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Rectricted radio

1_ What the “distress” signal?


2_ which airspace has the following separation rules?

Class c: IFR,VFR,VFR separated from VFR

3_ in class c airspace…?

IFR flights are separated from IFR and VFR

4_ how long is a flight plan that has not being activated,

valid for?

60 minutes after estimated time of departure or in

another word 1 hour

5_what is the meaning of the phrase “acknowledge”?

Let me know that you have received and understood

this message

6_ choose the correct order?


7_ what is the abbreviation for a control area?


8_ what direction is the wind related to, when its

direction is given from the tower?

9_ what is the call sign for the “are control centre”


Control 1

10_ how soon must a flight plan be filled, when not in


30 minutes before departure

11_ if intercepted by another aircraft that is rocking its

wings and to the right you you, it means..?

Follow me to a landing terrain

12_ on what altimeter settings will you fly at or below

the transition altitude?

QNH which is height above mean sea level

13_ if a marshaller has his arms above his head in

vertical position it means..?

Park in this bay

14_ how much visibility do you require for VFR in a


5 km to remain in VMC and continue to operate under


15_ when are the altimeter setting procedure found in

AIC 20-2 applicable?
All flights 1500 ft AGL and above

16_ if you lose radio communications, how many time

must you transmit ‘blind’ transmissions?


17_ what quality would a strength 5 transmission be?

Perfectly readable

18_ what does QNH refer to?

Height above mean sea level

19_ what keyword is used when you fix an error in a



20_ A horizontal white or orange to indicates?

The takeoff and landing direction, which is along the bar

towards the crossbar

21_ if intercepted by another aircraft that is rocking its

wings and to the left you you, it means…?

Follow me away from a prohibited area

23_ what is the transponder code for an emergency?


24_ what squawk code is used to indicate radio failure?

25_ what is the “urgency” signal?


26_ what quality would a strength 3 transmission be?

Readable with difficulty

27_ when must you notify ATC when your ETA’s change?

A change of 3 min

28_ SAR/normal?

Can only be filed for flights where the destination is


29_ what will the altimeter show when QNE is set?

Pressure altitude

30_ The semi-circular rule shall apply when flying at…?

1500ft AGL and above

31_ what does QFE refer to?

Height above airfield elevation

32_ when must the IDENT button be used?

When instructed to do so by ATC

33_ what will the altimeter show when QNH is set?

34_when flying 1500ft or higher, what will you indicated
your intended with on a flight plan?

Flight levels

35_ The VHF navigation band is…?

108 -117.975 MHZ

36_ which one of the following is correct?

You can use IFR in both VMC and IMC

37_ what type of airspace my only be entered with



38_ if you required assistance, what letter would you lay

your signal strips to look like?

39_ what is the call sign for the “aerodrome control”



40_ The equipment on board you aircraft is: VHF RT/F ,

ADF , VOR ILS and mode C transponder. What would you
put on flight plan under equipment?


41_ what is the meaning of the phrase “affirm” is?

42_ what is the meaning of the phrase “go ahead”?

Proceed with your message

43_ what is the call sign for the “aerodrome flight

information service” unit/service?


44_ what is a “distress” condition?

A condition of being threatened by serious and/or

imminent danger and/or requiring immediate assistance

46_ where is flight level zero?

1013.2hpa pressure level

47_ If a marshaller has his arms extended, bent at the

elbows and is moving them up and down from chest
height to head height it means…?

Move straight ahead

48_ how soon must a flight plan be filed, when in flight?

10 minutes before entering controlled or advisory


49_ what is direction is a standard circuit?


50_ what is the meaning of the phrase “confirm”?

Have I correctly received the following…? Or did you

correctly receive the message
51_ what type of airspace may never be entered?


52_ what is the transponder code for unlawful



53_ A white dumb-bell displayed in a signal area at an

airfield means…?

Aircraft may only use the runways and taxiways

54_ what does FAD 127 stand for?

Dangerous area

55_ What does FAD129 7500ALT represent?

56_ Alerting service is provided by ATSU to all aircraft

Search and rescue (SAR)

57_ In accordance with the geodetic reference system, to

convert local south African time to UTC, one must?

Subtract 2 hours from local time to obtain UTC

58_ the route designator R987D found an aeronautical chart


An advisory route

59_ standard equipment “S” as entered in item 10 of an ATC

flight plan represents which is of the following?

VHF radio, ILS, ADF, and VOR

60_ In VMC flight intending to land at a point beyond 25nm

from any aerodrome with published transition altitude must
observe a height of?

3000 as the transition level

61_ Select 3 official search and rescue phase?

Uncertainly, Alert, and Distress phase

62_defniition of “classes of airspace” within the republic can

be found in the?


63_ select a factor affecting the range of VHF transmissions?

Aircraft altitude

64_ which of the following would be classified as class C


All controlled airspace below FL200

65_ A pilot on VFR cross country flight to a controlled

aerodrome experience radio failure outside of the CTR, unless
otherwise published in the AIP, the pilot should?

Remain clear of controlled airspace and land at an unmanned


67_ The term “CONFIRM” used in radiotelephony is best

described as meaning that?

I wish to verify that last transmission or instruction from the

transmission or instruction from the transmitting party

68_ If SAR was requested on a ATC flight plan to an

uncontrolled, when will the search and rescue be cancelled?

When the pilot notifies ATC

69_ An aircraft with the standard altimeter setting set in the

subscale window, will have its?

Flight level

70_ when is it mandatory to file an ATC flight plan?

For a flight for which Alerting action is required

71_ select the mandatory reporting points in a circuit at a

controlled airfield?
Downwind and final approach

72_ when should a pilot change the altimeter setting from the
local QNH to 1013.25 hpa?

On the climb passing through the transition altitude for that


73_ when can “SAR/normal” be indicated in item 18 of an ATC

flight plan?

Only when the destination is a controlled

74_ the term “VHF” refers to which of the following?

Very high frequency

75_ In an attempt to correct a suspected radio failure, a pilot

should check?

The volume control selected, the frequency and aircraft

electrical system

76_ Aerodrome control shall be responsible for issuing

information and instructions to aircraft under its control in
order to achieve?

A safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic

77_ Class C, controlled airspace established around an

aerodrome for the protection of IFR flight, which extends
from ground level to a specific upper limit”?


78_ FAD129 7500ALT/GND?

7500 ft AMSL

79_ which of the following best describes airspace where ATC

make use of radar to provide positive control to aircraft?


80_ AS stated in the AIP, the official methods to file an ATC

flight plan are via?

Telephone facsimile or the internet “”

81_ according to the AIP, when shall a pilot report position?

When flying in controlled advisory airspace or on a flight for

which alerting action is being provided

82_ the route designator R987D found on an aeronautical

chart indicates?

An advisory route

83_ when the number of passenger for your flight is not yet
known at the time of filling an ATC flight plan, which designer
you should place in item 19?


84_ FIR is?

Flight information region

85_ when can SAR/NIL be indicated in item 18 on an ATC

flight plan?

Only when the destination is uncontrolled aerodrome

86_ FAR82 FL105/GND: FAR has an upper limit of?


87_ an aircraft taking 270 magnetic jack, the pilot should



88_ the flight plan closed in uncontrolled airdrome when?

When you notify the ATC after landing

89_ which of these is not a controlled area?


90_ in flight plan item 8 student pilot flying solo should?

91_factor affecting the range of VHF?


92_ closing the flight plan in controlled area?

Immediately closed 5 min after landing

93_ which of these is a controlled area go for A?

The airspace above 20 000 ft

94_ An aircraft has DME, VOR and VHF RT/F that must be
filled into the flight plan item 10 as?

95_ Change the following times from local south African time
to UTC; 17:00, 6pm, 4am, 1pm, 12:30?

15:00, 16:00, 2:00, 11:00, 10:30

96- Which of the following best describes an airspace where

the ATC may make use of radar to provide position?


97_ A distress message?

The word mayday spoken 3 times

The station address

The identification of the aircraft

The nature of the distress

The intention of the flight

Present position, altitude and heading

Any other useful information

98_ Categories of messages from the most?




Flight safety

Flight regularity

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