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Marchwood Senior School

Form 4 history Holiday work


Answer All questions

1. ) State any five European countries that met at the Algeciras Conference in 1906 (5)
b) Describe any six events that show hostility between France and Germany over
Morocco in 1911 (12)
c) How did this hostility increase tension in Europe? (8)

2. a) Name any five Balkan States between 1900 and 1914 (5)

b) Describe any six results of the First Balkan war 1912 (12)

c) To what extent did the Balkan wars lead to the outbreak of the First World War?

3. a) identify three members of the Triple entente and two members of Triple Alliance

b) Describe any six causes of tension between Austria-Hungary and Serbia before
1914 (12)

c) To what extent did Austria-Hungary contribute to the outbreak of the First World
War? (8)

4. a) identify five weapons during the First world war (5)

b) Describe any six characteristics of the naval race (12)

c) How far did the naval race lead to the outbreak of the First World War? (8)

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