Cyberethics Project

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<h1 class="itachi"> CyberEthics</h1>
<p class="kisame"> Privacy</p>
<div class="tobi">Privacy is protection of personal information given online. In e-
commerce it is related to company's poloicies on the use of users data.<br>
Ethically both the buyer and the seller must provide correct to each other
pertaining to the transaction that is taking place.An e-commerce company must
clearly state : how it intends to use the costumwes data collected this way and
whether the customer can restrict the use of personal information.
To Safegaurd Privacy:
<ul type="circle">To ensure that the user privacy is not compromised, following
measures must be taken:
<li>The merchant or seller must specify how the user's data will be used in terms
and conditions of it's site.</li>
<li>The merchant or seller must make sure that the user has gone through the terms
and conditions on it's site prior to making any transactions.</li>
<li>The merchant must assure the user about data safety by implementing data safety
and security measures such as <emp>https</emp> protocol and other security
mechanism so that users' data is safe from hackers too.</li>
<li>The user must go through the terms and condition of the seller/merchant site
before providing any sensitive information and make sure the site is safe by
checking for http protocol and padlock etc.</li>
<p class="kisame">Fraud</p>
<div class="tobi" style="margin-right:600px;">Fraud committed using internet is
called online fraud.
<ul type="square">
Forms of online fraud:<li> Non-delivered goods</li>
<li> Non-existent companies</li>
<li>Stealing information</li>
<li>Fraudulent payments etc.</li></ul>
In credit card frauds, the credit card details of user are stolen from his or her
online activities then payment frauds are carried out with this stolen
Identity theft is carried out by stealing someone else's onlineidentity fraudulent
posts are posted or some other malicious activity is carried out.<br>
<ul type="disc"> Measures to stop these frauds :
<li> A monitoring official body that ensures the validity of e-commerce company and
delivery of goods and services as promised.</li>
<li>Strong security mechanism by e-commerce site and paymnt gateways to prevent
stealing of crucial information.</li>
<li>Official guidelines and safegaurds on selling of users datato third
<ul type="square"> To ensure safe sites:
<li>TYPE THE URL ON YOUR OWN in address bar of the web browser. Do not click on a
link that takes to this website or do not cut/copy the link of this website and
paste it.</li>
<li>Ensure that the address contains HTTP and a padlock sign. A safe site's url
starts with https:// and not with http://. Also it shows a closed padlock
<p class="kisame"> Secure data transmission</p>
<div class="tobi">
Secure data transmission means applying enough technical safegaurds so that data
travel safely to ts target without being compromised or eavesdropped.<br<
<dl> To ensure secure data transmission
<dt>SSL secure data transmission</dt>
<dd>SSL(Secure sockets layer) is a standard safety protocol which establishes
encrypted links between web server and browser in an online communication. The
usage of SSl technology ensures that all data transmitted between web server abd
browser remains encrypted and hence remains safe.</dd>
<dt>Data encryption </dt>
<dd> Encrypted data when sent over internet is hard to steal and hence is
<dt> Use safe protocols</dt>
<dd> Such as for files, use Secure FTP. Whenever possible, one should use safety
protocols that use some safety shells such as SSH. It will ensure safety of data
being transferred.<dd>
<dt> By allowing only valid users to access data.For this:</dt>
<dd><dl compact><dt> Authentication</dt> <dd> It is process of verifying legal user
through valid <tt>login-id</tt> and <tt>password</tt>, before giving them entry
into system</dd>
<dd> It is process of checking permission(s) to access data.</dd></dl></dd></dl>
<p class="kisame">Intellectual property rights</p>
<div class="tobi">Information is the means to acquire knowledge hence, information
forms intellectual capital for a person or a body.<BR>
The creator/producer of information is the real owner of information<br>
Intellectual property rights are right of the owner of information to decide how
much information is to be shared, exchanged or distributed and the price for doing
so.To protect one's intellectual property rights one can the information
copyrighted or patented or use trademarkes.<br>
The ethical issue invovled with this is that the info must not not be exchanged
without the consnt of it's owner.<ul type="square">
Intellectual property rights must be protected as:
<li>encourages individuals and bussinesses to create new software and improve
existing ones.</li>
<li> promotes investment in nationl economy</li>
<li>ensures new ideas and technologies are widely distributed</li></ul>
<p class="kisame">Plagiarism</p>
<div class="tobi"> Plagiarism is stealing someone else's intellectual work and
representing it as your own work without giving credit to the creator or citing the
source of information.
<ol type="I">Any of the following acts would be termed as plagiarism.

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