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University of Wah,

Software Engineering Program

Document No: UW/SE/AF/REV00
Software Engineering Program
Assignment # 05
Course Title: Database Systems
Semester: 2nd (Spring-2024) Course Teacher: Dr. Zahra Waheed
Total Points: 10 Submission deadline: (27-05-2024)
Course Code: CS-141
Student Name:Muhammad Salman. Reg No: UW-23-SW-BS-023

Assignment Title: Functional Dependency & Normalization

Course Learning Program Learning

Learning Domain
Outcome Outcome

CLO-3 PLO-3 Cognitive 2

PLO-3: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex computing
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing
sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.
CLO-3: Identify functional dependencies and resolve database anomalies by normalizing database
Question 1 (10 Points) (CLO-3, PLO-3)
Solve the following Relation to remove redundancy using BCN and represent its Normalized form.
Functional Dependencies are given bellow.

DB(assignment_05, class_rep, stdID, timeallowed, std_name, sem_fee, due_date, pay, instructor,

instructor_association, feedback)

instructor_association → instructor
assignment_03 → class_rep, sem_fee, due_date
stdID → std_name, pay, instructor, instructor_association
assignment_03, stdID → timeallowed, feedback

Primary Key: {assignment_05, stdID}

NOTE: The assignment should be made on A-4 pages and this should be the title page.

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