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Karnataka Progressive Education Society's Dr. G. M. PATIL LAW COLLEGE DHARWAD Subject Interpretation of Stertutes Assignment on ___Exsckanal aids +o _Consbuction SUBMITTED BY : Name of the Student = + H_cTetegelt Univ. Registration No : 110 peta eee 2 College Roll No : ee ae Semester : WT Samestonr eee cae Month & Date : ————__________— DECLARATION |, the undersigned hereby declare that the assignment on ern ‘ -to ngtauctton, is my original work and it is in my own hand writing. Signature : gaat Sel See Name: Pook “Toots Semester : ome Registration No. : College Roll No. : 38. Pee ee eee Karnataka Progressive Education Society's Dr. G. M. PATIL LAW COLLEGE DHARWAD CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri / Smt. Popie Ht Torogatl of AL Semester LL.B. Reg. No.” _— has satisfactorily completed the assignment on _Fxctemnal Atds +o Construction for the subject Interpretation of Stacie assigned by the course teacher for the partial fulfilment of _\Z _ semester of the 3 Year LL.B. Course for the academic year 2023 - 2024 Course Teacher INDEX Topic Tatro ducton Exturnal aids -to Conshuctton A. Di chionanies Qo Foreign Dexisions 3. Partimentany History Be English Prockke Gh, Indian Practice 4, Historical Facts and Surrounding. Clarcuumsteunces 5e Subsequunt Gocial , Political and Economic] Developments and Getenti[fe Th ventions G. tent Books Hy Regence to Other Statutes Statutes %A Port Matnta, Eanlter Stertutes g. Codtyying and Consolidating Steetetes 3. Webstie Conclus?on Biblography Table ob Cases \ \ | oe Exclernal, aids, to Constouclon ue ~ Lotereduction - : LTntorpretation & the Process which & Enel ed by “the _judiciony._ _to Gscertain 01 to _deantine the meaning _& the Site_er_ legal soviston._ T+ -& _bastcalt “0_proces: hich _ Count_Seeks +o ascertain the rue _meantng_o _the_ aaPeeen O17 _word_or pase which & &A _ So _any ces beer. ‘the Court Gnd Tema se ere no: e leagsl ie fn Aid he _Constdesed @ “a tool _o1 divice a _wahtch__helps_¢n Raker preting ao Statute, the Gurt Can take help yom fntemal aids +o Jol pretation (ne _wrthin Statite) or Bxrtemal ag to! ntenpaetatfon Ce Outside -the Statutes) Fortymal aids are the aids which axe not ___andileble @nside the Gteatwe but Outs%de~ the. Stetute the Count may Seus help to the ; external aids &n e Gepugnaney oF — fneongtstency fn_the_Aatutory prdvision which —___one_-Relp 49 knterpret the ponttuler word _ —— Tt_provides fnsights Unto the. Staterte’s Objectives, rs, ond NCobteut, agsisting Sn_determining _ the“ Lawmaken's Intint. ene ar eee ee a ee pee eee dL “hikpill lawbhoor, ‘Comp lexterrat- aids — to - dnterpretalibn—_ | {= ia ae aa" Cranteany 8004 form ee Eacteoncel cuds to —Exckenal ath to @nirmpreting. Statutes Cure. Sounces Oh &n formals oe _tulflised by Courts Be egal proj Conbrout : Hh _“Sometheng., aa “to” Endude_ oe te 0 es én_a_Ship “The fenpovtant _ConstclencutSe | to the toons @ tofde a eakapretat Fo anae thee no Othen Aa Qn Tndta a Clofens. tor omic i @ shy to Congo 3» Ponlimentany History {> Enalrsh rocsice Gi) Tndian prvcec ice ngs pce con be ccc dn Sho ings which ave hene én afer bebo: - Taaditfonal_ytew Englt h_badttfonal view & that “ the ; fntent Ofy the Purlément - which passed the Ack __mot +o jethowed_ {eum the Fanltenen tony isto Oly =the Statate ee The“ Bill_gn_ 4s _onfornal ppm, or “the. _- Amendments _| Consrdered curing ets “fr gathe _Lecprslatere cove _not_adm'sstble 3 aide! to Cnshuctin = ——— 6. AIR 19938¢ Ioi4,_p. 4038 — J Courts ane entitled to Consider Such ‘enctennal_ qecls AS may be necessany +o unclengtand the | subject mater to _cohich the! Statutes oeleter on thew _ can abso Hane ceed to the _mischieg wht _ the stake & Onv¥ended to vemedy _ Gikeism ~ Tt was held_« Gn Riv -Shtvpunt +that reports. Of, (ease Camenissions, precading a lsatslaton, pantie Gn _Gmportant merterteal understand n legistatfon and ut Ras perm ch knovoledgad * he a tl acadtag ot, Such _@ _ereport would “hove si “anotded? an _eroneotts Construcefon ushich wes _v Soon overruled, | Modern Taend = Tn _Conghutng Statues the rcheal |though + jthat open we Should be snoop paelimitey “he istory how Pein ge intiog pes md ‘Sy cugoPast I rarer to history’ _ui_no__clongen’” so — @nshuction* as “a Counsel cat Oe 2 4p Counts to ee sidea_what eight a tho _meterte?d Secuntty 0} Is otive. histary acethey é ae encbide’ qustoratt catty bi Cebeniiteles socom ode | a Dastdevations as an ald go “neypai _ —F BILER R334, 2 85 DL =. = es — __&Tndian Practice | - ———~ a - _ The Supreme Court Aas wed the aid of, — Pail?menterry Arstory @n__cvesolveng. question oh es ___ Consbuct¥on_, but et Can be Seat thos Supresay = Gut genmally_ Pas enunciated the Said cute 4 __ enchwton_ hy Panntimentery L Restosy. On _~the way —_ Re_tocn tr &d?etonally Enunctated by Eng sh Courts — Buk _&n_tew cones et Poy Ban cheld thee legisla, _ history Within circumspect imtts nay be 7 ——_Conswited__by the _Gouats_vin aesolving Oren bigatties __ Bt f _fts_-the Speeches _made_by “the members_of tHe LS Constftumt Assembly Gn the Counse ay sete oD insti tks, nnot he Adm*tled as Qn extemal ———old_to the _Gonstructfon_of the CGonstftutfon, fo the Same Way, the debates on a Bill in Punltment are : not _admissthl, Gnshucton Of =the het which ~ uh __ultimasety “enacted, - - —Tn_Chironjft_lal__Choudhany v. UOT? Fazat Ae 7 admitted Panitmentary h?ste —Enclurdiag the sperch ot - the minister fntroductng the Brlt_as evfence_o/ -the ?- —__Ciacumstance, whtch necesst-tored the passing “oy -the ~_ fA, 0. Gunse_apparently approved tn later” dectstons - ~— $e ATR 4951 S¢ 44, Pp Aas.4E ee —TFiatement 0 of Objects and Reasons i The Statement of Objects and Prasons “accompan ~ - ying. @ legislative bell Cannot be wed to cacertatn the due meantad and_+ cto} the Substantive provtetons_oly legislation, butt con cevidfaly be _ Innessed Pnto_ Sucve t_the _[?mited Of — understanding “the bacleground, the antecedent Stale _ arpceirs at “the Oty ck _-that the legislatfon_ — ught +to__achfeve. _ _ | | Comme fons ( Taquicy CGnomf Hees a = | Reports OL Commissfons 04 Taguioy. Comm tees ____ precede foproduction Of, 0 (fil_have Gls Denes Lereygmed-to 03 evidence 0}, historical packs 7 o jormundig LClatumstences or Of enfschie4, or _ ene! Sntended be. _cremedied and ot ttmen for snterpreting the Ack. Fag limenterry Deb exter —__ Paaltenenta) debater atthe Lime o @nboduction © BS may be wed as extemal ards &n Poterpretatfon (Te 8 Setlted “posttfon that thene Con be Only limited eo Penlimuntarry debates. Curt Should _ ndt_omally ccatin a onalyse the Procudtngs b Fanltment? IL catered - ich - ato rerpteen/ aan Taney 8054, 10:30 Pm, The letkr watHen by the law Mintster Cannot Override +the Statatory provision. When +he Statue US Very Clear, twoheetever__ Stalernent made hy the laco Pentsten on the Noor of, the Thows., Camnot Change the words and) utkndment whtch 85 bore Out for, the _Wordy rbistorical Fach and Surrounding Crrcrmstances _ The Gunt & -entttted “to stake _anto Account _Such_entrmal_or Pistoia jock @> May De _necegsany to _unduystand the Subjeck mnattor Ofte _ Statute “01 have aegerd to =the Sumo Unding ~Chmcamsionta -iohidh -entscl atthe time of pag —ol sthe Stertute _lovd Atkinson scfd> In +he (Cnstouction_o Ht G, of Couse crt Ol mes and under ald Cfacumsitineys permissible to hove aegand Bie) ane | State of, thtnga enfsting atthe time the Steebite wag passed. and_fo -the els »Lohich as _Gppears_ 450m ' _the_ Profsfons, Gt tnas_destgned to remedy ke any Other_orternat_aid.“-the fnderences foom. historical pacts and. —Sumounding __Ciacuemstencns must Give way “to the Clean langsrags” Employed ga-the 4 Enackment _Sselp? ca i a _ P | dA 4+ ” Hfetor Y it ait histor eda Gren to egal history Serves a goo ide A ta mre fouling (act development and. chnga. & “e Subsequnt Social, Pol?tfcad_and Economic, Developinents ~ and Sefentitre Tnwentiony 0 i TAR, _-fopte_can_be_tetan up under & heads — Genural Acts .cnd _Constitatfons ! | Genero Ack Genmally, Statutes are of" Speaking Vartery E ‘and the Curt cen to cpply the Current meantog of the Siwute -to_(rreent clu Cond‘tfona Therepore the _aeenenne to the Cfacumstunas isting atthe Hime o,, od ‘thh Powstng _o ches not mean that the language 4 ca fn _@ modem Steotuse Should be held to be Snapplicable to_Svial, polfticad ——-and_econoeic development om 4o_Gcfentiic _faventfong ——-nok_known_at the me oj, passing On the Steeteete, Dd ConstHubfong Language of a Gnstitutton 8 _gfven_a_cltberat Gnshuction i ec _wthin ats ambit -the bette development i feldsof, Ruman_actitty than_ita_neshicttog. the language +o the State op, thin gusting Qe the “ime 8b he | -Poasing of, =the _Gnsittukton —~ 2. Tatce SP Singh, Prince o in ‘icelny- drat Fn Pn 245 -93- Edition, oan, Lenisnlents. Gubttediton, Honyon, P= B25 =295 | : 5 pafins SHORTT , fre bud Boarep JOU snp ourOg TEE wayaT og THO —— , Tanaecontenelin pe os CORSE sp Ga wvOpLDIO —~ 05 pan > pralgug oF aq squad Jou 4p FOU 39Bo} — _ — eamnmaiian ro umpoudmng Co-rusq ayy US — YO) FUMIO Up pRraus wy OES _ BOD HG UO AE FY wy ago HOO PISUg) a bapa ay FOR Pasty SGEVOD BRAG OUT copays aE OF ! PRD peuEEREe 3D HUQ am _TaHAS AHO YL : _ BRAS wR SF arearSay oom es a eee —ayngy auaung a Say Qo qousey abprp, = VIG VD fy —wy way _ Wogpap YL pyeo prep oF wdo op aisuoup do usuryoddo “To apug Dye FRY “FRPISAP SHA, VO _-Buypug- 0 gr pun Bisse ov ene, © Aybar fools 8 yBray SuopynsuTy, 19 ssaovd 4p vy Posrouhea “DIPUT Yo mame Gaya Go woynydo ay _— Pup uawpudt aaynraxe Yo @ obpa? Qo swoop ~ x po juawu-yjaddo Yo vomad ME FOYE Fyvo Sua! — 7 pyr —ponoy sues 241, TO A ak | 43 ertertes TA. Poot “Dactenta _ sae GA park materia emecins ison ceeding (withthe Same Subjeck matter on fa Pet ofthe g “tame System, she Suto - Context oh?) Gesp hat q Stake _muxt_be vead Os co whol a3 words ere _ to be_Understood _%n Giagh Fustice GP, Principles of Stabustory Interpretation, Fovthtenth Edition, amas, Lexks Nexis | publication, Heryonc, ~5 hips:{/Lawebhwomi- Com] external) — aid —to— intopretation + —af startles 5 hilps: I] Lawcormer. com | external —azd — to - Pntapretation | ~ of Steltes / > biips* Ghernaal- cut to Cotepretation by Statutes « Table of Cua + CIT v. SR Brothers ATR 19913, 5°48 > State Tnswance Comp Vv. Tata Elechic and Locomotive Co. AIR, 1946 5c66 o> Rov Shiwapuri AIL ER 334, P3430) CHL) > Chinanjit lal chowdhary v. Vor AER 1954 SC 41,>p 45-46 > S. © Gupta V. UoT ATR agea sc 149 > State of) Machas v. * Vaidyanath Atyes ATR 19586C 61; P&S — Desh Raj Gupta v. Indushtal Trtbunal AIR A990 SC 9144. Pp BIS SPV Musal? v. Andra Pradesh 4996) 4 Scate DGk P. 304 —> Ramsarup v. Munsh? -HR 1963 $c 553.,p 558 Mumba? Kamgar Sabha , Bombay vy, Abdulla Bho? Fofzulla Bhod, PAIR 1976 SC 1455 > My. Elisabeth v.tterwan Inve, ve Lid | stmenlk and Torading ATR 1983 Sc 4014. P-1038, —t

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