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Jockey Club Ti-I College

Second Term Examination 2022-23

Form 1 Life & Society
Suggested Answer

Section A: Multiple Choice – Select the best answer and put it in the box provided. (5 marks)

1. Which of the following descriptions of self-esteem is INCORRECT?

A Self-esteem refers to the degree to which we love, value and appreciate ourselves.
B If we have higher self-esteem, we will deny our abilities and our value.
C People with low self-esteem are more likely to have negative thoughts.
D If a person often fails to realize his ambitions, his self-esteem may be damaged.

2. Which of the following are examples of bullying?

(1) Threatening
(2) Sexual harassment
(3) Argument
(4) Isolating others

A (1) and (3) only

B (2) and (4) only
C (1), (2) and (4) only
D All of the above

3. What are the importances of family throughout one’s life?

(1) Learning about interpersonal relationships

(2) Acquiring social norms
(3) Supporting life and development
(4) Satisfying emotional needs

A (1) and (3) only

B (2) and (4) only
C (1), (2) and (4) only
D All of the above

4. Which of the following statements CORRECTLY describe the major changes in the demand for
clothing of the urban and rural residents in China since 1978?

(1) From keeping warm to pursuing elegance.

(2) From one garment for four seasons to various garments for one season.
(3) From asking tailors to make clothes to buying ready-made clothes in shops.
(4) Brands of garments have become less and less important.

A (1) and (3) only

B (2) and (4) only
C (1), (2) and (3) only
D All of the above

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5. Which of the following describes traditional Chinese families INCORRECTLY?

A Women enjoyed a higher status than men.

B Women took charge of taking care of the children.
C The father had the supreme status in the family.
D The father was the breadwinner for the family.

Section B: True or False – Put a ‘✔’ in the correct box. (5 marks)

1. Family harmony is the key to building teenagers’ self-esteem. ☑True ⬜False

2. Sons and daughters taking good care of themselves is an example of being ☑True ⬜False
filial to their parents.

3. Effective communication is all about speaking. ⬜True ☑False

4. In order to communicate effectively, we should give direct and immediate ☑True ⬜False
response to show our respect to the other party.

5. As the living standards of urban and rural residents have improved since
1978, the urban residents dine in more often.
⬜True ☑False

Section C: Fill in the blanks – Put your answers in the spaces provided. (5 marks)

1. When we are alone, our _____real_____ self is most likely to appear.

2. Bullies tend to use offensive _______verbal_________ and physical violence to cause the
victims to suffer.
3. _____Friendship_____, family and love are the three basic interpersonal relationships, and are
indispensable in one's life
4. “____Extended_____ family” refers to a family comprising two or more nuclear families formed
by the parent-child relationship.
5. To adapt to the rhythm of living in modern society, many customs of festivals are
_____simplified______. For example, modern people make use of technology to send mobile
messages to bless others in festivals.

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Section D(1): Data-response Questions – Consider the following sources and answer the

a. What is the meaning of tomb sweeping in Ching Ming Festival?(2 marks)

In Ching Ming Festival, tomb sweeping is for people to pay their respects to their ancestors.

b. According to the source, what change has taken place in worship due to the development of
technology? (2 marks)

Worship online replaces visiting graves on site.

c. Give TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages of ‘online worship’.

Explain with reference to the source and your own knowledge. (8 marks)

Advantages (4 marks)
● Reduce cost and save time
● Reduce the risk of hill fire
● Reduce the traffic jams
● Take place at personal convenience (anywhere and anytime) / Convenience for the disable
/ Reduce the risk of virus transmission by imitating the mass gathering

Disadvantages (4 marks)
● Technical difficulties: Poor internet connection can disrupt online.
● Lack of personal connection: Online worship may not provide the same level of interactions with
● other members in family gatherings.
● Distraction: Easier to be distracted and interrupted from other activities.
● Not showing the same level of respect as that of on-site worship.

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Section D(2): Data-response Questions – Consider the following sources and answer the
questions. (11 marks)

(a) Do you think the self-esteem of Tom is high or low? Consider his sense of security and sense of
competence. (6 marks)

Strong or weak?
Blocks of Explanation
(Circle the answer)
● He did not feel respected, protected and secure at
home. (concept)
Security ● He did not communicate well with his father. They did
(1 mark)
not have enough time together. The conflicts were
mostly about study and school. (2 marks)
● He had low confidence in his ability and did not
believe that he could accomplish the task. (concept)
● He cannot catch up with the study after Form 3. He
Competence failed 7 subjects in the first term exam. He did not
(1 mark)
believe that he could be promoted to F.4 (2 marks)

(b) Do you think that Tom’s behaviour towards Form 1 students at school is an example of
bullying? Explain your answer. (3 marks)
Yes (1 mark)

Tom is an onlooker in this case. Although he did not do anything to the victims, his behaviour

encouraged bullying. He was the “passive bullies”. (2 marks)

(c) What can Tom do to deal with bullying? Give a suggestion and explain. (2 marks)
Tom can talk to his friends and ask them not to bully the young F.1.
They can support each other to spend more time on study, sports or other positive activities.
(2 marks)
Or Tom can encourage the victims to report to their parents or teachers, so as to stop the case as
soon as possible. / Tom can encourage the victims to ask the social workers for help &
emotional support.
Or Tom is brave enough to report the case to his parent or teachers, so as to stop the case as soon
as possible.
( Any possible answers)

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