5 Day Work Shop Course Contents

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5 day Workshop Course Contents For MCA

Students At B.V.Raju College Bheemavaram

Course content

S.n Date Topics Covered

1 21/11/2022 HTML & CSS
 HTML CSS Styles
 HTML Character Entities
 HTML Head & Meta Elements
 HTML Uniform Resource Locators
 HTML Scripts
 HTML Standard Attributes
 HTML Event Attributes
 HTML URL Encoding
 Turn Your PC Into a Web Server
 HTML and CSS Summary
2 22/11/2022 JAVA SCRIPT
 JavaScript How To and Where To
 JavaScript Statements and Comments
 JavaScript Variables
 JavaScript Popup Boxes
 JavaScript Events
 JavaScript Special Characters and Guidelines
 JavaScript Objects Intro
 JavaScript Date Object
 JavaScript Browser Detection
 JavaScript Form Validation
 JavaScript Animation
 JavaScript Image Maps
 JavaScript Timing Events
3 23/11/2022 ReactJS
 ReactJS- Introduction
 ReactJS- Installation
 ReactJS -Architecture
 ReactJS -Creating a React Application
 ReactJS-Components
 ReactJS-Styling
 ReactJS-Properties
 ReactJS-Event management
4 24/11/2022 NodeJS
 Node.js Intro
 Node.Js Modules
 Node.Js HTTP module
 Node.Js File System
 Node.js URL Module
 Node.js NPM
 Node.js Events
 Node.js Upload Files
5 25/11/2022 Node.JsMongoDB
 MongoDB Get Started
 MongoDB Create Database
 MongoDBCereate Collection
 MongoDB Insert
 MongoDB Find
 MogoDB Query
 MongoDB Sort
 MongoDB Delete
 MongoDB Drop Collection
 MongoDB update
 MongoDB Limit
 MongoDB Join

All of the above topics will be explained with examples( code )

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