Emergency and Natural Disaster Management

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Emergency and natural disaster management

Emergency relates to a serious situation where lives and properties are

in danger. It can be either natural or Man created, Earth-quake,
Volcanoes, Tornados, Torrential rains, Hurricanes, Thunder fire, Famine,
Epidemic diseases and wars.

God has not forbidden to tackle, minimize, or totally over come upon
such horrible things. Preplanning against such disastrous natural and
Man created dangers have always been the way of life among wise
Godly people.

Noah was guided by God to protect his fellows from the Deluge’s
destruction. Noah warned the unjust rulers both clerics and secular that
their unjust system can result in a dangerous challenge, but they
responded not and mostly mocking at Noah whenever happened to
pass through his ship under construction.

The prophet Joseph was selected by the Egyptian king to tackle the
forth coming famine. ‘’This is an exemplary statement on Class System,
the society of have and have-nots, but here it can also be symbolized
for emergency. As Joseph had made it clear that he has the required
knowledge along with honesty, necessary for such situations.

Zulqarnain built a wall or a dam to protect people either from

aggressive nations or from the destruction of torrential rains and utilize
floods into benefits.

Pilot’s parachute, ship’s life boats, food storages, savings, skill learning
are the examples of such preplanned activities against emergency.
Well conscious people will always care for such things expected and

Earthquakes ruin not only properties but also living being residing
inside it. But it isn’t possible to know about earthquake before time, yet
we can declare some areas vulnerable. So, here we come across this
question, how to minimize death tolls in a heavy earthquake in cities,
towns? Plastic, fiber made buildings for its light weight can help but will
be vulnerable to fire. There is a mineral fiber called asbestos wool in-
combustible can be used and can be synthetically produced also.

Hurricanes, tornadoes can be dodged only through thick tall trees up to

some extent.

Torrential rain floods could be controlled through heavy plantation,

dams, but global warming can ruin Costal cities, lands below sea level
due to polar ice melting. Some people think it a hoax or something
dodgy a false fear, but we cannot deny the negative effects of pollution.

Famines could be tackled through precautionary steps as guided by the

story of Joseph. To utilize good weather with highest product and
arrange for the preservation of food stuff, grains through huge go
downs, cold storages, chemical procedures to treat fruit vegetables for
long storage.

Wars, which are generally, know as harmful but Class System by nature
due to individual property and personal, national greed compel men to
exploit weaker and swell the pile of wealth more and more.

So, in the mentioned all events and occasions we will have to minimize
the loss of lives, the loss of property. For this we will need
precautionary measures in the field of rescue, health care and property

A well disciplined society or at least well trained, sympathetic state

controlled, organizations can bravely and energetically face such
situations with successive steps. Rescue teams, medical teams, shelter
supply teams, food supply teams and discipline, law and order
maintainers should be available on the spot.

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