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Corporate Governance in South Africa


03 Introduction

04 Our Firm

05 Our Footprint in Africa

06 Key Differences Between King III

and King IV

11 Key Contacts



On 1 November 2016, the

King Committee published
the King IV Report on
Corporate Governance for
South Africa, 2016 (King IV).

K ing IV introduces various amendments and

enhancements to its predecessor, the King
III Report on Corporate Governance for South
Africa, 2009 (King III). It constitutes a positive
step in South African corporate governance which
aims to embrace a more practical approach in
the governance of “organisations” which King IV
defines as “a company, retirement fund, non-profit
organisation, state-owned entity, municipality,
municipal entity, trust, voluntary association and
any other juristic person regardless of its manner
of incorporation”.

Some of the most notable changes are set out in

this guide. Corporate governance is enhanced by
these changes through, inter alia, the increased
involvement of stakeholders, the requirements
for the independence of directors, increased
disclosures of information by companies
and the alignment of the management
of group companies.

Not all of the amendments introduced by King IV

are clear at this stage. However, its provisions and
their consequences will become clearer through
practical implementation.

Robert Cohen


Our Firm

Bowmans is a leading Pan-African law firm.

Our track record of providing specialist legal
services, both domestic and cross-border, in the
fields of corporate law, banking and finance law
and dispute resolution, spans over a century.

W ith six offices in four African countries

and over 400 specialised lawyers,
we are differentiated by our geographical
We have been named African Legal Adviser
by DealMakers for the last three consecutive
years and South African Law Firm of the
reach, independence and the quality of legal Year for 2016 by the Who’s Who Legal. Most
services we provide. recently, we won the Technology, Media and
Telecommunications Team of the Year Award
We draw on our unique knowledge of the at the prestigious African Legal Awards hosted
African business environment and in-depth by Legal Week and the Corporate Counsel
understanding of the socio-political climate Association of South Africa in 2017. The firm
to advise clients on a wide range of legal was also ‘highly commended’ in the African
issues. Our aim is to assist our clients in Law Firm of the Year – Large Practice and
achieving their objectives as smoothly and Litigation and Dispute Resolution Team of
efficiently as possible while minimising the the Year categories.
legal and regulatory risks.

Our clients include corporates, multinationals

and state-owned enterprises across a range
of industry sectors as well as financial
institutions and governments.

Our expertise is frequently recognised

by independent research organisations.

Corporate Governance in South Africa

Our Footprint
in Africa
W e provide integrated legal services
throughout Africa from six offices (Cape
Town, Dar es Salaam, Durban, Johannesburg,
Kampala and Nairobi) in four countries UGANDA
(Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda).

We work closely with leading Nigerian firm

Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie, and Mozambique-
based boutique firm, Taciana Peão Lopes & UGANDA

Advogados Associados. We also have strong UGANDA

relationships with other leading law firms
across the rest of Africa.
We are representatives of Lex Mundi, a global KENYA
association, with more than 160 independent KENYA
law firms in all the major centres across the
globe. This association gives us access to the KENYA TANZAN
best firms in each jurisdiction represented. TANZAN




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Relationship firm
Relationship firm
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Significant transaction or advisory experience
Significant transaction
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or advisory
advisory experience
or advisory experience


Key Differences Between

King III and King IV

Fewer principles their interpretation and implementation of King IV.

These sector supplements are aimed at making it
The 75 principles contained in King III have been easier for organisations to achieve good corporate
reduced to 17 principles under King IV. This governance through the application of King IV.
reduction in principles has been achieved by the
restructuring of the report. However, most of Remuneration
the substantive principles of King III have been
retained, in some form, in King IV. It is assumed While King III included provisions pertaining to
that the reduction in principles is aimed at the remuneration policies of organisations, King
facilitating an easier interpretation and IV addresses the controversial issue in a more
application of King IV. succinct manner by requiring that remuneration
policies specifically include arrangements towards
“Apply and explain” ensuring that the remuneration of executive
management is fair and responsible in the
King IV introduces a shift from the “apply or context of overall employee remuneration
explain” approach contained in King III to the in the organisation.
“apply and explain” approach contained in King IV.
Furthermore, the governing body is required to
Practically, this means that organisations will be disclose remuneration by means of a remuneration
required to implement the principles, that is, take report in three parts (the minimum contents of
measures to achieve the principles, but also to which are set out in King IV), namely:
explain measures and their results. The “apply and
explain” approach should facilitate meaningful • a background statement;
stakeholder participation by giving stakeholders • an overview of the main provisions of the
more information in respect of the corporate remuneration policy; and
governance of organisations. • an implementation report which contains
details of all remuneration awarded to
JSE listed companies are already under an individual members of the governing body
obligation to comply with King IV, but this is and executive management during the
still on a “comply or explain basis”. However, reporting period.
when the proposed amendments to the JSE
Listings Requirements come into force, JSE listed King IV also requires that the implementation
companies will be required to apply and explain report reflect, in addition to disclosures required in
their compliance with King IV. terms of the Companies Act:

Introduction of sector supplements • the remuneration of each member of executive

Part 6 of King IV contains sector supplements • an account of the performance measures used
applicable to municipalities, non-profit and the relative weighting of each, as a result
organisations, retirement funds, small and medium of which awards under variable remuneration
enterprises and state-owned entities. These incentive schemes have been made, including:
supplements provide specific guidance to the • the targets set for the performance
aforementioned categories of organisations in measures and the corresponding value of the
award opportunity; and

Corporate Governance in South Africa

• for each performance measure, how the IV has moved away from the position in King III
organisation and executive managers, and instead contains a list of “indicators” which
individually, performed against the the governing body should, holistically, and on
set targets; a substance-over-form basis, consider when
• separate disclosure of, and reasons for, assessing the independence of a member of the
any payments made on termination of governing body for purposes of categorisation.
employment or office; and
a statement regarding compliance with and any Enhanced disclosure
deviations from, the remuneration policy.
The disclosure requirements introduced by King IV
The remuneration policy and the implementation are broader than those contained in King III. These
report must be tabled annually for separate non- King IV requirements include, inter alia disclosures
binding advisory votes by shareholders at the in relation to:
annual general meeting (AGM) and, in the event
that either document is voted against by 25% or • each committee of the governing body,
more of the voting rights exercised, the board which include:
is required to commit to take measures • its overall role and associated responsibilities
pertaining to: and functions;
• its composition;
• an engagement process to ascertain the • key areas of focus during the reporting
reasons for the dissenting votes; and period; and
• appropriately addressing legitimate and • whether the committee is satisfied that it
reasonable objections and concerns has fulfilled its responsibilities in accordance
raised, which may include amending the with its terms of reference for the
remuneration policy, or clarifying or adjusting reporting period;
remuneration governance and/ or processes. • the audit committee, which include:
• whether the audit committee is satisfied
The background statement of the remuneration that the external auditor is independent of
report succeeding a dissenting vote of 25% in the the organisation;
remuneration policy and/ or the implementation • significant matters that the audit committee
report must disclose: has considered in relation to the annual
financial statements and how these were
• with whom the company engaged, and the addressed; and;
manner and form of engagement to ascertain • the audit committee’s views on the
the reasons for dissenting votes; and effectiveness of (i) the chief audit executive,
• the nature of steps taken to address legitimate (ii) the arrangements for internal audit, and
and reasonable objections (iii) the CFO and the finance function;
and concerns. • the evaluation of the performance of the
governing body;
The increased level of disclosures regarding • the CEO (eg his or her notice period;
board remuneration will hopefully result in contractual conditions related to termination
enhanced accountability and transparency of his or her employment; other professional
within the organisation as well as encourage commitments; whether succession planning is
stakeholder participation/ activism. However, in place);
whether King IV’s board remuneration provisions • risk management and governance;
will lead to a reduction in board remuneration • technology and information;
remains to be seen. • arrangements for governing and monitoring
stakeholder relationships
Independence of directors • compliance; and
• the details of monitoring and compliance
Whereas King III provided an exhaustive set inspections by environmental regulators,
of criteria in the classification of a person as findings of non-compliance with environmental
“independent” non-executive directors, King laws, or criminal sanctions and prosecutions
for such non-compliance.


The increased disclosure requirements introduced • assume responsibility for governance across
by King IV may result in enhanced transparency the group by setting the direction for how the
and therefore improved governance of the relationships and exercise of power within the
company. However, the disclosure of (for example) group should be approached and conducted;
findings of non-compliance with environmental • ensure that the group governance framework
laws, or criminal sanctions and prosecutions for does not conflict with the memoranda of
such non-compliance may constitute a “sensitive” incorporation, delegations of authority,
matter for stakeholders and, accordingly, prove shareholder agreements, board charters,
difficult for the company to disclose without board committee terms of reference, and
receiving negative feedback from its stakeholders. related policies and agreements within the
This may result in increased tensions between group; and
stakeholders and the company. • ensure that the group governance framework
recognises each subsidiary within the group
Social and ethics committee as a separate and independent juristic person
to whom its directors owe fiduciary duties.
While King III recognised that certain categories
of companies were required to establish a social The board of the holding company should also
and ethics committee in terms of the Companies ensure that the group governance framework
Act, King IV goes further in that it encourages the addresses governance matters as is appropriate
establishment of a social and ethics committee, for the group, including the following:
even in instances where an organisation is
not legally required to do so in terms of the • delineation of the rights and role of the
Companies Act. holding company;
• if applicable, delegation of certain
While the Companies Regulation 43 of the responsibilities by the board of a subsidiary to
Companies Regulations do not address the ethics a board committee of the holding company,
role of the social and ethics committee, King IV without abdicating accountability, and subject
attributes to the social and ethics committee the to agreed reporting and information-sharing
role of the oversight of, inter alia, an organisation’s arrangements;
ethics and the reporting thereon. • the extent to which governance and
operational policies of the holding company
In terms of King IV, a majority of such a have been adopted by subsidiary companies
committee’s members should be non-executive in the group;
directors in order to ensure the committee’s • engagement by the holding company with
independence. This is in comparison to the the board of a subsidiary company before the
Regulation 43 of the Companies Regulations’ holding company exercises its rights to elect
requirement of only one independent non- directors to the board of
executive director. the subsidiary;
• arrangements to address the risk of breaching
Group governance framework legal duty in relation to the use of information
obtained while acting as director of one
While King III required that a governance company in the group for the purposes of
framework be agreed between the group and another company in the group; and
its subsidiary boards, King IV goes further by • the board of the holding company should
placing a responsibility on the board of a holding ensure that the agreed group governance
company, to: framework is implemented across the group.

Corporate Governance in South Africa

On the face of it, King IV facilitates an increase Organisational ethics

in the consistency of the governance of group
companies. The implementation of the agreed King IV introduces the requirement that the governing
corporate governance framework by the board body should ensure that the codes of conduct
of the holding company may result in an increase and ethics policies provide for arrangements that
in the number of shareholders in the holding familiarise employees and other stakeholders with the
company, who have an interest in the subsidiary organisation’s ethical standards, which arrangements
companies, taking measures to hold the holding should include, inter alia:
company accountable in this regard.
• publishing the organisation’s codes of conduct
In addition, by placing the responsibility to and policies on the organisation’s website, or
ensure that the group governance framework on other platforms or through other media as
does not conflict with, inter alia, the memoranda is appropriate;
of incorporation, shareholder agreements, board • the incorporation by reference, or otherwise, of
charters, and related policies within the group, the relevant codes of conduct and policies in
King IV creates a cleaner group management supplier and employee contracts; and
structure in which conflicting interpretations of • including the codes of conduct and ethics policies
the company’s policies are less likely to ensue. in employee induction and training programmes.

Information and technology Stakeholders

Whereas, King III recognised the concept Also introduced by King IV are the requirements that:
of information technology as one source of
value creation, King IV separates information • a governing body should exercise ongoing
and technology, which may overlap in certain oversight of stakeholder relationship management
instances, into two distinct sources of value and in particular that it results in, inter alia,
creation in terms of which separate risks and (i) methodologies for identifying stakeholders,
opportunities may exist. (ii) formal mechanics for stakeholder
engagement, and (iii) measurement of the
King IV recognises the effects which the quality of material stakeholder relationships and
advances of technology and information may, appropriate responses to outcomes; and
separately, have on businesses. Accordingly, King • the board of a company should oversee that the
IV requires that the governing body exercise company encourages proactive engagement
ongoing oversight of the management of, both, with shareholders, including engagement at
information and/ or technology, as the case may the AGM of the company and that all directors
be, so as to ensure: should be available at the AGM to respond to
shareholders’ queries on how the board executed
• the leveraging of information to sustain its governance duties.
and enhance the organisation’s intellectual
capital; These amendments, as introduced by King IV, place
• an information architecture that supports an increased responsibility on the governing body to
confidentiality, integrity and availability of facilitate and ensure an increased level of engagement
information and a technology architecture with stakeholders, in particular shareholders, and
that enables the achievement of strategic the company.
and operational objectives;
• the protection of privacy of personal King IV also recognises the need for the ability of the
information; and board, which controls the company and has access
• the monitoring and appropriate responses to information which shareholders do not, to explain
to developments in technology, including its decisions to the shareholders and engage with
the capturing of potential opportunities and the shareholders regarding certain matters affecting
the management of disruptive effects on the the company at AGMs. In this regard King IV requires
organisation and its business model. that all directors be available at AGMs to respond to
shareholders’ queries on how the board executed its
governance duties.


Responsible investing

In recognition of the rights and influences of

institutional investors, King IV requires that
the governing body of an institutional investor
assumes responsibility for governing responsible
investing by the institutional investor.

In this regard, the governing body should approve

policy that articulates its direction on responsible
investment and provide for the adoption of a
recognised responsible investment code, principles
and practices. The policy should be disclosed
to stakeholders.

Corporate Governance in South Africa

Key Contacts

Head of M&A
Johannesburg, South Africa

T: +27 11 669 9426


Johannesburg, South Africa

T: +27 11 669 9317


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Cape Town
T: +27 21 480 7800

Dar es Salaam
T: +255 76 898 8640

T: +27 31 265 0651

T: +27 11 669 9000

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T: +254 20 289 9000

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