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Picture a world where robots seamlessly execute tasks with pinpoint accuracy,

revolutionizing industries and enhancing our daily lives. Today, we embark on a

journey into the heart of this technological marvel: robot manipulator calibration.

In this presentation, you'll gain invaluable insights into how advancements in

calibration methodologies propel us closer to achieving unparalleled precision and
efficiency in robotic manipulation.

The knowledge I'm going to share with you comes from the book "The Handbook
of Robotics" is a must-have guide for anyone interested in robotics. Edited by
experts like Bruno Siciliano and Oussama Khatib. It's like having a trusted mentor
by your side, offering valuable knowledge and practical advice.

As we journey through this chapter, we'll explore the two main thems: fundamental
principles of kinematic parametric calibration and inertial parameter estimation. We
will dig more in How parameters could be identified and how could be corrected.

Before delving into the explanation of these topics, I'd like to clarify two
fundamental concepts in dynamics.

Let's begin by understanding kinematic parameters and rigid-body inertial

We understand by Kinematic parameters as the process of locating coordinate
systems of objects relative to each other. These objects may be isolated from each
other, or they may be linked by joints.
Examples include: (length distance, angular distance, coordinate position)

By other hand, Rigid-body inertial parameters. These parameters are required to

predict the driving forces and torques.
Examples include: (acceleration, mass, inertia)

Now that we've established these concepts, let's delve into the topic, starting with
kinematic calibration.

In general, the relative location between coordinate systems requires six geometric
parameters to be calibrated (I mean 3 position plus 3 orientation coordinate
parameters). If there are mechanical constraints between the relative movement of
the coordinate systems, such as connection by a joint, fewer parameters are
So, Calibration proceeds by observing the error in the prediction of a certain
number of position components.

Now, The question is: How could we detect the errors?

In fact, there are two general methods for observing error:
Open-loop calibration involves using an external measurement system to
determine the position components of the manipulator.

Closed-loop calibration consist in sensors placed on the end link pose instead of
external measurements. The manipulator interacts with these physical constraints,
forming a "closed loop" with the ground. Any deviations from these constraints
indicate errors in the predicted pose, which are used to refine the calibration.

Now let’s move to the next calibration parameters. “Inertial Parameter Estimation”

A rigid body has 10 inertial parameters: mass, center of mass relative to an origin,
and symmetric inertia matrix referred to the origin. The rigid body may be a load
hold by the manipulator, or it can be one of the manipulator’s own links. By
generating a trajectory and measuring forces or torques in combination with
velocity and acceleration, some or all of the inertial parameters can be estimated.

In this case Two procedures are presented to estimate the load inertia parameters:
The first one assumes that there is a wrist-mounted (6-axis force/torque) sensor,
whereas the second one makes use of the joint torques.

6-axis force/torque sensor

The force-torque sensor is installed on the final moving part of a device, close to a
joint. It detects forces and twists and has its own coordinate system, and we usually
assume its position doesn't affect its measurements.
Using Joint Torques

When the robot carries something, we can adjust how we identify its dynamics. We
can figure out the load's properties by seeing how they change the overall inertial
properties of the system using specific relationships.

Certain inertial properties can be hard to figure out because of complicated

combinations. Mathematical methods help us ignore or remove these complexities.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we've explored the calibration of kinematic and inertial parameters in
robotics. We began by understanding the fundamental concepts of kinematic
parameters, which involve locating coordinate systems of objects relative to each
other. Additionally, we discussed the significance of rigid-body inertial parameters
in predicting driving forces and torques.

Moving on to kinematic calibration, we learned that the relative location between

coordinate systems typically requires six geometric parameters to be calibrated.
Calibration involves observing errors in pose prediction and employing methods
like open-loop and closed-loop calibration to refine the model.

In the realm of inertial parameter estimation, we explored two procedures to

estimate load inertia parameters. The first method involves utilizing a wrist-
mounted 6-axis force/torque sensor, while the second method makes use of joint

In conclusion, understanding kinematic parameters and inertial parameter

estimation is paramount for the efficient operation of robotic systems. By refining
our models and calibration methods, we can enhance the performance and
reliability of robots across various applications.

Thank you for joining me in this exploration of robotics.

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