Totalitarian, Authoritarian and Liberal Democracy

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On the basis of the relationship between the government and the citizens~ Totalitarian-
Authoritarian States and Liberal Democratic States

The state is omnipotent and absolute. The state is an end in itself. Totalitarianism is based on
the principle all in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.
Examples include Germany under Adolf Hitler, present day North Korea, Cuba and China.

The possession of supreme authority either by one person or minority group, in no way
accountable to people over whom control is exercised.
Examples include UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan and Myanmar under military or junta rule.

Totalitarianism is an extreme form of Authoritarianism. The difference between the two

is in the degree of state control and not the kind of state control.
As compared to totalitarian systems, authoritarian systems may leave a larger sphere for private
life, lack a guiding ideology, tolerate some pluralism in social organisation, lack the power to
mobilise the whole population in pursuit of national goals, and exercise their power within
relatively predictable limits.
Difference between Totalitarian and Authoritarian States
Totalitarian States Authoritarian States
No pluralism Limited and controlled pluralism
Forced legitimacy Engineered or manipulated legitimacy
No difference between state, government and Maintain a certain distance between state and
society society
Ideology exists Ideology to justify rule of dictator
Dominant position of a single party There is a ruling dictator
Total centralisation of powers Strong position of executive
Forced participation of people in politics Limited and controlled political participation
of people
Rule of single party Rule of dictator
Democracy is a political method by which every citizen has an opportunity of participating
through discussion in an attempt to reach voluntary government as to what shall be done for
the community as a whole.
India, USA, UK and Australia are examples.
1. Representative Government
2. Civil Liberties
3. Defined and specific role of the executive
4. Limited government
5. Social and Economic checks and balances
6. Political checks and balances
7. System of Indirect Democracy
8. Free and open struggle for power
9. Freedom to form and manage political parties
10. Clear distinction between state, society, civil society and government
11. Protection of the minorities

Merits of Liberal Democracy

1. Representative and Responsible government
2. Better protection of interests of common man
3. Government based on public opinion
4. Political participation
5. Free and open struggle for political power
6. Political education
7. Peaceful change of government
8. Government based on public consent
9. Less force and coercion
10. No fear of revolution
11. Freedom to form organisations and groups
12. Close link between the people and their rulers
13. Accountability of the government
14. Active civil society
15. Good legitimacy of the government

Demerits of Liberal Democracy

1. Possibility of rule of ignorance
2. Total social, economic and political equality cannot be achieved
3. Weak government
4. Majority rule can be a source of exploitation of the minorities
5. Evils of party politics
6. Expensive system
7. Executive dominates the Legislature
8. Evils of Delegated Legislation and Administrative Justice

Liberal Democracy is however considered by far as the best form of government.

Distinction between Liberal Democracy and Authoritarian- Totalitarian government
Liberal Democracy Authoritarian Totalitarian Government
1. People get a chance to elect their 1. It is a government based on force.
2. Elections are held periodically in a free 2. Elections may or may not be held. They
and fair manner. are never free and fair.
3. Public opinion given importance and taken 3. The opinion of the government is imposed
into account. on the people. There is no respect for public
4. Based on the principle of mutual 4. It is based on the principle of obedience
discussion and participation. and discipline.
5. Opposition parties are allowed to exist and 5. Opposition parties are not allowed to exist
they keep a check on the ruling party. and dissent is curbed.
6. People are given fundamental rights and 6. People are denied rights and liberties.
7. People get a chance to change their 7. People do not get to change the
government peacefully so there are less government. So, the chances of revolutions
chances of revolution. are high.
8. Individual is the end and the state is the 8. State is the end and the individual is only
means to fulfil those ends. the means to achieve the ends of the state.

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