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Risk Assessment for Precast Construction & Installation of Street Lighting Foundation

RA AD 521-RA-007
Employees at
Number:- REV-01
Risk:- All Employees, Consultant and visitors.
AD/521/Site Property at Risk:- Company/Local property
Risk Assessment for
Assessors:- Site HSE Committee Comments:-
Severity(S) = Extreme (Death, permanent disability) : 4 ; Major (Serious body injury) : 3 ; Moderate (Casualty
treatment) : 2 ; Minor : First aid only/no lost time : 1
Likelihood(L) = Very likely (could happen frequently) : 4 ; Likely (could happen occasionally) : 3 ; Unlikely (could
PROJECT MANAGER happen rarely) : 2 ; Highly unlikely (could happen, but probably never will) : 1
Risk Level(RL)= High (Score(Sc) is from 16 to 8);Medium (Score(Sc) is from 6 and 3); Low (Score(Sc) is from 2 & 1)
Existing Controls or controls generally Actual Risk Residual Risk
Activity Hazard Consequence practiced in the company L S Sc RL Additional Controls L S Sc RL
NOC from the relevant authority prior to
start excavation, cable detector will be Area will be barricaded with safety mesh
Service damage, used to identify the location of or plastic barrier, provide warning sign
cable cutting, underground services, permit to dig and flash lights. All points mentioned in
obstructing the
electrocution, (excavate)system will be followed, 2 4 8 H the permit to be conveyed to the 1 4 4 M
work area
Site burn, fatality ensure proper identification of services workforce by the supervisory staff
Clearance and fire hazards with marking, exposed service will be through TBT, Risk assessment & Method
protected, competent supervision and Statement briefing.
Job specific PPE.
Lack of Accidents,
communication, incidents,
Human supervision, damagers, Ensure NOC? Permit to work. Frequent
factors of competency, serious injuries, Laid down procedures are in place for site inspections as per the check list and
operatives Adopting short damage to the task. Brief procedures to 2 3 6 M task observations to prevent violation of 1 3 3 M
engaged in cut methods, properties, loss individuals, group and supervisors. procedures. Warnings and strict
Activity. Horseplay, of disciplinary actions.
Violation of men/machinery
procedures and materials.

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AD 521-RA-007 REV-01 - Risk Assessment for Precast Construction & Installation of Street Lighting Foundation
Ample Shaded areas to be provided.
collapses /
Adverse weather Working in cooler hours of day if
conditions, heavy necessary, rotating workers, regular
Working in medical
winds, dust short rest periods, and cool hydration
Extreme attention / Working hours will be reviewed based on
storm, extreme drinks. Trained Nurse on duty at all 2 4 8 H 2 2 4 M
weather death, heat Abu Dhabi Municipality summer timings.
heat and times plus first aiders. Briefing
conditions stroke,
humidity and personnel on the symptoms of heat
poor visibility. stroke / stress. Monitoring of
heat cramps,
sunburn etc.
Lack of shaded Dehydration, Provide sufficient drinking water & Suitable storage area for food and
area, drinking fatigue, heat dehydration drinks, shaded rest areas, 2 2 4 M drinking water, providing bus service on 1 2 2 M
water, toilets. stroke. mobile toilets & wash areas. break times to shift workers to rest area.
General Suitable means of access by ramps and
Movements Personnel / Minor & Major ensuring that all materials are Team lifting, splitting the load to small
2 2 4 M 1 2 2 M
& Manual materials falling body injuries. maintained a safely. Safe Manual pieces, suitable access and egress.
Handling Handling techniques shall be adopted.
Excavation All the control measures as identified in the risk assessment-AD-521-RA-003-Excavation of Trenches, Pits Including Formation
Method preparation and Backfilling.
All the control measures as identified in the risk assessment-AD-521-RA-002-Dewatering.
Power tools, Use all power tools with guards,
Bench, circular Unguarded machines should be
saw,Unguarded replaced or repaired, maintain good
machines, housekeeping at working area, Only
Protruded nails, competent workers to use power
Carpentry Manual andling. Minor & Major tools. All hand tools should be
Competent supervision and adequate
work and Sharp hand tools, body injuries. maintained defect free, Safe storage of
inspection provide training and
Rebar work Defective or Poor sharp hand tools ,Regular removal of
2 3 6 M instruction, conduct TBT meeting prior to 2 2 4 M
(Use of hand incorrect tools, workmanship, wood waste, color cording of hand and
start the job and usage of appropriate
and power Tools falling ear impact, fire, power tools,
tools) from height, toxic fume. Designated de-nailing area in
Sharp edged carpentry yard, Retains string on the
tools. tools to secure from falling. Barricading
the area, Wear hand gloves and eye
protection, place end caps on exposed

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AD 521-RA-007 REV-01 - Risk Assessment for Precast Construction & Installation of Street Lighting Foundation
Suitable maintenance, replacement of
damaged equipment, only trained Competent supervision and adequate
Injuries, poor
Spills, noise, people has to use Proper enclosures inspection provide training and
Use of Small workmanship,
vibration, smoke, around the Generators and sound 2 3 6 M instruction, conduct TBT meeting prior to 2 2 4 M
Equipment ear impact, fire,
fume. generating equipment. Use of earplugs start the job and usage of appropriate
toxic fume.
and earmuffs, Training, PPE & PPE’s.

Protruding Cuts, eye injury, Barricading the area, Wear hand gloves Competent supervision and adequate
rebar, Improper impalement and eye protection, place end caps on inspection provide training and
storage of causing major exposed rebar. Maintain proper 2 3 6 M instruction, conduct TBT meeting prior to 1 3 3 M
reinforcement loss of blood housekeeping. Should keep designated start the job and usage of appropriate
& de
bars. and pain. material storage area. PPE’s..

Concrete, Health hazards,

Competent supervision and adequate
Defective e.g. burns, Employees should wear rubber gloves,
inspection provide training and
vibrators, dermatitis, Gum boots, goggles etc., Trained
2 2 4 M instruction, conduct TBT meeting prior to 1 2 2 L
concrete Frost bites, personal to be deployed to operate the
start the job and usage of appropriate
splashes to eyes Personal vibrators.
and skin injuries.

Concreting Struck against

concrete mixer
will cause
injuries or Movement of concert mixer to be Competent supervision and adequate
Concrete mixer /
potential controlled by banks men, delivery hose inspection provide training and
Road Traffics /
fatality. Struck to be tied with guide rope to control its 2 4 8 H instruction, conduct TBT meeting prior to 1 4 4 M
Sharp edges
by against movements. Assign traffic signal man, start the job and usage of appropriate
passing Use required PPEs. PPE’s.

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AD 521-RA-007 REV-01 - Risk Assessment for Precast Construction & Installation of Street Lighting Foundation
Fatality or Operator/Driver with valid license,
injury to people relevant certification for
Flagmen will be provided at each drop off
working on that equipment/vehicle, FLAGMAN should
Movement of & pick up areas. Warning signs will be
Curing vicinity, control the movement of Water Tanker, 2 4 8 H 1 4 4 M
water tanker placed, All workers should use reflective
damages to the Reverse alarm and light should fix on
jacket. Competent supervision.
vehicle and the vehicle, competent supervision and
machinery PPE.
Usage of chemical burns Use proper PPE; follow the instructions
chemicals to the users. as per MSDS, competent supervision and
(epoxy Acute/chronic PPE. Barricade the area, use drip trays
pollution, fire
coating) physical effects for paint drums, keep fire extinguisher,
hazards. MSDS should be communicated through
bitumen in the human and follow the instructions as per MSDS, 2 3 6 M 1 3 3 M
Handling of TBT and provide required first aid kit.
board, body. competent supervision and PPE. Ensure
water Suffocation, that MSDS of chemicals are available at
proofing Contact with site/stores, all the chemicals waste will
system. skin and eyes, be segregated and disposed.
Hit by load, falling Minor & Major Trained & Certified Operator & Rigger.
of load, body injuries or Use of tagline. Avoid homemade steel
Barricade the area, Tool Box, Daily
inappropriate fatalities or "S" type hooks. Inspection of lifting
inspections, Trained personnel,
lifting / slinging damage other equipment and accessories, correct
competent supervision and PPE. All
techniques. Tafic assets. Major slinging techniques. Trained personnel,
points should be conveyed to the
problems, vechile injuries or competent supervision in attendance,
workforce by the supervisory staff
Loding, moments at site fatalities, equipment suitable for task, lifting
through TBT, provide proper sign board,
Incorrect damaged equipment certificated, operatives clear
transportion Risk assessment & Method Statement
equipment used equipment, loss of installation area, out riggers of lifting 2 4 8 H 1 4 4 M
and briefing prior to start the work. Barricade
to install precast of production. equipment should be fully extended,
Installation. the work area, use tag lines. Lifting
into trench or competent supervision and PPE.
Equipment & Lifting Accessories method
Vehicles should keep more than one
equipment too must be comply with the requirement of
meter away from the excavations.
close to edge of EHSMS CoP. 34.0- Safe Use Of Lifting
Reverse alarm and light should fix on
trench causing Equipment and Lifting Accessories
the vehicles. Vehicles moment
collapse of trench Version 2.0
controlled by Flagman. Make sure all
access are clear before start the activity.

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AD 521-RA-007 REV-01 - Risk Assessment for Precast Construction & Installation of Street Lighting Foundation
Proper housekeeping shall be
maintained. Tasks to be carried out
The Liquid
under close supervision. Remove all
waste and the
wooden planks with protruding nails
solid waste if
from work area. Make de-nailing a habit.
Waste not disposed Conduct TBT meeting, Materials shall be
Properly dispose the waste materials in
managemen Handling of well will lead to segregated and stacked properly, keep
designated areas. The liquid waste will 2 2 4 M 1 2 2 L
t and house waste. deterioration of the access free from obstacles to prevent
be collected by designated team with
keeping aesteheties and trip and fall hazards.
tankers every day and send for
The solid waste at site will be properly
segregated in skips and disposed to
authorized agencies.


Site Engineer/ Project Engineer M. Prejin Paul C Mr. Jai Bharat B Singla
HSE Advisor Project Manager

Date: 23.2.2015 Date: 23.2.2015 Date: 23.2.2015

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AD 521-RA-007 REV-01 - Risk Assessment for Precast Construction & Installation of Street Lighting Foundation

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