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Topic: Write an essay about an invention used in everyday life that the learner finds

In this modern society, increased human needs require more inventions to serve life. It is
generally accepted that the invention of electricity is necessary for people’s activities. This
essay will elaborate on the pros and cons of using electricity in everyday life.

There are two main benefits associated with this problem. One obvious advantage is no
pollution in the environment. Using electricity as a source of energy does not release any kind
of greenhouse gases in the environment. For example, this is especially true when electricity
is produced by sources like nuclear power plants. Another benefit to mention is cost effective
and ease of production. This is because almost all countries of the world have the requisite
technology for producing electricity and electricity is more cost-effective and affordable than
other fuels like ethanol and methanol. Therefore, no country needs to bear obligations and
costs associated with purchasing a source of energy from other countries of the world.

However, using electric energy also has disadvantages for people and the environment. The
first drawback is resource dependency. Electric energy production, particularly from
renewable sources like solar and wind, is dependent on specific natural conditions, which are
not always predictable or consistent. For instance, on days of heavy rain in Ho Chi Minh
City, power outages occur, affecting the quality of online learning for students when the
network connection is unstable and lighting is not guaranteed. Another disadvantage of this
problem is the environmental impact of production. While electric energy generation from
renewables has a lower environmental footprint, the production and disposal of related
technology (solar panels, wind turbines, batteries) can have significant environmental
impacts. Furthermore, manufacturing processes for batteries and other components can result
in pollution and ecological damage.

To sum up, electricity is an indispensable source for human life. Therefore, each individual
needs to take action to save and use electricity reasonably to protect the environment as well
as the national budget.

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