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Bahir Dar
I. Background
HDAMA is a Civil Society Organization registered under the new civil society

organizations proclamation No. 1113/2019. HDAMA envisions seeing a healthy society

with sufficient livelihood opportunities and safer environment. Reducing the spread

and impact of HIV/AIDS, improving community (including youth and adolescent) health

and wellbeing, and reducing vulnerabilities and harms are the major strategic objectives


HDAMA Amhara regional Branch office is undertaking a number of activities in the

region to achieve the goals of the association, from this perspective the branch office

has been giving due emphasis in mobilizing local resources cooperate with local actors to

fully participate in the implementation of programs specially on the way for effective

performance and the achievement of resource mobilization.

II. Goal and Objectives


 Improve Organizational efficiency and effectiveness


 Improve institutional capacity, partnership and Networking

III. Annual Focus

 Organizational promotion /dissemination

 Establishing/Strengthening structural System

 Increasing the number of members

 Secure financial capacity

 Networking and partnership

IV. Geographical Coverage
HDAMA Amhara regional branch office has been operating in 5 zones which include:

1. Bahir Dar City:

 Maje, Dasera, Ura, Zegie, Yiganda, Woramit, Gned Zemocha, workemla,

Meshenti, Zenzelema, sebatamit, Addis Alem, Woreb Keble and Tana, Dagmawi

Minlik, Atse Tewodros, Belay Zeleke and Gishe Abay sub city.

2. East Gojjam Zone;

 Motta, Hulet Ejju, Sedie, Goncha, Enarje, Bichena town, Shebel, Enemay, Dejen

town, Dejen zuria, machakel, Amanueal town, Mertulemariam, Aneded, Debai

Tilatgen, Gozamin, Baso liben, Sinan, Bibugne, Debremarkos town, Amber and

Debre Elias woreda.

3. West Gojjam Zone:

 Gonji kolela, Yilimana denisa, S/Mecha, N/Mecha, Sekela, Burie zuriya,

N/Achefer, S/Achefer, Dega damot, Wemberima, Dembecha Zuriya, Quarit and


4. Awi Nationality Zone: Guagussa, Ankesha, Ayehu and Dangela, Enjbara town,

Banja, Fagtalekuma, Addiskdam town, Dangala town, Agewgmja bet town, Guangwa,

Chagni town, Zigem, Jawi and Fendika town woreda.

5. South Gondar : Deraa and Fogera woreda

Strategic Objective1: Improve stakeholders’ engagement, partnership and

participation and organizational visibility

1.1. Organizational Communication.

Under the RBO a total of 420 organizational profile leaflets were distributed to

HDAMA Woreda committee. Two dissemination sessions were conducted for HDAMA

woreda committee, kebele administrator, woreda government leaders etc. In which

more than 1,310 HDAMA woreda committee, government leaders, kebele administrator

and focal person were participated on this dissemination program. The dissemination

sessions were conducted in five zones without any budget but, Especially for Bahir Dar

city administration the Head office was allocated Birr 17,200.00 from which Birr

17,200 (100 %) budget was utilized and the financial document was sent to the head


1.2. Networking and Partnership:

77 partners including government organization were strengthened and established to help

the organizational structure and financial capacity during the reporting period .

Strategic Objective 2: Strengthen systems for resource mobilization and

raise organizational income from diversified sources.

2.1. System strengthening:

During the reporting period 68 Woreda HDAMA Coordinating committees structure were

established, Strengthen from which 39 new and 28 existing HDAMA woreda committees And

organized one General Assembly program at Dangela Town. The regional branch office was

provided board induction and technical support for each woreda committees. The details

locations of Committee strengthen and established as follows.

S/N Zone Established Strengthen Total
1 East Gojjam 10 13 23
2 West Gojjam 10 3 13
3 Awi 3 12 15
4 South Gondar 2 - 2
5 Bahir Dar 14 - 14
Total 39 28 67

2.2. Membership Drive:

S/N ZONE Regular Individual Family Institution Total
1 East Gojjam 31,395 - - - 31,395 784,875

2 West Gojjam 2,560 - - - 2,560 64,000

3 Awi 4480 - - - 4480 112,000

4 South Gondar 880 - - - 880 22,000

5 Bahir Dar 1500 - - - 1500 37,000

Total 40,815 40,815 1,019,875

During six month a total of 40,815 Regular types of members were recruited and

birr 1,019,875 was collected from Membership fee. In this regard, the following were

accomplished in 2015 EFY:

Table: ARBO Membership Type and Fee Collected in 2015 Six Month.

2.3. Distribution of Members Receipt Vouchers

Recruiting members from Woredas found at East Gojjam,West Gojjam and Awi Bahr

Dar and South Gondar zone was very critical activity for the year 2015 EFY in which

the branch office in collaboration with regional, zonal and woreda government

structures. 18,956 cash recipient Vouchers/membership receipt were distribute for 68

woreda and 14 Kebele in Five Zones.The details of location of Cash receipt Voucher

distribution as follows.
S/N Zone Distributed CRVs
1 East Gojjam 8,228
2 West Gojjam 5,754
3 Awi 3,881
4 South Gondar 803
5 Bahir Dar 290
Total 18,956

2.4. Focal Person Selection

To speed up and facilitate the resource mobilization activities at woreda level,

selecting focal persons has a great impact on these specific activities. Hence, 68

woreda committees selected their focal person and reported to HDAMA, regional and

zonal branch office

2.5. Resource Mobilization:

 To enhance the association's revenue source the regional branch office was collected

Birr 161,355.40 from different income streams. The details of source of IGAs types

as follows

S/N Types of IGA collected Amount

1 Container Rent 7,355.40

2 Grain meal Rent 6,000.00

3 House Rent ( Dembecha youth center 120,000.00

4 Grass sell at 28,000.00

Total 161,355.40

ARBO 2015 Six month IGA Types and collected amount

2.6. Youth Center:
More than 1,845 youth living at Dembecha town and nearby rural areas were provided

with information, education and recreation services at the youth center. The youth

center has 2 staff members and the budget was covered by the regional office.

ARBO – 2015 Six Month Dembecha Library Service Users Information

Used directly
S/N Months borrowed & Total
1 July 11 96 107
2 August 14 176 190
3 September 8 262 270
4 October 10 365 375
5 November 42 260 302
6 December 52 100 152
Total 137 1,259 1,396

Strategic Objective 3: Strengthen systems for HR, finance and

procurement management

3.1. Human Resource.

An announcement was made to hire Awi Nationality zone branch coordinator and Shebel

Berenta woreda coordinator.

3.2. Finance and procurement management:

 Regular and project material purchases were made in accordance with the association's

financial guidelines.

 In addition, a monthly employee Labor tax and pension contribution was submitting to

the relevant government institution and the document was sent to the association's

 We have been able to carry out different current procurement process as requested

like food item purchasing for D/Marko’s youth center and other emergency response.

 Annual property audit has been carried out and the report has been sent to


4. Major Accomplishment

4.1. ANRS President Support letter submitted to 7 zonal administrations.

4.2. A support letter written by Zone administration support letter were distributed

to 68 woreda administrations.

4.3. Distribution of large amount of member receipts to district and kebele

4.4. 68 HDAMA Woreda committee and 3 zone Governance board to be established

and strengthened

4.5. Based on the regional Government president Support letter, 7 zone administrators

wrote a circular letter to their woreda structures.

4.6. using government meetings to create awareness about HDAMA

5. Challenge

5.1. In some districts, CRVs are not distributed timely from woreda to kebele

5.2. Government leadership bodies were busy by the current political situation.

6. Solution
6.1. identify Challenging Woredas and we discuss with them to distributed CRVs to

kebele timely

6.2. Efforts were made to resolve the issue by calling and texting outside of

working hours.

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