Domestic Vs Foreign Policy

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Domestic vs

Foreign Policy
Policy issues characterized by
whether they are inside or
outside of a nation
Lesson objectives
• Understand the definition of domestic policy and foreign
• Know what the difference is between foreign and domestic
policy along with the examples.
Domestic Policy
• Domestic policy refers to
government plans and actions
with regard to people,
institutions, laws, and events
within a nation's own borders.
• State governments make
domestic policy within their own
• Domestic policy is a type of
public policy overseeing
administrative decisions that are
directly related to all issues and
activity within a state's borders.
Domestic policies
Importance and Goals of Domestic Policy

• Domestic policy is of the

utmost importance for any
government. Four major
factors of domestic policy
1)Regulatory Policy
2)Distributive Policy
3) Redistributive Policy
4)Constituent Policy
Importance and Goals of Domestic Policy:
Four major factors of domestic policy
1) Regulatory policies

Regulatory policy is about achieving government's
objectives through the use of regulations, laws, and
other instruments to deliver better economic and social
outcomes and thus enhance the life of citizens and
• In other words
A regulation policy is a restriction placed by a
government to provide a fair and efficient market for
companies and consumers
• Regulatory policies guide agencies on the rulemaking
procedures. Some examples of regulatory policies
include removing lead from gasoline, minimum
wages for workers, and having airbags in all cars.

• Can you think about other examples?

Examples of regulatory policy
The Data Protection Regulation applies to all service
providers irrespective of whether the data processing is
undertaken inside or outside Kuwait.
Examples of policy regulations in Kuwait
• • Read it and share your findings:
• What are these new regulations
• in Kuwait?
Four major factors of domestic policy

2) Distributive Policy
• Distributive policies are meant • Some examples of distributive
for specific segments of policies are adult education
society. It include all public program, food relief, social
assistance and welfare insurance, employability,
programs. etc

What type of Distributive policies in Kuwait can you think
of ?

Some examples of distributive

policies are adult education
program, food relief, social
insurance, employability, federal
grants for higher education
Four major factors of domestic policy
3)Redistributive Policy
• Redistributive policies are an • Food Stamps, Medicaid, Housing
essential component of Assistance, Free school meals
strategies for reducing
inequality and promoting
sustainable development in
its three dimensions:
economic, social and
Four major factors of domestic policy
4) Constituent policies

• Constituent policies: Policies

creating or modifying the
state`s institutions .
Examples : Changes of procedural
rules of parliament; creation of
new agencies
Foreign Policy
• Foreign policy refers to
government actions with regard
to other countries. It involves the
practice of diplomacy and the
creation of treaties.
• In the United States, most
diplomacy is carried out by the
State Department, which is lead
by the secretary of state. He or
she is one of the highest-ranking
members of the executive branch
of the federal government.
Treaties must be ratified by the
United States Senate.
Foreign Policy Vs Domestic Policy
Domestic or Foreign Policy?

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