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The Last Lesson

Extra & Extra Important Questions

Q1What was the mood in the classroom when M. Hamel gave his last French lesson? (Delhi
When M.Hamel was giving his last French ; lesson, the mood in the classroom was solemn and
sombre. When he announced that this was their last French lesson everyone present in the
classroom suddenly developed patriotic feelings for their native language and genuinely
regretted ignoring their mother tongue.

Q2 What had the narrator counted on to enter the school, unnoticed? (Delhi 2010)
The narrator (Franz) had counted on the hustle and bustle that was usual when the school
began in order to enter there unnoticed. He had thought he could depend on the commotion to
get to his desk without anybody noticing that he was late for the class.

Q3 This is your last French lesson.” How did Franz react to this declaration of M.Hamel? (Delhi
When M.Hamel declared that it was their last French lesson a grim realisation dawned on Franz
that he had so much more yet to learn. He felt sorry for whiling away his time and skipping his
lessons. Now he did not want to part with his books, which he had earlier consi¬dered a
nuisance. He was also deeply pained at the thought that M.Hamel was leaving.

Q4 Which were the words that shocked and surprised little Franz?
(Delhi 2010)
When M.Hamel mounted on the chair and announced that he was there to teach his last French
lesson that day, Franz was shocked and surprised. He felt very guilty for deliberately ignoring to
learn his native language and he suddenly developed a strange fascination for his language and
his school.

Q5 What changes came over little Franz after he heard M.Hamel’s announcement? (All India
When M.Hamel announced that this was to be their last French class a grim realisation dawned
on Franz that he could hardly write his language and now he was being deprived of the
opportunity to learn it. He felt very guilty of neglecting his classes and escaping school. The
thought of losing his teacher, M. Hamel, also pained him

Q6 Who did M.Hamel blame for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz? (Delhi
Mr. Hamel blamed various people for different reasons for neglect of learning on the part of boys
like Franz. First he blamed the parents for not being anxious to have their children learn and
rather engaging them into household work. He blamed the boys themselves for preferring to
work on mills and farms. He also blamed himself for sending boys on errands for his

Q7 .What were Franz’s regrets after M. Hamel’s announcement of his last lesson? (Comptt.
Delhi 2012)
When M. Hamel announced that it was their last French lesson, Franz realised he had so much
more to learn. He felt sorry for whiling away his time and skipping his lessons. He was also
deeply pained at the thought of M. Hamel leaving the school.

Q8 But the thing that surprised me most was to see ” What surprised Franz most in the class?
(Comptt. All India 2013)
The thing that surprised Franz the most when he entered the classroom was to see the village
people sitting as quietly as the students on the back benches of the class that were always
empty. This included old Hauser, the former mayor, the former postmaster and several others.

Q9 We’ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with”, said M. Hamel. Comment. (Delhi 2015)
M. Hamel blamed everyone for putting off learning till the next time and thus losing out on the
opportunity to learn their native language, French. The parents preferred to put their children to
work on a farm or at the mills so that they could earn more money. M. Hamel too sent them to
water his flowers and gave them a holiday when he wanted to go for fishing.

Q10 How did M.Hamel display his love for the French language? (Comptt. Delhi 2015)
M. Hamel had great love for the French language which he had been teaching for forty years.
For him it was the most beautiful, most logical and clearest language. He wanted the French
people to preserve it among themselves and this would enable them to be free from foreign rule.

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