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Volt Electric Car Advert Analysis

Context Identify the details that The image of two hands holding the earth and the caption
suggest the context of “charge the battery change the world” suggest that the ad
the ad. was made during a time of increased concern regarding
the environment.
What effect does it
create on the audience?

Purpose What is communicated The image depicts a car and lightning striking above it.
through the image? The background shows two hands holding the earth,
indicating the environmental benefits of using the car.
Audience To whom would this ad This ad attempts to appeal to the sense of responsibility
appeal? people have towards the environment, and would
For whom is this image primarily attract individuals who are environmentally
meant? conscious.
Construction What is the signifier? Signifier- the car, lightning above it, image of the world and
of meaning the caption “charge the battery change the world”
What is signified?
How do the following Signified – This battery-operated car is less damaging to
help in the construction the environment than a car with a combustion engine.
of meaning?
 the tagline Tagline – Highlights the environmental benefits of the car
 the copy conveyed through the image of the earth. The use of
 the image action words “charge” and “change” reinforces the
 signature significant impact one could have on the world by using
 font size and colour this particular car.
 layout
Copy – Mentions the features of the product such as the
“revolutionary propulsion system” and the “110- volt
Explain the visual
outlet”, which bring the customers’ attention to features
narrative. i.e,
that set it apart from other cars while giving additional
 What does the image
information about the product. It also refers to its
immediate success in an international auto show, which
 What culture is
provides some credibility and convinces the customers of
the advantages of purchasing the car.
 What does it have to
do with the product? Image – The bolt of lightning beside the illustration of two
 How does the hands gently holding a globe signifies the power and
language of the capability individuals have to protect the earth.
advert complement
the image? Font size and colour - The font of the first half of the
 Explain the effect tagline (charge the battery) is slightly smaller than that of
this has on the the other half (change the world), which is probably
audience. indicative of the tremendous impact and long- term
consequences of using this product. The bold, white font
contrasts the dark background and possibly symbolises the
positive change caused by the electric car since white is
used to symbolize purity.

Layout – The placement of the car in the bottom right

corner as compared to the image of the globe occupying
over half of the advertisement in the background creates
an impression of the car as something trivial compared to
environment. This suggests that by purchasing the car one
does not just use it for personal needs but also contributes
to the well – being of people throughout the world.

Visual narrative – The illustration of two hands gently

holding a globe is suggestive of the positive environmental
impact of using the electric car, which is anchored by the
caption “Charge the battery change the world”. The use of
action words in the caption and the bolt of lighting above
the car possibly imply the incredible power we hold to
contribute to improving the world.

Negotiation How does the lay out The black background highlights the blue globe and the
of meaning impact the audience? bright ,white bolt of lightning; this draws the readers’
attention to the key elements of the advertisement. The
a. Foreground: image of the car in the foreground hangs out of the
rectangular frame of the whole image which reflects the
 what do your eyes nature of the car as something that is not limited to
notice first? benefitting only the individuals that own it. The overall
 What is composition of the image emphasises the large scale
communicated environmental effect of using the electric car.
through the
placement of image This advertisement attracts customers by presenting itself
 What impact does as a revolution in the automobile industry that has great
this have on the potential to reduce environmental issues.

b. Overall composition

Persuasive effect:

In what ways does the

ad persuade you to buy
the product?

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