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Levels of organization in ecosystem

a. Individual - Population (common species) - community (different species ) -
Biome (functional features affected by common climate) - Biosphere
2. Calculation of Population = Census (specific species specific time specific location
a. Humans - 10 years - 16th
b. Livestock - 5 years
c. Agriculture - 5 Years
d. Lion - 5 years
e. Elephant - 5 years
f. Tiger - 4 years - 2023 (only one at the National level, rest all at state level)
g. Rhino Census - State Govt - 3 years
h. Forest Survey of India - 2 years
i. Gangetic Dolphin census by states - Every year

Lion Census
● Every 5 years
● Last 2020, started 1936, by Nawab of Junagarh, now Gujarat Govt only.
● Total no - 674 (increase of 28%)
● Method - Block Counting method
● Asiatic Lion - EN
● Lion = Meta Population (Core Areas & Satellite Areas)
○ Majority in Core Area = Gir Conservation Area)
■ Gir NP + Gir Sanctuary + Pania S ( these 3 are core areas)
■ Girnar S
■ Mithila S
● News
○ Relocation from Gir NP to Barda WLS Guj (100 km) vs SC said move it to
Kuno Palpur
■ Moving to Barda will need to move Maldhari community here (because
they conserve lions well)
○ Because of CDV
● Maldhari Community
○ Conservation of Lion in Gir Region
○ Other Forest dwelling communities
■ Bishnoi - Rajasthan
● Protection of Khejri tree + Black Buck
● But Black buck state animal of Punjab & Andhra (LC)
■ CHENCHU Tribe - Andhra
● Nagaarjun sagar Srisailam - Tiger Conservationist
■ Kanni Tribe - Kerala - W.Ghat Biosphere Reserve Conservation
■ Nyishi Tribe - Arunachal - Hornbill conservation
■ Bugan Tribe - Arunachal - Bugun Lai Chola (CR bird) Conservation
■ Baiga Tribe - MP - Kanha Tiger reserve

Project Lion - By PM Modi, 2020

● Aim
○ Habitat development
○ Conservation mei modern tech
○ Human Animal Conflict
○ Disease treating
○ Surveillance & Monitoring
● Move them to 6 new sites
○ Balaram Ambaji WLS - Guj
○ Madhav NP - MP
○ Gandhisagar WLS - MP
○ Sitamata WLs - Raj
○ Mukundra Hills TR - Raj
○ Kumbhalgarh WLS - Raj
● Center for cellular & Molecular Biology under CSIR (Headed by PM)
○ INDIAN lions have low genetic diversity - disease spread would be very quick

● Asiatic lion conservation program - By MoEFCC
● Fund - Centrally sponsored scheme “Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitat” -
○ Support to Protected Areas
○ Protection of Wildlife outside PA
○ Recovery program for CR species

Tiger Census
● Start 2006 - present 5th - 2022 - 5th Census report 9th April 2023 (50th Year of Project
Tiger) because of the Stockholm Conference.
● Number 3682 (75% of Global)
● Largest Population - MP > Karnataka > Uttarakhand > Maharashtra
● Tiger Reserves - Corbett > Bandipur > Nagarhole
● Who Conducts ?
○ NTCA - Statutory under WPA, 1972, Headed by MoEFCC
○ WII - Autonomous research body in Dehradun under MoEFCC
● Tiger census conducted in 3 phases
○ 1st - Field data via Pug Marks, carnivore sign, Scats on M-Stripes app
■ Monitoring system for tiger sensitive protection and ecological
■ How? data collection + patrol monitoring + real time data analysis and
thus tiger conservation
○ 2nd - Spatial Census via Remote sensing data
○ 3rd - Camera Trap
● 5 zones
○ Western Ghat - Decline
○ Shivalik Gangetic (Himalayan) > Central India & Eastern Ghats - Highest
○ North East & Brahmaputra
○ Sunderbans
● During launch of Tiger census we launched IBCA
○ Tiger, Lion, Leopard, SL, Cheetah, Jaguar, Puma
○ Membership open to all
○ Species are found in 97 countries

51 - Meghamalai - TN
52 - Ramgarh Vishdhari - Raj
53 - Guru Ghasidas - CHG
● Made out of GG NP + Timor Pingla WLS
● 4th in CHG
54 - Ranipur - UP
● Flora - Dry Deciduous (near MP)
● Animal - Sloth Bear , Sambhar (VU), Chinkara (LC)
○ Sloth - Nepal - SBI (VU)
○ Polar - Arctic Only (VU)
● Panna ki vjah se Tiger corridor tha
55 - Veerangana Durgavati - 7th of MP
● Ken Betwa link & Panna
56 - Dholpur Krauli - 6th Raj
**56 - Kumbhalgarh
**57 - Kaimur - (South Bihar) = 54 tiger
● 2 parts - Plateau + west side plain area - Karmnasa & Durgavati Rivers

Tiger Reserve
● Statutory area

● Notified by State Gov on NTCA’s Advice under WPA, 1972. But once made Boundary
alteration by NBWL (headed by PM). NTCA advice req.
○ NBWL - apex DM body
● It can be a NP or WLS also
● Process = Proposal initiation by State Gov / NTCA - assessment by WII (ecological
viability) - Assessment clearance by State Gov - Consultation with local community
(G.Sabha) - NTCA reviews - Cent Gov Approval - State Gov Official gazzette mei
notify kr deti hai - zonation
○ Core Area (strict protection, aka CTHs) & Buffer Zone (co-existance)
● CTHs vs CWHs
○ CTHs = Core area of Tiger Reserve
■ Under WPA, 1972 (Sec 38V)
■ Protect but rights of ST and OFD should not be affected
■ By state
○ CWHs = part of National park & Sanctuary, kept for wildlife conservation
■ Under, FRA, 2006
■ MoEF notifies (by center)
● NTCA (2006, on Tiger Task force under PM, recommendation)
○ MoEF
○ Statutory - WPA, 1972
○ Members
■ MoEF minister - Chairman
■ Mins of State Env - Vice Chairman
■ 3 MPs
■ MoEF - Secretary
○ Everything w.r.t Tiger reserve - C-S coordination, legal enforcement, federal
aspect etc

International Big Cat Alliance

● 50 years of Project Tiger (1973)
● By India - conserve 7 big cats
○ Cheetah - (Asia - CR & Africa - VU)
○ Lion - EN
○ Tiger - EN
○ Leopard - VU
○ Snow Leopard - VU
○ Jaguar - NT
○ Puma - LC
● Aim reach out to 97 countries but membership open to all
● Structure
○ General assembly - all members
○ Council - 7-15 members for 5 years
○ Secretariat

International Tiger day - 28 July - no theme - awareness campaign

Types of Tigers
● Javan + Caspian + BALI = Extinct
● Malayan + Sumatran - CR
● Bengal - EN

Project Tiger
● April, 1973
● Increase population in its natural habitat

● NTCA + WII 2010
● Use - All india Tiger Estimation

● 1st - 2010 - St Petersburg
○ Its implementation = GTRP (Global Tiger recovery program)
■ Tx2
● By WWF
● Double by 2022
● India target of doubling by 2022 - achieved in 2018
● 1st to achieve - Nepal
● 2nd - 2022 - Vladivostok
○ Every country update NTRP
○ Strengthen community partnership
○ Ensure enforcement of Int Standards in 13 Tiger Range Countries
■ Russia - China - Nepal & Bhutan - India - Bangladesh - Myanmar
■ TV + MIC

Global Tiger Forum - 1993

● Only inter-govt platform which consolidates Tiger Action plans
● Meet - 3 years
● HQ - New Delhi
● 13 TRC’s
● Work - Coop Policy, tech, sci module etc

Global Tiger Initiative

● 2008 - Govt + Int Org + civil society (Sab hai isme)
● Obj - save wild tiger from extinction
● 2013 - Snow Leopards also inculcated
● Partners - World Bank + GEF + Int Tiger Coalition
● 13 TRC’s

50th year of Project Tiger

● 1973
● Aim
○ Protect Bengal Tiger + habitat
○ Promote Awareness in conservation
○ Promote Tiger Reserve for research & training

For 1st time census of Snow Leopard - 23rd october,2012 (International Snow leopard
Day, why? Bishkek Declaration (12 countries)
● India has
○ Indian leopard - VU
■ Melanistic version - Black Leopard (not a separate species)
○ Clouded Leopard - VU
■ North East - Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya
■ Clouded Leopard NP - Tripura
○ Snow Leopard - VU - 5 Himalayan States
■ J&K, Ladakh, HP, UK, Sikkim, Arunachal
● Census of Snow Leopard
○ Ways
■ Camera Trap
■ Local’s interview
● Hemis National Park - Ladakh = Snow Leopard Capital of the world
● Initiatives - india
○ Himal Sanrakshak - Community Volunteer program
○ Secure Himalaya Program
■ Fund - GEF
■ Himalayan Ecosystem + Livelihood + Biodiv conservation)
● Global - Global Snow Leopard & Ecosystem Protection Prog (GSLEP)
○ 12 Countries same of Bishkek Declaration
○ Protect Habitat + Sci international Cooperation
○ Its meeting happened in India.

Snow Leopard
● 1st time spotted in Uttarakhand’s Darma Valley (@ Dar Village) - usually @ 12000 ft
but this place is 11000 ft

🐆 🐻 🦌
● Also found in J&K’s Kishtwar NP, after 2019, it was only limited to Ladakh.
○ Flora - Coniferous + Alpine + Meadow

○ Animal - Snow leopard + Brown beer + Musk deer

○ Bird - Himalayan Monal (LC) + Pheasants
● Snow Leopard
○ +12000 ft + VU + Ghost of Mountains
○ States - J&K + ladakh + HP + UK + Sikkim + Arunachal
○ Snow Leopard Capital of World = Hemis (Eastern Ladakh, Karakoram-West
Tibetan Plateau)
■ Biggest NP of India
■ Highest SL population
■ Flora - Alpine Tundra + Pine forest
■ River - Indus + (Rumbak + Markah + Sumdah)
■ Monasteries - Gotsang Gompa
○ Prey = Bharal (Blue Sheep)
■ LC
○ Himalayan Ibex
■ LC
■ ZSI said its distinct then Siberian Ibex

⬇️ ⬇️
Clouded Leopards
● Trends - Population because Prey
● Study - They have Nimble feet + no specific pattern of operating like other animals
● Area - Grassland - Sub Tropical - Tropical @ 7000 ft
○ Indian - North East (all 7 + Sikkim + North WB)
○ Countries - N-MCB
● Lives on trees - Arboreal (balance with long tail)
● Types
○ Mainland - Nepal to Malaysia
○ Sunda Clouded - Borneo & Sumatra
● State Animal - Meghalaya vs Clouded Leopard National Park = Tripura
○ CLNP is in Sephahijala WLS
○ Trisha aur Gomti, Sephahi ko sath lekar CL & Bison dekhne Gye
● Conservation
○ IDWH (Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitat)
■ 11th 5 year plan - Cent Sponsored
■ Fin & tech support - States & UT, for
● Conserve Protected Areas
● Protection of wildlife outside PA
● Recover CR species

● World Rhino Day - 22 September
● 2022 - Kaziranga, Assam - No even single case of poaching - “Shoot at sight order”
● Declarations
○ New Delhi (2019)
■ 5 Rhino Range Countries - India, Nepal, Bhutan + Indonesia &
■ By - MoEF + IUCN’s Asian Rhino Specialist Group + WWF
○ Chitawan (Nepal, 2023)
■ 5 Rhino Range Countries - India, Nepal, Bhutan + Indonesia &
■ Which Rhino - One horn, Sumatran & Javan
■ Target - 3% annual growth
● The state of Rhino Report, 2023
○ Int. Rhino Foundation - USA

○ Threat - Poaching + CC + droughts + habitat loss

■ Black & Indian -
■ White & Sumatran
■ Javan - Same
● Rhino Census
○ 14th in 2022
○ Frequency - 3 years
○ Stats
■ National Parks -KJOP = Kaziranga - Jaldapara, Bengal (287) - Orang -
■ States - Assam - Bengal - UP - Bihar
■ Maximum - 2,613 (Kazi) (increase of 200)
■ Max Density - 107 (Pobitora)
● Basics of Rhino
○ Types
■ Africa - Black & White (No front teeth + pluck by lips)
■ India - Greater One Horned
■ Southeast Asia - Sumatran & Javan
○ Weight - 1 tonne - Adulthood
■ They are Herbivore
○ Thick skin - 1.5-5 cm (2 inch) - layers of collagen - skin folds help regulate
temperature (by increasing the surface area)
○ Horns (come after 6 years) - max 25 cm
■ Made of Keratin (our hair & nails also) + pangolin scale also
■ Use - China & Vietnam - medicine (but no scientific evidence)
● National Parks in Assam
○ West to East - (R’MONK’SP) - Raimona - Manas - Orang - Nameri - Kaziranga
- Dibru Saikawa - Dihing Patkai
○ Kaziranga
■ South of Brahmaputra
■ Largest in Brahmaputra flood plains
■ Flora - Tropical Moist Broadleaf Forest + Elephant Grass + Marsh
■ Animal - R-BET (R = Vul & BET = EN)
■ South of Brahmaputra
■ Mini Kaziranga (Rhino Density)
■ Flora - Wet Savanna
● Invasive Species - Water Hyacinths (Threat to Water Fowl)
■ Fauna - Chinese Pangolin + Fishing Cat + Leopard + Leopard cat
● Indian one horned Rhino (VU)
○ Native to Indian Subcontinent - Only in India & Nepal
■ In Terai Belt
■ 85% Popu - Assam
■ 70% in Kaziranga
○ Colour - Thick Grey-Brown + Pinkish
○ Wart like bumps
○ Little body hair
○ ** 2nd Largest Terrestrial Land Mammal - 1st Elephant
○ In Rhino - 2nd - Largest - African White
○ Herbivore + Good Swimmer
○ Good hearing + smell but poor eyesight
○ Reproduction
■ From 5-6 years
■ Gestation - 15.7 months
■ Gap - 34-51 months
● Threats
○ Poaching + Habitat Loss + Floods
○ Invasive Species - Chromolaena + Mikania + Mimosa + Ipomoea + Vitamin D3
rich weed
● National Rhino Conservation Strategy
○ 2019 by MoEF
○ Est their DNA profile + Conserve Endangered species of one horned Rhino

Gangetic Dolphin Census
● By UP - Annual Census
○ Method - Tadom Boat Method
● By ODISHA (Irrawaddy Dolphin)
● Project Dolphin
○ Same Day on Project Lion in 2020, 15th August
○ Aim - Both Riverine & Marine but Focus on Gangetic
○ TN - Specific Project
○ Community Involvement ✔️
● Global Declaration of Riverine Dolphins
○ By 11 countries
■ Asia - India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Cambodia
■ South American - Bolivia, Bogotá Colombia, ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
○ Protect 5 Riverine Dolphins & 1 Porpoise
■ Dolphins, Whales and Yangtze Porpoise (CR) (finless) = Mammals
■ Dolphins - Amazon ki (Pink Dolphin, biggest), Indus, Ganga, Irrawady,
Tucuxi - ALL EN
■ Chinese Yangtze dolphin - Baiji - Extinct

Vaquita Porpise
● Found - Gulf of california
● Now - CR , International whaling Commision - Going to get Extinct (reason fishing
net etc)
○ Est under ICRW, washington DC, 1946
○ Headquarter - Impington, CambridgeEngland
○ For orderly development of whaling industry (jada whale nahi khana hai)
conserve kro use

Dolphin vs Porpoise
● D - Long Nose vs Short nose
● D - Curved vs Not curves
● D - Curved pointed fin vs Triangular fin

Gangetic Dolphin
● Ganga + Brahmaputra + was Meghna river system
● Karnaphuli Sangu River Nepal
● National Aquatic Animal
● Its blind

Indus Dolphin
● Indus & Beas
● Its snout (nose) is longer

Irrawaddy = Both Fresh & Saline/Marine

● Irrawaddy + Mahakam + Mekong River
● Chilika Lake
● TN Coast
All 3 are EN + Indicator Species
One Dolphin Sanctuary - Vikramshila Bihar

National Mission for Clean Ganga

● Sub mission - My Ganga My Dolphin Initiative
○ Promote Dolphin based eco tourism in Ganga River

Lakes & Birds

Chilika Lake
● Dolphin Census
● World’s first Fishing Cat census
○ 2x size of Normal Cat
○ Nocturnal
○ State Animal of West Bengal
● Lake @ mouth of Daya River
● 1st site under Ramsar
● Animal
○ Irrawaddy dolphin
○ Dugong (Sea Cow) - VU
○ Green Turtle- EN
● Around the lake - Nalabana Bird Sanctuary
● Below Chilika, @ border of Andhra & TN = Pulicat Lake
○ 2nd largest lagoon after chilika
○ Flamingo Festival
■ 2 types in India -
● Greater - LC (found in entire india - migrate to South India -
during winters)
● Lesser - NT (@ run of kutch)

Kolleru Lake
● Between Krishna & Godavari
● Attapakka Bird sanctuary (Ramsar Site) is here
● Siberian Crane + Spotted & Grey Pelicans (NT)
● Pelican Festival here

Siberian Crane - CR - Come from Northern Hemis - in winters

In January - Asian Waterbird census is held

● By - Wetland International & BNHS of India
● It is subset of Int Waterbird Census conducted at world level by WI

Waterbird = birds dependent on wetland

WI = Not for profit org + @ Edi Netherland + ⅙ org to Implement Ramsar

BNHS - pan india wildlife research org + est 1883 + aim - conserve, protect etc @ Mumbai
● Logo - Greater Indian Hornbill
○ GIH = Engineer / Farmer of the Forest (help in dispersal of seeds)
○ Hornbill Festival - Nagaland
○ Hornbill State Bird - Arunachal & Kerala

5% of Birds in India are endemic - ZSI

Total - 1353 (12.4% of World)
Endemic - 78 (5%) of India

CR & Endemic
● Himalayan Quail
○ Uttarakhand
○ Long grasses & scrubs on steep south facing hillsides (1650-2400m)
● Jerdon’s Courser
○ Eastern Ghats (Andhra Pradesh)
○ Scrub Forest
● Bugun Liocichla
○ @ eaglenest WLS, Arunachal pradesh
○ Temperate forests

Vulture Conservation
● Nature’s garbage Colletor
○ Red, White, Slender billed & long billed - CR
○ Egyption - EN
○ Himalayan, Bearded, Cinereous - NT
○ Griffon - LC
● Himalayan - 93 killed due to Carbofuran
● May 2023 - We banned (nsaids)
○ Diclofenac
○ Aceclofenac
○ Ketoprofen
○ Nimesulide (proposed)

National Action Plan on Vulture Conservation 2020-25

● Reduce nsaid drugs
● Conservation & Breeding center - Pinjore (Bir Shikargarh), Bhopal, Hyderabad,
● 1 vulture safe zone in each state

1st synchronised survey - KKT - 246 found

Hangul (aka Kashmir Stag)

● CR
● Area - J&K’s = Dachigam NP & Overa Aru WLS
● Others - Salim Ali NP , Kishtwar NP vs Hemis is in Ladakh
● Dachigam
○ Pear, Peach, Apple, Walnut, Chestnut, Popular, Oak, Pine (in entire himalayan
○ Animals - Musk Deer, Brown Bear, Black Bear, Snow Leopards, Ineb &
Markhor (both Wild Goat)
● Project Hangul
○ 1970 by J&K Govt + WWF +IUCN

Other Animals
Western Tragopan (king of birds)
● HP - state Animal
● VU

● Western Himalayas
● Threats - All

Bhojpatra Calligraphy - By Mana Women (last village @ Indo China border of UK)
● Western Himalayas @ 3100-4500m
● Tree = Himalayan Birch - Deciduous tree - LC
○ Only Angiosperm dominating @ Sub alpine temp
● Adaptation - High freezing tolerance
● Life - 400 years
● Feature - prevent Soil erosion + bioshield for forest
● Calligraphy - In HP & UK - in Sanskrit & others

Animal Discoveries 2022 - ZSI

Who does? - Nat. Zoological Collection of ZSI under BDA, 2002
467 - new Species
197 - New Record
Max - Kerala - Karnataka - TN

Famous - 2 Bats
● Long Fingered Bat & Bamboo Dwelling Bat (Meghalaya)
● Sela Macaque - Arunachal - named after Sela Pass
○ Lion Tailed Macaque (EN, Appendix 1, Sch 1)
■ Endemic - Western Ghats (KKT)
■ Very shy, Frugivorous
■ Lives under Evergreen rainforest canopies

Sela Pass
● By BRO under Project Vartak
● South of Sela Lake (frozen) + drained by Nuranang River (Tributary of Tawang)

Nechiphu Tunnel
● By BRO under Project Vartak
● Arunachal
● 500 m long - D-Shaped Tunnel
● Single tube - double laned , west Kameng District

Plant Discovery
● By BSI
● Total - 186
● Highest state - Kerala (16.8%)
● Highest region - Western Himalayas 21% - Western Ghats - 16%

Under BSI - Central National Herbarium @ Howrah - 1975

● Dried plants - 2 million specimen
● 1st in India & Most important of Asia

Fisheries Survey of India

● 2703 Dolphin + 4 Whales - in EEZ of East coast - found under Marine Mammal Stock
assessment (WB, Odi, Andhra)
○ Min - Fishery, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Govt of India
○ HQ - Mumbai
○ 1988 - It was reorg & upgraded as National Sco & Tech Institute
● 1st time - 150 Risso’s Dolphin - in EEZ around South East of Paradeep (Odisha)
● All Dolphins are EN

Living Planet Report
● 69% in wildlife population in 50 years (1970-2018)
● India - Specifically - Honeybees & 17 species of Freshwater turtles
○ Most vulnerable region - Himalayan & Western Ghat region
○ 137 km of Sundarban Mangrove eroded - affecting 10m people

India lost 6.684 lakh hec of forest in 5 years

● Top - Brazil - India - Indonesia

India lost 90% of area under Biodiversity Hotspots (worst hit - INDO-BURMA - 95% Loss) -
CSE (Center for Sci & Env)
● +12% of (1212) India’s IUCN red list animal = EN
● Increase forest fire
● 14 States/UT - drop in carbon retention Service

IPBES - intergovernmental science policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services -

● 1 / 8 million species - risk of extinction
● 75% earth land surface altered
● 66% world oceans undergone change
● Factors
○ All Natural + Manmade

Evil Quartet

● Fragmentation
○ Eg Tropical Rain Forest - from 14% to 6%
○ Eg Indian (Asiatic) Cheetah - Because of agri + urbanisation)
○ Eg Animals & Mammals requiring Large Territories - Tigers & Sumatran
● Over Exploitation
○ Eg Great Hammerhead Sharks
○ Eg Pink Headed Duck
● Alien Species Invasion
○ Because of Increasing E-commerce & marine transportation
○ Eg Echo Parakeet
○ Eg Water Hyacinth
○ Eg African Catfish (eating Indian Arowana)
● Co-Extinctions
○ Eg Forest Owlet - thought to be extinct - emerged in 1997 (reason forest
habitat & prey)

1st Mammal to go extinct as a direct result of climate change = Bramble Cay Melomys
(Melomys Rubicola)
IUCN “A just world that values & conserves nature”
● International Union for conservation of Nature = NGO
● 1948 - est in France vs Hq - Gland Swiz
● Members - lot of stakeholders
● Obj
○ Scientific data on species status
○ Address factors responsible for it
○ Conserve Biodiv
● Priority Areas
○ CC, Green Growth etc
● Main Guidelines issuing auth - World Conservation Congress (every 4 years) - IUCN
Council implements it
○ 2021 - Marsille France
■ Global Indigenous Agenda - Secure & recognise & respect rights of
indigenous people over natural resources
■ Update IUCN red list
■ Sustainable Tourism initiative with UNESCO + WWF (Funds from
● Reports
○ Protected Planets report (Along with UNEP)
■ Check Aichi 11th Target
● Conserve 17% land and inland water ecosystem & 10% ocean
ecosystem by 2020
■ (Now Aichi Expired - Instead Kunming Montreal Framework)
○ World Heritage Outlook report
■ National Heritage conservation of Eg World heritage sites
○ World Database on Key Biodiversity Areas
■ By IUCN + BI
■ Asses imp areas of Biodiv critical for that ecosys conservation
● World Commission on Protected Areas
○ @ gland swiz
○ Its world network of protected & conserve areas experts
○ Help countries in policy making and capacity development
● World Database on Protected Areas (Terrestrial + Aquatic)
○ By both UNEP & IUCN
○ Managed by UNEP’s WCMC
● Ecoley
○ Repository of Laws for countries to learn
● Panorama
○ Info exchange platform (success, exp etc of Bio Conservation)
● IUCN Red list of Threatened Species
○ Started 1964
○ Pink page = CR
○ Green Page = No longer Threatened
○ Categorisation
■ Not evaluated
■ Data deficient
■ LC - NT - VU - EN - CR - E in Wild - Extinct
○ Criteria
■ Population reduction
■ Population size
■ Population Restriction
■ Quantitative analysis (extinction probability)
● CoP28
○ Info of 1.5 lakh
■ 44k - Threatened
■ 6600 - CC affected
● Green Status of Species
○ Global standard to measure species recovery & conservation impact

Traffic (Trade record analysis of flora and Fauna in International commerce)

● 1976
● Curb illegal wildlife trade

Species Survival Commission

● Advice to country, make red list

● World Wildlife Fund
● Hq - Gland Swiz
● Logo - Giant Panda (Only in China's Panda Diplomacy)
● Red Panda = EN (Indian china bhutan nepal and myanmar)
● Report - Living Planet Report
○ Every 2 years (since 1988)
○ ZS london + WWF
○ 2022 - 69% decline in wildlife popu in last 5 years
■ Most in Latin America
■ BIODIV Trends + Planet Health
○ Report is Based on LPI - Measure state of world biodiv on the basis of
Vertebrate population

Climate Solver
● Development of Low Carbon Tech

Earth Hour
Last saturday of march every year to increase awareness (1 hr light off) - theme = “Biggest
hour on earth”

Earth Day - 22nd April

● Invest in our earth
● By Earth Day Org.

Earth overshoot Day

● By Global Footprint Network
● 2023 - 2nd August

Global Assessment of Forest Biodiversity Report

● From 1970 till now, 53% decline in forest BD
● Reason - Hab Loss, Exploitation, CC

Champions Of Earth Award
● by UNEP since 2005
○ individual & organization from the public & private sector
● Awarded to Purnima Devi Barman and her “ Hargila Army “ of more than 10,000
○ For protection of "Garuda" local name for Greater Adjutant Stork, EN
○ Threats : destruction and degradation of wetland in Assam & Bihar = their
breeding ground

Equator Prize
● by Equator Initiative within UNDP
● Awarded biennially
● community efforts to reduce poverty via biodiv conservation

Land For Life Award

● Every 2 years
● In 2021 to familial forestry of Rajasthan
○ Familial Forestry - caring for the tree as a family member hence tree becomes
part of family’s consciousness
Behler Turtle Conservation Award
● By Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA), IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater TurtleSpecialist
Group, Turtle Conservancy, and Turtle Conservation Fund
● Given to shailendra singh
● tortoise & freshwater turtle conservation + chelonian conservation
● IUCN Status :
○ Red Crowned Roofed Turtle CR
○ Northern River Terrapin : CR
○ Black SoftShell :CR

Sea Turtles
● marine reptiles
● streamlined bodies
● large flippers
● Eg - Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Leatherback, Green and Olive ridley turtle.
● Found - Worldwide
● vs restricted range turtles
○ Kemp’s Ridley (Gulf of Mexico)
○ Flatback Turtle (northern Australia & southern Papua New Guinea)
● (IUCN) Status
○ Flatback Turtle: Data Deficient
○ Green Turtle: EN
○ Hawksbill Turtle: CR
○ Kemp’s Ridley: CR
○ Loggerhead Turtle: VU
○ Olive Ridley: VU
○ Leatherback Turtle: VU
● All 7 - CITES Appendix 1
● India - 5 - all under Schedule I WPA, 1972

Significance of turtles
● scavenging dead organic material and diseased fish
● Habitat to fish on their body
● improve seagrass ecosystem health by removing seagrass biomass and preventing
sediment formation.
● Nutrient and energy transporters

Turtle vs Tortoise
● Tur - Water vs Land
● Tur - Lay eggs on land vs All things on land
● Tur - good swimmer vs bad
● Tur - Can be Carni, Herbi, Omni vs Herbivore

Gahirmatha Marine Wildlife Sanctuary

● Gahirmatha Beach(Odisha) = world's largest rookery (colony of breeding animals) of
olive ridley’s followed by Rushikulya. (aka Aribada - Migrate to India (peak season in
December & January)
○ part of Gahirmatha Marine WLS,
○ extension - Dhamra River (north) to Brahmani river (south)
● Garimatha ke bilkul back side (land side) = Bhitarkanika

Coastal Plains of Odisha

● “Hexadeltaic” / “gift of six rivers “
○ Northern Coastal Plain: deltas of the Subarnarekha and the Budhabalanga
○ Middle coastal plain: deltas of the Baitarani, Brahmani and Mahanadi rivers
○ Southern Coastal Plain: lacustrine plain of Chilika lake and the smaller delta of
the Rushikulya River

Bhitarkanika National Park

● Breeding place for saltwater crocodile
● Rivers : Brahmani, Baitarani, Dhamra and Patasala
● Species : indian Python (NT) - Irula Tribe , Chital (LC) wildboar , mangrove , monitor

Indian Ocean Sea Turtle Agreement (IOSEA)

● CMS + UN backed
● India
● framework for Indian Ocean + South-East Asian region + States

There are 3 species of crocodilians = saltwater, Mugger and Gharial
● Saltwater Crocodile - LC
○ largest of all living reptiles
○ throughout the east coast ofIndia
● Mugger - VU
○ aka Indian crocodile/marsh crocodile
○ found - throughout Indian subcontinent
○ mainly a freshwater species - in lakes, rivers and marshes
● Gharial CR
○ aka fish eating crocodile
○ native to the Indian subcontinent
○ Area - the rivers of the National Chambal Sanctuary, Katarniaghat Wildlife
Sanctuary, Son River Sanctuary + the rainforest biome of Mahanadi in
Satkosia Gorge Sanctuary, Orissa

● Dugong or sea cow
● State animal of A & N Islands.
● Area -
○ Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat.
○ Gulf of Mannar + Palk Bay in Tamil Nadu
○ Andaman And Nicobar Islands
○ NOT found along the entire coast of India
● Eat - graze on seagrass (World's only vegetarian marine mammal)
● Threats: habitat loss, sea pollution, and loss of seagrass

● These are flowering marine plants that have adapted to survive in marine conditions
● They are vascular plants with root stems & leaves, also the flowering plants
● Found on all continents except Antarctica
● Ecosystem Engineer

● “lungs of the sea” = 1 sq m, generate 10L of oxygen every day via photosynthesis.
● trap sediments to absorb nutrients = clear waters.
● carbon sinks capable of trapping carbon from the atmosphere

Erosion and Sediment discharge + Overfishing

Invasis Alien Species

10th plenary (IPBES) - the “Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control’’
IPBES (The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services) - 2012 (by UNGA resolution requesting UNEP)
● intergovernmental organization to improve the interface between science and policy
● Similar role to (IPCC)
● HQ - Bonn, Germany
● Findings
○ more than 37,000 alien species across the world, around 3,500 are invasive.
(Around 10%)
○ Of the 37,000, 6% of the plants, 22% of the invertebrates, 14% of the
vertebrates and 11% of microbes are invasive.
○ 80 % of countries have targets but only 17 % have national laws to address the
○ Most affected Americas > Europe and Central Asia > Asia & Pacific > Africa.
● Leading Invasive Species:
○ water hyacinth - Rank 1
○ Lantana - 2nd
○ black rat - 3d
○ brown rat and house mouse 4th
● Controlling invasive alien species (IAS):
○ Target 6 - Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework of CBD
■ reduce invasive alien species by at least 50 per cent by 2030.
■ This will help us meet SDG by 2030
● Factors Responsible for Rising Invasive Species:
○ Globalization of Trade and Travel esp via Maritime & ballast water
○ Climate Change:
○ Deliberate introduction by Humans
● Impacts of Invasive Alien Species:
○ Ecological Impacts
■ outcompete native species
■ become predators of native species,
■ they are among the 5 top drivers of biodiversity loss (land-and sea-use,
direct exploitation of species, climate change and pollution)
■ one of the 'Evil Quartets'
■ Led to 60% of global animal & plant extinction & 16% indirectly
○ Economic Impacts
○ Impact on Food Supply
■ Eg Kerala, the Caribbean false mussel has wiped out native version
and oysters which are important for local fisheries.
■ Spread of water hyacinth in Lake Victoria has affected the population
of tilapia fish
○ Health Implications:
■ Diseases such as malaria, Zika and West Nile Fever are spread by
invasive mosquitoes Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti.
○ Impact on indigenous people
○ Human wildlife conflicts
■ The spread degraded the natural habitats and feeding grounds of wild
■ floods intensified the dispersal of Lantana, Eupatorium, Mikania and
● Efforts to control it
○ CBD - 1992 - recognizes invasive alien species as a major threat to the
environment, second to habitat destruction.
○ CMS - 1979 - eliminate invasive alien species to conserve migratory birds
○ CITES - 1975 - impact of invasive species involved in international trade.


● Database hai - invasive alien species unke threats areas ke bare mei btata hai
● By Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) of the IUCN Species Survival

Species Survival Commission (1948)

● under (IUCN)
● HQ - Gland, Switzerland.
● Work
○ conservation of threatened species via 10000 volunteers
○ Manages the IUCN Red List,

Global invasive species programme

● Dedicated to address the threat of invansion species
● CABI, IUCN, NATURE consevency & south African National biodiversity Institute.

‘Lantana camera’ & ‘Pogostemon benghalensis

Invasive species in news:

● Caribbean false mussel
○ From Central & South America to Kerala
● Prosopis Juliflora/ Seemai Karuvelam
● Prickly pear (Cactus) - Nilgiris (Sigur Plateau)
○ Not eaten by Animals here though macaque & some birds eat
○ Hence make it a Minor forest produce so that indigenous communities can
● Ludwigia peruviana,
○ grows fast along water bodies aka vayals
○ Tamil Nadu, the State’s drive to remove Lantana camara, Senna spectabilis
and Acacia mearnsii (wattle) also
○ Problem is it grows in swamps and machines can’t be used here
● Lantana camara
○ the tropical American shrub, ornamental garden shrub, it is among the world’s
10 worst invasive species
○ Affected 40% of India’s tiger habitats.
○ Kanha Tiger reserve - Lantana Camara & Pogostemon Benghalensis
● Seaweed - Kappaphycus - Kills corals - In Gulf of Mannar

One of the commonest and deadliest invasive trees of the Western Ghats is the Senna
spectabilis, called manja konna in the local language.

Senna Spectabilis aka Manja Konna

● Western Ghats
● Especially in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary
● Use - Make paper from it

Conocarpus trees
● Use - Beautify Sabarmati Riverfront Ahmedabad (Ram Van “Urban Forest)
● not liked by wild herbivores or domesticated animals
● Roots damage telecommunication lines, drainage lines and freshwater systems

Salsola Oppositifolia
● generally the plant species of Salsola genus have salty juice stored in their leaves.
● Aka morad.
● use - manufacturing of soda ash, making lye and soaps.
● Salsola fruticosa are used as fodder for Indian Wild Ass.

Carrying capacity
● species average population size in a particular habitat being controlled by
environmental factors like food, shelter, water, and mates.

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