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May you believe or not but there are already written things which you can’t avoid;
Straights and blends, Males and females along with rare born non-straights

First class beautiful, the ugliest and medium ones, First class genuine, mad and
medium ones, First class bold, cowards and medium ones, First class well statured
bodies, weak and medium ones, First class Muscular wrestlers, weak and medium
ones, First class voices, duck or crow type and medium ones.

When born, where born, in which family born, by race, by wealth property and by
back ground history, by education skills, what type of society he/she got, all these
things are natural or at least hard to tackle and control.

Natural trends are found instinctively different in every person, male or female or
non-straights. Scientist like Edison a dull one finds a Mom of noble character and
encourages her son to play a vital role in the field of services to humanity.

All the mentioned differences seem to be unjust but keep in mind everyone has
been bestowed with other attributes, for example; sweetest voices will always be
from the ugly, black, brown faces very little from prettiest ones.

First class poets will always be amongst uglier. My honorable teacher and Voice
Principle of Govt. degree college Mardan in 1970 was Mr. Barlas, lamb with one
leg, black with ugly features of face but the wisest one, the modest one and the
loveliest one.

God has deprived none from his countless bounties but here we fail to
understand the cause of worldly life; It isn’t final but the life of trial just like our
school, college life where we find different situations and environments and face
different circumstances, so our duty is not but to live honest, peaceful where we
have to play our role either in the form of a king or a slave, as a man or woman or
as a eunuch.
This is the story of general test, one can open eyes in the house of a beggar here
he/she will have to live according to the scheduled program. One can weep, cry in
the house of an infidel (according to each religion the other ones are infidels.)

There are destines which can’t be named to God as they are the product of our
fore father’s characters individually and collectively based on unjust principles.

Elders can be divided into degrees and classes but not the newly born children as
they haven’t tested their talent and endeavors till now. But we see in our towns
and villages when the two years children come out to streets here the drummer
of society announces with the beats of drum, “The son, the daughter of the his
highness king , the son and daughter of a slave, peasant.”

Let us know about God’s role in the early two years program how does he care
these children? From the very start of womb life all are given the same dignity
and high emergency care, birth could be either natural or artificial for all, Love of
moms, parents and family members could be of the highest rank and degree for
all with no differences of races, casts. This is the way of God how to look after
offspring and reflectively how to care other incapables, maims, and aged ones?

Natural destiny is the base of trial. One shouldn’t worry for top quality apparent
attributes there are severe tests also included with them. For example; you are
pretty may you be a boy or girl, there are hounds and hunters searching and
seeking such things, harming them in its early age, destroying their future. These
are the stories of our daily life. A child with unique, rare good health ready to
move at the age of one year could face a lot of accidents as his physical strength is
above of his mental strength he/she will fall here and there sometimes from up
stairs, sometimes from a chair, a bed or normally trotting.

Farsighted ones are good but they can create panic instead of awareness as all
other people will have not the same stamina of mind as the genuine one has.

So, there are pros and cons in every form of life and in every gifted talent.

If we consider life eternal here in this world it will give us a very sorrowful
outlook. Billions of people who were robbed by kings, lords and religious fanatics,
If there is no continuity in life then what about their sufferings? (Worry not there
are other billions who daily attack on weak animals and satisfy their appetite,
what about their future?)

That is their natural demand, that can’t be counted tyranny or injustice. But here
in human society robbing is not a natural demand, war is not a natural demand,
fraud is not a natural demand, Idolatry is not a natural demand but the cunning
role of religious chiefs to exploit working community through the name of God
and enjoy a toil free life.

According to Koran humans have been granted with countless bounties, so, here a
question can arise; where those countless bounties are if the claim is true?

(wa mn aaraza un zikree, fa inna lahoo maeeshatan zuwankun):

Anyone or any society if will go against the laws of nature or scripture will face
imbalanced dreadful life.

Now for us; if we do not believe in Koran we should honestly follow the Laws of
nature, especially in the field of social life.

Nature tells us take your share from the universe according to your personal
needs in normal circumstances, but in case you are strong and the others weak
then behave like a ‘Lioness’, go out and catch a prey with no distinction of fat and
thin, but what you receive from nature, then satisfy your personal need, care your
cubs and the rest of all leave on the spot for those who can’t grab a buffalo, a
mule or zebra, who are maim, incapable to hunt.

This is the formula of Koran and it was the formula of all other holy messages may
they were delivered anywhere at any time. Even non-living organism strictly
behaves in this noble way; consider the law of “CONSTANT COMPOSITION or
Definite proportion.” Keep according to your need and leave the rest of all as it
was and is the right of other people God handed over to you so that you may
supply it to the needy ones, incapable of earning.

Why should we spare what is more than our needs, then who will care us in bad
For this, humans will need a collective system could guarantee basic rights for all
under quantity and quality standards, or simply learn from nature especially from
a lioness if strong enough and the economic environment found there in the wild
life open nature where the whole system follows the rules of need never the rule
of desires as it creates diseases in living organism while the non-living never does
any mistake for example; all compounds will share elements and molecules in the
same number always.

Destiny through natural process is not harmful but necessary for the test and
further advancement from this humanist nature we bear in this worldly life.

Destinies developed by the negative characters of our fore fathers are harmful
but unavoidable, inevitable till the time we launch not a ceaseless struggle against
it locally and globally. But here our individual and selfish trends will not let us to
do anything in this regard.

Slavery mere in words will be condemned by all but practically all capitalist
minded people, feudal minded people, corrupt people may they be rich or
beggars will support it either in this way or that way.

We see the global capitalist lord’s activities around the world how they kidding us
through the name of liberty, expression of views, global peace, terrorism and
democracy but practically support ‘KINGS, DICTATORS, USURPERS.’

Who support Myanmar’s, Egyptian generals, who support Saudi, Jordanian,

Moroccan, Brunein, Japani, English and other kings?

Poverty, ignorance, diseases, skirmishes, wars; enmities are the product of this
capitalist system. US have trillions for war but only excuses for education and
basic health care. Such inhuman activities couldn’t be counted in the ledger of
natural destiny; these are manmade destinies and especially cultivated by kings,
lords and their courtier clerics.

Here the role of clerics is very dishonest as we know from the history of all
religious chiefs who always fabricated rules favorable to their personal interests
and their lords or ruling class. They introduced this false notion of by birth bad
and good lucks destined by God almighty, so, people couldn’t sense the real cause
and consequently couldn’t stand against royals and bear willingly or unwillingly
the hardships, starvation, and disgrace of life. Think for a while, why working
people should face poverty and the spongers enjoy luxurious days and nights?

Religious clerics use to say as a whole; God has destined these sorrowful days for
these working people. How? Without his order even a leaf can’t move or flap, it
means it has been happened according to his will and desire.

1: “Wa aataakum min kulli maa sa-altahum, wa in tauddo nimatallahi la


I have granted to you countless bounties, if you want to count them you would

2: “Wa qaddara fiihaa aqwaatahaa fi arbaate ayyaam, swa-al-lissaayeleen.”

And I planned the system of sustenance in this world in four periods, according to
each one’s want and demand.

3: “Wa asbagha alaikim ni-amaho zahiratan-wwa batinatah”

And I enriched you with the bounties both visible and invisible.



Critical question:

What does it mean; wa mn a-araza un zikree, fa inna lahoo maeeshatan zwankun”

So, anyone (any nation) will go against the rules of Scripture or nature will face
imbalanced economic system (based on upper and lower classes, haves and have-
not communities.)

Here God almighty cleared that it will be the result of unjust system not of natural
destiny ordained for test not harmful to humanity but helpful to humanity as
detailed in the upper lines.

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