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Table of Contents

1. Biotechnology ……………………………………………………….…………………………………1-7

1.1 Genomic Sciences ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1.1 Immune Imprinting .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.2 Molecular Motors .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.3 Organ on Chips ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.1.4 Genetically Modified Crop ...................................................................................................... 2
1.1.5 Gene-edited Mustard ............................................................................................................... 3
1.1.6 Genome India Project .............................................................................................................. 3
1.1.7 Genetic Markers Associated With Premature Births ............................................................... 4
1.1.8 Human Pangenome Map ......................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Mitochondrial Donation Treatment .................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Bio-computers ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Stem Cells ......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Gene Drive Technology .................................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Biotransformation Technology ......................................................................................................... 7
1.7 Notable Terms ................................................................................................................................... 7

2. Information and Communication Technology …………….………………………………………9-24

2.1 BharOS.............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Generative AI/ML ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Facial Recognition Tool .................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope ................................................................................................. 12
2.5 Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity ...................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Bharat 6G Alliance ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.7 Fourth Industrial Revolution ........................................................................................................... 17
2.8 Semiconductors ............................................................................................................................... 17
2.9 Web 3.0 ........................................................................................................................................... 18
2.10 Supercomputers of India ............................................................................................................... 18
2.11 Machine Learning Model .............................................................................................................. 19
2.12 Crypto Mining ............................................................................................................................... 20
2.13 GPS Spoofing................................................................................................................................ 20
2.14 Cloud Computing .......................................................................................................................... 20
2.15 Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) ................................................................... 21
2.16 Giant Magnetoresistance ............................................................................................................... 21
2.17 News In Short ............................................................................................................................... 22
2.18 Notable Technologies/ Concepts .................................................................................................. 23

3. Space Science And Technology ..…………………………………………………………………..25-44

3.1 Indian Space Policy, 2023............................................................................................................... 25

3.2 India’s Space Missions: .................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.1 Aditya-L1 Mission................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.2 Venus Mission ‘Shukrayaan I' ............................................................................................... 26
3.2.3 ISRO’s SSLV-D2 Launch ..................................................................................................... 26
3.2.4 NISAR Mission ..................................................................................................................... 27
3.2.5 Chandrayaan 3 ....................................................................................................................... 27
3.2.6 Gaganyaan ............................................................................................................................. 29
3.2.7 ISRO puts 36 OneWeb satellites into orbit ........................................................................... 29
3.2.8 Controlled re-entry of Megha-Tropiques-1 ........................................................................... 29
3.2.9 Reusable Launch Vehicle- Technology Demonstration (RLV TD) ...................................... 29
3.2.10 X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPOSAT) Mission ................................................................ 30
3.2.11 ISRO to Launch Chandrayaan-4 Mission ............................................................................ 30
3.3 NaVIC Satellite NVS-01................................................................................................................. 30
3.4 First Earth-sized exoplanet.............................................................................................................. 31
3.5 Celestial Objects ............................................................................................................................. 31
3.6 Light Pollution ................................................................................................................................ 33
3.7 Geomagnetic Storm ........................................................................................................................ 33
3.8 Acoustic Shocks in the Solar Chromosphere .................................................................................. 33
3.9 Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves .............................................................................. 34
3.10 Moon Dust to slow down Global Warming .................................................................................. 34
3.11 India--U.S. Space Cooperation ..................................................................................................... 34
3.12 ISRO announces opportunities to analyze AstroSat ..................................................................... 35
3.13 Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) ................................................... 35
3.14 Train Tracking .............................................................................................................................. 36
3.15 Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer Mission ............................................................................................. 36
3.16 Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) ................................................... 37
3.17 Other Notable News ...................................................................................................................... 37
3.18 News in Short ................................................................................................................................ 40

4. Health …….…………..…………………………………………………………………………..…45-65
4.1 WHO Report on Global Trans-Fat Elimination 2022 ..................................................................... 45
4.2 India’s Plan to Eradicate Measles, Rubella ..................................................................................... 45
4.3 India's Fight with Leprosy .............................................................................................................. 45
4.4 Vaccines .......................................................................................................................................... 46
4.5 Generic Drugs ................................................................................................................................. 48
4.6 Cough Syrup Exports ...................................................................................................................... 49
4.7 Y-Chromosome extinction .............................................................................................................. 49
4.8 Viral Nutrition ................................................................................................................................. 49
4.9 Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases ........................................................................................... 50
4.10 TB Vaccine ................................................................................................................................... 50
4.11 Viruses and Diseases in News ...................................................................................................... 51
4.12 CAR-T Cell Therapy..................................................................................................................... 56
4.13 Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) ................................................................................................. 56
4.14 Organ Donation Policy ................................................................................................................. 57
4.15 Rare Diseases ................................................................................................................................ 58
4.16 Background radiation in Kerala .................................................................................................... 58
4.17 Hysterectomies .............................................................................................................................. 59
4.18 Arsenic Exposure .......................................................................................................................... 59
4.19 Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) ................................................................................... 59
4.20 Monoclonal Antibodies ................................................................................................................. 60
4.21 Freedom from Avian Influenza ..................................................................................................... 60
4.22 Other Notable News ...................................................................................................................... 61
5. Defense Technology and Innovations …...…………………………………………………… ….66-77

5.1 Defence Acquisition Council .......................................................................................................... 66

5.2 S-400 ............................................................................................................................................... 66
5.3 Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system ...................................................................................... 66
5.4 Indo--U.S. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle............................................................................................. 66
5.5 CBRN Weapons .............................................................................................................................. 67
5.6 SIPRI Data on Military Spending ................................................................................................... 67
5.7 Positive Indigenisation List ............................................................................................................. 67
5.8 Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) .................................................................................. 68
5.9 Territorial Army .............................................................................................................................. 68
5.10 Automation Initiatives of Army .................................................................................................... 68
5.11 Sagar Sampark .............................................................................................................................. 68
5.12 Internal Security ............................................................................................................................ 68
5.13 India-United States Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS X) .............................................. 69
5.14 Paramilitary Forces ....................................................................................................................... 69
5.15 AI in Modern Defense................................................................................................................... 69
5.16 Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) ............................................................................... 70
5.17 India and Israel Discussed Maritime Security .............................................................................. 70
5.18 Anti Submarine warfare ships ....................................................................................................... 70
5.19 DRDO’s Anti-Drone Technology ................................................................................................. 71
5.20 Submarines .................................................................................................................................... 71
5.21 Other Notable News ...................................................................................................................... 72
5.22 Missile Systems in News .............................................................................................................. 75
5.23 Major Military Exercises .............................................................................................................. 77

6. Alternative Energy Technologies………………………………………………………………... 78-83

6.1 Small Modular Reactors ................................................................................................................. 78

6.2 Fukushima Nuclear Waste-Water Release ...................................................................................... 78
6.3 Green, Self -powered Desalination Plant ........................................................................................ 79
6.4 Sand Battery .................................................................................................................................... 79
6.5 Battery Energy Storage Systems ..................................................................................................... 79
6.6 Hydrogen from Seawater using Solar Energy ................................................................................. 80
6.7 Dimethyl Ether Fuelled Tractor ...................................................................................................... 80
6.8 Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) .................................................................................................... 80
6.9 Strategic Interventions For Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) Programme .............................. 81
6.10 Coal Gasification .......................................................................................................................... 81
6.11 Direct Methanol Fuel Cells ........................................................................................................... 81
6.12 Low-Cost Perovskite Solar Cells .................................................................................................. 81
6.13 World's First 4th Generation Nuclear Reactor Starts in China ..................................................... 82
6.14 Other Notable News: ..................................................................................................................... 82

7. Honors and Headlines ……………………………..………………………………………...… 84-85

7.1 Porter Prize 2023............................................................................................................................. 84

7.2 International Prize in Statistics ....................................................................................................... 84
7.3 Nobel Prize In Medicine ................................................................................................................. 84
7.4 Nobel Prize Chemistry 2023 ........................................................................................................... 84
7.5 Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 ........................................................................................................... 85

8. New Emerging Technology ………………………………..……………………………………. 86-93

8.1 MicroLED Display Technology...................................................................................................... 86

8.2 Quasicrystals ................................................................................................................................... 86
8.3 Proton beam therapy ....................................................................................................................... 87
8.4 Fluorescent Microscopy .................................................................................................................. 87
8.5 The Piezoelectric Effect in Liquids ................................................................................................. 87
8.6 Neuromorphic Computing .............................................................................................................. 87
8.7 4D printing ...................................................................................................................................... 88
8.8 Quantum Computing ....................................................................................................................... 88
8.9 Large Hadron Collider .................................................................................................................... 89
8.10 Higgs Boson Decay....................................................................................................................... 90
8.11 Majorana Zero Modes ................................................................................................................... 90
8.12 Self-Confining Radioactive-isotope Ion Target (SCRIT) ............................................................. 91
8.13 Electrified Flex Fuel Vehicle ........................................................................................................ 91
8.14 Non-Invasive Formaldehyde Sensor ............................................................................................. 91
8.15 Other Important Concepts ............................................................................................................. 91

9. MISCELLANEOUS ……………………..…………………………………………………..…..94-103

9.1 Black Box........................................................................................................................................ 94

9.2 M Sand Facility ............................................................................................................................... 94
9.3 Lithium Resources in J&K .............................................................................................................. 94
9.4 Standard Model of Particle Physics ................................................................................................ 95
9.5 National Science Day 2023 ............................................................................................................. 95
9.6 Lab Grown Diamonds ..................................................................................................................... 95
9.7 Rare Earth Element ......................................................................................................................... 96
9.8 Foucault’s Pendulum ...................................................................................................................... 96
9.9 Carbon Dating and Radiometric dating .......................................................................................... 96
9.10 Lab-Grown Meat ........................................................................................................................... 97
9.11 Supreme Initiative ......................................................................................................................... 97
9.12 Fibonacci Spirals ........................................................................................................................... 97
9.13 LiDAR .......................................................................................................................................... 97
9.14 National Research Foundation Bill 2023 ...................................................................................... 98
9.15 PBW RS1: New Wheat Variety .................................................................................................... 98
9.16 Cloud Seeding ............................................................................................................................... 98
9.17 Microalgae Adaptation to Global Warming .................................................................................. 99
9.18 US-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) ............................................... 99
9.19 Plants can Listen Damage to Other Plants .................................................................................. 100
9.20 AMRIT Technology.................................................................................................................... 100
9.21 Indigenous River model BRAHMA-2D ..................................................................................... 100
9.22 Touchscreen ................................................................................................................................101
9.23 Other Notable News ....................................................................................................................101
• The second type is called cell-mediated immune
1.1 Genomic Sciences response or cell-mediated immunity (CMI).
The T-lymphocytes mediate CMI.
1.1.1 Immune Imprinting
B-cells T-cells
Context: Recent studies have revealed that a
phenomenon in our body called immune Produce antibodies to Attacks those cells in
imprinting can make new COVID booster fight bacteria and the body that have
vaccines less effective. viruses. become cancerous or
About Immune Imprinting: overtaken by viruses.
• Immune imprinting is the tendency of the
body to replicate its immune response to the Originates and Originates in bone
initial pathogen variant, even if exposed to matures in Bone marrow but travels to
different variants. marrow. the thymus and
• Upon first exposure, Memory B cells are matures there.
formed to rapidly generate antibodies upon
reinfection. Short life span. Longer life span.
• When the body encounters a similar but About Active and Passive Immunity:
different version of a virus, it activates memory • Active immunity is defined as immunity to a
B cells instead of making new B cells. pathogen that occurs following exposure to all
Human Immune System: Types of Immunity or part of that pathogen. Exposure to antigens,
• Innate/Natural Immunity: Immunity which is like microbes, triggers antibody production in
present from birth and acts as a defense system the host. Active immunity is slow and takes
against entry of foreign substances. Cells time to give its full, effective response.
involved in innate immunity are Phagocytes,
• Passive immunity is protection from a disease
Macrophages, Eosinophils, etc.
provided by antibodies created outside of the
• Acquired/Adaptive Immunity: It is an individual’s body.
immunity that develops through time in
response to illnesses and produces pathogen- 1.1.2 Molecular Motors
specific immunity. Acquired immunity Context: Scientists at the National Centre for
involves two types of cells: B-cells and T-cells. Biological Sciences have found a new type of
B and T Lymphocytes molecular motor that could be used in life science
• Primary and secondary immune responses are and medicine.
executed by two special lymphocytes in blood: About the Molecular Motor:
B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. ● Molecular motors are a class of proteins that
drive intracellular trafficking by converting
• T-cells do not secrete antibodies but help B
chemical energy to mechanical work along
cells produce them.
cytoskeletal filaments.
• This blood-based defense is termed the
● Molecular motor proteins are essential for
humoral immune response.
muscle contraction and the movement of cilia
About different types of acquired immune
and flagella. These structures allow cells to
move and transport substances.
• Antibody Mediated Humoral immunity: An
● Research on molecular motors has led to the
immune response that occurs when foreign
development of potential new drugs that can
material, i.e., antigens, are detected in the
improve heart function.
body. B cell lymphocytes produce antibodies
The cytoskeleton of a cell is made up of
upon detecting specific antigens, driving
microtubules and filaments, which give the
immune response.
cell its shape and help organize the cell's parts.

1.1.3 Organ on Chips Ex. CRISPR-based Ex. Bt cotton with
Context: The U.S. government passed the Food modified Gene-edited foreign genes (cry1Ac
and Drug Administration Modernization Act 2.0, Mustard. and cry2Ab) for pest
which is expected to boost the research and resistance.
development of organ chips.
About Organ on Chips: Regulation of GM Crops in India:
• Organ on Chips are microfluidic devices lined ● Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee
with living human cells for drug development, (GEAC): It is a statutory committee
disease modeling, and personalized medicine. functioning under the Ministry of
• They are used to mimic the environment in Environment, Forest and Climate Change
human organs, including blood flow and (MoEF&CC).
breathing movements, serving as synthetic ○ GEAC was constituted under the “Rules for
environments in which to test new drugs. the Manufacture, Use/Import/Export and
Application: Storage of Hazardous Microorganisms /
• Application in drug discovery and toxicology, Genetically Engineered Organisms or
understanding human diseases and symptoms Cells (Rules, 1989)” framed under
and advancement of personalized medicine Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
• The first human organ-on-a-chip model was • Acts and rules that regulate GM crops in India
‘lung on a chip’ that mimicked biochemical include:
aspects of the lung and its breathing motions. ○ Environment Protection Act, 1986 (EPA)
○ Biological Diversity Act, 2002
1.1.4 Genetically Modified Crop
○ Plant Quarantine Order, 2003
Context: GEAC has recently approved confined
○ GM policy under Foreign Trade Policy
field trials for Pink Bollworm-resistant G cotton
○ Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
(Cry2Ai transgenic cotton seed). that was rejected
○ Drugs and Cosmetics Rule (8th
by few states.
Amendment), 1988
About Genetically Modified Crops and
Transgenic Crops in India:
● Commercially Cultivated Transgenic Crop:
• Genetically modified organism (GMO) is any Only Cotton.
living organism whose genetic material has
● Previous Transgenic Crop Approvals: GM
been modified to include certain desirable
brinjal (2010), but placed it on "indefinite
techniques. E.g Used for large-scale insulin,
moratorium." and GM mustard (2017) but later
vaccines production, etc.
imposed additional tests.
• GM crops, or Transgenic crops, are modified ● Approved Transgenic Crop: GEAC approved
by integrating specific genes of interest into Mustard hybrid DMH-11 in 2022 for seed
their DNA to alter traits. production and testing.
• Since agriculture is a state matter, companies About CRISPR Cas9:
must get state-level permission for such tests • CRISPR stands for "Clustered Regularly
on farms. Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats”,
which is a gene editing technology that allows
Genome Editing Genetically Modified scientists to precisely modify DNA within
Technology Technology living organisms.
It is done without It introduces foreign • Cas9 is an enzyme that acts as molecular
introducing foreign genetic material into scissors, guided by RNA molecules
genetic material. the host genome. synthesized to match a specific DNA sequence.
About Pink Bollworm:
It focuses on It involves the • It is a pest that feeds on the reproductive
modifying the existing insertion of genes parts of cotton plants, where fibers are
genome of the from external sources produced.
organism. like soil bacteria.
• This pest reduces both yield and quality
Produces precise Produces organisms significantly.
genetic modifications with genes from other Genetic Modification in Cotton:
without foreign DNA species integrated into • In 2002, GEAC approved GM BT cotton
involvement. the host. with the Cry1Ac gene from Bacillus

thuringiensis to produce a protein toxic to ● CRISPR stands for "Clustered Regularly
Pink Bollworm. Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats”, it is
• Over time, Pink Bollworm evolved a gene editing technology that allows
resistance to the Cry1Ac protein, scientists to precisely modify DNA within
diminishing its effectiveness, prompting the living organisms.
need for new GM cotton varieties. ● Cas 9: It is an enzyme that acts as molecular
• Cry2Ai Gene: The new GM cotton variety scissors, guided by RNA molecules
carries the Cry2Ai gene from Bacillus synthesized to match a specific DNA sequence.
thuringiensis, providing resistance against Process of Gene Editing:
the Pink Bollworm. • Desired traits like reduced pungency and
• Broad Spectrum Targeting: Cry2Ai targets a enhanced pest and disease resistance in
wider array of insects, including beetles and mustard plants are attained by modifying
flies, unlike Cry1Ac, which mainly affects specific genes in their DNA.
moths and butterflies. • It involves making precise alterations to the
existing DNA without adding foreign genes
1.1.5 Gene-edited Mustard from other species.
Context: Indian scientists have developed the first • This approach is often considered non-GMO
low-pungent mustard using CRISPR/Cas9, (genetically modified organism) and
making it non-GM and transgene-free. transgene-free, as it involves modifying the
About CRISPR/Cas9 system: plant's own genetic material to achieve the
desired characteristics.

• The process of deciphering the order of base

1.1.6 Genome India Project pairs to decode the genetic fingerprint of a
Context: The Department of Biotechnology has human is called genome sequencing.
reported completion of two-thirds of the target of • Methods of Genome Sequencing:
sequencing 10,000 Indian genomes under the ○ Clone-by-clone: This process involves
'Genome India Project’. segmenting the genome and inserting the
About Genome India Project parts into bacteria which are then grown to
• Genome India Project (GIP) is a research produce clones.
initiative in India that aims to collect genetic ○ Whole-Genome Shotgun: "Shotgun"
samples of 10,000 Indian citizens to carry out sequencing breaks DNA into small pieces
their gene mapping to construct a for sequencing and clones them into
comprehensive 'Indian reference genome'. bacteria for growth and subsequent
• The project was launched in 2020 and is led by sequencing.
IISc’s Centre for Brain Research, Bangalore. Application of Genome Sequencing:
● Medical research and Diagnosis; Drug
• It will be helpful to understand disease-
development; Agriculture; Evolutionary
causing mutations and develop personalized
Biology; Forensics; Bioengineering.
Relationship between DNA, Gene, Chromosome
About Genome Sequencing
and Genome
• DNA consists of a double-stranded molecule
• DNA refers to the double helix structure
built up by four bases – adenine (A), cytosine
wounded around a sugar phosphate backbone.
(C), guanine (G), and thymine (T).
It consists of four base pairs namely,

adenine(A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or 1.1.7 Genetic Markers Associated With
thymine (T). Premature Births
• Gene is the basic unit of inheritance and Context: Indian scientists working in the Garbh-
consists of segments/chunks of DNA, which Ini program have identified 19 single nucleotide
code for specific proteins and RNA. polymorphisms (SNPs), or genetic markers
• Chromosomes: They are threadlike structures associated with preterm or premature birth.
composed of large strands of DNA, wrapped About the news:
around the histone protein in a super • The study is significant as preterm birth (birth
condensed form. before 37 completed weeks of gestation) is the
○ Each chromosome consists of a single largest cause of neonatal deaths globally.
molecule of DNA that serves to carry the About Garbh-Ini:
genomic information from cell to cell. • The Garbh-Ini team undertook a “genome-
• Genome: wide association study (GWAS)’’ on
○ A genome is defined as an organism’s spontaneous preterm birth in women from
complete set of DNA, including all of its Haryana.
genes. • Initiated in 2014 by the Department of
○ Each genome contains all of the Biotechnology, Garbh-ini (Interdisciplinary
information needed to build and maintain Group for Advanced Research on Birth
that organism. Outcomes—DBT India Initiative)is a
○ The Human genome consists of 23 pairs of collaborative interdisciplinary program.
chromosomes located in the cell’s nucleus, About Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms:
as well as a small chromosome in the cell’s • Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is
mitochondria. a DNA sequence variation occurring
Genetic Diversity: when a single nucleotide (A,C,G, or T)
• It refers to the variation in genetic information differs between members of a species or
within a population or species. paired chromosomes in an individual.
• It is a fundamental component of biodiversity • They can act as biological markers,
and plays a critical role in the survival, helping scientists locate genes associated
adaptability, and sustainability of species and with diseases.
ecosystems. • They are fundamental aspects of human
Deep Sequencing/ Metagenomic Next Generation genetic variation and provide insights
Sequencing into genetics, evolution, medicine, and
● This DNA sequencing method enables the forensics.
analysis of vast genetic data in a short
period of time.
1.1.8 Human Pangenome Map
Context: A new study published in the Nature
Non Coding DNA Sequences: journal describes a pangenome reference map,
• Repetitive DNA built using genomes from 47 anonymous
○ It refers to DNA sequences repeated individuals (19 men and 28 women).
multiple times in an organism's genome. About Genome:
○ Application: Certain repetitive DNA • The Genome is a collection of all the genes and
sequences play crucial roles in gene the regions between the genes contained in our
expression regulation, chromosome 23 pairs of chromosomes.
structure maintenance, and defense • It includes about 3 billion DNA base pairs
against foreign DNA insertion. spread across these chromosomes, each hosting
○ However, many repetitive sequences do many genes determining specific traits.
not have a known function and are • The four building blocks (A, T, G and C) are
sometimes referred to as “junk DNA”. arranged and repeated millions of times in
• Satellite DNA different combinations to make all of our 23
○ It is the simplest form of repetitive DNA, chromosomes.
which consists of DNA blocks in tandem • Genomes encompass both coding and non-
repeats. coding DNA, and provide essential
○ Application: Researchers use satellite instructions for an organism's growth,
DNA as a genomic “fingerprint” to function, and traits.
match crime scene samples and track

About reference genome:
• Newly sequenced genomes are compared
against a reference map called reference
genome, to identify differences and
understand variations.
• It enabled identifying disease-linked genes,
deepened genetic understanding of cancer,
and spurred innovative diagnostic test
About Pangenome Map:
• Unlike reference genome, which is a linear
sequence, pangenome is a graph built through
the diverse genetic material of 47 individuals.
• The graph of each chromosome is like a
bamboo stem with nodes where a stretch of
sequences of all 47 individuals converge
(similar), and with internodes of varying
lengths representing genetic variations
among those individuals from different Mitochondrial Disease:
ancestries.Importance of Pangenome Map: • Mitochondrial diseases are caused by defects
• Helpful in understanding Human Diversity in the way mitochondria produces energy for
• Helpful in understanding Genetic Variants. the body's cells, like the brain, nerves, muscles,
• Discovery of New Genomes: Pangenome kidneys, heart, and liver.
reference map has added nearly 119 million • These diseases are only passed on by the
new letters to the existing genome map and has mother and affect 1 in 5,000 people globally.
already aided the discovery of 150 new genes • It can impact cell function, leading to muscle
linked to autism. weakness, organ failure, and neurological
Limitation of the Map: disorders.
• Lack of diversity in genome map generation. Three parent baby with three-person DNA:
Ex Underrepresentation of African, Indian and • Three parent babies are created through a
West Asian population. technique called early pronuclear transfer
About Genome Sequencing: which involves transplanting the nuclear
• Genome sequencing decodes an organism's DNA from a fertilized egg into a donated egg,
DNA sequence, revealing its unique genetic which contains healthy mitochondria.This
fingerprint. method is used to prevent passing on of
• The DNA consists of a double-stranded mitochondrial diseases from a mother to her
molecule built up by four bases – adenine child.
(A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine • The baby carries most of its DNA from its
parents and a minor percentage from a donor.
1.2 Mitochondrial Donation Treatment • Potential Side Effects: Sometimes it is possible
that a small amount of the maternal
Context: A baby has been born in the UK using
mitochondria with errors may get passed on
three persons’ DNA, a technique called
during the procedure.
Mitochondrial Donation Treatment (MDT).
About Mitochondria: Status in India: In India, the MDT procedure is not
• Mitochondria are membrane-bound currently allowed.
organelles found in most eukaryotic cells. Mitochondrial Donation Techniques:
They are the powerhouses of the cells and In both techniques, eggs or embryos are created
generate energy for fueling cell functions in the using nuclear genetic material and healthy
human body. donated mitochondria.
• They perform cellular respiration, transforming • Maternal Spindle Transfer Technique:
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into ATP, the Nuclear genetic material is removed from eggs
cell's usable energy form. and transferred into donated eggs which have
had their nuclear genetic material removed.

The eggs are then fertilized with sperm to 1.4 Stem Cells
create embryos.
• Pronuclear Transfer Technique: Eggs are Context: Scientists in the US and UK have recently
fertilized with sperm in a lab to create embryos. created the world's first synthetic embryo-like
The nuclear genetic material within each structures using stem cells, without using eggs or
embryo is then transferred into embryos sperm.
created using donated eggs and sperm from the About Stem Cells
sperm provider. The nuclear genetic material • Stem cells are specialized cells with the ability
will have been removed from the donated eggs. to evolve into different cell types in the body,
acting as a continuous repair system that
1.3 Bio-computers replenishes other cells throughout an
organism's lifespan.
Context: Scientists are exploring a new area of • There are two main types of stem cells:
research called “organoid intelligence,” which ○ Embryonic Stem Cells: These cells are
aims at creating “bio­computers.” derived from embryos. They are
About Biocomputers: pluripotent, meaning they can turn into
• Biocomputers involve coupling of lab-grown more than one type of cell.
brain cultures with real-world devices to ○ Adult Stem Cells: Found in adult tissues,
harness brain power and investigate human these cells are limited in their ability to
cognition, learning, and neurological differentiate but are used to replace cells
disorders. that are lost through normal wear and tear,
• Bio-computers would be built by merging injury, or disease.
brain organoids with machine learning. • Stem Cells are further categorized on the basis
• Brain organoids can be developed using stem of capacity to divide into different types of
cells from individuals with neurodegenerative cells.
or cognitive disorders. ○ Totipotent Stem Cells: Can make all three
• Machine-learning techniques will be used to embryonic germ layers and the
analyze the response patterns of neurons and extraembryonic tissue. The only known
their effects on human behavior and biology. totipotent cell is the zygote.
• Comparing data between healthy and patient- ○ Pluripotent Stem Cells: Can transform into
derived organoids can reveal the biological almost any cell type in the body, excluding
basis of human cognition, learning, and extraembryonic cells. Example Embryonic
memory. stem cells (ESCs).
○ Multipotent Stem Cells: Can make at least
Potential Applications of bio-computers: two different lineages, from the same
• Processing complex information by embryonic germ layer. Example,
utilizing the superior processing power of hematopoietic stem cells give rise to
the human brain. different blood cells (White, Red and
• Researching neurodegenerative diseases. platelets).
• Revealing the biological basis of human ○ Oligopotent Stem Cells: Can differentiate
cognition into a few types, usually within a particular
• Advancing drug development lineage.
○ Unipotent Stem Cells: Specialize in
producing only one cell type but retain the
property of self-renewal.
About Brain Organoids:
● Stem cell therapy is a regenerative medicine
• Scientists are building 3D cultures of brain
form aiming to repair the body's damaged cells
tissue in the lab called brain organoids to
by reducing inflammation and regulating the
develop systems more relevant to humans.
immune system.
• Brain organoids can capture many structural
About the News
and functional features of a developing
• These prototypes could enable researchers to
human brain.
explore the genetic causes of disorders and the
• However, brain organoids lack sensory
biological factors contributing to repeated
inputs and blood circulation, limiting their

• Delhi High Court permitted two children with systematically control their populations by
autism to undergo stem cell therapy, for interfering with their reproduction.
treatment of their condition. Working Mechanism
About Cord Blood • CSIRP technology slices mosquito DNA at a
• Cord blood is abundant in stem cells, which non-encoding section, triggering cellular
can treat various blood, immune, and repair mechanisms that then integrate a
metabolic conditions. specific 'drive sequence' into the altered DNA
• Recently, cord blood transplants are declining segment.
as haploidentical transplants rise in success • This genetically modifies the midgut of
and frequency. mosquito to secrete antimicrobial substances
○ Haploidentical Transplants use healthy, that are detrimental to Plasmodium parasite’s
blood-forming cells from a half-matched development and reduces lifespan of female
family member donor to replace the mosquitoes.
unhealthy ones.
Applications of Stem Cell Therapy
1.6 Biotransformation Technology
• Treatment of Chronic Diseases
• Immune Disorders Context: A British startup asserts that it has
• Treating orthopedic injuries and conditions created a "biotransformation" technology that
like Osteoarthritis could change the state of plastics, rendering them
• Cosmetic Procedures like facial rejuvenation biodegradable.
About Biotransformation Technology
1.5 Gene Drive Technology • It is a novel approach to ensure that plastics
that escape refuse streams are processed
Context: Recently genetic manipulation of efficiently and broken down.
mosquitoes is discussed which will lead to • Plastics produced with this method have a
control of their populations by interfering with predetermined period during which they
their reproduction. mimic traditional plastics in appearance and
About Gene Drive Technology: quality.
● Gene drive is a method that enhances the • After expiration, they naturally degrade into
inheritance of a modified or preferred trait in bioavailable wax when exposed to the
a specific species. environment. Microorganisms then consume
● The fundamental idea behind genetic the wax, turning waste into water, CO2, and
manipulation of mosquitoes is to biomass

1.7 Notable Terms

• Early human embryonic cells have an 'inner cell mass' of pluripotent cells that
can transform into all types of cells in the human body.
• The inner cell mass includes non-committed cells without the expression of
HERVH gene (essential for maintaining pluripotency). These cells perish early
Inner Cell Mass
in development.
• These cells produce transposons or 'jumping genes' which can insert
themselves within the genome, possibly causing DNA damage and resulting in
cell death.

• Cell-free DNA refers to tiny fragments of genetic material released into the
bloodstream or other bodily fluids from dying cells.
Cell Free DNA • These fragments of DNA are not enclosed within cells, hence the term “cell-
(cfDNA) free.”
• It is often used for non-invasive medical diagnostics. Ex. Cancer detection.

• It refers to a combination of a transcriptome and a pangenome, i.e., a reference
that contains genetic material from a cohort of diverse individuals rather than
just a single linear strand.
• A single reference genome isn't always reliable due to intra-species variations.
Pan-transcriptome studies all RNA molecules, aiding in analyzing complex
genomes and inter-species differences
• Pangenome refers to the entire gene set of all strains in a species divided into
three parts: core genome, dispensable genome, and unique genes.
• Transcriptome refers to the complete set of RNA molecules produced by the
genome of an organism at a specific time or under a specific condition.

• Somatic genetic variants, also known as somatic mutations or somatic changes,

refer to alterations in the DNA sequence that occur in the cells of an
individual’s body after conception.
• They can arise due to DNA replication errors, environmental factors like
radiation or chemicals, or natural cell processes.
Somatic Genetic
• Somatic mutations' effects vary based on their genomic location and the
affected genes. While some are harmless, others can cause diseases, including
• Mosaicism is defined as the presence of two or more groups of cells in a person
with a different genetic makeup, often resulting due to genetic errors during
the adult cell division process.

Information And Communication Technology

2.1 BharOS • It is the technology that utilizes machine

Context: An Indian government-funded operating learning and artificial intelligence to create
system, BharOS, has been unveiled by the Union new forms of media, such as text, audio, video,
Minister for Communications, Electronics and and animation.
Information. • There has been increasing popularity of
generative AI programs, such as OpenAI's
About BharOS:
ChatGPT, Google’s BARD AI, DALL-E,
• BharOS is an indigenous mobile operating
Codex, GPT-3, etc.
system (OS), like Android or iOS, aimed at
reducing the dependence on foreign OS in • They use advanced machine learning
smartphones. capabilities like large language models, neural
• It is based on the Android Open Source translation, information understanding, and
Project (AOSP) and developed by IIT-Madras reinforcement learning.
incubated company. It is funded by the • Generative AI generates new and creative
Department of Science and Technology,
content with simple textual instructions known
Government of India.
as prompts.
Key Features:
About Large Language Model (LLM):
• No Default Apps
• LLM is an AI model trained using deep
• Native Over The Air (NOTA) updates,i.e.,
learning techniques to understand, create,
security updates and bug fixes, will be translate, or summarize extensive amounts of
automatically installed. human-written language and text.
• Private App Store Services(PASS): PASS • They are foundation models that utilize deep
provides access to a curated list of apps that are learning in natural language processing
said to be thoroughly vetted and meet certain (ability to understand, interpret and use
human language) and natural language
security and privacy standards
generation (ability of computers to generate
• More Secure as BharOS does not come with human text and speech) tasks.
any such preinstalled services or apps.
Different usages of Generative AI:
• DALL.E, a generative image generation
2.2 Generative AI/ML service, to align original image to branding.
• Generate personalized social media posts and
Artificial Intelligence (AI) blogs.
• Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines • Provide answers to complex queries and
to perform cognitive tasks like thinking, augment search algorithms.
perceiving, learning, problem solving and • Create and simulate complex engineering,
decision making. design, and architecture.
• AI uses various technologies such as computer • Architecture, machine design, and even house
floor plans.
vision, audio processing, cognitive robotics,
• Assist health professionals with their medical
speech analytics, language processing and
machine learning techniques to derive AI- • Alternative treatments personalized to
based solutions. patients’ symptoms and medical histories
About Generative AI:

Large Language Models in India:
• Bhashini: India's AI led language translation
platform to create large datasets in the
Scheduled Indian Languages.
• Indic Transliterate: IndicXlit is a transformer-
based multilingual transliteration model for
Roman to native script conversion and vice-
• Indic Natural Language Generation:
IndicBART is a multilingual model for Indian
languages, ideal for natural language
generation apps.


• INDIA AI is a knowledge portal, research
organization and an ecosystem building
• It is a joint venture by the Ministry of
Electronics and Information Technology
(MeitY), National e-Governance Division
(NeGD) and National Association of
Software and Service Companies
(NASSCOM). 2.2.3 Voice Cloning
Context: Voice clone fraud has been on the rise in
India as voice cloning through artificial
2.2.1 GPT-4 intelligence is increasingly being used for scams.
Context: Microsoft Corporation-backed startup About Voice Cloning:
OpenAI began the rollout of GPT-4. • Voice Cloning is the process of creating a
About GPT-4: synthetic voice using the audio recordings of a
• GPT-4 is "multimodal," i.e. it can generate real person.
content from both image and text prompts, • AI voice cloning trains a machine learning
unlike GPT 3.5 (Earlier version), which took model on actual recordings to capture voice
only text prompts. spectrums, creating a replica that closely
resembles the original voice.
2.2.2 Deep Fakes • Scammers use an audio clip of an individual
Context: Deep fake technology has emerged as a and upload their voice clip to an online
new tool of the disinformation threat. program that is able to replicate the voice
About Deepfakes: almost accurately.
• Deepfake technology is a hyper-realistic digital • Voice Cloning Services: There’s a host of these
falsification technique for manipulating videos, applications online which provide voice
images, and audio using powerful computers, cloning services like Murf, Resemble,
deep learning, and artificial intelligence. Speechify, etc.
• Deepfake can alter existing content by
2.2.4 Google’s BARD and Gemini
replacing one person with another or create
Context: Google launched its AI chatbot “Bard”
new content depicting false events..
and a multimodal general artificial intelligence
• It can be used to damage reputations, fabricate (AI) to exhibit human-like behavior project
evidence, defraud the public, and undermine “Gemini”.
trust in democratic institutions. About BARD:
• Section 66E of IT Act 2000, addresses deepfake • Bard is an experimental conversational AI that
crimes involving unauthorized use of uses the Language Model for Dialogue
someone's images, infringing on privacy, with Applications (LaMDA).
penalties of up to three years in jail or a fine up
• LaMDA is a large language model based on the
to ₹2 lakh.
Transformer, a neural network design crafted
by Google.

• Similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT, Bard is trained popular programming languages, like Python,
on a diverse range of topics, allowing it to Java, C++ etc..
generate high-quality human-like responses. • It is versatile and processes various data types
• Differences: including text, code, audio, images, and video.
○ Google Bard uses LaMBDA, while • Massive Multitask Language Understanding
ChatGPT is built on GPT (Generative Pre- (MMLU) uses a combination of 57 subjects
trained Transformer). such as math, physics, law, medicine and ethics
About Gemini to test world knowledge and problem-solving
• It is a family of multimodal large language skills.
models (LLMs) which can understand and
generate high-quality code in the world’s most
2.2.5 AI vs ML vs Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Learning

It involves giving machines It uses computer algorithms It is a subset of machine learning

data, information, and human and analytics to build which uses brain-inspired
intelligence to create self- predictive models that can algorithms, capable of processing
sufficient machines that think solve business problems. vast amounts of structured and
and act like humans. unstructured data.

Simulates natural intelligence Uses algorithms and analytics Inspired by the structure and
to solve complex problems. to build predictive models. function of the human brain.

AI is the broader family ML is the subset of AI. DL is the subset of ML.

consisting of ML and DL as its

AI is a computer algorithm ML is an AI algorithm which DL is a ML algorithm that uses more

which exhibits intelligence allows systems to learn from than one layer of neural networks
through decision making. data. to analyze data and provide output

Examples: Amazon Echo, Examples: Facial recognition, Example: Music generation, Object
Google Translate, Self-Driving Product recommendations detection, Captionbot for
Vehicles, Siri. captioning an image

• This encoding takes into consideration factors

2.3 Facial Recognition Tool like face tilt, angle, image opaqueness, and
Context: The Department of Telecommunications • In the face comparison process, unique facial
(DoT) has developed an artificial intelligence data is extracted from captured images and
based facial recognition tool known as ‘ASTR’. compared to the database through a software.
About ASTR: • ASTR considers two faces to be identical if they
• ASTR stands for ‘Artificial Intelligence and match to a minimum extent of 97.5 percent.
Facial Recognition powered Solution for
• Once faces are matched, ASTR's algorithm
Telecom SIM Subscriber Verification’
employs a "fuzzy logic" approach to identify
• It has the capability of running checks on similarities for the subscriber names.
subscriber databases of telecom operators to Different types of Biometrics:
deduce whether it contains multiple Biometric identification is the process of
connections associated with the same person. identifying individuals based on unique physical
• It can potentially bring down cyber frauds. or behavioral characteristics. Different types of
Working of ASTR: biometric systems are:
• ASTR utilizes convolutional neural network • Fingerprint verification:
(CNN) models to encode human faces in • DNA matching: Segments of DNA are
subscriber images. compared with samples in a database.

• Eye recognition: Features in the iris or patterns space-time distortions from gravitational
of the veins in the retina are analyzed to waves.
determine a match and identify an individual. About Neutron stars:
• Hand geometry recognition: This identifies • Neutron stars are the remains of the cores of
individuals through the geometric features of massive stars that have reached the end of their
their hands, such as the length of the fingers lives.
and width of the hand. • They are one of the two possible evolutionary
• Voice recognition: endpoints of the most massive stars, the other
• Signature recognition being black holes.
About Pulsars:
Digi Yatra
• Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars that
• It is a mobile application-based facility blast out pulses of radiation at regular intervals
conceived to achieve seamless processing of ranging from seconds to milliseconds.
passengers at airports based on Facial
• It emits radio beams that flashes by the Earth
Recognition Technology (FRT).
regularly. They are considered pulsars, called
‘nature’s best clock’.
About Fuzzy Logic: • Millisecond pulsars emit radiation every few
• "Fuzzy logic" is a computational approach milliseconds and provide vital insights into
that deals with reasoning and decision- neutron stars, the densest objects in the
making under uncertainty or imprecision. universe besides black holes.
• Unlike traditional binary logic that only
recognizes true or false values, fuzzy logic 2.5 Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity
allows for degrees of truth between these
two extremes. Context: India witnessed a rise in cyber crimes
• It is particularly useful in situations where registered in 2022 compared to 2021, as per
information or data is vague or subjective. National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).
About Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity:
• Cybercrime refers to any unlawful act where a
2.4 Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
computer or communication device or
Context: Astronomers have discovered two new computer network is used to commit or
Millisecond Pulsars (MSP) during a sky survey facilitate the commission of crime. Example:
using Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) Hacking, identity theft, cyberstalking etc..
About Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope • Cybercrimes comes as a State subject as per the
(GMRT): Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
• GMRT is a low-frequency radio telescope (100 • Cyber Security refers to safeguarding
Mhz-1,500 MHz) that investigates various computer systems, networks, devices, and
radio astrophysical problems ranging from digital data against unauthorized access,
nearby solar systems to the edge of the breaches, and cyber attacks, using various
observable universe. strategies and technologies to maintain digital
• It is an array of thirty fully steerable parabolic asset confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
radio telescopes. Some of the major areas covered in cybersecurity
• It is a project of the Department of Atomic include:
Energy (DAE), operating under the Tata • Network Security: Securing networks involves
Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). using firewalls, intrusion detection and
• It is the world’s largest and most sensitive radio prevention systems, and VPNs to block
telescope array. unauthorized access and attacks.
Findings of GMRT: • Endpoint Security: Protecting individual
• Scientists use ultra-stable pulsar clocks devices, such as computers, smartphones,
throughout the Milky Way to form an using antivirus software, anti-malware
imaginary galactic-scale gravitational wave programs, and encryption to secure data.
detector for signal detection. • Application Security: Software security is
• Telescopes detected minuscule delays enhanced by patching vulnerabilities,
(millionths of a second) in signals from conducting code reviews, and applying secure
pulsars, suggesting these were caused by development practices.

• Cloud Security: Protecting data and • Clickjacking: Web attack that tricks users into
applications stored in cloud environments by clicking on hidden elements on a page,
using encryption, access controls, and multi- containing malicious software.
factor authentication. • Denial of Service (DOS) Attack: Making a
• Data Security: Implementing encryption, computer or network unavailable to its
access controls, and data loss prevention (DLP) intended users by deliberately flooding it with
tools to safeguard sensitive data from traffic.
unauthorized access, theft, or leaks. • Man in Middle Attack: Messages between two
Global Initiatives for for Cyber Security parties are intercepted during transit.
• Budapest Convention on Cybercrime (2001): It • Cryptojacking: Victim's computer and
harmonizes national laws, improves resources are used for mining cryptocurrency
investigative techniques, and enhances without their consent.
cooperation among nations to address • Zero Day Vulnerability: Unrectified flaw in
cybercrime. the machine, operating system or software
• India is not a signatory to this convention. which can be exploited by a hacker who is
• Global Centre for Cyber Security: This World aware of it.
Economic Forum initiative seeks to create the Scope of Plausible deniability: In cyber
first global platform for collaboration on cyber warfare, it refers to the ability of a nation-state
security challenges. to deny involvement in a cyberattack. It allows
• Paris Call: At the UNESCO Internet them to avoid potential retaliation, making it
Governance Forum meeting, "The Paris Call for challenging for victim nations to respond
Trust and Security in Cyberspace" was decisively.
launched to establish common principles for Digital Geneva Convention: It is a proposed
cyberspace security. international treaty to protect civilians from
India’s Initiatives state-sponsored cyber attacks by establishing
• National Critical Information Infrastructure norms against targeting critical infrastructure,
Protection Centre (NCIIPC): Operates as the promote non-proliferation of cyber weapons,
nodal agency for protecting and ensuring the and create international processes for dealing
resilience of critical information infrastructure. with cyber-attacks.
• Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre 2.5.2 CCTNS
(I4C): Established in 2020 to handle various Context: Union Home Ministry has recently
types of cybercrimes in a comprehensive and blocked more than 500 Internet-based applications
coordinated manner. on the recommendation of the Indian Cyber
• National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: A Crime Coordination Centre (I4C).
citizen-centric platform enabling online About CCTNS:
reporting of cybercrimes, with complaints • Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and
accessed by relevant law enforcement agencies. Systems (CCTNS) project, launched in 2009,
• National Cyber Security Strategy 2020: To aims to digitally connect police stations and
improve cyber awareness and cybersecurity supervisory offices nationwide for FIR
through more stringent audits. registration, investigation, and charge sheet
• Computer Emergency Response Team - India processes.
(CERT-In) About Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre
2.5.1 Rising Cyberattacks (I4C):
Context: Recently, around 40 million health • The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre
records were compromised through a (I4C) was set up under the newly established
ransomware attack on The All India Institute of Cyber and Information Security (CIS) division
Medical Sciences (AIMS). under MHA.
Major Types of Cyber Threats • It addresses cyber crimes comprehensively
• Ransomware: Hijacks computer data and through its seven components.
demands payment (usually bitcoins) to restore 2.5.3 Deep Dive Training Programme
it. Context: The 34th Chief Information Security
• Trojan Horses: Trojan horses are malware that Officers (CISOs) Deep Dive training programme
disguise themselves as legitimate programs to has been organized by National e-Governance
deceive users into installing them. Division(NeGD) under Cyber Surakshit Bharat

About Deep Dive Training Programme: • Users of Instagram complain about unwanted
• Aim: To create awareness around cyber suggested posts and fixed preference issues.
security and develop a strong cyber ecosystem • Sponsored video ads intersperse among reels
in government organizations. and stories, deceiving users briefly before the
• Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Electronics and "sponsored" label becomes noticeable.
Information Technology (MeitY) • Google's YouTube pushes Premium sign-ups
• The programme is organized for CISOs and via pop-ups, disrupting video endings with
frontline IT officials from various ministries, other video thumbnails, affecting user
central and state government and semi- experience.
government organizations, PSUs, and banks. 2.5.5 SaMD and SiMD Technology
2.5.4 Dark Patterns Context: Experts have warned that medical
Context: The Government has directed e- devices like oximeters, hearing aids, glucometers,
commerce companies to not use “dark patterns” and pacemakers are at risk of being turned into
on their platforms. spyware and malware.
About Dark Patterns: About the News:
• Dark patterns are deceptive design choices on • The warning was issued following
websites or apps intended to manipulate users ransomware attacks on India's major hospitals,
into taking unintended actions, often such as AIIMS, Safdarjung, etc., where
benefiting the service provider at the user's millions of health records were compromised.
expense. • A ransomware attack is a computer virus that
• They endanger the experience of Internet encrypts one’s essential files and renders
users and make them more vulnerable to them inaccessible unless the hacker is paid for
financial and data exploitation by Big Tech the key to open them.
firms. • Vulnerability of medical devices:
• They confuse users, introduce online • Several personal use medical technology
obstacles, make simple tasks time-consuming, devices contain Software as Medical Devices
have users sign up for unwanted (SaMD) and Software in Medical Devices
services/products, and force them to pay more (SiMD).
money or share more personal information • These devices usually connect to the internet,
than they intended. mobile phones, servers, and cloud. Without
Various examples of Dark Pattern on the proper cybersecurity, they risk becoming a
Internet: spyware or malware and can even leak
• “Baseless” countdowns for online deals; medical data.
• Conditions in fine print that add on to costs • Currently, SaMD and SiMD have no guidelines
• Making cancellation buttons hard to see or on their regulation.
Making ads appear as news reports or celebrity
• Silently charging credit cards after free trials
• Using dull colors to hide information that
users should know about
• Multi-step cancellation process for subscribed
services, such as the Amazon Prime
• Disabling the receipt of unsolicited sponsored
messages on LinkedIn is a multiple steps

Software as Medical Devices (SaMD) Software in Medical Devices (SiMD)

SaMD refers to software that is intended to be SiMD refers to software that is incorporated into a
used for medical purposes without being part medical device to control its performance or provide
of a physical medical device. specific functions.

It operates on general-purpose computing It operates as an integral component of a physical
platforms like smartphones, tablets, or personal medical device, contributing to its functionality and
computers. performance.
SaMD performs its function independently of SiMD cannot be used independently and relies on
any medical equipment or hardware. the associated medical device to perform its
intended purpose.
Example: Mobile Electrocardiogram (ECG) Example: Any software that is run or helps run things
application that runs on a smartphone and like an MRI, EKG, EHR, X-ray, insulin pump, or any
analyzes the user's heart rhythm to detect number of other devices that qualify as SiMD.
arrhythmias would be considered SaMD.

2.5.6 Racoon Stealer ○ Issue guidelines relating to information

Context: Government entities were recently security practices, procedures etc., of cyber
targeted by the Raccoon Stealer malware. incidents.
About the Malware: 2.5.8 Antispyware Declaration
• The malware, often spread via email, extracts Context: The US and 10 other nations have issued
sensitive information from compromised the first-ever anti-spyware declaration.
machines and is available as Malware-as-a- About the Declaration:
Service (MaaS). • India was not part of this declaration.
• Malware-as-a-Service enables even non- • Aim: To realize the importance of stringent
technical users to create and deploy malware domestic and international controls on the
which is available on a subscription basis. proliferation and use of this spyware
2.5.7 LockBit Ransomware technology.
Context: Recently, LockBit ransomware was • Members: Australia, Canada, Costa Rica,
found to be targeting Mac devices. Denmark, France, New Zealand, Norway,
About LockBit Ransomware: Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and
• It was first reported in 2019 and dubbed the the US chave signed this declaration.
“abcd” virus due to the file extension used 2.5.9 Delhi Declaration on Cybersecurity
when encrypting victim’s files. Context: Recently, the National Cyber Security
• LockBit ransomware is a self-spreading Coordinator, proposed the "Delhi Declaration"
malware designed to infiltrate victims’ for G20 nations to promote cooperation in
systems and encrypt important files. cyberspace.
• The virus is categorized as a “cryptovirus” due About Delhi Declaration on Cybersecurity
to its requests for payment in cryptocurrency to • Aim: To enhance global cybersecurity
decrypt files. cooperation and reinforce responsible state
• The LockBit gang maintains a dark web portal behavior in cyberspace.
and uses phishing and other social engineering • It underscores the importance of protecting
techniques to lure victims. critical infrastructure, cooperating in preventing
About CERT-IN cyber incidents, respecting international law, and
• Established in 2004, CERT-IN (Computer strengthening the cybersecurity of the
Emergency Response Team- India) is the humanitarian sector.
national nodal agency for responding to 2.5.10 Bluebugging
computer security incidents as and when they Context: Andhra Pradesh police have warned
occur. smartphone users about the dangers of
• In the Information Technology Amendment ‘bluebugging’.
act 2008, CERT-In has been designated to serve About Bluebugging
as the national agency to perform following • Bluebugging is a hacking method where an
functions: attacker exploits a device's Bluetooth to gain
○ Collection, analysis and dissemination of unauthorized access. With this access, they can
information on cyber incidents. eavesdrop on calls, manage messages, alter
○ Forecast and alerts of cyber security contacts, and install harmful software on the
incidents device.
○ Emergency measures for handling cyber • Other modes of attacks are:
security incidents

Bluebugging Bluejacking Bluesnarfing

In bluebugging, a perpetrator An attacker broadcasts An intruder covertly breaches a

illicitly taps into a Bluetooth unwelcome messages or ads to Bluetooth device to extract contacts,
device, commandeering nearby Bluetooth devices, emails, and additional information
capabilities such as calling, typically for social engineering without the owner's approval.
messaging, and data theft. or promotional purposes.

It grants full access and control It grants limited access to send It grants full access to the device’s
of the device. messages or ads. data

High risk of data theft, privacy Low risk of data theft or High risk of data theft and privacy
violation, and financial harm. privacy violation, but violation.
annoyance and disruption to
the device owner.

2.5.11 Acoustic Side Channel Attacks

(ASCA) 2.6 Bharat 6G Alliance
• ASCA is a type of cyberattack wherein Context: Recently, the Department of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used to decode Telecommunication (DoT) launched Bharat 6G
passwords by analyzing the sound produced Alliance to drive innovation and collaboration in
by keystrokes. Next-Generation Wireless Technology (6G).
• SCAs are a method of hacking a cryptographic Bharat 6G Alliance (B6GA):
algorithm based on the analysis of auxiliary • B6GA is a collaborative platform consisting of
systems such as electromagnetic waves, power public and private companies, academia,
consumption, sound from keyboard, printer, research institutions, and Standards
etc, used in the encryption method. development organizations.
• Use of laptops has increased the scope of Objective:
ASCAs as laptop models have the same ○ Promote high-impact open research and
keyboard which eases the interpretation by AI- development (R&D) initiatives.
enabled deep learning. ○ To facilitate market access for Indian
2.5.12 Cyber Terms in News telecom technology products and services.
○ Promote technology ownership and
Spamouflage Meta has removed thousands
indigenous manufacturing.
of Facebook accounts linked to
○ Create a culture of technology co-
the 'Spamouflage' campaign
• Spamouflage refers to an ○ Promote the development of Intellectual
online Chinese spam Property (IP) creation of 6G technology.
operation which uses Status of Digital Ecosystem in India:
multiple accounts across all
major social media Telecom India, with 1.2 billion digital
platforms to spread Market: subscribers, is the global second-
disinformation and harass largest telecom market, growing
individuals critical of its digital economy 2.5 times faster
China. than the national economy in nine
Smishing Smishing or SMS phishing is a
phishing cybersecurity attack Internet & India's broadband users jumped
carried out over mobile text Broadband more than 10 times and internet
messaging. Expansion connections more than 3 times,
• Victims are deceived into with over 2.5 million km of Optical
giving sensitive Fiber laid for better connectivity.
information to a disguised Government Initiatives:
attacker. • BharatNet Project: To connect 2.5 lakh Gram
Panchayats (GPs) through optical fiber.

• Kerala Fibre Optical Network (KFON): Kerala USOF will be available for funding R&D,
government provides internet connections free products, and services.
of cost to 20 lakh BPL families. • Digital Public Infrastructure/ India Stack
• Telecom Technology Development Fund which includes Aadhaar, Digital Locker,
(TTDF) Scheme: 5% of annual collections from DigiYatra, UPI etc.
Difference between 5G and 6G:
Aspect 5G 6G

Speed Up to 10 Gbps Up to 1 Tbps

Latency Low latency (10 ms) Ultra-low latency (<1 ms)

Spectrum 24 GHz to 100 GHz 95 GHz to 3 THz (Terahertz) can operate on a

(Frequency bands) higher frequency than 5G.

Use Cases Accelerate adoption of cloud Support high-performance computing, Remote-

gaming, AV/VR technology, controlled factories, self-driven cars, smart
Internet of Things, etc. wearables

contributes 35% to India's pharmaceutical

2.7 Fourth Industrial Revolution output.

Context: India’s first Fourth Industrial 2.8 Semiconductors

Revolution Centre on healthcare and life sciences
will be set up in Hyderabad in partnership with Context: Rajasthan-based Sahasra Semiconductor
the World Economic Forum, making it the 18th will start the commercial production of first made-
global node. in-India memory chips.
About Semiconductors:
• It is a material that has electrical conductivity
between that of a conductor and an insulator.
• Semiconductors can be pure elements, such as
silicon or germanium, or compounds such as
gallium arsenide or cadmium selenide.
Basic Composition of Semiconductors:
• The basic component of a semiconductor chip
is a sliver of silicon.
• This silicon chip is etched with billions of
microscopic transistors.
About Fourth Industrial Revolution • Patterns on the chip are formed by specific
minerals and gases.
• The Fourth Industrial Revolution refers to the
next phase in the digitization of the • These patterns control the flow of electrical
manufacturing sector driven by disruptive current and execute various computational
trends, including the rise of data and instructions.
connectivity, cyber-physical systems, human- Semiconductor Manufacturing:
machine interaction, and improvements in • Semiconductors are manufactured in highly
robotics. specialized and clean facilities, called
semiconductor fabrication units, or fabs.
• It is characterized by the use of different
technologies to blur the boundaries between • Fabs turn raw elements like silicon into
the digital, physical, and biological worlds. integrated circuits that are fit to be a part of
electronic hardware.
• Telangana produces one-third of the world's
vaccines, leading Asia's life sciences sector, and

• It involves multiple steps of photolithographic • Web 3.0, also known as "Semantic Web" or
and chemical processing, such as deposition, “Decentralized Web,” is the next generation of
removal, patterning, and modification of the World Wide Web.
electrical properties, on a wafer made of pure • It aims to create a more intelligent and
semiconducting material, usually silicon. connected web where data and information
• The process can be divided into two sub- are processed with understanding and context.
categories: • This technology uses AI, machine learning,
○ Front-end-of-the-line (FEOL), where the and blockchain to address current internet
transistors are created. issues, creating a more advanced online
○ Backend-of-the-line (BEOL), where the ecosystem.
interconnects are formed. Key Features:
• Moore’s Law: The number of transistors in an • Increased control over their data and digital
IC (integrated circuit) doubles almost every assets for users.
two years. • It allows for peer-to-peer transactions and
interactions, which means that users are in
2.9 Web 3.0 control of their data and can choose whom they
share it with.
Context: Web 3.0 marketing presents an • It is more secure, as there is no single point of
opportunity to create more experiences for failure that can be exploited by hackers.
• It can create decentralized applications and
About Web 3.0:
smart contracts.

Web 3.0 Web 2.0

Web3 is decentralized, as data is stored Web2 is centralized, as data is stored on centralized
on a decentralized network of servers owned and controlled by large corporations.
computers that are owned and
controlled by the users themselves.
It enables peer-to-peer transactions and Web2 relies heavily on intermediaries such as banks,
interactions such that users can transact social media platforms, and online marketplaces to
directly with one another without the facilitate transactions and interactions.
need for intermediaries such as banks.
Users of Web3 can choose to share data In Web2, large corporations (ex., Facebook and Google)
only with those they trust. have significant control over user data and can monetize
it in ways that users may not be comfortable with.

• It aims to enhance India’s supercomputing

2.10 Supercomputers of India capability to boost research.
• The Centre for Development of Advanced
Context: India to launch an 18 petaFLOP Computing (CDAC) and IISc were entrusted
supercomputer later in the year for weather to spreadhead the seven-year mission, ending
prediction. in 2022.
About the News:
• AIRAWAT (Artificial Intelligence Research,
• New supercomputers are being imported from Analytics and Knowledge Assimilation
French corporation ATOS. Platform) is India’s first AI-specific cloud
• The World’s fastest supercomputing system is computing supercomputer, set up by NITI
the Frontier- Cray system in the US with a peak Aayog at C-DAC.
speed of one exaflop (or about 1,000 Flops (Floating Point Operations Per Second):
petaflops), followed by Fugaku of Japan.. • It is a measure of a computer's performance,
About National Supercomputing Mission calculated by counting floating-point
(NSM): arithmetic calculations a processor can
• Launched in 2015, the project is led jointly by execute per second.
the Ministry of Electronics and Information • A floating point arithmetic refers to
Technology and Department of Science and representing and manipulating real
Technology. numbers in a way that can support a wide
range of values.

2.11 Machine Learning Model • Attention mechanism lets transformers encode
the meaning of words based on the estimated
Context: In a 2017 paper by a Google team, it had importance of other words or tokens.
proposed a new type of model- “Transformers”, a • Transformers feature several attention layers
deep neural network architecture that has today both within the encoder, to provide
gained popularity across all modalities. meaningful context across the input sentence or
About Machine Learning (ML): image and from the decoder to the encoder
• It is a subfield of artificial intelligence that when generating a translated sentence or
teaches computers to solve tasks based on describing an image.
structured data, language, audio, or images, by • Use in computer vision: Image classification,
providing examples of inputs and the desired object detection, action recognition, answering
outputs. questions regarding the image.
About Deep Neural Network (DNN) • Concerns related to the transformers:
• Deep learning neural networks, or artificial • There are instances of “hallucination”
neural networks, attempt to mimic the human whereby models make confident but wrong
brain through a combination of data inputs, claims.
weights, and biases.
• Neural Network comprises numerous small 2.12 Crypto Mining
nodes akin to brain neurons. When hit by a
stimulus, the system activates processes in Context: Bhutan and Singapore's Bitdeer recently
these nodes, which are generally grouped into revealed a plan to invest $500 million in carbon-
layers. free crypto mining in the Himalayas using
Bhutan's hydroelectric power.
About Crypto Mining:
• Crypto mining is the process that generates
new coins and verifies and processes new
transactions for various cryptocurrencies.
• It involves vast, decentralised networks of
computers that verify and secure blockchains,
which are the virtual ledgers that document
cryptocurrency transactions.
Fig: Deep neural network • Cryptocurrency mining is fundamentally a
About Transformer and Attention Mechanism: proof of work (PoW) exercise.
• Transformer models are a type of neural • The two most popular consensus mechanisms
network architecture primarily used in are Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake
natural language processing (NLP). (PoS), which are protocols intended to validate
• Transformer architecture consists of an transactions and keep the blockchain network
encoder and decoder that work together. decentralized and secure.
○ Both these processes use a mechanism
called attention.

Proof-of-Work (PoW) Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

This is a mechanism Bitcoin uses to regulate the This is an alternate consensus method where control
creation of blocks through the process of mining. of the network is given to token owners.

Validation is done by a network of miners. Validation is done by participants who offer ether
(cryptocurrency) as collateral.

Miners compete to solve complex puzzles using The block creator is algorithmically selected based on
their computing power to add blocks to the their stake without competition, and instead of a
chain and earn a reward for solving first. block reward, they receive a transaction fee.

PoW consumes more energy since it allows all PoS replaces miners with validators and rewards
miners on a network to try and validate a only the top stakeholders, resulting in less energy
transaction. consumption.

About Cryptocurrency • GNSS is a general term describing any satellite

• Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that constellation that provides positioning,
operates independently of banks, using navigation, and timing (PNT) services on a
blockchain technology for secure, global or regional basis.
decentralized transactions, and cryptography • While GPS is the most prevalent GNSS, other
for safety and anonymity. Examples are nations have fielded their own systems to
Bitcoin, Etherum, Ripple and Litecoin. provide complementary, independent PNT
Cryptocurrency regulation in India: capability.
• Payment Regulation: Cryptocurrencies as a • GNSS finds its application in aviation, marine,
payment medium is not regulated in India. farming, surveying, sports and UAVs.
• Crypto Tax: In budget 2022-23, government About GAGAN
unveiled its intention to introduce a 30% tax • GPS-Aided GEO Augmented Navigation
reduction on virtual currency or (GAGAN): It is a step by the Indian
cryptocurrency asset transfers. Government towards initial Satellite-based
• Supreme Court Circular: The circular lifted the Navigation Services in India.
RBI's ban on banks serving customers involved ○ It is a system to improve the accuracy of a
in cryptocurrency transactions. GNSS receiver by providing reference
Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) • Collaboration of: The Airports Authority of
• NFTs are unique blockchain-based assets like India (AAI) and Indian Space Research
art or media and serve as unchangeable digital Organization (ISRO) have collaborated to
ownership certificates created through a develop the GAGAN as a regional Satellite
process called minting, which records their Based Augmentation System (SBAS).
details on a blockchain.
2.14 Cloud Computing
• Non-fungibility refers to an asset's uniqueness
and inability to be exchanged on a one-to-one Context: Recently, the RBI Governor announced
basis with similar items, like a plane ticket.. a proposal to establish cloud data storage
facilities for financial institutions in India.
2.13 GPS Spoofing About Cloud Computing
Context: The DGCA recently published an • Cloud Computing is defined as the use of
advisory on interference with Global Navigation hosted services, such as data storage, servers,
Satellite System (GNSS) in airspace, emphasizing databases, networking, and software over the
the risks of GNSS jamming and spoofing to internet.
aircraft operations. ○ It is on-demand access to computing
resources via the internet, hosted at a
About GPS Spoofing remote data center managed by a cloud
• GPS Spoofing involves overriding a device's services provider (or CSP).
actual location by broadcasting false GPS • Cloud Computing Deployment Model: Cloud
signals with a radio transmitter, causing Computing can be broken down into four
nearby GPS receivers to show incorrect categories namely Public Cloud, Private
locations. Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Multi Cloud.
• GPS spoofing can put the aircraft off its • Cloud Computing service categories:
intended course and result in intrusion or ○ SaaS (Software as a service) : A software
collision. distribution model in which a third-party
• GNSS interference can lead to incorrect data in provider hosts applications and makes
an airplane's fuel computation, flight them available to customers over the
management systems, and navigation Internet.
displays showing ground or wind speed. ○ PaaS (Platform as a service) : A model in
About Global Navigation Satellite System which a third-party provider hosts
(GNSS) application development platforms and
tools on its own infrastructure and makes

them available to customers over the and disaster recovery and on demand
internet. scalability.
○ IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) : A model Edge Computing
in which a third-party provider hosts • It is the process of bringing information storage
servers, storage and other virtualized and computing abilities closer to the devices
computer resources and makes them that produce that information and the users
available to customers over the internet. who consume it.
• Cloud computing helps in cost reduction, data • It processes data near where it's collected, like
and workload mobility, business continuity on a smartphone or a local network device,
reducing delay and saving bandwidth
Cloud Computing Edge Computing

Centralized servers stored in faraway, large-scale Highly distributed and global computing
data centers. infrastructure, closer to users.

Costly and intensive operational activities for the Automatized scalability, with zero-touch provisioning.

This model could create dependency on a single Using open standards, it's compatible with different
cloud provider, also known as vendor lock-in. sources, and can integrate third-party solutions.

Connectivity, data migration, bandwidth, and Less bandwidth requirement and lower latency,
latency features are pretty expensive. improved performance and reduced operational costs.

2.15 Global Partnership on Artificial 2.16 Giant Magnetoresistance

Intelligence (GPAI) Context: Recently, researchers discovered that
Context: The GPAI, under India’s presidency, graphene displays the property of anomalous
adopted the New Delhi Declaration on AI. giant magnetoresistance at room temperature.
About Global Partnership on Artificial About Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR):
Intelligence (GPAI): • Magnetoresistance refers to the tendency of a
• GPAI is a multi-stakeholder initiative which material to change its electrical resistance in
aims to bridge the gap between theory and response to an external magnetic field.
practice on AI. • GMR specifically denotes a substantial
• It brings together expertise from science, resistance shift observed in thinly layered
industry, civil society, and governments to structures of ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic
foster international cooperation. materials under magnetic influence.
• It is a congregation of 25 member countries, • Graphene-based devices can sense magnetic
including the US, the UK, EU, Australia, fields without the extreme cooling required by
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, conventional counterparts.
Mexico, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, and About Graphene:
Singapore. • Graphene is a two-dimensional single-atom-
• India joined the GPAI in 2020 as a founding thick layer of carbon atoms bonded in a
member. hexagonal honeycomb lattice structure.
• Its Secretariat is hosted at the Organization for • It has exceptionally high tensile strength,
Economic Cooperation and Development electrical conductivity, transparency, and
(OECD). thinnest two-dimensional material in the
About New Delhi Declaration on AI world.
• It focuses on fostering collaboration, Application of GMR:
inclusivity, and establishing AI governance. • Hard disk drives and magnetoresistive RAM
• It aims to make GPAI a key player in AI in computers
advancement and encourage cooperative AI • Biosensors
projects among its members. • Automotive sensors
• Microelectromechanical systems
• Medical imagers.

2.17 News In Short

Context: ISRO-Space Applications Centre successfully tested the Nabhmitra, a

satellite-based communication system for the safety of fishermen.
Nabhmitra About Nabhmitra
In emergencies like capsizing or fire, fishers can alert the control center with a
button press, sending their location, and receive a response message."

The AI Ecosystem is an initiative of the Ministry of Electronics and IT, which

serves as a knowledge portal, research organization, and an ecosystem-building
India AI Ecosystem
• INDIAai fosters unity and partnerships within India's AI landscape,
providing educational materials, career guidance, and resources for
students, entrepreneurs, etc.
• It's an IoT-based platform for automated soil testing and agronomy advice,
capable of analyzing 12 essential soil parameters, such as pH value, electrical
Bhu-Vision (Krishi- • It instantly sends a soil health summary to mobile devices, quickly
Rastaa) Platform pinpointing deficiencies.
• Developed by: ICAR-IIRR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research - Indian
Institute of Rice Research), Hyderabad and KrishiTantra (an Agri-tech start-
• It was launched by the Department of Science & Technology (DST) under
the Ministry of Science and Technology.
• It addresses the technological requirements of the society by fostering
National Mission on advanced technologies and global partnerships.
Interdisciplinary • As part of the Mission implementation, 25 Technology Innovation Hubs
Cyber-Physical (TIHs) have been established at various institutes across the country.
Systems (NM-ICPS) • About Cyber-Physical systems:
○ A cyber-physical system integrates digital and physical components,
such as machines, autonomous vehicles etc. with functionalities for
communication, data collection, processing, and decision-making.
Context: Despite recent testing, the Cell Broadcast Alert System (CBAS) of the
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) failed to disseminate mass
alerts during natural disasters as intended.
Cell Broadcast Alert System (CBAS)
• About: It is an emergency alert system designed to provide real-time disaster
alerts to citizens.
Cell Broadcast Alert
• Aim: It aims to enhance public safety and provide timely alerts during
System (CBAS)
• Technology: It allows mobile operators to send text messages to all phones
in a specific area, regardless of the mobile network that the phone is on.
• Common applications of CBAS: It includes delivering emergency alerts
such as severe weather warnings (eg, Tsunamis, Flash Floods, Earthquakes),
public safety messages, evacuation notices, and other critical information.

Context: UIDAI is employing Finger Minutiae Record–Finger Image Record

(FMR-FIR) modality to address fraud in the Aadhaar-enabled Payment System
FMR -FIR Modality
About FMR-FIR Technology
• It is an Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning based technology used by
UIDAI to prevent fraud in AePS.

• This authenticates fingerprints by merging finger minutiae(distinct ridges
on fingers) and finger images.
• It detects cloned fingerprints and ensures only genuine fingerprints are
used for verification.

Context: Recently, “Krutrim”, an indigenous AI model, was launched in

• Krutrim is a sanskrit word meaning ‘artificial’.
Krutrim- India's AI • Krutrim is India’s first complete AI computing stack.
Model • Base Algorithm: Large Language Model
• Krutrim’s conversational AI assistant (contemporary of Chatgpt), will
understand and speak multiple Indian languages fluently.
○ For Example: Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Odia, Telugu are among the
languages it can generate content in.

Context: During the G-7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, leaders introduced the
Hiroshima AI Process (HAP) for Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulation.
About Hiroshima AI Process (HAP):
Hiroshima AI • Discussion topics included governance, intellectual property rights
Process (HAP) protection, and responsible use of technologies.
• The objective of the discussion was to foster global dialogue on inclusive AI
governance and interoperability, set guiding principles for AI, enhance
transparency and fairness in AI development.

2.18 Notable Technologies/ Concepts

Security Sockets • They are digital certificates that provide a secure and encrypted connection
Layer Certificates between a user's web browser and a website's server.
• These are text files with small information like login details that identify
computers on the internet and enhance web browsing experience by
recognizing specific users.
Cookies • India's Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 mandates explicit user
consent for websites to collect or process personal data via cookies.
• Cookies help in authentication, ensuring personalized experience, analytics
and marketing.
• Satellite internet offers internet connectivity by wirelessly transmitting
information through a satellite network in space.
Satellite Internet • It serves as a reliable backup during land-based outages, such as post-disaster
scenarios, and is suitable for connecting moving vehicles like aircraft, UAVs,
ships, and trains.
• E2E encryption guarantees that only the intended recipient, with a unique
decryption key for each message, can decipher the message. Even the service
provider can't decrypt it
• The feature is offered by WhatsApp, Signal, Apple’s iMessage, and FaceTime by
• XR refers to all real-and-virtual combined environments generated by computer
Extended Reality technology and wearables. It includes representative forms such as augmented
reality, mixed reality, virtual reality, etc. AR Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality
Akira • It is a malware targeting both Windows and Linux systems.

• It steals personal information and encrypts data leading to extortion of money
from victims.
• In case of refusal of payment, their data is leaked on the dark web blog.
It refers to the ability to exercise control over digital assets, such as data, content
or digital infrastructure, or over the use of those assets.
• It represents a regulated, secure, and values-based digital realm aimed at
addressing complex issues around individual rights, security, legal authority,
and fair economic competition.

Space Science And Technology
Private Sector in Space Programs:
3.1 Indian Space Policy, 2023
• SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin and
Context: Recently, Indian Space Policy 2023 was Arianespace: Offer launch services and
approved by the Cabinet Committee on Security. space tourism.
About Indian Space Policy, 2023: • Starlink, OneWeb, Amazon Kuiper and
• It aims to increase India's share in the global Telesat: Developing mega-constellations of
space economy from less than 2% to 10%. satellites to provide global broadband
• Enhance Private Sector Participation through internet access.
greater access to ISRO's infrastructure, • Skyroot Aerospace: A Hyderabad-based
technology, and expertise. startup that launched India’s first privately
• Focus of the policy: Civilian and peaceful built rocket, Vikram S (Mission Prarambh).
applications. • Agnikul Cosmos: A Chennai-based startup
• Role Demarcation: It delineates the is developing a small satellite launch
responsibilities as follows: vehicle called Agnibaan, which can carry
○ INSPACe (Indian National Space up to 100 kg payload to low earth orbit.
Promotion and Authorisation Center): It
will act as an interface and single window 3.2 India’s Space Missions
agency between ISRO and non-
governmental entities. 3.2.1 Aditya-L1 Mission
○ New Space India Limited (NSIL) will
serve as the primary point of contact with
industry, manage commercial
negotiations, and offer support for
seamless technology transfer.
○ ISRO: It is shifting from manufacturing
operational space systems to concentrating
on R&D in cutting-edge technology and
developing space objects for national
○ Department of Space: It will be tasked with
implementing the policy, clarifying
ambiguities, ensuring safe and sustainable
space activities.
▪ It will also serve as nodal authority for Context: The Indian Space Research
space technology implementation. Organisation (ISRO) launched the Aditya-L1
○ Non-Government Entities: Encouraged to mission onboard PSLC-C57.
develop space situational awareness About the Aditya-L1 Mission:
capabilities i.e., a mechanism to track • Aditya-L1 is the first Indian space mission to
objects in space and avoid collision of observe the Sun and the solar corona.
satellites and space stations with each other • It will be placed in a halo orbit around the first
or space debris. Lagrange point, L1, of the Sun-Earth system,
▪ They can also engage in commercial which provides an unoccluded continuous
recovery of asteroids or space resources. view of the Sun.
• The policy encourages private infrastructure • It contains seven payloads on board to observe
in space and boosts ISRO missions through the photosphere, chromosphere, and the
academia, research, startups, and industry outermost layers of the Sun (the corona) to
involvement. observe solar activity and its effect on space

weather and gather information about coronal
events, such as sunspots, solar flares, and
mass ejection (CME).
• It helps in space weather forecasting and
• It examines the sun's outer layers, corona, and
predicting the impact of solar activity on
chromosphere to understand coronal mass
• Studies the origin and trajectory of solar flares
to Earth. 3.2.2 Venus Mission ‘Shukrayaan I'
Context: ISRO's Venus mission may be delayed
• This will enhance observation of solar
to 2031 due to delays in government approval.
activities and their impact on space weather,
About Shukrayaan I:
including data collection for space weather
forecasting. • Shukrayaan I will be an orbiter mission, and its
About Lagrange Point: scientific payloads will include a high-
resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and
• Lagrange points are positions where the
gravitational pull of two large masses a ground penetrating radar.
precisely equals the centripetal force required • Two other Venus missions, VERITAS and
for a small object to move with them. EnVision, are scheduled to launch in 2031 by
• The L1 point of the Earth-Sun system provides the U.S. and European space agencies,
an uninterrupted view of the sun and is respectively.
currently home to the Solar and Heliospheric • The objective of the mission includes
Observatory Satellite (SOHO) from NASA. investigation of surface processes, study of
Sun's Corona: structure and composition of atmosphere, etc.
• The corona is the Sun's outermost layer, with a About Venus:
high temperature that causes its particles to • Venus is called Earth’s twin because of the
escape the Sun's gravity and form the solar similarities in their masses, sizes, and
wind. densities.
• It is usually hidden by the bright light of the • Hottest planet in the solar system because
Sun's surface but can be seen during a total of the high concentration of carbon
solar eclipse. The corona is very dim due to its dioxide, which works to produce an
low density. intense greenhouse effect.
Coronal Mass Ejection • A day on Venus is longer than a year. It
• Large eruptions of magnetized plasma from takes Venus longer to rotate once on its
the corona that propagate outward into axis than to complete one orbit of the Sun.
interplanetary space. • Unlike the other planets in our solar
Solar Flares system, Venus and Uranus spin clockwise
• They are intense radiation bursts from on their axis.
magnetic energy in sunspots, appearing as 3.2.3 ISRO’s SSLV-D2 Launch
bright spots on the sun, lasting from minutes to Context: The Small Satellite Launch Vehicle
hours. (SSLV-D2) will place the ISRO’s earth observation
Plasma satellite EOS-07, Janus-1 and AzaadiSat2 around
• It is a superheated gas with atoms dissociated the Earth.
into independent electrons and ions, • EOS-07: Its objective is to design and develop
representing the fourth state of matter. payload instruments compatible with micro
Solar Mean Magnetic Field (SMMF) satellite bus and technologies that are
• There has been progress in pinpointing the required for future operational satellites.
origin of SMMF, which affects • Janus-1 is a technology demonstrator satellite
interplanetary magnetic space and has a built by US-based Antaris software platform
major impact on space weather. along with Indian partners.
• SMMF represents the average intensity and • AzaadiSAT- is a combined effort of about 750
direction of the magnetic field on the Sun's female students across India guided by
surface. Space Kidz India.
• Studying SMMF is critical for understanding
the Sun's magnetic behavior and offers
valuable information about different solar

About Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV- ○ Used for various communication and
D2): radar applications, including military and
• It is a low-cost launcher with low turn-around scientific uses.
time (the amount of time it takes to complete a ○ However, it is less commonly used in
process) and flexibility in accommodating commercial satellite communication due to
multiple satellites. potential atmospheric absorption and rain
• It can launch up to 500 kg satellites to Low fade issues.
Earth Orbits on a ‘launch-on-demand’ basis. • Ku Band covers a range of microwave
3.2.4 NISAR Mission frequencies from approximately 12 to 18 GHz.
○ Widely used for satellite communication,
• Context: NISAR satellite is a joint Low Earth
broadcasting, and data transmission.
Orbit (LEO) observatory mission between
NASA and the Indian Space Research • Ka Band refers to a range of frequencies from
Organization (ISRO)/ NISAR satellite to map 27 GHz to 40 GHz.
Himalayas’ seismic zones. ○ It offers higher data rates than the Ku band
About NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar and is often used for broadband satellite
(NISAR) Mission: communication, especially for applications
such as satellite internet service.
• The NISAR mission involves launch of a
satellite equipped with a dual-frequency (L 3.2.5 Chandrayaan 3
and S-Band) SAR (synthetic aperture radar) Context: Chandrayaan-3 lander made a successful
instrument to capture high-res Earth surface soft landing on 23 August 2023, which was
changes. declared as National Space Day.
• It employs InSAR (interferometric synthetic About the Chandrayaan Mission:
aperture radar) to monitor land and ice • India has become the fourth nation to land on
surfaces in fine detail. the lunar surface, after the USA, erstwhile
• ISRO will use NISAR for agricultural mapping Soviet Union, and China.
and monitoring of glaciers in the Himalayan • India became the first country to reach close to
landslide-prone areas and changes in the the lunar south pole.
coastline. • It was a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2
Applications: to demonstrate end-to-end capability in safe
• Provide critical information on Earth’s crust, landing and roving on the lunar surface.
ice sheets, and ecosystems. • It was launched by Launch Vehicle Mark III
• Agricultural mapping and monitoring of (erstwhile Geosynchronous Satellite Launch
glaciers in the Himalayas, landslide-prone Vehicle Mark III) from Sriharikota.
areas, and changes in the coastline. • It is a three-stage medium-lift launch vehicle
• Uninterrupted All-Weather Data Collection developed by the ISRO.
with SAR Technology. • Stages of LVM3:
• Spot warning signs of natural disasters. ○ First (or bottom most) Stage: Two S200
• Measure groundwater levels, track flow rates boosters strapped to the rocket body.
of glaciers and ice sheets. ○ Second Stage: Powered by two Vikas
• Monitoring earth's forests and farmlands to engines (L110).
understand carbon exchange mechanisms. ○ Uppermost Final Stage: powered by a
About Communication Bands: Cryogenic engine (C25).
• L-Band operates on a wavelength of 15-30 cm • Chandrayaan-1 mission was launched in 2008.
and a frequency range of 1-2 GHz. Chandrayaan-1’s orbiter detected evidence of
○ It is mostly used for clear air turbulence water on the Moon.
studies. • Chandrayaan-2 was launched in 2019 with a
• S-Band radars operate on a wavelength of 8-15 lander called Vikram. The mission crash-
cm and a frequency of 2-4 GHz. landed on the moon, but the orbiter remained
○ It is useful for near and far-range weather functional, which was used by Chandrayaan-3
observations. for communications and terrain mapping
○ The drawback is that it uses a large antenna requirements.
dish. ○ Chandrayaan-2 was planned to land
• K Band covers a range of microwave between Manzinus C and Simpelius N
frequencies from approximately 18 to 27 GHz. craters.

• Chandrayaan-3 was a follow-up mission to the revealing information about the early Solar
Chandrayaan-2. System.
Constituents of Chandrayaan -3: Major Global Moon Missions
• Chandrayaan-3 consists of an indigenous
Lander module (LM), Propulsion module USSR • Luna 1, Luna 2 and Luna 3. Luna 2 was
(PM) and a Rover. the first spacecraft to impact the moon's
• The Lander is designed for a controlled lunar surface.
landing and will release a Rover to conduct on- USA • Lunar Orbiter 1; Apollo 11; Artemis 1
site chemical analysis of the moon's surface as Japan • Hiten
it moves. China • Chang’e 1: First Chinese Moon Mission
• The Lander and Rover have scientific Israel • Beresheet
payloads to carry out experiments on the lunar About Artemis Accords:
surface. • India has recently signed the Artemis Accords,
• The place where lander ‘Vikram’ touched aligning with nations focused on cooperative
down on the lunar surface is named as Shiv civil space exploration.
Shakti Point. • Initiated by the US and seven partners, the
• Rover Payloads: Artemis Accords aim to foster international
○ Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope space exploration and research and have been
(LIBS): determine the chemical and signed by 26 countries excluding China and
mineral composition of the lunar surface. It Russia.
has recently confirmed the presence of • Principles of Artemis Accord:
Sulphur (S) on the lunar surface. ○ Not to use space for military purposes,
○ Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer ○ Cooperation on matters of safety of space
(APXS): determine the composition of assets and astronauts,
elements such as magnesium, silicon, ○ Willingness to share scientific data from
potassium, calcium, titanium, and iron in space missions.
the lunar surface.
• The Artemis Accords are integral to NASA's
• Lander payloads: Artemis program, which focuses on returning
○ Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound to the moon, establishing a permanent base,
Hypersensitive ionosphere and
and leveraging it for further deep space
Atmosphere – Langmuir Probe (RAMBHA-
LP): For in-situ measurements of the
• ISRO and NASA have already been
surface-bound Lunar plasma environment.
collaborating on several projects, the most
○ Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical
notable of which is the joint NISAR mission.
Experiment (ChaSTE) to measure the
thermal conductivity and temperature. Deboosting: It is the technique used by
○ Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity Chandrayaan-3, to slow down the spacecraft
(ILSA) for measuring the seismicity and transition it into an orbit around the
around the landing site. Moon where the closest point to the Moon
• Propulsion Module Payload (Perilune) is 30 kilometers and the farthest
○ Spectro-polarimetry of HAbitable Planet point (Apolune) is 100 kilometers.
Earth (SHAPE) to study the spectro-
polarimetric signatures of the habitable Translunar orbit injection is the process
planet Earth in the near-infra-red (NIIR) whereby the moon-bound spacecraft has
wavelength range. escaped from orbiting the earth and is now
• Orbiter: It aims to study Earth's signs of life to following a path that would take it towards
assist in identifying exoplanets outside our the Moon.
solar system that could potentially support life. Tidal Locking:
Reasons for exploring Lunar South Pole:
• It refers to the synchronization between the
• It has remained an unexplored Region due to Moon’s rotation around its axis (with respect to
their rugged environment. the Sun) and its orbit around the Earth, caused
• There is evidence of the presence of water in due to mutual gravitational forces between
permanently shadowed craters of the moon. Earth and Moon.
• Study of the Solar System: The extreme cold at • Consequence of Tidal Locking are:
the lunar poles preserves materials, potentially

○ Only one side of the Moon constantly and moisture from astronauts' spacesuit
faces Earth, thus creating the Near and Far hydration system
sides, with the latter being in perpetual ○ Air Revitalization System dedicated to
darkness. cleaning circulating cabin air.
○ Gravitational force is strongest on facing ○ Oxygen Generation System consists of an
sides of celestial bodies, causing them to oxygen generation assembly and carbon
stretch and distort. dioxide reduction assembly.
○ Tidal torque has slowed the Moon's 3.2.7 ISRO puts 36 OneWeb satellites into
rotation since its formation and is similarly
reducing Earth's spin, mainly due to their
Context: ISRO launched 36 OneWeb satellites on
mutual tidal interactions.
board using LVM3 at the Satish Dhawan Space
3.2.6 Gaganyaan Centre, Sriharikota.
Context: ISRO has successfully conducted the About Launch Vehicle Mark 3 (LMV3):
Flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1 (TV-D1) as • This newest rocket is capable of launching a
part of the Gaganyaan project. 4,000-kilogram class of satellites into GTO
About Gaganyaan: (Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit) and 8,000 kgs
• Gaganyaan project aims to demonstrate India's of payloads into LEO.
Human Space flight capability by sending a 3 • It is a three-stage launch vehicle consisting of
member crew on a three-day mission to a 400 two solid propellants and a core stage
km orbit (Low Earth Orbit) and safely landing comprising L110 liquid stage and C25
them in Bay of Bengal or Arabain Sea. cryogenic stage.
• The mission will make India the fourth country • This is the sixth flight of LVM3. The rocket had
to have human spaceflight capability after the five consecutive successful missions,
US, Russia, and China. including Chandrayaan-2.
• Human-rated LVM3 (HLVM3) consists of
3.2.8 Controlled re-entry of Megha-
Crew Escape System (CES) powered by a set
of quick-acting, high-burn rate solid motors
Context: ISRO is preparing for a controlled
which ensure that Crew Module is taken to a
reentry experiment of the decommissioned low
safe distance in case of any emergency.
Earth orbit satellite, Megha-Tropiques-1 (MT1).
About Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1 (TV-D1):
About Megha-Tropiques-1 (MT1):
• The Flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1 (TV-
D1) will demonstrate the performance of the
• MT1 was launched in 2011 as a joint satellite
venture of ISRO and the French Space Agency
Crew Escape System of the Gaganyaan project.
for tropical weather and climate studies.
• Payloads: The payloads consist of the Crew
Module (CM) and Crew Escape Systems
• The satellite continued to provide climate data
till 2021, although the mission life was 3 years.
• Crew Module: It will demonstrate a basic • The leftover fuel at the end of the mission could
achieve a controlled re-entry into the Pacific
version of the crew module
• Functioning of Crew Escape System: The test
• Controlled Re-Entries refers to deorbiting
will check the functioning of systems for
LEO objects post-lifespan either through
separating the crew module from the rocket in
controlled re-entry to a safe zone or by moving
case of a mid-flight emergency and astronauts'
them to shorter lifetime orbits to reduce space
escape to ensure their safety.
debris as per the UN/IADC (UN /Inter-
• ISRO will indigenously develop
Agency Space Debris Coordination
Environmental Control and Life Support
Committee) guidelines.
System (ECLSS) for Gaganyaan mission
About Environmental Control and Life Support 3.2.9 Reusable Launch Vehicle-
System Technology Demonstration (RLV TD)
• ECLSS is a life support system on manned Context: ISRO successfully carried out the landing
space vehicles which ensures survivable experiment of the Reusable Launch Vehicle-
conditions in space by managing the Technology Demonstration (RLV TD)
atmosphere, water, food supply, and waste. programme.
• It consists of three key components:
○ Water Recovery System purifies water by
recycling wastewater, cabin condensation,

About RLV TD: ○ The rover will have an exploration area of
• A reusable launch system enables the recycling 1 km x 1 km which is significantly larger
of its components, allowing the vehicle to than Chandrayaan-3's 500 meters x 500
return to Earth intact post-mission. meters.
• The configuration of RLV-TD is similar to that • The Chandrayaan 4 mission aims to perform a
of an aircraft and combines the complexity of precise landing on the Moon's rim and would
both launch vehicles and aircraft. be also dependent on Japan’s Smart Lander for
• Eventually, this vehicle is planned to be Investigating Moon (SLIM) spacecraft’s
expanded into the initial stage of India's two- success.
stage reusable orbital launch vehicle. About Smart Lander for Investigating Moon
• The key objective of mastering the RLV (SLIM):
technology is to achieve low-cost access to • It is a compact lunar lander for precise Moon
space. landings, aiming to assess downsized landing
gear efficiency and explore the Moon's origins.
3.2.10 X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite
• The findings of the SLIM will help guide the
(XPOSAT) Mission trajectory and technology behind the
Context: Recently, ISRO has successfully
launched its maiden X-ray Polarimeter Satellite
(XPoSat) from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in 3.3 NaVIC Satellite NVS-01
About XpoSAT: Context: ISRO places its first second-generation
• XPoSat represents India's inaugural mission satellite NVS-01 in Geosynchronous Transfer
dedicated to polarimetric analysis of Orbit for its navigation constellation, NavIC.
luminous cosmic X-ray sources under severe About the Second-Generation Satellites:
conditions. Satellite • NVS-01, the first of ISRO’s
• Polarimetry measures light's polarization, Name NVS series of payloads.
aiding astronomers in gathering data on space • Geosynchronous Satellite
entities ranging from nearby comets to far- Launch
Launch Vehicle (GSLV)
flung galaxies. Vehicle
• It carries two main scientific payloads in low Onboard
Earth orbit POLIX (Polarimeter Instrument in • Rubidium atomic clock.
X-rays) and XSPECT (X-ray Spectroscopy and • It will send signals in a third
Timing). Frequency frequency, L1, besides the L5
Astrophysical Processes Producing X-Rays Signals and S frequency signals that
• Accretion onto Black Holes the existing satellites provide.
• Neutron Stars and Pulsars • More than 12 years for second-
• Supernova Remnants Mission generation satellites, the
• Hot Gases in Galaxy clusters Life existing satellites have a
3.2.11 ISRO to Launch Chandrayaan-4 mission life of 10 years.
Mission About Navigation with Indian Constellation
Context: ISRO chairperson S Somanath has
planned to launch Chandrayaan-4 to bring back • ISRO created Navigation with Indian
samples from the Moon in four years. Constellation (NavIC), a regional satellite
navigation system for India's positioning,
• After Chandrayaan- 3’s success and Aditya-L1
navigation, and timing needs.
launch, ISRO aims to bring back moon samples
with Chandrayaan-4 in approximately four • It was formerly known as Indian Regional
years. Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS).
About Chandrayaan 4 Mission: • It is designed with a constellation of 7
• It is a lunar sample return mission that will satellites and a network of ground stations
land and thereafter be able to bring back the operating round the clock.
sample of the lunar surface. • Three satellites of the constellation are placed
• Rover: This mission is expected to be more in geostationary orbit, and four satellites are
complex than its predecessor, Chandrayaan-3 placed in inclined geosynchronous orbit.
which had a rover of 30 kg and Chandrayaan- • NavIC offers exceptional precision with
4 plans to land a massive 350 kg rover. position accuracy under 20 meters and timing

accuracy within 50 nanoseconds, surpassing
Other Navigation Systems:
many global navigation satellite systems.
• US-Global Positioning System (GPS)
Services Offered:
• Russia-Global Navigation Satellite System
• Types of services: Standard Position Service
(SPS) for civilian users and Restricted Service
• European Union-Galileo,
(RS) for strategic users and defense
navigations. • China-BeiDou,
• Frequency bands: These two services are • Japan- Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
provided in both L5 and S bands.Coverage: (QZSS).
The NavIC coverage area includes India and a
region up to 1500 km beyond the Indian 3.4 First Earth-sized exoplanet
• Accuracy: NavIC signals provide user position Context: Recently, the James Webb Space
accuracy better than 20m and timing accuracy Telescope discovered its first new exoplanet, LHS
better than 50ns. 475 b.
• Signals interoperability: NavIC SPS signals About LHS 475 b:
are interoperable with the other global • It is located 41 light-years away and orbits a
navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals, close red dwarf star in the Octans
namely GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and constellation.
BeiDou. • It is roughly the same size as Earth.
• Constant speed: Unlike GPS, NavIC uses Exoplanets:
satellites in high geo-stationery orbit, so they • Exoplanets are planets beyond our solar
are always looking over the same region on system with varying sizes, composition, and
Earth. extreme temperature ranges.
Applications • Some exoplanets are gas giants, while others
• According to the Department of Space, NavIC are rocky planets as small as Earth.
will soon be integrated into Aadhaar • The first discovered exoplanet was 51 Pegasi b.
enrolment devices (currently linked to GPS). However, discovering exoplanets is difficult as
• The Centre is pushing Indian cell phone they are small and hard to spot around their
manufacturers to make their devices NavIC- bright host stars.
compatible. Hycean Planets:
• The National Disaster Management Authority • They are a type of exoplanets considered
is using NavIC as an alert system for major potentially habitable in the quest for
natural disasters, including landslides, extraterrestrial life. (Hydrogen + Ocean =
earthquakes, floods, and avalanches. Hycean)
About Geosynchronous and Geosynchronous • The presence of liquid water and a hydrogen-
Transfer orbit: rich atmosphere forms an environment
• Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO) is a low suitable for life, as hydrogen is crucial for life
inclination orbit about the Earth having a and water can act as a solvent for biochemical
period of 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds. A activities.
spacecraft in geosynchronous orbit appears to
remain above Earth at a constant longitude. 3.5 Celestial Objects
• Geostationary Orbit is a type of
geosynchronous orbit but restricted only to the 3.5.1 Green Comets
equatorial plane, unlike variably inclined Context: The green comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) will
geosynchronous orbits. It orbits Earth's equator make its closest approach to Earth on February 2,
with its orbital period equal to Earth's 2023, after nearly 50,000 years.
rotational period. About Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF):
• Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) is an • Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was first discovered in
orbit where a spacecraft is first launched to 2022, and it gets its beautiful green glow from
attain a geosynchronous orbit. Thereon, the the diatomic carbon that is present in the
satellite will independently use its onboard comet's head. When the UV rays fall on the
propulsion systems to perform orbit-raising comet, these molecules emit green light.
maneuvers and reach its intended orbit. • It will be visible in Ladakh and Eastern India.

About the news:
• Betelgeuse is a massive bright red star in the
Orion constellation. It will burn carbon only
for a few hundreds of years before collapsing
into a supernova.
Journey of a Star towards its death:
• Production of Helium: Most stars, including
the Sun, convert hydrogen into helium to
generate energy. This energy’s outward push
counteracts gravity’s inward pull, thus
• Comets: Icy bodies of frozen gases, rocks,
preventing the star's collapse.
and dust left over from the formation of the
solar system about 4.6 billion years ago.
• Consumption of Hydrogen Fuel: Massive
stars like Betelgeuse run out of hydrogen fuel
They have highly elliptical orbits. Heat from
in only a few crore years, when they switch to
the sun causes ice to vaporize, creating a
using helium to make carbon.
coma and tail.
○ Short-period comets, which have an • Consumption of helium and other elements:
orbital period of a few hundred years, ○ Stars burn helium, but it releases less
originate in the Kuiper belt energy than hydrogen fusion. To remain
○ Longer-period comets, with orbits of stable, they burn helium quickly in about
thousands of years, come from the more ten lakh years.
distant Oort cloud. ○ In the later stages, stars like Betelgeuse
○ Oort cloud is a giant shell of icy bodies burn carbon, then silicon, and briskly
that encircle the solar system, occupying consume the elements of the periodic table,
space at a distance between 5,000 and until their core brims with iron, whose
100,000 AU. fusion requires more energy than it
• Asteroids: Small, rocky objects, often
irregularly shaped, leftover from the • Late-carbon stage:
formation of the Solar System found in the ○ Late-carbon stage is the terminal phase of
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. stars like Betelgeuse, where carbon burns
in a few hundred years.
• Meteoroid: Solid debris originating from
○ When the star's core becomes iron-rich,
asteroids, comets or other celestial objects
temperature and pressure decrease,
and floats through interplanetary space.
leading to gravity compressing it into a
• Meteorite: Meteoroids that survive the
neutron star or black hole.
journey through the Earth's atmosphere and
○ The shock wave resulting from the collapse
fall to the surface.
blasts the surrounding layers into
3.5.2 Diyodar Meteorite interstellar space.
Context: Scientists have identified the meteorite 3.5.4 Super Blue Moon
that crashed in two villages in Banaskantha, Context: A rare phenomenon of Super blue moon
Gujarat, in August 2022 as an aubrite. would be witnessed in India.
About Aubrites: About Super Blue Moon
• Aubrites are meteorites with uncertain origins, • Super Blue Moon is the convergence of three
possibly from asteroid 3103 Eger or Mercury. lunar occurrences - a full Moon, a Supermoon,
• They primarily consist of enstatite, often and a blue Moon.
containing iron and nickel. • Blue moon refers to the second full moon
• They hold significance in studying early solar within a single month, a rare event since full
system history and planet formation processes. moons typically occur once a month.
3.5.3 Red Supergiant Star Betelgeuse • Seasonal Blue Moon occurs when a season
Context: Researchers, through examining (three month long) experiences four full
pulsation, i.e., the periodic contraction and moons. The third full moon is considered the
expansion of the star, reported that the Red blue moon.
Supergiant star, “Betelgeuse,” is in its late carbon- • Super moon happens when the moon is
burning stage. passing through or is close to its perigee
(nearest to Earth), and is also a full moon.

• Full moon at perigee (super moon) is about About Geomagnetic Storm:
14% bigger and 30% brighter than a full moon • A geomagnetic storm is a disturbance in the
at apogee (called a “micro moon”). Earth's magnetic field due to solar emissions.
3.5.5 Asteroid Bennu It occurs when a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
or fast solar stream hits the earth’s
• Context: Samples collected by NASA’s Osiris-
ReX shows evidence of high-carbon content
and water-bearing clay minerals. • The Earth's magnetosphere shields us from
About Asteroid Bennu: solar particles. However, when a CME reaches
Earth, it opens the magnetosphere, allowing
• Bennu is a small near-Earth asteroid that
solar wind particles to hit our atmosphere at
passes close to Earth every six years.
the poles.
• Bennu’s current composition was established
within 10 million years of the formation of our
• Solar weather events can intensify auroras,
making them visible in areas they typically
solar system, thus acting as a time capsule.
aren't seen.
3.6 Light Pollution • Red auroras form above 150 miles when solar
particles interact with sparser oxygen, exciting
Context: Six hamlets within the Changthang it at higher frequencies, resulting in visible
Wildlife Sanctuary in Ladakh were designated as reds.
“dark sky reserves”. Effects of Geomagnetic Storm:
About Dark Sky Reserves: • Enhanced Aurora Visibility at lower latitudes.
• These are areas whose sky is free of light • Satellite Damage
• Communication Disruptions due to
• The designation obligates the reserve to have interference with high-frequency radio
light pollution-free skies, particularly for the signals.
astronomical observatories located in the area.
• Navigation System Errors
About the Night Sky:
• Power Grid Failures due to voltage
• Skyglow is the brightening of the night sky
over inhabited areas because of streetlights,
• Pipeline Corrosion in long pipelines.
security floodlights, and outdoor ornamental
lights. • Hazardous for astronauts and disruptions to
Consequences of Skyglow as per different spacecraft operations.
• Lit beaches deter sea turtles from coming 3.8 Acoustic Shocks in the Solar
ashore to nest.
• Skyglow keeps trees from sensing seasonal
variations. Context: A recent study reveals that bright grains
• Young burrow nesting seabirds don’t take in the Sun’s chromosphere are caused by rising
flight unless the nesting site becomes dark. shocks in solar plasma.
• Clownfish eggs don’t hatch when exposed to About Chromosphere:
artificial light at night, killing the offspring. • The chromosphere is a highly active layer in
• Interferes with insect life and allows insect the solar atmosphere playing a crucial role in
predators to hunt for longer. transferring energy (specially non-thermal
• Disrupts circadian rhythm and hampers energy) for heating the corona and driving the
production of melatonin, a hormone that solar wind.
affects sleep, moods, and cognition. It also • Most of this energy transforms into heat and
increases risk of breast cancer among night radiation, with a small part fueling the corona
shift workers. and solar wind.
About the Study:
3.7 Geomagnetic Storm • Scientists discovered that the Sun's
chromosphere's bright grains result from
Context: Recently, a geomagnetic storm that hit upward-propagating shocks in solar plasma,
the earth was given a severity grade of G4 (second with higher temperature enhancements than
highest grade) by the US National Ocean and previously estimated.
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

• Researchers have quantified the temperature 3.10 Moon Dust to slow down Global
enhancements during these acoustic shock
events. Warming
• The study can help improve understanding of
Context: A sufficiently powerful volcanic
the mechanism of heating of the chromosphere
eruption can spew sulfates and other aerosols into
situated between the bright solar surface and
the stratosphere, cooling the air there.
the extremely hot corona.
About Moon Dust Coolers:
About Acoustic Shock Waves
• Researchers have proposed that billions of
• Acoustic shock waves are heating events
tonnes of dust can be launched from the moon
in the chromosphere that appear as
to a point in space where the Earth’s and the
transient brightening in images and are
Sun’s gravitational fields cancel each other
called grains.
• Understanding the energy carried by
• The dust will thus be ‘parked’ there, casting a
acoustic waves and how they heat the
shadow on Earth and dimming sunlight to
chromosphere is crucial in solar and
offset carbon emissions.
plasma astrophysics.
• Solar Radiation Management (SRM) is a form
of climate engineering that would reduce
3.9 Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron
global warming by reflecting the UV rays of the
(EMIC) Waves sun.
• Concern: Once the spraying of aerosol stops
Context: Indian scientists recently discovered and and aerosols wash out of the atmosphere, there
analyzed EMIC waves at the Indian Antarctic will be a rebound effect, causing a rise in
station, Maitri. temperature again.
About EMIC Waves:
• They are a form of plasma waves, observed in Methods used for SRM:
the Earth's magnetosphere. • Space Sunshades, using mirrors in space,
• They are generated in the equatorial placing vast satellites at Lagrange Point 1,
magnetospheric region and propagate space parasol, etc.
towards the mid-latitude ionosphere, • Stratospheric aerosol injection involves
following geomagnetic field lines. injection of sulfate aerosols into the
• These waves play an important role in stratosphere.
precipitation of killer electrons, which are • Marine Cloud Brightening: Spraying a fine
hazardous to our space-borne seawater spray in the air, seeding of high
technology/instruments. cirrus clouds with heterogeneous ice nuclei.
○ Killer electrons are highly energetic • Surface-Based Options like whitening roofs,
particles trapped in Earth's outer radiation growing more reflective crops, etc.
belt (extending from 12000 km to 64000 km
above the planet’s surface). 3.11 India--U.S. Space Cooperation
Additional Information:
• Plasma: Plasma is the ‘fourth state of matter’, Context: India and US have agreed to advance
which is in a superheated state. It is a gas with space collaboration in several areas under the
sufficient energy, such that the electrons are ‘initiative on critical and emerging technology’
ripped away from the atoms to form an umbrella.
ionized gas. About NASA’s ARTEMIS Programme:
• Magnetosphere: It is a region around the • ARTEMIS stands for ‘Acceleration,
Earth, which is dominated by Earth's Reconnection, Turbulence and
magnetic field. This magnetic field protects Electrodynamics of Moon’s Interaction with
the Earth's atmosphere from various solar the Sun’ and is NASA’s next mission to the
radiations. Moon.
• NASA plans to land the first woman and next
man on the Moon by 2024, under the Artemis
• It has three ongoing missions:
○ Artemis 1: Uncrewed test flight around
and beyond the Moon.

○ Artemis 2: Crewed flight beyond the Moon 3.12 ISRO announces opportunities to
○ Artemis 3: It will land the first female
astronaut and first astronaut of color on the analyze AstroSat
Moon to spend a week performing
scientific studies on the lunar surface. Context: ISRO made an announcement of
About Gaganyaan: opportunity (AO) to allow scientists and
researchers to analyze data from AstroSat.
• India’s maiden human space flight mission
About AstroSat:
under the Gaganyaan programme is targeted
to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2024. • AstroSat is the first dedicated Indian
astronomy mission, launched by ISRO in 2015
• The spacecraft is developed by the ISRO and
to study celestial sources in X-ray, optical, and
consists of a service module and a crew
UV spectral bands simultaneously.
module, collectively known as the Orbital
Module. • It is a multi-institute collaborative project
which has been studying Gamma-Ray Bursts
3.13 Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory (LIGO)
Context: The Union government has given the final go-ahead to India’s Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).

About LIGO-India • Built by: The Department of Atomic Energy

• LIGO is an international network of and Department of Science and Technology,
laboratories that detect the ripples in along with a MoU with the National Science
spacetime produced by the movement of large Foundation and other institutions.
celestial objects like stars and planets. • Location: Hingoli district of Maharashtra.
• LIGO-India observatory will be the third of its Scientific runs are scheduled to begin in 2030.
kind after Louisiana and Washington in the Working of LIGO:
U.S. • It measures the tiny effects of gravitational
waves on the space-time fabric.

• The observatory comprises two 4-km vacuum Potential Uses:
chambers set at right angles, equipped with • Terrestrial, aerial, and marine navigation;
reflective mirrors at the end of the vacuum • Disaster management;
chamber. • Vehicle tracking and fleet management;
• Light beams travel along these chambers and • Integration with mobile phones;
hit the mirror, get reflected, and are then • Precise timing;
recaptured. • Mapping and geodetic data capture.
• Usually, light in both chambers returns at the About Navigation in Indian Constellation
same time. However, a gravitational wave (NavIC)
causes one chamber to elongate and the other • It is an Indian Regional Navigation Satellite
to slightly compress. System (IRNSS), developed by ISRO, to
• In this case, light rays do not return provide reliable position, navigation and
simultaneously, indicating a phase difference. timing services over India and its
This signifies the detection of a gravitational neighborhood.
wave. • It consists of eight satellites, with three in
About Gravitational Waves: geostationary orbit and five in
• Gravitational waves are 'ripples' in space- geosynchronous orbit. It works like US-GPS,
time caused by violent and energetic but within a 1,500-km radius over the sub-
processes in the Universe. continent.
• Albert Einstein's General Theory of About BHUVAN:
Relativity (1916) proposed that moving • BHUVAN, Indian version of Google Maps, is
objects create gravitational waves, causing an ISRO-powered satellite application
brief distortions in any body they encounter offering 2D/3D Earth surface representation.
in spacetime. • All the assets created under Mahatma Gandhi
• As a gravitational wave crosses Earth, it National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in
compresses Earth on one side and bulges on each gram panchayat are to be geo-tagged with
the perpendicular direction. However, its the help of BHUVAN.
impact is minimal as gravity is the weakest of
all natural forces. 3.15 Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer
• These waves travel at the speed of light,
carrying information about their origins and
clues to the nature of gravity. Context: European Space Agency (ESA) is all set
to launch the ‘Juice mission’ from its spaceport in
3.14 Train Tracking French Guiana on an Ariane 5 launcher.
About the Juice Mission:
Context: Recently, Centre for Railway
• JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer Mission)
Information Systems (CRIS) has collaborated
targets Jupiter arrival by 2031.
with ISRO for live tracking to help Railways run
trains efficiently. • It aims to thoroughly study Jupiter's formation,
About the News: history, and evolution and to explore its icy
moons using advanced sensing tools.
• Steps have been taken to integrate NavIC,
Bhuvan, Quantum Encryption, and AI in • JUICE will map moon surfaces, allowing
Indian Railways. scientists to investigate underwater bodies on
Jupiter's moons for the first time.
• Indian Railways have taken bandwidth from
ISRO and integrated their systems with NavIC • JUICE can't detect life but can identify potential
and Bhuvan. habitable zones around Jupiter where life-
sustaining conditions might exist.
• Every locomotive is fitted with a device and a
SIM, which communicates the train’s real Additional Information:
position to the satellite. Real-time tracking • Other Jupiter Missions:
helps in mitigating accidents, floods, and ○ Galileo probe: Orbited Jupiter between
landslides. 1995 and 2003,
• CRIS identified 90 instances where AI can ○ Juno: Circling Jupiter since 2016.
enhance railway services, including seat ○ NASA’s Europa Clipper: It will arrive at
allocation and predicting freight train emptying Jupiter by 2030 and study its Europa
times. moon.

• Jupiter's and its icy moons potentially have astronauts during spacewalks or
habitable environments. extravehicular activities (EVAs) in space.
• Ganymede, is the largest moon in the Solar Importance:
System, and the only one to generate its own • Spacesuits shield astronauts from space's
magnetic field. extreme temperatures, supply constant air,
and maintain optimal pressure.
3.16 Space Science and Technology • It guards against harmful radiation,
micrometeorites, and high-speed space
Awareness Training (START)
Context: ISRO has announced an introductory- 3.17.3 Low -cost Star Sensor
level online training programme called Space Context: Researchers at the Indian Institute of
Science and Technology Awareness Training Astrophysics (IIA) have developed a low-cost star
(START). sensor for astronomy and small CubeSat class
About the START: satellite missions.
• The programme is an effort to develop Indian What is a Star Sensor?
students into space science professionals and
provides a broad view of the field's aspects,
research, and career opportunities.
• Postgraduate and final year undergraduate
students in sciences can apply via the Jigyasa
portal for this academic program.
About Jigyasa Portal:
• It is a student-scientist connect programme
implemented by the Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR) in collaboration
with Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS). • A star sensor is a celestial compass, which
helps satellites determine their orientation in
3.17 Other Notable News space and assist in navigation.
• The fixed position of stars in the sky provides a
3.17.1 Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols stable reference frame for satellite orientation
missions (MAIA) calculations. A star sensor identifies and points
Context: NASA is partnering with the Italian to specific stars to determine orientation
Space Agency ASI to build and launch MAIA, or accurately.
the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols missions. • The Strawberry-Sense star sensor can assist
About MAIA: CubeSat-class satellite missions in
• Objective: Investigate the health impacts of air determining their spatial orientation in space.
pollution in the world’s most populated cities. 3.17.4 Pellet-Beam Propulsion
• Launch: MAIA observatory is set to launch Context: NASA funding experimental space-tech
before the end of 2024. to allow rapid transits to other bodies.
• Function: The PLATiNO-2 satellite, supplied About Pellet Beam Propulsion:
by Italian Space Agency, will partner with • It is a newly proposed propulsion system that
NASA-built science instruments to gather and could theoretically beam a heavy spacecraft
analyze data from the observatory, ground outside the confines of our Solar System in less
sensors, and atmospheric models. than 5 years. (Voyager 1 took 35 years).
• Primary target areas: Major urban centers • The concept draws inspiration from the
across the world such as Los Angeles, New Breakthrough Starshot project, which is
Delhi, Tel Aviv etc. developing a propulsion method based on the
3.17.2 Extravehicular Mobility Unit NASA 'light sails' propulsion system.
Context: NASA unveils a new spacesuit for its About Light Sails propulsion system:
upcoming moon missions. ○ The proposed propulsion system operates
About Spacesuit: with a dual-spacecraft setup: one craft
• Spacesuit, also known as Extravehicular embarks on an interstellar journey while
Mobility Unit (EMU), is a garment worn by the other orbits Earth, beaming a stream of
microscopic particles at the interstellar
vessel to propel it.

○ These particles would be heated up by 3.17.7 PSLV-C55/TeLEOS-2 Mission
lasers, causing part of them to melt into Context: Recently, ISRO launched PSLV-
plasma that accelerates the pellets further, C55/TeLEOS-2 mission from Satish Dhawan Space
a process known as laser ablation. Centre (SDSC) in Andhra Pradesh's Sriharikota.
○ Those pellets could reach 120 km/second. About PSLV-C55 Mission:
• It is a ‘dedicated commercial’ mission
undertaken by ISRO through NewSpace India
Limited (NSIL), the space agency's commercial
• The mission sent two Singapore satellites
TeLEOS-2 and Lumelite-4 into space.
• PSLV has a four-stage rocket where the first
three spent stages fall back into the ocean, and
3.17.5 Atacama Large Millimetre / the final stage (PS4) after launching the
satellite into orbit ends up as space junk.
submillimetre Array (ALMA) Telescope
Context: Atacama Large Millimetre / • The mission has also launched a PSLV Orbital
submillimetre Array (ALMA), a radio telescope in Experimental Module (POEM), which will use
Chile's Atacama Desert, is scheduled for software the spent PS4 as an orbital platform for non-
and hardware upgrades. separating payloads.
About ALMA: About POEM:
• It is a state-of-the-art telescope that studies • It is a platform that will help perform in-
space objects, even when obstructed by dust, orbit experiments using the final, and
aiding scientists in understanding distant otherwise discarded, stage of ISRO’s rocket,
galaxies and stars. the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).
• ALMA is located in Chile’s Atacama Desert • POEM will derive its power from solar
due to reduced water vapor interference, panels mounted around the PS4 tank, and a
ensuring excellent conditions for millimeter Li-Ion battery.
and submillimeter wave astronomical About TeLEOS-2:
observations on the stable, arid Chajnantor • TeLEOS-2 is an Earth Observation Satellite
plateau. which will provide high-resolution imagery
Notable Discoveries: of the Earth's surface.
• Discovered starburst galaxies providing Kessler Syndrome
insight into the universe's early history. • It refers to a phenomenon where the orbital
• Provided detailed images of protoplanetary debris around Earth reaches a critical mass,
disc surrounding HL Tauri, challenging which leads to a cascade of collisions that
previously accepted theories about planetary generate increasingly more debris, posing
formation. severe risks for satellites, astronauts, and
• ALMA helped observe the Einstein ring space missions.
phenomenon in extraordinary detail in 2015. 3.17.8 Euclid Mission
3.17.6 Tropospheric Emissions Monitoring Context: Euclid mission of the European Space
of Pollution (TEMPO) Agency (ESA), is set for launch on July 1.
About Euclid Mission:
Context: The Tropospheric Emissions:
Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) instrument is • The Euclid mission is supported by NASA's
on its way to a geostationary orbit. Roman Space Telescope in terms of providing
About TEMPO: crucial hardware and data processing support.
• Launched by NASA, it will be used to monitor • It aims to explore the dark Universe's
major air pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen composition and evolution, focusing on
oxide, sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde levels unraveling the mysteries of dark matter and
across North America. dark energy from the Sun-Earth Lagrange
point L2.
• It could be used for studying rush hour
About Dark Matter and Dark Energy:
pollution, impact of lightning on the ozone
layer and movement of pollution from forest • Visible universe, comprising Earth, sun, stars,
fires and volcanoes. and galaxies made of atoms, accounts for less
than 5% of the universe's mass.

• The remainder of the universe consists of system and conduct scientific investigations
mysterious invisible substance dark matter to broaden our understanding of the solar
(about 25%) and gravity-repelling dark energy system.
(around 70%). • Dragonfly will probe Titan's landscapes and
Dark Matter past habitability, study pre-life chemistry and
• It is made up of particles that do not have a the moon's atmospheric and subsurface
charge i.e. they do not interact through features.
electromagnetic interactions. About New Frontiers Program:
• These are particles that are “dark”, because they • This program aims at solar system exploration
do not emit light, which is an electromagnetic and comprises of the following missions:
phenomenon, and “matter” because they possess ○ New Horizons: Obtain a close look at Pluto
mass like normal matter and hence interact and its moons and fly by Kuiper Belt
through gravity. Objects.
• Dark matter does not interact with ○ Juno: Understand the origin and evolution
electromagnetic forces and neither absorbs or of Jupiter.
emits light, making it extremely hard to spot. ○ OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral
Scientists study it through its effects on visible Interpretation, Resource Identification
objects. and Security–Regolith Explorer): Collect
Dark Energy samples from the asteroid Bennu, a carbon
• Dark energy is a theoretical form of energy that rich asteroid.
produces a negative and repulsive force, acting ○ Dragonfly: Probe Saturn’s moon Titan.
in the direction opposite to that of gravity 3.17.11 Square Kilometre Array
• It causes the fabric of space itself to stretch and Observatory (SKAO)
expand. It is considered responsible for Context: India has become a part of the Square
accelerating the universe's expansion rate Kilometer Array Observatory (SKAO), an
over time, instead of slowing it down. international project that will serve as the largest
3.17.9 Treaty for Outer Space radio telescope in the world.
Context: The United Nations’s policy brief, "For About Square Kilometer Array Observatory
All Humanity-The Future of Outer Space (SKAO):
Governance" suggests a new treaty to ensure • It was established as an intergovernmental
peace and prevent an arms race in space. organization in 2021 after years of
Existing Treaties: negotiations.
• In 1959, the UN established the Committee on • SKAO is an array of thousands of antennas
the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space that will be placed in isolated, radio-quiet areas
• In 1963, countries agreed to prohibit testing of Australia and South Africa.
nuclear weapons in outer space. • Unlike optical telescopes, radio telescopes can
• In 1977, the prohibition of altering the space detect invisible gas and, therefore, they can
environment as a weapon was agreed upon. reveal areas of space that may be obscured by
cosmic dust.
3.17.10 NASA’s Dragonfly Mission
• India's key role in the SKA involves developing
Context: NASA's Dragonfly mission, set for a 2026
and managing the Telescope Manager
launch and a 2034 landing, aims to send a drone
component, essentially the software or "neural
to Titan, Saturn's largest moon.
network" that operates the telescope.
About Dragonfly Mission:
• The mission is a part of NASA’s New Frontiers
Program, which aims to explore the solar
3.17.12 Other Notable Missions
Context: It is Russia’s lunar lander which was expected to reach the moon on August
23. However the lander malfunctioned and crashed on the lunar surface.

Context: NASA recently detected a signal from its Voyager 2 spacecraft, after losing
communication for over a week.
About Voyager Mission:

• It is a space exploration program conducted by NASA that launched two spacecraft,
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, in 1977.
• Objective: To study the outer planets of our solar system, including Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune.

Context: NASA launched a new sounding rocket mission named Integral Field
Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Experiment (INFUSE) to study a stellar event in the Cygnus
• Cygnus Loop: This is the leftover from a star once 20 times larger than our Sun,
which collapsed due to its gravity and exploded as a supernova around 20,000 years
○ Cygnus is about 2,600 light years away from the Earth.
• Sounding Rockets: They carry scientific instruments into space along a parabolic
trajectory at lower vehicle speeds for a well-placed scientific experiment.
• Supernovae: A supernova is the colossal explosion of a star.

Context: As per the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), March 2023
experienced several meteorological changes.
About Copernicus Programme:
Copernicus • Copernicus is the Earth observation component of the European Union’s Space
Programme programme.
• It delivers precise, timely, and accessible information for better environmental
management, understanding, and mitigation of climate change impacts, and
ensuring civil security.

• Molecular Cloud is an accumulation of

3.18 News in Short interstellar gas and dust, also called dark
nebulae, where new stars are formed.
3.18.1 Local Bubble • These regions have very low temperatures and
• Researchers have generated a 3D magnetic are generally dark due to the presence of dense
map of the giant cosmic cavity (low-density opaque gas and dust to block the light from
region) called Local Bubble. stars behind them.
• It is about 1,000 light-years wide cavity or a • Molecular clouds can range in size from a few
superbubble of the Milky Way galaxy, within light years to 600 light years and have a mass
which the Sun and many nearby stars reside. up to several million times that of the sun.
• A Local Bubble is a 1,000-light-year-wide 3.18.4 Gamma-Ray Eclipses
cavity or superbubble that triggers the
• Scientists have analyzed data from NASA's
formation of new stars, planets, and galaxies.
Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope to
3.18.2 Planet Parade identify the first gamma-ray eclipses from a
• NASA shared a picture of a rare phenomenon type of binary star system known as the Spider
of planet parade where all the planets of our system.
solar system are visible at the same time from • Gamma-ray eclipses refer to the phenomenon
Earth. where gamma rays emitted from a celestial
• Planet parade is an astronomical phenomenon object are blocked or absorbed by another
where several planets may be observed in the object, such as a planet or a star, as they pass
sky by the naked eye. behind. They yield crucial data on object
• These planets include Mercury, Venus, Mars, properties and composition.
Jupiter, and Saturn. • Gamma Ray Eclipses are caused by the low-
3.18.3 Molecular Clouds mass companion star of the superdense star
• James Webb Space Telescope was used to (pulsar) moving in front of it and very briefly
discover different ices in the darkest and blocking high-energy photons.
coldest regions of a molecular cloud. • Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars that
blast out pulses of radiation at regular intervals
ranging from seconds to milliseconds.

3.18.5 Muons Application of Muon Tomography:
Context: Scientists are using muons to examine • Archaeology: Exploration of hidden chambers
the fortress wall of Xi'an. of Egypt; Examination of the wall of Xi’an city.
About Muons: • Customs Service
• Muons are subatomic particles from space that • Internal Imaging of volcanoes (e.g., Mount
arise when Earth's atmospheric particles Vesuvius, Italy)
collide with energetic cosmic rays. • Scanning of nuclear active sites (e.g.,
• They resemble electrons but are 207 times Fukushima plant, Japan)
heavier, earning them the nickname “fat 3.18.6 Phonons
electrons.” Context: Researchers have achieved the splitting
• Their weight allows them to penetrate of phonons, showcasing their quantum
hundreds of meters of material before being characteristics and capacity to govern and manage
absorbed or decaying into electrons and quantum states.
neutrinos. Electrons can penetrate through About Phonons
only a few centimeters. • Phonons are quasiparticles that represent
• Muons are highly unstable and exist for just collective vibrations of atoms or molecules in
2.2 microseconds. a solid material.
Muon tomography or Muography • They are pivotal in heat conduction and
• Muography is conceptually similar to X- thermal properties of a material.
ray but capable of scanning much larger • This achievement may lead to the creation of
and wider structures, owing to the sound-based quantum computers and highly
penetration power of muons. precise measuring instruments.
• It employs muons to create 3D images of • Currently, linear optical quantum computing
volumes. Muon paths are altered by utilizes photons (light particles) as qubits.
material density and composition, However, both photons and phonons are key
enabling 3D imaging of an object's focal points in quantum computing research.
internal structure.

Photons Phonons

• Photons are tiny energy packets associated • Phonons are packets of energy for sound waves.
with light and electromagnetic waves.

• Photons can travel through empty space. • Phonons need a medium such as air or water.

• Photons generally don’t interact at all if • Phonons of different wavelengths can interact
they have different wavelengths. and mix when they bump into each other,
producing a different wavelength.

• Photons exhibit both particle-like and • Phonons are purely wavelike entities and do not
wavelike properties, known as wave- exhibit particle-like properties.
particle duality.

3.18.7 Neutrinos • Neutrinos interact very weakly with other

Context: An experiment in Japan has found no matter, making them challenging to detect.
evidence that neutrinos are their own • They are only affected by gravity and the weak
antiparticles. force.
About Neutrinos: Anti Particles:
• Neutrinos are subatomic particles with no • Every type of particle is associated with an
electric charge and travel at near lightspeed. antiparticle with the same mass but with
• They are born from violent astrophysical opposite physical charges. For example, the
events like exploding stars and gamma-ray antiparticle of the electron is the positron.
bursts. • If a particle and its antiparticle meet, they will
• They are the second most abundant particles destroy each other in a flash of energy.
in the universe after photons

• Neutrinos have anti-neutrinos as antiparticles, (IN-SPACe) was set up in 2020 as a single
but since both don’t have any charge, it is really window clearance for the private sector.
difficult to differentiate them. 3.18.10 Zero Shadow Day
Sources of Neutrinos Context: Bengaluru recently experienced a 'Zero
• On collision of cosmic rays with interstellar Shadow Day' as the sun at zenith made vertical
matter. objects cast no shadow.
• Produced by stars like the Sun, exploding stars, About Zero Shadow Day:
supernovas, gamma-ray bursts and quasars as • Locations between the Tropics of Cancer and
well. Capricorn experience two Zero Shadow Days
• Atmospheric neutrinos (15 km from Earth’s every year.
surface) are produced due to collision of • One falls during the Uttarayan (movement of
Cosmic rays with atmospheric molecules. the Sun from south to north), and the other falls
3.18.8 Quasars during Dakshinayan when the Sun moves
Context: A new study reveals that galaxy mergers southwards.
ignite quasars, the brightest and most powerful • Places with a latitude matching the Sun's
objects in the universe. equatorial angle will have Zero Shadow Day,
About Quasars with noon shadows directly underneath.
• Quasars (short for "quasi-stellar radio source") 3.18.11 Aurora
are luminous and energetic objects found in Context: Researchers have analyzed the data of
faraway galaxies. "carbon dioxide auroras" for the first time.
• They are active supermassive black holes About Aurora:
found at the centers of galaxies and are more • An Aurora, or Polar Light, is a natural
massive than our sun. phenomenon characterized by a display of a
• They draw in matter with their strong natural-coloured (green, red, yellow, or white)
gravitational pull and emit intense radiation light in the sky.
across the electromagnetic spectrum. (from • It is a light show that is caused when
radio waves to gamma rays). electrically-charged particles from the sun
• Unlike blackholes, matter spiraling into a collide with particles from gases such as
quasar radiates intense energy, forming a oxygen and nitrogen present in the Earth’s
bright disc around it. atmosphere.
• Quasars' brightness allows scientists to study • Auroras, primarily visible in polar regions
the early stages of the universe, as they can be (Arctic and Antarctic), appear around 70-
observed from great distances. degree latitudes in the band known as the
About Black Holes: “auroral zone.”
• A black hole is an area in space with gravity • Auroras can appear in various forms like
so intense that not even light escapes, streamers, patches, arcs, scattered light,
making it invisible. diffused light, etc.
• Gravity becomes extremely strong when Auroras occurring in:
matter is condensed into a tiny space, often • Northern hemisphere: Aurora Borealis
occurring as a star nears the end of its life. • Southern hemisphere: Aurora Australis
• Black holes are formed when a large star's 3.18.12 Gravitational Lensing
core collapses in on itself, triggering a Context: Astronomers discovered one of the
biggest black holes using gravitational lensing.
• Supernova is a massive explosion that About Gravitational Lensing
occurs at the end of a star's life cycle.
• Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon where
3.18.9 Second Space Age the gravitational field of a massive object, like a
• The Second Space Age marks a transition from galaxy or black hole, bends and magnifies the
government-led space exploration to light from objects behind it.
increased participation by private entities, • This effect is predicted by Einstein's General
exemplified by SpaceX's leading role. Theory of Relativity and allows astronomers
• India marked its entry into the second space to observe distant stars and galaxies that might
age by the setting up of Indian National Space otherwise be too faint or obscured.
Promotion and Authorization Centre

• It also helps in mapping the presence of dark • The IOGL anomaly is caused by accumulation
matter and studying the expansion of the of lighter materials in the upper to mid
universe. mantle, moved by the eastward-deflecting
Einstein Cross and Rings: African superplume ending beneath the IOGL.
• Einstein’s cross is a special case of 3.18.15 Super Blue Moon
gravitational lensing where the curvature of Context: A rare phenomenon of Super blue moon
space-time around a foreground object splits would be witnessed in India.
light behind it into four, like the points of a About Super Blue Moon
cross. • Super Blue Moon is the convergence of three
• Einstein Rings is another case of gravitational lunar occurrences - a full Moon, a Supermoon,
lensing, when two galaxies align near- and a blue Moon.00
perfectly, one behind the other. • Blue moon refers to the second full moon
3.18.13 Fast Radio Bursts within a single month, a rare event since full
• Context: Researchers found that collision of moons typically occur once a month.
two neutron stars shortly before their merger ○ Seasonal Blue Moon occurs when a season
releases Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) in addition to (three month long) experiences four full
gravitational waves. moons. The third full moon is considered
About FRB the blue moon.
• Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are short, powerful, • Super moon happens when the moon is
and energetic radio wave bursts originating in passing through or is close to its perigee
deep space and lasting for just milliseconds. (nearest to Earth), and is also a full moon.
• They are characterized by dispersion, i.e., they • Full moon at perigee (super moon) is about
generate a range of radio waves as they travel 14% bigger and 30% brighter than a full moon
through matter. at apogee (called a “micro moon”).
• Higher-frequency bursts arrive at telescopes 3.18.16 Deep Space Optical
before lower-frequency ones due to this Communications
dispersion property. Context: NASA’s Psyche spacecraft fired a
Significance of FRB communication laser to Earth from about 16
• It helps us to understand the 3D structure of million kilometers away, demonstrating DSOC
cosmic matter and sheds light on less- (Deep Space Optical Communications).
understood early stages of the universe's Key Points:
evolution. • The Psyche Spacecraft is the first to carry a
3.18.14 Gravity Hole DSOC transceiver and will test high-
Context: Researchers have found the reason for bandwidth optical communications to Earth.
massive ‘gravity hole’ in the Indian Ocean • NASA’s Psyche Mission: To study a metal-rich
About Gravity Hole asteroid with the same name, located in the
• It refers to an area with a gravitational main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
anomaly, marked by a notable reduction in NASA’s Revolutionary New Technology:
gravitational pull compared to Earth's typical • The DSOC is a new laser communication
gravitational field. technology that encodes data in photons at
• A vast area in the Indian Ocean, known as near-infrared wavelengths to communicate
Indian Ocean geoid low (IOGL) has a gravity between a probe in deep space and Earth.
so weak that the sea level there is 106 meters • This allows the spacecraft to communicate
below the global average. more data in a given amount of time.
Cause of Gravity Hole • Benefits: DSOC can send scientific
• The causes of gravity holes can vary, including information, high-definition imagery, and
geological structures, variations in mass streaming video to support humanity’s next
distribution, or other factors that affect the giant leap: sending humans to Mars.
gravitational field in an area.

Cosmic • Also known as 'stellar diamonds' or 'carbon stars,' they are unique astronomical objects believed
Diamond to form from carbon-rich materials in stars like white dwarfs.
• At the end of their life, such stars explode into supernovae and intense heat and pressure causes
the carbon atoms to form into diamond crystals, which shed light about the evolution of the

Galactic • Galactic tides which are similar to the tides in Earth’s oceans but are grander in scale. They are
Tide caused due to gravitational forces within galaxies, resulting from interactions between celestial
objects like stars and gas clouds.
• It causes reshaping of galaxies, promotes star formation and causes orbital changes.

rate, rubella infection in a pregnant woman
4.1 WHO Report on Global Trans-Fat will have an impact on the fetus, resulting in
Elimination 2022 birth defects.
Government Initiatives to achieve targets:
Context: (WHO) released a report titled • Phased Measles Catch-up Immunization in
Countdown to 2023: WHO report on global trans- India (2010-2013): For children aged 9 months–
fat elimination 2022. 10 years in 14 States.
About Trans-Fat: • Launch of Mission Indradhanush in 2014 to
• Trans fat is a type of unsaturated fat that is ramp up vaccinating the unvaccinated
created when hydrogen is added to liquid population.
vegetable oil through the process of • National Strategic Plan for Measles and
hydrogenation to convert it into a solid fat at Rubella Elimination in India: Introduction of
room temperature. This increases the shelf life rubella-containing vaccine (RCV) into the
and stability of foods that contain it. routine immunization program.
• Trans fat also occurs naturally in food
products from ruminant animals (e.g., milk, 4.3 India's Fight with Leprosy
butter, cheese, meat products)
• Industrially produced trans fat, also called Context: The Union Health Ministry has devised
industrially produced trans-fatty acids, is a strategic road map for achieving zero cases of
commonly found in packaged foods, baked Leprosy by 2030.
goods, cooking oils and spreads. About Leprosy in India:
• WHO launched REPLACE (Review, Promote, • Despite India being declared “Leprosy
Legislate, Asses, Create, Enforce), an action Eliminated” in 2005 by bringing the
package to eliminate industrially-produced prevalence rate below 1/10,000 at the national
trans-fatty acids. level, the country still accounts for 52% of the
• WHO’s Recommendation for eliminating world’s new leprosy patients.
Trans fat Government Initiatives:National Leprosy
• Limit industrially produced trans-fat to 2g Eradication Programme (NLEP):
per 100g of total fat in all fats, oils, and foods. • A Centrally Sponsored Scheme under the
• Ban the production and use of partially umbrella of the National Health Mission
hydrogenated oils (PHO). (NHM) is being implemented with the goal of
making India leprosy free
4.2 India’s Plan to Eradicate Measles, • National Strategic Plan & Roadmap for
Leprosy (2023-27) and National Guidelines
Rubella for Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Surveillance in leprosy released in 2023 aims
Context: India had set a target to eliminate to eradicate Leprosy by 2027.
measles and rubella (MR) by 2023, having missed
• Nikusth 2.0 is an integrated portal for leprosy
the earlier deadline of 2020.
case management under the National Leprosy
About Measles and Rubella:
Eradication Programme (NLEP).
• Measles is a viral respiratory infection of the
• About Leprosy (Hansen’s disease):
respiratory system. It is highly contagious and
• It is a chronic infectious disease caused by a
can be spread through contact with infected
bacteria, Mycobacterium Leprae, which
mucus and saliva.
predominantly affects the skin, lungs, eyes,
• Rubella, also known as German Measles, is a
and peripheral nerves.
contagious, generally mild viral infection that
• This can cause the affected areas to lose the
occurs most often in children and young adults.
ability to sense touch and pain
• Symptoms of measles and rubella include rash
and fever. While measles has a high fatality

• Transmission: Droplets from the nose and intranasal vaccine for COVID-19, using a novel
mouth during close and frequent contact adenovirus vector.
with untreated cases. About iNCOVACC:
• Treatment: Curable with multidrug therapy • The nasal vaccine is approved both as a
(MDT). primary dose and a heterologous booster.
• iNCOVACC, unlike Covaxin, uses an
4.4 Vaccines adenovirus-vectored approach with a
prefusion stabilized spike protein, similar to
4.4.1 Covovax Covishield technology.
Context: The DCGI has approved market • It is easy to administer, is non-invasive,
authorization for COVID-19 vaccine Covovax as a eliminates needle-associated risks, and does
heterologous booster dose for adults. not require refrigeration.
About booster dose: Adenovirus vaccines are a type of viral vector
• A booster dose is an extra dose administered vaccine, which uses adenoviruses to deliver
after the primary vaccination, after a specific genes or vaccine antigens to the target host tissue.
period when the protection from the initial
Prefusion Stabilized Spike Protein
dose begins to reduce.
• Coronavirus can be considered as a ball with
spikes that change their shape regularly.
• The "prefusion stabilized spike protein" is like
a locked version of those spikes, keeping
them in a specific shape. This helps our body
recognize and fight the virus effectively.
About Covovax:
• Covovax is produced by the Serum Institute of • Homologous boosting involves injecting a
India (SII) under license from Novavax, a U.S.- person with the same vaccine that was used for
based biotechnology company. the previous doses.
• DCGI's approval of Covovax came after a • Heterologous boosting involves injecting a
recommendation by the Subject Expert person with a different vaccine from that
Committee of the Central Drugs Standard which was used for the primary dose.
Control Organisation (CDSCO).
4.4.3 Cervical Cancer Vaccine
About CDSCO:
Context: India is expected to roll out an
• Central Drugs Standard Control
indigenously developed CERVAVAC vaccine for
Organisation (CDSCO), under the
the prevention of cervical cancer among girls aged
Directorate General of Health Services,
9-14 years through their schools by mid-2023.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, is the
About Cervical Cancer:
National Regulatory Authority (NRA) of
• Most cervical cancers are caused by Human
Papillomavirus (HPV), which is a sexually
• The Drug Controller General of India transmitted virus.
(DCGI) is the head of the Central Drugs
• Cervical cancer, the second most common
Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) in
cancer in Indian women, can be prevented in
India, with the nodal ministry as the Ministry
most cases if HPV vaccine is administered pre-
of Health & Family Welfare.
Under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, CDSCO is
responsible for: • CERVAVAC, manufactured by Serum
Institute of India, is based on VLP (Virus-Like
• Approval of drugs
Particles), like Hepatitis B vaccination.
• Conduct of clinical trials
• Virus-like particles are molecules that mimic
• Laying down standards for drugs
viruses but are not infectious as they do not
• Control over the quality of imported drugs in contain any viral genetic material.
the country
• However, introducing a VLP into the body will
• Coordination of the activities of State Drug trigger an immune response, but a person will
Control Organisations not experience any symptoms of the virus they
4.4.2 Intra Nasal Vaccine are being vaccinated against.
Context: Bharat Biotech has developed a nasal
vaccine named iNCOVACC, the world’s first

4.4.4 DNA Vaccine Against Dengue • Receiving an mRNA vaccine does not expose
Context: The Serum Institute of India made major individuals to the virus nor can it cause
progress in the development of DNA Vaccine infection from the vaccine.
against Dengue. • Cells use mRNA to create a viral protein,
About Dengue: triggering the immune system to recognize it
• Causative Agent: It is a tropical disease caused as foreign particles and produce antibodies as
by the dengue virus (Genus Flavivirus). It is a normal response.
spread through the bite of infected Aedes • After an mRNA vaccination, if exposed to the
species (Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus) virus, antibodies can rapidly identify, attach
mosquito. to, and mark the virus for destruction,
• These mosquitoes also spread Chikungunya, preventing serious illness.
Yellow fever and Zika viruses About RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
• Recently, the World Mosquito Program used • RNA is a nucleic acid present in all living cells
mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria that has structural similarities to DNA. It
to successfully control dengue in Indonesia. contains the nitrogenous bases namely
About DNA Vaccine adenine, guanine, uracil, and cytosine.
• DNA Vaccines consist of a plasmid (circular • There are two types of RNA:
DNA molecule) containing the gene from ○ Transfer RNA (tRNA) carries amino acids
virus/bacteria, which stimulates the immune to the ribosomes during protein synthesis.
system upon delivery. ○ Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) form the core of a
• It puts a specific DNA sequence that codes for cell's ribosomes (the structures where
an antigen into an organism’s cells to trigger an protein synthesis takes place).
immune response. • Protein synthesis is a two stage process
• Dengue is caused by four closely related involving:
viruses (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4), ○ Transcription: Transfer of genetic
known as serotypes. instructions in DNA to mRNA in the
• Infection with one serotype provides lifelong nucleus.
protection against it but not the others, ○ Translation: Instructions in mRNA are
necessitating a vaccine that targets all four. read, and tRNA brings the correct sequence
of amino acids to the ribosome. Then,
4.4.5 GEMCOVAC--OM: India’s First
rRNA helps bonds form between the amino
mRNA Vaccine acids, producing a polypeptide chain.
Context: India's first indigenous mRNA vaccine
for Omicron, GEMCOVAC - OM, received
emergency use approval from the Drug Controller
General of India.
About the Vaccine:
• GEMCOVAC-OM, stable at 28 degrees
Celsius, can be stored in regular fridges and
administered needle-free using the PharmaJet
About mRNA vaccine:
• It is a new type of vaccine that uses a molecule
called messenger RNA (mRNA) rather than
part of an actual bacteria or virus.
• Messenger RNA essential for protein
production is quickly broken down post use.
• mRNA from vaccines neither enters the
nucleus nor alters DNA.
Working of mRNA Vaccine: 4.4.6 Super Engineered Polio Vaccines
• mRNA vaccines introduce a piece of mRNA Context: Scientists have super engineered polio
matching a viral protein typically a fragment vaccines to prevent them mutating into a
of the virus's outer membrane protein. dangerous form that can cause outbreaks and

About Polio About Malaria Vaccine
• Poliomyelitis (polio) is a viral infection caused • Mosquirix (RTS,S/AS01), which is a
by the poliovirus. recombinant protein vaccine (RPV), can be
• They are enteroviruses that are transmitted used for prevention of P. falciparum malaria.
through fecal-oral route. • RPVs is a kind of Recombinant Subunit
• It is a highly contagious illness that can impact Vaccine (RSV) which uses protein antigens.
an individual's nervous system. • RSVs work by using specific antigens to
• The wild poliovirus (WPV) exists in three trigger immunity against pathogens.
distinct strains, each characterized by slight • RPVs are considered safer as compared to
structural variations. vaccines derived from live viruses as they are
○ WPV 1: still exists nonreplicating and lack infectious
○ WPV 2: eradicated. components of viral particles.
○ WPV 3: eradicated. • R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine has also been
About Polio Vaccines: added to the WHO's list of prequalified
• Oral polio vaccine (OPV): It is a live attenuated vaccines
vaccine that contains weakened polioviruses About Global Alliance for Vaccine and
(all three types – 1, 2, and 3) to induce an Immunization (GAVI)
immune response without causing disease. • It was set up as a Global Health Partnership in
○ It is easy to administer and triggers a 2000.
robust immune response in the gut lining • Core partners: WHO, World Bank, UNICEF,
in addition to blood. and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
○ However, OPV can reverse the virus’s • It aims to strengthen primary health care and
neurovirulence in rare cases, leading to bring us closer to the Universal Health
vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis Coverage (SDG 3).
4.4.8 First Vaccine for Chikungunya
○ When the virus’s ability to jump from one
Context: The Food and Drug Administration
person to another is restored, the result can
(FDA) in the U.S. granted approval to the world's
be vaccine-derived paralytic poliomyelitis
first chikungunya vaccine.
About Chikungunya Disease:
• Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV): It contains
• Chikungunya is characterized by severe joint
inactivated polioviruses (all three types) and is
pain and impaired mobility, and comes with
administered by injection.
○ It induces a strong systemic immune
response, thus protecting against
• Treatment: As of now, there is no cure, only
symptomatic relief, with analgesics to relieve
poliomyelitis without any risk of causing
the pain.
○ However, it hardly elicits mucosal • Prevention: It includes mosquito control
immunity and is thus unable to prevent activities.
silent infections and transmission. • Prevalence of Chikungunya: Brazil, Paraguay,
• Poliovirus Type-2 was responsible for 90% of India and parts of western Africa.
VAPP and VDPV cases. It was globally
eradicated in 1999, leading to the 4.5 Generic Drugs
discontinuation of OPV type-2 in 2016.
Context: Recently, the government directed
• However, the number of VDPV cases increased doctors in Central Government Hospitals to
after 2016, with the re-emergence of type-2
exclusively prescribe generic medicines.
VDPV in circulation as population immunity About Generic Medicines:
against type-2 virus dropped in OPV.
• A generic drug is a medication created to be the
About the News:
same as an already marketed brand-name
• Scientists have genetically redesigned the drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of
weakened viruses to lock them into that administration, quality, performance
weakened state and prevent further spread. characteristics, and intended use.
4.4.7 Malaria Vaccine • These similarities establish bioequivalence,
Context: 18 million doses of the first-ever malaria indicating that a generic medicine functions
vaccine Mosquirix, were allocated to 12 African and offers the same clinical benefits as its

brand-name equivalent, making it a viable 4.7 Y-Chromosome extinction
• Presently, there is no definition of generic or Context: Several animal species face the
branded medicines under the Drugs & possibility of eventually losing the Y chromosome.
Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules, 1945. About Sex Chromosome:
Regulation for Generic Medicines in India: • It's a cellular component in living beings that
• Indian Medical Council (Professional determines sex, traits, and physical form of
Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, people, animals, and plants.
2002 by Medical Council of India: • Humans have 22 chromosome pairs plus sex
• National Medical Commission Act, 2019 by chromosomes X and Y, which determine sex
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare: and carry sex-specific genes.
• Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 • Biological males possess X and Y
• Drugs Technical Advisory Board of India chromosomes, while females have two Xs. The
(DTAB) Y chromosome's ‘sex-determining region Y’
dictates male biology.
Y Chromosome:
4.6 Cough Syrup Exports • The Y chromosome, known as the master of
maleness, is believed to have originated 200-
Context: Recently, WHO issued an alert over a 300 million years ago in a common mammalian
batch of India-made common cold syrup sold in ancestor.
• Scientists revealed Y chromosomes encode for
About the News
just 55 genes.
• WHO’s report stated that the syrup had a
• Analyzing the Y chromosome's genes can
higher than acceptable limit of contaminants:
clarify their role in various diseases, as loss of
diethylene and ethylene glycol.
Y chromosome is associated with cancer,
• They are adulterants that are illegally used as Alzheimer's, and heart conditions.
solvents in liquid drugs as an alternative to Reasons for Loss of the Y Chromosome in
non-toxic solvents such as glycerine or Humans:
propylene glycol to cut costs. • Genetic Drift and Mutation: Random
• Ethylene glycol is a colorless and odorless mutations accumulate on the Y chromosome
alcoholic compound that can be fatal if over time, and without recombination ability
consumed. like other chromosomes, it leads to a gradual
• It is mostly used as an automotive antifreeze loss of its genetic material.
and used in hydraulic brake fluids, solvents, • Absence of Recombination: Unlike other
paints, cosmetics etc. chromosomes, the Y chromosome does not
Regulatory Norms for Medicine: engage in recombination during reproduction.
• Central Drugs Standard Control Organization This lack of genetic shuffling prevents the
(CDSCO) headed by the Drugs Controller repair and replacement of lost or damaged
General of India (DCGI), provides certification genes, leading to gradual degradation
to manufacturers for export of drugs. • Translocation of Genes: Essential genes from
○ DCGI also sets standards for the Y chromosome can relocate to other
manufacturing, sales, import, and chromosomes, making the Y chromosome
distribution of drugs in India. redundant, eventually leading to its loss.
• Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940: The Act • Species such as rodents have naturally lost
oversees the import, production, and their Y chromosome.
distribution of drugs in India, aiming to
guarantee their safety, and adherence to state 4.8 Viral Nutrition
quality standards.
• Drug and Cosmetics Rules, 1945: These rules Context: A recent study revealed that a particular
categorized the drugs into schedules and genus of plankton, namely Halteria, can
provided regulations on the sale, storage, and consume viruses as well as “grow and divide
prescription of each category. given only viruses to eat.”
Findings of the Study:
• It is known that few other cells can ‘consume’
viruses in an effort to destroy them, such as the

macrophage cells of the human immune • It begins with mild memory loss, possibly
system. However, the plankton is able to ‘eat’ leading to loss of the ability to carry on a
viruses to fulfill one’s biological imperatives. conversation and respond to the environment.
• Each Halteria plankton can consume between • Alzheimer's disease, which is the most
10,000 to a million virus particles a day and common cause of dementia, is thought to be
increase its population using metabolized caused by the abnormal build-up of proteins
energy. in and around brain cells.
About plankton: ○ Deposits of amyloid protein forms plaques
• Plankton are microscopic organisms that can around the brain cells.
only move with a current as they don’t have • There is currently no known cure for
any facilities to actively propel themselves. Alzheimer’s disease.
• Halteria plankton have hair-like structures About Parkinson’s Disease:
called cilia on their surface, which they • Parkinson's disease is a degenerative
sometimes use to move short distances. neurological condition affecting the nervous
• Phytoplankton is an autotroph found nearer system and the body's nerve-controlled
the surface of many water bodies. They can regions.
make their own food by consuming carbon • Early symptoms include tremors, stiffness,
dioxide, among other compounds, through and slowness of movement. Speech and facial
photosynthesis. expressions may also be affected. Symptoms
• Phytoplankton bring carbon and other worsen as the disease progresses.
nutrients from the atmosphere and sea surface • Although Parkinson's disease can't be cured,
down to the seafloor and help replenish the medications can improve symptoms.
food chain, along with 'trapping carbon’ into
their own bodies and as sediments. 4.10 TB Vaccine
• Chemosynthesis is a process where bacteria
and other organisms use bacteria that make Context: On World TB Day, the PM launched a
their own food by oxidizing sulphur, iron, or range of initiatives to eradicate TB.
hydrogen. Global Initiatives:
Role of Halteria: • Elimination of Tuberculosis is one of the
• Halteria plankton are found in freshwater sustainable development targets.
bodies and are heterotrophs, meaning they • End TB strategy: It calls for an 80% reduction
can’t produce their own food. in the number of new cases, a 90% reduction in
• They are well-known bacterivores, i.e., they mortality, and zero catastrophic cost by 2030.
consume bacteria to power themselves. By also Government Initiatives to Eliminate TB
consuming viruses for nutrition, Halteria 1. National Tuberculosis Elimination
plankton can recover the nutrients lost in the Programme (NTEP):
viral shunt and bring them back into the food • NTEP, India's flagship TB control
chain. programme, aims to reduce TB burden by
• Viral shunt is a mechanism that prevents 2025, ahead of global goals using a multi-
marine microbial particulate organic matter pronged approach.
(POM) from migrating up trophic levels by 2. NI-KSHAY:
recycling them into dissolved organic matter • NI-KSHAY-(Ni=End, Kshay=TB) is the
(DOM), which can be readily taken up by web-enabled patient management system
microorganisms. for TB control under NTEP, used by both
public and private healthcare providers.
4.9 Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s • It also functions as the National TB
Surveillance System and enables reporting of
Diseases various surveillance data to the Government
Context: Cuba has developed alternatives in of India.
3. TB Harega Desh Jeetega:
healthcare for Alzheimer's and Parkinsons' amid
the blockade imposed by the U.S. • A campaign to create awareness and
About Alzheimer’s Disease: mobilize communities to participate in TB
• Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic control efforts.
disorder that causes the brain to shrink 4. TB-Mukt Panchayat initiative: It is an official
(atrophy) and brain cells to die. pan-India rollout of shorter preventive

treatment and family-centric care models for efficacy, thus disabling the evergreening of
TB. patents.
Global Initiatives: Compulsory Licencing (CL):
1. End TB Strategy of WHO: It aims for an 80% • CL is the grant of permission by the
reduction in the number of new cases, a 90% government to entities to use, manufacture,
reduction in mortality, and zero catastrophic import, or sell a patented invention without
costs by 2030. the patent owner’s consent.
• Directly observed treatment–short course • It is permitted under the WTO’s TRIPS
(DOTS) was initiated by WHO after TB was (IPR) Agreement during national
declared a global emergency in 1993. emergencies, other circumstances of extreme
About Tuberculosis: urgency.
• Causative Organism: Mycobacterium
tuberculosis which affects both animals 4.11 Viruses and Diseases in News
and humans.
• In humans, TB most commonly affects the 4.11.1 Norovirus
lungs (pulmonary TB), but it can also Context: Recently, Norovirus infection was
affect other organs (extra-pulmonary TB) confirmed in two school children in Ernakulam
like brain, lymph nodes, bones, etc. district of Kerala.
• Spread: TB is spread from person to About Norovirus:
person through the air. • Norovirus, also referred to as ‘stomach flu’ or
• Vaccine: Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) 'winter vomiting bug,’ is similar to diarrhea-
vaccine inducing rotavirus, infecting people across all
age groups.
4.10.1 Patent issue on TB drug
Context: The Indian Patent Office rejects J&J's • Most often, nursing homes, dorms, cruise
attempt of evergreening its patent on Bedaquiline ships, and other enclosed areas are the sites of
manufacturing in India beyond July 2023. disease outbreaks. Symptoms include diarrhea,
About the News: vomiting, nausea, stomach pain. The virus can
spread from person to person through the
• Bedaquiline treats multi-drug resistant TB
fecal-oral route.
when first-line treatments fail. It currently costs
$400 for a six-month course. • The diagnosis of disease is done by RT-PCR,
Drug Resistance Test for Tuberculosis (TB) and no vaccines are available for the disease.
• An IIT Bombay-incubated company has 4.11.2 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
created a comprehensive drug resistance test (PCOS)
for TB. Context: CSIR-National Institute of Science
• It analyzes the genomic data of the organism Communication and Policy Research (NIScPR)
through its genome sequencing and is an has brought out a special issue on the theme,
important molecular tool for TB surveillance “Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and its
and detecting resistance. Complications”.
• Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) is a About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS):
method that maps an organism's complete • PCOS is a multifactorial endocrine disorder
DNA and aids in identifying drug-resistant TB characterized by chronic anovulation, irregular
by quickly pinpointing a TB strain's origin and periods, hirsutism, and weight gain. It is a
its resistance profile. leading cause of infertility globally. .
• Genetics, neuroendocrine system, sedentary
Evergreening of Patent: lifestyle, diet, and obesity are the major risk
• It's a strategy to extend a patent's lifespan factors for PCOS.
nearing expiration by obtaining new • Drugs like metformin and oral contraceptive
patents, ensuring continued royalties from pills help in treatment, but they have side
them. effects. .
• Section 3(d) of the Indian Patent Act 1970 4.11.3 Sickle Cell Anemia
(amended in 2005) does not allow patents to Context: The Prime Minister launched the
be granted to inventions involving new National Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination
forms of a known substance unless it differs Mission.
significantly in properties with regard to About National Mission on Sickle Cell Anaemia:

• Announced in the Union Budget 2023, the goal • These abnormally shaped cells can get stuck in
is to eradicate sickle cell disease as a public small blood vessels, causing a variety of
health issue by 2047. complications.
• The mission focuses on raising awareness, • Occurrence: Common among people of
screening seven crore individuals aged 0-40 in African, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean
tribal areas, and counseling via joint central descent.
and state government efforts. • Symptoms: Anaemia, fatigue, jaundice,
delayed growth, and increased susceptibility to
• Blood transfusion, wherein RBCs are removed
from donated blood, is a trusted treatment in
the absence of permanent cures.
• Gene therapy and Stem cell transplants:
About Sickle cell anemia: Recently, the UK drug regulator approved a
• It is a genetic blood disorder that affects the gene therapy (Casgevy) to cure sickle cell
production of hemoglobin, the protein in red disease and thalassemia
blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the ○ It is a one-time therapy that edits the faulty
body. gene that leads to these blood disorders,
• People with sickle cell anemia have abnormal potentially curing the person for life.
hemoglobin that causes their red blood cells to ○ CRISPR CAS9 is used for cutting specific
become rigid and shaped like a crescent or DNA sequences with ‘engineered
sickle. nucleases’ enzymes.

Vulnerable Population of India:

• Tribal Population: Research and screening programmes have found that disease is more common
among tribal populations than non tribal communities of India.
• Malaria endemic regions: Prevalent in communities residing in regions where malaria is endemic.
• Endogamy: Sickle Cell Anaemia is higher in communities that practice endogamy, as the chances of
having two parents with sickle cell trait is higher.
About Thalassaemia:
• Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder caused when the body doesn’t make enough of a protein
called hemoglobin.
• It leads to low levels of hemoglobin and shows symptoms like fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, and
irregular heartbeats.
• People with the condition need blood transfusions throughout their life.
• The transfusions also lead to excess iron accumulation in the body, which needs chelation.

4.11.4 Marburg Virus
Context: Equatorial Guinea has confirmed its first-
ever outbreak of Marburg virus disease.
About Marburg Virus:
• Marburg Virus is a part of the filovirus family
( includes Ebola), first identified in 1967 after it
caused simultaneous outbreaks of disease in
laboratories of Marburg, Germany, and
Belgrade, Serbia.
• It causes a severe fever that often includes
bleeding, targets several organs, and reduces
the body’s ability to function on its own.
• Transmission:
○ Natural carrier: African fruit bat. It carries
the virus but does not get infected.
○ Animals can pass the virus to primates, • Vulnerable Group: Individuals below 15 years
including humans. or above 50 years of age, along with people
○ Human-to-human transmission can occur with comorbidities.
through contact with blood or other bodily • Prevention: Hygiene maintenance, Hand
fluids Sanitization.
• No authorized vaccines or drugs to treat 4.11.7 SARS -CoV-2 XBB.1.16 lineage
Marburg are available. However, rehydration Context: SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to evolve
treatment to alleviate symptoms can improve by accumulating genetic variations.
the chances of survival. About Recombinants:
4.11.5 Japanese Encephalitis • Co-infection of multiple lineages of a virus
Context: A study revealed that children who could result in recombinations between
received two doses of a live, attenuated Japanese genomes, which can give rise to chimeric
encephalitis vaccine formed very low levels of genomes called recombinants.
neutralizing antibodies IgG. • Possibility of new lineage: Most
About Japanese encephalitis: recombinations may not give rise to viable
• Causal Organism: Flavivirus, which affects the virus strains, but rare events can create a new
membranes around the brain. virus lineage with enhanced capabilities than
• Transmission: Culex Mosquitoes. parent strains.
• Treatment: No antiviral treatment. • SARS-CoV-2 witnessed several recombinant
lineages during the course of the pandemic.
• Prevention: Safe and effective JE vaccines,
included under Universal Immunization • WHO has put two recombinant lineages of
Program, are available to prevent the disease. SARS-CoV-2, namely XBB and XBF (Omicron
sublineage recombinant as Variants Under
• JE is the second Flavivirus that is vaccine-
preventable and covered under Universal
Immunization Programme (UIP)
• XBB lineage is seeing an uptick amidst the
ongoing rise of seasonal influenza H3N2 cases.
4.11.6 H3N2 Flu • XBB variant has a mutation in the Spike
Context: India has recorded two deaths due to protein, causing immune escape.
H3N2 seasonal influenza.
About H3N2:
Additional Information
• Influenza viruses cause flu, which is of four
• Variant under monitoring means the global
different types: A, B, C, and D.
health agency is tracking the variant closely.
• Influenza A is further classified into different
• Variant of Interest refers to a variant that
subtypes, and one of them is H3N2.
possesses genetic indicators linked to
• Symptoms: Fever, cough, breathlessness, diminished neutralization by antibodies
wheezing, and pneumonia. from prior infections or vaccines, lowered
• Transmission: Person to person through treatment efficacy, potential diagnostic
respiratory droplets. implications, or an anticipated rise in
contagiousness or disease intensity.

• Variant of Concern shows evidence of • Transmission: By different types of
higher transmissibility, increased severity, mosquitoes such as Culex, Anopheles, and
reduced antibody neutralization, decreased Aedes mosquito.
treatment or vaccine effectiveness, or • Symptoms: Abnormal enlargement of body
diagnostic challenges. parts (Elephantiasis).
4.11.8 Mosaic Viruses
Context: Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) and
Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV) have impacted
crops in Karnataka and Maharashtra respectively.
About CMV and ToMV:
• The two plant pathogens have similar names
and cause similar damage to crops, but they
belong to different viral families, and spread
• Both viruses can cause almost 100% crop loss
unless properly treated on time.
• ToMV:It belongs to the Virgaviridae family
and its hosts include tomato, tobacco, peppers,
and certain ornamental plants.
• CMV: It was first identified in cucumber and
has a much larger host pool that includes
melon, eggplant, tomato, carrot, lettuce, celery,
members of the gourd family.
4.11.9 Malaria 4.11.11 Kala Azar
Context: A deadly malaria vector, Anopheles Context: India targets to eliminate Kala Azar by
Stephensi, from Asia has been detected in Kenya. 2023 by achieving elimination status (<1
About Malaria: case/10,000 population) in all endemic blocks.
• Malaria is an acute febrile illness caused by
Plasmodium parasites, which are spread to
people through the bites of infected female
Anopheles mosquitoes.
• Of the five parasite species that cause malaria,
P. falciparum and P. vivax pose the greatest
Anopheles Stephensi
• It has strong adaptive qualities.
• Unlike other malaria vectors that breed in rural
areas, it can thrive in urban environments.
• The species can transmit multiple parasites, i.e.,
both Plasmodium falciparum and Vivax.
• Anopheles Stephensi has been expanding its
geographic range and has shown resistance to
local insecticides as well.
4.11.10 Lymphatic Filariasis
Context: Mass Drug Administration (MDA)
campaign to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) About Kala Azar:
by 2027 launched by the Health Ministry. • Kala-Azar or Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is a
About Lymphatic Filariasis complex infectious disease transmitted by the
• Lymphatic Filariasis or elephantiasis is a bite of female Phlebotomine sandflies.
vector-borne disease caused by parasitic • It is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus
filarial worms. One of the three parasites, Leishmania.
Wuchereria bancrofti, is responsible for 90% of
the cases

• It is a neglected tropical disease that affects • Symptoms: Fever, cough, breathing difficulty,
millions annually, making it the second most and muscle aches, with severe infections
common parasitic killer after malaria. potentially spreading to other organs such as
• It is covered under the National Vector Borne the skin, bones, and brain.
Disease Control Programme in India. • Treatment: It can be treated with antifungal
4.11.12 Noma Disease medications, which are usually continued for at
Context: Recently WHO announced the inclusion least 6 months.
of noma disease in its official list of neglected 4.11.15 Monkeypox
tropical diseases (NTDs). Context: WHO recently ended the global health
About Noma Disease: emergency status for Monkeypox.
• Noma Disease: Also known as cancrum oris or About Monkeypox:
gangrenous stomatitis, it is a severe • It is a viral disease that spreads to the human
gangrenous disease of the mouth and face. population through zoonotic spillovers.
• Gangrene: It is the death of body tissue due to • Potential Reservoirs: Rodents and primates.
a lack of blood flow or a severe bacterial • Transmission between humans: Spreads
infection. through close contact (including sexual
• Causative Agent: It is caused by the spirochete contact) and exposure to infected bodily fluids
Borrelia vincenti in association with anaerobic or lesions.
bacteria. • The WHO has renamed monkeypox as mpox,
4.11.13 Lumpy Skin Disease following concerns about racism and stigma
Context: Indian Council of Agricultural Research associated with the original name.
has developed the “Lumpi-ProVac” vaccine for 4.11.16 Brain-Eating Amoeba
Lumpy Skin Disease. Context: Recently, a 15-year-old boy in Kerala’s
About Lumpy Skin Disease: Alappuzha district died due to a rare infection
• Lumpy Skin Disease is a vector-borne caused by Naegleria fowleri or “brain-eating
infectious viral pox disease affecting cattle and amoeba”.
domestic Asian buffaloes. It is occasionally About Naegleria fowleri:
lethal. • Naegleria fowleri, commonly known as “brain-
• LSD is caused by Capripoxvirus, which is eating amoeba,” is a single-cell organism.
genetically related to the goat pox and sheep • It is found in warm freshwater environments
pox virus. such as lakes, hot springs and swimming
• The disease is not zoonotic, meaning it does pool.
not spread from animals to humans. • Transmission: It enters the body through the
• LSD has been reported in India since 2019, nose and travels to the brain, leading to a
while the first case was reported in the state of severe and usually fatal brain infection known
Odisha. as primary amebic meningoencephalitis
About Lumpi-ProVac (PAM).
• Lumpi-ProVac is safe for animals and triggers ○ It does not spread from person to person.
LSDV-specific immunity. It is used for yearly • Treatment: Treatment is with a combination of
protection against Lumpy Skin Disease. drugs, often including amphotericin B,
4.11.14 Blastomycosis azithromycin, fluconazole, rifampin, miltefosine,
• Context: Recently, a rare fungal infection and dexamethasone.
(Blastomycosis) in humans caused concern in 4.11.17 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
the US. (DMD)
About Blastomycosis: Context: A team of doctors from Tamil Nadu
• Causal Agent: Infection caused by a fungus along with scientists from Japan have developed
called Blastomyces, living particularly in moist a disease-modifying treatment for DMD.
soil and in decomposing matter such as wood About Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy(DMD):
and leaves. • DMD is a genetic disorder that is characterized
○ Fungus: Genus Blastomycosis (endemic to by growing muscle degeneration and
Michigan, US.) weakness.
• Transmission: Usually caused by inhaling • Cause: The condition arises when the DMD
airborne spores from contaminated soil into gene on the X chromosome mutates, leading to
the lungs. a failure in producing functional dystrophin.

• Dystrophin, a protein crucial for structural • These modified cells are then infused back into
integrity in muscle cells, is prone to mutations, the patient’s bloodstream to allow gradual
which may be inherited or occur spontaneously and sustained killing of tumor cells.
during germline transmission. • CAR-T cell therapy is also known as ‘Living
• Treatment: Gene therapy, exon-skipping and Drugs’ as they are more specific than targeted
disease modifying agents (anti-inflammatory agents and directly activate the patient’s
medicines such as steroids). immune system against cancer.
4.11.17 Leptospirosis • Potential side-effects
Context: Alarmed by a rise in leptospirosis cases ○ Cytokine release syndrome: Widespread
before monsoons, Mumbai’s civic health activation of the immune system and
department is studying positively tested patients. collateral damage to the body’s normal
About Leptospirosis: cells
• It is a contagious disease in animals, ○ Neurological symptoms like severe
occasionally transmitted to humans in certain confusion, seizures, and speech impairment.
environmental conditions. Application
• Caused by: A bacterium called Leptospira • Approved for leukaemias (cancer of
interrogans, or leptospira. WBC producing cells) and lymphomas
• Vectors: Wild or domestic animals, including (lymphatic system cancer).
rodents, cattle, pigs, etc.. • Patients with remission and
unresponsive to previous combinations
4.11.18 Nipah Virus (NiV) of chemotherapy or immunotherapy.
Context: ICMR-National Institute of Virology
has found evidence of the Nipah virus circulation
4.13 Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
in the bat population across several states.
About Nipah Virus: Context: As the acute COVID-19 phase subsides,
• Nipah Virus belongs to the family the enduring, harmful pandemic of Antimicrobial
Paramyxoviridae, genus Henipavirus. Resistance (AMR) necessitates a swift global
• Transmission: response.
○ Zoonotic virus, transmitted from animals About Antimicrobial Resistance:
to humans. • AMR occurs when microorganisms such as
○ Reservoir: The fruit bat, also known as the bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi become
flying fox, serves as the animal host resistant to antimicrobial treatments (such as
reservoir for the virus. antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, antimalarials,
○ Fruit bats spread the virus to animals like and anthelmintics) to which they were
pigs, dogs, cats, goats, horses, and sheep, previously susceptible.
and humans can become infected via direct • Resultantly, traditional therapies become
contact with these animals or by ineffective, illnesses persist, and the risk of
consuming food tainted with their saliva or spreading the infection to others increases.
• Antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms are
• Treatments: No specific treatment for Nipah frequently referred to as "superbugs."
Virus, primary treatment is intensive supportive
• Superbugs are strains of bacteria, viruses,
parasites and fungi that are resistant to most of
the antibiotics and other medications
4.12 CAR-T Cell Therapy commonly used to treat the infections they
Context: CAR T-cell therapy, a new development cause.
in cancer treatment, is drawing attention globally. • AMR is caused due to overuse of antibiotics,
About Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell emergence of new strain of bacteria,
therapy: indiscriminate use of antibiotics in poultry etc.
• CAR-T cell therapy is a type of immunotherapy Anthelmintics: Antiparasitic drugs that expel
that uses a patient's own immune cells to fight parasitic worms.
Threats posed by AMR:
cancer, unlike chemotherapy, which requires
mass-produced injectable or oral medication. • Microbial resistance to antibiotics has made it
harder to treat infections like pneumonia,
• In CAR T-cell therapy, patients' cells are
tuberculosis, blood poisoning etc, causing
modified in the laboratory to activate T-cells, a
heavy health cost and delayed recovery
component of immune cells, to attack tumors.

Phage Therapy • Usage of veterinary antibiotics such as
• Phage therapy is an alternative to antibiotics, tetracycline on livestock results in lower
amidst increasing AMR due to improper use of carbon storage in soils.
antibiotics. • Antibiotics in dung and urine disrupt soil
• It is a medical approach that utilizes microbial communities, negatively affecting
bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect carbon sequestration. However, grazing by
and kill bacteria, as a means to treat bacterial herbivores stabilizes the pool of soil carbon in
infections in humans. the same region.
• Unlike antibiotics that can harm both harmful • Although soils from the wild and livestock
bacteria and beneficial microbiota, phages have areas had many similarities, they differed in
evolved to precisely target specific bacterial carbon use efficiency (CUE), which
strains or species, minimizing collateral determines the ability of microbes to store
damage. carbon in the soil.
Honeybees as Biomonitors
• A recent paper suggests that honeybees can act 4.14 Organ Donation Policy
as “Biomonitors” for the spread of antimicrobial
resistance in urban areas. Context: The Union Health Ministry removed the
65-year age limit for organ transplant registration
• A biomonitor is an organism used to
in alignment with National Organ and Tissue
quantitatively assess environmental quality and
Transplant Organization (NOTTO) guidelines.
contaminants by leveraging the organism's
National Organ and Tissue Transplant
ability to gather information about the biosphere.
Organization's guidelines:
• The organization stated that online promotions
Third Muscat Ministerial Manifesto on AMR.
violated the Transplantation of Human
• Held in Muscat (Oman) in 2023.
Organ and Tissue Act, 1994, with penalties
• Theme “The AMR Pandemic: From Policy including fines of ₹20 lakh to ₹1 crore and
to One Health Action” imprisonment of 5 to 10 years.
• The targets includes: • The government has decided to remove the
○ Reducing total amount of antimicrobials clause in the NOTTO guidelines, as it violates
used in agrifood systems by 30-50 % by the right to life and to formulate a “One
2030. Nation, One Policy” for organ donation and
○ Preserving critically important
antimicrobials for human medicine.
○ Ensuring that ‘Access’ group antibiotics
• National Organ and Tissue Transplant
(a category of antibiotics that are
Organization (NOTTO) is an organization
affordable, safe and have a low AMR
set up under the Directorate General of
risk) represent at least 60% of overall
Health Services, Ministry of Health and
antibiotic consumption in humans by
Family Welfare.
• It has two divisions:
• Endorsed by 34 of the 45 countries, including
○ National Human Organ and Tissue
Removal and Storage Network
One Health Approach: It is a holistic strategy mandated as per the Transplantation
that recognizes the interconnectedness of of Human Organs (Amendment) Act
human, animal, and environmental health. 2011, networks for Procurement
Allocation and Distribution of Organs
GLASS provides a standardized approach to and Tissues in Delhi.
the collection, analysis, interpretation and ○ National Biomaterial Centre: It fills
sharing of data by countries. It was launched by up the gap between ‘Demand’ and
WHO on 22 October 2015. ‘Supply’ as well as ‘Quality
4.13.1 Antibiotic Drugs Assurance’ in the availability of
Context: Researchers at IISc have found that various tissues.
grazing by livestock leads to lower carbon storage Transplantation of Human Organs Act,
in soil compared to grazing by wild herbivores. 1994
Key Findings of the Study: • It provides various regulations for the
removal of human organs and its storage.

• It regulates the transplantation of human • It provides for maintenance of registry of
organs for therapeutic purposes and for donors & recipients of human organs and
the prevention of commercial dealings in tissues
human organs.
Main Provisions:
• The act recognises brain death as a form
of the death process and defines criteria
for brain death.

Old Guidelines Revised Guidelines

Registration for transplant only in the domicile Registration for transplant in any state across India.
Patients beyond 65 are ineligible for organ People beyond 65 in need of an organ donation will
donation. also be eligible.
No unique ID is allotted, and registration is valid Patients are allotted a unique ID by NOTTO on
only in domicile state. registering, which is transferable to multiple hospitals
in various states.

Registration fee charged from patients. No registration charging registration fees from

• Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi scheme: Assistance of

4.15 Rare Diseases
Rs 15 lakh will be provided to patients
Context: Recently, the Union government waived suffering from rare diseases that require a one-
basic customs duty on imported drugs and special time curative treatment.
medical foods for personal use, covering all rare • National Policy for Rare Diseases 2021
diseases under the 2021 National Policy. About National Policy for Rare Diseases, 2021:
About the News: • Government launched the National Policy for
• Centre has exempted pembrolizumab Rare Diseases (NPRD) in 2021 for the treatment
(Keytruda), a cancer treatment drug, from of rare disease patients.
basic customs duty. • It identifies and categorizes rare diseases into 3
• Exemptions provide substantial cost savings groups based on duration and cost of
for expensive drugs and provide relief to treatment and provides financial support up
patients. to Rs. 50 lakhs to the patients.
About Rare Diseases: • Eight Centers of Excellence (CoEs) have been
• Also known as “Orphan” diseases, they are identified for diagnosis, prevention and
defined as diseases that infrequently occur in treatment and five Nidan Kendras for genetic
a population. testing and counseling services have been set
• Three markers, namely, the total number of up.
people with the disease, its prevalence, and • A national hospital-based registry of rare
the availability/non-availability of treatment diseases will be created to ensure adequate
options, determine categorization of diseases data is available for those interested in research
as rare diseases globally. and development.
• WHO defines a rare disease as having a • It is notable that the policy does not define
frequency of less than 6.5-10 per 10,000 Rare Diseases.
• However, India does not have a definition of 4.16 Background radiation in Kerala
rare diseases because of lack of
epidemiological data on their incidence and Context: A study by BARC scientists found that in
prevalence. parts of Kerala, including Kollam, background
• Example: Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Lysosomal radiation levels are nearly three times more than
Storage Disorders what’s been assumed.
Government Initiatives: Findings of the BARC study:

• Average natural background levels of gamma Context: A recent study suggests that even low
radiation in India was 94 nGy/hr (nano Gray levels of arsenic consumption may impact
per hour~ 0.8 millisievert/year). cognitive function in children, adolescents, and
• Higher radiation levels in Kollam are young adults.
attributed to monazite sands that are high in Impact of Arsenic on Health:
thorium. • Arsenic exposure leads to decreased grey
• Southern India has the presence of granite and matter (brain tissue that is vital to cognitive
basaltic volcanic rock, which have higher functions), essential for cognition, and impairs
levels of radiation from uranium deposits. brain connections vital for concentration, task-
Background radiation switching, and information storage.
• It is the natural radiation that is always • Prolonged arsenic exposure in drinking water
present in the environment. raises the risk of cancers in skin, lungs,
• It includes cosmic radiation which comes bladder, kidney, and causes skin changes such
from the sun and stars, terrestrial radiation as hyperkeratosis.
which comes from the Earth, and internal • Ingesting high doses of soluble inorganic
radiation which exists in all living things. arsenic causes acute toxicity, gastrointestinal,
Gamma Radiation: cardiovascular, nervous issues, and can be
• They are extremely energetic radiations that fatal.
can pass unobstructed through matter. About Arsenic:
However they are harmless unless present in • Arsenic is a natural component of the earth’s
concentrated doses. crust and is highly toxic in its inorganic form.
• Gamma radiation levels are closely • Sources of Arsenic:
monitored around nuclear plants and public ○ Emitted into air by high-temperature
exposure shouldn't surpass 1 milliSievert processes such as coal-fired power plants,
annually. burning vegetation and volcanism.
○ Natural low-temperature biomethylation
4.17 Hysterectomies and reduction to arsines also releases
arsenic into the atmosphere.
Context: Recently, a Supreme Court petition ○ Discharged into groundwater, particularly
claimed that unjustified hysterectomies target in areas with sulphide mineral and
women from marginalized areas for economic sedimentary deposits originating from
gain and exploitation. volcanic rocks.
About various Birth Control Measure: • In India, arsenic exposure is closely tied to diet,
• Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to with inorganic and organic arsenic in food
remove the uterus, after which a woman being major contributors.
cannot become pregnant and no longer ○ West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar
menstruate. Pradesh, Assam, and Manipur are regions
• Tubectomy, also known as tubal sterilization, with high background arsenic levels.
is a permanent method of contraception in
women. It involves a surgical process that 4.19 Assisted Reproductive Technology
blocks the fallopian tubes, thereby preventing (ART)
the egg released by the ovary from reaching the
uterus. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART):
• Vasectomy is a form of male birth control that • ART includes all fertility treatments in which
cuts the supply of sperm to your semen. It's both eggs and embryos are handled.
done by cutting and sealing the tubes that carry • It involves surgically removing eggs from a
sperm. woman’s ovaries, combining them with sperm
• Oophorectomy is a surgical procedure to in the laboratory, and returning them to the
remove one or both of the ovaries. woman’s body.
• Vasectomy and Tubectomy are both reversible • This mainly includes In Vitro Fertilisation
processes, but it does not entirely ensure (IVF), ICSI, cryopreservation of gametes (egg
restoration of fertility. or sperm) or embryos, PGT (Preimplantation
Genetic Testing).
4.18 Arsenic Exposure Types of ART:

• In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a method of ART • m102.4 is a “potent, fully human” monoclonal
where the woman’s eggs and man’s sperms are antibody, which neutralizes Hendra and
fertilized outside the body in a laboratory dish, Nipah viruses, both outside and inside of
thus also called a ‘test tube baby’. One or more
living organisms.
embryos are transferred to the uterine lining
and grow About Antibody or immunoglobulin
• Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): This • An antibody attaches itself to an antigen – a
technique, ideal for male infertility with low foreign substance, usually a disease-causing
sperm count or quality, follows IVF's initial molecule – and helps the immune system
steps but uses a special needle to inject sperm eliminate it from the body.
into the egg for fertilization.
• Cryopreservation of Gametes/Embryos: It
4.21 Freedom from Avian Influenza
involves freezing embryos, eggs, and sperm at
Context: The World Organisation for Animal
-196°C, beneficial for IVF patients who have
Health (WOAH) has approved India's self-
spare embryos left after the embryo transfer..
• Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT): It is declaration of freedom from Highly Pathogenic
an early prenatal diagnosis which identifies Avian Influenza (HPAI) in specific poultry
abnormal embryos and selects healthy ones to compartments.
enhance pregnancy chances. About Avian Influenza in India:
○ It helps couples with genetic disorders to • Avian influenza, also known as 'bird flu', is a
prevent transfer of abnormalities to their
disease primarily affecting birds and is caused
by a virus of the Orthomyxoviridae family.
• Subtype:
4.20 Monoclonal Antibodies ○ The Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Virus (LPAIV) can cause a mild illness,
Context: India approached Australia to acquire
often unnoticed or without any symptoms.
monoclonal antibody doses for tackling the Nipah
○ The Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
virus outbreak in Kerala.
Virus (HPAIV) causes serious illness in
About Monoclonal Antibodies:
birds that can spread rapidly.
• Monoclonal antibodies are synthetic proteins
• Threat to Human Health: While most bird flu
designed in labs to emulate the immune
viruses are not Zoonotic, certain HPAIV can
system's antibodies, guarding against diseases
infect humans.
and foreign entities.
• Strategies to Curb Spread: Zoning and
• These are generated by extracting specific
compartmentalization are strategies to group
antibodies from human blood and cloning
animals by health status to manage disease
them to target certain antigens.Development
prevention and control
of Monoclonal Bodies:
• Monitoring: WHO continuously monitors
• Hybridoma technology is one of the most
avian and other zoonotic influenza viruses
common methods used to produce monoclonal
closely through its Global Influenza
Surveillance and Response System (GISRS).
• In this process, a fusion cell (hybridoma cell)
• India's Approach to Control HPAI: India
is made up of B cells (white blood cells that
follows a "detect and cull" policy as outlined in
produce antibodies) and myeloma cells
the National Action Plan for Prevention,
(abnormal plasma cells).
Control, and Containment of Avian
• These hybrid cells allowed production of a
single antibody clone, known as a monoclonal
○ It includes the humane destruction of
infected and exposed animals, eggs,
• Monoclonal antibodies target specific disease
causing antigens, to hinder the spike protein's
○ Vaccination against HPAI is not permitted
ability to infect healthy cells.
in India.
About m102.4

combination of medications that target
different stages of the virus's life cycle.
4.22.3 Dar-Es-Salaam Declaration
Context: The first ministerial meeting of the
Global Alliance to end AIDS concluded with the
Dar-Es-Salaam Declaration on ending AIDS in
children by 2030.
About the Dar-Es-Salaam Declaration:
• Ministers and representatives from 12 African
countries have laid out plans to end AIDS in
children by 2030 through early testing,
treatment, and prevention programmes.
• The unanimously endorsed Dar-es-Salaam
Declaration commits to ensuring children with
4.22 Other Notable News HIV receive treatment and mothers with HIV
have HIV-free babies.
4.22.1 Dusseldorf Patient
Context: A 53-year-old German, referred to as the 4.22.4 Cellular Reprogramming
Dusseldorf patient, has become the third person Context: Researchers have devised a method in
to have been “cured of HIV”. which specialized proteins can transform healthy
About the Dusseldorf Patient: adult skin cells into heart cells through cellular
• Dusseldorf (a city in Germany) Patient refers reprogramming.
to a person who was declared free of HIV after About Cellular Reprogramming:
receiving a stem cell transplant from a donor • Cellular reprogramming involves usage of
with a rare genetic mutation that makes them specific proteins, called transcription factors,
resistant to HIV infection. to alter the expression of genes within a cell and
• Other Reported Recoveries from HIV: direct it to take on a new cellular identity.
○ Berlin Patient: The Berlin patient received • They developed a toolbox consisting of six
two stem cell transplants one year apart for recombinant proteins that play a significant
his blood cancer. The donor had a genetic role in reprogramming fibroblasts in
mutation called CCR5-delta 32, making the cardiomyocytes.
patient the first person to recover from • Recombinant proteins-based cell conversion
HIV. offers the advantage of operating within the
○ London Patient: In 2019, a similar nucleus and gradually fading away without
treatment was successful for the London toxic residue
patient. 4.22.5 Artificial Sweeteners
About CCR5 mutation & fight with Human Context: WHO recommended against use of
Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV): artificial sweeteners to achieve weight loss.
• HIV attacks the CD4 immune cells, a type of About Artificial Sweeteners:
white blood cell, thereby reducing a person’s • Artificial sweeteners, like Aspartame and
ability to fight off secondary infections. Saccharin, are synthetic alternatives to sugar,
• The CCR5 receptors on the surface of the CD4 offering sweetness without substantial
immune cells act as a doorway for HIV. calories or raising blood sugar.
• The CCR5-delta 32 mutation blocks HIV Fibroblasts: Type of cell that provides structure
receptors from forming on cell surfaces, thus to tissue.
preventing the virus from entering cells. Cardiomyocytes: Cells responsible for the
• Transmission of HIV: It is transmitted contraction of the heart.
through certain body fluids, including blood, Type of Sugar Substitute:
semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. • Natural Sweeteners: Honey, Molasses, dates,
• Modes of transmission: Unprotected sexual coconut sugar.
contact, Sharing of needles and from mother to • Artificial Sweeteners: Aspartame,
child during childbirth or breastfeeding. Saccharine, Sucralose
• Treatment: HIV can be managed with • Sugar Alcohols: Xylitol, Erythritol
antiretroviral therapy (ART), which is a • Novel Sweeteners: Stevia, Tagatose
Recommendations of WHO:

• Use of artificial sweeteners may disrupt the • The WHO identified it as one of the most
body's calorie regulation, leading to dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
overeating, cravings, and reduced metabolic causing pneumonia, meningitis, wound
efficiency. infections, and potentially leading to death.
• Long Term Impacts: 4.22.8 Fixed Dose Combination (FDC)
○ Artificial sweeteners may initially aid in Context: Centre has prohibited 14 fixed dose
weight loss and BMI reduction, but long- combination drugs, stating they lack therapeutic
term use is linked to weight gain and justification.
increased risk of Type-2 diabetes, About Fixed Dose Combination (FDC):
cardiovascular diseases, and mortality.
• Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) refers to a
○ Artificial sweeteners are also associated
pharmaceutical product that contains two or
with altered brain neurotransmitter
more active ingredients combined in a fixed
levels, affecting mood, behavior, and
ratio in a single dosage to improve compliance.
reducing serotonin, key in mood and
• FDCs are commonly used in the treatment of
anxiety regulation.
infectious diseases, cardiovascular disorders,
4.22.6 The Big Catch-Up Initiative diabetes, and asthma. Eg Nimesulide,
Context: WHO launched two initiatives ‘The Big Paracetamol dispersible tablets etc.
Catch-Up’ and Preparedness and Resilience for • WHO has recently included three fixed dose
Emerging Threats (PRET) in response to COVID- combinations of cardiovascular medicines or
19 pandemic. polypills for use in prevention of primary and
About the Initiatives: secondary diseases.
The Big Catch-up Initiative: Risks associated with FDC:
• It was launched by WHO, UNICEF and many • Combining drugs can lead to interactions
global health partners, to restore immunization where active ingredients or excipients might
progress lost during pandemic. alter each drug's performance.
• It aims to boost vaccination among children • The drugs may interact with each other to
following declines driven by the COVID-19 create a more toxic element, often called
pandemic. metabolites.
PRET Initiative: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) is the
• The initiative focuses on enhancing countries' biologically active component of a drug
capacities to prepare for, detect, and respond product (tablet, capsule, cream, injectable) that
to emerging infectious diseases. produces the intended therapeutic effects.
• It recognizes a 3 tier system for pandemic
preparedness and operates under the aegis of 4.22.9 Aspartame
the International Health Regulations, a critical Context: The cancer research arm of the WHO will
international legal instrument for managing list the popular sugar substitute aspartame as
public health emergencies. possibly carcinogenic to humans.
4.22.7 Abaucin About Aspartame:
Context: Recently, scientists used Artificial • Aspartame, a methyl ester of L-aspartic acid
intelligence to identify Abaucin, a new antibiotic and L-phenylalanine amino acids, is 200 times
effective against the highly resistant Acinetobacter sweeter than table sugar but less so than
baumannii bacteria. sweeteners like advantame and neotame.
About Abaucin: Abaucin, a new antibiotic, • It is preferred by people trying to cut calories
effectively targets the resistant Acinetobacter or lose weight, or by diabetics, because of
baumannii bacteria, selectively hindering its lower calorie content than sugar.
growth by disrupting the CCR2 protein • Uses: Diet soft drinks, sugar-free chewing gum,
function, without affecting other Gram- sugar-free ice cream, sugar-free breakfast
negative bacteria. cereals, etc.
About Acinetobacter Baumannii: 4.22.10 Neuralink Human Trials
• It is a Gram-negative bacteria which causes Context: Elon Musk’s neurotechnology company
significant healthcare-associated infections. has received FDA approval for human trials of
• It is found in soil and water and survives on their brain--computer interface.
surfaces for long periods as a resilient About Brain--Computer Interface:

• It is a next--generation brain implant with 100 hookahs,vary in design but generally include a
-times more brain connections than currently battery, heater, and liquid holder.
approved devices. • E-Cigarettes Aerosol: They usually contain
• This device is implanted in a skull's disk- nicotine flavorings and other chemicals that
shaped cutout using a precision surgical robot. help to make the aerosol.
• The device itself is a coin--sized unit called a • Regulation of e-Cigarettes in India:
Link. ○ Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes Act,
Working process: 2019 was enacted to prohibit the
• The device links the brain to an external production, manufacture, import, export,
computer through bluetooth for continuous transport, sale, distribution, storage and
two-way communication. The robot attaches advertisement of e- cigarettes.
thousands of fine threads from the Link to • Health Risks Associated with E-Cigarettes are
brain neurons nicotine addiction and risks of cancer and
• This technology offers precise prosthetic limb cardiovascular disease.
control for amputees and revolutionizes 4.22.13 New Class of Antibiotic
treatments for Parkinson's, epilepsy, and spinal Context: Researchers have identified a new class
injuries. of antibiotics with the potential to tackle a drug-
About Neurons resistant bacterium, Acinetobacter baumannii.
• The brain consists of millions of neurons, or About the News:
nerve cells, that collaborate in extensive • Zosurabalpin was found to be effective against
networks. CRAB (carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter
• They manage various bodily functions, from baumannii)-induced pneumonia and sepsis in
sensory perception to movement, and mouse models.
regulate vital processes like breathing and • Trials: Evaluated in two phase I clinical trials.
heart rate. About Acinetobacter baumannii
• Neurons function as information carriers, • It is a bacterial pathogen primarily associated
transmitting data through electrical and with hospital-acquired infections.
chemical signals between various brain • It is commonly associated with aquatic
regions, spinal cord, and the entire body. environments and colonizes the skin as well as
the respiratory and oropharynx secretions of
4.22.11 N-nitrosodimethylamine infected individuals.
Context: The Gujarat High Court has notified the 4.22.14 AKTOCYTE tablets to Transform
Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) to phase Cancer Care
out drugs with cancer-causing impurities such as
Context: Scientists have developed Aktocyte
tablets for treating pelvic cancer.
About N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)
About AKTOCYTE tablets
• It is a yellow, oily, light-sensitive nitrosamine-r • Approval: AKTOCYTE has received approval
and is considered a likely human carcinogen.
from the Food Safety and Standards Authority
• NDMA is detected in certain foods, beverages, of India (FSSAI).
pharmaceuticals and also in environmental • The AKTOCYTE tablets have been effective,
sources like water and air. particularly in pelvic cancer patients suffering
• NDMA is produced in the making of chemicals from radiotherapy-induced Cystitis (Blood in
like pesticides and rubber, and in water urine).
treatment with chloramines. It is also formed • Further, these tablets have been designed as a
in the stomach on digestion of certain foods. nutraceutical, an adjuvant to cancer
4.22.12 Use of E-Cigarettes radiotherapy and antioxidant.
Context: As per WHO, urgent action is needed to • Performance: Patients treated with Aktocyte
control e-cigarettes to protect children, as well as tablets demonstrated an extraordinary
non-smokers, and minimize health harms. recovery, eliminating the need for surgical
About e-Cigarettes removal of the urinary bladder.
• E-Cigarettes (electronic nicotine delivery
systems (ENDS)) also known as vapes or e-

MPOWER are a set of six cost-effective and high impact measures by WHO,
that help countries reduce demand for tobacco.

Context: American surgeons have successfully transplanted a pig’s kidney into

a brain-dead human.
• Xenotransplantation refers to the transplantation of living cells, tissues, or
organs from one species to another, typically from animals to humans.
Xenotransplantation • This medical procedure aims to address the shortage of human organs
available for transplantation.
• The transplant involved a modified pig kidney lacking the Alpha-gal sugar
molecule gene, which is absent in humans and can trigger strong immune

Context: Senegal hosts the inaugural meeting of WHO’s GONE initiative.

GONE (Global Onchocerciasis Elimination Network)
• GONE, backed by WHO, is a pragmatic and flexible country-led effort
focused on providing solutions to meet national program needs.
• Goal: Empower countries to accelerate progress towards onchocerciasis
WHO’s GONE elimination targets.
initiative About Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)
• Second leading infectious cause of worldwide blindness. Classified as a
Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) by WHO.
• Affects people in isolated and underserved rural communities.
• Caused by the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus.
• Symptoms: Severe skin irritation, itching, and irreversible blindness.

Context: Researchers have found that a genetic regulatory circuit regulates cell
aging, and altering this system could lengthen cell lifespan.
About the Biosynthetic Clock
• This control mechanism acts as a biosynthetic clock, directing cells through
Biosynthetic Clocks two aging pathways.
• Scientists can create a feedback loop that delays cell deterioration by altering
this system, thus increasing cell longevity.
• This study could enhance human health and treat age-related illnesses in
the future.

Context: A patient in ICU was recently treated under a 'compassionate use

protocol' using a drug currently in phase 3 trials.
Compassionate Use About Compassionate Use Protocol:
Protocol • This approach allows patients with severe, life-threatening diseases to access
investigational medical products (drug, biologic, or medical device) outside
clinical trials when no other satisfactory treatments exist.

Context: Research shows psychedelic drugs as potential treatments for resistant

depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
About Psychedelic Substances:
• Psychedelics are a group of drugs that alter perception, mood, and thought
processing while a person is still clearly conscious. Example: Ketamine.
• They are non addictive, non-toxic and compared to illicit drugs, they are less
• The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 prohibits use of
psychedelic substances.

Context: Ozempic, a diabetes drug, is increasingly becoming popular due to its

Ozempic Drug
advantage of weight- loss potential.

About the Ozempic Drug:
• Ozempic, a brand name for Type-2 Diabetes drug “Semaglutide”, controls
blood sugar levels and can be taken either by injection or orally.
• Ozempic works by mimicking the effects of a hormone- called GLP-1,
which is naturally produced in the body.
○ GLP1 helps to regulate blood sugar levels by stimulating the release of
insulin, slowing down the release of glucose from the liver.

Context: Assessments of the health impacts of aspartame have been recently

released by the WHO.
About Aspartame:
• It is an artificial sweetener, which has gained popularity due to its zero
calories and lack of bitter aftertaste.
• Other examples of artificial sweeteners are saccharin, acesulfame potassium
(Ace-K), sucralose, neotame, and advantame.
• Uses: It is used as a flavoring agent in baked goods, canned foods,
confectionery, puddings, diet beverages, gelatin, ice cream, yogurt, cereals,
toothpaste, cough drops, and chewable vitamins.

Defense Technology And Innovations
About the S-400 Triumf Missile System:
5.1 Defence Acquisition Council • The S-400 Triumf is a mobile, surface-to-air
missile system (SAM) designed by Russia.
Context: The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) • It is a lethal modern long-range SAM (MLR
accorded Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for SAM), considered superior to the US-
three capital acquisition proposals. developed Terminal High Altitude Area
About the Defence Acquisition Council: Defense system (THAAD).
• The DAC is the highest decision-making body • It can engage all types of aerial targets,
in the Defence Ministry for new policies and including aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles,
capital acquisitions for the three services and and ballistic and cruise missiles within the
the Indian Coast Guard. It was formed in 2001. range of 400 km, at an altitude of up to 30 km.
• The Minister of Defence is the Chairman of
the Council. 5.3 Air Independent Propulsion (AIP)
About the Capital Acquisition Proposals:
• The DAC has approved the procurement of system
three indigenous defense systems:
Context: Indigenous fuel cell-based Air
○ HELINA anti-tank guided missile,
Independent Propulsion (AIP) system is to be
○ VSHORAD air defense system, and
fitted on INS Kalvari.
○ BrahMos cruise missile launcher and fire
About Air Independent Propulsion Technology:
control system for naval ships.
• AIP is marine propulsion technology that
allows a non-nuclear submarine to operate
• The HELINA anti-tank guided missile is a
without access to atmospheric oxygen (either
third-generation fire-and-forget weapon
by surfacing or using a snorkel).
system mounted on the Advanced Light
Helicopter. It can engage targets in all-
• Conventional diesel-electric submarines must
surface every 48 hours to recharge their
weather conditions.
batteries, making them vulnerable to
• A variant of the HELINA Weapon System
detection. AIP systems can extend underwater
called DHRUVASTRA is being inducted
operations to two weeks.
into the Indian Air Force (IAF).
About Very-Short Range Air Defence System • Fuel cell technology-based AIP generates
(VSHORADS) Missile: power through the reverse electrolysis of
oxygen and hydrogen, which does not need air
• It is a Man Portable Air Defence System
but requires onboard hydrogen storage.
(MANPAD) developed indigenously by
DRDO. The missile neutralizes low-altitude • DRDO’s AIP relies on Phosphoric Acid Fuel
aerial threats. Cell, which does not require hazardous
hydrogen to be stored onboard.
5.2 S-400
5.4 Indo--U.S. Unmanned Aerial
Context: Deliveries of five regiments of S-400 air Vehicle
defense systems from Russia are expected to be
completed by year -end. • Content: A prototype of the Air Launched
About the news: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (ALUAV)
• Three regiments of S-400 have been delivered, developed jointly by India and the United
which are deployed along the Northern, States is likely to be flight tested later this year.
Eastern, and Western borders. About ALUAV:
• The Ministry of Defence and US Department of
Defence signed a Project Agreement (PA) for

Air-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Arms Transfer -2022’ for a five-year period (2018-
under the Defence Technology and Trade 2022).
Initiative (DTTI). About the news:
Defence Technology and Trade Initiative • SIPRI is an independent international
(DTTI): institute dedicated to research into conflict,
armaments, arms control, and disarmament.
• The DTTI was announced in 2012 to promote
collaborative technology exchange and create • Between 2013-2022, Russia was India's
opportunities for co-production and co- primary arms supplier, but its share in Indian
development of future technologies for Indian arms imports declined from 64% to 45%.
and US military forces. However, Russia still remains the leading arms
supplier of India.
• Under DTTI, Joint Working Groups on land,
naval, air, and aircraft carrier technologies • India has emerged as the largest global
have been established to focus on mutually weapons importer, accounting for 11% of
agreed projects. global military equipment imports.
• India imports 29% of its weapons from France
and 11% from the US.
5.5 CBRN Weapons
5.7 Positive Indigenisation List
Context: An ongoing Indo-US joint exercise,
named TARKASH, has for the first time included Context: The Ministry of Defence has approved
“Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and the 4th Positive Indigenisation List for Defence
Nuclear (CBRN) terror response” in its drill. Public Sector Undertakings (DPSU).
About Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and About Positive Indigenisation List (PIL):
Nuclear Weapons: • Positive Indigenisation List consists of items
• CBRN are classified as weapons of mass exclusively sourced by Indian armed forces
destruction, which were first used during from domestic manufacturers, including
World War I by the French forces. those from the private sector or Defence
• Americans used Napalm and the herbicide PSUs.
Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. • The concept was rolled out in the Defence
• Chemical weapons include mustard gas Acquisition Procedure (DAP) 2020.
(which damages the respiratory tract, skin, and • DPSUs will undertake indigenisation through
eyes) and nerve agents (where victims become different routes under ‘Make’ category and in-
unconscious, have breathing difficulties, and house development through MSME and
may die). private Indian industry.
• Biological agents like anthrax (causes fever, Government initiatives to promote self-
malaise, cough, shock, and could lead to death reliance in the Defence Sector:
within 36 hours) botulinum toxin (leads to • Liberalization of Foreign Direct
paralysis of respiratory muscles) are some Investment (FDI) policy allowing 74% FDI
examples of biochemical weapons. under automatic route.
• Radiological weapons include weaponised • Launch of Innovations for Defence
radioactive waste and dirty bombs, as well as Excellence (iDEX) scheme by involving
nuclear weapons. Start-ups & Micro, Small and Medium
About TARKASH Drill: Enterprises (MSMEs).
• It is a joint exercise by NSG and US (SOF) • Launch of an indigenization portal, namely
teams. SRIJAN, to facilitate indigenisation by
• Objective: To rapidly neutralize the terrorists, Indian Industry, including MSMEs.
rescue the hostages safely, and deactivate the • Establishment of two Defence Industrial
chemical weapons being carried by the Corridors, one each in Uttar Pradesh and
terrorists. Tamil Nadu.
• Earmarking of 25% of R&D Budget for
Industry-led R&D.
5.6 SIPRI Data on Military Spending
Context: Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute (SIPRI) released ‘Trends in International

5.8 Innovations for Defence Excellence • Integrated surveillance: The system integrates
thousands of sensors for a comprehensive
(iDEX) surveillance view to commanders and staff at
all levels. It also integrates data on adversaries'
Context: Ministry of Defence signs 250th contract
movements received from sensors, satellites,
under ‘Innovations for Defence Excellence’.
UAVs, and patrols.
About iDEX:
• It seeks self-reliance and innovation in Additional Information
Defence and Aerospace by involving • Army Information and Decision Support
industries, MSMEs, startups, innovators, R&D, System: It is an upgraded and redesigned
and academia. version of the erstwhile Combat Information
• iDEX has partnered with leading incubators Decision Support System, which will
in the country to provide hand-holding, integrate inputs from all operational and
technical support, and guidance to the winners managerial information systems.
of iDEX challenges. • Situational Awareness Module for the
• It is funded and managed by “Defence Army (SAMA): It is a decision support
Innovation Organisation.” system in place to integrate inputs from BSS,
e-Sitrep, and the Management Information
5.9 Territorial Army Systems Organisation.

Context: Department of Military Affairs amends

5.11 Sagar Sampark
cadre management for Women Officers in
Territorial Army (TA). Context: Minister of Ports, Shipping and
About Territorial Army: Waterways, recently inaugurated the indigenous
• The Territorial Army was raised by the Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
Britishers in 1920 through Indian Territorial (DGNSS) called ‘SAGAR SAMPARK’.
Act, 1920. About Sagar Sampark:
• After independence, the Territorial Army Act • It is a terrestrial based enhancement system
was passed in 1948, and the TA was formally that corrects the errors and inaccuracies in the
inaugurated. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
• The Territorial Army is a part of the Regular and provides more accurate positioning
Army and handles the regular army’s static information.
duties. • Aim:
• It also aids civil administration in disaster ○ Improving safety by assisting mariners in
relief and essential services during community navigation and reducing accidents in
or national security crises. ports..
• The Territorial Army is based on a Citizen ○ Provide radio aids to ships for marine
Soldiers’ army concept, and officers undergo navigation.
Annual Training on basic military skills while
Differential GNSS
remaining gainfully employed in civilian life.
• Working of GNSS: GNSS receivers
5.10 Automation Initiatives of Army determine position using timing signals from
satellites, with potential for various errors or
• Context: The Indian Army has initiated Project delays during signal transmission to Earth.
Sanjay to create a Battlefield Surveillance • DGNSS, an enhancement to GNSS, corrects
System (BSS), which aims for a tech-driven, system errors and inaccuracies, enabling
agile, future-ready force. more precise positioning.
About Battlefield Surveillance System(BSS):
• Soon, army formations from ground 5.12 Internal Security:
Commanders to Corps level will have real-
time, integrated data for swift decision- 5.12.1 Narcotics Trade
making. BSS under Project Sanjay is being Context: The issue of narcotics trade has kept
deployed, after extensive validation across security agencies on alert.
diverse terrains. About Narcotics trade in India:
• It aims to have surveillance centers for all field • The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) was
formations by December 2025. constituted in 1986 under the Narcotic-Drugs

and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985, with 5.14 Paramilitary Forces
the prime responsibility of fighting drug
trafficking and drug abuse. Context: Recent Ministry of Home Affairs data
• India is sandwiched between the Death shows increased number of suicides among
(Golden) Crescent and Death (Golden) Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) personnels
Triangle. This leads to flooding with drugs, over the past three years.
especially heroin and methamphetamine. About CAPF
• Death Crescent: Iran, Afghanistan, and • It is the collective name of central police
Pakistan, produces Opium organizations, under the authority of Ministry
• Death Triangle: Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand, of Home Affairs.
produces Morphine • These are technically paramilitary forces
Measures to Control Drug Trafficking: responsible for internal security and guarding
• Legislative Measures the borders.
○ Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic • The CAPF refers to seven security forces
Substances Act, (NDPS) 1985: It bans the ○ Assam Rifles (AR)
production, possession, sale, purchase, ○ Border Security Force (BSF)
transport, storage, and consumption of any ○ Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
narcotic drug. ○ Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
○ Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic ○ Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, ○ National Security Guard (NSG)
1988: Under the act, It is illegal for a person ○ Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
to produce, possess, sell, purchase, • Each of the seven has its own cadre of officers,
transport, and/or consume any narcotic but they are headed by officers of the Indian
drug. Police Service.
• Institutional Measures
○ Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB): It is 5.15 AI in Modern Defense
responsible for coordination in illicit drug
control as well as compiling the cases of Context: The Indian Army has been deploying
drug trafficking in the country. It enables Artificial Intelligence (AI) surveillance systems
the implementation of the NDPS Act along its borders with Pakistan and China.
(1985). More on News:
• Several AI-based surveillance systems
5.13 India-United States Defence including high-resolution cameras, sensors,
Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS X) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) feeds, and
radar feeds have been deployed.
Context: Recently, India-United States Defence • The data collected from these various sources
Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS X) was launched is processed and analyzed using artificial
at Washington DC, USA. intelligence technology.
About INDUS X: • AGNI-D Surveillance Software: An AI-based
• Co-organised by Innovations for Defence surveillance software launched for the eastern
Excellence (iDEX), Ministry of Defence, and US Ladakh sector near the China border, can
Department of Defence (DoD). detect weapons, vehicles, tanks, and missiles
• Aim: movements.
○ To expand the strategic technology • WARDEC: The Army Training Command
partnership and defense industrial and Rashtriya Raksha University are
cooperation between governments, collaborating to establish a 'Wargame Research
businesses, and academic institutions. and Development Centre' in New Delhi..
○ To make defense industrial ecosystems ○ It will be India's first simulation-based
more innovative, accessible, and resilient. training facility using AI and virtual reality
• This is part of the vision to establish a defense for metaverse-enabled gameplay.
innovation bridge, an initiative on critical and
emerging technologies introduced by national
security advisers.

5.16 Armed Forces Special Powers Act through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, which faced
a threat from Yemen’s Houthi rebels.
(AFSPA) • Operation Prosperity Guardian: It is a
multinational security initiative launched by
Context: The Ministry of Home Affairs extended
the US to counter the growing number of
the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in
attacks against Israel-bound international
parts of Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh for
another six months.
○ Coalition includes the U.K., Bahrain,
About AFSPA:
Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands,
Norway, Spain, and Seychelles, apart
from the U.S.
• Impact on Maritime Trade: Approximately
15% of global shipping traffic passes through
the Suez Canal, the shortest shipping route
connecting Europe and Asia.
• Houthi attacks on Red Sea vessels are forcing
rerouting via the Cape of Good Hope, causing
extra costs, delays, and concerns over higher oil
prices among shipping firms.
About Maritime Security
• It encompasses national security,
environmental protection, economic growth,
and human safety in all water bodies, including
• Background: The Act in its original form was regional seas, territorial waters, rivers, ports,
promulgated by the British in response to the and global oceans.
Quit India movement in 1942. Maritime Security Mechanism of India:
• AFSPA provides for special powers for the • Patrolling of the International Maritime
armed forces that can be imposed by the Centre Boundary Line (IMBL) by the Indian Navy.
or the Governor of a state, on the state or parts • Patrolling in Shallow Coastal Areas by the
of it, after it is declared “disturbed’’ under State Coastal/Marine Police (SC/MP)
Section 3. • Patrolling of Creek Areas (Gujarat and
○ A disturbed area is one which is declared Sunderbans) by the Border Security Force
by notification under Section 3 of the (BSF).
AFSPA. International Mechanism Governing the
• It has been used in areas where militancy has Maritime Sector:
been prevalent. • International Maritime Organization (IMO):
• The Centre can take a decision to repeal It provides support, assistance and guidance to
AFSPA after getting a recommendation from Member Governments on matters relating to
the state government. maritime security.
• Any person arrested or taken into custody may • International Convention for the Safety of
be handed over to the officer in charge of the Life at Sea (SOLAS): It is regarded as the most
nearest police station along with a report important of all international treaties
detailing the circumstances that led to the concerning the safety and security of merchant
arrest. ships.
• The United Nations Convention on the Law
5.17 India and Israel Discussed of the Sea: It lays down a comprehensive
Maritime Security regime of law and order in the world's oceans
and seas establishing rules governing all uses
Context: Recently, India and Israel discussed the of the oceans and their resources.
escalating threats to maritime security in the Red
Sea region following the actions of Houthi 5.18 Anti Submarine warfare ships
militants of Yemen.
About the news: Context: Recently, Cochin Shipyard Limited
• Freedom of Navigation: Both sides discussed (CSL) launched the first three vessels of the Anti-
the freedom of navigation(FoN) for ships going

Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts for the • It uses a laser-based kill system to detect and
Indian Navy. destroy drones in the air. It can detect and jam
About Anti--submarine Warfare Ships: micro drones up to 3 kilometers
• Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) encompasses • The system can detect and jam micro drones up
tactics and strategies involving surface to 3 kilometers and fires laser signals to bring
warships, aircraft, submarines, and other down a target up to 1-2.5 kilometers.
platforms to detect, track, and prevent enemy About Drones
submarines from engaging in hostile activities. • They are unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)
• Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) encompasses that can be remotely controlled or fly
methods and strategies used by warships, autonomously using software-controlled flight
aircraft, and submarines to find, follow, and plans in their embedded systems that work
neutralize enemy submarines to prevent their with GPS. It may carry lethal or nonlethal
hostile actions. cargo.
• Objectives • The Quality Council of India issues
○ ASW operations are focused on locating, airworthiness certificates to manufacturers on
monitoring, deterring, damaging, or the Digital Sky platform if the drone meets all
eliminating hostile submarines to ensure the specified certification standards.
maritime security and protect vital naval • Application of Drones: Surveillance and
assets. Reconnaissance; Border security; Search and
○ They will handle anti-submarine Rescue missions and delivery of essential
operations, Low Intensity Maritime supplies; Battlefield monitoring, and mine
Operations (LIMO), and Mine Laying detection and clearance.
Operations in coastal waters.
• Capabilities 5.20 Submarines
○ ASW ships are outfitted with an array of
weaponry, such as light-weight torpedoes, 5.20.1 INS Vikrant
ASW rockets, mines, a 30mm close-in Context: The naval variant of the indigenous light
weapon system, and stabilized 12.7mm combat aircraft (LCA) landed on the first
remote control guns indigenous aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant.
About INS Vikrant
5.19 DRDO’s Anti-Drone Technology • INS Vikrant (R11) is a ship powered by four gas
turbines and uses the Short Take Off but
Context: The counter-drone system developed by Arrested Recovery (STOBAR) model with a
the Defence Research and Development ski-jump for launching aircraft.
Organization (DRDO) is now ready to go into • INS Vikrant, India's first aircraft carrier, was
production. commissioned in 1961 and decommissioned in
About Counter Drone System:
1997 after 36 years of service.
• Counter-drone systems are defense systems • Second INS Vikrant (IAC-1), an indigenous
built to prevent attacks of drone by detection,
aircraft carrier (IAC), was launched in August
identification and neutralization of an
2013 to replace the aging INS- Viraat.
intruding drone. They are categorized as:
• With the commissioning of INS Vikrant (IAC-
○ Kinetic systems: They fire projectiles,
1), India now has two operational aircraft
such as bullets or missiles, at a drone to
carriers (other one being INS Vikramaditya),
destroy it and incorporate a sensor, such as
which will bolster the maritime security
radar, to detect the drone and a motorized
platform to aim and fire the weapon. 5.20.2 INS Vagir
○ Non-kinetic systems block the flight Context: Recently, the fifth Scorpene class
capability or corrupt the signals crucial submarine, INS Vagir, was commissioned into the
for control and navigation. They do it by Indian Navy.
emitting noise signals at set frequencies, About Scorpene-Class Submarines:
rendering the drone incapable of detecting • The Scorpene class submarines are advanced
its command signals or may also transmit conventional submarines with superior stealth
false GPS signals. features. INS-Vagir was developed under
• The system can counter attacks( soft and hard Project-75, in which six Scorpene-class
kill) of all types of drones, including micro submarines were built at Mazagon Dock

Limited, Mumbai, in partnership with a French • The submarine underwent a Medium Refit Life
naval shipbuilder. Certification (MRLC) process in Russia which
• Five other submarines of the project are INS extended its life.
Kalvari, Khanderi, Karanj, Vela, and 5.20.8 INS Kirpan
Vagsheer. Context: India gifted the indigenously built
5.20.3 INS Sindhukesari in-service missile corvette INS Kirpan to
Context: Indian Navy Kilo-class conventional Vietnam.
submarine, INS Sindhukesari, docked in Jakarta, About INS Kirpan:
Indonesia, for the first time from February 22 to • INS Kirpan is a Khukri class missile corvette
24. commissioned into the Navy in 1991.
About INS Sindhukesari: Sindhughosh-class, • A corvette is a small fast warship that is used
part of Project 877, is a diesel-electric submarine to protect other ships from attack.
similar to the Soviet Kilo class, capable of • The ship is fitted with a medium range gun
launching missiles up to 220 km. and close range guns, chaff launchers and
5.20.4 INS Sahyadri surface--to-surface missiles.
Context: INS Sahyadri joins maritime exercises • It is capable of anti-ship warfare, anti-
with the French Navy. submarine operations, and patrol missions.
About INS Sahyadri: It is a Shivalik-class guided 5.20.9 INS Imphal
missile frigate with stealth features Context: The Defence Minister revealed the
commissioned in 2012. Indian Navy's stealth guided missile destroyer
5.20.5 INS Androth named INS Imphal.
Context: More about the news:
Recently, INS Androth, second in a series of eight • The vessel is equipped with BrahMos surface-
Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts, to-surface missiles along with other
was launched in Kolkata. domestically developed weaponry.
About INS Androth: • The ship is the third among the four Project 15B
• It is propelled by three diesel- driven water jets stealth guided missile destroyers.
and would be used to conduct anti-submarine • Crest design: The design portrays the Kangla
operations and full- scale subsurface Palace on the left and 'Kangla-Sa' on the right.
surveillance of coastal waters. • Kangla-Sa' is the state emblem of Manipur,
5.20.6 INS Tarkash symbolizing the protector of its people.
Context: India dispatches a third naval vessel, ○ The Kangla Palace is a significant historical
INS Tarkash, for evacuation efforts in conflict- and archaeological site in Manipur, serving
stricken Sudan. as the traditional seat of the former
About the News: kingdom
• Operation Kaveri, launched by India to
evacuate its nationals from war-torn Sudan, 5.21 Other Notable News:
sees INS Tarkash as the third supporting ship
alongside INS Sumedha and INS Teg. 5.21.1 REAIM 2023
About INS Tarkash: Context: World’s first global summit on
• INS Tarkash, a state-of-the-art stealth frigate Responsible AI in the Military in the
of the Indian Navy, is equipped with a Netherlands.
versatile range of weapons and is a part of the About Responsible AI in the Military (REAIM):
Indian Navy's Western Fleet. • The summit is attended by 80 government
delegations, which aims to raise awareness,
5.20.7 INS Sindhuratna discuss issues, and possibly agree on common
Context: INS Sindhuratna underwent a major
principles for deploying and using AI in armed
upgrade in Russia.
INS Sindhuratna:
• INS Sindhuratna is a Russian Type 877EKM 5.21.2 Spy Balloons
diesel-electric submarine also popularly Context: Recently, the United States shot down a
called a NATO-defined Kilo-class sub. Chinese ‘spy’ balloon in its air space.
• INS Sindhuratna is a Sindhughosh class About Spy Balloons:
submarine. • Spy balloons are high-altitude surveillance
tools that are equipped with imaging devices

to gather intelligence. They are close to Earth’s
• Fission bombs on the other hand need closer
surface and thus provide high-resolution
to 90% enrichment.
images of the targets.
• These are not directly steered but guided by 5.21.6 PALM 400
changing altitudes to catch different winds. Context: India recently tested the military-grade
5.21.3 LCA Tejas armed remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) named
Context: Display of LCA Tejas Aircraft at Aero PALM (Precision Attack Loitering System)-400.
India 2023. About PALM 400:
LCA Tejas Aircraft: • It is a joint venture between Israeli and Indian
• LCA Tejas is a single-engine, lightweight, firms.
highly agile, multi-role supersonic fighter • It has achieved a firing range of over 100 km
with a quadruplex digital fly-by-wire Flight and is equipped with next-generation dual
Control System (FCS). electro-optical and infrared cameras with
• The aircraft is designed for air combat and alternative navigation systems.
offensive air support with reconnaissance • It has intelligence, surveillance, target
ability. acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR)
capabilities and plays a critical role in
5.21.4 Vayulink
providing military logistic support.
Context: Indian armed forces will deploy an
indigenous system called Vayulink to identify 5.21.7 Ceramic Radome Technology
friendly forces in a joint battlespace. Context: Carborundum Universal Limited
(CUMI) has signed an agreement with DRDO for
5.21.5 Depleted Uranium Containing
manufacturing ceramic radomes used in
Weapons aerospace and missile systems.
Context: UK is providing armor-piercing rounds About Ceramic Radomes:
containing depleted uranium to Ukraine.
• A ceramic radome serves as a protective shield
About Depleted Uranium containing Weapons:
for radar gear and antennas, safeguarding
Impacts of Depleted Uranium Weapons: them from environmental elements like rain,
• Chemical and radioactive toxicity. snow, UV radiation, and high winds.
• Contamination of soil when impacting the • Ceramics are inorganic and non-metallic
ground. materials which are corrosion-resistant, hard,
• Birth defects, skin irritation, kidney failure, and brittle.
and increased risks of cancer. • Ceramics are also excellent insulators and can
• Depleted uranium is a by-product of creating withstand high temperatures.
enriched uranium, which is used in nuclear
5.21.8 Tactical Nuclear Weapons
reactors and nuclear weapons.
• Context: Recently, Russia announced that it
• Depleted uranium is less radioactive and non-
plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in
reactive compared to enriched uranium. Thus,
depleted nuclear weapons are not classified as
nuclear weapons and are not prohibited by any
• About Tactical Nuclear Weapons:
specific treaty. • Tactical nuclear weapons refer to small nuclear
warheads and delivery systems meant for use
• Being very dense, depleted uranium can be put
on the battlefield or for limited strikes.
on the tips of tank shells, bullets, and mortar
rounds to increase their ability to penetrate 5.21.9 Space Militarisation and
targets. Weaponization
Context: The Chief of Defence Staff highlights the
Nuclear Enrichment:
transforming nature of warfare, with increasing
• Approximately 99.3% of naturally occurring
militarization of space and progression towards
uranium is of the isotope U-238, which is not
fissionable. Naturally occurring uranium,
therefore, cannot be used in a weapon, or
• Space Militarisation: This encompasses the
use of space systems for military goals,
nuclear power plants.
including strategic planning, surveillance,
• Thus, uranium ore is enriched in order to
telecommunications, reconnaissance, and
increase the concentration of U-235.
deploying military tech in space.
• Nuclear power plants require an enrichment
• Space Weaponization: It signifies using space
of 3-4% U-235 to sustain a chain reaction.
systems offensively, making space a

battleground with weapons launched from • It is a flagship mission under Deep Ocean
Earth to target space objects. mission which aims to explore and extract
5.21.10 Deep Ocean Mission/ Matsya 6000 polymetallic nodules from the ocean beds.
Context: Scientists are planning a Deep Sea Dive • NIOT, Chennai, had developed a ‘personnel
using Vehicle Matsya-6000, part of India's Deep sphere’ made of mild steel for an operational
Ocean Mission. capability of 500 meters and tested for its
More in the news: usage.
• A submersi-ble vehicle, Matsya- 6000, is being • Matsya- 6000 has syntactic foam, a flotation
developed under the Samudrayaan Project for device that would rise to the top and help
deep sea exploration. determine the physical location of the
• “Samudrayaan” will be India’s crewed submersible, even if it were unable to
expedition to a depth of 6,000 m in the central resurface.
Indian Ocean.
Emergency Cell The NDMA has started testing the emergency cell broadcast technology
Broadcast developed by C-DOT to alert people at the time of natural disaster.
Technology • The technology is currently available only with a foreign vendor and hence
C-DOT is developing it in-house.

• The Ministry of Defence has decided to replace the Microsoft Operating

System (OS) with a new Operating System- Maya.
Maya Operating
• It is based on open-source Ubuntu developed locally.
• It is being done due to increasing cyberattacks on defense as well as critical
infrastructure across the country.

Recently, the Indian Army inducted the lighter and more compact version of the
indigenously developed Weapon Locating Radar (WLR-M) called "Swathi
SWATHI Mountains."
Mountains • Developed by: Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
• The Swathi radar comes in two versions: the Swathi Plains (WLR) and the
Swathi Mountains (WLR-M)

The NDMA has started testing the emergency cell broadcast technology
Emergency Cell
developed by C-DOT to alert people at the time of natural disaster.
• The technology is currently available only with a foreign vendor and hence
C-DOT is developing it in-house.

• Ukraine is using 3D-printed bombs to overcome ammunition shortages and

maintain its counteroffensive.
3D-Printed Bombs • Also known as “Candy Bombs”, they are made by producing 3D-printed
casings and filling them with C4 explosives and shrapnel.
• They are cost-effective and adaptable in size for optimal drone payload use

Context: It is the latest weapon system used by Israel against Hamas.

About Iron Sting:
• It is a laser and GPS-guided system that is built to engage targets in around
1 to 12 km range with around 90% accuracy and ensures minimal collateral
Iron Sting
• It fulfills the needs of adapting combat capabilities to contend with enemies
hidden within civilian and urban environments.
• It is part of the Israel’s military’s “Tnufa" plan.

The Border Roads Organisation's Project Beacon is enhancing the road to the
Project Beacon Amarnath cave shrine in Kashmir's Lidder Valley.
About Project Beacon:

• Launched in the 1960s, Project Beacon is the BRO's oldest initiative,
overseeing the development and maintenance of vital road infrastructure in
key Kashmir regions.
• Border Road Organisation (BRO): It was formed in 1960 to secure India's
borders and develop infrastructure in remote areas of the north and north-
east states of the country.
○ BRO has been entirely brought under the Ministry of Defence in 2015.
○ Motto: Shramena Sarvam Sadhyam (everything is achievable through

Context:Recently, the Railway Minister unveiled an innovative AI-driven

initiative- Gajraj.
About Gajraj System:
• Gajraj is a kind of Intrusion Detection System or IDS.
Gajraj System • It is built to use the existing optical fiber cable (OFC) as sensors to identify
elephant movements near railway tracks and alert locations to station
masters, loco pilots and control offices.
• The Indian Railways has chosen the Northeast Frontier Railways to pilot
this program.

Context: The marine commandos (MARCOS) of the Indian Navy safely

evacuated the Indian crew from the bulk carrier, after a UK organization
indicated pirate hijacking.
About MARCOS (Marine Commando Force of the Indian Navy)
• The MARCOs comprise the toughest soldiers who undergo rigorous training
MARCOS - Navy to conduct swift and stealthy responses and are modeled on the US Navy
Marines SEALS.
• Formation: The MARCOs were formed in 1987, with collaboration of the
National Security Guard, Garud, Para commandos, Force One.
• Past Operations: MARCOS has earned recognition for its remarkable
performance in Cactus, Leech, Pawan, and in the 26/11 Mumbai attack

5.22 Missile Systems in News: 5.22.2 Hypersonic Missile

Context: Russia’s airstrikes on Ukraine included
5.22.1 Medium Range Surface-to-Air Hypersonic missiles known as Kinzhals or
Missile (MRSAM) Daggers.
Context: • Hypersonic missiles are capable of flying at
The Indian Navy carried out a successful test - least at the speed of Mach 5, i.e., five times the
firing of a Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missile speed of sound.
(MRSAM), validating the capability to engage
• Unlike ballistic missiles, which follow a set
'Anti Ship Missiles'.
course, hypersonic missiles are maneuverable,
About MRSAM:
which makes them extremely lethal.
• Developed by DRDO and Israel Aerospace
5.22.3 Pralay Missiles
Industries (IAI).
Context: India to strengthen security on its
• It is an advanced air and missile defense northern borders by purchasing an additional 250
system providing protection against various Pralay ballistic missiles for the services.
aerial threats. About Pralay Missiles:
• It is capable of taking down multiple aerial • Surface-to-Surface short-range ballistic missile
targets like jets, drones, etc., within a 70 km that is capable of being launched from a mobile
range. launcher.

• Pralay is a quasi-ballistic missile, which is 5.22.6 Thermobaric Bomb
immune to interceptor missiles by changing Context: Recently, Myanmar’s military has been
its course midair after a certain distance. accused of using a thermobaric bomb.
• Developed by DRDO, it has a range of 150 km About Thermobaric Bomb
-500 km. • Thermobaric bomb, also known as a vacuum
About Quasi-ballistic missile bomb or aerosol bomb, or fuel-air explosive,
• A quasi-ballistic missile combines features uses oxygen from the air for a large, high-
of both ballistic and cruise missiles. temperature blast.
• It follows a high-altitude ballistic • A thermobaric weapon is a two-stage weapon,
trajectory but can also maneuver in flight, which can be launched from tanks or aircraft. It
making it more difficult to intercept than a is more destructive than a conventional bomb.
traditional ballistic missile. • It consists of a fuel container with two separate
5.22.4 Agni Prime explosive charges.
Context: DRDO successfully flight-tested the • Upon impact, the first explosive charge in a
next-gen 'Agni Prime' ballistic missile from A.P.J. thermobaric bomb bursts open the container,
Abdul Kalam Island, Odisha. dispersing the fuel as a cloud.
About Agni Prime: • The second charge ignites the dispersed fuel,
• Agni - P is a two-stage canisterized solid causing a large fireball, a powerful blast wave,
propellant nuclear-capable ballistic missile and a vacuum that sucks up the surrounding
with a dual redundant navigation and guidance oxygen.
system. • While no international laws explicitly ban the
• It has a range between 1000 to 2000 km and was use of thermobaric bombs, employing them
tested for the first time in 2021. against civilians could constitute a war crime
• It is a surface-to-surface ballistic missile, under the Hague Conventions.
designed & Developed by DRDO. About Cluster Munition:
Other Ranges of Agni Missiles: • These are non-precision weapons that are
• Agni I: Range of 700-800 km. designed to injure or kill human beings
• Agni II: Range more than 2000 km. indiscriminately over a large area, and to
• Agni III: Range of more than 2,500 Km infrastructure in the vicinity.
• Agni IV: Range is more than 3,500 km and • They have a high dud rate, i.e. thousands of
can fire from a road mobile launcher. the smaller unexploded bomblets can remain
• Agni-V: The longest of the Agni series, an unexploded and can kill and maim people
Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) decades later.
with a range of over 5,000 km. • Convention on Cluster Munitions (enforced
in 2010) prohibits ratifying countries (110)
5.22.5 Varunastra from production, transfer and stockpiling of
Context: The Indian Navy conducted a successful cluster munitions.
test-fire of Varunastra, an indigenous
heavyweight torpedo with a live warhead, 5.22.7 ASTRA Missile
targeting underwater. Recently, Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas
About Varunastra: successfully test fired the ASTRA missile off the
• It is a ship-launched anti-submarine torpedo coast of Goa.
designed and developed by the Naval Science About ASTRA Missile
and Technological Laboratory in • It is an indigenous Beyond Visual Range (BVR)
Visakhapatnam under DRDO. air-to-air missile.
• It is set to be the primary anti-submarine • It is designed to be mounted on a fighter
torpedo for Naval warships, replacing older aircraft, and engages and destroys ‘highly
torpedoes on all ships equipped to fire maneuvering supersonic’ aircraft.
heavyweight torpedoes. • It is built to function across weather
• Its features include acoustic homing for conditions, and during both day and night.
tracking silent targets, multiple signal 5.22.8 White Phosphorous bombs
tracking systems, autonomous guidance Context: The white phosphorus bombs are
algorithms, and low drift navigation for believed to be used in a recent Israeli strike on
extended endurance. Hamas, which falls under war crime.
About White Phosphorous bombs:

• White Phosphorus is a pyrophoric material, • Anti-ship missiles are guided missiles that are
which ignites spontaneously when in contact designed for use against ships and large boats.
with air. • Anti-ship missiles can be deployed from
• It is dispersed in artillery shells, bombs, various platforms such as warships,
rockets, mortars etc to create a smokescreen submarines, bombers, fighter and patrol
and hide troop movement on the ground. planes, and helicopters.
• White Phosphorus also interferes with infrared • Indian Navy in association with Defence
optics and weapons tracking systems. Research and Development Organisation
• It causes serious injury and death when it successfully tested the missile from a Sea king
comes into contact with the skin or inhaled or 42B helicopter.
is swallowed. India’s ASM Tests:
Legal status: • Short-Range ASM: In May 2022, India
• It falls under the regulations of Protocol III of conducted its first test of a domestically
the CCW (Convention on Chemical Weapons) developed short-range Anti-Ship Missile
when used as an incendiary weapon and not (ASM), named 'Naval Anti-ship Missile-short
for chemical warfare. range' (NASM-SR), designed for launch from
5.22.9 Naval Anti-Ship Missile attack helicopters.
Context: Recently, the Indian Navy successfully • Long-Range ASM (LRASM): DRDO is set to
undertook Guided Flight Trials of the first test the LRASM which would enhance the
indigenously developed Naval Anti-Ship Missile Navy’s capabilities in the realm of ship-based
(ASM). missile systems with extended range.
About Anti-Ship Missile (ASM):
5.23 Major Military Exercises
Exercise Participants Venue

JIMEX-23 Japan-India Maritime Exercise Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)

SALVEX Indian Navy – US Navy (IN – USN) Kochi (Kerala)

Malabar Navies of India, Japan, Australia and USA

East Coast of Australia.
Exercise conducted the 27th edition of the Exercise.

AUSINDEX-23 Biennial maritime exercise between Indian

Navy and Royal Australian Navy. Sydney, Australia

BRIGHT STAR- Biennial multilateral tri-service exercise

23 which includes US, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Egypt
and Qatar.

Varuna Bilateral exercise between Indian and

Arabian Sea
French Navy.

SIMBEX Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise

(SIMBEX) is an annual bilateral naval Singapore
exercise between India and Singapore

Milan-2024 It is a biennial multinational naval exercise

held in India.
Participating Nations are the US, Japan, Visakhapatnam, India
Australia, France, Bangladesh, South Korea,
Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Desert Cyclone Inaugural edition of joint military exercise

2024 between India and the UAE, which will focus Rajasthan
on counter terrorism exercise.

Alternative Energy Technologies

6.1 Small Modular Reactors:

Context: NITI aayog’s recent report highlights the
significance of Small Modular Reactors in
ensuring India’s energy security.
About Small Modular Reactors:
• They are advanced nuclear reactors with
power generation capacity ranging from less
than 30 MWe to 300+ MWe and are capable of
generating substantial low-carbon electricity.
• They are:
○ Small: Physically a fraction of the size of a
conventional nuclear power reactor.
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB):
○ Modular: it is possible for systems and
• Constituted on November 15, 1983, the
components to be factory-assembled and
regulatory authority of AERB is derived
transported as a unit to a location for
from the rules and notifications under the
Atomic Energy Act of 1962 and the
○ Reactors- harnesses nuclear fission to
Environment (Protection) Act, of 1986.
generate heat to produce energy
• AERB ensures that use of ionizing radiation
6.2 Fukushima Nuclear Waste-Water and nuclear energy in India does not pose
risk to people and the environment.
Release • AERB issues authorization for disposal of
radioactive wastes under Atomic Energy
Context: Japan has started the release of one
(Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes)
million tonnes of contaminated water from the Rules, 1987.
Fukushima Nuclear Plant into the sea, amidst
Effects Of Nuclear Radiation on Human Health
intense backlash.
and Environment:
About Nuclear Waste
• Effects on DNA and mutations:
• The wastewater is a byproduct of the 2011
• General physiological effects (fatigue, nausea,
earthquake and tsunami, which disabled the
hair loss)
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and
• Effects on immunity (damage the bone
released radioactive waste.
• Radioactive waste, a byproduct from nuclear
• Biomagnification: Strontium-90 accumulation
reactors, fuel plants, hospitals, and research
in bones increases the risk of bone cancer.
facilities, is also generated during the
decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear • Effects on Marine life: Genetic mutation,
reactors. reproductive changes, increased susceptibility
Sources of Nuclear Waste / Hazards/ Radioactive of Gametes and larvae to radiation damage etc..
Pollution: Nuclear Waste Treatment Technology:
• Natural Sources: Most radiation exposure • Japan claims to have used “Advanced Liquid
comes from natural sources like the Earth's Processing System” to treat stored water.
crust radioactivity, radon gas from volcanic ALPS is a filtration system that removes most
rocks and uranium ore, and cosmic radiation. of the radioactive materials except tritium.
• Man-made sources: It involves any • India employs a closed fuel cycle strategy,
anthropogenic processes emitting radiation reprocessing and recycling 95-97% of spent
into the environment, such as radiation leaks fuel.
during nuclear waste handling and disposal.

• The high-level waste is eventually placed in Context: Finland has installed the world’s first
geological disposal facilities. sand battery that can store heat from renewable
• India has mastered vitrification technology energy sources for months.
developed by BARC and operates vitrification About Sand Battery:
plants in Trombay, Tarapur, and Kalpakkam. • Sand can be heated up to 600°C, whereas water
• Vitrification technology is a method of starts to boil at 100°C. It also has low heat
converting liquid radioactive waste into a conductivity, which reduces energy loss.
stable, solid glass form through a thermal • Its main purpose is to work as a high-power
process, effectively eliminating environmental and high-capacity reservoir for excess wind
risks. and solar energy.
• Stored thermal energy in sand can replace
6.3 Green, Self -powered Desalination fossil fuels in homes and industries to provide
Plant a sustainable alternative for heating and high-
temperature processes.
Context: National Institute of Ocean Technology
(NIOT) is working at making the process of
desalination of water free of emissions.
Existing desalination process
• NIOT is working to make the Low-
Temperature Thermal Desalination (LTTD)
technology, currently used to provide potable
water in six Lakshadweep islands, emission-
• The desalination plants are currently powered
by diesel generator sets as there is no other
source of power in Lakshadweep.
About Low Temperature Thermal Desalination 6.5 Battery Energy Storage Systems
(LTTD) technology:
• LTTD exploits the difference in temperature Context: The Union Cabinet approved the
(nearly 15℃) in ocean water at the surface and Scheme for Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for
at depths of about 600 feet. development of Battery Energy Storage Systems
• Warmer water at the surface is condensed, (BESS).
whose pressure has been lowered using Features of Scheme for Viability Gap Funding
vacuum pumps. (VGF):
• Such depressurised water can evaporate even • It aims to reduce the levelized cost of storage
at ambient temperatures and result in vapors (LCoS) to ₹5.50-6.60 per kilowatt-hour (kWh),
which when condensed are free of making storage a viable option to manage peak
contaminants. power demand.
About National Institute of Ocean Technology • Financial support of up to 40% of the capital
(NIOT) cost in the form of VGF would be released in
• Established in 1993. five tranches till 2030-31 and help in creation of
• Status: Autonomous society under Ministry of 4,000 MWh storage across the country
Earth Sciences. • Funding: The VGF will be released in five
• Headquarters: Chennai tranches till 2030-31 and help in creation of
4,000 MWh storage across the country.
• Mandate: To develop reliable indigenous
○ The funding is contingent on ensuring that
technologies to solve the engineering problems
85% of the BESS capacity is allocated for
associated with harvesting of non-living and
use by distribution companies (discoms).
living resources in the Indian Exclusive
About BESS:
Economic Zone (EEZ).
• This system allows energy from renewable
sources to be stored and later released during
peak demand hours.
6.4 Sand Battery • It includes inverters for DC to AC power
conversion and a Battery Management

System (BMS) to monitor and manage battery ○ While the larger one generated
health and performance. approximately 1 liter hydrogen per hour.
• Types of BESS
○ Standard (non-flow) batteries: It consists 6.7 Dimethyl Ether Fuelled Tractor
of pairs of plates (electrodes) immersed in
electrolyte and separated by non- Context: IIT Kanpur has developed India's first
conducting materials. Ex. Lead-Acid (PbA) tractor/vehicle entirely fuelled by Dimethyl Ether
battery, Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery, (DME) for both on and off-road use.
Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery etc. About Dimethyl Ether Fuel:
○ Flow batteries: It uses tanks of electrolyte • DME is a synthetically produced alternative
and membrane to control the flow of fuel that can be directly used in specially
electrons and pumps to control the flow of designed compression ignition diesel engines
electrolyte. Ex. Redox Flow Battery (RFB), for various purposes.
Hybrid Flow Battery (HFB) • DME has a high cetane number, which means
• Applications: Grid stabilization and frequency it ignites quickly and burns efficiently.
regulation, Energy shifting to optimize energy • It is non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, and has low
consumption, backup power during outages greenhouse gas emissions compared to
and integration of renewable energy sources. conventional fuels.
• Applications:
6.6 Hydrogen from Seawater using ○ DME can be used as a transportation fuel
blended with other fuels such as liquefied
Solar Energy
petroleum gas (LPG) or diesel.
Context: IIT-Madras researchers have developed ○ It can be utilized in conventional diesel
critical components for an efficient and cost- engines with minor modifications.
effective method to electrolyze seawater for ○ DME is also used as an aerosol propellant
hydrogen production. and in industrial processes.
Key Features of the Invention:
• Alkaline Seawater Electrolyzer: Alkaline 6.8 Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
seawater instead of fresh water was used in the
Context: India declared the 2050 target for
electrolyzer, thus offering a sustainable and
worldwide Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
abundant source for hydrogen generation.
mandates as "premature".
• Support material for the electrodes: They
About SAF:
employed carbon-based material for electrodes
• SAF is a biofuel powering aircraft with
instead of metals, significantly reducing the
reduced carbon footprint compared to
risk of corrosion
conventional jet fuel and plays a key role in
• Transition Metal-Based Catalysts: Such
cutting aviation sector’s GHG emissions.
catalysts facilitate both oxygen and hydrogen
• The CSIR-IIP pilot plant in Dehradun has
evolution reactions, enabling simultaneous
produced 10,000 litres of fuel for the IAF to
production despite impurities and chemical
date from feedstock like non-edible, edible and
deposits on electrodes.
used cooking oil.
• Cellulose-Based Separator: It stops hydrogen Efforts for Promoting the SAF:
and oxygen crossover, allowing hydroxide ion
• Global Initiatives :
passage and reducing gas mixing, thereby
○ CORSIA Program: This initiative targets
enhancing hydrogen production efficiency.
aviation emissions, requiring offsets for
• Direct Utilization of Photovoltaic-Derived emissions beyond 2020 levels and
Voltage: The electrolyzer's optimized encouraging Sustainable Aviation Fuel
parameters allow it to use photovoltaic-derived adoption.
voltage for seawater electrolysis, aiding in ○ Clean Skies for Tomorrow: This initiative
sustainable, eco-friendly green hydrogen and by the World Economic Forum seeks to
oxygen production. expedite the production and adoption of
• Prototype Performance: The researchers tested SAF.
two prototypes of different dimensions.
○ The smaller electrolyzer produced hydrogen
at a rate of 250 ml per hour.

• India: • Syngas is mostly Carbon Monoxide (CO) and
○ The Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP) is Hydrogen (H2), with other gaseous substances
collaborating with Boeing, Indigo, Spicejet, such Hydrogen Sulphide(H2S) and Carbon
and Tata's three airlines to boost SAF dioxide (CO2).
production. • Coal gasification is more efficient than
traditional coal burning as it allows dual usage
6.9 Strategic Interventions For Green of gasses.
Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) ○ Firstly, purified coal gasses are used to
generate energy in a turbine, and
Programme ○ Secondly, the turbine's exhaust heat is
harnessed to produce steam for a steam
Context: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE) released guidelines for implementing the
• Coal gasification process can attain an
Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen
efficiency of 50% or higher, vis-a-vis
Transition (SIGHT) programme.
customary coal power plants (~30%.)
About SIGHT programme:
• SIGHT is a subcomponent of the National
6.11 Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Green Hydrogen Mission which focuses on
creating a manufacturing hub for electrolysers Context: An alloy of Cobalt and Platinum doped
and facilities for green hydrogen production. with Manganese has been found to be an effective
• Hydrogen, produced by electrolysis, is a clean catalyst in methanol oxidation reaction in direct
fuel that generates only water as its by- methanol fuel cells (DMFCs).
product. About DMFC
• Electrolysis is the process of using electricity to • DMFC is an electrochemical energy conversion
split water into hydrogen and oxygen. device that directly converts liquid methanol's
• State-run Solar Energy Corporation of India chemical energy into electrical energy.
(SECI) is the implementing agency. • DMFCs have a high energy density, high
About National Green Hydrogen Mission efficiency and low operating temperature and
• It was launched in 2022, as part of India’s are safer to operate as they deal with liquid fuel
decarbonization strategy. (methanol).
• Its other component is Strategic Hydrogen • Application: Alternate power sources for small
Innovation Partnership (SHIP) which vehicles, battery chargers for mobile phones,
promotes Public-Private Partnership digital cameras, laptops, and other small
framework for Research & Development. electronic gadgets etc.
• It objectives are
○ To position India as a top global producer 6.12 Low-Cost Perovskite Solar Cells
and supplier of green hydrogen while
opening export opportunities for its Context: Indian researchers developed stable,
derivatives. affordable Carbon-based Perovskite Solar
○ Creating opportunities for employment Cells(PSC)
and economic development. About Perovskite solar cells (PSC)
○ Decreasing reliance on imported fossil • These are solar cells that utilize perovskite
fuels and materials while fostering materials (methylammonium lead iodide
domestic manufacturing capabilities. (MAPbI3)) as the light-harvesting active layer
to convert sunlight into electricity.
6.10 Coal Gasification • Although PSCs face stability issues when
exposed to heat and moisture, addition of
Context: Recently, the Coal Ministry has set a materials like Guanidinium iodide (GuI)
target to gasify 100 million tonnes of coal by FY increases their thermal and moisture stability.
2030. • PSCs offer advantages such as low-cost
About Coal Gasification: manufacturing, high efficiency, and the
• Coal gasification is a thermo - chemical ability to be printed onto flexible substrates.
procedure wherein the pressure and heat of the
gasifier disintegrate coal into its chemical
components, resulting in production of Syngas.

6.13 World's First 4th Generation 6.14.1 Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant
Context: The largest indigenous 700 MWe
Nuclear Reactor Starts in China
Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plants (KAPP 3 & 4) in
Context: According to Chinese State Media, China Gujarat have commenced their operations.
began commercial operations of the world's first About Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant
4th generation nuclear reactor at Shidaowan. • The reactor is a Pressurized Heavy Water
About Shidaowan plant: Reactor (PHWR), utilizing natural uranium as
• China has begun commercial operations at the fuel and heavy water as a moderator.
Shidaowan nuclear power plant. • The reactor includes advanced safety features
• It is a 200 megawatt (MW) high-temperature, like thin-walled pressure tubes to mitigate
gas-cooled reactor (HTGCR) plant which uses rupture impacts,
a modular design. ○ Passive Decay Heat Removal System to
• It uses Helium for cooling unlike conventional prevent Fukushima-like accidents, and
reactors which use pressurized water. ○ Steel-lined containment for managing
Different Generations of Nuclear Reactors: coolant loss incidents.
• Generation I: It includes the prototypes and
the first industrial-scale reactors developed in
the 1950s and 1960s and which were
commissioned in the 1970s.
• Generation II: These reactors were
commissioned from the 1970s onwards and
were designed to improve competitiveness
and energy independence due to the high
price of fossil fuels
• Example, this generation included pressurized
water reactors (PWRs).
• Generation III: It put the emphasis on safety
and security, strengthening robustness to
external risks by integrating operating
experience from second-generation reactors.
Example, the European pressurized reactor • India is in the second phase of its three-stage
(EPR). nuclear program, requiring U-235 isotope
enrichment of 3 to 5% for power generation.
• Generation IV: The design of Generation IV
• Achieving Criticality in a nuclear plant refers
reactors incorporates a number of to a condition when each fission event releases
technological advances, and research on these a sufficient number of neutrons to sustain an
systems is being conducted. ongoing series of reactions.
○ Criteria for this generation reactors includes • The first criticality is the start of a controlled
sustainability, nuclear safety, economic fission chain reaction.
competitiveness and nuclear proliferation • This is what KAPP has achieved. After the
resistance. fission, the heat is used to make steam that
turns a turbine and produces electricity
6.14 Other Notable News: North India’s first nuclear power plant is coming
up in Gorakhpur, Haryana.

Hygroelectricity refers to generation of electricity from air humidity.
• Electricity is harvested through a small device with two electrodes and a
nanoporous material.
• When water molecules pass through these nanopores, they create an
electric charge imbalance turning the device into a mini battery.
• Advantages: Versatility, sustainable.
• Disadvantages: Scale up of technology, quantum of electricity produced.

Decentralized renewable energy refers to the generation of power from

renewable resources like solar, wind, small-scale hydro, and biomass, situated
close to where the energy will be consumed. This local production eliminates
Renewable Energy
the need for long-distance energy transmission and often involves community

Context: Scientists have achieved Net Energy Gain (NEG) for second time in
nuclear fusion reaction.
About Nuclear Fusion Reaction
• It is the process by which two light atomic nuclei in plasma state (charged
gaseous state) combine to form a single heavier one, while releasing
Net Energy Gain massive amounts of energy.
• In fusion, two repelling positive nuclei must approach each other,
overcoming the Coulomb Barrier, which requires more energy than what
the fusion reaction currently produces.
• NEG, critical for commercial fusion power, implies that researchers could
generate more energy than the nuclear fusion process consumed.

Context: The Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas recently declared
that E-20 petrol would be available nationwide at all oil marketing companies.
About E-20 Fuel: E20 fuel refers to a blend of gasoline (petrol) and ethanol,
with ethanol making up 20% of the fuel mixture.
E-20 Advantages of E20 fuel:
• E20 fuel, with a higher ethanol percentage than regular gasoline, leads to
reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
• Ethanol, derived from renewable sources such as corn, sugarcane, or
cellulosic biomass, is a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.

Honors And Headlines
in vitro-produced mRNA gave rise to
7.1 Porter Prize 2023 inflammatory reactions.
• The Nobel laureates showed that converting
Context: Ministry of Health has been awarded the RNA base uridine to pseudouridine in
the Porter Prize 2023 for successfully combating mRNA produced in vitro could reduce the
the COVID-19 crisis. inflammatory response.
About Porter Prize 2023: • Later, mRNA vaccines were developed
• It is named after US citizen Michael E against Zika virus, MERS-CoV and COVID
Porter, an economist, researcher, author, vaccines for Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech
advisor, speaker and teacher. vaccines, with their nucleoside bases
• The award acknowledges the government's modified.
strategy in handling COVID-19, the Nucleoside base Modification:
collaboration of different stakeholders, and • A nucleoside-modified messenger RNA
the significant role of ASHA workers in (modRNA) is a synthetic mRNA in which some
producing PPE kits. nucleosides are replaced by other naturally
modified nucleosides or synthetic nucleosides
7.2 International Prize in Statistics (Example uridine to pseudouridine).
• modRNA (Modified RNA) is used to induce
Context: Indian American C.R. Rao won the 2023 the production of a desired protein in certain
International Prize in Statistics, a Nobel Prize cells.
equivalent in the field, at the age of 102. • Using modified nucleosides is a critical
About International Prize in Statistics: approach to mitigate the intrinsic immune-
• Established in 2016 by a group of five major response of exogenous mRNA and increase
statistical organizations, the award is its translation for mRNA therapeutic
presented biennially to an individual or team. applications.
• Prize is given for major achievements using Vaccine Name Platform
statistics to advance science, technology and
Covishield A Recombinant Chimpanzee
human welfare.
Adenovirus vector vaccine
7.3 Nobel Prize In Medicine COVAXIN Inactivated vaccine
ZyCoV-D DNA based vaccine
Context: 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology / Sputnik V Combined Vector vaccine
Medicine has been awarded to Katalin Karikó
and Drew Weissman for their discoveries COVOVAX SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike
concerning nucleoside base modifications. protein nanoparticle vaccine
mRNA vaccines (SARS-CoV-2 rS)
• The discoveries were critical for developing
effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. 7.4 Nobel Prize Chemistry 2023
• In our cells, genetic information encoded in
DNA is transferred to messenger RNA Context: The 2023 Nobel Prize for Chemistry was
(mRNA), which is used as a template for awarded for the discovery and synthesis of
protein production. quantum dots.
About Quantum Dots
• During the 1980s, efficient methods for
producing mRNA without cell culture (in a • Quantum dots are tiny particles which are just
lab) were introduced, called in vitro nanometers wide and display distinct optical
transcription. properties because of their small size.
• In vitro transcribed mRNA was considered • They have the same structure and composition
unstable and challenging to deliver. Moreover, as bulk materials, yet unlike bulk materials,

their properties can be altered by adjusting • The laureates received the Prize for their work
their size. enabling the creation of ultra-short light
Applications of Quantum Dots: pulses, allowing direct observation of the rapid
• Quantum dots have the ability to convert a world of electrons.
spectrum of light into different colors. • The short pulses are generated on a timescale
• They are used to map biological tissues by that is known as attosecond.
biochemists. About Attosecond
• They are used in photovoltaic cells to improve • Attosecond is an infinitesimally brief unit of
the absorption and efficiency. time that could enhance our understanding of
• Certain cancer treatments use quantum dots the fundamental forces and processes that
for targeted drug delivery. govern the universe.
• Quantum dots can be used as security markers • It is equivalent to one quintillionth of a second,
on currency and documents as an anti- or 10 to the power of 18 seconds.
counterfeit measure. Significance of attoseconds
• Attosecond physics gives the opportunity to
7.5 Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 understand mechanisms that are governed by
Context: The 2023 Nobel Prize for Physics was • Attosecond pulses allow scientists to capture
shared by three scientists—Pierre Agostini, ‘images’ of activities that happen in incredibly
Ferenc Krausz and Anne L'Huillier. short time spans.
About Nobel Prize Physics 2023: • Attoseconds create and manipulate extreme
• Nobel Prize Physics 2023 has been awarded for ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray pulses, which are
“experimental methods that generate vital for imaging ultrafast processes at the
attosecond pulses for the study of electron atomic and molecular scale.
dynamics in matter.

New Emerging Technology
Modules composed of multiple micro LEDs
8.1 MicroLED Display Technology construct screens.
• MicroLED versus OLED (Organic Light
Context: Apple is developing a new display Emitting Diode) panels: MicroLED displays
technology based on microLED for watches from are similar to OLED panels in most of the
2024, extending to iPhones and Macs in the features. However, microLED displays use
future. inorganic materials to achieve ultra-low black
About MicroLED display technology: levels and higher peak brightness.
• MicroLED is a technology that helps a display Benefits of MicroLEDs
produce brighter and higher-contrast images • Better Viewing Angles: Better color
that are impossible with conventional reproduction and provide better viewing
technologies. angles.
• Principle involved: • Lower Power Consumption
○ The microLED technology works on • Limitless Scalability: They have limitless
sapphires, which can shine perpetually. scalability, as they are resolution-free, bezel-
Pictures on a microLED screen are generated free, ratio--free, and even size-free (resizeable).
by several individual LEDs. • Individually produce red, green, and blue
○ Each microLED is very minute (a centimeter colors without needing the same backlighting
of hair cut in 200 pieces) and functions as a or color filters as conventional displays.
semiconductor, receiving electrical signals.

• Quasicrystals are crystal-like substances. But

8.2 Quasicrystals unlike crystals, which have atoms arranged in
a repeating pattern, quasicrystals have a non-
Context: A new type of quasicrystal with 12-fold repeating atomic arrangement.
symmetry has been discovered in the USA. • Scientists have found natural quasicrystals in
About Quasicrystal: three different sources, i.e., Khatyrka meteorite

(found in Russia), in the remains of the first • Use of hydrogen, a highly volatile element,
atomic bomb detonated (Manhattan Project), requires daily checks to prevent leaks.
and in a metallic fragment in the Sand Hills
dunes (Nebraska (USA)). 8.4 Fluorescent Microscopy
• These sources suggest that quasicrystals are
formed under extreme conditions such as high Context: US Researchers have created a design for
pressure, high temperature, and heavy electric a ‘glowscope’ at a very low cost, which could
currents. democratize access to fluorescence microscopy.
• Properties: About fluorescence microscopy:
○ Unique mechanical properties: Useful for • An optical microscope views an object by
durable coatings and cutting tools. studying how it absorbs, reflects, or scatters
○ Distinct electrical and optical properties: visible light.
Develop new types of semiconductors and • A fluorescence microscope views an object by
photonic devices. studying how it reemits light that it has
○ Unusual catalytic properties: Development absorbed, i.e., how it fluoresces.
of new catalysts for chemical reactions in • The "glowscope" uses two plexiglass surfaces,
petrochemicals and environmental an LED flashlight, three theater stage-lighting
remediation. filters, a clip-on macro lens, and a smartphone.
• Applications: • The smartphone (with the lens attached) is
○ Used as coatings for non-stick frying pans, placed on one surface that is suspended at a
○ Structural materials for aircraft and other height, and the second sheet is placed below
high-performance applications and holds the object.
○ Electronic devices. • Zebrafish embryos were observed in a petri
○ Used for thermoelectric energy conversion dish using the "glowscope."
to generate electricity from waste heat.
○ Potential for use in medical imaging to 8.5 The Piezoelectric Effect in Liquids
improve the resolution and accuracy of X-
ray and neutron diffraction images. Context: Scientists have reported evidence of the
○ Heat Insulation and Bone Repair. piezoelectric effect in liquids for the first time.
Significance of the finding:
8.3 Proton beam therapy • Piezoelectric Effect is the ability of certain
materials to generate an electric charge in
Context: Chennai based Apollo Hospital’s Proton response to applied mechanical stress.
Cancer Centre has treated up to 900 patients, with • Materials exhibiting the direct piezoelectric
47% of them being brain tumors. effect (the generation of electricity when stress
About Proton Beam Therapy: is applied) also exhibit the converse
• It is a type of radiation therapy that uses high- piezoelectric effect (the generation of stress
energy proton beams (positively charged when an electric field is applied)
particles) to treat cancer. Applications of Piezoelectric effects in Liquid.
• Proton beam therapy works by delivering • Reverse piezoelectric effect could be used to
high doses of radiation directly to the tumor control how the liquids bent light passing
while minimizing damage to surrounding through them, thus developing lenses with
healthy tissues. dynamic focusing abilities.
• Unlike traditional radiation therapy using X- • Recyclable and environmentally friendly
rays or gamma rays, proton beam therapy offers materials.
more precise radiation delivery, possibly
minimizing side effects. 8.6 Neuromorphic Computing
• Applications: Alternative to radiation therapy
for treating solid tumors, especially head and Context: Researchers have employed scandium
neck cancers. nitride (ScN), a semiconductive substance known
Challenges in setting PBT center: for its stability and compatibility with
• Infrastructural and regulatory challenges due Complementary Metal - Oxide-Semiconductor
to safety concerns from the Department of (CMOS) technology, to create brain-inspired or
Atomic Energy. Neuromorphic computing.

About Neuromorphic computing: • These neurons transmit signals within layered
• Neuromorphic computing mimics the human networks, transforming input into output
brain and nervous system in computer using electric spikes in a Spiking Neural
engineering, encompassing the design of both Networks (SNN) framework.
hardware and software components for this • This enables machines to efficiently emulate
purpose. human brain-like networks for tasks like
• Neuromorphic hardware strives to replicate visual recognition and data analysis.
biological synapses, monitoring and retaining Biological Synapse: Synapse is a specialized
signals generated by stimuli. junction between nerve cells, allowing them to
Working Mechanism: transmit signals and information to one another,
• Neuromorphic computing operates through facilitating communication within the nervous
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) consisting system.
of countless artificial neurons resembling those
found in the human brain.

○ Infrastructure: Self - repairing pipes,

8.7 4D printing adaptive facades, self-opening / closing
• 4D printing builds over 3D printing
○ Smart Textile: 4D-printed clothing or
technology and adds another dimension of
accessories can change their appearance or
time to the process.
functionality based on user choice and
• In 4D printing, objects are created using
materials that can change their shape,
properties, or functionality over time when 8.8 Quantum Computing
exposed to specific environmental stimuli,
such as heat, humidity, light, or other triggers. Context: Union Cabinet approves National
• Material Used: Hydrogel or shape memory Quantum Mission to finance quantum computing
polymer, a programmable ingredient, is technology, research, and applications.
capable of altering its physical shape or About Quantum Computing
thermomechanical properties based on user • Quantum computing utilizes quantum
input or autonomous sensing. mechanics principles to tackle problems
• Application of 4D printing: beyond classical computers' capacity and uses
○ Biomedicine: Used in medical implants or qubits instead of binary bits as the basic
devices that change shape or release drugs memory units.
in response to physiological conditions. • Applications of Quantum computing includes
○ Mechanical systems: Materials can adapt drug design & development, cybersecurity &
to environmental conditions, such as a cryptography, logistics optimisation, traffic
temperature-regulated water valve. planning, climate change etc.

Quantum Computing Classical Computing

Calculates with qubits, representing 0 and 1 Calculates with transistors, which can represent
simultaneously. either 0 or 1.

Power increases exponentially in proportion to Power increases in a 1:1 relationship with the
the number of qubits. number of transistors.

Quantum computers have high error rates and Classical computers have low error rates and can
need to be kept ultracold. operate at room temperature.

Well suited for tasks like optimization problems, Best suited for most everyday processing tasks.
data analysis, and simulations.

About National Quantum Mission (NQM): • It usually refers to properties of atomic or

• The mission, budgeted at Rs 6,003.65 crore for subatomic particles, such as electrons,
the duration 2023-24 to 2030-2031, aims to neutrinos and photons.
position India among the top six quantum Government Initiatives:
technology R&D nations, such as the US, • QuEST: DST launched the Quantum-Enabled
Canada, France, Finland, China, and Austria. Science and Technology (QuEST) initiative to
• Implementation: DST, supported by other lay out infrastructure and to facilitate research
departments, will lead this national mission. in the field.
• The strategy is to develop quantum computers About qubits
with 20-50 qubits in three years, 50-100 qubits • Similar to bits (0 and 1) in classical
in five years, and 50-1,000 qubits in eight years computers, 'qubits' are quantum
• Deliverables of the mission: computers' processing units, with their
○ Developing satellite-based secure quantum computational power increasing
communications between ground stations exponentially as more qubits are added.
over a range of 2,000 kilometers within • Quantum computers store information in
India the form of quantum bits (qubits) that
○ Long-distance secure quantum can take on various combinations of zero
communications with other countries and one.
○ Inter-city quantum key distribution over • Quantum Computer Simulator (QSim) Toolkit:
2,000 km It offers India's first quantum development
○ Multi-node quantum network with environment to academicians, industry experts,
quantum memories students, and the scientific community.
• Four Thematic Hubs (T-Hubs) in Quantum • National Mission on Quantum Technology and
computing, communication, sensing & Applications (NMQTA) aiming to advance
metrology, and materials & devices will be quantum computing in India
established in leading academic and R&D
institutes, focusing on both basic and applied 8.9 Large Hadron Collider
research in their respective fields.
• Magnetometers development: The mission Context: Engineers are preparing the upgraded
aims to create highly sensitive atomic and more precise Large Hadron Collider for its
magnetometers and precision atomic clocks for third run.
communication and navigation. About Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
About Quantum Mechanics: • The European Organization for Nuclear
• Quantum mechanics explains the nature and Research's (CERN) LHC conducts cutting-
behavior of matter and energy on the atomic edge physics experiments with high-energy
and subatomic levels. subatomic particles.
• In physics, a quantum is the smallest possible • It is the world’s largest science experiment
discrete unit of any physical property. where two oppositely accelerated beams of
particles smash head-on in a collider.

• Hadron is a subatomic particle made up of LHC experiment:
smaller particles. The LHC typically uses • The LHC generates a Higgs boson by colliding
protons, which are made up of quarks and high-energy protons, transforming the
gluons. released energy into various particles.
The Effects of Collision: • As it is a heavy particle, the Higgs boson is
• When two opposing beams of high-energy unstable and decays into lighter particles.
protons collide, the collision energy (up to 13.6 • The Higgs boson can decay to a lepton pair and
TeV maximum achieved) equals the a photon in three ways.
combined energy of both beams. • This first evidence indicates the Higgs boson
• Collision chaos unleashes vast energy, decays into a Z boson, the weak force's
forming various rare subatomic particles, electrically neutral carrier, and a photon, the
guided by nature's fundamental forces. electromagnetic force's carrier.
• Rare particles require over 10 million collisions • Although the Standard Model predicts what
for observation. Similarly, massive particles happens to the Higgs boson when it dies, until
such as Higgs Boson particles need large now, researchers hadn't observed the particle
amounts of significant specific energy. decay before the recent study.
The Findings of the LHC: Quantum field theory:
• Utilizing the information gathered from • Quantum field theory suggests that subatomic
numerous collisions, researchers have tested: space is filled with virtual particles, which
1. Predictions of the Standard Model of briefly appear and disappear.
particle physics, the reigning theory of • They can’t be detected directly, but according
subatomic particles; to physicists their effects sometimes linger.
2. Observed exotic particles like pentaquarks • Quantum field theory portrays the microscopic
and tetraquarks and checked if their particle world uniquely, with fundamental
properties are in line with theoretical quantum fields pervading the universe and
expectations; and governing natural laws.
3. Pieced together information about extreme Standard Model of Particle Physics:
natural conditions, like those that existed • It says that a Higgs boson will decay to a Z
right after the Big Bang. boson and a photon 0.1% of the time.
• The Standard Model of Particle Physics is
8.10 Higgs Boson Decay scientists’ current best theory to describe the
most basic building blocks of the universe.
Context: Physicists working with the Large
Hadron Collider at CERN observed a rare decay
• It explains how particles called quarks (which
make up protons and neutrons) and leptons
of a Higgs boson into a Z boson and a photon.
(which include electrons) make up all known
About Higgs boson:
• The Higgs boson is a fundamental particle, also
known as "God Particle" that plays a crucial
• It also explains how force carrying particles,
which belong to a broader group of bosons,
role in giving mass to other elementary
influence the quarks and leptons.
• Particles gain mass by interacting with Higgs • The Standard Model explains three of the four
bosons in the Higgs field; without these fundamental forces that govern the universe:
electromagnetism, the strong force, and the
bosons, they would remain massless.
weak force.
• The more a particle interacts with the Higgs
boson, the greater its mass, explaining the
8.11 Majorana Zero Modes
differing masses of electrons, protons, and
neutrons. Context: Researchers have developed a method to
• Understanding the strength of each particle's create Majorana zero modes particles that could
coupling with Higgs bosons, along with the revolutionize quantum computing.
properties of the Higgs bosons, is key to About Majorana Zero Mode:
comprehending the universe's matter. • Majorana zero modes, belonging to the
Majorana fermions class, are unique particles
that are their own antiparticles (possessing
opposite quantum properties like charge).

• They are used for enhancing the stability of About Formalin adulteration:
qubits and enabling topological quantum • The formalin sensor uses tin oxide-reduced
computing. graphene oxide composite and was tested for
adulterated fish at lab scale and on fish
available in the fish markets.
• All subatomic particles that make up matter
• Formalin is a mixture of water and
are called fermions.
formaldehyde,which is usually used on freshly
• Fermions which have their own antiparticles
caught fishes to extend its shelf life.
are called Majorana fermions.
• Food Safety and Standards of India (FSSAI)
regulations of 2011, has banned the use of
8.12 Self-Confining Radioactive- formalin in food products.
isotope Ion Target (SCRIT) • It can cause conditions such as abdominal
discomfort, vomiting, renal injury, etc.
Context: Japanese researchers have shown that • The new sensors are stable over time, cost-
SCRIT technique could be used to 'see' inside effective, non-invasive, and capable of
unstable nuclei. detecting Formalin at room temperature with
About Self-Confining Radioactive-isotope Ion high sensitivity.
Target (SCRIT):
• It aims to probe the internal structures of short-
• Formaldehyde (CH₂O) is a colorless, highly
lived exotic nuclei through electron scattering.
toxic, and flammable gas at room
• The method uses an unique ion-trapping temperature.
technique to prepare exotic nuclei targets for
• Uses: In producing fertilizer, paper,
electron scattering on a high-energy beam.
plywood; as a food preservative and
• It also uses an electron storage ring for household products, such as antiseptics,
trapping isotopes, facilitating scattering medicines, and cosmetics.
experiments on otherwise inaccessible
• Exposure: Irritation of the skin, throat, lungs,
unstable nuclei.
and eyes. It is also carcinogenic.
• This technique can be utilized in future
experiments, including studies on nuclear
structure, nuclear reaction dynamics, and the 8.15 Other Important Concepts
astrophysical origins of elements.
8.15.1 Quantum dots (QDs) and Quantum
8.13 Electrified Flex Fuel Vehicle Coherence:
• Quantum dots are tiny human-made
Context: Toyota Kirloskar Motor has launched the nanocrystalline semiconductors that can carry
world’s first prototype of a BS 6 Stage II electrons and glow in different colors when hit
‘Electrified Flex Fuel Vehicle’ in India. with UV light due to their special electronic
About Electrified Flex Fuel (EFFV) and optical traits.
• Flex Fuel Vehicles (FFVs) are designed to • Quantum Coherence deals with the idea that
operate on various fuel blends, mainly all objects have wave-like properties, and if an
gasoline and ethanol, with engines that adapt object's wave-like nature is split in two, then
to fuel mixtures like E20 (20% ethanol, 80% the two waves may coherently interfere with
gasoline) or higher. each other in such a way as to form a single
• Electrified Flex Fuel Vehicle merges a flex-fuel state that is a superposition of the two states.
engine and electric powertrain for enhanced Example: Qubit is a superposition of the 0 and
ethanol use and fuel efficiency to meet India's 1 states.
emission norms. • Quantum Communication refers to
communication channels that leverage laws of
8.14 Non-Invasive Formaldehyde quantum physics to protect data and make it
Sensor more secure than traditional transmission. In a
quantum communication network, data is
Context: A new low-cost sensor can detect transmitted via qubits.
formalin adulteration in fish in a non-invasive

8.15.2 Quantum Engine • The material was named "reddmatter" due to
Context: Researchers have made a its color change from blue to pink to red when
groundbreaking discovery by developing a subjected to compression.
quantum engine, referred to as the Pauli engine. • It is formed by combining lutetium (a rare
About Quantum Engine earth metal) with hydrogen and nitrogen.
• It utilizes the distinct properties of bosons and About Superconductivity:
fermions to transform the energy difference • It is a physical phenomenon where specific
between two quantum states of atoms into materials which when cooled to near absolute
practical work. zero, display zero electrical resistance and
• It comprises a gas of lithium-6 atoms confined eject magnetic fields.
within an optical and magnetic trap. • Critical Temperature is the point where
• The behavior of this gas can be adjusted to electrical resistivity of a material falls to zero.
mimic bosonic or fermionic characteristics by • Absolute Zero Temperature, marked as 0
manipulating the surrounding magnetic field Kelvin or -273.15°C, is theoretically the lowest
strength. temperature as per thermodynamics, where
• It opens new avenues for exploring quantum particle motion in any substance halts,
thermodynamics and its potential achieving minimum energy.
applications in various fields of physics. Achievement of Zero Resistance Phenomenon
8.15.2 World’s First 3D-Printed Rocket • At standard conditions, electrons face resistance
Engine: moving through solids because they interact
with vibrating atoms.
Context: A space-tech startup from IIT Madras
called Agnikula-Cosmos has carried out the flight • But in some materials, cooling below a specific
approval test for its 3D-printed rocket engine temperature causes electrons to form loosely
named "Agnilet." connected pairs called Cooper pairs.
About 3D printed rocket engine: • In a Cooper pair, individual electrons do not
• 3D printing, also known as additive get scattered by lattice vibrations, enabling
manufacturing, is a process that involves unimpeded movement and resulting in
creating three-dimensional objects layer by superconductivity.
layer using a computer-created design. Application:
• Agnilet is a semi-cryogenic engine that uses • Medical equipment (MRI Machine)
liquid kerosene (room temperature) and • High-speed hovering trains (Maglev)
liquid oxygen as fuel. • Create lossless electrical grids
• Agnilet Engine will propel Agnibaan, the • Magnets for nuclear fusion reactors
company's launch vehicle, which can • Superconducting Quantum Interference
transport up to 300kg payloads to low-earth Devices (SQUIDS): Superconducting
orbit. qubits used in quantum computing
• Launch of Agnibaan will be the second by a platforms.
private firm after Hyderabad-based Skyroot • Fusion Reactors
Aerospace’s Vikram-S, which took place in 8.15.4 Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
November 2022. Context: IIT Madras research proposes using
Other Notable Achievements Supercritical carbon dioxide to extract oil from
• Recently, India's first 3D-printed post office depleting oil and gas reservoirs.
was inaugurated in Bengaluru. It was built by About Supercritical carbon dioxide:
L&T with technical support from IIT Madras. • The critical temperature of a substance is
8.15.3 Reddmatter: New Superconductor the temperature above which vapor of the
Material substance cannot be liquefied, regardless
Context: A new superconducting material that of applied pressure.
can transmit electricity without resistance and • The critical pressure of a substance is the
pass magnetic fields around it, has been discovered. pressure required to liquefy a gas at its
About the New Superconductor Material: critical temperature.
• This material functions effectively at low • It is a fluid state of carbon dioxide where it is
temperatures and pressures. held at or above its critical temperature (31∘C)
and critical pressure (73 atm).

• ‘Surfactant-Alternating gas (SAG) injection’ 8.15.6 Chiral Bose Liquid State
approach: It involves CO2 gas injection into the Context: Scientists have recently discovered a
reservoir, where it becomes supercritical, completely new state of matter called Chiral Bose
followed by injection of water or surfactant Liquid State.
solution. About Chiral Bose Liquid State
• Applications: • At extremely low temperatures, matter enters
○ Carbon Dioxide Sequestration. "quantum" states where its behavior is
○ Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) from markedly different from the familiar solid,
depleted Oil wells. liquid, and gas states.
○ Improved flow dynamics. • Physicists have created "frustrated quantum
○ Reduced oil viscosity. systems" with particles interacting to create
8.15.5 Magnetoresistance numerous infinite possibilities.
Context: UK researchers found that graphene • A frustration system consists of a bi-layer
shows unusually high magnetoresistance at room semiconducting device.
temperature, nearly 100 times greater than in ○ The electron-rich top layer has free moving
other semimetals within the same magnetic field electrons. The bottom layer is filled with
range. “holes,” which are places that electrons can
About Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR): occupy.
• Magnetoresistance is the tendency of a material • When the two layers are brought very close, the
to change the value of its electrical resistance machine induces a local imbalance, leaving
in an externally applied magnetic field. electrons with insufficient holes to occupy.
• GMR is a quantum mechanical This initiates the unique Chiral Bose liquid
magnetoresistance effect observed in multilayers state.
composed of alternating ferromagnetic and non- 8.15.7 Demon Particle
magnetic conductive layers. Context: Researchers discovered a massless
• Uses of GMR: Hard disk drives, particle, called the "demon particle."
magnetoresistive RAM in computers, biosensors, • The prediction of the 'demon particle' was
automotive sensors, microelectromechanical based on the belief that electrons would exhibit
systems, and medical imagers. unusual behavior when moving through a
About Graphene: solid.
• It is an allotrope of carbon made up of a • This transparent, massless, and neutral
single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a particle can manifest at any temperature,
hexagonal pattern. making it valuable for superconductors.
• It is part of graphite but has unique properties
of its own.

Significance of Manufacture Sand:
9.1 Black Box • Soaring demand for sand for construction has
caused shortages worldwide. M-Sand can
About Black Box: ensure environmental sustainability and
reduce over-mining.

9.3 Lithium Resources in J&K

Context: Geological Survey of India (GSI) has
established “inferred” lithium resources of 5.9
million tonnes in Salal-Haimana area of Reasi
District of Jammu and Kashmir.
About Lithium:
• It is a soft, shiny gray metal found in Earth’s
• The Black Box, technically known as Flight • It has the lowest density among all metals.
Data Recorder, is an instrument that records all • It reacts vigorously with water and does not
the activities of an aeroplane/ aircraft during occur as metal in nature.
its flight. • Spodumene, petalite, lepidolite, and
• An aeroplane houses two black boxes, to help amblygonite are the more important minerals
reconstruct the events that led to an aircraft containing lithium.
crash. World Lithium Reserves:
• Each Black Box has two separate equipment: • Lithium Triangle: An intersection of Chile,
○ Flight Data Recorder:- It contains Bolivia, and Argentina, known for high-
information about direction, altitude, fuel, quality salt flats.
speed, turbulence, cabin temperature, etc. • Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, Salar de Atacama in
○ Cockpit Voice Recorder:-It records the Chile and Salar de Arizaro.
sound of the airplane, such as the sound of • Australia has around 2.7 million tonnes of
the engine, emergency alarm, cabin, and lithium resources.
cockpit during the last two hours to predict • China controls 60% of the world's capacity for
the conditions before the accident. processing raw lithium products into batteries.
• The Black Box is made of Titanium metal and Additional Information:
is enclosed in a Titanium box, which gives it the
• Lithium is referred to as ‘white gold’ because
strength to withstand any shock.
of its demand in the global energy market for
global energy transition.
9.2 M Sand Facility Uses of Lithium:
Context: Coal India Limited has started a facility • Batteries: Due to its energy storage ability, it
in West Bengal to produce manufactured sand. is used in rechargeable batteries of mobile
About Manufactured Sand (M-Sand): phones and Electric Vehicles.
• M-Sand is artificial sand produced by crushing • Aerospace: Used in the aerospace industry as
hard stones into small, angular-shaped a component in lightweight alloys
particles, washed and finely graded to be used • Pharmaceuticals: Used for treatment of
as construction aggregate. It is a superior bipolar disorder and other mood disorders.
alternative to river sand for construction • Ceramics and glass: Used as a flux in the
purposes. production of ceramics and glass.
• Nuclear energy: Used as a coolant in nuclear

• The Raman effect forms the basis for Raman
• Industrial Use: Being hygroscopic in nature, it
spectroscopy, which is used by chemists and
is used in air conditioning and Industrial
physicists to gain information about materials
drying systems.
• The theme for this year was “Global Science
• Lithium Reserves in India: Found in Mandya
for Global Wellbeing” in light of India’s G20
and Mysore districts of Karnataka.

9.4 Standard Model of Particle Physics 9.6 Lab Grown Diamonds

Context: Scientists measured the electron Context: Budget 2023 laid special focus on
magnetic moment, a property predicted by the promoting manufacturing of Lab Grown
standard model of particle physics, using a new Diamonds.
experiment. About Lab Grown Diamonds (LGD):
About Standard Model: • LGDs are diamonds that have the same
• The Standard Model describes the properties chemical composition and physical and
of all subatomic particles and classifies them optical properties as natural diamonds.
into different groups. • They are produced by mimicking the
• It determines how subatomic particles are geological processes which form natural
affected by three of the four fundamental forces diamonds.
of nature: • They are manufactured through two processes,
○ Strong-nuclear force both of which use a seed (slice of another
○ Weak-nuclear force diamond).
○ Electromagnetic force ○ High pressure, high temperature (HPHT)
Applications: method: Seed, along with pure graphite
• Used to predict the existence of Higgs boson carbon, is exposed to temperatures around
particles in 1960. (Finally discovered in 1,500℃ and extremely high pressure.
2012.) ○ Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD)
• Successfully predict the existence and method: Seed is heated to 800℃ in a sealed
properties of dozens of particles. chamber filled with a carbon-rich gas. Gas
• Predicts electron’s magnetic moment. sticks to the seed, gradually building
Limitations of Standard Model: diamond.
• Omits Force of Gravity: Standard Model
completely omits the force of gravity and is
considered to be incomplete, as it only
accounts for three of the four fundamental
• Lack of information about Dark-Matter
• The Standard Model of Matter is
incompatible with the Theory of General
Relativity (whose basis focuses on gravity).
Application: Used in industries as cutters and
9.5 National Science Day 2023
heat spreaders in electronics.
Context: India designated 28th February as • Application of Lab-Grown Diamonds:
National Science Day, in 1986 to commemorate the • Industrial purposes such as machines and
discovery of the Raman Effect. tools.
About Raman Effect: • Electronics Industry to dissipate heat in laser
• CV Raman received the Nobel Prize in 1930 for diodes, laser arrays, and high-power
his discovery of the Raman Effect, which refers transistors.
to the inelastic scattering of light by matter, • High-Performance Optics
resulting in a shift in the frequency of the • Medical Equipment
scattered light. • Artificial Jewelry

spins, the pendulum's oscillation plane shifts to
About 'Kar-e-Kalamdani':
preserve this momentum.
• 'Kar-e-kalamdani', is Kashmir's exquisite
Papier mache that involves sakthsazior
meticulous preparation of paper pulp and
Diamond Simulants:
• Diamond simulants are materials that
resemble natural diamonds in appearance
but have different chemical compositions.
• For Example: Moissanite, Cubic Zirconia
(CZ), White Sapphire

9.7 Rare Earth Element

Context: Researchers have discovered Light Rare
Earth Elements in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh.
About Rare Earth Elements (REE):
• Rare earth elements consist of 17 metals (15
lanthanides, scandium, and yttrium) and are
known so because of their low concentrations
in minerals and difficult extraction from their
• Properties: Magnetic, luminescent, and 9.9 Carbon Dating and Radiometric
electrochemical properties dating
• Usage: Screens of smartphones, computers,
and flat panel televisions; the motors of Context: Allahabad High Court ordered a
computer drives; batteries of hybrid and “scientific survey”, including carbon dating, of a
electric cars. Shivling found at the Gyanvapi mosque complex
in Varanasi.
9.8 Foucault’s Pendulum About Carbon Dating:
• Carbon dating is a scientific method used to
Context: The new Parliament boasts architectural determine the age of ancient artifacts and
features like a Foucault’s Pendulum. organic materials.
Foucault’s Pendulum: • It works on the principle that C-14 (isotope of
• The Foucault pendulum is named after the carbon), present in the atmosphere, is taken up
French physicist Léon Foucault. by living organisms. On death, the existing
• It consists of a heavy bob suspended at the end carbon-14 in its remains begins to decay.
of a long wire and has unrestricted movement. • The sample’s age is estimated by comparing its
• It is used to illustrate earth's rotation on its remaining carbon-14 with its known half-life
axis. of C-14 i.e. around 5,730 years.
• The pendulum's orientation seems to • Application:Carbon dating is effective for
gradually shift when it swings back and forth, estimating the age of organic materials up to
as a result of relative motion between the 50,000 years old, and offers crucial historical
pendulum and rotating Earth. insights in archaeology, paleontology, and
• The pendulum’s apparent rotation speed and geology.
direction depend on its latitude. • Limitations:Carbon Dating is ineffective for
○ At the North Pole: One clockwise rotation non-living objects like rocks and cannot
in 24 hours. deduce ages of items older than 40,000-50,000
○ At the equator: No Rotation. years.
○ At other latitudes: Rotation at intermediate Radiometric Dating:
rates and directions. • A recent study has shown that Calcium-41 can
• The pendulum maintains steady angular be used in radiometric dating by using a
momentum throughout its swing, and as Earth technique called Atom-Trap Trace Analysis

• Calcium-41, a scarce and long-lived calcium 9.11 Supreme Initiative
radioisotope with a 99,400-year half-life,
originates from cosmic ray interactions in soil Context: The Ministry of Science and Technology
and is present in the Earth's crust. has launched the Support for Up-gradation
Preventive Repair and Maintenance of Equipment
9.10 Lab-Grown Meat (SUPREME) initiative.
About SUPREME Initiative:
Context: Recently, California-based companies • It aims to financially aid the repair, upgrade,
were cleared to make and sell their cell-cultivated maintenance, retrofitting, or purchase of
chicken in the USA. attachments to enhance current AIFs'
(Analytical Instrumentation Facilities)
• Eligibility: Facilities supported solely by DST
and recognized institutions such as UGC
recognized Central Universities, State Funded
Universities, Deemed Universities, and Private
Universities are eligible for funding support
under this scheme.

9.12 Fibonacci Spirals

Context: A recent study disputes the idea that
Fibonacci spirals occur in all plant species.
Findings of the Study: The study indicated that
not all plants follow a Fibonacci pattern,
countering the belief that all leafy plants initially
grow leaves in this sequence.
About Fibonacci Pattern/ Spiral:
About Cell-Cultivated Chicken: • Leaf arrangements on stems, pineapple
• Cell-cultivated chicken, also known as textures, and pinecone scales demonstrate
cultured chicken or lab-grown chicken, refers nature's mathematical patterns, all featuring
to meat that is produced using cell culture spirals following the Fibonacci sequence.
techniques rather than traditional animal
• Fibonacci sequence – It is a set of numbers
farming methods.
where each is the sum of the two numbers that
• Researchers are also developing cell-cultivated precede it (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on).
versions of sea bass, tuna, shrimp, and pork.
• These patterns are particularly widespread in
• Lab grown meat can reduce global greenhouse plants and can even be recognised with the
gas emissions as global livestock contributes naked eye. They can also be seen in animal
14.5% to anthropogenic emissions.It also fulfills shells and even in the double helix of our
nutritional and food security needs. DNA.
• In 2020, Singapore became the first country to
approve the sale of cell-cultivated meat. 9.13 LiDAR
About Precision Fermentation
Context: Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
• Precision fermentation involves using
plans to carry out a Light, Detection, and Ranging
microbes (bacteria, yeast) to produce
(LiDAR) survey at Purana Qila to identify the
proteins by giving them genetic instructions.
site's oldest cultural layers.
• It enables the production of diverse proteins
About LiDAR
for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food,
• LiDAR is a remote sensing technique using a
including milk proteins, cheese enzymes,
pulsed laser (near-infrared spectrum) to
and components found in human breast
measure varying distances to a target.
• It primarily includes three elements: a scanner,
• It produces proteins without relying on
a laser, and a GPS receiver.
traditional livestock, resulting in reduced
emissions, land conservation and decreased
animal cruelty.

• It functions by emitting a laser beam and ○ Fund and promote research in humanities,
measuring the time taken by the beam to social sciences, and arts, fostering creativity
reflect off an object and return. and critical thinking.
• Repeating this process rapidly forms a detailed • The bill was needed to integrate the fragmented
environmental map, showing the position and R&D ecosystem, foster an innovative mindset,
form of objects in it. and funnel increased budget towards research
and development.
Applications of LiDAR
• Topographic Mapping: Create high-resolution Initiatives Taken by Government:
digital elevation models (DEMs) for mapping • Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA)
terrain features Faculty Scheme: To bring overseas scientists
• Autonomous vehicles: Allows vehicle to create and academicians, including NRI and OCI,
a detailed 3D map of its surroundings to India.
• Archaeology: Create detailed maps of • IMPacting Research, INnovation and
archaeological sites to understand the layout Technology (IMPRINT): Launched in 2005
and features, as a joint effort between IITs and IISc to
• Agriculture: Create maps of crops and address engineering challenges in 10 specific
farmland to optimize their irrigation and technology areas.
fertilization practices • Atal Tinkering Labs by NITI Aayog to
• Forest management: Create a map of forests to foster creativity, curiosity, and skills such as
understand health and composition of the design mindset and computational thinking
forest in young minds
• Urban planning: To optimize traffic flow,
identify areas at risk of flooding, and plan for 9.15 PBW RS1: New Wheat Variety
new infrastructure projects.
Context: Punjab Agricultural University Develops
PBW RS1 Wheat Variety for Nutritional Security.
9.14 National Research Foundation Bill
About PBW RS1 Wheat Variety:
2023 • The new variety is called PBW RS-1 (Resistant
Context: Recently, the Union Cabinet approved
• The high amylose and resistant starch ensure
the National Research Foundation (NRF) Bil.
that glucose is released slowly into the
Key Features of the Bill:
bloodstream, preventing an immediate rise in
• National Research Foundation: The bill will glucose levels and reducing the risk of
establish NRF as an apex body, to oversee diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
various research and development (R&D)
• It has a total starch content similar to other
activities in the country.
wheat varieties but contains 30.3% resistant
• Repeal of Science and Engineering Research starch, compared to only 7.5-10% in other
Board (SERB): The SERB, created by an act of varieties.
Parliament in 2008, will be repealed and • The variety is completely resistant to “yellow
subsumed into the NRF.
rust” and "moderately resistant" to brown rust
About National Research Foundation (NRF):
fungal diseases.
• The NRF will be an apex body to provide high-
• However, it has lower productivity compared
level strategic direction to scientific research
to other wheat varieties.
in India, aligning with the recommendations
of the National Education Policy (NEP), 2023.
9.16 Cloud Seeding
• Administrative Department: Department of
Science and Technology (DST). Context: Cloud seeding experiments in
• Governing Board (16 members), with Prime Maharashtra's Solapur region resulted in 18 per
Minister as Ex- officio-president. cent more rainfall than usual.
• Time Period: 2023 - 2028. About Cloud Seeding
• Objectives of NRF: • The experiment involved hygroscopic cloud
○ Identify priority areas for S&T interventions seeding, which is done in warm convective
to contribute to national objectives, including clouds with a cloud base height greater than
clean energy, sustainable infrastructure, zero degree Celsius.
healthcare, etc.

• Calcium chloride particles were released at the About Microalgae:
convective cloud base to trigger rainfall.
• Microalgae are organisms that can grow in
Cloud seeding techniques are
aquatic environments and use light and
• Hygroscopic cloud seeding: It aims at carbon dioxide (CO2) to create biomass.
speeding up droplet coalescence in liquid • They are a diverse group of photoautotrophic
clouds, leading to production of large droplets pro- and eukaryotic microorganisms, having
that start to precipitate. the capacity of light-dependent CO2
fixation to generate value-adding biomass.
• Glaciogenic cloud seeding: It triggers ice
• Examples: Green algae, Diatoms,
production in supercooled clouds, leading to
coccolithophores, Nostoc commune.
precipitation. Light Absorption Mechanism:
○ Glaciogenic cloud seeding is usually done • Photosynthetic cells contain several
by dispersing efficient ice nuclei, such as pigments that absorb light energy and
silver iodide particles or dry ice (solid respond to different wavelengths of visible
carbon dioxide) into the cloud. light
Benefits of Cloud Seeding: • Chlorophyll, the primary pigment used in
photosynthesis, reflects green light and
• Cloud seeding is used all over the world as a
absorbs red and blue light most strongly.
method for:
• Chlorophyll A is the primary pigment for
○ Enhancing winter snowfall and increasing photosynthesis, but there are multiple
mountain snowpack chlorophyll types and other pigments, such
○ Supplementing the natural water supply as red, brown, and blue, that react to light.
available to communities of the Significance:
surrounding area. • Tackling ocean warming and declining crop
productivity: The finding could mitigate these
9.17 Microalgae Adaptation to Global adverse impacts of changing environmental
Warming factors.
• This mechanism could boost the growth of
Context: Microalgae, which are crucial for the light-independent microbes, such as yeast, by
ocean's food chain and atmospheric carbon modifying them to use light for growing and
dioxide absorption, use a distinct approach to producing insulin, antibiotics, enzymes,
antivirals, and biofuels.
adapt to global warming.
More about the news: 9.18 US-India Initiative on Critical and
• As climate change reduces the availability of
Emerging Technology (iCET)
nutrients in the sea, marine microalgae or
eukaryotic phytoplankton fire up a protein Context: US-India iCET is emerging as an
called rhodopsin. important collaboration that would deepen
About Rhodopsin: cooperation between the government, academia
and industry of the two countries in areas of
• As climate change reduces the availability of
Critical and Emerging technologies.
nutrients in the sea, marine microalgae or About Initiative on Critical and Emerging
eukaryotic phytoplankton fire up a protein Technology (iCET)
called rhodopsin • It is a joint initiative to elevate and expand the
• It is a light-responsive protein that helps the strategic technology partnership and defense
microalgae flourish with the help of sunlight industrial cooperation between two countries.
in place of traditional chlorophyll. • It will be co-led by the National Security
Council Secretariat in India and the U.S.
• They can absorb light similar to chlorophyll-
National Security Council.
based photosynthesis, essential for energy and • iCET seeks to position the US and India as
food production in marine organisms “trusted technology partners”.

• Area Of Cooperation: Under iCET, both Significance of Findings
countries have identified six cooperation • Potential Applications: Exploring pesticide-
areas, including co-development and co- free pest management through plants' natural
production. defenses. GLVs can trigger these defenses,
About Critical and emerging technologies offering organic crop protection.
(CETs) • GLVs may play a role in mitigating pest
• CETs are a subset of advanced technologies damage to crops by understanding specific
potentially significant to India. Example, compounds which activate defenses against
Advanced Computing and Quantum specific pests.
Information Technologies About Allelopathy
• These advanced technologies are rapidly • Allelopathy explains how certain plants
transforming the global landscape, and have emit dangerous substances known as
the scope to redefine next-generation industrial allelochemicals, which have the ability
and economic growth besides security to kill nearby plants.
challenges. • Allelopathic plants can store
• India and the US also launched public-private allelochemicals in their stems, leaves,
joint task forces on developing and deploying flowers, or roots, with leaves being the
Open RAN systems. most effective storage site.
About Open RAN (Radio Access Network)
• Open RAN is an ongoing shift in mobile 9.20 AMRIT Technology
network architectures that enables service
providers the use of non-proprietary Context: Recently, the Minister of State for Jal
subcomponents from a variety of vendors. Shakti outlined the achievements of Jal Jeevan
• Radio Access Network(RAN) is a major Mission and ‘AMRIT’ technology in Rajya Sabha.
component of a wireless About AMRIT (Arsenic and Metal Removal by
telecommunications system that connects Indian Technology)
individual devices to other parts of a • ‘AMRIT’ has been developed by IIT- Madras
network through a radio link. for the removal of Arsenic and Metal ions
from water.
9.19 Plants can Listen Damage to Other • It uses nano-scale iron oxy-hydroxide, which
selectively removes arsenic when water is
Plants passed through it.
• The water purifier is developed for both
Context: Plants release a group of compounds
domestic as well as community levels.
called green leaf volatiles (GLVs) into the air
Harmful Effects of Arsenic in Water
when they are injured, serving as a warning to
other plants about the proximity of danger. • Long-term exposure to arsenic from drinking-
About Green leaf volatiles (GLVs) water and food can cause cancer and skin
• They consist of six carbon (C6) compounds
including alcohols, aldehydes and esters and • Fresh evidence indicates possible association
are released from almost every plant. between intake of contaminated water to
onset of diabetes, hypertension and
• They can repel or attract herbivores and their
reproductive disorders.
natural enemies; and
• In utero and early childhood exposure has been
• They can induce plant defenses or against
linked to negative impacts on cognitive
herbivores and pathogens and can have direct
development and increased deaths in young
toxic effects on bacteria and fungi.
About Plants Communication Mechanism
• Plants communicate through a series of 9.21 Indigenous River model
molecular reactions.
• When a plant is damaged, it triggers reactions BRAHMA-2D
that release GLVs as by-products.
Context: An indigenous river model BRAHMA-
• Plants can initiate a defense response and make
2D (Braided River Aid: Hydro-Morphological
themselves less appealing to the insects.
Analyzer) is developed by the researchers of IIT
• The molecular reaction is mediated by calcium, Guwahati along with the Brahmaputra Board,
a common mediator of chemical and electrical Ministry of Jal Shakti.
signals found throughout biology.

More on News: • Sensing by the Sensors: Sensors use this flow
• The model was successfully validated on the of current and with the help of processor,
Brahmaputra River near Majuli Island. determine the point of touch.
About BRAHMA-2D: • Significance: Resistive touchscreens are
• It is a quasi-3D river flow mathematical cheaper to make and require less power to
model. operate.
• Aim: To study and understand the pace and
movement of water at different depths inside 9.23 Other Notable News
a river and its circulation around a structure
like a spur(installed to prevent river bank 9.23.1 Gelbots
erosion) for large braided rivers like About Gelbots:
Brahmaputra. • They are ‘soft robots’ made out of gelatin
• It has also been applied to understand habitat through a 3D printing technique.
suitability of aquatic species, especially • Soft robots are a type of robots that are made
endangered species. out of organic and non-metallic materials.
• Application: • They move without additional power due to
○ It will help understand the speed of water their specific shape, dimensions, and gel
moves at various depths in a river. patterning.
○ It will provide valuable insights to design • Principle of Working: Gels swell or shrink
sustainable hydraulic structures like with temperature, which can be strategically
Spurs, Revetment etc.. utilized to make robots move or crawl using
○ The model will help to design wave-like motions on surfaces.
bioengineering methods for controlling Potential Application Areas:
river bank erosion. • Create smart structures
• Targeted medicine delivery
9.22 Touchscreen • Deploy as marine robots, patrolling and
monitoring the ocean’s surface
Context: Recently, Volkswagen brought back
physical buttons after complaints about its
• Crawl in response to variations in human
biomarkers and biochemicals.
About Touchscreen: 9.23.2 Hallucinating Chatbots
• Touchscreen is an electronic visual display • Hallucinating chatbots generate outputs that
capable of ‘detecting’ and ‘locating’ a touch are not directly grounded in their training data
over its display area. and produce inaccurate content.
• It combines two functions i.e. to receive inputs • Hallucinations are a defining feature of
for a computer and to display the output. Ex sophisticated generative natural language
Smartphones, ATM machines etc. processing (NLP) models.
Types of Touchscreens • They can occur because these models require
Capacitive Touchscreens: the capability to rephrase, summarize, and
• Composition: There are two conducting layers present intricate tracts of text without
and each layer consists of strips of conducting constraints.
material. • This leads to issues where facts aren't always
• Working: When two strips cross over each treated as sacrosanct but are contextually
other, they form a capacitor, and is used to interpreted when processing data.
measure where a finger has touched the screen. 9.23.3 Bio-Hybrid Robot
• Use: It is used in smartphones with the mutual Context: Israeli Scientists have developed a new
capacitance architecture. Bio-Hybrid sniffing robot that uses the antennae
Resistive Touchscreens: of locusts to create a robot with a sense of smell.
• About: It uses the property of resistance where About the Bio-Hybrid Robot:
two sheets, both of which are conductors, • It is a Bio-Hybrid Robot that utilizes locusts'
which are separated by a small gap keen sense of smell to make it more sensitive
• Flow of Current using Sensation Mechanism: than existing electronic sniffers.
When a finger touches one sheet, it moves it at Application:
that point to touch the underlying sheet and • Advance disease diagnosis;
allows a current to pass.
• Improve security checks;

• Detection of drugs and explosives; • This natural capacity could be engineered into
• Food safety metals, leading to self-healing machines and
• Bio-hybrid robots combine biological and structures like engines, bridges, and airplanes.
artificial elements. They may use cells, tissues, • These innovations can reverse wear and tear
or muscles for actuation, sensing, or energy. damage, boosting the safety and lifespan of
• Locusts use antennae to smell, which have diverse structures and machinery.
been placed on a robot, using electrodes to • Self-healing properties in machines can
detect odors. mitigate fatigue damage, a frequent cause of
• Each scent has a distinct signature, identifiable failure, by automatically repairing microscopic
by the robot's machine learning system. cracks from repeated stress or motion.

9.23.4 Bio Stimulants 9.23.6 KAVACH Cover

Context: Manufacturers of bio-stimulants demand Context: The railways plans to float a ₹5,000 crore
Centre to provide technical specifications for such tender early next year for fast-tracking the
products. adoption of Kavach.
About Bio-Stimulants About Kavach/automatic train protection
• Bio-Stimulants are substances and/or (ATP)/train collision avoidance system (TCAS):
microorganisms whose function when applied • KAVACH is an indigenously developed
to plants or the rhizosphere, is to stimulate Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system by
natural processes to benefit nutrient uptake, the Research Design and Standards
nutrient use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic Organisation (RDSO).
stress, and crop quality, independently of its • It is a state-of-the-art electronic system with
nutrient content. Safety Integrity Level-4 (SIL-4) standards i.e.
• Various categories of of Bio-Stimulants are: integrity level required to avoid disastrous
○ Seaweed Extracts: Derived from seaweed, accidents.
they promote root growth and stress • It automatically engages the train's brakes if
resistance. the driver doesn't adhere to speed limits and
○ Humic Acid: Enhances nutrient uptake prevents collisions between trains fitted with
and soil structure. the Kavach system.
○ Amino Acids: Improve nutrient absorption • The system sends out SOS messages in
and protein synthesis. emergencies and includes a feature for live
○ Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria: Boost centralized monitoring of trains via the
nutrient availability and root development. Network Monitor System
○ Fulvic Acid: Increases nutrient uptake and • ‘Kavach’ is one of the cheapest, SIL-4 certified
transport within plants. technologies where the probability of error is 1
○ Chitosan: Enhances disease resistance and in 10,000 years.
nutrient uptake. 9.23.7 Thallium as A Murder Weapon
○ Liquid manure composting: Made by Context: Recently, in Maharashtra two women
mixing manure water and a blend of allegedly killed five family members by lacing
proprietary materials thought to feed their food with Thallium.
specific bacteria in the manure. About Thallium:
• It excludes pesticides and plant growth • Thallium is a chemical element with the symbol
regulators regulated under the Insecticides Tl and atomic number 81.
Act, 1968. • It is a soft, heavy, inelastic, gray post-transition
metal that is not found free in nature.
9.23.5 Self-Healing Metal • Characteristics: Thallium is tasteless and
Context: Scientists have witnessed an odorless and has been used by murder as it is
extraordinary self-healing capability in a few difficult to detect.
metal fragments, for the first time. • Application: It is used in the manufacture of
About the news: electronics, low temperature thermometers,
• These metal fragments automatically self-fuse Optical lenses, and imitation precious jewels it
without any human intervention. also has use in some chemical reactions and
medical procedures.

• Thallium can be absorbed through the skin, and respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and gradually
builds up to reach toxic levels.

9.23.8 News In Short

• It is a finger-sized wearable, wireless, and mechanically flexible advanced medical
Smart Bandage dressing that incorporates various technologies to enhance the healing process of
a wound.

• Bacterial strain which consumes methane , which is a major contributor to global

Methylotuvimicr warming.
obium • Methanotrophs, or methane-eating bacteria, uniquely use methane as their main
Buryatense carbon and energy source.
5GB1C • Their habitats are wetlands, soils, oceans, and even within the digestive systems
of some animals.

It refers to solar radiation management which includes a set of proposed approaches

to reflect sunlight to rapidly cool the Earth. Two major approaches of Solar
Geoengineering are:
• Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI): Involves injecting tiny reflecting particles,
known as aerosols, into the upper atmosphere to cool the planet.
• Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB): Uses sea salt to stimulate cloud formation over
the ocean, which would also help reflect sunlight in the region.

Brussels-based organization Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Forum organizes International E-Waste Day on October 14 every year.
• The term “invisible e-waste” refers to e-waste that goes unnoticed due to its
Invisible e-waste
nature or appearance, leading consumers to overlook its recyclable potential.
○ For example Cables, e-toys, e-cigarettes, e-bikes, power tools, smoke detectors,
USB sticks, wearable health devices and smart home gadgets.

• They are thin, flat nanostructures made from materials like metals,
semiconductors, oxides, polymers, and commonly graphene.
Nanoflakes • Nanoflakes, with their special shape and size, display unique physical, chemical,
and electrical traits unlike bulk materials.
• Application: Batteries, solar cells, electronics, water purification, sensors etc.



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