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디펜스 게임의 폭군이 되었다

"What's on the market today?"

Hunched over the humble stall, I posed the question to Nameless, who nonchalantly
motioned towards his offerings.

"The inventory's dynamic, always changing, but one thing's for sure: these are relics
you won't stumble upon in the world of humans."

Indeed, that much was evident. The dungeon we were in, a domain touched by
demonic influence, bore a stark contrast to the world we hailed from.

The items before me were undoubtedly premium. At the very least, they were
rarities not to be found within the confines of Crossroads.

'This stuff is incredibly valuable.'

With a ring in hand, I inspected it, a low groan echoing in my throat.

The wares were steeped in hues of gold and violet, a clear indication of their
superior SR~SSR grade. And astoundingly, they were selling at a discounted price at
this shop.

'Everyday vendors have their fair share of treasures, but this… this is unparalleled.'

Could it be that this character, Nameless, was an exceptionally beneficial NPC?

Just as I began to dive deeper into my investigation of the items, my party members
started to cluster around me, each one trying to catch a glimpse of the goods.

As the gathering crowd swelled, Nameless casually flicked an item with his fingertip.

"These are the spoils of my travels throughout the Lake Kingdom. Their quality
should fare well against worldly counterparts. Feel free to peruse at your leisure."

"And how do we agree on a price?"

"Your outside currency holds little worth in these parts."

From his pocket, Nameless extracted a luminous magic stone.

"We deal in magic stones or magic cores here."

That sounded about right.

Magic stones were a type of exchangeable commodity. They could be bartered for the
currency of the empire or be put to use when crossing paths with a random
merchant NPC in a dungeon.

My predicament lied in my current stock. Each magic stone I managed to accrue was
immediately traded for the empire's currency, leaving me bereft of any.

'Who would've thought I'd run into a merchant NPC this soon.'

I felt like a pauper gazing at unreachable riches laid out before me.

I mustered all the magic stones and magic cores I had gathered on this dungeon run
and presented them to her.

"What can these buy me?"

"Hmm, let's see…”

In Nameless' hands were three R-grade magic cores and a sack full of magic stones,
which she weighed thoughtfully.

"To be frank, not a whole lot."

Having deposited the items in her pocket, Nameless then offered a consoling nod.

"But, considering this is our maiden trade, and given your commendable resolve to
master this place… as a token of encouragement, you may choose one item."

"Are you a celestial being in disguise?!"

The shock of her generosity left me nearly on my knees in reverence.

Was she truly going to let me select one SR~SSR grade item in return for these
meager magic stones? It felt like a handout.

As I swallowed my awe, my eyes darted over the stall's treasures, each item a
potential talk of the town.

Simultaneously, my party members, who had been spectating this negotiation from
behind, began to point out their preferred items one by one.

"Your Highness, I'm a simple old lady with few desires. However, if I were to
consume this 100 Year Old Ginseng, I could perhaps regain the vitality of my youth
by a decade…”

What? It's not even a combat item. She's opting for a health-enhancing ingredient?

"Spare your cash and get it on your own."


Jupiter stepped back with a grumble, making way for Lucas, who carefully extended
an item to me.

"Sire, what about these Feather Boots?"

The boots were snow-white, and upon brief inspection, I discovered they offered an
'Explosive Speed Increase' perk. Intriguing.

"Lucas, you wish to boost your agility?"

"No, I believe it would be beneficial if you, Lord, wore these boots. They might aid in
swift evacuations during emergencies."


His thoughtfulness choked me up. Even in this predicament, he considered me first.

The lad was indeed exceptional.

However, there's no need to deliberate my gear presently as I'm not a main fighter.
Thus, his suggestion too, was dismissed.
Next up was Damien, who, after a moment of hesitation, presented his choice.

"It appears to be… a Potion Generator."


It looked much like a portable water filter.

Upon examining it, it indeed proved to be an item that replenished potions after a set
duration. It really seemed like one could find anything here.

"If we position this within the temple, it could significantly aid in healing the

A valid point. Even if the refill interval was somewhat lengthy, a continuous supply of
potions could indeed facilitate efficient wound management.

Nonetheless, this wasn't an irreplaceable commodity exclusive to this instance.

After all, potions could be sourced externally. It seemed wasteful to utilize this once-
off exchange opportunity for such an item.

I gently explained my reasoning to Damien and reassured him, before directing my

attention to the final party member, Evangeline.

She stood at a distance from the panel, surveying the surroundings. I motioned her
over with a nod.

"You're not selecting anything?"

"I'm merely a temporary addition to this party."

Evangeline shrugged.

"Besides, I don't particularly care for gear. Upon my graduation, the principal
bequeathed me a superior-grade lance and shield."


"You are having them repaired at the blacksmith's shop at the moment, right? That's
sufficient for me."

I stood there, dumbstruck.

Lucas, adjacent to me, also began to perspire anxiously.

'Right! I shattered her lance and shield, and she joined us here to grind for Magic
Cores to cover the repair costs!'

In my greed-fueled haze, I had overlooked that fact. Damn it.

After gulping down my apprehension, I inquired in a low voice to Nameless.

"Hey Nameless. Any chance you've got… a lance or shield available…?"

"Hmm. I do have a set."

From the opposite side of the panel, Nameless fetched a lance and shield, placing
them before me.

Their gleaming golden hue revealed them to be of SSR Grade!

[Demon's Spear (SSR) Lv.35]

- Category: Cavalry Lance

- Attack Power: 35-40

- Durability: 20/20

- When an attack accurately targets an enemy's weak point, the damage dealt
increases by 30 percent.

[Giant's Shield (SSR) Lv.35]

- Category: Shield

- Defense: 35-40

- Durability: 20/20
- When an attack from an enemy is successfully defended against, the damage
received is reduced by 30 percent.

> Set Effect: Demon and Giant (2/2)

- If both items are used simultaneously, the coefficient of special abilities sees a 50
percent increase.

《“The beast's aura… It's disappeared…?” - A certain teammate of a Spear Knight》


An unexpected sound escaped my lips.

Excellent. Beyond excellent. Whether it was a snake or a dragon etched into the
spear, it was stylish, and the shield, seemingly formed in the likeness of a colossal
fist, was equally striking. The functionality was stellar. All was superb.

'It's a set equipment!'

The full potential is only achieved when both items are in use.

To acquire it, both are necessary… but earlier, she mentioned only offering one.

As I muttered, eyes darting between the spear and the shield, Nameless shot me an
enigmatic smile.

"I mentioned at the outset, didn't I? There's a buy-one-get-one-free event ongoing.

Do you recall?"

"Uh, huh?"

"As a courtesy, I'll give you both. They're a set, after all."

I was wide-eyed. The peculiar woman standing before me started to resemble a

beacon of light more than a celestial being.

"Re, really…?"

"Yeah. Just take them quickly. They're of no use to me anyway."

Nameless gestured, extending the spear and shield in my direction.

"Just keep thoroughly exploring this place, and should you encounter me now and
then, let's make a trade."

Was this akin to a seasoned player easing a newbie into the game?

Regardless, there was no reason to decline the generous gift of items. With gratitude,
I accepted both the spear and the shield.

As I pivoted around, Evangeline wore a puzzled expression.

Handing her the pair of items, I confessed about the previous night's incident.

"In truth, last night…”

When I revealed that her gear was shattered by my fist and that this was reparation,
Evangeline's expression grew even more perplexed.

"I don't follow."

"Huh? What part?"

"I was the instigator of the conflict yesterday. In theory, you simply responded in

"Um, but we attacked 2 against 1…”

"What significance does the count hold if you were the ones assaulted?"

Evangeline pushed back the spear and shield without accepting them.

"I was the one defeated, and my gear got damaged in the process. It's my liability for
the loss. There's no need for you to intervene this way."

However, I wasn't prepared to give up either. A grin stretched across my face.

"Then don't perceive this as compensation, rather as a gift from Ash, the third

"A graduation present from the prince to Evangeline Cross, my fellow academy mate.
You surely wouldn't refuse a gift from a prince, would you?"

And it was also a gesture for Margrave Cross who had devoted himself to the city.

If I were to leave her without equipment, the guilt would gnaw at me.

Naturally, I wouldn't dare voice such thoughts…

"Listen, don't turn it down, just accept it! Where are your manners, eh?! When an
adult gives you something, you should just smile, say thank you, and take it!"


Pressured into accepting the gift, Evangeline looked up at me, finally dipping her
waist in a polite nod.

"Thank you, senior. I promise to put it to good use."

"Absolutely, absolutely. Just make sure you do."

Watching Evangeline gear up with a grin, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders.

Next, Jupiter, who'd been standing beside me, gestured towards herself.

"What about me, Your Majesty? Don't I deserve a gift too?"

"You receive a salary, don't you?"

Just hold your horses, I'll sort you out when a magic item comes up.

Now it was Lucas's turn, pointing at himself.

"And what about me, sire?"

"I've already given you armor…”

Don't fret, just wait. I have a separate plan for your equipment.
Lastly, Damien laughed heartily.

"I'm all set, Prince!"

Of course, you should be. I gave you a magic gun not long ago, and I'm planning to
give you a few more. They cost a pretty penny.

"Merchant, could I have one of those, please?"

After buying a century-old ginseng with a magic stone that Jupiter had saved up, our
shopping spree came to a close.

"Hehe, hahaha… If I just boil this and eat it…”

Clutching the century-old ginseng, Jupiter cackled ominously.

Hold on there, granny, that won't make you younger. Don't get your expectations too

After the transaction, Nameless began to clear her booth. I hesitated before
addressing her.

"Nameless, may I pose a question?"

"Hm? Sure. If it's something I can answer."

With Nameless's casual affirmation, I cautiously posed my question.

"Are you familiar with the 'Pied Piper'?"

"The Pied Piper? Who might that be?"

"A man dressed like a bard, donning a black wide-brimmed hat. He controls
monsters with the melody of his flute. He's believed to be local."


After a moment's thought, Nameless slowly nodded.

"That man, indeed."

"You know him?"

"There are quite a few oddballs roaming the depths of this lake, but he's especially…
notorious. I know him quite well."

I cast my mind back to the bard who had intruded on the last stage, nearly wreaking

In the game, he was just an inconspicuous NPC. So, he's a notable figure here?

"If you proceed, there's a somewhat large safe area between Zones 3 and 4."

Nameless gestured to the path ahead.

"It's a common ground for those who've kept their sanity in the dungeon beneath
this lake. Locals often refer to it as the 'base camp'."

Base camp.

I know it. It's a secure checkpoint that becomes accessible once Zone 3 is conquered.

It's a location set up by the NPCs of this region, a hub teeming with diverse facilities
and merchants.

The area was spacious, a crucial staging ground for the looming dungeon challenges.

"To find the man you seek, your best bet is there. Even if he isn't present, others
could provide you with information. Naturally, you've got a bit of distance to cover
before you get there…”

Nameless affirmed with a nod.

"I reckon you folks should make it there without any hiccups."

Having packed all his wares, Nameless threw us a quick wink.

"Well then, till next time. Do stay alive till we cross paths again."

With that, she vanished into the enveloping darkness.

"A merchant in such a place… Quite a character, isn't she?"

Damien remarked with a trace of innocence.

However, the rest of the group remained wary. Lucas, his gaze still piercing,

"That woman… I find her hard to trust."


"She's too formidable."

Lucas cast his eyes toward where Nameless had been.

Five, no, six entirely demolished steam golems.

The evidence left in the wreckage undeniably pointed to one individual. Most likely,
Nameless had handled them single-handedly.

"Taking care of this alone and still appearing so nonchalant… Her power is no
ordinary feat."

Well, if you've been mastering the strategy for three years, hit max level, completed
the attribute system, and equipped a full set of exclusive gear, you'd manage this too.

It's only expected she'd appear extraordinary from our current viewpoint. But in my
mind, I marked Nameless as a 'friendly' NPC.

'Anyone generous enough to hand out SSR set items can't be all bad.'

Even if they were unpleasant, if they provide me with valuable items, they're a good
sort of bad. It makes no difference.

Dusting off my hands and standing up, I eyed the colossal stone structure across the

"Alright, let's go take out the boss mob."

The next section was the boss room.

'I need to defeat the boss and farm the boss treasure chest!'

Needless to say, the best part is grabbing the loot!

Our group assembled at the threshold of the boss room.

The building tucked away in this side street was unlike any we'd encountered before;
an imposing edifice of stone that, judging by its size, might have once served as a

Like the decrepit structures we'd passed earlier, this stone building's entrance was
blocked by a hefty iron plate. Or rather, it had been.

"Something… appears to have broken the seal and burst out," Lucas carefully
examined the gaping breach in the iron plate.

Quite literally, the iron plate sealing the entrance had been blown open from the

Clearly, the seal hadn't been particularly effective.

I gestured towards the building's gloomy interior.

"This appears to be our path. We need to venture inside."

Immediately, the faces of our party members whitened. Specifically, Damien and
Evangeline appeared none too pleased with this plan.

"Do… do we have to?"

"Let's… perhaps retreat…”

"Silence, youngsters. We can't come this far and not even catch a glimpse of the boss

I gave Lucas a reassuring pat on the back.


Lucas, swallowing hard, moved towards the entrance of the stone building and
pushed against the door.


The rusted hinges creaked unpleasantly. The broken, half-hanging door reluctantly
gave way.

We maintained formation as we ventured inside.

Contrary to the foreboding atmosphere outside, the interior was surprisingly

unspoiled. Of course, 'unspoiled' was relative; it was still a disaster.

'It's expansive and towering.'

Inside was a vast, warehouse-like space. The breadth was striking, and the ceiling
reached astonishing heights.

It appeared to be roughly the height of a three-story building.

Yet there were no goods in sight that one would expect to find in a warehouse.

The wooden shelves that likely once housed stored goods had mostly rotted away,
with only a few standing defiantly intact.

Lucas, examining a grotesquely warped shelf on the ground, narrowed his eyes.

"The floor, walls, and furniture show evidence of water damage. It appears this place
was submerged for some time. After that, it was abandoned… Was there a flood?"

"Well, we're beneath a lake. It's hardly a surprise it's waterlogged."

I responded dismissively, shedding light on our surroundings with the lantern in my


"But more importantly, we're already in the boss room. Don't delay inspecting the
"Prince, over there."

Damien clutched at my sleeve. I glanced down at him, perplexed.

"What is it, Damien?"

"Over there… it's there."

"What is?"


With a trembling hand, Damien pointed into the warehouse depths. Seeing what he
indicated, I held my breath.

There it was.

A colossal golem, vastly superior to any we'd encountered so far.

In an all too human pose… it lay sprawled on the warehouse floor.


Moments later, a system message popped into my field of view.

[Hidden Alley - Boss Room]

- Defeat the boss!

- Lv.20 Giant Steam Golem <Warehouse Janitor Banyan Bullock>

- The boss provides rewards for partial destruction.

Our opponent, the Zone 2 boss monster, was the colossal Steam Golem, Bayan

'Why is there a human name tacked on?'

Similar to the Sewer Manager Paleug, the boss monster from Zone 1, this one also
bore a human name. Was there a reason?
There was no time for such thoughts. An ominous mechanical noise began to
emanate from the prone form of the golem.


Like a beast rousing from slumber, the golem lying on the floor slowly raised itself.

"Oh dear, I seem to have dozed off again."

The golem emitted a synthetic voice. My party members and I instantly readied our
weapons for the impending battle.

Thud, groooong…!

Once standing, the golem adopted an unusual posture, its waist oddly twisted.

Yet its size was astounding. Its head almost grazed the ceiling.

It was roughly twice as tall and three times as wide as the previous steam golem
we'd confronted. What's with this ridiculous size?

Evangeline, staring up at the golem with her mouth ajar, murmured.

"Hey, mind sharing some of that height, please?"

Seriously? Was that the appropriate remark for this situation?


Now fully erect, the golem slowly extended its arms.

"Well, let's begin cleaning then."

In the following instant, the golem's outstretched hands gathered a surge of red
magical energy,


And released it.

A beam of red light.

The beam shot forth at a startling speed, but Lucas and Evangeline were ready.

Evangeline dashed forward, raising her shield to intercept one beam, while Lucas
deflected the other with his sword.

Ping! Pew-vroom!


The redirected beams of light careened haphazardly around the warehouse interior,
causing further destruction as they ricocheted off the sword and shield, sending
furniture flying and raising a cloud of dust.

"It's light magic. That's a rarity these days."

Jupiter, unfazed by the boss monster's scale, appeared tense at the sight of the magic.

"Your Highness, could you… would you provide us with instructions?"


I was well-versed in tactics for handling the giant steam golem.

'Is there any monster in this game that I don't know how to defeat?'

I'd battled this monster so frequently it was becoming a bore. There was no reason
to lose our cool!

"The golem in front of us may be gigantic, but the key to defeating it remains the
same as with others. We must destroy its magic core!"

Naturally, it wasn't quite that simple.

I raised my voice so everyone could hear.

"But this behemoth has multiple magic cores spread throughout its body due to its
immense size. Both hands, both arms, both feet, both legs, chest, and head. It houses
a total of 10 magic cores."
"10 cores?!"

"So, we just keep dodging like this until we destroy all 10?"

Evangeline and Lucas, barely able to deflect the continuous barrage of light beams,
were taken aback. I smirked.

"To bring it down completely, we must do this. However!"

I gestured towards the glowing Magic Power Core nestled in the golem's palm.

"When you shatter a Magic Power Core, that part of it becomes paralyzed."


"First, we should target the hands casting the magic!"


Even before I finished my sentence, Jupiter had summoned a thunderbolt.

"Understood! Then this old man will make the first move!"


The cascading yellow lightning blasted the golem's right hand.

The entire right hand was charred, and the Magic Power Core in the right hand,
which was exposed while casting magic, instantly disintegrated into fragments.


Following that, it was Damien's turn to snipe. Without needing directions, he aimed
at the Magic Power Core in the left hand.

The bullet accurately hit the Magic Power Core in the left hand, and with its
remaining momentum, it burrowed through the palm.

The right hand was charred, and the left hand bore a large hole.
With its hands in tatters, the golem was no longer capable of casting magic.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Next, the golem began to lumber towards us. Its pace was sluggish, but its stride was
long, and it would reach us shortly.

We needed to disable it before then.

"Next, we target the feet. We strip it of its mobility. Lucas! Evangeline!"


"Roger that!"

Once the magical assault had ceased, Evangeline, who had lowered her shield, was
the first to charge forward, with Lucas trailing closely behind.

The golem sluggishly swung its lengthy arms at the two approaching knights.


Despite the clumsy posture, the strength was formidable.

The warehouse floor, grazed by the sweep of its arm, caved in, and the entire
warehouse shook from the resultant air pressure.

'Its strength is formidable, but its movements are too wide!'

Lucas and Evangeline nimbly dodged that attack and made it to the golem's feet.

"Lately, my back has been giving me troubles. Is it because I've spent a lifetime

"What are you blabbering about, you pile of junk…!"

Upon reaching the right foot, Evangeline vaulted up and drove her spear towards the
Magic Power Core lodged in the top of the golem's foot.

Her spear, which had pierced the foot in one go, radiated a white glow and ignited an
explosion inside the foot. This was the [Damage Payback].

"I can't be left behind…!"

Lucas' sword, which had reached the other foot, amassed a ball of light and flashed.
It was the [Soul Strike].


Lucas' powerful sword swing fractured the armor on the golem's foot, and the
following strike obliterated the Magic Power Core.

Thud, thud……

The golem's two feet froze.

Then, the golem slowly fell to the ground.

Although it couldn't use its hands and feet, it could still move its arms and legs to
attack by crawling.

"I've always wanted to enter the palace to learn magic. I'm fed up with sweeping and
cleaning here like a machine."

While continuing to mutter these incoherent words, the golem, now lying on the
ground, began to inch slowly towards us.

Once within the reach of its elongated arms, it was likely to unleash a physical attack.

However, I was familiar with this sequence and had already directed my party
members to counter it preemptively.

"Evangeline, fall back and defend! Lucas, hold your ground and disable the golem's
leg Magic Power Core. It should be lodged within the joint!"

At my command, Evangeline scampered backward like a startled rabbit.

Lucas, in response, nodded from his position and clutched his sword tightly.
"Jupiter, Damien! Focus your attacks on one of the encroaching arms first! There's a
Magic Power Core nestled within its joint too!"

Scarcely had I issued the command than the golem unfurled its arm. Its enormous
size immediately put us within its striking distance.

Without wasting a single moment, Jupiter and Damien launched their magic and

Jupiter's lightning charred the golem's gauntlet, while Damien's sniper shot
punctured the exposed Magic Power Core.

Boom! Bang!

Even after the explosion and disintegration, the golem's massive arm managed to
tumble overhead.

Evangeline's shield took the brunt of the attack.



Evangeline teetered, letting out a peculiar yell.

Gazing at the fiercely glowing shield, it appeared the assault was too potent to be
wholly absorbed by the Damage Save.

"Are you alright, Evangeline?"

"Yeah, I'm good! Totally fine, you know?!"

With a robust cry of 'Eiitshaaaat!', Evangeline heaved the golem's arm she had
trapped and flung it aside.


Devoid of its power, the golem's arm crashed into the ground, stirring up a dust
Evangeline swiveled towards me, her face beaming triumphantly.

"How's that!"

"Damn impressive."

I silently offered her a thumbs-up. Evangeline, who had sought praise, scratched the
back of her head awkwardly, apparently feeling a tad shy.

A trickle of blood was seeping from her small nose, but let's ignore that for now……

Thud! Thud!

The golem attempted another assault with its remaining arm, but it could no longer
maintain its balance.

In the meantime, Lucas had demolished the Magic Power Cores in both of the
golem's legs.

With only its arm still functioning, it was unable to manoeuver efficiently enough to
launch an attack.

"Someday, I will……… develop cleaning magic……… and make it easier for my fellow

Nonetheless, the golem still strived to swivel its arm to strike us, but Evangeline's
spear punctured the joint of that arm.


She retaliated with the damage she had saved earlier in full. The golem's last arm
was obliterated.

Lucas then dismantled the Magic Power Core in the now immobile golem's chest.

He pried open the backplate and casually drove his sword into it, rendering the
chest's Magic Power Core useless.

But even in this condition, the golem refused to surrender.


The golem swung its barely operational head, attempting to crush us.

As its massive head scraped the ground and hurtled towards us, I could hear Jupiter
and Damien swallowing hard.

I, who was prepared to evade, could easily sidestep it, but Jupiter and Damien, who
were relatively slower, risked being swept away.

"But damn it! I just wanted to give commands from the back!"

Clasping my Lucky Strikes tightly in both hands, I stepped forward.

Lucas and Evangeline were too far away, and like it or not, I had to step in.

"I want to sit back, enjoy a good beating, and let you guys carry me!"

With my true feelings shouted aloud, I swung my fist forward.

The moment my fist met the golem's head,

Ding! Ding! Ding!

On one side of my vision, the damage slot started to spin rapidly.

Just how much is it this time?!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The damage slot began to whirl with a vengeance.

A wave of unease swept over me as I observed the frenziedly spinning numbers.

I surely wouldn't falter here… right? I won't be greeted by any unsavoury figures, will

"I intervened because Jupiter and Damien cannot risk injury!"

Better for me to shoulder potential harm than them. Even if I ended up a little worse
for wear, I could still issue commands.

On the other hand, Jupiter and Damien had to engage in the upcoming defense stage
immediately. They absolutely could not endure any harm!

…so went my logic for stepping in, but in all honesty, the sight of the golem's colossal
face thrusting toward me was rather unnerving.

Surely, I'm not about to roll a zero, am I? You've got my back, God of Dice, right?!


Thank heavens.


1, 2, 5!

Decent figures.

"125 damage!"

That was not merely sufficient; it was a surplus!

A robust wind enveloped my fist. I swung my fist upward from a lower position.


With a wind explosion, the golem's head, which had been barreling towards me,
joyously reeled backward.

Thud, Thud-THUD!

The sound of something shattering echoed as its neck contorted in an impossible

direction for a human.


The golem's head, momentarily airborne, soon nosedived onto the ground. Koo-goo-


I dusted off my hands.

The game should ideally be played by eliminating uncertainties and not depending
on such gambles.

Yet, circumstances keep thrusting me into such predicaments.

As the residual dust dissipated, the broken golem's head was revealed, its mana core
in plain sight.

The golem remained stationary. The solitary light, resembling a lighthouse beacon at
the center of its head, flickered weakly.

"The rain… is falling."

Lucas, having approached me, extended his hand.

"Boss, finish it."

Defeating the boss entailed a significant experience bonus.

As my level was currently the lowest, I willingly embraced this guaranteed kill

"Lucas, lend me your sword."

"Yes, here you go."

Lucas promptly handed me his sword.

The Lucky Strike's damage was unpredictable, and you never knew when some
absurd figure might surface.

Therefore, I chose to borrow a sword, just to play it safe.

I lifted the sword high towards the golem's face.

The singular light in the golem's face dimmed gradually.

"The rain, it's pouring heavily."

What on earth was this creature babbling about?

With all my strength, I drove the sword downward.


Following the boss's defeat, while the other party members gathered items from the
boss's remains,

I was examining the clear status on the system window.

[Hidden Alleyway - Boss Room]

- Defeat the boss! (Achieved)

- Lv.20 Giant Steam Golem <Warehouse Janitor Banyan Bullock>

- You have achieved complete destruction of all parts of this boss. Perfect Defeat!
'I even bagged the perfect defeat bonus.'

With a gentle whistle, I rallied my forces.

In reality, these golems could be effortlessly toppled by demolishing the Magic

Power cores nestled in their heads. Once destroyed, the remaining cores would
trigger a chain of explosions.

Yet, I refrained from disclosing this fact to my comrades. I chose to dismantle each
golem independently.

'Besides, there are extra points to be won for obliterating each part separately. Of
course, I have to pulverize them all.'

Moreover, I secured the last-hit experience points. A level advancement was within

'This quest is turning out to be quite a goldmine.'

I successfully harvested all the rewards inside the dungeon. To add to my fortune, I
bumped into a merchant NPC and secured a pair of SSR-ranked items.

Naturally, I had to promptly bestow them upon Evangeline under the guise of

'I was ready for this expense. Quite a bargain, really.'

Things were progressing too seamlessly, almost suspiciously so. But a blessing is a

At that moment, as I was rummaging through the boss room, Damien hailed me.

"Prince! We've found a treasure chest and a path here!"

"On my way. And Lucas?"

Calling Lucas' name, I motioned towards Jupiter.

"Roger that."

Lucas swiftly apprehended Jupiter, who was virtually salivating over the sight of the
treasure chest.

Jupiter wriggled and cried out.

"No, I'll behave! How can you mistrust this helpless old man? I'll just observe, okay?
Your Highness! I promise, just observing!"

As if she would merely observe. It's like entrusting a fish to a cat.

In the remotest corner of the warehouse, a massive treasure chest and a door
leading to the opposite side were situated.

Positioned before the chest, I flung it open. Let the goodies roll in!

A purple radiance emanated from the chest.

'It's an SR-ranked item!'

Plunging my hand into the chest, I retrieved the item. What on earth?!

[Scream Orb (SR) Lv.30]

- Category: Magic Orb

- Attack Power: 40-45

- Durability: 15/15

- Each successive defeat of enemies escalates the damage of the subsequent attack
by 5%. This effect sustains for 30 seconds.

> Set Effect: Must scream (1/3)

- If all sets are equipped, each enemy vanquished induces a wide area of fear status

(Need 'Scream Robe' for set activation)

(Need 'Scream Gloves' for set activation)


A mage item, really?

Holding the orb, I glanced at Jupiter, who was barely containing her delight. Oh boy.


"Thank you~!"

As I flung the orb her way, Jupiter deftly caught it and equipped it, chortling with joy.

Well, the item's specifications complemented Jupiter quite well. It's an excellent set
item for a wide area mage capable of annihilating mobs in one fell swoop.

I'm unsure when we can gather the remaining pair of items.

Apart from that, two high-grade standard Magic Power cores (SR) were nestled
within the chest. A small victory.

With that, I had seized the boss room treasure, and the second region was

[Second Area: Hidden Alley]

- Progress: Normal Room 4/4, Boss Room 1/1

- Treasure Chests Collected: 5/5

<Boss Utterly Defeated!>

With the full annihilation bonus coupled with the sweep-everything reward, we
certainly hit the jackpot.

We had no more business left here. I motioned towards the door situated behind the
treasure chest.

"Let's press on. We need to secure the next checkpoint, and then we can wrap it up."
A sigh of relief washed over the faces of my party members.

And it was well justified. This free-range exploration had nearly consumed our entire

Had our pace been just a tad slower, we would have had to resort to camping within
the dungeon and aim for a 2-day sweep post-rest. They all must be drained.

As I swung the door open and ventured into the area behind the warehouse, a
towering staircase materialized after a brief stroll.

"What's this…?"


I hoisted my lantern towards the stone stairway.

The staircase seemed to spiral endlessly into the obscurity. And it was leading

"It appears to be a stairway ascending to the city walls."

Towards the protective walls enclosing the city's outskirts.

'I'm on the right path.'

So far, every shred of information I've gathered has aligned impeccably.

I signaled upwards.

"Let's climb."

The staircase stretched on for quite some distance. As we continued ascending,

Damien, who lacked stamina, and the aged Jupiter began to fall behind.

"Heheok, heheok…”

"Your Highness! This old woman's knees are on the brink of collapsing! How much
farther do we need to ascend?"
"Just a bit more. We're nearly there."

Despite my words, I was soaked in sweat. Why is this so tall? Wouldn't it be

reasonable to trim it down for the sake of gameplay?

But this was our reality, and we finally summited the staircase about 10 minutes

"Ah, Your Highness, my back is shot… Ah."

I crumbled onto the frigid stone floor, worn out. Damien quietly slumped beside me,
while Jupiter parked herself next to him and lit up a cigarette.

"Heok, heok, I feel like I'm going to drop dead from heart failure, I'll light up one
before that…”

"If you smoke now, old woman, you're gonna drop dead for real…”

Lucas and Evangeline also seemed exhausted, pulling water bottles from their bags
and chugging them down in unison.

It was as if they had coordinated their drinking, each emptying a bottle. Aren't you
two oddly in sync?

"Good job, everyone. But we've made it."

I pointed forward.

The staircase led us to a watchtower, and nestled within the spacious watchtower
was a luminescent magic stone and a familiar heap of rocks.

A teleportation gate.

"Hurrah! Let's head back quickly. If not, I fear this old body will develop arthritis!"

Jupiter, who seemed to have regained her vigor, leaped to her feet and bolted
towards the teleportation gate. Got a sudden burst of energy there? What happened
to the imminent heart failure?

"The moment we return, I'll draw a hot bath to soak in, a glass of whiskey with ice in
one hand, and a cigar in the other…”

Jupiter's heartfelt wish was abruptly interrupted.

Jupiter, positioned at the brink of the watchtower, was rigidly gazing at something

Intrigued, the rest of the party members trailed behind Jupiter to catch a glimpse of
what had transfixed her. And then, each one of them was rooted to the spot.

"This is……”

I too gradually trailed behind.

A vast fortress wall unfurled in front of us.

Twice as thick as Crossroads', its scale was nothing short of monumental.

And within those fortress walls was the Lake Kingdom.

What we had seen from the backstreets before was merely a tiny portion.

The staggering scope of the Lake Kingdom truly sank in as we surveyed it from the
towering fortress walls.

'It's so expansive it won't fit in a single view.'

It brought back memories of the time I scaled a skyscraper's observation deck in

Seoul and looked down upon the city.

The Lake Kingdom was as vast as Seoul. The problem was, it was completely lifeless.

Under normal circumstances, the entire city would be shrouded in darkness,

rendering everything invisible. But there was one reason why we could vaguely
discern the city's layout.


Damien whispered, his voice shaking.

"Light can be seen throughout the city."

Like stars peppering a cloudy night sky, the 'points' lights sprinkled around the city
shone brightly.

Someone had stationed permanent magic stones and undying fires at intersections
and hubs across the city.

Thanks to this, a few surviving humans could find their way here.

And, that wasn't the sole source of light.

"What's that? A lighthouse…?"

Evangeline pointed towards the city's heart.

A faint flame flickered from the spire jutting out of the city's center.

Despite being weak amidst the dense darkness, it was unmistakably a 'light'.

That light was illuminating the tallest and most resplendent tower situated smack in
the middle of this city.

'Lake Kingdom's Royal Castle.'

I fixed my gaze on the castle, shimmering like a mirage in the remote darkness.

That place was destined to be our final exploration zone.

And it would be the battleground where the ultimate boss confrontation would

'There's a long~way~to go to get there…… '

As I overlooked the entire city, I silently swallowed.

Given the sheer distance from here to there, it was enough to make one feel faint.

The city was designed so that the center was the highest point, and the outskirts
were the lowest.
And our current position was precisely.

[Zone 3: Outer Northern Fortress]


The most distant and northernmost section of the city.

"We entered through the sewers, meandered through the back alleys, and wound up
near the city's northern gate."

After recapping our journey so far, I turned to face the party members with a small

"Well, we'll ponder over our next move later."

I started to massage my aching lower back.

"Let's hurry home……”

It appears I've inherited the prince's backache. Ugh.


[Free Exploration Concluded!]

[Characters That Leveled Up]

- Ash(EX) Lv.15 (↑4)

- Lucas(SSR) Lv.33 (↑2)

- Jupiter(SR) Lv.38 (↑1)

- Damien(N) Lv.27 (↑3)

- Evangeline(SSR) Lv.36 (↑1) <Guest Character>

[Acquired Equipment]
- <Cavalry Lance> Demon's Spear (SSR) <Guest Transfer>

- <Shield> Giant's Shield(SSR) <Guest Transfer>

- <Magic Orb> Scream Orb(SR)

[Acquired Items]

- Standard Highest Grade Magic Core(SR): 2

- Golem Legion Magic Stones: 120

- Golem Legion Gauntlet Fragments: 32

- Blue Flame Torch

- Summon Scroll: Massive Steam Golem <Player Skill> <Complete Destruction

Their expedition had started in the afternoon, and by the time they returned, it was
approaching lunchtime. They had been moving continuously through the day and
night. The tension of the dungeon had masked their fatigue, but the moment they set
foot outside, their bodies felt heavy almost instantly.

"Today is a rest… everyone did well…”

As the group disbanded, each party member dispersed, exhausted and limber, like
jellyfish. Lucas and Evangeline had lodgings in this mansion. Damien resided at the
temple, and Jupiter stayed at the mercenary guild.

I summoned the carriage driver and instructed him to ferry Damien and Jupiter to
their respective quarters.

"Hmm, perhaps I should rest a bit as well…”

With a weary shuffle, I made my way to my room in the mansion.

My plan was to sleep until dinner, eat, and then get some work done…


But, as it happened,


The moment I opened my eyes on the bed, the world around me was enshrouded in

Glancing at the clock, it showed 3 in the morning. Midnight had come and gone.

"I was supposed to sleep until dinner."

It appears I had fallen into a deep slumber.

I yearned to sleep peacefully until morning, but my grumbling stomach wouldn't
allow it.

'Maybe I should sort out the items I gathered yesterday.'

I dipped my hand into my inventory.

No need to assess all the items. A simple review of the additional bonus items I
received would suffice.

First off, the 'Blue Flame Torch' I obtained as a full-clear reward for Zone 2.


The blue torch ignited and danced on its own the moment I pulled it from my

It was nothing special, just a torch that 'never extinguishes, no matter what happens.'

No matter how fierce the wind, even if it's doused with water, this flame does not
snuff out.

Given that exploring dungeons in this game invariably involved combatting darkness,
it wasn't a bad item to have.

'There's no other significance though… '

It's better than nothing, I suppose. I swiftly tossed the Blue Flame Torch back into my

It wouldn't set anything else ablaze in there, would it?

Next up was a surprisingly pleasant surprise. It was the item I received for totally
dismantling the boss monster's body parts.

I pulled out a magic scroll glowing blue from my inventory.

[Summon Scroll: Massive Steam Golem <Player Skill>]

"I wasn't expecting to receive this…”

A player skill, summon magic. An item enabling you to summon a boss monster.

Though it's a single-use item, it's extremely useful.

I can control the gargantuan golem boss I encountered during the free exploration.

No need to save it, so I began registering the skill immediately.

[Would you like to use 'Summon Scroll: Massive Steam Golem'?]

- Yes/No



Upon selecting Yes, the scroll ignited in a blue flame and burned out, while blue
particles emanated from the remaining flames and seeped into my body.

[Ash(EX) has acquired a player skill!]

> Summon Magic: Massive Steam Golem (Limited to 1 use)


I'll keep it as a secret weapon.

'With this, I can effortlessly navigate any crisis, whether it's a stage or a free

Comforted by an inexplicable sense of reassurance, I patted my belly.


"Ugh, I'm famished…”

While my spirit felt revitalized, my stomach was a cavernous void.

After a brief period of restlessness, I rose from my spot, driven by the need to either
eat or engage in some work.

Lazily stretching with a yawn, I staggered towards the kitchen.



A tense standoff ensued.

With the duo, Lucas and Evangeline, who were rummaging through the kitchen like

Lucas was gnawing on a bone (Is he some kind of canine?), while Evangeline was
nibbling on a cracked chestnut, which she held in her dainty mouth (Is she a
rodent?), her large green eyes darting around nervously.

“…gulp, gulp."


After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Lucas began to swallow audibly, and a faint
hiccup escaped from Evangeline.

“…What on earth are you two doing?"

I asked with a slightly shaky voice, to which Lucas and Evangeline awkwardly
pointed fingers at each other.

"I got hungry and came to the kitchen, and…”

"This guy was already here, so…”

Clearly, they had been caught red-handed, pilfering from the kitchen together.

Amused by this ridiculous scene, I peered deeper into the kitchen.

"I'm hungry too. Is there anything to eat?"

"Everything is neatly sorted…”

"We have ingredients for tomorrow's meal, but nothing pre-cooked…”

Both knights wore distinctly crestfallen expressions.

“…Are you guys really hungry?"

On hearing my question, they both nodded emphatically.

Suppressing a chuckle, I rolled up my sleeves and stepped into the kitchen.

"Go sit at the table. I'll whip up something quick."

Upon hearing this, Lucas and Evangeline's eyes widened.

"Sir, you can cook?"

"Well, a bit."

"Even though you're a royal, you cook for yourself?"

"Why not? Is it illegal? Even if it was, wouldn't it not matter since I am a royal?"

On Earth, years of living alone had blessed me with some rudimentary cooking skills.

Given that I was also hungry, I decided to prepare something.

'What's in the pantry… '

A hot bowl of ramen sprinkled with green onions and eggs, accompanied by kimchi,
would hit the spot. But that was a pipe dream in this realm.

I started to rummage through the pantry.

The pantry of this noble mansion was surprisingly well-stocked. Butter, milk, eggs,
spices, smoked ham…


Lucas and Evangeline, now seated uncomfortably at the table, watched me with
apprehensive eyes.

Hey, don't look so worried. You think I'd serve you something inedible?

Spotting a large loaf of bread tucked away in a corner of the pantry, an idea sprang to

'Maybe some street toast.'

But the oven was cold.

Come to think of it, this world didn't even have gas stoves. Wasn't there something
akin to a fire spirit for such tasks? Is there nothing like that in a fantasy world?

'Well, I do have this.'

I retrieved the blue flame torch I'd recently added to my inventory and shoved it into
the oven.

Before long, the pan atop the oven began to sizzle hotly.

Sporting a sly grin, I tossed a generous chunk of butter into the heated frying pan.


The savory aroma rapidly filled the air.

I heard Lucas and Evangeline gulp audibly. These little rascals, they couldn't hide
their appetites, could they?


Swiftly, I sandwiched smoked ham and a fresh vegetable salad, both nicely cooked,
between two slices of bread doused with honey and eggs, then soaked in milk.

"Let's quickly munch on this and head to bed~ It's a prince's specialty toast."

Though the pantry lacked ketchup, mustard, or mayonnaise, it was still quite
I presented the sandwich, now toasted to a tempting golden brown, cut into
manageable pieces.

Lucas and Evangeline got two each, while I kept one for myself.

I took the first bite.

"Hmm. Not half bad."

The flavor was slightly different from what I was used to on Earth, but it was
definitely palatable.

When Lucas and Evangeline followed suit and bit into their sandwiches, their faces
lit up with surprise.

Especially Lucas, who looked incredibly moved.

"This is amazing, sir! You could easily be a royal chef! I'm honored to taste your

"Don't exaggerate… just eat…”

I was well aware of his loyalty, but he didn't need to butter me up so…

Next to Lucas, who was wolfing down his meal as if he hadn't eaten in days,
Evangeline gave me a nod of approval.

"But it is truly tasty. It tastes like something one would buy at a festival."

"Ah, a fitting description indeed."

After all, this was a street toast recipe, so her comment was spot on.

“…It brings back memories."

Evangeline, who had been quietly enjoying her toast, murmured.

"When I was a little girl, I'd often wake up to the sound of clattering in the kitchen at
dawn, and when I'd go downstairs… my father would be busy preparing something."
She was talking about the Margrave. I paused, the half-eaten toast still in my hand.

"Monsters didn't care about time, they'd attack whenever they pleased. After
defeating them and returning at dawn, he'd be famished and would whip up a quick

Evangeline, lost in her childhood memories, wore a wistful look in her eyes.

"He'd throw together whatever leftovers were available in the kitchen… and if our
eyes met, he'd always invite me to join. 'Want a bite?'"

I chuckled.

"So, did you join him?"

"I'd always accept whatever he offered me back then, that's why my cheeks are still
so chubby…”

Evangeline grasped the pinch of baby fat on her cheeks and gave it a shake. It was
both adorable and a bit sad.

"Then, my mother, who was a late riser, would eventually join us and scold him for
feeding me so early in the morning."

Evangeline's smile gradually faded as she remembered.

"Just… being here late at night, it suddenly jogged my memory."

Slowly, Evangeline looked around the lord's mansion kitchen, where every corner
bore the deep-seated marks of time.

This place, once filled with her father and mother's presence, was now empty.

"I remembered those mornings."

“…The Margrave's funeral is tomorrow."

My statement made Evangeline swallow hard.

While we'd been lost in the dungeon's depths, time had relentlessly marched on. The
Margrave's farewell was now merely a day away.

"Crossroads doesn't really have set customs for funerals, so I've taken it upon myself
to arrange everything. But if you'd rather, you can handle the preparations."

“…No, please continue as you were."

Evangeline's voice was strained as she forced down the remaining piece of her toast.

"I admired my father. I thought of him as a noble man who dedicated his life to
protecting the people here. But."

She took a couple of large swallows of her milk.

Evangeline, having washed down her food, roughly wiped her mouth.

"I still can't forgive him."


"Senior, do you know how my mother died?"

How was I to respond?

After a moment's pause, I gave a slow nod. Evangeline's face fell.

"My father left my mother to die to protect the city."


"Emotionally, I… I can't accept his decision, but logically, I understand. Guarding the
city is the first duty of a Margrave, and Father was just fulfilling his duty."

Evangeline bit her lower lip.

"But on the day we laid Mother's coffin to rest in the orchard, Father wasn't there. He
had departed for the southern front."

"To ready for the next onslaught. Because that's the duty of a Margrave of
Crossroads. Because it was of greater importance."

Evangeline's small hand clenched into a tight fist in her lap.

"As I dug a hole beside the stone wall of the devastated orchard and interred the
empty coffin in place of Mother, I understood. Ah, so this is what the head of the
Cross family should be like."

With a wry smile, Evangeline bowed her head.

"And I knew I wasn't cut out to be that person."

I gave a slow nod.

"That's why you left this place."


Evangeline raised her intense green eyes to meet mine.

"I appreciate you organizing Father's funeral in my place, Senior. Yet, even if I respect
Charles Cross Margrave as a public figure."

Evangeline's words were heavy.

"As a daughter, I can't forgive him."


"I enjoyed the late-night meal. It's truly an honor to dine on food prepared by the
Crown Prince himself."

After rising from her chair and giving a slight bow, Evangeline briskly exited the

As I watched her retreating form, I let out a soft sigh.

"Families are complicated, aren't they…”


Lucas sat quietly by my side. I slowly put the remaining piece of toast in my mouth.

Personal matters aren't things others can meddle with. It's something Evangeline
has to resolve and accept herself.

Having finished the last piece of toast, I brushed off my hands and stood up.

"It's getting late. Should we head to bed?"

"Indeed, my lord."

Lucas began to assist with the cleanup.

Watching this sloppy behemoth clean up the dishes and tidy the kitchen was
amusing. I covered my mouth and laughed.

After the cleanup, we started to head back to our own rooms.

“…Are you okay, my lord?"

Lucas, who was walking ahead, suddenly spoke up. I widened my eyes in surprise.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"My lord, you have a complicated family history as well, don't you? That's why you're
helping Miss Evangeline."


Is that so? Am I complicated? No, was Ash's family history complicated? Wasn't I just
a wastrel?

I was taken aback. I had no way of knowing about Ash's family history.

"You're reflecting on your past through Miss Evangeline. I may be obtuse, but I can
see at least that much."

Lucas, who had turned around, beamed at me with twinkling eyes.

"Isn't it?"


I wasn't sure whether he was genuinely worried and asking about me.

Or testing whether I was the 'real' Ash.

Unable to discern his intentions, I momentarily froze on the spot.

Lucas's eyes were a vibrant blue. A deep, brilliant, emerald-tinged azure.

Typically, his gaze was tender, much like a large dog gazing up at its master, but in
this moment, I couldn't quite gauge the temperature of his stare.

Did he ask his question out of genuine concern for me?

Or was it a test to determine if I truly was the 'real' Ash?

"Uh, well…”

I faltered, breaking into a sweat.

How was I expected to know the intricate details of Ash's familial history? I'd
assumed that, as the emperor's son, his past wouldn't be straightforward, but…

This sudden and unexpected line of inquiry had caught me off guard, and I fumbled
to respond.


After silently watching me for a beat, Lucas finally spoke,

"I apologize. I broached a topic you're uncomfortable with."

He lowered his head in apology.

I quickly waved my hands to deny his claim.

"No, it's not that! I just… I was caught off guard, and I spaced out for a moment.

"Your family history, as well as Miss Evangeline's, will all sort itself out."

Lucas beamed, his usual radiant golden retriever smile.

Had I been overreacting? Was Lucas simply expressing concern?

"Uh, umm… Thanks, good night! See you tomorrow!"

I hastily waved goodbye and hurried off to my bedroom.

'Did Ash have family problems?'

He was a prince, after all. The emperor's own son.

Naturally, there'd be plenty of dark and messy secrets. The issue was that I was
entirely in the dark.

'What else is he hiding about his past?'

I would need to dig around for more information later. Sigh.

Once again, the stark reality that I was inhabiting someone else's body struck me.
Living as another person was proving to be no small task…


The day after we returned from the dungeon,

I tackled the backlog of work and fortified our defenses for the next stage.

[Enemy Information - STAGE 3]

- Lv.? ??? : 5 units

- Lv.20 Steam Golem : 152 units

- Lv.15 Rock Golem : 103 units

Especially considering that this time we'd be fending off a battalion of golems, I
needed to adapt the defense installations accordingly.

'Large monsters, a handful of elites. Tailor the strategy to them.'

Just over a week remained until the next stage.

This time, I would be fully prepared.

To be able to handle any curveball. No.

'So that I can chew up and spit out any curveball with even greater firepower…!'

I ramped up my preparations for the next stage, ceaselessly placing orders and fine-
tuning all the production guild facilities in the city.


Then, another day passed. Early in the morning.

To the west of Crossroad, in the barren wasteland. The graveyard.


I stood silently amidst the bustling funeral preparations.

While several had been injured during Stage 2, only one had fallen.


I clenched my jaw as I glanced over the list of names for the funeral. Charles Cross'
name was the only one that stood out, etched in solitary isolation.

"Your Majesty, the procession has begun."


Lucas murmured in my ear. I responded with a nod.

The casket, initiated at the temple, meandered through the city's main arteries,
ultimately breaching the western gate.

Unbeknownst to me, a lengthy stream of citizens trailed the procession.

The lord who had presided over this place for decades had passed.

Even in a city as unfeeling to death as this one, many were expressing their grief.
Ultimately, the casket halted before the graveyard.

The funeral would occur here, with the casket destined for burial in the orchard
where Margrave Charles Cross had lived his life.

His wife's tomb was there, too.


The casket, gently placed on the ground, was draped with the banner of the Ash
Everblack Empire.

Priests, forming a circle around the casket, initiated their prayers, with a choir
chiming in with a funeral hymn.

Once the procession reached its conclusion, it was time for me to deliver my concise

I ascended the stage, now familiar with the scrutiny of many eyes.


I drew a deep breath, arranging my thoughts.

Then, I began.

"I've said it before. Your deaths come at a high price. And that wasn't a metaphor. I
meant it literally, in terms of money."

From funeral costs to compensation.

Without hyperbole, death in this city bore a high price tag.

"But the death of Margrave Charles Cross surpasses mere monetary loss… it stings
deep within."

I pressed my hand firmly against my chest.

The crowd remained hushed.

Pausing momentarily to let my words resonate, I slowly recommenced.

“…The Margrave once implored me to foster joy among the people."

A faint smile appeared on my face.

"He claimed the city wouldn't thrive on mourning alone. Given its nature as a fortress
city, death was an inevitable reality. So, he urged me to rule with hope and joy, rather
than sorrow."

Immediately following, I shook my head gently.

"But today, I will go against the Margrave's final wish. Today, I choose to mourn."


As the people listened to my tale, they swallowed audibly in anticipation. I raised my


"This battlefield is perpetuated by the sacrifice of cherished lives. Not only the
Margrave's, but each life lost here strikes a painful blow."

Once again, I pressed my hand against my chest.

"I hope you always remember the value of that sacrifice. The Empire, and indeed all
of humanity, is sustained by your sacrifice and dedication. Always remember."

I surveyed the crowd below the stage.

"I will reiterate. You will continue to meet your end on this frontline!"

I nodded solemnly.

"And that is undeniably a valuable thing."

In front of the silent crowd, I slowly inclined my head.

"For those who have given their lives in saving the world, let's take a moment of
As I bowed my head, the gathered individuals mirrored my action, one by one.

With thousands amassed, a profound silence cloaked the area surrounding the
Cemetery of Unity.

"Someday, may this city be a place where festivals prevail daily, rather than funerals."

Gradually lifting my head, I voiced these words gently.

"Just as the Margrave had wished."

I stepped off the platform, and Lucas signaled the artillerymen.

Boom! Boom-Bam!

The canon salutes echoed, paying tribute to the departed.

With that, the funeral ceremony reached its end. Soldiers loyal to the Margrave
shouldered the casket, and I climbed onto my horse.

We commenced our journey to the site where the Margrave's coffin would be laid to


Roughly thirty minutes southeast by horseback.

The visage of the Margrave's orchard came into view.


As the front of the procession, I noticed that someone had reached the orchard
before us.

A petite, platinum-haired girl stood in the orchard's backyard. Her hands were
buried in her jacket pockets, her shoulders drawn in.


I slowed the pace of my horse. One by one, the other soldiers in the funeral
procession also noticed the girl.

“Oh? That person is…”

“Miss Evangeline?”

“A young lady.”

“The young lady has returned!”

The procession shortly entered the orchard.

Evangeline was positioned in front of a small tombstone in the orchard's backyard. It

appeared to be her mother's grave.


Evangeline, having turned to face us, uttered in a detached tone.

“You're here.”

The soldiers hastened towards Evangeline and surrounded her, conveying their

“Miss Evangeline, it's been three years!”

“You've journeyed a great distance from the capital.”

“We're deeply sorry about the Margrave's incident. We should have safeguarded


Evangeline responded by silently bowing her head.

The soldiers promptly ceased their chatter and returned the bow.

“The coffin.”

Evangeline glanced at the coffin settled on the ground and inquired.

“May I verify the coffin?”

The priests presiding over the funeral looked at me, nonplussed. I nodded.

“You are entitled to do so. Please, proceed with the verification.”

Evangeline positioned herself beside the coffin, and the priests cautiously lifted the
lid at the head.


Evangeline clenched her mouth tight and studied her father's face.

The corpse, saved from decay by temporary magic, was pallid.

The small mercy was that while the body was horribly disfigured, the face was
relatively untouched.

“…So it's true.”

Evangeline murmured slowly.

“Always at the front of the fight, as if he were invincible. But in the end…”

Evangeline, who had been biting her lip, abruptly pivoted away.

“…Thank you. That will be all.”

The coffin was sealed once more.

Evangeline remained stationary, her back turned, until the coffin was interred.

The coffin was set into the deeply excavated hole, with only the task of covering it
with earth remaining.

It was then that one of the soldiers cautiously addressed Evangeline.


"I have something to ask."

The veteran soldier extended something towards Evangeline. It was a battered

cavalry lance and shield. Evangeline's eyes widened in surprise.

"This is…”

"This weapon was passed down through the Cross family, wielded by the Margrave
himself. I originally intended to lay it to rest with him. But I thought it best to consult
with you first."


"Though it's a bit worn and damaged, it could be restored to use…”

"Bury it."

Evangeline lowered her head.

"Please lay it to rest alongside my father."

“…Your wish is my command, Miss."

The soldiers carved out a separate niche beside the grave, inserted a box, and filled it
with the lance and shield.

The two weapons, loyal companions to the head of the Cross family for generations,
were subsumed by the dirt mound.

I observed the scene, a twinge of regret flickering within me.

At last, the dirt blanketed the coffin.

The priests offered their closing blessings, marking the end of the funeral.

"Ah, my shoulders."

I kneaded my sore shoulders. Despite the event lasting merely a few hours, I was
profoundly drained.
"Everyone, enjoy a refreshing drink!"

Lucas handed out drinks to all in recognition of their diligent work.

As everyone accepted and sipped their drinks, I stood before the grave, my gaze fixed
on the tombstone.

'More deaths will follow in the days to come.'

I remembered all those who had given their lives on the battlefield thus far. Their
deaths, in retrospect, felt so vivid and real.

How many more?

How many more?

Suddenly, one of the Margrave's remarks echoed in my mind.

- A time will come when you must surrender what you hold most dear to safeguard
this city.


What would I have to relinquish?

Could I still maintain my sense of self after such a loss?

Immersed in these thoughts, I softly began to recite a poem.

Built from ice and snow,

Here lies the surface,

The path of a compassionate life.

It was a line from a poem I held dear on Earth.

I originally planned to recite it as a tribute at the funeral, feeling it was fitting for the
Margrave, but it felt out of place for the ceremony, so I refrained.
Lost in contemplation, my gaze locked onto the tombstone.

Just then.

"I didn't realize you enjoyed the cultured pastime of reciting poetry."

A young girl's voice drifted from my side.

I turned and found, as anticipated, Evangeline.

"I didn't realize you enjoyed the cultured pastime of reciting poetry."

Evangeline's words drew an awkward smile from me.

“I felt it didn't suit the moment, so I shared it quietly. Seems I've been discovered."

“You've got a pleasing voice, how about sharing aloud next time?”

Her face held no expression, her thoughts unreadable. I ventured to ask.

“Would that be alright?"

“Certainly, why wouldn't it be? This day was inevitable."

Evangeline shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

“After all, had I been appointed as a knight elsewhere, returning to this place
wouldn't have been possible. Missing my father's final moments was a likely


“I count myself lucky to have been here for the funeral."

For a young woman of just sixteen, Evangeline was assuming a maturity well beyond
her years.

Yet, what could I say? Her ascension into adulthood was indeed necessary now.

“So, you plan to leave for another posting?"

“Indeed. Do you believe I would linger in this rural Margrave simply for its peaceful

Evangeline cast a glance at the distant Crossroads.

“My plan is to deal with the inheritance, dispose of the family mansion, lands,
wealth… and then leave."

Evangeline had made her decision from the onset.

I assumed, then, that the family's ancestral sword had been interred this day as well.

“I'll assist you, with settling the inheritance."

At my offer, Evangeline squinted at me. I grinned back.

“It's a hefty task for someone so young. Allow an adult to help."

“Despite my appearance, I'm an academy graduate… I possess basic legal


“Well then, think of it as a favor from a fellow academy grad, your senior! Wouldn't it
be easier with the support of the current lord?"

After examining me for a moment, Evangeline looked down.

“You won't judge?"

“Why would I?"

“I am about to neglect the duties of the Cross family and leave. I am doing it for my
own ease, out of selfishness."

I chuckled softly.

“You speak of duty, but your family has been burdened with this obligation without


“The Cross family has given more than enough. I don't know if I can match that, but
from here on, I'll do my utmost to guard this front."

I struck my chest confidently.

“Don't fret and go as you wish, my junior. I'll make sure the sacrifices your family has
borne won't be in vain, I'll give it everything I've got."


Evangeline, who had been studying me with a furrowed brow, tilted her head.

“You're quite unlike the rumors, senior."

“Oh, really?"

“I assumed you'd be plotting a return, given your demotion to such a place."

I felt a bit embarrassed. If I were the real Ash, I would have done just that.

“It's surprising you're taking your role as this place's lord more seriously than I


As I laughed off the awkwardness, I answered her honestly.

"If you defend this place well, it's said that someone will grant you a wish. That's why
I'm giving it my all."

This was the condition proposed by the entity calling itself the director of this game.

- If you lead this world to the true ending, I will grant a wish of yours, RetroAddict.

Exactly. I didn't undertake this quest out of some noble aspiration.

I sought the true ending as a means to achieve my own personal wish.

But Evangeline, having listened to my words, rubbed her chin and pondered.

"Did His Majesty the Emperor really make such a promise? Going to such lengths for
the borderlands of this out-of-the-way town…”

No, it wasn't a promise made by the emperor.

Explaining that would only muddle the situation, so I let her misconception stand.

And then…


Suddenly, a noise like thunder erupted. What in the world?! The sky was clear!

"Oh, I'm famished."

Turned out, the noise had originated from Evangeline's stomach.

Normally, wouldn't it just rumble softly? What's with this thunderous clamor?

Evangeline, after patting her belly under her shirt, shoved her hands into her jacket
pockets and brusquely demanded of me.

"Feed me. Yesterday's meal was delicious. Make it again."

Taken aback by her outrageous behavior, I stared at her in disbelief before breaking
into laughter.

Yes, the living must eat to sustain themselves.

I hollered to all those who had gathered for the funeral.

"Let's head back! Time to eat!"

After interring the deceased, the living must press on.

'It's time to get to work.'

The next stage was fast approaching.


From that day forward, I juggled two responsibilities.

One was gearing up for the next stage as I had always done.
Refurbishments and repairs to the town walls were undertaken in anticipation of the
Golem Legion's assault, and the artifacts were aligned to be effective against the
larger monsters.

Primarily, the usual kill-zone strategy won't work against these large-class monsters.

Giant beasts disregard minor obstructions or barriers, charging forward and

demolishing anything in their path.

Nevertheless, their substantial size allows for concentrated firepower from a


'I must impart the strategic alterations to all the soldiers and train them on how to
handle the golems.'

It's essential to teach them where the Magic Core is located in each type of golem
and how to most efficiently annihilate it.

Continuing the stage preparations was the first task, and the second was…

'To convert the legacy left by the Margrave into a liquid asset.'

This meant managing the Cross family assets.

Evangeline had forfeited the title of Margrave and desired to relocate elsewhere.

It's better to completely liquidate the assets so she doesn't need to return here in the

I delegated this task to Aider, who was far more capable than I was.

"I see. You've decided to let Miss Evangeline leave."

Expressing his regret, Aider nodded in understanding.

"I understand. I'll convert all the assets of the Cross estate into a liquid form and
transfer them to Miss Evangeline. I'll also handle all the legal documentation and
procedures related to the inheritance."

"I'm trusting you with this, Aider. Keep me in the loop."

"Do you doubt it? Hmm, however…”

Aider readily accepted the responsibility, but appeared uneasy about the terms I had
put forward.

"It'll be a challenge to liquidate everything within a week…”

The deadline I had proposed was one week.

One day before the next stage kicks off.

"Most of the Cross family's wealth is in tangible assets, land and buildings. I'm not
sure if we can find buyers in such a short span…”

"In that case, purchase them under my name first. Set a reasonable price."

I nodded gravely.

"I aim to finish the liquidation process within a week and bid Evangeline farewell."

My plan was to wrap up this matter before the next stage commenced, and get
Evangeline away from this frontline.

'I can't let Evangeline get caught up in the next conflict.'

If Evangeline fails to leave here before the next stage commences.

Monsters will swarm in, combat will ensue, and depending on the situation,
Evangeline could inadvertently be drawn into the fray.

No one can predict the aftermath of that.

The image of the deceased Margrave of the Cross in my arms continually haunted
me. I bit down hard on my lip.

'Every member of the Cross family met their end on this frontline.'

Evangeline is the final successor of that lineage.

In other words, the lone survivor.

'Evangeline, at least, should escape this battlefield unharmed.'

That was the dying wish and the legacy of the Margrave of Cross.

I was resolute to honor it faithfully.

Seeing my determination, Aider seemed to discern my thoughts and quickly broke

into a sly grin.

"Understood! Just place your trust in me, Lord!"

Despite his questionable aspects as the director of this game, Aider proves
invaluable as an aide to the lord. He'll manage it competently.

I opened the stage information window.


- Start in: 8 days

Time advances relentlessly, and the subsequent defensive battle is inevitable.

I tightened my fists.

I'll demonstrate it.

I can conquer this game without discarding human compassion, without exploiting
human lives as expendable resources.

I'll demonstrate it. Undoubtedly.


Time whizzed past like a shot arrow.

In no time, a week had elapsed.

Blacksmith's Workshop.

"I apologize, Your Grace. It's my maiden attempt at crafting magic guns, and there
were numerous hurdles…”

The master blacksmith and the guild master of alchemists repeatedly bowed.

"We couldn't complete all five due to time constraints. Please pardon us."

I dismissed them with a wave of my hand.

"No, that's perfectly fine. I'm gratified just to have secured a magic gun that's battle-

From the outset, I never anticipated using all five in this stage. It would be an overkill
even for Damien.

"So, how many were you able to successfully craft?"

"Well… Two."

The pair of tense guild masters looked at me nervously. I laughed softly. What, were
they afraid I was going to devour them?

"Don't stress, just show them to me. Bring them here."


The two guild masters fetched two wrapped firearms from a table behind them.

"We utilized a standard-grade magic core and the Black Spider Queen's magic core to
forge the cores of the weapons!"

"Let's start with this one."

The cloth concealing the first magic gun was removed.

What emerged was a simple, gray magic gun, slightly smaller than those I had seen

"This magic gun was built with a standard-grade magic core. We figured the risk of
failure would be less with a lower grade core, so we made it first."
"Was it successful?"

"Absolutely! It functions quite well."

The alchemist guild master's swift reply was accompanied by a fleeting glance and a
droplet of cold sweat.

“…The performance is a tad underwhelming, and there's a single defect."


I took the gray magic gun and examined its specifications. Let's see.

[Woodpecker(N) Lv.20]

- Category: Magic Gun

- Attack: 25-26

- Durability: 4/4

- Magazine: 20/20

Certainly substandard. The damage is remarkably low for a magic gun.

The magazine is quite extensive for a magic gun, so it seems the damage was reduced
in order to increase the ammunition capacity.

"What's the defect?"

As I set the magic gun on the table beside me and asked, the blacksmith guild master

"Due to a minor design miscalculation, if you don't release the trigger, it will fire all
the rounds."

"Huh? So it's gonna discharge continuously?"

"Yes. That's why we named it 'Woodpecker'."

"If you accidentally engage full-auto, maintaining your aim could be challenging, and
the gun could potentially overheat among other issues."

Both guild masters started to bow their heads once again.

"As it was our first attempt at crafting a magic gun, there were some errors. We

"We're deeply sorry, Your Highness!"

"No, you've done well. You've created something, after all."

If it has the capacity for full-auto, then this feature could be advantageous in its own

Aiming wouldn't be an issue for Damien.

Now, onto the second magic gun. This time, the two guild masters exhibited an air of

"Next up is this! The magic gun crafted utilizing the high-grade magic core you
bestowed upon us!"

"We have great faith in this one! No, faith doesn't even begin to cover it! We felt as
though divine inspiration guided us while crafting it…!"

Their demeanor had flipped completely. What had they forged to be so self-assured?

In front of my eager gaze, the two guild masters swiftly unveiled the second magic


A dark barrel that seemed to swallow all surrounding light.

Exquisite gold patterns embellishing the gun.

Dignified yet imposing, and somehow emitting an ominous aura… a single, long and
slender magic gun lay there.
Swallowing hard, I took the magic gun and checked its stats. This thing wasn't all
glitz and glam, right?

[Black Queen(SSR) Lv.55]

- Category: Magic Gun

- Attack: 225-250

- Durability: 7/7

- Magazine: 7/7

- Fires cursed bullets that have a chance to instantly kill the enemy. The probability
increases with the weapon's proficiency level.

- ??? (Unlocks depending on the number of enemies killed with this weapon)

- ??? (Unlocks depending on the number of enemies killed with this weapon)


What the hell is this monster?

An outrageous item had sprung forth. I was so dumbfounded that I stood there,
mouth agape.

What in the world… is this?

Originally, in a tutorial stage that wasn't meant to be conquered, I had vanquished
the Black Spider Queen, a foe that should have been invincible, and procured its
Magic Power Core.

Typically, squaring off against the Black Spider Legion wouldn't occur until midway
through the second year.

I had anticipated that equipment created from this Magic Power Core would
drastically surpass the current level of gear.

'I expected as much… but this… '

I firmly clutched the black magic gun in my hand, swallowing hard.

An SSR-grade magic gun crafted from the Black Spider Queen's Magic Power Core,
the Black Queen.

'This changes everything.'

I felt ridiculous for having hoarded this Magic Power Core, as an equipment piece
beyond belief had materialized.

I wasn't sure about the hidden options yet. But the revealed options were more than
sufficient. No, they were staggering.

'With this alone, I can run the show for at least the first year.'

Even considering just the raw damage, it's a super weapon.

For roughly the next year, not only the standard elite monsters but even boss-level
monsters could be obliterated in a single shot if their vulnerabilities were targeted
with this.

And the wielder of this gun was Damien, a cheat character possessing the [Far-Sight]
This implied he could deliver this overwhelming damage at the precise moment and

'Has this damn game finally decided to cut me some slack?'

The corners of my mouth twitched involuntarily. Naturally, it was hard to suppress a

smile upon obtaining such a phenomenal item.

As I reveled in satisfaction, both the blacksmith and the alchemist wore broad

"It's truly a relief to see that His Majesty is delighted!"

"Throughout the crafting process, I felt as if I was enchanted. We're simply thrilled
we could forge such a masterpiece."

"You both excelled. Everyone in the workshop has put in great effort."

I surveyed the workshop and complimented everyone.

"I'll award a handsome bonus. I'm relying on you for the next one as well."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Is there anything else you require?"

I had Lucas carry the magic guns, and we exited the workshop. Behind us, the two
masters kept bowing.

"Is this magic gun really that incredible, my lord?"

In response to Lucas's inquisitive question, I flashed a grin.

"It's set to revolutionize the course of the war."

"That significant…?"

Lucas looked down at the magic gun in his hand with renewed reverence.

"I'm truly relieved it was finalized before the commencement of the stage."
I calculated the remaining time.


- Time until start: 20 hours 30 minutes

There was still ample time before the onset of the next stage.

I could deliver the magic gun to Damien, and even allocate time to train him to get
accustomed to it.

'I owe an apology for swearing at Aider.'

I had ranted at the director, pleading him to tweak the difficulty level of this ruthless

Ironically, I was the one who deserved to be scolded. I hadn't anticipated the game to
flow so seamlessly all of a sudden.

Chuckles of delight escaping me, I traveled in the carriage back to the mansion.

Today was the eve of the defensive battle, so I had already summoned the party
members to the mansion. They'd all be there waiting for me.

"My lord."

As the carriage neared the mansion, Lucas, stationed in the coachman's seat, called
out to me.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"I think it's best if you see for yourself."

Curious, I leaned out of the carriage window. And then I saw it.

At the start of the cobblestone path leading to the lord's mansion.

There stood a petite girl.

Her platinum hair shimmered brilliantly under the late afternoon sun, framing her
clear green eyes.

A large bag was strapped to her back, as if she were ready for an extended journey.

Evangeline Cross was waiting for us.


I disembarked from the carriage and moved toward Evangeline.



Evangeline looked up at me with her uniquely sharp eyes, and finally, she sighed.

"Today, the lord's aide gave this to me."

From within her clothing, Evangeline produced a sheaf of magically treated paper.

It was a gold coin certificate.

One couldn't lug heavy gold around all day.

Backed by the Continental Merchants Union and the Ivory Tower of the Wizard's
Alliance, it was a magical document verifying that you indeed owned the stated
amount of gold and where the physical assets were stored.

In simpler terms, a check.

Because it's uncommon for someone to possess enough gold to necessitate a

certificate, the certificate itself is highly valued anywhere on the continent.

Long story short, when we assessed the Cross family's assets, a substantial amount

With the amount represented by that certificate, Evangeline would have no problem
sustaining herself wherever she went.
"I'm grateful that you managed to sort everything out in less than a week, but…”

Evangeline grumbled, exposing her sharp canine teeth.

"Just after I received this, the aide made a comment."

"What did he say?"

"He stated, 'The lord orders that, having received this money, you have no further
business in this town, so you should depart promptly and exit the town~'……”

Mimicking Aider's voice, Evangeline expressed her discontent with crossed arms.

"And claiming it was the lord's command, they packed all my belongings and evicted
me from the mansion. I couldn't believe it so I waited here to confirm with you
directly. Did you really order this, senior?"

I nodded my head.


"Aren't you expelling me a bit too swiftly? I haven't even said all my farewells."

"If you're going to say goodbye, it's best to do it quickly. What's the use of dragging it

I replied, my voice steady and firm.

"The next defense battle begins tomorrow. This place will turn into a war zone. Do
you wish to get caught in this turmoil and struggle along with us?"

"But still…”

"Stop hesitating and move on. You no longer have ties with this town."

Even though she had relinquished her title and her assets had been neatly arranged.

Evangeline, who seemed to be hesitating as if there was some regret left, cautiously
began to speak.
"I still want to help with the next defense battle. You've helped me, so…”


I denied her firmly.

"If you're leaving, leave cleanly. There's no need for you to get involved


"Even without the assistance of a youngster like you, this town can stand its ground
just fine."

At my declaration, Evangeline's temper flared.

"You've seen me in action! I can hold my own! No, even more than that……”


At my bellow, Evangeline jolted and staggered backward.

I pointed a finger at her, cornering her.

"Weren't you the one who chose to turn your back on your hometown and embark
on a brand new journey? So you surrendered your title, sold your family's estate.
You've discarded your home and your past!"

"But… That's true, but…”

"If you've made a decision, stick to it. Don't look back, just go!"

I relentlessly fired harsh words at her.

"You're right. The only things you'll find on the monster front line here are death and
dust. And once you step into that death and dust, it will never let you go!"


"Steer clear of the monster wars from now on. Leave for good and find something
else you truly desire."

I took a breath, then slowly exhaled.

"Live a life of freedom, doing what you want. That was your father's final wish."


"You said you wanted to be a rebellious daughter, Evangeline. To live like a free spirit.
But at least fulfill your father's last wish."

I strode past the rigid Evangeline, stepping into the mansion.

"You're now a stranger. This mansion is no longer part of your family's estate."

"Senior, wait a moment…!"

"We have to prepare for tomorrow's defense meeting. I'd appreciate it if you could
make your exit."


I paced slowly into the mansion.

I wasn't sure what expression Evangeline wore as she watched me retreat.

"Thank you for everything these past few days, senior. No, Your Highness."

A respectful voice echoed behind me.

"I'll pay my respects at my parents' grave one last time… then I'll depart from


"I hope that luck will accompany Your Highness on your journey forward."

Without replying, I entered the mansion.

As I walked into the hallway and glanced back, Evangeline stood there, her body
bowed in a deep angle. I murmured softly.

“…I wish you the best in your journey too."


I shut the front door and let out a sigh. What a situation.

Lucas, who had been standing beside me, chuckled.

"You didn't have to be so tough on her."

"If I'd been gentler, she might've clung to a glimmer of hope. Did you hear her? What
was that? Help with the defense? Carry her own weight? What a mess!"

I waved my hand in dismissal.

"One more day, one more time, and she'll be stuck in a loop. We can't allow that. I
have to push her out."

"But, she might have been able to handle it…”

"Who needs tears for a farewell? A stash of gold certificates should suffice, right?"

I stole a glance through the mansion's corridor window.

Evangeline readjusted her backpack and fastened her spear and shield at her hip,
commencing a slow trek towards the south.

She'd mentioned something about a final visit to her parents' grave.


Quietly, I watched the small figure of the girl retreat into the distance, allowing a
small sigh of regret to escape. Farewell, my costly SSR…

"Well, that's one worry off the list!"

I clapped the back of another SSR grade knight standing next to me. Lucas mustered
a forced grin.
"Let's give it our all, Lucas!"

"I'm just here to follow your orders."

Lucas and I ventured into the mansion's reception room.

The key party members had already assembled and were awaiting our arrival in the
reception room. Jupiter, Damien, and…

"Why do I have to be here againnnn!"

Our Fire Mage, Lilly.

I sat down, a devilish grin playing on my lips, in front of Lilly, who was protesting

"Enjoy your little break, Lilly? Now it's time to get back in the game."

"Ahhh! Please! Send me back to the workshop! I'll work till I drop, just spare me from

Lilly, bound by rope, was a pitiful sight, all tears and snot.

Don't play the weakling, Lilly. You're the sort who steps up when the situation calls
for it. This Prince knows all about your competence.

"Now, we have less than a day left for the defense. Let's go over our team's strategy
once more."

We launched into our strategy meeting, pacifying and consoling Lilly.

We already had a plan devised against the golems. Today was all about fine-tuning
the details, comprehending them, and final checks.

The meeting stretched for about an hour with the castle map laid out.

After reiterating everyone's roles, and assigning Lilly a fitting support mission at the

"And Damien, I have another surprise for you."

I flashed a wicked grin and handed Damien two bundled magic guns.

Damien, eyes wide, took the magic guns I proffered.

"May I unwrap them?"

"Absolutely! Go ahead."

Just as Damien was delicately unwrapping the magic guns and I was on the brink of
explaining their unique attributes…


The reception room door was abruptly thrown open.

Everyone jolted, glancing towards the door. There stood a winded soldier.

"Huff, huff! Urgent news, sire! We have a crisis!"

"What's going on? What's happened?"

"Scout report! Mo, monsters…!"

His next words made my eyes pop.

"Monsters have appeared! They're golem legions, huge beasts! Roughly 200 of them!
They're advancing on the city at a terrifying pace!"


In bewilderment, I hurriedly opened the system window.

"What nonsense is this? There's still time until the stage starts, isn't there?"


- Time Remaining: 18 hours, 55 minutes

"Look at this! We still have nineteen hours remaining…”


[??? has intervened in the game!]

The necklace around my neck began to radiate warmth,



- Time Remaining: ■■ hours, ■■ minutes

The digits in the system window began spinning wildly.

"We have, le…”

I stumbled over my words.

Hold on, what?

What's going on?

The remaining time, which was clearly displayed, started plummeting, emitting a
whirring noise.

Falling, and falling again-



- Time Remaining: 00 hours, 30 minutes

It disappeared.

The grace period of nineteen hours had vanished, leaving a mere half an hour

“…This is madness."
I was floored.

No, no cheating. The system window isn't supposed to cheat.

What in the world…?

"That's not all, Your Highness!"

The soldier blurted in quick succession. I, abruptly jolted back to reality, turned to

"According to the report, the monsters are acting oddly!"

"Odd behavior? In what way?"

"They've divided into two groups!"

The monster legion? Divided into two?


"Roughly 80 percent of them, around 200 units of the main force, are marching
directly for the city, but the remaining 20 percent, about 50 units that split from the
main force, are…”

His next words left my head reeling.

"They're heading towards the orchard where the Margrave once resided!"

“…What did you just say?"

Slowly, I swiveled my head to the side.

Lucas, who met my gaze, also bore a deathly pale face.

Right now, at that orchard…

- I'll pay my respects at my parents' graves one last time… then I'll leave Crossroad.

…Evangeline should be there.

Boom-! Boom-! Boom-!


The tumultuous sounds of drums and bells echoed through the city.

Soldiers hastily assembled, scurrying to take up arms and station themselves on the
city walls, where cannons and artifacts were swiftly being installed.

Porters, laden with arrows, cannonballs, boiling oil, and fiery artillery, bellowed out
offers to help ferry supplies.

War was always a frantic affair, but a surprise attack without warning threw the
front lines into even greater chaos.

Amidst this mayhem, I and my party members arrived. As soon as we ascended the
city wall, I shouted.

"Scouts! Where are they now?"

"They're in sight, over there!"

Looking where the scout pointed, a cloud of dust was visible in the far south.

The monsters cut through this dust cloud, creating new ones as they advanced.

Thump… Thump… Thump…

The massive forms of golems trudged in unison. They were approaching us, neatly
arranged in formation.

We had encountered them in dungeons, but the pressure was different with
hundreds of them charging all at once.

It felt like a gigantic wall was advancing towards us.

"When will they be within cannon range?"

"If they maintain this speed, less than 15 minutes."

"Before then, we need everything in place and ready to fire! Hurry!"

"Yes, sir!"

The soldiers sweated profusely as they worked to ready the cannons. They loaded
cannonballs, lined up their targets, and packed in the gunpowder.

While watching this unfold, Lucas approached from behind.



"Are you going to leave her alone?"

I did not respond, instead biting my lip hard.

This stage had started suddenly.

The current golem legion was divided into two groups.

The main force of around 200, heading straight for the city, and a detachment of
about 50, heading for Margrave's orchard.

And unfortunately, Evangeline was all alone in the orchard now.

'Why…… '

Biting so hard, I tasted blood from my lip.

'Why does the stage start suddenly, why do the monsters split into two groups? Why

It was impossible that all these events coincided by chance.

Some great malice was clearly distorting the situation at its whim.

Otherwise, there would be no way for the situation to twist so wildly out of control.

Whose malice was it then?

Why… was it so frustrated that it couldn't ruin this game?

That was when dozens of soldiers rushed towards me. Looking back, they were the
Twilight Brigade, veterans under the Cross family banner.

"Your Majesty!"

The veterans saluted in unison, and the captain of the Twilight Brigade stepped

"We've heard the news. Please let us go."


"The defense of the current front line is solid. We can hold out well enough even
without us old folks. Send us to the orchard. We can save Miss Evangeline."


"We're running out of time, Your Highness. The monsters are approaching fast. We
don't have much time left to send a rescue team to the south gate."

Listening to the soldiers, I let out a weary sigh.

"Your words have two errors."


"The first error is that our current frontline defense is sturdy. Does this frontline
look sturdy to you now?"

I pointed at the walls. Soldiers were hurrying to install the yet-to-be-completed

artifact, shouting at the top of their lungs.
"The sudden appearance of those bastards has not only disrupted the artifact but
even the cannon arrangement is unfinished."

"All the defensive equipment can be ready before they arrive!"

"Even if, hypothetically, the equipment is ready. If you guys leave this frontline, the
remaining soldiers will be mostly novices. Do you think they can fully withstand the
attacks of those massive monsters?"


The soldiers remained silent.

They knew perfectly well that neither the equipment nor the soldiers were ready.

"The second error is, you think you can rescue Evangeline."

I sneered harshly.

"The Margrave's villa and orchard have no defense facilities. It's all steep hills and
plains. To such a place, fifty elite monster golems have gathered."


"Even if there were walls there, and you were to fight using them as a shield! You all
would definitely be annihilated. But there's not even a single defense facility! How
the hell are you going to rescue Evangeline?"

The reason why this game was established as a defense genre was ultimately
because we held an overwhelming advantage in the form of walls.

But if we were to confront the monsters directly in the plains, without any walls.

That would be simply throwing our lives away.

The captain of the Twilight Brigade responded with a determined expression.

"Even if all of us die, we will definitely rescue the young lady…”

"That's not a strategy, damn it!"

Startled by my roar, the soldiers hesitated and retreated.

Annoyed, I brushed my hair back.

"I want a strategy with a possibility. Not your pointless deaths!"

"Then what should we do? You're saying we should abandon her because there's no
possibility? Are you, the Crown Prince, planning to leave Lady Evangeline to die?"


"If nobody goes to rescue her, Lady Evangeline will surely die! We can't let that

I clenched my jaw.

The soldiers were right. Without support, Evangeline would certainly die.

Even if Evangeline is an overpowered SSR grade character with a broken skillset, she
can't possibly face fifty massive monsters.

There are even boss-level entities mixed among them.

'But, to save her, we need to form a rescue team with the most elite party.'

The Twilight Brigade alone won't cut it. At the very least, I need to send all my main
party members.

And while the main party was dealing with the monsters, we needed soldiers to
shield them.

But then, the defense of this place would not be feasible.

Even if we save Evangeline, if the front lines here collapse, it's game over.

"Damn it…”

I closed my eyes tightly.

No matter how much I racked my brain, saving Evangeline and defending the front
line seemed impossible to reconcile. What a dilemma.

"Is there really no way out?"

Then, suddenly, a conversation I had with Margrave came to mind.

- I had to make a choice. Should I save my wife in the pioneer land, or protect the
tens of thousands of citizens in the city?

Margrave had been in the same situation.

The monsters had split into two groups, and as a lord, Margrave had to choose.

His wife or the city.

- What do you think I chose?

His old eyes filled with regret when he asked me that came to mind.


I gritted my teeth.

"I guess I understand your pain a bit, Margrave…”

I intended to honor the last wishes of Margrave Cross by freeing Evangeline from
this monster frontline.

She was a talent that should be recruited and retained by any means necessary for
efficient conquest. But I took this action because I believed there was something
more important to a person than efficiency.

But if I stand by like this, all those efforts lose their meaning.

Evangeline, the last survivor of the Cross family, will die to the monsters.

If I send a rescue team, both the defense line and the rescue team are in danger. Both
sides have a high chance of meeting their end. No, it's most likely game over.

In the end, I must choose.

A person or a conquest.

A person.

A conquest…


I slowly opened my eyes. I could feel the gazes of the people watching me.

"Here's my decision!"


The answer was determined from the beginning.

"None of you will deploy as a rescue team."

At my words, the veterans' faces turned pale all at once.

My party members gritted their teeth. But I did not falter.

"We cannot waste our power in vain. All forces will be focused on this defense line."

One life versus tens of thousands of lives.

There wasn't even room to hesitate. It's a shameful weight difference to even put on
the scale.

"If these walls fall, tens of thousands of citizens in Crossroad will die."


"Moreover, all cities and villages above the front line will be in danger, and in the end,
the human world itself will be at risk."

No matter what happens, the frontline must be maintained.

No matter what happens, we have to keep going.

What's the use of saving an SSR-grade character when the game itself is over?

"Let me say this clearly one more time. None of you will deploy as a rescue team!"

With a firm resolve, I shouted loudly.

"Finish prepping for the defense battle."


"What are you doing? Can't you see those monster bastards swarming in?"

I snapped sharply at the soldiers, frozen in their spots.

"Get ready for battle, ready for battle! Hurry!"


Southeast of Crossroad.

There's an old mansion erected atop a hill, where far off one could see an oak forest.

The vine creepers grew densely on the faded, dimly lit walls of the mansion, and
dust-coated windows made it impossible to see inside.

At a glance, it's apparent the place has been poorly maintained.

This was the villa where the Margrave of Crossroad resided in his lifetime.

A few steps down the hill from the villa would lead to a small orchard.

Unlike the villa, the orchard showed signs of being taken care of until fairly recently.

Yet, like the villa, it had been neglected since its owner's demise.

The fruit trees, lined up on the soil, quivered occasionally in the passing breeze.

Spring had just arrived.

Once the sun would rise higher and the day got warmer, even the trees on this land,
tainted with the blood of monsters, would bloom and bear fruit.

Evangeline realized this anew.

That she would never be able to witness that.

Because she would be leaving this place forever.


Evangeline reached out her hand to touch the new leaves of the fruit tree.

After her mother passed away, and she herself had to leave home, her father had
cared for this place alone.

'How silly, really.'

She could easily imagine her father's back.

Just a few days ago, her father would have stood here, looking after these trees.

Wishing for proper fruit this year.

Even while knowing it wouldn't be so.


Evangeline slowly pulled her hand away from the tree.

So what if it was?

Unsaid feelings, misunderstandings that haven't been cleared up.

Unhealed wounds. What good are they?

Evangeline slowly scanned the desolate orchard and the villa.

'This place is a ruin.'

Her father and mother had passed away, and she was leaving.
'It was a ruin before, and it will be a ruin hereafter.'

A bitter smirk appeared on Evangeline's small lips.

This was the trivial end of the Cross family, which had protected this place for
hundreds of years.

They left behind nothing but death and dust.

With the gold coins she got for selling even the family's name and remaining pride
stuffed in her pocket.

The last struggler, herself, was running away without a fight.

Evangeline shifted her steps, standing in front of two tombstones erected in the
backyard of the orchard.

"Dad, Mom."

Whether to lay her gaze on the graves or the tombstones, the hesitant Evangeline
slowly spat out,

"I won't see you again. I'm leaving, for good."

Though she expected a bell of mourning to ring out, even without realizing.

There's no answer. Of course.

"There were so many things I wanted to say… now I can't even remember what they


The wind blew. Far away, the scent of oak and oil was perceptible.

"I'm leaving."

Evangelin suddenly felt dizzy.

Her head was throbbing and the ground seemed to sway. Was she finally becoming
sentimental now?

Shaking her head to rid herself of the stray thoughts, Evangelin managed to pull off a
faint smile. She wanted to send him off with a smile.

“…Take care."

She turned around.

Evangelin quickly wiped her eyes that had started to feel warm with the back of her


She lifted both hands and lightly slapped her cheeks, then lifted her head to look
ahead. It was indeed time to leave.

"Alright, let's get going!"

And when Evangelin looked straight ahead.


The stone wall fence in front had exploded from the ground up.

As if struck by a giant catapult, it shattered in an instant.


For a moment, she couldn't comprehend what was happening.

In the direction where the stunned Evangelin was frozen,



Spreading fragments of the destroyed stone wall in all directions, with a menacing
operational sound resonating from its entire body, a massive steam golem came
Evangelin blurted out in bewilderment.



The next moment, the golem's enormous fist hit Evangelin's slender body.
'It's okay, Evangeline. Nothing's going to happen.'

It was a memory from her childhood.

Monsters had ambushed the city that night as well.

The city had become a battlefield, and the Margrave of Crossroad had urgently
dashed out from his mansion towards the front lines.

As always, her mother had come to Evangeline's room and held her close.

'There's nothing to be afraid of. When the sun rises, all the monsters will disappear.'

Evangeline knew.

The person most afraid was her mother.

Every time her father went to battle, her mother trembled in fear that he might get
hurt or die.

However, instead of expressing it, she would come to her daughter and silently hold


Evangeline turned her head. Far off, flames sprouted from the front lines.

Despite the considerable distance between the fortress and the mansion, the sound
of iron was clear. The smell of ash made her nose tingle.

The people's screams and cries, the monsters' howls. And, the stench of blood.


Evangeline asked.
'When will I have to go there?'


Her mother looked at her young daughter in surprise. Evangeline had a mature
expression uncharacteristic of a child.

'I heard it from dad. The heir of the Cross family must go to the front lines and fight.'

Her mother's expression fell as if the world had collapsed. Evangeline cocked her

'Does mom not want me to fight?'

'It's not about liking or disliking. It's the destiny of the Cross family.'

Her mother once again held Evangeline close.

'It's just… sad.'


'Because your mother is a coward. I'm scared that your dad might get hurt, and that
you might suffer in the future… It's frightening and saddening.'

Evangeline hesitated for a moment, then asked the question that had been on her
mind for a while.

'Mom didn't know this would happen, right?'


'You didn't know that you'd worry about dad every time monsters attacked? You
didn't know I'd have to fight there when I grow up?'

The fear that her husband might die. The sadness engulfing her as she worried about
her daughter's future.

Every night the monsters attacked, her mother trembled in such a way.
'If you knew this would happen… would you have not married dad?'

Her mother, who had been silently looking at her daughter, answered,

'No. I knew.'

Slowly, a soft smile spread across her lips.

'I knew that if I married your father, every time monsters attacked, I'd spend the
night in tears.'

Her mother's rough yet warm hand stroked Evangeline's hair.

'I knew that if I gave birth to you, you too would eventually face the destiny to fight. I
knew I'd be saddened by that destiny. I knew everything.'

'But why? Why did you marry dad?'

Unable to understand, Evangeline asked again.

'Why… did you give birth to me?'

Why did she choose this path, knowing it would bring suffering and sadness?

Even though she knew what lay ahead was pain. Why.

"Hmm? I wonder why…”

With her voice trailing off, her mother finally offered a faint smile.

"Maybe because of what continues."

"What continues…? What's that?"

Cradling a blinking Evangeline in her arms, her mother slowly replied,

"You'll understand when you grow up, Evangeline."

"When I grow up?"

"Yes, you'll surely understand then."

Her mother's large, warm hand gently stroked Evangeline's back.

"You'll understand why your mother did what she did…”

Why she moved towards a future steeped in fear and sorrow.

Even three years after her mother's passing, Evangeline still didn't understand.

And perhaps she thought… she may never understand for eternity.



Gasping for breath, Evangeline opened her eyes wide.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Coughing violently, she spat out blood. A dull pain surged from her back.

Rubbing her rough mouth, Evangeline tried to grasp the situation.

She had been hit by the golem's fist and was flung all the way to the mansion's wall,
slamming her back.

'How long was I unconscious?'

It didn't seem like a long time. The golem that had hit her was still coming at her.


Why was there a golem here?

Her body reacted before her mind could question.


Evangeline quickly strapped a shield to her left arm and blocked the golem's punch.

The shield brilliantly heated white, successfully blocking the attack.

But before Evangeline could prepare for the next stance, the second attack came.

Bang! Crash!

The golem's massive leg trampled on Evangeline's small body.

It was inconceivable how such agility could come from its enormous frame.

Evangeline, blocked by the shield, crashed through the wall of the mansion and
rolled into the mansion.


Evangeline groaned, getting up from the wreckage of the broken wall.

"This is insane, really…!"


The golem was expanding the hole in the wall and breaking into the mansion.

With every move it made, the ceiling collapsed and the walls crumbled.

"He's really tearing down someone's house, this bastard…”

Grinding her teeth, Evangeline straightened up and grasped her lance in her right


As soon as she gripped the lance, the dazzling light from the shield transferred to the

The attack skill [Damage Payback] was ready.

As soon as that thing charged again, she would counter and end this.
'Come on in, you bull-like bastard…!'

Evangeline waited for it to enter, her eyes gleaming like a hunter's.

The golem in front didn't hesitate and charged directly. Evangeline was timing it
perfectly in her mind. Three, two, one-

That's when it happened.

Bang! Crash!

Breaking through the walls on Evangeline's left and right, two new steam golems


Though flustered, Evangeline reacted swiftly.

Thud! Bang-!

She pierced through the chest of an adversary coming from the right with her spear,
while deflecting an attack from the left with her shield.

The right one died instantly with his magic core impaled, and the attack of the left
one was perfectly parried.

But for the one charging from the front…


There was no means to deal with him.


A fist as large as Evangeline's upper body slammed into her once again.

Crash! Clatter!

After crashing through a wall, Evangeline finally halted after colliding with a
wardrobe and a display case.
Dishes and bottles that had been inside the wardrobe and display case poured out
and shattered.

“Damn, it…!”

Evangeline wiped blood from her nose while being showered with shards of glass
like rain.

Two steam golems charged at Evangeline with rumbling noises.

Narrowing her eyes, Evangeline shouted out.

“Ease up, you monster bastards-!”

Kicking off her crouched position, Evangeline shot forward.

She parried the fist of the first golem with her shield, and with her spear in the other
hand, she pierced through the golem's chest. Thunk!

The second golem charged in succession.

Evangeline used the body of the first golem she had impaled with her spear to take
the blow from the second golem.


In the moment the second golem tangled with the first and paused, Evangeline
thrust her spear forward powerfully. The spearhead that had penetrated the first
golem reached the breastplate of the second golem.


At that moment, the spearhead flared up.

Returning the enemy's attack stored with her first skill [Damage Save] using her
second skill [Damage Payback]!


A formless energy burst from the spearhead.

Both the first golem skewered by the spear and the second golem that had been
touched by the spearhead exploded, their upper bodies blown apart in an instant.

Thud! Thump, rumble…

“Haah, haah, haah!”

Fragments of the shattered golems flew all around. Holding up her spear, Evangeline
caught her breath.


Once the battle had settled for the moment, pain rushed from her injured areas.

Burned skin stung, and her ankle throbbed, having been strained from blocking the
sudden attack.

However, Evangeline didn't even think about first aid as she hastily moved toward
the outside of the mansion.

'The golem legion ambushed us. A day earlier than expected in Crossroad.'

If things continued like this, even Crossroad wouldn't be safe.

'I need to get back and alert them of the attack…!'

With a limping stride, Evangeline barely emerged from the ruined mansion building.

Just at that moment.


The area shook.

It was a large tremor, enough to lift Evangeline's petite body into the air.


Letting out a surprised sound, Evangeline turned her eyes toward the source of the
And then, they spotted them.

Boom…! Boom…! Boom…!

A massive horde of golems, over 50 strong, was advancing towards her directly.

With each synchronized step the golems took, the ground quivered intensely.

Already shattered, the walls of the mansion further crumbled, sending bricks and
debris flying as if an earthquake had struck.

"What the heck is this…?"

It was then that Evangeline realized.

The three steam golems from before were merely the scout vanguard. These
behemoths were the real threat.

'I have to escape.'

There was no other option. Evangeline knew instinctively.

If she tried to confront them head-on, she'd be killed.

'Where's my horse?'

Evangeline scanned her surroundings for her horse, but it had long since fled.

'Should I run all the way to Crossroad?'

Evangeline looked down at her limping leg. Could she possibly run with this injury?

'It's not a matter of can or cannot!'

If she didn't create some distance now, she'd never be able to escape this place!

Gritting her teeth, Evangeline attempted to sprint towards Crossroad. It was at that

Two golems that had been at the rear of the group ascended into the air.

They were a type of golem she'd never seen before. While the other golems were
rough and sturdy, these two boasted elegant and sleek designs.

Sensing an unusual threat, Evangeline quickly raised her shield.

That move saved Evangeline's life.


From the fingertips of the two levitating golems, dozens of bright red beams were

It was the same kind of laser magic that the boss monster used during the free
exploration period.

But the number of beams was far greater, and there were two of them.

Ping! Pivivivivivivng!


Dozens of red lasers obliterated the ground where Evangeline had been standing.

Each time a beam swept across the ground like a whip, explosions and flames

Evangeline, with her shield raised, absorbed the magical attacks. Her crouched body
was relentlessly pushed backward.


She could feel the durability of her shield rapidly depleting.

Though straining, she was managing to withstand the attack. The problem was,


As Evangeline held her ground to fend off the magic, the rest of the golems were
charging at her.

'I can't get stuck here! I have to hold them off and create distance…!'

Evangeline, holding her shield, began to backpedal.

But just then, her twisted ankle gave way, and she lost her balance.

'Oh no.'

Just her luck, another blunder right here.

With Evangeline's stance compromised, a gap appeared in her defense. The red
beams didn't miss the chance and broke through.

Ping! Pivivivng!


The beams were scorching and sharp. They merely grazed her, but it was enough to
sear her skin and inflict wounds.

Droplets of blood spurted from Evangeline's petite body.

The beam that had grazed Evangeline set the ground on fire and immediately caused
an explosion.


"Augh… Urgh…!"

Buffeted by blasts and slashed by beams of light, Evangelin tumbled roughly along
the ground.

When she managed to barely lift her upper body with a choking sound, she could see
giant golems closing the gap.


Slowly, Evangelin bowed her head. As clear-headed as she was, her ability to assess
the situation was swift.

'It's the end.'

So empty.

Abruptly and suddenly. Death was approaching.

"There's so much I haven't done yet…”

She hadn't dated, hadn't drunk alcohol, hadn't smoked a cigarette.

She hadn't even become an adult yet.

She hadn't had the chance to really figure out what she wanted to do.

"It's ending."

Evangelin slowly closed her eyes.

There was no anger. No sadness.

Just, regret.

That was the emotion the girl felt in the last moments of her life. Evangelin let out a
quiet sigh.

"I regret…”

That's when it happened.

"Then you should just do it."


"Do all the things you haven't done, one by one."

Suddenly, a voice sounded right in front of her.

Thinking she might be hallucinating, Evangelin slowly opened her eyes and looked

"Life is short. Don't regret it and waste it diligently, alright?"

A man was standing upright in front of Evangelin, his back to her.

His shirt was soaked with sweat, revealing how hastily he must have run, and he was
heaving, his shoulders rising and falling.

Unable to believe it, Evangelin opened her mouth slightly.


Then, the man glanced back at her.

The third prince of the Everblack Empire - Ash 'Born Hater' Everblack was grinning,
revealing his teeth.

"I came to rescue you, cute junior."

30 minutes ago.

Atop the southern walls of Crossroad.

"I'm going alone."

Everyone looked at me as if they didn't understand.

Lucas, standing in front of me, stammered.

“…E-excuse me?"

"The rescue party consists of me and me alone. I will rescue Evangeline myself."

I told them, "None of you are joining the rescue party."

Exactly that. You're not going.

Instead, I am going alone.

"What the…”

Lucas, struggling to find words, finally burst out yelling.

"What nonsense are you spouting, my lord!"

"Damn! My ears, you brute! Speak gently!"

"Are your ears made of stone?! You've been the one pointing out the inefficacy of this
rescue mission, and now you're saying you'll go alone?"

Lucas looked genuinely angry. His normally mild face was horribly contorted.

"Are you intending to commit suicide, my lord?!"


"I absolutely cannot allow it! Even if it means I, Lucas, have to break your arms and
legs, I won't let you go!"

Lucas stretched out his large hand and grabbed my arm.

With a hefty force, he seemed intent on breaking my arm, this guy.

But I was serious.

"Calm down, Lucas. Everyone."

I wasn't joking, nor was I intending to commit suicide.

"I'm not going to die. I'm going because there's a definite chance of victory."

To rescue Evangeline and to defend the front lines.

The only way to satisfy both options is this.

'In this game, who's the character with the most variables?'

Considering performance alone, it would be Damien, who possesses [Far-Sight], but

in reality, Damien isn't the one with many variables.

On the contrary, he's a very honest character. His outrageous stats are simply too
high to measure.

'The variable is me.'

In that case, I need to move. No, it's better if only I move. Taking additional people
might only result in unnecessary casualties.

'Fortunately, I've prepared a few secret measures.'

I was saving them for later, but if I pour all of them into this, it's entirely possible to
save Evangeline.

From the beginning, I'm not a combatant in the defense. I'm merely a commander.
And that's a role Lucas can replace.

All forces defend the front lines.

And I, a bundle of variables, alone rescue Evangeline.

'Of course, there are parts that are reckless. No, there are many.'

But there's no other choice. If you want to catch two rabbits, you have to take risks.

The game keeps throwing curveballs, so there's nothing I can do.

I have no choice but to take a gamble to some extent…!

"All of you who have followed my commands should know this. I know these monster
bastards very well, and I have succeeded in my strategies even in seemingly
impossible situations."

I locked eyes with each of my party members.

"I have a plan this time too. There's more than enough chance of victory. Trust me
and let me go alone."

I quickly outlined the cards I held, along with a rough method for rescuing

It was a considerably reckless plan, but there was enough possibility. One by one, the
other party members, who seemed convinced, nodded.


Only Lucas was looking at me with a pale face.

"We don't have time, Lucas!"

I pushed him hard.

"Take charge of the overall command on the front line. All you have to do is proceed
as trained. Even if an unexpected situation occurs, you'll be able to handle it."
"I'd rather go and save Evangeline myself. Please take command of this front line, my

"No. We each have roles more suited to us. This front line needs you."

"But for us!"

Lucas spat out with a suppressed voice.

"We need you."


"Why… why would you even use your life as a chess piece?"

I put my hand on Lucas's shoulder.

"Trust my judgment. The judgment of your lord, me."


"Promise me. I will definitely return in one piece."

Lucas bowed his head slightly.

"You don't have to do this, my lord."

"I don't need to."

But if I give up on Evangeline here, I will abandon the value I cherished in this
strategy… I will abandon it myself.

It's no different from the previous strategy where I used lives like bullets.

'If you can save someone, you must save them.'

And according to my calculations, even though it's a bit dangerous, I can save

I put more strength into the hand that was holding Lucas's shoulder.
"The only way to save Evangeline and keep the front line is this."


"I'm counting on you for the front line, Lucas."

At my insistence, Lucas reluctantly nodded. I turned my head.

"Lilly. Jupiter."

Both wizards nodded their heads at once.

"I believe you know the importance of being wizards without me having to say it. Do
your best."

"Yes, yes…!"

"Please return safely, your majesty."

I didn't need to add anything to these two. They would do well on their own.

Lastly, I looked at Damien.


"Yes, Prince."

"I have one request for you. Can you hear me out?"

Despite his trembling, Damien looked up at me with a straight gaze.

"Command me. I am your trigger."

A reliable fellow. I gave him a gentle smile.

"Thank you, Damien. What you have to do is……”

I gave Damien instructions in a low voice. After hearing all my instructions, Damien
nodded heavily.
"I understand. Leave it to me!"

"Thank you, Damien."

After glancing at all the party members, I shouted.

"Alright, open the south gate!"


Immediately, the sound of the gate opening began from the city gate.

I shrugged my shoulders calmly at Lucas, who was looking at me with complex eyes
until the end.

"Keep the house safe, you little puppy. I'll be back."


Present time.

Southeast of Crossroad. The Margrave of Crossroad's Mansion.


To Evangelin's shaky murmur, I gave a slight smile.

"I came to rescue you, my cute junior."

The golems were running amok so violently that the horse I rode on couldn't go any
further, so I had to leave it behind and rush over here.

Thanks to that, I was just in time.

"How did you… get here…?"

Looking at Evangelin, smeared with blood and murmuring, my heart ached. Such a
young girl…

'You don't need to worry, Margrave.'

As you and your family have risked your lives defending this place like a hound, I will
definitely protect your daughter.

"First, you need to heal. Drink this."

I pulled out a high-grade recovery potion and tossed it to Evangelin. She caught it
and cried out in urgency.

"No, what are you doing here! You should run away now!"


"Don't you see? It's a legion of golems! They're much stronger than the ones we met
in the dungeon! There's no chance for just the two of us!"


"Hurry up and run to Crossroad! I'll buy you some time to escape!"

However, it was too late to run away.

Two beautifully designed golems were floating in the air.

Magic light scattered from their hands. Soon, they would cast magic.

They were new to me, but I had a hunch about their identity.

[Enemy Information - STAGE 3]

- Lv.30 Magic Stone Golem <Elite>: 5

- Lv.15 Rock Golem: 103

- Lv.20 Steam Golem: 149 (Kill Counts: 3)

Magic Stone Golem.

A magic-specialized golem, it can be said to have the strongest firepower among the
golem legion.
It's a high-tier monster by birth and even carries the elite tag. These guys could be
considered the boss monsters of this stage.

'Two out of five are here at the villa.'

As they prepared to cast magic, Evangelin urgently got up.


Despite the wounds all over her body dripping blood, she stood in front of me and
raised her shield.

"Hey! Are you deaf?! If you stay here, you'll die!"


"I'm an orphan, so nobody would mourn if I die here! But you're different! You're a
member of the royal family! The new Lord of Crossroad!"


"For the people who would only look at you, please! Run away without looking
back… Uh?!"

I snatched the potion bottle that Evangelin was just holding without drinking,
uncorked it, and stuffed it into her blabbering mouth.


"Drink up and heal, kid."

Now it's a bit quiet.

After holding back Evangelin, who was standing blankly and gulping down the
potion, I stepped forward.

"Act your age, lean on an adult once in a while…”

I composed my breath.

It was a moment I had been anticipating. While writing this, I had always wanted to
exclaim it loudly.


Suddenly, a system window appeared before my eyes.

[Summon Magic: Giant Steam Golem]

- This magic is one-time use. It will disappear from the skill list upon use.

- The summoned creature's level is the same as the summoning character's. Only one
summoned creature can be maintained at a time.

- Please specify the summoning location.

It was the boss monster summoning magic that I had registered in advance.

I specified the summoning location. Naturally, right in front of Evangeline and me!


The summoning magic was activated.

Blue mana particles whirled around like a flame, drew an arc in the air, and began to
form a shape.

From a head with a gleaming single eye, a thick torso with gloves, and long arms and


In less than a second, a massive golem had landed right in front of me.

When the monstrous mass suddenly landed on the ground, the earth rippled like a

"What, what, what… what is this?!"

Evangeline, who was struggling to maintain her balance, opened her mouth and

Hmm, excellent reaction. It's worth the effort to come to rescue her.


The giant steam golem rolled its single eye to glance at me, then slowly stood on its
two legs on the ground.

It's quieter than the one I met in the dungeon. I like it.

[Summoned boss monster is under control of Ash(EX).]

[You have control.]

At the same time as the message announcing that control was transferred to me was
displayed, I felt something 'connect' between the boss golem and me.

The skills that the boss golem could use were displayed before my eyes.

Hmm, indeed. Being a boss, it has quite a variety of features.

At the same time.


Ping! Be-beep!

A red beam of light poured from the direction of the golem legion. It was their attack

I reached out my hand.

"Block it."


With the sound of the magic core operating, the boss golem extended one arm
forward. As if it was mirroring my action.
Magic gathered at the tip of the boss golem's hand and formed a rectangular shield.

Boom! Boom-boom!

The golem legion's magic hit the shield, causing a grand explosion.

But not a single one got past.

Evangeline, who had been blankly watching the sparks bursting beyond the magic
shield, muttered with a tremble.

"What is… this exactly?"

"What do you think?"

I grumbled in a deep voice.

"It's the lottery I won this time."

I didn't expect to spend it all right after winning.

The magic bombardment then stopped.

It seemed that they too had realized the futility of long-range fire. The two stone
golems slowly landed on the ground.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Simultaneously, the remaining golem legion started to charge toward us, pounding
the ground with each step.

They planned to overcome us with numbers.

I swung my arm forward, commanding boldly, "Counterstrike."

The Boss Golem roared like a lion, a tremendous mechanical rumble.

Then, pushing off the ground, it charged headlong to meet them face-to-face.
The monsters in this game were generally divided into three categories.

First, the common monsters.

They made up more than 90% of all monsters. Almost all the monsters belonged to
this category. They were pretty much fiendish beasts obsessed with killing humans.

Second, the elite monsters.

Also known as Elites, these creatures were selected from the general monsters. In
the lore, they had survived for a long time and accumulated experience, making them
significantly stronger than their counterparts. Their levels were adjusted to a higher
scale and they received various stat bonuses. Some of them even evolved into semi-
boss level entities, also known as Named. In cases where the boss monster did not
appear, these creatures took on the role of the stage boss.

And lastly, the third category, the boss monsters.

These were the real monsters, quite different from the previous two categories. They
were typically the commanders leading their respective monster legions, often high-
intelligence entities with leadership abilities. But more than their high intelligence,
their overwhelming power posed the bigger problem. As the pinnacle of a legion,
they possessed an immense power that was impossible to fathom for a single entity.



The spell to summon a boss monster, although one-time use, was treated like a cheat

The boss monster I summoned - a giant steam golem - let out a ferocious rumble.

Thump-! Thump-! Thump-!

Subsequently, it single-handedly started charging towards the approaching golems,
about 50 in number.

If the approach of the 50 golems felt like a high wall closing in, then this creature's
charge felt like an island cleaving through stormy seas.

Monsters are typically programmed with the primary directive to kill humans.

But they are unusually sensitive to 'traitors'. The gaze of the golem legion turned all
at once to the boss golem.



The sight of these massive golems charging at each other was beyond surreal. Was
this a super golem showdown?

In an instant, they approached each other, just before the point of collision.


They clashed abruptly.

Glove fragments and broken parts scattered into the air.

The boss golem rampaged like a lion who had rushed into a pack of hyenas.

Every time its long, thick arms and legs, akin to ancient temple pillars, cut through
the air, the enemy golem legion shattered one by one, rolling grotesquely on the

But no matter how much a lion rampages, hyenas don't retreat.

The golem legion was 50 units strong.

Even if they were weaker individually, their sheer numbers gave them a collective
combat power that far surpassed the boss golem.

Roaaar! Roaaar!
Even as they were crushed under the boss golem's fist, the rock golems and steam
golems desperately reached out, trying to inflict as much damage as they could on
the boss golem.

Their efforts soon paid off.

Crack! Creak!

The boss golem's fingers were bent in a grotesque direction and dangled limply.

The moment the fist made contact, the hit golems counterattacked.

The boss golem, stunned for a moment, was swiftly climbed upon by the other

The Golem Legion began to scale the body of the boss golem, starting to apply force
to rip off its armor.


I swallowed a dry gulp, observing the scene.

It was like watching a mantis being devoured by an army of ants.

'I never expected the boss monster to defeat all of them from the start.'

No matter how much the boss steam golem was a powerful entity, the enemy golem
legion was also a large monster. Furthermore, there were fifty of them.

One can't beat them all alone.

While that buddy attracted as many enemies as possible and grabbed their

"We should take this chance to escape."

The 36th stratagem is the best.

Evangeline, who had been gaping at the sight of the monsters fighting each other,
questioned me. I nodded my head.

"That guy is a one-use tool anyway. While it's buying time, we need to escape."

I didn't come here to win. I came here to survive with her.

I pointed at Evangeline's leg.

"How's the leg?"

"I can walk. It's still difficult to run at full speed though………”

"Then let's run."


A broken leg can be fixed, but there's no remedy for a lost life.

I took another standard potion from the batch I brought and poured it onto
Evangeline's leg.


A cloudy steam rose from the bandage and the sprained area. Evangeline gritted her
teeth and bore the pain.

"Let's go."


I led the way, and Evangeline closely followed me.

The direction was north.

That's where the horse I had tied up was.


But before we could even take a few steps, Evangeline turned around, gasping for
breath. I looked back as well.


Magic Stone Golems.

Two magic-specialized golems were floating in midair, aiming their arms at us.

It seems they are targeting us since magic attacks do not work well on the boss

Thump! Thump! Thump!

That was not all.

About ten golems, scattered widely to avoid the boss golem, were running towards

"Damn it!"

I clicked my tongue.

"They're not letting us off easily."

"Magic attack, incoming-!"

With a flash of light, the red beams shot out by the magic stone golems headed
towards us.

Evangeline put her arm around my shoulder, lowered my posture, and then raised
her shield to deflect all the flying beams.

Bang! Boom!

The light beams that were deflected off the shield's surface exploded in the
surrounding ground. I grumbled.

"Lowering the posture is a good thing, but does it have to match your height? My
back already hurts."
"Well, who's that tall? Then stand up straight and take all those hits!"

Arguing is fun, but the magic bombardment is a threat. I hurriedly issued a new
command to the boss golem.

"Attack the Magic Stone Golems as a priority!"


The Golem Boss, surrounded by the Golem Legion, was battered, a glint flickering in
its cyclopean eye.

Its gold-tarnished arms rose, aiming at the floating Magic Stone Golems in mid-air,
and it fired a beam of magical light from its fingertips.

The two Magic Stone Golems that had noticed the anomaly changed their target to
the Golem Boss as well.

Ping! Beeping!


Soon, beams of magical light showered each other like a storm in the distant sky.

I whistled sharply. Good, no more magical attacks coming this way.

However, my speed had significantly decreased while dodging the attacks.

And in that brief moment, the pursuing Golems almost caught up with us.


A Rock Golem that had chased us all the way to our back roared hideously and

"Damn it!"

Evangeline, who had clicked her tongue, leaped into the air while running, spun
halfway in mid-air, and thrust her spear backwards.

The shining tip of the spear precisely pierced the chest of the Rock Golem, and upon
contact with the Magic Core, a huge explosion occurred. Bang!

As the Golem exploded into pieces, Evangeline pulled out her spear, used the recoil
from the explosion to spin halfway in reverse.

Evangeline, who landed facing forward, continued to run by my side as if nothing had

Her fluttering hair following the trajectory of her body was the only proof that her
previous maneuver was real.

I clapped spontaneously.

"Wow, that was incredible."

"Don't, don't suddenly compliment me!"

Evangeline, weak against compliments, blushed.

I would have liked to keep teasing her, but there was no time for that.

Thump! Boom!

The other Golems were closing in rapidly. There was a limit to how much time we
could buy with Evangeline's tricks.

"Where the hell is the horse?!"

"Right there!"

I reached forward. The horse I brought was tied to a tree not too far away.


The horse neighed in fright at the sight of the Golems chasing us and started to
struggle. It seemed like it was about to run away on its own.
Just stay still for a moment, buddy. Let's run away together…!

That's when it happened.

Ping! Beeping!

A red beam of light flew in and struck near the tree where the horse was tied.


A terrible explosion and smoke obscured my view.


When I hastily looked back, I saw one of the Magic Stone Golems raising its hand
towards us.

Even while being battered by the Golem Boss's magical attacks, it had managed to
suppress us. This damn creature…!

"Damn it!"

I looked forward again. When the pillar of fire subsided, there was no trace left of the
tree or the horse.

We stopped. Evangeline, her face pale, slowly looked up at me.

"Do we have any means to escape?"

“…We have a Plan B."

To be honest, I didn't have high hopes of escaping safely. That's why Plan B was my
original plan.

"What's Plan B?"

"What do you think?"

I turned around. The golems we had been fleeing from were right on our tails.
With a Lucky Strike held in my hand, I smirked.

"Kill them all."

"WHAT?! All these golems? Just the two of us? Are you out of your mind?!"

"It's our only chance of survival."

Crossroad is a 30-minute ride away. On foot, it takes around two hours.

And in two hours, these monstrous beasts could easily catch up with us and kill us.

I glanced down at Evangeline.

"It's do or die. So, what do you say?"

“………Argh, damn it!"

Evangeline, following my lead, spun around and raised her shield. I patted her on the

"Good. Evangeline. I'll instruct you on our tactics."


The onrushing Steam Golem's fist hit Evangeline's shield. Suppressing a groan,
Evangeline clung to her shield.

"Your primary focus should be on defense. Only use your spear when your [Damage
Save] is full. Got it?"

"Then who's going to attack?!"

"I will."

I flexed my left hand and lunged forward. My fist struck the golem's chest plate.


Lucky Strike activated, and on the edge of my vision, the slot started to spin. What
would it land on?

Ding! Ding! Ding!

0, 7, 2!

72 damage!


The golem's chest armor burst apart, and riding the momentum, I thrust my fist
inside, yanking out the magical core.


The golem, with a hole blasted through its chest plate, fell limp to the ground. I

"Just like that."

"What's the principle behind that punch?!"


Aside from the blessing of RNGesus, there's nothing else.

Groan! Thud!

Two more rushing Stone Golems met the same fate.

Evangeline defended, and I finished them off with a Lucky Strike.

The problem arose afterward.


Two Steam Golems, one from each side, attacked simultaneously. In a hurry, I gave

"Kill the one on the right with [Damage Payback], and block the attack from the left!"
"Got it!"

Evangeline followed my instructions faithfully.

A glowing spear pierced through the golem on the right in an instant.

Simultaneously, her shield took the blow from the left.

I swung my left fist at the chest plate of the blocked golem. The slot started spinning



Units place, 0.

At that moment, I had a bad feeling.



Tens place, 0.

It was the same sensation as during the 777 Punch.

My gamer instincts were screaming. Something was off. I should run away without
looking back.

But the slot was already spinning.

And finally, the hundreds place number.





So, it finally happens.

When strategizing for this type of game, there's one unchanging rule.

Depending entirely on luck will inevitably lead to failure at some point.

Let's consider an example.

Suppose there's a magic spell that strikes an enemy with a hit rate of 50 percent.

If you proceed in the game relying solely on the effectiveness of this magic spell, can
you really make it to the end?

For a while, you might be lucky, with the magic hitting continually, making the game
easy to unravel.

But eventually, you're bound to slip. And at that moment, the game could end.

Whether it's 1 percent or 99 percent, probability never fails to betray the player.

Those who aim to strategize must not depend on luck. Strategy must be conducted in
the realm of certainty.

Even though I knew this well, I continued to swing for a lucky strike.

I thought it was the best tactic to pull the pre-opened cards to the limit.

And… this was the result.

0, 0, 0!

[You Are Doomed……… Rest In Peace.]


It seemed like it would come up at some point, and it finally did.


The worst hand. A fumble.


Just after the slot stopped, my left hand was shattered.


I gritted my teeth and bore the pain.

My entire left arm was literally in pieces. The bones that pierced through the flesh
were gushing blood.

The pain was so severe that I hallucinated sparks flying before my eyes.

This is the price of a fumble.

The attacker, myself, receives a substantial amount of damage.

Sensing something strange, Evangeline, who had been blocking the golem, flung it far
away and looked at me.

Her face quickly drained of color.

"S-senior! Your left hand!"

"Don't make a fuss. I was prepared for this."

I took out a high-level healing potion with my right hand, bit off the cork, and poured
it on my left arm.



Steam rose from my left arm. The wound was healing, the bone was knitting
together, accompanied by a terrible pain. Damn, it really hurts.
The emergency treatment is done, but I won't be able to use my left arm for a while.
Catching my breath, I signaled to Evangeline.

"Buy me some time. Just 10 seconds."

"Can you do it in just 10 seconds?! You need more rest………!"

"We're fighting for our lives here, there's no time for rest and whatnot because of a
mere injury like this. Here they come!"


The five pursuing golems charged at us.

"Damn! Back off, you stone brutes-!"

Gritting her teeth, Evangeline stood in front of me and blocked all the attacks.

Evangeline must be running out of strength too, but there's no choice. Just buy me a
little time.

I reached behind with my right hand, grabbing the long load I had been carrying on
my back.

Relying on luck will inevitably lead to failure in strategy. I know this well.

But the reason I swung for a lucky strike despite knowing this, is simple.

"I had insurance in case my luck failed!"


I unwrapped my pack.

-A long, thin, beautiful black rifle was revealed.

'There's a reason why I, a right-handed person, had to inevitably use Lucky Strike
with my left hand.'

Holding the barrel with my broken left hand, I grabbed the handle of the magic gun
with my right.

The butt of the gun was firmly against my right shoulder, aligning the sight with my
line of vision, crouching my posture, taking a breath…

I pulled the trigger.


With the tremendous firing sound, I was jolted backward.

Flames burst out from the muzzle like a firecracker, and the magic bullet shot within
that blaze blew away the body of the Golem standing at the very front without
leaving a trace.

The magic bullet didn't stop there; it penetrated the upper body of the guy behind
him, then exploded from the chest to the head of the one behind him.

One shot, three kills.

It was because they were lucky enough to stand in a straight line, but it made a
spectacular scene.


Evangelin, who didn't understand what was happening, was gaping.

Even the remaining Golems were stunned by the current situation, they stopped for
a moment.

"W-what is that?!"

It was a few seconds later when Evangelin yelled out. I responded nonchalantly.

"It's my second lottery ticket."

The SSR-grade magic gun, cast from the magic core of the Black Spider Queen.

Black Queen.
It was Damien's, but I took it in a hurry. Because I have to use all the cheating I can at
this point.

'Use the variable of Lucky Strike as much as possible with my expendable left hand,
and if my luck runs out, decisively strike with this gun.'

That was my strategy.

The magic gun is a difficult weapon to handle. It's sensitive and hard to aim, so the
farther the enemy is, the more the hit rate drops.

But if you shoot at close range.

Especially if the opponent is a Golem or something of that size.

Even for a character like me with pitiful stats and absolutely no aptitude for
shooting, you can obviously hit.

'Serving in the military on Earth is helpful at times like this.'

I wondered where I would use what I learned about shooting guns, but thanks to it, I
could manage to shoot somewhat with the fragile body of the Crown Prince.


I fixed my posture and fired one more shot. This time, only one got hit.

It was slightly off, but it didn't matter because half of its body was blown away

'The recoil is like a cannon.'

Not only my injured left arm, but my whole body is creaking. If I use this weapon, I'll
get bruises all over my body.

'Sorry again, Damien………!'

The last Golem tried to charge at me, but Evangelin stepped in between and stabbed
with her spear and hit with her shield.

When the last one fell, I let out a long sigh.


Absorbing the recoil of the gun with my body…

My left arm felt completely numb, as if paralyzed, void of sensation beyond the pain.

"There's a mountain of things I'd like to ask, but I'll just ask one."

Evangeline approached me, asking with an exhausted face.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I told you. I'm going to kill them all."

I gestured towards their main base.

"I'm heading back to the mansion. There are a few more 'insurances' I can use in that

"That ruined mansion…?"

Evangeline followed my gaze towards the mansion. It wasn't too far. The problem
was the remaining golems swarming on the other side.

The boss golem I had summoned was already neutralized.

Enemy golems stood atop the fallen boss golem.

They were tearing off the remaining armor of the boss golem, destroying its magic
cores one by one.

"If we want to survive, we have to kill all of them here."

If those creatures were to pursue us, we would die before reaching Crossroad.

We have to end it here.

As if sensing our gaze, the golems began to look in our direction one by one.

Upon seeing this, Evangeline shivered, her shoulders trembling.

I checked the remaining ammo of Black Queen. It was a seven-shot magic gun and I
had used two shots, so I had five bullets left.


Nodding, I began to take step by step forward towards the mansion of Margrave,
swarming with them.

"Uh, uh-oh, uh-oh! I don't know anymore!"

Evangeline, with a tearful face, clung to my side.

Now, the golem legion began to slowly approach us, leaving the neutralized boss
golem behind.

I opened the system window and brought up the skill list of the summoned boss

The skill at the very end.

The ability I had paid the most attention to since I first summoned it.

"You did well, my summon."

I calmly gave the command.

“…Now self-destruct."

As my words fell, the single eye of the fallen boss golem dyed red.


The golem legion seemed to sense the unusual atmosphere and quickly turned to
look at the boss golem, but it was already too late.

Bang! Booming…!

A grand explosion erupted, accompanied by a deafening noise that made my ears


I calmly watched the massive pillar of fire rising, while Evangeline, seemingly
without the energy to be surprised, just widened her eyes.

'Well done, Giant Steam Golem. You've fulfilled your role.'

I silently praised the boss monster. Goodbye.

"I hope they all died with that…”

I activated the [Map Drafting] feature.

With a sensation like scanning the surroundings, a dotted map appeared at the
corner of my vision. The number of remaining enemies, let's see.

"Seventeen left."

I couldn't see due to the smoke from the explosion, but the map doesn't lie.

I quickly counted the remaining foes and swiftly took Evangeline's arm to lead her.

"Let's go, we need to get inside the mansion before they regain their senses."

We started sprinting towards the mansion. We were both nearing our limits, but the
mansion was soon within our reach.

That's when it happened.



A streak of red light whizzed past us, cutting through the dense smoke. Evangeline,
who was shielding me, deflected the attack with her shield. Ping!

"The most troublesome one is still alive!"

"That's always the case. The damn ones always live long."

A Stone Golem revealed itself amidst the billowing smoke.

Despite being smothered in the suicide blast of the boss golem, the Stone Golem was
functioning just fine. Its strength truly befitting a sub-boss.

"It seems his friend is dead, though."

"That's some good news…!"

Another Stone Golem was rolling on the ground, shattered into pieces.

It was the one that killed our horse earlier. It seemed to have been hit hard by the
suicide blast. Serves it right!

Ping! Beep-beep!


As we sprinted towards the mansion, we had to deal with the magical bombardment
unleashed by the Stone Golem. It was now within arm's reach!


Just then, Evangeline's shield got a large crack, sounding like breaking glass.

It had taken too many hits and its durability had been completely exhausted. And it
shattered when she kept using it to defend us…

"No way…!"

Following that, a single streak of red light flew towards us.

Evangeline blocked it with her cracked shield, and the shield burst into golden
particles and fragments right after.


Evangeline brushed off the fragments from her left arm while lifting her cavalry
spear with both hands above her head.

Red streaks of light rained down on her.

Ping! Beep-beep!


If there's no shield, you use a weapon to defend.

It was a sensible decision. If you don't block, you die.

Her cavalry spear deflected the magic attacks splendidly.

But, the cavalry spear is a weapon. It's not equipment for defense.

If it keeps taking attacks like this-


It inevitably gets damaged.


Soon, even her cavalry spear shattered into pieces.

The streaks of light that followed were all blocked by Evangeline, who wrapped
herself around me.



"It's fine, hurry, to the mansion…!"

The mansion was right before our eyes.

Supporting the almost collapsing Evangeline, who had taken the hit, I dashed and
threw ourselves against the back door of the mansion. Thud!
As we rolled into the building, we pressed ourselves against the wall immediately.


Ping! Beep-beep!

Bursts of light continued to pour in, shattering the windows.

Although the wall was offering temporary cover, we couldn't hold out for long in this

"So… as you instructed, we've arrived at the mansion now…”

As she pressed her hand against her injury to stem the bleeding, a pale-faced
Evangeline asked with difficulty,

"Do we have… a good plan to overcome this situation, senior…?"

"Just trust me, junior."

With a wry smile, I dug my hand into my pocket.

"I may not be a prince on a white horse, but…”

My pocket was linked to my inventory, and I pulled out what I had been searching

"I'm a not-so-bad trickster."

In my hand was a magic core.

It was a standard high-grade Magic Core (SR) I had obtained from our last free

I hurled it towards the inside of the mansion.

Then, I cried out,

[Summoning Magic: Automatic Defense Tower]

- All required materials are prepared.

- The level of the summoned entity matches the level of the summoner. You can only
maintain one summon at a time.

- Please designate the summoning location.

I was going to use everything I could.

I curled the corners of my mouth into a smug grin.

Do you think I'll go down here, you monsters?

The materials to summon an automatic defense turret were a Magic Power core of R
rank or higher, and construction materials such as stone and wood.

I had an SR-ranked Magic Power core, and as for construction materials…

'I have a lot of them.'

The golems were kind enough to smash my mansion to pieces. Bricks and wooden
planks were scattered everywhere.

I tossed the Magic Power core into the mansion and shouted,



Immediately, the debris from the surrounding buildings shot up into the air.

Clang! Rumble! Clunk!

The soaring stones and woods broke apart and started to form a structure, falling
like Tetris blocks onto the gaping hole in the roof.

Sensing something strange, the stone golem began to cast magic at the turret under

Boom! Brrrmbmbm!

Yet, despite the constant barrage of light beams, the automatic defense turret was
completed through sheer determination. Particularly, the barrel was completed first.


The gigantic cannon-like barrel aimed at the stone golem, and the next moment.

The muzzle belched fire.

The stone golem dodged swiftly, but the ensuing Magic Bullets severed its right arm
and leg.

Groan, oooh…!

With a scream-like operating sound, the stone golem plummeted, crashing


Next, the automatic defense turret swiveled its barrel. It aimed at the golems
approaching from the opposite direction.

Boom! Boomboomboom!

Dozens of azure Magic Bullets poured out.

The golem that was in the lead turned into a honeycomb, and immediately exploded.


The remaining golems ceased their advance, and hastily retreated.

It seemed they realized that continuing on would result in their destruction.

'I've been feeling it for a while, but why are these creatures so intelligent…?'

The basic intelligence of the monsters in this game should be to relentlessly charge
the shortest path to kill humans.

Such movement in a situation where there's no significant commanding entity.

Still, I finally got a breather. As I confirmed the retreat of the creatures, I exhaled a
long sigh.

"It seems we've finally entered a lull."

"You really have all sorts of strange tactics, senior… ugh!"

Evangeline let out a pained groan.

I quickly went to her side and sprayed a standard potion on her injuries from my

"It feels like I'm going to drink all the potions I'd have for my life today…”

As I handed her the remaining potion, Evangeline, who gulped it down in one go,
asked with a worn-out face,

"What's next?"

"Wait. Until sunset."

I muttered, watching the sun still hanging above the horizon.

"When the sun sets, I can use my other insurance."

It was already late afternoon.

Although the sun set late in the land situated at the southernmost point of the
continent, night was imminent.

All I had to do was wait until then. And then…


At that moment, Evangeline clutched the wound on her shoulder, groaning in pain…

It was the part that took the most damage during the earlier attack. Even with the
potion applied, blood was still flowing.

“I’ll look for something like a bandage. Wait here.”

I got up and surveyed the interior of the building. It was a total wreck, but there were
some usable items around.

This place used to be the kitchen of a villa.

Shattered liquor bottles lay all over the place as the cupboards and display shelves
had collapsed. The sharp smell of alcohol permeated the air.

I found a clean cloth from a drawer and used it to bandage Evangeline's arm.

Evangeline, who had been struggling for breath, scrunched her brows.

“By the way, why is there so much alcohol around? The smell is intense.”

“Well, because the Margrave of Crossroad was a hard-core alcoholic.”


Evangeline's sharp eyes widened, and I blinked back at her.

“You didn’t know? Your father was no joke. He practically lived drowning in alcohol.”

“There’s no way… The father I remember hadn't even touched alcohol all his life.”

Evangeline muttered with an uneasy voice.

"He said he must always be on full alert, as monsters could invade anytime… He
never took a single sip…”

I let out a bitter laugh.

“A lot seems to have changed in the three years since you left.”


“He was terribly tormented. He couldn’t last a day without alcohol.”

Evangeline's pale lips tightened.

Feeling pity for the little girl, I asked cautiously.

“Do you still hate your father, even after all this?”


She replied immediately.

“I still can’t forgive him.”

“If your father had chosen to save your mother instead of protecting the city three
years ago, would you have forgiven him?”

“…I probably wouldn’t hate him as much as I do now.”

“But you were in the city at that time.”

Evangeline's eyebrows twitched.

“If your father had left to save your mother, then you would have been in danger


“He could only defend one side with Crossroad's troops at the time. Your father
didn’t abandon your mother. He chose to protect you. You know that.”

“…Yes, I know.”

Evangeline bit her lip slightly and mumbled.

“I know my father did his best. He always did… I know that. But still!”

Evangeline slowly bowed her head.

“Then who am I supposed to blame…?”

I blinked in surprise.


“My mother was torn apart by monsters, and I’m so angry and sad that I’m going
insane. But there’s no point in hating the monsters. They're just accidents,
disasters… So who am I supposed to blame?”

Evangeline covered her face with her hands.

“I know, it’s cowardly… To look for someone to blame instead of hating the monster
that killed my mother… it’s cowardly.”


“But if I don’t blame someone… it feels like my heart will burst from…

It was not unlike a natural disaster, an uncontrollable monster.

They resent the living human who would take responsibility before their eyes.

Because it's easier to hate someone than to forget sorrow.

"My father was willing to take the blame. For not going to save my mother. It was his
fault, his responsibility. So I hated him freely."


"And now I'm supposed to forgive my father? Because he really did his best? Because
he did it to protect me?"

Evangeline's small fist pounded the ground.

"So if it's not my father's fault, then whose fault is all this…!"

"No one is at fault."

I said calmly.

"We're all just… trying to survive."

No one has evil intentions.

Everyone's just desperately trying to live their best lives.

But monsters attack, and people die.

Families die, friends die, comrades die.

"We can't help it. Humans are weak… To survive, we need someone tangible to
Not to hate, but to live.

The people here need someone to blame. Someone to take responsibility for all this

"So, now."

I knelt in front of Evangeline and gently stroked her head.

"Blame me."

Evangeline, who had been looking at the ground, looked up at me with wide green


"Let me take over the blame from your father. I am now the lord of Crossroad."

I tapped my chest with my right hand.

"I am the one responsible for this place."

"There's no need for you, senior……”

There's no need.

But if this is also the burden that the Cross family has carried all this time, it is only
right that I, the new lord, take it on.

"I'll be the one to blame. So… try to understand your father a little."


"He only wished for your happiness."

I ruffled Evangeline's hair roughly. Seeing the ashen face of the girl, I let out a quiet

"So, I am also going through all this trouble to save you."


Evangeline stared at me for a while with a speechless look in her eyes, then opened
her mouth.


Just then.


A mechanical noise echoed in the distance. Evangeline and I turned our gaze towards
it at once.

The golems were moving between the collapsed buildings.

They were surrounding the mansion broadly. Evangeline quickly stood up.

"They're surrounding us!"

"Tch, if only we had a bit more time…”

The automatic defense turret has a fixed amount of ammunition. And the directions
it can fire at one time are also limited.

If they surround us and come in all at once, the automatic defense turret will be
powerless against attacks from the blind spots.

Having realized this, the golems had surrounded us.

"These bastards, they're really smart, huh?"

"If they rush us all at once, we're done for."

"Then what should we……”

"We strike first."

The remaining number of the bastards was a mere sixteen. No, thirteen since one
died from the automatic turret earlier.
Even if they surround the villa in a full circle, their encirclement would inevitably be
thin. There's a possibility to break through.

I picked up the Magic Gun, Black Queen.

"Our only option is to break through their encirclement by attacking one side first,
then eliminate the remaining bastards one by one."

I briefly glanced towards the west. The sun was gradually setting.

It's almost night.

The chance I had been waiting for is coming. The opportunity to use one of the two
insurance policies I have left.

Evangeline showed me her empty hands.

"But I… don't have any weapons."

It was a shame that she had just destroyed two SSR grade set equipment pieces she
had brought from the dungeon.

It was indeed regrettable. With a bitter taste in my mouth, I motioned to the outside.

"There's the backup equipment."

"Huh? I don't carry backup equipment."

"Not you. It's here."

"Really? Did Dad store weapons in this villa?"

"No, not exactly."

With a smirk, I gestured towards the orchard in the backyard.

"I buried it a few days ago."

Evangeline, who had been blank for a moment, suddenly opened her mouth wide.
"You don't mean, that…!"


Clank. Thud.

The heavy weight stepped on glass fragments, making a noise.

The sound of golems slowly tightened their encirclement.

They carefully approached the villa, pushing through the rubble of the destroyed


The automatic defense turret placed in the center of the villa emitted a threatening
mechanical sound as it rotated its barrel.

If an enemy enters its range, it will fire without a 0.1-second delay.

The golems' encirclement gradually tightened, and the moment the range of the
automatic defense turret and the golems' encirclement overlapped…


The cannon of the automatic defense turret spewed fire first.

The leading golem was turned into a rag doll under the shower of magical bullets.
But there were still twelve more golems left.

ThuduDum! ThududuDum!

The golems charged all at once towards the automatic defense turret that was
incessantly showering them with magical bullets.

The automatic defense turret managed to turn two more golems into honeycombs in
an instant, but that was it.

By the time it rotated its barrel to find the next target, the remaining golems had
already clung to the defense turret.
Crack! Creak! Groan!

The golems' violent punches quickly tore the armor apart, and the cannon that was
vomiting magical bullets to the end was ripped out in an instant.


The magic core shattered into pieces, and the automatic defense turret exploded.

Taking down a single golem caught in the blast was the last accomplishment of the
automatic defense turret.

That's enough.

It worked.


I watched until the last moment as the golem bastards tore apart the automated
defense turret.


Evangeline and I dashed out of the villa building simultaneously.


The golems disassembling the automated defense turret all turned towards us at
once. Without hesitation, they rushed after us.

“Keep running, Evangeline! Don't look back!”

Shouting to Evangeline, who was running ahead, I aimed the barrel of my magic gun
behind us.

The golems had quickly caught up, almost on my heels.


Black Queen spewed fire.

A golem, torn apart from head to chest, fell backward. Without wasting a moment, I
fired another shot to the side.


My aim was off, hitting the lower half of a golem this time.

It collapsed to the ground, looking grotesque, with everything below its thigh blown
off. It wasn't what I was aiming for, but it was incapacitated, nonetheless.

“Just a bit more! I have my last insurance policy up ahead!”

Tu-kuk! Tu-kuk! Tu-kwang-!

I fired relentlessly, not sparing any bullets.

I managed to take down two more, but one shot completely missed. It didn't matter. I
only needed to buy a little more time.

Soon enough, we reached the backyard orchard. The tombstones of the Margrave
couple were erected there.

Evangeline, who had run ahead of me, kneeled beside her father's grave.


She started digging into the earth with her hands.

Desperately, Evangeline began to excavate a space right beside the grave.

In no time, a wooden box appeared from the mound of dirt. She quickly opened the

Inside, there was an old cavalry spear and a shield.

The weapons used by generations of the Cross family.

And on the day of her father's funeral, at Evangeline's request, these were buried
together with the Margrave.

With her dirt-covered hands, Evangeline tightly gripped the worn-out cavalry spear.
Three years ago.

The day Evangeline left home for the capital.

The Margrave, following his daughter, handed over his cavalry spear and shield to

They were family heirlooms passed down through generations. Though old, their
quaint appearance and durability were unparalleled in the region, making them
prized relics.

And they were the relics Evangeline had desired ever since her childhood.

"Take them," the Margrave tersely uttered.

"They'll serve you well."


However, Evangeline threw the spear and shield her father offered onto the ground.

"I don't need them."


"I won't take such a thing."

After casting a sidelong glance at her father, a stern-faced Evangeline boarded the

The Margrave, looking at his spear and shield rolling on the ground, slowly opened
his mouth.

Evangeline thought her father would yell at her in anger.

"The north is cold. Especially the Capital, where the winter is harsh."

But he didn't.

"Don't catch a cold and keep yourself warm."


"Whenever you want, you can come back."

His voice trembled.

Evangeline didn't respond, simply closing the carriage door.

Soon, the carriage set off, and Evangeline, sinking into the seat, briefly looked back.

Her father stood there, alone.

He continued to stand until his daughter disappeared from sight, right to the end of
the road.



With her dirt-covered hands holding the worn-out cavalry spear and shield,
Evangeline bit her lip hard.

The spear and shield were heavily worn out. Just like her father, who had aged
rapidly after losing her mother.

In her childhood, she had found these relics so cool.

Her father's back, silently grabbing his relics and leaving home whenever monsters
attacked… It couldn't have been any cooler.

How did it come to this?



The Golem chasing her roared fiercely. Ash shouted urgently.

"Evangeline! Hurry!"


Evangeline hastily slipped the shield onto her left arm and grasped the cavalry spear
in her right hand. Then she asked.

"You said we had insurance, senior!"

"Yeah, we do."

"Then get it out quickly! I'm at my limit. I can't hold on much longer!"

"I've already used it."

Prince Ash had his uniquely cunning, confident, and exceedingly handsome smile.

"It's right here."

Ash's forefinger tapped Evangeline's forehead.

"You are my last insurance."

Evangeline blinked in disbelief.


"Come on! Get up. My insurance sheep! Wield your father's relics, and fight as he
taught you!"

She wanted to argue, but there was no time. The Golem was practically breathing
down their necks.

Evangeline clenched her hands around the shield and spear.

As if finding its long-lost master, the relic fit perfectly in her hands.

Then, for some reason.

'You hold the spear like this, and the shield like this.'

Memories of a time spent with his father briefly crossed his mind.

The time of her very childhood. That moment when she first learned to handle a
spear and a shield.

Gritting her teeth and bolting upright- Evangeline charged at the oncoming golem,
thrusting her cavalry spear.


The golems, battered from the ongoing battle, weren't in perfect condition.

The worn chestplate, tattered and torn, was ripped open in a single blow from the
old cavalry spear.

Evangeline struck the now-exposed magic core with her shield. The golem crumpled
like crumpled paper, falling at once.

After that, four more charged at her.

Evangeline's green eyes sparkled, holding a flash of light.

Was she mistaken? The enemies' movements seemed to slow down.

She saw the glaring weakness in the enemy. She instinctively knew how to step, how
to match the tempo.

Boom! Bang! Crack! Flash!

It felt as if a 'path' had unfolded before her eyes.

Thunk! Thud! Wham! Bang-!

Block, stab, block, stab, block, stab, block, stab.

In an instant, she blocked four times and stabbed four times. Her refined
movements, quick as lightning, incorporated defense and attack.

When Evangeline came to, the four golem warriors were shattered into pieces,
crumbling to the ground.


A stunned gasp escaped Evangeline's lips.

The backlash from the intense movements with her injured body came late.

Biting down on the pain that surged throughout her body, Evangeline recalled the
sensation just now.

What was that?

Clap, clap, clap-

Then she heard applause.

Looking fiercely to the side, Ash was smirking, clapping his hands.

"Great job, insurance sheep! I told you I had faith in you!"

"Senior. That just now… what exactly?"

Evangeline stared down at her trembling hands.

"It felt like I saw some 'path,' what is this?"

"Well, that's because your weapon is your personal equipment. The characteristics
apply even without upgrades. That's the effect."


Personal equipment? Upgrade? Characteristics? Effect?

Evangeline blinked in confusion at the incomprehensible words.

But one thing was certain. Prince Ash knew the identity of this strange sensation.

"Ahem! But more importantly, we have something more urgent right now."

Ash, flustered, pointed to the sky.

"The last one."


Hovering in the air was the last of the stone golems.

Despite having lost its right arm and right leg, it was still ready to fight.

The gathering of red magic at its remaining fingertips was visible.

"How should we do this? It's too high, our attacks don't seem to reach."

The stone golem hovered at a height of about 10m.

But they had no long-range weapons. Ash had run out of ammo for his magic gun.

Evangeline could at least hurl a spear, but if she missed or if it was dodged, she
would be left empty-handed.

"There is a way."

Ash gave a wry smile. Despite the situation, Evangeline thought unknowingly, how
confident he was to be able to smile like that.

"The prince always has a bag full of tricks."

Ash looked at the western sky. The sun had almost set. Night was about to fall.

"Evangeline. This is the final order for today."


"Run straight at him. I'll knock him down."

Evangeline decided not to ask how he would knock him down.

She follows when Ash gives an order.

Because she has realized that it is the most rational and has the highest survival rate.

"I'll go."

"This is the end. Cheer up!"

"That cheer, it's too old-fashioned…”

With a kick, Evangeline rushed forward.

Ping! Fizzing!

From the Stone Golem, the annoying red beam poured out. Perhaps because it only
had one arm, the magic attack was much weaker.

Thud-! Crash!

"If there's a problem…!"

The problem was that Evangeline was also extremely exhausted.

Still, she ran. Kicking the ground with her convulsing legs, she headed straight
forward, towards the space occupied by the monster.


It was then. She had a similar feeling to before.

The optimal 'path' to run while avoiding enemy attacks appeared in her eyes.

'What is this feeling?'

With her shield firmly held up, Evangeline ran along that path.

The moment Evangeline charged, the Stone Golem wildly showered magic.
But Evangeline managed to reach right below it without even a scratch.

"Well done, Evangeline."

And when the Stone Golem's attention was completely focused on Evangeline.

In that gap, Ash, who had run towards the Stone Golem from the opposite side, took
something out.

"This… is checkmate!"

It was a torch with blue flames flickering.

Ash threw it as hard as he could at the Stone Golem.


The sun had completely set by then. Under the dark sky, the blue torch soared high,
emitting light,


…and soon fell powerlessly below.

It didn't even hit the Stone Golem, let alone reach its feet. It merely cast a blue light
over the Golem before going out.


The sound of the torch hitting the ground echoed feebly.



A silence fell. Not only Ash and Evangeline, even the Stone Golem stood frozen

Bewildered, Evangeline, who had been silent, opened her mouth.

"What on earth-"

That moment.


There was a flash of light from far away. It was from the walls of Crossroad.

And a few seconds later.



Suddenly, the chest of the Stone Golem burst open.


Evangeline stared in disbelief.

The demon bullet flying from the far-off city of Crossroad had pierced right through
the chest of the magic stone golem.

'A shot fired from Crossroad?'

Had it been fired from such a long distance following the signal of Prince Ash?

'It's impossible. It's not something a human can do! It's physically impossible!'

Amidst her disbelief, Evangeline heard Ash's loud voice.

"What does it matter! It's a one-time chance! Evangeline!"

The magic stone golem, caught completely off guard, was falling. Ash reached out his
hand and shouted.

"Finish it off-!"

Before she knew it, Evangeline found herself following the man's command.

She charged at the falling magic stone golem, took a step forward, and jumped into
the air.


With all her might, she thrust her spear.


The worn-out knight's spear of the Cross family emitted a dazzling white light and
pierced the air - and passed right through the magic core of the last golem.

And thus, this long and dreadful battle ended.

Thump! Crash…!

Pieces of the destroyed golem fell in all directions.

Evangeline, having thrust her whole body through the golem and landed on the other
side, soon collapsed forward.

"Ah… Huh."

She felt as if she could die from exhaustion. Without exaggeration, she lacked even
the strength to lift a finger.

As she finally lay flat on her back, the world spun around her and Prince Ash
appeared in her vision.

Ash sat down beside Evangeline with a tired smile.

"You worked hard. Ace junior. I never thought you'd actually do it."

"Is it really over now?"

"At least here, yes."

They had indeed defeated fifty large monsters by themselves.

Although the secret weapon Ash had brought out was from outside the game, it was
still an incredible feat.

"Senior… you're… amazing… You managed to do… something this impossible…”

"No one would believe it even if we told them."

Ash shrugged nonchalantly.

"Let's keep this as our own little war."

Evangeline's eyes began to close.

"Can I pass out now?"

"Could you keep going if I said no?"

"If that's an order… I'll… endure…”

With half-closed eyes, Evangeline strained to speak.

Ash reached out and gently closed Evangeline's eyes.

"You can sleep, kiddo. Rest easy."


"Good night, good night."

With her energy drained, Evangeline closed her eyes.

Soon, everything was swallowed by darkness.

Evangeline had fainted, fallen to the ground.

Can't blame her. She had fought despite being injured all over her body. It was
impressive that she hadn't passed out sooner.

I took off my cloak and draped it over Evangeline's body. It was getting colder. I
would need to start a fire soon.

"Where did… my torch go?"

Across the way, I spotted the fallen torch with its blue flame. It hadn't gone out. Good.

I picked up the torch and drew a few big circles above my head.

It was a signal that we were safe. Damien would understand if he saw it.

Then, a moment later,


A light twinkled from the direction of the fortress. It meant they'd received our

And the subsequent signal that came,

Flash. Flash. Flash.

Three flashes.

It was a signal that they had successfully defended. It seemed like they managed well
on their side too.


Only then was I able to breathe a little easier.

Relief drained the strength from my body. I stood, legs shaking, barely holding myself

It seemed like this situation was finally coming to an end.

'I really scraped the bottom of the barrel… '

I had two insurance policies left at the last moment.

One was Damien's covering fire.

From here to Crossroad was about 12km along the road, roughly 10km as the crow

Considering that the longest confirmed sniper kill on Earth was 3.5km, asking for
covering fire at 10km was insane.

Even if he could see the target, the bullet wouldn't physically reach that far.

But if Damien can see it, he can shoot it. The [Far-Sight] adjustment transcends
common sense.

'Even so, I can't ask him to do something like this often.'

This one shot alone must have been a tremendous strain on Damien. But I had asked
anyway. It was that urgent.

Just one shot.

We had agreed to signal with a blue torch after sunset, so Damien could recognize it.

The result? Excellent. I'd have to give him a lot of praise when I return.

'And my last insurance was… '

Gathering firewood and lighting it with the torch, I glanced to my side.

Evangeline, having lost consciousness, was snoring softly in her sleep.

She was my last insurance.

To be exact, the set of equipment designed specifically for Evangeline, which I'd
stashed here, was my insurance.

From the hands of the unconscious Evangeline, I carefully removed the spear and
shield. The options appeared before my eyes.

[Cross Family Spear(SR) Lv.30]

- Category: Cavalry Spear

- Attack Power: 25-30

- Durability: 3/30 <Needs repairing!>

- Exclusive weapon for the character 'Evangeline Cross'.

- True abilities unlocked upon upgrading.

[Cross Family Shield(SR) Lv.30]

- Category: Shield

- Defense Power: 25-30

- Durability: 2/30 <Needs repairing!>

- Exclusive armor for the character 'Evangeline Cross'.

- True abilities unlocked upon upgrading.

> Set Effect: Heir of the Cross Family (2/2)

- Exclusive set effect for the character ‘Evangeline Cross’.

- When this character equips both items simultaneously, she gains the unique trait

Every SSR grade character has their own ‘unique equipment’.

These are usually equipment related to the character's story, with unique traits or

They either amplify the strengths of the character, or compensate for their

‘That’s why SSR characters are especially good.’

Although there are excellent heroes even among SR grades, ultimately, due to the
presence or absence of unique equipment, SSR grade characters become stronger.

So, speaking of Evangeline's unique trait—identical to the city's name—this

[Crossroad] thing.

[Crossroad] <Exclusive for ‘Evangeline Cross’>

- A trait blossoming from the karma accumulated by the Cross Family who protected
people by killing monsters.

- In any combat environment, you can find the optimal path and move accordingly.

- Activating this continually consumes MP.

The path tread by the Cross Family.

The accumulated experiences of all ancestors of the Cross Family. This is the
crystallization that blossomed during Evangeline's generation.

In any combat environment, she can always make the best move.

‘Evangeline said she could see the path ahead.’

Although the description is complicated, it's simply a self-buff. When this mode is
activated, combat efficiency increases by about 2 times.

Evangeline isn't a character with a large mana pool, so she can't maintain it for long.

‘In the game, once you got Evangeline and increased her loyalty, she'd automatically
find this set equipment.’

I didn't expect they'd bury it in her father's grave this time. I was taken aback when I
first saw them burying it.

Well, we were planning to forever remove her from this front line, so I left it alone…
Now that the situation has come to this, there's no other choice but to make full use
of it.

‘Thanks to that, we managed to finish the battle.’

I glanced at the grave of Margrave Cross, next to the tombstone, horribly dug up. It's
for saving your daughter, so you won't be angry, right?

“Oh dear, my back.”

Fatigue swept over my body, and a subtle pain started spreading from my shattered
left arm.

If it gets treated later, it’s going to hurt really bad.

‘I wonder if the city is unscathed.’

In the distance, flames were visible on the city walls.

They said they handled the signals well, but it seems the battle isn't over yet. They
must be dealing with the remnants of the golems.

‘…They'll manage.’

Objectively and coolly viewed, the city's forces are more than sufficient.

There are Lucas, Jupiter, Lilly, and Damien.

We’ve prepared defensive equipment and artifacts with blood, sweat, and tears over
the past two weeks. The condition of the city walls is also perfectly repaired.

Even without me, they would have done fine.

I had to believe that.

I had to trust my party members.

'Let's rest for a bit… '

I stretched my hand towards the campfire and began to doze off.

Exhaustion rolled in like a wave…


I started dreaming.

In the dream, I saw a young child lying in a hospital bed.

Wearing an oxygen mask, head shaven, and asleep with eyes closed.

Beep- beep-

The rhythmic sound of machines echoed.

I stood beside the bed, silently observing the child.

Beep- beep-

Only the repetitive sound of machines filled my ears.

Beep- beep-

Beep- beep-…



I awoke from my dream in a sweat.

It was still dark, still night. Judging by the stars in the sky, some time had passed.


Something warm made me turn, and I found a cloak covering my shoulders. Wasn't
this the one I gave to Evangeline?
“You’re awake.”

A snarky voice came from up front.

It was Evangeline. She was slowly collecting firewood. When did she wake up?

“Are you feeling any better?”

“After getting some shuteye, I'm somewhat better. Not dying, at least… How about

“Considering we took down 50 golems, I feel surprisingly light.”

I gritted my teeth against the pain in my left arm and chuckled. Evangeline snorted.

“You don't need to act tough.”

“Is that for you to say?”


Evangeline tossed the collected firewood into the fire. The flames quickly grew
stronger, spreading warmth all around.

Evangeline put her hands deep into the pockets of her torn jacket and exhaled. Sigh…

“Are we going to have to camp out here tonight?”

“Looks like it. We can only go back once the situation in the city settles down.”

“I wonder if everyone there is okay…”

“They’re probably better off than us. You don't need to worry.”

Just then, a thunderous sound rumbled from Evangeline’s stomach.

Almost simultaneously, a feeble sound came from my own stomach.


Evangeline glared at me. What. What now, girl?

“I’m hungry.”

“So am I.”

“You’re a great cook, you know.”

“You graduated from the academy, too. You should at least know how to prepare a
camp meal, right?”

Evangeline then suddenly raised her hand.


“What? Seriously? Are we really going to decide this way?”


“Wait, wait! I don't know the rules around here. Does rock beat scissors, scissors
beat paper, and paper beat rock?”


I showed scissors, and Evangeline showed rock.


Evangeline puffed her chest out in victory.

Darn it! I overthought it, wondering if the rules of rock-paper-scissors might be

different on this planet. They’re the same!

Grumbling, I headed back to the villa and rummaged through the kitchen cabinets,
gathering a few things before returning to the campfire.

What I had brought was a glass and a bottle of whiskey.

And a bag of dried fruit. Evangeline didn't hide her disappointment.

"Is this all?"

"We should be grateful we even have this in this mess."

The liquor is mine, and the bag of dried fruit is for you.

Evangeline, taking the bag of dried fruit, quickly popped one into her mouth. She
then suddenly spat it out with a start.

"Ugh, ptui! It tastes awful! What is this?"

"It's the fruit your father harvested."

At my words, Evangeline froze in her spitting pose.

"The Margrave was chewing that every day."

“…Really, it was damn stupid of you old man."

Evangeline, hesitating to pull out another piece of dried fruit, threw it back into her


Her face changed color as she crumpled and then smoothed it out repeatedly. In the
end, she managed to swallow it without spitting it out.

"Ugh… it tastes horrible…”

Panting with her tongue out, Evangeline gestured towards the glass in my hand.

"Give me a drink too. My mouth is so dry I need to drink something."

"This is alcohol. You're underage."

"What does it matter? I've been through hell and back."

Evangeline looked rather solemn.

"You said it earlier, senior. Try everything you haven't tried. Waste your life without


"Now I know. Holding back when you want to do something is stupid. I'm not going
to hesitate anymore. I'm going to do what I want."

Evangeline waved her hand towards the whiskey glass.

"Fine, just give it to me already~!"

"You're barely past puberty and already eager to…”

I poured a small amount of whiskey into the glass, handing it over.

"Just a sip."

Evangeline, taking the glass, closed her eyes tightly and downed it in one go. Good
for her~


She exhaled oddly, as if she'd seen it somewhere. This whiskey is strong, are you

"Really… it tastes horribly!"

"Well, figures."

"Both the fruit and the whiskey, they taste awful."

Evangeline, handing back the glass, touched her forehead with her hand.

Already getting tipsy from her first drink, her face quickly flushed.

"Did Dad eat and drink this every day?"


"And he protected this city in this state for three years?"

"Chewing dirt and drinking dust, even if you want to turn your back and run away,
you don't, and you do your job every day."

Pouring myself a drink, I chuckled.

"That's what it means to be an adult."

"I don't want to be an adult."

"Haha. Cute."

But there's no Neverland in this world, and every Peter Pan must let go of Tinkerbell.

Everyone becomes an adult.

I didn't utter such a harsh truth. It was something the girl before me had to realize
on her own.

With her heated cheeks cradled in her hands, Evangeline began to murmur in a
softened voice.

“…Yeah, it's true. I knew."


"I knew that my dad left the house secretly every night to spend his time here, at my
mom's grave."

Evangeline slowly turned her head. The tombstones of the Margrave couple stood
side by side.

"Even when he chose to inspect the advance base instead of attending the funeral,
even when he didn't cry out loud, he was weeping in his heart. I knew that's how my
dad was."

The small hands of Evangeline slowly covered her young face.

"I still hate my dad. So, I wish he were here. So that I can hate him freely. So that he
could scold me for being a bad daughter."


"I hate it all now. Holding resentment by myself, missing him by myself. I just…”

Her monologue gradually turned into a child's whine.

"I miss them…”


"Mom and dad… I miss them…”

Evangeline began to sob quietly.

I didn't comfort Evangeline. I left her crying alone.

In this cold world. In this harsh world.

She, herself, had to endure the taste of dirt and dust and learn to survive on her own,
as she became an adult.

"I miss you, dad…”

Evangeline, who had been sobbing, eventually fell asleep, drunk. She curled up and
buried her face in her knees.

After wrapping my cloak around the young girl, I picked up the bottle and the cup
and stood up.

I walked to the tombstones of the Margrave couple, opened the bottle, and sprinkled
alcohol over the graves.


I poured the remaining alcohol into my cup and drank it. Feeling the heat spread in
my stomach, I slowly turned eastward.
The eastern sky was gradually brightening. Dawn was approaching.

Clippity-clop, clippity-clop…

Under the brightening dawn sky, I could see my soldiers coming from afar.

I gave a wry smile and waved my hand. I saw a flash of relief on Lucas's face, who
was riding the leading horse.

And so, another stage was drawing to a close.

Crossroad city center. The temple.

Having been transported here since dawn, I was getting my left arm treated.

"I'm not sure how you came about this injury."

The temple's priest and Rank-R healer, 'Saintess' Margarita, finished treating me and
wrapped my arm in a bandage.

"Every single bone in your left arm is shattered. Thankfully, you gave yourself first
aid with a potion, so it didn't lead to a life-threatening injury."


After tying me up in a cast, Margarita, who had stepped back, let go of my arm.

"Even after the treatment is completed, you won't be able to use your left arm as
before. Your grip strength will decrease, your wrist may stiffen, among other

"Is that so…”

I gritted my teeth.

The price of the 000 fumble was hefty. Should I be grateful I'm not a combatant?

"Anyway, absolute rest is needed. Come to the temple once every two days to get

"Understood, Saintess. Thank you."

After fiddling with my immobilized left arm, I asked a question.

"Is Evangeline okay?"

"Her shoulder injury is a bit severe, but if she doesn't strain herself, she should
recover soon. She's an exceptionally sturdy person."

She is a SSR-Rank Tanker. Her recovery ability is incomparable to my frail one. Or is

this the difference between a teenager and someone in their 20s?

After expressing my gratitude to Margarita, as usual, I generously put a donation in

the donation box and stepped outside. Lucas was standing there.


Seeing my left arm in a cast, Lucas's face was a complicated one. I smirked.

"What did I say? I came back in one piece… ouch!"

The jerk suddenly hit my left arm. Sparks flew in front of my eyes. Argh!

"It's fucking painful! What are you doing, bastard!"

"You're not exactly in one piece, are you? Stop bragging."

Sure, but that doesn't mean you should hit my injured area! If you have a complaint,
use words, you jerk!

As I was about to flare up, Lucas made a face like a rain-soaked puppy.

"What reckless act did you do this time, My Lord…”


Stop making that face! I haven't done anything wrong but I'm feeling guilty!

"Next time, absolutely do not do anything so reckless."

"Alright, alright…”

After casually reassuring Lucas, I asked about the most important matter.

"Did the defense battle go smoothly?"

I hadn't received a detailed battle report yet. Lucas slowly nodded.

"As I could not cause any harm to you, My Lord, I commanded to the best of my

"Oh, you too…”

Lucas explained to me the general flow of the defense battle.

He said that within 15 minutes of the start of the battle, Damien had sniped all three
of the magic stone golems.

He finished off the most troublesome foes so easily? Is this what they call a good

For the next six hours, they systematically annihilated the remaining nearby entities.

After completing the cleanup of the remaining golems, it seemed salvation had
finally arrived at the mansion.

"Even the slightest carelessness in battle could result in unpredictable damage,

hence why we concluded it meticulously. I apologize, my Lord, for the delay in

"There's nothing to apologize for. You did a great job."

I patted Lucas's shoulder and asked cautiously.

"Any casualties?"

Lucas glanced around the temple. He could see soldiers receiving treatment inside.

"There are 14 with serious injuries, and 128 with minor ones."

“…Any fatalities?"


I froze at his response.

To my stiffened self, Lucas emphasized once more.

"There were no fatalities, my Lord."

“…Ha ha."

For the first time.

For the first time, we cleared a stage without any human casualties.

Laughter flowed spontaneously from within me. I covered my mouth with my hand
and gave Lucas a playful elbow jab.

"You did a great job, Lucas! No fatalities… Incredible. You might be better at this than
me, buddy."

"Don't say things like that."

Lucas maintained a serious expression.

"While you were gone… everyone was anxious."

"Huh? Were they worried because I went alone?"


With downcast eyes, Lucas spat out his words with difficulty.

"Everyone who stayed here… without confidence… they trembled in anxiety."

I blinked my eyes. What was he saying?

"When you're with us, my Lord, confusion disappears. We can follow your orders
with confidence. But yesterday, as soon as you left…”

Lucas trailed off his words.

"Everyone… didn't know what to do…”

Many thoughts raced through my mind.

If it was because my commands were precise and efficient, that would be good.

However, I thought about the possible side effects of my passive skill, the 'Unyielding

'My passive effect provides immunity to mental status abnormalities… '

I initially thought it simply protected against status abnormalities inflicted by the

enemy during battle.

But that wasn't the case. People around me not only didn't experience fear or
confusion, they also remained mentally stable.

Simply by being nearby, their minds seemed to find peace.

'What am I, aromatherapy?'

However, looking at it from the other perspective, it meant they became unsettled
when I wasn't around.

'Is this just fostering dependency on me…?'

It was a pleasure to be relied upon. But the side effects were something to consider.

I remained silent. Hmm~

Well, I don't know for now.

"But anyway, we've successfully cleared the stage! No fatalities! Evangeline and I
returned alive!"

I shouted with gusto, giving Lucas's back a hearty slap.

"Everything worked out just fine, Lucas! No need to worry. I won't be wandering off
on my own from now on."

"Yes, my Lord."
Lucas gazed at me with eyes as deep as wells.

"I am your guard. From the moment we met until now, always."

"Uh, yes…”

"Do not leave me behind, especially when you venture into dangerous places."

In response, I patted Lucas's head. Oh, my faithful dog. He's so worried just because
his master left once.

"How are the other party members? Are they all safe?"

"Yes, everyone's okay. Damien bled a little from his eyes later in the battle, though…”

"What, seriously?!"

"He said he was fine. He's getting treated at the temple right now."

That's a relief. I should visit once his treatment is over.

Everything seems to be wrapping up nicely. I cracked a smile.

"You did great, Lucas."

"You accomplished great things as well, my Lord. Please, rest today."

Sighing, Lucas pointed towards the castle walls.

"I would prefer to stay by your side, but I must take care of post-battle arrangements
so you can rest at ease."

"Ha ha, I'll leave it to you."

"Yes, my Lord. I'll see you later."

With a bow, Lucas headed for the castle walls.

Watching Lucas grow distant, I eased myself into the carriage parked in front of the
temple. Boy, I need to get home and lay down.

We certainly won the battle, but the stage clear announcement hadn't appeared yet.

There must still be some of the smashed golems crawling around in the mansion.

Because they are not living creatures but stone brutes, this happened.

The soldiers are searching and confirming kills.

Once that process is finished and the last one is defeated, the stage clear
announcement should appear.

'I guess it'll end today.'

In the lord's mansion, the inner courtyard.

Sitting comfortably in a small pavilion, I enjoyed the sun.

Spring is definitely nearing. The day was fairly warm.

Tiredness had yet to fully fade, and I was nodding off in the sunlight when.

"Why not take a nap inside instead of doing this here?"

A sulky voice reached my ears.

Blinking my eyes open, I saw it was Evangeline. She stood in the courtyard, her body
wrapped in bandages and leaning on a crutch.

"Considering your age, you might catch a chill and get arthritis."

"Hey, I'm not that old. You're in your teens and you're boasting about it?"

Unbelievable. Youngsters these days… Ugh.


Having crossed the garden, Evangeline plopped down next to me.

Her platinum blonde hair, bathed in spring sunlight, sparkled like sand-gold.

The color of gold was the color of the SSR grade, so just seeing it sparkle
unknowingly made my mood brighter.

…Could this be a case of Gold-Fever?

"Surprised you made it to the dawn alive."

Evangeline, who had been staring at the sun in the southern sky with sleepy eyes,
shrugged her shoulders.

"I thought I'd never see this sunlight again."

"I apologize for making you go through all this just as you were preparing to leave."

This stage had been one series of surprises after another. I couldn't have imagined it
would cause so much trouble.

"After you have received all your treatments, take your time to recover. Rest as much
as you want before leaving."

"I'm not leaving."


At this unexpected comment, my heart dropped.

I looked squarely at Evangeline. But the young girl's face was resolute.

"I thought about it all night. I want to inherit the Margrave title."

"Do you… understand what that means?"

I spoke hurriedly.

"It means you would be inheriting the duties of the Cross family. It means you would
have to protect this place for the rest of your life!"

"I know."
"Your father wanted you to leave this place. He wanted you to live freely, as you

"I'm sorry, but I still haven't fully forgiven my father. Disobeying his will is the last act
of disobedience I can commit."

Evangeline nodded slightly.

"I'm a stubborn mule, after all."

I smiled bitterly. This girl…

"Senior, I… want to understand my father."

Evangeline's gaze drifted toward the southern fortification in the distance.

"His feelings at that time. His thoughts. His actions. I still don't fully understand."

The place her father had once stood and defended.

Her gaze towards the front line was firm.

"If I stand in the same position as my father, perhaps then I would understand. The
inner thoughts of that stubborn old man…”


"I'm sorry for going back on my word, but!"

Evangeline smirked wickedly.

"I want to inherit the title and regain the authority over the territory. As the rightful
heir to the Cross family."


"The resentment and responsibility you're trying to bear… I'll share it with you."

Evangeline confidently pointed at herself.

"I keep saying this, but I'm the top of the academy. I can hold my own in a fight."

Of course. She is the noble SSR grade, after all.

"I'll grow taller in the future. I'll become much cooler."

She will. A few years from now, she will be a gallant knight.

"Above all, I'll become stronger. Both as a knight and as a person."

Yes. After going through her third job advancement and acquiring her ultimate skill,
she, equipped with an upgraded exclusive set of equipment, will indeed become the
strongest tank.

"So, just say one thing."

"What's that?"

"Let's fight together from now on."

Evangeline rose from her seat and stood in front of me.

Despite her diminutive stature, she stood confidently, bearing a remarkable

resemblance to a knight.

"I'll protect this city right beside you."


The most powerful SSR-ranked tank, Evangeline Cross, was asking to join my party

There was no player in the world foolish enough to reject this proposal.

Facing Evangeline, who wore a confident smile, I returned her grin and responded.


"Ha-ha. Alright then, I look forward to… wait, what?"

"I said, no."

Evangeline's eyes widened in surprise.

Her expression revealed she never dreamed of rejection.

I thrust my index finger towards her surprised face and shouted.

"This city is already mine. I can't give it back!"

Seriously, I mean it.

Do you know how hard I worked to secure this place? How could you ask me to give
it up?! Do you think I've gone mad?!
"This city is already mine. Can't give it back!"

I stuck out my tongue at her.

"You think I would just give it back because it's originally yours? As if! To spit out
power as sweet as a candy that's already been in my mouth! What a delusion!"


"This city is already claimed by Prince Ash!"

Evangeline, with an exasperated expression, froze in place, her mouth hanging open.
Her eyes were wide with shock.

A chuckle escaped my lips. Perhaps it was time to tease her a bit.

"But! If you insist. If you insist on asserting your right as a successor."

I lightly tapped Evangeline's forehead with my fingertip.

"Under the condition that you, as a mere knight under my command, cooperate in
defending this frontline."


"When you become an adult, when you're mature enough to take responsibility for
this city. If you keep assisting me diligently until then, and if your feelings don't
change until then!"

I nodded emphatically.

"I'll give back the position of Margrave and the lordship. All of it."

Evangeline, unable to close her agape mouth, suddenly narrowed her eyes.

"Three years."

"Huh? What's in three years?"

"In three years! No, two and a half years, I'll be an adult. Let's see then."

Whether she was heated or happy to have a challenge, Evangeline passionately

spoke to me with a subtly pleased expression.

"I'll earn your recognition! And I'll rightfully inherit both the title and the city."

Looking down at such a knightly girl, I curled one side of my lips into a smile.

"I'll look forward to it, Evangeline Cross."

Anyway, the strategy for this game takes about three years.

What does it matter if I return the city or not after that? I'll just throw a few more
tickets at it.

We continued our staring contest for a moment, but eventually, both of us groaned in
pain from our injuries and sat down on the bench.

After sitting silently for a while, basking in the sun,

"Can I ask you one more thing?"

Evangeline opened her mouth cautiously. I nodded in response.

"What is it?"

"When I was young, my mother told me."

Evangeline's face was distant as she brought up an old memory.

"That she knew living in this city, marrying my father, and giving birth to me would
lead to sorrow and hardship."

"Even knowing this, she chose this path because of 'continuity'."

Evangeline gently shook her small head.

"What does 'continuity' mean? Why did she choose to live in this city, knowing she
would face such an end… for the sake of 'continuity'."


"She said I would understand when I grew up, but even now, I still don't…”

"Is that so?"

I brought my fingertips together and placed them on the brow of the pensive


I flicked her forehead.

With every ounce of sincerity, I poured all my available strength into my fingers.


Evangeline, belting out a monstrous scream, clutched her searing red forehead and

"What, what is it?! Why are you hitting me?! What's going on! Why are you hitting

"What's 'the thing that continues'?"

I lifted my index finger and pointed it straight at Evangeline.

Stupefied, she stared at me and hissed violently.

"Hey, what! You hit me and then quiz me! So what's this 'thing that continues’…huh…”
My finger, pointing at Evangeline, did not waver.


Only then did Evangeline's mouth slowly open as she realized the nature of 'the thing
that continues'.

That's right.

"The 'path' your parents wished to continue, it's right here."

That's you, Evangeline.


Evangeline fell silent, frozen, as I gave her a sly smile and got up from my seat.

"Welcome back to the Monster Front, Evangeline Cross."


"Rest well for now. From now on, you'll be at my mercy."

Evangeline simply sat there, her hand on her forehead, with a blank expression on
her face.

Leaving the child to gather her thoughts, I stepped out into the courtyard.

The sun was shining brightly. The weather was nice.

Looking over the sprouting plants in the courtyard garden, I murmured to myself.

"Spring is finally coming…”



Evangeline still sat in the courtyard pavilion, head bowed low.

‘…I think I understand a bit now.'

Evangeline could faintly grasp her mother's intentions.

Her mother had made a resolute decision.

Despite knowing the pain of losing someone you love. Perhaps knowing that she
might die a horrible death as a result.

Still, she chose to marry and give birth to a daughter. She loved with all her might.

To bridge the gap between people.

To pass on 'the thing that continues' to the next generation.

If there's a single reason humans fight against monsters, maybe that's it.

'Everyone in this city is living with the same resolution.'

Evangeline slowly raised her head and looked around.

Detecting the onset of spring, sprouts were blossoming from the ground frozen over
the winter.

Though the stem might wither and the fruit might die, under the frost the flower will
wilt and the leaves will decay beneath the permafrost.

But spring will come again, and the sprouts will bloom once more from the buried

While everyone will die someday.

The 'thing that continues' is undoubtedly, right here.

'The Cross family didn't just leave death and dust behind.'

Evangeline clenched her fist in front of her chest.

Despite death and dust, in the end, the Cross family left their last heir - Evangeline
Cross, here on this land.
'I think I understand a little, Mom. Dad.'

A faint smile crossed Evangeline's lips.

"I think I understand, just a little."

Because there was something to continue. People lived on this front line.

So, Evangeline will not stop either, she will pave the path behind her.

Because that is what the Cross family has been doing… No.

Because that's what everyone living here has done every day.

Evangeline, who had risen from her seat, left the courtyard, hobbling with the aid of
her crutch.

Her whole body ached from the injuries, but her spirit was utterly invigorated.

It's spring.

Finally, it's spring.




[Leveled-up Characters]

- Ash(EX) Lv.20 (↑5) (First job change available!)

- Lucas(SSR) Lv.35 (↑2) (Second job change available!)

- Evangeline(SSR) Lv.38 (↑2)

- Jupiter(SR) Lv.39 (↑1)

- Lilly(R) Lv.23 (↑2)

- Damien(N) Lv.30 (↑3)

[Injured or Deceased Characters]

- Ash(EX) : Severely Injured

- Evangeline(SSR) : Slightly Injured

- Damien(N) : Severely Injured

[Acquired Items]

- Golem Legion Magic Stone : 110

- Golem Legion Glove Fragment : 182

- Magic Stone Golem Magic Core(SR) : 5

[The stage clear rewards have been given. Please check your inventory.]

- N grade reward box : 3

- SSR grade reward box : 1

>> Get Ready For The Next STAGE

>> [STAGE 4 : World on the Chessboard]


Upon returning to the room, the Stage 3 settlement window appeared before my

"Huh, I'm the stage MVP?"

My eyes widened at the unexpected result.

It must have been because I monopolized the achievements in the orchard. I'm not
even a combatant, but I got the MVP.
"Well, let's look at the other results one by one."

Since I hadn't participated directly in the defense this time, I intended to carefully
review the details.

But then,


A silver spark flickered from my neck, and I felt a sharp pain in it.

As I reflexively clutched my neck, a system window appeared before my eyes.

[??? Necklace - Unlocking function in progress.]

The item that had been marked as '??? Necklace,' which I had received as a tutorial
stage reward.

The exact name of that necklace… was finally being displayed.

[Necklace of the Rebel(EX)]

- Necklace of the 'Player' who rebels against fate.

- You can use the exclusive shop with the achievement points you have accumulated
so far.

In other words, it seems like it allows me to use the special shop with the
achievement points I've accumulated.

"I don't know why it's called the Necklace of the Rebel, though."

The player rebels against fate?

It's the first time I've heard such a thing. I wonder if there's some hidden


After pondering, I set it aside for now and opened the achievement shop. Let's see
what's there first.


As I opened the achievement store, tutorial text flowed out.

[Welcome to the Achievement Points exclusive store!]

[You can purchase various items and abilities that will aid your game with the
achievement points you've gathered.]

[Current Achievement Points: 1,000,000P]

[Add more joy to your gaming strategy by purchasing appropriate perks!]

'Joy, huh… Aren't they just trying to spice things up? I wonder if there's anything
worth using.'

Muttering to myself, an advertisement similar to a supermarket flyer popped up


[※Director's Recommendation!※]

[Dark Event Tracker]

- Detects and notifies you in advance when a dark event will occur in the stage.

- Price: 100,000P

[※Please buy it because it's really recommended by the director!※]


A message that seemed to be desperately written by that guy, Aider, was visible. Did
he consider this item particularly necessary…?

'A dark event detector?'

But, what's a dark event? I've never heard of it before.

I touched the item for more detailed information about the perk.

[Dark Event]

- Occurs when ???'s ?? intervenes in the game.

- A random event occurs on the stage, adversely affecting the player's strategy.

I opened my eyes wide.

'Could it be?'

Though the points were considerably expensive, without hesitation, I immediately

purchased the Dark Event Tracker.


The necklace flashed once, and the tracker function was instantly added to the

When I opened the system window and expanded the Dark Event logs,

"Holy shit…”

Just as I suspected.

Every single stage thus far had activated a dark event.

Stage 1 designated a horde of the worst starting monsters, Living Armor.

Stage 2 involved the intrusion of hostile NPCs.

Stage 3 saw the monsters behaving oddly. Precise, a feint alongside a swift attack.

The worst parts of the stages so far had been due to these dark events.

'Now it's certain.'

I had thought that the game had suddenly gone insane and the difficulty had spiked,
but that wasn't it.
'None of this is a coincidence. Someone is deliberately trying to ruin this game.'

The malice I felt was not a misunderstanding.

But why?

'Why would they go to such lengths to ruin this game? Why?'

I glared into the empty void.

Whose malice is it that's disrupting my strategy…

Who on earth could it be?

From Crossroad, situated at the world's farthest south, to the distant north.

The central part of the continent. Here, one could say, lies the heart of the world.

The capital of the Everblack Empire - 'New Terra' boasts its colossal magnificence.

This city, embracing a vast harbor reaching the inner sea of the continent, is the
global hub for trade and logistics. People pour in relentlessly, indifferent to the day-
night cycle.

The ever-expanding size of the city has already matched the territory of a small

In the heart of this most prosperous and colossal city, a corner of the imperial palace,
also known as the Thornbush Castle due to its row of black spires.

Inside the office located in the tallest tower on the west, a man was reviewing


Gleaming in his tantalizingly bound black hair was a faint red aura, and inside the
frameless glasses perched on his nose, intellectual red eyes sparkled.

He is the second son of the Emperor and the de facto leader of the Everblack Empire,
entrusted with administering the empire's affairs.

Fernandez 'Ember Keeper' Everblack.

His desk was piled high with various documents.

Reports awaiting his seal were ceaselessly pouring in from every territory of the

As he was engrossed in scrutinizing the mountain of pressing issues, an aide

approached from behind.

"Your Majesty."

"What is it?"

Fernandez, without turning around, inquired. The aide carefully began.

"Your younger sibling has requested reinforcements again."


"Yes. They say the monster invasion on the southern front is intensifying daily, and
immediate reinforcement is needed."

Fernandez, who was rubbing his weary brow after removing his glasses, asked.

"How many times has a request for reinforcements been made now?"

"This is the third time."


Fernandez seemed lost in thought for a moment but eventually shook his head.

"Dismiss it."

"But, Your Majesty, the situation on the southern front really doesn't seem ordinary."

The aide unfurled another paper in his hand and read it.

"According to our spy's report, the level of the monster invasion is unprecedented in
recent decades, and it's getting worse…”

"I said dismiss it."

But Fernandez was unmoved.

"We're currently concluding the war with the Bringar Duchy on the western front.
We have no troops to spare for something like the southern front."
"Although that's true…”

"The subjugation of the Duchy is our priority. If a real problem arises in the southern
front, we can still handle it later."

Immediately after, Fernandez grumbled quietly.

"That Ash, always whining. Well, he always has been…”


"Nothing. Instead, what's the situation on the Bringar Duchy front?"

"Currently, our First Army is directly attacking the Duchy's capital. We expect to
receive news of its fall within this week."

After a moment's hesitation, Fernandez cautiously added a question.

“…and my elder brother?"

"He's at the forefront."

"No matter how many times I tell him to break that habit…”

The Empire of Everblack's First Prince, Lark 'Avalanche' Everblack.

As the commander-in-chief who holds the military power of the empire, all the
knights and soldiers under the empire follow his orders.

Lark, a born fighter and the First Prince, enjoyed leading the front lines himself.

The same was true in this war, which Fernandez did not appreciate.

Regardless of how powerful one's own force is, he is the eldest prince after all.

The role of the commander isn't at the forefront but at the command center.

'Both my brother and sister only give me heartburn… '

Quietly biting his lips, Fernandez asked his deputy one last question.
"I'm just curious, what about my Father?"

"He's still in seclusion."

“…I see."

The sole emperor of the Empire had been seclusion in for several years.

Being holed up in the deepest part of the imperial palace, he would occasionally
issue letters in person or call people to his inner palace to quietly give orders.

Hence, the First Prince handled external affairs, and the Second Prince took care of
the internal ones.

As this situation continued, nasty rumors even started circulating that the Emperor
had fallen ill.

This war with the Bringar Duchy was undoubtedly influenced by the Emperor's


Having thought about his father for a moment, Fernandez waved his hand.

"I understand. You may go now."

"Ah, your majesty, there's one more thing that requires your approval."

The deputy took out another paper from his pocket and handed it to Fernandez.
Fernandez indifferently took it and read it.

"Execution order?"

"Yes. It's about the execution of the treason prisoners in the underground dungeon.
Do you approve?"

"Of course, I approve. These people all committed treason against the Empire, didn't

The criminals had committed the act of rebellion half a year ago.
Of course, it was rarer for prisoners detained in the underground dungeon to be
arrested for charges other than treason.

'How can there be a charge better than rebellion to make my blood boil.'

As Fernandez was about to immediately sign his approval of the execution, his hand
suddenly stopped.



"Didn't you say earlier that Ash requested reinforcements?"

"Yes, I did…”

"Send them."

"Ah, you mean the reinforcements?"



Fernandez tore the execution approval letter he held in his hand in half.

"Send these condemned criminals to the Monster Frontline."

“…Excuse me?"

"Ash needs meat shields too, doesn't he? Whether they die by execution or are torn
apart by monsters, I think it will be much the same."

The shocked deputy objected immediately.

"But, Your Majesty! These aren't just ordinary criminals. They plotted a rebellion and
caused severe damage to the Empire!"

"We don't know what they might stir up if we send them to the south…”

"Ash will handle it."

Fernandez was unfazed.

"Ash is probably desperate for troops. He'll take what he can get, whether it's fresh or


"I will write the order under my authority as the Grand Vizier. The execution of these
five criminals will take place on the southern front, and Prince Ash will be
responsible for its execution…”

Fernandez, who had written on a new piece of paper with his flowing handwriting,
smiled with satisfaction.

"Sending troops because my brother is struggling. I really am a kind and good older

Fernandez turned his head to the south. Through the wide window of the tower, the
sun in the southern sky was pouring out blinding light.

Towards his younger brother, who was incredibly far away, Fernandez whispered

"You think the same, don't you, Ash?"


My ears are itchy.

“…Is someone talking shit about me?"

I vigorously scratched the inside of my ear with my pinky. Why is it so itchy all of a

'Well, being cursed is part of my job.'

I am the lord of this place, Crossroad.

The ultimate responsible person.

It's natural that someone curses me when a problem arises. Itching ears? I should
just shrug it off.

'Anyway… '

I looked at the vase in my hand with concern.

'Is this okay as a consolation gift?'

The place I arrived at is a temple.

It was a building used by severely injured people even in this facility, which heals
those who are hurt.

Standing in front of the door of the white corridor, I swallowed dry saliva.

Visiting someone's sickbed is not something you get used to, no matter how many
times you do it.

Squeak -

I braced myself and opened the door to enter.

It was a private room. I had specially requested the temple to leave this patient

"Who is it?"

The boy sitting on the bed let out a tiny voice.

Looking at the patient with his eyes tightly wrapped in bandages, my heart felt

I put the vase on the table in the middle of the ward and spoke.

"It's me. Damien."

"Ah, Prince?"

The patient was none other than Damien.

"How are you feeling?"

I moved to the side of the bed and sat on the chair. Damien scratched the back of his
head, looking awkward.

His brown curly hair was a tangled mess.

"It's not a major injury. There was no need for you to come… I know you're busy."

"Don't talk like that. You got hurt because of me."

Even though I was speaking in a light tone, my heart was heavy.

In the last defensive battle, at my request, Damien performed a long-distance sniper


Immediately afterward, he was reportedly unable to see, bleeding from both eyes.

It seems that the excessive use of [Far-Sight] had eaten into his physical durability.

I thought it was a temporary symptom, but even after a day, his vision did not
recover. Even after receiving healing from the High Priest, it was to no avail, so he
ended up being admitted to the ICU.

"Because of you, my lord? No!"

At my words, Damien, taken aback, hurriedly waved his hands.

"I acted recklessly on my own. You are not to blame, my lord!"

"You fool."

I tousled Damien's hair roughly.

Being unable to see, Damien could only let out cries of protest, like 'Ugh!' and 'Stop
As I removed my hand, Damien offered a weak smile.

"My vision should return after a few days of rest. You don't need to worry."


How could I not worry?

You are my cheat code, my lighthouse guiding me through this game of horrifying

'No, not just because you're a cheat character.'

You trust and follow me, you sincerely try to help me.

Aren't you a remarkable subordinate? I've pushed you to the point of injury.

Feeling guilt, I heavily opened my mouth.

"From now on, don't overexert yourself."


"Well, of course, I'll still make use of you, but I won't make you work to such an
extent. I promise!"

I extended my pinky finger as I spoke.

However, Damien softly shook his head.

"I am your trigger, my lord. As long as I can, please use me however you need."


"If killing monsters helps us eventually vanquish them forever…”

Damien lifted his hand and pressed hard against the bandage wrapped over his eyes.

"Even if both my eyes burn out, I am more than willing to pull the trigger."

"So, please, use me until I am worn out and broken. My lord."

Damien still had a faint smile on his face.

"Because that's why I'm on this battlefield."

I couldn't bring myself to say that I wouldn't.

As long as he has [Far-Sight], Damien will always be used to his limit.

As I watched this loyal and pitiful boy, I slowly opened my mouth.



"Do you remember the promise I first made to you?"

Damien tilted his head.

"Promise…? What was it?"

"That someday, I would die to you."


Damien closed his mouth. I continued.

"You said you hated me for causing the death of your friend… So I said, I would die to
you someday, but I asked you to help me just once."

It was back during the tutorial stage.

At that time, Damien had lost a friend and completely lost the will to live.

To get Damien up on his feet, I even used his hatred toward me as fuel.

What about Damien now?

"Do you still hate me? For causing your friend's death?"

Is that hatred still valid?


Damien didn't answer, instead lowering his head slowly.

It was a long while before an answer spilled from the boy's dry lips.


Damien, hesitating, cautiously spoke.

"I haven't thought about it since. That promise with you, Your Highness."


"When all the monsters are defeated and peace comes to these frontlines, Your
Highness, ask me again then."

Damien looked up at me with a face I couldn't tell was smiling or crying.

"I'll answer then. Whether I still… hate you."

"That day will surely come, Damien."

Three more years.

Whatever form it takes, a conclusion will come after walking the entire path to the

"And no matter what your answer is then, I will gladly accept it."

I reached out and covered the bandaged eye of Damien. He remained motionless.

Loyalty and hatred. Grace and resentment.

The player and the cheat character.

It didn't matter what kind of relationship we had. I wished for this little boy, who
helped me, to be happy someday.

No matter what ending we met, I could only wish for that to happen…

The stage ended and a day had passed into the night.

I returned to my room completely exhausted.

"Oh, my poor body, oh…”

I was already nursing a ruined left arm, my whole body creaked from harsh battles.

But I couldn't afford to rest completely. I had to know the exact result of the defense I
didn't attend.

The real outcome, something I couldn't know from the system calculation window

So, I went to look around everything, from the city walls to the artifact storage, all
sorts of production facilities, and the soldiers at the shrine, and only now had

"I'm so tired… I could die…”

A victory feast was to be held tonight, but I was in no condition to attend, so I just
gave a congratulatory speech and came back.

Even without me, the others would entertain the soldiers well. Like Jupiter, Jupiter,

'I trust you, Jupiter.'

She was a sure talent when it came to alcohol, smoking, gambling, and wasteful
spending. You go ahead and liven up the atmosphere and play well with the soldiers.


Sitting on the bed, I was instantly overwhelmed by fatigue.

I wanted to fall asleep immediately, but I couldn't postpone the tasks for today. I
opened the system window.
First, class change.

In the last battle, two of the main party characters reached the level required for
class change.

I reached level 20, making the first class change possible, and Lucas reached level 35,
making the second class change possible.

First, Lucas.

I opened Lucas's stat window. Let's look at the abilities of our cute SSR protagonist,
let's see~

[Lucas (SSR)]

- Level: 35

- Title: The Prince's Bodyguard/Hero

- Profession: Veteran Knight

- Strength 35, Agility 35, Intelligence 15, Stamina 35, Magic Power 20

"These stats are insane…”

His Strength, Agility, and Stamina are all maxed out. If he was born on Earth, he
would have probably won several Olympic gold medals. I don't know in what event,

Lucas had already completed his second advancement and had been promoted to a
Veteran Knight. That meant his second skill should be unlocked as well.

I opened Lucas's skill window. Let's check out the second skill!

- Held Abilities

> Passive: Man of Steel

> Ability 1: Soul Strike

> Ability 2: Step of Persistence

> Ultimate: ??? (Opens after the third job advancement)

Lucas's second skill, the 'Step of Persistence', had been unlocked.

It was a skill that granted wings to the SSR-ranked cheat character, Lucas. Simply put,
it was a high-speed movement ability.

Once used, it allowed the user to leap approximately 10 meters in a single bound,
providing absurd mobility.

However, a target was necessary. You couldn't just leap into thin air.

Whether it was an enemy, an ally, an object, anything, there had to be something to

set as a target to charge towards.

Though this restriction existed, the reason this skill was considered overpowered
was… it had no cooldown.

In the game, it could be used every turn.

Of course, it consumed a massive amount of MP, but if you wished, you could wreak
havoc on the enemy lines alone, playing hit-and-run.

The reason Lucas was considered the cornerstone and the complete form among all
damage-tank characters in the game was simple.

His skill set was powerful, simple, and adaptable to every situation.

Tank with the passive.

Attack with Skill 1.

Move with Skill 2.

'Once he learns his ultimate and finishes obtaining his exclusive equipment and
specialized build… Lucas will truly become a god of the battlefield.'

Of course, the journey to level 50 was long and fraught with challenges.
Obtaining the exclusive equipment and specialized build was also far from easy.

But once you've made it, the reward is worth it. Our protagonist, Lucas…

'Let's keep up the effort a little more.'

Imagining Lucas's grandeur, I closed his status window with a faint smile on my lips.

Next up, it was me, Ash.

From the unprecedented trash start at level 1, I had finally reached level 20 after a
long and arduous journey…!

Thinking back on all the hardships, I felt a pang in my heart. Sob.

'The happiness starts after hardship, Ash! Now, you'll start unlocking overpowered
skills befitting a hidden class!'

I didn't stop the burning circuit of happiness.

I mean, it's a hidden class! The 'Commander' class that no one had ever had!

Shouldn't there be one or two cheat skills that would scare the balance and make it
run away!

I opened my stat window.

[Ash (EX)]

- Level: 20

- Title: Lord of Crossroad / The Crazy Third Prince

- Profession: Intermediate Commander

- Strength 6, Agility 9, Intelligence 20, Stamina 8, Magic Power 12

Considering all the effort, the stats were surprisingly decent, especially intelligence.

Even with the unique 50% reduction on growth debuff of the Commander class,
these stats could be considered quite good.

'Enough with the stats, the skill! The second skill!'

I hastily opened the skill window, shouting with all my might.

"Did you just get a cheat skill?!"

- Owned Skills

> Passive: Unyielding Commander

> Skill 1: Gaze of Command

> Skill 2: ??? (Unlocked after 2nd Job Change)

> Ultimate: ??? (Unlocked after 3rd Job Change)

I furrowed my brow.

A new skill name had appeared. But what was this? Gaze of Command…?

I hurriedly opened its detailed description.

[Gaze of Command (魔眼)]

- Controls the consciousness of anyone who makes eye contact, forcing them to be

- The lower the target's Magic Power stat, the higher the success rate of the skill and
the longer its duration.

※ The passive skill [Unyielding Commander] has no effect on allies it is already

applied to.


Essentially, it was a skill that sprayed mind control magic widely.

Although its effect was weaker than persistent mind control magic that could last
throughout a stage once applied.

Nonetheless, it meant that I could freely control the movements of monsters just by
making eye contact with them.

'I'll have to test how much MP it consumes, but this seems surprisingly sweet.'

Frankly, I was hoping for an explosive active skill…

You know what I mean. Since I'm a commander, I expected something big like
summoning dozens of cannons for a volley of fire.

Or summoning hundreds of sand soldiers to control. I had anticipated something


Well, I still have my 2nd skill and ultimate left. I should pray for an explosive skill to
come then.

'Did they give me this passive skill because of this 1st skill?'

I took another look at my passive skill [Unyielding Commander].

[Unyielding Commander] prevents mental status abnormalities in nearby allies.

It seemed to block any malfunction of my 1st skill. There was no need to apply my
1st skill to my subordinates who follow my orders anyway.

'Anyway, it's a skill with infinite potential.'

All kinds of uses for it sprang to mind in an instant.

Even though it's temporary and there's a chance of failure, it's still a mind control

Its versatility is virtually limitless as long as my creativity can back it up.

'I'll test it in real combat soon.'

It seems like I'll need to encounter an enemy to test it. I closed the status window.

I took out four boxes from my inventory.

Three of them were gray.

And one shone with a brilliant gold!

A rare SSR-grade reward box. I received it as a reward for clearing the last stage.

'By the Almighty God, an SSR-grade box!'

I looked down at the golden box in my hand and swallowed hard.

It's that rare box. The one that's difficult to acquire even ten times from start to end
of a round. And it appeared on the 3rd stage.

'I hope I get a weapon I can use.'

I looked down at my cast-clad left arm.

During the last battle, while I was swinging my lucky roulette weapon 'Lucky Strike',
it fumbled, and my left arm got shattered.

"Even after the healing, it will impossible to wield it as before… Rather than relying
on luck, I need a weapon that's reliable, practical, and with minimal variables."

I'd love to just sit back and give orders, but reality isn't so kind.

Moreover, now that I've confirmed the existence of the 'Dark Event' designed to
screw over my game strategy, the difficulty of the game is bound to fluctuate in the

This means I'll constantly be involved in direct combat.

'Like the last battle, I might be able to fire magic guns.'

Last time, I made good use of the SSR-grade magic gun, Black Queen.

But that was merely a makeshift solution.

'Even a single magic gun would be better off in Damien's hands. Especially a cheat
weapon like the Black Queen.'

There's already a rightful person who can bring out 200 percent of the magic gun's

Using a weapon that can one-shot key enemy units from a long distance like a
shotgun is as foolish as putting a pearl necklace on a pig.

I need to find a weapon that suits me.

'It might be wishful thinking to hope that it'll be here.'

But since I already have an SSR-grade reward box in my hand, I might as well stack
one more greed! Right?!

First, I opened three N-grade boxes. I'm not expecting much, but who knows, maybe
I'll get something amazing?!


- Superior Stamina Potion

- Superior Magic Power Potion

- Flame Enchant Scroll

"Hmm~ nothing special~"

All three are consumables. Well, potions are always useful, and the enchant scroll has
a good effect.

'Come to think of it, I still have an Ice Enchant Scroll I received as a reward before. I
haven't used it yet.'

I've been saving it for when I face an enemy vulnerable to ice. Anyway, let's keep
them all.

Now, the main event!

Holding the golden box in my hand, I took a deep breath. Phew…


"Dear Loot God! Please give me a perfect weapon just for me!"

I shouted and opened the golden box in one fell swoop.


A dazzling golden light scattered all around.

The golden light eventually converged into one, forming the shape of a single item.

Holding that item in my hand, I opened my mouth slightly.

"This is…?!"
An item from an SSR grade reward box.

It was… a short staff.

Too short to be a regular magical staff, almost as if… a miniature baton wielded by an
orchestra conductor.

'Could it be?'

I cautiously held the staff in my hand, examining its stats.

[Maestro(SSR) Lv.35]

- Category: Staff

- Attack Power: 35-50

- Durability: 10/10

- Create and control blades of magic power in thin air. The attack power of the blades
equals that of the staff. The number of blades increases with the amount of MP used.

- Direct attacks with this staff inflict fixed damage of 1% of the target's current HP,
and randomly apply a buff.

《"Start the performance!" - Some cruel conductor》

“It’s the real ‘Maestro’…!”

Whirling the staff in my hand, I whistled in awe.

SSR grade exclusive weapons came with all sorts of unique stats and performances,
and among them, this staff had quite peculiar abilities.

The base ability was the creation of magic blades. It generated multiple magic blades
in thin air and allowed me to throw them at will.

There was also an unstated feature - the attribute of the generated magic blades
differed from character to character.

If Lilly used this staff, she would produce blades of flame, and if Jupiter used it, she
would conjure blades of lightning.

Since I had no magic attribute, my blades would be attribute-less.

Regardless, as long as I had enough MP, it was a great staff that enabled potent mid-
range attacks.

Even though I wasn't a magician, I could fight as if I were.

'But the most unique aspect of this weapon is the buff applied through attacks.'

When you hit directly with the staff, it not only inflicted fixed damage but also
granted a fairly high-performance buff.

In the game, when it was the turn of the character equipped with this, they’d take a
swing at their allies.

Sure, 1% of current HP did sting a bit, but the returned buff was much more

‘…Wait, so do I now have to hit my party members with this?'

An image momentarily flashed in my mind.

A scene where I am smacking each of my party members with the small staff in my

'In the game, there were no repercussions for hitting an ally. But this is very much

There would be definite backlash if I suddenly started hitting the kids with a staff. It
could even ruin the trust I had built with them.

'How can I convince them and still hit them with the staff…?'
I stared down at the short staff in my hand, immersed in deep thought.

'Spank them when they've done wrong? Hit their palms? Make them prostrate
themselves?… No, can I really do that?'

Corporal punishment was out of the question due to our relationship, so spanking as
a punishment wasn't an option either.

'What could be a way to hit them with the staff that everyone would agree with?'

…And so, a strange night of pondering went by.


The next day. Morning.

[Stage 4]

- Time until the start: 10 days

With just ten days left before the next stage started, I made my way into town. The
first order of business was to find the heads of the stonecutters and the carpenters'

“Ah, the Margrave!”

“Has the Margrave arrived?”

The two men, who had been working together at a joint workshop, politely bowed as
they saw me. I approached them, made quick pleasantries, and cut straight to the

“We are to begin restoring the frontline base.”


“The frontline base… you say?”

A hint of tension washed over the faces of the two guildmasters. I nodded solemnly.
The Frontline Base.

It was the wooden fort built right in front of the southern Black Lake, the very place
where we fought the black spiders in the tutorial stage. The damage from that stage
was so severe that it was currently left abandoned.

But now, it was time to start the renovation work.

“I don’t need to tell you both how vital the frontline base is.”

The two guildmasters nodded silently.

It was a defensive line built right in front of the lake from where monsters crawled
out. If we could properly manage this frontline base, it would significantly reduce the
number of monsters invading the city of Crossroad. It could potentially thwart any
pincer movements the monstrous horde might plan as well. The problem, as always,
was the maintenance.

It would bear the brunt of the first wave of the enemy, right at the front line. If it
were to fall, all the stationed troops would likely perish.

“The monster invasions are becoming increasingly aggressive. Not just operating the
frontline base, but even the restoration work poses a substantial risk,” I said, looking
intently at the tense faces of the two guildmasters.

“However, for future monster frontline defenses, it is an essential task that we must


“We understand.”

“The frontline base is far. Moreover, work can only be conducted between defense
battles, which means this will be a long-term project. Start the restoration slowly but

I pointed to the piles of timber and stone stacked next to the workshop.

“First, we need to secure and transport the materials. I will, of course, provide the
necessary expenses for the materials and labor. You both need to identify what’s
required for the restoration and submit the approvals to me.”

“Yes, my lord!”

“We will faithfully fulfill your trust.”

“This is a task for all of humanity. I count on you.”

I completed the payment for the restoration work right then and there.

After all, whether it's machinery or human, a little lubricant helps get things moving.


Next, I headed to the smithy.

It was bustling with activity since morning. The moment I entered, the blacksmith
guildmaster rushed over.

“Welcome, my lord! Are you here to check on the cannon mold we're casting?”

“No, there's no rush on that.”

The Black Queen was already completed a few days ago. I had no intention of rushing
the remaining three pieces.

"I came today because of the equipment disassembly."

I gestured to Lucas, standing behind me. Lucas piled equipment onto the workbench.

It was a collection of damaged equipment from before.

An SSR-grade cavalry spear and shield of Evangeline that I had smashed… by


And also, an SSR-grade cavalry spear and shield of Evangeline's from the last battle
that got ruined.

Together, four pieces of SSR-grade equipment were damaged.

It was fortunate that no one had died, but with the loss of such high-grade items, it
felt like a boiling stew in my gut.

Especially since two of them were broken due to my mistake!

"Could you extract magic cores from this equipment?"

Equipment disassembly involved melting the item to salvage the material


For intact equipment, there was about a 50 percent chance of recovering a magic
core of the same grade. The problem was with damaged equipment.

Depending on the degree of damage, the probability of recovering a magic core

sharply declined.

If lucky, one could recover the magic core completely, but usually, one only got little
bits of other materials that went into making the equipment.

'Give me back the magic cores, please! Please!'

While I was pleading internally, I stood solemnly on the outside, befitting a lord.

The head of the blacksmith guild nodded with a grave face.

"I will do my best, Your Highness."

"I'll be waiting for the results."

After watching the damaged equipment enter a large furnace, I left the blacksmith's

Melting down the equipment and salvaging the materials would take a day or two.

'I hope to salvage at least one magic core… '

I boarded the carriage parked at the entrance of the blacksmith's workshop, praying.

The last workshop I needed to visit was the Alchemist's workshop.


"We've been researching the golem's glove fragments you left with us last time."

The Alchemist's workshop.

The guild master who had led me inside pointed to the interior of the workshop.

The alchemists were analyzing the golem glove fragments I had partially recovered
during the last free exploration, and a large quantity obtained from this stage.

"There's magic civilization technology from hundreds of years ago embedded in it.
Once the analysis is finished, it will help increase the durability of our armor and

In this way, upgrading on our side is possible through research, in the case of certain
monster legions.

Golem glove fragments, in general, increase the tier of armor. It should be helpful.

"I also came today for the aqua artifacts."

I instructed while looking alternately at the guild master and Lilly.

"We need to reinforce the anti-air artifacts. Do we have any in stock?"

"Do you mean anti-air… to intercept enemies in the air?"

"That's right."

In 'Protect the Empire,' there are several laws regarding the appearance of monster

One of them is that a flying monster appears at least once within every five stages.

For instance, at least once among stages 1~5, and at least once among stages 6~10.
And so on.

"'One has to confront a flying monster at either Stage 4 or 5.'

If it appeared at Stage 4, then it was best to start preparing now.

If it appeared at Stage 5, things would become a bit more complicated.

Stages that are multiples of 5 functioned as boss stages, where the quantity and
quality of the monster hordes were vastly superior.

If a flying monster showed up then, you had to be prepared anyway.

So, the aim was to begin stocking up on anti-air artifacts from now on.

“Sort out a list of all repairable artifacts that have anti-air capabilities.”

“Understood, Your Highness!”

The Alchemist Guildmaster and Lilly darted off towards the warehouse.

As the two of them were busy rummaging through the warehouse, I fell deep into

'Fighting against flying monsters is quite different from conventional defenses.'

Land obstacles or barricades became meaningless, and the height of the walls also
lost their effectiveness.

Even long-range sniping could not proceed smoothly.

In such circumstances, monsters rapidly approached from the sky and forced a
melee battle.

In other words, a close-quarters combat was inevitable.

'The usual tactic of thinning the enemy ranks with long-range firepower is useless.
We need to construct a solid and stable melee line.'

Thinking about the melee line gave me a headache, so I held my forehead.

I always said it, but we lacked manpower!

'If only we had one more decent sub-party…!'

It's not that I haven't recruited any additional characters.

However, they were all N grade, without any outstanding characteristics and at low

They could be useful if nurtured, but they would never carry the same weight as the
main party.

'Why are there so few useful ones?!'

The main party consisted of two SSR grade vanguards, an SR grade area mage, and a
cheat sniper, a luxurious composition.

Starting from the sub-party, the talent pool had completely dried up. Even though
Stage 4 was soon approaching, we were in a hurry.

'We need to recruit some good ones quickly… '

That's when Lilly and the Alchemist Guildmaster returned to me.

"Here's the list of repairable anti-air artifacts!"

"Let's see."

I took the list and scanned through it.

"Hmm, good. This one, this one, and this last one… three. Prioritize their repair and
position them on the walls."

"Understood! I'll get to the repairs right away!"

As soon as I gave the order, Lilly disappeared into the workshop with the list.

Hey, you don't have to worry that much, I won't take you to dangerous places

Accepting the polite bow of the Alchemist Guildmaster, I exited the Alchemist

Beside me, who was taking a deep breath and loosening my collar, Lucas grinned.

"You've worked hard, my lord."

"Nah. I just walked around giving orders."

I grabbed the water bottle Lucas handed me and took a gulp. Lucas stretched his
hand toward the carriage.

"Is your duty done? Let's return to the mansion. You still need more rest."

"Anyone would think I was at death's door, huh."

You're the one playing the delicate flower, not me.

I handed the water bottle back to Lucas and nodded toward the city's interior.

"We need to go one more place."

"Haven't we already visited all the workshop facilities?"

"We have seen all the workshops. But there's another place I need to check."

I offered a slight smile.

"I'm going to construct a new facility in the city. Today, I'll meet the people who'll be
working there, and find a suitable location."

"What kind of facility? A new defensive installation? Or perhaps, a knight's training

facility for your exclusive legion?"

"No, it's not related to defense."

Opening the system window and pulling up the city's entire map, I searched for a
suitable location with my eyes.

"I'm going to build a casino."

With a tone that suggested he couldn't understand, Lucas responded a beat later.

I repeated myself.

"A casino, Lucas. A casino. A place where nobles and tycoons can legally gamble."


"Specifically, I'm thinking of erecting a hotel with an attached casino. I wonder what
would be a good location…”

Watching me with a stern face, Lucas gradually softened into a warm smile. What's
with him? Why is he looking at me like that?

"As expected, you are truly unique, my lord."

"Huh? Why?"

"You can't get rid of your reckless tendencies, can't forget the taste of gambling, and
now you're thinking of building a casino in this backwater town… I, Lucas, can only
admire your consistency."

"I'm going to hit you, you bastard!"

I almost hit Lucas with the magic wand I recently acquired. I should apply a buff to
make it sting more, the cheek of him!

"That's not it, Lucas! Listen carefully! This is not for my amusement!"

I raised my index finger and declared earnestly.

"I plan to lure other hero characters with it!"

<Protect the Empire> also has the characteristics of a city management game.

Primarily, it involves governing the city known as Crossroad.

Over a period of three years, players need to develop the city in their own unique

As the city grows, so does its revenue. People flock to the city, and a positive cycle is

There are various methods to do this.

One could focus on agriculture and clear large tracts of land, or revitalize the city's
original specialty of magic stone processing to create an industrial city.

Despite the challenging location, one could grow it into a commercial city. A mix of
various factors is also possible.

In other words, it's up to the taste of the player.

During the course of playing this game and resetting it 742 times, I generally
managed the city with a focus on industry.

It was the most standard route, and by the endgame, it was the city development
build that could pull in the most money.

It was the same this time around. I intended to go with the industrial specialization
build I was very familiar with and had fully mastered.

But, a problem arose.

The issue was obtaining heroes.

Right now, the fact that heroes are not being recruited, makes the situation bad.
Moreover, there's no guarantee that this situation will be resolved later on.
While I was worrying about what to do, a city development build that I normally
wouldn't have considered occurred to me.

Specifically, a tourism specialization build.

The tourism specialization build involves constructing various facilities in the city to
attract tourists, earning money through the tourism industry, and developing the

However, it was a type of entertainment build that hardly any player in the game
would attempt.

For good reason, since Crossroad is a remote village situated in the farthest southern
part of the continent.

Additionally, it's a high-risk conflict area where monsters can invade at any moment.

Unless one ventures out on a simple boat, there are practically no tourists visiting for
sightseeing purposes.

Even if you build expensive tourist facilities, there is insufficient influx of tourists.

Given this, I never considered the tourism build in all 742 attempts.

Only in the late stages of the game, I was forced to grudgingly build high-end
facilities related to tourism tech to lure high-level heroes who would only appear if
such facilities existed.

'That's exactly the point.'

That's the part I noticed.

Attracting high-level heroes.

'Tourist facilities are expensive and not particularly effective from an industrial point
of view… but they significantly increase the chances of specific heroes appearing!'

Therefore, normally, they would only be constructed in the extreme endgame. But
here's the reverse thought.
What if tourist facilities were built in the extreme early game?

'The appearance conditions are met. Then, someone will inevitably be caught!'

Furthermore, the heroes attracted by the tourist facilities are mostly high-level.

They would be helpful in forming a quality squad.

'Of course, investing in tourism from the early game is inefficient.'

First of all, the cost of tourist facilities is not only higher than other facilities, but they
do not have any connection to the city's other essential industries. If you're planning
an optimized city development build, this is an absurd plan.

However, in this round,

"I have a lot of money."

My finances were abundant.

I still haven't spent all the money I made from selling gems in the tutorial stage. I've
been pouring vast amounts of money into operating the city, and there's still a
considerable amount left over.

I'm going to use this money to build tourist facilities. Facilities that meet the
minimum hero attraction condition.

After much consideration, I decided to build a hotel. A luxury hotel with a casino
facility inside.

In Korea, the perception of a casino might be quite gloomy, filled with gambling-
addicted customers. But in other countries, there are quite a few casinos that are
decent and exquisite social places.

The hotel I want to build is in this direction.

"Now, Lucas."

To Lucas, who was still looking at me with a subtle gaze from the stone bench, I,
stuck in the carriage seat, gave a smirk.
"I'll explain my plan. Listen carefully."

I explained the 'High-grade Hero Attraction Plan,' but Lucas still had an unconvinced

"So you're saying that by building a hotel with a casino in this remote country village,
extraordinary heroes will gather?"

"That's what I'm saying. There are really such freaks."

That's why I set up this huge money-spending plan.

“…Lord, if you need a real talent, why not establish a knight training academy?"

Lucas opened his mouth while driving the carriage in the direction I directed.

"I believe that talents you raise from the start will be superior in quality compared to
the scoundrels attracted by entertainment."

"That would be the right choice if we consider the long term."

But the time given to me is only three years.

It will take at least ten years to build a knight training academy, find talent, and finish
nurturing them. That would be too late.

"What I need are ready-made warriors who can be deployed immediately."


"There's not enough time… time…”

After remaining silent for a moment, Lucas slowly muttered.

"If it really can't be helped, I will do it all."


"I'll take on the role of the other heroes. Lord, I alone am enough."

"Just give me any command."

I let out a chuckle.

"Haha, you're making a strong statement. But we need to be realistic."


"We're at war, aren't we? There's a lot one can't do alone. We need more troops."

Of course, Lucas is of the SSR grade. He's the most dignified protagonist. But there's a
clear limit to what he can do alone.

It's essential to augment our forces with quality troops. By any means necessary…

Lucas drove the carriage without uttering another word. I sunk into the seat, lost in


Downtown Crossroad.

In this provincial part of town was the only inn in the city, the busiest place around.

The inn, named 'Etti's Honey,' had been operating for over a century by four

Although small, it was famous for the innkeeper's warm hospitality and delicious

"The taste is indeed acceptable."

It wasn't breakfast time, but the surprised innkeeper served me a meal and coffee as
I barged in.

I did not refuse and quietly accepted the food. I was famished from wandering
around, and it's not in my nature to reject offered goods.
As I pushed the clean, empty plate away, the innkeeper smiled broadly.

"I'm relieved, no, I'm honored that it suited your taste, my lord!"

The innkeeper was a middle-aged woman in her fifties.

Her chubby smile alone made her seem like a person with abundant kindness.

"I was worried whether it would suit the taste of the royal family, so I'm relieved that
you ate well!"

"It's all thanks to your good cooking skills."

It might not have suited the tastes of Ash, the prince, but I was an average civilian in

I prefer these rustic dishes.


I wiped my mouth roughly with the napkin and added,

"I think you should pay more attention to hygiene."


"Starting with this napkin."

I shook the napkin for her to see.

"It seems to have been used for quite some time. No matter how clean you wash it
every time. If you don't replace it frequently, these stains remain, right?"

The napkin was clean, but it bore the signs of long use.

To the flustered innkeeper, I deliberately used a more critical tone.

"Both the tableware and the tableware box are quite old. Are you cleaning them
thoroughly every day? Especially the tableware box, there's quite a bit of
contamination left."
"But, um…”


I brushed the window sill with my finger. A faint trail of dust came off.

"When was the last time you washed the tablecloth? Do you clean the inn every few

"Well, that's…!"

"I also want to check the import ledger. And the guest list. This place is technically
the front line of the Empire. You're obligated to record all out-of-town guest names
without fail. Have you been doing that?"

At my sudden interrogation, the innkeeper couldn't gather her thoughts.

I clicked my tongue in disappointment.

"It seems the monopoly on honey made things too sweet, huh? Even with average
management, customers had no choice but to stay here."


The innkeeper, who had been gaping, attempted to excuse herself.

"We, we strive to welcome our guests in a family-like atmosphere, to make them


"Does a family-like atmosphere mean unsanitary and unprofessional management?"

I blew the dust off my finger. The innkeeper's face had turned pale.

"Anyway, I came here today to discuss something."

I sat cross-legged, resting my chin in my hand adorned with a ring, turning my head
slowly to the side.

"I intend to build a national hotel in this city."


"A grand, magnificent one at that. It will not only accommodate ordinary tourists, but
also be able to host guests of the royal family."

A smug grin tugged at the corner of my lips as I gestured with my eyes.

"But that would inevitably bring about a loss for your inn, wouldn't it? Who would
want to stay in such a shabby, run-down place when they could go to a national hotel

The innkeeper thumped his chest in response.

"My, my inn has enough competitive edge!"

"That may be the case for a while. But wouldn't losing even half of your current
customers be a critical loss? Especially in a city like this, with its already scarce


The innkeeper, standing rigid and gritting his teeth, asked with a trembling voice.

"What do you want from me, my lord? Are you trying to intimidate me to take
something away? Are you trying to force me to quit the inn business and drive me
out of this city?"

"No, no, innkeeper. You've got it all wrong."

I changed the tone of my voice, making it softer.

"I came here to recruit you."


"Let me make a proposal. How about considering taking the position of General
Manager at the newly built hotel?"

The innkeeper's eyes widened. I nodded in response.

"All the employees of this inn would be hired, just as they are. Of course, we'll need to
hire additional staff in proportion to the hotel's size."

"Ho, hold on. This is too sudden…”

"I can assure you that you'll make much more profit than you are making now.
However, your responsibilities will also increase. Sanitation, cleanliness, customer
service, management…”

I didn't make this offer because I particularly trusted him.

He was the only person in this remote town with any expertise in the lodging

As I've mentioned before, I don't plan on turning Crossroad into a tourism-focused


Building the hotel was merely to meet certain requirements for the arrival of some

In other words, I want to keep the operating costs as low as possible, even if the
hotel is built.

I could have hired a professional hotelier with proper training from the capital, but
this would be cheaper.

"I won't ask again. Make your decision here and now."

With a low push, I cornered the confused innkeeper.

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life as the owner of this small, cozy inn or do
you want to embark on a new journey under me?"


The innkeeper accepted my proposal.

I agreed to revisit the inn in ten days to see if operations had improved.

It was a bare minimum test to see if he could handle the new hotel.
If he could manage to keep things rolling, I was ready to hand him this task.

'After all, the completion of the hotel is still a long way off.'

Inside the carriage returning to the mansion.

With my chin propped up, I continued to mull things over while gazing out the

Even if we managed to steal the Lake Kingdom's magical architecture technology, it

would take a considerable amount of time for the hotel to be completed.

And it would be even longer before heroes are attracted to the place.

'I suppose it won't be less than two years.'

So, the only immediate place to recruit heroes would be…

'Free exploration, I guess.'

Encounter NPCs in the dungeon beneath the lake, somehow manage to recruit them.

Of course, the total number of NPCs living in the dungeon under the lake isn't even a

And less than half of them are friendly.

'But there must be at least one, just one!'

I made up my mind. The primary objective of this free exploration is to encounter a

friendly NPC and persuade them to join us.

'Once we've conquered all of the third exploration area, a safe zone known as the
"base camp" appears.'

That place would serve as a foothold and base for subsequent dungeon explorations.

It's also a gathering place for the scarce NPCs living in the dungeon under the lake.

Surely one or two of them would be willing to listen to my proposal. If not, I'd recruit
them by showering them with money or items, whatever it takes.

'I'd love to depart right now if I could… '

I looked down at my left arm, encased in a cast.

Not just me, Damien has an injured eye, and Evangeline also has minor injuries.

Jupiter and Lucas must still be fatigued.

'No need to rush, take it slow.'

Though there was a bit of anxiety, the current situation was fairly good.

Step by step, diligently, laying stepping stones forward.

'The next tasks are to recover and recruit a new hero from the free exploration.'

With those thoughts, I closed my weary eyes.

Unaware of what would happen during this free exploration.

Three days later.

Evangeline's injuries had fully healed. The knightly lance and shield of the Cross
family, which had hit rock bottom in durability, were also repaired.

Damien's eye was nearly recovered. I returned to him the SSR-ranked magic gun,
Black Queen.

Only my left arm remained in a cast. I wish I could recover as swiftly as these sturdy


- Time until start: 7 days

With a week remaining until the start of the next stage.

I could rest a few more days to fully prepare for the free exploration, but the
remaining days until the stage start were gradually pressing down on me.

I needed information on the next stage.

So, today, I decided to embark on free exploration.

I assembled the party, and all party members arrived at the mansion before noon. I
looked over their faces.

Lucas, Evangeline, Jupiter, Damien.

Now adeptly armed, all members of my main party had gathered.

"I'm not sure if everyone has had a good rest these few days."

I grinned, making eye contact with each one.

"I'm sorry to be such a demanding boss, but it's time to deploy again."


However, for some reason,

Evangeline averted her gaze when she met mine. What was this?

"What's the matter, Evangeline? Do you have a complaint?"


As I approached her and asked, Evangeline continued to avoid my gaze, stepping


"No, it's just… I'm a bit embarrassed…”


Why? What was she embarrassed about?

Because we're now in the same party? Because of the incident where we risked our
lives fighting a golem? Or because she spilled everything about her parents to me?

"What is it? What's going on?"

"Never mind! Just move! Let's finish the briefing and set off."

Evangeline pushed me away, losing her temper.

I sighed at her unreasonable behavior. Damn, I need to understand the mind of this
pubescent child.

And when I looked around, Damien also avoided my gaze. What's with him? Didn't
his eyes heal?

"I… I also feel a bit awkward. Hehe…”

"What about you…?"

Damien did not answer, but scratched the back of his head. Was this because I visited
him when he was sick? What is it? What's with you all?

"Ho ho ho."

Seeing us in such a state, Jupiter made a strange sound. I quickly turned my head.

"What is it, Jupiter? If you have something to say, speak up."

"No~ It's nothing. Hehe."

Jupiter covered her mouth and laughed with her eyes.

"What good will it do for an old woman to interfere in the affairs of young people?"

"Every day is a meddlesome life, and what…”

I sighed, then turned to the last party member.

"You're the only one who seems fine in this party, Lucas."

"Of course, my lord."

Lucas smirked.

"You can always rely on me."

Indeed, our main man we can trust. I heartily high-fived Lucas with an air of
grandiosity. Smack!

"Alright, enough chit-chat! It's dungeon exploration time."

I clapped my hands to tidy up the mood and tied up the conversation.

"The free exploration area we are going to this time is the 'Outer Fortress, North
Side' in Section 3. We will be exploring in a straight line above the northern wall of
the Lake Kingdom."

I conjured up in my mind the Section 3 that I had explored many times in the game.
"There are no special gimmicks. The dungeon structure is just one long corridor. Just
straightforwardly fight the monster spawns and advance."

Strength against strength.

Push forward by continually defeating the appearing monsters.

Among all the sections, Section 3 has one of the simplest setups.

"It shouldn't take too long. Let's aim to return before evening."

I looked around at my party members.

"Any questions?"

They all just quietly looked at me while checking their equipment.

I nodded my head emphatically.

"Alright, let's go!"

[Teleport Gate]

- Please select your destination.

> Lakeside Pier

> The Dried Sewer

> Hidden Alley

> Outer Fortress, North Side (New!)

After activating the teleport gate and opening the path to Outer Fortress, North Side,
I was the first to jump in.


The now-familiar flash engulfed me.


[Now Loading…]

[Tip - You can re-explore areas you have already cleared. Try sending sub-parties to
multiple areas for leveling up!]

Hey, don't you need to have sub-parties before you can send them, you damned tip


Upon passing through the teleport gate, the place I arrived was the safe zone in front
of Section 3.


A tall watchtower on top of the castle wall. Here, overlooking the entire Lake

Gazing at the sprawling view of the Lake Kingdom, the party members all swallowed
their dry saliva at once. I gestured toward the castle wall.

"Let's go straight."

As soon as I stepped on the wall after coming down from the watchtower.


[Section 3: Outer Fortress, North Side]

- Clear Progress: Normal Room 0/1 Boss Room 0/1

- Acquired Treasure Chest: 0/2

Information about the exploration area popped up in the system window.

Compared to the previous dungeons, the layout was plain and simple. One regular
monster room. One boss room. Just two chests.
'There are no special tricks, so it's straightforwardly tough.'

Depending on the type of monster that appears, there might be some variation, but
this is a dungeon that demands a lot from your body.

As there is a long corridor in the form of a normal room, you have to push forward
without rest. The monsters will pour out non-stop.

'So, what kind of monster horde is it this time… '

Before me, swallowing dryly, large stone statues made of rock flew and settled.


The huge stone statues that settled on both sides of the great wall all lit up their red
eyes at once. I shouted out their name.


Sure enough, just as predicted, flying monsters emerged!

[Northern Outpost - Room 1]

- Eliminate all enemies!

- Lv.12 Stone Gargoyles: 8

Since this was a map where monsters continuously appeared, wave numbers were

"Alright, let's make this quick and clean! They'll keep coming, and the longer we take,
the more we tire."

As the creatures appeared, all the party members prepared for battle.

Lucas lifted his longsword, Evangeline her cavalry lance and shield, and Damien his
magic gun.

Jupiter also floated her magic crystal ball above her shoulder.
I pulled out a short magic wand from my pocket. This was my new piece of
equipment, 'Maestro.'

Holding the Maestro out in front, I shouted.

"We break through at full speed!"

"Roger that!"

Our party of five immediately rushed forward.


There are two types of flying monsters that appear early in the game.

The first is the wyvern.

It's a monster often referred to as a flying dragon.

Despite having 'dragon' in its name, it's not a real dragon species, but rather
something closer to a degraded form of a dragon.

It's not particularly intelligent, nor can it use the unique abilities of dragon species.

However, it still has some merit. Perhaps due to being direct descendants of dragons,
their magic resistance is quite high.

The disappointment of having a party of carefully nurtured mages face a horde of


Moreover, it spits out fireballs from its mouth as if to mimic a dragon. A flying
monster with the ability to attack from a distance.

On the other hand, its physical defense is low.

If you're well equipped with anti-air weapons like bows and ballistae, you could
manage to defeat them, although it would be a bit challenging.

Next, the second type of flying monster group.

The gargoyles we encountered in this stage.

These creatures have properties that are the exact opposite of wyverns.

As they are made of stone or metal, their physical defense is quite high. However,
their magic defense is practically nonexistent.

Also, they don't have any ranged attack abilities. They only engage in melee combat
with the weapons they hold.

While the frontline units hold them off, the rear-line mages and artifact users need to
relentlessly attack to defeat them.

In other words,

"Indeed, it is the mage who is the flower of the battlefield! The crux of war! The
rightful owner of the bonus salary, that's what I am!"

…Jupiter is showing off again.

Along with Jupiter's elated cry, lightning fell from the sky.


Boom! Boom…!

Every time a bolt of lightning struck the air, the gargoyles crashed down and

While the gargoyles were tough, Lucas and Evangeline could easily break them apart.

However, Jupiter's efficiency as an area-of-effect mage was on a completely different


While the two knights held back the charging gargoyles, Jupiter relentlessly
unleashed lightning bolts, frying them to bits.

"Is this some sort of experience point event?"

'Well, I guess that's why I've spent so much money to level up a wizard.'
In this world, a wizard is no less than a strategic weapon.

It's definitely worth the high cost. I'm not too fond of the constant fuss, though.


At that moment, Damien, who had been restless because he had nothing to do, asked
me in a low voice.

"Is there something I can help with, Prince…?"

"No. Don't worry about it, we should just take it easy."

You haven't fully recovered your eyesight, and my left arm hasn't completely healed

"I hope we don't have to step in today."

That was my honest feeling. It's better to stay put if we don't have to intervene.

'After all, our party members currently in battle are two SSR-ranked knights and an
SR-ranked wide-area wizard.'

Moreover, all of them have already undergone their second job changes.

It's an extravagant lineup for an exploration of the third sector.

"If we can hitch a ride, we, the injured ones, should just follow along comfortably."

"But still…”

Damien nervously fiddled with the fingers that held his magical gun.

I gave Damien a big grin.

"You are my last line of defense."


"Don't rush. All you need to do is move according to my instructions when the time
comes. You got it?"

Damien nodded heavily.

"Yes, Prince!"

Anyway, thanks to Jupiter's active performance, we successfully broke through the

normal room.

She's a weird old lady, but her skills are definitely reliable.

After passing the ruins of gargoyle-like creatures that seemed likely to be in the
hundreds, we followed the path that stretched along the fortress wall for quite a long

"We've arrived."

We arrived at the top of the fortress wall right above the north gate.

In front of us was a large metal door. If we go in there, we'll find the passageway that
leads down to the main gate under the wall.

"Now, it's the boss room."

After a short maintenance break,

I opened the door to the boss room with a smirk.

"Let's try to clock out early today!"


The door opened with a heavy sound.

And inside the boss room…

[Outer Fortress, North Side - Boss Room]

- Defeat the boss!

- Lv.30 Gold Gargoyle <Centurion Melon>

A massive gargoyle, clad in armor that shimmered as if made of gold, stood there.


The Gold Gargoyle.

According to the game lore, it was a decoration in the royal palace of the Lake
Kingdom, and its abilities are mediocre compared to other bosses… True to its
expensive appearance, it drops a lot of items.

"Alright, let's feast on some delicious items! Everyone, prepare for battle!"

As soon as I shouted that out,


Jupiter suddenly spread her arms and started running towards the Gold Gargoyle.


I blinked at Jupiter's sudden action.


What are you doing now?

Jupiter was charging alone towards the Golden Gargoyle, while the rest of the party
members stood rooted in their places, flabbergasted by the abrupt shift of events.

I shouted out in desperation.

"Hey, Jupiter! What are you doing?! Stop!"


"Jupiter! Come back, Jupiter!"

That's when it happened.


Drooling profusely, Jupiter yelled out.

"It's goooold!"

…What did she just say?

I gazed anxiously at the Gargoyle.

It shimmered brightly, sprinkling a radiant golden light all around.

“…Hold on a second."

Could it be that her Gold-Fever trait had just kicked in upon seeing that?!

"Are you out of your mind, Grandma?!"

However, regardless of my outburst, Jupiter had already dashed in front of the boss

The Golden Gargoyle, taking its time, raised the weapon it held.
A terrifyingly large mace…

"This is insane, seriously!"

Pulling at my hair in frustration, I quickly ordered Lucas and Evangeline.

"Charge, guys! We can't afford to let the old lady die here!"

"Understood, Lord!"

"Get a grip, Granny Mage!"

The two knights bolted forward like bullets. I turned my head towards Damien.

"It's not going to be easy this time either, Damien! Draw out your magic gun!"

Before I could even finish, Damien had already drawn his Black Queen and was
taking aim.

Jupiter was now right in front of the Gargoyle.

"Twenty years ago, it was the Hundred-Year Chief, ten years ago, it was the Hundred-
Year Chief…”

A deep, humming voice flowed from the face of the Golden Gargoyle.

"Am I to live my life always chasing after the Hundred-Year Chief?"

Then, a low hum-!

Immediately afterward, the mace held in the Gargoyle's hand fell downward.

Lucas and Evangeline were still too far away.

Damien could attack the Gargoyle directly, but

'Even if he kills it with a single shot, if he gets it wrong, Jupiter could die!'

Sure, the Black Queen was an incredibly powerful spear, but killing a robust Gargoyle
boss in one blow was too much to ask.
Even if he did kill it, the mace falling towards Jupiter's head wouldn't simply

I clenched my jaw. There was no choice!

"Damien, shoot that bastard's weapon!"


Damien promptly corrected his aim and pulled the trigger.

With a deafening blast, the muzzle spat fire. Damien, unable to withstand the recoil,
fell backwards.

The magic bullet whacked the side of the mace.

But the mace only slightly changed its path, still falling towards Jupiter's head.

Then, even while tumbling backward, Damien continued to fire his magic gun.

Two more hits and finally, the mace's trajectory shifted, stabbing into the ground
right next to Jupiter.

With an earth-shattering thud, the massive mace slammed into the ground, sending
up a cloud of dust.


Jupiter, screaming in an ungraceful manner unfitting of her age, sprung off the
ground. Oh, Grandma…

"Ugh, what am I doing here…?"

"Retreat, Lady Jupiter!"

Lucas had caught Jupiter in her daze and swiftly retreated.

Evangeline held up her shield on the front line and yelled out.

"Hey, you shiny gold dung beetle! Look at me!"

It was the Shield Knights' common passive skill, the [Battle Cry]. (TL Note: Changed
'Roar of the Battlefield' to just Battle Cry)

The effect? Taunting all enemy units in range and buffing allies!

The golden gargoyle that had been aiming its second strike at the retreating Jupiter
suddenly jerked its gaze sideways.

Its enormous mace descended upon Evangeline in an instant.


Evangeline's shield emitted a dazzling white light as it absorbed the attack.


Despite the weird noise she made, Evangeline held her ground. Good job!

Just then, Jupiter returned to my side. I gritted my teeth at the sight of this damned


"I-I'm terribly sorry, Your Highness…”

"Can't you keep your mind straight, for real?! What the hell is the top-ranking mage

Jupiter, who was always shameless, repeatedly bowed her head this time, seemingly
genuinely sorry.

"I've put everyone in danger because of my carelessness."

"At least you know it, you old fart!"

How can we solve this Gold-Fever trait of that bastard!

'In the game, it only activated from the boxes, but in reality, it triggers even in the
most absurd places.'
I looked over at the sparkling golden gargoyle.

Will we have to go through this chaos every time we encounter a jewel monster like
this in the future?

"I'll join the front line!"

After bringing Jupiter next to me, Lucas dashed towards the golden gargoyle again.

He probably wanted to help the increasingly exhausted Evangeline.

Jupiter quickly reached out her hand forward.

"I will strike it down right… ugh!"

The electric current that was gathering at Jupiter's fingertips dissipated weakly.

Jupiter tried to gather her magic power again, but she couldn't, possibly due to her
recent injury.

I waved my hand at Jupiter, who kept trying.

"Forget it, don't push yourself. Recover first."

"Ugh, I've lost so much face today…”

"Since when did you care about face in front of us."

I surveyed our surroundings.

Lucas and Evangeline were taking turns blocking the golden gargoyle's attacks.

Asking them to also attack the boss, who initially had high physical defense, was too

Jupiter was grumbling, having lost her edge.

Damien… he looked pale.

Having fired three consecutive shots with his partially healed Far-Sight, and
forcefully withstanding the immense recoil of the Black Queen, he must be feeling

"I'll… finish it! Ugh!"

I stopped Damien as he steadied himself, trying to aim his magic gun again.

"Forget it, step back."

"Huh? But then…”

"This Prince has to test his new product. Just wait and see."

Having distanced Damien behind me, I took out a short magic wand from my bag.

An SSR-rated wand, Maestro.

This seemed like a good opportunity to test this new guy in real battle.

"Maestro, commence."

As I uttered the start-up word, I felt as if the wand was sucking Magic Power from my

Soon, light blue magic particles gathered in front of the wand I held, and three blades
of Magic Power were created.

Thin and sharp, like a trio of rapiers. They were blue, transparent, crafted as if made
of glass.

'I think I've used up half my MP, and only three blades appear… '

A sense of fatigue rushed in as Magic Power left my body. Come to think of it, it was
my first time using Magic Power since I arrived in this world?

"Let's see… is this how it's used?"

With an image of moving the Magic Power blades in my mind, I lightly swung the
wand forward.
Whoosh! Swish!

The three blades, made of Magic Power, flew as if they were dancing.


After a few swings, I could intuitively grasp the principle of their movement.

Basically, if I concentrate in my mind, I could control the blades of Magic Power.

And if I moved the wand in my hand in sync, the accuracy increased.

Jupiter and Damien were staring at me, their eyes wide.

"Your Majesty… You always bring some new and interesting means every time we

"I guess I'm somewhat of an innovator."

I smirked.

"It's good to show off a bit, isn't it?"

Damien vigorously nodded his head. Quite adorable.

I reached out with my wand. The training was enough; now it was time to verify its
actual power.


The three blades of Magic Power shot forward.

Spinning around and hurled, the three blades of Magic Power struck the Golden


Directly hitting its left shoulder.

It destroyed the connecting link of the golden armor on the left arm, the armor piece
shattered and fell off.

"Not bad, huh?"

I twirled the wand to retrieve the blades of Magic Power.

The swift returning blades lined up neatly behind my back.


A whistle escaped my lips.

Even though I was not yet proficient and the control was crude, its power was

'At least it can deal damage more stably than Lucky Strike.'

Like a conductor leading an orchestra, I briskly waved the magic wand in my hand.

With that movement, the magic blades struck.

Crash! Crash! Crash-!

The Magic Power rapiers cut through the air in succession, marking the Golden
Gargoyle's body in several places.

The Gargoyle, having low magic resistance, had its golden armor shattered whenever
the magic blades grazed it.

As the armor was peeled off, its relatively weaker body was exposed, and Lucas's
sword and Evangeline's spear did not miss that chance to strike.

"If only I'd worked inside the fortress, I'd have gotten a promotion by now. One
wrong move and I'm stuck in this damned outpost for life…”

The Golden Gargoyle was again mumbling something I couldn't understand.

Why do all the local boss monsters babble to themselves like this? If they're going to
divulge their backstory, at least make it understandable!

My blade of Magic Power struck the Golden Gargoyle's armor for the fifth time. As
the chest piece shattered, my three Magic Power blades also disintegrated into

'Five times, huh. Its durability isn't high.'

I was about to summon another blade of Magic Power, but there was no need.

Thud! Thump-!

Most of the Golden Gargoyle's armor was already destroyed, and through the gaps,
Lucas and Evangeline's attacks exploded in quick succession.

Lucas's 'Soul Strike' and Evangeline's 'Damage Payback' radiated in a bright flash,
ripping the Golden Gargoyle to shreds.

"If only I'd gotten promoted, and had the chance to wear cool armor like that

The movement of the Golden Gargoyle, who was swinging his mace with his
dilapidated body until the end, suddenly stopped.

"What is this…”

And then, slowly looking up at the sky,

"Why is the rain… black…?"

It blabbered something like that.


Lucas's powerful strike cleanly severed the gargoyle's neck.

The body of the headless gargoyle staggered forward and backward before
collapsing awkwardly to the side.

Thud! Thud…
The heavy gargoyle's body fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust in all

Lucas, who was carefully examining the fallen gargoyle, turned to look at me. And
then he nodded vigorously.

"We did it!"


I let out a long sigh of relief.

And then I signaled to Jupiter, who was standing next to me at attention.

"Jupiter, write a report when we get back."


"And deduct a week's worth of wages from your salary. Put it into the city
development fund."

"Wha-! Your Majesty, that's too…”

When I glared at Jupiter as she tried to argue, she immediately bowed her head.

"That's a fair punishment. I'll do as you say."

I didn't really want to rebuke Jupiter heavily. Everyone makes mistakes, after all.

But if the same mistake is repeated, it needs to be punished.

As the leader of the army, rewards and punishments need to be strict. Even if the
person in question is a valuable mage.

“…Jupiter. I don't understand why you lose your mind every time you see something

I said quietly to Jupiter.

"Weren't you a soldier of the Everblack Empire before you were a mercenary living
and dying for money?"


"I hope you remember the pride within you, before your greed."

The trait 'Gold-Fever' was irremovable, impossible to fix artificially, and not the kind
of abnormal state that my passive [Unyielding Commander] could block.

In the end, all I could do was hope that Jupiter could resist it herself.

Jupiter stared pensively at her gloved hands.

“…On the path that the young must tread, the old should not become a burden, let
alone be of no help."

Jupiter looked at me with a grim expression.

"If such an incident happens again, I'll take responsibility with my life."

"No need to go as far as your life…”

"Then I'll take responsibility with a sum of money equivalent to my life."

"Ho, how much would that be?"

"An amount equal to my weekly salary…?"



I stared at the old money-grubber for a moment, then smirked and nodded.

"Let's go."

Lucas and Evangeline were retrieving the loot from the fallen golden gargoyle.

"That armor looks expensive. We should take a bit of it."

"I've been waiting to hear those words!"

As soon as I finished speaking, Jupiter dashed towards the golden gargoyle. Hey!
Were you even remorseful?!
[Zone 3: Outer Fortress, North Side]

- Clear Progress: Normal Room 1/1, Boss Room 1/1

- Treasure Boxes Obtained: 2/2

Zone 3, all cleared.

There had been a minor mishap during the boss fight, but all things considered, the
clearing was both swift and smooth.

The Golden Gargoyle didn't drop any notable equipment items, but instead, a whole
heap of gold conversion items fell.

I scooped them up without much care, planning to sort them out later.

And from the boss room treasure chest,

[Screaming Robe (SR) Lv.30]

- Category: Cloth Armor

- Defense: 15-20

- Durability: 20/20

- Recovers 1% of lost MP each time an enemy is defeated.

> Set Effect: Must Scream (1/3)

- Inflicts an Area of Effect fear status each time an enemy is defeated.

(Requires 'Screaming Gloves' for set activation)

(Requires 'Screaming Orb' for set activation) <Owned by Jupiter(SR)>

A Screaming set has appeared…

Since I had kept the magical orb, the Screaming Orb, from last time, all I need now
are the gloves to complete the set.

"Oh dear, everyone went through so much trouble because of this old one, I'm not
sure I should be so shameless as to accept this."

Jupiter, saying so, grabbed the robe with the speed of lightning.

Well, she did troll during the boss fight, but she handled nearly all the regular

Jupiter played a significant role in this defensive stage too. It wouldn't hurt to feed
her good items.

'It feels a bit weird to reward someone who messed up… '

Anyway, the item collection ended, and the exploration of Zone 3 was wrapped up.

There were stairs leading down inside the boss room. It was a passage that led
below the fortress walls.

"There's a safe point just ahead."

I informed the party members, who were resting briefly after cleaning up the battle.

"It's the biggest spot among all our stops so far. It's where the few people surviving
in this dungeon often gather. It even has facilities like shops and blacksmiths."

Like a basecamp set up in the dungeon, it offers purchase of items that can't be
obtained in the outside world, and magical enhancements.

"But today, our goal is to scout for new members."

I issued a reminder to the party members.

"If there's someone who seems friendly and capable, we're going to somehow
convince them to come with us."

"Keep your eyes peeled, and see if you find any promising person."

Evangeline, who was eating preserved food, broke into a cold sweat.

"Do you think there'd be a person meeting those standards in such a gloomy
underground cavern? Are there even 'people' to begin with?"

“…Well, even if they fall a bit short, it doesn't matter. Anyway, let's keep an eye out."

Even if it's not a person, even if it's a ghost, it wouldn't matter.

As long as they can kill monsters well, be it a ghost, a demon, or a zombie, I'm more
than willing to take them in!


Having concluded our brief respite, we descended the staircase. The spiral staircase
seemed to uncoil endlessly.

'I sure could use an escalator… '

Considering the height of the wall we had climbed earlier, the way down seemed just
as daunting.

Still, being less exhausted than last time made the descent feel considerably lighter.


We finally set foot on the ground.

And right next to the staircase we descended, there was,


A massive door made of iron. Evangeline, seeing the door for the first time, couldn't
help but utter words of admiration.

The Northern Gate of the Lake Kingdom.

The iron door, rusted red, stood firmly shut, still emanating an eerie aura.

"That's the same gate we saw when we first entered beneath the lake."

Back then we had viewed it from the outside, but now we were seeing it from within.

Because this gate was closed, we had to enter the city through a drainage path. After
taking a lengthy detour, we had finally ended up at the main gate.

"It seems like we can't open it now, just as before."

Lucas said, examining the surroundings of the gate, his head tilted in thought.

"There are no pulleys or other mechanisms… How does this door open?"

"Since this is a magic kingdom, there's probably some sort of magical device."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"And to begin with, there's only one situation when this door opens."

"When would that be?"

"When their invasion begins."

Lucas's face hardened. I nodded.

"When the horde of monsters marches towards the human world. Only then."

Our party members swallowed dryly.

I gave a wry smile and gestured towards the city.

"Let's go inside. Our safe zone is just ahead."


As we moved away from the Northern Gate and followed the main road towards the
heart of the city, we came across a vast square.
Almost the size of a sports complex, it was enormous. And in that square, gargoyles
were neatly lined up in rows.

A perplexed Evangeline swiveled her head around.

"What are they doing here?"

"They are the ones who will invade Crossroad in the next defensive battle."

The hundreds of gargoyles lined up densely were bowing their heads as if they were

The square was shrouded in darkness, making it difficult to count precisely, but at a
glance, their number was staggering.

"They're stacked up here, and when the time comes, they'll move to Crossroad all at

Lucas placed his hand on the longsword at his waist.

"Then shouldn't we attack now and wipe them out?"

"No way. Do you want us to be annihilated?"

They might not be moving, appearing to be asleep, but they would definitely respond
if attacked.

Even now, other gargoyles flying in from different parts of the city were joining the
ranks one by one.

Their numbers were increasing in real time.

"This is their stronghold. There are only five of us. If we attack now, it would be a


"Let's do what we can now."

Taking a sidetrack off the square, I waved a hand. The party members carefully
followed in my wake.

We left the main road, heading into a winding alleyway for about five minutes.

Suddenly, the surroundings opened up. A considerably wide clearing appeared in

front of us.

Unlike the gloomy parts of the city, it was incredibly bright here.

Magic stones glowed like streetlights all around the clearing, and at the center, a
large bonfire blazed.

"Here we are."

I turned to the party members and pointed towards the bonfire.

"This is the base camp. It's going to serve as a beacon for our dungeon explorations
from here on."

Though it didn't compare to the square swarmed with monsters earlier, it was
considerably larger than the safe zones we'd been in so far.

My party and I entered the clearing.

Coming from a pitch-dark place devoid of light into a suddenly brightly lit area, relief
washed over us, and our tension eased.

"Ah, it's warm."

I held my hands to the bonfire, savoring the heat. It felt like we could live a little. This
is what a base should be like.

That's when Lucas, who had been vigilantly scanning the surroundings, whispered to

"But my lord, didn't you say there were people living here?"

"Huh? Yes?"

"But… there's no one in sight."


I lifted my head to take a look around. He was right. No one was visible.

'There should be at least four or five NPCs in the game.'

There were at least four or five permanent NPCs, with transient ones always around

For some reason, the base camp was entirely empty.


I narrowed my eyes.

This was not a good sign.

"No way…”

Just then, it happened.

Clank! Clank!

From various points around the clearing, about a dozen NPCs charged out and aimed
their weapons—bows and crossbows—at us.

"Hands up!"

"Stand still! If you move, we'll shoot!"

Lucas, already on high alert, swiftly unsheathed his sword, assuming a defensive

Evangeline donned her shield instantly, stepping forward, and Jupiter, with her usual
unperturbed expression, held up her magic orb while chewing on her cigarette.

"Wha, whaaat? Whaaaaa?"

Only Damien, dumbfounded, was flustered.

I firmly gripped Damien's shoulder once and quickly scanned our surroundings.

There were roughly a dozen of them surrounding us.

However, they were dressed in unfamiliar outfits.

All of them wore white masks that concealed their faces and were clad in seamless

Judging by the level of equipment they were carrying, they were clearly high-leveled
at first glance.

'They even brought a cannon… '

I chuckled hollowly when I noticed a cannon targeting us from a hill on the other
side. They were serious.

'Any escape routes?'

I looked around for an escape route, but the encirclement was perfect. Quietly
slipping away seemed impossible.

I bit my lip lightly.

'I let my guard down because it was a safe zone!'

In the game, there were places where monsters couldn't invade, and battles didn't
occur. But this place, it was as real as it could get.

Where 'humans' could collide anywhere, anytime, kill or be killed, without any

'But there wasn't any foreshadowing for this! A surprise attack as soon as we
entered the safe zone? And who are these people? What in the world is this

Inside, my mind was a turmoil, but outwardly, I remained composed.

"The welcome is a little fiery, isn't it?"

I maintained a leisurely smile, letting my voice carry it.

"Thanks for the warm welcome, but it would be nice if someone could explain the
current situation."


"We're adventurers who just recently entered this dungeon. Cute novices who you
should be helping and leading."

Despite my lightly sarcastic tone, none of them moved.

They just looked at us through their masks with cold eyes, aiming their weapons.

I let out a small sigh.

"Or what? Is this some sort of initiation to discipline the newbie adventurers? I
didn't realize such an outdated practice was still in place in such an advanced

"Outdated, you say? Shall we call it a good custom instead?"

Then, a grave voice echoed.

A cool, low-pitched voice. He could have been a professional singer.

"Catching newbie rats is a tradition that has been passed down throughout human
history. It's a process of engraving respect and etiquette for the seniors into one's
body. Shouldn't we preserve and advance such a wonderful culture?"

But the ridiculous argument he made with such a charming baritone voice naturally
made me think it was a waste of a good voice.

I snorted.

"What culture? That bullshit's not culture. It seems our senior adventurer has a fairly
old-fashioned tendency."

"Ha, ha, ha! I hear that quite often."

Thud. Thud.

A man emerged through the white-masked NPCs.

"But, what can you do? You tend to stick to old things when you live for a long time."


A tall, pointed hat and a black minstrel costume.

The man's face was familiar.

Of course, he was the one who ruined Stage 2.

I glared at him, grinding my teeth.

"'The Pied Piper'…!"

"Ho, is that what you call me?"

As the man approached, his face, hidden under the shadow of his hat brim, appeared.

…He was also wearing a mask.

A detachable chin-type, so he could take it off when playing an instrument.

Like a clown, only a smiling face was etched on… a white mask.

"'The Pied Piper,' huh? An interesting nickname, but let me introduce myself

The man placed his hand on his chest, introducing himself in an exaggerated tone.

"Here, a heinous criminal wandering the bottom of the glorious Lake Kingdom. The
last court musician and court jester remaining in the Lake Kingdom, and a court

The man, slowly bowing in a display of respect, finally uttered his name.

"I am called 'Crown'."

His voice was deep, beautiful, and utterly revolting.

"Nice to meet you, the last 'Player'."

The Pied Piper.

His name was Crown.

'A court musician, a court jester, and a court magician of the Lake Kingdom, right?'

His responsibilities were numerous. I scoffed inwardly.

This man was not that great of an NPC in the game.

Even when he occasionally intruded on the battlefield, he didn't directly engage in

combat. He simply commanded monsters or debuffed the players' side.

But, there was one scene that I clearly remembered.

The final stage of this game.

He appeared in the first room of the last dungeon leading to the final boss.

But, without any combat ability of his own and given the strength of our party at the
final stage, he was no significant opponent.

A few sword thrusts and he fell.

'Yes, these white-masked guys were those guys who appeared with him back then.'

These masked troops were his subordinates who appeared with the Pied Piper in the
final stage.

But just like him, they were nothing special by the time of the final stage.

The later part of the game had far stronger and more terrifying enemies. I didn't pay
much attention to this man and his minions.

But now - that enemy was blocking our way.

'And what did he say to me?'

Did he call me a player, just now?

Does this man understand this world's 'system'?

There were too many questions, but I asked the most urgent one first.

"Why are you opposing us? Can you tell us the reason?"

From the hands of the white-masked troops surrounding us, crossbows and bows

They were drawn taut, ready to shoot at any moment.

Regardless of backstory, our priority was to avoid this immediate crisis.

To my surprise, Crown responded to my question.

"Your party is corrupting this city, trying to uncover the secrets of the kingdom. You
don't even know the terrible darkness sleeping inside… I'm just trying to stop it."

Crown's voice grew heavier.

"We are the last defense force protecting the kingdom, the remaining remnants of
the Lake Kingdom."

The men in white masks introduced themselves thusly.

"We are the Nightcrawlers."


Creeping through the night, they said.

"Anyone who tries to touch the darkness of this city, we will purge. You are merely
our next targets."

As Crown raised his hand, the Nightcrawlers pulled their ranged weapons even
The moment that hand fell, a barrage of attacks would rain upon us.


Completely surrounded and outclassed in level and gear.

If we take this volley, someone will die, or in the worst case, we could be wiped out.

'Time to play the cards I have!'

I widened my eyes.

It was time to use the new skill I had obtained without sparing.

[I use Command's Eye.]

["Please lock eyes with the skill target."]

The world around me slowed down for a moment.

In the midst of the bluish interface unique to skill usage, I looked around, locking
eyes with each of the foes pointing weapons at us.

[Target Detected: 12 entities]

["Please state your command."]

The command shouldn't be too difficult. If it were, the skill's success rate would

It also couldn't be something highly stressful, like telling them to kill each other. That
would surely increase their chances of resistance.

So, a simple command that could also help us escape!

"All of you…”

I stretched out my hand and shouted,

"Turn around!"
[Command Difficulty: Very Easy]

[Comparing your Intelligence stat with the target's Magic Power stat.]

[Determining success rate. Rolling for resistance…]

Next moment, a bluish flash burst from my eyes.

[Judgement Complete!]

>Successful: 7 entities

>Failed: 5 entities

[Executing forced command.]


I coughed up blood. It felt as though my Magic Power had been completely drained, a
heaviness settling in my chest.

Such a powerful backlash for issuing such a simple command.

But my adversaries were all high-level NPCs, over ten of them. This level of recoil
was perhaps expected.

Five resisted, but the command successfully affected more than half, seven in total.


More than half of the encircling Nightcrawler squad members obediently turned

Crown, who had just been about to give the firing command, grumbled in disbelief.

"What the hell is this?"

The rest of the Nightcrawler squad also showed confusion at their colleagues'
strange behavior.
Seizing this opportunity, I shouted,


My startled party members seemed to regain their composure at my voice. I pointed

towards the center of the open field.

"Escape to the teleport gate!"

Beyond the bonfire, in the corner of the field.

A familiar pile of stones.

A teleport gate. If we could just get there, we could retreat safely outside the

"I'll clear the way!"

Lucas was the first to charge.

Thump! Bam!

Lucas, swinging his fist and scabbard at the confused Nightcrawler squad member,
opened up a path and ran.

Damien, Jupiter, and I immediately followed, with Evangeline bringing up the rear.

"Mind control, huh? This is getting quite interesting…!"

Crown shouted sharply.

"Fire, shoot! Don't let them get away!"

The ones unaffected by the command fired first, with the others regaining their
senses a beat later, steadying themselves and raising their weapons.

Thud Thud Thud!

Arrows rained down like a storm. Watching the incoming volley of arrows, I shouted,

"Leave it to me!"

With that, Evangeline hoisted her shield overhead and leaped into the air.

Ping! Ping-ping! Ting!

Evangeline managed to deflect the hail of arrows coming her way using her shield. If
the shield wasn't enough, she swung her cavalry spear to clear the rest.


Evangeline laughed triumphantly. Oh, she was good, our darling!

Then, I noticed a cannon aiming at us from afar, its fuse already lit. Desperation
seized me, and I cried out,



Instead of his magic gun, Damien took out his crossbow.

In such a pressing situation, a crossbow with no recoil was far easier to handle than
the powerful but unwieldy magic gun.


The cannon fired, and almost simultaneously, Damien shot his crossbow skyward.


Damien managed to snipe the flying cannonball.

The arrow from his crossbow pierced the center of the cannonball with pinpoint
accuracy, and

The cannonball exploded in mid-air.

It was an impossible feat, but Damien pulled it off effortlessly.

'We've got plenty of cheat characters here!'

I twisted my lips into a half-smile. The situation was still nerve-racking, but I could
see a clear path to break through.

The teleport gate was now within reach.

If we could activate it, we could safely retreat and prepare for a counterattack!

Just then…

"That won't do."

I heard Crown's faint murmur.

"Stop them."


Turning around, I saw two NPCs standing by Crown's side, their hands outstretched.


Vast magic power swelled from their fingertips. I gritted my teeth.

"A wizard…!"

The next moment, the magic fired from their hands raced toward us.

One spell was wind, the other fire.

These two elements, when combined, would cause an updraft, greatly increasing
their destructive power.

If hit directly, the combined spell would obliterate everything in its path, far more
powerful than a mere cannonball.
If we fall, we die.

"Damn it!"

Almost in sync with my exclamation,


Jupiter spun around, a spark jumping from her monocle.



Lightning shot from Jupiter's hands.

She used the lightning in her left hand to stop the fire, and the one in her right to
stop the wind.

The two spells were neutralized by Jupiter's magic before they could combine and
amplify each other's power.


Taking on the brunt of two wizards' spells, Jupiter coughed up blood. My eyes
widened in shock.


"Cough…! I can't hold it much longer, Your Highness! Hurry…!"

Whirl! Whirl…!

As the whirlwind and flames intensified, Jupiter's lightning began to falter.

Blood not only flowed from Jupiter's mouth but also her eyes and nose. I shouted at
the NPC guarding the teleport gate.

"Damn it, clear the path, now!"


Lucas brandished his sword fiercely, driving away the NPC guarding the teleport

I rushed to place my hand on the teleport gate and activate it.

'Hurry, hurry!' I thought desperately.

A mound of rocks surged upwards, swirling into formation, and ultimately creating a
magic portal.

[Teleport Gate]

- Please select a destination.

> Backyard of the Lord's Mansion

> Lakeside Pier

> The Dried Sewer

> Hidden Alley

> Northern Fortress

In haste, I chose the Backyard of the Lord's Mansion.


With a magical sound of operation, the gate opened.

Damien, supporting Jupiter, went into the gate first.

Following behind, I pushed myself into the gate while glaring back.

The legion in white masks - the Nightcrawlers stopped attacking, as if realizing they
could not stop us.

They just stood still, watching us.

Among them, Crown was leaning back, staring at me.

I could not decipher what was going on behind the masked face.

The laughing face carved into the mask was simply unnerving.

"You're on my list, you flute-blowing son of a bitch."

It was a cliche line of third-rate villains, but I couldn't help it.

"I'll be back to take care of you."

Gritting my teeth and pointing my index finger, I threw myself into the gate.

Behind me, I saw Lucas and Evangeline rush in.

As I was sucked into the magic passage where the teleportation started, I touched
my aching forehead.

Another enemy has emerged.


[Free Exploration Finished!]

[Level-up Characters]

- Ash(EX) Lv.22 (↑2)

- Lucas(SSR) Lv.36 (↑1)

- Evangeline(SSR) Lv.38

- Jupiter(SR) Lv.40 (↑1)

- Damien(N) Lv.30

[Deceased and Injured Characters]

- Jupiter(SR) : Severely injured

[Acquired Equipment]

- Screaming Robe(SR)

[Acquired Items]

- Gargoyle Legion's Magic Stones: 72

- Gargoyle Golden Magic Core(SR) : 1

- Golden Armor Fragments : 5

- Golden Room Key : 1

Just after returning from a free exploration. Late in the afternoon.

Downtown Crossroad. The shrine.


In front of the infirmary, I was nervously cracking my knuckles.

As soon as the exploration ended, we all came here for treatment. The final battle
had left us all with minor injuries.

Particularly, Jupiter's injuries were severe.

She had recklessly blocked a combined attack from two wizards of higher levels,
which had resulted in considerable damage.


Crack. Crack. Crack.

I continued to crack my knuckles.

My head was dizzy with anger at them, but a sense of bafflement filled me.

'Whether they were living in the dungeon under the lake, or they were hostile NPCs
that could not be recruited… after all, they are humans.'

I have to fight against humans.

This is a completely different aspect from the battles so far.

No, it's more than just a different aspect.

'It's a matter of values.'

I rested my chin on my clenched hands and frowned.

'All this time, we've been fighting against monsters. To protect people.'

But now, we have to fight against people.

To protect people, we have to kill people.

'It's not a matter of PVE or PVP. This is… '

I bit my lip hard.

Sure, in the game, we've fought against hostile NPC factions too.

I used my characters to kill the enemies one by one as efficiently as possible, stealing
their items and gaining experience points.

But, this place is reality now.

They're definitely living, breathing humans too.

Can I exterminate them as I did with monsters?


Back in Stage 2, when I had ordered Damien to snipe the Pied Piper, he hesitated and
ultimately couldn't shoot.

I'm facing the same dilemma that Damien had then.

Is it okay to fight against humans for survival? For clearance?

Is it okay to kill humans?

"Your Highness."

At that moment, Saintess Margarita and the priests under her command walked out
of the infirmary. I hurriedly stood up.

"Is the treatment over?"

"Yes. Fortunately, no one's life is in danger."

Margarita wiped her blood-soaked hands with a towel.

"However… Jupiter has fallen into a state of magic overload due to the after-effects of
overusing her magic."

"Magic overload? Isn't that extremely dangerous?"

"Yes. It's a state where magic escapes control and consumes the caster's body. If
we're not careful, she might not be able to use magic for the rest of her life."

It's similar to the principle of self-devouring magic in martial arts novels.

It's the most dangerous injury a wizard can sustain in a game. It couldn't get worse.

"She needs absolute rest for a while."

"I see…”

I gritted my teeth.

Jupiter was the core of our power in this stage.

But with this injury, she's out for at least this stage. If we're unlucky, she's out for the

"Who would have thought a disaster would strike like this…”

After composing myself, I asked Margarita,

"Can I visit her?"

"Unfortunately, you can't see Jupiter. She's in a very critical condition."

"I see…”

I glanced awkwardly at the direction of the ward.

I wondered if I had gone too far, activating my negative Gold-Fever trait just now. I
felt terrible.

"The others have finished their treatment. They will be out soon."

"Always grateful. Here…”

After generously making my usual offering, I left the temple.

Lucas, Evangeline, and Damien were waiting for me at the entrance of the temple. I
tried to put on a cheerful face as I approached them.

"You've all worked hard. How is everyone feeling?"

"We're okay, my Lord. How is Lady Jupiter?"

I told them the truth.

"She's severely injured. It'll be a while before she can return to the frontlines."

"That bad, huh…”

"We should be grateful that it ended like this. We could have all died there."

But the expressions on my party members' faces weren't good.

The unidentified hostile forces in the dungeon and the injuries to our allies…

It was enough to unsettle everyone.

Standing in front of my troubled party, I crossed my arms and raised my voice.

"I'll make this clear, everyone. I'm going to make them taste their own medicine."

My party members looked at me, their eyes wide open. I nodded.

"They dared to touch me, Ash, the prince of the Empire, and my close associates. It's
only right they pay the price."

I was serious.
If they were unintelligent monsters, I could have avoided them.

But as long as our enemies were human, I was determined to take fiery revenge to
ensure they never targeted us again.

'Stripping them of their lives is a question for later… '

Anyway, we have to give them a taste of their own medicine, just as they've done to


"But that's not happening immediately."

We need to be fully prepared.

"Once we safely pass this stage and have everything in place, we will destroy them."

Revenge is best served cold.

Rationally, meticulously, sharpening our swords and stocking up on ammunition, we

will wipe them out in one swoop.

Until then, we need to remain cool-headed. We still have to tackle the current stage
in front of us.

"So everyone, take a break today. Stop overthinking."

I disbanded the party.

I shepherded the lingering youngsters to their respective lodgings. Go eat, wash up,
and get some sleep!


As I returned to the mansion and trudged up the stairs leading to my room…


All the bravado had been just for show.

'How will we manage the upcoming defense battle…?'

We've lost Jupiter from our party. Filling the immediate gap in the main party with
Lilly would work, but…

“…Hmm, it should be fine, right?"

An image of Lilly clutching my pant leg, sobbing and pleading not to be taken out,
was clear in my mind, but let's move past that for now.

The real issue was the difference in combat power.

'Lilly is a good mage, but she's not a powerful area dealer like Jupiter.'

Lilly's skills were more effective against single entities rather than dealing mass

Above all, the issue was the efficiency of her MP.

The number of common monsters she could knock out with a single magic attack
was significantly different from that of Jupiter.

There was a reason why Jupiter, the wide-ranging magician, was favored up until the
later stages of the third year.

'The Gargoyle Legion has high physical defense and low magic defense. Their
defensive situation is similar to those Living Armor creeps. Without Jupiter, I'll be in
a situation where I have to fight without my main firepower. What should I… '

While puzzling over this, I climbed up to the second floor of the mansion,


Aider burst out.

"Thi-this is bad! Really bad!"

I dodged the charging Aider and swiftly lifted my leg. Collision averted.

Stumbling, Aider unceremoniously rolled down the corridor.

I kicked the groaning guy, sprawled out haphazardly, in his butt.

"Hey, Director, you've been pretty scarce lately. What have you been up to? Are you
doing your job properly?"

"Yes, of course! Just leave the city administration to me! But, that's not the main

"What could be more important to you than city administration?"

"I'm saying that something much more serious has happened! It might be the worst
event of this stage!"

"Well, well."

I snorted.

What could be more serious than our main party mage being injured?

But his next words even widened my eyes.

"The prisoners have escaped!"

This was news to me.


I blinked in confusion before finally asking,

"Who are these prisoners?"


After hearing Aider's report, I massaged my temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"So, after repeatedly requesting reinforcements from the capital…”

"Yes, yes!"

“…Instead of sending reinforcements, they sent five convicts sentenced to death."

"That's exactly it!"

"And these five extremely vicious criminals, former soldiers of the empire, all
sentenced to death, managed to overturn the carriage they were imprisoned in while
being transported to Crossroad… And they all escaped…”

I glanced at the glass window leading outside the mansion. It was already getting

“…And this happened around noon today. And up until now, they've not been
captured. Is this what you're saying?"

"That's exactly right, Milord! You're a summary genius!"

"Is now the time for summaries, you damned fool!"

I grabbed Aider by the scruff of his neck and shook him violently.

Aider let out a deflated balloon-like sound, "Eeeee!"

"Why did they send convicts instead of reinforcements from the capital! Why did the
escort party let them escape midway! Why couldn't you prevent this from
happening! You're supposed to be a Director!"

"I… I… I have no power in this world! I cannot foresee the future!"

"Is incompetence your passive skill, you fool! Then start by helping where you can!
Do you know anything else about this matter?"

The convict delivery event… this was a situation I had never encountered before.

Would Aider have any information for me?

"I… I do not know how things in the capital led to this… I do not know the cause…”

As my gaze turned icy, Aider quickly added,

"B… but I can give you information on the five convicts! I have already entered their
profiles into the system. Please check."

"You should've started with that."

I opened the system window and started searching for the convicts' profiles. Let's


Aider then lowered his voice.

"Although they are convicts, they were still sent as 'reinforcements' from the capital."

Catching my glance, Aider seemed to grin slyly.

"If you can manage them well, who knows? They might become 'actual


While looking for new talent to recruit, I had definitely said:

It didn't matter if they weren't human.

As long as they were good at killing monsters, I would be willing to recruit even
ghosts, demons, or zombies.

But convicts?

Aren't they much better than ghost demons or zombies?

This thought solidified as I checked the profiles of the five convicts.

"Capture them."

After quickly scanning the profiles, I told Aider with a grim face.

"Whatever it takes, we're recruiting these bastards."

"Even though they're notorious criminals from the Empire?"

"Better Empire criminals than enemy soldiers, and better communicating criminals
than monsters who can't talk."

Better than the Gargoyle monsters that would attack in a few days.

Better than the white-masked enemies who ambushed us from under the lake.

At least these guys are negotiable.

'What's more, they're good.'

Their abilities.

And plenty of them.

"So, incompetent Director, you do have an idea where these guys fled to, don't you?"

As I glared at him, Aider nervously scratched the back of his head.

"I have sent scouting parties in all directions since noon, and I received a report just
before your return."

"Where are they?"

"They're in the mountains north of the city. It's not far, but a bit remote."

"There's no need to delay. Guide me there immediately."

Straightening my clothes, I broke into a grin.

"Let's have a meeting of sorts, all of us driven out of the capital."

To the north of Crossroad, there lay undeveloped mountainous areas.

In the lands north of the frontline, all places suitable for farming were already fully

Though not as fertile as the land south of the front line, every inch of soil had to be
put to use for survival.

That it remained undeveloped, meant…

"Sort of… rugged, this mountain…”

The terrain was treacherous.

Naturally, the footpath was not well-established. It was just a raw mountain trail.

Having lived a life far removed from refreshing hobbies like hiking, climbing even a
bit of the mountain soon had me panting hard. It was killing me!

"Are you okay, My Lord? Shall I carry you to our destination?"

"Oh, really? Can you?"

I was about to hop onto Lucas's back, when…



I could feel the sharp stare from Evangeline behind me…

“…What is it, junior? That look."

"No, nothing really."

After claiming it was nothing, she immediately began speaking.

"Just, I was thinking… how lucky you are. Having your own personal vehicle."


"While your subordinates are sweating buckets climbing up, you get to comfortably
ride up on your knight's back. Truly befitting of royalty."


I glanced behind me.

I could see dozens of soldiers following us up the mountain.

At first, I said I would go alone, but Lucas had insisted on coming, vehemently
opposing my decision.

So, I decided to bring Lucas along, but then Evangeline somehow heard about our
trip and insisted on joining.

And so, intending to just bring the two… it was a repetitive result.

I deliberately didn't bring Damien. He had been overexerting himself, and there
might be a situation where we would have to fire upon people.

Anyway, everyone was struggling with the sudden hiking trip, and Evangeline was
taking issue with me trying to make it easy on myself.

"Alright, let's do this."

I raised my index finger at Evangeline, who was about to nag some more.

"I'll carry you."


Evangeline's eyes widened.

"You, you're going to… carry me?!"

"That's right. And Lucas will carry me."

At my absurdly serious suggestion, both Evangeline and Lucas looked horrified. I

crossed my arms and chuckled.

"I can take care of my subordinate and make things easier for me. Two birds with
one stone!"

"Wait a minute. But that means Lucas will have a really hard time!"

"No, carrying two people is not feasible in the first place…”

While engaging in this absurd banter as we climbed the mountain trail, one officer
following us bowed his head deeply to me.

"I am ashamed, Your Majesty… Due to our negligence…”

I glanced at the man.

This officer was the leader of the prisoner escort squad.

He had met with an accident while transferring five convicts to Crossroad.

"No, no. Thanks to you, I'm getting some unexpected exercise, right? Ah~ my back~"

"Your Highness, I'm truly sorry! Please bestow mercy upon me!"

At my growl, the officer was almost on the verge of collapsing on the floor.

"Hey, hey. It's a joke. A joke. Can't you take a joke? Are you afraid I'm going to eat

Evangeline gave a shrug at my confusion.

"You have quite a reputation from the capital, Ash."

Ah, right. The Ash before I inhabited him was no joke in the capital.

These officers and the escort party must have come down from the capital as well,
they must have thought I was that barbaric and mad Prince Ash.
No wonder they are terrified.

"So, the escaped convicts ran straight to these mountains, correct?"

"Yes, Your Highness. As you can see, their tracks lead into these mountains."

On the treacherous mountain trail, there were sporadic footprints of those who had
come before us.

There were also signs that something heavy had been dragged along.

"Why would they choose to go through such rough terrain…”

Evangeline, a local of the area, answered my query.

"The northern mountainous region of Crossroad is home to bandits. They have been
a nuisance for quite some time."


"Yes. They attack merchants and war refugees… they're villains."

Evangeline picked up something discarded by the side of the road.

It was a broken spear.

"It seems that bandits also reside in this mountain."


I took a careful look around.

Indeed, broken weapons and wheel parts were scattered here and there, signs that
people had been through this place.

Lucas, who had picked up a knife buried in the dirt, furrowed his brow.

"Do you think the escaped convicts came here because they have a connection with
the bandits?"
"Well, if their goal after the jailbreak was to become bandit kings, it seems like a not
too bad a fresh start."

There are too many things that don't make sense.

'Five former military convicts, escorted from the capital, escape simultaneously from
the transport carriage. Then they precisely choose to run away to the mountains
where bandits reside… '

Something feels off.

I took another look at the captain of the escort party.

"There are no lies in your report, right?"

"No, Your Highness! How could I dare to lie to you?"

The captain of the escort party immediately denied it.

Hmm, well. We'll soon find out about that.

About ten minutes of mountain climbing later, Lucas, who was leading, caught sight
of something.

"I see something, my lord."

"Let's take a look~"

Following Lucas up to the ridge, I saw it too.

It was a mountain fortress.

A fortified base of the bandit scum, surrounded by stakes. The fortress built on a flat
terrain halfway up the mountain was surprisingly large.

It looked like it could accommodate at least thirty people.

"We might encounter enemies."

Lucas drew his long sword from his waist and signaled to me.

"I'll go check it out first."

"Just confirm. Don't overdo it."

"I'll go too!"

Evangeline followed Lucas. She didn't draw her spear, instead, she equipped a shield
on her left arm.

The two knights took the lead, and I slowly followed with the remaining soldiers.

As we approached the bandit hideout, I worried we might face a shower of arrows,

but somehow, there was no sign of life at the hideout.

However, the closer we got, the stronger a certain smell wafted in the air. It was…

The scent of blood.

"There's the smell of blood."

I nodded my head as I heard Lucas whispering from the front.

Was there a massacre inside?

Lucas, standing right next to the palisade surrounding the hideout, gripped his
sword. Evangeline tightened her grip on her shield.

"We are storming in. Three, two…”



Lucas breached the hideout's main gate with his shoulder and stepped inside.

Evangeline and the soldiers stormed in behind him.

I leisurely walked in after them.


The inside of the hideout… was a mess.

Bodies that appeared to be bandits were scattered everywhere, and the whole place
was chaotic with blood and broken weapons.

'There were bandits. Now, there weren't.'

As I examined the blood-stained hideout with a slightly disgusted look, I heard

Lucas's voice from afar.

"My Lord! We have a survivor here!"

As I hurried over, I saw a boy in his late teens trembling with a pale, terrified face.

"Uh, ah, ahh…!"

"Calm down, little bandit. We are royal troops."

I crouched down in front of the shivering boy that Lucas had captured, and spoke in
a warm voice.

"Of course, depending on your crime, we can either execute you or feed you, but you
won't die here."

The trembling young bandit blurted out in desperation.

"W, we, we didn't do anything wrong…! We just hijacked a carriage coming from the

"You hijacked a carriage?"

"Y, yes! It looked expensive, so naturally, we thought the contents would be too… we
thought we could sell both the contents and the carriage for money…”

I clucked my tongue.

"And when you opened the hijacked carriage, there were no treasures, only
prisoners. And those prisoners ended up beating you all. That's the situation, right?"
The young bandit frantically nodded his head.

I quickly turned to look at the escort troop's captain.

"Escort Captain, didn't you claim the prisoners escaped on their own? But according
to this boy, it sounds like the escort carriage was simply hijacked by bandits."

"That, that is…”

"I see. You're supposed to be a prisoner escort from the Capital, but you'd lose face if
you admit you were robbed by mere peripheral bandits."

"I… I'm sorry. I never meant to lie…”

I growled ominously.

"But, captain of the escort, I can forgive the error of letting the prisoner be stolen by
the bandits, but I cannot forgive being lied to…”

"Yo, yo, your majesty! I've committed a sin worthy of death!"

"I forgive mistakes but not intentions. Be aware there will be a fitting penalty."

The escort captain trembled and fell to the ground.

Why would he lie when it could easily be found out? Did he think I wouldn't
personally inspect the situation and just believe the reports?

‘…That could have been his thinking.'

Anyway, now the whole picture is becoming clear.

The escort squad was attacked by bandits while transporting five condemned
prisoners in a carriage to Crossroad.

The bandits hijacked the carriage, brought it to their hideout, opened it, and were
then caught off guard and overpowered by the prisoners inside.

The escort squad falsified their report, saying the prisoners had escaped on their
own, and now that their lie has been found out, they're going to get an earful from

'The situation is explained but… '

So, where are these five condemned prisoners now?


Then I heard Evangeline's voice from deep within the hideout.

"Over here! Hurry!"

I got up and headed in her direction.

Evangeline stood in the hideout, a puzzled look on her face, pointing to the middle of
the yard.



I was surprised and my eyes widened when I looked at the scene.

In the middle of the ravaged hideout,

Five people, dressed in the black uniforms of the Everblack Empire, were seated.

No, they were seated, but…

Clink, clank.

They had tied themselves up with chains, blindfolded, and gagged. They knelt there.

Everyone who came into the courtyard was dumbfounded at the sight.

"Welcome, your highness, and citizens of Crossroad."

One of the prisoners, a man seated in the middle, slowly opened his mouth.

"The five of us, the condemned prisoners, have been waiting for you."
He was the only prisoner not blindfolded or gagged, but he was tied up in chains just
the same.

'Did he tie himself up?'


When an opportunity to escape had finally come, why did they not run away but
instead tie themselves up and wait for us?

"We have no intention of escaping or fleeing, not even a tiny bit. We wish for our
execution to be carried out promptly and for a report to be sent to the higher-ups as
quickly as possible."

The man slowly lifted his head.

Under the hood of his worn-out, charred imperial uniform, bright green hair flowed

I was surprised and slightly opened my mouth.

In this game, there is only one race with that hair color.

'An elf…?!'

"Please, everyone."

The elf man bent his head down again and repeated his request.

"Please execute us as soon as possible. If not, you may cut our throats right here."

The other prisoners also bowed their heads deeply.

They kept uttering words I couldn't comprehend.

"Please, kill us swiftly."


No, what do you mean, kill?

I shouted internally.

'I've reserved you for my sub-party! You can't die!'

First off, I made sure to dismiss the surrounding soldiers. Unwanted conversations
could be counterproductive.

Lucas and Evangeline were the only ones left in my company. I found myself sitting
face-to-face with the five convicts.

"Let's start with verifying your identities."

I pulled out some documents and locked eyes with the representative of the

"Your name is… 'Godhand'? Is that correct?"

"Yes, that's correct."

The man who was the prisoners' representative, Godhand, nodded his head.

Between his messy light green hair, his eyes were a deep brown.

I wasn't able to clearly see his ears, but there was no doubt about it. He was a
genuine elf.

The same went for the other four. They tried hard to hide it, but upon closer
inspection, it was evident. All five of them were elves.

"Your affiliation?"

"We are part of the Aegis Special Forces Team 8."

At the mention of the Aegis Special Forces, Lucas and Evangeline showed signs of
surprise, and understandably so.

The dark wing of the Empire that took care of all its dirty work. A direct affiliate of
the Royal Family, tasked with black ops.
The shadow of the Royal Family, the Emperor's hunting dogs - that's the Aegis
Special Forces.

I narrowed my eyes at Godhand.

"The name 'Godhand' doesn't seem like your real name."

"Members of the Special Forces don't have real names. Our codenames are our

"I see, then… Godhand."


Throughout the conversation, Godhand had been responding calmly, but he fell silent
at my next question.

"I heard you committed acts of treason. Is that true?"


The silence only lasted a few seconds, but it felt oppressive.

After a while, Godhand bowed his head deeply.


"Do you admit to all the charges?"

"With all due respect, Your Highness."

Godhand lowered his gaze and said softly.

"We were turned over to a military court in the capital three months ago, and our
verdict has already been decided, as well as our punishment."


"I don't understand why you're asking. You can just execute us promptly."
That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid, isn't it? I grumbled inwardly.

'I need to find a way to incorporate them into my command.'

I licked my lips lightly.

Shall we poke the hornet's nest a bit?

"There are a few things I'm curious about. Since you're about to die anyway, why not
answer a few questions for a curious prince? I believe I have that much authority."


"I'll take that as a yes and proceed with my questions."

Godhand's eyes widened in surprise at my next question.

"Your team was last deployed in the Bringar Kingdom, right?"

"How did you know…”

"You'll get in trouble if you think I don't have eyes on the outside just because I'm
stuck in the southern outskirts, Godhand."

In reality, I didn't have any eyes on the outside. I simply read their biographies
written in their character profiles in the system.

'I guess due to their affiliation with the dark wing, there isn't much information on
their character profiles.'

It was only public information. When and where he had been dispatched, when he
received his death sentence - that was all.

But even with just that, one could see the big picture.

Furthermore, I knew he was an elf, which added more context.

"Your team was dispatched to the Bringar Kingdom a year ago. And our Empire's
ambassador to Bringar was assassinated nine months ago."
Since the diplomatic situations between neighboring countries and the empire affect
the game, naturally, having reset the game 742 times, I knew all the events perfectly

"Afterwards, the diplomatic relationship between the two countries worsened until,
eventually, a war broke out half a year ago. It's still ongoing."

Facing Godhand, who had sealed his lips, I continued to press.

"The special forces of Aegis specialize in infiltrating the enemy's rear, sabotage, and
targeted assassinations. Is that right?"


"From now on, silence will be taken as an affirmative. Anyway, I've formed a

I chuckled quietly, forming a circle with my fingers.

"Our Empire wanted to swallow the Bringar Kingdom whole, but lacked a proper
excuse to start a war."


"But what if an envoy from our side gets assassinated within the Kingdom? This
could be blamed on the Kingdom. It would provide a perfect pretext for war."

By now, Godhand was no longer looking down. He was glaring into my eyes.

"Send an envoy, assassinate them with our special forces. Pin the blame on the
Kingdom and start a war. Quite a plausible hypothesis, don't you think?"

"Your speculations are excessive…”

"Three months ago, your team completed the mission and returned to the Empire,
only to be immediately arrested and, without any evidence, sentenced to death for

I shrugged with a smirk.

"Getting rid of the execution team to silence them… quite a dark strategy, isn't it?"

"Your Highness."

Godhand let out a faint sigh. It was the first emotional expression he showed today.

"Your speculations are harsh, and even if everything you've said so far is correct…
then why would we willingly accept death?"

I frowned. Godhand continued speaking.

"If what you're saying is true, then we completed our mission and were unjustly
punished. Why would we quietly await death? We should either testify or flee…”

"Because they have hostages."

At my answer, Godhand closed his mouth.

I continued with a thin smile.

"All of your kin are being held captive and forced into slavery."


"If you complete your mission and accept death, there must be some benefit for your
kin. Isn't there?"

Godhand bit his lower lip. It seemed I was correct.

In this world, the other races like elves and dwarves all belonged to the slave class.

A century ago, all non-human nations fell in the war against humans, and the
survivors became slaves to mankind.

The Everblack Empire, which led humanity to victory in this racial war, seized the
power of the continent… and so the story goes.

Regardless, the number of elves left was scant, and they were trapped within the Elf
Autonomous Zone, living in abysmal conditions.
And these elves were working in the special operations of the Empire?

Furthermore, they were calmly awaiting their execution? All five of them?

The answer was obvious. The lives of their brethren were being held as leverage.

‘The Elf Queen, who appears after three years, is also manipulated for similar

In any case, this is one of the most common ways the Empire exploited the non-
human races.

Holding the lives of their kind hostage, forcing them to sacrifice themselves. In this
game, it was practically a cliche.

"Sacrificing for the sake of your brethren… how noble. A truly selfless spirit."

I sneered.

"Although quite foolish as well."

“…Even if, with the utmost generosity, all of Your Highness's speculation turns out to
be correct."

Godhand sighed yet again.

"So what changes, Your Highness?"


"We've received a death sentence. You must have received the same decree."

Godhand spoke wearily.

"I fail to understand why you say these things to condemned men about to flee the
gallows. Are you mocking us? Or is this merely another amusement for the royal

I smirked, leaning towards Godhand.

"Don't you see, Godhand?"


"The decree I received reads 'carry out the execution,' but there's no specification as
to how I should take your lives."

"What do you mean…”

"There's no mention of whether to hang you, behead you, burn you at the stake, or
cut you into five pieces. Therefore, I can take your lives as I please."

I gestured towards the south.

"Besides, we are at the monster frontline. This is a place where calamitous beasts
march upon us almost daily."


"I assign you a terribly difficult task, and you disappear while carrying it out. I report
to the superiors that the execution was carried out… It's a possible scenario."


I do have that amount of discretion.

The monster frontline is a southern border of the Everblack Empire. It's one of the
many borderlines within the Empire.

The commander in charge of this area has full control over life and death.

‘…Well, that's the case in name only. I don't have as much power as the other

But the mere fact they sent me five usable condemned men after I requested
reinforcements means they're basically saying, 'do as you wish.'

I chose to interpret it in my own way.

"Before that, I want to ask. Do you want to live?"

I asked, looking into Godhand's trembling eyes.

"If no harm will come to your kin, do you still have the will to prolong your pathetic

“…What good will come from our survival?"

"Anything at all."


"As long as you're alive, you can accomplish anything, eventually."

Godhand, whose lips had been trembling, growled, biting down hard.

"Do not give us false hope, Your Highness."


"You may whip us, cut us with your sword, chop off our limbs, or feed our necks to
the dogs. It doesn't matter. Dispose of us however you please. But."

Godhand shook his head slightly.

"Just don't give us hope."


"Hope hurts us more than anything else."

There are those who have grown accustomed to living in despair.

Having expectations, dreaming of the future, only to be betrayed.

Giving up means, at least, they won't be hurt.

"Don't misunderstand. I never intended to offer you such dazzling things."

But, I didn't plan on offering them hope in the first place. It isn't something I could
give them anyway.
"I merely wish to offer you a chance. A chance not to end your lives."


Only now, Godhand asked me the reason.

"Why do you wish to keep us alive?"

"Don't ask the obvious. It's because I need you here."

I responded candidly.

"Let me make it clear. I plan to keep you alive because I need you."

Awkward as it may be, it's right to explain the real reason why they're needed.

"The monster front lines are chronically understaffed. We're desperate for talented
warriors. If you help me, it will be easier to defend this place."


"The monster invasions are getting worse day by day. If this place falls, the
autonomous region where your kin live will also be at risk."

The elf autonomous region is quite far from here, but it is firmly located in the
southern part of the continent.

If the monster front falls, it is inevitable that they will not be safe.

Defending this place is, after all, a matter of protecting their kin.

"Well, I've spoken at length, but the choice is yours."

I crossed my arms and leaned back.

To live or to die.

As always, that is the question.

"However, I have a request. Not only prolong your lives but also help protect your


After a moment of silence.

"Your Highness."

Godhand spoke up.

"It is as Your Highness has said. We received a special duty. If the five of us complete
our mission and are quietly 'disposed of,' our tribe will receive enough food to
survive for a year."

Essentially, they were sacrificial offerings.

And they had accepted that fate.

"We certainly don't yearn for death, either. But our race's predicament is so dire that
we'd willingly sacrifice our lives. Desperate enough to court death."

Godhand slowly looked over his four subordinates, bound and kneeling behind him.

"I dare say, Your Highness. If you will not take responsibility for us, just kill us here
and now."


"But if you decide to take us in, please be responsible till the end."

"I will take responsibility until the end."

I placed a hand over my chest and vowed.

"I swear upon the blood and name of Ash 'Born Hater' Everblack, the third prince of
the Everblack Empire."

"The 8th team of the Aegis Special Forces, as of now, pledges its loyalty to His
Highness, Prince Ash."

With a sound of rending metal, the chains binding Godhand fell away.

He had bound himself even though he could have escaped at any time.

As Godhand waved his hand, the chains binding his four subordinates were severed

The four subordinates slowly removed their gags and blindfolds.

"We are merely one arrow, one bullet, one gust of wind."

Godhand came forward and slowly knelt on one knee in front of me. His four
subordinates also knelt, one by one, behind him.

The five special forces members bowed their heads to me in unison.

"Please use us freely and discard us without mercy."

I will never discard you and will treasure you until the end.

I smirked.

Finally, I have secured a decent sub-party.

The Aegis Special Task Force Team 8.

Its five members were as follows.

[Sub Party1 (5/5)]

- Lv.35 Godhand(SR)

- Lv.29 Bodybag(R)

- Lv.28 Oldgirl(R)

- Lv.25 Skull(N)

- Lv.22 Burnout(SR)

"Interesting code names."

Having checked everyone's name, I gave a brief remark.

"Can you tell me your real names?"

"I'm sorry, sir."

Godhand bowed his head.

"We're sufficient as nameless chess pieces. We've forgotten our real names."

"Well, fine. After all, it wasn't your names but your abilities that made me take you
under my wing."

Manipulating the system window, I checked the stats of the five and smirked.

"Shall we see what your team can do?"

"Willingly. We are completely at your disposal, sir."

Well, I didn't need the complete disposal…

First off, the team leader, Godhand.

"I am a metallurgist. More precisely, a ferromancer."

Godhand picked up a chain that had been lying on the ground.

"If it contains iron, I can refine any metal into the shape I desire."


The chain disintegrated into iron dust and in the next moment transformed into thin
strands of wire, which then twisted together into a spear.

Godhand, who had lightly swung the spear in his hand, carefully set it down on the

Before long, the spear had transformed back into a chain.

"Depending on the enemy we encounter, I can create different weapons."


I nodded.

"You would supply metal on the spot and provide it as weapons to your team


They were essentially special agents. Activity in enemy territory was basic.

The ability of Godhand to create weapons even when going in unarmed would have
been extremely useful in this respect.

Godhand then pointed out his subordinates.

"I'll introduce the abilities of my team members."

The Aegis Special Forces Team 8, having removed their hoods, were all elves with
green hair, brown eyes, and long ears.

And, they all looked young.

Even these kids had to risk their lives for the survival of the entire race, indicating
the dire situation of the elves.

"Bodybag is a telekinetic. She can freely lift heavy objects, even able to lift all five of
us into the air and transport us. She can also throw weapons that I've refined all at

A female elf, still chubby-cheeked, named Bodybag, politely bowed to me.

A telekinetic. That's extremely versatile.

"The remaining three are all archers. However, even among archers, each has their
area of expertise."

Godhand introduced the remaining three in turn.

"Oldgirl specializes in close-quarters shooting. She uses a double crossbow and is a

specialist in combat. She also has a lot of experience hunting monsters."

I wasn't sure why 'Old' was part of the codename, but she appeared to be the most
hardened agent among them at first glance.

Oldgirl waved at me with a shy smile.

I found myself instinctively waving back, then snapped out of it. What the hell?

“Skull is a long-range sniper. She uses a longbow. She has the skill to suppress noise,
making her unparalleled in covert operations among us."

Skull, the only N-class character among the five, bowed her head nonchalantly.

A deep scar marked the youthful boyish face, suggesting a history of many battles.
"And Burnout is…”

Godhand, introducing the final agent, paused momentarily.

“…our team's main firepower. She uses a customized stationary ballista. She hasn't
fully controlled her abilities yet, but with more experience, she can be of great help
to you."

The last agent, Burnout.

While all other team members had removed their masks, this girl still wore hers.

Her lime-green hair ends were singed black, and her brown eyes flickered with red

Having reviewed this child's abilities via the system window, I swallowed nervously.
If this girl matures properly…

"Also, please take this."

Godhand pulled something out and handed it to me.

"This is our 'Collar', a pledge of loyalty."

When I looked at it, it seemed to be a tiny switch.

"What is this?"

"It's the activation button for a bomb collar."

Godhand showed me his neck. There was a collar that looked as if it was made by
melting and hardening iron.

The red gem embedded in the collar shone threateningly.

Upon closer inspection, all five of them were wearing these collars.

"It's a device to 'self-destruct' remotely in case of capture by the enemy."

"This should give you more trust in us."

"No, I already trust you…”

"You might, Your Majesty."

Godhand gestured behind me.

"But others might not."

When I turned around, it was indeed as he said. Lucas and Evangeline showed clear
signs of being wary of the new sub-party members.

"Anyway, I have a rough idea of your abilities now."

I felt it would be rude not to accept their pledge of loyalty, so I took the bomb switch.
I won't use it, anyway.

"But it seems you've been mainly involved in person-to-person combat up to now.

The main enemy here at the monster frontline is monsters."


"Do you kill monsters well?"

"I regret to inform you, Your Majesty."

Godhand grinned faintly for the first time that day.

"We are the monsters."

Wheels that throw away morality and ethics to serve the nation.

That's the Aegis Special Forces.

And among them, Team 8, who willingly became scapegoats for their kin.

It had been a while since they had strayed from the path of humanity.

"And yet, we haven't encountered a monster stronger than us."

"That's something we'll need to prove."

Slowly, I got up.

"We will have to hunt monsters soon, after all."

The special forces team of five rose in unison. With a faint smile, I gestured towards

"Let's go. We should at least eat something."


Right after our return to Crossroad.

The sub-party were all accommodated in the spare rooms of the Crossroad mansion,
with only Lucas and Evangeline entering the reception room with me.

It was for a meeting to plan our future.

"Those people are criminals, my lord."

As soon as the door closed, Lucas raised his stern voice.

"And not just any criminals, they're traitors who plotted a rebellion!"

"Well, that's true."

Treason was the most common reason for capital punishment in the Empire.

It was the best charge to be thrown on someone, in a broad sense.

"Do you really plan to employ them? We don't know when they might betray us!"

"But the switch to the bomb collar is with me."

I kept it carefully in the inventory, worried I might accidentally trigger it.

"Lucas, you must have felt it too during this free exploration. We're gradually
becoming overpowered with just us."

Recalling the free exploration, Lucas kept his mouth tightly shut, unable to refute.

The white-masked NPCs… The Nightcrawler squad. We almost fell helplessly to


As we delve deeper into the dungeon, unexpected threats appear. We need to

reinforce our power as soon as possible.

It's not just about free exploration, but also the imminent defense stage in front of

Now that Jupiter, who was our core power, has left due to injury, we should utilize
convicts, or anything we can get our hands on.

"What do you think, Evangeline?"

When I asked, Evangeline hummed, touching her chin before opening her mouth

"I think the Aegis Special Forces Team is reliable. But employing elves is certainly a

"Is the problem because it's an elf?"

"Are there people among the Empire who like elves, or rather, other races? It could
negatively affect your reputation as a lord."

Humans and other races had been fighting for generations, and it was only a
hundred years ago that the race war ended.

The hatred and conflicts imprinted on the people of this world run much deeper
than I thought.

"Do you hate elves too?"

"If I have to choose, I don't have any particular feelings. I neither like nor dislike
Shrugging her shoulders, Evangeline glanced outside the reception room.

"Regardless, it doesn't seem to work."

"Doesn't seem to work?"

"Offering themselves to death to save their entire race… It's a heart-wrenching


Evangeline nodded in my direction.

"If you're asking me to pick a side, I'm in favor. No matter who they're affiliated with
or what species they are, as long as they help fend off the monsters, that's enough,
isn't it?"

I nodded in response and turned to Lucas.

"Alright, Lucas. Let's do it this way."

"Yes, my lord."

"For the immediate success of this defense mission. And to break through those in
white masks during the next free exploration. For now, let's employ these five friends
just until then."


"And if these friends turn out to be not so great in real combat, we can consider
another method, like you suggested. What do you think?"

Lucas silently nodded his approval.

"In the first place, it's not my place to question the decisions you make, my lord. I
merely follow your will."

You say that, but don't you often disagree with me?

But every organization needs a brake. There's validity in opposing opinions too.

There are reasons both for and against using the five of them, and it's a fact that
there's no particular reason to trust them completely.

'One thing's certain, we need their power immediately.'

In the impending defense battle, the new sub-party will prove to be useful.

'One way or another, they've presented an interesting game.'

I pulled out and read the official document I received from the capital again.

They sent convicts when I asked for reinforcements, all of them from different
species, and they belong to the Aegis Special Forces.

'I wonder what they intended by sending them.'

I carefully looked at the name signed at the end of the document.

Prince Fernandez 'Ember Keeper' Everblack, the second in line to the throne.

The elder brother of my character, Ash, and the imperial regent responsible for
domestic affairs.

'A character that never appeared in the game… '

I folded the document neatly and tucked it away, pressing my lips together.

'I must be careful.'

Tactics for the true ending.

Not only monsters, but also the will of humans from various places have started to

The road ahead is fraught with danger.

'Overcoming these challenges is part of the fun of strategizing.'

I wish I could clear this a bit more easily!

That night.

The Convict Transport Troop, terrified by me, was driven out of the city.

The captain of the transport troop pleaded to confirm the execution, but I kicked
them out immediately, saying that I couldn't allow anyone who had lied to the
imperial family to stay in the city any longer. Get out!

The Aegis Special Forces Team 8 continued to stay at the mansion.

Officially, they were the most important prisoners and were confined in the
mansion's prison… or so it was arranged.

'Where should I place them later… '

Of course, since I am the commander of the front line here, as well as the lord of this

I can keep them close in a pretend ignorance kind of way.

But the issue is clear. Where should they stay from now on, and how should I
summon them?

As I was contemplating this, I stood in front of the room where Aegis Special Forces
Team 8 was staying.

I knocked and pushed the door open.

"It's me. I'm coming in…”

And when I slightly opened the door…

"Bed, bed! It's a bed!"

"How long has it been since we had a proper place to sleep?!"

"So soft! It's soft! It's super soft!"

…Members of the special task force were visible, frolicking and jumping on the bed.
I froze.

"The food was good, too!"

"It was delicious, it was delicious!"

"I can't remember the last time we had a proper meal!"

"I want to eat more! Do they serve snacks?"

As they babbled on, they soon began a pillow fight, laughing heartily.

I watched them, my face void of expression.

What on earth… is happening here?


One of the task force members noticed my presence.

"Your, Your Highness?!"


In the next moment, all five of them rolled out of the bed with a clatter and in no
time, they were kneeling on one knee in front of me.

"You have arrived, Your Highness."

Godhand spat out with a voice full of strain. But it's too late to act now, isn't it?

"It's too late to act serious now, you know…?"

"I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Godhand responded in a dry voice. Yet, there were feathers from the pillows stuck in
his hair.

"We are the Aegis Special Forces. We're emotionless killing machines…”
"No, that's enough."

I shook the thing I was holding in my hand. It was the remaining food from the
kitchen that I had warmed up.

"Do you want to eat a midnight snack or not?"

The eyes of the little ones, wearing the mask of the special task force, shone like wild
A moment later.

The special forces agents were neatly seated on the floor of the room.

They ate their late-night meal with a precise, rigid movement.

They used a knife-like action to pick up their food with a fork, opened their mouths
like robots, popped a bite in, chewed precisely ten times, and swallowed.

All five of them, as if performing synchronized swimming, repeated the same actions


Watching this spectacle was making me feel nauseous, even though I hadn't even
touched my late-night meal.

"Hey, um, that…”

I finally couldn't stand it anymore and spoke.

"Just stop being so stiff, eat comfortably…”

"What do you mean, Your Highness?"

Godhand, who had been sitting on his knees, laid down his fork with a perfectly
perpendicular movement and smiled mechanically.

"We're perfectly comfortable right now."

"No, I'm telling you, I'm not comfortable! If you're all being so rigid, it makes me

Can't you at least move in a more organic way? Stop with the right-angle eating, it's
making my joints freeze just watching you!

Finally, the late-night meal time was over.

The five special forces agents, with clean mouths, were sitting neatly in front of me.

"We will treasure the grace, similar to a heavenly command, bestowed upon us by
Your Highness in the depths of our hearts."

As Godhand bowed his waist in gratitude, the other four followed suit. I touched my
aching forehead.

"No, it's not some heavenly command or anything, it's just a late-night meal."

"You, Your Highness, have personally bestowed kindness upon us who were starving,
if that's not a grace like a heavenly command, then what is?"

"Just stop it, please…”

Originally, I planned to make them relax by feeding them and then ask them some
questions, but seeing their defensive attitudes, getting an honest answer seemed

It wouldn't be that easy for them to open up anyway.

So, instead of asking what I had originally intended, I decided to start with a less
direct question.

"When did the five of you become a team?"

It was an intended question to break the ice by asking about their stories, as they
seemed relatively close to each other.


"Our Team 8 was only formed one and a half years ago. But, as we were all being
trained as special forces candidates, we've known each other since childhood."

A somewhat heavy answer came back.

I asked nervously.

"Special forces candidates? Being trained?"

"We, the elves, who lost our country and land, have only us as remaining resources.
We are 'selling' human resources in various ways."


"Children with combat aptitude are trained from an early age as prospective special
forces. They are even deployed in minor combat. Then, according to the strategies
set by the higher-ups, those with suitable skills are combined to form a team."

Godhand lowered his eyes and answered slowly.

"For this one operation, we were trained as a team and deployed…”

“…Regardless of the success or failure, you are discarded?"


I clenched my mouth shut.

From the perspective of a 'human' and the 'empire', this approach is highly efficient.

No matter how dangerous the operation, they don't risk the precious lives of

The risk is low. If they succeed, that's great, if they fail, they can just discard us.

It's the deeds committed by the other race, the elves, who once were the enemies of
humans. There are likely various reasons to discard them.

Politically, pragmatically, the risk is virtually nil, and the gains are easy. How efficient
is this?


How cruel is this?

The concept of using the lives of other races, unabashedly as bullets. How…

"Who's the supreme commander of the Aegis Special Forces?"

I asked cautiously.


I wanted to know who made this cruel decision.

Godhand hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded.

"Why would I hesitate to tell you now? You probably already know. You must just
want me to confirm it."

No, I really didn't know…

"The supreme commander of the Aegis Special Forces has always been the royal
family's domestic policy head. Currently-"

Godhand's eyes were briefly filled with terror as he spit out the name.

"The second prince, His Highness Fernandez."


Fernandez 'Ember Keeper' Everblack.

The one who sent them to me, my brother.

Upon hearing Fernandez's name, the faces of the other special forces members
showed signs of disturbance.

I caught all of it.

The special forces members who felt no fear in sacrificing their own lives.

Even they felt terror.

'Just what kind of person is he… '

Anyway, the atmosphere became too heavy, so I changed the subject.

"How's the room? Can you live in it?"

The faces of the Special Forces members instantly brightened.

Some were fidgeting with their hands, glancing at the cushions and pillows rolling
around behind them.

They seemed impatient to touch them right away.

"Your Highness. We've been confined in a prison for death-row inmates for the past
few months, and we've been dragged here in an escort carriage for the past few

Godhand smiled softly.

"This room is nothing short of a paradise. To be honest, we don't even want to step
out of here."

"No, that's a problem…”

Please don't turn into a hermit… I too was a streamer living in front of the

"Is the food okay? I tried to be considerate."

While Elves aren't unable to eat meat, their diet is primarily vegetarian.

I asked the head chef to prepare a vegetarian-focused menu.

The food I brought as a late-night snack was also made from the leftovers.

"After having only prison meals, indulging in this feast feels exceptional. Especially
considering our younger agents still need to grow and develop."

Excluding Godhand, all the agents nodded in unison, agreeing with the sentiment.
That's a relief. Perhaps I should keep preparing meals like this.

"However, I am genuinely grateful for your consideration, Your Highness."

Godhand cautiously spoke in a serious tone.

"We merely abide, eat, and follow as given."


"Please, treat us more casually, as if we were objects."

No, that's the thing… That's not comfortable…

If I were a true prince, perhaps that would be possible.

But I'm just a small citizen from 21st century Korea. How can I treat sentient beings
as objects?

Afterwards, we exchanged a few words about our future lives, discussing clothing
and range of activities.

After wrapping up the immediate living conditions conversation, I left the room.

"Let's continue to discuss and adjust going forward."

"We are truly grateful, Your Highness. May your night be peaceful."

Led by Godhand, Bodybag, Skull, Burnout, all respectfully bowed their heads. Only
Oldgirl was waving with a big smile.

Before I knew it, I found myself waving back, then quickly regained my composure.
What the?!


As soon as the door closed, a sudden exclamation echoed from inside.

"Is the Third Prince a good person? Is he really good?"

"He seems like a good person?!"

"He saved our lives in the first place! Even if he has ulterior motives, we have to
admit that~"

"He gave us a late-night snack!"

"Late-night snack!"

"I hope he gives us another late-night snack!"

…Maybe I should move them to a room with better soundproofing.

Leaving behind the bustling room of young ones, I walked down the hallway. My
mind continued to spin with thoughts.

Ultimately, I couldn't ask the question that intrigued me the most.

Even if I had asked, I wasn't sure they could have given me a concrete answer.

'Did they really trigger the war?'

The war between the Everblack Empire and the Bringar Kingdom was a major event
in the game.

Starting from the ruin of the Bringar Kingdom, many large-scale events occurred.

Refugees from the Kingdom began to flood into Crossroad, and new high-quality
mercenaries were also incorporated into Crossroad.

'Hostile NPC groups were also created in large numbers.'

Outlaws and knights who had fled from the Bringar Kingdom.

If properly assimilated, they could become formidable forces in the Monster

Frontlines here.

'But if things go wrong, we'll have to face not just monsters, but humans in defensive
I might even have to wage a war against a human army if things go south.

In the game, they were easily absorbed.

Though the Monster Frontlines belonged to the Empire, they didn't have much to do
with the war against the Bringar Kingdom.

But now, I've accepted the egis Special Forces Team 8, who could be seen as the
spark of that war, into my party.

No one knew how this would impact anything in the future, in what direction, or in
what way.

As I grappled with these thoughts, I turned the corner of the corridor.


Lucas was hiding there, watching in my direction.



An awkward silence lingered between Lucas and me for a moment.

I was momentarily stumped, unsure whether to ask Lucas why he was hiding or if he
wasn't uncomfortable crouching with such a large frame.

Nevertheless, I couldn't just stand there, so I asked,

"What are you doing, Lucas?"

"I was preparing to rush in, in case something happened to you when you entered
alone, Your Highness."

Lucas cleared his throat awkwardly, avoiding my gaze.

"Anyway, they are convicts suspected of treason. It seems necessary to monitor

"I think there won't be a big problem as I have their 'leashes' on them, but…”

There is a possibility, however remote it may be.

'I should keep an eye on them for Lucas's sake.'

I raised my voice towards the inside of the mansion.

"Aider! Get over here, quick!"

After a brief wait, Aider came rolling in, making a clattering sound. He seemed to
have been on the second floor.

"Yes, yes! My lord! How may I assist you?!"

I gestured towards the room where the Aegis Special Forces Team 8 was.

"Monitor them in case of any emergencies, and report back immediately if anything

"Me?! Me?!"

"Who else? You're the only one available. Should we, who are always in defense or
going on free explorations, have to do it?"

Of course, it's not that he should guard with that frail body of his. I meant that he
should use some kind of system. He had plenty of methods, didn't he?

"But, my lord, you know… they're not the type to betray…”

"Mmm~ I can't hear you~ You'll have to suffer a bit~"

Leaving Aider muttering sadly, Lucas and I left the place. This should be enough.


The next day.

- Start in: 5 days

The start of the next stage was getting closer.

It was time to step up the preparations for the defense battle.

And so, at the blacksmith's shop.

"These are the results of the equipment dismantling you requested last time."

The blacksmith master respectfully handed me a box.

I swallowed dryly and accepted it. Please!

I dismantled four SSR grade equipment pieces even though they were broken. The
chances of getting a SSR grade magic core are high enough!

'Please! Please, come out, please!'

I prayed and checked the contents of the box. Did it come out?!


Inside the box, a golden magic core was rolling around.

"It came out-!"

Picking up the SSR grade magic core, I let out a shriek of joy.

[Standard Special Magic Core (SSR)]

It might seem like a loss since four were used to get one, but where did I even get the
four from in the first place!

'Now I can make 'that equipment'!'

Plans for how to use the magic core quickly fell into place.

With a smug grin, I promptly tucked the SSR-grade Magic Power gem into my
inventory. I'll put you to good use.
"Also, the three Magic Cannons you ordered are completed."

As I was cheerfully dancing with the Magic Power gem in my hand, the Blacksmith
handed over the weapons wrapped in silk.

Three Magic Cannons, each made with Ratman Champion Magic Power gems.

They were finally finished.

I placed the three new Magic Guns on the table and examined them.

'They're shaped like handguns.'

Since the same three Magic Core were used, all three pieces took on the same shape.
I picked up one of the Magic Guns to check its stats.

[Cerberus Lv.25]

- Category: Magic Gun

- Attack Power: 11-66

- Durability: 6/6

- Magazine Capacity: 6/6

- The last round in the magazine always hits critically.

"All three turned out with the same design, so I've named them Cerberus."

"The three-headed hound of hell, huh? That's a good name."

After inspecting all three handguns, I put them back on the table. They were
noticeably smaller than a typical Magic Gun.

"But why did they turn out to be so small?"

"I heard that all the Magic Guns we've made so far are used by one person."

That's right. They're all for Damien to use.

"And that includes the Magic Gun you initially showed us, so isn't that six pieces in
"And so?"

"Even if he is a warrior, carrying six large weapons will tire him out. Plus, Magic Guns
have heavy recoil which puts strain on the body."

Certainly, during a defensive battle, they could just be set up on the walls and fired.
But when going outside for free exploration, the weight of the Magic Guns would be a
significant burden for Damien.

"So I tried to make them as compact as possible. They might lose some long-range
firepower, but they should be effective at medium to close range."

"Rather, being light and small, it would have an advantage when the distance is

I nodded in satisfaction.

This way, during defensive battles, he could use the rifles, and for free exploration, he
could use the handguns. He could switch the equipment setting like this.

There would be various combinations to try out.

For testing, I fired a handgun in the prepared shooting range next to me.


Despite being a handgun, the recoil was enormous. Even when holding it with both
hands, it was enough to make my wrists sore.

But compared to the previous rifle-shaped Magic Guns, this was child's play.

Those rifles were enough to make me fly backward every time I shot them.

I packed the handguns in a box and wrapped them nicely. I'll give them to Damien as
a gift.

"You've worked hard, Blacksmith."

"It's nothing."
"And sorry, but I'll have to ask you to make the next piece of equipment right away."

"Why apologize! It's our job."

I placed the materials I had prepared on the table.

One Golden Gargoyle Magic Core (SR).

And five pieces of Golden Armor fragments.

"The next thing I'll commission is…”

I drew in a deep breath before letting it out.

"It's a 'Boss Gear'."

Tension flashed across the face of the Blacksmith.


So, what is a Boss Gear?

Boss monsters, when defeated, have a high probability of dropping exclusive Magic

Players can use these Magic Core as they please.

You could create equipment, or artifacts, or even make money by selling them.

Even when creating equipment, all you had to do was invest Magic Core in the
equipment needed at the time.

If you needed a shield, make a shield; if you needed shoes, make shoes.

It was all up to the player's discretion, customizable according to the player's taste.


The equipment that a certain boss monster used.

To create a 'boss equipment' modeled after it, you needed the boss's Magic Core and

Because the performance was pretty decent, it was good to make it if the conditions
and situations allowed.

'It's not that I didn't know how to make it. Until now, the categories just didn't

For example, the Stage 1 boss was the Phantom Knight.

His boss equipment was 'The Phantom Knight's Greatsword.' But since none of us
used a greatsword, I didn't make it.

'Afterwards, elite monsters came out instead of the boss, or even if the boss monster
came out, it didn't drop its exclusive Magic Core.'

Anyway, in the midst of all this, I had picked up the Magic Core and armor fragments
of the Golden Gargoyle this time.

I was now able to create the Golden Gargoyle's boss equipment- 'Golden Armor.'

"I request it to be as thin and light as possible."

I specially ordered.

"Not heavy and not uncomfortable in my movements."

"Then, the defensive power seems to be reduced…”

"I don't mind. Just make it comfortable for me."


The option I ordered looked like armor, but the actual performance was closer to
that of mage wear.

"When will you measure the size?"

"We'll measure it next time. For now, make the size… slightly smaller, please."
After completing the order and paying in advance, I left the blacksmith's shop.

Lucas nodded behind me.

"Are you going to wear it, my lord? In that case, it's definitely better to be light. You
won't be on the front line."

"Well, um…”

I trailed off my words.

I guess I could wear it. I'll decide after seeing the options.


Alchemist's Workshop.

The major artifacts were being repaired without trouble. But that's not why I came


Since Jupiter had logged out of the stage, I came to notify that we were putting our
Fire Magician back into the party.

"His Highness the Crown Prince has arrived~!"


While diligently repairing the artifact, Lilly looked at me with sullen eyes.

"Do I have to step forward this time too…?"

"Well… that's how it turned out."

No, rather, have you ever not been on the front lines? It seems like you're always
called up for defensive battles.

Lilly sighed heavily and dusted off her hands.

"What can I do? It's my sin for being born a magician."

"Right, right. Blame your over-achieving self."


I joked, but Lilly's face became gloomy. No, she's crying! She's really crying!

"Hey, don't cry! It was my mistake! But you still have to be deployed for battle!"

"I'm not crying… it's just artifact dust in my eyes…”

Lilly, who was dabbing her eyes, said with clarity.

"Your Majesty. I have a request."

"Go, go on. Speak."

"When a lot of junior mages come in later…”


"Even if I step back from the front lines, make sure they come and greet me each
time they come in."


It was an unexpected demand.

Lilly explained the reason to me, blinking her eyes.

"I, I may act important as a mage, but my talent is just so-so. I couldn't even train
under a proper master in the Ivory Tower, let alone receive education."


If you were to evaluate objectively, Lilly is an R-grade character.

Moreover, she's a second-tier mercenary who has trickled into the poor front line
like Monster's Frontline.
It's not like she has extraordinary talent or high achievements as a mage. She herself
knows it well.

"In the future, aren't many great, outstanding, talented mages going to join the front
line? Then I can finally settle into a desk job."

"I, I see."

"I don't want to be ignored by those smarty-pants genius juniors."

Lilly hastily spat out what she seemed to have been harboring deep inside for a long

"I, please treat me properly as a senior mage. Even if I can't walk, even if I'm a desk
job, even if I'm just so-so as a mage."


I nodded vigorously.

"There won't be anyone who will disrespect you, and if there is, I'll take
responsibility and beat them up."

She ended up unable to walk because she was protecting all of us.

And so, she was forcibly switched to a desk job.

What does achievement as a mage matter?

Even if there are hundreds or thousands of great mages in the world, the comrade
who has journeyed with me from Stage 0 is Lilly.

"Can't I do at least that much for our most senior mage, Lilly? Put those worries
away, Lilly."

I can grant anything, except retirement, Lilly!

"Then it's okay…”

Lilly, who let out a deep sigh, turned her gaze back to the artifacts.
"Don't worry, I won't run away. If you call me, I'll join immediately."

"Alright. Thank you, Lilly."

There are two mages in the Aegis Special Forces Team right now, I should get her to
meet and greet them as soon as tomorrow.

After looking at the artifact that was nearing completion and the silent workers, I left
the workshop.


In the carriage on the way back to the mansion.

I was contemplating while spreading out the status of the current characters before
my eyes.

Although Jupiter, a key attacker with wide-area attacks, was out of the stage, we had
gained a sub-party.

The cultivation status of the main party is not bad either.

'How can I fight to maximize efficiency in this stage… '

As I was thinking of various combinations and strategies in my mind.


The Rebel's Necklace I was wearing around my neck emitted light. It was enough to
illuminate the inside of the carriage.

I felt my neck curiously.

'What's this?'

The Add-on feature was already attached to my necklace.

The [Dark Event Tracker] was in operation. A system window popped up before my
[Warning of a Dark Event at STAGE 4!]

The Dark Event.

A damn ordeal 'someone' intentionally laid out to ruin this game for me.

It had been activated three times during the previous stage, and as expected, it was
activated again.

'Alright, what's it this time? Let's find out and face it.'

Then, what appeared before my eyes was…

[Activated Dark Event: Addition of Boss Monster]

> One more Boss Monster will appear.


I was taken aback. So, this means two Boss Monsters are going to appear?

Quickly, I opened the enemy information window,

[Enemy Information - STAGE 4]

- Lv.? ??? : 2

- Lv.15 Stone Gargoyle : 360

- Lv.20 Steel Gargoyle : 242

Damn it, it's real! There really are two!

"A duplicated boss monster?!"

My head was throbbing, so I rubbed my forehead with my hand.

The boss monster of the gargoyle legion was tough enough, and now there were two
of them…
'Ah, no. Let's think positively, positively!'

I switched my thought process to hopeful thinking mode.

'It means I get to take twice the drop items from the bosses! Twice the experience
points! It's a double event, a double event!'

It's not just empty talk.

The boss battle will be incredibly tough, but the rewards will also be doubled.

Was it Nietzsche who said? What does not kill me, makes me stronger.

There's nothing more accurate than that in an RPG.

'Yeah, bring on more terrifying Dark Events! Send more boss monsters, stronger

Coming up with tactics to deal with two boss monsters is part of the routine in the
middle and later stages of the game.

Tactical combinations began to form in my head in no time.

As long as I know beforehand, clearing the conditions isn't hard.

'I'll chew you all up. Damn monster bastards.'

Already, I was pondering on what kind of item I could create from the materials of
the two gargoyle boss monsters.

I'll chew them all up, level up like crazy, draw fantastic items, and storm their base.

And then, I'll make them regret making me stronger by leaving me alive through
these trials.

The carriage swiftly approached the mansion. The weather was gloomy as if a storm
was brewing in the distance.

Accompanied by the chilly smell of rain, STAGE 4 was looming closer and closer.
From then on, the defensive preparation went smoothly…

…No, allow me to correct myself.

The preparation for the defense met a significant hurdle.


The issue arose the very next day.

Initially, I had just brought Godhand to introduce him to Lilly, but Lilly got a fright.

"Your, Your Highness. Your Highness. Come over here for a moment."

Pulling me aside into a corner of the workshop, Lilly whispered with her hand
covering her mouth.

"That new member of the sub-party, an Elf… correct?"

"Yeah. How'd you know right away? Yeah, it's an Elf."

"Hee, Heeeeee!"

Lilly's face turned pale, and she started to tremble. What's the matter?

"Hoo… Your Highness."

After a deep sigh, Lilly started speaking with her hand covering her face.

"You know, right? How I got the [Flame Skin] characteristic."

The characteristic that lets one deflect all physical attacks at the cost of expending
Magic Power: [Flame Skin].

Thanks to this characteristic, I was able to clear Stage 0. Of course, I remembered. I

nodded in acknowledgment.

"It was because of the goblins that invaded the village, right?"

In order to avoid getting hurt from the blades swung by a swarm of goblins, Lilly had
awakened the [Flame Skin] characteristic.

That's what I knew, but…

"Yes, that's right. But who do you think let that swarm of goblins into the village by
opening the village gates?"


"The Elf family who were our house slaves."

I swallowed my dry spit.

Lilly kept shaking her head in disbelief.

"My parents took pity on that Elf family who were being chased by slave hunters, and
took them in. They were provided a separate house within our premises. They were
employed as house slaves for a year, and were provided with everything they
needed. But then…”

A look of agony appeared on Lilly's face, a look I hadn't even seen when she fought
against the black spider legion.

“…But then one day, after a year had passed, they suddenly declared that they could
not forgive humans. They opened the gates of the village and called in a swarm of


"The village was set on fire, my parents were butchered, and I was left alone."

I remained silent.

After glancing quickly at Godhand, Lilly said to me hurriedly.

"Your Highness. No matter how much goodwill we show, they still hate humans. They
will surely betray you one day."


"This is for your sake. No matter the circumstances under which you recruited them,
do not trust them. Just like how they opened the gates of my village, they could also
lead to the destruction of our frontlines here."

After silently listening to everything she had to say, I carefully asked.

"Lilly, do you hate the Elves?"

Without any hesitation, Lilly nodded her head.

"As much as I fear the goblins' blades, I hate them."

"Even though they weren't the ones who wronged you?"

"Would you, Your Highness, let a monster that hasn't killed anyone yet into our


"You can't possibly mean that."

Lilly was adamant.

"I feel the same. And probably, they feel the same too."

This was reality.

"We just can't help but despise those who aren't of our race."

It was a long, deep-seated chain of hatred borne from the ancient history of this land
I did not know.


It was then.
"Excuse me."


Godhand, who was eavesdropping our hushed conversation from the corner,
approached us. What a shock!


Although I was a bit startled, Lilly nearly caused an uproar.

"Gulp, gulp!"

She even started hiccupping. She must really hate elves…

I gently patted Lilly's shoulder. Calm down, friend.

"I would like to apologize first."

As soon as Lilly was finally calmed and her breathing settled, Godhand started
speaking calmly.

"Being a spy by profession, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I

apologize for eavesdropping unintentionally."

I broke into a cold sweat.

"Um… Did you hear our entire conversation just now?"

Godhand bowed his head at Lilly and me.

"I'm sorry, but yes."

Upon hearing that our conversation was overheard, Lilly's complexion turned pale.

Staring straight at Lilly, Godhand flatly stated.

"Lilly, I would like to tell you one thing."

"What, what, what is it…?"

"I do not intend to ask for your forgiveness."

Godhand continued in a respectful but icy tone.

"Even if I apologize, it won't bring back your lost family, nor will it erase the wounds
you've endured."


"Nor will the root of your feelings towards our race be healed."

Lilly bit her lips tightly. Godhand resumed his words.

"But Lilly, we are on the brink of a war."


"Even before my country was destroyed, humans and elves fought together against
the invasion of monsters. We are facing a common enemy."

Godhand bowed his head slowly.

"Shouldn't we put our petty feelings aside and fight together, following the Prince's

A valid point.

Godhand's words were indeed a valid point.

But Lilly shook her head vehemently.

"How dare you deceive your feelings and say such things."


"Aren't you the same as me? Tell me the truth, Elf. You hate humans, don't you?"

Unlike her usual self, Lilly retorted fiercely.

"You hate us for destroying your nation and enslaving your people, don't you?"

"We waged war for a thousand years and enslaved each other for a hundred years.
We can't help but harbor hatred and suspicion towards each other. Until one side
completely disappears, it will continue."

Lilly abruptly turned her head towards me.

"They are seeds of discord, Your Highness."

Lilly, her lips pressed firmly together, sternly addressed me.

"It's not just me. The other soldiers, too, they'll feel uneasy simply knowing that
elves are on the front lines."


"Employing them is a shortsighted decision. I urge you to reconsider. We can fight

just fine on our own, without the elves! We've done it before!"

"Lilly. That might mean you have to keep going to the front lines."

"I would rather do that! I would rather be on the front lines every time than fight
alongside elves!"

Lilly, who had been desperate to retire, felt strongly enough to say this.

I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

Lucas also expressed unease at the idea of using the elves.

Perhaps most soldiers' opinions would align more with Lilly's.

'What should I do…?'

Just then,

"I'll be honest with you, Lady Lilly. As you said, we don't like the human race."

As Godhand admitted this, Lilly gave me a glaring look.

"See, Your Highness! That's what I'm saying!"

Godhand let out a long sigh.

"But does that matter?"

"Excuse me?"

"My country has been destroyed, and the reality is that our race lives under humans.
The life and death of our entire race, including our team, is in the hands of the
Empire, and also in Your Highness's hands."

Godhand pointed to the 'collar' around his neck.

The red gem, the detonation device of the bomb necklace, gleamed on his neck.

"Our race is nothing but a trifle that could lose its life at any moment without the
Empire's grace. Even if we harbor resentment, our lives are still under Your
Highness's feet."


"I simply wish that my compatriots from my homeland can survive for one more day.
And that my team members can be a little more… happy."

Godhand lowered his head as he adjusted his collar.

"That's all I hope for."


"Lady Lilly. Isn't it the same for you?"

Lilly's eyes widened.

Godhand's gaze brushed past Lilly's legs, which were confined to a wheelchair.

"Isn't it for the sake of protecting your loved ones that you serve on this monster
front line, despite your physical discomfort?"
"I am…”

"Elves and humans may not get along well. However, we share a common enemy and
fight for the same purpose: to protect our loved ones."


"Do we need more reasons to fight together?"

Lilly, with her lips firmly shut, shook her head.

"I can fight alongside the monsters once. But I can't forgive you. Never."

"That doesn't matter."

Godhand spat out indifferently.

"It's something I'm used to."

Lilly, who had been glaring at Godhand for a while, slowly turned to me.

"Just until this defense battle, Your Highness."


"I will fight with you in this battle. But if that party remains here after the defense
battle is over, I will leave this front line."


"I'll go in. I need to rest a little."

Lilly disappeared into the workshop, dragging her wheelchair.

I wiped my aching forehead with my hand.

'Oh, what a headache.'

The Lilly I know is a kind person.

Considerate, capable of caring for others, prioritizing the greater good over personal

For such Lilly to express such outright hatred.

'I can fully understand.'

If she had experienced such things in her childhood, it would make sense to hate the
entire Elf race.

Numerous incidents, emotions, and prejudices would have built a huge wall between
humans and other races.

'It's deep.'

Much deeper than I thought.

'So deep it can't be filled, this chasm of hatred.'

The emotions are as deep as the history of this world.

In the game, there was no need to consider such things.

No matter the race, characters were selected based on performance and crammed
into one party.

But this place is reality.

Origin. Race. Power. There are many more dynamics between people than what
meets the eye.

I need to look at all these factors comprehensively for the front line to roll smoothly.

'Organizational management is tough… '

I sighed and looked back at Godhand.

"I came to introduce you, but I ended up getting interrogated."

Godhand chuckled bitterly.

"It's okay. This is really a common occurrence. Compared to others, Lady Lilly is
rather gentle."

"Everyone seems to be more sensitive to this issue than I thought. Am I being


As I awkwardly scratched the back of my head, Godhand carefully spoke.

"Your Highness is intriguing."


"Even the human beings who treat us well, inevitably, their eyes convey prejudice.
There's an undeniable hint of caution."

Godhand subtly lowered his gaze towards me.

"But Your Highness, you don't show any such signs at all. That's why it's interesting,
and also… we are grateful."


That's just because I'm an outsider who has inhabited another world.

Back on Earth, I was an incredibly narrow-minded commoner too.

I awkwardly moistened my lips. I can't tell him the truth… nor can I pretend to be

"So please don't be too concerned even if others are cautious or look down on us."

Godhand discreetly glanced towards the workshop where Lilly disappeared.

"We will prove ourselves in this defense battle. That we too have our worth."

I wish the main party and the sub-party would get along.

Sparks are flying even before the battle, and to be honest, it worries me.

Well, having to deal with such headaches from personnel issues is probably part of
the job of a frontline commander.
All along, Aider had been monitoring the five members of Aegis Special Forces Team
8, in case of any emergencies.

There was the matter of Lilly, and I couldn't help but be a little anxious.

However, nothing particularly suspicious was found. They just chattered among
themselves, like kids their age.

"Regardless of what thoughts they harbor, we do need their power. Deploy them in
this defense battle."

Lucas agreed, and Lilly, in the end, consented to participate in this defense battle.

Their deployment in this defense battle as a sub-party was now confirmed.

So, three days before the defense battle, in the afternoon, we were in the room where
Aegis Special Forces Team 8 was staying.

"Bring them in, Lucas."

"Yes, my Lord."

Following my order, Lucas brought in five new sets of clothes and placed them in the

"My Lord, these are…?"

I nodded at the Special Forces members, who were looking puzzled.

"From now on, all five of you will wear these."

Godhand cautiously picked up the clothing.

A coat and a jacket, a shirt and trousers, a tie, and leather boots.
It was the typical composition of an Empire uniform, but the design was different.

While the Empire uniforms were made exclusively in black, these clothes had vivid
splashes of red all over.

"It's an outfit!"

"You really prepared everything for the ceremony?!"

With the exception of Godhand, the other agents immediately donned the coats, their
eyes sparkling.

Godhand was torn between reining in her subordinates or donning the uniform

I explained with a chuckle.

"These are the prototype uniforms to be distributed to the soldiers at the monster
front line."

How could one foster a sense of belonging among a group's members?

There are many ways, but the easiest is to have them wear the same clothes.

'When we hired several mercenaries, they struggled to form a single organization…

they lacked a unified sense of belonging.'

The situation was the same on the monster front line here.

Since we were employing mercenaries from all over the world, they all acted
independently, struggling to integrate into a single organization.

Therefore, one of the ways to increase this sense of belonging in the game was to
'create uniforms'.

It costs a bit because they had to be distributed to the entire army, but the effects
were quite satisfactory.

So, I had been creating separate uniforms for the soldiers to wear at the monster
front line.
And above all, this was my personal belief.

'Uniforms should be cool.'

They should be fantastic fashion items. They should be so stylish that one could wear
them proudly in any setting.

That way, everyone would feel proud to wear them, and some would even join the
army just to wear them.

The Empire's uniforms had a good design originally. But they were a bit outdated.

However, the newly created uniforms for the monster front line were quite
sophisticated and cool.

From my perspective, and Aider agreed, even Evangeline who was sipping water
complimented on its beauty.

By this standard, it should be good enough.

"I made this as a prototype, but it turned out a bit small. I thought it would fit you

I said, pointing to the fabric attached to the coat.

"And, you guys will need to hide your identities more… so, I attached a hood and a

The agents all donned their hoods and covered their eyes with the veils.


Godhand also wore the coat, his face concealed by the hood and veil.

"From now on, you're no longer Aegis Special Forces Team 8. That team of yours is

I nodded toward the five agents standing in front of me.

"From this moment on, you are the special task force directly under the Third Prince
Ash 'Born Hater' Everblack. You are the 'Shadow Squadron'."

These agents were condemned.

Officially, they were to be executed at this monster frontline.

Regardless of their impending identity erasure, it would be problematic to continue

treating them as the Aegis Special Forces.

Though it might seem to be a game of pretend, I decided to change their names at


"Now, members of the Shadow Squadron."

The five agents, who were now called by a new name, looked at me, their eyes

I gave them a slight smile.

"Let's go hunt some monsters."


"I will explain the basic strategy of this defense battle."

In the mansion's reception room.

Lucas, Evangeline, Damien, Lilly. The main party members were gathered.

“…Before the introduction of the strategy, firstly."

I gestured towards the door.

"Let me introduce the newly formed sub-party."

The sub-party of five, who had been waiting, orderly walked into the reception room.

Lucas and Evangeline, already knowing, were calm, and Lilly looked at them with a
complicated gaze.
Only Damien seemed surprised and opened his eyes wide.

"These guys have just been assigned under me. For certain reasons, their faces are
hidden. They are called the 'Shadow Squadron'."


The five members of the Shadow Squadron bowed their heads in unison.


Considering their discipline compared to the laid-back atmosphere of the main

party, Damien expressed admiration.

"The main party and the sub-party will cooperate, but given that the defense battle is
in three days, it's too much to expect perfect harmony. We'll assign separate tasks."

After seating everyone, I raised my voice.

"First, let me explain the grand tactic for this defense battle."

Aider brought the briefing materials he had prepared. It was an overview of the
defense battle, written in chalk on a blackboard.

I stood in front of the blackboard and wrote 'Killzone' with the chalk.

"What we have to do is the same as always. Set up a killzone."

Lucas made a puzzled face.

"But, my lord. Aren't our enemies this time the Gargoyle Legion? If so, they will fly
through the sky, won't they?"


"Then, a kill zone… namely, tactics that limit their approach using walls and
barricades would be impossible, wouldn't they?"

I nodded in affirmation.
"Lucas is right. Obstacles like walls or barricades would be ineffective against them.
We cannot form a kill zone on the ground."

Subsequently, I let out a smirk and rapped on the blackboard.

"Therefore, we will establish a kill zone… in the sky."

On the blackboard were calculations of the number of cannons and ballistae

Crossroad had, and the number of ammunition that would be expended if they were
continuously fired during the defense battle.

"We will form a net of fire by incessantly firing cannons and ballistae, creating a
'wall' of shells and arrows."


To the surprised party members, I continued my explanation.

"Of course, the Gargoyle bastards are magical creatures made of things like rocks and
steel. Naturally, they boast a formidable physical defense."

They have high physical defense and low magic defense.

This could be similar to Stage 1's Living Armor.

"No matter how much we spread the fire net, it will be difficult to kill them with this.
But we can force them to take a certain path."

I pointed to the center part of the defense line map drawn on the blackboard.

"In the center of the defense line. We will 'deliberately' keep the fire net thin here."


"Yes. The Gargoyle bastards are monsters that use their high defense to engage in
close quarters combat. If we provide a path, they will flock to it."

I drew a long line across the top of the wall depicted on the blackboard.

"And then, we turn this place into a graveyard of their corpses… into a kill zone."
If the basic kill zone strategy is to force a path with obstacles and deliver crossfire to
those gathered in a confined space,

For the Gargoyle Legion, it's the opposite.

Force a path with barrages, and take out the ones crowded in a narrow place by
other means.

"I understand that you deliberately lure them here."

Lucas asked cautiously.

"But how will you kill them once you've lured them in? Jupiter will not be able to
participate in this battle… Do you have a way to damage the ones gathered, my lord?"


The biggest problem with this strategy is the absence of a way to damage those who
have been gathered.

Now that Jupiter, the Thunder Magician, is out due to injury, is there a way to kill
them all at once?

"There is a way."

That's why I am insisting on this strategy!

"However, it is incomplete."

But it's not as easy and convenient as Jupiter.

"Wait a moment. Do you all know how the Gargoyle bastards fly?"

As I suddenly changed the topic, everyone was taken aback. Among them, Damien
cautiously answered.

"Do they not use their wings to fly?"

"There's no way that heavy body could fly just by the power of wings."
"So… it's magic?"

"Correct, Damien."

I pulled a candy out of my pocket and tossed it to Damien.

Catching it clumsily, Damien didn't know what to do for a moment, then opened the
wrapper and popped it into his mouth. Good.

"That's right. There's wind magic cast on their wings. Now, here's the next question."

Realizing that answering the questions correctly meant receiving candy, the eyes of
the Shadow Troop members shone fiercely. Their appetite for treats was a little

"If two magic spells of the same attribute collide, what happens?"

Lilly and Godhand raised their hands simultaneously. They locked eyes for a
moment, then I pointed at Lilly.

"Senior Mage. Go ahead."

"The one with the higher level absorbs the one with the lower level."

"That's exactly right. Here, take a candy."

I pulled another candy from my pocket and tossed it to Lilly.

Receiving it, Lilly awkwardly put the candy in her pocket.

I looked at the Shadow Troop members and grinned.

"Final question. So, if we cast a wind spell of a higher level at those gargoyle
bastards, what would happen?"

The Shadow Troop members all raised their hands and shouted in unison.

"They fall!"

"Exactly. Now, everyone take one."

I tossed candies to each member of the Shadow Troop, and to Lucas and Evangeline
as well.

Seeing everyone happily munching on their candy, I nodded.

"If we force their course and gather them in one place, then use a wind spell of a
higher level there…”

We'd gather them in the center of the fortress, then shoot a wind spell there…

"The wind magic on their wings would be swallowed, and their wings would lose

In other words-- they'd fall.

"We'll make them fall before they can land on the fortress walls."

Only then did the party members who understood my plan let out small gasps of

"They're made of rocks or steel, heavy buddies. They wouldn't survive unscathed
falling from the sky to the ground."

This was the difference between gargoyles and living armors.

Living armors were specters attached to an armor. Even if the armor was somewhat
damaged, the specter remained unharmed and continued to move.

Even when we knocked them down from the fortress walls, they'd climb right back
up, completely unscathed.

On the other hand, gargoyles had higher physical endurance, but if their bodies
broke, they died.

'There are always wings for a fall.'

If there was an enemy above my head, the first step in the strategy was to bring them
down to my eye level.

My player thinking started from devising ways to steal their wings.

"But we don't have anyone who can use wind magic among us, do we?"

"That's why I ordered the repair in advance. We have wind magic artifacts."

As I looked at Lilly, Lilly nodded.

"Yes, Your Highness. All the artifacts you ordered to be repaired are ready."

"Good. We have three Whirlwind Projector artifacts to be placed on the walls this
time. However, there is a problem. Lilly, what are the operational and charging times
for the artifacts?"

"Each artifact can operate for 5 minutes. And they take 15 minutes to recharge."

That was the problem.

And it was the incomplete part of the operation.

"Right. There's a gap in between."

The artifact begins charging after use.

The first artifact provides anti-aircraft cover for 5 minutes and then goes into
recharge. This process takes 15 minutes.

Two other artifacts take turns providing anti-aircraft cover, and by the time the third
artifact stops operating.

There are 5 minutes left until the first artifact recharges.

5 minutes.

For 5 minutes, the sky is left exposed.

"The enemies will swarm during this gap."

Eventually, those who pass through the wind's kill zone during these 5 minutes… We
have no choice but to confront and eliminate them physically.

"We have no choice but to face them directly. Everyone at Crossroad will be
mobilized for the creation of the fire net.

It is the heroes' party gathered here that must repel those who land on the wall
through hand-to-hand combat.

"Lucas. Evangeline. Damien. Lilly. And me. We, the main party, will handle the front
line on the wall."

I surveyed my familiar main party members.

My trusty members who fought beside me returned my gaze with smiles. Such cute

Next, I looked at the Shadow Squad.

"And those who break through us will be handled by the sub-party, the Shadow
Squad. You will alternate with us and fight in case of necessity."

The five elves… rolled a piece of candy in their mouths and nodded at me with
serious faces.

'The treatment you will receive from now on will be determined by this battle.'

They must feel it, even if I don't say it.

It's their time to show their abilities. The Shadow Squad will do their best.

"Finally, those gargoyle bastards who break through the Shadow Squad and
penetrate inside the wall will be handled by the third sub-party."

I had arranged a sub-party of N-grade heroes recruited over time.

I had previously assembled and explained the operation to them.

They will hold the last line of defense inside the wall.

In the worst case, they are the last reserve to block the monsters while evacuating
the citizens. I even handed out candies to them in advance.

"It's going to be a fierce melee. And unexpected situations will keep arising."
I added the next words reluctantly.

"There will be more casualties than in the previous stage."

Many will be hurt. Some might even die.

Among the heroes here, we might lose someone.

"Stage 2, we avoided losing any party members due to Margrave's sacrifice, and in
Stage 3, through a mix of miracles and fortune, no one perished. But this time, it's

We would do our utmost to lose no one.

But at the same time, we had to brace ourselves for the possibility of loss.

That was the nature of this monster front line, and as its commander, I had to bear it.

"I pray for your valiant fight."

The members of both parties, rising from their seats, bowed their heads towards me
in unison.

Knowing how hackneyed it sounded, I still felt compelled to utter the next words.

"Survive. All of you."


Three days later.

The morning of the defense day had dawned.

And, as it painted the sky in black-

The monsters swooped in.

The monsters we had seen so far emerged, filling up the horizon. But this time, it was

The sky.

Beneath a heavy, clouded sky that seemed ready to pour out rain any moment, a
group of beasts even blacker than the sky descended.

I swallowed dryly, studying their formation through the telescope. It was as if a huge
storm cloud was rolling in.

[Enemy Information - STAGE 4]

- Lv.? ??? : 2 units

- Lv.15 Rock Gargoyle : 360 units

- Lv.20 Steel Gargoyle : 242 units

The total count was six hundred. Each of them was about the size of two or three
full-grown men combined, so the intimidation they exhibited was far greater than
what the numbers suggested.

"They're coming…”

Lucas, who stood next to me, stated, as if to confirm the obvious. I forced a quivering

"I've been waiting for you, damn monsters."

I glanced around me. To my left and right were cannons and ballistas, packed tightly
atop the ramparts. All of them were primed to fire, just waiting for the monsters to
come within range.

All of Crossroad's regular soldiers were assigned to the cannons and ballistas. Each
four-person team was assigned one cannon and one ballista because they would be
launching attacks throughout the defensive battle. Inevitably, either the cannon or
the ballista would break down at some point. They needed to maintain the barrage,
and that's why they had a backup.

That was the role of the regular soldiers.

Clang, clang!

In the center of the defense line, the newly installed automatic defense turret rotated
its massive gun barrel, emitting an intimidating sound. Though it took some time to
reload, the turret, capable of launching heavy magic projectiles, could inflict
substantial damage on the gargoyles. It would play a crucial role in this defensive

Three parties were positioned in the center of the ramparts.

In the front line was the main party that had fought through the battles alongside us
so far. Immediately behind them, the second line was occupied by the newly
recruited sub-party, the Shadow Squad.

In the last line, the final reserve was composed of five N-grade heroes, whom we'd
brought in one or two at a time.

These three parties would clash body-to-body with the monsters who broke through
the barrage.

After taking one last look at the situation atop the ramparts, I turned my gaze back to
the sky.

The gargoyles were approaching at a frightening speed. The peculiar crimson glow in
their eyes flickered beneath the storm-clouded sky.

No matter how often I saw it, I couldn't get used to those monstrous eyes.

"It looks like it's about to rain soon…”

Lucas murmured, looking up at the overcast sky.

"I'm not sure how this weather will factor into the battle."
"It doesn't seem like it'll work in our favor. Well, what can we do? Whether it rains or
snows, our job remains the same."

To kill the monsters and protect the people.

That was the purpose, the raison d'etre of this monster front line.

Facing the wind mixed with humidity and hostility, I raised my voice.

"Listen up, everyone!"

All the soldiers on the city walls looked my way.

"I won't mince words."

I chuckled.

"We kill them all, have a full meal in the evening, and sleep with our feet stretched


The soldiers cheered, raising their arms. I lifted my hand high.

"All troops, prepare to fire!"

The monsters were almost upon us.

I waited until they fully entered the firing range, then I shouted.


Lucas and the soldiers of the Twilight Brigade echoed my command.

"Open fire! Deploy the fire net!"


The next moment, all the cannon mouths lined up in a row spat fire.

Boom! Baaang!


The cannons belched fire, and the ballistas launched their bolts.

Towards the horde of gargoyles flying in a horizontal line in the sky, a rain of shells
and arrows poured.

A moment of silence followed.


Simultaneous explosion.

The precisely aimed cannon and ballista shots were accurate, beautifully hitting the
monster bastards flying through the air.

Fireworks and explosions filled the sky like a pyrotechnic display.

For a moment, everyone on the city walls watched with expectation.

Hoping, just maybe, this single volley would sweep the monsters away.



As the smoke cleared, such hope vanished like a mirage.

The gargoyles were unscathed.

Despite being hit by hundreds of shells and thousands of arrows, they were
completely unhurt.

Maintaining their formation, they were still flying towards the city walls. These
sturdy bastards were infuriating.
One of the artillerymen shouted at me.

"The attack didn't work!"

"It doesn't matter!"

I yelled back.

"Don't worry about whether it works or not! You just focus on keeping up the fire!
Fire! Keep firing!"

Although the intact state of the enemy was disconcerting, the soldiers quickly
regained their composure.

When a clear, immediate goal is given, soldiers do not lose control.

Fire. Just fire.

"Focus on maintaining the fire net! Fire!"

Boom! Baaang!


The cannons and ballistas fired their ammunition ceaselessly.


As they entered range, the automatic turrets also started pouring out their azure
magic bullets.

The storm of gunpowder and metal never ceased, and finally.



The advance of the gargoyle bastards, stopped.

As if they had no resistance, the ones who had been flying in a straight line one after
the other came to a halt.

They couldn't advance any further as the fierce fire net unfolded.

This is what we had aimed for.

Whether the damage had any effect or not didn't matter.

Purely with mass, with physical force, we push them back…!


That's when it happened.

From the frontlines, a gargoyle that had been bravely facing a volley of hundreds of
shots suddenly started to crack.

Boom! Sputter…!

Unable to endure the barrage, it shattered.

Without realizing, I clenched my fist and cheered.

"That's right!"

High physical defense didn't mean invincibility. The damage was reduced, sure, but it
still accumulated.

A few gargoyles that had been relentlessly hit by the fiery barrage couldn't bear it
any longer and shattered, falling from the sky.

Color returned to the soldiers' faces.

It wasn't meaningless.

This attack was, without a doubt, effective.

"They're retreating! Keep spraying the barrage! Maintain the bullet curtain!"

As shells and arrows continued to pour, the gargoyles that had been battered
eventually gave up their attack.

And then, they naturally adjusted their course to the relatively thin barrage in the
middle of the wall.

We had intentionally left a gap for them.



The gargoyle squad that had been approaching horizontally from the left and right
changed their formation to a column.

And then, they started rushing toward the center of the wall.

"That's right, you dumb bastards!"

When they started to fall into our trap, I couldn't help but burst into triumphant


"I know!"

Lilly stretched her hand towards the alchemists.

"Activate the Whirlwind Projector!"


"Artifact activation-!"

The artifact activated with the alchemists' back support.


A fierce wind magic swept in.

R-grade Whirlwind Projector.

It didn't have a great effect. It merely fired wind magic straight forward.

But that was more than enough.

To snatch away the low-grade wind magic on the gargoyle's wings, that was enough -
more than enough!



The sudden gust of wind snatched the wind magic from the gargoyle's wings.

The gargoyles, having lost their lift, flailed in mid-air- and then began to fall.

Kwak! Kugung! Kuwakwang!

Like thrown stones, they were driven into the ground below.

Most of them crashed onto the ground in front of the wall, but a few of them flew
into the outer wall of the fortress.

Kwajik! Kugung…!

The ones impaled on the wall were shattered from the head down.

The heavy impact also damaged the wall. The iron plate added to the outer wall was
bent, and fragments of the wall flew off.

It didn't matter.

The wall was originally built to keep out monsters, wasn't it? It's nothing to worry
about if it gets damaged while repelling them!

When the lead gargoyles fell without a break, the entire gargoyle legion's movement

If they spread their wings, they would be beaten by the barrage. If they tried to
pierce through one point in front, they would fall.

'So, how will you react?'

I licked my drying lips.

'If you're monsters, your reaction patterns should already be set, shouldn't they?'

Take the shortest route to kill the closest human.

The monstrous creatures were always like that, and this time was no different.


The piercing sound of the gargoyles' cry echoed in unison, and with a swift move,
they spread their wings wide.

And then, they charged.

Choosing to breach the middle of the fortress wall, they all rushed through the air
towards us.

Before losing momentum from the wind magic, they initiated a ground assault with
the thrusting force of bullets.

Facing this barrage descending like a hailstorm, I roared.

“This is the decisive moment! We can't afford to be pushed back!”

I reached out to Lilly.

“Lilly! How much time is left for the Whirlwind Projector to last?”

“The first artifact has about 20 seconds left!”

“Not a second can be wasted! The second artifact must be activated right after the
first one ends!”

With an anxious face, Lilly, who was checking the time, swiftly commanded the

"Whirlwind Projector, the second! Activate!"




The second Whirlwind Projector lit up.

At the same time, although the first artifact ceased operation, it blew out residual
wind, which combined with the wind of the second artifact to create a larger gust.

Blocked by this fiercely blowing wall of wind, the gargoyles couldn't get near the
fortress walls and were helplessly falling.

Bam! Crash!

The satisfying sound of these monstrous creatures breaking apart rang out.

However- there were a few who penetrated through this hellish wind, managing to
reach the fortress walls.


A massive gargoyle clung onto the end of the fortress wall.

With its strong arms gripping the edge, it slowly hoisted its bulky body over the
fortress wall.


An ominous roar flowed from the monster's mouth.

And the next moment.


Lucas's kick landed on the monster's chin and Evangeline's shield slammed against
its forehead.


Leaving a frustrated scream, the monster fell straight down below the fortress wall.


A terrifying crashing sound came from below.

Before I could even cheer for our success, more gargoyles clung onto the fortress
wall in quick succession.

Thud! Gruong! Thud-!

In front of these monsters climbing onto the fortress wall one by one, the SSR-grade
knight duo loosened their necks and shoulders.

"You take the right. Miss."

"I could block all the way to the left as well, you know. Mister."

Lucas unsheathed his longsword, and Evangeline readied her cavalry spear and

The gargoyles charged with vicious weapons in their grasp.

Facing these monsters, my two knights, each holding their weapons, charged

A terrifying whirlwind struck the center of the fortifications.

The left and right of the defensive line were barricaded with cannons and ballistae,
and they launched wind magic at the incoming gargoyles through the breached
center, using the whirlwind artifact.

The wind magic wiped out the gargoyles' wings, robbing them of their lift, and they
continued to plummet.

The majority of the first wave of attacking gargoyles fell and shattered beneath the



However, a few resilient ones managed to survive and successfully landed on the

The frontline defense party - our main party, started the battle.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

A monstrous statue made of rock and steel charged towards us.

We had encountered it during our free exploration period, but at that time, we could
easily defeat it because we had Jupiter.

But now we lack a wide-area magician.

So, should we just sit back and take it?

No way.

We may not have our first option, but there were plenty of alternatives.

"Are you ready?"

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Our party’s designated sniper.

My most potent cheat code, Damien was already ready to fire.

There were six magical guns neatly arranged on the platform next to Damien.

Two rifles. One short gun. Three handguns.


Damien smoothly picked up one of the rifles. It was a long, sleek rifle.

The most potent weapon we had at this point.

The explicit balance breaker.

The SSR-ranked magical gun, Black Queen!

Damien took a competent shooting stance and, after aiming - pulled the trigger.


A sound as if a cannon was fired resonated.

The magic bullet scraped the barrel and sparked at the muzzle.

The bullet that shot out scattering flames pierced through the air and went through
the center of the leading gargoyle's body-

Thud! Thud! Smack! Crash-!

It then sequentially blew off the chest, shoulder, neck, and head of the next four
gargoyles charging behind it.

Five in total.

Five of them were pierced by the magic bullet at once and fell backward without
even a chance to scream. Thud…!


After successfully executing the crazy trick of one-shot-five-kills, Damien slowly put
down the magic gun.

The magical residue burning in the overheated muzzle formed a smoky aftermath
that spread out.

Looking down at the smoke, Damien took a deep breath.

"I might not be able to handle many enemies as efficiently as Grandma Jupiter…”

Damien's large eyes shone with a distinct light through his curly brown hair.

"But I'll do the best I can."

Wait, what you just did seems more than efficient…

Not only our party, but also the two sub-parties waiting in the back, and even the
other soldiers responsible for forming the barrier, were stunned by this trick.

I quickly shouted.

"Hey! Is this the time to stand and watch?! Focus on your tasks!"

Anyway, the vanguard of the gargoyles was crushed in a single strike.

Lucas and Evangeline blocked the following wave, pushing them off the ramparts,
while Damien made holes in those who managed to breach the knights' defenses
with his sniper fire.

Not long after,

"The vanguard, all annihilated!"

The melodious shout from Lucas echoed.

They had managed to eliminate the first wave of gargoyles completely.

"Don't let your guard down! This is just the beginning!"

The gargoyles were divided into six squadrons.

What they had just eliminated was the front-running hundred or so.

They had been able to exterminate them in one breath by pouring out two artifacts,
but there were still more of them.

Boom! Boom! Boom-!

Immediately following, the second wave of the fiends began pouring into the middle
of the wall.


I also drew my staff, 'Maestro', and swung it forward.

Three magic swords that had formed behind my back spun and shot forward.

The blades of magic mercilessly sliced off the fingers of the gargoyles climbing up the


I smiled as I retracted the magic swords and placed them back behind me.

I had been practicing alone for the past few days.

Thanks to the Commander class debuff, it was damn hard to increase my proficiency,
but my practice paid off as I was able to maintain quite a precise control even in

'If it continues like this, we might be able to hold them off quite smoothly… '
Just then,

"Your Highness!"

Lilly called me urgently. As I looked her way, Lilly pointed to the artifact.

"The duration of the second whirlwind artifact is ending!"

Already? Time flies too fast.

"Turn on the third one right away!"


The third whirlwind artifact activated, effectively barricading the center of the wall.

Boom! Boom! Boom…!

The majority of the gargoyles still charging were losing their ability to fly and were

But this line of wind defense would end in five more minutes.

Then, until the cooldown of the first artifact we activated ends. Precisely, the center
would be left empty for 5 minutes.

'The turning point of this defense battle is how we hold out for these 5 minutes until
the artifact activates again.'

While watching the mass of monsters falling down the wall, I gulped nervously.

'Can we withstand it…?'

Right after, I shook my head fiercely.

No, it's not 'can we withstand it'.

I clenched my teeth and glared straight ahead.

'We WILL withstand it. I will ensure that we do!'

That's why I am here.

The next five minutes flew by like an arrow. We annihilated the second wave and
managed to cut down about half of the third wave.

Lilly shouted urgently.

"One minute until the Whirlwind Projector ceases operation!"

"All hands, get ready."

During a brief lull on the frontlines, Lucas and Evangeline had retreated in front of

Damien, counting the remaining bullets in his magic gun, and Lilly, the alchemist
who swallowed nervously as she looked my way from her team.

As I took in each member of the main party, Lucas spoke urgently.

"My Lord! Once the artifact's effects end, they will rush toward the center. Wouldn't
it be better to redirect the firewall and block the center?"

"No. If we do that, the flanks' firewalls will weaken, allowing them to invade from
those sides."

Our current cannons and ballistas, spreading the firewall, were not prepared for
hand-to-hand combat at all.

If we unnecessarily disrupt the firewall and the gargoyles infiltrate from that side,
we would be at a disadvantage.

If the cannons and ballistas were attacked, the firewall would weaken further, and
the gargoyles would infiltrate various locations.

Eventually, the entire frontline would collapse like dominoes.

"It would be better to draw the enemy's attention this way."

After all, they were monsters with high resistance to physical attacks. It was better to
take them down with the elites here.
"Now, everyone pay attention."

Clapping my hands to focus the main party's attention, I nodded heavily.

"Everyone, in the next five minutes, the real battle begins."

There was no visible tension on the faces of the party members. Just a cold, refined

"You all have been honed through past battles, and I believe you can withstand this.
But, remember, the battlefield is full of variables. We can't predict what will happen."

I slowly put my hand into my robe.

"So, before we get into the final battle…”

I took out my staff.

"Let's start by getting a smack each."




A sudden silence fell.

Among the stunned party members, Lucas asked in a bewildered voice.

“…Excuse me?"

I swung my staff and roared fiercely.

"I said, line up for your smack, you numbskulls!"


The staff I'm currently wielding, the 'Maestro,' has one special feature.
- When attacking directly with this staff, it inflicts 1% fixed damage on the target's
current HP and gives a random buff. (Activates only once a day per target)

The buff from this staff is quite good, even if it's random. If I can apply it, it will be
helpful throughout the battle.

Of course, everyone's HP is full right now, so starting by shaving off 1% is a bit of a

waste… If it really doesn't work out, they can just drink the standby potions.

The bigger problem is, I have to hit my party members with this staff for the effect to

I gave up trying to explain this bizarre mechanism.

Instead, I decided to make them understand through experience.

"Come on, we don't have time! Everyone, put out your hand!"

Under my urging, Lucas, Evangeline, and Damien awkwardly extended their hands in
front of me.

As I approached Lucas, the nearest to me, staff in hand, Lucas looked at me with a
troubled expression on his face.

"My Lord. Have I done something wrong…?"

This child, again. Always wearing the face of a dog caught in the rain.

"If it's a punishment, I'll take it willingly, but if you could tell me what I did wrong, I'll
surely correct it next time…”

"Shut it! You did nothing wrong, just take a hit!"

I lightly tapped this Golden Retriever-like fellow's palm with my staff.


[Superior Buff Acquired!]

[Lucas (SSR) is granted the 'Half MP Consumption for 3 Minutes' buff!]

Perhaps the sting was sharp, Lucas trembled his big body.

Then, his eyes widened in surprise.


He followed by looking over his own body, letting out a surprised exclamation.

"Wow, wow…?"

Is he feeling the effects of the Half MP Consumption buff? As he couldn't buff himself,
I couldn't tell how he felt.

After a moment, Lucas nodded at me, earnestly.

"Your Highness."


"Please hit me often in the future."

"Huh, what…?"

Had I, perhaps, opened Lucas's eyes to that kind of world(?)? A myriad of thoughts
flashed through my mind. No way, a protagonist? No way…

Evangeline, who had been looking at us with a flustered face, then reached out her
two hands to me.

"I don't know what kind of perverse conversation that was, but it seems that getting
hit by that thing brings good fortune?"

"You catch on quickly, top of the academy."

"Then hit me quickly. We don't have much time."

I didn't decline and lightly hit Evangeline's palm. There was nothing more enjoyable
than disciplining a model student!

"Ten penalty points for Gryffindor!"

"What are you talking about…?"


[Minor Buff Acquired!]

[Evangeline (SSR) is granted the '10% Increase in Defense for 3 Minutes' buff!]


Despite being an SSR-grade tank, it seemed to hurt. Well, it was a fixed amount of
damage, so it made sense.

Evangeline, brushing her hand lightly, frowned her beautiful eyebrows.

"Hmm, so this is what it is."

"Do you feel the effect?"

"Yes. It's definitely good. But next time, please hit somewhere other than my palm.
Somewhere it won't interfere with combat."

"Alright? Then where should I hit next time?"

At my words, Evangeline opened her mouth wide.

Hmm, objectively, the form of the question was a bit strange…

"Why are you asking me that! Decide on your own, senior!"

"Yes, my apologies…”

I turned my body to the side. The last one was Damien.

Damien had his eyes tightly shut, trembling as he held his hands out in front. What
was up with him.

"Please… be gentle…”

I remembered that Damien had spent his childhood in an orphanage.

He had said it was a terrible place. Perhaps he had some bad memories associated
with physical punishment.

"I'm sorry, Damien! But this is for your benefit!"

I tapped the staff lightly on my palm. The damage would probably be the same


[Premium Buff Awarded!]

[Damien(N) has been given the 'Unlimited Stamina for 3 minutes' buff!]


Damien's eyes widened as he glanced alternately at his hand and at me.

Why not? You've been hit with a premium buff. Let me know how you feel.


"Yeah, what?"

"I… I feel like I can do anything right now."

Good, enjoy that feeling while it lasts. It'll be gone in three minutes.

I turned my head and shouted to Lilly, a member of the Artifact team.

"Lilly! Want a turn?"

Lilly shook her head vehemently, her face going pale. Did she hate the idea of being
hit that much?

But that wasn't it. Lilly cried out.

"Artifact shutdown! It's over–!"


At the same moment, the wind stopped.

The wind wall that had been blocking the middle of the fortress disappeared, and the
very next moment.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Booom–!

Gargoyles began to swoop down one after another.

Their number was different from the occasional few we had seen so far.

Wave 3.

The third wave of gargoyles.

About half of them had crashed, but the number of gargoyles that had made it over
the fire net and wind wall, landing safely in the middle of the fortress, was - about
fifty in total.

"Five minutes."

I announced calmly to my party members, who were standing in formation.

"Five minutes that will change the world."

50 vs 5.

In a defense RPG, these numbers are a recipe for defeat.

I swung my staff lightly, controlling the blade of magic power, and tore off the cast
still wrapped around my left arm.

Thunk, thunk, thunk…

Though a bit stiff, the sensation in my left arm was perfectly fine.

As I casually scattered pieces of the cast on the ground, I grinned.

"Let's go. Let's have some fun."
The strategy was simple.

While Lucas and Evangeline stalled for time at the frontlines, Damien and I would
take care of the enemies.

The overwhelming specifications of two SSR-grade knights. And Damien's insane

offensive power.

That was the defensive strategy we had chosen to go with.

But I didn't solely rely on it.

I considered myself a variable.

In preparation for any unforeseen situations, just like in the last Stage 3, I was ready
to unleash an array of hidden tricks and personally carry the fight.



There was no need for that.

My buffed party members were rampaging around like monsters.

First, Lucas.

He was almost flying around the battlefield, sweeping it clean by utilizing his 2nd
skill, "Step of Persistence."

It was a skill that consumed a significant amount of MP to provide overwhelming


After receiving the buff that reduced MP consumption by half, he was using it as if he
was simply breathing.
He was on one side of the fortress, then on the opposite end in a blink of an eye. And
again, on the other end as soon as I blinked. It was like lightning speed.

With his agile movements, he was effectively leading the monsters and pulling the

He really did seem like an evasion tanker.


Evangeline was no different.

Already robust, her defense had hardened to the level of a tank after receiving the
defense buff.

"Hey, you living statues! Look at me-!"

The approaching gargoyles rushed towards Evangeline due to her taunting battle cry.

The fiends wildly swung their ferocious weapons, but Evangeline didn't even blink,
blocking them all with her shield.

While these two were keeping the gargoyles busy,

Boom! Boom! Boom-!

A downpour ensued.

A rain of demon bullets.

Damien had received a stamina unlimited buff for 3 minutes.

And he was demonstrating why this buff was considered top-tier.

The magic gun was powerful, but it produced significant recoil with each shot.
Therefore, rapid firing was unfeasible.

This was the reason why even with Damien's potent sniping, dealing with a
multitude of enemies was strenuous.
But for the next 3 minutes,



With the unlimited stamina, he was capable of firing continuously while bearing the
heavy recoil.

Spewing fire from the 'Black Queen', he used the recoil to spin half a turn and picked
up the 'Hunter's Retribution' lying on the ground.

Then he fired again. Another rotation. Repeat.

The two rifles were constantly spewing flames without a break.

The gargoyles had their heads blown off, necks punctured, and upper bodies torn

'When Damien's weak stamina is offset by the buff, this outrageous human weapon
is born.'

Watching Damien, who was dancing and firing his guns from the side, I broke into a
cold sweat.

I needed to build up my stamina every day from now on. The kid has transformed
into a different character.

'On second thought, is this better than I thought?'

I looked down at the Maestro I was holding with a tremble in my hand.

In the game, no matter how good the buff was, it was only for one turn and random,
so it didn't feel like a cheat item.

I only thought of it as a mere three-minute buff item in this reality.

However, if that three minutes was the turning point, it could have a far greater effect
than I expected.
Indeed, the real effect of anything can only be known when used in actual combat.

Then it happened.

Click. Click.


Damien, who had been spewing out an enormous amount of bullets, made a
surprised noise.

Wondering what was happening, I looked over and realized, oh no. The bullets of his
two rifles were exhausted.

He had never fired bullets in such a short time before, and Damien himself was in
some kind of trance.

He hadn't kept track of the remaining bullets.

However, the number of gargoyles he had taken down during that time was

With just the bullets from his two rifles, he had killed over thirty gargoyles.

If we could just take care of the rest, the third wave of these bastards would be


While Damien set down his two rifles to count the remaining bullets of his next
magic gun, I called for Lilly.

"It's time to get back to your main job!"

Lilly didn't seem too keen, but she responded diligently.

She raised her hands above her head and began casting a spell.

I looked toward the end of the wall. Lucas was charging like a bullfighter, leading a
dozen or so gargoyles.
"Lucas! Lure them this way!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Upon hearing my shout, Lucas immediately started running this way, dragging the
beasts with him.

I created a single sword of magic energy in the path Lucas was coming from and
threw it.


The rotating magic blade, whirling in the air, stuck into the ground.

In other words, it was a coordinate designation.

"Lilly, fire there!"


Instead of a reply, Lilly lifted a massive sphere of flame above her head.

Just looking at it was enough to make you feel the heat.

"Because of you monsters- I can't retire!"

With Lilly's hysterical battle cry, the massive fireball was launched.

It was the 1st skill Lilly acquired last time, [Fire Cannon]!

Lucas was running in a straight line when he used [Step of Persistence] and managed
to get out of the way.

The gargoyles that were stupidly chasing after Lucas, right above their heads - the
magic fire shell came crashing down precisely.


A fiery explosion and a shockwave spread out.

Like creatures with low magic resistance, all the gargoyles, about a dozen or so,
melted to death, leaking molten metal from the direct hit of the fire magic.

"Huff… Huff…”

Lilly looked like she was about to die from exhaustion. Typical of a fire magician with
poor magic efficiency.

But would all her magic power be depleted after just one 1st skill? The power was
tremendous, but still.

"Hey! You leftover scraps! Come here, let's play with sis!"

Evangeline gathered the last remaining gargoyle stragglers from here and there with
a taunting skill.

By the way, did she just call herself sis…?

The swarm of gargoyle monsters raised their weapons towards Evangeline, and at
that moment, Damien cried out.

"Miss Evangeline! Lift your shield up!"

In Damien's hand, he held a grade N magic pistol called the Woodpecker.

A magic pistol that due to manufacturing errors, ended up in a rapid-fire format.

Evangeline, in a low stance, lifted her shield towards the sky, and Damien fired his
magic pistol at it.


Dozens of magic bullets poured out of the magic pistol all at once.

Evangeline blocked them with her shield, and the ricocheted magic bullets violently
scattered in all directions, following the slope of her shield.

Puck! Prrrrr…!

And all of those magic bullets accurately hit the gargoyle's eyes or forehead. I gasped
in astonishment.

'Don't tell me, he calculated the trajectory of the bullets ricocheting off the shield? All
dozens of them?'

It sounded like absurd nonsense, but Damien possessed the [Far-Sight].

Considering the miraculous aiming skills he had shown so far, it wasn't an

exaggeration, but it might be really the case he aimed and fired all of them.



Among the screaming monsters, the bundle of light gathered on Evangeline's shield
moved to her lance.

Evangeline's [Damage Save] stored the damage she received.

In other words, if she received physical damage, she stored physical damage, and if
she received magic damage, she stored magic damage.

In other words, the dozens of magic bullets she blocked and stored were all magic
property damage.


The lance rose up, and the stocked magic damage exploded in a [Damage Payback].

The formless energy that burst out from the tip of Evangeline's spear shattered the
remaining gargoyles into pieces.

Evangeline laughed joyfully amongst the gargoyle fragments flying around like

"Woah, that was incredible just now, Sniper! Let's try it again later!"

"Haha, it's too consuming to do it often…”

It seemed to consume not only ammunition but also a significant amount of stamina.
Perhaps because he showed that skill after my buff ended, Damien's complexion was
noticeably pale.

Evangeline, who fought with her defense buff turned off in the end, couldn't hide her
regret, feeling the difference.

"The effect of your… um, Love Whip? is good, but the duration is too short. Can't it
last longer?"

"Unfortunately, it only lasts a short while once a day. Even if the stimulation feels
good, it becomes dull with repetition."

"It's cumbersome and perverted…”

Lucas, looking at something, was beheading the gargoyles who were still squirming

"It's amazing that you can even cut down monsters made of steel."

"I'd say it feels more like severing than cutting, but using skills also wears down the

Lucas, who came back to me, showed his long sword.

The blade I had previously given her, an R-rated longsword called 'Rat Cutter', was
completely damaged, its saw-like edges dulled and chipped.

"Definitely sturdy fellows. If they weren't in a weakened state, they wouldn't even
have been scratched by the sword."

"Anyway, we decimated the third wave much easier than I thought."

Looking around at my party members, I grinned.

"True elites of mine. Well done!"

At my praise, all the party members gave awkward smiles.

"Artifact cooldown complete! Ready for activation!"

I heard Lilly's shout.

Her voice was drained of energy, probably due to the hefty magic spell she had cast.
Still, the content was hopeful.

"Activate the artifact!"



A gust of wind started to swarm again towards the center of the fortress.

The fourth wave of gargoyles following the third were swept away by the wind, and
like their predecessors, began to fall.

It was a relief that we had dealt with the third wave rather smoothly, but there was
some exhaustion nonetheless.

"We're almost out of ammo, Prince."

Damien said cautiously.

Both of Damien's rifle, 'Black Queen', and 'Hunter's Revenge' were emptied to the
last round, and his pistol 'Woodpecker' was almost done, too.

All that was left were the three handguns known as 'Cerberus', but they dealt lower
damage and had a much shorter effective range.

I checked on the status of the other party members.

Lucas's sword was completely worn out, and Evangeline's shield was battered.

Lilly was still out of breath.

'I still have some reserves.'

The main party had done enough. It was time for repairs.
I turned around and shouted.

"Shadow Squad!"

As if they were waiting, the five members of the Shadow Squad stepped forward and
bowed to me.

"Your command, sir."

"We're switching. Hold them off as our main party did. If necessary, I'll join in."

"Rest assured, Your Highness."

The captain of the Shadow Squad, Godhand, spoke confidently in a calm voice.

"We'll make sure there's no need for your involvement."

The elf boys and girls who hid their faces under hooded cloaks.

The five members of the Shadow Squad took their positions on the front lines of the
fortress wall with agile movements.

The expressions of the main party members who were watching this sub-party were

"Is it really going to be okay…”

Lucas looked worried.

"I can finally see the Aegis Special Forces Team's skills with my own eyes."

Evangeline looked excited.


Lilly frowned deeply, glaring at the back of Godhand.

"Um… well, something…”

Lastly, Damien, who had no clue about anything, blinked his eyes in confusion,
baffled by the changing atmosphere between the main party and the sub-party.

"This isn't something I need to know, right?"


I patted the head of such an innocent sniper.

"This is a sight you'll see quite often."

The expansion of our sub-party would continue.

It was only natural for a bit of awkward tension to exist between the original
members and the new recruits. Without this process of acclimatization, wouldn't it
be more strange if they all just got along instantly?

'Show us you're worth it, Shadow Squad! Show us your skills!'

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Gargoyle's fourth wave had begun to land at the edge of the fortifications,
breaching the barrier of wind.

And there, fluttering in their uniform coats, the five young elf soldiers of the Shadow
Squad drew their weapons.
The composition of the sub-party 'Shadow Squad' was extreme.

Two mages. Three archers.

It's a combination that would never be attempted in the game. The formation was
dangerously skewed towards firepower.

Without a tanker or healer, the party would be annihilated if exposed to the enemy.

However, if both of those mages were not pure damage dealers but utility

If they had the capability to protect and assist their allies.

Then this composition could potentially work.

'Besides… '

I took a quick glance at the system window.

[Active Party Synergy]

> (Mage2) Double Mage: Magic Attack Power of all party members increases by 20%.

> (Archer3) Mozambique Drill: Critical hit rate of all party members increases by

An overwhelming damage debuff that could only be obtained due to the extreme job

If this party truly got rolling, flattening the enemy with sheer firepower would be an
easy feat.

Godhand, standing at the front, briefly issued commands to his subordinates.

"We'll go with the anti-monster formation."

Godhand raised his hand over the flat, gargoyle corpses lying on the ground.

"I'll form the defensive line."

With a swift sound, the steel bodies of the gargoyles where Godhand's hand touched
melted rapidly, transforming into a barricade positioned on the ground.

In an instant, three layers of steel barricades, each about 1 meter high, sprung up
from the ground.

Being a metal mage, the metal touched by Godhand could be shaped at will.

"Bodybag, you'll be in charge of hindering the enemy and targeting from the middle


"The rest of you…”

Godhand issued a simple command.


The remaining three party members - Oldgirl, Skull, and Burnout, simultaneously

Oldgirl drew her dual crossbows, Skull pulled her massive bow, equal to her size, and

With a clanking noise, she was setting up a giant assembled ballista that appeared at
least five times her size.

It looked twice as large as a typical ballista.

No, it was closer to a fire cart than a ballista. Such equipment for an archer.

The gargoyles that had landed at the edge of the castle wall let out ferocious roars.
Any normal children would feel tense, but the five members of the Shadow Squad
remained calm.

Indeed, the hard-earned experience on the battlefield did not go to waste.

With a whizzing sound, the three archers fired arrows at the leading gargoyle
rushing across the castle wall.

Ping! Pinging!

However, all of them bounced off.

Regular arrows struggled to even scratch the hard body of the gargoyle.

"As expected, it's not working."

Godhand waved his hand.

"Permission to use skills. Skull, mid-range. Oldgirl, close-range. Burnout, maximum

range. Execute."




The three archers each responded, and Skull was the first to pull back her huge bow.

Woosh -

The arrow nocked on the bow shimmered with a magical light, and was instantly


The arrow, imbued with a blue aura of magic power, cleanly pierced through the
center of the leading gargoyle's head.

A perfect headshot.
The power was one thing, but the accuracy was strikingly precise.

‘Is that why her codename is Skull?’

While Skull was nocking another arrow, the gargoyles behind rushed forward at a
remarkable speed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Oldgirl ran towards the gargoyles, who were unhesitatingly breaking through the
barricades set up by Godhand, and marched forth atop the barricades.

“Let's see how tough these fellas are~!”

From the dual crossbows in Oldgirl's hands, bolts poured out like a shotgun blast.


A volley of bolts, fired with a shimmering aura of magic power, turned the gargoyle’s
upper body into a shredded rag.

But the gargoyle did not fall, its eyes flashed menacingly. It seemed to have the
resistance, but no fatal damage had been inflicted.

“Hmm, they're pretty sturdy. Seems like my stopping power has limits.”

Oldgirl grumbled and looked back, shouting,

“Then there's no choice! Burnout! It's your turn~!”

At that moment, Burnout, who had been aiming from the assembly-type ballista,
opened her mouth for the first time.

“Everybody down.”


The next moment, hundreds of arrows were shot at once from the ballista.

It was a monstrous machine that, looking like a chariot, fired arrows simultaneously
like a volley gun. Wow.


The arrows fell like a bombardment, causing an explosion as soon as they hit the

The gargoyles swept in the hail of arrows were shattered without even being able to

This was Burnout's passive skill. She had the ability to imbue explosive magic
properties into any projectiles she fired.

The reason I first took notice of Burnout was here.

‘If trained well, she can be optimized for hunting mobs!’

Boom! Bam…


The fragments of the gargoyles shattered by the carpet bombing scattered


Among them, a few gargoyles that managed to avoid the attack tried to approach the


The psychokinetic, Bodybag, snatched those gargoyles with magic from the middle
row, lifted them up in the air, and then threw them back.

Crack! Crunch!

The thrown gargoyles, swept up in the whirlwind artifact, fell straight down the


The last gargoyle of the fourth wave let out a gruesome cry and charged.
Targeting Godhand, who was standing firm between the barricades, it swung down
its mace.


Godhand swiftly sidestepped the attack and placed his hands on the gargoyle's flank.


Immediately afterward, the gargoyle's side twisted wildly, and a large hole opened

Craw… ahhh…

The gargoyle, half its upper body gone, stumbled and fell sideways with a dreadful

The gargoyle’s body was metal.

For Godhand, the metal mage, if he could only touch them, a one-shot kill was

Three archers indiscriminately rained down their firepower, while two mages
obstructed the enemies' approach with various utility skills.

This was the major monster-fighting strategy of the sub-party, 'Shadow Squad.'

In an instant, the fourth wave of gargoyles was annihilated. Watching the scene,
Damien muttered with his mouth slightly agape.

"So… is this… a real archer's battle?"

They shoot arrows imbued with magic power, apply explosive attributes, and each
assumes a portion of the firing line according to their confident range.

For Damien, who was performing the role of a sniper with nothing but his innate
ability, without any archery training or related skills, this might have been an
unfamiliar sight.

"That's amazing. If I… learned sniper-related skills, I could be more helpful to Your


As Damien murmured, I slapped his shoulder.

"There's no real or fake in monster killing. You just do your best in the way you can."

I gave him a sly smile.

"Don't worry too much, Damien. You're already incredibly helpful. Just do what you

"Your Highness…”

No, I'm serious. After all, Damien can't learn archery skills.

It's more efficient to think about how to maximize the talent he has.

Anyway, the Shadow Squad performed much better in defense than expected.

As a result, by the time the third whirlwind artifact began to operate, we were able to
annihilate up to the fifth wave of gargoyle bastards.

Watching the gargoyles fall like autumn leaves, I thought we might finish this defense
quite comfortably. Just at that moment…


An ominous system notification sound drilled into my ears.

"Darn it, what now-"

Cursing my carelessness, I opened the system window. What the!

[Enemy Information - STAGE 4]

- Lv.35 Gargoyle Chieftain: 2

- Lv.15 Stone Gargoyle: 58 (Kill Counts: 302)

- Lv.20 Steel Gargoyle: 40 (Kill Counts: 202)

The enemy boss's information had been updated.


I felt a sense of surprise.

The information should only update when the enemy boss appears on the field.

But so far, I can't see it anywhere…


I felt a chill run down my spine.

Frantically scanning the surroundings, I suddenly thought to look upwards.

"Damn it."

Sure enough.

From high in the sky, something… was plummeting down with monstrous

"Damn it, look up! Up!"

I pointed at the sky and yelled urgently.

"The boss monster is coming from above! Everyone get ready-!"

But the appearance of the boss monster was too sudden, and everyone failed to react
in time.

Especially the sub-party members, who were already engaged in battle with
monsters on the front line, struggled to respond.

And then,


Something plummeted onto the fortress wall with a resounding crash.

For a moment, the entire wall quivered under the impact. Bricks around where it
landed splintered and scattered in all directions.

Clang, clunk…

It was a massive statue.

Despite its body being clearly made of steel, the writhing whole of it seemed like a
well-toned, muscular body.

It donned armor made of metal over its metallic body, wore a helmet, and each of its
four arms held hammers of varying lengths.


It was the commander of the Gargoyle Legion.

Compared to the previous gargoyles, this boss monster was so ferocious that the
others would seem endearing.

“The Gargoyle Chieftain…!”

It landed precisely where the Shadow Squad archers had been stationed, and the
auxiliary party members, unable to evade in time, were flung helplessly in all


The collapsible ballista crushed under the Gargoyle Chieftain's foot was obliterated
without a trace, and Burnout was flung far away, vomiting blood as she rolled.

Skull, standing next to her, was thrown off without even having time to scream.

“What, what is this thing…”

Taken aback, Oldgirl reflexively fired her crossbow at the Gargoyle Chieftain. Thunk!

However, the Gargoyle Chieftain nonchalantly blocked the flurry of bolts with its
thick arm, then swung its hammer at Oldgirl.



Oldgirl, struck in her side by the heavy hammer, was flung like a ragdoll across the
fortress wall. Oh no!

Lucas and Evangeline, startled, were about to dash forward.

“We'll support her right away!”


I hastily held them back and quickly looked up at the sky.

“There's one more!”


This boss monster event, due to the dark event, had two.

That means, the other one was nearby-



Soon, I spotted it.

Breaking through the dark clouds, the second Gargoyle Chieftain was seen,
descending almost perpendicularly from an unimaginable height.

“That one's aiming for…”

Having quickly read the trajectory of the second one, I immediately recognized its

“Damn it, the Artifacts!”

It was falling precisely towards the location where the Wind Artifacts were gathered.

I shouted in desperation.


I yelled urgently at Lilly.

“Get away from there! Now!”


Just as Lilly asked back with a confused look,


The second Gargoyle Chieftain, who fell like a lightning bolt, destroyed the Artifacts
in one fell swoop.


Lilly, who had been right next to the Artifacts, was flung into the air, wheelchair and
all, along with the shattered artifacts.

The Gargoyle Chieftain, eyeing Lilly, lifted its hammer high and then,


Brought it down brutally.


A hammer, swung by the Gargoyle Chieftain with Lilly in its sights, went right
through Lilly's body, as if a sword cut through water.

It was Lilly's trait, [Flame Skin]. She had evaded the physical attack by consuming

The Gargoyle Chieftain was taken aback for a moment, but quickly raised the other
hammer in its hand.

This time, a crimson, magical energy gathered around the hammer. Lilly couldn't
dodge this, no matter what!

In desperation, I yelled out.

"Bodybag! Lilly!"

"Yes, yes!"

The telekinetic, Bodybag, stretched out her hand and pulled Lilly to the side using


The Gargoyle Chieftain's hammer barely brushed past Lilly, embedding itself into the

However, the wheelchair attached to the end of the hammer was flattened upon


Lilly screamed in terror, falling a few beats late. I yelled again.

"Godhand! Catch her!"


Godhand, sprinting towards the falling Lilly, caught her.

"Argh! Are you okay, Lilly?"

"Uh, uh, wow…”

Lilly, who had been staggering and out of sorts, was shocked to see Godhand's face in
front of her.

"Let, let go! I'm okay."

"But, your leg is…”

"I said I'm fine! Let me go!"

Leaving the two of them to their awkward exchange, I ordered Bodybag again.

"Bodybag! Rescue your team members!"

"Oh, okay!"

Bodybag quickly used her telekinesis to lift three archers, scattered in different parts
of the castle wall.

I looked at my party members.

"Main party, rejoin the battle! Prepare for combat!"

The two Gargoyle Chieftains, now aware that we were their enemies, started walking
towards us, emanating a menacing aura.

The behavior logic of boss monsters is different from that of ordinary monsters.
They're more intelligent and more malicious.

'They kill the more important enemy first.'

That's why they attacked the archers and the artifact first.

Even now, having descended the castle wall, they will probably try to kill the dealers
before the tanks.

'And me.'

They will try to kill me first - the lowest level and the most important commander.

Then, Lucas, standing anxiously beside me, frowned and said.

"Your Highness. The two boss monsters are a problem, but so are the remaining

Lucas was right. I glanced across the castle wall.


The last six waves.

The sixth wave of the Gargoyle army was flying towards the castle wall.

The wind artifacts blocking the center had been utterly destroyed, so their bloodless
invasion was inevitable. Damn it…

'I didn't expect the two bosses to approach through the air!'

Of course, there was no such gimmick in the game.

They were not an airborne unit. They weren't HALO dropping down, executing a
hero landing right on the castle wall.

'We were ill-prepared.'

He reproached himself for not considering the deployment more broadly and


'There is still a way to confront them.'

He had prepared a tactic to defeat the boss, and it was still valid.

"We have a way to face the Gargoyle Legion Six. Leave it to me."

"Yes, my lord."

Despite a hundred gargoyle enemies closing in, Lucas seemed to accept my words
without an iota of doubt.

He must trust me that much.

Just then, Godhand brought Lilly to us, carrying her as she squirmed.

Lilly writhed free from Godhand, collapsing on the ground and panting.

"Haah, haah, saved by an elf…”

"Lilly. You must be disoriented, but there's work to do."

I asked Lilly.

"What about the other artifacts? Can we activate them right away?"

"Ah, yes! Since we placed the rest somewhere else, except for the Whirlwind Artifact,
as you ordered, we can use them."

We had installed the other artifacts elsewhere from the start in case the enemy
attacked the Whirlwind Artifact first.

The alchemists were also operating them remotely. Thanks to this, they were
unharmed in the disaster.

"Go activate them immediately. Magic Amplifier Artifact. The target is me."

"Understood, but my legs are like this… How should I go…?"

Lilly looked down at her own troubled legs and hesitated.

I nodded to Godhand standing next to me.

"Godhand, I need you to help Lilly. Get her to the artifact."

"Eeek! Again with this guy?"

Lilly protested, but I set my face in a stern expression.

"Now is not the time to be picky, Lilly. We are in the midst of a battle. Get a grip and

"Ah, I'm sorry…”

"Get going now. We're out of time!"

Godhand lifted Lilly abruptly.

There was a spark as their eyes met, but neither of them said anything more and
quickly dashed towards the artifact.

"Lucas, Evangeline."

I commanded the two front-line knights.

"Buy us some time until the artifact activates."

"Yes, my lord."

"Eating cake while lying down!"

I cautioned the overconfident pair.

"The Gargoyle Chieftain is not an easy monster. It's different from the gargoyles
we've fought before. Don't let your guard down, just focus on defense. Understand?"



"Good, go!"

With that, the two knights rushed forward. I turned my gaze to Damien.
"Damien, what's the ammo situation for the magic cannon?"

"Three Cerberus rounds. Six shots per round. A total of eighteen shots."

"Do you think it will take them down?"


Damien squinted at the Gargoyle Chieftain before shaking his head.

"The armor and helmet that Gargoyle is wearing is the problem. It appears to have
high magical defense."

"Accurate observation, well done."

The Gargoyle Chieftain was donned in armor with high magical resistance, but its
body underneath boasted high physical defense.

'It's like a living armor turned inside out.'

Eventually, the strategy was to use physical attacks to strip off the armor, then magic
attacks to damage the body underneath.

Easy to say, but quite time-consuming. And it's not as if that brute would stand still
and let us.

"I'll try to find and target the weak points without armor as much as I can. But as you
know, this mage-gun is for close combat…”

As Cerberus was a mage-gun shaped like a pistol, its damage effective range was
shorter than other mage-guns.

I couldn't send Damien to engage in close combat either.

"We need to restore the firepower team first."

We needed long-range support to remove the armor. I looked up at Bodybag, who

was floating beside me.

"Bodybag. What's the status of your squad?"

Bodybag bowed her round face, with baby fat still on it, again and again.

"Er, everyone has more or less sustained injuries… The weapons are damaged too…”

"Damien. Perform emergency treatment for the shadow squad members."

At the suggestion of healing duty, Damien's face brightened up. Such a simple-
minded guy.

I nodded at Bodybag.

"While Damien is treating, salvage any usable equipment. We urgently need your


As Bodybag and Damien rushed over to the groaning sub-party members,

Patter. Plunk. Plop.

A drizzle began to fall from the sky.


Soon, the drizzle turned into a downpour. It had been cloudy all day, and of all times,
it chose now to rain.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the pouring rain.

The sight of the twin Gargoyle bosses advancing in large strides over the castle walls
was quite terrifying.

I glanced at the sun, which was barely visible through the thick clouds. Damn, it
could give some help at times like these. So merciless.


From the Gargoyle Chieftain's mouth came a low, raspy sound, like metal scraping,

Which soon turned into a ferocious roar.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two Gargoyle Chieftains began to charge at the same time.

With every step they took, the bricks forming the castle wall shook and sprang up.
They were obviously quite heavy.


"Come on, come in!"

Lucas and Evangeline, who were out on the front line, raised their weapons and

The next moment, the two Gargoyles and two knights collided forcefully-



And were flung away.

The two SSR-ranked knights.



The iron hammers swung by the Gargoyle Chieftains held immense force.

Lucas, who barely dodged the attack, skidded backward, while Evangeline flew a
considerable distance while maintaining her shielded posture, and finally stopped
after planting both feet on the ground.

"Damn, the shield's cracked?!"

The twin Gargoyle Chieftains charged once more, causing the two knights to recoil in

Thud! Thud! Crash!

Eight massive hammers, four in the hands of each monster, battered the ramparts.

Lucas and Evangeline were forced back by the sheer power of the onslaught. It was
only natural. Instead of facing one boss, which would have been a fair challenge, they
were up against two cloned beasts.

But, they could hold out.

Both Lucas and Evangeline were top-tier tanks in this game. They could buy some

And then,

"Your Highness!"

The awaited moment arrived.

"The Artifact, the Magic Amplifier! It's ready!"


I nodded vigorously in response to Lilly's shout from the other side.

"Activate it right away!"

"Yes! Activating the Magic Amplifier!"

Lilly and the alchemists triggered the magic engineering device.

It would enhance the magic effects of a single targeted character by 100%. Only

The target was me. Ash!


A pale blue light wrapped around my body. I could feel magic power boiling within

'So this is what it feels like.'

A sense of invincibility welled up inside me.

With an involuntary smirk, I activated my first skill.

[Activating Gaze of Command.]

[Please establish eye contact with your target.]

Suddenly, the world seemed to slow down.

The pale blue interface unique to skill use spread out over the world. Within it, I
stared fiercely.

My target was the boss monster, the Gargoyle Chieftain. The one that first stormed
the ramparts!

Our eyes met. Now was the time!

[Target detected: 1 entity.]

[Please issue a command.]


I stretched out my hand and commanded,

"Kill your comrade!"


All at once, the magic power drained from my body.

My heart throbbed painfully. A trickle of blood dripped from my nose. I wiped it with
the back of my hand.

[Command difficulty: Hard]

[Comparing the user's Intelligence stat with the target's Magic Power stat.]

[Determining success rate. Rolling for resistance…]

Gargoyles as a species have low magic defense.

What does that imply?

They're vulnerable to all types of magic resistance. In other words, their resistance
to mind control is weak.

So, if I pushed a little harder.

And if I used the Magic Amplifier, which doubles all magic effects for one time.

'I can control even a boss!'


A flash of blue light burst in front of my eyes with a sound effect signaling the
completion of the judgment.

I gritted my teeth. Success or failure!

[Judgment complete!]

>Success: 1 entity

[Executing forced command.]

Unconsciously, I clenched my fist.


This is the game, you monster bastards!

The eyes of the Gargoyle Chieftain under my command changed, their blood-red
pupils turning to blue within the confines of my control magic.

One of them suddenly stopped dead in its tracks, causing its twin counterpart to halt
as well, sensing something was off.

A moment of silence passed.


"What's with them?"

As Lucas and Evangeline, who were standing in front of the chieftains, looked
perplexed, a sudden outburst happened.


The one under my control suddenly roared, then turned its hammer against its twin.


The twin chieftain was struck unexpectedly, armor shards scattering all around.


Surprise gave way to fury in the eyes of the stunned twin chieftain.

-Monsters do not tolerate betrayal.

The twin chieftain who was struck first retaliated with a furious roar, swinging its


The two Gargoyle Chieftains faced each other, indiscriminately hurling siege
weapon-grade attacks.

Everyone's faces drained of color as they watched the two boss monsters attack each
other relentlessly.

Even though they were exactly the same, the one under my control seemed weaker.

The twin chieftain began to overpower the one under my control.



The twin chieftain, with a roar filled with rage, grabbed the neck of the one under my
control and hurled it far away.


The Chieftain under my command rolled all the way to the other side of the wall.

Coincidentally, that was where the sixth wave of Gargoyles was about to land.

"I was worrying about how to guide them there…”

I chuckled.

"That's one less thing to worry about."


The Gargoyle Chieftain under my control rose to its feet and swung its hammer at its
subordinates who were just landing on the wall.


The front row of the regular Gargoyles were pulverized.

The sixth wave of the Gargoyle legion was initially startled, but soon their eyes
glowed ominously as they charged at their commander.

A civil war broke out.

The Gargoyle Chieftain and the regular Gargoyles clashed with all their might, trying
to kill each other.


The other Chieftain, still of sound mind, wanted to join its subordinates.

"Block him."

Lucas and Evangeline blocked his path at my command.

"Well, the situation just got simpler."

I said, wiping the blood still trickling from my nose with the back of my hand.

"While that mad Gargoyle wipes out his own minions, we're going to take down this
side, the betrayed twin."

A smile crept onto my lips.

"Easy, right?"

Lucas nodded.

"It's twice as easy now."

Evangeline laughed melodically, raising her cavalry lance.

"It's four times the fun!"


The enraged roar of the boss monster echoed across the walls.

Clang! Crash! Tskaang!

Lucas and Evangeline took turns blocking the Gargoyle Chieftain's warhammer.

Their opponents had reduced from two to one, so their defense was significantly

Yet, the two knights were unable to transition into an offensive stance easily.

I gritted my teeth, constantly stealing opportunities to throw my kopis.

'I need to strip off his armor… '

The Gargoyle Chieftain was no easy boss.

If our vanguard hastily switched to offensive and got counterattacked, it would be a


Then it happened.

"The Shadow Squad, back on the frontline."

As the voice echoed from behind, I turned to find the five members of the Shadow
Squad, including Godhand, aligned.

"Any injuries?"

"Damien cast a healing spell on us. We're fit for combat."

"What about the equipment? It got damaged."

"I've repaired them temporarily. No issues."

Damien had provided first aid to the trio of archers, and Godhand had constructed a
temporary ballista with the metals scattered around.

With a blunt, yet confident tone, Godhand said, "We're ready to launch at any

"Good. Engage immediately."

The trio of archers swiftly drew their weapons, aiming at the Gargoyle Chieftain.



Pshooot! Pshooot-!

Amidst the falling rain, a barrage of arrows rained from the three archers.

"We'll join as well."

Godhand crafted a long spear from the bodies of the fallen gargoyles, and Bodybag,
levitating it with psychokinesis, threw it.



All five members of the Shadow Squad joined in the assault.

Hundreds of arrows and dozens of spears pummeled the Gargoyle Chieftain's body.

Unable to withstand the onslaught, the Gargoyle Chieftain curled up to adopt a

defensive stance, but it was already too late.


The armor hit by the traitorous chieftain earlier was the first to break.

Once a piece fell off, the rest was rapid.

Like sand grains washed away in a downpour, the Gargoyle Chieftain's armor quickly
crumbled and fell.

Now that the physical attacks had mostly destroyed the armor, we could switch to
magic attacks to damage the body and finish him off.

It was such a smooth raid process, but then…


As always, reality didn't follow plans.

The rain intensified. The merciless downpour blurred vision and affected


The Gargoyle Chieftain swung his warhammer furiously.


Evangeline blocked the attack with her shield effortlessly, but,


On the wet ground flooded with rain, she lost her footing and balance.


Evangeline's negative trait, [Error-Prone], came into effect!

And as she stumbled, the Gargoyle Chieftain seized the chance to land another blow
on Evangeline.



The rain-soaked ramparts were slippery, and Evangeline managed to guard with her
shield, but she lost her footing and slid helplessly.

And in the deluge, she was swept off the edge of the rampart.


Evangeline screamed, suspended in mid-air.

Without realizing it, I tried to rush to her aid, but a wave of dizziness hit me.


Perhaps it was too much to use my Commander's Mana on the boss monster, I was
struggling just to stay standing.

All I could do was try to keep myself from falling and observe the situation.


Lucas, who was charging at full speed towards Evangeline, slid and threw himself
towards her.

Lucas's sturdy hand caught Evangeline's, who was about to fall over the ramparts.

"Phew, that was close."

I sighed in relief as I watched, but there was no time for that.


The tank line holding back the boss monster disappeared.

So where would the boss monster head?

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Of course, it heads towards the dealer line, left defenseless.

The Gargoyle Chieftain began to charge at us with an ominous momentum. This was
completely unexpected and I froze in place.

I was counting on either Lucas or Evangeline, one of the two SSR-ranked vanguards,
to hold it back.

But suddenly, everything had changed.

"Damn it!"
"We'll hold it back!"

Godhand and Bodybag urgently stepped into the middle.

Against a normal monster, or even an elite one, Godhand and Bodybag would have
been able to form a line of defense.

But the opponent was a boss monster. There was no comparison in specs.

As a utility mage and not a pure tank, they wouldn't be able to hold out for long.

"Fire! We need to push it back!"

As Godhand cried out, the trio of archers increased their barrage of arrows, and
Bodybag continued to throw his spear.

But the Gargoyle Chieftain just plowed through all the attacks, advancing relentlessly.

I had never seen such a bulldozer-like creature.

"I'll buy us some time!"

Shouting, Godhand charged forward.

In an instant, he got right in front of the Gargoyle Chieftain,


Sliding on the water-logged floor, Godhand's hand touched the Gargoyle Chieftain's


The tip of the Gargoyle Chieftain's foot melted and stuck to the ground. It was a
typical move for a metal mage.

However, the versatility of a utility mage like this,

Loses its meaning in the face of simple, overwhelming power.

Godhand desperately tried to seal the Gargoyle Chieftain's foot, but with a brief
exertion of strength, the monster ripped a piece of the rampart floor.

"Damn it…!"

Godhand tried everything he could to buy more time, but the Gargoyle Chieftain paid
him no mind.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

It was charging,

And coming to kill the dealers.

And me.

'With the blade of Mana… '

I drew my staff, but there wasn't a shred of magic power left in my body.

In a desperate rush, I pulled a magic potion from my inventory and gulped it down,
but my magic power didn't recover.

What the hell? Did I exhaust too much earlier, to the point where drinking a potion
doesn't restore anything?

What should I do now-

"I'm here, Prince."

That's when I heard Damien's composed voice.

Damien nodded, holding three magic pistols, Cerberus, in his hands.

He held two in his hands and the third one was tucked into his waistband.

"Let's give it a shot."


Damien, standing before me, took a breath and aimed the Cerberus in his hands -
then pulled the trigger.


A sound like a hammer strike erupted from the muzzle.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Six shots from each pistol. Twelve shots in total using the akimbo style.

With Far-Sight activated, Damien's Cerberus shots all accurately struck the pinpoint
on the Gargoyle Chieftain's body.

With each bullet lodged in its body, the Gargoyle Chieftain twisted in pain, letting out
horrific screams.

Yet, it didn't slow its charge.

Even with the damage it was taking, it seemed able to endure.

'The damage limit of an R-rated magic pistol…!'

Before we knew it, the Gargoyle Chieftain was almost upon us.




Each step it took sent ripples through the fortress floor.

Unflinching, Damien dropped the pistols in his hands to the ground and drew the
last one from his waistband, gripping it with both hands.

He fired.
Bang! Bang! Bang…!

The magic bullets accurately hit the monster's weak spots like its forehead and neck,
but they didn't deal any decisive damage.

Unyielding, Damien planted his last bullet in the monster's forehead.

The archers also followed Damien's lead, continuing to fire. However, the beast
showed no signs of falling.


Even amidst this downpour, the face of the Gargoyle Chieftain had drawn close
enough to be seen.

From between the shattered and fragmented helmet, the steel statue emitted an
ominous red glow.

What was visible in those two eyes was nothing more than pure hatred.

The intent to kill humans. No, more than that.

The endless hatred intended to annihilate the entire human race…

"Hey, monster."

That was when it happened.

"Listen carefully."

Suddenly feeling hot air, I turned around.

From the rear line of our party.

Lying on the cart used for artifact retrieval,

with hands raised, evaporating all the rain around her- Lilly was generating a magic
sphere of flame above her head.

"I am…”
And then Lilly uttered the coolest line I had heard from an R-ranked character in this

"The senior mage of this Monster Frontline-!"

With her red hair flying wildly, Lilly thrust her hand forward, and with a loud roar-!

The flaming sphere that was fired accurately hit the Gargoyle Chieftain right in the
The dense smoke cleared.

In the pouring rain, the flames subsided quickly.

Shielding my face with my arms from the heat, I cautiously lowered my hands.

A hulking mass of metal, still glowing hot, came into view. Three archers from the
Shadow Squad aimed their bows, murmuring apprehensively.

"Where's the boss monster?"

"Seems like… it's dead?"


As those words fell, the metal heap twitched. Everyone on the field tensed, gripping
their weapons tighter.


That… the Gargoyle Chieftain, was still breathing.

Despite being directly hit by a fire spell, half its body melting away, the beast was still

Still aflame, it struggled to rise.

Krrraaa… aahh!

And then it started moving again.

Its target was clear.

The one who had attacked it most powerfully.

It moved towards Lilly. Aggro was fully drawn.


Thump! Thump! Thump!

The Gargoyle Chieftain bellowed, resuming its charge.

"Danger, Prince!"

Damien pulled me aside, rolling away. His quick action narrowly saved us from the
creature's path.

"This crazy bastard!"

"It won't stop!"

The archers, busy with their arrows, screamed, dodging its trajectory.

But Lilly.

Unable to use her legs, she could not evade.

If she had any magic power left, she might have been able to avoid it with [Flame
Skin], but did Lilly still have that much magic power?

Her face pale, Lilly simply watched the monster charging towards her.

Accepting her inevitable fate with an eerily calm expression.

That's when it happened.


Godhand darted between the monster and Lilly.

And caught the beast's remaining molten hammer, swung with the remaining arm,
with both his hands.

An appalling sound echoed nonchalantly.


Godhand's hands and arms were crushed. His blood splattered violently around him.

But even in that situation, Godhand, like a true metal sorcerer, used his skills.

With his crushed hands, he grabbed the Gargoyle Chieftain's body and…

Ripped it apart.

Inside the beast's metallic body was a red spirit core.

Godhand, his face pale, glanced at Lilly and asked softly.

"Can you launch one more attack, senior mage?"


Instead of replying, Lilly clenched her teeth and stretched out her hand.


The exposed spirit core exploded into sharp flames.

Within moments, the blazing spirit core cracked, and soon shattered. Clang!

Krr… uh…

And finally, the boss monster ceased moving.

Thud! Thump!

Its melted bulk collapsed long to the side.

A moment of silence passed. I was the first to regain my senses.

"Damien! Give emergency treatment to Godhand!"

"Y-yes, Your Highness!"

At my command, Damien hurried off. The other members of the Shadow Squad
flocked around Godhand.


Flesh tore and bone splintered. Damien quickly staunched the grievously injured
Godhand's bleeding arms.


Lilly, who had been rigidly watching the spectacle, asked nervously.

"Why did you save me, elf?"

"I merely made the optimal judgement."

Godhand replied coolly.

"The battle isn't over yet. And among us here, only you possess the firepower to deal
the decisive blow to those gargoyle bastards."


"It's as simple as that."

Lilly, gritting her teeth, looked as if she wanted to say something, but she swallowed
her words and hung her head.



At that moment, Lucas and Evangeline came running from the other side of the

Upon arriving, the two knights bowed at a 90-degree angle.

"We're sorry, for such a mistake…”

"We have no face to show, Lord. Please take our lives."

No, I won't do that. However, it's like these knight characters always try to repay
everything with their lives.

"Enough, raise your heads. We've taken down this boss monster. We've suffered
some damage, but…”

While lightly kicking the head of the dead gargoyle chieftain, I turned my gaze
towards the end of the fortress.

"What about the rest of the monster bastards?"

What happened to the boss monster affected by my Gaze of Command and the 6
legions of the gargoyle army? It would be best if they destroyed each other.

I couldn't confirm in time because of the lack of visibility due to the heavy rain.

I narrowed my eyes and focused on seeing the other side.

Thud… Thud… Thud…

And then.

Between the sheets of rain, I heard the heavy footsteps of monsters.

What eventually appeared were dozens of gargoyle monsters.

Deeply scarred and battered as if they had engaged in fierce combat, in their hands,
they held fragments of the gargoyle chieftain's weapons and armor.

The result of their civil war was apparent.

The gargoyle chieftain, whom I had made betray his kind with my Gaze of Command,
seemed to have been torn apart by his own subordinates.

"So all we need to do is take down those bastards."

While saying so, I looked around.

Everyone was extremely depleted.

Lucas and Evangeline, who had been continuously fending off monster attacks at the
forefront, were no exception, Damien had run out of his devil essence, and Lilly had
completely drained her magic power.

The Shadow Squad was no different.

Their leader, Godhand, had her arms smashed, and Bodybag was suffering from
magic exhaustion.

The trio of archers were dealing with minor injuries, and now, with Godhand's
combat ability lost, they were even running low on arrows.

Could we really take down the remaining monsters safely under these


Just at that moment.


From the left and right of the fortress, there were loud shouts,

Bang! Whoosh!


Cannons and ballistas fired from the wings of the fortress, raining down on the


The gargoyle creatures that had been making their way toward us were suddenly
swept away in a crossfire.

In normal circumstances, their robust nature would shrug off such attacks, but due
to their infighting, they had already been wounded.
They fell, one by one, under the barrage of bullets and artillery.

When the storm of gunfire subsided, there were no monsters left standing.

All that remained were the dead and those crawling with limbs torn apart.

I looked at this scene with widened eyes, and from the corner of my vision, I saw a
soldier by the artillery laughing.

"There are no more monsters flying from the south, so there's no need to keep the
defense line anymore!" he exclaimed.

He was the captain of the Twilight Brigade, responsible for commanding the artillery.

"And it's ridiculous for us to stand here doing nothing while watching the central
troops fight. We rotated the cannon, re-aimed, and cleaned out the remaining


"Um, did we do something unnecessary, my lord?"

I vigorously shook my head, then raised my thumb in a gesture of approval.

"No, you did a great job."


The soldiers, covered in gunpowder and dust from the continuous cannon firing,
despite the rain, erupted in cheers.

Plop, plop…

The rain began to lessen from the heavens. In the distant southern sky, the storm
clouds began to recede.

"No more gargoyles are approaching."

Lucas, who had been watching the southern sky, turned to me and flashed a broad
"We've won, my lord."


I looked up at the clearing sky. Was it just coincidence that it rained precisely when
we were engaged in battle?

"It was a bit of an arbitrary downpour…”

I turned around and met the gaze of my soldiers. They were all looking at me.


After taking a deep breath, I stretched out my hand and shouted.

"Transport the injured to the temple! Report any equipment and fortress damage,
and meticulously record today's battle report!"

Even if it seemed old-fashioned right after victory, what needed to be said, had to be

"If you made any mistakes in today's battle, make sure to remember and learn from
them for the next battle. That's how you will grow."

I thought back to the mistakes I had made during this defense. I reviewed things that
could be improved.

One must engrave the faced crisis into their bones. That's how the strategy becomes
more perfect.

That's how, people don't die.

"Each day as you become better soldiers, this place becomes a stronger frontline.
And as this place becomes a stronger frontline, I am becoming a more competent

I looked at each of my soldiers and my party members.

The main party members who had crossed the line of death with me today, and the
sub-party members who had suffered greatly upon joining.
"You are helping me become complete. Truly, thank you."

After speaking sincerely, I shouted out loud,

"Enough with the stiff formalities! Prepare the meat and drinks! Tonight, the bill's on

The soldiers cheered as if they'd been waiting for this moment. I chuckled

Well, I couldn't remember a time when I hadn't picked up the tab.

Among the jubilant crowd soaked in the joy of victory, I spotted Godhand, lying on a
stretcher and being hastily carried to the temple.

I also saw Lilly, who was sitting dazed on the ground, staring blankly at the scene.


I turned my head and looked up at the southern sky again.

After the downpour had ceased, a rainbow appeared in the distance.

Thus ended another defensive battle.



[STAGE MVP - Lilly(R)]

[Level-up Characters]

>Main Party

- Ash(EX) Lv.24 (↑2)

- Lucas(SSR) Lv.37 (↑1)

- Evangeline(SSR) Lv.39 (↑1)

- Lilly(R) Lv.26 (↑3)

- Damien(N) Lv.32 (↑2)

>Sub Party 1

- Godhand(SR) Lv.36 (↑1)

- Bodybag(R) Lv.30 (↑1)

- Oldgirl(R) Lv.29 (↑1)

- Skull(N) Lv.26 (↑1)

- Burnout(SR) Lv.24 (↑2)

[Casualties and Injured Characters]

- Ash(EX) : Lightly injured

- Lilly(R) : Lightly injured

- Godhand(SR) : Seriously injured

- Oldgirl(R) : Lightly injured

- Skull(N) : Lightly injured

- Burnout(SR) : Lightly injured

[Achieved Items]

- Gargoyle Legion's Magic Stone : 341 pieces

- Gargoyle Chieftain's Magic Core(SSR) : 2 pieces

[Stage clear rewards have been issued. Please check your inventory.]

- R grade reward boxes : 5 pieces

- SR grade reward boxes : 2 pieces

>> Get Ready For The Next STAGE

>> [STAGE 5 : The Unforgiven]

Godhand's injury was more severe than I had initially thought.

"The entire lower arm is crushed. It's completely disfigured."


As she prepared for surgery, Saintess Margarita spoke quickly.

"It's way beyond the point where healing magic could be of use."

"You mean…?"

"We have to amputate his arm."

The words seemed to hang heavily in the air.

Godhand, covered in blood, had collapsed on the bed and passed out.

The thin young elf had already lost consciousness. Whether it was from the pain or
the effects of anesthetic.

"We'll amputate the lower arm. The patient has already given his consent."


"Whether he agreed or not, we'd have to amputate. The necrosis has already spread
to the upper arm. If we leave it as it is, we'd have to amputate everything below the

Marguerita took out a surgical saw from a tray. She then glanced at me.

"If you're not going to help, would you mind leaving, my lord? This isn't a pleasant
sight to behold."

I had a reply at the tip of my tongue, but I swallowed it down and quietly left the


Outside the room, four little members of the Shadow Squad were waiting for their
team leader's surgery.

Their young eyes were full of apprehension as they looked up at me. I was at a loss
for words.

"Your Highness, is… is our captain okay?"

As I stood there, lost in thought, Bodybag, the squad's second-in-command, asked me


It was painful, but there was no point in dragging it out. I opened my mouth, heavy
with the words.

"Well, the truth is…”

I told them about Godhand's severe injury and how they needed to amputate below
his elbow.

All the members of the Shadow Squad turned pale, but they didn't appear to be

I asked them cautiously, "Are you guys okay?"

"Well, Your Highness, um… It's a bit strange to mention this but…”

Hesitant at first, Bodybag looked towards the operating room and began to speak.

"Godhand… He lost both his hands in an operation two years ago."


"He had replaced both his lost hands with metallic prosthetics. Being a metal
magician, he had no problem maneuvering them as if they were real."
I had no idea. He always wore gloves, and there was never any awkwardness in his

"After he replaced his hands with prosthetics, he even changed his codename to

Bodybag let out an awkward smile.

"So… he'll be okay this time too. He can replace the lost arm with a metal one and
fight as he used to."


That's not the point.

People are not machines.

Just because you can replace a broken part and it functions properly, it doesn't mean
you can brush it off like nothing happened.

Grievous injuries leave a mark on the soul.

And those scars never fully heal.


I swallowed my words, kneeling in front of the children, one by one I gently stroked
their heads.

"If any of you feel pain, make sure to let me know. I will ensure you get treated."

I found it ridiculous, as a commander who had to push them into every battle, I was
saying such things.

I feigned a smile at the children who were looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Well, let's get going. Tonight, there is a victory banquet. It's regrettable that
Godhand cannot attend, but you need to eat well and rest."

However, in response to my words, the children all shook their heads.

"We are okay, your Highness!"

"We will wait here until the captain's surgery is over."


For a moment, I was at a loss for words but then nodded my head.

"Okay. Rest here today. I'll send over some food and drinks. We may not be able to
celebrate the victory together but…”

After glancing briefly towards the sickroom, I nodded slowly.

"Your contribution today was immense. Make sure you remember that."

The children laughed heartily. I also returned their smiles.

"I entrust your captain to you."

"Leave it to us!"

"Please send a lot of delicious food!"

"And drinks too!"

"Juice! We love juice!"

As I left the temple, I looked back at the waving Shadow Squad members. I would
have to order at least three cartons of juice.


Somehow, my left arm throbbed.

Even though my arm, from which the cast was removed today, had healed, it still
ached faintly.

How would it be for Godhand who had lost an arm?

Would he feel pain from a limb that no longer existed?

With such futile worries, I proceeded. My exclusive carriage was waiting in front of
the temple.


When I arrived at the plaza, the banquet had already started and it was bustling.

At every bonfire, stew was boiling in pots and meat was roasting on skewers.

Chefs who were hired from the nearby areas were busily preparing food, and barrels
of alcohol brought from the warehouse were piled up in various places in the plaza.

The smoke from the barbeque spread out under the evening sky which was
gradually clearing. Below it, people were laughing.

It was a good sight.

"Look at you lot, you started even before your lord has given his speech!"

As I entered the plaza with a forced show of indignation, cheers broke out all around

"The prince is here!"

"Lord! Lord! Lord!"

"The best commander in the south!"

"The man born to kill monsters!"

The soldiers began to tease me. These jerks…

"Ahh! Enough! Give me a drink!"

Feeling like this would never end if I let it continue, I quickly grabbed a cup of
alcohol and climbed onto the stage in the middle of the plaza.

"Let's get this over with! When I say 'Southern Front'! You say 'Feast to Death!' Got

"Alright, 'Southern Front!'"

Feast to Death!

With a resounding cheer, everyone brought their drinks to their lips.


I also took a few token sips before setting down my cup. No matter how much I
drank, I couldn't get used to the alcohol in this neighborhood!

As I signaled the start of the official feast, the square became even more boisterous.

Stepping down from the podium, I happened to stop Aider, who was serving food

"Hey, aide-de-camp. Run a little errand for me."

"Oh, my Lord! Of course! What would you like? Meat? Alcohol? What else can I bring
you? If you need music, I can pick out a tune!"

No, that's not what I need.

"Send some food to the shrine. And beverages."


Aider pursed his lips awkwardly. What was he regretting?

"It's for the priests who are busy treating the wounded, the soldiers who are under
treatment, and the members of the Shadow Squad. Oh, and send three bottles of
juice too."

I was about to give him more orders when a voice came from behind me.

"I'll go."

I turned around to see Lilly.

Seated in her new wheelchair, Lilly had a determined look on her face.


I didn't dissuade her. I simply nodded.

"Are you sure you can manage?"


"Good, Aider! Gather some people to help carry the load and go to the shrine with


Aider and Lilly began to select dishes and drinks to place on the trays.

As I watched them, I moved deeper into the square.

The Margrave said it. The city will come to a halt if we only mourn and grieve. We
must also offer equivalent joy.

Taking care of the wounded and commemorating the dead was part of a Lord's
duties, yes.

But so was celebrating, drinking, and making merry with those who survived.

"Hey, you punks! Think you can finish all those barrels of alcohol just by sipping
away? Refill your cups!"

"Oh! The 3rd Prince, the Empire's best drinker!"

"Can we confirm that legend with our own eyes today?"

"I'll let you confirm it, so come at me! We're going all the way tonight!"

Clashing their cups loudly, laughing boisterously, I worked to lift the spirits.
The night of victory deepened.


Godhand regained consciousness late that night.


He groaned, trying to raise his body, but soon realized he couldn't.

Both his arms were gone from the elbows down.

Only then did Godhand recall the moment his arms were crushed.

The voice of the priest asking for consent to amputate too.


Lying in bed, Godhand slowly raised his armless elbows.

It was then.

"Are you awake?"

Suddenly a voice came from beside the bed. Startled, Godhand looked in that

Lilly was sitting in a chair next to the bed, her face round with concern.


"The surgery was successful."

As Lilly said this, she sipped from her cup and read through some documents, then
picked up a quill and began to write something on the paper.

"For a while, the fever will be severe, and the pain will be significant. The next
healing magic is scheduled for 7 am tomorrow."

"Your arm was amputated below the elbow, but they left the joint. They said you'd
move comfortably once you get a prosthesis."

Lilly pointed towards the corner of the room.

"The rest of the squad members ate, chatted, played around and fell asleep awhile

She pointed to the remaining four members of the Shadow Squad sleeping on the

All of them were snoring away, each covered only by a single blanket. They must
have been exhausted.


"Aren't you hungry?"

Lilly fetched the food that was covered with a cloth on the nearby shelf.

"We left some food for you as well. You lost quite a bit of blood, so you should eat

"Why… are you taking care of me?"

Lilly's hand halted at Godhand's uneasy question.

"Don't you despise us?"


After a moment of silence, Lilly slowly looked Godhand in the eyes.

"I wanted to ask you something. That's why I've been waiting for you to wake up."


Godhand seemed groggy, his consciousness still murky. Lilly wasted no time and
posed her question to him.
"Why did you save me back then?"

When the Gargoyle Chieftain had lunged to attack.

Why did he shield Lilly, taking the attack himself and losing an arm?

That's what Lilly was asking.

Godhand gave a wry smile.

"Didn't I tell you at that time? You had the firepower to defeat him, and protecting
you was the optimal decision-"

"Stop your nonsense."

Lilly growled fiercely.

"Don't act so rational."


"From the perspective of the whole frontline, your decision may have been correct.
But from your personal standpoint, there was no reason for you to save me at the
cost of such severe injury."

Godhand and his squad had just been deployed in Crossroad.

It was too early for them to have any sense of loyalty.

In that situation, protecting Lilly was undoubtedly a rational tactical decision.

But it was unreasonable for someone just thrown into the frontline to risk their
limbs, their life, for that tactical objective.

Even if it seemed logical on the surface, the more you thought about it, the stranger it

There was something else.

Lilly sensed it and came to probe Godhand.

Even if his injury was the result of protecting her.


Godhand let out a long sigh.

"Isn't it a bit too cold to question your savior like this…?"

"There's nothing more burdensome than undesired goodwill."

Not hiding her icy gaze, Lilly probed Godhand.

"Tell me. Don't hide it. Why did you save me?"
"Tell me. Don't hold back. Why did you save me?"


After a long silence in response to Lilly's inquiry, Godhand let out a quiet sigh.

"May I be frank with you?"

"Of course. I won't forgive you if you're not honest."


After hesitating for a long while, Godhand opened his mouth.

"There's no great reason. It's just that when the Gargoyle Chieftain was charging
towards you, I was reminded of my mother."

It was an unexpected answer. Lilly furrowed her brows.

"Your mother?"

"My mother… was like you, unable to use both her legs."

Lilly's body trembled slightly.

"She was crippled when she was captured by slave hunters. She spent her whole life

Godhand's eyes scanned the empty space in front of him.

"Even when she couldn't stand, every time the human master tried to beat me, she
would hold me and shield me with her body."

"For some reason, I was reminded of that. In your figure standing in front of the
Gargoyle Chieftain, I saw my mother."

Lilly, who had her mouth slightly open, pointed to her legs in irritation.

"So because of these legs, you saw me overlap with your mother. Is that your story?"

"Are you upset?"

"I'm not thrilled."

"But Lilly, you were the one who asked me to speak honestly."

"That's one thing, this is another."

Lilly let out a deep sigh.

"So you lost both your arms for such a reason?"

"There's the strategic reason I mentioned earlier from a logical point of view. And
then there's the emotional side, where I was reminded of my mother. I think these
are enough to explain why I protected you."


Resting her head in her hands, Lilly shook her head slowly.

"I thought you were a more rational type."

"I thought Lilly was a more emotional type."

Who would have guessed that she would doubt the motive behind someone risking
their life to save her?

Lilly was more rational than he thought.


Godhand spoke in a low voice.

"We cannot understand each other. The wounds each of our races has inflicted on the
other are undeniably… too deep to heal."


"But even though we may not understand each other…”

Godhand offered a faint smile, gesturing out the window.

"Can't we at least celebrate our survival together?"

Loud, boisterous singing came from outside.

The drunken soldiers from the victory celebration were probably arm-in-arm,
singing together.

The slurred military song filled the air around them. 'Comrades, together we will
break through the enemy's waves… '



Following an awkward silence, Lilly blurted out.

"I dislike you."

There was deep sincerity in her voice.

"I'm annoyed by your scheming to impose a debt on me at your own whim."

"Isn't that a bit too cold to say to someone who lost both arms defending you…?"

"Enough, try to sit up."

Lilly, who brought the food tray back, shrugged her shoulders.

"Why don't you eat something? It's a feast for others, and it's sad if you starve alone."

"I just feel like resting. I don't have an appetite…”

"That's why you're so thin. Wouldn't you recover faster if you ate? Come on, I'll help
you sit up."

Groaning, Lilly caught hold of Godhand's upper body and lifted him up.

After placing the food tray on the bed table, she set down two cups and poured
different liquids into each.

Godhand, watching the clear liquid being poured into his cup, frowned.

"Is this just plain water?"

"Do you think the person who just lost his arm today would try to drink alcohol?"

"Isn't it okay to have at least a drink on the day I lose an arm?"

"You unexpectedly know how to joke around, don't you?"

Lilly, who poured water into Godhand's cup, filled her own cup with alcohol.

"Well… shall we at least toast?"

"I can't lift a cup because I don't have arms."

"I'll take care of that for you."

Holding a cup in each hand, Lilly clinked them together on behalf of Godhand.

She then brought the cup of water to Godhand's lips.

Godhand emptied his cup with a clean gulp. Chuckling, Lilly downed her glass of

"It's a pitiful sight. A human woman who can't use her legs and an elf man who can't
use his arms, can't even join the feast, and we're moping in the hospital room."

"But it will be memorable."

Godhand looked up at the window.

"If it was an ordinary feast, it would be easily forgotten, but today's scene will
remain for a long time."


The moonlight poured in from the window. The sky was so clear that it felt like the
past few cloudy days were a lie.

Godhand's voice reached Lilly, who was idly gazing at the moon and sipping her

"I know it's ridiculous to say this now."


"Can I ask you to take good care of me from now on, Lilly?"

Lilly stared at Godhand quietly, then,

"You better recover quickly, Godhand. And get a prosthetic arm as soon as possible."

With a snort, she turned her gaze back out the window.

"Because if you're okay, I can comfortably doubt you, hate you, and treat you

Godhand chuckled softly.

"Then I'll have to stay unwell for a while."

"No, I mean, don't say stupid things with that face…”

After that, the two didn't have any more conversation.

Lilly fed Godhand cold vegetable dishes one by one. Godhand ate quietly without

In the distance, the continued singing of drunken soldiers could be heard.

The night of victory… was deepening.


Chirp, chirp.

…The cliched sound of birds announcing the morning is heard.

"Ugh, ooooh."

A ghastly groan like that of a zombie escaped my lips.

My head was heavy and spinning. My stomach churned. Classic symptoms of a


"Ugh, my poor head…”

I must have really drunk a lot. Ugh, I feel like I'm going to die.

As I painfully lifted my heavy eyelids, something… fleshy came into my blurry view.

Someone was lying next to me, their top discarded.

'What the heck?!'

Was this going to be some cliched scenario where I drank too much and woke up
next to a woman I'd never seen before?!

In a state of half-worry and half-anticipation(?), I rubbed my eyes and looked at the

other person. Who is it!

And next to me… an old man with a protruding belly was nodding off.

The old man, upon catching my eye, yawned lazily.

"Ah. You're awake, Prince."

"Who are you?!"

Surprised, I quickly sat up and scanned the room.

It was a spacious room filled with middle-aged men and grandfathers exuding a
hefty aura, all laying around topless. What on earth was this?!

"We're the Twilight Brigade."

On the opposite side, a sprawled out old man yawned lazily and spoke to me.

Looking closely, it was the leader of the Twilight Brigade.

"Are you feeling a bit better, Your Highness? You had quite a lot to drink last night."

"Well, yeah, I'm okay. But can I ask one thing?"

With a shaky voice, I tossed out a fundamental question about the situation.

"Why are you all topless and taking a nap…?"

"You ordered it, Your Highness. You said, let's have a real drink, man to man, without
any pretenses. You shouted for everyone to take off their clothes and they all agreed."

I did that?! Do I have a terrible habit of ordering people to strip when I'm drunk?!

Feeling startled, I touched my body and realized I too was shirtless.

What the heck are you doing, Ash! You drunk lunatic!

Trying my best to restore my lost memory, the soldiers of the Twilight Brigade who
surrounded me threw in their two cents.

"Prince, last night was really… incredible."

"I've never been to such a party in my life."

"I'll never forget it… the precious memory of last night…”

"Hey, stop using such ambiguous language, it's making me uncomfortable!"

These muscle-bound old men with bushy beards aren't supposed to have lines like
that! What exactly happened?! When did my memory blackout?

"Ah, you're awake. My lord."

Just then, a refreshing voice came to my rescue.


The protagonist of this game and my bodyguard! As always, you're the only one who
can save me! I looked at him with a smile on my face.

Lucas walked into the room, not only shirtless but also pantless, wearing only boxer

"Why are you stripped down to your underwear toooo!"

As I screamed while pulling my hair out, Lucas scratched the back of his head

"But, Lord, it was you who asked the main party members to remove their pants…”

"I did what?!"

In surprise, I stumbled and realized I too was missing my pants.

I was in my underwear. This crazy Ash, always messing things up, damn it!

"Brrr, it's cold…”

From a corner of the room, a faint groan echoed, and there I saw Damien, huddled
and shivering in nothing but his underwear…

“…I'm sorry. I'm not sure what happened, but regardless, I apologize."

What kind of wild party took place last night?

The more I tried to remember, the more unpleasant it felt, so I gave up trying to
restore the lost memory.

Sitting on the floor, I covered my face with my hands and muttered.

"Isn't seeing naked men in the bathhouse enough…”

"I was just about to say the same."

Lucas gestured towards the door.

"Let's go, my Lord."

"Huh? Go where?"

"Didn't you just say something, my Lord?"

Lucas offered a refreshing smile. Dressed only in underwear and smiling so brightly,
he looked outright perverted.

"It's a public bathhouse. It's right next door."

My eyes widened.

"A public bathhouse?"


The place I stayed was the Empire's barracks.

Originally, it was a facility used by the Empire's soldiers, but currently, it's almost

Instead, it also served as accommodations for mercenaries.

"Soldiers get drenched in monster blood almost every day, wouldn't they need
facilities to clean up?"

Lucas said as he led me to the public bathhouse. Thankfully, he was wearing

something now.

"So there's a public bathhouse in Crossroad. It was initially meant for soldiers only."

"As the city expanded, it became accessible to the citizens as well. Is that so?"

"Exactly, my Lord. As the city grew, the public bathhouse expanded its facilities and
now it's quite large."

Nodding, I looked back.

Damien, shivering and following me. He must have caught a cold.

"Let's get you into some warm water soon, Damien. It'll make you feel better."

"Yes, Your Highness…”

Damien responded in a feeble voice, sniffling. What did I do to him yesterday…?

The public bathhouse was a short walk from the barracks. As we arrived at the
entrance, I exclaimed.

"It's quite big?!"

"Indeed. It's designed to accommodate as many soldiers as possible."

The entrance to the bathhouse was large, suggesting the interior would be spacious
as well.

"I didn't know such a facility existed. I've never been here before."

Now that I think about it, I used to upgrade the bathhouse in the game to maintain
the city's hygiene.

I never thought I would actually use it.

"According to history, our emperors often visited the public bathhouse on the
Imperial Road. They used it as a means to interact with the citizens and gauge the
mood of the nation," Lucas informed calmly.

"As the lord of this place, your Highness, you might find it beneficial to follow in the
footsteps of your predecessors. Regular visits to the public bathhouse would help
you grasp the current issues of the city."

That sounds like solid advice.

"But won't it be hard for the guards if the emperor visits the bathhouse often? You
should be careful, being my guard and all."

"I am already struggling…”

"What was that?!"

"No, nothing at all."

Lucas, turning his head away, coughed. Does this kid's tongue grow longer when he

Upon entering the public bathhouse, there were separate sections for men and
women right from the entrance.

It's interesting that the bathhouse feels the same, even in a different world.

'Or is it that the bathhouse culture is universally common among humans?'

Bathhouse culture has been prevalent on Earth since ancient times, in Rome or
Islamic civilizations for example.

In a world with such advanced magical civilization, it isn't strange to have such
sophisticated bathhouses.


I stopped at the entrance which led to separate sections for men and women.

Lucas and Damien, who were headed towards the men's bathhouse, looked at me in

"My Lord?"

"Your Highness? What's wrong?"


After a moment's hesitation, I confessed honestly.

"Isn't there usually, you know… an event or something with… female characters
when we visit a bathhouse?!"

Honestly, it seems like something to look forward to, right?!

There were none.

Such sweet, sugar-coated events were nonexistent in my life.


Inside the men's bath, in a private bathtub filled with pleasantly warm water.

I was floating in it, fully immersed, like a dumpling in a soup.

The bathhouse's design was strikingly similar to that of the ancient Romans,
something I had often seen in books.

It wasn't as hot as a boiling Korean bath, but it was warm enough to be satisfying.

I quite appreciated the luxury of monopolizing a private bath as a Lord.

"The plumbing facilities are well-maintained."

To my mutterings, Lucas, who was tending to me next to my bathtub, immediately


"Isn't it a pride of the Empire? Having experienced many floods, we've mastered
water resources management. We're the best in the world."

"There's also the advantage of a small city population. It must be easier to maintain
water quality."

More importantly, aren't you going to bathe? You've followed me all the way here just
to serve me.

"Isn't it the duty of a guard to protect their Lord at any time and place?"

"Hearing noble words all the time can become tiresome. Enough, you should clean
up too. There's a big bath right next to you."
As I urged him, Lucas bowed his head as if reluctantly.

"I'll enter the bath next to you, then."

"Do that, quickly go on in…”

Lucas carefully entered the bath. I lost words for a moment as I looked at his broad

Lucas's muscular body was covered with all sorts of scars and wounds. It seemed
like a summary of the hardships he had endured all his life.

"You've had it tough, Lucas."

At my words, Lucas smiled faintly.

"It's nothing, my Lord."

On the other hand, Damien was floating next to Lucas. Is he dead? He's alive, right?

"Are you okay, Damien?"

"I… I'm fine, Prince… I'm alright…”

No, he's definitely ascending. It looks like his soul is leaking out.

"What on earth happened yesterday…?"

"It might be better to bury yesterday's events."

Lucas avoided my gaze with a pale, weary face as he responded. Seriously, what
happened to make him react like that?!

Anyway, while relaxing like this, I thought maybe the three of us could have a casual

Suddenly, a wave of people poured into the men's bath.

It was the Twilight Brigade. Men and old men alike began occupying the bath here
and there with a unified "Ugh~" sound.
The Twilight Brigade was followed by regular mercenaries as well.

Soon the men's bath was packed with bearded, muscular men.


I felt suffocated.

Trapped in a tight space with bulky muscleheads, my head was spinning.

Damn it, somebody save me. I should have just used the mansion's bathroom alone. I
came here swept up in the atmosphere and…

"Maybe we should start heading out…”

"Would you like to do that?"

"I want to get out too, ugh…”

The three of us peeled ourselves out of the tub, bumbling towards the men's section.




Every time mercenaries caught my eye as I stepped out, they saluted me.

Don't salute me when I'm stark naked! I said stop it!


After cleaning myself, I put on the robe provided by the public bath and stepped

A spacious lounge unfolded before me. A refreshing space connected to the outdoors.

It looked exactly like a Korean bathhouse.

Of course, there wasn't a sauna, just a breezy, wide hall.

Those who enjoyed their baths were scattered here and there, lying or sitting
comfortably, having conversations. Who knew such a progressive facility existed.

‘Regretting my underestimation of a fantasy world. It's not too bad.’

Lost in such trivial thoughts, I lay flat on the hall floor. After soaking in the hot bath,
my body felt heavy.

‘Ah~ I'm craving sweet rice drink… ’

The environment was so similar to a Korean bathhouse, I inevitably thought of sweet

rice drink.

Imagine cracking open a boiled egg, chewing it, and then gulping down a cup of
chilled sweet rice drink. That would be heaven.

Times like these make me miss Earth…


“Yes, my lord!”

Lucas, who was comfortably seated beside me while I lay down, responded promptly.
I lifted my head and scanned the area.

“Don't they sell anything to eat or drink here?”

“I apologize, my lord, but eating and drinking are prohibited here.”

Lucas had an 'it's common sense' kind of expression.

Damned fantasy world! They are strict about such things!

“Uh… isn't there somewhere I can get a drink of water…”

That's when Damien, who was lying next to me, murmured with a face that looked

Looks like he was suffering from dehydration after drinking alcohol and sweating in
the hot tub. Poor thing.

“Lucas, take him and give him some water.”

“But I'm responsible for your safety…”

“Everyone here is my subordinate, what could possibly happen? I can take care of
myself. Don't worry and just go.”

Lucas hesitated momentarily but soon got up.

“I will also bring water for you, my lord.”

“Ah, good man. Go ahead.”

Lucas and Damien left the lounge. I changed my position. Ah, this feels good.

Maybe I should take a nap. I closed my eyes and was thinking when…


A familiar voice of a young girl echoed.

“It's the senior.”


Opening my eyes and looking in that direction, Evangeline was waddling into the

Her platinum hair, wet from the bath, was twirled up in a towel above her head. She
looked even smaller like that.

“Why are you here again?”

“I'm a local here. It's only natural that I frequent this bathhouse.”
It seems that even though she's a lord's daughter, she used this place.

Well, it would be stranger if she didn't use such a facility in this small town.

That's when Lilly, wheeling Evangeline in her wheelchair, caught my eye from

With a squeak, Lilly hastily bowed her head at me.

"Your Highness?! Why are you here?!"

"That's my line… Did you two come together?"

Evangeline chuckled and nodded.

"I came to take a bath with Lilly!"

"When did you become friends."

"If we cross the lines together, wouldn't we naturally become friends? Right, sister?"

"Hmm… Yes, miss…”

Lilly was awkwardly breaking out in cold sweat. No, it seemed like Evangeline was
unilaterally pretending to be friendly.

'Well, Lilly is the only same-aged female in the party.'

I could understand why Evangeline was trying to get close.

On the other hand, I could also understand why Lilly was nervous.

She wanted to leave the party… And since Evangeline is the heir to the Margrave, she
would be burdened…

"Ah, sister! Let's go claim that spot over there! You can see the mountains from far
away, it's a really good spot."

"All right, miss."

"Then, senior, see you later. We're going to have some girl talk~"

Ah, hey! Don't go! Play with me! Save me from these gloomy guys!

I was screaming inside, but the two had already disappeared into the distance,
leaving me alone. How merciless.

"Hehe… It's okay, I can have fun with just Lucas and Damien."

…That's what I said, but these two rascals, they haven't come back yet. How far did
they go to fetch the water?

That's when it happened.

"Your Highness?"

A clear female voice echoed.

"I'm surprised. I never thought that the royal family would use such a facility."

I widened my eyes and looked in her direction.

A young woman with long brown hair was wringing out her wet hair with a towel. I
furrowed my brows. She seemed to be a stranger.

"Who are you?"

"I am Margarita."


It was none other than the High Priestess of the Temple, Saintess Margarita!

Weren't you always dressed in dark priestess robes from head to toe?

Naturally, I wouldn't recognize you in such open attire.

I quickly bowed in respect.

"Do you also use public baths, Saintess?"

Margarita tilted her head at my question.

"Is there a rule that priests can't bathe?"

"No, that's not it…”

There was this image that priests rarely ventured outside the temple. It seemed to
have been just my prejudice.

"Since I had a major surgery yesterday. I wanted to cleanse myself."

Ah, that's right. She was the one who operated on Godhand yesterday.

Margarita's hands were stained crimson.

Perhaps due to a lifetime of dealing with patients' blood and wounds, even after
washing, they seemed to remain stained.

As I stared at those hands, a thought occurred to me.

"Did the surgery go well?"

"Didn't Your Majesty send people multiple times during the banquet to inquire about
the progress?"

"Eh, me?"

It seems I sent people to check on Godhand while drunk. I don't recall though.

"The operation was successful. He is recovering safely now. I cast a healing spell in
the morning and then came here to bathe."

Margarita looked around as she buttoned her robe.

"I didn't expect it to be this crowded."

Hmm, the rest area is packed with mercenaries.

The defense battle ended yesterday and there was a feast throughout the night. It
makes sense the bathhouse would be crowded.
"I apologize if my soldiers disturbed your rest after a strenuous surgery."

Feeling awkward, I apologize. Margarita shakes her head.

"War is brutal, yes. But I believe the battles here on the frontlines are sacred."

"Sacred… because it's for the protection of people?"

Instead of replying, Margarita nodded slightly.

"Even washing off the blood and sweat from fighting a holy war holds value. I am
glad to share in this experience."

A response fitting of a clergy, yet also very human.

As I was pondering her words, Margarita bowed her head at me again.

"I should go now. I need to move with the other priests."

"Oh, yes. Rest well."

"Please rest well, Your Majesty."

Margarita joined the group of priests, and they all disappeared into the far end of the
rest area, chuckling.

They are all much more normal (in a good way) than I thought.



At that moment, Lucas and Damien returned. I let out an irritated sigh.

"What took you so long!"

Honestly, it was somewhat embarrassing to be left alone!

"Well, it wasn't anything big…”

Lucas, looking around nervously, approached me and showed me what he was
holding in his robe.


I was so surprised that my eyes widened.

It was… an egg!

Lucas nodded firmly.

"It's a boiled egg. I bought it from a peddler at the bathhouse."

"No, what is a peddler doing here…”

From the side, Damien showed me what he was holding. I could see a bottle with
water droplets on it.

"This is cool honey water."

Both of them nodded at the same time.

"Let's eat this secretly!"

Goodness, these clever fellows. How did they know my heart?

"You two are all I need!"

I hugged them both tightly. Lucas and Damien wriggled, asking why I was doing this,
but I didn't care.

Just as the atmosphere was getting warm and cozy,

"Hey~ You guys brought some good stuff."

A cool voice rang out. What?!

Evangeline and Lilly were approaching us.

Evangeline's green eyes flashed with hunger as if she had already caught wind of our

"You're saying we'll share even a single bean, don't you think our main party of five
will have to divide it and take a bite each?"

"I just want a sip of honey water…”

"Y-you, you ungrateful ones!"

But they couldn't be driven away. They were in the same boat, enduring the hardship

In the end, our main party of five occupied a corner of the rest area and
surreptitiously peeled and ate the boiled eggs, mindful of our surroundings.

There were six in total, so I ate two.


There was no heaven other than swallowing cold honey water like ice down a throat
blocked with egg.


It crossed my mind that I should add a public bathhouse item to the tourist city plan.
This should be widely spread!
Snack time had ended.

While the main party members chatted amongst themselves, I lay flat on the floor,
lost in my thoughts.

'There's about a month until the next stage.'


- Start in: 28 days

Stages 5, 10, 15, 20… These stages that were multiples of 5 were a kind of boss stage.

They boasted a level of difficulty that could not be compared to the normal stages we
had previously completed.

Perhaps because of this, the preparation time was usually quite generous. This time,
we were given over four weeks.

'I have to prepare thoroughly.'

Stage 5 was the biggest hurdle in the early part of the game.

In other words, if we could overcome this, we would have no major issues

progressing in the game for a while.

'Just a little longer, and everything will fall into place.'

Money, items, soldiers… they would all soon form a virtuous cycle that continuously

When not prepared, all resources and elements are scarce, leading to what we call
the 'wasteland phase'.

Once the waterwheel starts turning, all resources begin to interact organically and
the game becomes smoother.

'Of course, the difficulty of this game is a bit strange… '

I stroked the necklace around my neck.

The Rebel's Necklace.

And the Dark Event.

The interference of an unknown enemy trying to ruin the game.

‘…It's something I can't deal with right now.'

I took my hand off the necklace.

It was a problem I couldn't solve yet.

At least I could detect the Dark Event in advance and prepare for it.

'If I move forward carefully and diligently… I'll eventually reach it.'

In the end, there's always only one answer.

I do what I can.

'Let's organize what needs to be done until the next stage.'

There were three main tasks.

First, city administration.

Second, free exploration.

Third, military reinforcement.

Let's start with city administration.

Having a four-week buffer, I could focus more on administration rather than combat.
Not only did I need to upgrade the ongoing tourist city tech, but I also had to handle
the main flow of finances.

'The financial management is getting tight.'

There was a significant amount of money invested in the tourist city tech, but
actually, just running the city was incredibly expensive.

I may have splurged a little. Ahem!

The huge sum of money I made during the tutorial is slowly running out.

There's money I earned in later stages, but as more goes out than comes in, my
balance is decreasing.

'There's still some leeway, but at this rate, it's only a matter of time.'

There were two main options here.

Start a new business to increase the sources of funds, or

Improve the existing sources to increase the flow of funds.

I chose the second option.

'What new business could I start in such a remote city? A tourism industry?'

Of course, money would be poured into the tourism industry, but that's primarily for
attracting high-tier heroes. This was by no means a business-oriented approach.

The direction I envisioned for the improvement of financial supply was clear.

'Improve the manner in which we sell magical stones.'

The magical stones had three major stages: production, processing, and sales
distribution. They had to go through these phases before entering the market.

Our army basically handled the production. I had established a fairly symbiotic
relationship with the guild members who processed the stones.
If I were to make a favorable offer, they would undoubtedly come under my

Now, it was time to slowly take over the line of sales distribution.

'Once I control distribution, I can sell magical stones at much higher profits.'

Of course, to take over distribution entirely, I would have to establish a logistics


Crossroad was a remote countryside located in the southern part of the continent.

It was no easy task to distribute the magical stones produced here across the

That's why the task was usually delegated to existing merchants.

So, if I were to get involved in distribution, would I need to start from scratch and
create a new distribution line?

'No, there's no need for that.'

I just needed to find a capable new merchant and persuade them to join the industry.

I would grant them a monopolistic position and, in return, drastically cut their

For a new merchant, it's an opportunity to rapidly grow their business, and from my
perspective, it's a chance to skyrocket the profit margin from selling magical stones.
It's a win-win situation.

And I am someone who had played this game hundreds of times.

I know where that 'capable new merchant' is, who their leader is, and how to bring
them on board.

'It's about time to make contact.'

That should suffice for the matters related to city management for now.
Next is free exploration.

This posed quite a problem.

'Free exploration… should be attempted once the injured have fully recovered.'

Currently, our next base, 'Basecamp,' is occupied by hostile force NPCs.

'They are high-level and outnumber us.'

Hostile force. The Nightcrawler Squad.

At least a dozen of them, forming two full parties.

Clearly, their average level is higher than ours, and who knows how many more there
could be.

We need to attack with our maximum available force.

It would probably be safest to set off once Jupiter and Godhand have recovered.

'Will they both be able to return… '

Jupiter experienced a magical power surge. Godhand suffered severe injuries, losing
both arms.

Our core force, the SR-ranked individuals, are all heavily injured. It's a wonder none
of them are dead.

'I hope they return to the front line within four weeks, but I must also prepare a Plan
B if that doesn't happen.'

This leads us to the third task at hand. Military fund replenishment.

Well, replenishing military funds is a constant job, but this time, it's a bit different.

'We have ample time.'

Four weeks would be enough for the Mercenary Guild to refill twice.
There would be enough time to sufficiently reinforce the troops. The walls and
various fortifications could also be perfectly repaired.

But four weeks would be too long if all they needed was perfect maintenance.

'I need to go the extra mile.'

It wasn't enough to just amass troops, they needed to be thoroughly trained.

If heroes were reinforced and new parties formed, they had to be melded into a
unified force through real battle.

Even newly recruited soldiers needed to be skilled enough to be immediately utilized

on the front lines. Four weeks would be enough time for this.

'I hope we get a good influx of troops this time.'

Useful heroes needed to be recruited. So that if necessary, parties could be formed to

replace Jupiter and Godhand.

'I’ll have to stop by the Mercenaries Guild soon.'

As I was pondering this, I turned over in my bed.


There was a young man standing far away, watching me.

'Who is that?'

He was a young man.

Eyes wide open, pursed lips, and a small build reminded me of a chick. Perhaps in his
early twenties? He looked quite young.

As our eyes met, the young man approached and opened his mouth.

"I meet you here, sire."

"Uh… That is."

I frowned and tried to remember, but I couldn't remember well. Eventually, I just

"Who are you?"

"I'm Dion. Dion Egart."


Then I remembered. This friend was one of the N-grade heroes I recruited.

I'm sure I've set him up as a subordinate party in the game many times, but to be
honest, I can't remember all N-grade heroes individually.

Especially if they don't have any special skills or characteristics.

The same was true for the N-grade heroes I recruited. They were all ordinary, only
formed into sub-parties, and used as reserves.

I just thought of them as slightly stronger regular soldiers.

So, I didn't remember his name properly. Feeling a bit guilty, I gave a smile.

"Do you have something for me, Dion?"


Dion, who had been staring at me for a moment, slowly opened his mouth.

"I have a complaint, sire."


At the sudden words, I widened my eyes.

What did you just say? A complaint?


"What's going on, what happened?"

The main party members, sensing the unusual atmosphere, turned their eyes this

Unfazed by the gaze, Dion pointed behind him.

"We five have been together for almost a month now."

Behind Dion stood four of his party members. They seemed to have come to take a
bath together.

"But other than blocking the rear of the front line, you didn't ask us to do anything.
The monsters didn't even come there."


"We are mercenaries, sire. A profession that makes a living by establishing a military

Dion stood arrogantly, yet assertively.

As was befitting of a mercenary, he put forth his demands.

"I understand if you underestimate us because we're young and inexperienced. But
what I can't stand is rusting away without gaining any worthwhile experience."


"Please send us to the frontlines. We'll show you we can handle ourselves."

The five N-grade mercenaries declared this, confidently pulling their shoulders back.

I looked at these audacious N-grade heroes and furrowed my eyebrows.

Would you look at these guys?


N-grade heroes.

True to their N-prefix indicating 'Normal,' they possess the lowest stats among all
hero characters.

Sure, there are ones with unique traits or decent skill sets that are selectively

But the reality is that most don't make the cut. Typically, they were assigned to
maintain the frontline with regular soldiers.

'It was like that in the game, but reality is definitely different.'

I surveyed the five N-grade heroes who stood at attention before me.

Their stats were mediocre. Their skills were ordinary.

But their eyes were filled with determination.

Particularly this guy, Dion. He seemed to be the party leader.

'He's ambitious.'

He has aspirations. Even with N-grade stats, he has a desire to improve.

This kind of character is useful. After all, those who change the world are those who
aim higher than themselves.

'But ambition alone doesn't move the world.'

The world doesn't bow to will or effort alone.

In the end, what's needed is one thing.


"You seem pretty confident for someone who talks big."

With a smirk, I motioned my chin towards Dion.

"How do you plan to prove that you guys can handle yourselves?"

"We request a duel."

Dion gestured towards my main party members, huddled behind me.

"Allow us to spar with your personal party. Wouldn't that be sufficient?"


I couldn't help but grin.

I hadn't expected this.


"This is going to be fun, fun indeed! When are we doing this?"

Lucas frowned at the newcomers' challenge, while Evangeline laughed with genuine


"Your Majesty, my leg! My leg hurts!"

And then Damien and Lilly were actively trying to weasel out of the situation. I knew
they would.

"I appreciate the proactiveness of your challenge."

Slowly rising from my seat, I confronted the challengers.

"Alright! But I get to decide the venue and time of the duel, agreed?"

"Of course, Your Majesty. When would you prefer?"

"There's no need to go far. Let's do it right now. At the nearest place."

My response seemed unexpected as the N-grade party twitched.

"We can't exactly have a free-for-all in a peaceful bathhouse… How about borrowing
the military's training grounds?"

I gestured toward the barracks not too far off.

"And seeing as you're all my personal troops, it'd be unfair to face you all at full
power, considering you're still greenhorns."

I positioned myself behind Lucas and Evangeline, resting a hand on each of their

"I'll only send out my two front-line knights. Sound fair?"

"Are you sure it's fair… for you, your majesty?"

Dion smirked with confidence.

"Sparing us the mage and the sniper, that seems overly generous, your majesty. It
puts us at a distinct advantage."

"No need to worry about that."

Thump. Thump.

Lucas rose from his seat, unclenching his fists. Evangeline gave a grim smile as she
loosened her shoulders.

The two SSR-ranked knights exuded an overwhelming fighting spirit.

I chuckled lightly.

"You might want to worry more about not breaking any bones."

No, they should be thankful if only bones are broken!

Barracks. Practice Field.

"What's happening, what's going on?!"

"There's a match going on!"

"Who and who?"

"The Lord's personal troops and the newbies!"

"Wow, crazy. Any leftover snacks from yesterday?! Bring it here!"

…the surroundings were bustling like a marketplace.

Excited mercenaries were buzzing around this place, where they had come to watch
upon hearing the news of a match.

"A match… it's been a long time since we had a non-real combat."

"I'm still more used to matches!"

In one corner of the practice field stood Lucas and Evangeline, the duo of SSR-grade



"Can we really do this…”

And on the opposite side, the challengers- a party of five N-grade heroes.

Both parties stood holding their wooden swords and shields.

"Are you sure you'll be okay without us…?"

“…I think they'll fight better without us. Yeah."

Damien and Lilly were watching with tense faces from below the practice field.

Me? I was in the middle of the practice field. For now, I'm the referee.

"The victory condition is the complete suppression of one party."

I raised my voice after looking around at both sides.

"If you drop your weapon, are pushed out of the practice field resulting in a ring-out,
are unable to wield your weapon, raise both hands, or surrender verbally. In these
cases, it will be considered suppression."

The rules of suppression should be good enough for now. The more important issue
is safety.

"Use of skills is prohibited. Inflicting serious injuries is also prohibited. Killing is of

course prohibited. The fight goes on until one side is suppressed. If it looks to me like
the fight has been decided, I will immediately determine the victory or loss. Any

Both parties nodded their heads.

"Are you ready, miss?"

"It should be you, mister."

Lucas and Evangeline had no particular strategy meeting.

Both of them had already fought monsters and breathed together. They had even
mixed their swords and spears.

Rather than having a detailed meeting before the match, it would be more efficient to
respond according to the situation.

On the other hand, for the N-grade party,

“…this is the changed operation."

They were having a last-minute meeting, whispering something.

"Alright. Do as trained, according to the operation. You got it?"

Upon hearing Dion's words, the rest of the party members nodded.

"We got it, Dion…!"

"Let's give it a shot!"

Dion looked at his party members and nodded with determination.

"Alright… let's go!"

The five N-grade party members walked forward with grim expressions.

"I don't know what operation they've planned."

On the other hand, Lucas and Evangeline, with relaxed faces, raised their wooden
sword and spear.

"Let's finish this in one go."

"We'll go easy on you~!"

Be gentle, guys.

I raised my hand and shouted as I brought it down.

"Alright, get ready… start!"

At the same time,


The N-grade party charged forward first.

Their party composition was simple.

Three warriors. Two rogues.

The warrior is an all-round class for all situations.

Most could use a variety of weapons, excelling as both a dealer and a tanker.

This hybrid class did carry the inherent weakness of "being neither here nor there in
the late game," but in the early stages, its versatility made it an exceptionally
powerful deal tank.

And then, there were the melee dealers, the rogues.

They could inflict overwhelming burst damage from short to mid-range, given the
right conditions. The problem, however, was the game's unforgiving nature.

You could dodge ten times, but one hit and you were dead.

As a close-range armored dealer, the rogue always had to perform a balancing act,
carrying a risk equivalent to their damage-dealing capabilities.

"What kind of fight are they going to put up?"

Curious about their strategy that had led them to boldly challenge the main party, I
watched the duel with a small glimmer of expectation.

And the actions of the N-tier party were simple.

Tap, tap, tap!

The party leader, Dion, aimed for Lucas.

The remaining four rushed towards Evangeline.

"I've heard tales of your martial prowess, show me what you've got, Knight!"

With a shout, Dion brandished his wooden daggers and charged straight towards
Lucas. Lucas' eyebrows twitched.

"I won't hold back, even if it's a wooden sword."

Lucas' wooden sword whizzed through the air with a formidable noise.

Swung horizontally, the wooden sword held a monstrous momentum, threatening to

split Dion's waist in two.


However, Dion neither blocked nor deflected the strike, but instead, he bent
backward dramatically to narrowly evade it.

Continuing his movement, he slid on the ground, rolling behind Lucas.

With a pallid complexion, Dion let out a low chuckle.

"Ha-ha, what's this? You're a lot easier to dodge than I thought, knight?"


Lucas twirled his wooden sword, regained his stance, and said,

"I'll end this right away."

Meanwhile, the other four mercenaries were approaching Evangeline.

Evangeline grinned satisfactorily, adjusting her grip on her wooden spear and shield.

"Hehe, so I looked more dangerous, right? That's why four of you came at me?"


"You've got good eyes! I'm four times stronger than that old man-"

As Evangeline excitedly jabbered away, the four mercenaries charged at her without

Evangeline licked her lips and raised her shield. She adopted a stance ready to block
whatever attack they might throw at her.

The mercenaries had no intention of 'attacking' from the get-go.



A bewildered gasp escaped from Evangeline's mouth.

Of the mercenaries that rushed her, three hadn't even drawn their weapons. They all
held shields, and initiated a tackle charge.

When the shields collided, they produced a dull sound.

From that point, the three warrior mercenaries began to push Evangeline back.

"Wait, hold on, seriously?! You're really doing this?!"

In an unexpectedly rapid pushback, Evangeline was quickly driven to the edge of the
dueling arena.

If pushed out of the arena as it is, it's a ring out. A suppressive judgement.

Startled, Evangeline gritted her teeth and lowered her stance. The feet that were
being pushed out came to a slow halt with a grating sound.

Despite three robust adult men exerting all their power to push her out, Evangeline
managed to stand her ground, setting up her shield.


Not stopping there, Evangeline started to push back the mercenaries.

Confusion washed over the mercenaries' faces.


"What kind of strength is this…!"

With a force inconceivable from her small stature, Evangeline slowly began to push
the mercenaries away.
Just then.


A mercenary who had been waiting in the wings rushed towards Evangeline's back.

It was a female rogue, the highlight of their party. She apologized as she fiercely
jabbed with her wooden dagger.

"I'm sorry, miss!"


The dagger aimed at Evangeline's foot, but she promptly lifted her foot to dodge the

And that was the end.


Evangeline, who had been holding her ground, lost her center of gravity.


"Push her out-!"

The three warrior mercenaries immediately exerted all their strength to push
Evangeline back.

"Whoa! Wait a minute, wait-!"

Evangeline, having lost her balance, tried to resist, but it was futile.


She ultimately rolled out of the arena…

Having rolled once on the ground, Evangeline quickly got up like a squirrel.

She then screamed at me.

"Wait, that's cheating! Isn't it?!"

"Nah~. Ring out. You've been suppressed."

"Where is this kind of thing… Can't you give me one more chance, please?!"

I shook my head sternly. There's no such thing in a match.

'Evangeline does have the [Error-Prone] trait, but even considering that, the N-grade
heroes did well.'

Even if it was 2 against 5, the difference in grade and level between the main party
and the N-grade party was vast.

They overcame this with a momentary concentration of personnel and a surprise

ring-out tactic.

They did well, these friends.

While Evangeline was screaming, tearing at her hair, the four N-grade heroes high-
fived each other and turned around.

Now, they were left to suppress Lucas, who was alone.


"Ah~ Sorry, guys."

The sight unfolding on the other side of the arena was not very hopeful.

Lucas had Dion by the collar, dangling in the air with one arm.

Dion, who had raised both hands in a gesture of surrender, mumbled dejectedly.

"Sir Knight, you're too strong…”

The next moment, Lucas casually threw the Dion in his hand out of the arena.


Dion, who barely managed to execute a fall technique, struggled to get up.

Thud. Thud.

With each step towards his remaining adversaries, Lucas growled lowly.


The faces of the N-Rank heroes paled in an instant.


In the end, the remaining members of the N-Rank party were each taken down by
Lucas and thrown out of the arena like rubber balls.

Watching the N-Rank heroes groaning on the ground, I chuckled bitterly.

'There's a difference in ranks, but the level difference is greater.'

Lucas was currently at level 37.

On the other hand, the average level of the N-Rank party was in the mid-teens. The
competition was uneven from the get-go.

'Still, the initial strategy was decent.'

Using the fact that Evangeline was more inexperienced than Lucas, they immediately
knocked her out. Then, the five of them teamed up against Lucas.

The strategy itself was sound. The problem was that Lucas was strong enough to
shatter the framework of that strategy.


Dejected, Dion, who had collapsed on the ground, laughed emptily.

In the end, the one standing in the middle of the arena was Lucas.
Victory belonged to the main party.

"I suspected as much, but we really didn't stand a chance."

"But we didn't do half bad."

After shaking the victor, Lucas's hand, and giving him a high five,

And patting the downcast Evangeline's shoulder,

I descended next to Dion, wearing a slight smile.

"The strategy tailored to the opponent. And the determination to execute it."

Dion scratched the back of his head. The young man, resembling a chick, wore a
slightly awkward smile.

"Above all… the guts to confront and attack an enemy larger than yourself."

I glanced around. Both the main party members and the N-Rank heroes were paying
close attention to my words.

I nodded gravely.

"That can be said to be the first virtue needed by those who confront monsters."

For a Giant Killing,

One must be able to fight without retreating from an enemy much larger than

That alone is a remarkable talent.

"I apologize for underestimating and not utilizing you properly, everyone."

I helped each of the N-Rank heroes up by offering my hand.

"And I also apologize in advance."

After helping Dion up last, I wickedly curled up one corner of my mouth.

"Because you've proven your worth, you'll be worked to death from now on."

"That's what we were hoping for, Your Highness."

With his innocent, chick-like face, Dion smiled ambitiously.

"If we wanted to live a thin, long life in hiding, we wouldn't have become
mercenaries in the first place."

Unexpectedly, the personnel that I had been neglecting became part of my hand.

All of them were N-Rank.

In the game, and here too, it was the weakest party I ever used.

The moment the second sub-party - 'Dion's Mercenaries' were called up to the first
team had arrived.
There were banquets, bathhouses, duels.

Many things happened. Nevertheless, only a day had passed since Stage 4 ended.

After sorting through the chaotic atmosphere, I granted all the heroes and soldiers
under my command some rest.

They would spend a few days doing nothing but eating and sleeping.

'Of course, we can't stop altogether.'

Even if the troops were resting, the others had to work hard.

Naturally, the hardest working was me, the lord and commander… oh, how weary.

Anyway, the next morning arrived.

First, I summoned the N-grade hero party that was recently gathered, 'Dion's

Dion and his squad of five promptly rushed to the lord's mansion.

"Did you call for us, Lord?"

"We've been waiting, just short of holding our breath!"


Their fervor wasn't only in words; their actions also reflected their passion, which I

In the reception room of the mansion.

In front of the sofa where I sat, the five of Dion's Mercenaries were standing at
Their stiff posture gave away their novice status—it was quite endearing.

'No matter how talented they are, they are still an N-grade five-member party. Their
limits are clear.'

Their total combat power could never match that of the main party or the Shadow

Nevertheless, the reason I decided to utilize them was, undoubtedly, due to the
current grim situation on the frontlines.

'With Jupiter and Godhand critically wounded and out of action.'

The fighting power of the main party and the Shadow Squad is currently not at its

In this situation, a fully functional party must be gratefully employed.

No, not just employed… I intended to train them properly so they could function as a
top-tier party.

"I'll cut to the chase."

Without delay, I brought up the main point.

"From now on, you will need to go to the 'Dungeon.'"

At my words, the eyes of everyone in Dion's Mercenaries widened in surprise.

"The Dungeon… sir?"


One of the functions of Dungeon free exploration is specifically for leveling up lower-
level sub-parties.

By dispatching a sub-party to the initial stages of free exploration, they can farm for
experience and items.

'Not just leveling and items, they also accumulate real combat experience and the
party's unity is strengthened.'

Having the experience of rolling around together in the Dungeon is beneficial one
way or another.

The quick formation of the main party into a team is largely due to the hardships
shared during the free exploration.

Anyway, so far, we hadn't sent anyone for independent farming due to the lack of
sub-parties. But now it was time to send in one team at a time.

'The first sector, the parched drainage ditch, seems suitable.'

It's the earliest stage, its configuration is simple, and the monster level is low.

Even for Dion's Mercenaries, who are merely N-grades, clearing it shouldn't pose
much of a problem.

I explained the existence and operating principles of the Dungeon to Dion's


As they listened to the story, the five mercenaries gulped nervously.

"Of course, I wouldn't throw you into such a scary place from the beginning. It would
be too dangerous… You will need a guide."

I turned my gaze to the figure I had summoned along with the Dion Mercenary

"So, my knight will accompany you at first."

On the couch in front of me sat Evangeline.

"Evangeline will guide you, and help when it's dangerous, but essentially, you must
conquer the dungeon with your own strength."

At my words, all members of the Dion Mercenary Company bowed respectfully

towards Evangeline.

"We're counting on you, Miss Evangeline!"

"We're in your hands!"


However, Evangeline seemed quite sullen.

"Why. What's not to your liking?"

When I asked, Evangeline, who had hesitated for a moment, grumbled quietly.

"These people… just yesterday, they were the ones who pushed me out of the combat

"Are you upset about that?"

"If you don't take defeat to heart, then you are not a knight."

Evangeline was serious.

"Even a small defeat should keep you awake at night, mulling over it to find
improvements. That's the way of the knight I learned at the academy."

"Uh-huh. I understand how you feel…”

It wasn't even a proper duel. I thought it was a light match.

'Perhaps it's a different issue for a knight.'

I wasn't entirely sure what Evangeline's knightly principles were, but I knew she
took competition more seriously than I thought.

"But then, you shouldn't have made a mistake in the combat arena, should you? You
little tyke?"


"A match is a match. Dungeon exploration is dungeon exploration. You have to

distinguish between the two, Evangeline. Isn't focusing on the grand scheme more
knightly than dwelling on small defeats?"
The loser is silent.

Evangeline, with her lips pouting, backed off. Anyway, this kiddo.

'Evangeline needs to gain a bit more experience to quickly erase her negative trait

Right now, when my main party cannot move, it's better to have her explore the
dungeon, even if she has to join another party.

'And Evangeline will eventually inherit this territory.'

She needs to learn how to mingle with people and how to command.

Leading a novice party into that dark dungeon will be a good lesson for Evangeline.

The same goes for the Dion Mercenary Company. It will help them both grow.


A few hours later. Backyard of the Lord's Mansion.

Evangeline and the Dion Mercenary Company, having prepared, left for their
independent exploration through the teleport gate.

"I'll be back…”

A somewhat dispirited Evangeline, and,

"We'll be back!"

"We'll do our best!"


The Dion Mercenary Company, whooping with the high spirits typical of newbies.

They all disappeared into the teleport gate together. I hope they have a safe journey.

As soon as the party departed, a notification sound rang from the system window. I
took a glance at what had appeared before my eyes.

[Autonomous Exploration - Zone 1]

- Estimated time until completion: 8 hours

- Probability of great success: 30 percent

- Rewards for great success: Advanced potions, Enchantment Scrolls, Magic Core(R),

In the game, it was possible to manually control every bit of the sub-party's leveling,
but this was too cumbersome. So, an auto farming system existed, known as
Autonomous Exploration. It would occur whenever a sub-party was sent to an
already cleared area. The sub-party would level up on its own, with a chance of
retrieving items.

Players often referred to it as 'logistics'. The rewards were lower compared to when
clearing manually, but it was quite helpful in the operation of the game. From now
on, it would be best to organize logistics intensively between stages.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

The one who asked was Lucas.

Standing behind me, Lucas, who was watching Evangeline and the Dion Mercenary
group depart, cautiously asked.

"There are enemies in the Lake Dungeon."


He must not be referring to monsters but the hostile NPC faction, the 'Nightcrawlers.'

"If by any chance that party encounters them, they won't be able to return safely.
Maybe I should follow them…”

"No… They won't leave the 'Basecamp' area."

The Basecamp, a major base in the early part of the game, located between Zones 3
and 4. They were occupying it.

I was confident that they wouldn't venture into Zones 1-3. At my words, Lucas' eyes



I groaned instead of immediately answering.

The reason was related to the game system.

I had been wringing information out of Aider.

'Why didn't they attack us until we cleared Zone 3?'

They were a high-level party. If they had chosen to raid us early on, my main party,
including me, would have been wiped out long ago.

But why did they leave us alone while we leveled up, grew stronger, cleared up to
Zone 3, and reached the Basecamp?

When I grabbed Aider by the collar and shook him, he immediately confessed.

- The Lake Kingdom Dungeon Zones 1-3 are PVP prohibited zones!

The answer was simple.

- In previous rounds, hostile factions kept attacking in the early zones. So, I put up
what I would call a newbie protection measure!

Why didn't you tell me earlier, you stupid AI! From Zone 4 onwards, PVP is possible!
Damn it!

- If you try to PVP there, you'll receive a massive penalty! All the NPCs in the Lake
Kingdom are aware of this.

…Thanks to this, there was no burden in sending a newbie party to the early areas.
However, in the dungeons to come.

- From the 4th area onwards, it's best to be cautious. Not just monsters, but also
NPCs can attack.

As Aider said.

We have to prepare not only for monster attacks, but now also human ambushes.

Anyway, this was why they didn't appear in areas 1-3, though explaining this was

I poked my index finger at the puzzled Lucas and said, "Anyway, they don't venture
outside their base camp! I don't know why. Maybe they worry we might reclaim the
area while they're away!”

“…! I see…”

I wasn't sure what he found insightful, but Lucas nodded his head.

"We do have a teleport gate. If they leave their post and we strike, it would be easier
for us to recapture the base.”

“Uh… uhm. Right.”

"To prevent such surprise attacks, it seems their main forces don't leave the base… I
see. I understand."

Well, good. As long as he's convinced.

"Tsk tsk~! It's already lunchtime. Shall we eat?"

"Let's do that, my lord. We'll be busy in the afternoon."

"Don't you need a break? Everyone else is resting."

"I'm fine as long as I rest when you do, my lord."

What a paragon of diligence and sincerity.

I need to feed him well, I thought, heading towards the dining hall, when…

“Heck, heck, your highness!"

I saw Damian running over the stone wall and into the mansion. Huh?

"You should've taken a few days off, Damian. What's the matter?"

I thought he was resting in the temple because he didn't look well after all the
defense battles and parties. What's happening here?

"Heck, heck, it's…”

After catching his breath, Damian finally spit out his next words.

"Jupiter regained consciousness!”


“The Saintess is checking on her condition now. She told me to inform you…”

I nodded at Lucas.

"We'll have to have a hospital, no, a temple meal for lunch."

"I'm not particularly fond of their meals, just grass…”

Despite his grumbling, Lucas dashed off to prepare the carriage.

'Jupiter's woken up, huh.'

I let out a sigh of relief.

Given her age, I was worried what might happen if she never woke up. It's fortunate.

While I'm there, I'll also check on Godhand's condition and ask the Saintess how long
Jupiter's recovery might take. I must do that.

At the same time.

At the north gate of Crossroad.


Drag and drag.

A skinny young woman, dragging her long robe on the ground, stepped into

Her wide-brimmed hat was large enough to cover her face with shadow.

In her hand, hidden by a long sleeve, was a long pipe, and a large bag was on her


Having passed through the checkpoint and entered the city, the woman slowly
surveyed her surroundings.

"So this is…”

Between her splayed, pale-yellow hair, her tail-like eyes let out a sinister chuckle.

“…where grandma is currently working on the front line?"


Jupiter was still undergoing treatment, so I decided to stop by Godhand's ward first.

Upon opening the door to the ward.

"Hey, stay right there!"

"Ahahahaha! Try and catch me!"

"Throw me that, over here!"

The Shadow Squad members were laughing and playing around…

They were throwing a ball, playing tag, and running around gleefully. Wait, isn't this
an intensive care unit? It felt more like a children's playroom.

"Oh, Your Highness."

Seated on the bed, watching the squad members frolic about, Godhand noticed us.

"You're here."

"Ah, it's His Highness!"

"He's here! His Highness!"

"Right, he's here, you kiddos."

These brats, at first, they feigned discipline. But that's long gone now.

After a quick salute, they went back to their merriment. Do as you please, kids.

Pushing past the kids, I entered the room and sat down on the chair next to the bed.
"How are you feeling, Godhand?"

"Thank you for coming all the way here, Your Highness. But there's no need for

Godhand nonchalantly held up his empty arm.

"The joint is still intact, so once I attach a prosthetic, I can move it as before, using
my ability to manipulate metal."


"I just need to heal from the wound. I'll be back to normal in no time."

Whether he was pretending to be composed or genuinely thought that way, it was

heartbreaking either way. But I just nodded without saying anything.

"You'll still need rehabilitation. Take it slow, no need to rush."

"Your words are comfort enough, Your Highness."

"If there's anything you need, let me know. I'll make sure you're well

After a bit more of a casual conversation, I left the ward. They'd rest easier without
me there.

"Goodbye, Your Highness!"

"See you!"

The kids waved their hands. I waved back.

As we were leaving the ward, Lucas grumbled, seemingly displeased.

"Those kids are showing less and less respect to you, Sire."

"So what? Let them be."

I'm not a real prince, and they're not real empire citizens.
It's endearing how the immature kids act familiar with me. It's better than them
being distant.

With those thoughts, I walked outside, while Lucas was still standing in the ward,
looking at me.

"What's the matter, Lucas?"

“…No, it's nothing."

Lucas shook his head slightly.

"I just thought how different you are."

"Huh? In what way?"

"The depth of your understanding, Sire."

Smiling slightly, Lucas strode towards me and took the lead.

"Come this way, Sire. I know where Jupiter's ward is."

"Alright. Let's go quickly."

As we headed towards Jupiter's ward, a thought struck me.

“Wouldn't that Gold-Fever granny scold me for not bringing a get-well gift?”


Jupiter's hospital room.

Just as her treatment ended, I pushed open the door and entered. With a loud bang!

"Are you still alive, Jupiter?!"

"Oh, Your Majesty!"

As soon as I entered the room, Jupiter, who was spooning something into her mouth,
blanched at the sight of me.
"It's been so long since I saw you! How many days have passed since I collapsed?"

"Almost ten days. Jupiter. It's good to see you’re okay."

I chuckled. Seeing this old lady move with her usual energy, my worries finally

Jupiter was leaning against the headrest of the bed, scooping from a bowl of porridge
on her bedside table.

She had been unconscious for ten days, receiving only healing magic. The elderly
mage looked emaciated.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm completely fine… I wish I could say that."

Jupiter, who had pushed the porridge bowl to the side, held up her hand.

"To be honest, it's not great."

Her trembling fingers were visible.

"Half of my magic circuits have been burnt out. They are slowly recovering, but…”

"Will you fully recover?"

"I will get better. It will take time, and even then, I'm not sure if I can output as much
as before."

With a bitter smile, Jupiter quietly let out a sigh.

"All this because I blocked a few spells… I guess I'm really getting old."

"Eat well and rest well. Recover quickly."

I smiled wryly.

"Without our Lightning Mage, we had a hard time in the last defense. You better
recover before the next one."
"Haha. What choice do I have? I can't exactly spit out my weekly pay."

Jupiter, who had been giggling, slowly looked down at her own hand.

“…Above all, not yet."

The thin, trembling hand of the old woman eventually clenched tightly.

"I can't go yet. I have many things to do."

Jupiter had a serious look on her face, but I couldn't help teasing her.

"What else do you have to do? Are you going to earn more money and build a castle?"

"Hahaha! How did you know, Your Majesty? That's exactly right."

Jupiter, who had been laughing out loud, slowly wiped off her smile.

"A castle, yes, a castle. That sounds really good…”

I shrugged.

"I'm not sure about a castle, but I'm planning to build a luxury hotel in Crossroad


"I'll offer you a cheap stay. After all, you are part of my direct party, so I can provide
that kind of service."

"I'll gladly accept it. So, I'm the first guest, right?"

"I'm the first one. I've booked it. You can take the second spot."

"Looking down at the city view from the hotel suite with whiskey and cigar… Can a
mercenary enjoy any greater luxury?"

With hands as empty as an uncorked bottle of whiskey, without even a cigar to hold.

We laughed as we spun tales of an unbuilt hotel's non-existent suite.

Perhaps it was these mirage-like dreams that kept us going, day after day. Not as
mercenaries… but maybe, as humans.

After sharing more anecdotes, I gradually rose from my spot.

"There's plenty of time before the next defense battle. Focus on resting and
recovering, Jupiter."

"I'll heed your advice, sire."

Though unable to rise due to her discomfort, Jupiter gave a nod of

acknowledgement. Suddenly, she gasped.

"But, sire."


"You came to cheer me up, but did you forget to bring a gift?"

Oh, I knew you'd say that!


"Recovery within four weeks is absolutely impossible."

Saintess Margarita spoke decisively.

"Godhand's injuries are external. It's easy to treat and he'll recover quickly. He'll be
able to return soon. But it's not the same for Jupiter."


"A magic power surge is one of the most serious internal injuries. It's no different
than having the magic field - the basis for a wizard - burned to ashes."

Margaret compared the principles of a wizard using magic to farming.

The body is the farmland, and the magic is the fertilizer used to cultivate it - the
result is magic.
Jupiter had taken a hit to the foundation of this farming system - her farmland.

"In the case of the young and resilient, it's not that there are no cases of recovery, but
in Jupiter's case…”

"She can't recover, you mean."

"At least, she won't be able to return to the battlefield in four weeks."

Margaret glanced at the sickroom.

"If I let her go, she'll undoubtedly overdo it. So, I'm going to keep her confined in the

"You're strict, Saintess."

"All mercenaries seem to have this tendency."

Margaret, arms crossed, shook her head.

"Burning even their future selves to defeat the enemy right in front of them… I've
seen far too many cases like this."


An awkward silence fell for a moment, and Margarita was the first to bow her head
and turn her body towards the interior of the temple.

"Then, if there's a change in their conditions, I'll let you know."

"Ah, yes. Thank you."

As always, I put a gold coin in the donation box.

And then I walked out of the temple.

I sent Damien, who came to meet me, back into the temple and stood in front of the
carriage for a moment.

I sighed, scraping the ground with my toe.

In essence, Jupiter was ruled out for the season.

'An SR-grade area wizard wasted so trivially… '

Of course, if she recovers diligently from now on, there might be ways to use her in
the stages ahead.

But for the next defense battle, the biggest challenge in the early stages, I'll have to
see her as unavailable for Stage 5. She'll have to be excused from the base camp
retake operation too.

"Could we handle these battles without an Area Mage?"

Archers of the Shadow Squad might be able to take on a similar role, but ultimately,
physical archers and mages serve different purposes.

Without Jupiter, I would have to take Lilly with me. I couldn't keep endangering Lilly,
who was unable to use her legs.

I mulled over this predicament, before shaking my head vigorously. No, this is futile.

Standing next to me, Lucas was waiting patiently. I turned to him and shouted with
renewed vigor.

"Shall we go and hire a new friend?!"

It's gacha time!

We had no choice but to hope that a suitable new friend would be available at the
Mercenary Guild.

'It's unlikely that an Area Mage would be conveniently available.'

But, who knows? The god of dice in this game might play a trick again.


Thus, to the Mercenary Guild.

I took a deep breath before entering.


I would love to take a dip in the pool of fortune, or offer sacrifices to some altar
before entering, but…

"I'll just trust my gacha luck!"

With a firm grip, I flung open the door.

"Is there any new character-?!"



From within the Mercenary Guild, a dazzling golden light was shining.


Stunned, I froze.

Wait a minute.

Am I seeing things?

Really? Real gold?

'An SSR grade appears here?! For real?!'


I forgot about my dignity and first impression. It was not the time to care about
those things.

I dashed into the Mercenary Guild. Lucas quickly followed.

At the bar in the quiet interior of the Mercenary Guild.

A woman with yellow hair, haphazardly cloaked in a long robe, and a large hat pulled
low… was there.

The golden light that signifies SSR grade was emanating from her.


I hurriedly sat next to her and asked right away.

"You, a mercenary?"


The woman slowly turned her head towards me.

Her yellow hair was a mess, covering half her face.

The visible eye seemed listless, its corner drooping. There were a few freckles on her

She appeared to be in her early 20s, with a youthful energy about her.

Somehow, she reminded me of a fox.

"My apologies, kind sir."

As she opened her mouth to speak with a gentle smile, a sweet smell of smoke
drifted out.

Looking closely, she was smoking a long pipe in her hand.

"I am not a mercenary."

"If you're not a mercenary, then why are you in the guild?"

"I'm looking for someone. My grandmother is supposedly staying here, so I came to

find her. But, I can't seem to find her anywhere."

A grandmother staying at the Mercenary Guild.

There was only one person that came to mind. With semi-certainty, I asked.

"What's your grandmother's name?"


A broad grin.

With a leisurely smile, she answered my additional question.

"And your name is?"

"Inheriting my grandmother's name, I'm Jupiter Junior."

She waved her hand to disperse the smoke from her pipe, then she placed her hand
on her chest and further explained.

"Most commonly, they call me Juju. Or simply Junior."

Jupiter Junior's downcast eyes showed a thin smile.

She was truly fox-like.

"You can call me whatever you prefer, noble one."

[Jupiter Junior (SSR)] <Guest Character>

- Level: 30

- Title: None

- Profession: Intermediate Elementalist

- Strength 10 Agility 12 Intelligence 25 Stamina 8 Magic Power 25

[Skills Owned]

> Passive: Elemental Conductor

> Skill 1: Elemental Burst

> Skill 2: ??? (Opens after second promotion)

> Ultimate: ??? (Opens after third promotion)

- Equipped Traits (2/3)

> Fox Den

> Gold-Fever (Undeletable)


A descriptor attached when one directly inherits an ancestor's name.

And the woman sitting next to me introduced herself as 'Jupiter Junior', the
granddaughter of Jupiter, inheriting the name.

She was an SSR-grade character I've never encountered in the game before.
'Looks like she's the real deal, a true granddaughter of Jupiter. She's even inherited
the Gold-Fever.'

As I swiftly scanned her stats, I swallowed dryly.

Her stats weren't exceptionally high for an SSR-grade, but what mattered were her
job and skills.

'An Elementalist!'

An Elementalist, to put it simply, was a mage class capable of wielding all elemental

Of course, among those, proficiency varied by element, there were those they were
better or worse at.

Regardless, they basically could use all elemental magics.

An upper-tier job among elemental mages, capable of responding to almost every

situation due to its flexibility and adaptability.

'I need to recruit her! No matter what!'

I struggled to calm my trembling heart and started a conversation with Jupiter


"Jupiter never really mentioned much about you."

Looking back, Jupiter had casually mentioned her granddaughter a few times.

'But she never mentioned that you're SSR-grade!'

Well, of course, such a grade probably wouldn't matter to Jupiter.

But still, wasn't this indicative of a considerable talent for battle?

If she had such a granddaughter, she should've told me immediately! I would've

fallen prostrate and brought her with me!

"Huh, really? My grandmother didn't talk about me?"

Jupiter Junior tilted her head.

"That's a bit disappointing. If you have such a cute granddaughter, you should brag
about her."

That's what I'm saying.

If you have such a high-performance SSR-grade granddaughter, you should brag

about her. No, she should've been brought to the front line much sooner!

"So, who might you be, who looks so high-ranking at first glance?"

Junior glanced at me and asked.

"You asked for my name, so may I ask for yours?"

"Of course. My name is Ash. Ash 'Born Hater' Everblack."

Hearing my name, Junior looked a bit surprised.

"I am currently commanding the monster front here."

"I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, Your Highness."

Junior bowed deeply.

"I couldn't have imagined that I would run into you here, so I must apologize for my
lack of courtesy. I hope you can forgive this ignorant girl."

"There's no need for forgiveness. It's only natural that you didn't recognize me. Lift
your head."

With a tentative lift of her head, I dove straight into the heart of the matter with
Jupiter Junior.

"Speaking bluntly, Jupiter Junior, have you considered joining my forces?"


"We desperately need a talented magician like you on the front lines. Since you're
already here, won't you lend us your strength?"


"I promise you the best treatment, of course. I guarantee the highest level of respect
that a magician can receive on any front line."

We had spent a considerable amount of money to secure Jupiter, a SR-grade


There was even more willingness to spend for Jupiter Junior, an SSR-grade magician,
especially since we were in need of a magician at the moment.

'I wonder if there's ever a time when a magician isn't needed… '


Jupiter Junior fell into thought, rubbing her chin, before carefully meeting my gaze.

"Thank you for your generous offer, Your Majesty."


Please don't refuse!

"The reason I came to this city was to meet my grandmother."

“…Ah, so you came to see Jupiter."

"Yes. So, would it be all right if I considered your proposal after meeting with my
grandmother? I have a few questions for her as well…”

I nodded heavily.

"Of course! Let's do that."

I may be biased, but I think I treated Jupiter quite well. Her granddaughter should
hear good things about me. Right, Jupiter? Please!

"Your Majesty, do you know where my grandmother is right now?"

"Jupiter is currently receiving treatment in the temple. She was injured a while ago."

"I see… in the temple…”

"She's recovered enough to receive visitors, so you should see her right away."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After packing her large bag, Jupiter Junior bowed to me again in farewell.

"Then, see you again, Your Majesty."

"Yes, yes. Have a good visit. Think about my offer."


With a swift pace, Jupiter Junior left the Mercenary Guild.

I lowered my voice to Lucas who was standing behind me.

"Now that Jupiter is off duty, we must recruit her granddaughter."

"Yes… but how can we be sure of successful recruitment?"

"We have to hope she takes after her grandmother. Let's try enticing her with a

Jupiter Junior also had the Gold-Fever trait.

In other words, she could be easily swayed by money. I'd better get the money ready.

"But… it's strange."

Lucas looked towards the guild entrance from which Jupiter Junior had departed,
making this comment. I blinked in surprise.

"What is?"

"That granddaughter of hers… Jupiter, she doesn't resemble her in looks, but
somehow the atmosphere feels similar."
Surely, they bore no resemblance in terms of appearance, but there was a common
aura they both exuded.

How to put it… both smelled of money?

"Well, after all, they are grandmother and granddaughter."

"There's something else I find strange, and please pardon my rudeness."

Lucas quickly glanced around before whispering to me.

"The fact that Jupiter had a child. It's surprising."

"Ah… honestly, I was surprised too."

"I thought it was just a joke when she mentioned her granddaughter before."

As if prefacing a gossip with 'it's not right to talk behind someone's back-' Lucas

"It always seemed like Jupiter would live her life alone. But she has a child, and even
a grandchild. It's unexpected."

"That's true…”

I had thought she'd live her life independently, enjoying alcohol and cigarettes, and
traveling around the world.

But then, voila- a granddaughter appears.

"I wonder what kind of person her husband was?"

“…Well, I'm curious, too. It's about privacy, so it feels a bit inappropriate to ask."

The man who connected with such an eccentric grandmother, he must be one of two

Either quite a character or a complete gentleman.

"Anyway, I hope Jupiter advises her granddaughter properly."

I clasped my hands together in front of my chest and prayed.

O God of draws! God of dice! Whoever it may be!

"Please let her serve here…!"


In the temple.

Jupiter's sickroom.


Leaning against her bed, Jupiter was lost in thought.

Her weary hands were trembling noticeably.

Jupiter tightly clenched her aged hand that couldn't even gather a handful of magic

‘I'm nearing the end.’

She could sense it.

Her time was coming to an end. As a soldier, as a mercenary, as a mage.

‘I've long passed the time to retire.’

Desperately, disgracefully, she tried to extend her working life. She tried her hand at
all sorts of jobs to earn even a penny more.

She was dishonorably discharged from the military where she had served her entire
life. She was ousted from the mercenary group that scouted her.

She was repeatedly expelled and always lived a nomadic life. She never stayed in one
frontline for more than three months.

‘Looking back, I never formed an attachment to anywhere.’

And the end was approaching in those days.

‘Now… can I rest?’

Jupiter forcefully clenched her fist that wasn't properly forming.

‘Do I… have the right to do that?’

The scene of a village flickering in flames passed through her mind.

Jupiter tightly closed her eyes, as if trying to erase the painful scene from her mind.

Just then.


The door to the sickroom opened. Jupiter looked in that direction with surprise.

"What the… Who…”


The one who stepped into the ward with a bright smile was none other than Jupiter

"So, you were here? I've been looking for you!"


Upon seeing her granddaughter's face, Jupiter's face drained of color.

"How did you… end up here…”

"I couldn't reach you, so I came looking for you~ Oh, I never thought you'd be stuck
in the middle of nowhere in the South."

Junior, who plopped down onto Jupiter's bed, laughed uproariously.

"Why the long face seeing your granddaughter after such a long time? You look like
you've seen a ghost."

"Oh, come on, why are you freezing up? Do you think I'm going to eat you alive?"

Jupiter gulped down a dry swallow.

To be honest, she felt like she might be.

She often felt a fear of being devoured by this child who shared her name.


Junior extended a hand towards Jupiter, snapping her fingers.


"Uh, hmm?"

"Money, I said. Grandma. Money."


"Why do you think I came all the way here? You wouldn't answer my calls or send


"Oh, are you out of money? If you're out, just say so."

"No, no, that's not it. Just a moment…”

Jupiter hastily rummaged through the pocket of her uniform hanging on the wall
beside her.

Soon, a crumpled piece of paper emerged. It was a gold coin certificate.

When Jupiter carefully handed it over, Junior snatched it with a slap!

Disappointment flashed in Junior's eyes as she checked the amount.

"Not this kind of petty cash. Don't you have something bigger?"

"I-I'm sorry, dear. I've been incapacitated due to injuries for a few days… I couldn't
save up more money."

"So, you can't collect a large sum like last time?"

"That was possible because the lord of this place gave me a year's salary all at once.
For now, other than snatching some magic stones while hunting monsters, I don't
have any other way to make money."

After a moment's hesitation, Jupiter asked cautiously.

"But Junior, the money I sent last time…”

"Oh, come on. I already told you, right? We used all of it to pay off our debts. I've told
you several times in the letters."


"Thanks to you, we've managed to pay off all our debts. But do you think that's the
end of it? No, right? We need to earn more if we want to keep food on the table."

Junior, who was rummaging through the items in the ward and muttering, 'Isn't there
something I can pilfer-,' spat out abruptly.

"Isn't there any lucrative scheme around here?"

"Huh? Scheme?"

"Why, like when you were in the Empire's army. Can't you find a way to sneak off
with something?"


"You're a genius when it comes to finding such things."

Jupiter's face turned pale.

Looking at such a grandmother, the granddaughter laughed as if it was only natural.

"Huh? Isn't there anything you can sneak off with?"

Jupiter immediately shook her head.

"Don't underestimate the frontier frontlines. Things here operate very tightly. There
are many watching eyes, and not much room for slip-ups."

"Hmm, is that so?"

"Most importantly, the commander, the third prince."

Thinking of Ash, Jupiter let out a wry laugh.

"He's completely different from his reputation in the capital. His vision isn't just
broad, it's as if he's reading the future or something."

Junior let out an impressed 'oh'.

"This is the first time grandma has praised a commander so highly."

"He seems like the kind of man with many cards up his sleeve. Better to earn an
honest wage than to be caught up in a disaster due to some unnecessary meddling.
He pays well too…”


Junior shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, then there's nothing I can do. I guess I'll have to work here for a while."


"The prince, on my way here, he made me a direct offer. Asked if I was interested in

Taken aback, Jupiter quickly stood from her seat.

"No, no, Junior! You promised me! You said you wouldn't use magic!"

"Ha! Are you worrying about me now?"

Junior revealed the left side of her face that had been hidden by her hair to her



Jupiter could only back off in shock, at a loss for words.

Chuckling at her grandmother's reaction, Junior brushed her hair back in place and,
with a wave of her hand, exited the hospital room.

"Take care and rest, Grandma. You seem to have been hurt a lot."

"Wait, just a moment! Junior! I still have things to…”

"You've worked hard all your life, earning money by doing all sorts of dirty work,

Turning at the entrance, Junior flashed a bright smile.

"Now, it's my turn."

Her smile was cute, like a fox, yet also hinted at scheming.

"Grandma should live the rest of her life in peace, shouldn't she?"


"I'll be back, see you later~"

Thud. The door closed.

The footsteps of her granddaughter gradually faded in the hallway.

Jupiter stood dumbstruck in place.


It wasn't her wounded body, but a certain part of her brain where memories had
been etched. It throbbed fiercely.

The scene of that burning village…

Throb. Throb.


Collapsed on the bed, Jupiter let out a suppressed groan.

"I caused all this."

Regret swelled in the old woman's single eye.

"It's all… my karma…”


Lucas and I, having left the Mercenary Guild, headed to the city center.

Our destination was 'Etty's Honey', the only inn in Crossroad.

"So, let's see how much the operation has improved over the past ten days or so?"

I had issued orders for inn operation improvement last time.

I was considering entrusting the operation of the hotel, which would be built in
Crossroad, to the inn's crew here. Therefore, I hoped they could maintain at least a
basic level of hotel operation capabilities. It was a test.

And so, as I entered the hotel,

"Welcome, my Lord!"

The entire inn crew was bowing to me.

They were all in suits, which I hadn't seen the last time. What's going on?

Moreover, the interior of the inn had drastically changed.

It was definitely a bit worn out but a familiar, cozy local inn.

Now, burgundy carpets covered the floor, and an extravagant chandelier hung from
the narrow ceiling. It's too much, way too much!

“…What is all this?"

As I looked around, puzzled, the inn's owner came out from the back with a
confident look. He was also dressed up to the nines.

"How is it, my Lord!"

"No, not how, what is this?"

"Didn't you say that you were entrusting the operation of the national hotel to us?"

The owner laughed heartily and pounded his chest.

"So, we prepared in advance! We imagined this place as that hotel and changed
everything from our employees' manners, uniforms, sanitation, management, to
even the props!"


Well, it's good to have passion.

I didn't expect them to be this over… no, this dedicated. I just wanted them to clean
up a bit more.

"So, how is it! For ten days we worked our bones to the marrow and have
transformed this inn!"

The owner sparkled his eyes as he looked up at me.

"You are entrusting the operation of the national hotel to us, right?"


Given that they've done this much.

"You've passed!"


As soon as my words fell, the owner and the hotel crew all embraced each other.

Anyone who saw them would think they just won the bid to host the Olympics.

But the hotel construction will take almost a year, even if we fully employ magical
architecture. If they are this excited already, I don't know what will happen.

'But it's good to be enthusiastic, right.'

Looking at the extravagant, ill-fitted interior in the small inn, I could only break out
in a cold sweat.

The owner clenched his fist and proclaimed his ambition.

"We will definitely make the hotel a symbol of Crossroad, and make guests swarm in
like bees!"


I didn't have plans to expand into tourism. I didn't want swarms of guests.

I'm just doing this to lure in a few high-level heroes.

But I couldn't say that, so I leaned back and laughed awkwardly. Good luck to you.

"I'll get the hotel up quickly…”

At least this much is my conscience. Ha.

After leaving the inn, I sought the heads of the Mason's Guild and the Carpenter's

I had already scouted a few places to build the hotel and wanted to find out which
location would be best, what level of construction was possible, how much the
budget would be, and so on.

"This location would be better!"

"No, it's hard to transport materials there. Rather here is…”

"Even if it's a little more difficult when we have to get our own materials, the location
of a hotel is crucial! Especially here!"

The two guildmasters were intensely discussing as they looked at the map, and they
finally proposed that we should go to the site in person since the conversation alone
was not enough.

We took a carriage and toured around the city to inspect where it would be best to
commence construction of the hotel.

By the time we finally settled on a location and a rough estimate was out, night had

"However, Your Majesty. We can carry out the construction."

The guildmasters spoke cautiously.

"For a facility like a hotel, it would be better to employ a proper architect. The beauty
of the exterior is also important."

"Hmm, you have a point."

I nodded slowly.

"I need to go to the capital…”

I have to scout for a competent architect. Plus, I have to make contact with a
particular merchant for the distribution of magic stones.
'I also need to… find out about the other royal families.'

I wanted to know more about the princes who were Ash's brothers.

So, I was thinking of visiting the capital, but there are still a lot of issues right in front
of me.

The distance to the capital is quite far, and I lack the time to travel.

I told them to start by securing materials.

The masonry and carpentry guilds are also tasked with rebuilding the southern
outpost, so they're going to be very busy for a while.

"The outpost comes first. Let's gather the materials for the hotel construction more

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After a much longer meeting than expected,


Feeling exhausted, I got in the carriage and headed back to the mansion.


[Autonomous Exploration Ended!]

A message saying that the autonomous exploration had ended was displayed.

It seems 8 hours have already passed. I quickly checked the result screen.

[Leveled-Up Characters]

- Dion(N) Lv.17 (↑1)

- Ayla(N) Lv.16 (↑1)

- Rock(N) Lv.16 (↑1)

- Hessen(N) Lv.16 (↑1)

- Chay(N) Lv.15 (↑1)

[Injured or Dead Characters]

- None

[Acquired Items]

- Regular Potion : 2

- Flame Enchant Scroll : 1

- Lesser Clan Magic Stone : 12

That's pretty simple.

There are no injured people, and it seems they returned without any significant


Wait a minute.

Something strange caught my eye.

I looked at the 'Acquired Items' tab again. Did I read it wrong?

- Lesser Clan Magic Stone : 12

I didn't read it wrong.


Before I knew it, I shrieked in shock.

Startled by the scream, Lucas, who was handling the horse reins, stopped the
carriage and poked his head inside.
"Master?! Are you okay?! What happened?!"

"Clan… you said…?"

I gaped and shivered uncontrollably.

Sending an expedition to the dungeon beneath the lake before the stage begins is
also part of the reconnaissance.

Because it allows us to identify what kind of monster will appear in the next stage.

And if this system window wasn't malfunctioning, the party dispatched for
independent exploration had encountered a bloodline.

'A stage 5 hostile legion… is a bloodline?!'

What is a bloodline?

In other words, vampires.

It refers to vampires and their entire underling army.

The apex monster species that appear only in the late parts of <Protect the Empire>!

"Crazy game! Why does this appear in stage 5?!"

Is it another dark event?! Or did the game just break?!

Pulling at my hair in frustration, I noticed Lucas' surprised look and managed to

calm down. Yes, that's right. I should pull myself together first.

'After hearing Evangeline's report, verify whether it's a dark event, interrogate this
damned director named Aider, and then it's not too late to decide.'

I combed my hair back, took a deep breath, and awkwardly smiled at Lucas.

"Let's go back. To the mansion."

"Yes, your highness? Are you okay? Is it a return of your old migraine-"
"No, I'm fine! Let's go back! Quickly! Damned quickly!"

At my urgent plea, Lucas started up the horse swiftly.

Inside the carriage rushing back towards the mansion, I organized my thoughts.

If indeed the enemy legion at stage 5 was a bloodline.

Could the current party win against them?


No, it's impossible.

I need to reinforce more. More soldiers, stronger heroes, better items…!

That's when I saw a familiar-looking woman in a robe walking along the road to the

Jupiter's granddaughter. An SSR grade elementalist.

It was Jupiter Junior.

"Stop the carriage, Lucas!"



The carriage wheels squealed to a halt.

Opening the carriage door, I saw Junior standing calmly amidst the dust cloud
created by the carriage.

"Jupiter Junior."

A voice with no leisure flowed from my mouth. But it was an unavoidable situation.

"You have two choices. Be conscripted by force, or be hired by me willingly."


"Which do you choose?"

With a fox-like smile, Junior gestured towards the inside of the carriage.

"May I join you inside, your highness?"

I extended my hand. She took it and lightly pushed herself into the carriage.

The door closed, and the carriage began to move again.

The closer the dusk-shrouded mansion got, the more real it felt.


It wasn't just the name, 'hell difficulty', the real hell- was creeping up on this monster
front line.
Crown had been dreaming.

The last player.

The final rebel and challenger.

Prince Ash 'Born Hater' Everblack, his eyes glowing in the darkness, had been
screaming at him.

- 'The Pied Piper'…!


Swallowing hard, Crown snapped his eyes open.

The safe zone between the third and fourth sectors of the Lake Kingdom Dungeon -
the base camp - was shrouded in complete darkness.

Only the permanent magic stone embedded in the corner gave off a faint light.

Crown was sitting under that magic stone, leaning against the wall.

'It seems I dozed off.'

He couldn't remember the last time he had a good night's sleep.

Crown tried to wipe his weary face with his hand.

But soon he realized his face was covered with a ridiculous mask.


Crown slowly looked down at his hands, and then his body.

A black hooded hat, a minstrel costume.

And a laughing mask.


He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he put on these ridiculous
clothes and started playing the fool.

Suddenly, he recalled the scene where Prince Ash had screamed at him.

'The Pied Piper, he said?'

The Pied Piper.

There was such a tale in the Lake Kingdom, too.

A village was infested with rats, and the villagers hired a minstrel to get rid of them.

The minstrel played his pipe and controlled the rats, drowning all of them in the

But the villagers, stingy and regretful, did not pay the minstrel as promised.

Angry, the minstrel played his pipe again and controlled the village's children,
drowning all of them in the lake as well.

'That's too much, really.'

Crown bitterly clicked his tongue.

'That's way too accurate… '



A metallic voice reached him.

Turning around, Crown saw one of the Nightcrawler squad members standing next
to him.
"What's the matter?"

"The commanders under the Demon King are being summoned. It seems there's a
war council today."

War council.

Crown's lips twisted behind his mask.

The Nightcrawler squad member asked slowly.

"Will you attend?"

“…I have to."

Crown slowly got up, his body creaking as if he were a wooden puppet.

"After all, I am the representative of this Lake Kingdom."


"Even if this kingdom has fallen to be a colony of demons."

Crown staggered out of the base camp and started walking towards the center of the
Lake Kingdom.

The Nightcrawler squad member muttered in a low voice.

"Be careful."


Crown shook his head weakly.

"I wish something would happen where, if I'm not careful, I would just die…”


The very center of the Lake Kingdom.

In this place, shrouded in a fog as thick as smoke, a colossal tower loomed ominously.

King's Castle.

Once the most bustling and beautiful place in the Lake Kingdom, it was now
smothered in dripping, inky darkness.

Crown strolled nonchalantly into the palace engulfed in this darkness.

"He's just a jester."

"Shameless fool."

The palace gatekeepers, demons, sneered at his sight. However, Crown walked on,
ignoring them and crossing through their midst.

Walking a distance along the hallway, a vast hall unfolded before him.

A space where the subjects revered the king.

There were three thrones on the stage, but the two thrones on either side were
grotesquely destroyed and empty.

Only on the throne in the middle sat a figure, blurry as a shadow.

Above its head, it wore a radiant golden crown. It stared at the chessboard placed
next to its throne in silence.


Crown, having glared at that shadow for a moment, eventually cast his gaze down to
the stage below.

Below the stage, a long table was placed, huge chairs arranged around it.

And seated in them were nine monsters.

"You're late, Crown!"

A werewolf with a silver mane among the monsters hollered cheerfully.

"How dare a puny human like you, come late to the meeting summoned by the
Demon King! Don't you humans understand the concept of shame?"

"Puny human…”

Crown muttered under his breath and took a seat at the end of the table.

"Born from the nightmares of those humans, a piece of trash. Amusing."

"What did you say? You insolent-"

"Let it be."

A solemn voice echoed from the throne.

The king had spoken. The werewolf immediately shut his mouth.

"That one, Crown, is a jester. Mocking, ridiculing, satirizing, jesting, and making a fool
of himself is his job. That's this human's main occupation."


"And Crown's words aren't entirely wrong. You all were refined from the fragments
of human nightmares."

The king's voice hardened a bit.

"But, the one who lets these humans dream of immortality, and fulfills that dream, is


"Isn't that right, Crown?"

“…Yes, Your Majesty."

"Don't forget, Crown."

The king's voice grew increasingly heavy. Crown could feel an intangible force
settling on his head and shoulders.
"All the humans of this Lake Kingdom are nothing more than our livestock. They
supply nightmares when we need them… no different from the cows or pigs you
used to raise."


"Always be grateful that such livestock is brought to the council table. Do you

When the king finished speaking, Crown was almost leaning over the table, his torso
almost touching it.

Crown nodded silently.

Surrendering to the power of the king was not a shameful act.

To feel humiliation over something so trivial, when they had endured so much
greater indignities over the countless ages…

"Well, let's leave that topic here," the king shifted the discussion. The oppressive air
pressing down on Crown disappeared.

"The reason I summoned your legion commanders today, as you probably know, is
because the time for the 'Great Rampage' has arrived."

The king scanned the legion commanders, his fingers draped with rings.

"Therefore, one among you should lead your legion to invade the world of men."

The king's gaze carefully swept over each of the legion commanders.

Eventually, the king raised his hand, preparing to point at the werewolf.

"Given that it is still the 'early stages,' a low-ranking Dem-"

"Your Majesty."

At that moment, someone daringly interrupted the king and raised their hand.

"Please, send me."


The one who raised his hand was a boy with pale skin and dark blue hair. Crown
glanced at him.

The Nightmare Legion Commander, 5th in rank.

The head of the bloodline. The essence of the vampires.

The No Life King. Nosferatu. Dracula-


The king spoke the boy's name with a delighted tone.

"Quite unexpected. You, volunteering to lead the charge? Didn't you always dislike
coming forward?"


The commander of the bloodline, Celendion, remained silent for a moment before
opening his mouth.

"The humans on the surface killed Ollorb."


"I wish to seek revenge. Please grant me permission."

The Black Spider Queen, Ollorb.

A powerful 6th ranked legion commander, killed absurdly by a mere cannon. And
during a scouting mission at that.

Her sudden and pitiful demise was something even the king hadn't foreseen.

"Right! Those bastards killed Ollorb!"

"How dare those livestock!"

"If it weren't for the 'Nameless,' those trash would've been wiped out long ago!"

The table grew loud as Ollorb's death was brought up. The king waved his hand.

"Don't get too excited. Ollorb will 'return' in the 'next round.'"

Ah yes, the king who had spoken, laughed heartily.

"Of course, it's a concept you guys might not understand."

Confused at what 'next round' meant, the legion commanders couldn't understand
the king's words.


Crown kept his mouth shut in silence.

"Anyway, good. I like it. Most of all, it seems like it will be fun."

The king nodded at Celendion.

"Celendion, I grant you permission to march. Begin your invasion four weeks from
now, in earth time."

"I accept Your Majesty's command."

Celendion, who had risen from his seat, deeply bowed towards the king.

"Good, this matter is settled. Next, we have the issue of Nightmare supply throughout
the kingdom-"

Just as the king was about to discuss the next agenda item.


The door of the Reality Chamber burst open, and a gatekeeper demon rushed in,
panting heavily.

"Your Majesty, there is a problem!"

"What is it?"

"'The Nameless’…has invaded…!"

The table began to buzz. Crown's eyes widened.

The king, sighing faintly, inquired.

"A message?"

"A message indeed."

"Figures, it's always been that way."

"So, perhaps it would be best to conclude the meeting here and close the palace
gates for the day…”

The words of the Water Gate Demon were cut off.


The upper body of the Water Gate Demon shattered into pieces along with a flash of

A sword hurled from a distance lodged into the back of the Water Gate Demon,
simultaneously setting off an explosion of light.

Thud. Thud.

An unhurried silhouette strode down the corridor and slowly retrieved the sword
from the body of the Water Gate Demon.


"This blasphemer, even in our court!"

The outraged commanders all shot up from their seats.

"It's a good night, monster lords."

The figure who sauntered into the demons' lair was a woman in tattered robes. Her
bleached white hair dragged along the floor, and the black sword in her hand was so
worn it looked more like a lump of iron.

Facing such an adversary, the king voiced his dismay.

"So, you continue this pointless fight, tireless and futile, Nameless."

"Sure, since cleaning up your incessant dust is my job."

The dungeon merchant who roamed the grounds of the Lake Kingdom.

The NPC who first guided Ash and his companions - Nameless gripped her sword.

"Though it may seem sudden, I'm here to execute you."

The king shook his head disapprovingly.

"How much time has passed since you started swinging that sword? A hundred
years? Five hundred? Or is it several millennia?"

"I don't know. I've forgotten all about it."

"No matter how hard you try, your kingdom will never be saved. You'll just wander
this hell forever."

"If that's the case, I will fight forever."

Nameless' old sword began to slowly emit light.

"If that's my duty, so be it."

The commanders blocking Nameless' path drew their weapons.

Both sides entered a state of tension as if a collision were imminent.

Thud. Thud.

And then.
Crown walked out of this tense reality as if nothing were amiss.



Crown and Nameless brushed shoulders. But the two didn't even glance at each


Watching this spectacle, the king roared with laughter.

"A surrendered one and a resister, huh? Haha! I love them all! They make excellent
nightmare material!"

Listening to the demon king's laughter, Crown murmured quietly as he left the

"Resistance is futile. The nightmare never ends."

Holding her sword in front of her, Nameless dismissed him nonchalantly.

"Even so, someone has to keep the torch lit."

Nameless thought of the countless people who had perished in the effort to
illuminate the darkness of this kingdom.

And she thought of the faces of Ash's group, who were still fighting.

"Because someone following that torch… can light a new one."

With a whoosh!

Charging headlong into the monsters, Nameless thrust her sword.

The battle that had unfolded countless times in the hell beneath the Lake Kingdom
was being repeated once again.

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