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[1] FOR A PAM sample of +354mV ,calculate the corresponding 8 bit word at the output if the
maximum allowable voltage is 1280mv.

[2] which frame(s) and time slot(s) contain the following ?

i) Frame alignment information – is contained in SLOT 0 and set in on every odd frame .

ii) multi – frame alignment information – is consist of 16 FRAMEs numbering 0-15 ,contained in
FRAME 0 , slot 16

iii) channel 18 signalling information – contained in FRAMES 1-15 SLOT 16

iv) frame alignment word 1 and multi- frame alignment word – SLOT 0 contains the frame
Alignment word (FAW).With FRAMES OF even #s AND (MFAW) is contained in FRAME 0 ,SLOT 16

[3] when is

i) frame alignment considered lost – If the frame alignment word is incorrect four times in a raw

ii) frame alignment considered achieved – when 3 consecutive correct frames alignment (FAE) are
detected .

iii) multi-frame alignment considered lost – If two consecutive incorrect multi-frame alignment
word have occurred .

[4] State any 5 of the basic features required by a good transmission code -

[5] For the PCM signal give the waveforms for -

i) NRZ - – non return to zero = normal coding of 1’s and 0’s

II) HDB-3 - repeating AMI code but inserting a ‘(v)’ after every 4 ‘0’s and were continuous (v)’s insert
a ‘(p)’ in between

[7] Differentiate between bit by bit –

 it is independent of the frame structure .

 Collects bit after bit setup .
 Requires less memory capacity

ii) word by word multiplexing –

 Sets restrains on the frame structure of the tributary

 Collect data in tributary frames
 requires great amount of memory capacity.

[8] list the subsystems that make up exchanges in the network -

 Trunk and signalling

 Operation and maintenance
 Control sysyems
 Group switching
 Charging management
 Bill management
 Power supply
 Subscriber services
 Subscriber stage (7)

[9] What are the 5 advantages of SPC exchanges –

 Simple management of equipment

 Suitable for small and large exchanges
 Flexibility to allow room for expantion
 Provides extended functions / services
 High reliability and capacity

[10] What functions should be performed by a subscriber line circuit –

 B-battery feed
 O-over voltage protection
 R-line reversal
 S-supervision
 C-coding and decoding
 H-hybrid
 T-testing (7)

[11] Give 5 advantages of digital transmission systems over analogue –

 Easy maintenance due to size of measurments

 High immunity to noise
 Uses IC configured lines
 Possible to transmit all transmission services formats ie.high speed data ,video, audio
telephony signals etc
 ISDN can be realised(5)

[12] what are the advantages and disadvantages of parallel synchronous and load sharing processors?

[13] Give the full names of the devices of and give a brief account of the aim and
function of each

 LI –line interface =required for sensing the hook signals from the subscriber
 ABJ – AB Junctor = cct for feeding the microphone ,ringing cct
 KR – key set receiver =contains filters for the seven frequency in the key set tone generator
for the dialling tone
 BS – busy tone sender = contains a tone generator for sending the busy tone to subscriber
when request to connect can’t be satisfied becoz B sub is on another call

[14] Draw a flow chart that shows the general working principles of our small exchange during a primary


[1] Explain common channel signalling -
 THIS IS when fast data links between the processors of the SPC exchanges are used to carry all the
signalling, leaving the voice circuits to carry speech.
 The signalling is performed in both directions, with one signalling channel in each direction.
 The signalling information that will be transferred is grouped into signal units (data packets).
 And is also information need for speech circuit identification and address information (label) and
information for error control. (3)

[2] Give 5 advantages of CCS no 7 –
 FAST - the time for call set up is reduced to less than one second in most cases.
 IIIGH CAPACITY - each signalling link can handle the signalling for several thousand
simultaneous calls.
 ECONOMIC - much less signalling equipment is required, compared to traditional
signalling systems.
 RELIABLE - by using alternate signalling routes, the signalling network can be made
very secure.
 FLEXIBLE - the system can contain many more signals, for example, and can be used
for other purposes than telephony. (5)

[3] State any 3 functional blocks of CCS no 7 level 2 –

 Link state control (LSC) –

- Coordinates the operation of each functional block in level 2
- Receives instructions from report link conditions to level 3

 Initial Alignment control (IAC) –

- controls sequencial for establishing a signalling link
 Transmission control (TXC) –
- Controls sequencing of signal units
- Manages transmission and retransmission buffers
 Delimitation alignment and error detection (transmitting DAEDT)
- Generates 15 check bits
- Inserts zero after 5 consecutive 1’s
- Encloses signal unit with flag pattern
- Transmits bit stream over data link
 Signal unit error rate monitor (SUERM)
 Supervises transmission quality , while the link is in in-active state ,by counting signal unit
error using leaky bucket principle.


[4] State any 5 states of a signalling link –

 Power off state :

In the Power off state, power is not supplied to the sigual|ing terminal equipment.

 Out-of-service state :-
In the Out-of-service state, the signaling link does not carry any MSU and is not accessible by
higher levels

 Initial alignment state :- the signaling link is aligned by initial alignment procedure
as described in Section (5)
 Aligned / ready
 In service state
 Processor outage state
 Aligned /not ready
[5] Explain the conditions under which signal unit error rate monitor (SUERM) Is activated -

 The signal unit error detection is possible or Activated only when error is detected in a signal
unit using its check bits, and the other when a flag cannot be detected for a fixed length of
time in octet counting mode.
 And as soon as the proving state starts.

/ AND deactivated -
 When the fixed proving period elapses with no error rate exceeding the threshold value,
proving is completed.
 Then the FISUs are then sent to the opposite office to give notice of the proving
termination.The alignment error rate monitor is deactivated (2)

[6] Application of CCS No. 7 –

 PSTN -the Public Switched Telephone Network

 ISDN -the Integrated Services Digital Network
 IN the -Intelligent Network
 PLMN -the Public Land Mobile Network


a) Give the two main functions provided by level 3 -

 . Use part -(Level 4 function). This is a part for executing individual processing specific
to the user (service type)
 Massage transfer part (MTP) –( lvl 3,2,1) (3)
b) For the functions above state their sub-functions –
 Signalling network function – (lvl 3) Signal routing Management of signalling network
 Signalling link functions( lvl 2) - Function to transmit data without error over the signalling data
link, using data transmission format. (3)

c) Give the format of the SPC used in our network- (3)

d) Draw and label the routing label used in level 3 –

[Signalling Link] [ Originating ] [Destination]
[ Selection ] [ Point Code ] [Point Code]
{4bits} {14 bits} {14bits} (3)


a) What are the difference between level 3 and level 4 MSUs - (6)


d) Dual seizure –The condition which occurs when in bothway operation two exchanges attempt
to seize the same circuit at approximately the same time.
e) How is double /dual seizure of trunks minimised -
 To minimize the occurrence of dual seizure, two circuit selection methods are
provided. The first method is to select a circuit from the bothway circuit group in
opposite order at each office .
 The other method is to divide the circuit into two groups .Each office has priority
access to one of the groups for which it is controlling. (5)

f) State the two parts under which the four levels of CCS no 7 can be grouped –

 These are the - User Part (UP) - The User Part (UP) entity uses signals; and since the
Signalling System No. 7 provides both telephone service and also other data services, it is
provided with function modules, separately for each type of service. The signal processing for
each respective service is done at this part. And

 Message Transfer Part (MTP) – The Message Transfer Part (MTP) is provided for
multiple (or even one) User Parts a means of message transfer between two offices.
Thereby, the Message Transfer Part transmits signalling
messages without affecting, in any way, the contents of signalling messages of the
User Part. (4)

a) Draw a flow chart to show how an outgoing call is processed by a call processor if a CCS 7 is to be
used as the first choice route (3)



a) What is meant by call source , number segment and dial number set (6)

Define signalling - signalling means the passing of information and instructions from
one point to another relevant to the setting up and supervision of a telephone call.
a) What is signalling unit ? -
 MSU – Massage signal unit -
 LSSU - Link state signal unit
 FISU - Fill in signal unite .give /state three different types of signalling units that are found
in CCS 7 –

b) What do you understand by CIC and how many bits is it made up of (2)


[1] What are the advantages of CCS7 over CAS -


[2] Define signalling point (SP) –

 (SP) is defined as a switching office which handles at least one of the Three signalling
operations: signal origination, signal termination, or signal transfer, (2)

a) State two signalling modes that are found in CCS7 –

 Signalling Route - 2 MODES
- Associated mode
- Non-associated mode
 Signalling Route Set. (2)
b) With the aid of a diagram differentiate the two signalling modes you have mentioned above (4)

What is signalling transfer point (STP) –

 Is A signalling point, at which a message is received on one signalling link and then
transferred to another link, without processing the contents of the message.

a) Load sharing -
Load sharing is applied to distribute the trafiic over several signalling links and link sets.
The SLS field in the label is used to control load sharing.

There are two cases of load sharing:

. Load sharing within the link set - ,

 uses the least significant part of the SLS field. This means that bit 0 is used when the link set
has two signalling links, bits 0, I when the link set has 3-4 signalling links and bits 0, 1, 2
when the link set has 5-8 signalling links.
' Load sharing between link –
 sets can be applied, and uses a chosen bit in the SLS field. The chosen bit, the Load Sharing
Bit (LSHB) is indicated with parameters in the signalling point data. (2)

a) What are the two main functional blocks that makes up CCS7 structure ? (4)
b) What dose USM mean and draw the rank structure of one at full configuration and provide
explanation of how it operates as a single module office (10)
c) Explain the basic signalling procedure in the following diagram : (10)
d) Explain what dual seizure is and how it is minimised in CCS7 networks



a) Discuss the meaning of the following terms in signalling

i) Common channel signalling NO7
ii) Signalling transfer point
iii) Adjacent signalling point
iv) Signalling network [10]
v) With the aid of a diagram explain inter exchange signalling (4)


a) What is the difference between register signals and line signals (2)
b) Explain why it is important to have modularisation and hierarchical structure of CCS7 (3)
c) Draw a diagram of the CCS7 hierarchical structure showing a massage being sent between two
signalling points (6)

a) Outline the functions of the following signalling blocks

i) Signalling massage discrimination
ii) Signalling traffic management
iii) Delimitation alignment and error detection (transmit)
iv) Signal unit error rate monitor
v) Processor outage control

a) Outline how preventive cyclic retransmission (PCR) works giving two conditions under which this
method is suitable (5)

b) With the aid of a diagram explain semi –routing and full routing (3)
c) Draw and label all the field for the following level 2 signal units
d) Outline the changeover and change back procedure (6)


a) Briefly explain the stages of level 2 congestion flow control diagram (4)
b) State the general principles to follow when selecting the network address scheme (3)
c) What are the causes of unguarded delay which may result in dual seizure and how it can be
minimised (5)
d) Using a flow chat ,show how a call is generated from signalling point A (5)
e) USING THE DIAGRAM below use C as the reference STP and complete the table below (4)


a) Define IMS and state two services offered by IMS -

- IMS Is IP Multimedia Subsystem
- Based on IP bear network
- Uses SIP protocol as core session control protocol
- Supports service packages like – MULTIPLE ACCESS MODES
b) What are the access modes that are currently supported by Huawei IMS
- Multiple access mode –mobile network ::WiMax , LTE\SAE , GSM , WCDMA , TD-
- IP Multimedia Service -- Session service :: video and video call conference
massage (4)
c) IMS comprises of four layers -
II) AND ,outline the purposes and the functions of the session control layer (CSCF) as it forms
the hart of IMS -
 SESSION CONTROL -- Functions –Call control ,User management ,service triggering
,Resource control , interworking with current network (6)

III) Define initial filter criteria (iFC) – Describes when a received SIP massage needs to be routed
further to specific applications server (AS) .used in IMS is the S-CSCF that is responsible for to
trigger and route the SIP massage to the specified (AS) (2)
IV) Explain the following SIP massages requests
 OPTIONS – it is a Basic massage request where by OPTIONAL is for querying servers
about their capabilities
 PUBLISH - It is an Extended Request where by PUBLISH is to distribute its events state
to the status server (4)


a) Define an emergency call and explain how an emergency call is treated in IMS network –
 If a subscriber dials a special number ,the proxy call session function (P-CSCF) And
emergency call session function (E-CSCF) processes the emergency call regardless of
whether the caller is registered ,the P-CSCF forwards the emergency call to the local
 Based on the callesrs location information and called number ,the E-CSCF queries
the configured EC table ,and routes the emergency call to the closest EC (4)
b) Define SIP protocol ,list its uses and state three sessions that can be supported by SIP - Sip is a text
based protocol and comprises by 3 session initiation protocol parts --> i) Request line (ii)
Header (iii) Body (6)
c) With the aid of examples differentiate between a transaction and a Dialog –
 Comprises all massages from the -Composed with more transactions
1st request and all the response
 At least includes one final response - Invite is the only command to create a
(not 1xx Response) Dialog
 Use branch field in via header and - identified by Call –ID ,local tag and
Cseq header to identify Remote Tag (3)
d) Diameter protocol is divided into three nodes ,identify these nodes and explain their functions (6)


a) What is session description protocol intended for ? - Intended if the AS is triggered when the session
SDP media information , namely , the m line (<Line >m<Line>) contacts abc ,the trigger configuration
is as <Contact >abc</Contact> </SessionDescription> </SPT>(2)
b) Session description protocol is a textual based protocol with various information fields , briefly
explain these field (6)
c) Draw a single diagram showing call session through the IMS Network elements when the called UE
belongs to the IMS network and to the PSTN ` (7)
d) Give two examples of resources that may need to be reserved before a session procced in IMS (2)
e) AT what stage dose the IMS network sends an ACK massage (2)
f) By using a well labelled flow diagram , outline the process of media negotiation (4)


a) Explain the function of the MRP6600 in the IMS network (4)

b) Explain the advantages of ATS9900 sharing database with HSS (4)
c) Compare and contrast PES AS and PSS AS ATS9900 modes of operation (4)
d) What is the purpose of the signalling Gateway (SGW)in IMS (3)

Que 5

a) Draw simple flow diagram showing the conditions or scenario for (i) sending an INVITE massage
during an outgoing (O.MGCF) call and (ii) sending an REL massage during an
incoming (I.MGCF) call (8)
b) Draw and explain the CDR PROCESS FLOW OF THE iCG9815 offline charging diagram in IMS (6)
c) Specify the rules for naming the final CDR of the iCG9815 hence illustrate the format of the final
CDR (4)
d) Draw a well labelled diagram to show the CGP interfaces as they connect to the various platforms



a) Illustrate the term IMS of the Breakout Gateway control Function (BGCF) (4)
b) IN IMS every UE is allowed or leased an IP address, Outline how they are allowed these IP
c) Which two identities are owned by IMS subscribers?
d) Explain what registry process mean in IMS
e) Which identification module is used by IMS
f) Why do network elements in IMS return 100 Trying?
g) Explain the following SIP massages requests (i) INVITE (ii) NOTIFY


a) What is the function of HSS front end (HSS FE)

b) With the aid of examples differentiate between a Transaction and a Dialog
c) Diameter protocol is divided into three nodes .Identify these nodes and explain their functions
d) List the law demands on AAA protocols such as the diameter protocol


a) What is session description protocol intended for?

b) During the IMS registry process ,session process and call flow there are several response status
codes that are exchanged, Explain the six types of responses status code that are defined in IMS



[1] identify the hardware components of IMS

[2] during registration process these are several diameter massages that are exchanged between the
network elements .identify and list these massages

[3] explain the different types of de-registration procedures

[4] Differentiate transaction and Dialogue

[5] why do network elements return 100 trying

[6] Describe the function of CSC3300 in IMS Network

[7] which network element are responsible for generating CDRs in IMS

[8] Explain CDR sorting

[9] With the aid of a diagram .illustrate the interworking procedure between IMS and PSTN /PLMN

[10] Describe the function and features of Midia X3600

[11] use a diagram to illustrate a UGC basic call function from originating to termination ‘

[12] Define IMS geographic redundancy and outline the working mode of the following network
elements (NE)


CSCF - ---








[13] define encapsulation and hence show the structure of the Ethernet frame

[14] briefly describe the following terms

i) ARP

II) Gratuitous ARP



[15] What implements the Universal Access Gateway Control Function in IMS and What tools are used
between this NE and media gateway

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