Bilate Energy Paper

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International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering


A compendious approach for renewable energy assessment based

on satellite and ground truth data: Bilate catchment, Rift Valley Basin,
Melkamu Teshome Ayana1 · Zerihun Makayno Mada1 · Samuel Dagalo Hatiye1 · Abdella Kemal Mohammed1

Received: 31 December 2021 / Accepted: 11 February 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Islamic Azad University 2022

Energy sources generated from different modes other than the conventional types have become more demanding in combating
climate change issues that the world has been facing today. To cater the need for electricity in countries of Africa like Ethiopia
can be initiated by such modern practices. The hydro, wind, and solar power output of Bilate in the Central Rift Valley Basin
was estimated envisaging satellite information and Hybrid Optimization Model for Electrical Renewable (HOMER). Three
off-grid sites located in the central part of the catchment namely Shashego, Weira, and Siraro were considered in this study.
The demographic and hydro-meteorological data of the selected sites were collected from various sources and ERA5 climate
variables have been utilized at their optimum level to find a better and more accurate solution. Power transformation and
variance scaling techniques were applied to correct biases in precipitation and temperature, respectively. Due to rarely avail-
able hydrological gauge stations in the catchment, there has been difficult to analyze the data of the stream flows at the sites
and hence HBV-IHMS model was used during the study to find an amicable solution for the compliance. The performance
of the model was checked before the use and resulted in NSE above 80% in replicating the observed hydrograph. The total
power output of the best feasible hybrid system at Shashego, Weira and Siraro site is calculated as 26240 kW, 51298 kW
and 46245 kW per annum, respectively. Except in Shashego, the configuration of hybrid systems in Weira and Siraro were
technically and economically viable. The system was iteratively reconfigured to check the percent of the load demand of the
Shashego site that could have been fulfilled with minimal LCOE but unpredictably it was found that only 50% of the load
can be provided without any impairment. The LCOE of hydro is comparably very low in all the sites through the energy
output from the scheme was inadequate to accomplish the required demand of the community.

Keywords Bilate catchment · ERA5 satellite products · HOMER · LCOE · Renewable energy

Introduction growing population [3, 4]. Even today, more than 600 mil-
lion people in the continent do not have access to electricity
The shortage of reliable and sustainable energy impedes and 900 million lack accesses to clean energy facilities for
the economic and social development of a society [1]. The cooking. In sub-Saharan countries alone, more than 50%
economy and population increase in Africa have profound of the people are still under energy poverty [5]. In devel-
implications on the energy sector. From very small to large oping nations, a significant amount of energy demand has
businesses, the socio-economic development of society been obtained from firewood and fossil fuel. However, these
depends on energy [2]. Reports indicate that the exist- sources of energy have been seriously depleted and hence
ing strategy and investment policies in African countries it is becoming a challenge to satisfy energy demands from
are not adequate to satisfy the demand of the continent’s these sources. Moreover, the use of biomass and biomass
products for energy requirements has contributed to further
environmental degradation and pollution. On one hand, the
* Melkamu Teshome Ayana use of biomass energy incurs forest or biomass degrada- tion and contributed to extreme hydrological events such
Water Technology Institute, Arba Minch University, as floods and droughts [6, 7]. Energy consummation from
P.O.Box. 21, Arba Minch, Ethiopia biomass also contributed to health problems of consumers

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

such as pulmonary diseases [8]. Environmental pollution application of remote sensing (RS) information in the assess-
can be mitigated by the use of clean, inexhaustible, and sus- ment of energy has become a remedy and can accurately rep-
tainable energy sources. Renewable energy sources such as licate the measured values on the ground [21, 22]. Roberto
small hydropower [9], wind power and solar power [10] are et al. [23] and Avtar et al. [24] presented the reliability and
essential not only for their green energy provision but also accuracy of remote sensing data in predicting energy. Many
they can provide energy for communities located far from research studies related to the applications of climate model
the grid system [11]. outputs are available [25–27]. Interim ERA5 is one such RS
Considering the year 2000 as a baseline, there is a sub- data that can be employed for energy potential assessment
stantial improvement in access to electricity all over the from different sources [28–30]. However, there were very
world and this is also true for many developing countries. limited/no earlier studies which used Interim-ERA5 satellite
The contribution of renewable energy sources to global products for an energy assessment. HOMER was selected
energy has remarkably improved over the last two decades because of its capability to simulate time series outputs
and has increased approximately two folds from the year with highly detailed information over other models such as
2001 (13.6%) to 2020 (23.6%) and is forecasted to reach 50% RETScreen, Hybrid2, and PV*SOL [31, 32].
in the year 2040 [12]. According to Dolf et al. [2], the energy Few studies have been instigated to assess the energy
consumption alone in the year 2021 would be 50–80% higher output from different renewable sources and its utilization
than in 1990. The world’s energy consumption is approxi- in Ethiopia (e.g. [33]. Zelalem [34] evaluated the techno-
mately 22 billion kWh per year and increasing from time economic viability of small hydro using HOMER software
to time creating an adverse effect on environmental health predicting the capability of the system that fully served
[13, 14]. Even though there is a significant improvement in the electricity demand of the nearby community. Most of
electricity access across Ethiopian cities; boosting from 5% the earlier research has been focused on the assessment of
in 2000 to 49% in 2020, in terms of rural electrification, the energy from a single system using the available hydrological
progress is still very low as compared to other developing and meteorological data [35, 36]. None of the earlier studies
countries. Only 36% of the rural communities have access assessed the combined effects of bias-free climate variables
to electricity through modern energy systems and yet the and hydrological information in the assessment of power
remaining portions rely on biomass energy. Not only lack output of the study area. Assessment of energy using satel-
of electricity, but also the consumption at the national level lite information and modeling tools were widely applied in
is the lowest (per capita electricity consumption of 28 kWh/ different regions [37–39]. However, the integration of multi-
year) putting the country far below the energy poverty line ple energy sources and satellite products to assess the energy
of 120 kWh/year [3, 15]. potential in ungauged sites is not widely practiced. The main
In Ethiopia, the lack of energy on the social and economic objectives of this study includes; (1) assessment of energy
wellbeing of the community is too sensitive as compared to situation and potential from hydro, wind and solar power
other neighboring countries. More than 85% of its popula- using HOMER model (2) evaluation of seasonal variations
tion lives in rural regions and the prerequisite for electricity of hydro, wind and solar power in ungauged locations in
is also highly demandable with a consistent increase in pop- Bilate catchment and, (3) estimating the levelized cost of
ulation size [16, 17]. Unlike other countries, connecting the hydro, wind and solar power along the main course of Bilate
rural regions of Ethiopia to the grid system is often challeng- catchment. The current study attempts to provide informa-
ing as the majority of the communities are scattered across a tion for stakeholders and practitioners in the energy sector
wide area. This may be the reason for non-electrification of for possible investment and development of energy from
the entire community in rural Ethiopia due to the high rate of hydro, wind, and solar sources based on the newly developed
the cost factor involved for the supply from door to door. In climate re-analysis dataset, interim-ERA5 satellite informa-
such a case, the use of other renewable energy sources such tion. A system of three energy sources including hydro, wind
as hydro, wind and solar power play a key role in electrifying and solar was configured together to calculate the technical
the rural areas at a nominal cost. and economic viability of the system.
The application of remote sensing data in assessing the
potential of energy produced at remotely located regions is
becoming very common [18–20]. Earth monitoring stations Methods and materials
have far-reaching influence to evaluate the availability of
energy across the globe although the accurate installation Study area
of such tools is highly dependable on the economy of the
country. The distribution of hydro-meteorological stations Bilate River catchment is located in the central part of
in developing countries is so scattered and hence poses the Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes Basin between 37.75°
an impact on power potential assessment. Therefore, the E–38.41° E longitudes and 6.55° N–8.20° N latitudes. It

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

covers an area of around 5625 ­k m 2 having an elevation Methods

ranging from 1176 to 3328 m above mean sea level. Bilate
River originates from the upper Gurage mountains and Data collection and analysis
drains south into Lake Abaya contributing about 38% of
the volume of the lake [40]. The population density in Field survey was conducted to collect topographic informa-
the upper and central part of the catchment exceeds the tion and to measure streamflow in gauging stations. Physical
average population density of Ethiopia reaching 500 per- inspection of the potential landscape zones was identified.
sons/km2. The population density in the western part of The river gauging stations were obtained using GPS and
the catchment is sparse and agro-pastoralism is the main field observation. Head drops and locations of the selected
way of living in the study area [41]. The pattern of settle- hydropower stations and their electro-mechanical equipment
ment in the upper and central part of the catchment was types were obtained through field observation. The demo-
triggered by the ensuing fertile and vast irrigable land in graphic data for the selected areas were collected from the
the area [42]. However, provision of electricity for house- district statistical office while the hydrological and meteoro-
holds, reliable energy sources for pumps and even charg- logical data were collected from the Ministry of Water and
ing batteries were often considered as the main challenges Energy (MoWE) and the National Meteorological Agency
that affect the day-to-day activities of the society. Figure 1 (NMA) of Ethiopia, respectively. Other secondary data such
shows the location of the study area and some of the physi- as satellite data from ERA5 and DEM of the study area were
cal characteristics of the Bilate catchment. downloaded from different sources. The HBV-IHMS hydro-
logical and HOMER software packages were used to simu-
late the streamflow and power of the selected rural sites.

Fig. 1  Study area a Bilate catchment, selected hydropower potential sites, districts and rural areas in the catchment b Ethiopian major river
basins and c Rift Valley Basin

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Quality assessment of hydro‑meteorological data denoted as Bxy where B represents the grid point, x, and y
represent the number of rows and columns from the southern
Available data and information concerning spatial, mete- tips of the catchment to the western end, respectively.
orological, hydrological, satellite, and appropriate energy
development projects relevant to the study were collected Bias correction of ERA5 satellite data
from various organizations and online sources. Eight mete-
orological and three streamflow gauging stations’ data with Satellite outputs mostly provide unbiased representations of
several classes and lengths have been used in this study. observed historical climate data which needs abrupt correc-
The meteorological data covering a period from 1987 to tion techniques. The biases primarily arise from systematic
2016 were collected. The streamflow data covering a period errors and may yield uncertainty in the hydrologic model,
from 1987 to 2016 for Bilate Tena and 1971–2014 for Alaba which could result in under or underestimation of model
Kulito station were gathered. However, the data have several parameters [45, 46]. Due to this reason, satellite climate data
breaks and missing data ranging from a day to years. The need to be corrected before these products are used as input
detail of the available meteorological stations in the study for models.
area is given in Table 1. Numerous bias correction techniques are available to
remove the errors in the satellite products. In this study, a
Quality assessment of ERA5 satellite data power transformation method (PT) and Variance scaling
(VARI) methods were used to correct biases in precipitation
The daily climate data records are hardly complete and and temperature data, respectively [47]. Both methods are
accompanied with sporadic and prolonged periods of miss- based on matching the mean and coefficient variation of the
ing values. Such missing and discontinuities in the histori- satellite outputs against the observed climate data.
cal meteorological data can be filled using gridded satellite
climate data [43, 44]. The new climate reanalysis dataset, Application of HBV‑IHMS model to Bilate catchment
ERA5, was launched by the European Centre for Medium-
Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) was used to derive the The HBV-IHMS model is a conceptual rainfall-runoff model
climatic parameters of the selected energy sites in Bilate for the generation of catchment streamflow. The model sim-
catchment. ERA5 was selected in this study for its various ulates daily runoff using daily rainfall, temperature, geo-
advantages among which availability of all the meteoro- graphical information in terms of forest or field, long-term
logical variables required for this study with relatively high average monthly potential evaporation of the catchment. The
resolution (31 km × 31 km) are few to mention. The data detailed description of each routine in HBV-IHMS is well
was downloaded from https://​ecmwf.​int/​en/​forec​asts/​datas​ described in [48].
ets/​reana​lysis-​datas​ets/​era5/ in NetCDF format. The data To obtain the streamflow heads and discharge values at
is available from 1978 to date and updated on an hourly required points the HBV-IHMS Hydrological model was
basis. However, the average hourly rainfall, temperature, used. Moderl senstiveity, caliberation and validation were
wind speed (u and v components), surface solar radiation, conducted procedurely before the model was used to predict
and cloud cover data for the period between 1991 to 2020 stream flow at required locations. Using the hydro-meteor-
was downloaded and used in this study. Satellite data from ological data of 1991, the most sensitive model parameters
21 grid center points (GCPs) covering the Bilate watershed were identified. The model was calibrated using historical
including precipitation, dry and wet surface solar radiation, streamflow data of 1992–2001 and validated using data from
minimum and maximum temperature, wind speed, and dry 2002 to 2006. Three model performance indicators such as
and wet cloud cover were downloaded. Each grid data were Relative Volume Error (RVE), Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency

Table 1  Availability of SNo. Station name Longitude (o) Latitude (o) Elevation (m) Availability Class
meteorological data with their
location and classes 1 Alaba Kulito 38.06 7.19 1772 1987–2016 3
2 Bilate Tena 38.12 6.92 1496 1987–2016 4
3 Bodity 37.51 6.57 2043 1987–2016 3
4 Hosana 37.85 7.53 2307 1987–2016 1
5 Wulbareg 38.17 7.77 1992 1987–2016 3
6 Shone 37.50 7.08 1959 1987–2016 4
7 Durame 37.57 7.12 2000 1987–2016 3
8 Bedessa (Wadu) 37.59 6.55 1609 1987–2016 4

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

(NSE), and Coefficient of determination (­ R2) were applied where Uo is the wind speed at the original height ho, U is
to evaluate the performance of the HBV model [49]. the wind speed at the wind turbine hub height h, and α is the
surface roughness coefficient. The exact value of the surface
Energy assessment using Hybrid Optimization roughness coefficient is not practically accessible or cannot
Model for Electrical Renewable (HOMER) be determined perfectly. Hence, Weibull probability func-
tion parameter value calculated at the measured height was
The optimal energy output from the hybrid hydro, wind, used (Eq. 3).
and solar system was calculated using HOMER. HOMER ( )
is a design optimization model that determines the con- ln Zhub ∕Zo
Uhub = UAnem × (3)
figuration, dispatch, and load management strategy which ln (ZAnem ∕Zo )
minimizes life-cycle costs for a particular site and applica-
where Uhub is wind speed estimated at the hub height (m/s),
tion. In this study, HOMER Pro version 4.11 was used to
UAnem is the wind speed at anemometer height (m/s), ZAnem
optimize the techno-economic viability of hydro, wind, and
is the anemometer height (m), Zhub is the hub height of the
solar systems in Bilate catchments. Input data for the model
wind turbine (m) and Zo is the surface roughness length fac-
was prepared integrating satellite rainfall, wind speed, solar
tor (m). During this study, the length factor of the surface
radiation, cloud cover, and mean temperature data of ERA5
roughness is considered as 0.2 since the area is blanketed
and streamflow data of Bilate simulated at the selected sites.
with lofty trees and shrubs.
The surface roughness length factor describes the rough-
Small hydropower potential assessment
ness of the surrounding terrain and its value is considered as
0.2 because the area is covered with shrubs. Finally, the power
Hydropower is considered one of the easiest, most reliable,
output was calculated using the wind turbine power curve.
and environmental friendly source of energy [50, 51]. The
The maximum power that can be achieved through a wind
power generated from hydraulic turbines is a product of the
turbine is nearly 60% and generator efficiency is about 80%.
net head, the flow rate, and the efficiency of the turbine [52].
The maximum theoretical wind energy can be calculated using
Equation (1) was used to compute the power output of the
(Eq. 4). A detailed description of this equation is given else-
hydro turbine.
where [8, 53].
P = 𝜂t × 𝛾w × hnet × Qt (1) 1 2 1
W= mv = 𝜌Vv2 = 0.625Vv2 = 0.193Av2 (4)
where P is the power output [kW]; ηt is turbine efficiency 2 2
[%]; 𝛾w is the specific gravity of water [9.81 kg ­m−3]; hnet is where ρ is air density (~ 1.25 kg/m3), V is the volume V = A
the net head (m) and Qt is the flow rate ­(m3/s). × v, v is wind speed and, A is rotor surface area.
A firm discharge ranging from 80% up to 95% of prob-
ability of exceedance (Q80 and Q95) are commonly used to Solar power potential assessment
calculate the power output of small hydropower systems.
Accordingly, simulated stream flows of the selected three The power output of PV cell was calculated using (Eq. 5).
sites at their outlet corresponding to a 90% probability of
exceedance (Q90) were used in this study. GT [ ( )]
PPV = Y PV fPV ×
× 1 + 𝛼P TC − TC,STC (5)
Wind power potential assessment
where, ­Ypv is the rated capacity of the PV array, which is
Wind turbines are designed as per the standard procedure the power output under standard test condition (kW), fpv
depending on the height at which they are installed which is PV rating factor (%), GT is the incident solar radiation
is primarily based on the wind speed compared to the avail- on the PV array in the current time step (kW/m2), GT, STC
able measured wind data. The turbine hub height captures is the incident radiation at standard test conditions (1 kW/
the wind speed height of nearly 2 m and can be extrapolated m2), αp is the temperature coefficient of power, TC is the PV
using the power-law expression (Eq. 2). cell temperature in the current time step (°C) and TC, STC is
the cell temperature under standard test conditions equal to
25 °C. Equation (5) is well described in Kashif et al. [54]
( )a
U h
= (2) and Jordehi [55].
Uo ho

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Estimation of load demand of the selected areas �

i −f
i= (7)
Population forecasting
where, i′ is the nominal interest rate (%); i is the annual real
Population size is an important factor commonly used to interest rate (%) and f is a constant recovery factor.
calculate the future power demand of a rural society. The The total NPC at n year is calculated by dividing total
load demand of the area was determined by calculating the annual cost by capital recovery factor (CRF) and expressed
demand based on population projection in the future. Firstly, as in (Eq. 8).
the future population size of the selected rural potential site
i(i + 1)n
was estimated using the geometrical increase method (Eq. 6) CRF = (8)
as suggested by the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of (i + 1)n − 1
Ethiopia [42]. The population data of each district were col- where n is the number of years and i is the annual real inter-
lected from the Statistical Bureau of Halaba Special district. est rate.
Pn = Po (1 + r∕100 )n The levelized cost of energy is therefore the average cost
per kWh of useful electrical energy produced by the system.
Where, Po is present population size; Pn is the population at Although the levelized cost of energy is often a convenient
nth year; r is geometric growth rate (%) and, n is the number metric with which to compare the costs of different systems,
of years. HOMER uses the total NPC instead of as its primary eco-
nomic figure of merit.
The levelized cost of energy is calculated as (Eq. 9):
Power demand assessment
COE = (9)
The current power demand was estimated based on the basic Eprim + Edef + Egrid,sale
requirements of energy and population size and the future
where, ­Cann,tot is the total annualized cost; E
­ prim and E ­ def are
period power demand was forecasted using the most feasible
the total amounts of primary and deferrable load, respec-
and reliable approach to calculate the demand energy of the
tively, that the system serves per year; and E ­ grid;sales is the
study areas. The number of light bulbs and commonly used
amount of energy sold to the grid per year. The detailed
electronic devices in the study area were identified and the
description of economic analysis methods used in this study
loads per household were calculated. Later on, consider-
are widely explained in different scholarly articles [56–58].
ing 20 years of project life and four people per household,
the future load demand of the selected sites was estimated.
Finally, the time of electronic devices utilization and their
daily energy consumption was considered. The majority of Results and discussions
the population of the area are farmers and intend to use elec-
tronic devices consuming huge energy such as baking plates Bias corrected ERA5 satellite data
from 09:00 am to 11:00 am. In Ethiopia, radio and television
(Tv) are commonly used from 07:00 am–09:00 am, 11:00 Removing the biases in the satellite observation to obtain
am–02:00 pm and 06:00 pm–11:00 pm during the morn- satellite data capable of replicating the historical meteoro-
ing, mid-day and night times, respectively. The same time logical data is a matter of concern. For this purpose, a mete-
was also adopted for the study area. Three light bulbs, one orological gauge station with full parameter (class-I) and
radio, one television, and one medium refrigerator with 150 data length in the study area is highly demanding. Except
L capacity, one baking plate, and energy for different cook- Hossana station located at the central upstream part of the
ing devices were considered to calculate the energy demand catchment, all the remaining meteorological stations are
of each household. either of the category class 3 or 4. The more increase in the
interval, the fewer climate variables are recorded and vice-
versa. There are no recorded information on wind speed,
Economic analysis of hybrid energy system sunshine hour, cloud cover, and clearness index which are
and selection of feasible configuration important input data into HOMER in class 3 and 4 stations.
Therefore, the biases in these stations were removed by using
HOMER uses a discount rate to transform a single-time cost the same climate variables recorded at the Hossana station.
into equivalent annual costs. The annual interest rate is cal- Based on this principle, bias correction was conducted for all
culated using (Eq. 7). the identified sites and the results of bias-corrected climate
variables for selected sites in Bilate catchments (Fig. 2).

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Fig. 2  Comparison of observed against bias-corrected satellite mean temperature (°C) and precipitation (mm/month), a over Bilate Catchment b
at Shashego site c at Weira site d at Siraro site

In all the cases, the overall shape agreement obtained was in catchment varying from 4.19 W/m2 and 5.69 W/m2 with
reasonably acceptable and considered to be very good in hot temperature and long sunshine hours, the area is more
quality indicating the dependability of the data for further favorable for solar power production. The mean annual wind
use [59, 60]. speed over Bilate catchment does not significantly vary and
it is as low as 1.23 m/s with the highest record of 2.28 m/s.
Spatio‑temporal distribution In the central part of the catchment three potential sites
of hydro‑meteorological data were selected which have a wind speed ranging from 2.02 to
2.28 m/s (Fig. 3d). The other important input parameter into
Spatial distribution of climate in the catchment HOMER is cloud cover. It is another indicator for the good
yield of solar photovoltaic energy where the value ranges
The major part of the Bilate watershed is highly character- from 0.09 to 0.29 (Fig. 3e).
ized by its flat land and erratic rainfall. Most of the non-
electrified parts of the districts in Bilate catchment (local
subdivisions in Ethiopia) receive a rainfall ranging from 908 Temporal distribution of climate in the catchment
to 1627 mm per annum (Fig. 3a). The mean annual tempera-
ture in the catchment varies between 18.13 °C in the north- The areal rainfall of the study area was calculated using the-
ern area to 23.3 °C in the Southern part of the catchment. isen polygon method. The average rainfall of the catchment
The central part of the catchment is characterized by hot is 1532 mm per annum with a minimum and maximum rain-
temperature with an average temperature varying between fall of 22.12 mm (December) and 154.32 mm (August) per
20.63 and 21.44 °C (Fig. 3b). Due to solar radiation (Fig. 3c) month, respectively. The mean annual rainfall of 1202 mm,

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Fig. 3  Spatial distribution of bias-corrected ERA5 satellite data in Bilate catchment a rainfall (mm/year), b mean temperature (°C), c solar radia-
tion (W/m2), d wind speed (m/s) and, e cloud cover (fraction)

1137.05 mm, and 1130.05 mm was estimated at Shashego, and RVE values for Bilate at Halaba catchment remained
Weira, and Siraro catchments, respectively. The wettest and nearly constant for a wide range of Perc, Alfa, K4, and
driest season in all the sub-catchments was observed as sum- Cflux values indicating that, these parameters do not con-
mer and winter season, respectively (Fig. 4). trol the simulated hydrograph pattern. However, changes
in the values FC, Beta, LP, and Khq resulted in noticeable
Results of model sentstivity, calibration changes in NSE indicating that these parameters should
and validation be used to match the pattern of the observed and simu-
lated hydrograph. Changes in the values of FC, Beta, and
Sensitive analysis LP also resulted in significant changes in RVE indicating
the simulated streamflow volume is controlled by these
The sensitivity analysis was undertaken by changing three parameters. The parameter FC (field capacity) cor-
the values of the parameters in the allowable range. The responded to the maximum soil moisture storage, which
value of each parameter was changed while values of affected the runoff volume. A higher value of FC tends to
other parameters are fixed. Figure 5 shows that the NSE generate higher base flow but low peak flow. Parameters

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Fig. 4  Temporal variations of bias-corrected ERA5 satellite data in Bilate catchment a Rainfall (mm/year) and mean monthly temperature (°C);
b solar radiation (W/m2) and cloud cover (fraction) and, c wind speed (m/s)

Fig. 5  Sensitivity of the HBV

response to its parameters in 1.0 200
terms of the NSE (left) and
0.8 150
RVE (right) objective functions
RVE (%)

NSE (-)

0.2 -100% -50% 0% 50% 100%
-100% -50% 0% 50% 100% -100

Alfa Beta Cflux FC

Alfa Beta Cflux FC
K4 Khq LP Perc K4 Khq LP Perc

K hq and Alfa related to peak flows, and a higher value Calibration and validation
of these parameters resulted in higher peaks and more
dynamic response in the hydrograph. The parameters A manual model calibration by changing the value of one
related to base flow and recession parameters are Perc, parameter at a time within the allowable range was applied
K4 and Cflux. to obtain the calibrated model parameters. Figure 6 shows

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Fig. 6  Observed and simulated RF Q obs Q sim

hydrograph for and Bilate catch- 160 0

Streamflow (m3/s)

Rainfall (mm)
120 50

80 100

40 150

0 200
1/1/1991 1/1/1993 1/1/1995 1/1/1997 1/1/1999 1/1/2001 1/1/2003 1/1/2005

Table 2  Calibrated values of Model performance Parameters Remarks

model parameters and values of
the objective Calibration Validation Alfa Beta Cflux FC K4 Khq LP Perc

0.79 5.98 0.82 − 0.25 0.19 1.76 0.031 1295 0.001 0.043 0.61 0.09 Very good

the simulated and observed daily hydrographs of Bilate characteristics of the catchments were also calculated
Halaba catchments. For the calibration period, the reces- and fed into the model. Accordingly, the mean monthly
sion limb and base flow of the hydrograph are well captured discharges calculated at Shashego, Weira and Siraro sites
by the model. were 5.12 ­m3/s, 12.18 ­m3/s and 19.23 ­m3/s, respectively.
Table 2 presents the calibrated model parameters and the The flow duration curve of the identified sites was devel-
values of the objective functions. In the calibration period, oped by ordering the mean monthly flow of each site in
the NSE exceeded 0.75 for the catchment indicating the very descending order and calculating the percentage of exceed-
good performance of the model in capturing the observed ance from the rank assigned to each value in the order. Q90
hydrograph pattern. Regarding the objective function (espe- which is the streamflow of the sites available for ninety
cially NSE), the model performance improved in the valida- percent of the time in the year was considered to calculate
tion period at Halaba of Bilate. the hydropower potential of the identified sites. Accord-
ingly, Q 90 of 1.26 ­m 3/s, 5.11 ­m 3/s, and 8.89 ­m 3/s were
Simulation of streamflow at selected potential hydropower obtained at Shashego, Weira, and Siraro sites, respectively.
sites and head assessment in Bilate catchment

The major portion of the central part of Bilate catchment is Demand and energy situation in selected districts summary
highly characterized by the absence of electricity especially; of the energy status in selected sites and forcasted
parts of Shashego, Weira and Siraro district are classified as population
the major electric scarce regions. Based on the data avail-
ability, proximity from the community, and availability of In the selected three districts, data sources indicated that
potential sites for hydro, wind, and solar power, three poten- only 26.99%, 38.76%, and 30.04% of the community of
tial sites namely Weira, Siraro, and Shashego were selected. Shashego, Weira, and Siraro district have access to elec-
Since streamflow data is not available in all three sites, the tricity, respectively. The cumulative results of the three
HBV model was used and streamflow was generated for districts show that every seven people out of ten people
all sites. The head available in the catchment was obtained in the study area lack electricity. However, the proximity
by measuring the head drops at the sites through physical to the transmission line, road and other factors indicated
observation and the head obtained was 24, 26, and 25 m for by the district administrations implied that about 36.45%,
Shashego, Weira and Siraro sites, respectively. 27.28%, and 40.65% of communities have an opportunity
The mean monthly streamflow of the potential sites to avail electricity in Shashego, Weira, and Siraro district
identified was generated using the meteorological data in near future, respectively. Therefore, the energy fore-
of 1991–2020 and the HBV-IHMS model. The physical casting was conducted considering only the less likely

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Table 3  Forecasted population size in the selected Districts and status of their energy Potential sites District name Population Percent of population size and its energy status Forecasted population size
size in 2020 in the year 2020 and number of households
in 2035
Connected to Nearby grid in Not con- Population Number of
grid in nected to grid size in 2035 householders

1 Shashego Shashego 126,446 26.99 36.45 36.56 71,815 14,363

2 Weira Weira 121,412 38.76 27.28 33.96 58,140 11,628
3 Siraro Siraro 106,806 30.04 40.65 29.31 48,785 9757
Total 354,664 31.93 34.79 33.28 178,740 35,748

Table 4  Hourly average power load of the Shashego, Weira, and Siraro villages
Time (h) Shashego Weira Siraro
Primary load Deferrable Total load Primary load Deferrable Total load Primary load Deferrable Total load
(Wh) (Wh) (Wh) (Wh) (Wh) (Wh) (Wh) (Wh) (Wh)

01:00–02:00 867,400 867,400 702,229 702,229 589,237 589,237

02:00–03:00 885,138 885,138 716,590 716,590 601,287 601,287
03:00–04:00 885,138 885,138 716,590 716,590 601,287 601,287
04:00–05:00 885,138 885,138 716,590 716,590 601,287 601,287
05:00–06:00 867,400 198,000 1,065,400 702,229 198,000 900,229 589,237 198,000 787,237
06:00–07:00 1,640,028 198,000 1,838,028 1,327,734 198,000 1,525,734 1,114,096 198,000 1,312,096
07:00–08:00 16,806,882 198,000 17,004,882 13,606,519 198,000 13,804,519 11,417,166 198,000 11,615,166
08:00–09:00 1,007,205 198,000 1,205,205 815,414 198,000 1,013,414 684,210 198,000 882,210
09:00–10:00 881,314 198,000 1,079,314 713,494 198,000 911,494 598,690 198,000 796,690
10:00–11:00 2,317,614 198,000 2,515,614 1,876,294 198,000 2,074,294 1,574,390 198,000 1,772,390
11:00–12:00 15,244,314 15,244,314 12,341,494 12,341,494 10,355,690 10,355,690
12:00–13:00 866,448 866,448 701,459 701,459 588,591 588,591
13:00:14:00 866,448 866,448 701,459 701,459 588,591 588,591
14:00–15:00 866,448 866,448 701,459 701,459 588,591 588,591
15:00–16:00 866,448 866,448 701,459 701,459 588,591 588,591
16:00–17:00 863,575 198,000 1,061,575 699,134 198,000 897,134 586,640 198,000 784,640
17:00–18:00 863,575 198,000 1,061,575 699,134 198,000 897,134 586,640 198,000 784,640
18:00–19:00 15,378,830 198,000 15,576,830 12,450,396 198,000 12,648,396 10,447,069 198,000 10,645,069
19:00:20:00 3,226,411 3,226,411 2,612,038 2,612,038 2,191,749 2,191,749
20:00–21:00 3,084,576 3,084,576 2,497,212 2,497,212 2,095,399 2,095,399
21:00–22:00 3,084,576 3,084,576 2,497,212 2,497,212 2,095,399 2,095,399
22:00–23:00 1,643,422 1,643,422 1,330,482 1,330,482 1,116,401 1,116,401
23:00:00:00 867,346 867,346 702,186 702,186 589,201 589,201
00:00–1:00 18,821,150 18,821,150 15,237,229 15,237,229 12,785,487 12,785,487

connected parts of the community in the next 15 years. The equivalent energy of each site, which is the sum of
Accordingly, 36.56%, 33.96%, and 29.31% of Shashego, deferrable and primary electricity demands of each house-
Weira, and Siraro district were taken into account, respec- hold was calculated assuming an appropriate electrical
tively. The results obtained are a bit lower than the aver- appliance using time and its consumptions. The hourly
age of electricity access in rural sites of Ethiopia [3, 15]. average power loads of villages are described in Table 4.
The status of the electricity connection and the forecasted
population size of each district are illustrated in Table 3.

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Fig. 7  Diurnal cycle of power output from the hybrid system at Shashego site a hydropower output b wind turbine output c PV power output and
d generator power output

Diurnal cycle of the hybrid power system estimated of reducing the hybrid systems with large LCOE and pro-
using HOMER portionally reducing the load demand of the site by 25%.
Accordingly, 50% of the load demand of the site was suf-
Figure 7a represents the diurnal disparity of the power ficiently provided with minor interruption.
output from all the schemes considered in the Shashego To achieve a perfect solution to the crisis, a combination
site. The daily power output of the wind turbine at the of hydro and generator output become the best feasible solu-
Shashego site was low ranked demonstrating a lack of tion the generator was expected to serve for the majority of
resilient wind energy to rotate the wind blade for a long the time (64.5%). This configuration showed that the battery
period throughout the year (Fig. 7b). Approximately 70% stays in the full state with less power output from the gen-
of the electrical load demand of the Shashego district com- erator which helps to fulfill the peak load during 6:00–8:00,
munity was supplied from PV array though coverage dur- 11:00–12:00, and 17:00 to 18:00. The results obtained from
ing the peak time (18:00–24:00) and night (1:00–7:00) HOMER based on 50% load are depicted in Fig. 8.
time was highly challenged. The period from May to the In the Weira site, the best feasible configuration is
end of September is characterized by heavy rainfall in the hydro integrated with the wind power source and sup-
entire catchment and hence the power output from the ported by the battery to compensate for daily energy fluc-
PV array was reduced drastically from day 120 to 270 tuations. During the first 120 dates of the year beginning
(Fig. 7c). In spite of this, the power output from the hybrid from January 1­ st to April 3­ 1st, the power output from hydro
hydro could not supply the demanding energy and hence is less (Fig. 9a) and the load demand during this period
the system was compelled to utilize maximum energy from can be supplicated combining the two systems. The wind
generators (Fig. 7d). turbine power output from day 90 up to 270 is very low
The economic evaluations of the most feasible schemes in mainly during morning and evening time from 0:00–9:00
developing countries are merely based on theoretical aspects and 15:00–24:00 (Fig. 9b). Hydropower output during this
but as far as practicability is concerned LCOE obtained for period was immensely leading the battery to fully charge
this configuration is estimated as $0.588 M/kWh which was which can be used during power scarce periods. An abso-
highly overestimated as compared to LCOE < $0.3 M/kWh lute increase in hydropower output was observed from
[61, 62]. Therefore, the configuration was overruled and May 1st to September 31st and later on starts declining in
the optimization was iteratively continued with the target October. This helps the battery to store immense energy

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Fig. 8  HOMER outputs at Shashego site considering 50% of the load demand; a hydropower output b generator power output and c battery state
of charge

Fig. 9  HOMER outputs at Weira site; a hydropower output b wind turbine power output and c battery state of charge

during this period and the battery was full throughout the With a maximum number of tributaries contributing to
entire month (Fig. 9c). Under the current system, the hydro the Siraro site, the hydropower output was comparatively
and wind power serves 65.5% and 34.5% in satisfying the very high and constant over nine months. Compared to
load demand of the site, respectively. the upper two sites, the load demand of the site is also less
resulting in an absolute positive power balance between

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Fig. 10  HOMER outputs at Siraro site; a hydropower output b wind turbine power output and c battery state of charge

Fig. 11  Hourly power balance 20000

Bonosha Power output Weira Power output Siraro Power output
of the hybrid system in the 18000 Bonosha Load Weira Load Siraro Load
selected study area
Power [kW]


Time [Hrs]

the sum of power outputs and the load demand of the com- Comparing and contrasting all the aspects combined,
munity. Almost throughout the entire year, reliable energy throughout the year, 0.08%, 2.88%, and 1.7% of the electric-
can be harnessed from hydro sources. Over 90% of the load ity demand of Shashego, Weira, and Siraro district were at
demand of the community was served by hydro and the a deficiency, respectively. Early morning time from 6:00 to
remaining 10% used generators. However, the power fluc- 8:00, day time from 10:00 to 12:00, and evening time from
tuation that may occur during peak time can be adequately 17:00 to 19:00 were peak load time and the diurnal cycle
supplicated using energy stored in the battery during low indicates failure of the system to serve these energy require-
load demand. Under such a condition, the generator cannot ments. Nonetheless, the excess energy produced during out
be used for over nine months, day 90–365 except to fill the of the periods mentioned above can be optimally utilized
gap during peak load times (Fig. 10b). With the current inte- by saving the energy into the battery. Figure 11 shows the
grated system, the failure to serve the load is only 1.7%. The power balance between power outputs and load demand of
results of optimized and best feasible configuration simu- the selected sites.
lated using HOMER is presented in Fig. 10.

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Temporal and seasonal variation of the hybrid than 80% of the load was served using a generator while the
power system remaining load was served using a hydro system. The daily
power fluctuation was balanced using a generic 1 kWh Li-
Temporal variation of power output from the hybrid system Ion battery and over a year about 4639234 kWh of energy
was stored and later above 90% of it is to be used to compen-
The mean annual power outputs from the hybrid hydro, wind sate for daily deficiency observed. With the current configu-
and solar PV array at the Shashego site calculated using ration, the COE of the system significantly decreased from
HOMER were 1065 kW, 0.07 kW, and 3153 kW, respec- $0.59 to $0.19 per kWh. An absolute positive balance was
tively. The sum of power produced from the system includ- observed over the year making the system more acceptable.
ing generator output is 56363 kW/year with the maximum The deficient energy was 0.08% in a year causing a capacity
and minimum production of 6084 kW and 3864 kW in shortage of 27089 kW in a year. But the renewability frac-
October and June months, respectively. Except in June, the tion remained as low as 16%.
change in power output and load demand in each month In the Weira site, the best configuration was modeled as
resulted in a positive value indicating the reliability of the hydro integrated with wind power system while hydro com-
hybrid scheme to supplicate the demanding constant energy bined with the generator was selected for Siraro site. Over
of 3974 kW/month. Taking monthly demand into consid- 65% and 90% of the load demands of Weira and Siraro sites
eration, the PV output alone is capable of satisfying the were served using hydro turbines improving the reliability
demand in all the months of the year excluding June. None and sustainability of the configurations. The mean total
of the remaining schemes considered can independently power output of the Weira site was 2808 kW with wind and
satisfy even the monthly load demand of the Shashego dis- hydro turbine output of 1480 kW and 2794 kW, respectively.
trict unless any one of the systems is integrated. Of the total From January to March is a low flow period in the entire
annual power produced, solar PV and hydro cover 67% and catchment resulting in low power production from hydro and
22% of the annual energy produced with insignificant out- in turn, the wind power was used to explore the demanding
put from a wind turbine. The sustainability of the system load of this period but still, a minor deficiency of 259 kW
was maintained via power production using a generator and and 245 kW was observed in January and March. The mini-
energy stored in the battery during excess power produc- mum and maximum power output of the configuration was
tion. The levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of the selected 2972 kW in January and 5816 kW in October, respectively.
configuration was found to be $0.59/kWh with a very high The capacity factor (CF) which is the ratio of maximum
net present cost of $273 million as compared to other sites. power output to the maximum possible output from the sys-
Earlier studies available online also indicate that LCOE of tem, of the hydro system was found to be 95% resulting in
solar PV is very high may be due to the cost of the battery high hydro penetration approximated to 88.8%. Whereas,
system used to store excess power [62–64]. the CF of the wind turbine was calculated as 31.1% with
The LCOE of the PV array was extremely high as com- wind penetration estimated at 46.8%. Both hydro and wind
pared to the LCOE of the standalone hydro and wind sys- operate throughout the year without any failure indicating
tem exaggerating the overall cost of power generation of the the sustainability of the system.
hybrid system in this site. The LCOE of hydro is comparably In Siraro district, over 90% of the load demand of the site
very low though the power output from the system was not was supplicated from the hydro scheme while the remaining
sufficient to supplicate even 50% of the load demand of the load was served using a generator. This energy site has large
community of the site. Due to these reasons, the system was tributaries with a mean annual power output of 3854 kW.
iteratively reconfigured to check how much percent of the From May to October, a constant and reliable mean monthly
load demand of the area could be fulfilled with very low power output of 1774 kW was obtained from the hybrid
LCOE. It was found that 50% of the load demand of the system. In January and February, the system was a bit chal-
community can be provided from a system of hydro and lenged to supplicate the load demands of the district com-
generator that was supported using the battery to balance munity. The results obtained agree with the findings of other
the energy fluctuation during peak load through storing the scholars [65]. The month of January and February revealed
excess energy during low demand. a deficiency of 87 kW and 35 kw to suffice the average load
Accordingly, an Auto size generator and medium size demand of 2723 kw of the site, respectively. These months
hydro turbine were aligned together with a mean power out- are the driest of all with minimal yields from hydropower
put of 15739 kW and 781 kW in a year. The minimum and scheme. For the rest of the months, the power output from
maximum energy produced from the system was 1995 kWh the scheme significantly surpassed the load demand of each
in February and 2337 kW in August, respectively. More district though the attempt to store this energy for further use

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

was not successful from an economic point of view. The CF





of hydro was 77.8% while it is 1.13% for generators resulting
in over 132% penetration for the hydro system. The summary
of mean monthly power output from the stand-alone and

hybrid, hydro, wind, and solar PV is depicted in Table 5.

Seasonal variation of energy output from the hybrid system


The assessment of potential power output in the selected

sites using HOMER software has shown very high vari-

ance. In the Shashego district, the capacity of power out-

put from solar PV array to supplicate the seasonal demand

was immense with an exception winter season. The reli-

ability of the hydropower scheme in the Siraro district as
compared to the upper located Shashego and Weira sites

was highly promising. A stand-alone system of solar PV

array adequately supplicated the power demand during the

spring to autumn seasons. During the summer and spring

seasons, the power output from hydro reliably beseeched the
power demand of Weira and Siraro districts. The summer

and spring are high rainfall seasons besides large tributar-

ies contributing to the catchments of the sites as compared

to the Shashego site which is located at the most upstream


[40, 41]. In most cases, the load demand of all the sites
remained above the standalone power outputs. The seasonal

variation of the power output of the study area calculated

Table 5  Temporal variation of mean monthly power output from hybrid hydro, wind, and solar output

using HOMER is depicted in Fig. 12.


Economic evaluation and selection of viable hybrid

hydro, wind and solar systems
− 245


Economics is a key parameter in the process of HOMER

simulation. In the optimization process, the model was run
− 35

multiple times until the lowest possible net present cost

(NPC) was obtained. More than 3000 configurations with
− 259

− 87

the lowest total NPC and levelized cost of energy (COE)


have been presented in the model. The performance on the

investment and the decision of whether or not to invest in the
Balance for 50% of load (kW)

projects in each configuration were evaluated using return

on investment (ROI) and internal rate of return (IRR). The
average cost of producing 1kwh of energy, levelized cost of
Total Demand (kW)

energy (LCOE) was also presented. In the Shashego site, a

Generator (kW)

Generator (kW)
Demand (kW)

Demand (kW)

system of hydropower supported by a generator was ranked


Hydro (kW)

Hydro (kW)

Hydro (kW)
Wind (kW)
Total (kW)

Total (kW)

Total (kW)

first with NPC of 38.5 M and discounted payback period


of 1.93 years. All the top configurations selected resulted

with mean LCOE approximated to $0.189 M and ROI above
80% indicating investment of any of the projects configured
Shashego Energy Site

difficulty with unreasonable payback period. The best con-

Siraro Energy Site
Weira Energy Site

figuration has a levelized cost with COE ranging from 0.189

$/kWh which was found to be more expensive as compared

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Fig. 12  Seasonal variation of 5000

Wind turbine Hydro Generator Load
energy output from the hybrid
hydro and wind at Shashego,
Weira and Siraro energy sites. 3000

Energy (kWh)
The load curve in Shashego
site indicates only 50% of the 2000
total load of Shashego area
Summer Spring Winter Autumn Summer Spring Winter Autumn Summer Spring Winter Autumn
Bonosha Site Weira Site Siraro Site

to the Ethiopian Electricity Corporation (EEC) expense of HOMER tool in quantifying the techno-economic viabil-
0.156 $/kWh [66, 67]. ity of wind, solar, and hydro-systems in off-grid sites of
In contrary to Shashego, the main servant of the elec- Bilate catchment. The gaps in the observed hydro-mete-
tricity load in Weira and Siraro district is hydropower orological information in the region were successfully
making the renewable fraction above 95% in all the con- filled using the interim ERA5 satellite information and
figurations. The best electricity configuration at Weira and HBV-IHMS hydrological modeling tool was employed to
Siraro site constitutes 65.5% and 90.3% coverage from the compute the flow at a point of interest. The hybrid energy
hydro system, respectively. The NPC of the best configu- approach has been proposed on top of the presently avail-
ration is $89.1 M and $34.2 M at Weira and Siraro sites, able single scheme across the regions in Ethiopia. The
respectively, indicating decreasing investment cost in any of total power output of the best feasible hybrid system at
the sites where the load coverage is mainly from the hydro Shashego, Weira and Siraro site is calculated as 26240 kW,
scheme. This may have significantly dropped the LCOE 51298 kW and 46245 kW per annum, respectively. The
from $0.189 M at Weira to $0.081 M at the Siraro site with power produced in all the site is sufficient to serve the
simple payback periods of 9.23 and 7.13 years, respectively. power demand of all the districts with an exception of the
The LCOE for the Weira site is far above the threshold Shashego site. Over 67% of the power demand at Shashego
expense that EEC incurs amounting to $0.14 M whereas; district was found to be served from Solar pv system which
a positive change in LCOE of $0.059 M was obtained per may have increased the levelized cost of energy (LCOE)
each kWh from the Siraro scheme. In all the cases, the initial of the selected configuration to $0.59/kW. The system was
investment cost of a comprising PV system is much more iteratively reconfigured to check the percent of the load
expensive as compared to hydropower. Table 6 depicts the demand of the Shashego site that could have been ful-
summary of the economic analysis of the best hybrid system filled with minimal LCOE and found that only 50% of the
configurations in the three sites. load can be provided without any impairment reducing the
LCOE of the scheme to $0.16 per kWh.
The results of the study depicted the availability of a
Conclusions wide range of modern energy sources that can be optimally
used to tackle energy deficits in the study area. However,
Selection of the best feasible renewable energy source for the economic analysis using HOMER supported that the
possible investment is a complex decision process involv- scheme at the most upstream part of the catchment has a
ing factors such as social, economic, environmental, and relative disadvantage in producing power from wind and
other variables. In many developing African countries solar systems. The sub-catchments with a significant num-
including Ethiopia, the hydro-climatic gauge station net- ber of tributaries have the potential to produce more power
works are highly scattered. The applications of advances from the hydro system at very low LCOE, provided suf-
in satellite and modeling science are improving the devel- ficient head is available at the site. The results of this study
opment of reliable and efficient renewable energy sources have been drawn based on a satellite information obtained
enhancing the social and economic wellbeing of poor from ERA5 database and need to be justified using multi-
societies. The work presented in this study addressed the ple satellite information from other sources.
capability of interim ERA5 satellite information and the

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Availability of data and materials The datasets used in the current study
are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Simple pay- Discounted

back (year) payback



Conflict of interests On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author
states that there is no conflict of interest.


IRR (%)



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