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Dutton’s Orthopaedic: Examination,

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Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience broaden
our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. T e authors and the
publisher o this work have checked with sources believed to be reliable in their e orts
to provide in ormation that is complete and generally in accord with the standards
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changes have not been made in the recommended dose or in the contraindications or
administration. T is recommendation is o particular importance in connection with new
or in requently used drugs.

Mark Dutton, PT
Allegheny General Hospital
West Penn Allegheny Health System (WPAHS)
Adjunct Clinical Instructor, Duquesne University
School of Health Sciences
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London Madrid Mexico City
Milan New Delhi Singapore Sydney oronto
Dutton’s Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2017 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in China. Except as
permitted under the United States Copyright Act o 1976, no part o this publication may be
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Previous editions copyright © 2012, 2008, 2004 by he McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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ISBN 978-1-259-58310-0
MHID 1-259-58310-4

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he editors were Michael Weitz and Brian Kearns.
he production supervisor was Catherine Saggese.
Project management was provided by Amit Kashyap, Aptara, Inc.
RR Donnelley was the printer and binder.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Dutton, Mark, author.

itle: Dutton’s orthopaedic examination, evaluation, and intervention / Mark
Other titles: Orthopaedic examination, evaluation, and intervention
Description: Fourth edition. | New York : McGraw-Hill Education, [2016] |
Preceded by Dutton’s orthopaedic examination, evaluation, and intervention
/ Mark Dutton. 3rd ed. c2012. | Includes bibliographical re erences and
Identi iers: LCCN 2016011470 | ISBN 9781259583100 (hardcover) | ISBN
1259583104 (hardcover)
Subjects: | MESH: Orthopedics–methods | Physical Examination–methods |
Musculoskeletal Diseases–diagnosis | Orthopedic Procedures–methods
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For my parents,
Ron and Brenda, who have always helped, guided, and inspired me
and to my two daughters, Leah and Lauren, who provide me with such joy.
Your Legacy

Will you have earned the respect o your peers and the admiration o your critics?
Will you have acted humbly during success and grace ully in the ace o adversity?
Will you be remembered or how o ten you brought smiles to the hearts o others?
Will you have looked or the very best, and done your utmost to build worth, in others?
Will you have le t this world a better place by the li e you have lived?

Modif ed rom The Legacy You Leave ©2000 by Rick Beneteau


Pre ace ix
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction xiii THE EXTREMITIES
16 The Shoulder 577
17 Elbow 711
SECTION I 18 The Forearm, Wrist, and Hand 779
ANATOMY 19 Hip 869
1 The Musculoskeletal System 3 20 The Knee 966
2 Tissue Behavior, Injury, Healing, and Treatment 29 21 Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot 1081
3 The Nervous System 64

4 Patient/Client Management 163 23 The Craniovertebral Region 1209
5 Dif erential Diagnosis 218 24 Vertebral Artery 1246
6 Gait and Posture Analysis 287 25 The Cervical Spine 1256
7 Imaging Studies in Orthopaedics 344 26 The Temporomandibular Joint 1340
27 The Thoracic Spine 1382
28 Lumbar Spine 1425
SECTION III 29 The Sacroiliac Joint 1529

8 The Intervention 369 SECTION VI
9 Pharmacology or the Orthopaedic
10 Manual Techniques 417 30 Special Populations 1569
11 Neurodynamic Mobility and Mobilizations 445
12 Improving Muscle Per ormance 463 Index 1613
13 Improving Mobility 521
14 Improving Neuromuscular Control 557
15 Improving Cardiovascular Endurance 566

Pre ace

T e ourth edition o this book is an update o in ormation it is the consistent measurement and reporting o clinical
and bibliography provided in the previous versions together outcomes that is the most power ul tool in moving toward a
with a reorganization o various chapters. value-based system.2
T e United States currently spends more money on o that end, the aim o this book is to provide the reader
healthcare per person than any other country in the world, with a systematic and evidence-based approach to the
with current projections indicating that 20% o the gross examination and intervention o the orthopaedic patient.
domestic product o the United States will be spent on Such an approach must be eclectic because no single method
healthcare by the year 2019.1 As the population continues works all o the time. T us, this book attempts to incorporate
to age, the treatment o musculoskeletal conditions, and the most reliable concepts currently available.
their subsequent expenses, will also increase. T is will I hope that this book will be seen as the best available
place an increasing burden on the clinician to provide value textbook, guide, review, and re erence or healthcare students
or money—the achievement o a health outcome relative and clinicians involved in the care o the orthopaedic
to the costs incurred. Gone are the days when a clinician population.
can rely on an expensive shotgun approach to treatment.
Instead, emphasis is now placed on outcomes such as patient Mark Dutton, P
satis action and accurate measures o clinical outcomes, or

Comments about this book may be sent to me at


From inception to completion, the various editions span almost o the production crew o Aptara, especially the project
12 years. Such an endeavor cannot be completed without the manager Amit Kashyap.
help o many. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Bob Davis or his creative eye and the excellent photography.
Leah or agreeing to be the photographic model.
T e aculty o the North American Institute o Manual
T e sta o Human Motion Rehabilitation, Allegheny
and Manipulative T erapy (NAIOM )—especially, Jim
General Hospital including roy Baxendell, Susan Berger,
Meadows, Erl Pettman, Cli Fowler, Diane Lee, and the
Diane Ferianc, Leslie Fisher, Keith Galloway, Dave Hahn,
late Dave Lamb.
Dean Hnaras, John Karp, Ronald Klingensmith, Randi
T e exceptional team at McGraw-Hill, or their superb Marshak, Dan McCool, Renee Nacy, Dan Norkiewicz,
guidance throughout this object. T ank you especially Darcy Skrip, Jodi Weiher, Melissa Willis, and Joe Witt.
to Michael Weitz or his advice and support and to other
o the countless clinicians throughout the world who
members o the initial lineup. Special thanks also to Brian
continually strive to improve their knowledge and clinical


“T e very f rst step towards success in any occupation is evidence will have a greater likelihood o success with the
to become interested in it.” least associated risk.3,4
T e goal o every clinician should be to enhance patient/
—Sir William Osler (1849–1919) client satis action, increase ef ciency, and decrease unproven
treatment approaches.4 T e management o the patient/client
Until the beginning o the last century, knowledge about the is a complex process involving an intricate blend o experience,
mechanism o healing and the methods to decrease pain and knowledge, and interpersonal skills. Obtaining an accurate
su ering were extremely limited. Although we may sco at diagnosis requires a systematic and logical approach. Such
many o the interventions used in the distant past, many o an approach should be eclectic because no single method
the interventions we use today, albeit less radical, have still to works all o the time. For any intervention to be success ul,
demonstrate much more in the way o e ectiveness. T at may an accurate diagnosis must be ollowed by a care ully planned
soon change with the recent emphasis within many healthcare and speci c rehabilitation program to both the a ected area
pro essions on evidence-based clinical practice. T e process and its related structures. In this book, great emphasis is placed
o evidence-based practice is outlined in Table I-1. When on the appropriate use o manual techniques and therapeutic
combining clinical expertise with the best available external exercise based on these considerations. Electrotherapeutic
clinical evidence, clinicians can make in ormed decisions and thermal/cryotherapeutic modalities should be viewed
regarding patient management, including the selection and as adjuncts to the rehabilitative process. T e accompanying
interpretation o the most appropriate evaluation procedures. DVD to this book contains numerous video clips o manual
Also, intervention strategies based on the best available techniques and therapeutic exercises, which the reader is
encouraged to view. T e ollowing icon is used throughout
TABLE I-1 The Process of Evidence -Based Practice the text to indicate when such clips are available. [VIDEO]
1. Identi y the patient problem. Derive a specif c question.
2. Search the literature.
3. Appraise the literature. REFERENCES
4. Integrate the appraisal o literature with your clinical expertise, 1. Sisko AM, ru er CJ, Keehan SP, et al. National health spending
experience, patient values, and unique circumstances. projections: the estimated impact o re orm through 2019. Health Af .
5. Implement the f ndings. 2010; 29:1933–1941.
6. Assess outcome and reappraise. 2. Porter ME. What is value in health care? New Engl J Med. 2010; 363:2477–
Data rom Sackett DL, Strauss SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence Based 3. Sackett DL, Rosenberg WM, Gray JA, et al. Evidence based medicine:
Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, Scotland: what it is and what it isn’t. 1996. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2007; 455:3–5.
Churchill Livingstone; 2000. 4. Schroder JA. Manual therapy and neural mobilization: our approach and
personal observations. Orthop Pract. 2004; 16:23–27.

C H AP TER 1 M s os ta
Syst m

Connective. Connective tissue (C ), which includes our

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES di erent classes: connective tissue proper, bone, cartilage,
and blood tissue. In the embryo, muscle tissue and its
At the completion of this cha pter,
ascia orm as a di erentiation o the paraxial mesoderm
the reader will be able to: that divides into somites on either side o the neural tube
and notochord. T e cartilage and bone o the vertebral
1. Describe the various types o biological tissue o the column and ribs develop rom the sclerotome which is the
musculoskeletal system. anterior (ventral) part o the somite.1 T e dermomyotome,
2. Describe the tissue mechanics and structural di erences and which is the posterior (dorsal) part o the somite, gives
similarities between muscle, tendons, ascia, and ligaments. rise to the overlying dermis o the back and the skeletal
muscles o the body and limbs.1 Connective tissue
3. Describe the di erent types o joints and their various provides structural and metabolic support or other tissues
characteristics. and organs o the body.
4. De ne the various terminologies used to describe the Muscle. Muscles are classi ed unctionally as either
joint position, movements, and relationships. voluntary or involuntary, and structurally as either
5. Give de nitions or commonly used biomechanical terms. smooth, striated (skeletal), or cardiac. T ere are
approximately 430 skeletal muscles in the body, each o
6. Describe the di erent planes o the body. which can be considered anatomically as a separate organ.
7. De ne the body’s center o mass and its location. O these 430 muscles, about 75 pairs provide the majority
o body movements and postures.2
8. Describe the di erent axes o the body and the motions Nervous. Nervous tissue provides a two-way
that occur around them. communication system between the central nervous
9. De ne the terms osteokinematic motion and system (brain and spinal cord) and muscles, sensory
arthrokinematic motion. organs, and various systems (see Chapter 3).
10. Di erentiate between the di erent types o motion that
can occur at the joint sur aces.
11. Describe the basic biomechanics o joint motion in CONNECTIVE TISSUE
terms o their concave–convex relationships.
C proper has a loose, exible matrix, called ground substance.
12. De ne the terms close-packed and open-packed. T e most common cell within C proper is the broblast. Fi-
broblasts produce collagen, elastin, and reticular bers:
Collagen is a group o naturally occurring proteins. T e
collagens are a amily o extracellular matrix (ECM)
OVERVIEW proteins that play a dominant role in maintaining
the structural integrity o various tissues and in
T e correct embryonic development o the musculoskeletal providing tensile strength to tissues. T e ECM is
system requires a coordinated morphogenesis o the un- ormed rom glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) subunits,
damental tissues o the body. T roughout the human body, long polysaccharide chains containing amino sugars,
there are our major types o tissues: and are strongly hydrophilic to allow rapid di usion
Epithelial. Covers all internal and external body sur aces o water-soluble molecules and easy migration o cells.
and includes structures such as the skin and the inner Proteoglycans, which are a major component o the ECM,
lining o the blood vessels. are macromolecules that consist o a protein backbone
to which the GAGs are attached. T ere are two types particular, deep ascia has been implicated in being involved
o GAGs: chondroitin sul ate and keratin sul ate.3,4 A with the deep venous return, in having a possible role in pro-
simple way to visualize the proteoglycan molecule is to prioception, and responding to mechanical traction induced by
consider a test tube brush, with the stem representing the muscular activity in di erent regions.14 Histological studies o
protein core and the GAGs representing the bristles.5,6 deep ascia in the limbs show that it consists o elastic bers
Glycoproteins, another component o the ECM, consist o and undulated collagen bers arranged in layers.15 Each colla-
bronectin and thrombospondin and unction as adhesive gen layer is aligned in a di erent direction, and this permits a
structures or repair and regeneration.7 certain degree o stretch as well as a capacity to recoil.16
Elastic bers are composed o a protein called elastin. As
its name suggests, elastin provides elastic properties to the Tendons
tissues in which it is situated.8 Elastin bers can stretch,
endons are dense, regularly arranged connective tissues,
but they normally return to their original shape when
the tension is released. T us, the elastic bers o elastin composed o 70% water and 30% dry mass that attach mus-
cle to the bone at each end o the muscle. endons produce
determine the patterns o distention and recoil in most
organs, including the skin and lungs, blood vessels, and joint motion by trans erring orce rom muscle to bone, and,
when stretched, store elastic energy that contributes to move-
C . Bundles o collagen and elastin combine to orm a
matrix o C ascicles. T is matrix is organized within the ment. Also, tendons enable the muscle belly to be an optimal
primary collagen bundles as well as between the bundles distance rom the joint upon which it is acting. T e collagen
that surround them.9 bers o tendons (70–80% o the collagen in tendons is type I,
with the remaining 20–30% o dry weight composed o pro-
Reticular bers are composed o a type o collagen, which
teoglycans, GAGs, elastin, and other collagens—being type
is secreted by reticular cells. T ese bers crosslink to
III, V, and VII) are arranged in a quarter-stagger arrange-
orm a ne meshwork, called reticulin, which acts as a
ment, which gives it a characteristic banding pattern and pro-
supporting mesh in bone marrow, and the tissues and
vides high strength and stability.17 enoblasts, or immature
organs o the lymphatic system, and the liver.
tendon cells, trans orm into tenocytes that synthesize colla-
T e various characteristics o collagen di er depending gen and components o the ECM network.7 T e ECM sur-
on whether it is loose or dense collagen. T e anatomic and rounds collagen and tenocytes and is composed o several
unctional characteristics o loose and dense collagen are components or speci c unctions (e.g., glycoproteins, and
summarized in Table 1-1. Collagenous and elastic bers are enascin-C, which may play a role in collagen ber orienta-
sparse and irregularly arranged in loose C but are tightly tion and alignment). endon structure is highly regular with
packed in dense C .10 collagen- orming triple helices (tropocollagen), which pack
T e various types o C , as they relate to the musculoskeletal together to orm micro brils, which interdigitate to orm
system, are described as ollows: brils, which coalesce to orm bers, which combine to orm
ascicles, which are bundled together to orm a tendon.18 T e
thickness o each tendon varies and is proportional to the size
Fascia o the muscle rom which it originates. Vascularity within the
Fascia, or example, the thoracolumbar ascia and the plantar tendon is relatively sparse and corresponds with the lower
ascia, is viewed as a loose C that provides support and protec- metabolic/turnover rate o these tissues. Within the ascicles
tion to a joint, and acts as an interconnection between tendons, o tendons, which are held together by loose C called endo-
aponeuroses, ligaments, capsules, nerves, and the intrinsic tenon, the collagen components are oriented in a unidirec-
components o muscle.11,12 Fascia may be categorized as brous tional way. Endotenon contains blood vessels, lymphatics,
or non brous, with the brous components consisting mainly and nerves and permits longitudinal movements o individual
o collagen and elastin bers, and the non brous portion con- ascicles when tensile orces are applied to the structure. T e
sisting o amorphous ground substance.13 T ree di erent types C surrounding groups o ascicles, or the entire structure,
o ascia have been identi ed, namely, super cial, deep, and vis- is called the epitenon. T e epitenon contains the vascular,
ceral ascia. Various three-dimensional biomechanical models lymphatic, and nerve supplies to the tendon. A peritendinous
o the human ascial system have been developed, which corre- sheath (paratenon), which is composed o loose areolar con-
late dys unctional movement with various interrelated abnor- nective tissue in addition to sensory and autonomic nerve
mal amounts o tension throughout the network o ascia. In bers, surrounds the entire tendon.19 T is sheath consists o

TABLE 1-1 Loose and Dense Collagen

Joint Type Anatomic Location Fiber Orientation Mechanical Specialization
Dense irregular connective Composes the external brous Parallel, tightly aligned bers Ligament: binds bones together and restrains
tissue layer o the joint capsule, unwanted movement at the joints; resists
orms ligaments, bone, tension in several directions
aponeuroses, and tendons Tendon: attaches muscle to bone

Loose irregular connective Found in capsules, muscles, Random ber orientation Provides structural support
tissue nerves, ascia, and skin
two layers: an inner (visceral) layer and an outer (parietal) than it does in tendons, but its structural ramework still pro-
layer with occasional connecting bridges (mesotenon). I vides sti ness (resistance to de ormation—see Chapter 2).28
there is synovial uid between these two layers, the paratenon Small amounts o elastin (1% o the dry weight) are present in
is called tenosynovium; i not, it is termed tenovagium.9 ligaments, with the exception o the ligamentum avum and
endons are metabolically active and are provided with a the nuchal ligament o the spine, which contain more. T e cel-
rich and vascular supply during development.20 endons receive lular organization o ligaments makes them ideal or sustain-
their vascular supply through the musculotendinous junction ing tensile loads, with many containing unctional subunits
(M J), the osteotendinous junction, and the vessels rom the that are capable o tightening or loosening in di erent joint
various surrounding tissues including the paratenon and meso- positions.29 At the microscopic level, closely spaced collagen
tenon.18 endons in di erent areas o the body receive di erent bers ( ascicles) are aligned along the long axis o the liga-
amounts o blood supply, and tendon vascularity can be com- ment and are arranged into a series o bundles that are delin-
promised by the junctional zones and sites o riction, torsion, or eated by a cellular layer, the endoligament, and the entire liga-

compression—a number o tendons are known to have reduced ment is encased in a neurovascular biocellular layer re erred

tendon vascularity, including the supraspinatus, the biceps, the to as the epiligament.26 Ligaments contribute to the stability

Achilles, the patellar, and the posterior tibial tendon.18 o joint unction by preventing excessive motion,30 acting as

T e mechanical properties o tendon come rom its highly guides or checkreins to direct motion, and providing proprio-

oriented structure. endons display viscoelastic mechanical ceptive in ormation or joint unction through sensory nerve

properties that con er time- and rate-dependent e ects on the endings (see Chapter 3) and the attachments o the ligament

tissue. Speci cally, tendons are more elastic at lower strain rates to the joint capsule.31–33 Many ligaments share unctions. For

and sti er at higher rates o tensile loading (see Chapter 2). example, while the anterior cruciate ligament o the knee is

endons de orm less than ligaments under an applied load and considered the primary restraint to anterior translation o the

are able to transmit the load rom muscle to bone.9 Material tibia relative to the emur, the collateral ligaments and the pos-

and structural properties o the tendon increase rom birth terior capsule o the knee also help in this unction (see Chap-

through maturity and then decrease rom maturity through ter 20).26 T e vascular and nerve distribution to ligaments is

old age.18 Although tendons withstand strong tensile orces not homogeneous. For example, the middle o the ligament is

well, they resist shear orces less well and provide little resis- typically avascular, while the proximal and distal ends enjoy
tance to a compression orce (see Chapter 2). a rich blood supply. Similarly, the insertional ends o the liga-
A tendon can be divided into three main sections:21 ments are more highly innervated than the midsubstance.
T e bone–tendon junction. At most tendon–bone
inter aces, the collagen bers insert directly into the Cartilage
bone in a gradual transition o material composition. T e
physical junction o tendon and bone is re erred to as an Cartilage tissue exists in three orms: hyaline, elastic, and
enthesis,22 and is an inter ace that is vulnerable to acute brocartilage.
and chronic injury.23 One role o the enthesis is to absorb Hyaline cartilage, also re erred to as articular cartilage,
and distribute the stress concentration that occurs at the covers the ends o long bones and permits almost
junction over a broader area. rictionless motion to occur between the articular sur aces
T e tendon midsubstance. Overuse tendon injuries can o a diarthrodial (synovial) joint.34 Articular cartilage
occur in the midsubstance o the tendon, but not as is a highly organized viscoelastic material composed o
requently as at the enthesis. cartilage cells called chondrocytes, water, and an ECM.
M J. T e M J is the site where the muscle and tendon
meet. T e M J comprises numerous interdigitations CLINICAL PEARL
between muscle cells and tendon tissue, resembling
interlocked ngers. Despite its viscoelastic mechanical Chondrocytes are specialized cells that are responsible or the
characteristics, the M J is very vulnerable to tensile development o cartilage and the maintenance o the ECM.35
ailure (see Chapter 2).24,25 Chondrocytes produce aggrecan, link protein, and hyal-
uronan, all o which are extruded into the ECM, where they
aggregate spontaneously.4 The aggrecan orms a strong,
Ligaments porous-permeable, ber-rein orced composite material with
collagen. The chondrocytes sense mechanical changes in
Skeletal ligaments are brous bands o dense C that connect their surrounding matrix through intracytoplasmic laments
bones across joints. Ligaments can be named or the bones and short cilia on the sur ace o the cells.27
into which they insert (coracohumeral), their shape (deltoid
o the ankle), or their relationships to each other (cruciate).26
T e gross structure o a ligament varies according to location Articular cartilage, the most abundant cartilage within
(intra-articular or extra-articular, capsular), and unction.27 the body, is devoid o any blood vessels, lymphatics, and
Ligaments, which appear as dense white bands or cords o nerves.5,6 Most o the bones o the body orm rst as hya-
C , are composed primarily o water (approximately 66%), line cartilage, and later become bone in a process called
and o collagen (largely type I collagen [85%], but with small endochondral ossi cation. T e normal thickness o articu-
amounts o type III) making up most o the dry weight. T e lar cartilage is determined by the contact pressures across
collagen in ligaments has a less unidirectional organization the joint—the higher the peak pressures, the thicker the 5
cartilage.27 Articular cartilage unctions to distribute the Elastic (yellow) cartilage is a very specialized C ,
joint orces over a large contact area, thereby dissipating primarily ound in locations such as the outer ear, and
the orces associated with the load. T is distribution o portions o the larynx.
orces allows the articular cartilage to remain healthy and Fibrocartilage, also re erred to as white cartilage,
ully unctional throughout decades o li e. T e patellar has unctions as a shock absorber in both weight-bearing
the thickest articular cartilage in the body. and nonweight-bearing joints. Its large iber content,
Articular cartilage may be grossly subdivided into our dis- rein orced with numerous collagen ibers, makes
tinct zones with di ering cellular morphology, biomechani- it ideal or bearing large stresses in all directions.
cal composition, collagen orientation, and structural proper- Fibrocartilage is an avascular, alymphatic, and
ties, as ollows: aneural tissue and derives its nutrition by a double-
T e super cial zone. T e super cial zone, which lies di usion system.36 Examples o ibrocartilage include
adjacent to the joint cavity, comprises approximately the symphysis pubis, the intervertebral disk, and the
10–20% o the articular cartilage thickness and menisci o the knee.
unctions to protect deeper layers rom shear stresses.
T e collagen bers within this zone are packed tightly
and aligned parallel to the articular sur ace. T is zone Bone
is in contact with the synovial uid and handles most o
Bone is a highly vascular orm o C , composed o collagen,
the tensile properties o cartilage.
calcium phosphate, water, amorphous proteins, and cells. It
T e middle (transitional) zone. In the middle zone, is the most rigid o the C s (Table 1-2). Despite its rigidity,
which provides an anatomic and unctional bridge bone is a dynamic tissue that undergoes constant metabolism
between the super cial and deep zones, the collagen and remodeling. T e collagen o bone is produced in the same
bril orientation is obliquely organized. T is zone manner as that o ligament and tendon but by a di erent cell,
comprises 40–60% o the total cartilage volume. the osteoblast.10 At the gross anatomical level, each bone has a
Functionally, the middle zone is the rst line o distinct morphology comprising both cortical bone and can-
resistance to compressive orces. cellous bone. Cortical bone is ound in the outer shell. Can-
T e deep or radial layer. T e deep layer comprises 30% cellous bone is ound within the epiphyseal and metaphyseal
o the matrix volume. It is characterized by radially regions o long bones, as well as throughout the interior o
aligned collagen bers that are perpendicular to the short bones.24 Skeletal development occurs in one o the two
sur ace o the joint, and which have a high proteoglycan ways:
content. Functionally the deep zone is responsible or
providing the greatest resistance to compressive orces. Intramembranous ossi cation. Mesenchymal stem cells
T e tidemark. T e tidemark distinguishes the deep within mesenchyme or the medullary cavity o a bone
zone rom the calci ed cartilage, the area that prevents initiate the process o intramembranous ossi cation. T is
the di usion o nutrients rom the bone tissue into the type o ossi cation occurs in the cranium and acial bones
cartilage. and, in part, the ribs, clavicle, and mandible.

TABLE 1-2 General Structure of Bone

Site Comment Conditions Result
Epiphysis Mainly develops under pressure Epiphyseal dysplasias Distorted joints
Apophysis orms under traction Joint sur ace trauma Degenerative changes
Forms bone ends Overuse injury Fragmented development
Supports articular sur ace Damaged blood supply Avascular necrosis

Physis Epiphyseal or growth plate Physeal dysplasia Short stature

Responsive to growth and sex hormones Trauma De ormed or angulated
Vulnerable prior to growth spurt Slipped epiphysis growth or growth arrest
Mechanically weak

Metaphysis Remodeling expanded bone end Osteomyelitis Sequestrum ormation

Cancellous bone heals rapidly Tumors Altered bone shape
Vulnerable to osteomyelitis Metaphyseal dysplasia Distorted growth
A ords ligament attachment

Diaphysis Forms sha t o bone Fractures Able to remodel angulation

Large sur ace or muscle origin Diaphyseal dysplasias Cannot remodel rotation
Signi cant compact cortical bone Healing slower than at metaphysis Involucrum with in ection
Strong in compression Dysplasia gives altered density and shape
Data rom Reid DC. Sports Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone; 1992.
Endochondral ossi cation. T e rst site o ossi cation Skeletal Muscle Tissue
occurs in the primary center o ossi cation, which is in
the middle o the diaphysis (sha ). About the time o T e microstructure and composition o skeletal muscle have
birth, a secondary ossi cation center appears in each been studied extensively. T e class o tissue labeled skeletal
epiphysis (end) o long bones. Between the bone ormed muscle consists o individual muscle cells or bers that work
by the primary and secondary ossi cation centers, together to produce the movement o bony levers. A single
cartilage persists as the epiphyseal (growth) plates muscle cell is called a muscle ber or myo ber. As muscle
between the diaphysis and the epiphysis o a long bone. cells di erentiate within the mesoderm, individual myo -
T is type o ossi cation occurs in the appendicular and bers are wrapped in a C envelope called endomysium. Bun-
axial bones. dles o myo bers, which orm a whole muscle ( asciculus),
are encased in the perimysium (Fig. 1-1). T e perimysium
T e periosteum is ormed when the perichondrium, is continuous with the deep ascia. T is relationship allows

the ascia to unite all o the bers o a single motor unit and,

which surrounds the cartilage, becomes the periosteum.

Chondrocytes in the primary center o ossi cation begin there ore, adapt to variations in orm and volume o each

to grow (hypertrophy) and begin secreting alkaline phos- muscle according to muscular contraction and intramuscular

phatase, an enzyme essential or mineral deposition. Cal- modi cations induced by joint movement.15 Groups o ascic-

ci cation o the matrix ollows, and apoptosis (a type o uli are surrounded by a connective sheath called the epimy-

cell death involving a programmed sequence o events sium (Fig. 1-1). Under an electron microscope, it can be seen

that eliminates certain cells) o the hypertrophic chon- that each o the myo bers consists o thousands o myo brils

drocytes occurs. T is creates cavities within the bone. T e (Fig. 1-1), which extend throughout its length. Myo brils are

composed o sarcomeres arranged in series.39

exact mechanism o chondrocyte hypertrophy and apopto-

sis is currently unknown. T e hypertrophic chondrocytes

(be ore apoptosis) also secrete a substance called vascular


endothelial cell growth actor that induces the sprouting o

blood vessels rom the perichondrium. Blood vessels orm- The sarcomere (Fig. 1 2) is the contractile machinery o

ing the periosteal bud invade the cavity le by the chondro- the muscle. The graded contractions o a whole muscle
cytes, and branch in opposite directions along the length occur because the number o bers participating in the
o the sha . T e blood vessels carry osteoprogenitor cells contraction varies. Increasing the orce o movement is
and hemopoietic cells inside the cavity, the latter o which achieved by recruiting more cells into cooperative action.
later orm the bone marrow. Osteoblasts, di erentiated
rom the osteoprogenitor cells that enter the cavity via the
periosteal bud, use the calci ed matrix as a sca old and All skeletal muscles exhibit our characteristics:40
begin to secrete osteoid, which orms the bone trabecula. 1. Excitability, the ability to respond to stimulation rom the
Osteoclasts, ormed rom macrophages, break down the nervous system.
spongy bone to orm the medullary cavity (bone marrow). 2. Elasticity, the ability to change in length or stretch.
T e unction o bone is to provide support, enhance lever-
3. Extensibility, the ability to shorten and return to normal
age, protect vital structures, provide attachments or both
tendons and ligaments, and store minerals, particularly
calcium. From a clinical perspective, bones may serve as 4. Contractility, the ability to shorten and contract in
use ul landmarks during the palpation phase o the exami- response to some neural command. T e tension developed
nation. T e strength o bone is related directly to its density. in skeletal muscle can occur passively (stretch) or actively
O importance to the clinician, is the di erence between (contraction). When an activated muscle develops tension,
maturing bone and mature bone. T e epiphyseal plate or the amount o tension present is constant throughout the
growth plate o a maturing bone can be divided into our length o the muscle, in the tendons, and at the sites o the
distinct zones:37 musculotendinous attachments to the bone. T e tensile
orce produced by the muscle pulls on the attached bones
Reserve zone: produces and stores matrix. and creates torque at the joints crossed by the muscle. T e
Proli erative zone: produces matrix and is the site or magnitude o the tensile orce is dependent on a number
longitudinal bone cell growth. o actors.
Hypertrophic zone: subdivided into the maturation One o the most important roles o C is to transmit
zone, degenerative zone, and the zone o provisional mechanically the orces generated by the skeletal muscle cells
calci ication. It is within the hypertrophic zone that to provide movement. Each o the myo brils contains many
the matrix is prepared or calci ication and is here bers called myo laments, which run parallel to the myo bril
that the matrix is ultimately calci ied. he hypertrophic axis. T e myo laments are made up o two di erent proteins:
zone is the most susceptible o the zones to injury actin (thin myo laments) and myosin (thick myo laments)
because o the low volume o bone matrix and the that give skeletal muscle bers their striated (striped) appear-
high amounts o developing immature cells in this ance (Fig. 1-2).39
region.38 T e striations are produced by alternating dark (A) and
Bone metaphysis: the part o the bone that grows during light (I) bands that appear to span the width o the muscle
childhood. ber. T e A bands are composed o myosin laments, whereas 7
Epimys ium

Pe rimys ium

Fa s ciculus

Ca pilla ry
Nucle us


Endomys ium
S a rcole mma

FIGURE 1-1 Microscopic structure o the muscle.

the I bands are composed o actin laments. T e actin la-
ments o the I band overlap into the A band, giving the edges
o the A band a darker appearance than the central region
(H band), which contains only myosin. At the center o each
e I band is a thin, dark Z line. A sarcomere (Fig. 1-2) repre-

c om sents the distance between each Z line. Each muscle ber is
limited by a cell membrane called a sarcolemma (Fig. 1-1).
T e protein dystrophin plays an essential role in the mechani-
cal strength and stability o the sarcolemma.41 Dystrophin is
Myos in lacking in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
(thick fila me nt)

(thin fila me nt) The sarcoplasm is the specialized cytoplasm o a muscle
cell that contains the usual subcellular elements along
with the Golgi apparatus, abundant myo brils, a modi ed
Tropomyos in endoplasmic reticulum known as the sarcoplasmic reticu-
Troponin complex lum (SR), myoglobin, and mitochondria. Transverse tubules
(T-tubules) invaginate the sarcolemma, allowing impulses
FIGURE 1-2 Troponin and tropomyosin action during a muscle
to penetrate the cell and activate the SR.
8 contraction.
T e basic unction o muscle is to contract. T e word con- contractions require the use o special equipment that
traction, used to describe the generation o tension within produces an accommodating resistance. Both high-
muscle bers, conjures up an image o shortening o muscle speed/low-resistance and low-speed/high-resistance
bers during a resistance exercise. However, a contraction regimens result in excellent strength gains.48–51 T e major
can produce shortening or lengthening o the muscle, or no disadvantage o this type o exercise is its expense. Also,
change in the muscle length. T us, three types o contraction there is the potential or impact loading and incorrect
are commonly recognized: isometric, concentric, and eccen- joint axis alignment.52 Isokinetic exercises may also have
tric (see Chapter 12). questionable unctional carryover.53
Isometric contraction. Isometric exercises provide a Econcentric contraction. T is type o contraction
static contraction with a variable and accommodating combines both a controlled concentric and a simultaneous
resistance without producing any appreciable change in eccentric contraction o the same muscle over two

muscle length.42 separate joints.54 Examples o an econcentric contraction

include the standing hamstring curl, in which the

Concentric contraction. A concentric contraction

produces a shortening o the muscle. T is occurs when hamstrings work concentrically to ex the knee while the

the tension generated by the agonist muscle is suf cient hip tends to ex eccentrically, lengthening the hamstrings.

to overcome an external resistance and to move the body When rising rom a squat, the hamstrings work

concentrically as the hip extends and work eccentrically

segment o one attachment toward the segment o its

other attachment.42 as the knee extends. Conversely, the rectus emoris work

eccentrically as the hip extends and work concentrically as

Eccentric contraction. An eccentric contraction occurs

the knee extends.

when a muscle slowly lengthens as it gives in to an

Isolytic contraction. An isolytic contraction is an

external orce that is greater than the contractile orce it

is exerting.42 In reality, the muscle does not lengthen, it osteopathic term used to describe a type o eccentric

contraction that makes use o a greater orce than the

merely returns rom its shortened position to its normal

patient can overcome. T e di erence between an eccentric

resting length. Eccentric muscle contractions, which are

contraction and an isolytic contraction is that, in the ormer,

capable o generating greater orces than either isometric
or concentric contractions,43–45 are involved in activities the contraction is voluntary whereas, in the latter, it is
that require a deceleration to occur. Such activities include involuntary. T e isolytic contraction can be used in certain
slowing to a stop when running, lowering an object, or manual techniques to stretch brotic tissue (see Chapter 10).
sitting down. Because the load exceeds the bond between Structures called cross-bridges serve to connect the actin
the actin and myosin laments during an eccentric and myosin laments. Increased synthesis o actin and myo-
contraction, some o the myosin laments probably are sin stimulates new myo brils that are added to the external
torn rom the binding sites on the actin lament while layers o the pre-existing myo brils.55 T e myosin laments
the remainder are completing the contraction cycle.46 contain two exible, hinge-like regions, which allow the cross-
T e resulting orce is substantially larger or a torn cross- bridges to attach and detach rom the actin lament. Dur-
bridge than or one being created during a normal cycle o ing contraction, the cross-bridges attach and undergo power
muscle contraction. Consequently, the combined increase strokes, which provide the contractile orce. During relax-
in orce per cross-bridge and the number o active cross- ation, the cross-bridges detach. T is attaching and detaching
bridges results in a maximum lengthening muscle tension is asynchronous, so that some are attaching while others are
that is greater than the tension that could be created detaching. T us, at each moment, some o the cross-bridges
during a shortening muscle action.46,47 are pulling, while others are releasing.
T e regulation o cross-bridge attachment and detachment
CLINICAL PEARL is a unction o two proteins ound in the actin laments:
tropomyosin and troponin (Fig. 1-2). ropomyosin attaches
Both concentric and eccentric muscle action comprise the directly to the actin lament, whereas troponin is attached
type o exercise called isotonic. An isotonic contraction is a to the tropomyosin rather than directly to the actin lament.
contraction in which the tension within the muscle remains
constant as the muscle shortens or lengthens.42 This state is CLINICAL PEARL
very di cult to produce and measure. Although the term
isotonic is used in many texts to describe concentric and Tropomyosin and troponin unction as the switch or mus-
eccentric contractions alike, its use in this context is errone- cle contraction and relaxation. In a relaxed state, the tropo-
ous because in most exercise orms the muscle tension dur- myosin physically blocks the cross-bridges rom binding to
ing exercise varies based upon the weight used, joint veloc- the actin. For contraction to take place, the tropomyosin
ity, muscle length, and type o muscle contraction.42 must be moved.

Each muscle ber is innervated by a somatic motor neu-

Four other contractions are worth mentioning: ron. One neuron and the muscle bers it innervates constitute
Isokinetic contraction. An isokinetic contraction occurs a motor unit or unctional unit o the muscle. Each motor
when a muscle is maximally contracting at the same speed neuron branches as it enters the muscle to innervate a num-
throughout the whole range o its related lever.42 Isokinetic ber o muscle bers. 9
TABLE 1-3 Comparison of Muscle Fiber Types
Characteristics Type I Type II A Type II B
Size (diameter) Small Intermediate Very large

Resistance to atigue High Fairly high Low

Capillary density High High Low

Glycogen content Low Intermediate High

Twitch rate Slow Fast Fast

Energy system Aerobic Aerobic Anaerobic

Maximum muscle shortening velocity Slow Fast Fast
Major storage uel Triglycerides Creatine phosphate glycogen Creatine phosphate glycogen
On the basis o their contractile properties, two major types
o muscle ber have been recognized within skeletal muscle
The area o contact between a nerve and muscle ber is based on their resistance to atigue: type I (tonic, slow-twitch
known as the motor end plate, or neuromuscular junction bers), and type II (phasic ast-twitch bers). ype II muscle
(NMJ). bers are urther divided into two additional classi cations
( ypes IIA and IIB) (Table 1-3). Scott et al.58 subdivide type II
bers into three classi cations, including a type IIIC.
T e release o a chemical acetylcholine rom the axon ter- ype I bers are richly endowed with mitochondria and
minals at the NMJ causes electrical activation o the skel- have a high capacity or oxygen uptake. T ey are, there ore,
etal muscle bers. When an action potential propagates into suitable or activities o long duration or endurance (aerobic),
the transverse tubule system (narrow membranous tunnels including the maintenance o posture. In contrast, ast-twitch
ormed rom and continuous with the sarcolemma), the volt- bers, which generate a great amount o tension within a short
age sensors on the transverse tubule membrane signal the period, are suited to quick, explosive actions (anaerobic),
release o Ca2+ rom the terminal cisternae portion o the including such activities as sprinting. T e type II ( ast-twitch)
SR (a series o interconnected sacs and tubes that surround bers are separated based on mitochondria content into those
each myo bril).56 T e released Ca2+ then di uses into the sar- that have a high complement o mitochondria (type IIA) and
comeres and binds to troponin, displacing the tropomyosin, those that are mitochondria-poor (type IIB). T is results in
and allowing the actin to bind with the myosin cross-bridges type IIB bers having a tendency to atigue more quickly than
(Fig. 1-2). Whenever a somatic motor neuron is activated, the type IIA bers ( able 1-3).
all o the muscle bers that it innervates are stimulated and
contract with all-or-none twitches. Although the muscle bers
produce all-or-none contractions, muscles are capable o a CLINICAL PEARL
wide variety o responses, ranging rom activities requiring a
In ast-twitch bers, the SR embraces every individual
high level o precision, to activities requiring high tension.
myo bril. In slow-twitch bers, it may contain multiple
At the end o the contraction (the neural activity and action
myo brils.59
potentials cease), the SR actively accumulates Ca2+ and muscle
relaxation occurs. T e return o Ca2+ to the SR involves active
transport, requiring the degradation o adenosine triphos- T eory dictates that a muscle with a large percentage o
phate (A P) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP)*.56 Because the total cross-sectional area occupied by slow-twitch type I
SR unction is closely associated with both contraction and bers should be more atigue resistant than one in which the
relaxation, changes in its ability to release or sequester Ca2+ ast-twitch type II bers predominate.
markedly a ect both the time course and magnitude o orce Di erent activities place di ering demands on a muscle
output by the muscle ber.57 (Table 1-4).59 For example, dynamic movement activities involve
a predominance o ast-twitch ber recruitment, whereas pos-
CLINICAL PEARL tural activities and those activities requiring stabilization entail
more involvement o the slow-twitch bers. In humans, most
The SR orms a network around the myo brils, storing and limb muscles contain a relatively equal distribution o each
providing the Ca2+ that is required or muscle contraction. muscle ber type, whereas the back and trunk demonstrate a
predominance o slow-twitch bers. Although it would seem
possible that physical training may cause bers to convert rom
*T e most readily available energy or skeletal muscle cells is stored in the
orm o A P and phosphocreatine (PCr). T rough the activity o the enzyme slow twitch to ast twitch or the reverse, this has not been shown
A Pase, A P promptly releases energy when required by the cell to per orm to be the case.60 However, ber conversion rom type IIB to type
10 any type o work, whether it is electrical, chemical, or mechanical. IIA, and vice versa, has been ound to occur with training.61
TABLE 1-4 Functional Division of Muscle Groups Muscles serve a variety o roles depending on the required
Movement Group Stabilization Group
Prime mover (agonist). T is is a muscle that is directly
Primarily type IIa Primarily type I
responsible or producing a desired movement.
Prone to adaptive shortening Prone to develop weakness Antagonist. T is is a muscle that has an e ect directly
opposite to that o the agonist.
Prone to develop hypertonicity Prone to muscle inhibition
Synergist (supporter). his is a muscle that per orms
Dominate in atigue and new Fatigue easily a cooperative muscle unction relative to the
movement situations agonist. Synergists can unction as stabilizers or
Generally cross two joints Primarily cross one joint neutralizers.
Stabilizers ( xators). Muscles that contract statically to

Examples Examples
steady or support some part o the body against the pull

o the contracting muscles, against the pull o gravity,

Gastrocnemius/Soleus Fibularis (peronei)

or against the e ect o momentum and recoil in certain

Tibialis posterior Tibialis anterior vigorous movements.

Neutralizers. Muscles that act to prevent an undesired

Short hip adductors Vastus medialis and lateralis

action rom one o the movers.

Hamstrings Gluteus maximus, medius, and

minimus As previously mentioned, depending on the type o muscu-

lar contraction, the length o a muscle can remain the same

Rectus emoris Serratus anterior

(isometric), shorten (concentric), or “lengthen” (eccentric).

Tensor ascia lata Rhomboids T e velocity at which muscle contracts signi cantly a ects the

tension that the muscle produces and subsequently a ects a

Erector spinae Lower portion o trapezius

muscle’s strength and power.66

Quadratus lumborum Short/deep cervical f exors Concentric contractions. As the speed o a concentric
contraction increases, the orce it is capable o
Pectoralis major Upper limb extensors
producing decreases.43,45 T e slower speed o contraction
Upper portion o trapezius Rectus abdominis is thought to produce greater orces than can be
produced by increasing the number o cross-bridges
Levator scapulae ormed. T is relationship is a continuum, with the
Sternocleidomastoid optimum velocity or the muscle somewhere between
the slowest and astest rates. At very slow speeds,
Scalenes the orce that a muscle can resist or overcome rises
Upper limb f exors
rapidly up to 50% greater than the maximum isometric
Data rom Jull GA, Janda V. Muscle and motor control in low back pain. In:
Twomey LT, Taylor JR, eds. Physical Therapy o the Low Back: Clinics in Physical Eccentric contractions. During a maximum-e ort eccentric
Therapy. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone; 1987:258–278. contraction, as the velocity o active muscle lengthening
increases, orce production in the muscle initially
T e e ectiveness o muscle to produce movement depends increases to a point, but then quickly levels o .67–69 T e
on some actors. T ese include the location and orientation ollowing changes in orce production occur during an
o the muscle attachment relative to the joint, the limitations eccentric contraction:
or laxity present in the musculotendinous unit, the type o Rapid eccentric contractions generate more orce than
contraction, the point o application, and the actions o other do slower eccentric contractions.
muscles that cross the joint.2 During slow eccentric muscle actions, the work
produced approximates that o an isometric
CLINICAL PEARL contraction.43,45

Following the stimulation o muscle, a brie period elapses

be ore a muscle begins to develop tension. The length o this
period, the electromechanical delay (EMD), varies consider-
ably among muscles. Fast-twitch bers have shorter periods
o EMD when compared with slow-twitch bers.62 EMD is The number o cross-bridges that can be ormed is depen-
a ected by muscle atigue, muscle length, muscle training, dent on the extent o the overlap between the actin and
passive muscle stretching, and the type o muscle activa- myosin laments.70 Thus, the orce a muscle is capable o
tion.63 A tissue injury may increase the EMD and, there ore, exerting depends on its length. For each muscle cell, there
increases the susceptibility to uture injury i ull healing does is an optimum length, or range o lengths, at which the
not occur.64 One o the purposes o neuromuscular re-educa- contractile orce is strongest. At the optimum length o
tion (see Chapter 14) is to return the EMD to a normal level.65 the muscle, there is a near-optimal overlap o actin and
T e angle o pennation is the angle created between the ber
myosin, allowing or the generation o maximum tension
direction and the line o pull. When the bers o a muscle
at this length.
lie parallel to the long axis o the muscle, there is no angle
I the muscle is in a shortened position, the overlap o o pennation. T e number o bers within a xed volume o
actin and myosin reduces the number o sites available a muscle increases with the angle o pennation.46 Although
or the cross-bridge ormation. Active insuf ciency o a pennation can enhance the maximum tension, the range o
muscle occurs when the muscle is incapable o short- shortening o the muscle is reduced. Muscle bers can con-
ening to the extent required to produce a ull range o tract to about 60% o their resting length. Since the muscle
motion (ROM) at all joints crossed simultaneously.2,54,71,72 bers in pennate muscles are shorter than the no-pennate
For example, the nger f exors cannot produce a closed equivalent, the amount o contraction is similarly reduced.
st when the wrist is ully f exed, as they can when it is Muscles that need to have large changes in length without the
in neutral position. need or very high tension, such as the sartorius muscle, do
I the muscle is in a lengthened position compared with not have pennate muscle bers.46 In contrast, pennate muscle
its optimum length, the actin laments are pulled away bers are ound in those muscles in which the emphasis is on
rom the myosin heads such that they cannot create as a high capacity or tension generation rather than ROM (e.g.,
many cross-bridges.46 Passive insuf ciency o the muscle gluteus maximus).
occurs when the two-joint muscle cannot stretch to the
extent required or ull ROM in the opposite direction
at all joints crossed.2,54,71,72 For example, when an indi- CLINICAL PEARL
vidual attempts to make a closed st with the wrist ully Skeletal muscle blood f ow increases 20- old during mus-
f exed, the active shortening o the nger and wrist f ex- cle contractions.77 The muscle blood f ow increases in pro-
ors results in passive lengthening o the nger exten- portion to the metabolic demands o the tissue, a relation-
sors. In this example, the length o the nger extensors ship ref ected by positive correlations between muscle
is insu cient to allow ull ROM at both the wrist and the blood f ow and exercise. As body temperature elevates,
ngers.73 the speeds o nerve and muscle unctions increase, result-
ing in a higher value o maximum isometric tension and
T e orce and speed o a muscle contraction depend on a higher maximum velocity o shortening possible with
the requirements o the activity, which in turn, are dependent ewer motor units at any given load.78 Muscle unction is
on the ability o the central nervous system to control the most e cient at 38.5°C (101°F).79
recruitment o motor units.2 T e motor units o slow-twitch
bers have lower thresholds and are easier to activate than During physical exercise, energy turnover in skeletal muscle
those o the ast-twitch motor units. Consequently, the slow- may increase by 400 times compared with muscle at rest and
twitch bers are recruited rst, even when the resulting limb muscle oxygen consumption may increase by more than 100
movement is rapid.74 times.80 T e hydrolysis o A P to ADP and inorganic phos-
As the orce requirement, speed requirement, or duration phate (Pi) provides the power or muscular activity. Despite
o activity increases, motor units with higher thresholds are the large uctuations in energy demand just mentioned,
recruited. ype IIa units are recruited be ore type IIb.75 muscle A P remains practically constant and demonstrates
a remarkable precision o the system in adjusting the rate o
CLINICAL PEARL the A P-generating processes to the demand.81 T ere are three
energy systems that contribute to the resynthesis o A P via
The term temporal summation re ers to the summation o ADP rephosphorylation. T ese energy systems are as ollows:
individual contractile units. The summation can increase Phosphagen system. T e phosphagen, or A P-
the muscular orce by increasing the muscle activation re- PCr, system is an anaerobic process—it can proceed
quency.76 without oxygen (O2). T e skeletal muscle cell stores
the phosphocreatine (PCr) and ADP, o which PCr
Although each muscle contains the contractile machin- is the chemical uel source. At the onset o muscular
ery to produce the orces or movement, it is the tendon that contraction, PCr represents the most immediate reserve
transmits these orces to the bones to achieve movement or or the rephosphorylation o A P. T e phosphagen system
stability o the body in space.9 T e angle o insertion the ten- provides A P primarily or short-term, high-intensity
don makes with a bone determines the line o pull, whereas activities (i.e., sprinting), and is the major source o
the tension generated by a muscle is a unction o its angle o energy during the rst 30 seconds o intense exercise, but
insertion. A muscle generates the greatest amount o torque it is also active at the start o all exercises, regardless o
when its line o pull is oriented at a 90-degree angle to the intensity.82 Once a muscle returns to rest, the supply o
bone, and it is attached anatomically as ar rom the joint cen- A P-PCr is replenished. While the maximum power o
ter as possible.2 this system is great, one disadvantage o the phosphagen
Just as there are optimal speeds o length change and opti- system is that because o its signi cant contribution to
mal muscle lengths, there are optimal insertion angles or each the energy yield at the onset o near-maximal exercise,
o the muscles. T e angle o insertion o a muscle, and, there- the concentration o PCr can be reduced to less than 40%
12 ore, its line o pull, can change during dynamic movements.46 o resting levels within 10 seconds o the start o intense
exercise, which translates into a small maximum capacity T e relative contribution o these energy systems to A P
o the system.83 resynthesis has been shown to depend upon the intensity
Glycolytic system. T e glycolytic system is an anaerobic and duration o exercise, with the primary system used being
process that involves the breakdown o carbohydrates— based on the duration o the event:85
either glycogen stored in the muscle or glucose delivered 0–10 seconds: A P–PCr. T ese bursts o activity develop
through the blood—into pyruvate to produce A P in a muscle strength and stronger tendons and ligaments, with
process called glycolysis. Pyruvate is then trans ormed the A P being supplied by the phosphagen system.
into lactic acid as a byproduct o the anaerobic glycolysis. 10–30 seconds: A P–PCr plus anaerobic glycolysis.
Because this system relies on a series o nine di erent
30 seconds to 2 minutes: anaerobic glycolysis. T ese
chemical reactions, it is slower to become ully active.
longer bursts o activity, i repeated a er 4 minutes o
However, glycogenolysis has a greater capacity to provide
rest or mild exercise, enhance anaerobic power with the

energy than does PCr, and there ore it supplements PCr

A P being supplied by the phosphagen and anaerobic
during maximal exercise and continues to rephosphorylate

glycolytic system.

ADP during maximal exercise a er PCr reserves have

become essentially depleted.82 T e process o glycolysis 2–3 minutes: anaerobic glycolysis plus oxidative system.

can be in one o the two ways, termed ast glycolysis and > 3 minutes and rest: oxidative system. T ese periods o

slow glycolysis, depending on the energy demands within activity using less than maximum intensity may develop

the cell. I energy must be supplied at a high rate, ast aerobic power and endurance capabilities, and the

glycolysis is used primarily. I the energy demand is not so phosphogen, anaerobic glycotic, and anaerobic systems

high, slow glycolysis is activated. T e main disadvantage o supply the A P.

the ast glycolysis system is that during very high-intensity

exercise, hydrogen ions dissociate rom the glycogenolytic

Respiratory Muscles

end product o lactic acid.81 T e accumulation o lactic

acid in the contracting muscle is recognized in sports and Although the respiratory muscles share some mechanical simi-

resistance training circles. An increase in hydrogen ion larities with skeletal muscles, they are distinct rom skeletal

concentration is believed to inhibit glycolytic reactions muscles in several aspects as ollows:86,87
and directly inter ere with muscle excitation–contraction Whereas skeletal muscles o the limbs overcome inertial
and coupling, which can potentially impair contractile loads, the respiratory muscles overcome primarily elastic
orce during an exercise.82 T is inhibition occurs once and resistive loads.
the muscle pH drops below a certain level, prompting
T e respiratory muscles are under both voluntary and
the appearance o phospho ructokinase (PFK), resulting
involuntary control.
in local energy production ceasing until replenished by
oxygen stores. T e respiratory muscles are similar to the heart muscles,
in that they have to contract rhythmically and generate
the required orces or ventilation throughout the entire
CLINICAL PEARL li espan o the individual. T e respiratory muscles, however,
do not contain pacemaker cells and are under the control
Lactic acid is the major energy source or providing the o mechanical and chemical stimuli, requiring neural input
muscle with ATP during exercise bouts that last 1–3 minutes rom higher centers to initiate and coordinate contraction.
(e.g., running 400–800 m). T e resting length o the respiratory muscles is a relationship
between the inward recoil orces o the lung and the outward
recoil orces o the chest wall. Changes in the balance o
Oxidative system. As its name suggests, the oxidative recoil orces will result in changes in the resting length
system requires O 2 and is consequently termed the o the respiratory muscles. T us, simple and everyday
“aerobic” system. T e uel sources or this system are li e occurrences such as changes in posture may alter the
glycogen, ats, and proteins. T is system is the primary operational length and the contractile strength o the
source o A P at rest and during low-intensity activities. respiratory muscles.88 I uncompensated, these length changes
T e A P is resynthesized in the mitochondria o the can lead to decreases in the output o the muscles, and hence,
muscle cell such that the ability to metabolize oxygen a reduction in the ability to generate lung volume changes.88
and other substrates is related to the number and T e skeletal muscles o the limbs, on the other hand, are not
concentration o the mitochondria and cells. It is worth constrained to operate at a particular resting length.
noting that at no time during either rest or exercise does
any single energy system provide the complete supply
o energy. While being unable to produce A P at an
equivalent rate to that produced by PCr breakdown CLINICAL PEARL
and glycogenolysis, the oxidative system is capable o
The primary respiratory muscles o the body include the dia-
sustaining low-intensity exercise or several hours.82
phragm; the internal, external, and transverse intercostals;
However, because o increased complexity, the time
the levator costae; and the serratus posterior in erior and
between the onset o exercise and when this system is
operating at its ull potential is around 45 seconds.84 13
Synovial joints have ve distinguishing characteristics: a
JOINTS joint cavity that is enclosed by the joint capsule, hyaline artic-
ular cartilage that covers the sur aces o the enclosed contigu-
Arthrology is the study o the classi cation, structure, and
ous bones, synovial uid that orms a lm over the joint sur-
unction o articulations (joints or arthroses). A joint rep-
aces, synovial membrane that lines the inner sur ace o the
resents the junction between two or more bones. Joints are
capsule, and a joint capsule that is composed o two layers.90
regions where bones are capped and surrounded by C s that
All synovial joints o the body are provided with an array o
hold the bones together and determine the type and degree o
corpuscular (mechanoreceptors) and noncorpuscular (noci-
movement between them.89 An understanding o the anatomy
ceptors) receptor endings embedded in articular, muscular,
and biomechanics o the various joints is required to be able
and cutaneous structures with varying characteristic behav-
to assess and treat a patient thoroughly. When classi ed ac-
iors and distributions depending on the articular tissue (see
cording to movement potential, joints may be classi ed into
Chapter 3). One intra-articular structure worth mentioning
two broad categories synarthrosis (nonsynovial) or diarthrosis
is the articular disk or meniscus. A meniscus, which consists
o a dense ECM, is not covered by a synovial membrane and
occurs between articular sur aces where congruity is low. T e
Synarthrosis cells o the meniscus are re erred to as brochondrocytes
T e type o tissue uniting the bone sur aces determines the because they appear to be a mixture o broblasts and chon-
major types o synarthroses:89 drocytes.91 A meniscal disk may extend across a synovial joint,
dividing it structurally and unctionally into two synovial cav-
Fibrous joints, which are joined by dense brous C .
ities. Complete disks occur in the sternoclavicular and distal
T ree types exist:
radioulnar joints, while that in the temporomandibular joint
Suture (e.g., suture o the skull). may be complete or incomplete.13 Peripherally disks are con-
Gomphosis (e.g., tooth and mandible or maxilla nected to brous capsules, usually by vascularized connective
articulation). tissue, so that they become invaded by vessels and a erent and
Syndesmosis (e.g., tibio bular or radioulnar joints). motor nerves.13 Mechanoreceptors within the menisci unc-
T ese joints usually allow a small amount o motion. tion as transducers, converting the physical stimulus o ten-
sion and compression into a speci c electrical nerve impulse
Cartilaginous joints originally re erred to as
(see Chapter 3).92
amphiarthrosis joints, are stable joints that allow or
Synovial joints can be broadly classi ed according to struc-
minimal or little movement. T ese joints exist in humans
ture or analogy (Fig. 1-3) into the ollowing categories93:
in one o two ways: synchondrosis (e.g., manubriosternal
joints) and symphysis (e.g., symphysis pubis). A Spheroid. As the name suggests, a spheroid joint is a reely
synchondrosis is a joint in which the material used to moving joint in which a sphere on the head o one bone
connect the two components is hyaline cartilage.90 In a ts into a rounded cavity in the other bone. Spheroid
symphysis joint, the two bony components are covered (ball-and-socket) joints allow motions in three planes
with a thin lamina o hyaline cartilage and directly joined (Fig. 1-3) (see later). Examples o a spheroid joint sur ace
by brocartilage in the orm o disks or pads.90 include the heads o the emur and humerus.
rochoid. T e trochoid, or pivot, joint is characterized
Diarthrosis by a pivot-like process turning within a ring, or a ring on
T is joint unites long bones and permits ree bone move- a pivot, the ring being ormed partly o bone, partly o
ment and greater mobility. A broelastic joint capsule, which ligament (Fig. 1-3). rochoid joints permit only rotation.
characterizes these joints, is lled with a lubricating substance Examples o a trochoid joint include the humeroradial
called synovial uid. Consequently, these joints are o en joint and the atlantoaxial joint.
re erred to as synovial joints. Condyloid (ovoid). T is joint is characterized by an ovoid
Examples include, but are not limited to, the hip, knee and articular sur ace, or condyle (Fig. 1-3). One bone may
shoulder, and elbow joints. Synovial joints are urther classi- articulate with another by one sur ace or by two, but never
ed based on complexity: more than two. I two distinct sur aces are present, the
Simple (uniaxial): a single pair o articular sur aces one joint is called condylar, or bicondylar. T e elliptical cavity
male, or convex, sur ace and one emale, or concave, sur ace. o the joint is designed in such a manner as to permit the
Examples include hinge joint and trochoid (pivot) joints. motions o exion, extension, adduction, abduction, and
circumduction, but no axial rotation. T e wrist joint is an
Compound (biaxial): a single joint capsule that contains
example o this orm o articulation.
more than a single pair o mating articulating sur aces.
T e two types o biaxial joint in the body include the Ginglymoid. A ginglymoid joint is a hinge joint (Fig. 1-3). It
condyloid and saddle. is characterized by a spool-like sur ace and a concave sur ace.
Complex (triaxial or multiaxial): contain an intra-articular An example o a ginglymoid joint is the humeroulnar joint.
inclusion within the joint class such as a meniscus or disk Ellipsoid. Ellipsoid joints are similar to spheroid joints
that increases the number o joint sur aces. T e two types in that they allow the same type o movement albeit to
o joint in this category are plane joints and ball-and- a lesser magnitude. T e ellipsoid joint allows movement
14 socket joints. in two planes ( exion, extension; abduction, adduction)
He a d of hume rus S ca pula

Ra dius Ulna

Pivo t jo int
Ball-and-s o c ke t

Hume rus Ulna

Ca rpa ls

Gliding jo int

Hing e jo int

Me ta ca rpa l Ca rpa l

Me ta ca rpa l

Co ndylo id jo int

Saddle jo int

P ha la nx

FIGURE 1-3 Types o diarthrosis or synovial joints.

and is biaxial. Examples o this joint can Synovial Fluid

be ound at the radiocarpal articulation at the wrist
Articular cartilage is subject to a great variation o loading
and the metacarpophalangeal articulation with the
conditions, so joint lubrication through the synovial uid
is necessary to minimize rictional resistance between the
Planar. As its name suggests, a planar joint is weight-bearing sur aces. Fortunately, synovial joints are
characterized by at sur aces that slide over each blessed with a very superior lubricating system, which per-
other. Movement at this joint does not occur about an mits a remarkably rictionless interaction at the joint sur-
axis and is termed nonaxial. Examples o a planar joint aces. A cartilaginous lubricated inter ace has a coef cient
include the intermetatarsal joints and some intercarpal o riction* o 0.002.95 By way o comparison, ice on ice has
joints. a higher coef cient o riction (0.03).95 T e composition o
Saddle (sellar). Saddle joints are characterized by a convex synovial uid is nearly the same as blood plasma, but with a
sur ace in one cross-sectional plane and a concave sur ace decreased total protein content and a higher concentration
in the plane perpendicular to it (Fig. 1-3). Examples o hyaluronan.96
o a saddle joint include the interphalangeal joints, the
carpometacarpal joint o the thumb, the humeroulnar
joint, and the calcaneocuboid joints.
In reality, no joint sur ace is planar or resembles a true geo- *Coef cient o riction is a ratio o the orce needed to make a body glide
metric orm; that is they resemble either the outer or inner across a sur ace compared with the weight or orce holding the two sur aces
sur ace o a piece o eggshell.94 in contact. 15
Hyaluronan is a critical constituent component o nor-
mal synovial f uid and an important contributor to joint
homeostasis.97 Hyaluronan imparts anti-inf ammatory and
anti-nociceptive properties to normal synovial f uid and
contributes to joint lubrication. It also is responsible or the
viscoelastic properties o synovial f uid,96 and contributes
to the lubrication o articular cartilage sur aces.
Indeed, synovial uid is essentially a dialysate o plasma to
which hyaluronan has been added.98 Hyaluronan is a GAG
that is continually synthesized and released into the synovial
uid by specialized synoviocytes.98,99 T e mechanical proper-
ties o synovial uid permit it to act as both a cushion and a
lubricant to the joint. Diseases such as osteoarthritis, a ect the
thixotropic properties (thixotropy is the property o various
gels becoming uid when disturbed, as by shaking) o syno-
vial uid, resulting in reduced lubrication and subsequent
wear o the articular cartilage and joint sur aces.100,101 It is well
established that damaged articular cartilage in adults has a
very limited potential or healing (see Chapter 2) because it
possesses neither a blood supply nor lymphatic drainage.102
FIGURE 1-4 The anatomical position.
Closely associated with some synovial joints are attened,
Proximal. Closer to the trunk.
saclike structures called bursae that are lined with a synovial
membrane and lled with synovial uid. T e bursa produces Distal. Away rom the trunk.
small amounts o uid, allowing or smooth and almost ric- Superf cial. oward the sur ace o the body.
tionless motion between contiguous muscles, tendons, bones, Deep. Away rom the sur ace o the body in the direction
ligaments, and skin.103–105 A tendon sheath is a modi ed o the inside o the body.
bursa. A bursa can be a source o pain i it becomes in amed
or in ected.

When describing movements, it is necessary to have a start- In general, there are two types o motions: translation, which
ing position as the re erence position. T is starting position occurs in either a straight or curved line, and rotation, which
is re erred to as the anatomic re erence position. T e anatomic involves a circular motion around a pivot point. Movements
re erence position or the human body is described as the o the body segments occur in three dimensions along imagi-
erect standing position with the eet just slightly separated nary planes and around various axes o the body.
and the arms hanging by the side, the elbows straight, and the
palms o the hand acing orward (Fig. 1-4). Planes of the Body
T ere are three traditional planes o the body corresponding
Directional Terms to the three dimensions o space: sagittal, rontal, and trans-
Directional terms are used to describe the relationship o body verse (Fig. 1-5).
parts or the location o an external object with respect to the Sagittal. T e sagittal plane, also known as the anterior–
body.106 T e ollowing are commonly used directional terms: posterior or median plane, divides the body vertically into
Superior or cranial. Closer to the head. le and right halves o equal size.
In erior or caudal. Closer to the eet. Frontal. T e rontal plane, also known as the lateral or
coronal plane, divides the body equally into ront and back
Anterior or ventral. oward the ront o the body.
Posterior or dorsal. oward the back o the body.
Transverse. T e transverse plane, also known as the
Medial. oward the midline o the body. horizontal plane, divides the body equally into top and
16 Lateral. Away rom the midline o the body. bottom halves.
a ne
F ro n ta l p l
Ve rtica l a xis

a xis

a xis

Tra n s ve rs

e p la n e

la n e
l p
Sa g itta
FIGURE 1-6 Axes o the body.

FIGURE 1-5 Planes o the body.

Because each o these planes bisects the body, it ol- in nite number o vertical and horizontal planes parallel to
lows that each plane must pass through the center o grav- the cardinal planes (see the discussion that ollows).
ity (COG) or center o mass (COM).* Where a gravity eld
can be considered to be uni orm, the COG and COM are Axes of the Body
the same (see later). I the movement described occurs in a
plane that passes through the center o gravity, that move- T ree re erence axes are used to describe human motion
ment is deemed to have occurred in a cardinal plane. An (Fig. 1-6). T e axis around which the movement takes place is
arc o motion represents the total number o degrees traced always perpendicular to the plane in which it occurs.
between the two extreme positions o movement in a spe- Mediolateral. T e mediolateral (ML) or coronal, axis, is
ci c plane o motion.107 I a joint has more than one plane o perpendicular to the sagittal plane.
motion, each type o motion is re erred to as a unit o motion. Vertical. T e vertical or longitudinal axis is
For example, the wrist has two units o motion: exion– perpendicular to the rontal plane.
extension (anterior–posterior plane) and ulnar–radial devia-
Anteroposterior (AP). T e AP axis is perpendicular to
tion (lateral plane).107
the transverse plane.
Few movements involved with unctional activities occur
in the cardinal planes. Instead, most movements occur in an Most movements occur in planes and around axes that are
somewhere in between the traditional planes and axes. T us,
nominal identi cation o every plane and axis o movement is
impractical. T e structure o the joint determines the possible
*T e COG, or COM, may be de ned as the point at which the three planes o
the body intersect each other. T e line o gravity is de ned as the vertical line axes o motion that are available. T e axis o rotation remains
at which the two vertical planes intersect each other and is always vertically stationary only i the convex member o a joint is a per ect
downward toward the center o the earth. sphere and articulates with a per ect reciprocally shaped 17
Ce rvica l
Ce rvica l e xte ns ion
fle xion

fle xion
S houlde r S houlde r
S houlde r e xte ns ion a bduction
fle xion Elbow
e xte ns ion
S houlde r
fle xion
a dduction
Finge r
S houlde r fle xion Finge r
Kne e circumduction e xte ns ion
fle xion
Kne e
fle xion
Kne e e xte ns ion Hip
e xte ns ion a bduction
a dduction
Ankle Ankle
dors a l pla nta r
fle xion fle xion Hip
A B circumduction

Ce rvica l
la te ra l s ide
be nding

S houlde r
inte rna l
rota tion
Fore a rm
S houlde r prona tion
e xte rna l
rota tion Fore a rm
s upina tion

Wris t
Wris t a bduction
e xte ns ion Wris t Wris t
fle xion a dduction

Foot a nd a nkle
inve rs ion

Foot a nd a nkle Hip e xte rna l

e ve rs ion rota tion
Hip inte rna l
C rota tion FIGURE 1-7 Movements o the body.

concave member. T e planes and axes or the more common Abduction and adduction, side exion o the trunk,
planar movements (Fig. 1-7) are as ollows: elevation and depression o the shoulder girdle, radial and
Flexion, extension, hyperextension, dorsi exion, and ulnar deviation o the wrist, and eversion and inversion o
plantar exion occur in the sagittal plane around an ML the oot occur in the rontal plane around an AP axis.
axis. Exceptions to this include carpometacarpal exion Rotation o the head, neck, and trunk; internal rotation
18 and extension o the thumb. and external rotation o the arm or leg; horizontal
adduction and abduction o the arm or thigh; and balance and, thus, the stability o an object. T e COG must
pronation and supination o the orearm usually occur be maintained over the BOS i an equilibrium is to be main-
in the transverse plane around the vertical axis. Rotary tained. I the BOS o an object is large, the line o gravity is
motions involve the curved movement o a segment less likely to be displaced outside the BOS, which makes the
around a xed axis, or center o rotation (COR). When a object more stable.108
curved movement occurs around an axis that is not xed,
but instead shi s in space as the object moves, the axis
Degrees of Freedom
around which the segment appears to move is re erred to
as the instantaneous axis o rotation or instantaneous COR T e number o independent modes o motion at a joint is
(see Moment Arm). re erred to as the available degrees o reedom (DOF). A joint
Arm circling and trunk circling are examples o can have up to 3 degrees o angular reedom, corresponding
to the three dimensions o space.110 I a joint can swing in one

circumduction. Circumduction involves an orderly

sequence o circular movements that occur in the sagittal, direction or can only spin, it is said to have 1 DOF.111–114 T e

proximal interphalangeal joint is an example o a joint with

rontal, and intermediate oblique planes, so that the

segment as a whole incorporates a combination o exion, 1 DOF. I a joint can spin and swing in one way only, or it

can swing in two completely distinct ways, but not spin, it

extension, abduction, and adduction. Circumduction

movements can occur at biaxial and triaxial joints. is said to have 2 DOF.111–114 T e tibio emoral joint, temporo-

Examples o these joints include the tibio emoral, mandibular joint, proximal and distal radioulnar joints, sub-

talar joint, and talocalcaneal joint are examples o joints with

radiohumeral, hip, glenohumeral, and the spinal joints.

2 DOF. I the bone can spin and also swing in two distinct

Both the con guration o a joint and the line o pull o the directions, then it is said to have 3 DOF.111–114 Ball-and-socket

muscle acting at a joint determine the motion that occurs at joints, such as the shoulder and hip, have 3 DOF.

a joint:

A muscle whose line o pull is lateral to the joint is a


potential abductor.

A muscle whose line o pull is medial to the joint is a Joint motion that occurs only in one plane is designated
potential adductor. as 1 DOF; in two planes, 2 DOF; and in three planes, 3 DOF.
A muscle whose line o pull is anterior to a joint has
the potential to extend or ex the joint. At the knee, Because o the arrangement o the articulating sur aces—
an anterior line o pull may cause the knee to extend, the surrounding ligaments and joint capsules—most motions
whereas, at the elbow joint, an anterior line o pull may around a joint do not occur in straight planes or along
cause exion o the elbow. straight lines. Instead, the bones at any joint move through
A muscle whose line o pull is posterior to the joint has space in curved paths. T is can best be illustrated using Cod-
the potential to extend or ex a joint (re er to preceding man’s paradox.
example). 1. Stand with your arms by your side, palms acing inward,
thumbs extended. Notice that the thumb is pointing or-
Center of Gravity 2. Flex one arm to 90 degrees at the shoulder so that the
Every object or segment can be considered to have a single thumb is pointing up.
COG, or COM—the point at which all the mass o the object 3. From this position, horizontally extend your arm so that
or segment appears to be concentrated. In a symmetrical the thumb remains pointing up, but your arm is in a posi-
object, the COG is always located in the geometric center o tion o 90 degrees o glenohumeral abduction.
the object. However, in an asymmetrical object such as the
4. From this position, without rotating your arm, return the
human body, the COG becomes the point at which the line
arm to your side and note that your thumb is now pointing
o gravity balances the object. T e line o gravity can best be
away rom your thigh.
visualized as a string with the weight on the end (a plumb-
line), with a string attached to the COG o an object.108 I the Re erring to the start position, and using the thumb as
human body is considered as a rigid object, the COG o the the re erence, the arm has undergone an external rotation
body lies approximately anterior to the second sacral verte- o 90 degrees. But where and when did the rotation take
bra (S2). Since the human body is not rigid, an individual’s place? Undoubtedly, it occurred during the three separate,
COG continues to change with movement with the amount straight-plane motions or swings that etched a triangle in
o change in the location depending on how disproportion- space. What you have just witnessed is an example o a con-
ately the segments are rearranged.108 During static standing, junct rotation—a rotation that occurs as a result o joint sur-
the body’s line o gravity is between the individual’s eet (base ace shapes—and the e ect o inert tissues rather than con-
o support). T e BOS includes the part o the body in con- tractile tissues. Conjunct rotations can only occur in joints
tact with the supporting sur ace and the intervening area.109 that can rotate internally or externally. Although not always
I an individual bends orward at the waist, the line o gravity apparent, most joints can so rotate. Consider the motions o
moves outside o the BOS. T e size o the BOS and its rela- elbow exion and extension. While ully exing and extend-
tion to the COG are important actors in the maintenance o ing your elbow a ew times, watch the pisi orm bone and 19
orearm. I you watch care ully, you should notice that the age—joint motion tends to decrease with increasing age;
pisi orm and the orearm move in a direction o supination gender—in general, emales have more joint motion than
during exion, and pronation during extension o the elbow. males.
T e pronation and supination motions are examples o con-
junct rotations. ROM is considered to be pathological when motion at a
Most habitual movements, or those movements that occur joint either exceeds or ails to reach the normal physiologic
most requently at a joint involve a conjunct rotation. How- limits o motion (see Chapter 2).90
ever, the conjunct rotations are not always under volitional
control. In act, the conjunct rotation is only under volitional Moment Arm
control in joints with 3 DOF (e.g., glenohumeral and hip
joints). In joints with ewer than 3 DOF (hinge joints, such o understand the concept o a moment arm, an understand-
as the tibio emoral and ulnohumeral joints), the conjunct ing o the anatomy and movement (kinematics) o the joint o
rotation occurs as part o the movement but is not under interest is necessary. Although muscles produce linear orces,
voluntary control. T e implications or this become impor- motions at joints are all rotary. For example, some joints can
tant when attempting to restore motion at these joints: the be considered to rotate about a xed point. A good example
mobilizing techniques must take into consideration both the o such a joint is the elbow. At the elbow joint, where the
relative shapes o the articulating sur aces as well as the con- humerus and ulna articulate, the resulting rotation occurs pri-
junct rotation that is associated with a particular motion (see marily about a xed point, re erred to as the COR. In the case
Chapter 10). o the elbow joint, this COR is relatively constant through-
out the joint ROM. However, in other joints (e.g., the knee)
the COR moves through space as the knee joint exes and
extends because the articulating sur aces are not per ect cir-
JOINT KINEMATICS cles. In the case o the knee, it is not appropriate to discuss a
single COR—rather we must speak o a COR corresponding
Kinematics is the study o motion and describes how some- to a particular joint angle, or, using the terminology o joint
thing is moving without stating the cause. Kinetics is the term kinematics, we must speak o the instantaneous center o rota-
used to explain why an object moves the way it does due to tion (ICR), that is, the COR at any “instant” in time or space.
the orces acting on that object (see Chapter 2). In studying T us, the moment arm is de ned as the perpendicular dis-
joint kinematics, two major types o motion are involved: (1) tance rom the line o orce application to the axis o rotation.
osteokinematic and (2) arthrokinematic.
Arthrokinematic Motion
Osteokinematic Motion
T e term arthrokinematics is used to describe the motions o
T e normal ROM o a joint is sometimes called the physi- the bone sur aces within the joint. T ese movements cannot
ologic or anatomic ROM. Physiologic movements o the be per ormed voluntarily and can only occur when resistance
bones termed osteokinematics, are movements that can be to active motion is applied, or when the patient’s muscles are
per ormed voluntarily, or example, exion o the shoul- completely relaxed. Both the physiologic (osteokinematic)
der. Osteokinematic motion occurs when any object orms and joint play (arthrokinematic) motions occur simultane-
the radius o an imaginary circle about a xed point. T e ously during movement and are directly proportional to each
axis o rotation or osteokinematic motions is oriented other, with a small increment o arthrokinematic motion
perpendicular to the plane in which the rotation occurs.106 resulting in a larger increment o osteokinematic motion.
T e distance traveled by the motion may be a small arc or Normal arthrokinematic motions must occur or a ull-range
a complete circle and is measured as an angle, in degrees. o physiologic motion to occur. Mennell116,117 introduced the
All human body segment motions involve osteokinema- concept that ull, painless, active ROM is not possible with-
tic motions. Examples o osteokinematic motion include out these motions and that a restriction o arthrokinematic
abduction or adduction o the arm, exion o the hip or motion results in a decrease in osteokinematic motion. At
knee, and side bending o the trunk. A number o ac- each synovial articulation, the articulating sur ace o each
tors determine the amount o available physiologic joint bone moves in relation to the shape o the other articulating
motion, including sur ace. A normal joint has an available range o active, or
the integrity o the joint sur aces and the amount o joint physiologic, motion, which is limited by a physiologic bar-
motion; rier as tension develops within the surrounding tissues, such
as the joint capsule, ligaments, and C . Beyond the available
the mobility and pliability o the so tissues that surround
passive ROM, the anatomic barrier is ound. T is barrier
a joint;
cannot be exceeded without disruption to the integrity o the
the degree o so -tissue approximation that occurs; joint. Accessory or component motions, which are also not
the amount o scarring that is present115—interstitial under voluntary control occur during active motion. T ese
scarring or brosis can occur in and around the joint include examples such as rotation o the ulna during orearm
capsules, within the muscles, and within the ligaments as pronation and supination. At the physiologic barrier, there
a result o previous trauma; is an additional amount o passive ROM. T is small motion,

Exte ns ion

S pin
Fe mur
s tatio nary


S lide

Roll a nd

s lide


s tatio nary Exte ns ion
S pin

FIGURE 1-8 Arthrokinematics o motion.

which is available at the joint sur aces, is re erred to as joint-

play motion. T e type and amount o motion occurring at the
joint sur aces is in uenced by the shape o their respective
joint sur aces. T ree undamental types o joint-play motions
exist based on the di erent types o joint sur aces (Fig. 1-8):118 A
Roll. A roll occurs when the points o contact on each

incongruent joint sur ace are constantly changing so

that new point on one sur ace meets a new point on the

opposite sur ace (see Fig. 1-8). T is type o movement

is analogous to a tire on a car as the car rolls orward. In

a normal unctioning joint, pure rolling does not occur S ta tiona ry


alone but instead occurs in combination with joint sliding


and spinning. T e term rock is o en used to describe


small rolling motions. Rolling is always in the same

direction as the swinging bone motion irrespective o
whether the sur ace is convex or concave (Fig. 1-8). I the
rolling occurs alone, it causes compression o the sur aces
on the side to which the bone is swinging and separation B
on the other side.
Slide. A slide is a pure translation i the two sur aces are
congruently at or curved. It occurs i only one point on

the moving sur ace makes contact with new points on the S ta tiona ry

opposing sur ace (see Fig. 1-8). T is type o movement


is analogous to a car tire skidding when the brakes are



applied suddenly on a wet road. T is type o motion also



is re erred to as translatory motion. Although the roll o


a joint always occurs in the same direction as the swing

o a bone, the direction o the slide is determined by the
shape o the articulating sur ace (Fig. 1-9). T is rule is FIGURE 1-9 Gliding motions according to joint sur aces.
o en re erred to as the concave–convex rule: I the joint In the extremities, osteokinematic motion is controlled
sur ace is convex relative to the other sur ace, the slide by the amount o exibility o the surrounding so tissues o
occurs in the opposite direction to the osteokinematic the joint, where exibility is de ned as the amount o inter-
motion (see Fig. 1-9). I , on the other hand, the joint nal resistance to motion. In contrast, the arthrokinematic
sur ace is concave, the slide occurs in the same direction motion is controlled by the integrity o the joint sur aces
as the osteokinematic motion (see Fig. 1-9). T e clinical and the supporting tissues o the joint. T is characteristic
signi cance o the concave–convex rule is described in can be noted clinically in a chronic rupture o the anterior
Chapter 10. cruciate ligament o the knee. Upon examination o that knee,
Spin. A spin is de ned as any movement in which the the arthrokinematic motion (joint slide or glide) is ound to
bone moves, but the mechanical axis remains stationary. be increased, illustrated by a positive Lachman test, but the
A spin involves a rotation o one sur ace on an opposing ROM o the knee, its osteokinematic motion, is not a ected
(see Chapter 20).
sur ace around a vertical axis (see Fig. 1-8). T is type o
motion is analogous to the pirouette per ormed by a ballet In contrast, in the spine, the osteokinematic motion is con-
trolled by both the exibility o the surrounding so tissues
dancer. Spinning rarely occurs alone in joints but instead
occurs in combination with rolling and sliding. Spin and by the integrity o the joint sur aces and the supporting
tissues o the joint. T is characteristic can be noted clinically
motions in the body include internal and external rotation
o the glenohumeral joint when the humerus is abducted when examining the craniovertebral joint, where a restriction
to 90 degrees; and at the radial head during orearm in the arthrokinematic motion (joint slide or glide) can be
pronation and supination. caused by either a joint restriction or an adaptively shortened
sub-occipital muscle (see Chapter 23).
As osteokinematic and arthrokinematic motions are
T e examination o these motions and their clinical impli-
directly proportional to each other, such that one cannot
cations are described in Chapters 4 and 10.
occur completely without the other, it ollows that i a joint
is not unctioning correctly, one or both o these motions
may be at ault. When examining a patient with move- Levers
ment impairment, it is critical that the clinician determine
whether the osteokinematic motion or the arthrokinematic A lever is a rigid object that is used to either multiply the
motion is restricted so that the intervention can be made mechanical orce (e ort) or resistance orce (load) applied to
as speci c as possible. T is is particularly important when it around an axis. T e e ort orce attempts to cause movement
trying to regain motion using traditional stretching meth- o the load. For simplicity sake, levers are usually described
ods which employ osteokinematic motions, as these meth- using a straight bar that is the lever, and the ulcrum, which
ods magni y the orce at the joint and cause compression is the point on which the bar is resting, and around which the
o the joint sur aces in the direction o the rolling bone. In lever rotates. T at part o the lever between the ulcrum and
contrast, using an arthrokinematic technique to increase the the load is re erred to as the load arm. T ree types o levers
joint play allows the orce to be applied close to the joint are commonly cited:
sur ace and in the direction that replicates the sliding com- First class: occurs when two orces are applied on either
ponent o the joint mechanics. side o the axis, and the ulcrum lies between the e ort
and the load (Fig. 1-10), like a seesaw. Examples in
the human body include the contraction o the triceps
at the elbow joint, or tipping o the head orward and
Two other accessory motions are used by clinicians in vari- Second class: occurs when the load (resistance) is applied
ous manual techniques, compression and distraction: between the ulcrum and the point where the e ort is
exerted (Fig. 1-10). T e magni ying e ects o the e ort
Compression. This occurs when there is a decrease in
require less orce to move the resistance. Examples o
the joint space between bony partners and although it
second-class levers in everyday li e include the nutcracker,
occurs naturally throughout the body whenever a joint
and the wheelbarrow—with the wheel acting as the
is weight bearing, it can be applied manually to help
ulcrum. Examples o second-class levers in the human
move synovial f uid and maintain cartilage health.
body include weight-bearing plantar exion (rising up
Distraction. This involves an increase in the joint space on the toes) (Fig. 1-10). Another would be an isolated
between bony partners. The terms traction and dis- contraction o the brachioradialis to ex the elbow, which
traction are not synonymous, as the ormer involves a could only occur i the other elbow exors are paralyzed.
orce applied to the long axis o a bone, which does
T ird class: occurs when the load is located at the end o
not always result in the joint space increasing between
the lever (Fig. 1-10), and the e ort lies between the ulcrum
the bony partners. For example, i traction is applied
and the load, like a drawbridge or a crane. T e e ort is
to the sha t o the emur, it results in a glide occurring
exerted between the load and the ulcrum. T e e ort
at the hip joint sur ace, whereas i a distraction orce is
expended is greater than the load, but the load is moved a
applied at right angles to the acetabulum, distraction at
greater distance. Most movable joints in the human body
the hip joint occurs.
unction as third-class levers— exion at the elbow.



Loa d

Loa d Effort



Loa d

A Firs t-cla s s leve r B S e cond-cla s s leve r C Third-cla s s leve r

FIGURE 1-10 Classes o levers.

When a machine puts out more orce than is put in, the wo types o kinematic chain systems are recognized:

machine is said to have a mechanical advantage (MA). T e closed kinematic chain (CKC) systems and the open kinematic
MA o the musculoskeletal lever is de ned as the ratio o chain (OKC) systems (Table 1-5).120
the internal moment arm to the external moment arm.
Depending on the location o the axis o rotation, the rst-
Closed Kinematic Chain
class lever can have an MA equal to, less than, or greater than
1.110 Second-class levers always have an MA greater than 1. A variety o de nitions or a CKC activity have been proposed:
T ird-class levers always have an MA less than 1. T e major- 1. Palmitier et al.121 de ne an activity as closed i both ends
ity o muscles throughout the musculoskeletal system unc- o the kinetic chain are connected to an immovable rame-
tion with an MA o much less than 1. T ere ore, the muscles work, thus preventing translation o either the proximal, or
and underlying joints must “pay the price” by generating and distal joint center, and creating a situation whereby move-
dispersing relative large orces, respectively, even or seem- ment at one joint produces a predictable movement at all
ingly low-load activities.110 other joints.
2. Gray122 considers a closed-chain activity to involve xation
KINEMATIC CHAINS o the distal segment so that joint motion takes place in
multiple planes, and the limb is supporting the weight.
When a body moves, it does so by its kinematics, which in
the human body take place through arthrokinematic and os- 3. Dillman et al.123 describe the characteristics o closed-
teokinematic movements. T e expression kinematic chain is chain activities to include relatively small joint move-
used in rehabilitation to describe the unction or activity o ments, low joint accelerations, greater joint compressive
an extremity or trunk in terms o a series o linked chains (see orces, greater joint congruity, decreased shear, stimula-
Chapter 12). A kinematic chain re ers to a series o articu- tion o joint proprioception, and enhanced dynamic stabi-
lated, segmented links, such as the connected pelvis, thigh, lization through muscle coactivation.124
leg, and oot o the lower extremity.110 According to kinematic 4. Kibler 124 de nes a closed-chain activity as a sequential
chain theory, each o the joint segments o the body involved combination o joint motions that have the ollowing char-
in a particular movement constitutes a link in the kinematic acteristics:
chain. Because each motion o a joint is o en a unction o a. T e distal segment o the kinetic chain meets
other joint motions, the ef ciency o an activity can be depen- considerable resistance.
dent on how well these chain-links work together.119
b. T e movement o the individual joints, and
translation o their instant centers o rotation occurs
CLINICAL PEARL in a predictable manner that is secondary to the
The number o links within a particular kinematic chain var- distribution o orces rom each end o the chain.
ies, depending on the activity. In general, longer kinematic Examples o closed kinematic chain exercises (CKCEs)
chains are involved with more strenuous activities. involving the lower extremities include the squat and the leg
TABLE 1-5 Differential Features of OKC and CKC Exercises
Exercise Mode Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages
Open kinematic 1. Single muscle group 1. Isolated recruitment 1. Limited unction
chain 2. Single axis and plane 2. Simple movement pattern 2. Limited eccentrics
3. Emphasizes concentric contraction 3. Minimal joint compression 3. Less proprioception and joint stability
4. Nonweight bearing with increased joint shear orces

Closed kinematic 1. Multiple muscle groups 1. Functional recruitment 1. Di cult to isolate

2. Multiple axes and planes 2. Functional movement patterns 2. More complex
3. Balance o concentric and 3. Functional contractions 3. Loss o control o target joint
eccentric contractions 4. Increased proprioception and 4. Compressive orces on articular
4. Weight-bearing exercise joint stability sur aces
Data rom Green eld BH, Tovin BJ. The application o open and closed kinematic chain exercises in rehabilitation o the lower extremity. J Back Musculoskel
Rehabil. 1992;2:38–51.
press. T e activities o walking, running, jumping, climbing, classi cations were based on the boundary condition, either
and rising rom the oor all incorporate closed kinetic chain movable or xed, and the presence or absence o a load on the
components. An example o a CKCE or the upper extremi- end segment. An activity with a xed boundary and no load
ties is the push-up, or when using the arms to push down on does not exist, resulting in three classi cations:
the armrests to rise out o a chair. 1. Movable no load. T ese activities involve a movable end
with no load and closely resemble the extreme o an open-
chain activity. An example o this type o activity is hitting
CLINICAL PEARL a ball with a tennis racket.
In most activities o daily living, the activation sequence 2. Movable external load. T ese activities involve a movable
o the links involves a closed chain whereby the activity is end with an external load and include a combination o
initiated rom a rm base o support and trans erred to a open- and closed-chain actions because they are charac-
more mobile distal segment. terized by cocontractions o the muscles around the joints.
An example o this type o activity is the overhead shoul-
der (military) press.
3. Fixed external load. T ese activities involve a xed end
Open Kinematic Chain
with an external load, and closely resemble the extreme o
It is accepted that the di erence between OKC and CKC a closed-chain activity. An example o this type o activity
activities is determined by the movement o the end segment. is the push-up.
T e traditional de nition or an open-chain activity included Lephart and Henry suggested that a urther de nition
all activities that involved the end segment o an extremity could be made by analyzing the ollowing characteristics o
moving reely through space, resulting in isolated movement an activity:
o a joint.
Examples o an open-chain activity include li ing a drink- T e direction o orce.
ing glass and kicking a soccer ball. Open kinematic chain exer- T e magnitude o the load.
cises (OKCEs) involving the lower extremity include the seated Muscle action.
knee extension and prone knee exion. Upper extremity exam-
Joint motion.
ples o OKCE include the biceps curl and the military press.
Many activities, such as swimming and cycling, tradition- Neuromuscular unction.
ally viewed as OKC activities, include a load on the end seg- Under Lephart and Henry’s classi cation, activities could
ment; yet the end segment is not “ xed” and restricted rom be subdivided into our groups:
movement. T is ambiguity o de nitions or CKC and OKC
1. Activities that involve a xed boundary with an external
activities has allowed some activities to be classi ed in oppos-
and axial load. An example o this type o activity is the use
ing categories.123 T us, there has been a growing need or clari-
o a slide board.
cation o OKC and CKC terminology, especially when related
to unctional activities. 2. Activities that involve a movable boundary with an exter-
T e works o Dillman et al.123 and then Lephart and nal and axial load. An example o this type o activity is the
Henry125 have attempted to address the con usion. Dillman bench press.
et al.123 proposed three classi cations o activity to help clari y 3. Activities that involve a movable boundary with an exter-
the gray area between the CKC and the OKC activity. T ese nal and rotary load. An example o this type o activity is a
resisted proprioceptive neuromuscular acilitation (PNF) TABLE 1-6 Close Packed Position of the Joints
motion pattern (see Chapter 10).
Joint Position
4. Activities that involve a movable boundary with no load.
Zygapophyseal (spine) Extension
An example o this type o activity is position training.
Although both the Dillman and Lephart and Henry mod- Temporomandibular Teeth clenched
els appear to be describing the same concept, the Lephart Glenohumeral Abduction and external rotation
and Henry model is distinct in that it incorporates diagonal
or rotary components to the movements. T ese diagonal and Acromioclavicular Arm abducted to 90 degrees
rotary movements eature in the vast majority o unctional Sternoclavicular Maximum shoulder elevation
Ulnohumeral Extension

Radiohumeral Elbow f exed 90 degrees; orearm


supinated 5 degrees


Proximal radioulnar 5 degrees o supination

Distal radioulnar 5 degrees o supination

Joint movements usually are accompanied by a relative

compression (approximation) or distraction (separation) Radiocarpal (wrist) Extension with radial deviation

o the opposing joint sur aces. T ese relative compressions

Metacarpophalangeal Full f exion

or distractions a ect the level o congruity o the oppos-

ing sur aces. T e position o maximum congruity o the

Carpometacarpal Full opposition

opposing joint sur aces is termed the close-packed position

o the joint. T e position o least congruity is termed the Interphalangeal Full extension

open-packed position. T us, movements toward the close-

Hip Full extension, internal rotation,
packed position o a joint involve an element o compres-

and abduction
sion, whereas movements out o this position involve an
element o distraction. Tibio emoral Full extension and external
rotation o tibia

Close Packed Position Talocrural (ankle) Maximum dorsif exion

T e close-packed position o a joint is the joint position that Subtalar Supination

results in:
Midtarsal Supination
T e maximal tautness o the major ligaments.
Tarsometatarsal Supination
Maximal sur ace congruity.
Minimal joint volume. Metatarsophalangeal Full extension
Maximal stability o the joint. Interphalangeal Full extension
Once the close-packed position is achieved, no urther
motion in that direction is possible. T is is the o en-cited rea-
son most ractures and dislocations occur when an external
orce is applied to a joint that is in its close-packed position. Maximal joint volume.
Also, many o the traumatic injuries o the upper extremities
result rom alling on a shoulder, elbow or wrist, which are Minimal stability o the joint.
in their close-packed position. T is type o injury, a all on T e open-packed position permits maximal distraction
an outstretched hand is o en re erred to as a FOOSH injury. o the joint sur aces. Because the open-packed position causes
T e close-packed positions or the various joints are depicted the brunt o any external orce to be borne by the joint cap-
in Table 1-6. sule or surrounding ligaments, most capsular or ligamentous
sprains occur when a joint is in its open-packed position. T e
open-packed positions or the various joints are depicted in
Open Packed Position
Table 1-7.
In essence, any position o the joint, other than the close-
packed position, could be considered as an open-packed posi-
tion. T e open-packed position, also re erred to as the loose-
packed position o a joint, is the joint position that results in:
Slackening o the major ligaments o the joint.
Minimal sur ace congruity. The open-packed position is commonly used during joint
mobilization techniques (see Chapter 10).
Minimal joint sur ace contact.
TABLE 1-7 Open Packed (Resting) Position of the Joints
Joint Position
Zygapophyseal (spine) Midway between f exion and extension

Temporomandibular Mouth slightly open ( reeway space)

Glenohumeral 55 degrees o abduction; 30 degrees o horizontal adduction

Acromioclavicular Arm resting by side

Sternoclavicular Arm resting by side

Ulnohumeral 70 degrees o f exion; 10 degrees o supination

Radiohumeral Full extension; ull supination
Proximal radioulnar 70 degrees o f exion; 35 degrees o supination
Distal radioulnar 10 degrees o supination

Radiocarpal (wrist) Neutral with slight ulnar deviation

Carpometacarpal Midway between abduction–adduction and f exion–extension

Metacarpophalangeal Slight f exion

Interphalangeal Slight f exion

Hip 10–30 degrees o f exion; 10–30 degrees o abduction; and 0–5 degrees o external rotation

Tibio emoral 25 degrees o f exion

Talocrural (ankle) 10 degrees o plantar f exion; midway between maximum inversion and eversion

Subtalar Midway between extremes o range o movement

Midtarsal Midway between extremes o range o movement

Tarsometatarsal Midway between extremes o range o movement

Metatarsophalangeal Neutral

Interphalangeal Slight f exion

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Ti Bh i ,
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At the completion of this cha pter, Kinetics is the term applied to de ne the orces acting on the
the reader will be able to: body. Posture and movement are both governed by the body’s
ability to control these orces. T e same orces that move and
1. Describe the various types o stress that are applied to the stabilize the body also have the potential to de orm and injure
body. the body.1 A wide range o external and internal orces are
either generated or resisted by the human body during daily
2. Describe the various physiological processes by which the
activities. Examples o these external orces include ground
body adapts to stress.
reaction orce, gravity, and applied orce through contact.
3. De ne the various common mechanisms o injury. Examples o internal orces include structural tension, joint
compression, and joint shear orces (Fig. 2-1). Under the
4. Describe the etiology and pathophysiology o
right circumstances, the body can respond and adapt to these
musculoskeletal injuries associated with various
stresses. T e terms stress and strain have speci c mechanical
types o body tissue.
meanings. Stress, or load, is de ned in units o orce per area,
5. Outline the pathophysiology o the healing process and and is used to describe the type o orce applied. Stress is inde-
the various stages o healing o the various connective pendent o the amount o material, but is directly related to
tissues. the magnitude o orce and inversely related to the unit area.2
Strain is de ned as the change in length o a material due to
6. Describe the actors that can impede the healing process.
an imposed load, divided by the original length.2 T e two
7. Outline the more common surgical procedures available basic types o strain are a linear strain, which causes a change
or musculoskeletal injuries. in the length o a structure, and shear strain, which causes a
change in the angular relationships within a structure. It is the
8. Outline the principles behind postsurgical rehabilitation.
concentration o proteoglycans in solution (see Chapter 1)
9. Describe the detrimental e ects o immobilization. that is responsible or in uencing the mechanical properties
o the tissue, including compressive sti ness, sheer sti ness,
osmotic pressure, and the regulation o hydration.3

OVERVIEW Strain is the amount o elongation divided by the length
o the structure.
issues in the body are designed to unction while under-
going the stresses o everyday living. Body weight, riction, Stress is the orce in a structure divided by the cross-
and air or water resistance are all types o stresses that com- sectional area.
monly act on the body. T e ability o the tissues to respond
to stress is due to the di ering viscoelastic properties o the T e inherent ability o a tissue to tolerate load can be observed
tissue, with each tissue responding to stress in an individual experimentally in graphic orm. When any stress is plotted on a
manner based on design. Maintaining the health o the vari- graph against the resulting strain or a given material, the shape
ous tissues is a delicate balance because insu cient, excessive, o the resulting load–de ormation curve depends on the kind
or repetitive stresses can prove deleterious. Fortunately, most o material involved. T e load–de ormation curve, or stress–
tissues have an inherent ability to sel -heal—a process that is strain curve, o a structure (Fig. 2-2) depicts the relationship
an intricate phenomenon. between the amount o orce applied to a structure and the
T e toe region is an arti act caused by this take-up o
slack, alignment, and/or seating o the test specimen. T e
length o the toe region depends on the type o material
= and the waviness o the collagen pattern.
Elastic region. Within the elastic de ormation region, the
structure imitates a spring—the geometric de ormation
Origina l in the structure increases linearly with increasing load,
s ha pe S he a r and a er the load is released the structure returns to
its original shape. T e slope o the elastic region o the
load–de ormation curve rom one point in the curve to
another, which corresponds to the physiological range o
a structure, is called the modulus o elasticity or Young’s
modulus, and represents the extrinsic sti ness or rigidity
= =
o the structure—the sti er the tissue, the steeper the
slope. A key characteristic o passive tendon loading
is its sti ness—the orce in the tendon divided by the
amount o lengthening o the tendon.4 Young’s modulus
is a numerical description o the relationship between the
amount o stress a tissue undergoes and the de ormation
Compre s s ion Te ns ion that results—stress divided by the strain. T e ratio o stress
FIGURE 2-1 Internal orces acting on the body. to strain in an elastic material is a measure o its sti ness.
Young’s modulus is independent o specimen size and
is, there ore, a measure o the intrinsic sti ness o the
structure’s response in terms o de ormation or acceleration. material. T e greater the Young’s modulus or a material,
T e horizontal axis (de ormation or strain) represents the the better it can withstand greater orces. Mathematically,
ratio o the tissue’s de ormed length to its original length. T e the value or sti ness is ound by dividing the load by the
vertical axis o the graph (load or stress) denotes the internal de ormation at any point in the selected range. All normal
resistance generated as a tissue resists its de ormation, divided tissues within the musculoskeletal system exhibit some
by its cross-sectional area. T e load–de ormation curve can be degree o sti ness. Larger structures will have greater
divided into our regions, each region representing a biome- rigidity than smaller structures o similar composition.
chanical property o the tissue (Fig. 2-2): Sti ness is not necessarily a negative characteristic—
oe region. Collagen bers have a wavy, or olded, tendons transmit orce more e ectively and e ciently
appearance at rest or on slack. When a orce that when they are sti er.4
lengthens the collagen bers is initially applied to Plastic region. T e end o the elastic de ormation range,
connective tissue, this slack range is a ected rst, and the and the beginning o the plastic de ormation range,
bers un old as the slack is taken up (see Crimp later). represents the point where an increasing level o stress on


(S TRES S ) Plas tic

Elas tic

To e

S la ck Line a r P rima ry Comple te (S TRAIN)
ra nge phys iologica l fa ilure fa ilure
ra nge los s of
me cha nica l
prope rtie s

30 FIGURE 2-2 The stress–strain curve.

the tissue results in progressive ailure and microscopic Crimp
tearing o the collagen bers. Further increases in
strain result in microscopic damage and permanent T e crimp o collagen is one o the major actors behind the
de ormation. T e permanent change results rom the viscoelastic properties o connective tissue. Crimp, a collagen
breaking o bonds and their subsequent inability to tissue’s rst line o response to stress, is di erent or each type
contribute to the recovery o the tissue. Unlike the elastic o connective tissue, providing each with di erent viscoelas-
region, removal o the load in this region will not result in tic properties. Collagen bers are oriented obliquely when
a return o the tissue to its original length. relaxed. However, when a load is applied, the bers line up in
the direction o the applied orce as they uncrimp. Crimping
Failure region. De ormations exceeding the ultimate is seen primarily in ligaments, tendons, and joint capsules, and
ailure point (Fig. 2-2) produce mechanical ailure o the occurs in the toe phase o the stress–strain curve (Fig. 2-2).
structure, which in the human body may be represented

by the racturing o bone or the rupturing o a so



I a load is applied to the connective tissue and then

CLINICAL PEARL removed immediately, the material recoils to its original

size. I , however, the load is allowed to remain, the

Sti ness = orce/de ormation. The gradient in the linear material continues to stretch. A ter a period o a sustained

portion o the load-de ormation graph immediately a ter stretch, the stretching tends to reach a steady-state value.

the toe region o the load–displacement curve represents Realignment o the collagen bers in the direction o the

the sti ness value. The load–de ormation curve does not stress occurs, and water and proteoglycans are displaced

indicate the variable o time. rom the bers.

Elastic modulus = stress/strain. The larger the Young’s

modulus or a material, the greater stress needed or a

given strain.


Viscoelasticity is the time-dependent mechanical prop-

Biological tissues are anisotropic, which means they can erty o a material to stretch or compress over time, and to

return to its original shape when a orce is removed. T e

demonstrate di ering mechanical behavior as a unction o

test direction. T e properties o extensibility and elasticity are mechanical qualities o a tissue can be separated into cat-

egories based on whether the tissue acts primarily as a solid,

common to many biologic tissues. Extensibility is the ability

uid, or a mixture o the two. Solids are described according

to be stretched, and elasticity is the ability to return to normal

length a er lengthening or shortening.5 to their elasticity, strength, hardness, and sti ness. Bone,

ligaments, tendons, and skeletal muscle are all examples o

elastic solids. Biological tissues that demonstrate attributes

o both solids and uids are viscoelastic. T e viscoelastic
CLINICAL PEARL properties o a structure determine its response to loading.
Unloading a tendon signi cantly in uences the mechanical For example, a ligament demonstrates more viscous behav-
properties. For example, one study that looked at the ior at lower loads whereas, at higher loads, elastic behaviors
e ects o 4 weeks o unilateral lower limb suspension dominate.7
ollowed by 6 weeks o rehabilitation ound that there was
a 17% decrease in the elastic modulus (lower sti ness) Creep and Stress Relaxation
a ter suspension, and the restoration o normal sti ness
a ter rehabilitation.6 Creep and stress relaxation are two characteristics o visco-
Some protective mechanisms exist in connective tissue elastic materials that are used to document their behavior
to help respond to stress and strain, including crimp, visco- quantitatively.5
elasticity, creep and stress relaxation, plastic de ormation, Creep is the gradual rearrangement o collagen bers, pro-
and stress response. teoglycans, and water that occurs because o a constantly
applied orce a er the initial lengthening caused by crimp has
ceased. Creep is a time-dependent and transient biomechani-
cal phenomenon. Short duration stresses (<15 minutes) do
CLINICAL PEARL not have su cient time to produce this displacement; how-
Protective tissue mechanisms include: ever, longer times can produce it. Once creep occurs, the tis-
sue has di culty returning to its initial length (see below).
Stress relaxation is a phenomenon in which stress or orce in
Viscoelasticity a de ormed structure decreases with time while the de orma-
Creep and stress relaxation tion is held constant.5 Unlike creep, stress relaxation responds
Plastic de ormation with a high initial stress that decreases over time until equi-
librium is reached and the stress equals zero, hence the label
Stress response
“relaxation.” As a result, no change in length is produced. 31
T us, stress to connective tissues can result in no change, a or trauma may not be able to resist adequately the
semipermanent change, or a permanent change to the micro- application o orce.
structure o the collagenous tissue. T e semipermanent or Age. Increasing age reduces the capacity o the tissues to
permanent changes may result in either micro ailure. cope with stress loading.
Proteoglycan and collagen content o the tissue. Both
Plastic De ormation increasing age and exposure to trauma can result in
Plastic de ormation o connective tissue occurs when a tissue un avorable alterations in the proteoglycan and collagen
remains de ormed and does not recover its prestress length. content o a tissue.
Once all o the possible realignment has occurred, any urther T e ability o the tissue to undergo adaptive change. All
loading breaks the restraining bonds, resulting in micro ailure. musculoskeletal tissue can adapt to change. T is capacity
On average, collagen bers can sustain a 3% increase in elonga- to change is determined primarily by the viscoelastic
property o the tissue.
tion (strain) be ore microscopic damage occurs.8 Following a
brie stretch, providing the chemical bonds remain intact, the T e speed at which the adaptive change occurs. T is
collagen and proteoglycans gradually recover their original is dependent on the type and severity o the insult to
alignment. T e recovery process occurs at a slower rate and the tissue. Insults o low orce and longer duration may
o en to a lesser extent. T e loss o energy that occurs between provide the tissue an opportunity to adapt. In contrast,
the lengthening orce and the recovery activity is re erred to insults o a higher orce and shorter duration are less
as hysteresis. T e more chemical bonds that are broken with likely to provide the tissue time to adapt. T e distinction
applied stress, the greater the hysteresis. I the stretch is o su - between sudden and repetitive stress is important. An
cient orce and duration, and a su cient number o chemical acute stress (loading) occurs when a single orce is large
bonds are broken, the tissue is unable to return to its original enough to cause injury on biological tissues; the causative
length until the bonds are re- ormed. Instead, it returns to a orce is termed macrotrauma. A repetitive stress (loading)
new length and a new level o strain resistance. Increased tissue occurs when a single orce itsel is insu cient to cause
excursion is now needed be ore tension develops in the struc- injury on biological tissues. However, when repeated or
ture. In essence, this has the e ect o decreasing the stabilizing chronic stress over a period causes an injury, the injury
capabilities o the connective tissue. is called a chronic injury, and the causative mechanism is
termed microtrauma. Etiologic actors or microtraumatic
Stress Response injuries are o two basic types: intrinsic or extrinsic.
Intrinsic actors are physical characteristics that predispose
Exercises may be used to change the physical properties o both an individual to microtrauma injuries and include muscle
muscles/tendons and ligaments, as both have demonstrated imbalances, leg length discrepancies, and anatomical
adaptability to external loads with an increase in strength:weight anomalies.13 Extrinsic actors, which are the most common
ratios.9–11 T e improved strength results rom an increase in the cause o microtrauma injuries, are related to the external
proteoglycan content and collagen cross-links.9–11 conditions under which the activity is per ormed. T ese
include training errors, type o terrain, environmental
CLINICAL PEARL temperature, and incorrect use o equipment.13

Three biomechanical attributes o connective tissue can

have clinical signi cance: INJURY CLASSIFICATION
Structural behavior
Material behavior Injuries to the so tissues can be classi ed as primary or
Viscoelastic behavior secondary.
Primary, or macrotraumatic, injuries can be sel -in icted,
caused by another individual or entity, or caused by
the environment.14–17 T ese injuries include ractures,
TISSUE INJURY subluxations, and dislocations, which are outside the scope
o practice or a physical therapist, and sprains, and strains,
So tissue injuries o all types are extremely common in the which make up the majority o conditions seen in the
general population. Studies have shown that there is a lin- physical therapy clinic. For the purposes o the intervention,
ear relationship between so tissue injuries and aging, with primary injuries are classi ed into acute, subacute, or chronic.
ewer than 10% o individuals younger than 34 years being Acute. T is type o injury is usually caused by
a ected, in contrast to 32–49% o those older than 75 years macrotrauma and indicates the early phase o injury
being a ected.12 Whether a stress proves to be bene cial or and healing, which typically lasts approximately 4–6
detrimental to a tissue is very much dependent on the physi- days unless the insult is perpetuated.
ologic capacity o the tissue to accept load. T is capacity is Subacute. T is phase occurs a er the acute phase and
dependent on some actors, among them: typically lasts rom 10 to 17 days a er the acute phase
T e health o the tissue. Healthy tissues can resist has ended but may last weeks in those tissues with
32 changes in their shape. Any tissue weakened by disease limited circulation, such as tendons.18
Chronic. T is type o injury can have several de nitions. Secondary or microtraumatic injuries are essentially the
On the one hand it may indicate the nal stage o healing in ammatory response that occurs with the primary
that occurs 26–34 days a er injury but can last 6 months injury.19 Microtraumatic injuries include tendinopathy,
to 1 year depending on the tissue involved and the amount tenosynovitis, and bursitis.
o tissue damage. On occasion, a persistent in ammatory
state results in an accumulation o repetitive scar
adhesions, degenerative changes, and other harm ul e ects
re erred to as subclinical adaptations (see Chapter 8). TISSUE HEALING
Fortunately, the majority o tissue injuries heal without
CLINICAL PEARL complication in a predictable series o events (Fig. 2-3). T e
most important actor regulating the regional time line o

An acute-on-chronic injury involves a re-injury o the

healing is su cient blood ow.20 Many actors can deter-

tissue—an acute exacerbation o a chronic injury.

mine the outcome o the tissue injury, including those listed

He mo s tas is Inflammatio n Re pair Re mo de ling

As trocytic proce s s e s

e ncircle le s ion

Blood–bra in ba rrie r
No ECM de pos ition Incre a s e d glios is CNS: g lial s c ar

re e s ta blis he d

a nd limite d de ns ity

Re duce d infla mma tory a ngioge ne s is No le s ion tis s ue

ce ll re cruitme nt a nd

S eve ring of As trocyte s produce filling
de bride me nt; me dia te d

tis s ue s a nd by microglia , inhibitory mole cule s

preve nting a xona l Ne urons prote cte d
blood ve s s e ls

ma cropha ge s, a nd by glia l s ca r
re ge ne ra tion

a s trocyte s

Influx of

blood borne Axona l bre a kdown

ce lls a nd

prote ins Glio s is

Re le a s e of

s igna ling Mine ra liza tion (bone ) PNS: re g e ne ratio n
Os te obla s t, e pithe lia l,

mole cule s

by le ucocyte s CNS or S chwa nn ce ll Tis s ue re orga niza tion

prolife ra tion

Axons re inne rva te

Limite d ECM a nd ta rge t (P NS )

gra nula tion tis s ue

Full tis s ue s tre ngthe ning

S chwa nn ce ll condult (CT)/functiona l re cove ry
No n-CNS

a ids on a xon
(PHS, bone, s kin) re ge ne ra tion
P la te le t
a dhe s ion
a ctiva tion a nd
a ggre ga tion Mine ra liza tion Bo ne : no s c ar
Primary Full tis s ue
Fibrin forma tion
he aling s tre ngthe ning
S te mming of P ha gocyte s
a nd de bride me nt Re mova l exce s s
blood flow via tis s ue
he mos ta tic plug by le ucocyte s ;
me dia te d by
ma cropha ge s Se c o ndary
he aling
Re le a s e of
che moa ttra cta nts Bo ne
Se c o ndary
Axona l bre a kdown
he aling Cutane o us tis s ue :
c o llag e no us s c ar
Fibrobla s t
re cruitme nt
ECM de pos ition
Fibe r a lignme nt
Angioge ne s is a nd contra ction
S e conds to hours
Ce llula r a poptos is
Hours to days
Pa rtia l tis s ue
Days to we e ks s tre ngthe ning

We e ks to months

FIGURE 2-3 Stages o healing. 33

TABLE 2-1 Factors Impacting Healing
Intrinsic (Local) Systemic Extrinsic
Extent o injury. Microtears involve only Age. The ability to heal injuries decreases Drugs. Nonsteroidal anti-in ammatory drugs and
minor damage, whereas macrotears with age corticosteroids decrease in ammation and
involve signi cantly greater destruction swelling, resulting in decreased pain

Edema. Swelling can cause increased Obesity. Oxygen pressure in the tissues is Absorbent dressings. The degree o
pressure that can impede nutrition to lower in obese patients. humidity greatly a ects the process o
the injured part, inhibit neuromuscular epithelialization—the epithelium regenerates
control, and retard the healing process twice as quickly in a moist environment

Hemorrhage. Bleeding produces the Malnutrition. Wound healing places a Temperature and oxygen tension. Hypothermia
same negative e ects on healing as higher than usual demand on a patient’s has a negative e ect on healing. Oxygen
does the accumulation o edema energy resources. In every stage o tension relates to the neovascularization o
wound healing, protein is needed. In the wound.
addition, adequate nutritional intake and
body stores o all vitamins are essential.

Poor vascular supply. Wounds heal poorly Hormone levels. Hormones a ect the
and at a slower rate when the blood composition and structure o a variety o
supply is inadequate tissues.

Separation o tissue. A wound that has In ection. In ection can delay healing Physical modalities. These can be used to
smooth edges and good apposition promote an ef cient healing environment
will tend to heal by primary intention or an injury when used individually, or in
with minimal scarring. combination with other modalities or exercise

Muscle spasm. Spasm causes traction General health. Comorbidity can play a Exercise. Exercise can help in the remodeling
on the already torn tissue, preventing signi cant role in the overall healing process o all connective tissues. Wol ’s
approximation. process. For example, diabetes can law states that tissue remodeling and
impede tissue healing the response to therapeutic exercise are
determined by the speci c adaptation o the
tissue to the imposed level o demand.

Atrophy. Consider a secondary

impairment to injury and subsequent

Degree o scarring. Scarring that occurs

normally, but hypertrophic scarring
produces keloids when the rate o
collagen production exceeds the rate
o collagen breakdown

in Table 2-1. Also, complications such as in ection, compro- phenomenon, in reality these events occur as an amalgama-
mised circulation, and neuropathy hurt the healing process tion o di erent reactions, both spatially and temporally.25
and can cause great physical and psychological stress to the T e various therapeutic approaches that can be used dur-
involved patient and his or her amily. ing each o these stages o healing are described in Chapter 8.

Stages o Tissue Healing Coagulation and Inf ammatory Stage

T e general stages o so tissue healing are described here, An injury to the so tissue triggers a process that represents
whereas the healing o speci c structures is described later the body’s immediate reaction to trauma, which includes a
under the relevant headings. A er microtrauma, macrotrauma, series o repair and de ensive events.20,26 Following an injury
or disease, the body attempts to heal itsel through a predict- to the tissues, the cellular and plasma components o blood
able series o overlapping events that include coagulation and and lymph enter the wound. Capillary blood ow is disrupted,
in ammation (acute), which begins shortly a er the initial causing hypoxia to the area. T is initial period o vasocon-
injury; a migratory and proli erative process (subacute), which striction, which lasts 5–10 minutes, prompts a period o
begins within days and includes the major processes o healing; vasodilation, and the extravasation o blood constituents.20
and a remodeling process (chronic), which may last or up to Extravasated blood contains platelets, which secrete sub-
a year depending on the tissue type, and is responsible or scar stances that orm a clot to prevent bleeding and in ection,
tissue ormation and the development o new tissue.14,20–24 clean dead tissue, and nourish white cells. T ese substances
Whereas simpli cation o the complex events o healing include macrophages and broblasts.27 T e coagulation and
34 into separate categories may acilitate understanding o the platelet release results in the excretion o platelet-derived
growth actor (PDGF),28 platelet actor 4,29 trans orming Because o the variety o vascular and other physiological
growth actor-alpha ( GF-α),30 and trans orming growth responses occurring, this stage o healing is characterized by
actor-beta ( GF-β).31 T e main unctions o a cell-rich tis- swelling, redness, heat, and impairment or loss o unction. T e
sue exudate are to provide cells capable o producing the com- edema is due to an increase in the permeability o the venules,
ponents and biological mediators necessary or the directed plasma proteins, and leukocytes, which leak into the site o
reconstruction o damaged tissue, while diluting microbial injury, resulting in edema.38,39 New stroma, o en called granu-
toxins and removing contaminants present in the wound.25 lation tissue, begins to invade the wound space approximately
In ammation is mediated by chemotactic substances, 4 days a er the injury.38,39 T e complete removal o the wound
including anaphylatoxins that attract neutrophils and mono- debris marks the end o the in ammatory process.
cytes. Clinically, this stage is characterized by pain at rest or with
Neutrophils. Neutrophils are white blood cells (WBCs) o active motion, or when speci c stress is applied to the injured
structure. T e pain, i severe enough, can result in muscle

the polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocyte subgroup (the

others being eosinophils, and basophils) that are lled guarding and a loss o unction. T is is o en re erred to as

with granules o toxic chemicals (phagocytes) that enable the protection phase based on the ocus o the intervention.

them to bind to microorganisms, internalize them, and T e goals o the intervention during this phase are there ore

kill them. to minimize pain and edema, control in ammation, restore

ull, passive range o motion, prevent atrophy, maintain so

Monocytes. Monocytes are WBCs o the mononuclear

tissue joint integrity, and to enhance unction (see Chapter 8).

leukocyte subgroup (the other being lymphocytes). wo key types o in ammation are recognized: the nor-

T e monocytes migrate into tissues and develop into

mal acute in ammatory response and an abnormal, chronic,

macrophages, providing immunological de enses

or persistent in ammatory response. Common causes or a

against many in ectious organisms. Macrophages serve

persistent chronic in ammatory response include in ectious

to orchestrate a “long-term” response to injured cells

agents, persistent viruses, hypertrophic scarring, poor blood

subsequent to the acute response.32 supply, edema, repetitive mechanical trauma, excessive ten-

sion at the wound site, and hypersensitivity reactions.40,41 T e

T e WBCs o the in ammatory stage serve to clean the

wound debris o oreign substances, increase vascular permea- monocyte-predominant in ltration, angiogenesis, and brous

bility, and promote broblast activity.32 Other cell participants changes are the most characteristic morphologic eatures o

include local immune accessory cells, such as endothelial chronic in ammation. T is perpetuation o in ammation

involves the binding o neutrophilic myeloperoxidase to the

cells, mast cells, and tissue broblasts. T e PMN leukocytes,

through their characteristic “respiratory burst” activity, pro- macrophage mannose receptor.42

duce superoxide anion radical, which is well known to be

critical or de ense against bacteria and other pathogens.33

Migratory and Proli erative Stage

Superoxide is rapidly converted to a membrane permeable

T e second stage o so tissue healing, characterized by migra-

orm, hydrogen peroxide (H 2O2), by superoxide dismutase

activity or even spontaneously.32 T e release o H 2O2 may tion and proli eration, usually occurs rom the time o the

promote the ormation o other oxidants that are more stable initial injury and overlaps the in ammation phase. Charac-
(have a longer hal -li e), including hypochlorous acid, chlora- teristic changes include capillary growth and granulation tis-
mines, and aldehydes.32 T e phagocytic cells that initiate the sue ormation, broblast proli eration with collagen synthesis,
innate immune response produce a set o proin ammatory and increased macrophage and mast cell activities. T is stage
cytokines (e.g., NF-α, IL-1, and IL-6) in the orm o a cascade handles the development o wound tensile strength.
that ampli es the local in ammatory response, in uences the A er the wound base is ree o necrotic tissue, the body
adaptive immune response, and serves to signal the central begins to work to repair and close the wound (Fig. 2-3). T e
nervous system (CNS) o an in ammatory response (Fig. 2-3). connective tissue in healing wounds is composed primarily o
T e extent and severity o this in ammatory response depend collagen, types I and III43 cells, vessels, and a matrix that con-
on the size and the type o the injury, the tissue involved, and tains glycoproteins and proteoglycans. Proli eration o colla-
the vascularity o that tissue.17,23,34–36 gen results rom the actions o the broblasts that have been
Local vasodilation is promoted by biologically active prod- attracted to the area and stimulated to multiply by growth ac-
ucts o the complement and kinin cascades25: tors, such as PDGF, GF-β, broblast growth actor (FGF),
epidermal growth actor, and insulin-like growth actor-1,
T e complement cascade involves 20 or more proteins and tissue actors such as bronectin.25 T is proli eration
that circulate throughout the blood in an inactive orm.25 produces rst brinogen and then brin, which eventually
A er tissue injury, activation o the complement cascade becomes organized into a honeycomb matrix and walls o
produces a variety o proteins with activities essential to the injured site.44
healing. T e wound matrix unctions as glue to hold the wound
T e kinin cascade handles the trans ormation o the edges together, giving it some mechanical protection while
inactive enzyme kallikrein, which is present in both blood also preventing the spread o in ection. However, the wound
and tissue, to its active orm, bradykinin. Bradykinin also matrix has a low tensile strength and is vulnerable to break-
contributes to the production o tissue exudate through down until the provisional extracellular matrix (ECM) is
the promotion o vasodilation and increased vessel-wall replaced with a collagenous matrix. T e collagenous matrix
permeability.37 acilitates angiogenesis by providing time and protection to 35
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squamous, yellowish, sticky covering, under which the psoroptes lie
hidden and which affords them nourishment.
The crusts steadily grow thicker and lift the individual fibres of
wool, tearing them from their follicles, so that patches of skin
become bare. The patches thus formed increase in diameter, for the
acari leave the centre, where crust-formation is replaced by
abundant desquamation of the epidermis. The skin is thickened,
assumes the character of parchment, and in old-standing cases
becomes wrinkled.
The disease always commences along the back, withers, loins, and
the upper part of the quarters. Thence it spreads to the flanks and
sides of the chest. The psoroptes are almost exclusively confined to
recently affected points on the edges of the scabby patches. They are
visible to the naked eye, and appear as little whitish-brown points.
Scab is specially liable to attack a flock containing lambs and
yearling sheep, whose skin is thin, fine and supple, and therefore
more susceptible to their attacks. If a portion of a scabby flock be
shorn, the shorn animals will probably recover on account of the
psoroptes transferring themselves to the animals with long fleeces.
The diagnosis is easy. Psoroptic mange cannot be mistaken for
sarcoptic mange, on account of the different points affected.
Psoroptic mange only attacks regions covered by wool, and
sarcoptic mange those free of wool. A microscopical examination of
acari removed from the diseased animals will, however, immediately
remove all doubt.
Nor can the disease be confounded with phthiriasis, the
trichodectes being immediately distinguished from the psoroptes by
their greater size and the shape of their head. Moreover, they are
usually to be found on the front portions of the shoulders.
It is more likely to be mistaken for another disease, termed by
some writers seborrhœa and studied and described by Delafond
under the name of sebaceous folliculitis. This disease appears mostly
in autumn, and attacks animals much exposed to the weather and on
moist, cold soils. It begins with very violent pruritus, followed by
biting and loss of portions of the fleece. The skin is red, inflamed and
painful, and the wounds are covered with large quantities of
yellowish acid discharge of a sticky and offensive nature. The
treatment of this disease consists in placing the sheep in clean, dry,
well-ventilated sheds. Recovery is assisted by clipping and the
application of some emollient dressing to the diseased parts.
The ease with which the disease can be cured and the absence of
parasites enable one to readily distinguish it from psoroptic mange
Prognosis. The disease is not specially grave, so long as only a
few animals are affected, for it is not difficult to cure by isolation,
good feeding, and proper external treatment; but if scab appears in a
flock, the freedom with which the animals intermingle is such that all
are rapidly attacked, and the irritation produced at once checks their
growth and causes loss in condition. Many ewes give birth to small,
feeble lambs, which are almost certain to die, and in any case the
wool is considerably diminished in value.
Delafond estimated that psoroptic mange formerly attacked one
thirty-fifth of all the sheep in France every year, causing damage to
the extent of five francs per head. At the present time, and since
proper sanitary laws have been instituted, it has become much less
During the bad season of the year the mortality is greater, and may
reach as much as from 40 to 50 per cent. In cases where scab is
accompanied by some other disease, such as distomatosis, it may
even rise to 80 per cent.
The treatment is preventive and curative. Preventive treatment
consists in separating the healthy from the diseased animals and in
disinfecting the folds, sheds, etc.
Curative treatment. The first point in this treatment consists in
improving the diseased animal’s food both as to quality and quantity.
It is to be observed that the parasite has more difficulty in living on
robust and well-nourished animals. Moreover, observation shows
that transference from poor land to rich pastures is sometimes in
itself sufficient to bring about a spontaneous cure. Such, at least, is
the belief of the Spanish sheep farmers in Estramadura and of the
French shepherds.
The shepherd can do a great deal to arrest the course of the
disease. If he is careful, zealous, intelligent and observant he will
quickly note the first indications of the disease and, by isolating the
animals, check its spread.
The second point consists in shearing the diseased animals, and
this must be carried out at any season of the year. The money loss is
sometimes important, but must be met, for otherwise treatment is
impossible. In cases of localised scab, empyreumatic oil, oil of cade,
solutions of sulphuret of potassium, decoctions of black hellebore
(water 1 quart, fresh rhizome 4 ounces or dry rhizome 2 ounces),
decoction of tobacco and diluted tobacco juice (6 ounces in 1 quart of
water) have been recommended. Such local treatment, however, is
often useless, because incomplete.
When scab is generalised and it is impossible to define the parts
attacked, general treatment is indispensable and the diseased sheep
should be dipped.
As a preliminary, however, and in order to make sure that the
application will produce its effect, the animals after shearing should
be passed, twenty-four hours before the medicinal bath, through a
warm bath containing soap in order to soften and remove the scabs.
Applications of oil or some fatty substance will also soften the scabs,
which may afterwards be removed with a scraper without producing
bleeding. One pound of soft soap may be dissolved in fifty quarts of
water and each sheep plunged into this and scrubbed with a brush
for a few minutes. Washing alone removes a large number of the
Whatever bath be used it should not be given until four or five
hours after the last feeding. The dips most popular in France are as

Tessier’s Bath (1810).

For 100 sheep Arsenious acid 1½ parts or lbs.

Sulphate of iron 10 „
Water 100 „
The above materials should be boiled for ten minutes, and, as a
consequence of the chemical fusion which occurs in the process, the
proportion of arsenious acid dissolved amounts to about 2 drachms
per quart instead of 3¾ drachms.
In this bath the arsenious acid acts as a parasiticide and the
sulphate of iron as an astringent, the latter checking the absorption
of toxic principles by the skin and sores, and preventing the sheep
from licking themselves.
Absorption by the skin is not so dangerous as has been believed.
Rossignol has shown that poisoning need not be feared in chemical
baths unless the proportion of dissolved arsenic is above 150 grains
per quart, especially if the period of immersion does not exceed five
minutes. Even pure solutions of arsenic, free from any astringent,
may be used, provided the quantity in the bath does not exceed 120
grains per quart.
The bath should, if possible, be kept warm—85° to 95° Fahr. (30°
to 35° C.).
Four men are generally employed for the operation. One drives in
the sheep, two others hold and brush them in the bath, and the
fourth holds the head of the animal above the liquid. Tessier
recommended gloves for the use of the operators, but experience has
shown that such a precaution is unnecessary. The udder, and
particularly the teats, of ewes with young may, if necessary, be
smeared with some fatty substance, such as vaseline or oil, in order
to guard against the astringent action of the liquid.
Each sheep is plunged in the bath for one or two minutes, or five
minutes at the most. All the diseased spots must be brushed, rubbed
and cleansed; but care must be taken not to make them bleed.
Tessier suggested leaving the animals for twenty-four hours in
some disinfected place, without straw or food, to prevent these
materials from being wetted by the liquid which runs from the fleece,
and which, if afterwards eaten, might have a poisonous effect. Here,
again, the danger has been exaggerated. Delafond has shown that
sheep may be given a fluid ounce of Tessier’s bath for eight days
running without producing the slightest unfavourable symptom.
Tessier’s bath is excellent from the therapeutic standpoint, but it
imparts a yellow tint to the fleece, which is thus rendered less
valuable. The mixture has therefore been modified in various ways.

Clément’s Bath (1846).

For 100 sheep Arsenious acid 1·5 parts or lbs.

Sulphate of zinc 5 „
Water 100 „

In this bath every quart contains about 2½ drachms of arsenious

acid. Its toxic power, therefore, is considerably greater than that of
Tessier’s bath.
Clément’s formula has one drawback. The sulphate of zinc may be
mistaken for a non-astringent alkaline sulphate (sulphate of soda),
and as a consequence poisoning may occur, as experience has shown.
Mathieu of Sèvres replaced the sulphate of iron by an equal
quantity of alum. In this case, each quart of the bath contains 2½
drachms of arsenious acid.
Clément’s and Mathieu’s formulæ have given just as good results
as Tessier’s.
A last formula is that of Professor Trasbot. The aloes is of very
little use, however, because it is almost insoluble.

For 100 sheep Arsenious acid 2 lbs.

Sulphate of zinc 10 „
Aloes 1 „
Water 25 gallons.

Condition of the animals after the bath.—On leaving the bath the
abraded parts are slightly cauterised. During the five or six following
days the skin is stiff, and covered with adherent crusts over the
points attacked by the parasites. The animals no longer scratch or
bite themselves.
Towards the eighth day the crusts fall, the skin appears supple and
of a pink colour, and the wounds cicatrise. In animals which have
suffered for a long time recovery is much slower, and may extend
over from thirty to fifty days. The wool again grows soft and bright,
while the sheep rapidly regain their spirits and condition. The
cicatrisation of the wounds is often accompanied by intense itching,
which must not be taken as a sign of the persistence of the disease. It
is well, however, to keep the animals under observation at this
Under any circumstances, six weeks or two months should always
be allowed to elapse before giving a second bath. Should a few spots
appear to be attacked secondarily, they may be moistened with a
little of one of the bath liquids.
In Germany the creolin bath is generally employed:

For 100 sheep { Water 250 gallons or parts.

{ Creolin 6·5 „

Each sheep is bathed a second time after an interval of one week,

the animal being immersed for three minutes in the bath and
thoroughly scrubbed with a brush. The efficacy of this method,
however, is less certain.
In America, where the flocks are large and scabies is frequent,
sulphur baths are employed, the baths themselves being of great size.
The animals are forced to pass through them and remain there for
some minutes.
The size and value of American, Australian, and New Zealand
flocks demand that the modes of treatment practised and the
experience gained in these countries should receive something more
than passing notice. We therefore purpose giving a short résumé of
some parts of the very valuable monograph on sheep scab issued in
1897 by Dr. Salmon and Mr. Stiles, for the American Bureau of
Animal Industry.
In selecting a dip the question of expense will naturally arise; next,
the question as to whether or not scab actually exists in the flock to
be dipped. The facilities at hand, the set-back to the sheep, and the
length of the wool are also matters for consideration, as well as the
pastures into which the dipped sheep are to be placed.
Expense.—In estimating the expense one should consider not only
the actual outlay for the ingredients of the ooze, but the cost of fuel
and labour, the injury, if any, to the sheep, and the liability of not
curing the disease. It is much more economical to use an expensive
dip and cure scab, than it is to use a cheap dip and fail to cure it.
Does scab exist in the flock?—If scab does not actually exist and
the wool is long, the dipping in this case simply being a matter of
precaution, it is best not to select a dip containing lime.
The facilities at hand for preparing dip.—If fuel is very scarce, so
that it is impracticable to boil the mixture for at least two hours, the
lime-and-sulphur dips should not be selected.

Fig. 256.—A comparatively early case of common scab, showing a bare spot
and tagging of the wool.

The pastures.—In case it is necessary to place the dipped sheep on

the same pastures they occupied before being dipped, it is always
best to use a dip containing sulphur. If a proprietary dip is selected
under those circumstances, it is suggested that sulphur be added,
about 1 lb. of flowers of sulphur to every 6 gallons of dip. The object
in using sulphur is to place in the wool a material which will not
evaporate quickly, but will remain there for a longer period of time
than the scab parasites ordinarily remain alive away from their hosts.
By doing this the sheep are protected against reinfection.
Sulphur is one of the oldest known remedies for scab; its use is
best known in the tobacco-and-sulphur dip and in the lime-and-
sulphur dip. These home-made mixtures are the two dips which have
played the most important rôles in the eradication of scab from
certain English colonies, and their use is extensive in America.

The Tobacco-and-Sulphur Dip.

Fig. 257.—A slightly advanced case of common scab.

The formula as given here, and as adopted by the New South
Wales sanitary authorities, appears to have first been proposed in
1854 by Mr. John Rutherford. “On the Hopkins Hill Station Mr.
Rutherford, with two dressings of these ingredients, then cured over
52,000 sheep which had been infected for eighteen months. Since
then millions of scabby sheep have been permanently cured in
Victoria in the same way, and in South Australia and New South
Wales hundreds of thousands of scabby sheep have also been
cleansed with tobacco and sulphur. Judging, therefore, from the
experience of the three colonies, there is no medicament or specific
yet known that can be compared with tobacco and sulphur as a
thorough and lasting cure for scab in sheep.” (Dr. Bruce, Chief
Inspector of Sheep for New South Wales.)
The proportions adopted by Rutherford, and afterwards made
official by the scab sanitary authorities, are—

Tobacco leaves 1 lb.

Flowers of sulphur 1 „
Water 5 gallons.

The advantage of this dip lies in the fact that two of the best scab
remedies, namely, tobacco (nicotine) and sulphur, are used together,
each of which kills the parasites, while the sulphur remains in the
wool and protects for some time against reinfection. As no caustic is
used to soften the scab, heat must be relied on to penetrate the
Directions for preparing the dip.—Infusing the tobacco:—Place 1
lb. of gold-leaf or manufactured tobacco for every 6 gallons of dip
desired in a covered boiler of cold or lukewarm water, and allow to
stand for about twenty-four hours; on the evening before dipping
bring the water to near the boiling point (212° Fahr.) for an instant,
then remove the fire and allow the infusion to stand overnight.
Thoroughly mix the sulphur (1 lb. to every 6 gallons of dip desired)
with the hand in a bucket of water to the consistency of gruel.
When ready to dip, thoroughly strain the tobacco infusion from
the leaves by pressure, mix the liquid with the sulphur gruel, add
enough water to make the required amount of dip, and thoroughly
stir the entire mixture.

Lime-and-Sulphur Dips.

Under the term “lime-and-sulphur dips” is included a large

number, of different formulæ requiring lime and sulphur in different
To give an idea of the variety of the lime-and-sulphur dips, the
following list is quoted, the ingredients being reduced in all cases to
avoirdupois pounds and United States gallons:
(1.) The original “Victorian lime-and-sulphur dip,” proposed by Dr.
Rowe, adopted as official in Australia:

Flowers of sulphur 20⅚ lbs.

Fresh slaked lime 10⁵⁄₁₂ „
Water 100 gallons.

(2.) South African (Cape Town) official lime-and-sulphur dip,

February 4th, 1897:

Flowers of sulphur 20⅚ lbs.

Unslaked lime 16⅔ „
Water 100 gallons.

(3.) Fort Collins lime-and-sulphur dip:

Flowers of sulphur 33 lbs.

Unslaked lime 11 „
Water 100 gallons.

(4.) A mixture which, used to some extent by the Bureau of Animal

Industry, contains the same proportions of lime and sulphur
(namely, 1 to 3) as the Fort Collins dip, but the quantities are
reduced to—
Flowers of sulphur 24 lbs.
Unslaked lime 8 „
Water 100 gallons.

In case of fresh scab Formula No. 4 will act as efficaciously as the

dips with a greater amount of lime, but in cases of very hard scab a
stronger dip, as the Fort Collins dip, should be preferred; or, in
unusually severe cases, an ooze with more lime in proportion to the
amount of sulphur, such as the Victorian (No. 1) or the South African
(No. 2) dip might be used.

Prejudice against Lime-and-Sulphur Dips.

There is at present great prejudice (a certain amount of it justified,

no doubt) against the use of lime and sulphur, emanating chiefly
from the agents of patent or proprietary dips and from the wool
In the first place, it is frequently asserted that lime and sulphur
does not cure scab. Experience in Australia and South Africa, as well
as in America, has shown beyond any doubt that a lime-and-sulphur
dip, when properly proportioned, properly prepared, and properly
used, is one of the best scab eradicators known.
It is claimed by some that it produces “blood poisoning.” But the
cases of death following the use of lime-and-sulphur dips have been
infinitesimally few when compared with the number of sheep dipped
in these solutions, and when compared with the deaths which have
been known to follow the use of certain proprietary dips. The details
of such accidents, so far as they have been reported, have not shown
that death was due to any property prepared and properly used lime-
and-sulphur dip. It is highly probable that the cases of so-called
“blood poisoning” of shear-cut sheep are generally due to an
infection with bacteria in stale dip containing putrefying material.
The greatest objection raised against the use of lime-and-sulphur
dip is that it injures the wool. This objection is raised by many wool
manufacturers and echoed with ever-increasing emphasis by the
manufacturers of prepared dips; while, after years of extensive
experience with properly prepared dip, its injury to the wool is
strongly and steadfastly denied by the Agricultural Department of
Cape Colony.
It is believed that a certain amount of justice is attached to this
objection to lime and sulphur as generally used; unless, therefore,
lime and sulphur can be used in a way which will not injure the wool
to an appreciable extent, we should advise against its use in certain
cases; in certain other cases the good accomplished far outweighs the
injury it does. Let us, therefore, examine into this damage and its

Fig. 258.—A more advanced case of common scab.

The usual time for dipping sheep is shortly after shearing, when
the wool is very short; whatever the damage at this time, then, it can
be only slight, and the small amount of lime left in the wool will
surely do but little harm.
In full fleece lime and sulphur will cause more injury. In Australia
the deterioration was computed by wool buyers at 17 per cent.,
although in Cape Colony the Department of Agriculture maintains
that if properly prepared, and if only the clear liquid is used, the
sediment being thrown away, the official lime-and-sulphur formula
will not injure the long wool. The United States Bureau of
Agriculture have found some samples of wool injured by dipping,
while on other samples no appreciable effect was noticeable.
If a lime-and-sulphur dip is used, care must be taken to give the
solution ample time to settle; then only the clear liquid should be
used, while the sediment should be discarded. In some of the above
tests on samples of wool it was found that the dip with sediment had
produced very serious effects, even when no appreciable effects were
noticed on samples dipped in the corresponding clear liquid.
Experience has amply demonstrated that a properly made and
properly used lime-and-sulphur dip is one of the cheapest and most
efficient scab eradicators known, but its use should be confined to
flocks in which scab is known to exist, and to shorn sheep, with the
exception of very severe cases of scab in unshorn sheep. It should
only be used when it can be properly boiled and settled. The use of
lime-and-sulphur dips in flocks not known to have scab, especially if
the sheep are full fleeced, cannot be recommended; in such cases
tobacco, or sulphur and tobacco, is safer and equally good.
All things considered, where it is a choice between sacrificing the
weight of sheep and to some extent the colour of the wool by using
tobacco and sulphur, and sacrificing the staple of the wool by using
lime and sulphur, the owner should not hesitate an instant in
selecting tobacco in preference to lime. The loss in weight by using
tobacco and sulphur is not much greater than the loss in using lime
and sulphur, while the loss in staple is of more importance than a
slight discoloration.
Preparation of the mixture.—Take 8 to 11 lbs. of unslaked lime,
place it in a mortar-box or a kettle or pail of some kind, and add
enough water to slake the lime and form a “lime paste” or “lime
8. Many persons prefer to slake the lime to a powder, which is to be sifted and
mixed with sifted sulphur. One pint of water will slake 3 lbs. of lime if the slaking is
performed slowly and carefully. As a rule, however, it is necessary to use more
water. This method takes more time and requires more work than the one given
above, and does not give any better results. If the boiled solution is allowed to
settle the ooze will be equally safe.
Sift into this lime paste three times as many pounds of flowers of
sulphur as of lime, and stir the mixture well.
Be sure to weigh both the lime and the sulphur. Do not trust to
measuring them in a bucket or to guessing at the weight.
Place the sulphur-lime paste in a kettle or boiler with about
twenty-five to thirty gallons of boiling water, and boil the mixture for
two hours at least, stirring the liquid and sediment. The boiling
should be continued until the sulphur disappears, or almost
disappears, from the surface; the solution is then of a chocolate or
liver colour. The longer the solution boils the more the sulphur is
dissolved and the less caustic the ooze becomes.
Pour the mixture and sediment into a tub or barrel placed near the
dipping vat and provided with a bung-hole about 4 inches from the
bottom, and allow ample time (two to three hours, or more if
necessary) to settle.
When fully settled draw off the clear liquid into the dipping vat,
and add enough water to make a hundred gallons. Under no
circumstances should the sediment be used for dipping purposes.
Fig. 259.—A shorn sheep with large bare area due to scab.

To summarise the position of the United States Department of

Agriculture on the lime-and-sulphur dips:—When properly made
and properly used these dips are second to none and equalled by few
as scab eradicators. There is always some injury to the wool resulting
from the use of these dips, but when properly made and properly
used upon shorn sheep, it is believed that this injury is so slight that
it need not be considered; on long wool the injury is greater and
seems to vary with different wools, being greater on a fine than on a
coarse wool. This injury consists chiefly in a change in the
microscopic structure of the fibre, caused by the caustic action of the
ooze. When improperly made and improperly used the lime and
sulphur dips are both injurious and dangerous, and in these cases the
cheapness of the ingredients does not justify their use. In case scab
exists in a flock and the farmer wishes to eradicate it, he cannot
choose a dip which will bring about a more thorough cure than will
lime and sulphur (properly made and properly used), although it will
be perfectly possible for the farmer to find several other dips which
will, when properly used, be nearly or equally as effectual as any
lime-and-sulphur dip. There is no dip to which objections cannot be

Arsenical Dips.

There are both home-made arsenical dips and secret proprietary

arsenical dips. It is well to use special precautions with both, because
of the danger connected with them. One of the prominent
manufacturers of dips, a firm which places on the market both a
powder arsenical dip and a liquid non-poisonous dip, recently
summarised the evils of arsenical dips in the following remarkable
“The drawbacks to the use of arsenic may be summed up
somewhat as follows: (a) Its danger as a deadly poison. (b) Its drying
effect on the wool. (c) Its weakening of the fibre of the wool in one
particular part near the skin, where it comes in contact with the
tender wool roots at the time of dipping. (d) Its not feeding the wool
or stimulating the growth, or increasing the weight of the fleece, as
good oleaginous dips do. (e) The danger arising from the sheep
pasturing, after coming out of the bath, where the wash may possibly
have dripped from the fleece, or where showers of rain, after the
dipping, have washed the dip out of the fleece upon the pasture. (f)
Its occasionally throwing sheep off their feed for a few days after
dipping, and so prejudicing the condition of the sheep. (g) Its
frequent effect upon the skin of the sheep, causing excoriation,
blistering, and hardness, which stiffen and injure the animal,
sometimes resulting in death.”
Although this manufacturer has gone further in his attack upon
arsenic than the United States Bureau of Agriculture would have
been inclined to do, it must be remarked that when a manufacturer
of such a dip cannot speak more highly of the chief ingredient of his
compound than this one has done in the above quotations, his
remarks tend to discredit dips based upon that ingredient. Bruce, the
Chief Inspector of Live Stock for New South Wales, speaking of
arsenical dips, says: “Arsenic and arsenic and tobacco (with fresh
runs) cured 9,284 and failed with 9,271.”
It may be said, on the other hand, that arsenic really has excellent
scab-curing qualities; it enters into the composition of a number of
the secret dipping powders, and forms the chief ingredient in one of
the oldest secret dips used. This particular dip has been given second
place (with some qualifications) among the officially recognised dips
in South Africa.
Formulæ for arsenical dips.—Finlay Dun recommends the
following:—Take 3 lbs. each of arsenic, soda ash (impure sodium
carbonate) or pearl ash (impure potassium carbonate), soft soap, and
sulphur. A pint or two of naphtha may be added if desired. The
ingredients are best dissolved in 10 to 20 gallons of boiling water,
and cold water is added to make up 100 gallons. The head of the
sheep must, of course, be kept out of the bath.
A mixture highly endorsed by certain parties consists of the
following ingredients:

Commercially pure arsenite of soda 14 lbs.

Ground roll sulphur 34½ „
Water 432 gallons (U.S.)

The arsenite of soda is thoroughly mixed with the sulphur before

being added to the water.
Precautions in use of arsenical mixtures.—Any person using an
arsenical dip should bear in mind that he is dealing with a deadly
poison. The following precautions should be observed:
(1) Yards into which newly-dipped sheep are to be turned should
first be cleared of all green food, hay, and even fresh litter; if
perfectly empty they are still safer. (2) When the dipping is finished,
the yard should be cleaned, washed, and swept, and any unused ooze
should at once be poured down a drain which will not contaminate
food or premises used by any animals. (3) Dipped sheep should
remain in an open, exposed place, as on dry ground. (4)
Overcrowding should be avoided, and every facility given for rapid
drying, which is greatly facilitated by selecting fine, clear, dry
weather for dipping. (5) On no account should sheep be returned to
their grazings until they are dry and all risk of dripping is passed.
The feeling of the United States Bureau of Agriculture towards
arsenical dips is shown by the following:
Suggestion as to danger.—The formulæ given above are copied
from the writings of men who have had wide experience in dipping,
but this Bureau assumes no responsibility for the efficacy of the dips
given, or for their correct proportions. Furthermore, as long as
efficacious non-poisonous dips are to be had, we see no necessity for
running the risks attendant upon the use of poisonous dips.

Carbolic Dips.

This class of dips kills the scab mites very quickly, but
unfortunately the wash soon leaves the sheep, which is consequently
not protected from reinfection in the pastures. If, therefore, a
carbolic dip is selected, it is well to add flowers of sulphur (1 lb. to
every 6 gallons) as a protection against reinfection.
The advantages of carbolic dips are that they act more rapidly than
the tobacco or sulphur dips, and that the prepared carbolic dips are
very easily mixed in the bath. They also seem, according to Gillette,
to have a greater effect on the eggs of the parasites than either the
sulphur or the tobacco dips. The great disadvantages of this class of
dips are—first, in some of the proprietary dips, that the farmer is
uncertain regarding the strength of material he is using; second, the
sheep receive a greater set-back than they do with either lime and
sulphur or tobacco.
Fig. 260.—An advanced case of common scab.

The United States Bureau of Agriculture is inclined to be extremely

conservative in regard to them, and to advise their manufacturers to
prepare them in a guaranteed strength with more explicit directions
for use than are to be found in the present circulars.
One of the prominent proprietary carbolic dips was formerly
recognised as one of the three official dips in New South Wales, but it
has now been erased from the list. In Cape Town carbolic dips are
not much used, and in the official reports little is said concerning
The United States Bureau of Animal Industry gives the following
advice as regards dipping:
(1.) Select a dip containing sulphur. If a prepared “dip” is used
which does not contain sulphur, it is always safer to add about 16½
lbs. of sifted flowers of sulphur to every 100 gallons of water,
especially if, after dipping, the sheep have to be returned to the old
Fig. 261.—An American sheep-dipping plant in operation.

(2.) Shear all the sheep at one time, and immediately after
shearing confine them to one-half the farm for two to four weeks.
Many persons prefer to dip immediately after shearing.
(3.) At the end of this time dip every sheep (and every goat also, if
there are any on the farm).
(4.) Ten days later dip the entire flock a second time.
(5.) After the second dipping, place the flock on the portion of the
farm from which they have been excluded during the previous four
or five weeks.
(6.) Use the dip at a temperature of 100° to 110° Fahr.
(7.) Keep each sheep in the dip for two minutes by the watch—do
not guess at the time—and duck its head at least once.
(8.) Be careful in dipping rams, as they are more likely to be
overcome in the dip than are the ewes.

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