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Early Birds Catch the Wisdom Worm: Arrive at school before the clock strikes 7:15
a.m., like eager explorers ready to unravel the mysteries of knowledge.
2. Threads of Identity: Drape yourself in the school uniform – not just fabric, but a symbol
of unity and pride.
3. Trimmed Tresses, Polished Nails: Your hair, a canvas; your nails, tiny masterpieces.
Properly groomed, you’re ready to conquer the day.
4. Morning Sun Salutations: Greet teachers and classmates with smiles, for each “hello” is
a brushstroke on the canvas of camaraderie.
5. Bell Symphony: The college bell – our maestro. Follow its rhythm, like dancers in sync,
moving from one chapter to the next.
6. Silent Sanctity: During religious observances, let reverence be your guide. Silence
echoes louder than words.
7. Cleanliness Chronicles: The college premises – your shared sanctuary. Sweep away
litter, erase graffiti, and let tidiness be your legacy.
8. Asset Guardianship: Treat college assets like fragile treasures. The library books, the lab
equipment – entrusted to your care.
9. Dignity Defenders: Uphold the honor of this venerable institution. Wear it like armor,
both within these walls and beyond.
10. Library Lineage: When you venture to the library or computer lab, walk in line – a
procession of curious minds.
11. Teacher’s Whispers: Their words are compass needles. Follow their guidance; it leads to
uncharted territories of wisdom.
12. Bully Busters: Collaboration over confrontation. Build bridges, not walls. Bullies shrink
in the light of camaraderie.
13. Apology Alchemy: When you err unknowingly, apologize. It’s the alchemy that turns
mistakes into growth.
14. Legacy Keepers: Imagine your school as a time capsule. Protect it for the generations yet
to walk these corridors.
15. Discipline Architects: Your goal – a cathedral of dreams. Lay each brick with discipline,
and watch your aspirations soar.
16. Anthem Echoes: When you sing the college song and the National Anthem, let respect
resonate in every note.
May your journey through these hallowed halls be a symphony of learning, laughter, and lasting

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