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Date 04/12/23

Class : Grade 9 Ability : mixed ability

Roll : 40 Absentees :
Duration 70 minutes
Topic Volleyball – Underarm Pass
Aim To understand the different components required for an underarm pass.
At the end of this lesson , students should be able :
• Cognitive: To demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts and principles
involved in performing an underarm pass in volleyball.
• Affective: To develop positive attitudes, teamwork, and sportsmanship in the
context of learning the underarm pass.
• Psychomotor: To develop proficiency in physically performing the underarm pass.
Teaching Aids • Volleyballs (5 balls)
• Volleyball court
• Cones
• Whiteboard or flip chart
• Whistle
• Laptop
Teaching Strategies • Video Viewing & Chart, Demonstration, Questioning.
Prior Knowledge • Students are able to understand the concept of set pass and its teaching cues.

Steps Procedure Adaptations Justification

• Begin with a brief overview of the Classroom
underarm pass's importance in volleyball Environment
and how it adds to successful playing The class is prepared
The class is set on
in advance in view to
the volleyball pitch.
show to the students
for a readiness for
the session. Also, to
Introduction keep the motivation
(10 minutes) factor of the learners.
games. In addition, the
• Highlight important elements including preparedness has
hand posture, body stance, and the goal also catered of any
of accurate ball control. distinct free hazards
 Visual learners: Use video viewing on the ground for the
and chart to demonstrate proper learner’s Fadil.
underarm pass technique for visual Different stations are
learners. Different stations are set because of
set and marked by different learning
 Auditory learners: Explain crucial
cones on the court. pace and mixed
ideas verbally and encourage
ability students.
conversation for auditory learners.
 Kinesthetic learners: Start with a
Due to different
brief demonstration and then allow
Several teaching learning preferences,
students to repeat the moves.
strategies are used several teaching
like video viewing, strategies have been
chart, demonstration used.
and questioning.
The video viewing
has been used for
Fadil so as he has an
insight what is
expected for the skill
and it would be an
easy mean for him to
see the skill.

• Provide modified warm-up exercises for Teaching Methods

students with mobility challenges. The shoulder warm
Warm up exercises is
• Alternative warm-up activities
for focus on shoulder
up exercise has been
students who may have different physical mobility. mainly implemented
needs. Include exercises that focus on in order to include
shoulder mobility, footwork, and Fadil in the session.
reaction time.
Warm Up • Encourage peer collaboration during As Fadil has leg
(5 minutes) warm-up activities. physical impairment,
his upper body that is
his shoulder could be

Some warm up
Warm up is done in
exercises is done in
group so as to
promote socialisation
and integrate Fadil in
the group in the
previous designed
station for Fadil.
• Break down the underarm pass technique Teaching methods
step by step. Several teaching
• Use visual aids, demonstrations, and strategies are used Focus is put on the
verbal explanations to highlight key and highlighting the mixed abilities
elements such as hand position, arm teaching cues. learners and different
learning styles.

Emphasis is put on
the teaching cues in
order Fadil could
recall of the
theoretical aspect of
the explanation.

Instruction movement and weight transfer.
• Provide additional support and Content
modelling for students who may struggle It shows the
(15 minutes) The demonstration
with motor skills. theoretical
phase is done and
• Advanced tips and challenges for knowledge
tips are given to
students who demonstrate a strong component of the
understanding of the basic technique. skill.
• Provide hands-on demonstrations and
opportunities for students to practice in It also gives an
pairs or small groups. insight to the
It also allows the
• Encourage questions and peer students of the
learner for readiness
discussions to reinforce understanding. complexities of the
of the task.
skill and what is
expected from them.

With the
demonstration, Fadil
could observe the
different component
in the skill.

Questioning and peer

discussions would
integrate Fadil in the
• Set up practice stations and divide the Assessment
class into small groups. Each station strategies
should concentrate on a different facet of Progress can be
During practice
the underarm pass. Allow students to recorded through
formative assessment
practice and receive feedback by rotating observation.
can be done for each
groups through the stations.
• Give struggling pupils more direction
and help, such as extra repetitions or A self-reflection can
Observation is also
easier tasks. also be done in view
carried out and
• Assign different tasks or challenges to of improvement in
intrinsic feedback is
pupils at each station based on their the teaching
obtained by the
ability. For example, urge advanced methodologies.
Skill Practice pupils to concentrate on precision while
(20 minutes) others focus on mastering the Fadil is included in
Fadil is assigned a
fundamental skill. the learning process.
task in this phase. He
• Give struggling pupils more direction He has been assigned
is placed in a group
and help, such as extra repetitions or a role. As we say,
and is allowed to
easier tasks. acting as a teacher
correct the group by
make you a good
providing teaching
learner. Likewise
Fadil is able to learn
the teaching cues as
well as know the
different component
and complexities of
the skill.
• Organize a modified volleyball game in Assessment
Game Play which the underarm pass is the primary strategies
(15 minutes)
• Teamwork, communication, and the Formative It is also a medium to
application of abilities learnt during assessment could be know if learning has
practice are all important. carried in the play. taken place.
• For learners with particular needs,
A self-reflection is
modify game rules or equipment.
also done if each
• Encourage collaboration and teamwork
learning style and
by assigning each student a role that is
mixed ability
appropriate for their ability.
learners have grasped
the vital concepts in
regards to the skill.

Teaching methods

By assigning Fadil as
During the game
a referee, has given
play , Fadil has been
him a significant role
assigned as the
whereby everyone
referee of the game
should respect a

By the teacher
guideline, he is able
to learn the rules and
regulations of the
game (that is the
theory component of
the game).

The referee is a
means to value his
role and promote
socialisation and
keeping him idle
because of his health
Conclusion • Gather the kids for a brief reflection on Teaching methods
the lesson. Ask them to explain one thing
(5 minutes) they learned about the underarm pass and Verbal and written Different learning
how they want to use it in future games. feedback is required styles is allowed to
• Provide written reflection sheets to through questioning. express themselves
pupils who prefer to express themselves including Fadil is
in writing. integrated in the
• Facilitate a group conversation for pupils group to express his
who benefit from verbal processing. views or give his

• Encourage students to offer their ideas answer.

regarding the underarm pass based on

their personal interests or study. Group discussion is Socialisation is
also allowed and enhance and Fadil is
voice out their ideas. allowed to give his
opinion despite he
has not practice the
skill. But he has been
taught the theory
component of the
game as well as the
rules of the game.
strategies Through questioning
the learners can be
Questioning is a assessed apart from
medium for the observation done
formative during their practice.
assessment. Fadil can also be
assessed through
questioning since he
was not involve in
the practice for
security reasons and
due to his physical

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