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Institute of Nursing and midwifery

Blood Transfusion Checklist

S.No. Steps S* U* Comments

1. Verify that informed consent has been obtained.
2. Explain procedure to patient/ family
3. Verify the physician’s order, noting the indication, rate of infusion,
and any premedication orders.
4. Administer any pre-transfusion medications as prescribed.
5. Obtain the blood product from the blood bank according to agency
6. Wear procedure gloves whenever handling blood products.
7. Recheck the physician’s order.
8. With another qualified staff member (as deemed by the institution)
verify the patient and blood product identification, as follows:

a. Two core identifiers i:e patient full name and patient MR

number are used for patient identification . This information is
verified :
 With patient’s ID wrist / ankle band
 Verbally from patient
 In medical record file
 On transfusion set and blood unit bag
b. Visually inspect blood for integrity any discoloration and clots
c. Verify and match following data on blood unit and the
transfusion slip
 Type of blood component
 Donor number and donation number
 Patient and donor blood group
 Expiry date
d. The two person verifying the blood products will sign the
identification label on blood component and transfusion slip
9. Check for patency of IV line , flush the IV cannula with normal saline
10. Prime the blood transfusion set with blood , ensure that there is no air
bubble present in the tube
11. Take vital sign before the procedure
12. Start the blood transfusion , allowing running it slowly at 8/10
drops/min during the first 15 min
13. Closely monitor the patient for at least 15 minutes after the start of

14. Take vital sign every 15 minutes for first hour and then 30 minutes
for 4 hours and then continue monitoring according to patient
15. Make sure that the patient’s call bell or light is readily available and
tells him alert the nurse immediately of any signs or symptoms of a
transfusion reaction, such as fever, chills, itching, or shortness of
16. After the unit has infused, flush the administration set with normal
saline solution.
17. Discards the empty blood container and administration set in the
proper receptacle according to agency policy.
18. Document in nursing notes.
 Date and time transfusion started
 Patient response to transfusion
 Any adverse reaction
 Reason for interruption or postponed of transfusion
 Time transfusion completed
19. In case of blood reaction
 Stop transfusion immediately
 Keep vein open with normal saline
 Notify the physician/attending doctors immediately
 Notify the blood bank immediately of transfusion reaction
 Monitor vital sign every 15 minutes for the first half an hour ,
every half hour for one hour then hourly until stable
 The attending physician/ designee sign the complete
transfusion reaction reporting form and send it to blood bank
with patient sample
 In case of any transfusion reaction ( except mild allergic
reaction ) send unused blood bank component to laboratory
along with the following
 4 ml patient blood
 A sample of urine
 Complete transfusion reaction form
 Document the whole process n nursing notes

Recommendation: Satisfactory ______ Unsatisfactory ______

Faculty Comments and Signature:

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