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Basics of Paediatric Care

Dr Joyce CHUNG


Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this session, students will be able to:
• Understand the importance of pain management in paediatrics.
• Describe the methods of assessing pain.
• Identify the nursing interventions needed when performing
some pediatric procedures and care.
• Describe the basic knowledge of resuscitation in children.

Outline of the topics
 Pain management
 Positioning of a child during procedures
 Administration of Medication: Parenteral/Oral/Optic/Otic
 Special procedures: Suctioning/Aerosol Nebulizer
Therapy/ Peak Flowmeter/ Naso/Orogastric tube
placement /Enteral feeding
 Specimen collection: Nasopharyngeal Aspiration/Throat
swab/Urine collection
 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Pain management
• Pain experience influences by:
developmental level, cause & nature, ability to express

• Associated with fear, anxiety & stress

• Family plays an important role: Family- centered care

• Should approach by recognizing, responding and

reassessing the pain

Pain management
Recognizing pain
Observation and parental impression are commonly used
and a number of self-assessment tools have been
designed for children over 3 years of age.
• Vital sign changes may be a general reaction to
physiologic stress
• Pain assessment tool
Consider the developmental age of the child

Pain assessment tools

FACES Pain Rating Scale

(Age of 3 can be used)
FLACC Scale (Behavioral Score)

Assessing children’s emotional responses during stressful medical procedure:
Children’s Emotional Manifestation Scale

Li, H.C.W. and Lopez, V. (2005)
Pain management
Responding to pain
Age-appropriate explanation should be given with
1. Non-pharmacological approach
• Non-nutritive sucking with oral sucrose/glucose
• Touching therapy
• Kangaroo Care
• Distraction
• Art, music or play therapy with the involvement of
trained play specialists

Pain management
2. Pharmacological approach
• Local: anaesthetic cream (e.g. EMLA cream), local
anaesthetic infiltration, nerve blocks
• Analgesics: Mild/moderate – Paracetamol, NSAIDs
: Strong – Opioids (e.g. Morphine)
• Sedatives and anesthetic agents:
Ketamine, midazolam, nitrous oxide
• Antiepileptic (e.g. carbamazepine, clonazepam) and
antidepressant drugs (e.g. amitriptyline) for neuropathic
Route: Oral if possible/ IV/SC/PR. Intranasal administration
is becoming increasing popular.
Pain management
3. Reassessing pain
• Vital part of pain management
• Child’s pain scores should be regularly reviewed

Positioning of a child during procedures

Mummy restraint
Infant restraining board
• Procedures used: jugular venipuncture; femoral
venipuncture; blood taking; placement of a
nasogastric tube; specimen collection e.g. NPA
• Keep observation of the child’s condition, perform
assessment of peripheral circulation.

IV access
• The patient is positioned to prevent movement
during the IV insertion procedure.
• Local anesthetic medication - EMLA cream may be
used if prescribed (needs 30-60 mins. to be
effective), covers with transparent dressing.
• Wipe it off before performing the insertion.
• Secure IV site after insertion by using transparent

Femoral venipuncture Jugular venipuncture

Administration of medications

• Children’s reactions to medication administration can

be affected by developmental characteristics

• Body surface area / Child’s body weight

are common method to determine amount of
medication administration
 Must obtain an accurate body weight

Oral medication
• Liquids, pills, tablets, and caplets
• Frequently in a liquid form
• Use syringe/calibrated small medicine cup or
dropper for administration

* 3 checks 5 rights + allergy history MUST be

* Stop any procedure if any query arise esp.
from parents

Oral medication
• Elevate the child’s head or at upright position unless is
• Place small amounts of liquid along the side of the
infant’s mouth by the oral syringe or let the baby suck.
• Administration of 0.2 to 0.5 mL at a time helps prevent
• Allow the child to swallow between amounts
• Empower parent to participate if necessary

Intramuscular medications

• Widely used (esp. vaccination except BCG)

• Most stressful and painful experiences for the child
• Get adequate assistance and well informed to the
parent and child
• 21-25 gauge needles (0.5 to 1 inch) are usually
recommended to use for infants & children
• Evaluate the child’s muscle mass & choose
appropriate site.
• Rotate injection sites for multiple injections.

- Place your index finger on the anterior superior iliac spine, middle finger on
the superior iliac crest, and your palm on the greater trochanter.
- Inject into center of the ‘V’ formed by the index & middle fingers
* Use your Rt. Hand for the child’s left hip and vice versa

Vastus lateralis
- Identify the middle third of the femur.
- Identify the area between 2 imaginary lines drawn from the greater
trochanter to knee – midanteriorly & midlaterally
- Injection site is located between the lines in the middle third of the
midlateral anterior thigh

- Identify site about 2 fingerbreadths below acromial process & just above
- Inject into upper third of deltoid muscle

- Not recommended in children < 5 years of age / insufficient muscle mass
- Place child on abdomen & have him/her point the toes inward
- Draw an imaginary line between the posterior superior iliac spine & the
greater trochanter.
- Inject in the upper outer region above this line into the gluteus medius
Intravenous medications
• Usually use a volumetric infusion pump /
syringe pump to avoid fluid overload
• Assess patency, insertion site & side effects;
• Flush the line with 2 - 5 mL NS ( in neonate)
• For intermittent infusion, use a proximal port /
a syringe pump / medication port on volume
control chamber
• Clean the port and surrounding tubing with
alcohol swab

Intravenous medications
• IV push: Inject the medication slowly over the time
• At the end, flush tubing with normal saline
• Monitor effect & S/E of the medication
• Monitor the infusion/injection site regularly
Easily to cause extravasation
** Color, tension of skin,
skin temperature, pain sensation,
crying & excessive limb movement
of the infusion site etc.
Otic medications
• Warm to room temperature
• Lie the child in a supine position with his/her head
turned to the appropriate side. The child can also lie
across parent’s lap.
• To instill the solution in a child < 3 years of age, pull
the pinna of the ear back & down.
• If > 3 years of age, the pinna is pulled back & up

Otic medications

• Holding the dropper ½ inch above the ear canal and

being careful not to contaminate the ear dropper.
• Gently massage the tragus (area anterior to the ear
canal) unless contraindicated due to pain.
• Have the child remain in the supine position
with the head turned for 3-5 mins.
• Distract the child if necessary.

Ophthalmic Medications
• Cleanse the eye with cotton ball/gauze soaked with NS if
• Swab from the inner canthus of the eyelid to the outer
Maintain the principle of ‘once swab once only’.
• Position the child supine in bed, or other flat surface,
looking up.
• Ask for assistance if necessary.
• Rest your dominant hand against the child’s
• With the other hand, pull down the lower eyelid
to expose the conjunctival sac.
Ophthalmic Medications
• Administer the medication (Eye ointment)
- Place a thin ribbon of ointment along the
entire conjunctival sac from the inner
canthus to the outer canthus or as
prescribed (e.g., ¼ -in ribbon).
• Apply gentle pressure to the nasolacrimal duct
(the inner canthus) with your index finger for
about 30 sec.
• Have the child keep his or her eyes closed for
up to 1 minute after administration.

• Oxygenate the child if necessary (Pre-oxygenation).
• Apply intermittent suction with rotation of the catheter
while withdrawing it.
• The appropriate subatmospheric pressures to use when
suctioning are:
60–80 mm Hg (Neonates),
80–100 mm Hg (Infants),
100–120 mm Hg (Children)
• Limit continuous suctioning within the airway
≤ 5 seconds (infants) / 15 seconds (children).
• Allow 20-30 sec. interval between each suction.
• Limit suctioning to a total of 5 minutes.
• Assessment and evaluation (? O2 afterwards). 27
Tracheostomy tube (TT) suction
** Usually TT without cuff for children
- Easily dislodge without any notice
- Oxygenation prior suctioning if required.
- Turn on the wall suction & check suction force.
- Use glove hand to take out suction catheter without
touching the tip
- Connect catheter to suction tube
- Insert suction catheter into TT without applying
suction by using dominant hand.
- Gently rotate the catheter while withdrawing it.
Aerosol Nebulizer Therapy

• Route: Inhalation
• More effective than by using puff technique.
• Allow to use in pediatric specialty
(Proper PPE and special room arrangement)
• Fill the nebulizer chamber, using a syringe to
measure the precise amount of isotonic diluent
& medication ordered.
– Using sterile NS for injection in dilution (according to
• If gas flow is used >> at least 6L/min.
• Hold the nebulizer during administration.
• Be aware of claustrophobia (mask)→ ↑ stress 29
Peak Flowmeter

• Measure pulmonary function in children

with resp. conditions e.g. asthma
• After taking a deep breath, the child
should blow as hard and fast into the
meter as he/she can. Read the number
• Repeat this procedure two more times
(Altogether three times).
• Average the numbers from all the
readings to derive the PFR.
Naso/Orogastric tube placement

• Select appropriate size of feeding tube

(generally 5-8 French).
• Position the child using a developmental
• Measure the length of tube to be
From the tip of the nose to the earlobe and
from the earlobe to the point midway
between the xiphoid process and umbilicus

Naso/Orogastric tube placement
• Gently insert tube into nostril/mouth, aiming down
and back.
• While inserting the tube, position the child’s head to
optimize passage into the esophagus by gently flexing
the head forward.
• When the enteral tube reaches the pharynx &
the child gags, ask child to swallow.
• Allow to rest as needed. Observe the child during the
• Secure the tube (+ skin protection) & perform tube
Enteral feeding

• Assess the feeding regimen, ? NPO

• Hand hygiene
• Prime the tubing to eliminate air.
• Positioning of the child: Sitting position
• Head of bed should be elevated 30-60
mins. after feeding.
• Check and test the feeding tube to
ensure the feeding tube is in-situ.

Enteral feeding
• Assess for residual fluid in GIT e.g. Q4H before
• If the gastric residual volume > one half of the
previous feeding volume, hold the present feeding,
note the color and consistency, and notify the
• If there is a small amount of residual, return the
aspirate and continue with the enteral feeding

Nasopharyngeal Aspiration
• Apply PPE in an isolation room
• Position: supine (newborn, infant) or held on knee
(young child) with the head in an extended position
• Aim: To reach the nasopharynx
• Insertion length: corner of nose to front of ear →
• insert 2/3 of the measured length
• Procedure: same as suction procedure
* Maintain the container in an upright position
Monitor RR and any changes during the procedure
: Obtain the mucus from the nasopharynx →
use the same suction catheter to aspirate
the content in the culture medium bottle
: label the specimen, comfort the child & parents
: Usual aftercare
Throat swab
• Explain the procedure to the child & parent
• Use the light to overview of the throat
• Gently swab back of the throat along the
tonsil area

Urine collection (urine collection bag)
• Position the child on the back with the legs in a
frog-like position.
• Remove the diaper & clean the perineum/
prepuce of the child by soap & water.
• Remove the protective backing from the adhesive
• Make sure the bag does not cover the anus
• Boy: insert the penis & scrotum into the bag
opening, the adhesive adheres to the perineum
& the symphysis.

Urine collection (urine collection bag)

• Girl: Position the lower half of the adhesive on the

bag on the perineum first and then press the
adhesive up toward the symphysis.
• Replace the diaper & wait for the child to void.
• After the child has voided, transfer urine to specimen

CPR for children

Signs of poor perfusion may include cool
extremities, decrease in responsiveness,
weak pulses, paleness, mottling and

© 2020 American Heart Association, Inc.

• Check if there is any airway blockages of the child’s
• Recovery position. Clear blockages with your fingers, then
check for breathing.
Airway opening
• Head tilt-chin lift maneuver (if stable cervical spine)
• Jaw thrust (unstable cervical spine)
• Prevent overextension of the head

Breath delivery
• Start if no breathing/ only grasping
• Bag-Valve Mask (BVM)/operator’s mouth:
Tightly seal up the mouth & nostrils
• BVM: using E-C technique
• Avoid excessive ventilation
• Avoid over-inflation of lung:
Small puffs of air & assess chest rise
• Give breath over 1 sec.
• If chest does not rise → Reposition the head/jaw
• Palpable pulse ≥60bpm but there is inadequate breathing
 rescue breathing breath ~ 20 to 30 breaths/min. (1 breath every
2 -3 sec.) until spontaneous breathing resumes.
• Reassess every 2 mins
Pulse assessment

• Infant: Palpate a brachial pulse

• Child: Palpate a carotid or femoral pulse
• If no definite pulse can be felt within 10 seconds, start
CPR, beginning with chest compressions.

Chest compression

- Spine is well support on a firm surface

- Rate: 100-120/min
- Location (Do not compress: Xiphoid process & ribs):
Infant ( 1 year old) : At a point of lower sternum just
below the intersection of the sternum (between
the nipples)
Child (1-8 yrs old): Lower half of the sternum
- Push hard, push fast, allow full chest recoil, minimize
interruptions in chest compression

- Method:
Infant: 2 fingers, firm downward thrust
: 2-thumb -encircling hands technique
(2 rescuers)

Child: 2 hands / 1 hand (optimal for very small

child) on the lower half of the breastbone
- Depth:
Infant: At least 1/3 AP diameter, 1.5 inches (4 cm)
Child: At least 1/3 AP diameter, 2 inches (5 cm)

- Rate of Compression: Breath

30:2 (1 rescuer) vs 15:2 (2 rescuers) 44
• C-A-B sequence as the
preferred sequence for
Pediatric CPR
• Treat reversible causes
Hydrogen ion (acidosis)
Hypo- / hyperkalemia
Tension pneumothorax
Tamponade, cardiac
Thrombosis, pulmonary
Thrombosis, coronary
• Return of spontaneous
Pulse & BP
Spontaneous arterial pressure
waves with intra-arterial

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Alexis A. Topjian. Circulation. Part 4: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support: 2020 American Heart
Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care,
Volume: 142, Issue: 16_suppl_2, Pages: S469-S523, DOI: (10.1161/CIR.0000000000000901)
Highlights of the 2020 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC. Accessed Jan 26, 2021
Hockenberry, Wilson, Rodgers, Hockenberry, Marilyn J., Wilson, David, and Rodgers, Cheryl C. Wong's
Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. Tenth ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, 2017

Li, H.C.W. and Lopez, V. (2005), Children's Emotional Manifestation Scale: development and testing.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14: 223-229.

Wong, C. L., Ip, W. Y., Kwok, B. M. C., Choi, K. C., Ng, B. K. W., & Chan, C. W. H. (2018). Effects of
therapeutic play on children undergoing cast-removal procedures: A randomised controlled trial. BMJ
Open, 8(7) doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-021071

Acknowledgement: Ms Jacqueline Ho


Please feel free to contact me at 2766 6322 or email to:


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