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AY 2023-2024

Name: _________________________ Year: 8 Section: ____ Date: ________________

Revision Worksheet-6

Unit 6: Collecting Data

1 Data is collected about new-born babies in hospital. Give an example of

a categorical data [1]

b continuous data [1]

c discrete data. [1]

2 You want to choose a sample of 20 learners from your school year.

a Describe three different ways to do this.


b Which of your three methods do you think is the best?

Give one advantage and one disadvantage of your method.

Advantage [1]

Disadvantage [1]

3 There are 20 girls and 30 boys in a sports club.

You want to interview a representative sample of 10 people.

Describe how you will choose your sample.

AY 2023-2024
Name: _________________________ Year: 8 Section: ____ Date: ________________
Revision Worksheet-6

Unit 6: Collecting Data

4 A tally chart is a common method of collecting data. Describe how you could use a tally
chart to record

a the number of sisters people have


b how long people can hold their breath.


5 You want to compare two novels, A and B.

You want to test these two conjectures.

• The words in A are longer than the words in B.

• The sentences in A are longer than the sentences in B.

a Describe how you can collect data to test the first conjecture. Describe how you
will take a sample from each book. Describe how you will record the data.


b Can you collect data to test the second conjecture in the same way? Are there
any differences?

AY 2023-2024
Name: _________________________ Year: 8 Section: ____ Date: ________________
Revision Worksheet-6

Unit 6: Collecting Data

6 You want to find out how learners in your school use social media. You have chosen a

a Describe two methods you could use to collect data.


b Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of each method.


c Which method would you choose? Give a reason for your choice.


[TOTAL: 20 Marks]


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