Gun Violence South America Stat

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South America Gun Violece Death By Country 2023 Total Death from firearms

Argentina 3,309
Brazil 47,510
Colombia 12,596
Average death per 100k on year 2023 total gun ownership
3.64 3,256,000
20.8 17,510,000
24.8 4,971,000
total gun ownership with authorization total gun ownership without authorization
1,562,332 1,693,668
8,080,295 9,429,705
706,210 4,264,790
Average Education in college in each country
Average Domestic Violence In Percentage
19% 14
23% 18
31% 12
Average Psychopath or Schizo personality
Population 2022 est Own Gun In household 2021
United States 352 million 39%
White 26% 36%
Blacks 13% 19%

Mexico 130.2 Million 15%

Canada 38 million 17.50%
Gun homicide victims 2019 Killed by police 2020 Median net worth of families 2019 (USD)
24.40% 1,021
39% 52% $188,200
57% 24% $24,100

70% 1606 $7,550

38.20% 55 $295,100
With bachelors degree or higher 2019 Fatherless Households 2019
41.40% 23%
23.20% 19.60%

17.40% 27.1
30.60% 16.20%
Avg # of Children per household


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