Question Bank

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Module 1

1) What is a language processor? What are the various types of language processors?
2) What is a compiler? What are the activities performed by the compiler?
3) What is an interpreter? What are the differences between a compiler and interpreter 4)
What is an assembler? What are the activities performed by the compiler?
5) What is hybrid compiler?
6) What are the cousins of the compiler? or Explain language processing system
7) Discuss the analysis of source program with respect to compilation process
8) What are the different phases of the compiler? or “Explain the block diagram of the
compiler construction method
9) Show the output of each phase of the compiler for the assignment statement: sum =
initial + value * 10

10) What is the difference between a phase and pass? What is a multi-pass compiler? Explain
the need for multiple passes in compiler?

11) What are compiler construction tools?

12) What is lexical analysis? What is the role of lexical analyzer?

13) Why analysis portion of the compiler is separated into lexical analysis and syntax
analysis phase?

14) What is the meaning of patterns, lexemes and tokens?

15) Identify lexemes and tokens in the following statement: a = b * d;

16) Identify lexemes and tokens in the following statement: printf(“Simple Interest = %f\n”,

17) What is the need for returning attributes for tokens along with token name?”

Module 2

1) What is a context free grammar? What is derivation? What are the two types of

2) Define the terms: leftmost derivation, rightmost derivation, sentence

3) What the different sentential forms? What is left sentential form? What is right sentential

4) Define the terms: Language, derivation tree, yield of a tree, ambiguous grammar
5) Show that the following grammar is ambiguous
E → (E) | I
I → id

6) Is the following grammar ambiguous? (if -statement or if-then-else)

S → iCtS | iCtSeS | a

7) What is dangling else problem ? How dangling else problem can be solved

8) Eliminate ambiguity from the following ambiguous grammar:

S → iCtS | iCtSeS | a

9) Convert the following ambiguous grammar into unambiguous grammar using normal
precedence and associativity of the operators
E → (E) | id

10) Convert the following ambiguous grammar into unambiguous grammar

E → (E) | id

by considering * and – operators lowest priority and they are left associative, / and +
operators have the highest priority and are right associative and ^ operator has
precedence in between and it is left associative.

11) What is parsing? What are the different types of parsers?

12) What are error recovery strategies of the parser (or syntax analyzer)?”

13) What is top down parser? Show the top-down parsing process for the string id + id * id
for the grammar
i. E → E + E
ii. E → E * E
iii. E → (E)
iv. E → id

14) What is recursive descent parser? Write the algorithm for recursive descent parser

15) Write the recursive descent parser for the following grammar
F → (E) | id

16) What are the different types of recursive descent parsers? What is the need for
backtracking in recursive descent parser

17) Show the steps involved in recursive descent parser with backtracking for the input string
cad for the following grammar
S → cAd A →
ab | a

18) For what type of grammars recursive descent parser cannot be constructed? What is the

19) What is left recursion? What problems are encountered if a recursive descent parser is
constructed for a grammar having left recursion?

20) Write the procedure to eliminate left recursion

21) Eliminate left recursion from the following grammar

E → E +T | T
T→ T*F|F
F → (E) | id

22) Write the recursive descent parser for the following grammar:
E → TE1
E1→ +TE1 | ϵ
T → FT1 T1→
*FT1 | ϵ
F → (E) | id

23) Obtain top-down parse for the string id+id*id for the following grammar E → TE1
E1 → + TE1 | 
T → FT1
T1 → *FT1 | 
F → (E) | id

24) Eliminate left recursion from the following grammar:

S → Aa | b A →
Ac | Sd | ϵ
25) Write the algorithm to eliminate left recursion

26) What is left factoring? What is the need for left factoring? How to do left factoring?
Write the algorithm for doing left-factoring

27) Do the left-factoring for the following grammar:

S → iCtS | iCtSeS | a
C →b

28) Briefly explain the problems associated with top-down parser?

29) What is a predictive parser? Explain the working of predictive parser.

30) What are the various components of predictive parser? How it works?

31) Define FIRST and FOLLOW sets and write the rules to compute FIRST and FOLLOW

32) Consider the following grammar:

E → TE1
E1 → + TE1 | 
T → FT1
T1 → *FT1 | 
F → (E) | id
a) Compute FIRST and FILLOW sets for the following grammar:
b) Obtain the predictive parsing table
c) Show the sequence of moves made by the parser for the string id+id*id
d) Add the synchronizing tokens for the above parsing table and show the sequence of
moves made by parser for the string “ ) id * + id”

33) What is LL (1) grammar? How to check whether a given grammar is LL(1) or not
without constructing the predictive parser
34) Compute FIRST and FOLLOW symbols and predictive parsing table for the following
grammar and check whether the grammar is LL(1) or not.
S → iCtS | iCtSeS | a
C→ b

35) Given the following grammar:

S → a | (L)
L→ L,S|S
a) Is the grammar suitable for predictive parser?
b) Do the necessary changes to make it suitable for LL(1) parser
c) Compute FIRST and FOLLOW sets for each non-terminal
d) Obtain the parsing table and check whether the resulting grammar is LL(1) or not.
e) Show the moves made by the predictive parser on the input “( a , ( a , a ) )”

36) Given the following grammar:

E →5+T|3–T
T → V | V*V | V+V
V→ a|b
a) Is the grammar suitable for predictive parser?
b) What is the use of left-factoring? Do the left factoring for the above grammar
c) Compute FIRST and FOLLOW sets for each non-terminal
d) Without constructing the parsing table, check whether the grammar is LL(1)
e) By constructing the parsing table, check whether the grammar is LL(1).

37) Given the following grammar: Z → d | XYZ

Y →ϵ|c
X→ Y|a
a) Compute FIRST and FOLLOW sets for each non-terminal
b) Without constructing the parsing table, check whether the grammar is LL(1).
c) By constructing the parsing table, check whether the grammar is LL(1).

38) Left factor the following grammar and obtain LL(1) parsing table
T → float | float * T | (E)

39) How error recovery is done in predictive parsing

Module 4
1) With a neat diagram, explain variants of Turing Machines.
2) Explain Language Acceptability and Design of Turing Machines.
3) Define Turing Machine Model. Explain the representation of Turing Machines.
4) Explain the Model of Linear bound Automation.
5) Explain the following with example, i) Decidability ii) Decidable languages iii)
Undecidable languages.
6) Discuss Halting problem and post correspondence problem with respect to TM.
7) Write Short notes on i) Growth rate of Function ii) Classes of P and NP iii) Quantum
Computers iv) Church Turing Thesis

Module 5
1) How to construct semantic rules that help us to create syntax trees for the
2) Obtain the semantic rules to construct a syntax tree for simple arithmetic expressions
using bottom up approach
3) Create a syntax tree for the expression “a – 4 + c”
4) Obtain the semantic rules to construct a syntax tree for simple arithmetic expressions
using top-down approach with operators + and –
5) Obtain the semantic rules to construct a syntax tree for simple arithmetic expressions
with operators -, +, * and / using top-down approach
6) Give the syntax directed translation of type int [2][3] and also given the semantic
rules for the respective productions
7) What is syntax directed translation scheme
8) What is Postfix Syntax-directed-translation or Postfix SDT
9) Obtain Postfix SDT implementation of the desk calculator to evaluate the given
10) Write the SDD and annotate parse tree for converting an infix to postfix expression
11) Write the SDT for converting an infix to postfix expression. Show the actions for
translating the expression 2*3+4 into its equivalent postfix expression
12) Explain parser-stack implementation of Postfix SDT‟s
13) Write the actions of desk calculator SDT so that they manipulate the parser
14) When action part specified in the production is executed
15) Write the SDT for converting an infix to prefix expression. Show the actions for
translating the expression 2*3+4 into its equivalent prefix expression

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