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Term 3 Revision booklet

Week 2 – Day 1

1.a) This is a picture of a famous musician.

Her name is Evelyn Glennie. She plays the drums.

Evelyn moves the drumstick downwards to hit the

drum skin . Then the drumstick bounces backup.

Tick one box to show what force causes the drumstick to bounce up after it has
hit the drum skin.
b) Evelyn is a deaf. She cannot hear the drum with her ears.

When she has bare feet, she Can feel the drum’s sound with
her feet.

The sound can travel from the drum through the air to Evelyn’s

Name one other thing that the sound can travel through from
the drum to get to Evelyn’s feet.


c) What can Evelyn feel with her feet when the drum makes a sound?


d) Evelyn can change the way she plays the drum. She can make the sound get
louder or higher.

Tick one box on each row of the table to show if the sound will get louder.
e) Jill investigated whether or not sound travelled through different materials.

She made three telephones using plastic cups.

she used different materials to connect the cups.

One child talked through the telephone and Jill listened.

Look at Jill’s notes of her investigation.

How many different materials did Jill test?


f) What was the factor Jill observed or measured to collect her results?

g) Jill changed three factors at the same time.

h) Why it is important to change only one factor at a time in an investigation?


2. Label the parts of a wave : Crest(peak), trough, wavelength, amplitude

Day 2 – Magnets and materials

1.a) Callum and lzzy want to find out the force needed to pull different bar
magnets apart from a horseshoe magnet .

They setup the equipment as shown in the photo.

b) Callum needs to measure the force as the magnets separate. It is difficult. The
forcemeter reading goes back to zero as soon as the magnets separate.

c) Callum measures the force using N as the unit of measurement.

What unit of measurement does N stands for?

2. (a) Liam has a toy train with two carriages. It has a bar magnets to join the
carriages to the engine as shown below.

Write ‘N’ (north) and ‘S’ (south) on the end of each bar magnet so the
carriages to join to the engine.

N and S have been written on the engine for

b) Nisha moves a different bar magnet towards the magnet on the engine. The
magnets do not touch each other. The engine moves away from nisha’s

Expalin why the train engine moves away from the bar magnet.

c)Rachel has a toy tractor and trailer both have magnets at each end.

When Rachel pulls the tractor, the trailer comes with it.

d) Explain why the magnets cause the trailer to move forward when Rachel
pulls on the tractor.

e) Rachel turns her trailer around. She pushes the trailer towards the tractor,
the tractor moves away without touching the trailer.

Explain why the magnets cause the tractor to move away when Rachel pushes
the trailer towards it.

f) Draw the magnetic field lines for the magnets given below.
g) Write any two ways to increase the strength in an electromagnet.



h) Write the advantage of using an electromagnet.


3.a) Ali has four different magnets and some paperclips. The paperclips are
attracted to the magnets. Draw ONE arrow on the photograph to show the
direction of the magnet’s force on the paperclip.

Name the force on the paperclip that pulls in the opposite direction to the


b) The graph below shows Ali’s results. One axis on the

graph has been labelled. Write the label for the other axis.
Ali wants to find the strongest magnet. He adds paperclips
to a magnet one at a time so they make a chain. He stops
when no more paperclips stick. He repeats this with the other three magnets.

c)The graph below shows Ali’s results. One axis on

the graph has been labelled. Write the label for
the other axis.


d) Ali moves magnet A towards magnet B. Magnet B

moves away from magnet A even though Ali
does not touch magnet B.

Why did magnet B move away from magnet A?


e) Ali tries different ways of putting the magnets together.

Tick ONE box on each row of the table to show if the magnets move together,
move apart or do not move. The first one has been done for you.
Day 3-Simple machines
I.Label the lever

II.Complete the passage:

A ___________________ is a simple machine .It is an example of a

___________________.The __________________ is in the middle.In this
picture , the girl is the __________________________ and the boy applies
the _____________________. With the see-saw the boy can

the girl 1.5m

III.Use the words below to fill in the blanks in the following text.
1.A __________________is made up of two inclined planes and is very useful
for separating objects.
2.The simple machines is made up of two parts that act together. The ability of
the ______________________to roll makes moving a load over a long distance
much easier.
3.To lift a heavy object upward we may use a _________________ which has a
wheel and rope that we pull on to lift a load.
4.The ______________has a fulcrum or pivot point which can lie in a few
different positions. This is used to lift a weight.
5.A ______________ is made up of a cylinder with an inclined planec wrapped
around it and is very helpful for attaching things to one another.
6.When a heavy load needs to be moved to a height,but it takes too much
effort to take it straight upmards an ___________________ plane may be used
. It takes longer but it is easier.

Wheel and axle Wedge Pulley

Inclined plane Lever Screw

IV.Draw a line from the object to the simple machine it represents.

Choose the correct answer and enter in the response table:
1. A wheel with a rope or belt around it. Helps a person lift or move something
up, down, or across an area.
(a)screw (b) pulley (b) lever (d)screw
2. A simple machine is a device that helps to reduce the amount of _____
required to work.
(a) force (b) energy (c)work
3. Which is not a type of simple machine?

(a) spring (b)screw (c)pulley (d) wedge

4. Which of these is not an example of an inclined plane?

(a) ladder (b) stairs (c)wall (d)driveway

5. Which is an example of someone using a simple machine to do work?

(a )a boy runs across a football field (b)a banker counts money
(c) a mother pushes a stroller up a ramp into a building
(d) a girl eats a sandwich
6. What type of simple machine is found on a water bottle cap?

(a)lever (b)pulley (c)wheel and axle (d)screw

7. Sound is a kind of____________

(a) work (b) energy (c) force (d) pressure

8.The hearing range of human ear is___________

(a) 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (b) less than 20 Hz
(c) more than 20,000 Hz (d) 20 Hz to 25,000 Hz

9.Sound is produced by____________

(a) Non-Vibrating objects only (b) Vibrating and non- vibrating objects
(c) Vibration has no relation to sound (d) Vibrating objects only
10.Frequency is expressed in_________________
(a) Kilometer (b) Hertz (c) gram (d) Degree centigrade

11.when the amplitude of vibration is large, sound produced is______

(a) No sound (b) feeble

(c) loud ( d) No relation between amplitude and sound

12.The speed of sound is maximum in _________

(a)solid (b)liquid (c)gas

13.Vibration is a repeated __________ and __________ motion.

(a)to and fro (b)up and down

14.All human beings can hear sounds of frequencies upto 60,000 Hz. State
whether true or false.

(a) true (b)false

15.What effect is produced by plucking a thin rubber band that has been
pulled tightly?
(a)The rubber band will vibrate slower and produced a lower pitch.
(b)The sound you hear will increase in volume if the rubber band is pulled
(c)Sound waves will be absorbed by your hand when you pluck the rubber
(d)The rubber band will vibrate faster and produce a higher pitch.

16When two magnets attract, they ______________

(a)push apart (b) change color (c) get colder (d)pull together
17.Sylvia did an experiment with an electromagnet. Below is the data she

(a)30 coils will hold 50 paperclips

(b)Using more coils increases the strength of the electromagnet
(c)15 coils hold twice as many paperclips as 10 coils
(d)The more coils, the fewer paperclips the electromagnet will hold

18.In a direct current, electricity flows in one direction and cannot travel far.
(a) true (b)false

19.Magnetic domains are

(a) regions that may or may not be magnetized.
(b) clusters of atoms randomly aligned
(c) regions of atoms magnetically aligned

20.How do you make an electromagnet?

(a)wrap a battery in wire and connect it to an iron nail.
(b)wrap a wire with another wire and connect it to an iron nail.
(c)wrap an iron nail in wire and connect it to a power source.
(d)wrap an iron nail in wire and connect it to another iron nail.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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