FMR-F-M-GN-07 Food Safety Context of The Organization

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Food Safety Management System Manual

Food Safety Context of the Organization

4.1 Understanding the organization and its context

Our organization has an on-going system in place (achieved through FSMS Planning, FSMS Audits, and,
Management Review) to determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its
ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its food safety management system and improve its food safety

An understanding of the context of the organization is used to establish, implement, maintain and continually
improve its food safety management system.
The analysis of organizational context will provide a high‐level conceptual understanding of the external and
internal issues that can affect, either positively or negatively, food safety performance and the FSMS of the

Understanding the context is facilitated by considering external and internal issues, including, but not
limited to, legal, technological, competitive, market, cultural, social and economic environments, cyber
security and food fraud, food defense and intentional contamination, knowledge and performance of
the organization, whether international, national, regional or local.

To determine the organization’s context and the relevant issues for achieving its intended results, we
may use methods such as asking “what if” questions, brainstorming and using a SWOT (strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis or a PESTLE (political, economic, social,
technological, legal, environmental) analysis.

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

To ensure that the organization has the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet applicable
statutory, regulatory and customer requirements with regard to food safety, the organization determines:

a) the interested parties that are relevant to the FSMS, and

b) the relevant requirements of the interested parties of the FSMS.

The organization would identify, review and update information related to the interested parties and their

We would consider interested parties other than just the direct customer. The organization would consider the
relevant requirements of relevant interested parties (e.g. statutory, regulatory authorities, suppliers, services
providers, media, customers including charity organizations, financial partners, consumers, etc.).

The focus would be on those parties that could have an impact on the ability of the organization to provide safe
food. The list of external and internal issues identified from time to time can assist the organization to identify
its interested parties. Focus is placed on the relevance of their requirements to food safety.

We would gather, analyse, and determine the external and internal information relevant to the organization
regarding food safety, in order to satisfy the requirements, needs and expectations of the interested parties.

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Doc ID: FMR-F-M-GN-07
Signature Version: 001
Date 10 JULY 10 JULY 2021 10 JULY 2021 Effective date: 10 JULY 2021
Designation FMR MD FMR Page 1 of 3
Food Safety Management System Manual
Food Safety Context of the Organization

We would also communicate with these interested parties to ensure a continual understanding of their food-
safety requirements, needs and expectations.
For better clarity on the current food safety context of the organization, the top management has prepared a
document titled ‘Food Safety Management Context of the Organization (FMR-F-F-PR01-001)’ which gets
updated every six months.

4.3 Determining the scope of the food safety management system

The organization has determined the boundaries and applicability of the FSMS to establish its scope.

The scope specifies the products and services, processes and production site(s) that are included in the FSMS.

The scope includes the activities, processes, products or services that can have an influence on the food safety of
its end products.

When determining the FSMS scope, the organization has considered …

a) the external and internal issues mentioned in section 4.1 above

b) the requirements referred to in section 4.2 above.

The FSMS scope is available and maintained as documented information.

Please refer section FMR-F-M-GN-03 of this manual for the scope of our FSMS.

4.4 Food safety management system

The organization has established, implemented, maintaining, updating and continually improving an FSMS,
including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of the
ISO22000:2018 standard.

The organization would identify from time to time, the processes needed for the FSMS, their sequence
and their interactions. This includes not only the processes for production and service provision, but
also the processes that are needed for the effective implementation of the system, such as internal
audit, management review and others (including processes that are performed by external providers).

These processes include management, resources, operations, measurement, analysis and improvement
in order to establish, implement, maintain, update and continually improve a robust FSMS.

We would define and describe, as appropriate, the network of processes and their interaction
considering the following:
- the inputs and outputs of each process (which may be internal or external), and
- process interactions and interfaces on which processes depend or enable.

ISO22000:2018 Standard - Clause 4 : Context of the organization

Prepared by Reviewed & Approved by Issued by Doc. Control

Doc ID: FMR-F-M-GN-07
Signature Version: 001
Date 10 JULY 10 JULY 2021 10 JULY 2021 Effective date: 10 JULY 2021
Designation FMR MD FMR Page 2 of 3
Food Safety Management System Manual
Food Safety Context of the Organization

FMR-F-M-PR-01 : Procedure for FSMS Planning and Management Review


Version No. Summary of changes from previous version of the document Changes sought by Remarks of FMR
V-001 First version released for implementation. N/A Nil

Prepared by Reviewed & Approved by Issued by Doc. Control

Doc ID: FMR-F-M-GN-07
Signature Version: 001
Date 10 JULY 10 JULY 2021 10 JULY 2021 Effective date: 10 JULY 2021
Designation FMR MD FMR Page 3 of 3

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