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Trustees Update – Meeting 04 June 2024

From the March meeting up to & including 28 May we should have had 18 Working Parties. However, due to
poor, usually wet weather four have had to be cancelled with only litter picking being able to be done. This
has had a negative impact on grass cutting with the outcome that we have had at times found it necessary to
cut on a high setting and then take another cut at a lower setting.

We are just about keeping up to date with tasks and have had on average 5 Volunteers on every Working
Party. This is from a core team of just seven people which shows just how committed our Volunteers are.

This is the first year that we have stopped growing Yellow Rattle plug plants and planting them out in
selected areas in favour of scarifying & broadcasting Rattle seed over the entire Meadow and we appear to
have made a real breakthrough.

We have never had such a widespread crop of the plant, showing strong seed germination in areas previously
totally devoid of Rattle. If we can again scarify and re-seed the area again this year we may be able to leave it
to nature to continue to re-seed the Meadow in future years.

Abundant Yellow Rattle

Another casualty created by the wet weather has been work to re-line part of the roof with a rubber liner.
We need a spell of dry weather before we can start on this and then eventually return the sedum.

The corner of the store affected by water has been dry throughout the winter and we have had no trouble
with people climbing on the roof.
The Plan is up-to date at the moment, but there may be an issue later in the year when it comes to cutting
the grass and raking it off. In the past we have hosted one, sometimes two tethered horses that have slowly
eaten their way through a large proportion of the grass saving us the job of cutting it. Unfortunately, Keith
Moody, who owns the horse, has broken his shoulder and has been unable to bring it this year.

This leaves us with two

problems, the first being
the need to cut more
grass than ever before
and the second is raking
the grass off and
disposing of it. The first
problem is relatively easy
to deal with: we either
use the Brush Cutter, or
hire a Power Scythe,
which we have done on
one occasion to mow the
meadow area in 2017.
The real issue is what we
do with the cut hay,
which would have to be
spun by hand to get it
No Horse = More Grass dry.

I believe that the best solution would be to find someone with a small baling machine who would be
prepared to do the work in return for taking the bales off our hands. This is not beyond the realms of
possibility and is something that I am currently working on.

We could of course get it baled and then try to sell it (£4.00/bale is the current price), but the current
situation with vandalism on the Green makes this a less welcome option. Similarly, there are people who
would come and take it away for a fee, but this is likely to be high.

Work on this area is currently up to date. We are continuing to mow along the lines of trees and leave a
generous strip of rough vegetation between the lines of trees for insects. We also keep a rough area around
the perimeter of the Orchard in the hope that it deters casual vandalism. In June we will need to start
summer pruning trees that bear fruit with stones i.e. Cherry & Plum.

The trees continue to grow well, unlike most of our Volunteers who remain at the same height, or even get
shorter. Looking to the future, we need to buy a Pruning Ladder to enable more accurate and easier pruning
to be undertaken. Given the height of our trees now and the height that they will eventually grow to, a 2.4
metre aluminium ladder would be ideal.


We have seen a slight improvement with the issue of excessive litter being left on the Green, particularly in
areas frequented by young people and the fact that large numbers of youths can appear intimidating to other
users of the Green. We have kept up our complaints to the Council on a weekly basis and have encouraged
others, neighbours and people who use the Green to complain also. This eventually produced a result and
MDC Community Wardens have been visiting the site with the result that numbers, which peaked at 25
persons, have dropped to low teens. There is also evidence that the groups disperse and move on quicker
than previously.
These are due to be finished over the weekend 07 to 09 May. Once they are in position we will release the
£300.00 reserved funding .


Work to dig a trench along the rear of the wall has progressed and all that needs to be removed now are the
roots of the two trees that caused the problem in the first place. This is proving to be very difficult but we
are continuing to persevere.

We had hoped to start the rebuilding work in May but

have had to review our plans because of the high cost
of the secure Shipping Container that we needed to
use as a stone store. After some thought we have
decided to build a secure compound from 2m high
steel panels and site it closer to where the actual
work will take place. These measures will make it
easier & quicker to carry out the task and cost 40% of
a Container. Unfortunately, this has meant that we
have to ask MDC for permission to vary the conditions
attached to the original Planning Consent. This comes
with a cost and an eight week delay. We are hoping
to start mid July.

We have now raised over £4470 which includes the
grant of £1000 from Mansfield Building Society and
we have applied for a grant of £1000 to the UKSPF
Fund (Levelling Up Money administered by MDC).

We failed to gain anything from NCC’s Local The Problem Tree Stumps
Community Fund, which was disappointing, and have
still heard nothing from the Robin Hood Lottery Community Fund. All that we know is that they had so little
interest at the time when we put our bid in that they have re-launched and will make a “decision soon”


This was the fourth year that we have
held this fund-raiser event outside the
Library and the best yet. We took
£434.41 which will go into the General
Fund to help pay the Green’s running
costs. A great effort by all who helped
on the day, grew plants and donated
item to sell…… many thanks.

Thanks also to the Library Staff and

Management and for their continued

The Bric-a-Brac Stall

Bob Thacker

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