CRDD - Internal Safety Training Program

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Post Box No. 24

Rahima – 31941





(CRDD LFC CONTRACT # 6600044940)

Prepared By: Reviewed and Approved By;

Ezaganie Malcampo Nidhun Sha

HSE Manager Project Manager

Mastoura Co. Mastoura Co.

P.O. BOX 24, Prince Nayeef Street, Rastanura K.S.A
Tel No. : 03-667-1470, 03-667-2280, Fax No.: 03-667-1623


This document is to provide the guidelines on the New Employee Safety Orientation Program at
Mastoura. It will cover all site locations and facilities. In particular it will cover all company
specific hazards that may be found within our facilities or when our employees are on site. All
new employees shall be required to attend this orientation program within the first week of his
employment with the Company.
Managers and Supervisors:
 Are to ensure that this program is provided to all employees prior to starting work.
 To ensure that all employees once they have undertaken the orientation program sign an
attendance register that identifies exactly the topics covered in the program.
 Restrict access into site to personnel without orientation training.
 To ensure personnel receive work specific orientation training after company orientation
 To ensure that all workers are aware of the hazards related to their specific work.
 To ensure all workers attending the orientation sign the attendance sheet and all records
are filed.
Safety Officers:
 Are to ensure and to monitor compliance with the requirements of the program,
maintenance of associated documents, processes, and training materials.
 Are required to attend the new employee safety orientation is as specified in this program
prior to starting work.
Program Topics:
 Each employee will be provided a copy of the orientation checklist that is contained
within this manual. This checklist covers all our companies’ general requirements.
 In addition we will update our company specific hazard topics on a regular basis and each
employee will be provided the appropriate orientation against those hazards identified.
 Company Policies and Procedures
 Company Safety System and Safety Management Organization
 PPE Requirements and Arrangements
 Safety Program Based on Job/Position & Critical Tasks Identified (designed per job
process/work method statements). This includes orientation of relevant work method
statements for each Employee. Handling and Storage of Materials
 Emergency Response/Evacuation Procedures and Assembly Point
 Incidents, Accidents, Near Miss Reporting Procedures
 Traffic Rules and Regulations
 Medical and First Aid Location Point and Providers
P.O. BOX 24, Prince Nayeef Street, Rastanura K.S.A
Tel No. : 03-667-1470, 03-667-2280, Fax No.: 03-667-1623

 Safe Work Practices

 Site hazards
 Chemical Safety
 Work Permit System
 Drug and Alcohol Policy
 Vehicles and Equipment Safety
 Spills Containment
 Welfare Facility
 Machine maintenance
 Waste Segregation/Disposal
 Smoking Policy
 Safety Incentive Schemes
 Training needs analysis for any employees to determine further training that is required.
Individuals participating in the induction program will have the completed competencies
recorded on the Safety Orientation Checklist.
P.O. BOX 24, Prince Nayeef Street, Rastanura K.S.A
Tel No. : 03-667-1470, 03-667-2280, Fax No.: 03-667-1623

Employee Safety Orientation Checklist

All employees must undergo an induction process prior to commencing work. Immediate supervisors are
responsible for ensuring all new employees are inducted into the company and cover as a minimum the
areas detailed in this checklist. Supervisors should utilize the Safety Manual. Annual refresher training
will be conducted to maintain the currency of employees.

Employee’s Name: Badge No.:

Work Area:

Accountable Manager:

Immediate Supervisor:

Vehicles and Equipment

 Vehicles - Speed Limits, licensing  Use of hazardous material
and use  Fire Extinguishers
 High risk equipment and its use  Maintenance of equipment
 Waste disposal  Inspection and tagging of appliances and cords
 First Aid Kits

Health & Safety

 Safety Manual  Work Permits – Hot Work etc
 Safety Policy Statement  Danger & Out of Service - Tags/Locks
 Responsibilities and Duties  Traffic Management / Mobile Plant
 Licenses/Certification/Training  Hazardous Substances & Material Safety Data Sheets
 Incident / Hazard Reporting  Housekeeping / Clean Up
Procedures  Electrical Equipment
 Hazards Present in Work  Manual Handling
Environment  PPE use and maintenance
 Safe Work Procedures & Practices  Signage
 Drugs and alcohol  Risk Management & Job Safety Analysis
 Environmental considerations  Other (please specify)
 Resolution of Issues
 Safety Committee / HSRs

Emergency Procedures and First Aid

 Emergency and Evacuation  Emergency Response Plans
Procedures  First Aid Attendants - qualifications
 Fire Extinguisher - vehicles
A copy of this completed checklist is to be placed on the employee’s personal file and the original
retained in the Orientation Register.
Employees Supervisors
Signature: Signature:
P.O. BOX 24, Prince Nayeef Street, Rastanura K.S.A
Tel No. : 03-667-1470, 03-667-2280, Fax No.: 03-667-1623

Date: Date:

Print Name: Print Name:

New Employee Safety Orientation Program Topics:

 Company Policies and Procedures
 Company Safety System and Safety Management Organization
 PPE Requirements and Arrangements
 Safety Program Based on Job/Position & Critical Tasks Identified (designed per job
process/work method statements). This includes orientation of relevant work method
statements for each Employee. Handling and Storage of Materials
 Emergency Response/Evacuation Procedures and Assembly Point
 Incidents, Accidents, Near Miss Reporting Procedures
 Traffic Rules and Regulations
 Medical and First Aid Location Point and Providers
 Safe Work Practices
 Site hazards
 Chemical Safety
 Work Permit System
 Drug and Alcohol Policy
 Vehicles and Equipment Safety
 Spills Containment
 Welfare Facility
 Machine maintenance
 Waste Segregation/Disposal
 Smoking Policy
 Safety Incentive Schemes
 Training needs analysis for any employees to determine further training that is required.
Individuals participating in the induction program will have the completed competencies
recorded on the Safety Orientation Checklist.
P.O. BOX 24, Prince Nayeef Street, Rastanura K.S.A
Tel No. : 03-667-1470, 03-667-2280, Fax No.: 03-667-1623


To provide appropriate health and safety information, training, instruction and induction
programs relevant to their work to enable employees to do their work in competent and safe
This procedure applies to all areas of MASTOURA
The President/Owner of MASTOURA requires that all employees to participate in the necessary
training appropriate for their duties and/or needs. To achieve this, there are four requirements:
1. All employees must participate in MASTOURA induction program at least annually.
2. Training needs surveys will be conducted for employees.
3. A training action plan will be developed from the training needs survey.
4. A training log will be maintained.
These requirements are to be implemented to achieve MASTOURA training objectives that all
employees are made aware of MASTOURA:
 Standards of Occupational Health & Safety.
 Assisted in the recognition of the inherent hazards associated with the work environment.
 Assisted in acquiring a better understanding of what is expected of them.
 Given a broader appreciation of the work at hand and are therefore able to make sound
decisions when faced with choices.
 Given an appreciation that they are an integral part of the team and are vital to the
success of the company’s future.
Line Managers/Supervisors
 Identify Department/Site/Project training needs in conjunction with the allocated safety
 Identify individual training needs and agree training requirements during staff appraisal
process. The results of the assessments shall form the basis of a personal development
record and shall be acted upon within agreed timescales via the Company training
 Conduct a monthly review of Training with the HSE Manager.
 Confirm that travel and accommodation arrangements (if necessary) are in place for
HSE Managers
The HSE Manager allocated to each Department/Project/Site shall:
 Provide Health & Safety Training advice to all Line/Project/Site Managers and Heads of
 Carry out a monthly review of Health & Safety Training with Line/Project/Site Managers
and Head of Department.
 Maintain a training Matrix for each project within their remit and advise the training
manager where additional training needs are identified.
P.O. BOX 24, Prince Nayeef Street, Rastanura K.S.A
Tel No. : 03-667-1470, 03-667-2280, Fax No.: 03-667-1623

 Conduct specific HSE Training on sites where they have been appointed.
 Ensure that the Directors, Project Managers and Line Managers are kept informed of
training strategy progress.
 Where courses are not available develop suitable training courses to meet business needs.
 Compile monthly KPI regarding staff training.
Each employee is expected to undergo training, as part of his employment, as follows:
 Mandatory Annual Health & Safety Training
 Training courses in specific roles as identified by each site/department e.g. First Aid
 Specialist Health & Safety training as identified by training needs analysis at
appraisal Specific Safety Briefings – As identified by Management/HSE Manager
 Training needs will be discussed with Line Managers on an annual basis or shorter as is
 If, for any reason, the employee is unable to attend the training course, their Line
Manager is to be informed immediately
Third Party Training Arrangement
The job skills/competency training shall be conducted by a Mastoura approved training provider
with appropriately qualified and experienced trainers. All trainings delivered shall be supported
by a certificate bearing the name of the approved training provider.
Minimum Standards
 To identify and document the competencies required for all positions and
job classification in the business
 To ensure competencies are based on skills achieved through education, training or
experience, taking into consideration the occupational, health and safety
obligations, hazards and risks associated with the work activities
 To undertake a training-needs analysis against the competencies to determine
occupational, health and safety training needs of each individual in the
 To develop procedures for occupational, health and safety induction and ongoing
occupational, health and safety training which address:
- Occupational, health and safety legislation
- Occupational, health and safety responsibilities
- The H & S policy and safety management standards
- The H & S management system of the business
- Risk management processes
- Specific hazards in the business and their control
- Safe work procedures
- Occupational, health and safety consultation for those involved in occupational,
health and safety consultation activities, in line with relevant legislative requirements
- Issue resolution procedures
- First aid and emergency procedures
- Anything else required for the needs of the business
P.O. BOX 24, Prince Nayeef Street, Rastanura K.S.A
Tel No. : 03-667-1470, 03-667-2280, Fax No.: 03-667-1623

 To maintain a training register and supporting records of every employee or contractor

undertaking occupational, health and safety training, including timeframes for updating
training where required
 To undertake a site specific risk assessment to determine appropriate controls induction
and training for all visitors
Safety and Risk Management Training
The General Manager and the Safety Supervisor will assess the requirements for safety training
and re-training to improve safety awareness and performance. Supervisory staff will be made
aware of their safety responsibilities, company and statutory requirements by issuance of
relevant documentation. New staff and those requiring refresher courses will be trained in-house
or externally as indicated on the training matrix 10% of employees will be trained in first aid.
Records shall be kept of all training done Educating each individual will stimulate an awareness
of hazards around them and also make them conscious of what is expected of each individual
regarding Health and Safety matters. All managers and supervisors shall give clear instruction of
the work in hand to personnel for whom they are responsible, to ensure that all operations are
undertaken safely and without risk to health. Senior Management shall ensure that their
respective supervisors and teams are competent, experienced and adequately trained to perform
their duties effectively. Management and supervision will be trained in safety and Risk
management as applicable.
Training Need Analysis
Any special training needs shall be identified based on the hazard identification and control for
specific occupation before tasks are undertaken and suitable training shall be give and validated
before works starts. Training needs analysis will be conducted by a person to person interview
between line management and the worker concerned. Training needs shall be recorded on the
form at annex a to this document. Management shall ensure that all equipment operators be
certified competent and issued with proof of same.
Course Certification / Competency Certification
All employees successfully completing safety courses will be rewarded with a certificate
Only CERTIFIED, TRADE REGISTERED electrical workers shall repair, install, commission,
inspect, test, maintain, modify or repair electrical equipment and installations.
Training Action Plan
Once the training needs survey is completed, a training action plan is to be produced to address
all training shortfalls by identifying what type of training is to be done and when it is to be
completed by. It is the Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure the training action plan is completed.
All training is to be facilitated by persons appropriately qualified in H & S and Training
Training Register
All training is to be recorded in the training register
Refresher training
P.O. BOX 24, Prince Nayeef Street, Rastanura K.S.A
Tel No. : 03-667-1470, 03-667-2280, Fax No.: 03-667-1623

MASTOURA management to ensure the required knowledge and attitude are maintained,
refresher training will be provided when and where it is identified necessary.
All training will be controlled and reviewed regularly.

Type of Training:

Name Of All Attendees Must Be Submitted Before Training Takes Place:

Indicate the level of Novice More than 2 yrs

experience of each attendee experience
in this type of work:

Do these Candidates require a Health & Safety Test?

Approved (Project Managers Print Name:


Authorized by Director


To be filled in by Line manager:



Tel. Number:

Confirmed Dates:

Booked by: Position:

Fee :
P.O. BOX 24, Prince Nayeef Street, Rastanura K.S.A
Tel No. : 03-667-1470, 03-667-2280, Fax No.: 03-667-1623


Mastoura Company recognizes that its most important resource is its employees. It is committed
to the training and development of its entire workforce so that they will gain the necessary skills
to reach their full potential. This will assist in enabling the organization to achieve its aims and
objectives that are to provide specialized, high quality care and rehabilitation to vulnerable
people through a well-trained and supported working team. By increasing the skills and
knowledge of its staff the organization will produce confident, highly qualified staff working as
an effective and efficient team.
This document is to provide the details of the training program intended for each type or specific
trade for Mastoura Company’s skilled workers. It shall cover skills improvement as well as
refresher courses that will help create a more efficient, productive, and safety responsive
In-house and/or Third-party Training Provider:
The job skills/competency training shall be conducted by a Mastoura approved training provider
with appropriately qualified and experienced trainers. All trainings delivered shall be supported
by a certificate bearing the name of the approved training provider.
Specific Trade Training for:
Electrician - Test Equipment Training Course
- Power Cable Splicer Training Course
Lineman - Lineman Training Course
Plumber - Basic Pipework and Fault Finding Training Course
Painter - Chemical Hazards Awareness Training Course
Pipefitter - Fiberglass RTR Pipe System, Handling & Assembly Training Course
Blaster - Abrasive Blasting Hazards Training Course
Welder - Safety In Welding and Cutting Training Course
Carpenter - Safe Work Practices & Correct Use of Tools and Equipment Training Course
Scaffolder - Scaffolding Health and Safety Awareness Training Course
Fabricator - Punching and Shearing System Training Course
Duration of each trade training course shall be determined by the Mastoura approved training
provider based on their course outline submitted prior to their approval.
Refresher Training and Frequency of Training:
Refresher Training shall be required annually as a minimum, or when major changes will occur,
or have occurred, on site or to procedures.

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