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The Letter to God

This presentation explores the powerful story of a young boy who writes
a letter to God, revealing the depth of his faith and the transformative
impact it can have.

SS by Sushant Sandhu
Background of the Story
Setting Hardship
The story is set in a small, impoverished The village faces a severe hailstorm that
village in India, where the protagonist, destroys Lencho's entire crop, leaving
Lencho, struggles to support his family his family in dire need.
through farming.

Undeterred, Lencho turns to the only source of help he trusts - God - and writes a
letter asking for assistance.
Main Characters and Their Roles
Lencho Lencho's Family The Postal Workers
The protagonist, a They rely on Lencho's farm for They are touched by Lencho's
hardworking farmer who their livelihood and are deeply letter and secretly pool
deeply believes in God's affected by the hailstorm. together money to send to
providence. him.
Themes Explored in the Story
1 Faith and Reliance on God 2 Perseverance and
Lencho's unwavering belief in God's
ability to provide for his needs. Lencho's determination to overcome
the hardship caused by the

3 Compassion and Human Kindness

The postal workers' selfless act of donating money to help Lencho.
Significance of the Letter

1 2 3

Letter as a Plea Letter as a Symbol Letter's Impact

Lencho's letter represents his The letter becomes a symbol The letter ultimately brings
desperate plea for help in the of Lencho's unwavering faith about a heartwarming
face of adversity. and his belief in God's response from the postal
intervention. workers, showcasing the
power of compassion.
Lessons Learned from the Story
Unwavering Faith Perseverance
Lencho's unshakable belief in God's Lencho's refusal to give up in the face of
ability to provide serves as an overwhelming hardship demonstrates
inspiration to readers. the power of resilience.

The postal workers' selfless act of generosity reminds us of the transformative impact
of kindness.
Relevance in Today's World

Faith Resilience Compassion

The story's message of Lencho's ability to overcome The postal workers' act of
unwavering faith remains adversity can inspire readers to kindness serves as a powerful
relevant in a world filled with foster their own inner strength. reminder to extend a helping
uncertainty and challenges. hand to those in need.
Classroom Activities
Discussion Creative Writing Role-Playing
Engage students in Encourage students to write Students can act out scenes
discussions about the themes their own letters to God, from the story, exploring the
of faith, resilience, and reflecting on their personal perspectives of different
compassion in the story. challenges and beliefs. characters.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
1 Unwavering Faith 2 Resilience and
Lencho's story reminds us of the
power of faith in overcoming life's Lencho's determination to persevere
challenges. in the face of adversity is a inspiring
example for readers.

3 Compassion and Kindness

The postal workers' act of generosity highlights the transformative impact of

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