cotne. standing 6. olfendins
7. to give B. l.lot t0 cotne 9. ring. ro be
10. eating i l . goll19 11. ring. to be
I 3. to nreet 14. thinking
l. Kncw,irrg that he was poor.. I ofl-ered....
2. Becorning tired olmy complaints. she turned
it off.
3. Finding/l:aving fbund no one at home, lre leli....
4. Realizing that he had rnissed the train, he begarr...
5. Exhausted by his work, he threw....
6. I-laving spent all his mone,v, he decided...
7. I"laving heard the story before, she didn,t want...
8. Turning orr the light, I was..
9. Having visiting the museunr. we decided...
l0.Thinking we $r'ere lost, he offered...
I l.Realizing tlrat she couldn.t ntove it alone, she
l2.Having fed the clog. he sat...
l3.Addressing rhe audience, he said...
I4.Thinking he had made a mistake somervhere. he went...
l5.The tree, uprooted by the storm, had fallen.,.
. l6.People, sleeping in the next room. were...
lT.Soaked to the skin, we reached...
lS.Knorving that trrere were ants in the grass, I didrr,t
rike to sit down.
I9.l-{aving heard that tlre caves u,ere darigerous, I
clidn,t like...
20.Lookinglhaving rooked through the fasrrion magazi,es,
r reafize...
l. going, being, puttirrg. telling. raking.
2. spending, arguing. not to go
3. leaving" goirrg to live
4. to leave, to call
5. telling, to talk
6. earning, to show
7. to carry. to trove
8. cutting/to be cut. have. to have
9. traveling. standing, qLreuing. waiting, to go
I 0.calling, letting. decide

i . sleeping. to carnP
l. to park
3. smokirrg, tn risk setting, smoke
4. keeping. tr: fill, askin.q. to kcep" making
5. to hear. seeing, to bring
6. hovering. being. e limbing, run/runniirg. cominglconre. leading
7. -spending, li.,,it'rg. tc thirrk, seiling. returning
8. argu ing. argtle. seeing
9. rvriting. to receive. go
I 0.taking, dropping. Pretend ing
t. wali<ing in 2. rvriting 3. bein*
4. passing 5. being/arriving 6. eating/havirlg eaten
. telling 8. sPending 9. greeting you
10. eaming a good I i' attsrveriirg thetn 12. catching
13. rvearing a rainuoat l-1. seetrtg I 5. drinking a lot of u'ater

16. working I 7. having a I 8. lraving deterrnination

i9. beinglhaving beerr 20. knocking the door

LA 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A
6.C 7, C 8.B 9.D 10. c

il. D 12. A 13. A 14, A 15. D

t. B 2. C 3.D 4C 5.D
I . i{'it had not been
2. in order tei
3. is a waste of
4. not be iiecessar;r for You
5. was fiutnier than rnY liiend
5. read the newspaPer without
?. so badly that
8. rvas (very) lucky'not t*
!. lrir-r,or-:c el:lc,:part fi"tnt

i i;,:i,,r,itiht {t!'l*t) Pcir:i" uttiil;':13'



ulilT 5
LD 2.8 3.A 4. t) 5.8
5. D 7. A 8.C 9.A IO. D
lr. c 12. B 13. B 14. B t5. D
i6. D 17. B 18. A 19. D zCI. D
21. c 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. A
26. C 27D 28. B 29. D 30. I)
l. on 2. at 3. to 4. for 5. in-of
6. to-- to 7. ln 8. bv f. in 10. at
i. campaigned 2. effectivell, -). eradicated
4. illiterate 5. enthusiasm 6. rate
7. survey 8. primary 9. part
i 0. decrease 1 L illiterate 12. ethnic
I 3. Self-respect 14. realistic 15. steadily
16. sharply
L fight 2. combat 3. society'
4. carnpaign 5. effective 6. respect
7. perfonnance 8, rate 9. sllrvey
10. universai I I . pooulation 12. prinrary
13. realistic sharply i5. capable
l. effective 2. efl'ectiveness 3. respected
4. performance 5 . un iversality 6. prornotiorr
7. surprisingly 8. realistic 9. realistically
10. rnotivation I l. slightly I 2. stead i ly
2. threatened - not to repay 6. didn't expect - to be
3. didn't feel - could 7. thought - rrouldn't
4. insisted - wasn't/ hadn't 8. promised - wouldn't
5. announced - was not going
l. Joe invited me come to his party.
2. My teacher advised me to take another English course.
.: \1rs. Brr-.r', r't perrnitted irr to USe the plrone.
* The doctor told the patient to take a deep breath.
-i \1i mother rerninded me to rnake an appoirrtrnent rvitir the dentist.
5. )vlt [riend encitr-rrageri lne to take a long vacatiolr.
7 The Siriths invited us to corne tc their hotise for dinner.
8. Ml' tl'iend advised nre to see a doctor about the pain in rny knee.
9. The judge ordered Mr. Silverman to pay a frne of fifty dollars.
l0.Bill rryarned me not to touch the hot pot.
I I .Sue advised n.!e not to buy a used car.
l2.lvlr Gray 'warned the childreir not to pla1, in the street.
I . IIe advised rne to go to the doctor's.
2. She asked -forn to do her a favour.
3. The teacher told the class to hand in their essays the following r,veek.
4. My wife reminded me to post the letter.
5. Rosie invited John to have dinner rvith thern.
6. Thejudge ordered Edward Fox to pay a fine ofone hundred pounds.
7. Betty persuaded Jane to buy the red dress.
8. Gill encouraged Henry to paint professionally.
9. She begged me not to tell lrer father.
l0.FIis accountant advised Bill to sell his shares.
l. Peter agreed to lend Ann lris car.
2. Bill admitted that he had stolen the money.
3. But Bill denied that he had hit the old lacly,
4. The professor boasted tlrat he could speak eleven languages perfectry.
5. Angela prornised to work early,
6. Henry cornplained that his soup was cold.
7. Jane refused to help me with my homework.
8. Kate of,fered to give Megan a lift to the station.
9. Mark suggested that James lnet him on Thursday. and James agreed.
LB 2.D 3.A /, B (a
6.8 7. B 8,A 10. A
l.A 2.8 3.C 1.C 5,8
i . is ntit interestecl in
2" must not be ted
J. was Johrr's first visil to
'+. t0ld Anne (tlrat) he wor-rld
5, rrot as rnany stuclents
6. confused me rvith/ n-ristook rre for/ beiieved r-re to be
7. woulil like to
3. (his) beirrg unable to swim
9. is no chance of/ is not a chance of
l0.if you had not rvritten/ rvithout your,,vriting

t. A 2.B 3.A 4. B5.B
6.C 7. A 8,8 9. D IO. C
il.B 12. B 13. D t4. AI5.C
16. c 17. D 18. B t9, B 20. A
21. c 22. B 23. t) 24. A 25. Cl
25. B 27. B 28. n 29, A 3O.D
l. Announcements 2. activities 3. meeting
4. Athletics 5. disappointed 6. general
'7. marathon 8. nraxinrurrr 9. pattered
10. sculpture I I . spirit 12. stirnulate
13. windorvpane 14. contest I 5. sponsors
16. individual
Lin 2. lbr 3. in 4, of 5. for
6. to 7. to 8. for 9. on 10. with
ll.for-at l2.on
l. competitiorr 2. activit)' 3. aim
4. annual 5. anitc,tlnce 6. clock
7. disappointed tl. formaily 9. maxinrum
10" minimunr I I. representative I2. srnoothly
I 3. society 14. spirit 15. stiniulate

\'. \\'{iRD I ORn{ATION'
i. citivities ). aillr(]rincentenl 3. rtir,appoirrtingly
-i. ciisappointment 5. sculptural 6. sn-lootlrly
7 . stirnulatiorr 8. stinrulating 9. competitive
10. conrpetitivelS,
I .
Mary said that John rvou ldn't tharrk me fo;" r'ny inferring his business.
2. Sr,rsatt insisted tltat-Iort shorrlil ivear a suit rvherr he came to her pafty.
3. The tourist guide rvarned against rvalkins alorre in the street at night.
4. Mary apologized for not going to Jack's binhday paq.'the following Saturday evenir:g
5. 1'he manager congratulated tlre workers on having done excellent rveirk that month.
6. f-ire told me that she drearned of runrring her own business.
l. r'l:e accused Tom of telling a lie.
,i. ',he admitted driving witlrout insurance.
9. ,)eter suggested hal'ing dirtner sorlewhere after the tlreatre.
l0.Bill denied having broken/breaking the n'indorvs.
ll.Ms Kelly prevented the children fli'orr rurnrrins out olthc'garden.
l2.Her mother looked l'orrvard to seeing Susan soon.
l3.She said rve couldn't stop people (frorn) saying what they thouglrt.
I . The doctor advised me to lose lr'eight,
2. He advised me to call a doctor.
3. My tcachcr adviscd nrc to stud\ lrarder.
4. Sharon advised me {o go to the National Univelsity.
5. Mary suqgested going to a rnovie.
6. Don reconrmendecl rne to see/sec'ing a dortor about the problem.
7. Mr'. I\,ladiscn suggested buy'ing a motorbike.
8. Fleter sLrggested going for a walk.
l. A 2. A 3.8 D D
6. B 7. B 8.A C D
r. B 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.A
L enjoyed the film apart from
2. is to be pulled
3. has been learning Russian for

'1. told/illstfuctedriirdcred Rebecira nOt lrt'saiil that Rebecca rlust/slrr.,rrlcl not
5. iras rrot as/so crpcrtsire as
6. tlrere was lto point (in)
7. lrirrsl lrar r' hecrr
8. did t)ot descr\ c t() hc
9. nothing left irr this/1he
I 0. w as forty,* hen h c learnedistartetl/hc.gan

Progress Test 2
r. B II.A 2t.c 31. t) :+1. c
2. Cl r2. I) 22. D 32. A 11. A
3.B r3. c 23. C i,1 . t) 43. t)
4.A i4. A 24. A 3.,i. A 44. C
5.A rs. c 25. C 3_s. B 45. A
6.B 16. I) 26. C 36. B 46. C
7. A 17. D 37. A 17. A
8.8 18. c 28. C' _18. D 48. t)
9,C I9. C 29. D 39. C 49. B
IO. D 20. B 30. c 10. B 50. A

l. B 2.u 3. I) 1.A 5.A
6,A 1, B 8.C 9,A 10. u
il. A 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. D
r6. c 17. A 18. D t9. A 20. t)
2t. D 22. A 23. Cl 21. B 25. L'
26. D 2"7. Cl 28. A 29. A 30. A
L dov,n 2. off 3. at 4. to 5. rvith
6. n,itli 7. about 8. abour. f . about/ lor - with I0. abouti at
l. probably 2. Double 3. Bifih-corrtrol
4. iniustice 5. overpuprrlatiorr 6. implemenr
7. shoftage 8. e\pert 9. lack
10. deterrrination I l . distrrbutiun 12. insist

l. prohablr 2. figure 3. doubles
-1. lirlit 5. fiozen 6. incrcascd
7 . awareness 8. shorlages f . irnprcvenrent
10. prt-.paratiorr I I . alrrrir,ersan I 2. i-ve
I. rcpeatedly 2. .epeatable 3. repetitive
4. orerpopulated 5. awarelless 6. irnplementation
7. e\pcrtly 8. inrprovc'ment 9. distribution
10. distributor
l.I nriss 6. Would you w,ork
2. docsn't arrive 7. didn't conrplain
3. rvorr'1 rctirrrtl 8. I'rc checked
4. ltltr rcach 9. Wouldn't my fiiends be
5. rvilllou cut
l, tlidn't likc
lre 5. rvould you look for
f . You'll tlnd 6. y-ou weren't
3. Wouldn't your parents be proud 7. would you feel
4. I don't revise 8. you could
I. have studied/ study - know
2. leavc/ have left - tneet
i. breaV hav'e broken - have to
4. doesn't arrive/ hasn't arrived - give
5. haven"t filled inl don't llll irr * need
6. don't helpi lraren't helped - go
l. n'erc to hrlld 4. belonged
2. doubted 5. understood
3. *ere to srvitcir 6. w'ere to close
I + b Unlcss the train leavcs s,ithirr llve nrinutes. ue'll never get to the
2+ d [-lnless alternative sources of funcling are fourrd, the research will not
be ablc to continue.

i +c l-inless tlre roarls ha''e changecl in that parl of town. I.m sirre l.ll be
able to find mv way there.
4+ a Unless the weatlrer starts irnproving soon, the f'arrners will lose their
5+ e Itrrless ir's ridiculoush expensive. I think l'll buy that painting.
6+ f Unless lou have been unemployed for six months, .you'are not
entitled to state berrefit.
2. (How) much rvould you earn (if) you got it?
3. Would it help (il; I lent you sonre?
4. (What) colour would you pairrt it lifl you redecorated?
5. (What) will happen (if) you fail/ (ifl you don't pass?
2. lf you found a.iob abroad/ tf you could find a job abroad, would you take

3. If it were/was somewhere I want/ wanted to go. I.d certainly consider it

4. l'd only consider that if I were/ was sure about the family.
5. If they didn't treat me well. t'd be very miserahlc.
6. You'd have to sure to use a reputahle agerrcr.'\'ou havc to be sure.......
7. I rvill/carr/ could get you one if you're interestecl.
8. if Idecided to apply. would;ou give me a rcl'crcrrce?/ it'l decide to apply.
rvill you give nre a reference?
l.e '2,.f 3.a 4.b 5.g 6.c 7.d
Suggested answers.
l. (l) wouldn't work here (il) I were/was
2. (ll) I'd realized. I wouldn't have asked her about hirn.
3. (You) wouldn't have hurl5ourself (ifl rou'cl bccrr
4' (lf) you'd kttor'n I was cotniuu. uotrlcl rorr lravc hrtru.slrt one for rrre'.,
5. (Would) y'ou stilt love me (i0 I rvasirv.ere poor? . . 1il) I wasn.t/ weren.t
joking, what u'culd 1'ou say'i or(But if) I had (reiill1.) krst all mv money
what would you say/do?
l. If tlrey hadn't cancelled so late, the trar,el conlpan) rvoulcl have given them a
2. If the travel agent hadn't f ailed his final esanr rr hcn he \\as a student. lre
wouldrr't lrave lelt sorry for C'lrerry.

_). lf he hadri't had a cancellation or] a t()Llr which started later in tlre surnrrrer. he
riouldn't have heen able 1tr transt'el hcr hooking.
lf the booking hadn't been transl'err'ed. her lather's lxone),would have been
r.l asted.
5. lf they hadn't had a rou,. his girllriend u,ould havc beerr with lrirn.
6. If they hadn't been the orrlv ones ti'aveling akrne, they ivouldn't have found
thernselves going round tlre sights together.
7. If he had read about the places they were visiting, she wouldn't have spent most
of her tirne telling lrinr about them.
8. If she hadn't failed tl.rat exam, she wouldn't have met her futurO husband.
I. last tirne/occasiorr rr hcn/that I sarr
2 is irrcludc'd irr
3. taken his/the car r.rithout asking
-1. lrad hettcr gct/lrar e

5, not like Sarah to be

6. rvant anyone else to knolv
7. was cancelled oil'ing to
8. in case tlre laxi is
9. too fast/quickly for thetn to
l0.gave rne his/her pernrission OR gave hisiher permission for me

l. B 2, t) 3.t]4.A 5.C
6, B 7. A 8.89.D 10. A
il. c 12. A 13. c t4. c 15. D
16. B 17. B 18. c 19. B 24. A
2t. B 22. L) 23. A 24. D 25. D
26. C 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. B
L to 2. after i. fbr 4. off 5.up
6. out 7. up 8. on 9. On
l. cornrnellts l. coitstancv 3. dressed
J. firerrorks 5. parade 6. plurn
1. Kurnquat 8. relative 9. open-air
I 0. .Apricot I I lrarvest i2. Larrtern


l. comment 2. together 3. grand
4. intluence 5. luck 6. pra)
7. slrrine 8. firrr . 9. firrrny
10. err.ioyment
. longevity
I Z. enjoyabll 3. enjoyment
4. disregard 5. unlirilingly 6. urrreliable
7. precision 8. aclvisorv 9. upbringing
10. breathlessly
l. celebrating 2. traditional 3. excitement
4. gift 5. good luck 6. grand
7. applause 8. preparatiorr 9, pagoda
10. custom I l. firnny
L anything 2. sr.rmetlring 3. anything 4. any,thing 5. anything
6. anything 7. anything g. anything 9. anytlring 10. something
I l. anything I2. sornething
l. someone 2. anyone 3. anyone 4. someone 5. someone
6. anyone 7. anyone g. Someone 9. someone
I0. anyone
Il. an1'one 12. Someone
l. anyone 2. something 3.
Someone - anyone _ anytlring
4. anyone - anyone 5. anyone 6. anyolle
7. Sotneone 8. anything 9. sonlerhing
10. an1'thing-something IL anyone
l. anything 2. someone 3. anvone
4. anything 5, something o. someotle - an) one
7. something - anyone 8. Sorn.eone 9. Anvone
10. anywhere I I . arrr rr here 12. some rvhere
13, anywhere l.l. *
s()llIcOnC I5 . an1 tlr ing an\ ()nc
t. cl 2. A. I ( 1. t) 5t]
6.A 1. t) IJ. t] (). (. I (r" t )
l. ihanksgivirrg is celebrated in the I.rS on the lourlh Thursday in November.
2. It is the nrost inrpoftant hulidal'apan liclm Christmas.
-l . Tlranks;_:iving is associaled i,''itlr the tirnc rrhllr f:riripean! first carle to North
. \. rrrel'ica.
-l . Pilgrirtrssul'fered{iotnaverl,irardwinterandcoi-l
Jnottlrici en.-rughtoeat.
5. They held a big celebration to thank Cod and the NativL. Americans for the fact
that they had survived.
6. The most i:.:roofiarlt part rrf the celebration is a traditiolral rJiuuer with foods that
conre from Nofth Arnerica.
'/. lt inctudes turkey, sweet potatoes (also calied yams) arrrl c:-airhcrries.
8. Orr Tirarrksgiving there ar"e special televisior.i programs and sports events.
l. The first day of the first month of the lunar year occurs aiter the rice crop has
been harvested and before the crop is planted.
2. lt lasted for several weeks.
3. Tet is equivalent to Thanksgiving, Christrnas and several other holidays.
4. Houses are repainted, thoroughly cleaned and decorated ,vitlr flowers and peach
artd plum branches.
5. They gatlier for a speciat rneal. exchange gifts.toast the new year with wine and
clrampagne, and wish each other "Chuc Mung Nam Moi" (Happy New Year).
6. There are perfornrances of fireworks.
7. They pay calls/visits to their relatives and friends.
8. To live in harrnony and aloid causing others discomfort.
t.c 2.C 3,D 4.B 5.C
L would have serrt
2. too tired to eat
3. to put up with
4. you rlind lending me
5. was not allowed to stay
6. did it take (you) to
7. have not been skiing for OR have not skied for
8. although he isn't able/is unable
9. are (being) bought by teenagers
l0.wish I hadn't invited

?l{ffi {3E. &cHiEsTER txAttiltATloH
l.A t;D :i.( ll.c .il ,6

:r. ll u. FJ :::. .\ it c !', E

.i. IJ ij. D t-'r.B 1.1. ti z! 't. D
4. I* 1.1- i) :-1. It 3J. F It t

5. D rs. t] 25. D 15. D 45. {"

6. A 16. D i6.D 36. A 46. A
7.D l7.Cr 2i.C l7.D 47. B
8C l8.A 28.C i8.A 48. B
9. A le. D 29. Il 39. C 49. tJ
10. B 20. c 30. A 40. B 50. c

uf{tT 9
l. A 2.8 3.C 4. A5.D
6.8 7. C 8.8 9. A IO.C
11. c 12. B , 13. A 14. CI5.A
16. D 17. A 18. D r9. B 20, A
2t. D 22. B ' 23. A 24. D 25. C
?6. B 27. n 28. l) 29. C3O.A
l. aV aboLrl 2. rvith 3. with 4. of 5. rvith
6. tcr J. of 9. with 10. in
l. colrlnrune 2. satislbction 3. dissatisfied
4. facsinrile ). drstflbutron 6. distributed
7. punctual 8. delivery
L bother 2. coward 3. digital
4. satisfy 5. satisfaction 6. distributed
1 . distribution 8. proportion 9. transmitted
10. installed I 1 . sLrbscribe 12. communal
l . cottrtetittslv 2. defenseless 3. satisfying
4. satisfhction ). d lstrrbutron 6. proportional
7. proportionally 8. punctually 9. transmissiolr
10. inslallnrent I I . subscription 12. boredom

l. AnLrlnio Stradirarr \\'as an italiarr urro rnlric vrr-lnclerlirl virriins.
3. Ibir ilanrrta rvas a Mloxrccan rvho traveleil tlrrough Afiica arrd A:;ia.
+. .loitanrt (iuterlberg u'as a German nho constructed the llrst rneclranical
-5. .ltlscplr L-ister was an Englishrnart who besan the use of'antiseptics in operating
6. ()rr illc wright l\'as an American rvrr. {rerv the flrst real aeroplanc.
7. Joseplr Nicpcc uas a lirenchman rvho procluced the first permanent photograph.
Vll. DEFI:\'lTlON
l. A pcrsorr lvlro gocs to the theater reeularlv is a theater-goer.
2. A person rvho prepares tecltnical plans and ,Jrawirrgs is a .lraftsman (or rlraug6tsman).
3. A person trho receives treatrnent in a hospital is a patictrt.
4. A person u,ho rvrires plays is a playwright.
5. A person rvho makes clothes is a tailor.
6. A pcrsorr rvho sets erarnirratiorrs is nn exarnirrer.
7. A person rvho rides a bicy,cle is a cyclist.
8. A person rvho is skilled in foreigrr languages is a linguist.
9. A persou r.vho crwns shares in a company is a shareholder.
l0.A person wlro rvrites about plal's. filnrs f,or newspapers is a reviewer.
I . A person who treats sick arrimals is a vet.

2. A person who cooks in a restaurant or a hotel is a chef.

3. A person who works in a Iibrary is a !ibrarian
4. A persorr who sells fish lrorn a shop is a fislr nton-qer.
5. A pcrsorr uho gets coal fiom urrder tlre groilnd is a lniner.
6. A pcrsttn rvho runs a muscutn is a curattrr.
7. A persott wlro clesigns the insides of houses. hotels, etc. is a interior decorator.
8. A person who types letters in an oifice is a typist.
9. A persorr who drives sonleone's car for thenr is a chauffeur.
I0.A person who opcrates on sick people is a surgeon.
I . A person nlro controls parking and parkinu rneters is a trafllc rvarden.

2. A persorr rvho collects rubbish fronr peoplc's lrouses is a dustrnarr.

3. A person *,ho arranges slropu'irrdow rtisplars is a rvintJow clresser.
{. A pcrsorr uhtl lrelps peoplc lrur arrd scll houscs is an cstate agent.
.5. A persorr u ho deals rvitlr oflice corresprxrderrce and secretary.

I I(r
6. A rvlro r*irke s arrangenrents tbr ftrncrars is a urrilertaker.
7 \ pvrs.u *ho rrrakcs hrrck htrrltjirrrs a;rd rialls is a hri,.,rra'er
8. r\ person rvlro works in a governrlrent miriistry is a cir rl ser\ar)1.
9' A persorl wlro sells tte\\'spapcrs and rnagazirres fionr a shop is a rrewsagerrt.
l0.A person rvho delir.ers babies is a rnid* ile.
l. I-he pill rvhich/tlrat I took nrade rne sleep1,.
2. The soup rvhich/that I had f-or lLrnch was rc() salr_v-.
3. ilrave a/the class which begins at 8
4. Allof the people r,rhorn lasked to nt.\ part),cou corre.
5. I lost a scarf which I borrowed froni nly roolnlrate.
6' 'fhe bus rvhich I take to
school every morning is alrvays crowded.
7. 'lhe \ otnan ulro reacl rn1 palnr predicted ml,futtrrc.
8. A lion is an anirnal which lives in Atiica.
9. A globe is a ball on which has a map of the world.
l0.Where can I catch the bus which goes downtown?
l. Dr. Rowan, wlrose secretary resigned trvo rveeks ago, has had to do all his own typing
2. The newspaper is owned by the Mears group, whose chairperson is Sir James Bex.
3. Parents rvlrose clrildren are between fbur ancl six are beingasked to take part in
tlre survey.
4' Children rvlrose diets contain high ler"els of protein clo lretter in examinations.
5. My attnt, whose first job rvas lilling shelves in a supernrarket, is norv malager
of a departmellt store.
6.. I enjoy grorving plants irr my garden whose flowers are attractive to bees.
7. The new regulations are part of a broader strategy wlrose objectives are ro
increase fish stocks.
|. frorn 2. which/that 3. had/rreeded
4. the 5. out 6. took
7. made 8. tlrat q. ofVout
10. have I l. and 12. what
14. There 1 5, been
2.D 3.8 4.8 5.A
7.B LB 9,A 10. A
l.B 2.A .l.t] 1.8 5.t)
\.\ . 1:r r lll\G
' I ' t,t', ', . .' litii :,., trt:qt:ir'rrli'r{ dc lir'':it
r;1i:t , 1c; jtil'i'icr' t'' rr r', irttl: tht:
f,a\ ! e :;rtrclrargr -.lrd rei t:ii'i:,q {astet tlt'iir i:tr .

[::;;;ress rlail il a scrl !()E i',;i tirrt-licstic tr-,aii"

L:<press rrrail is p,i)\r:rlrr-(i [.'. 5,. -p1rl11n :, L]u'll Ftlstal authority

4. [..xpress ]\{ail Sul icc (f-.lUS} of'fers ar-: ittten:atiorta!e..prcss postal sen'ice.
i The llMS Cooperniive \i\ils crfill*d in 1998.
6. T'he trMS Cooperalrrc \\as established to protllote the har..*onization and
elev e I opnrr'rtt ol' post:'i i seri' i ces worldrv i dc.
1 br ll8 of the lgl'UPI.r mctnLrer cotttttries' postalauthorrties.
Lr\'lS is oflbrecl
8. The EMS Cooperativu's Ilall ot Famc is resporrsible to nreasttre the expres:
dcIivery perfr-rrrnatrcc o1' aII interttational tiMS opet'ators'
l. acivised Jane to take
2. was the oply person rvho/that
3. too tired to go
4. put nreinty call throtrgh to
5. one of the highest/tallest
6. just in tine to catbh/getitake
7. though it was raining
8. there rvas nollittle point (in)
9. rvas lrardly anyone in OR were hardll'an1' people find a solutiort to
Progress Test 3
l.c 1i. c 21. A 3r. B 41. A
2.8 t2. D 22. B 32, D 4?. I)
3.C 13. B 23. A 33. D 41. B
4.A 14. B 24. A 34. A 44. C
5.C 15. A 25. A 35. B 45. D
6.8 r6. B 26. A 36. C 46. A
7-A 17. B 27.8 37. A 47. (:
8. A_ t8. A 28. C i8. c 48. C
9.C 19. c 29. t) 3q. D 4q. A
r0. B 20. tl 30. A .10. l] 50. t)

l-!t{tT {o

I. D :. A i.A 4. IJ 5. D
6. C 1. A 8.8 9. t) 10. B
il. c t2. c 13. B 1.1. D r5. B
16. D 17. A r6. D t9. A 20. B
I. C 22. D 23. A 24C 15. L
?6. D 27. A 28. A 29. A i0. (-
L disclrarged 2. endanger -1. cxtinct
4. rirair'tair 5. pest ic ides 6. prohibited
1. respect 8. scenery 9. surv ival
i0. enriangered I i. v'ording
I. olf 2. as 3. into 4. ot.l - ol'l 5. about - on
6. for * up 7. betweerr 8. bv 9. to-on-in I0. to - ont - of
I. caplure 2. coeiist 3. devastating
4. discharged 5. endangered 6. maintain
7. respect 8. scene 9. survive
10. influence
l. captivity 2. coexistence 3. devastatiorr
l. cxtinclion 5. fertilization 6. fertilizer
i . nraintenarrce 8. prohibition 9. respected
10. respectable I I - respectfirl 12. scenery
l. The movie to which rve rvent was irrteresting.
2. The wornan for rvhorn I work pals mc a fair salary.
3. The rnan about whom I told you is over there.
4. twanttotell-v-ou aboutthe party to which I went last night.
5. The person to whom you should talk about your problern is sitting at the dest
6. Alice likes the loreign farnill,uith uhorn slre is living.
7. The picture at rvhiclr 'l'onr is looking is beautilirl.
8. I enjoyed the lnusic to uhic:h rrc listcned after dinrrer.
9. I met the people about rvhont you told rne.
l0.The nrarket to rvhiclr I usLrally' go has fiesh vegclabrles.
il I lcln't unclerstarrd tlre uorruin to rvlrorn Italkecl ()n thc phone.
ll f he otllce irt rvlriclr Arn1, *orks is on lligh Street.
i. The eightr-nine passengers. foLrr of rvlrcm rvere British, all escaped
serious iniurr.
2. The countr.v now has 300 porver stations. all ol rvhiclr are pafi of a national
3. 'l-lre speaker posed fbur highll, irnportarrr questions. the answers to rvhich
pror etl 'n err c lear.
4. For electoral purposes. tlre [Jnited Kingtlorn is divided irrto districts, each of
rvhich retunts one rnernber to Pariianre'nt.
5. The plarrs fbr the new b1-pass. b1 nrcarrs of rvlrich heavy tralfic in the citl
centre will be considerably relieved. have now been approved by the aLrthorities.
l, Flerning's discovery of penicillirr. for which he w'as awarded the Nobel Prize.
had a uraior influence on the lives of people in the 20rl'centLlry.
2. He rvas the uncle of An'' Boleyn. after whose execution in 1542 he lost power.
3. It is her unmarried nanre by which she is better knorvu.
-1. Mr. Marks, across ultose fartn tlte streanr florrs. is unhappy about tlre plans for
the rrew dam.
5. The electiou result. about rvhich there can be no doubt. is a greai
d isappointnrent.
6. The building fiom rvhich Mr. Marcus emerged was little more than a ruin.
7. It is a medievai palace, in whose towerthe king lrid during the civil war.
8. I arn grateful to Alan Mackie, from whose book on the history of the bicycle
this inforrttaliol.r cornes.
2. Until l9l4 the pound sterling ur'as the currency in/with u.hich most world
trade *as conducted.
3' They have changed the date on/by whiclr the lirrniture is to bd delivered.
+, Pasteurizaliott rvas disctlvered by the l-rerrch chernist Louis Pasteur. after

5. He rvas persuacled t() sta) in Englarrrl by charles Dickens. to whorn he had

shor'rn his ltovel.
6. There are a number ol'safety procedures of uhiclr 1ou shoultJ be aware.
7. Dctails are in the instruction nranual *'ith which the printer was supplied.
8. Ms Peters was Icft the money by her fonner husband, from wlrom she was
divorced in I995.
X. CLOZE REi\tllN(i
I, D 2.A l.B 1. C 5.C
6.D i. A 8. r] I. A t0. D
LA 2.C- 3.D 4.C 5,8
l.B 2.A l.D 4.A
I . be better roonrs tlrarr
2. must be signed
3. is ir:rpossible hrr rnc
4. does not tnatter whiclr route
5. haven't beerr to
6. rro point (irr ) (r our) cliscussiorr
7. is the sarne size as
8. not like hirn to be
9. hacl/hcld a cliscussion orriabout rr hat
l0.the exceptiorl of John

I. C 2.C 3. B 4,C5.B
6. t) 7. D 8.C 9.Bl0.c
ll. B 12. C 13. c 14. D t5. B
16. c 1-7. D 18. D 19. A 20. C
;'t. A 22. t) 23. B 24. B 25. A
:6. A 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. D
I. to 2. in 3. of 4. for 5. of
6. of 7. from 8. of 9. for I 0. vr itlr/ ahout
I . nuclear 2. Ceothermal 3. consurnption
4. ecology 5. Fossil 6. potential
7 . release 6. solar panel 9. l{ydroelectric
10. resources I l. environrnental i 2. deforested
l. electricity 2. alternative 3, consumed
4. consumption 5. potential(ad"i.) 6. poterrtial (n.)
7. release 8. resources 9. solar
I 0. sources

I electrically' ?. electrified 3. Electrificarioi"i
-+. alternatives 5. consurnptic,rl 6. consurners
7. ecological 8. ecologist 9. solar
10. lirnited I l. linvironrnental 12. gradually
l. Do you knou the w()tnan c'onting lowctt,tl us.,
2. The people u,uitirrgJbr the hus in the rcrirt are gefting wet.
3. The rules ulloy'ing ltuhlie'q('c'a,\.\ to u'iklerncss ureas need to be reconsidered.
4. The children ctttencling thut .rchoolreceive a good education.
5. The scientists researching, the c'auses o/'cuncer are making ;irogress.
6. The fence.surrtttmtling our hott:;c is ntacle of uood.
7. Thecouple liring in Ihe nert Lloor are both college professors.
8. We have an apartment owrl<toking, rhe park,
9. Did you get the nressagc c'ttnc'anting tltc spec'ictl nteeting?
l0.The psychologists .shrclt'ing the noture of ,sleep have made importanr
I I.Pictures shou,ing the hrutulitt. ol v'ar entered the rooms of millions of
Americans on tlre rrightly nervs.
l2.The Indians liring in Peru he.fitre the discover.t'of the Neu'World by Europeans
belonged to the Incan culture.
l3.Many of the students hoping to enter the universirv will be disappointed
because only one-tenth of those who apply for admission will be accepted.
l4.Arry student rutl u'untintr4 to go otl the trip should infonn the office. le
15.The sunlight c'txrrirtg lhrough the winLlorv wakes me up early every morning.
l6.A knuckle is a.ioint connecting a.finger to the of thc hurul.
lT.Antarctica is covered by a huge ice cap c'ontuining 70 perc,utt of the eurth t
frt,sh wuter.
l8.l was awakened by the st'rund of laughter c'oming.fronr the roonr next cloor ta
nitta ul the nrtttcl.
l9.The children attertded a spccial tnovie prograln ertnsi:;tirtg of curroon.t of'Donttl,i
Duck und N[ic'ke.t'
20.Food pa.s,sing
"from thc motilh to the ,vronruc'h goes through a tube callec
l. Be sure to follou,the instructiorrs girer ctt the tap oJ'the puge.
2. The conclusion prescnlecl in thul book st' es that most of tire cars which are
prodLrced by Chinese industry lrave some ;l'ect.

j. Ici ,rre frtttlt a citl 1o" utttl irt t/t<,tutrtltt,t.l lr4t,l ()l ,lt1, ..,,.11111-.1..

4. 'i'he
nlrt-rlograpits puhii,thctl in if.,, ,,,,','.,;rtD€r.\ \\ere extra(lrdinarl .

5. I-he expct'ii.!\e rtt L()nelu(.!e(l ut tha L,,

ol Chit(/.g/) \vas successtill.
6. tle read "l-lie c)lcl Man and the lea'. u'rillen h.y, Helningr''tt.r..
l. luo-tlrird ol'pcople urt't''tl .fitr rtrotorhikc tht,li arc rllldcr t\ cpt) -\car\ trl'aSc
8. Only a f'ew olthe movies shtnt'n ut the Grut'Theutcr are suitable firr chrldren.
9. 'fhe-v live in a house built in tX90.
l0.A tlrrone is the chair oc'c.upied ht,tt cluecn. king. rtr othar rulcrs.
I Orrly a srnall fractiorr of the eggs luid h.t actuall_v hatch and survir,e to adulthood.

l2.Our solar system is in a galaxy c.ullecl the Milh,llav-.

l3.Arizona, onc'e rhought to fu u u.sele.vs de.sert, is today a rapidly growirrg
industrial and agricultural state.
l4.ln hot rveather. rnany people enjoy'lemon ade, macle o/'lemon juice, wuler, tmtl sugar.
l. We had a river to .trritu in.
2. Tlre chilcl r,rould be happier if he had sonteone to pla.rrith.
3. I'd be more intcrested if Ilrad a farnily to c'ook.fbr.
4. I lraven't goi an1'thing to opctl u bottle of'wine u,ith.
5. He was the first marr to lerrc the burning huitcting.
6. You are the last person Io sae her ulivc.
7. Ml hrtrtlrer is the orrlr one /{) r.ctrli:a thc d(ntgar.
8. 'l'he pilot rvas the only tnall /() ,sury,it'e the t'rush.
9. t{e is alrvays the first to conte qnd the lust to go.
I0.l'he Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship ro be huilt on the island.
I l.l was the only person to sec thc diffic,ult.v.
l2.Neil Arrnstrong ',vas tlre first nran to u,alk on lhc nt()on.
l3.She rvas tlre t'irst rvontan to tuke her.seul itt purliunrunt.
l4.The fiftlr nran lo be intert,icrlcrl rvas completely unsuitable.
l5.Fle was the second ntan /o be killad in this vtr.\'.
I6.H'-re are solne accounts,/i.rr..v,ou Io t'hac'k.
17.'f-lre llottr is dLrstr but I havcn"t got a brrrsh to ,\u,eep it yvith.
I8.i\11 fllers are all over the place. I uish I l.rad a box /,r.r kcelt them irt.
19. Sfre said slre wastl't going to bu,,- any cards: slre clidn't have anyone lo .scntl c.ttrcls ;,.

20.tle was tlre first marr to reuc,h the top.

l. eclLrcated * I rrent to a reunion for sludents r.r,ho were educated in the p:,,.:.
depaftrnent durirrg tlre 1980s.
2. being told off- As rny aunt told nre rvhat she thought, It'elt like a scl:_ :--.
who was being told off b1 his headmaster.
-1. sar ing -- therc says'f;ntry filrbidden'.
is a sign,.rrr tire gate u lriclr
J. introducecl - Act"oss fhc river \\,ere sorre ot'the deer rvhich were introduced into
tltc park in thc l()'i' e cnlrlr) .

5. llorvirrg - Riv'crs rlhich fl:u' into the Baltic Sea are much cleaner norv than ten
\,'ears ag(-).
6. being printed - l-he booklets u,lrich are being printed as lve speak will be on
sale laler t.his aliernoon.
7. needing - Atrvorte rvho/thal needs firrther infbrrration can see rne in my olfice.
8. electecl - Mary'O'Brien, the Denrocrat. $l.lo nas elected to tlre coultcil only, last
week, has resigned.
9. built- We live in a house',vhiclr rvas built in 1906.
l0.b irrg held -'lhe protest march which is beirrg held next week is expected to
fii ract over 100.000 people.
,\'t tgg l'.r/r'c/ ( 1/,.1 r'('r,\.
l. l'eachers (r.r'ho rvork/ working) at Queen's College in the city centre. who went
on strike last w'eek. have appoirrted Jacqui Snrith. tlre head of English, as their
2. Marge Scot1. rvho ltas dies aged 95. was the flrst w,oman to be educated at
Marston College in soutlt Wales.i Margc Scott, the first woman to be educated
at Marston College in soutlr Wales. has dies aged 95.
3. lhe conference helci in Singapore. which approved the rvorld trade agreernent
drau'n up b1' European and Asiau states. has rrorv ended.
-1. A book on garclc'nirrg callccl'All about Plants'r,rhich/that Mary rvanted to
borror.r. rvasrr"t available in the library.'.
5. A painting lirurrd in a second-hand slrop b1' Beth Sands, an antique dealer from
York, is thoughl to be by'J.M.W'I'unrer. tlie British landscape artist.
l. A 2. t) 3,D 4.8 5.A
6"A 7. D 8.8 q.C r0. B
l.c 2.c 3.8 4.A, 5.C
r.D 1.ts 3.c .1,8
I . r.ras a sttrdenl ho discovercd r.r

L is not rlld enougli to

3. uhethcriilshc nas iulcrested irr
-1, being able to sing
5. blamed nle f"c,r eausing/having cail:.;ed
6. was not necessary fior James
7. no matter how hard
8. visit noVnothing much
9. few applicants f'or well as looking after

Progress Test 4
LA lr.B 21. A 31. B 4r. D
2.D t2. A 22. B 32.D 42. B
3.C 13. B 23. D 33. B 43. C
4,C t4. B 24, D 34. A 44. D
5,C 15. B 25. B 3.q. B 45. D
6.8 16. B 26.D 36. C 46. A
7, A 17. D 27.8 37. A 47. B
8.D 18. A 28. C 38. B 48. B
9.A 19. c 29. A 39. C 49. C
10. c 20. A 30. c 40. A 50, B

I. C 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.C
6.D l.D B,B 9.A t0. c
li" c 12. A 13. c 14. D 15. A
t6" c 17. D 18. D 19. D 20. B
lt" U 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D
26. A 2i. A 28. A 29. B 30. D
l. of 2. to 3. for 4, for 5. for
6" for 7. to 8. from 9. of 10. with
L adi,ance 2. appreciation 3, athletics
4. body-building ). irve 6. effort
7. gather 8. gymnasium 9. multicultural
10" official I l. variefy

1. advance 2. appreciate 3. athlete
-1. live 5. deepen 6. effoft
1. gathered 8. culture 9. landed
10. official I l. variety 12. sponsor
I. advanced 2. appreciation 3. gathering
4. cultural 5. solidarity 6. variety
7. various 8. variously 9. participation
10. scenically
I . I have a class wtrich :egins at 8 arn.
2. I know a park wlricl. has the zoo and the Open-Air theater.
3. My sister asked tne a question which I cottldtt't answer.
4. A lion is an animal which lives in Africa.
5. The bus which I take to sclrool every day is always crowded.
6. The blouse which Mary is wearing is made of silk,
7. The plane which I'm taking to Hanoi leaves at 7 o'clock.
8. I had a good time on the trip which I took to the National Park.
9. The chair on which l'm sining is hard.
l0.l want to tell you about the party which I went to last night'
I . There are policernen who caugltt the tlrief.
2. Here are the letters which arrived tlris rnornirrg.
3. Wlrere's the lady who asked for some more tea?
4. That's the house where I was born.
5. The clothes which come frotn France are very good.
6. I met the people who you told me about.
7. The rnarket to which I usually go has fresh vegetables.
8. Do you know the children who live irr that house?
9. I couldn't understand the womatt wlro spoke to me on the phone this morning'
l0.The doctor wlro was rny family doctor gave me some medicine for my sore throat.
l. which 2. who 3. wlro 4. which 5. wlro
6. which 7. who 8. where 9. where 10. who
l. An architect is someone who designs buildings.
2. A burglar is someone who breaks into a house and steals things.
3. A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat.
4' A carpenter is a person who makes and repairs wooden
objects and structures.
5. A shoplifter is a person who steals from a store.
6. A pharmacist is a person who fills prescriptions for medicine.
7. A plumber is a person who repairs water pipes.
8' An instructor is a person who teaches somebody a practicar
skiil or sport.
9. An examiner is a person who writes marks for a test of
I0.An electrician is a person who repairs electrical
l. Have you found the keys which you lost?
2. I like the dress which Ann is wearing.
3. The waiter who served us was very impolite and impatient.
museum which we wanted ro visit was dark when we got there.
:5. Most
of the people who I invited to the parry couldn,t come.
6. I didn't like the woman wlro we nret yesterday.
7. The fish which we had for dinner was really delicious.
8. We stayed at a hotel which Tom recommended.
9. The stories which .Iom tells are usually very firnny.
l0.The man who the police arrested has now been
l. I recently went back to the town where I was born.
2. The dress didn't fit her, so she took it back to the store where she had bought it.
3' Do you know the restaurant where we can have a reaily good mear?
4. Is tlrere a store where I can buy postcards near here?
5. The place where we spent our vacation was really beautiful.
6. A cemetery is a place where people are buried.
l. A 2,8 3.D 4.D 5.A
6.D 7, B 8,A 9. D l0.c
I' The 22"d Soutlreast Asian Games were herd in Hanoi. \/ietnam from 5
December to l3 December, 2003.
2. The Games were opened by vietnamese prime Minister phan
van Khai.
3. It was the first time in the SEA cames history that the
cames venues were
assigned into two cities namery Hanoi and
Ho ct,i naini, Ciry,.'
4. The 22"d sEA Games rogo is based on a regendan, bird
named ,,chim Lac,,,
which decorated the Ngoc Lu bronze drum,i
rypicar urtiluiry
-"--'a- of the ancient
Dong Son Vietnamese culture.
5' The Games' hymn was "For rhe worttr of Tontorrou.", composed by Nguyen
Quang Vinh.

5 The mascot for the 22''l SEA Games is "Trau Vang", the golden water buffalo'
-. The painter Nguyen Thai Hung did.
8. The Golden Buffalo symbolizes a golden harvest. prosperity, happiness, power
and the Viettrarnese rnartial spirit.
L It stands for the Asian Games.
l. The Asian Games are held every four years.
3. The Asian Garnes are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).
4. [t receives the supervision from the Internatiorial Olympic Committee (lOC)'
5. Medals are awarcied in each event, with gold for first piace, silver for second
and bronze lor third.
6. The tradition is that national anthems and flags accompany the medal
7. The condition is that only recognized nations are represented, but a few non-
sovereign countries, such as Chinese Taipei' are allowed to become a member
of OCA.
8. China will host the l6tr'Asian Games. They will be held in Cuangzhou, from
November 12,2010 to November 27,2010.
l. at the age of
2. was too spicy for
3. is responsible for looking after his/her
4. have not seen LucY for
5. in oase you come/get back/return
6. wish (that) I'd corne
7. is estimated to be rvorth OR' has an estirnated value of
L isn't being opened OR won't be being opened
9. does this football belong to
l0.had/found some difficulty (in) persuading

1. D 2.D 3.C4,D 5.4
6,C 7, D 8.D9.A r0. B
il. c 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. c
t6. B 17. B 18. c 19. D 20. D
21. B 22. B 23. A 24. C 25, D
26. C 27. D 28. A 29. D 30. D
l. about 2. about/for 3. from 4. of 5. atl by
5. about 7. with 8. from g. of 10. to
l. accomplishment 2. accomplished 3. accompanylng
4. avid 5. continually 6. ignorant
7. ignored 8. profit 9. profitable
10. fascinating I l. regular 12. hobbies
l. accomplished 2. tune 3. discard
4. indulge 5. continual 6. continuous
7. profit 8. w,onder 9. wonder
10. fascinated ll. regular 12. collection
13. occupy 14. classified 15. incapable
l. accomplishments 2. continually 3. profitable
4. profitably 5. profitability 6. fascinating
7. regularity 8. regularly 9. regulated
10. collection I l. collector 12. by,gone
L It is my book lhat I've lost.
2. It was only last week that I saw lrim in the street.
3. It rvas five years ago that I first got to know them.
4. It was to go to the party that she bought a uew dress.
5. lt is you that are wrong. llot tne.
6. It is because you have lost all his papers that he is angry.
7. lt is years later that I discovered my rnistakes.
8. It was in order to teach him a lesson that we punisheC him.
9. It is today that he is going. is cruel to tease animals.
I is in autumn that the countryside is most beautiful. was England that r.r,on the World Cup in 1966. was wine that lve orderecl. not beer. is time and practice that masteri,g a second lan_suase rakes. was Peter who Ient us mone\,. not paul. is only' by hard rvork that yoLr will succeed. is the snroke fi'orn the factor_r chimner s that pollutes the air.

' r',as the Soviet Union that launched the first manned spaceship.
i9. \\'as it you that started the fight, or was it someone else? u,as what I saw at the dance party that surprised me.
l. It was in l964that Bermuda got irs name.
2. It is by Bermuda's tidal wave thar ships and airplanes are affected.
3. It was in 1892 that the event of Mary Celeste took place.
4. It was Princess Diana that was an image of beauty with high profile
involvement in fighting against AJDS and randmines issues.
5. Itwas The Rose of Englandthat princess Diana was usually referred as.
6. [t wasn't until Mary was eight that she began to read/reading.
7. It was only when I saw the photograph that I realized he was your brother.
8' It was not until after midnight that the noise next door stopped.
9. It was only when I met her husband in London that I heard his side of the
story. was only when the journalists arrived at the venue that they heard about
changes to the wedding plans.
l. B 2. A 3.D 4,C 5.8
6. A 7, D 8.D 9.C 10. D
l.C 2 B 3.A 4,8
I. B 2, C 3.8 4.D 5.D
l. take (us) at least
2. even though I knew
3. have a word with Jack
4. it didn't matter to
5. you look afterthem (carefully)
6. lie (that) you have told
7. have a good time at OR have good fun at
8. it rerninds rte of
9. better at describing pecple than
I 0.ought to have thought

r. c 2.D 3.8 4.A 5.D
6.D 7. B 8.D 9.C r0. B
il.B 12. D 13. A 14. c 15. C
16. B 17. D 18. c 19. c 20. A
21. c 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. D
26. A 21. D 28. D 29. D 30. B
l. of 2. about 3. lvith 4. of 5. atl about
6. at 7. to 8. with 9. to 10. to
i l. about 12. of
L average 2. bricklaying 3. camping
4" summer canip 5. competitions 6. fee
7. Lead-based 8. lrome-based 9. Solitude
10, sophisticated I l. stock market 12. spectacular
!3 . rvilderness 14. leisure 15. occupied
I. average 2. entry 3. engraved
4. improve 5. improvernent 6. sophisticated
7. spectacular 8. fall 9. undertake
10. pleasant I 1. pleasure 12. beauty
i. ar eragely 2. sophisticated 3. spectacularll
4. wilderness 5. undertaking 6. outdoors
7. ability 8. leisurely 9. leisurel-r
10. p!easantly I l. pleasantnesi 12. pleasure
1. Iloth Torn and Ann were late.
2. He neither wrote nor teiephorred.
3. The hotel rvas neither clean uor cornfortable.
4. It was both a very boring filrn and a very long one.
5. Is that man's name either Richard or Robert?
6. I had neither time nor money to go on holiday.
7. We can leave either today or tomorrow.
8. He gave up his job because he needed both a change and a higher pay.
9. George neither smokes nor drinks.
l0.Both the front and the back of the lrouse need painting.

L It was Mary that was given the money by Fred.
2. It was Mr. and Mrs. Hanson that/who were sold the house by the agent.
3. It was Martha that/who was given a birthday present (by us) yesterday.
4. lt was the Jiffy Company that was sent a lener by Mr. Johnson.
5. Was it his friend that/who was thrown the baseball by the boy?
6. lt was Peter that/who was handed the books and the enueropes by Tom.
7. It was the teacher who was sent the package (by us) the next day.
8. It was the students who were told an interesting story by the teacher.
9. It was rny friends who were showed allof the [trotog.uplrr (by me).
I0.Was it his brother who was lent the money by Mr. Kennedy? .

I it George who is going to be wrirten a letter (by 1,ou) soon? it the people who are going to be showed/shown your drawings tonight?
t. B 2.A 3,C 4.8 5.C
6.A 7. D 8.A 9.C r0. c
1r.A t2. A r3. D 14. B 15. A
l. c 2. n 3.D 4.A 5.A
LA 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.8
l. have made (some) improvements to/in
2. did not have enough courage OR lacked thr" courage
3. had/found no dilficulty/problem (irr) getting
4. as iflas though he was enjoying
5. doubt (whether) they live
6. was not in favor of
7. she didn't mind rvorkirrg
8. ifyou had gone
9. there was a rise in
l0.was not used to making/giving

Progress Test 5
I. A il. D 21. c 3r. D 41, B
2.8 12. D 22.D 32. A 4?. ;\
3.8 r3. B 23. A 33. A 43. B
4.A 14. D 24. D 34. C 4;1. D
5.D 15. A 25. D 35. C 45. A
6.D r6. D 26. A 36. D 46. D
1. C t]. B 27. D 37. C 4'/. A
8.D r8. c 28. A 38. B 48. A
9.D 19. c 29. B 39. A 49. B
r0. c 20. A 30. A 40. D s0. B
l. B 2.D 3.D 4. IJ 5. Ll
6.8 ' 7. B 8.A! 9. D IO,A
ll. c 12. C 13. A 14- CI5.D
16. D 17. D 18. B t9. B 20. C
21. B 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. D
26. A 27. D 28. C 29. B -?0. A
1. to 2. to 3. from 4. to -for 5. of
6. at l. of 8. to 9. from 10. in
1, aspiration 2. biography 3. breakthrough
4. challenged 5. Congress 6. natioi:al
7. extreme 8. gravity 9. mission
10. orbit I I . pioneer i2. psychologically
1 3. Mission Control 14. Space Shutter I 5. crew
1" artificial 2. challenge i. ccnqlr:st
4. extreme 5. feat 6. leap
7. orbit 8. pressure 9. psychology
10. psychological 1 l. reminder i 2. breakiilrough
l. artificially 2. breakthrough 3. challenging
4. psychological 5. Psychologically 6. psychologist
7. reminder 8. Tragically 9. collaborative
10. lift-off 11 . precisely 12. precisio:r
i. can't they 2. didn't he 3, clon't they
4. shouldn't he 5. couldn't it 5. isn't he
7. isn't it 8 can't he 9. won't it
10. doesn't she l l. hasn't she i2. ,Cidn't they
13" didn't she 1.1. didn't he l5 haven't I
16. didn't they 17. mightn't he i 8 rvoulci:i't l-lu
i9. rtouldu't you 20. hadn't 1,ou
1. are you 2. is she 3. do y'ou
4. is it 5. was she 5. has h*
7. will you 8. does he 9 , shorr id thel
10. need I I 1. was it 12. rvill it
13. could she 1,1. wiilyou 1 5. has ire
i6. could he 17. were tlrere 18. was it
1 9. had he 20. would you
i . don't you 2. doyou 3. is it
-1. does it 5. was there 6. does she
1 . rvouldn't she 8. did tlrey 9. do they
10. does he I l. did it 12. isn't it
13. didn't there 14. is there i5. will he
16. shouldn't they oughtn't he
17. I 8. haven't they
19. wasn't there 20. aren't they
l. could have phoned 6. could
2. could 7. couldn't
3. lvas able to 8. could have been
4. haven't been able to find 9, were able to
i" .ould
1 can 2. were able to 3. could/ were abte to
4 Could you 5. can't 6. can
'i. were able to 8. could hardly 9. courJ
i{i. Can you/ Are you able to I I . can 12. r.,es able to
i3. couldn't 14. was able to
Id 2c 3f 4e 5a 6b
Sugga.sted unswers.
3. Kay must lrave changed her mind about marrying him.
4. A pickpocket may/ might have stolen it.
5. She musU may/ might be renting it frorn him,
6. It must be a bomb!
7 . lt may/might lrave been sent by my brother.
8. She must have been held up (in the traffic).
L intended 6. established/ revealed
2. proposed/ shown 7. agreed
3. hoped/ explained 8. planrred
4. decided 9. assumed/ thought
5. explained 10. discovered
3. It has been discovered that there is water on Mars.


4. It is believed that terrorists are operating in Berlirr.

5. It is expected that the space shuttle will return (to Earth) today,.
6. It has been revealed that ex-president iulius is/was a spy.
8. It is said that the King is making a good recovery.
9. It has been established that a restaurant is/ r.r,as the source of a food poisoning
outbreak in Dublin.
l.B 2.C 3.D 4.8 5.C
6.A '1. A 8.D 9. C 10.8
1. D 2.8 3.D 4.D 5.C
1. she may not have understood
2. had/got our car repaired
3. (that) I should take it
4. gave me such confusing information
5. no point (in) worrying
6. I'd rather not sit
7. rvished me a pleasant journey
8. turned down my offer
f. instead of going on
lO.there was something wrong with

UilIT 16
l. B 2. B 3.D4.85.A
6, B 7. D 8. A 9. C to.D
11. D 12. D 13. B t4. B 15. C
16. A 17. D 18. c 19. D 20. c
21. D 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. B
26, A ?7, A 28. C 29. A 30, C
2. with 3. with 4. to 5. of
6. with 7. for 8. at 9. frorn 10. to
l. belongings 2. chamber 3. dedicated
4. grounds 5. Ramps 6. spiral
7. tomb 8. base 9. constructiol
10. honour l-l . mernorable

, belongings 2. chamber 3. enlisted
,1. rank 5. ranked 6. spiral
7. theory 8. buried 9. approximate
10. base
l. Belongings 2. dedicated 3. dedication
4. enlistrnent 5. suitably 6. impression
7. rankirrg 8. basis 9. theoretically
i0. theoretician/ theorist I 1. treasurer 12. burial
13. approximately 14. approxirnation 15. proposal
16. classification
l. Christopher Colurrbus is said to have discovered America.
2. Many people are said to be lromeless because of the flood.
3. The Prime Minister is known to be in favor of the new law.
4. The US President is expected to lose the election.
5. The thieves are believed to have got in through the kitchen window.
6. She is found to have driven through the town at 50 miles an hour.
7. Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.
8. Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion.
9. The prisoner is thought to lrave escaped by climbing over the wall.
l0.The wanted man is believed to be living in New York.
I I .The building is rcported [o have been damaged badly by fire.
l2.Thc company is said to be losing a lot of money.
l3.The company is believed to have lost a lot of money last year.
14.The company is expected to lose a lot of money this year.
l5.The strike is expected to end soon.
l. He is said to be an honest, hard-u,orking rnan.
2. This slrrgeon is considered to be a brilliant practitioner.
3. Some redundancies in the company are now thought to be inevitable.
4. The statements he had made were proved to be false.
5. The delegation r.^,as understood to be keen to meetthe Prime Minister.
c, The Natiorral ,{ssembly is erpected to be thinking of irnposing new taxes to
raise extra revenue.
7. l'he electriciry supply industry is expected to be running into surplus capaciry
by next year.
8. several Japanese manufacturers are repofied to be planning to set up plants
9. The brewers are expected to raise the price of beer in the near future.
10.The cirug was claimed to produce no undesirable side-effects.

l. She is believed to be an honest person.
2. The president is thought to arrive soon.
3. Many passellgers are reported to have died in the crash.
4. The prices are expected to rise again this month.
5. Life is proved not to exist on the moon'
6. The Prime Minister arrd his wife are said to be getting divorced.
7. The President was said to have suffered a heart attack'
8. He is said to have passed the finalexam with the best result.
9. He was not expected to be so successful.
10.The robbers are believed to have got into the bank through the roof.
I I .One of our windows was fourrd to have been broken.
l2.People say (that) he was/has been in the army.
13.The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.
l4.The owner of the house is thought to be abroad.
l5.He is said to have been all over the world'
16.Mr, Jones was thought to be unfairly treated'
I, B 2,C 3.A 4.D 5.A
6.8 7. D 8.A 9. C l0.D
LD 2.8 3.A 4.C 5.A
l. The Great Wall was firs1 formed during the Quin d;-nast1' (221-206 B.C.)'
2. He sent armies at ihe Wall to stand guard over the *orkers as well as to defend
the northern boundaries.
3. In the Ming dynasty (1368-l 644).
4. The Portuguese supplied the canon for the u,atch tou'ers at the Great Wall.
5. Because both the Mongols and the N{anchurians \\'ere able take power, ilot
because of weakness in the Wall but because of rveakness in the government
arid the poverry of the people.
l. Stonehenge represents Britain's greatest national icon, symbolizing mystery.
power and endurance.
2. It is a bank and ditch arrangement.
3. .4 temple made for the worship of aneient earth gods, an astronomieal
observatory for making significant events on the prehistoric caiendar. or a
sacred site for the burial of high-rankingitizens from the societies of long ago.

4. The prehistoric carvings on the larger sa,'sen stones, previous generatiJns foi
home construction or road repair, or close r isitors contact.
5. They were made from the antlers of red deer and, possibly, wood.
1. rvas prevented from going
2. no one else apart from/ except for
3. the entire day w,atching
4. will have to be paid
5. pa.ssed/ gone br- before I saw
6. she objects to doing
7. of Jeremy to rnake up
8. him of taking parr in
9. too much pride to adrnit
l0.are unlikelv to have received

Progress Test 6
l. A 11. D 21. A
31. D 41. c
12. D 22.D 32.8 42. B
3.D t3. D 23. C 33. D
4.A 43. A
t4. B 24. A 34. B 44. A
5.8 r5. c 2s. D 35. C 45. D
6.C 16. B 26. D 36. A 46. B
7.A n.c 27. A 37. B 47. D
8.8 r8. D 28. C 38. A 48, D
9.D i9. B 29. C 39. D 49. B
10. B 20. B 30. c 40. D 50. A


t.c II.D 21. A 3t. D 41. c
2,C r2. B 22. A 32.D 42. A
3.D I3. A 23. C 33. C
4.A 43. A
14. c 24. A A
34.. 44. D
5.8 15. D 25. A 35. A 45. B
6.A 16. A 26. B 36. B 46. D
7. C I7. B 27. B 37. A 47. C
8.A I8. B 28. A 38. D
9.A 48, t)
19. c 29. B 39. A 49. B
10. D 20. D 30. A 40. D 50. D





Progress Test I 39

UNll'4: WORh



Progress Test 2 70





Progress Test 3 106



Progress Test 4 t2*



Progress Test 5 .r-'i
Progress Test 6 -'5-i




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